First Amendment to the Action Memorandum for a Non-Time
UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 10 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 s9, tt 11JW1-s140 OFRCEOF ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP SUBJECT: First Amendment to the Action Memorandum, including a Request for Exemption from the 12-Month and $2 Million Statutory Limits on Removal Actions and an Increase in the Project Cost Ceiling for a Non-Time-Critical Removal Action for the Furnace Creek Area at Operable Unit 1 of the Black Butte Mine Superfund Site, Lane County, Oregon (SEMS ID No. 0ROOOOS15759) · FROM: Dave Tomten, Remedial Project Manager Site Cleanup Unit 2, Idaho Operations Office THRU: Davis Zhen, Unit Manager Site Cleanup Unit 2, Office of Environmental Cleanup Cami Grandinetti, Program Manager Remedial Cleanup Program, Office of Environmental Cleanup TO: Sheryl Bilbrey, Director Office of Environmental Cleanup I. PURPOSE The purpose of this First Amendment to the Action Memorandum (AM) is to request and document approval of a non-time-critical removal action (NTCRA) described herein for the Furnace Creek Area at Operable Unit (OU) 1 of the Black Butte Mine (BBM) Superfund Site (Site). This NTCRA involves the excavation of mercury-contaminated sediment/soils within the Furnace Creek drainage and placement of the excavated materials in an onsite repository within OUl. This AM is based on the engineering evaluation/cost analysis (EE/CA) and public comments received pursuant to 40 CFR §300.41S(n)(4)(iii) of the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP). The initial Action Memorandum was approved on 27 June 2007 to perform a time-critical removal action (TCRA) to mitigate exposure pathways to mine-waste-contaminated soils and sediments and reduce sediment loading in Dennis and Furnace Creek (EPA 2007).
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