Casco Bay Breeze

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Casco Bay Breeze >•» Established voL? NO. 7 1901 N PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1916 V y g3 jS. % 5 CENTS AT WHEEL U YEARS PEAKS ISLAND HOUSE CAPT. JAMES L. LG;JG RECALLS I THIS EARLY DAYS OF STEAM- POPULAR HOTEL IS NOW BOATING. OVERFLOWING WITH GUESTS. Took Command of Str. Cordon When ■Social items of Under Interest Concerning Not Twenty.One. Those Preserve Staying Here. "There fii-e s.'x Summer Why thirty different This season Goods courses taken by the Str. promises fair to be the Merrycon- 'test for several The of eag each oil her j years. Already the You our good Summer way trips up and hotel is find store attractive and full things down full to overflowing. Those Casco Bay, each course vary- i vho are unable to of to use ing in duration from one minute to get rooms in the merchandise that will interest next lotel are you Winter? seven placed in the minutes. It is plain sailing being Union !ouse, which is run as in clear weather, except for the ne- being an an- lex to the Peaks Island House. cessity of holding the steamer to her Much is done for SOUVENIRS time and making train connections being the enter- Be But ainment of the hotel Sugar May High, at Portland, but in the fotr the p'r>«- guests during 'heir visit. On Monday night, Au- Metal Novelties Fir gust 14th a and Pillows Blueberries do not need much sugar. Fruit quartet from the Snow Bags jars Hill, Alabama, Institute a at less than gave very Fountain Pens the wholesale price. oleasing and interesting program of plantation melodies as sung by the Kodaks in and Fine N'egroes the old plantation days. Supplies . Then on Stationery Quarts 6c each or 72c a dozen Tuesday night a most en- joyable evening was spent by the ho- and tel folk at Developing a dance in the hotel par- Printing Pints 5c each or a lors. This was Books of 60c dozen dance exceedingly Every Kind 'inique, it being named an apron and Magazines Famous necktie Large Mouth Style—"Ball's Sure S^al" Make dance. This means that all Leather Goods day Tuesday the ladies were busy making aprons and neckties to match. Tennis Then Outfits Golf the neckties were placed in en- Goods velopes and at the dance were given to the men.. Then each man had to Brass Novelties find his partner by finding the wearer R. S. DAVIS CO. of the apron that matched his tie. of The Complete This, course, caused much amuse- Homefurnishers ment, the halls were continually echo- ing the burst and roars of laughter Cor. Exchange and Federal Streets from the Short & merry throng. A prize of a Loring, Harmon nve F. E. HASKELL, Treasurer pound box of candy was given to the best and a tine dox ci- Monument apron of Sq. gars to the partner. Tne evening was one ol great enjoyment and hilar- it- ^sterday the Demurrage Commit- tee of the New England railroads held CAPT. JAMES L. LONG. Iheir annual field day on the island making their headquarters at the ho- t a k s a est 3101 tt o HOUSES PAINTED I attention must he paid to keeping tel. Here they were served a deli- •p b ?ji tt s r exact courses and speed, with all al- j cious shore dinner by Manager Ralph iSalph t. 2Uuuc, lowances for ebb and tlood tide," said I".. Rowe, who oversaw that every- fflattagcr Capt. James L. Long to the Casco thing was done for their pleasure and JJcaks Sslaufc : : : With Bay Breeze representative yesterday. comfort. The committee has made (Easrn itfaii. fflaiue | Knowing from some years of riding ! ie hotel its headquarters on its an- on the str. Merryconeag that Capt. n-ial field da> for many successive NOW OPEN Long must have some interesting re- y.ars. ZINOLIN ■'°ft''ns Of the past days of Last night Mrs. Ccrilla Nations he was asked to re- anister of Texas entertained the ho- around salt wjter • will latt own experience. 1 guests for the evening by the tell- Famous for , L.uttn^i in 11• years longer and^ho!3 brighter str. Gordon in 1884, when just under plantation lite. Mrs. banister was than lead and oil. It's 21 years of age, having a special per- certainly most interesting, her subject mit from Inspector Polister and run- ;j altnu'tinc attention because of its agement, superb guaranteed. ning her on the Harpswell route for oddness. location and fine Geo. I'. Wescott, who owned the 1 in«- On Monday, Edward Abner Thomp- at that time. The Gordon carried son the fatuous lecturer and entertain- shore dinners. Ev- 250 passengers and had a length of er will speak here on the subject of "Stones ninety feet, about the same as the , from Life." Mr. Thompson modern, is str. Maquoit now. She was pur- | being recognized as being one of erything 1 i chased at and run with the coming lecturers in the country Accommodates 500. ZINOLINC non poironour) Bangor the str. Madeline, which had been built j and undoubtedly will well prove ! Rates, booklets and "Arnold-ized"Zinc paint new for the line. Capt. Long had worth hearing. piloted the str. Madeline on the Port- The guests seem greatly to enjoy j floor plans on ap- land-Yarmouth route before the trol- the sailing about the bay. Daily ley line was built. The str. Alice, j large parties may be seen leaving the I plication. : hotel verandas which was built for the Hotel Waldo for an afternoon sail i W. F. Paint Co, at Little Chebeague by Gov. Cleaves I among the pine clad islands. Bathing ! Bragdon 1 are and Burnham & Morrill was used on and fishing also among the sports The this route which the seem to Yellovv Front Paint Store while the hotel was con- j guests enjoy, al- Mail O-ders Given Careful ducted by Ex-Register of Probate I though they say that the water is too and Prompt Attention cold now Candies 47 EXCHANGE 1 ORTLAND .Joseph B. Reed, about 1804, but the to really swim in with any STREET, hotel was destroyed by fire a few i comfort. years later and the Alice transferred Those recently registered here are Cut Prices on all on your to and from Agents for Page & way the boat to the Harpswell route, where she Miss Emma E. Holcomb, N. V. city: Drues and Patent Sha Fish, Apollo did winter and summer service. Miss Sophie Muller, New York city; Capt. Medicines and L»utch Dainties Long has seen the ice so thick off Mr. John M. Livingston. Englewood. Candies South Harpswell that the mail from N. J.: Mr. A. S. Holmes, Chicago: the Alice was landed in a dory on Mr. J. Williams, Boston: Miss N. Wil- the back side, off Ram Island, the liams, Percy S. Ackerman and wife. Brownie Cameras KODAKS dory being manned by A. E. Pink- Portland; Mr. B. 0. I.oeb, New York now Miss ham, the sucessful liveryman at city: It. Bailey, New York city: $1.25 up $6 up Harpswell. The same winter, the J Miss C. Good. Mr. C. F. O'Keefe, Before You Decide on landing at Orr's Island become im- j Cambridge; Mr. F. O'Keefe. Cam- and the Brine or send films to us possible Alice used to be bridge. Mass.: Miss Katherine T. your for Developing, i'tinting or Enlarging toggled to the ice instead of the Clarke. New York city: Mrs. Thomas or wharf. The gang plank was run out I J. Lappin, Portland; Miss Katherine on The Liquor Drug Treatment the ice and passengers walked I Finn, Portland; Miss Eleanor Camp- Simmons & Hammond Store Consider into whose carefully hands you place yourself. Serious SUMNER C. DAVIS, (Continued on Jr.. Prop., Pharmacist investigation by physicians and prospective patients Page 2.) (Continued on i'age f>) results in the invariably selecting KBELEY—the Original, Ra- 633 tional Treatment. Scientific, Soda Congress Street Briefly here's why: 36 years' skilled Kodaks physicians, success, kindly treatment, natural health building, reasonable charges, no no restraints, drastic methods, no publicity. We treat both men and women. No nausea or bad after effects— we do not use Hyoscine, emetics or "knock-outs." Established :'»6 years. Interesting booklet in mailed plain, sealed wrapper. Write today. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 523 CUMBERLAND AVENUE, COR. MELLEN STREET CLEARANCE SALE of Entrance to Wildwood Inn. Shore and Chicken Dinners Afternoon Tea Hart, Schaffner & Marx Sand Beach, Bath Suits Summer Suits Houses, Bathing to Let. 500 Foot landing for motor When boats at all You in Portland Visit tides. Can Save $2.50 to $8 50 by Your Suit How Buying WILDWOOD INN UNLIMITED SELECTION WILDWOOD PARK, CUMBERLAND FORESIDE Wildwood Inn is the only under place personal management of English Tea HASKELL & JONES COMPANY MOUSTAKIS' Room, excepting 609 Congress Street, Portland, Maine. Locate your summer homo at r Wildwood Beach on tho picturesque Foreside. Finest auto road In State leads to properly. Modern collagen and building lots for lease and sale. Candy Every improvement installed, sew- Shop er. Sebago water, electric light, telephone: fine bathing beach and dock. & CO. SOI For particulars Concord 109-111 CONGRESS STREET apply Realty Co.. 211 Fidelity Bldg., Portland. COMMERCIAL ST., PORTLAND, ME. Our GROCERIES, MEATS and delicious loes are unsur- The PROVISIONS Quality Storo with Right Prices. passed and our Confections We have everything needed to supply th« tahle and A. A. are Hold here. only quality Have a national TOOHEY goods We eater for hotel, cottage and yacht reputation.
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