Report Post .Office and Telegraph -Dep Artment
", 1871. I VICTORIA. ' REPORT .. .I ON THE POST .OFFICE AND TELEGRAPH -DEP ARTMENT FOR THE YEA¥ • . 187'0. PRESEN'l'ED TO BOTH HOUSES OF 1> ARLIAMENT BY HIS EXCELLENCY;S COMIlIANl) . .' 'till ~ut~Otitl! : JOHN F~:RlmS,' GO V}:U.NlIIENl' PRINTER MELBOURNE. I No. 12. J l' , 'I -, , ., , , " t. s. d. I l"nIparatlon-Not given. Frlntlng (&26 copies) .' " <.: ,,' t ... t " , ' I • GENERAL POST OFFICE, Melbourne, 31st March 1871. Sm, , , As required by the 57th section of the Post Office Statute, ;29 Victoria \ No. \ 298, I have the honor to submit a General Report upon tlle. affairs of' the Post Office for the y~ar 1870. I have the honor t!l be, Sir, Your most obedient Servan.t, W. TURNER, Deputy ~ostmaster-Genera} . , Tpe Honorable ~. The Commissioner of Trade and Cus,toms, &c., &c. " , I , ' " I ' - , , REPORT., , Although the business of the_ Department has increased considerably during the past y~ar, tne Revenue R~turns are not so satisfactory as those for 1869. The gross amounts collected in 1870 were-Postage and Money Order Com- mission, £126,596; Telegraphic Messages, £33,145. , . This shows a falling off from the receipts for 1869 on postage, &c., of £624 and on telegraphic messages of £1038, \vhich is to be accounted for by the reduction that has taken place as hereinafter' me~tioned in the rates of postage on intercolonial ship letters and on telegraphic messages; and, to' some extent, by the operation of the, Stamp Statute,- which has greatly decreased the facilities afforded to the public for the purchase of postage stamps by diminishing the number <?f licensed vendors.
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