22nd December 2019


Contact us

Revd Canon David Felix (Vicar): 01925 740348 / 07778 859935 [email protected]

Revd Gill Younger (Curate): 07517 623680 [email protected]

Linda Mills (Reader): 01928 717427 The interior of Lichfield Cathedral is illuminated with stained glass [email protected] from Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Photo Lichfield Cathedral

James Baird (Reader) Services 07500 925055 [email protected] Services Leaders Readers Sidespersons

9.00 am Rev Gill Younger Robin Brocklehurst Steve Lander Gavin Hall (Reader) Holy Communion James Baird 07767 701498 [email protected] 10.30 am Rev David Felix Stephen Kirkbride Brenda & Stephen ………………………………… Parish Communion James Baird Brenda Kirkbride Kirkbride Jocelyn Squires (Pastoral Worker James Baird Emeritus) 01925 740372 [email protected] 6.30 pm Various Carol Service Stuart Wigley (Parish Administrator) Office open Tuesday & Friday 01925 740348 Morning Evening [email protected] Isaiah 7: 10-16 Various www.daresburycofe.org.uk www.lewiscarrollcentre.org.uk Romans 1: 1-7 The Parochial Church 1130503 Matthew 1: 18-25

Christmas Services Christmas Eve at 4.30pm Christingle Christmas Eve at 11.30pm Midnight Mass Christmas Day at 9am Holy Communion Christmas Day at 10.30am Family Service & Communion

Looking Ahead Please note that on Sunday 29th December there will be a 10.30am Parish Communion only. There will not be a pew sheet. We return to our usual services on Sunday 5th January.

Sidespersons We are looking for new people to become sidespersons. The duties are not onerous & you will be asked to help only on a rota basis. A special part of being here as a sidesperson on a Sunday is to meet & greet both members of the congregation old & new. If you think you can help please have a word with Pam Taylor Floyd our Churchwarden or any one of our team here today. Assistance is available & you will have existing sidespersons to guide you in your early days.

Poinsettia Tribute Once again, we invite you to bring a Poinsettia to Church & dedicate it to someone who is no longer with us. Don’t forget to add a suitable label to the plant showing the name of your loved one or simply do a dedication to your family or a friend.

Our Christingle Service The preparation of the Christingles will be taking place after our 10.30am Morning service. We would be very grateful if you could spend a few minutes helping with this whilst enjoying a tea or coffee in the Lewis Carroll Centre.

Fellowship Just to let you know that there is not a meeting in December. There will be a Festive Lunch on Tuesday 21st January at the Red Lion at Moore, preceded by Communion in Church at 11am. All are welcome to come along. Please contact Irene Rutter on 01928 713815.

Journey into Light gifts Thank you to everyone who contributed gifts of Maltesers, soap and socks for the prisoners at Styal and Thorn Cross, and to the children who made Christmas cards.


The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of All Saints Daresbury Registered Charity 1130503

Other Services Christ born for us, Holy Communion Son of God given for us, at Milner Institute Help us to know you, Moore To worship and to serve you. No service next Thursday Please pray for Parish Diary The Mission of the Church Church All clergy preparing services over the Christmas. The Rt Rev the new Archbishop of Lewis Carroll Centre York.

Communion At Communion if you wish to be The World & Society served with a gluten free wafer or The protection of citizens in those Australian States non-alcoholic wine, please let one threatened by fires. of our sidespersons know. All Agencies helping refugees & the persecuted

Christmas Cards There is a box on the table by the entrance to the Daniell Chapel for The Local Community Christmas cards. Please take a Local homeless people & those refugees in the area moment to check whether there under our care. are any cards left for you. Anyone who is alone this Christmas for whatever reason. Parish Office The office will be closed next week. Those being baptized today Foodbank Jessie Jo Mycock Thanks to all who have been so generous, we have been advised the Foodbank is fully stocked. Those who are sick at home or in hospital Suzanne Shipley

Safeguarding Officers

Susie Li 07845 368411 The Communion of Saints Mavis Bradburne Stephen Kirkbride 01928 719028 Roger Squires David Farrell Email Joan Kitching [email protected] k Pastoral Care Our Parish Visiting Team offers friendship, listening, prayer & support to the Emergency First Aiders bereaved, sick or lonely. If you think we can help, please telephone the Vicar The following are trained on 01925 740348/07778 859935, or Linda Mills on 07973 159928. You can emergency first aiders: also email [email protected]. Linda Mills, Duncan Howarth, Doug Johnson. We have a defibrillator, situated by the Lych.Gate entrance from the car park. The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of All Saints Daresbury Registered Charity 1130503

Cottrell appointed next Archbishop of Yo r k BYA STAFF REPORTER CHURCH TIMES 17 DECEMBER 2019 DAVID HARTLEY/CHURCH TIMES THE next is to be the Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, at present .

Bishop Cottrell, aged 62, has been Bishop of Chelmsford since 2010. Before that, he was Bishop of Reading. He succeeds Dr Sentamu, who retires on 7 July next year.

Bishop Cottrell is widely regarded as The Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell, speaking at the Church one of the most likeable of the Times/Canterbury Press Festival of Preaching in 2017 present bench of bishops, and his tenure in the , which includes much of east London, has gone well. He heads to York with experience of parish, theological college, diocesan, and cathedral ministry.

He was a late developer, educated at the Polytechnic of Central London. He trained for ministry at St Stephen’s House, Oxford, and served his title at Christ Church and St Paul’s, Forest Hill, south London. He was priested in 1985. He has recently completed an MA with St Mellitus College, London.

He was appointed Priest-in-Charge of St Wilfrid’s, Chichester, in 1988, combining it was the posts of assistant director of pastoral studies and tutor in apologetics at Chichester Theological College. In 1993, he became Diocesan Missioner and Bishop’s Chaplain for Evangelism in the diocese of Wakefield; and in 1998 he took up the post of Springboard Missioner and Consultant in Evangelism.

In 2001, he became Vice-Dean and Canon Pastor of Peterborough Cathedral. He became Bishop of Reading three years later.

Bishop Cottrell has been the lead author of the C of E’s Pilgrim course for new Christians, as well as contributing to the Emmaus programme. He is the author of several books in his own right, including Do Nothing to Change Your Life, How to Pray, and Hit the Ground Kneeling.

He is married to Rebecca, a potter. They have three sons.

In a statement, Bishop Cottrell said: “Although I was born and grew up in Essex, I lived and served in Huddersfield for nine years. I know and love the north of England. Two of our children were born there.

“I now look forward to returning and being a voice for the North, sharing the liberating good news of the gospel and helping to address the discrepancies of wealth and opportunity that too often favour the South.”

The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of All Saints Daresbury Registered Charity 1130503