Sears — This One for a $100,000 First Prize
•T ^ PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Tues., Sept. 9,1975 CCLU watching MANCHESTER HOSPITAL NOTES The weather meditation in schools Sunny, highs around 70, clear tonight, low ABOUT TOWN Discharged Saturday:-'' Margaret Zagorski, East Wind St., Rockville; Read Hall, 50 dard, East Hartford; William in the mid 50s. Increasing cloudiness Discharged Friday: Louis Sanborn, 80 Davis Ave., Thursday, high in mid 70s. Mellow, 163 Benton St.; Margaret Gazdzicki, 172 Maple sor Hill; Susan Tatro, 14 Law- Pine St.; Barbara Hooker, East fcalb HARTFORD (UPI) - T^e ton Rd.; Jane Wright, 202 New Hartford; Diane Perleone, 189 Rockville; Alice Casey, Storrs. I Connecticut Civil Liberties Catherine Hudson, East Hart St.; Edgar Rldyard, RD 1, An dover; Francis FitzGerald, Bolton Rd., William Wilson, Irving St.; Edith Turkington, MANCHESTER, (SONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 290 Manchester—A City of Village Charm t w e n t y -e ig h t p a g e s - t w o s e c t io n s p r i c e : f if t e e n c e n t s The executive board of the Waramaug at New Preston, Union is watching to make sure ford; William Berry, 333 Also, TilUe Most, 426 W. Mid 239B N. Main St.; Raymond North River Rd., (Coventry. 36B St. James St.; Carl Manchester Junior Women’s Conn, on Wednesday. Buses will the line between church and Bidwell St.; Scott Richard, dle Tpke.; Alithia Jones, East Combs, East Hartford; . Also, Richard Warburton, Capitan, 79 Brooklyn St., Club will meet Wednesday at 8 leave the Senior Citizens Center state remains distinct during East Hartford; James Stafford, Jacqueline Monteiro, East East Hartford; Helen Roya, Rockville; Jane Small, 20 Oak Hartford; Jo-Anne Preuss, p.m.
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