Neutrino Detection with Liquid Scintillator Detectors
Neutrino Detection with Liquid Scintillator Detectors Minfang Yeh Neutrino and Nuclear Chemistry Chemistry/Instrumentation BNL VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM FOR ETI/MTV CONSORTIA, 2021 Neutrino and Nuclear Chemistry at BNL since 1960+ 37 37 - HOMESTAKE 615t Cl + νe → Ar + e 71 71 - Gallex 30-t Ga + νe → Ge + e 780t D2O CC/NC SNO 200-kt H2O or 37-kt LAr LBNE (DUNE) 120-t 8% In-LS LENS 200-t 0.1% Gd-LS Daya Bay 780t 0.3% Nd/Te-LS SNO+ 6Li, 10B or Gd doped LS PROSPECT/LZ Metal-doped WbLS and 0νββ, dark-matter, AIT- plastic scintillator resins NEO, medical Water-based LS Scintillator Radiochemical Cerenkov 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 M Yeh, BNL VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM 2 LZ (Gd-doped) Dark Matter BNL-ν-Map SD, USA by liquid scintillator detectors AIT-NEO (WbLS) Boulby, UK JSNS2 (Gd-doped) SNO+ (Te-doped) Kamioka, Japan ANNIE Sudbury Canada (WbLS) BNL FNAL Daya Bay (Gd- doped), China PROSPECT (6Li-doped ), ORNL, TN, USA Cover a wide range of physics topics! neutrinos, dark matter, 0νββ, nonproliferation, medical physics,… M Yeh, BNL VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM 3 Scintillation Mechanism S. Hans, J. Cumming, R. Rosero, S. Gokhale, R. Diaz, C. Camilo, M. Yeh, Light-yield quenching and remediation in liquid scintillator detectors, 2020 JINST 15 P12020 fast slow Stokes shift, photon-yield, timing structure, and C/H density determine the detector responses M Yeh, BNL VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM 4 Scintillator Components C. Buck and M. Yeh, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 43 093001 (2016) 200tons of Daya Bay Gd-LS produced in 2010; stable since production.
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