JusticeJustice XMLXML DataData DictionaryDictionary JXDDJXDD VersionVersion 3.03.0 StatusStatus ofof DesignDesign && DevelopmentDevelopment

17 December 2002 DAY “I“I lovelove itit whenwhen aa planplan comescomes together!”together!” ––CCOLOL Hannibal Hannibal Smith, Smith, The The A-Tea A-Teamm

RapSheet.xsdRapSheet.xsd Reconcil RequirementsRequirements Methodology Other DDs RIRISSIntel.xsdSSIntel.xsd Data Methodology FormalFormal RulesRules & Dictionary CourtFiling.dtdCourtFiling.dtd RefRef ArchitectureArchitecture Data Sets (RDD) Standards DriverHistoryDriverHistory..xsdxsd Standards ArrestWArrestWarranarrantt.xsd.xsd DocumentSpec.xsdDocumentSpec.xsd IInncciidedentRentReporportt..xsxsdd DocumentSpec.xsdDocumentSpec.xsd Justice XML OtherDocSpecs.xsdOtherDocSpecs.xsd SentenceOrder.xsdSentenceOrder.xsd Justice XML OtherDocSpecs.xsdOtherDocSpecs.xsd DataData Dictionary,Dictionary, ChargeDoc.xsd ChargeDoc.xsd Schema,Schema, andand XMLXML ObjectObject RepositoryRepository RegistryRegistry DocumentDocument // TransactionsTransactions CriMNet ComplexComplex ComponentsComponents SiSimplemple ComponentsComponents SEARCH Justice Info SEARCH Justice Info SupportSupport DataData ComponentsComponents InfoTech ExcExchhangeange ModelModel (JIEM)(JIEM) W3CW3C XMLXML SchemaSchema

December 2002 WhyWhy JXDDJXDD VersionVersion 3.0?3.0?

• Aligned with standards (some were not available to RDD) • Model-based Æ consistent • Requirements-based – data elements, processes, documents • Object-oriented Æ efficient extension and reuse • Expanded domain (courts, corrections, juvenile, etc.) • Extensions to activity objects / processes • Relationships (to improve exchange information context) • Can evolve / advance with emerging technology (RDF/OWL) • Basis for an XML component registry that can provide • Searching / browsing components and • Assistance for schema development / generation • Reference / cache XML schemas for validation • Interface (via std specs) to external XML registries

December 2002 WhatWhat SourcesSources ofof RequirementsRequirements AreAre BeingBeing Used?Used?

SPONSOR SOURCE DOCUMENTS / SPECIFICATIONS Global ISWG Reconciliation Data Dictionary (RDD) v1.0.0 JTF for ICHTS Rap Sheet v2.2 schema RISS RISSIntel v2.0 schema LegalXML CourtFiling v1.1 DTD AAMVA Driver History v1.02 schema NIJ InfoTech v2.0 Data Dictionary and schema LA County CA Incident Report schema SEARCH Justice Info Exchange Model (JIEM) data sets LegalXML Arrest Warrant schema LegalXML Charging Document schema LegalXML Sentencing Order schema Minnesota CriMNet v1.0 Data Dictionary and schema NCSC Data element spreadsheets (civil, criminal, juvenile) Maricopa Co AZ ICJIS Data Dictionary v1.3 CISA Southwest Border States DD (TX, AZ, NM) FBI NCIC 2000 Data Dictionary and Code Tables NIBRS Incident Report schema

December 2002 WhatWhat StandardsStandards AreAre BeingBeing Applied?Applied?

XML.gov Draft Federal XML Schema Developer’s Guide (04/02) ISO / IEC 11179 Specification & Standardization of Data Elements UN / CEFACT ebXML Core Components Technical Spec 1.85 (09/02) FBI Electronic Fingerprint Transmission Spec v7 (01/99) ANSI / NIST Data Format for Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial, & SMT OASIS XML Common Biometrics Format Committee (09/02) Dept of Navy Draft XML Registry Requirements (09/02) DoD DoD 5015.2-STD Design Criteria Std for E-RMS Apps (06/02) W3C XML Schema Specification (05/01) W3C RDF and RDF Schema Specification (02/99)

December 2002 JusticeJustice DataData DictionaryDictionary ViewView

Content Registry Metadata Metadata PersonPerson OrganizationOrganization PropertyProperty Activity ~60% LocationLocation Activity ~60% (other(other objectsobjects ~30%)~30%) ?????? 10%10% ContactInfoContactInfo Document RelationshipsRelationships Document

IS-A Infrastructure Metadata ReferenceDReferenceDocument.xsdocument.xsd

December 2002 TypicalTypical ActivityActivity ObjectsObjects ActivityActivity

Investigate Investigate PersPers Org Org PropProp IncidentIncident IncidentIncident ArrestArrest LocLoc ActivityActivity ?????? RptRpt CntCnt RelateRelate DocDoc ArrestArrest BookBook ConfineConfine WarrantWarrant ArrestArrest Doc.xsdDoc.xsd ChargeCharge ProsecuteProsecute BondBond RptRpt

BookingBooking IndictIndict AdjudicateAdjudicate SentenceSentence RptRpt ChargeCharge DocDoc SentenceSentence FineFine IncarcerateIncarcerate SuperviseSupervise OrderOrder CaseCase ProtectProtect ParoleParole PardonPardon ReleaseRelease FileFile OrderOrder

December 2002 JusticeJustice DataData DictionaryDictionary v3.0v3.0 DatabaseDatabase StatisticsStatistics

JDDJDD v3.0v3.0 (December(December 2002)2002) Complex types 104 RDDRDD v1.0.1v1.0.1 ((OOctctoberober 2002)2002) Complex types 104 Complex properties 30 PropertiesProperties (core)(core) 688688 Complex properties 30 1542 SimpleSimple propertiesproperties 250250 PropertiesProperties ((ActivActiviityty)) 854854 TotalTotal componentscomponents 280280 TotalTotal componentscomponents 16461646

Elements or SourceSource RequirementRequirement ReferencesReferences == 3333 Relationships SourceSource RequiremRequirementent ComponentsComponents == 15,95115,951

AccAccoordingrding toto oneone GovernmentGovernment datadata consconsultant,ultant, allall branchesbranches andand departmentsdepartments ofof aa typicaltypical StateState GovernmentGovernment useuse aboutabout 20,00020,000 uniqueunique datadata elements.elements.

December 2002 ValidationValidation ofof JXDDSJXDDS V3.0V3.0 RFCRFC DecemberDecember 2002 2002

Complete Person Organization Location ContactInformation (personal)Property and enough Activity objects to build …

Rap Sheet RDD / NLETS Sentence Order CourtFiling Incident Report InfoTech Driver History RDD / AAMVA

December 2002 WhatWhat WorkWork RemainsRemains ToTo BeBe Done?Done?

• Implement objects: Activity, property • Map source data requirements • Define data components (definitions) • Identify / install internal enumerations • Define / implement special constraints (e.g. partial values, nulls, etc.) • Implement metadata (content, registry, infrastructure) • Implement or refine user tools for • Document user interface, design, etc. • Implement interface to an ebXML registry • Designate namespaces (naming policy) • Define policies, procedures, CONOPS

December 2002 WhereWhere AreAre WeWe GoingGoing andand Why?Why? HowHow DoesDoes ItIt AllAll FitFit Together?Together?

TheThe Big Big Picture Picture – –AAnn XML XML R Reegistry/Repositorygistry/Repository

December 2002 WhyWhy aa JusticeJustice XMLXML Registry/Repository?Registry/Repository?

‰ History shows that long term success of data exchange within and between communities of interest is facilitated by: ƒ Discovery and re-use of standard vocabularies ƒ Discovery and re-use of components ƒ de facto standards due to voting “by feet” ‰ How is this different from the Justice Standards Registry? ƒ Different scope, objectives, functional requirements, specifications, management scheme, and operational guidelines

December 2002 BasicBasic OverviewOverview ofof UsingUsing aa MetadataMetadata RegistryRegistry

Domain A Domain B Repository Repository

3 Results returned based on the 4 Developer either components 2 Developer uses an existing stored in Queries component, or repositories Justice XML Justice builds a new Metadata Metadata Registry component and 1 Developer needs Registry registers it for XML tags, schema, others to use stylesheet, etc.

UDDI Justice XML Registry Component Repository

December 2002 JusticeJustice XMLXML DataData DictionaryDictionary Registry/RepositoryRegistry/Repository ModelModel

DataData Requirements,Requirements, BusinessBusiness ProcesseProcesses,s, Models,Models, …… ebXMLebXML LMLM == LLiifecyfecyclecle MMggtt compliancompliantt QMQM == QuerQueryy MgtMgt Map OtherOther J/PSJ/PS artifactsartifacts Justice Registry LMLM JusticeJustice DataData DictionaryDictionary Server Model and Repository Model and Repository QMQM

Justice XML Repository ReRegistrygistry ClientClient EPA QMQM WebWeb ServerServer Registry Server DoD QMQM ReRegistrygistry ClientClient Registry BrowsersBrowsers ebXMLebXML COTSCOTS ApplicatApplicationion compliancompliantt Server

December 2002 XML Development Using the Registry

XML Registry

Creates Schema Creates Searches Registry Using Objects Collaboration for Provider of from Registry Protocol Profile Needed Info Develops Establishes Establishes Business Process Collaboration Collaboration Documents Protocol Agreement Protocol Agreement with User with Provider Standards Developer Information Provider Information User

December 2002 Potential Issues for I/SWG

‰ Prioritize and evaluate registry features. ‰ Establish validation/approval processes ƒ New components ƒ Modifications of components ƒ Criteria for different approval schemes ‰ Recommend operational oversight body ‰ Proposing and maintaining a stable funding process ƒ Implementation, operation, maintenance ‰ Namespace management recommendations

December 2002