(Branch of NZAHAA Incorporated) THE PLAINSMAN (Newsletter of the New Zealand Antique Arms Association Canterbury Incorporated) President:
[email protected] Treasurer:
[email protected] or
[email protected] Association Rep:
[email protected] Association Meetings: last Thursday of each Month Parade Room, Riccarton Park Race Course 7.30pm (Except December, no meeting) PO Box 694, Rangiora 7440 web site: www.antiquearms.co.nz Coming events: April 14th – NZAHAA AGM & Southland Branch Auction, Invercargill 26th – MOA May 31st – Visit History Centre at Burnham, LoTM MNO June 9th – SSANZ Guns Show, Whangarei 28th – LoTM PQR – Guest Speaker John F short talk about Dresden, Dave T short report “Wot I dun on me ‘oliday” July – 21st MAMS - 26th Quiz Night, LoTM STU Aug – TBA, LoTM VWX Sep – 15th Branch Auction, Displays and Sales Tables. Frank to do adverts for E-gazette and Gazette. To attract some members to submit their high class items, advertising will be at a higher standard than usual. Friday night set up (late). Details TBA. Winning display gets annual subs paid. The dates at Riccarton Raceway are subject to confirmation. Alternate dates in September to be considered by Committee if necessary. - 27th AGM and presentation of finances followed by monthly meeting Guest Speaker TBA, LotM YZA Guest Speakers are subject to change, come to meetings to get confirmation. Meetings: New Zealand Antique Arms Association Canterbury Incorporated (Branch of NZAHAA) Committee Meeting 29 March 2018 Riccarton Park Opened: 1845hrs Present: Rod W, Mike H, David H, Murray R, Wayne W, Anders G, Graeme B, Dave T Apologies: Adam C, John A, John F, Glenn M, Paul D, Frank McK.