Arbeitsgruppe Semantic Business Process Management Lecture 5 – Semantic Technologies I OMG Ontology Definition Metamodel Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke Corporate Semantic Web (AG-CSW) Institute for Computer Science, Freie Universitaet Berlin
[email protected] Problem: Only Syntactic BPM Models Lacks of Web Service Technology . Current BPM technologies allow usage of Web Services . But: . only syntactical information descriptions . syntactic support for discovery, composition and execution => Web Service usability, usage, and integration needs to be inspected manually . no semantically marked up content / services . no support for the Semantic Web rules and ontologies => current Web Service Technology Stack failed to realize the promise of Web Services Overview . Overview Semantic Technologies . Ontologies . OMG Ontology Definition Metamodel . W3C Web Ontology Language . Rules . OMG SBVR . OMG PRR . W3C RIF . RuleML Semantic Computing Technologies 4. Software Agents and Web-based Services . Rule Responder, FIPA, Semantic Web Services, … 3. Rules and Event/Action Logic & Inference . RIF, SBVR, PRR, RuleML, Logic Programming Rule/Inference Engines,… 2. Ontologien . ODM, CL, Topic Maps RDFS, OWL Lite|DL|Full, OWL 2, … 1. Explicit Meta-data and Terminologies . vCard, PICS, Dublin Core, RDF, RDFa, Micro Formats, FOAF, SIOC … 1. Explicit Metadata on the Web . Metadata are data about data . Metadata on the Web: . Machine processable information about information on the Web . Projects . e.g., PICS, Dublin Core, RDF, FOAF, SIOC, … . Problem domains: . Syntax: . Which representation and interchange format for metadata? . Semantics: . Which metadata are allowed for resources (metadata vocabulary, schema) . Association problem: . How to connect metadata with resources (who defines the metadata, are metadata separated from the content, etc.) 2.