Registry of Deeds Newstead Road , WF1 2DE 01924 306797 [email protected]

SWASTIKA STONE: MOOR A tourist’s guide to interesting archaeological sites in West

The Stone on the edge of is a unique piece of rock art. The original design (left) has eroded over the years and the pattern is clearer on the adjacent modern copy (right).

Description This intriguing design is carved on the surface of a gritstone outcrop on the edge of Woodhouse Crag high above Ilkley. The design features an array of nine cups (circular hollows carved on the surface of the rock) between which runs a groove forming the arms of a Swastika. Another groove in the form of a reversed question mark surrounds a tenth cup. There are also a number of additional cups cut into the surface of the stone.

While there are many examples of rock art on Ilkley Moor few seem to show this level of ordered design. Many only have a few cups which are sometimes surrounded by one or more rings. These are set out in a way that seems to have no discernible pattern. The function of the swastika carving is unknown, but long before its adoption by the Nazi party the swastika was used a religious symbol in many ancient communities.

Dating Evidence There is little direct evidence which will allow to us to date the Swastika Stone accurately. A number of flints, including a barbed and tanged arrowhead have been found in the vicinity but there is no clear stratigraphic relationship between


them and the carving. However, most archaeologists believe that such carvings date to the late Neolithic or early Bronze Age (about 2,000 BC).

How to get there The Swastika Stone is one of the easiest of the many carved stone on Ilkley Moor to find. Follow Wells Road out of Ilkley. Cross the cattle grid and continue uphill along the edge of the Moor. Eventually you will find a gravelled path running along the back of the houses to your right. After a while it swings away from the houses and it will eventually lead you the Swastika Stone on the edge of the escarpment. The iron railings which surround it are visible from some distance away.

When walking in the country please follow the Countryside Code.

This guide was written by Dave Weldrake (© WYAAS 2011)

More information on Later Prehistoric Research Agenda the WYAAS website

External links Pastscape features detailed information on the site from English Heritage.

Location The Swastika Stone is situated on the edge of Ilkley Moor at SE 0955 4696. For map click here.

NB: There is more information about the Swastika Stone and other historic sites in held within the West Yorkshire Historic Environment Record (HER), Contact us via 01924 306797 or [email protected]. Alternatively search our records online via the Heritage Gateway website -