Peaks Island Times 1978 Peaks Island Times, 1977 - 1978
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Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Peaks Island Times 1978 Peaks Island Times, 1977 - 1978 8-1978 Peaks Island Times : Aug 1978 Tim Fitzgerald Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Fitzgerald, Tim, "Peaks Island Times : Aug 1978" (1978). Peaks Island Times 1978. 3. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Peaks Island Times, 1977 - 1978 at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Peaks Island Times 1978 by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PEAKS ISLAND TIMES Vol.2 No.2 AUGUST 1978 25 CENTS NORTH MEETS SOUTH ON PEAKS P H OTO - LEON COUGH Cont. page 5 3. ~eat i.m!:ediately. Ice water CASCO 8A1 HEAC,TH CENTER NEWS baths untii tom is drun to 101°. STAFF Keep in cool.. l.»z.t ventilated room MANAGING tJlth fan. Jw,t a reminder that Ma.l'ge .,;,ii EDITOR TIM FI':'ZGERAL:> PRODUCTION IRENE MURRAY be on a leave of absence during 4. Consult tJlth M.D . the m:mth of Julg. In as much T. SHANE ADVERTISING LORETTA VOYER as this ill her """""'1'i ty and II/SI/CT BITES 1u, .,;, ii be spending part of TI M FITZGERALD 8 SUBSCRIPTIONS LORETTA VOYER the time on the is l.and en After r""'°"ing stinger (if Joying her familg, it is 1'8- DISTRIBUTION DOUG MACVANE bee) applg ice to reduce SEC . - TREAS . IREIIE MURRAY ,;uested that islanders respect paste swelling, apply of & her privacy. Please do not 'a meat ~~er PHOTOGRAPHY app1"'ach her with medical EDITORIAL (ptain) and weer. Really CONSULTANT :.EON C:.OUGH t>J'Oblemo or go to her house- works! l If uhesaing or caU the Heaith Center (871- ln'<'athing difficulties ....--+4-J 29011 during office hours or clevswp, seek medical Mlp the Haine Medical Cen tar imnediate ly. THE TIMES ASSUMES NO LIABILITY (871- 0111) after hour•. FOR ANY PRINTING ERROR IN AO - HEAl,TH TIPS--- CPR VERTISING OR OTHER MATTER, EX CEPT TO PUBLISH A CORRECTION SVI/BIIRII If you are interested in OF THAT PORTI ON THAT IS IN a ca:rdiopu lmonary resU8ci ERROR . l . Avoid «mg e,:pol>W'e, get tation class on the iatand, a tan grodualty. please Mlt the health center 2. For bu.m.s, get into and let U8 kw.,. If enough shade, apply ice or coU peopl,e are interested, !JS WE AT THE TINES WOULD LI KE a;,pUcationa to area evecy will ar,,ange a class for EVERYON E TO KNOW ABOUT OUR 20 min. foz, 4-24 hrs. August. 3. Do not pop bUsters. ADVERTISING RATES, THEY ARE r.iash careful!,; L>ith pero:dde. J.btch for signs of infection. VERY REASONABLE, AT$ 3,00 PER 4 . Ori,nk. ptentff of cool $(Jl{!,{EII HOURS COLUMN INCH, wter. Wear loose cwthing. $tarting th• """k of Ju iy 3, S. Avoid e.:poeure t;o sun ths Health Center i.Jili be Will DESIGN THEM OURSELVES until- acute stage subsides. open o tio,Js a .,eek. M:mday OR YOU MAY SUBMIT THEM PRE- 6. Seek medical help if no from 10:00-6:30PM, all other irpMVeme,it. tio,Js from 9 :00 -4:JO PM. DESIGNED IF YOU WISH , PHOTO- SU!ISTWJKE GRAPHS ARE AVA ILABLE WI THIN VET ON Pl!:AKS ISLAND THE AREA OF THE AD FOR AN 1. .Vear hat in hot mm. ADDITIONAL TWO DOLLORS, OUR 2. Symptoms--sudden onset of If it ia time to have 1fOU1", listness ., hea:Cachea, pet irruniz.ed or checked, . DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISING IS dizziness, loss of appetite, wt<Jh for posters THE 20TH OF EVERY MONTH, I F nausea .. chest distress, de a date and tine i.,lu,n Dr. N areased 8"lCating i.Ji th dr,; hot Heldenbrand be on the YOU DES IRE MORE INFORMATION .,;.zz "'<.:> flushed akin. Musc-ata'l' ""'""P• istand this July or August. < or Q. OR WOULD LIKE TO SUBMIT YOUR OWN PLEASE WRITE TO PEAKS Peaks Island Times ·· Subscriptions ISLANO TI MES, P.O. BOX #53 , ONE YEAR SUBSCR I PTI ON RATE - $2.00 PEAKS ISLAND, ME , 04108 . UNLESS MAILED OFF PEAKS ISLAND, IF SO - $3.00 THANK YOU, ED, PUBLI SH ED MoNTHLY NAME ----------------- A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ADDRESS ________________ J OACH IM ARSENAULT FOR THE TIME , EFFORT AND CITY ________ STATE --- ZIP -- MATERIALS USED IN CREA- CLI P AND MAIL TO: PEAKS IS~AHD TIMES TING OUR VE RY OWN~ P,0.Hox #'>5 li£ NEWSPAPER HOLDERS . PAGE 2 STATE AND COUNTRY, IHE ROPERT ~ LETTERS: CURRENT LAW STATES THAT A BORTION IS LEGAL, WHETHER I AGREE OR NOT, I ALONE CANNOT CHANGE IT TAKES EXPERIENCE AND THE LAW, THERE IS A MOVE ,,u·t»,.:V i -12 MENT TO REVERSE THIS LAW SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE ANO I WISH ALL WELL, IT AREA, TrlE MARKET, AND ~L ~ IS STI LL IMPORTANT TO ME HOWEVER THAT SOME CONSIDER THE FINANCING TO BRING UEAR LORETTA, ATION BE GIVEN, IN ANY RE I 'M BACK NOW AT PEAL EFFORT, THAT THE MED ABOUT SUCCESSFUL SALES WEE COTTAGE(NEAR SPAR CovE) ICAL PROFESSION BE ALLOWED ANO WISH TO EXPRESS MY DEEP TO INTRODUCE ABORTION AS OR PURCHASES OF ISLAND ~PPRECIAJION TO ALL WHO A POSSIBLE SOLUTION TO THE 'RESCUED AND SAVED FOR HE VICTlrS OF TH E TWO CRIMES PROPERTY MANY ARTICLES THAT WERE THAT ABHOR , SCATTERED TO THE WINDS FEEL ST80NGLY ABOUT DURING THE DISASTROUS STORM THE ABOVE AND I WILL FIND LISTINGS ON LONG, PEAKS, OF FEBRUARY OF THIS YEAR, IT HARD TO COMPROMISE MY IN WHICH HY COTTAGE WAS POSITIO~. I AH ON RECORD LITTLE DIAroND, CLIFF, HALF BLOWN AWAY, IN THE LEGISLATURE TO HAVE GREAT DIAroND, CHEBEAGUE THANK YOU VERY MUCH, SUPPORTED A Bl~L THAT WAS 1NTRODUCED BY KEP, ANN E AND OTHER ISLANDS INCLUD RUTH H. J OHNSON BOUDREAU WHICH I BE LIEYE ING LOTS, COTTAGES & YEAR LWAS INTRODUCED BY THE PRO ROUND HOMES, DISTINGUISH !FE iROUP, DEAR IS LANDERS, I NALLY HAY I SAY ED MAINLAND PROPERTY, I WAS INTERESTED TO THAT RESPONDED TO THE FIND THAT A NEWSLETTER WAS QUESTIONAIRRE WILLINGLY ALL PARTIES TO A REAL AND GAVE NO THOUGHT AS CIRCULATED ON THE PRIMARY ESTATE TRANSACTION SHOULD ELECTION DAY INOICATIN~ TO WHAT WOULD 8E POLIT I THAT HAD ANSWERED A PRO CALLY SMART, I ANSWERED BE FULLY SATISFIED , We LI FE QUESTIONAIRRE THAT CANDIDLY, HONESTLY, ACCORD- ACHIEVE THIS GOAL , HAD BEEN SENT TO ME AND NG TO MY CONVICTIONS, AND THAT I WAS LISTED AS BEING WOULD TRUST THAT ALL MY FREE CONSULTATION ON IN FA~OR OF ABORT ION , ISLAND FRIENDS WOULD APPRE THE QUESTIONAIRRE AS CIATE THAT, SELLING YOUR PROPERTY - ASKED IF I FAVORED ABOR SINCERELY, THROUGH OUR AGENCY OR ON TION QN DEMAND, I ANSWERED REP, Eo1TH BEAULIEU THAT I SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUR OWN, CURRENT LAW AND QUAL I FI ED / ON THE BACK OF THE PAPER YOUR ISL.AND AGENTS THAT I FEEL THAT THE VIC TIMS OF THE HEINOUS CRIME MIKE DONALDSON OF RAPE AND INCEST NEED HOWARD U. HELLER TO HAVE AN OUT OF A PREG NANCY THAT OCCURRED UNDER THE A80VE CIRCUMS TANCES, I BELIEVE THAT I WAS ALSO ASKED A QUESTION ABOUT MEDICAID PAYMENTS FOR ABOR- P<)fsla11d IONS, MY RESPONSE IS THAT LINt:NS T CANNOT SUBSCRIBE TO ANY W OOLI.N. Rcalt;· LAW THAT IS DISCRIMINATORY , JlWC&.IU' IHE CURRENT AMENDMENT PRO htl"QATC.O ~coos POSED IS INDEED DISCRIMINA TIIIA01TfONAL IU:COJtt!9 (207> -775-7253 TORY, I AM A CATHOLIC, MY Th<whano,, RELIGION FORBIDS ABORTION, IOU..:ha.nt,:1:' Sc. (\)nlanJ.M•frw BUT I WI LL NOT IMPOSE HY 7if-''58Jl FAITHIOR BELIEFS ON OTHERS, ALSO AM SWORN TO UPHOLD THE LAWS OF THIS F0ttktet1 / 1'>ftlarod. M.- PAGE 3 7n-,un SPORTS PEAKS lSLAIID SO FT BALL 50 YRS, STATE OF MA I NE OAY RAC E : The Peaks I s l a nd Al l• Sta rs continue d the ir N MIDDLE ''The Great Stat e of Ma i ne red -ho t drive t oward Da y Race", a three -way aar STREET , athon b e tween can oes , b i kes , another unde f eat ed sea son, and f eet e nded a t the saa e not ching four more wi ns f inish l ine o n t he sho r e o f since my last pe n spoke . ~ CHILTON PAIN T C Port l and ' s Back Ba y on Satur June 4 : Village vs. Peaks 772- 49 ExCHANGE ST day, Jun e 17 . Fern and Eddie Pa r ke r 5671 Co ngratulations t o Biff He r bro ught the cre w f r o• PORTLAND, ME the Village Cafe o n New bert and Bob Nile s of Pe aks PAI NT- UNFI NISHED FURNI TURE I sla nd who grabbed 2nd pl ace bury Stree t in Por t land in the short-c l ass; and also t o Peak s f or a ful l da y PAINTERS SUPPL IES t o Paa Kan e a nd El len Ziaaer of picnic and s o ftbal l WALLPARER man of Peak s Island , Da vid The All -St ars wo n hand Titcoab of Ca sco Ba y Ll nes ily 10-4 i n t he f irst WE WILL DELIVER ANY ORDER and Jeff Zi pper f rom Port gam e , and the B t e aa l and al l of whom finished {Peais) be a t the Villa ge 5th in t he wa r c a noe class .