Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X


Turki Zaal Amin1, Dr. Hossam Kanaan Waheed2 1,2 University of Baghdad/College of Arts, Baghdad, Iraq Email:[email protected]


Diseases and enemies of honey are among the most serious problems in the study area that threaten the life and permanence of honey bees, or limit and reduce the honey product, which is regarded important economic source for many beekeepers in the study area, which is (13) sectors, that the most important diseases are viral diseases, Such as: Sacbrood virus, bacterial diseases such as (AFB, European foulbrood (EFB), and unicellular disease ( apis), as well as bee parasites such as destructor , wax worms, hives beetle, bee louse, and Acarine disease (bronchiectasis), as well as the enemies of honey bees such as the Merops, the eastern red hornet , honey badger, ants, mice, and the bee wolf, as well as some birds such as the crow, the bird of paradise and the hook, as well as frogs, lizards, spiders and the sesame butterfly.

Diseases and pests have many effects on honey production in the study area, such as honey production, honey color, queen reproduction, production, pollen production, , and , as well as on the taste and smell of honey

Keywords: Bee diseases, honey production

I. INTRODUCTION Scientific studies have been concerned with (bees) and their various types. It's like any living creature, it must interact in life to reproduce, produce and continue. The maximum benefits from Through the knowledge of the highest feasibility and in various ways, and what hinders this feasibility and eliciting those benefits are obstacles, and more effective than them are the ills and diseases that threaten the life of this organism. So, bees are exposed to several diseases and illnesses that limit their activities, or eliminate them. Thus, we lose honey as a drink and a cure. The other environmental consequences that bees provide are the self- of many of the crops we need, and thus, there is no need for scientific research. Study to preserve the life of bees and the quality of their product from honey syrup, in its various colors, types, and tastes. Through which it provides the human being with a better environment, a healthy and economical high-quality manager. Reducing the causes of environmental pollution, and reaching the best results by knowing and diagnosing these diseases. One of the priorities is to create the appropriate environment for this creature (bees), especially as we study in our study that the exact location is the area of (Abu Ghraib).

The economic feasibility of raising honey bees is high, as the capital that is used is calculated without a building for the . Its production depends on honey specifically, the capital in the first year returns and increases. it to double sometimes, so is One of the profitable agricultural professions, which needs relatively few working hours in the winter, many working hours in the spring and autumn, while it is medium in the summer.

Research problem  What is the impact of bee diseases on the quality of honey product?

 What are the methods and used procedures to treat bee diseases and limit their spread?

 Study hypothesis: The study hypothesis is as follows; www.turkjphysiotherrehabil.org 9847

Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

 Bee diseases affect many properties of honey product, including taste, density and color.

 There are many procedures and means that can treat bee diseases and limit their spread.

The importance of the study The importance of the study lies in the importance of (bees) as an important organism, producer of the most important healthy drink that has healing for humans, which is honey. As well as for the effective contribution of bees in the self-pollination of agricultural crops. Thus, the importance of the study lies in the diagnosis of pests that threaten the life of bees and limit their reproduction and yield, and threaten their life and survival towards extinction.

Limits of the study; The study limits are divided into

A - Time limit: The study represented a study of the reality of beekeeping for the agricultural season 2020-2021.

B- The spatial boundary: Abu Ghraib District.

َ ، C- Astronomical boundaries: The search area is defined astronomically between two latitudes( 08 ،َ 33– َ 25 north and longitudes (o49, o 43 o11,o44) to the east. D- Natural borders: As for the َ( 33 َ ، 25 َ –33 َ، 08 َ() 33 natural boundaries of the study area, it is located within the sedimentary plain in the northern part of it, and the Euphrates River passes in southwest, forming a natural and administrative boundary for it, separating it from Anbar Governorate.

E- Administrative borders: Administratively, the study area is determined by the district of Abu Ghraib, one of the districts of the province of Baghdad, which is located in its western part and is crossed by the highway and the Baghdad-Fallujah highway.The district of Abu Ghraib is bounded from the north by Kadhimiya district, from the east by Karkh district, from the southeast by Mahmudiyah district, and from the southwest and west by the Anbar governorate

Geographical distribution of bee diseases and pests Bee colonies are exposed to many diseases and pests, just like other living organisms, by being infected with viruses and parasites that kill bees and cause their death, as well as profits, production and geo-climatic factors that have the ability to transmit viruses and diseases to bee colonies such as temperatures, winds and rain, including, what leads to breaking their wings like dust, in addition to the tools used for bees that have not been sterilized and cleaned, diseases and viruses are transmitted and lack of work experience, and to search for the factors of infection with the disease, there are three primary factors that play an important role in the occurrence of the infectious epidemiological situation, the factors are;

1 The family's community.

2 The pathogen community.

3 Effective means causing the disease.

And that the most important diseases that affect bees are viral and bacterial diseases, bee parasites and pests, and here we will refer to the geographical distribution of bee hives, their diseases and pests, as well as the impact of diseases and pests on honey production, color, density and taste. It must be noted that there are types of diseases that were not discovered in the study area, which infect bees and affect them and cause their death and lack of production, which is the bee paralysis virus, which is a viral disease, and also chalk brood disease and stone brood disease, and these are fungal diseases, as well as disease. As for the diseases that were discovered in the study area, they are as follows;

First, viral diseases

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Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

Virus is an amino acid (DNA) or (RNA) that is, the genetic material surrounded by a protein coat. Viruses do not have the possibility of dividing and multiplying themselves, that is, through the representation of nutrients, as is the case for most microorganisms such as bacteria, and most viruses multiply and spread independently and sometimes cause severe disease cases.

These viruses are found either inside the box or in the cell environment that causes various pathological conditions (1).

Sacbrood Virus It is the pathogen of Sacbrood disease, as it was observed as a result of examination by electron microscope. This virus consists of spherical particles or they tend to oval shape, and that each diameter is approximately (60 mm) microns (60 mm), as this virus was isolated from infected larvae with the disease. The candidate was tried to infect the monkeys, and this resulted in pathological symptoms, including high temperature, but also that the healthy larvae were also infected with the disease when the infection was caused by the immune system, which shows the

Sacbrood Virus. It is evident from the analysis of Table (1) that the incidence of Sacbrood Virus disease has been divided into three categories: It included the first category in which the infection rate decreased from (5.3%) and it included the districts of (Graiba, Mahmoudi and Mufti). . As for the second category, in which the rate of infection ranged between (5.4-10.5%), it included the provinces of (Akrakouf, Ayachiya, Sumailat, Fakhrya and Western Radwaniyah). As for the third category, in which the infection rate ranged between (10.6-21.1%), it included the provinces of (Biyala, Abadi and Hor Al-Basha). Meanwhile, the incidence of this disease was not recorded in the provinces (Hectria, Kharnabat, Manasir, Ghariba and Sulaymani)

The reason for the high incidence of this disease is due to the use of old tires without dusting, as well as the use of tires in weak sects; Because it contains the disease and the lack of use of experience as well as the misuse of that leads to the outbreak and spread of the disease, while the low rate of infection with this disease is due to not using old tires that carry the disease, burning or burying infected tires and using the expertise of specialists in the case of treatment and methods Use antibiotics and replace the queen with a healthy one.

Table (1) the numerical distribution of Sacbrood Virus disease for the study sample for the year 2021 AD.

S/N District number and name Number of hives Sacbrood disease

number % number %

1 4 Gharib and Soleimani 785 14,8 - -

2 8 Mahmoudi and al Muftia 733 13,8 1 5,3

3 9 Bailha 598 11,3 4 21,1

4 9 Ayyashia 218 4,1 2 10,5

5 10 Al-Abadi Howr Al-Basha 502 9,5 3 15,8

6 10 Manasir 106 2 - -

7 11 Jrayba 126 2,4 1 5,3

8 12 Fakhryya 268 5,1 2 10,5

9 13 Kharnaba 216 4,1 - -

10 14 Akkarkov 501 9,5 2 10,5

11 16 Hektria and Al-Shaar 480 9 - -

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Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

12 17 Al Radwanyya Al Garbyya 497 9,4 2 10,5

13 18 Sumailat and Saadan 264 5 2 10,5

Total 5294 100 19 100

Source: Based on the questionnaire.

European foulbrood disease In terms of the symptoms of this disease, they are similar to the symptoms of the American foulbrood as for the cause of this disease is a bacterium called (Streptococcus Pluton), which is a non-bacterial disease, and it is considered less dangerous than the American foulbrood, as the bacteria attack the small larvae, and as a result of this attack, the hexagonal eye covers that are pierced It is possible that there are no larvae in it, or the larvae appear coiled on themselves forming dark peels (2), and this disease leads to the killing of the larvae that are 2-4 days old, and the color of the larvae turns from white to yellow, then the color is red to brown and then blackish gray, as the larva turns into a non-sticky mass (3). This disease affects strong and weak sects as well and works on infecting female workers and males, especially at the age of (24-48) hours, which leads to death (3-4) days after infection (4). It is evident from the analysis of the table (2) that the infection rate of bacterial brood diseases has been divided into three categories: The first category in which the infection rate decreased from (2.3%) included the districts of (Al-Mahmoudi, Al-Muftiah, Jrayba, Fakhriya, and Kharnabat, Sumailat and Saadan) As for the second category, in which the rate of infection ranged between (2.4-9.1%), it included the districts of (Hektria, Al-Shaar, Akkarkov, Al-Manasir, Al-Abadi and Hawr Al-Basha). As for the third category, in which the rate of infection ranged between (9.2-20.4%), it included the provinces of (Ghariba, Suleimani, Bayala and Ayashiyah)

The reason for the high incidence of this disease is due to the use of wax disks and their lack of fumigation that contain honey, brood and used pollen, as well as keeping the diseased cells in the apiary, the use of old and stored bee tools is a source of infection, while the low incidence of this disease is due to the non-use of used wax disks and burning and burying infected frames with the disease and the use of scientific expertise and modern methods of treatment, which shows the Sacbrood disease.

Table (2) The numerical and relative distribution of bacterial sacbrood disease for the study sample for the year 2020- 2021AD.

S/N District number and name Number of hives Sacbrood disease

number % number %

1 4 Grayba and Soliamani 785 14,8 6 13,6

2 8 Al-Mahmoudi and Al-Muftiah 733 13,8 1 2,3

3 9 Biala 598 11,3 7 15,9

4 9 Ayyashia 218 4,1 9 20,4

5 10 Abadi Hor Al Basha 502 9,5 3 6,8

6 10 Manasir 106 2 4 9,1

7 11 Jrayba 126 2,4 1 2,3

8 12 Fakhriya 268 5,1 1 2,3

9 13 Kharnabat 216 4,1 1 2,3

10 14 Akkarkov 501 9,5 4 9,1

11 16 Hektria and Al-Shaar 480 9 3 6,8

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Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

12 17 Al Radwanyya Al Garbyya 497 9,4 3 6,8

13 18 Sumailat and Saadan 264 5 1 2,3

Total 4925 011 5294 100

Source: Based on the questionnaire

Since a long time ago, Nosema disease destroys adult bees in colonies. This disease is caused by a type of called Nosoma Apis, which is a small similar to an amoeba. At one stage of this organism, it turns into a spore as it is able to resist the environmental conditions of the environment , where it remains alive for several years, as the spore is the means through which the disease spreads from one bee to another, when a healthy bee stumbles in the stool of another infected bee infected with the disease, then it also becomes ill and becomes unable to fly.. the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, King Saud University, Bee Research Unit, without a year of publication, p. 19. It is evident from the analysis of Table (3) that the incidence of diarrheal disease Nosema has been divided into three categories;

The first category, in which the infection rate decreased from (1.5-4.1%), included all of the districts of (Mahmoudi, Muftyya, Khurnabat, Smilat and Saadan). As for the second category, in which the infection rate ranged between (4.2-8.2%), it included the districts of (Biala, Jaribah, Ayasha and Al-Manasir)

As for the third category, in which the infection rate ranged between (8.3-11.3%), it included the districts of (Al- Radwaniyah Al-Gharbiya, Gharibah, Sulaymani, Abadi, Hor Al-Basha, Hectria, Al-Sha'ar, Al-Fakhariya and Akarkouf)

The reason for the high incidence of this disease is due to the increase in humidity that rises inside the cell, which ranges between (40-50%), whether in summer or winter, and do not spray the apiary in order to reduce the humidity and cause in bees, which leads to frequent infection, while the low incidence of this disease is due to the lack of low humidity and the treatment of diarrhea periodically and follow-up of cells and the use of modern methods of treatment and early examination to detect the disease.

Table (3) the numerical and relative distribution of diarrheal disease Nosema protozoa for the study sample for the year 2020-2021 AD S/N District number and name Number of hives diarrheal disease Nosema number % number % 1 4 Grayba and Soliamani 785 14,8 10 10,3 2 8 Mahmoudi and Al-Muftiah 733 13,8 4 4,1 3 9 Biala 598 11,3 8 8,2 4 9 Ayyashia 218 4,1 7 7,2 5 10 Al-Abadi Howr Al-Basha 502 9,5 10 10,3 6 10 Manasir 106 2 6 6,2 7 11 Jrayba, 126 2,4 7 7,2 8 12 Fakhriya 268 5,1 10 10,3 9 13 Kharnabat 216 4,1 1 1 10 14 Akkarkov 501 9,5 10 10,3 11 16 Hektria and Al-Shaar 480 9 11 11,3 12 17 Al Radwanyya Al Garbyya 497 9,4 9 9,3 13 18 Sumailat and Saadan 264 5 4 4,1 Total 5294 100 5294 100 .Source: Based on the questionnaire

Bee parasites A- www.turkjphysiotherrehabil.org 9851

Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

It is a type of that infects bees, and it is an external parasite that infects the pupae and the entire insects of the female workers and prefer the males for its big size , and long circle of the life , It punctures the membranes between the rings of the body and sucks its blood (5), and it is considered one of the most dangerous parasites and pests that affect bees. It spreads rapidly and leads to the death of bees(6)

Varroa parasite In terms of shape, the shape of the varroa (female) is characterized by a reddish-brown color the pinhead size of a pin, where it can be seen with the naked eye, while the male is smaller in size, and is characterized by white color and lives in the brood only, as it is difficult to see with the naked eye.

It is evident through the analysis of table (4) that the incidence of ) Varroa Destructor disease was divided into three categories; It included the first category, in which the infection rate decreased from 1.5-5.2%, and it included the districts of (Hektria, Al Shaar, Khrnabat, Fakhrya, Jraiba, Manasir, Smilat and Saadan) As for the second category, in which the infection rate ranged between (5.3-11.9%), it included the districts of (Ghariba, Soleimani, Al-Abadi, Hor Al-Basha and Akkarkov). As for the third category, in which the infection rate ranged between (12.5-18.7%), it included the districts of (Radwaniyah Gharbia, Mahmoudi and Mufti)

The reason for the high incidence of this disease is due to the wide movement of bee hives in some areas in pursuit of nectar sources and collecting pollen, which increases the spread and reproduction of Varroa among the sects, as well as the lack of treatment of the apiary continuously and more and more of the mite in the summer , so we must follow up the apiary periodically, while the low incidence of this disease is due to the careful examination of cells, especially in the summer, and the treatment of all cells in the apiary with modern ways, and not placing the closed close to each other in order to reduce the infection and using the accuracy of specialists to treat the disease.

Table (4) The numerical and relative distribution of Varroa Destructor disease (Bee parasites) for the study sample for the year 2020-2021.

S/N District number and name Number of hives Varroa Destructor number % number % 1 4 Grayba and Soliamani 785 14,8 9 6,7 2 8 Mahmoudi and Al-Muftiah 733 13,8 25 18,7 3 9 Biala 598 11,3 12 8,9 4 9 Ayyashia 218 4,1 12 8,9 5 10 Al-Abadi Howr Al-Basha 502 9,5 14 10,4 6 10 Manasir 106 2 7 5,2 Fakhryya 7 11 Jrayba 126 2,4 5 3,7 8 12 Fakhryya 268 5,1 6 4,5 9 13 Kharnabat 216 4,1 1 1 10 14 Akkarkov 501 9,5 16 11,9 11 16 Hektria and Al-Shaar 480 9 3 2,2 12 17 Al Radwanyya Al Garbyya 497 9,4 19 14,2 13 18 Sumailat and Saadan 264 5 5 3,7 Total 5294 100 5294 100 Source: Based on the questionnaire.

B- Wax worms Wax worms: They are one of the pests that infect bee colonies, as they damage the larvae of this insect, which is making tunnels in the wax disks, where such tunnels appear lined with silk and the larvae feed during that on pollen and oats, as well as other materials. There are two important types of wax worms;

The first is the large wax worm (Graeter wax moth) which is scientifically called Galleria mollonella. Its length is (0.8-1.9 cm), and the wingspan is approximately (3 cm), and the back of the insect is brown mixed with gray, while the bottom of the wings are creamy white, and when the insect is static, the wings are truss-shaped. As for the other worm, it is known under the name of the (Lesser wax moth), and it is scientifically called Achroia griselle, as its length reaches between(0,47-1,25)

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Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X cm, while the wingspan is approximately (3 cm), and the predominant color is gray, and the two types follow the order of Lepidoptera, as the latter type is less important, while the first type is the one that causes inconvenience to beekeepers (7 ), as shown in the pictures below showing the development of wax worm larvae.

It is evident from the analysis of table (45) and map (23) that the rate of infection with wax worms has been divided into three categories: The first category in which the infection rate decreased from (2.2-5.5%) included each of the provinces ( The Western Radwaniyah , Ghariba, Soleimani, Bayala, Mufti, Hektaria, Shaar, Fakhriya, and Jrayba). As for the second category, in which the infection rate ranged between (5.6-8.6%), included the districts of (Manaseer, Sumailat and Saadan) As for the third category, in which the infection rate ranged between (8.7-16.1%), it included the districts of (Al-Mahmoudi, Mufti, Abadi, Hor Al-Basha, Akarkouf and Ayyashiyah)

The reason for the high incidence of this disease is to leave the old wax in the apiary place, which leads to the emergence of wax worms after a period of time, or the use of old wax disks because they contain wax worms, which leads to the emergence of the answer quickly and not taking the necessary precautions to combat them, and also the use of old boxes or the old, unspotted wax, all of which cause the spread of these worms, while the low incidence of this disease is due to the use of modern methods of treatment and the absence of wax tablets and old boxes containing the disease, and the burning of all old tools in the incinerator and getting rid of them.

Table (5) numerical and relative distribution of wax worms (bee parasites) for the study sample for the year 2020-2021AD.

S/N District number and name Number of Hives wax worms number % number % 1 4 Grayba and Soliamani 785 14,8 3 3,2 2 8 Mahmoudi and Al-Muftiah 733 13,8 15 16,1 3 9 Biala 598 11,3 5 5,5 4 9 Ayyashia 218 4,1 15 16,1 5 10 Abadi Hor Al-Basha 502 9,5 12 12,9 6 10 Manasir 106 2 8 8,6 7 11 Jrayba 126 2,4 3 3,2 8 12 Fakhriya 268 5,1 4 4,3 9 13 Kharnabat 216 4,1 12 12,9 10 14 Akkarkov 501 9,5 2 2,2 11 16 Hektria and Al-Shaar 480 9 3 3,2 12 17 Al Radwanyya Al Garbyya 497 9,4 4 4,3 13 18 Sumailat and Saadan 264 5 7 7,5 Total 5294 100 5294 100 Source: Based on the questionnaire

C - Beetle hives They are insects that follow the order of Hymenoptera, and their effects on bee colonies are represented by their role in destroying the wax disks containing brood, bees and honey, which leads to the spoilage of honey, which leads to its flowing at the base of the hive, and then not suitable for human consumption, because of It defecates in it, the queen also stops laying eggs, and the bees also stop raising the brood, and then the bees abandon the hive when the beetle infection intensifies, which leads to the weakening and deterioration of the hive deat)8(

It is produced from the family Nitidulidae of the order Coleoptera. Adults and larvae of this beetle are found in active bee colonies, as well as in stored beekeeping tools, where they feed on honey and pollen. Adult individuals are broad, flat, about 5.7 mm long and about 3.2 mm wide. mm brown in color) 2(

It is evident from the analysis of Table (6) that the incidence of bee beetle disease has been divided into three categories: The first category in which the infection rate decreased from (17.5-20.5%) included each of the districts ( Hekteria, Shaar, Fakhrya, Jeriba, Aysha, Akkarkov, Smilat and Saadan). As for the second category, in which the infection rate ranged between (20.1-23.5%), it included the districts of (Mahmoudi, Mufti, Bayala and Manasir)

As for the third category, in which the infection rate ranged between (23.1-28.5%), it included the districts of (Abadi and Hor Al-Basha), while the incidence of this disease was not recorded in the districts of (Al- Radwaniyah Al-Gharbiyyeh, Gharibah, Sulaimani and Kharnabat) www.turkjphysiotherrehabil.org 9853

Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

The reason for the high rate of infection with this disease is the failure to raise the cells from the ground by 20 cm and to put the apiary away from the places where the beetle is located, while the low rate of infection with this disease is to take the necessary measures to raise the cells from the ground and place the cells away from the areas where the beetle is located.

Table (6) Numerical and Relative Distribution of Bee (Bee Parasites) for the study sample for the year 2020-2021 AD

S/N District number and name number Bee Parasites number % number % 1 4 Grayba and Soliamani 785 14,8 - - 2 8 Mahmoudi and Al-Muftiah 733 13,8 1 2,2 3 9 Biala 598 11,3 7 15,2 4 9 Ayyashia 218 4,1 4 8,7 5 10 Abadi Hor Al-Basha 502 9,5 6 13,1 6 10 Manasir 106 2 1 2,2 7 11 Jrayba 126 2,4 3 6,5 8 12 Fakhriya 268 5,1 6 13 9 13 Kharnabat 216 4,1 - - 10 14 Akkarkov 501 9,5 2 4,3 11 16 Hektria and Al-Shaar 480 9 12 26,1 12 17 Al Radwanyya Al Garbyya 497 9,4 - - 13 18 Sumailat and Saadan 264 5 4 8,7 Total 5294 100 5294 100 Source: Based on the questionnaire

D- Bee louse It is a wingless insect of the order of two wings known as the bee louse or Broula socss, which is characterized by its red-brown color, and the body is covered with many hairs. It is noticeable that this insect often settles over the thoracic region of the worker and the queen. It rarely infects males, and this insect spreads from spring until autumn.

The female lays the eggs individually under the wax covers that cover the honey, as the eggs hatch after about five days, where the larvae that lay them with branched tunnels emerge through the wax cover, and in the case of feeding the whole insect, it migrates to the area of the head of its , as it extends the mouth parts of the worker next of to the opening the salivary gland, and it absorbs food, and when it finishes feeding, it returns to the chest area again (10), and it is called the two-winged bee louse, and it is also called the blind louse and is found on the body of queens and workers, especially in bees that are characterized by calmness(11)

It is evident from the analysis of Table (7) that the incidence of bee lice disease has been divided into three categories: The first category in which the infection rate decreased from (3.5-5.9%) included each of the provinces districts ( Fakhrya, Akkarkov, Manasir and Smilat). As for the second category, in which the rate of infection ranged between (6.5-9.4%), it included the districts of (Al-Radwaniyah Al-Gharbiyyeh, Al- Mahmoudi, Biala, Abadi, Hor Al-Basha, Jrayba and Ayasha). As for the third category, in which the rate of infection ranged between (9.5-16.4%), it included the districts of (Hektria, Shaar, Ghariba, and Suleimani). While the incidence of this disease was not recorded in the district of (Khernaba)

The reason for the high incidence of this disease is due to the lack of control of the apiary and leaving the cells without examination, which affects the bees and increases the rate of infection, while the low incidence of this disease is due to the periodic examination, early detection of the disease, the use of the best types of treatments, and the non-use of wax disks and old cells.

Table (7) numerical and relative distribution of bee lice (bee parasites) for the study sample for the year 2020-2021.

S/N District number and name Number of hives Bee lice number % number % 1 4 Grayba and Soliamani 785 14,8 13 15,3 2 8 Mahmoudi and Al-Muftiah 733 13,8 8 9,4 3 9 Biala 598 11,3 6 7,1 4 9 Ayyashia 218 4,1 6 7,1 www.turkjphysiotherrehabil.org 9854

Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

5 10 Abadi Hor Al-Basha 502 9,5 8 9,4 6 10 Manasir 106 2 5 5,9 7 11 Jrayba 126 2,4 7 8,2 8 12 Fakhryya 268 5,1 3 3,5 9 13 Kharnabat 216 4,1 - - 10 14 Akkarkov 501 9,5 4 4,7 11 16 Hektria and Al-Shaar 480 9 14 16,4 12 17 Al Radwanyya Al Garbyya 497 9,4 6 7,1 13 18 Sumailat and Saadan 264 5 5 5,9 Total 5294 100 5294 100 Source: Based on the questionnaire.

Effects of diseases and pests on honey production in the study area There is no doubt that any disease had negative effects and many repercussions on the honey bee insect, the first of which is the preservation of the species, and the maintenance of life for the purpose of reproduction, spread and abundance of production and achieving the known quality and quality of the honey produced, as these diseases will negatively affect the life of honey bees and the quality of the product from honey and several specifications are color, taste and smell. In this topic, I will address the most important of those negative effects related to honey bees.. as the insect that produces honey, as well as honey as a product of nutritional and health importance and economic returns, as well as what honeybees carry from the effective contribution to pollination of all agricultural crops and their economic returns on the work and activities of workers in the study area, as indicated by the following points;-

1-The effect of diseases on the amount of honey production

2- The effect of diseases and pests on the color of honey

3-The effects of diseases on the production and reproduction of parcels.

4-The effect of diseases on the production and reproduction of queens.

5-The effect of diseases on the production of royal jelly

6-The effect of diseases on pollen production

7-The effect of diseases on the production of beeswax

8-The effect of diseases on the taste and smell of honey

1- Effect of diseases and pests on honey production of healthy and diseased cells The production of honey is the desired goal to be achieved from all the processes and procedures that it seeks to carry out, and thus the production of honey is closely related to the extent to which it is affected by the types of diseases that threaten honey bees and production, whether they are viral, bacterial, or parasitic, or what affects honey bees from the dangers of pests and birds “enemies.” Bees", especially since the honey product is linked to the concept of economic feasibility that is achieved in gaining time and space from the market environment, especially competition in production(27)

Table (8) of the rate of production of healthy and diseased cells shows that the highest production rate was recorded in the districts of (Hektria and Shaar), where the production rate of the healthy cell was (26.4 kg), and the lowest was recorded in the district of (Khernabat), where the rate of cell production of healthy cell reached (13.7) kg. As for the production rate of the diseased cell, the highest rate of production of the diseased cell was recorded in the district of (Al-Radwaniyah Al-Gharbiya), where the production rate of the diseased cell was estimated at (2) kg, and the lowest rate recorded for the diseased cell in the district of (Smilat and Saadan), at (0.7) kg. It is clear from the above that diseases have a clear and obvious impact on the production of honey in the study area, because the healthy hive produces the highest percentage of about (26.4 kg), and this is clear, so we must pay attention to the reality of beekeeping in this area with its good soil and available crops, and large areas, so we note the lack of interest of the agricultural directorates in beekeeping through supervision, follow-up, www.turkjphysiotherrehabil.org 9855

Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X educational courses, providing treatments and supplies of bee tools is clear and evident in the study area (28), as shown in the picture (29), which shows the production of the healthy cell of honey in the study area.

Table (8) shows the rate of honey production for healthy and diseased hives

S/N District number and name Honey production rate Honey production rate per healthy cells/kg per diseased cells/kg 1 4 Grayba and Soliamani 20,8 2 2 8 Mahmoudi and Al-Muftiah 22,3 1,8 3 9 Biala 26,2 1,7 4 9 Ayyashia 23,1 0,9 5 10 Abadi Hor Al-Basha 22,9 1,8 6 10 Manasir 21,7 1,1 7 11 Jrayba 24 1 8 12 Fakhryya 16,9 0,9 9 13 Kharnabat 13,7 0,8 10 14 Akkarkov 17,5 0,9 11 16 Hektria and Al-Shaar 26,5 1,4 12 17 Al Radwanyya Al Garbyya 21,4 1,9 13 18 Sumailat and Saadan 22,4 0,7 Total 279,4 16,9 Source: Based on the questionnaire

2-The effect of diseases and pests on the color of honey Diseases and pests have a great impact on the color of honey. A healthy hive of diseases has a natural light color of honey. For example, the color of honey (sunflower) or sunflower is golden yellow, it turns into a dark color in the diseased hive, and this is due to the small number of bees that incubate honey and it contains some impurities.

3-The effect of diseases on the production and reproduction of parcels Diseases have a great effect on the bee kingdom; Because it leads to the death of large numbers of bees, and one of the conditions for dividing hives to make parcels is the large number of broods and numbers of bees, one of the conditions for dividing the hives to make parcels is the large number of broods and numbers of bees. A healthy hive has a brood and frames full of bees, from which more than (4-5) parcels can be divided, knowing that the price of one parcel is (625) thousand Iraqi dinars, but the diseased hive cannot be divided, but rather it is a burden on the owner of the apiary by bringing medicines and treating them, and it is possible that it will transfer the disease or pest to the rest of the apiary, and the production of bee parcels is more profitable than the production of honey on which a section of beekeepers depends, but the beekeeper needs several things. including division operations, queen rearing, nutrition and experience (30).

4-The effect of diseases on the production and reproduction of queens. The effect of diseases on bee reproduction and queen rearing is clear and evident, especially during the breeding season in the spring, especially in the third and fourth month, because it is considered the season of mating and reproduction, and that the impact of diseases is clear on the production and pollination of queens, especially bee lice or Varroa diseases that eat wings of the queens, so that they cannot fly during the mating and pollination period. One of the conditions for bee pollination is the safety of its wings; because mating is outside the hive, and here the royal houses must be chosen from the excellent and large sects, and the small royal houses must be demolished(31)

Some of the beekeepers in the study area depend on the sale of queens and consider it a secondary source added to the sale of honey and parcels. As for the effect of pests on queen rearing, such as Abu al-Khudeir, which is considered a more severe disease affecting bees, because it picks up the virgin queens during the pollination period and does not return to the apiary, which forces the breeder to raise other queens or merge the hives with each other.

5-The effect of diseases on the production of royal jelly Royal jelly is considered one of the finest products secreted by bees and more expensive than honey and the sale of parcels and wax. It is a white gelatinous liquid secreted by modern female workers from glands located in the www.turkjphysiotherrehabil.org 9856

Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X front of her head. It is the main food for the queen and the secret of her activity and longevity (32), and the effect of diseases is clear in all royal jelly, Since a healthy hive produces more than (50) gram of royal jelly, in contrast to the diseased hive that does not produce any royal jelly, because one of the conditions for producing this food is that the bees are free from diseases with a large and strong brood, especially during the period, and some of beekeepers depend in the study area on collecting and selling royal jelly, It is more expensive than honey, the price of (10) grams reaches more than (30) thousand Iraqi dinars. As for the method in which the royal jelly is collected, to collect from the royal houses, in which the larvae and royal jelly and are cut down to the level of the larva. The larvae are lifted with forceps and the royal jelly is withdrawn by suction and is filled in sterile bottles, and placed in a cool place and not exposed to light, because the light damages its properties, and that royal jelly treats many diseases such as poor growth and cases of sexual weakness, strengthens the reproductive system in both sexes, and removes wrinkles (33)

6-The effect of diseases on pollen production. Pollen is the most important substance produced by bees, which is the pollen of flowers or the powder found in flowers, this powder is attached to the hair that is in the body of the bee and transports it to the hive (34), and diseases have a significant impact on the production of this material, and that a healthy hive produces at least (1- 2) kilograms of pollen, in contrast to a diseased hive that does not produce whether the hive is sufficient for pollen, and some of the beekeepers in the study area rely on them to sell to the herb shops, because it is considered one of the most important treatments for impotence, and it is mixed with honey or wax, and the price of a natural kilogram of pollen reaches (50) thousand Iraqi dinars.

7-The effect of diseases on the production of beeswax The production of beeswax is considered to be the second largest after honey in economic terms, despite the small quantity produced in relation to the quantity of honey. It is collected when scraping the wax disks after squeezing the honey from it, and it is characterized by an expensive price, the price of a wax frame reaches (50) thousand Iraqi dinars; and because it is involved in making the required foundation for modern hives because the bees only accept wax to start working on it in the frame (35), and that diseases have a clear and obvious impact on the lack of collection of this material.

A healthy hive produces large amounts of wax, and a disease-free hive has the ability to build more than one or two frames per day, and some of beekeepers in the study area depend on selling the frame or the carob after inserting it into the hive so that the bees can build it and sell it to the bee owners. As for the diseased hive, it does not produce whether it is self-sufficient to meet its needs, and wax is sold with honey at beekeepers after it by the methods of wax squares or fragmented, or the sale of a sealed frame with wax and the price of wax is twice the price of honey (36),

8-The effect of diseases on the taste and smell of honey The different smells and tastes of honey vary depending on its plant source, where dark honey is stronger in taste and smell than light-colored honey in general, and the impact of diseases on the bee kingdom is clear on the taste and smell of honey, as a healthy hive free of diseases and pests has the taste and smell of honey depending on its plant source Its smell is clear and sweet. As for the diseased hive, the smell of honey will be an unpleasant, foul smell, and the taste of honey will have an acidic taste, and the reason for this is that the bees do not incubate the honey properly and its maturity, and after a period of storage, this smell and taste appear in it, and this type of honey is undesirable for the herbalists because it is immature and ineffective in treatments(39)

II. CONCLUSION The study of the geographical distribution of bee diseases in Abu Ghraib district shows that there are diseases that threaten and limit the life and production of honey bees, and these diseases are viral diseases, bacterial diseases, as well as parasites. In addition to the numbers of enimies of honey bees such as: the red hornet , bee lice, beetle beetles, wax worms, and the sesame butterfly, in addition to the Merops bird, the crow, the bird of paradise and the hook, and through the study it was shown the impact of natural and human factors are the most important constraints that limit the production honey bee.

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Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X

Recommendations The most important recommendations that serve the study area are; 1-All these diseases, enemies of bees and pests can be treated in modern and civilized ways and by all available methods, especially veterinary ones.

A. Agricultural and veterinary education

B. Increasing government support

C. Control is important, especially with regard to the competition of the honey product against the imported one.

D. Work on spraying pesticides using the correct scientific methods.

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