J. B. Priestley | 112 pages | 01 Mar 2009 | Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart | 9783125752139 | English | Stuttgart, Germany An Inspector Calls: Ending Explained

Birling feels justified for his actions and does not believe he committed any wrongdoing. Summary Plot Overview. Highly successful after its An Inspector Calls and subsequent London productions, the play is now considered one of Priestley's greatest works, and has been subject to a variety of critical interpretations. Committee Member Charles Saynor External Reviews. Like Like. Gerald An Inspector Calls to this. An Inspector Calls is presented as a "Jack-the-Lad" character with a drinking habit, which led to his raping Eva and getting her pregnant. Just then, Arthur Birling receives a telephone call from the police informing them that a young girl had died and that the police were on their way to question them. Name required. Sheila wonders if she can forgive Gerald enough to continue their relationship. Eric Birling. When the inspector visits the Birling's house she says "an Inspector's called. Trailers and An Inspector Calls. Moon After watching An Inspector Calls movie adaptation of An Inspector Calls, I felt that this remake turned into a great success. Favourite films. Below are some thoughts on the ending. An Inspector Calls production is often credited with single-handedly rediscovering Priestley's An Inspector Calls and "rescuing" him from the reputation of being obsolete and class-bound, although the production had some detractors, including Sheridan Morley [12] who regarded it as a gimmicky travesty of the An Inspector Calls patent intentions. Yes No Report this. Edit Storyline Set inan upper crust English family's dinner is interrupted when a police inspector brings news of a girl known to everyone present having died in suspicious circumstances. His stubbornness is shown when refusing responsibility for Eva's death; he fired her in order to quell dissent among his workforce and keep labour costs low, which he says is standard business practice. Available on Amazon. The first television version was shown on live BBC Television on 4 Maywith a second live performance three days later. The Inspector turns to Gerald and asks if he knows someone named Daisy Renton. The mysterious "Inspector Goole" claims to have seen Eva Smith's dead body earlier that day, and to have been given "a duty" to investigate her death and the Birlings' involvement in it. This was originally a West End play. Shocking Twist Ending Movies. Retrieved 7 February Photo Gallery. Photo Gallery. Was this review helpful to you? Edna Maid the maid announces that an inspector has arrived. Retrieved 26 October Eric Jane Wenham Views Read Edit View history. Long considered part of the repertory of classic drawing-room An Inspector Callsthe play has also been hailed as a scathing criticism of the hypocrisies of Victorian and Edwardian English society and as an expression An Inspector Calls Priestley's socialist political principles. Eva approached a charity chaired by Mrs Birling to ask for help. The Inspector. Act Two ends. Priestley adapted from the play byDesmond Davis screenplay. An Inspector Calls Versions. Technical Specs. External Sites. But who is the mysterious Inspector and what can he want of them? Archived from the original on 29 May It is a good read! He stole money from Mr Birling's office to provide money to Eva. Think about it, some random guy shows up, guilt trips the Birlings into thinking that they are guilty of something. Arthur Birling. third wife Mary Priestley daughter. He alerts the family that a girl has been admitted An Inspector Calls the hospital just now, and that her death is a suicide. Quotes [ first lines ] Man : Do you believe in God? User Reviews. The British Library. Introduction to the Plays of J. Popular pages: An Inspector Calls. Surreal Concepts and Plots. Company Credits. Mr Birling is shown a photograph of Eva, after initially denying recognising the woman in the photo, he remembers firing her in for organising a strike over An Inspector Calls pay. And I tell you that the time will soon come when if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. After the new wave of social realist theatre in the s and s, the play fell out of fashion, and was dismissed as an example of outdated bourgeois "drawing room" dramasbut became a staple of regional repertory theatre. A An Inspector Calls Inspector investigates the wealthy Birling family and their dinner guests An Inspector Calls the suicide of a young woman. Back to School Picks. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use.