New Haven, Connecticut Regional Tournament Hosted by Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut February 16-17, 2019 Official Tabulation Summary

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New Haven, Connecticut Regional Tournament Hosted by Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut February 16-17, 2019 Official Tabulation Summary 2019, New Haven, Connecticut Regional Tournament Hosted by Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut February 16-17, 2019 Official Tabulation Summary Team Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Summary 1122 Δ v. 1801 Π v. 1336 Δ v. 1205 Π v. 1516 6 - 2 - 0 Quinnipiac University W W W W L L W W CS OCS PD +16 +1 +13 +3 -3 -2 +6 +5 17.5 63.5 +39 1140 Π v. 1286 Δ v. 1505 Δ v. 1801 Π v. 1650 0 - 8 - 0 University of New Haven L L L L L L L L CS OCS PD -38 -33 -29 -21 -25 -17 -18 -3 15.5 56 -184 1145 Δ v. 1387 Π v. 1170 Δ v. 1360 Π v. 1699 4 - 4 - 0 Roger Williams University W W L L L L W W CS OCS PD +16 +11 -9 -3 -10 -7 +3 +3 14 62.5 +4 1170 Π v. 1505 Δ v. 1145 Δ v. 1219 Π v. 1649 7 - 1 - 0 U. of Massachusetts, Lowell W W W W L W W W CS OCS PD +12 +9 +9 +3 -1 +1 +16 +6 15 73.5 +55 1193 Δ v. 1336 Π v. 1439 Δ v. 1286 Π v. 1205 3 - 4 - 1 Clark University L T W W L L W L CS OCS PD -10 0 +12 +12 -16 -3 +8 -1 15.5 64 +2 1194 Δ v. 1322 Π v. 1515 Π v. 1320 Δ v. 1335 3 - 4 - 1 Clark University W W L T L L L W CS OCS PD +9 +5 -1 0 -8 -6 -2 +17 20.5 64.5 +14 1205 Π v. 1650 Δ v. 1286 Π v. 1122 Δ v. 1193 7 - 1 - 0 Bowdoin College W W W W W W L W CS OCS PD +30 +29 +8 +2 +3 +2 -8 +1 17 64 +67 1206 Δ v. 1586 Π v. 1577 Δ v. 1650 Π v. 1505 3 - 4 - 1 Bowdoin College L W L L W T W L CS OCS PD -5 +3 -24 -6 +18 0 +5 -14 12.5 67 -23 1219 Π v. 1360 Δ v. 1433 Π v. 1170 Δ v. 1579 5 - 3 - 0 University of Vermont W W W W W L L L CS OCS PD +4 +4 +15 +13 +1 -1 -20 -6 21.5 64.5 +10 1220 Π v. 1516 Δ v. 1699 Π v. 1648 Δ v. 1586 4 - 4 - 0 University of Vermont L L L W W L W W CS OCS PD -12 -2 -4 +6 +2 -5 +11 +9 12 68 +5 1286 Δ v. 1140 Π v. 1205 Π v. 1193 Δ v. 1577 5 - 3 - 0 Boston University W W L L W W L W CS OCS PD +38 +33 -8 -2 +16 +3 -20 +3 15.5 65.5 +63 1320 Δ v. 1579 Π v. 1649 Δ v. 1194 Π v. 1515 6 - 2 - 0 U. of Massachusetts, Amherst L W W W W W W L CS OCS PD -1 +2 +10 +6 +8 +6 +21 -1 15.5 82 +51 1322 Π v. 1194 Δ v. 1648 Δ v. 1699 Π v. 1433 5 - 3 - 0 U. of Massachusetts, Amherst L L W W W W W L CS OCS PD -9 -5 +16 +6 +9 +2 +3 -6 14.5 65 +16 1335 Δ v. 1577 Π v. 1586 Δ v. 1516 Π v. 1194 6 - 2 - 0 Colby College W W W L W W W L CS OCS PD +5 +5 +12 -2 +6 +2 +2 -17 14.5 75.5 +13 1336 Π v. 1193 Δ v. 1122 Π v. 1579 Δ v. 1361 1 - 6 - 1 Colby College W T L L L L L L CS OCS PD +10 0 -13 -3 -21 -14 -21 -15 18 62.5 -77 2019, New Haven, Connecticut Regional Tournament Tab Summary Team Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Summary 1360 Δ v. 1219 Π v. 1387 Π v. 1145 Δ v. 1489 4 - 4 - 0 Dartmouth College L L W W W W L L CS OCS PD -4 -4 +14 +7 +10 +7 -24 -1 16.5 66.5 +5 1361 Π v. 1699 Δ v. 1516 Δ v. 1649 Π v. 1336 3 - 5 - 0 Dartmouth College W L L L L L W W CS OCS PD +15 -4 -8 -3 -7 -6 +21 +15 10.5 75.5 +23 1387 Π v. 1145 Δ v. 1360 Δ v. 1439 Π v. 1801 1 - 7 - 0 Stonehill College L L L L L L W L CS OCS PD -16 -11 -14 -7 -11 -4 +2 -2 15 53.5 -63 1433 Δ v. 1439 Π v. 1219 Π v. 1586 Δ v. 1322 5 - 3 - 0 Trinity College W W L L W W L W CS OCS PD +16 +6 -15 -13 +9 +8 -3 +6 14 68 +14 1439 Π v. 1433 Δ v. 1193 Π v. 1387 Δ v. 1648 2 - 6 - 0 U.S. Coast Guard L L L L W W L L CS OCS PD -16 -6 -12 -12 +11 +4 -10 -4 13.5 59 -45 1489 Δ v. 1649 Π v. 1579 Δ v. 1515 Π v. 1360 6 - 1 - 1 Brown University L W W T W W W W CS OCS PD -5 +7 +2 0 +13 +8 +24 +1 16 78 +50 1505 Δ v. 1170 Π v. 1140 Π v. 1577 Δ v. 1206 3 - 5 - 0 Suffolk University L L W W L L L W CS OCS PD -12 -9 +29 +21 -31 -13 -5 +14 15.5 60.5 -6 1515 Π v. 1648 Δ v. 1194 Π v. 1489 Δ v. 1320 3 - 4 - 1 Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. W L W T L L L W CS OCS PD +7 -4 +1 0 -13 -8 -21 +1 20 66.5 -37 1516 Δ v. 1220 Π v. 1361 Π v. 1335 Δ v. 1122 4 - 4 - 0 Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. W W W W L L L L CS OCS PD +12 +2 +8 +3 -6 -2 -6 -5 19 54.5 +6 1577 Π v. 1335 Δ v. 1206 Δ v. 1505 Π v. 1286 5 - 3 - 0 Yale University L L W W W W W L CS OCS PD -5 -5 +24 +6 +31 +13 +20 -3 17.5 58 +81 1579 Π v. 1320 Δ v. 1489 Δ v. 1336 Π v. 1219 5 - 2 - 1 Yale University W L L T W W W W CS OCS PD +1 -2 -2 0 +21 +14 +20 +6 19 71 +58 1586 Π v. 1206 Δ v. 1335 Δ v. 1433 Π v. 1220 2 - 6 - 0 Connecticut College W L L W L L L L CS OCS PD +5 -3 -12 +2 -9 -8 -11 -9 18.5 53 -45 1648 Δ v. 1515 Π v. 1322 Δ v. 1220 Π v. 1439 4 - 4 - 0 Boston College L W L L L W W W CS OCS PD -7 +4 -16 -6 -2 +5 +10 +4 14.5 60 -8 1649 Π v. 1489 Δ v. 1320 Π v. 1361 Δ v. 1170 3 - 5 - 0 Boston College W L L L W W L L CS OCS PD +5 -7 -10 -6 +7 +6 -16 -6 22.5 57 -27 1650 Δ v. 1205 Π v. 1801 Π v. 1206 Δ v. 1140 2 - 5 - 1 Bryant University L L L L L T W W CS OCS PD -30 -29 -13 -7 -18 0 +18 +3 15.5 54.5 -76 1699 Δ v. 1361 Π v. 1220 Π v. 1322 Δ v. 1145 2 - 6 - 0 University of New Hampshire L W W L L L L L CS OCS PD -15 +4 +4 -6 -9 -2 -3 -3 16 51 -30 1801 Π v. 1122 Δ v. 1650 Π v. 1140 Δ v. 1387 5 - 3 - 0 Bye Buster L L W W W W L W CS OCS PD -16 -1 +13 +7 +25 +17 -2 +2 9.5 63.5 Page+45 2 of 4 2019, New Haven, Connecticut Regional Tournament Tab Summary Tabulation Room Notes Opening coin flip: Heads - Higher # = Better Rank Round 3 coin flip: Heads - Right Side is Defense 9th place after round 3: 4 Wins AMTA Representatives Joshua Leckrone Amelia Yeomelakis Outstanding Trial Teams Earning bids to the Opening Round Championship Series Tournament March 16-17, 2019, Chestnut Hill, MA Team School Record 1205 Bowdoin College 7 Wins (CS: 17, OCS: 64, PD: 67) 1170 U. of Massachusetts, Lowell 7 Wins (CS: 15, OCS: 73.5, PD: 55) 1489 Brown University 6.5 Wins (CS: 16, OCS: 78, PD: 50) 1122 Quinnipiac University 6 Wins (CS: 17.5, OCS: 63.5, PD: 39) 1320 U. of Massachusetts, Amherst 6 Wins (CS: 15.5, OCS: 82, PD: 51) 1335 Colby College 6 Wins (CS: 14.5, OCS: 75.5, PD: 13) 1579 Yale University 5.5 Wins (CS: 19, OCS: 71, PD: 58) 1219 University of Vermont 5 Wins (CS: 21.5, OCS: 64.5, PD: 10) Honorable Mention 1577 Yale University 5 Wins (CS: 17.5, OCS: 58, PD: 81) 1286 Boston University 5 Wins (CS: 15.5, OCS: 65.5, PD: 63) 1322 U. of Massachusetts, Amherst 5 Wins (CS: 14.5, OCS: 65, PD: 16) 1433 Trinity College 5 Wins (CS: 14, OCS: 68, PD: 14) Spirit of AMTA Award Awarded to the team that best exemplifies the ideals of honesty, civility and fair play 30 1145 Roger Williams University Outstanding Witnesses Points Name Team # School ∏19 Jordan Corbishley 1122 Quinnipiac University ∏18 Jack Caster 1170 U.
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