HAOMAHAOMA MININGMINING NL NL ANNUAL REPORT ANNUALJUNE 30, REPORT2017 JUNE 30, 2014 Haoma Mining Projects includingFigure 1: theLocation location map of of Haoma’s Haoma Mining Bamboo NL Creek Pilbara Processing mining tenements. Plant, North Pole Area (including Mickey’s Find and Normay (YellowMine), Cookesareas show Hill, Haoma Soansville, joint venture Daltons tenements JV and thewith Comet Atlas Iron.)Gold Mine Tourist Centre 1 HAOMA MINING NL AND ITS CONTROLLED ENTITIES ACN 008 676 177 HAOMA MINING NL Front Cover: Haoma Mining Projects Map Inside Back Cover: 3 1 Bamboo Creek 2 5 Processing Plant and 4 Bamboo Creek Valley. 1. Bamboo Creek, WA 2. Marble Bar, WA 3. Cookes Hill, WA 4. Daltons JV & Mt. Webber, WA 5. Ravenswood, QLD Directors Principal Bankers Gary Cordell Morgan, B.Comm (Chairman) Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Limited Michele Levine, B.Sc (Hons), Env. St. Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Wilton Timothy Carr Ingram Share Registry Secretary ComputerShare Investor Services Pty. Ltd. James Andrew Wallace, CA Yarra Falls 452 Johnston Street Registered Office and Head Office Abbotsford, Victoria 3067 Tonic House 386 Flinders Lane, Investor Enquiries: 1300 850 505 Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Tel: (03) 9629 6888 Fax: (03) 9629 1250 Auditors Email:
[email protected] BDO Collins Square, Tower 4, Level 18 Postal Address 727 Collins Street GPO Box 2282U Melbourne, Victoria 3008 Melbourne, Victoria 3001 Website: www.haoma.com.au Solicitors William Murray Bamboo Creek Mine Site: Level 11, 379 Collins Street PO Box 2791 Melbourne, Victoria 3000 South Hedland, Western Australia 6722 Tel: (08) 9176 1101 Stock Exchange Listing Haoma Mining NL shares are listed on Comet Mine Site: the Australian Stock Exchange.