CHAPTER 25—120 to 0 Ma Tectonic Evolution of the Southwest Pacific and Analogous Geological Evolution of the 600 to 220 Ma Tasman Fold Belt System
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Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 22, 377–397 CHAPTER 25—120 to 0 Ma tectonic evolution of the southwest Pacific and analogous geological evolution of the 600 to 220 Ma Tasman Fold Belt System A. J. CRAWFORD1*, S. MEFFRE1 AND P. A. SYMONDS2 1 Centre for Ore Deposit Research, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas 7005, Australia. 2 Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia. * Corresponding author: [email protected] We review the tectonic evolution of the SW Pacific east of Australia from ca 120 Ma until the present. A key factor that developed early in this interval and played a major role in the subsequent geodynamic history of this region was the calving off from eastern Australia of several elongate microcontinental rib- bons, including the Lord Howe Rise and Norfolk–New Caledonia Ridge. These microcontinental ribbons were isolated from Australia and from each other during a protracted extension episode from ca 120 to 52 Ma, with oceanic crust accretion occurring from 85 to 52 Ma and producing the Tasman Sea and the South Loyalty Basin. Generation of these microcontinental ribbons and intervening basins was assisted by emplacement of a major mantle plume at 100 Ma beneath the southern part of the Lord Howe Rise, which in turn contributed to rapid and efficient eastward trench rollback. A major change in Pacific plate motion at ca 55 Ma initiated east-directed subduction along the recently extinct spread- ing centre in the South Loyalty Basin, generating boninitic lithosphere along probably more than 1000 km of plate boundary in this region, and growth of the Loyalty–D’Entrecasteaux arc. Continued sub- duction of South Loyalty Basin crust led to the arrival at about 38 Ma of the 70–60 million years old west- ern volcanic passive margin of the Norfolk Ridge at the trench, and west-directed emplacement of the New Caledonia ophiolite. Lowermost allochthons of this ophiolite are Maastrichtian and Paleocene rift tholeiites derived from the underthrusting passive margin. Higher allochthonous sheets include a poorly exposed boninitic lava slice, which itself was overridden by the massive ultramafic sheets that cover large parts of New Caledonia and are derived from the colliding forearc of the Loyalty–D’Entrecasteaux arc. Post-collisional extensional tectonism exhumed the underthrust passive margin, parts of which have blueschist and eclogite facies metamorphic assemblages. Following locking of this subduction zone at 38–34 Ma, subduction jumped eastward, to form a new west-dipping subduction zone above which formed the Vitiaz arc, that contained elements which today are located in the Tongan, Fijian, Vanuatu and Solomons arcs. Several episodes of arc splitting fragmented the Vitiaz arc and produced first the South Fiji Basin (31–25 Ma) and later (10 Ma to present) the North Fiji Basin. Collision of the Ontong Java Plateau, a large igneous province, with the Solomons section of the Vitiaz arc resulted in a reversal of subduction polarity, and growth of the Vanuatu arc on clockwise-rotating, older Vitiaz arc and South Fiji Basin crust. Continued rollback of the trench fronting the Tongan arc since 6 Ma has split this arc and produced the Lau Basin–Havre Trough. This southwest Pacific style of crustal growth above a rolling-back slab is applied to the 600–220 Ma tectonic development of the Tasman Fold Belt System in southeastern Australia, and explains key aspects of the geological evolution of eastern Australia. In particular, collision between a plume-trig- gered 600 Ma volcanic passive margin and a 510–515 Ma boninitic forearc of an intra-oceanic arc had the same relative orientation and geological effects as that which produced New Caledonia. A new subduction system formed probably at least several hundred kilometres east of the collision zone and produced the Macquarie arc, in which the oldest lavas were erupted ca 480 Ma. Continued slab roll- back induced regional extension and the growth of narrow linear troughs in the Macquarie arc, which persisted until terminal deformation of this fold belt in the late-Middle to Late Devonian. A similar pattern of tectonic development generated the New England Fold Belt between the Late Devonian and Late Triassic. Parts of the New England Fold Belt have been broken from Australia and moved oceanward to locations in New Zealand, and on the Lord Howe Rise and Norfolk–New Caledonia Rise, during the post- 120 Ma breakup. Given that the Tasman Fold Belt System grew between 600 and 220 Ma by crustal accretion like the southwest Pacific since 120 Ma, facing the open Pacific Ocean, we question whether the eastern (Australia–Antarctica) part of the Neoproterozoic Rodinian supercontinent was joined to Laurentia. KEY WORDS: Australia, Lachlan Fold Belt, southwest Pacific, subduction, Tasman Fold Belt, tectonics. INTRODUCTION north–south-oriented fold belts (Figure 1) that record a con- tinuing history of crustal growth from 600 Ma until at least The Tasman Fold Belt System makes up most of the crust the Triassic. Taking into account the 800–600 Ma Adelaide of eastern Australia and consists of three broadly Rift Complex further west, this eastward younging of the 378 A. J. Crawford, S. Meffre and P. A. Symonds Figure 1 Generalised map of the Tasman Fold belt System and Adelaide Rift Complex showing constituent fold belts (modified from Scheibner 1996). fold belts has been ascribed by several generations of Phanerozoic, of fold belts that display all or most of the Australian geologists to the progressive accretion to the stratotectonic features of these collisional accretion fold Australian Mesoproterozoic nucleus of outboard elements belts, it is clear that they have been important in the growth along the southwestern margin of the remarkably long-lived of continental crust. Pacific Ocean (Crook 1980). There is consensus that conti- Interpreting the eastern Australian fold belts in an actu- nent–continent collisions have not been involved in gener- alistic framework relies heavily on an understanding of the ating eastern Australian continental crust (Coney 1992; temporal evolution of modern western Pacific-type subduc- Veevers 2000a; Collins in press). tion-related settings. Implicit in this ‘the present is the key The Tasman Fold Belt System formed by collisions of to the past’ framework is that the processes and products of arcs or microcontinents with continents, a process the modern western Pacific arc–backarc basin systems (and Scheibner (1996 p. 21) referred to as ‘collisional accretion’. their relative dispositions?) are akin to those operating at Such a mechanism of continental growth is not restricted to least as far back as 600–500 Ma around the proto-Pacific. the present western Pacific margin. A broadly similar tec- Therefore, a broad-ranging knowledge of modern western tonic style is recorded from the Altaids of Asia (Sengor & Pacific geodynamics and the tectonic settings of magma Natal’in 1996), the Pan-African fold belts of the Arabian genesis is a prerequisite to successfully unravelling the geo- Shield (Johnson et al. 1987), and the Cordilleran mountain logical evolution of the Neoproterozoic–Palaeozoic fold belt of western North America (Coney 1987). Given the belts of eastern Australia. In fact, it could be convincingly global distribution, since at least the start of the argued that the geodynamic evolution of the eastern margin Tectonic evolution: SW Pacific 379 of the Australian plate since ca 120 Ma, including the open- transport of crustal elements originally contiguous with ing of several major and minor ocean basins, and formation eastern Australia (including growth of at least two marginal of several microcontinents and intra-oceanic arc systems, is basins floored by oceanic crust), it is difficult to conceive simply a continuation of the same regime of tectono-mag- the 90–45 Ma plate boundary east of Australia being any- matic events that formed the continental crust of Australia thing but a convergent boundary. over the preceding 500 million years. In this paper, we first examine the post-120 Ma geody- Tasman Sea–New Caledonia Basin–South Loyalty namic and tectono-magmatic evolution of the eastern mar- Basin opening gin of the Australian plate between the Tonga–Kermadec– Fiji–Vanuatu–Solomons arc systems and the eastern GEOPHYSICAL RECORD Australian continental margin. Armed with this informa- tion, we then investigate the geological evolution of south- The New Caledonia Basin lies east of the Lord Howe Rise eastern Australia since 600 Ma, and identify key and west of the Norfolk–New Caledonia Ridge (Figure 2). components of former plate-margin settings now incorpo- Most studies suggest that extension in the New Caledonia rated into the continental crust of this region. A comparison Basin commenced in the Early Cretaceous and that this of the active (and recently inactive) in situ crustal elements basin is underlain by extended continental lithosphere of the western Pacific east of Australia with the cratonised (Etheridge et al. 1989; Uruski & Wood 1991; Sdrolias et al. crust of southeastern Australia lends insight into the 2002), although Sutherland (1999) suggested that the processes that generate continental crust, and into crustal southern part may have a limited amount of oceanic-type growth western Pacific-style. crust. Sdrolias et al. (2002) have proposed that the New Caledonia Basin formed as a backarc rift behind the Norfolk Ridge volcanic arc above a west-dipping Benioff FRAGMENTATION OF CONTINENTAL CRUST zone involving subduction of Cretaceous (before 120–100 OVER A RETREATING SLAB Ma) Pacific Ocean crust. Ocean crust accretion in the Tasman Sea commenced Eastern margin of the Australian Plate 120–45 Ma around 84 Ma southeast of Tasmania, and propagated northward; by 64 Ma the Coral Sea commenced opening The nature of the eastern boundary of the Australian Plate (Gaina et al. 1998). All spreading between the Lord Howe between 120 and 45 Ma is poorly understood.