Emmet County

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Emmet County Loeb Rd N P o Charlevoix CHARLEVOIX v Ferr e o y Marion Ave t t n o y s R Twp d k Twp e Loe y b A C W v r e e a e l l k e r Produced by: Center for Shared Solutions and Technology Partnerships, Michigan Department of Technology, Management, and Budget and Management, Technology, of Department Michigan Partnerships, Technology and Solutions Shared for Center by: Produced E R v d e r 66 g r e e n L n C l u b h o u P Broc Rd s k e a D r B I n d a i a n T r a i s l r D S S ha h Burns Rd n a L Source: 2009 TIGER/Line, U.S. Census Bureau, Michigan Geographic Framework, v10a Framework, Geographic Michigan Bureau, Census U.S. TIGER/Line, 2009 Source: n w R d See Rd B i r Lake Charlevoix Lake d l a n d r D B i g 31 S R o Eveline t r c Woods Creek Dr u t k h R Twp e d r s R S u d s a Q n C r B e o u e y k n e C a i t y Shr ey R igl R d d r t HayesTwp e r l i BURGESS n e Island Skillagalee R Brown Rd d Smith Rd Burgess Rd U O p ld Burgess Rd p U e S r 3 B 1 a H y w y S h o r e R d Maple Grove Rd Maple Grove Rd S t o l t R d Burnett Rd D VILLAGE a MIDDLE l t o n LakeMichigan R U d n d i n Murray Rd e R d HART GOOD Lamkin Rd M i d d P l i P O n e l Stephens Rd M d c i T h n r e V a l r c r r i y h q l u R e l a e d r t g t r e y e T rl R B R d d o Townline Rd CORNERS RYANS y H Horto B o n Creek Rd SHORE BAY r n t W o o n P Townline Rd Church Rd e y C r o n r e r C e t m e s o M k N e i n w t L r a y a v R o k ,08/05/10 r e e t o R d S i n O h D T d o d c r r r r e o Lone Rock Rd h L c D u h r e n L p 119 a k R C o 119 r w R R d h o BAY HORTON e u r d d S b R r h o i c H orton d Bay Rd r e n P h CARPENTER D r i s k R Terpening Rd o e R C F Johnston Rd d iv n e e R h W Twp y M Bay d a i R O l c il kin r r e s l d a d l C o e n f T R t r U v d r e M R i l e S o l i k i West Rd S d u d i 3 m Five Mile Creek R x d t d Vorce R o Hannah Rd d 1 l l e A T t H r R v R w l d e d Readmond Camp Daggett Rd y Camp Daggett R T d C D r C Webb Rd i o S Lake Shore Dr ld rness Rd Wi e c Gully Rd i v a a k i m s s R t i p a o d M Barkley R O d l n l S D O d a Twp t R n r h H i t s o e d h L r R r t e n o Friendship w a n i o d B R I a o l s e F y HEIGHTS d d a l F i r C a r w R ZENITH a a n y R d k R d D n R r H Twp d d d Townsend Rd A Ridge Rd V K S E R S i e i CORNERS BECHONS r u e L P t w i VILLAGE 31 m b c u a on Hill Ln CROSS E Be c i k e n R t State Rd n s V l e s e o d R G O c m E r r n e P L G r d T e u I N r f M R e w a e y e T n l r a R X JOHNSONS r BEACH FOREST s b n e i d i La s n ke G f rove R CORNERS d r M t d i w f C i n w e e v V O a O s E r i n a u i s r s U l n d R T C t l H R l a a b N d e h d o a D u O k Rd C T d F I D W e i n Resort Y r i r p r S n O d R o r ig i n d t r s p e U t R e h Twp d u e R r N e d w m t V M R T o i d a r Y ll a r i B r p a w o d D g n R Twp Traverse West D e n e R Twp C Vill Cross d Unincorporated Place Unincorporated Census Designated Place Designated Census Walloon Lake Walloon Village c A City l H r i W d R f k r M fs a M o b W d L W State Rd r e Cemetery Rd b o D n u a s S i a o H r r r t c d t e u R f H u u r l w o o k n B l g s a s d c D d k e r GROVE PARK GROVE LAKE e u t b h o ir s e d d l y R R s r n r d o e D e r t n L r R o t Little Traverse Bay Traverse Little d d l D S a e i STUTSMANVILLE a S n R R g R L d c p L r k T t W d e R d a h d e Q R e n r r l o w g d g R k Ru ed d G d z a R u St te d Kusha Lookout Rd o k i B e R 2 i k WILDWOOD r d c R l o G n l R k CORNER v R R PATONS u d d e l d e R d f d R Resort P n S ike Rd f d d Evangeline n HARBOR SPRINGS t D S D W h r r Sturgeon Bay Sturgeon o a Lightfoot Rd M E o I Cetas Rd H d Sta Hil Rd te St V l S n t d D l i u l o r u e d g i a e t s s re eo d n w n Dr e i L n R B d l t W a r e y e e e d T D t State R d R r r S o i v c V r s h l D Eppler o Rd l l d o e S i w i f a P l R s r l CORNERS MAPLE TREE MAPLE C r h a m Twp n o d r K i B e e g A n i rb il e or St L g s n a k a r e Gregory Rd R g r i a t y n d R E R e d k a D S R y d e M d n POINT t HARBOR r S d S S a h h i t COUNTY EMMET r L n o s a I PETOSKEY k Welsheimer Rd n e E r L d S B e Cemetery Rd a i S P A a e d s n e GARDEN INDIAN b D t t R Hoyt Rd S G t n L Z o r a a s e d r Ozedzie Rd k R M m ly d Z i a r L e a u Wycamp W t m r r a e L k k v e l t s s y e s Lake r e e e a R c S l k T P Anderson Rd t o Spring St d a L R r k o R i r a d S a m M k a n S e R e d y G d K S 131 r t p y S h WEQUETONSING o R d k R h e s L r e t o R o P d D e r D B d m s n T e r d a g H C r D i i e r a Big oot Rd r l F v p d l a u l g g r m r J i e i B a s t R o R r u a n a i n e o M D y s d w A ROARING d r n S f r v S r R t R i a e o R t n J R t BROOK d d c n d i d s e h w o a d H r d t A h R v e d n CORNERS D WEBSTERS C e 012 A Q n S S r r o l l i E S l R Saint Nickolas R i n m d Teal d d h u t R u me ts Larks Lake Rd n g t Heigh a o t n S i State t County u g Township r t o t c r t e e F y n r s k R g e C A B S A r d R G e l n u v H e H t v b B o r e e d 0.5 c A H u A d R a e k n e r d l WALLOON v i K H t i o e r l S c L l a k e b a B n r k S o a t S a s r r i L k Lake Rd u a z o C R k n R t a PARK R RAMONA t g r r R e r R g o d d y s l R d W v i e Legend n i P d LAKE d c i v T o R g e i k e n l e Hil l S w r t d d R R t l r B e R o i v d R a r e CORNER MARSH R L s n d y r d M Do g He ick d e c u al d dr R e R k R d R c d S Larks s e PLEASANTVIEW Lake West Bliss Rd d Pleasant View Twp PleasantView h s y t H C R o u B S l Rd P t e Hill C a w t l R p C ate S Ma a o t e r a S 1 t a i s i l d a o h r b c i t k c p m n c z M a ley o r R i CLARION k H e h BAY VIEW BAY t n D r w d b Bliss Twp Bliss R R i S a i l e R R s S r e a n R MENONAQUA d d n a Bear Creek Twp Creek Bear d o y t 119 d g on Rd u si R i d Div t v G h n R R r v E d A i Twp g e T Center BEACH l L a A d R K l e R r E i S v e C l e o E N D e r T R d R A n L d R R A r I L R R O A B D d a d Local Road Local Primary Road Primary ar Highway e R Freeway y CORNERS B iv CANBY er Cedar Valley Rd T A Pleasantview Rd Twp Melrose B Miles r r Ca y l t nb Rd k u Big Stone Bay Stone Big s h E i n C l l s r i e s S S e R k B M T R h a P a t B p d u l n o e e a yer Rd d R y n t i v a e n e j s r r a C r y m l ROUND C G e Clayton Rd P r e R r P e l a y n a e C by Rd S e R a n k a TraverseTwp i o LAKE n s v r R t o a d w e b v e n u d t i r e S E e v w r l a t m l i e p R r h e l L R l w l i l n R e d R i R d R B R s d Round B d d o d d Lake C r u Little u H r in M k Rd n 31 b e Chadderdon Rd Valley Rd d a e O’Neal a Valley Rd k a L k t E M h r e Lake T o e S C e y l l e v r o r a D v c r e o T w R w h r e u g r e d e r l n r a e r e i i t r n y r n T s R r l y Krause Rd BLISS M ple c a wood Dr g R d C h L G R m d G l H i u u n i a K d i i b N y d t w l i e l l a p b o t R o R R th p Trl n a R d d d g R T d G r l d Padgett Rd R Pleasa CORNERS n HEILS tview R o Benal Rd d d Fletcher Rd k W e River, Stream, or Drain or Stream, River, d WaterFeature R M Conway Railroad e Eld e i C r R d l i R B d t a c d o e B s h e CONWAY r d Stradling Rd ll s m McCleary n i Rd z e e r R d d i e l c y l s W B Russett Rd k R R s P u e Bellmer Rd Conway Rd R Nichols Rd d r s East Boundary Trl d i P d k t c Dayton Rd S A e a B AYR k a y r r R e n r k a r f d R n o e D c r d J l d r h o Gillett Rd h Keis L er Rd C n V M P G s a a r o r S h i H n a i e n d n North Ayr R Ely Bridge Rd s d k n e h R e c Phillips Rd G R d d l n o C e a R C k Bay Cecil l C h r d p e m r e e r m e o k s h R C e R e E a e a d b n R d k h d M l H w i z d a w n o R r u i o C a s e u n A d Crooked r Ayr Rd V d o s g E r d R e t e a Lake P n s i R e d P c R r M n k o d R o R R R w i d R L d n d d M e t d e K E Cobb Rd r E s i D n B Hiar E Rd l V C y r g rump R Berger R d C d R V r Sunny Ridge Rd Cook Rd Bill Rd R u a R T Durk lic d R a e d O C r a d l CECIL t O r T d C l p ODEN t u e R a o G l l e i v y i C C C s I y n e e v m c i r l L l Luce St r e B R a o a D C e y o X R N e r R O m r d n d c r r e e B k d lanch R R a r S t d R i d u e p s e n w M w n s e e d t S U d r L C o R i C k n R w n s o R t n l r d d o e a a d T k o h e d N i O a e r R n h r o t a C k o s d w E V R R Maxwell Rd d e T i U d e d d Chandler Twp Chandler r w d R S i l v R D Y e s k r e C e r Blu N mke Rd d r d R Old School House Rd Joy Ln EPSILON C d G T h Culp Rd Orchard Rd B W a W a i Y e l Springvale Twp Springvale n Moore l Rd l e l s n l h s R R Bay End Trails e P t R l Lake Carp o B d d R d p r d a McKinley a L PONSHEWAING H n l u c M a Fores R h t e Ln Twp River r M c d School Rd d s d Re Twp m R C e Silver Cre k a i F p P LEVERING n Twp o l o e r h g Maple R u e n i e v n e R n r e PELLSTON R c t Littlefield h M d y C u d F ALANSON L r d e a r e R i N J m n C e B k o i C C e w r C n Twp h r a e S s e d Kugler Rd Hon ette R e eys u t Roy Rd g d k R S Reed R o r M e e a n cR c Reed Rd o e R c n p R ed d l e k k d s o R H p h C r o d M a W M k n m R y R h i CARP l e t e o a LAKE e n St im s 31 i d d s d E R R on St C y d a s c 31 31 L d o l R n l t d S a Milton R VAN l z p R s t g i BRUTUS v e r C Popla w r d Dr o i e C e P e H ell Rd r SPRINGVALE nw o Ba d S d r a a M R a e r c n t t d e R h r Zipf St i n h l k y R l Hopper Rd a d n R d R S CORNERS REASONER’S d d R t French CORNERS CURTIS Farm d Lake S M r Mitche c Wilderness Park D T t ll Rd C ew Rd Pine rl eeling Rd akevi a Townline Rd Potter Rd Wh a L D r t W t E h Wawatam a e y o s F r t e e n c R B h u S V I L a n ag r k e d M n e e g R a a A d t R n Pickerel n d S c l l d l a i r h e u.
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