Tele 2060 Overview of Architecture

• General  Von-Neumann Approach

 Other Architectural Approaches Also Exist • Components


 Memory

 Control

 Input/Output

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 1 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 ALU

• Arithmetic- Unit • Heart of a Computer • Basic Arithmetic Functions are Performed

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 2 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Memory

• Closely Tied to ALU • Used to Store Data Bytes • Classes of Memory  Main Memory  Memory  Registers

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 3 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Control

• Controls Memory and ALU • Controls the Execution of Programs • Input/Output • Interface to the Rest of the World  Terminals  Printers  Secondary Storage (disk)

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 4 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Logic circuits

• Used to Implement Logical Functions In • Example  Addition of Two Bits  Operation: 0+0=00, 0+1=01, 1+0=01, 1+1=10  Result is Two Bits: SUM and  Resultant Expression:

‰ SUM = A'B + AB'


 Truth Tables

S(A)01 C(A)01 0 01 0 00 (B) (B) 1 10 1 01

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 5 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Representing Binary Functions

• Truth Tables • Algebraic Expression  Canonical Forms

‰ Sum of Products • Sum of Minterms • Minterm is a Product-Only Term

‰ Product of Sums

‰ Product of Maxterms

‰ Maxterm is a Sum-Only Term  Need New Algebra

‰ Traditional Algebra Does Not Apply

‰ New Relationships Hold

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 6 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060

• Functions, Operators, and Truth Tables  AND  OR  NOT  XOR

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 7 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 AND Function

A AND B = AB = A.B = AB∧

Truth Table: 01(A) 000 (B) 101

Logic Diagram:



Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 8 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 OR Function

A OR B = A+B = AB∨

Truth Table: 01(A) 0 01 (B) 1 11

Logic Diagram:



Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 9 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 NOT Function

NOT A = A' = A

Truth Table: A 0 1 1 0

Logic Diagram:


Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 10 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 XOR Function


Truth Table: 01(A) 0 01 (B) 1 10

Logic Diagram:



Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 11 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Properties of Boolean Algebra

• Idempotence  x+x=x  x.x=x  x+1=1  x.0=0  x+0=x  x.1=x • Communtativity  x+y=y+x  x.y=y.x

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 12 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Properties of Boolean Algebra

• Associativity  (x+y)+z=x+(y+z)  (x.y).z=x.(y.z) • Complementation  x+x'=1  x.x'=0 • Distributivity  x.(y+z)=x.y+x.z  x+y.z=(x+y).(x+z) • De Morgan's Theorem  Important Boolean Algebra Theorem  (A+B)' = A'B'

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 13 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Example

•Show:xyxyxy⊕=⋅+⋅ • Proof by Truth Table  Compute the Intermediate Products  Compare the Two Outputs  Since They Are Identical, The Relation is Valid

Input Output Output xy xy⋅ xy⋅ xy⋅ +xy⋅ xy⊕ 00 0 0 0 0 01 1 0 1 1 10 0 1 1 1 11 0 0 0 0

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 14 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Karnaugh Maps

• Alternate Form of Digital Representation • Can Be Used to Design Circuits • Two Variable Karnaugh Map:

Y' Y

X' X'Y' X'Y


For F = XY+XY': Y 01 X 0 - -

1 1 1

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 15 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Three Variable Karnaugh Maps

• Adjacent Squares Are Minterms That Differ Only in a Single Variable


X' X'Y'Z' X'Y'Z X'YZ X'YZ'


Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 16 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Three Variable K-Map Examples

Example: F=+++=+∑ m(,,,)0234 XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ YZ XY

YZ 00 01 11 10 X 0 1- 11

1 1- --

Example: F==++++=+∑ m(,,,,)01246 XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ Z XY

YZ 00 01 11 10 X 0 11 -1

1 1- -1

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 17 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Four Variable Karnaugh Maps

• The Map Has 16 States (4 Rows x 4 Columns) • Simplification Rules  One Square Represents a Minterm of Four Literals  Two Adjacent Squares Represent a Product Term of Three Literals  Four Adjacent Squares Implies the Product Term of Two Literals

 Eight Adjacent Squares Implies the Product Term of One Literal

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 18 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Circuit Implementation

• Gate Representations  NAND

‰ Any Digital System Can Be Implemented with NAND

‰ Widely Used in Practice  NOR

‰ Complement to NAND

‰ Also Universal  XOR

‰ XY = XY'+X'Y • Two Level Implementation

 F =AB+CD = ((AB)'(CD)')'  NAND Implementation

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 19 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Integration Levels

•SSI Several Gates in an IC  The “Glass” Modem Uses SSI •MSI 10 to 100 gates in an IC  Registers, Latches, Adders, etc. Could Be MSI • LSI  100 to a Few Thousand Gates  CPU's, Memory, etc. • VLSI  Large Memory Chips  32 bit CPU's, etc.

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 20 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Logic Families

•TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic  One of the Oldest  Normally Uses +5V and Ground as Supplies  A "1" is Normally 3.5 to 5V  A "0" is Normally 0 to 1.4V  Medium Speed, Moderate Density, Moderate Power Consumption • CMOS More Recent  Low Power, Moderate Speed, High Density  Can Run Off of a Variety of Supply Voltages (+5, +12)

 The Threshold is Normally About .5 of Vcc Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 21 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Logic Families

•ECL High Speed, High Power, Moderate Density  Runs at Vcc of -3V

 Threshold is About 1/2 of Vcc

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 22 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Logic Families of Popular CPU Chips

• Traditional High Speed Computers are Implemented in ECL  IBM 3090  DEC VAX 9000 • Most New Chips are CMOS  DEC

‰ Alpha

‰ NVAX  IBM - PowerPC  HP - PA-RISC

 Intel - Pentium  Sun/TI - SuperSPARC

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 23 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Other Practical Concepts

• Fan Out  Number of Inputs an Output Can Support  Typically Around 10  Need a Driver if More Inputs are Attached • Propagation Delay  Time it Takes for a Signal to Propagate from Input to Output  The Lower the Propagation Delay, the Faster the Chip • Power Dissipation - Amount of Power Used by the Gate

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 24 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Standard Pin Arrangements

• 16 pin DIP

 8 - Ground Dot or Notch  16 - Vcc • 14 pin DIP  7 - Ground 1 16  14 - Vcc • 8 pin DIP  4 - Ground

 8 - Vcc 89

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 25 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Definition of Combinational Circuits

• Perform a Mapping Between  n Binary Inputs  m Binary Outputs • Use a Combination of Gates

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 26 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Analysis Procedure for Combinational Circuits

• Identify Inputs • Identify Outputs • Write Outputs in Terms of Inputs • Create a Truth Table for the Function

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 27 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Design Procedure for Combinational Circuits

• Determine the Required Outputs and Assign a Letter • Create a Truth Table for the Function • Write the Boolean Functions for Each Output • Simplify (Use Boolean Algebra or K-Maps) • Draw Logic Diagram

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 28 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Example of Combinational Circuit Design

A B C Z Z=++++ AB C A BC AB C AB C ABC 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 BC 00 01 11 10 1 0 1 1 A 1 1 0 0 0 1- -1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1-


Gate Schematic Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 29 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Combinational Building Blocks

• Decoder/Encoder •

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 30 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Adder

• Half Adder  Adds Two Bits  Produces SUM and CARRY  Truth Table & Logic Circuit (p. 89) • Full Adder  Adds Three Bits

‰ Two Bits

‰ Carry from Previous Stage  Produces SUM and CARRY

 Truth Table & Logic Circuit (p. 90, 91)

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 31 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Decoder

• Function  Convert a Binary Input to a Single Line Output  eg Three Digit has Eight Values (or Lines) Associated With It • Truth Table & Diagram: p. 97 • Encoder is the Inverse Function

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 32 University of Pittsburgh Tele 2060 Multiplexer

• Function  Select One of Four Inputs  Under Control of CONTROL Signals • Logic Implementation  Block Diagram  Truth Table • Gate Representation (Fig 1.18, p. 38)

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 33 University of Pittsburgh

Tele 2060 Timing Considerations

• Most First-Order Analyses Assume Immediate Gate Response • More Sophisticated Analyses Must Include Gate Delays • Race Conditions  Occur When the Output of A Combintational Circuit Depends on the Order in Which Signals Arrive at Various Gates  The Signals Are in a “Race” to Get to the Input

 Usually the Result of a Bad Design  May Need a to Elimate

Martin B.H. Weiss Review of Digital Circuits - 34 University of Pittsburgh