Sri Sharada (Bailur Math) 1 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on )

Name of Project: VIVEKA DARSHAN (A Cultural, Spiritual, Educational Theme Park and A Global Monument Complex on SWAMI VIVEKANANDA)



Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 2 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda)


“qÉlÉ cÉsÉ ÌlÉeÉ ÌlÉMåüiÉlÉå” [‘Mana chala neeja niketane’]

Swami Vivekananda sang.

~ Divinity resides within us, and let us find what lies within ourselves. Have faith in yourself. There is no teacher better than your own soul ~

As we all know Swami Vivekananda’s legacy appertains to the entire humanity. His philosophy has a global relevance. His charismatic personality has been awakening and inspiring the masses all over the world to unite and form one world of love, peace and harmony. His stunningly influential thoughts and speeches breathe wisdom and hope in the heart of humans.

Man has money, but lost his peace, path and ground. There is social emergency. He loved our Nation, love Humanity. Man needs inner transformation than external glory. Only Light of the world is India and Vivekananda for they preach beyond all differences preserving the diversity. The profound presentations covering all aspects of human life and existence like the philosophy of life, youth and character building, education, women social uplift and welfare, religion and faith as propounded by Swami Vivekananda has to be made to reach the entire mankind to flow through to the generations to come. Mainly to awaken the future generations and the modern man and of course to commemorate his immense contribution to mankind, to preserve the philosophy of Life that Swami Vivekananda preached and to keep the future generations inspired The Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashram (Bailur Math) has been planning for a permanent Global Memorial Complex of Swami Vivekananda surrounded by a colourful eco‐tourism complex. This will contain educative and informative visions on Indian culture, how it is deeply integrated with the nature and environment and history in a subtle manner with rich artistic components that also entertains visitors. The overall perspective of an integrated spiritual and scientific approach has been chosen for the development of the concept.

Amidst pristine rocky woodland at foot of Nakre hillock near to the Udupi–Karkala–Dharmasthala highway in Karnataka, the Bailur Math envisages to build a statue of Swami Vivekanada, in the Sannyasin attire. This will be built with stone and other materials already available there, standing on a pedestal befitting the size of the monument on the ready available rocky area. The faces of the pedestal will also hold carved murals and inscriptions.

The approach and surroundings of the rock will be sprinkled with glimpses of socio‐religious and cultural heritage of India through conventional art expressions and digital presentations, blended in an ideal balance.

A heritage complex, museum on Life and Teachings of Swami Vivekananda, the undelying philosophy of oneness of Divinity which Swami Vivekananda practiced and preached, which was received from his teacher Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa shall be theme of display here in Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 3 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda) most subtle manner. In addition to this with the serenity of the surrounding environment kept intact to make a visitor roam, sit and meditate; they may even catch glimpses of various aspects of Indian civilization and also enjoy the beauty of nature in the various theme gardens, which will enhance the variety of display to be included in the expression.

The park will also serve as a spot for environmental tourism with the serenity of the surrounding environment kept intact to make a visitor roam, sit and meditate. The gardens bordering the sections will be laid out thematically, like a Buddha van, Pitravan, Aushadhi van and the likes to stress the importance of the Trees, Flora and Fauna as an integral part of our nature, and the visitors will be motivated for improving the forest wealth in their place by doing afforestation for the saplings distributed in the park.

The overall perspective of an integrated spiritual and scientific approach has been chosen for the development of the concept.

Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 4 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda)


 Introduction and Name of the project

 Location

 Entrance

 Reception

 Arched Passage

 Administration Block

 Meditation Hall

 Viewer’s Stand –I

 Viewer’s Stand ‐II

 Water Body with fountain for Projection show

 Central Monument with sculpture

 India Cultural Glimpse

 Koti‐Chennaya Image

 Circumbulation Path

 Museum Complex

 Vedic Village

 Shrine with Prayer Hall

 Staff quarters

 Pathways

 Eco‐Tourism and Environmental Awareness Promotion

Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 5 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda)


To preserve the philosophy of Life that Swami Vivekananda preached, a Global Monument and eco‐tourism park is envisaged in the hilly forest area in the outskirts of Karkala, near to the Udupi–Karkala–Dharmasthala highway. The focal point of the proposed Park will be a statue of Swami Vivekananda. The statue will be in the standing sannyasin attire of the monk. A heritage park will be developed around the monument with various other thematic components.

The park will serve as a spot for environmental tourism cum spiritual journey for visitors on a same day or even for a longer – stay/visit. A circulation is planned with glimpses from many a sought after religious and sight‐ seeing wonders of India all along the wayside. This while displaying the World Heritage Sites in India will include famous temples, shrines of different religious sects in India. The underlying philosophy of oneness of Divinity which Swami Vivekananda practiced and preached from his teacher Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Deva shall be theme of the display here, in a most subtle manner.

The passage will lead to the balconies for viewing the main statue. People interested may go further and see a display of India through the ages with a galaxy of sculptures, murals and paintings, placed on terraced garden.

The gardens bordering the sections will be laid out thematically, like a Buddha van, Pitravan, Aushadhi van and the like. Local flora with nesting birds and small animals will cheer the visitors and keep them tuned to nature all along the journey.

The mammoth statue with a circumbulatory [parikrama] at its base will be the most imposing component of the area and will be supplemented with a step garden of cultural heritage of India and a museum on Swami Vivekananda’s philosophy of different aspects of life as the theme.

A Vedic village complete with a period habitat, market, artisan‐centre, yogashala and a gaushala will be the main attraction. Triple shrine of Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Holy Mother Sri Maa Sharada , and Swami Vivekananda will be the live Temple pavilion of the village. People opting to live a Vedic pattern of life will be offered to stay for definite periods. Herbal gardens and organic farming and plantations shall be a part and parcel of the village.

Tourists and visitors may go around the village and the whole place in a regulated manner. People visiting for meditation, gauseva, , Karaseva may stay for longer periods in areas allocated for such activities.

The suggested name for the site: ‘VIVEKA DARSHAN ‐a place for awakening of the mind’

Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 6 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda)


A spot for spiritual and environmental tourism is proposed; a location not obscured by noise or air pollution was suitable. Therefore a serene area was selected at the foothills of Nakre located near to the Udupi–Karkala–Dharmasthala state Highway, about 4.5Kms from the heritage district town of Karkala. The Nakre Kallu hillock in its split form is a fitting backdrop to the site.

The area being a forest tableland will have to be dressed for allocating to the various components of the project. The hills, dales, plains and a natural water body shall be used to best advantage of the development of the project. The approach to the place is narrow therefore negotiations are on with private owners, neighbouring the facia, for addition to the existing frontage to make a proper façade, entry, exit and parking to the area. The total extent of Theme Park might come upto 21acres.


An ornate arched gateway carved out of local stone is planned for the entrance. This will be fitted with metallic sliding gates electronically locked and controlled by security staff housed within the broad archway. Security check sections for visitors, staff, hand bags/baggage and a cloakroom for depositing belongings will be positioned right at the gate.

The entrance will be directed from signage on the outside from both sides of the approach road. Vehicular traffic will not be allowed inside gate. As the whole area is to be pedestrian, hence a large parking for tourist buses and private vehicles will be organized before the entry/exit point.

Emergency Services office to contact fire, security and other disaster management will also be housed right at the entrance, so as to serve as the important link with the service providers.


A most hospitable environment in a large lobby with touch screen pathfinders, computerized ticket and cash card counters for visitors will be offered at the Reception. Manual counters will supplement automated computerized ones. International standards of public conveniences, dispensers for water, soft drinks, tea/coffee and packed snacks shall be made available.

Bookings for meditation, yoga, gauseva, karseva, stay at the Vedic village will also be provided here.

Guides for students and other groups will be a call away from here. Battery cars/golf‐carts/wheel chairs and attendants for the differently abled, VIPs, aged and unwell visitors will be kept for use. Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 7 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda)

A partitioned area at the reception will hold a large l.e.d.screen showing the various things to be seen and used at the site will serve as the interpretation centre.

Arched Passage:

The visitor traffic is proposed to pass through a corbelled or vaulted walkway leading to the viewing area of the main monument.

To break the monotony, certain monuments and historical sites linked to Swami Vivekananda will be displayed through projection system (virtual reality) with a commentary, which may be in different languages through apps.

This while protecting the visitor from environmental harshness will provide a close glimpse of monuments and religious places which every traveller aspires. Ramakrishna recognized that in spite of the differences all religions lead to the same ultimate goal, hence they are all valid and true. Vivek‐Darshan will depict World Heritage Sites in India in a scaled down replica in original form and material. Important Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian etc religious spots will also be include in a single enclave to remind the public of oneness of Divinity and its pursuance, for attaining inner peace, the core of Ramakrishna’s philosophy.

Administrative Block& Meditation Hall:

This will house the management and offices of Vivek‐Darshan in the ground floor and a large meditation hall at the top of the block. Regular, repeated and one‐time visitor who‐so‐ever wishes, may meditate in here. The members and staff workers could take a break from work or begin and end their duties with meditation. Visiting meditators will require prior bookings for admission.

Controls of each and every section of the Darshan premises shall be monitored from here and special control posts for extra security, cleanliness and other services will report here, so that they are continuously manned and overseen. Administration will be both electronically and manually controlled.

A small area for medical care will also be arranged here with a medic and paramedic on roll to attend emergencies in the complex and connect with ambulances to hospitals etc.

The Viewing tower and balcony [I& II] These will be a glass‐front lobby and an open‐to‐ air roofed balcony for viewing the colossal statue from a height and distance to get a complete look. It will be the viewer’s choice to choose the spot based on the computerized information at the base of the towers.

A limited number of viewers will be admitted for a fixed time especially if there is a rush or whenever controlled entry if required. Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 8 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda)

The tower and the Balcony will stand 50‐60 persons. There will be waiting area downstairs with seating and conveniences.

Water Body with projection on fountain:

A large waterhole exists right in front of the proposed rock‐table where the statue of Swami Vivekananda is to be built. This body will be filled with water throughout the year. It will be fitted with powerful fountain which may act as a water‐screen for holding projections. Being at a level below the ground the screen does not get distributed by air currents. Films projected on different subjects on the theme shall run undisturbed for public to watch either from the viewing areas or from spaces created for the same.

The shows will be ticketed and timed for the evenings with translations in different languages available through apps.

Central Monument with Sculpture:

Swami Vivekananda is perfect human ideal; an ideal for all times for all people at all places. He is youth icon. Free from politics, free from all differences of caste, creed, religion, race or nationality. A well‐ wisher of all and loved by all. He is embodiment of strength and purity, of universal love and patriotism, of supreme knowledge and pure devotion, of unselfishness and dedication, of service and sacrifice, of renunciation and asceticism. The world must receive his message and be blessed to bless the rest of the world.

It is proposed to build a magnificent image of Swami Vivekananda which will be the focal point of the Darshan area. It will be built on the rocky natural platform available and will stand with Divine Nakre Hillock as its background.

Finest engineering, technology and sculptural art experts will be employed for the unique works. They will be advised and overseen by a team of international experts regularly. The whole theme of the area will revolve around the statue, and it will be visible even from far away distant places.

The Statue shall stand proclaiming and reminding the mankind for thousands of years to come, the Supreme Ideals, the noble thoughts and Eternal values which make every soul manifest the inner Divinity and plunge the world in peace. HE shall stand as a universal model, the essence of world cultures, pure spirituality that unites the world, the heart that loves and seeks the welfare of entire humanity.

The statue will stand on the pedestal befitting the size of the monument on the ready available rocky area. The faces of the pedestal will also hold carved murals and inscriptions. It will be taken care that materials used for building the statue and pedestal will be in harmony with eco‐system and nature. Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 9 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda)

Indian Cultural Glimpse:

Near the northern part of the site a step garden will be developed in a stranded manner. The steps will serve as display platforms for statues, murals, and rock paintings to be displayed on them.

The theme of the display is suggested as ‘Art of India Through the Ages’. The art forms right from cave paintings and Rock‐ art from the Pre‐Historic age to ancient sculptures, medieval and modern art forms will be depicted here.

Replica of master artefacts displayed chronologically to form the history. Very gentle stairs and a ramp formation will take viewers to the top and again descend down. It will be a master scenic cluster and visually tell the story of Indian civilization in a most lucid manner. It may form a part of the light and sound show too.

This area will be open roofed or partially covered in few place with eco‐friendly materials like tiles, stone coverings, thatched roof used to befit the surrounding environment of forest. The construction of concrete roofed portion will be very minimum. It will be a single storied construction without any huge complexes.

Koti‐Chennaya Statue:

The southern corner of the site will adorn the twin statues of Koti and Chennaya brothers who are adored by the local people for their valour. This will act as a local crowd puller as they will pay obeisance to the statue by visiting regularly.

These statues will be made out of local grey granite in an unpolished/ rough finish to make it standout in make and quality. The story will also be etched out on the platform for the outsiders

with audio commentary in different languages on Apps.

Circumbulation Path:

A pathway is planned for the complete Viveka‐Darshan area for visitors to walk through and see all the components. It is proposed to be a pedestrian path. However, arrangement of light battery buses (open or partially roofed) will be organized for differently abled, aged and VVIPs.

The pathway will start and finish at the Entry/Exit gate, but visitors may quit at any point of journey and return to the gate.

A special, slightly elevated pathway is also proposed which will straight away take visitors around the statue and back without going to any other spot. This being elevated will also render a full‐ view of the statue. Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 10 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda)

The path will be as per international standards of disaster management in a traffic flow for a public place.

Museum Complex:

The museum complex will comprise of a museum building with an auditorium, cafeteria, in‐built conveniences and a library. A special security post, fire tender, administrative office, store will be present here in a smaller size as the main statue, Vedic Village, museum are all around it.

The museum will be double storied with a basement. The theme of display would be the Life and events of Swami Vivekananda and his influence in the Great Indian Renaissance where thinkers, poets, authors, musicians and statesmen came forward to make India an independent nation .

It will be a multimedia display and there will be galleries on The Holy Mother and Sri Ram Paramahamsa also, as life of Swamiji was very much influenced and intertwined with them. At least five galleries will display the different aspects of Swamiji.

A virtual image with the Chicago address in holographic presentation will bring him to life among visitors local and foreign. An interactive audio presentation with all ‘’ collection will be a special attraction for music lovers and general public.

Vedic Village:

A village in the style of Vedic period will be laid out in the North‐Western part of the Darshan area. It will comprise of wooden and bamboo huts with stone floors just as they existed in the period of History.

The gates (one in and one out) will be lofty and a boundary in the period design attached to the gates. Market or Haat with selling points will hold real goods for persons visiting and residing in short/long stay in the village.

Different professional included in different rungs of the society may be depicted through diorama with a laser projection show superimposed on it.

Live ‘Gaushala ‘ will be established and the prevalent methods of processing milk, cow dung and cow urine for pest control, manure etc will be on going.

Yogshala with practical classes will organized along with an exhibition of the ancient method of practice and training.

Vedic study system or Pathshala will also be established as demonstration and actual practice. Pupil may join vedic classes in its original form in the village. Education in oral tradition will be conducted. Modern system of writing may supplement it.

Vedic chikitsalaya‐cum‐aushadhalaya, will enable visitors/attendants avail Vedic treatments for healing, preventive and betterment of health. Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 11 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda)

Place for conducting and training people in Vedic system of worship like , path, meditation etc will be organized.

A complete environment of the old world feeling will be created with all the components that goes into the making of a Vedic Village, where people may visit, stay, get trained in various aspects, buy products and services in a regular basis.

This section may be demarked as an exclusive entry/exit area also.

Shrine with Prayer Hall:

A triple‐domed shrine pavilion will be designed to house the divine statues of Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Holy Mother Sri Maa Sharada Devi. This will also act as the shrine for the Vedic Village. It will be located right outside the village on a high raised natural rocky base.

A large prayer hall and a meditation hall away from the noises will be the highlight of the temple. A few individual cells will be provided for longer period meditators.

Shrine and Prayer Hall will have its own administration, security, garden, lecture hall‐cum auditorium (sound‐proof), conveniences and bounded off from the rest of the area.

Staff Quarters:

In order to control the complete Darshan place a number of staffs will have to be employed in different sections. To avail prompt and regular services they will be provided quarters within the premises. Quarters for staffs of different level will be constructed behind the Vedic Village. This will be camouflaged off behind some plantations, which will also act as a fine backdrop to the village. Self‐contained units with small gardens will be provided with high‐class hygiene and sanitation. Shops, Gurukul type schools for families and play and entertainment area for children and adults will be included in the plan.


Pathways are one of the most important components of the concept as they are the connectives to all the different parts of the master plan. Heavy duty inter locked tiles of neutral colour is suggested for the main path. Sidewalks, porticoes will join the main path. Gardens with different themes will be laid‐out at the sides, which the visitors may see and enjoy but not touch.

Footlights will light up the pathways in the evening especially for people coming for the Son et lumière. Concrete roads for the staff colony and flagstones for the village paths are proposed.

Area of Forest, Gardens, Flora, Fauna, Herbal Garden:

As already told in introduction the park will also serve as a spot for environmental tourism with the serenity of the surrounding environment kept intact to make a visitor roam, sit and meditate. Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama (Bailur Math) 12 VIVEKA DARSHANA (A Cultural, Educational, Spiritual Theme park and A Global Monument Complex on Swami Vivekananda)

The gardens bordering the sections will be laid out thematically, like a Buddha van, Pitravan, Aushadhi van and the likes to stress the importance of the Trees, Flora and Fauna as an integral part of our nature, and the visitors will be motivated for improving the forest wealth in their place by doing afforestation for the saplings distributed in the park.

The total planning and layout of Viveka‐Darshana is planned in such a way that more than 60% of land will have the plants, trees cover and in harmony with the nature. It is also proposed to develop and preserve the forest and greenery of the adjoining Nakre Hillock and surrounding by planting of trees which both increase the beauty of area and also provide small fruits to the birds and small animals found in this area.

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Our plans of service and what we wish to do at National and local is:

(Refer page no. 41 for more details)

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For prosperity, peace,

Joy of living

and freedom of all

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Holistic Development: The Holistic outlook views the human life in three distinct perspectives — individual, transactional and social.

Physical / bodily development

Intellectual development

Individual Emotional development Moral development

Spiritual development

Personality development

Behavioural development Holistic Development Transactional Dealings-wise development

Ethical development

Earnings-wise development

Service and Sacrifice Civic sense and patriotism Social Preservation of culture

Preservation of Nature; saving resources; improving ecological conditions

(Refer page no. 43 for more details)

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1. Contents

Sl.No Item Page No 1. Contents & Annexures. 5 2. Project details (birds view). 6 3. The Trustees of Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama Trust. 7 4. Introduction. 9 5. Sector; Background and Context. 12 6. Broad Project rationale. 17 7. Project definition, Concept and Scope. 26

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2. Project Details (Birds View) (Limits to 1st Phase)

1 Project Title Swami Vivekananda Global Monument (1st Phase).

2 Visionary/Proposer Rev. Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj (Bailur Math). Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, (Bailur Math) 3 Launched by and Inception Karkal Taluk, Udupi Dist., Karnataka 4 Date of launching 12th January 2012 Officially taken over for Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama, (Bailur Math) 5 accomplishment by Karkal Taluk. Smt. Sumatha Nayak, 6 Project In-charge Managing Trustee, Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama Trust. Br. Balachandra Maharaj 7 Working Committee In-charge Trustee, Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama Trust. Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama Trust (R). 8 Accountability (Total Project implementation to completion, Govt sanction, field work, fund collection, etc.) 9 Total Back-up & Guidance Rev. Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj. Swamis and Brahmacharis of 10 Intellectual & Manual back-up Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, (Bailur Math). Sharada Foundation, 11 Moral & Spiritual back-up Mataji, Bramacharinis and Ashramites. Approval by State Government of Order No : CI MMN 2015, Bangalore, Date : 12 Karnataka for extraction of stone 02.01.2016 13 Expected date of completion 5 years after the actual field work begins.

14 Author of the Project Report Rev. Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj.

15 Estimated Cost [Ist Phase] Rs.60crores (See annexure). Registered Public Charitable Trust having 12A; and 16 Income tax status 80G for Income-tax exemption to donor. PAN No: AAGTS4898A 17 Auditors M/s. Ganesh and Sudhir, Mangalore

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3. The Trustees - Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama Trust (R).

Sl. Name, Address & Contact No. Profession / Social Photograph No Status

Smt. Sumatha Nayak W/o. A. Ramesh Nayak, Partner, D107A, Link Road No.2, 1 nd Gautham Agencies Anantha Nagar 2 Stage, Pharmaceutical Manipal-576104, Udupi Dist. Distributors, Udupi

Mob: 9880705858

Sri B. Shetty No. 1, ‘Sai Complex’, 917/22, Hotelier “Hotel Vaishali”, And 2 Shivajinagar, F.C. Road, Noted Pune – 411004, Maharastra, Philanthropist, Pune Mob: 09371112373

Sri K.G. Raghavan No. 51, Kumarakripa, 3 1st Cross, Madhava Nagar, Senior Advocate Bangalore, Karnataka. Bangalore

Mob: 9845023803

Sri Manandi N. Suresh Entrepreneur, Past 30, Manandi Opel, Dist. Governor – Chickpet, 4 Rotary Dist. 3190 Bangalore – 560 053. And Past President, Karnataka. FKCCI, Mob: 9845048332 Bangalore

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Sri H.V. Gowthama 23/57, 41st Cross, East End, ‘C’ Main Road, 9th Block, Senior Chartered 5 Jayanagar, Accountant Bangalore – 560 069. Bangalore

Mob:9448451104 / 080-26636042

Sri M.C.R. Shetty “”, 587/A, 6th A Main, Entrepreneur and 3rd Stage, 3rd Block, 6 Past President Basaweshwara Nagar, KASSIA, Bangalore – 560 079. Bangalore Mob: 9844018113.

Col (Retired) H Ashok Kini A-60, First Floor, Bharat Anand, Ex-Service Men 7 Veer Sawarkar Road, and Founder, Faith Lajpat Nagar -2, Foundation, Delhi New Delhi – 110024

Mob : 9891941544

Br. Balachandra 1-76/4, Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Inmate, Sri Swami Vivekananda Marg, 8 Village and Post Yerlapady, Ramakrishna Bailur, Karkala Taluk, Ashrama, (Bailur Udupi Dist – 574102. Math)

Mob: 9945152755 / 8277654495

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4. Introduction

We owe a lot to the society we live in. We are indebted to the land and its people; even if we dedicate our entire life, lives after life in serving, we can never repay the debt of our holy Motherland and its divine citizens. It is a land of spirituality, divine through and through. Moreover, human life has only two purposes ― to spiritually evolve to one’s own Divine-hood and, to serve all beings pouring out pure love ― "AÉiqÉlÉÉå qÉÉå¤ÉÉjÉïÇ eÉaÉSè ÌWûiÉÉrÉ cÉ”.

The Bailur Math is a part of the worldwide Ramakrishna Movement following the consisting of educated renunciates who have pledged their lives for realising God and serving humanity in all possible ways. The Ashramas at Bailur, Karkala, Udupi (Popularly known as BAILUR MATH) are not branches of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur, Howrah, but precisely work on the same principles and closely follow the same ideals and ideology.

The Monument is an initiative to establish a Spiritual, Cultural and Educational institution complex wherein every type of knowledge and practical training will be provided, which are not commonly available elsewhere. It also aims at five types of developments ― physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual ― necessary for giving fulfilment in human life and which ensure a joyful, peace-filled and happy life here throughout the life and also ensures everlasting peace, unending happiness and eternal freedom.

The essential principle behind all these activities is the ancient principle that serves and sustains human race and human welfare ― the grandest ideal ‘one world of love, peace and harmony’ and ‘a world free from all traces of discord, conflicts and suffering’. This has stirred the hearts of the pious and noble from time immemorial, and ours too now. The Indian constant prayer all through the ages has been:

(i) xÉ…¡ûcNûkuÉÇ xÉÇ uÉSkuÉÇ xÉÇ uÉÉå qÉlÉÉÇÍxÉ eÉÉlÉiÉÉqÉç | SåuÉÉ pÉÉaÉÇ rÉjÉÉ mÉÔuÉåï xÉgeÉÉlÉÉlÉÉ EmÉÉxÉiÉå || xÉqÉÉlÉÉå

qÉl§ÉÈ xÉqÉÌiÉÈ xÉqÉÉlÉÏ xÉqÉÉlÉÇ qÉlÉÈ xÉWû ÍcɨÉqÉåwÉÉqÉç | xÉqÉÉlÉÇ qÉl§ÉqÉÍpÉ qÉl§ÉrÉå uÉÈ xÉqÉÉlÉålÉ uÉÉå WûÌuÉwÉÉ


Be united and move together. Speak together compatibly in one voice. Learn together, know each other and let your thoughts and opinions be united. Receive your

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fortune and all that you get together for collective welfare ― as did the fore marching godly people did collectively understanding each other. Let your decisions be one and united, living together with common aim. Let your companionship be one. Let your minds and awareness be united. I initiate you with common (mystic syllable or principle of life or with injunction of living together). I fill you with common objects and objectives. Let your thoughts and projects and hearts be united in such a way that you will seek and have collective welfare.

(i) xÉuÉåï pÉuÉliÉÑ xÉÑÎZÉlÉ: xÉuÉåï xÉliÉÑ ÌlÉUÉqÉrÉÉ: |

xÉuÉåï pÉSìÉÍhÉ mÉzrÉliÉÑ qÉÉ MüͶÉSè SÒ:ZÉpÉÉaÉç pÉuÉåiÉç ||

May everyone be happy; may everyone be healthy; May everyone flourish with prosperity, security and peace; may none have any type of sufferings.

And, we have pledged our lives to walk on that glorious path to peace and perfection.

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Radiate Love :

Spread your wings wide now to shelter the entire humanity


Renunciation Service

irÉÉaÉ xÉåuÉÉ

AÉiqÉlÉÉã qÉÉã¤ÉÉjÉïÇ eÉaÉSè ÌWûiÉÉrÉ cÉ

For one’s own salvation & for the welfare of the world


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5. The Sector; the background and the Context

5.1 Sector

The term ‘Sector’ signifies distinctiveness and uniqueness. The uniqueness is to restore back the lost identity to man i.e. his spiritual identity and bestow on him the material prosperity too, so that he lives a happy life throughout without getting lost in the mire of the world. Swami Vivekananda says (Complete Works Vol. III page 182) ―

“No amount of political or social manipulations of human conditions can cure the evils of life. It is a change of the soul itself for the better which alone will cure the evils of life. No amount of force or government or legislative cruelty will change the conditions of a race; it is spiritual culture and ethical culture alone that can change wrong tendencies for the better.”

These are the words of Swami Vivekananda, a visionary who had attained spiritual illumination and found ultimate spiritual peace. At the same time he was tremendously dynamic, full of love of life and filled with love and utmost concern for humanity, all beings and the Nation. He is a person that people search lives after lives to possess and be in the eternal company.

He upheld the divinity of man and emphatically pointed to man’s spiritual existence to solve man’s individual and collective problems. The materialistic view screens off the positive part of the total vision of human life and human experience. Human life in its fullness and perfected state, is an expression of the inner hidden divinity, of unselfish love, of harmony at all levels, of self-sacrifice, of knowledge, of pure devotion and of joy supreme. At lower imperfect levels too, left to itself, the human life is a quest for knowledge, search for purpose and meaning, attraction for love, beauty and truth, expression of creativity and is with a natural orientation to be good and moral. Man feels guilty whenever he deviates from the natural inbuilt eminence. These describe the glory and spiritual dimension of man. Material wealth and prosperity are of critical importance for achieving individual and collective growths. They are products of a strong economy. A strong economy is a key component of a vibrant energetic social order. How to achieve it and make it stable? We need to analyse how did the ancient Indians lived as a stable, joy-filled and peace-filled Society. It is entirely based on nature and relationships that bind the individuals, the

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communities and the nations, i.e., the human relations. Love to bind is the only way and, love comes from pure spirituality that dissolves all differences.

Swami Vivekananda said that the prosperity, progress, vitality and stability of a social order is possible only when the material and spiritual dimensions of human life cohere and become one wholesome base of man’s life individually and collectively. Since ancient times, India had developed it’s social structure on this principle and had lived a life of fulfilment without conflicts or discord. In such a social order there is no place for selfishness nor for self-centred living. Crimes and errors too fall below the base-line. We invariably find each individual is eager to give or sacrifice whatever best possible to make the betterment of the family, community and the society in which he/she lives. This, Swami Vivekananda called an Ideal Society. It is then that the society reaches higher degree of culture and civilization and that every economic planning and arrangement gives hundred percent result and creates as well as supports peaceful, just and all-loving human relations and co-existence.

Further, Swami Vivekananda said that worship remains incomplete and without fulfilment if it is not translated into service of man as well as of other beings, seeing God in them.

5.2 The background & Context

It was end of 1960s. I (Swami Vinayakananda) was studying in college for science graduation. It was a Christian Institution run by a monastery. Once I happened to enter the private room of a Christian monk. I found a huge, nearly eight feet tall standing picture of Swami Vivekananda. It was a painting which he himself had done. There was no picture of Christ or a Cross on the wall. He knelt down to that picture of Swami Vivekananda on entering the room and while we were coming out! It was more than a picture for that

monk, a living Ideal, the ultimate ideal of human existence. Swami Vinayakanandaji Maharaj

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On either side of the picture there were two sayings of Swami Vivekananda in clear bold italic letters –

‘Let there be Unity while retaining Diversity’, ‘Help and not Fight’, ‘Assimilation and not Destruction’, ‘Harmony and Peace and not Dissension.’

“Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this Divinity within by

controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy ― by one, or more, or all of these ― and be free. This

is whole of religion. Doctrines or dogmas or rituals or books or temples or forms are but secondary details.”

I was introduced to Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda early in my childhood but this kind of devotion to an ideal was new to me. Swami Vivekananda was a chosen Deity of that monk of an alien tradition. Coming out of the room on the way back to college he said, “I serve all with love, though it is difficult; yet I am a Christian: I have dedicated my life to Christ and to my Christian community but I wish to go beyond; I always wish that I was a Hindu Monk like Swami Vivekananda so that I could love and serve the entire humanity as MINE.”

That day I was introduced to real essence of and our duties and responsibilities of being a human being. That day I also came to know what Sri Ramakrishna, Sharada Devi and Swami Vivekananda have done to this world.

The following year we went on an excursion to Mysore; we visited Mysore Palace. We had special permission to visit inner apartments. In the King’s family court a big life size Swami Vivekananda’s parivrajaka photo was hung and below it were his words goading man to strive to remove the suffering of mankind. That had brought tears to a few among us who were sensitive to others’ sufferings.

I was not inclined to worldly enjoyments or comforts since my boyhood days. Those were the days just a decade after independence. India was still poverty-stricken and needing the sacrifice of many. My mind was preparing for renunciation. My father introduced me to the Ramakrishna Ashram (Math and Mission) at Basavanagudi, Bangalore. Attending to my

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duties of life, I used to serve as a volunteer till I joined the monastery in 1977, having

formally renounced the family and worldly prospects. The ideal of " AÉiqÉlÉÉå qÉÉå¤ÉÉjÉïÇ eÉaÉSè

ÌWûiÉÉrÉ cÉ" became the watch-word of my life and existence. Serving at various places in various capacities for the first nine years as a Brahmachari (novice) and then as a monk, totally for almost fourteen years, I officially left for Tapasya to the banks of Narmada River with the permission and blessings of the senior monks of the Order. Twice earlier I had gone for Tapasya to Narmada forests for short terms. In all I spent nearly twelve years in Tapasya in the woods of Narmada, nearly a year in Himalayas and had come to South India Udupi kshetra for my Chaturmasya in 2001. As is ordained by the Divine, a batch of devotees was ready to renounce and a monastery emerged out in 2007, which was registered as a Trust only in 2011 under the title “Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama Trust (SRKA), Bailur Math. The women’s wing too was simultaneously started under the name “Sri Ramakrishna Sarada Ashram Trust” (SRKSA) and was registered earlier itself in 2007 as a women’s monastic wing. Recently making a separate Trust for them under the name ‘Sharada Foundation’ (SF), SRKSA has been re-constituted to be the service wing with Swami Vivekananda’s Monument as its main project.

Under the three independent legal entities viz., Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashrama and Sharada Foundation, under a common banner ‘Bailur Math’, many religious, spiritual, cultural and philanthropic activities are going on.

The modernity, materialistic tendencies, violence, deteriorating moral and ethical standards, along with millions of people around the world being poverty stricken, deprived of basic conditions of living ― together have raised a wave of social emergency. To meet this great demand of the time, The Ashrama has planned to offer its might in the Great Sacrifice in which thousands and lakhs need to offer their body, mind and wealth.

It is a small step that we have taken; I wish and pray that thousands of such institutions and groups should come up and sacrifice their all and work parallel with us to meet the demands and wipe the tears of the innocent suffering humanity.

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Let us discharge our duties and social responsibilities in the way that helps our own spiritual evolution to the divine-hood & be of help to the largest possible section of the human race.

xÉuÉï eÉlÉ-ÌWûiÉÉrÉ xÉuÉï eÉlÉ-xÉÑZÉÉrÉ cÉ

There are millions in this world who are looking for you; with belief, hope and in expectation they say —

You are the Light at our birth,

You are the toy in our childhood,

You are the support in our student life,

You are the joy of our youth

You are the succour in distress

You are the strength in life

You are the courage in danger

You are the remedy in sickness

You are the staff in our old age

Always remember The world is in dire need of your help. 16 | Page

6. Broad Project Rationale The modernity has presented such challenges to mankind that any solution to change its course for the better only worsens the condition. We have reached such states of advancement that we can’t retrace our path back to natural living. We are afraid to go forward, for we know disasters and destruction are awaiting ahead.

Man, no doubt, has scientifically and technologically advanced and is advancing too. But at what cost; by losing his inner joy and inner peace. Money can get everything except peace and joy of life. Similarly money cannot join broken hearts. In his rush towards material possessions and physical enjoyments, man has lost control over himself apart from becoming intensely selfish and self-centred. As an inevitable consequence he is getting tortured by his own mental tension, depression, anxiety, frustration etc. We find most of the people in this state, a few more are moving about with restless mind, short tempered with angry face and a discontent heart at all times. If we keenly observe we find from a child to the ripe old-aged ― everyone is silently weeping. Neither one finds someone to share their inner grief nor does one find a shoulder to unburden his/her inner grief. Most of these people are educated and financially well-off.

Opening of schools and hospitals or good transport system or providing modern amenities cannot help the present social problem. They cannot give relief to mankind now. Give any kind of help ― education, money, job, business, health – to a person, he/she at once runs to the modern world of base-enjoyments which are bound to bring suffering and bondage. He neither takes a single step towards serving the society that has helped him, nor does he dedicate his life for higher spiritual attainments that purifies the soul and imparts everlasting peace. We will be ditching a person by mere helping materially without infusing higher ideals and values in the person and his life. If we really seek their welfare, then we need to raise their consciousness to a higher level of understanding as we help them materially. Education must go hand-in-hand with human values. All types of services must go with placing higher ideals of Tyāga (sacrifice) and (service), and make them know that they are Divine, help them realise this Truth.

Swami Vivekananda said that one may get health and wealth, one may gain political and social independence, but if one is a slave to his own passions and desires, one cannot be happy or get peace; one cannot feel pure joy of real freedom.

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Again we see him saying, ‘The National Ideals of India are Renunciation and Service. Intensify her in those channels and the rest will take care of itself’.

And again, “My ideal indeed can be put into a few words and that is: to preach to mankind their divinity and how to make it manifest in every moment of life.” That alone makes every man ever blissful and to strive to make the world a paradise of peace.

The main point to note is that man needs holistic development to find real happiness and sustained joy and peace. We aim at this holistic service meant for the holistic development along with fulfilling the physical needs of people.

Look at the global situation: (according to U.N. statistics couple of years back) Nearly half of the world’s children live in poverty, more than 600 million lack sanitation, nearly 900 million cannot read and write and millions are suffering health hazards and ailments. At the other extreme, we find 10% of the world’s GDP is under the control of mere handful individuals! We have not developed human love and concern; we have not yet emerged out of our animal-hood and grown up to human-hood level, to feel for other suffering man. A man becomes The Man when he learns to love humanity. In addition, we have an economic and social system that is conducive to generate extreme inequality in place of collective well- being. But to solve all these problems man must be awakened to higher level of consciousness and it must be done at largest humanity level, i.e., Global Level and that is what we are aiming at. Let us just glance at other common problems.

The challenges before the humanity : The present social condition that is demanding immediate remedy.

The human What we see today Causes Remedies plight 1. Man has From a child at school to an Expectations, demands, Give them the Spiritual been losing old man nearing grave, preferences are not ideal that makes them find inner peace. everyone is tense and fulfilled. The media- peace within, independent unknown to others are induced temptations are of external situations of weeping within their sleeves. not found by them in life. They don’t find a shoulder to real life. They are unburden their hearts. Every confronted with person has become lonely and adversities and unknown afflicted. sufferings. 2. Man has Man, especially the youths, are He is living in a dream Teach man self-control and

18 | Page become slave running after base physical world with a lost self-mastery. There are of his senses enjoyments, gratification of identity. He is totally three natures in man — the and has been senses and greed for forgetful of his divinity animal-hood, the human- losing self- possessions. This has lead to and the surrounding hood and the divine-hood. control. mental tension, restlessness, atmosphere has induced Help him destroy animal- depression, frustration, in him animal-hood. hood, transcend human- discontentment and internal hood and manifest divine- conflicts. hood. 3. Man is The fast-moving-world of Hi- He has got disconnected Cultivate some noble losing the grip Fi-tech has caught man in its from the mainstream of hobbies like gardening, over his life snares. In the last century man life and from the inner music — vocal or and is missing was controlling machines. moorings that help instrumental, participate in the joy of Presently machines are holding on to self, the good programs that elevate living. controlling man. TV, Spiritual Existence mind, Holy company and computers, mobiles, vehicles within. He is living in service activities in a and all other machineries — discord instead of relaxed way. Feel for man finds almost impossible to harmony with nature. others. live without them. 4. Identity A student has lost his identity Children and youngsters Release their mind from crisis. as student. Thus he/she do not find exemplary external glamour. Let them neither knows or cares to know lives before their eyes know what life is and deep what are his/her duties and depicting ideals and significance of human life. responsibilities. So have men values. They are not in Let them know the lost their identities as the touch with history nor consequences of action. house-holder, as parent, as with past glory. The Each one has to work out elders in family, as a human education system have one’s own . Man being, as a part of Nature, as a no provision to teach meets many persons every member of a society, as a how to live, what to do day. Let him face to citizen of a Nation etc. and what not to do. himself once. Let them Forgetting their duties and They succeed in science cultivate self-analysis. responsibilities they have and fail in life. With all become small-minded, self- amenities and comforts centred, selfish and trying to they spend their life in live separately from the rest of tears. the world. Divorces have become very common feature.

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5. Children Lifeless, aimless, vigourless, Subliminal suggestions Five types of developments and youths are lacking self-confidence and in media drives them to are needed becoming prowess, they move about with fall a prey to 1. Physical intellectually a false self-assumed aura of temptations and enter 2. Intellectual strong but great achievements. bad ways neglecting 3. Moral physically and Specialism and ego centred their physical and 4. Emotional mentally education is getting fostered in mental health. Teachers 5. Spiritual weak. They young minds. are not bothered, parents Then alone a person can get are growing are satisfied with fulfilment in life and feel heartless. academic marks earned. the life is worth living. There is dearth for enlightened reformers in Government sector. 6. A few are Man is afraid of coming in 1) Negative emotions Bring light to them. Make becoming close contact with any person like anger, jealousy, them pause and think. demonical, or allow anyone to enter the hatred, greed are not Take them to deeper layers perverted, house. Trouble has begun curbed. of mind and consciousness. wild and with money becoming the end 2) They fall in negative Show them the transitory- intolerant. in itself and sensuality influences like ness of life and Some are becoming the only goal of life. Kaikeyee and impermanency of strength, turning out to Youths are unable to live a life Duryodhana. power and possessions. be cheats ad of purity and total dedication 3) They adopt negative Give them spiritual ideals exploiters. to a greater cause. approach like , with moral basis. Dhritarastra etc. 7. Children Secretiveness, feigning, No parental care. No Protect from unwanted and are losing hypocrisy and deception are elders at home because harmful information. innocence and becoming common and are of nuclear family. Thought culture and man- guilelessness. missing the joyful-play days of Owing to dissected making methods are child-hood which the children minds and split society essential. Intimate personal of earlier generations enjoyed. there are none to guide contact and loving their thoughts. relationship that the children must be able to confide their problems freely is necessary. 8. Discord at Man’s mind is split, family is A majority of people are Expansion of consciousness all levels. split, nations are split, partners living fragmented, is Spirituality. More

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are split. Discord among unauthentic, dormant spiritual we are, more religions, sects and sections of lives. There is lack of expanded are our hearts, we people, between rich and poor, spiritual growth. learn to love through learned and illiterate, man and Intellect is unable to spirituality. Nature. catch the gravity of consequences. 9. Millions are We see this largely in India Government is Service oriented lacking food, and other developing and incapable either because philanthropic organizations clothing, under developed countries. of wrong policies, or must come up with education, People starving to death and internal conflicts or renunciates and whole time shelter and lacking nutritious food. Living selfish motives or dedicated workers with basic in slums is a common sight. corruptive ways of absolute selflessness. amenities, Undisciplined way of living infiltration. health and and lethargy-bound life too hygiene. add to the problem. 10. The warming of earth, Onslaught on Nature, Pollution control, “Save our calamities like tsunami, intentional forest fire, honouring nature, planet” is a earthquakes and drastic millions of tonnes of protecting and widening cry that is climatic changes. military ammunitions in forests and wild life, use of coming from testing and usage, non-fuel consuming many corners cutting down forests, vehicles – cycles, bullock of the world. millions of gallons of carts etc. Avoiding wars petrol etc., used and de-armament, reducing Ecological everyday. ammunitions production, Imbalance eco-friendly materials. 11. What daily news depicts is a Media through various Violence should be Violence at world of violence. serials are making severely handled by various level. violence a common Government. Media must social feature and seems display more of peace “A violent to be instilling violence inducing incidents and world” in the strong and young serials of saintly path of life minds too and likes and with total contempt and dislikes and revolting to severe punishment for situation in day to day crimes, immorality and life. injustice.

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These are a few of the innumerable problems the mankind is facing. Of course many good things are also happening but compared to the evil, it is nothing.

Look at the magnitude of chaos and confusion in Come to realities of life. the society today. These are mostly the evils of Transcend the limitations modernity and media. We have acquired modernity of and evil effects of modernity hi-fi-tech materialism by sacrificing and losing peace — and affectation-bound media internal and external. Full utilization of good in modernity by eschewing its evil effects could have been possible by training the head and heart together. That amounts to imparting the secular education along with ‘self-culturing’ i.e., training students as to how they need to live for a tension-free happy life in this world of complexities. But our centralized conventional education system does not permit this. The parents are neither interested nor capable of training their children in that line. On the other hand, we have gone a long way and have done great damage to the society which is irreversible. We can neither stop the trend and tempo nor withdraw from the rolling wheel. All are under fear, insecurity, anxiety and tension. To add to it man thinks that money can solve any problem!

A US-based NASA-funded study group has warned ‘Collapse of civilization’ is the mankind of ‘collapse of civilization’ in coming decades unavoidable, says NASA (The Independent, Mar.17, 2014). In spite of all efforts it funded study group would be difficult to avoid the approaching disaster. The kind of education that the mainstream provides is insufficient for creating peace on Earth. The reasons behind this conclusion were:

 Growing economic instability,

 Pressure on the planet’s resources,

 Onslaught on Nature and environment,

 On growing disparity and conflict between the privileged and deprived,

between the wealthy and the poverty-stricken,

 Materialistic tendencies that have suppressed human-heart,

 Utter selfishness, lack of mutual love and concern.

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The Only option left for us now is to raise The Social The Human-Consciousness Emergency

To a higher level by instilling higher ideals (especially of Tyāga and Sevā: renunciation/dedication and service) and human values in young and old minds alike.

Of late, the West too has arrived with the same view. In the U.S, for instance, there is an active professional Society called the The West ‘Society for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education’. Their aim is to too is on propagate the idea that a mind that is ‘quiet’ is penetrative, sharper, its march. highly creative and excellently receptive to acquire knowledge and skill to deal with the present-day complexities maintaining the inner peace and experiencing the joy of living. The neuroscience research indicates that there is the growing trend of affectation (behaviour and speech that are artificial/false and made only to impress) in today’s conventional learning. Life then becomes artificial and starts rotting from within while there is exhibition of external glamour. The one-sided learning of science, arts and commerce to the exclusion of learning the art of living a beautiful, peaceful life makes man a self-grieving machine devoid of life and spirit. What better way can be there than turning to the pristine teachings of the authentic India.

And, there stands as a universal model, the Great Swami Vivekananda, the essence of world culture, pure spirituality that unites the world, the heart that loves and seeks welfare of entire humanity. India is well-known for uniting rather than dividing. Pluralism has survived at all times in India. It celebrates diversity. Sri Ramakrishna practiced all paths to God including Islam and Christianity as their ‘insider’ and reached the One-Spiritual end before declaring that all religions are merely different ways to achieve the Highest. In modern term this means reaching the highest individual Consciousness that finds oneness in all.

There is urgent need to shift our life-style from the artificial materialistic domain to pure simple natural life of peace and contentment.

Let us all march together for One-

World of Love, Peace and harmony.

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To draw the Global attention to these grand principles

As the first phase of service to humanity, let us build and present to the world a monument of 100feet monolith statue of Swami Vivekananda which shall go on presenting and reminding the mankind at all times, for thousands of years to come, the Supreme ideals, the noble thoughts and the Eternal values that make every soul manifest the inner Divinity and plunge the world in peace.

It is very unfortunate that only partial human development is being aimed at; and it is along intellectual and monetary channels. The chaos, confusion and subsequent problems are because of over emphasis along these two streams while all other aspects of human life and human existence are being neglected.

We need Holistic approach to man’s life and train every individual to be a responsible citizen of this wonderful world and a divine child of this beautiful Nature.

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Let our services remain in this beautiful nature

through eternity. Our first phase is to draw the attention of general public and entire mankind to higher ideals To awaken human and human values beginning with Tyāga & Sevā consciousness for a (renunciation/sacrifice and service) to the

responsible and world through a Global Monument of better world Swami Vivekananda.

Revitalizing the Glorious

past into a vibrant future.


to serve this world.

Be a blessing unto yourself and to others. 25 | Page

7. Project definition, Concept & Scope

7.1 The Project Definition

“qÉlÉ cÉsÉ ÌlÉeÉ ÌlÉMåüiÉlÉå” [‘Mana chala neeja niketane’]

Swami Vivekananda sang.

~ Divinity resides within us, and let us find what lies within ourselves. Have faith in yourself. There is no teacher better than your own soul ~

As we all know Swami Vivekananda’s legacy appertains to the entire humanity. His philosophy has a global relevance. His charismatic personality has been awakening and inspiring the masses all over the world to unite and form one world of love, peace and harmony. His stunningly influential thoughts and speeches breathe wisdom and hope in the heart of humans.

Man has money, but lost his peace, path and ground. There is social emergency. He loved our Nation, love Humanity. Man needs inner transformation than external glory. Only Light of the world is India and Vivekananda for they preach beyond all differences preserving the diversity. The profound presentations covering all aspects of human life and existence like the philosophy of life, youth and character building, education, women social uplift and welfare, religion and faith as propounded by Swami Vivekananda has to be made to reach the entire mankind to flow through to the generations to come. Mainly to awaken the future generations and the modern man and of course to commemorate his immense contribution to mankind, to preserve the philosophy of Life that Swami Vivekananda preached and to keep the future generations inspired The Sri Ramakrishna Sharada Ashram (Bailur Math) has been planning for a permanent Global Memorial Complex of Swami Vivekananda surrounded by a colourful eco-tourism complex. This will contain educative and informative visions on Indian culture, how it is deeply integrated with the nature and environment and history in a subtle manner with rich artistic components that also entertains visitors. The overall perspective of an integrated spiritual and scientific approach has been chosen for the development of the concept.

Amidst pristine rocky woodland at foot of Nakre hillock near to the Udupi–Karkala– Dharmasthala highway in Karnataka, the Bailur Math envisages to build a statue of Swami Vivekanada, in the Sannyasin attire. This will be built with stone and other materials already available there, standing on a pedestal befitting the size of the monument on the ready available rocky area. The faces of the pedestal will also hold carved murals and inscriptions.

The approach and surroundings of the rock will be sprinkled with glimpses of socio-religious and cultural heritage of India through conventional art expressions and digital presentations, blended in an ideal balance.

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A heritage complex, museum on Life and Teachings of Swami Vivekananda, the undelying philosophy of oneness of Divinity which Swami Vivekananda practiced and preached, which was received from his teacher Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Deva shall be theme of display here in most subtle manner. In addition to this with the serenity of the surrounding environment kept intact to make a visitor roam, sit and meditate; they may even catch glimpses of various aspects of Indian civilization and also enjoy the beauty of nature in the various theme gardens, which will enhance the variety of display to be included in the expression.

The park will also serve as a spot for environmental tourism with the serenity of the surrounding environment kept intact to make a visitor roam, sit and meditate. The gardens bordering the sections will be laid out thematically, like a Buddha van, Pitravan, Aushadhi van and the likes to stress the importance of the Trees, Flora and Fauna as an integral part of our nature, and the visitors will be motivated for improving the forest wealth in their place by doing afforestation for the saplings distributed in the park.

The overall perspective of an integrated spiritual and scientific approach has been chosen for the development of the concept.


 Introduction and Name of the project

 Location

 Entrance

 Reception

 Arched Passage

 Administration Block

 Meditation Hall

 Viewer’s Stand –I

 Viewer’s Stand -II

 Water Body with fountain for Projection show

 Central Monument with sculpture

 India Cultural Glimpse

 Koti-Chennaya Image

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 Circumbulation Path

 Museum Complex

 Vedic Village

 Shrine with Prayer Hall

 Staff quarters

 Pathways

 Eco-Tourism and Environmental Awareness Promotion

P.s : Refer Detailed Concept for More Details

7.2 The Concept

As can be inferred from the preceding pages, the concept finds its genesis from commitment to human solidarity, human welfare and betterment and the well-being of commonwealth of life on this planet.

1. Give Us Peace: The modern Science and Technology today has no doubt reduced the physical distance: we can reach any person anywhere by cellphone in seconds and reach any place in hours. But the same science and technology has rendered human hearts far apart from each other.

Thousands of institutions and organizations have come up in every nook and corner of the world to provide the basic necessities of life ― food, shelter, clothing, education and medical services ― but none to unite, none to fill their heart, none to lift their consciousness to higher levels of healthy joyful living, none to give them peace! None to love unselfishly or teach unselfish unconditional love. With all modern amenities and comforts of life, mankind is undergoing intense mental agony owing to emotional ailments of modernity. Every soul is caught internally in an inescapable self-created mesh of tension, anxiety, depression, fear, insecurity, loneliness and frustration. There is the cry from all sides of the world “Give us Peace”. This is purely lack of individual growth, lack of holistic development (physical, moral, emotional, intellectual and spiritual), lack of noble ideas, ideals and human values.

The Principle :― In humans especially, the emotional need supersedes the physical needs. If all physical needs be satisfied, still weeping continues till the emotional needs are fulfilled. If emotional needs be satisfied, man comfortably gets

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adjusted to even most unfavourable situations. However, total fulfilment comes only when the spiritual needs are fulfilled.

2. Save Our Planet : If mankind is eliminated from this earth, everything else ― all lives and vegetation ― flourish and prosper. But if all other lives and vegetation are eliminated, man cannot live even for a few days. It is on that most beautiful Nature, the science and technology have appeared as an assault. The Nature too is adversely reacting as if to revolt. Now there is a cry from all quarters “Save Our Planet”.

Infinite growth, as conceived and advocated by traditional economists, cannot continue with finite resources. There is pressure, grabbing and use-up of resources. Human existence and ecology are domains of relationship. Human existence is dependent on Nature and is about access to the means of life. Ecology is about mutual interdependence of life communities and their dependence on Nature.

We must love, respect and preserve Nature and be in perfect harmony with it. The principles that govern this ecological balance for preservation and welfare of human existence are:

(i) The humans have been endowed with matchless ‘power and intelligence’, and is for ‘the well-being of Nature which comprises of species, communities, individuals and resources’ and ‘to preserve peace, joy, integrity, resilience, beauty, harmony and love which Nature inherits’. (ii) Man is said to have crossed his limits of exploitation of Nature when there is ‘negative effect on peace, joy, integrity, resilience, beauty, harmony and love that exist in social systems and ecosystems that make up life’s commonwealth and resources’. (iii) Nature exists and works by drawing on the ‘laws that govern the life systems on earth’. (iv) Humanity cannot advance and shall land in adversity by ‘attempting to grow endlessly on a finite planet’. (v) It is human duty and responsibility to be fair to Nature for Nature to be fair to humanity. Fairness is a matter of ensuring ‘that every living being and living systems be allowed to derive the means by which they survive and flourish’ and that there is ‘fair distribution (of resources, wealth and opportunities) among all

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beings of the life’s commonwealth while at the same time preserving the opportunities for development, diversity and healthy competition’. (vi) The human solidarity must come to a consensus to have global framework of governance for preserving Nature and planet with specially commissioned international institutions that would bridle, regulate and guide ‘usage of resources as well as technology; consolidate an earth reserve; have some form of global federalism; global environmental trusteeship; a mandatory world court; and public awareness campaigns’. (vii) And, the preservation of Nature and human existence is possible only through the awareness created by spiritual oneness that dissolves all differences ― human to human, human to Nature, human to living beings, human to the divine and human to the material world.

There is great need for common global governance or a united world federal system based on spiritual oneness of beings ― i.e. commonwealth of life. Spiritual oneness radiates love, peace, perfection, bliss and harmony and helps to remain one with the Divine, the Eternal. Every human must be a self-made, self-esteemed, dedicated steward of the entire planet, being oneself able to see divine in all. Everyone must aspire for world citizenship and feel being a world citizen: and it should be on One Spiritual Base, One Spiritual Existence.

The Principle ―Man is a product of Nature and his bodily existence is entirely dependent on Nature. Only man is capable of harming Nature and no other being. Thus he bears great responsibilities to preserve the eco-system. Any harm done to Nature, he is doing to himself and to the entire commonwealth of life. Behind

his harming tendency stands his selfishness, xuÉÉjÉï.

3. Save our Souls, save us from bloodshed’ : The world has been constantly witnessing bloodshed. Wars between nations, feud and clash between ethnic groups, religious intolerance, political rivalry and of late terrorism and violence have been covering the earth with immeasurable blood, time and again. The cataclysmic turmoil has given the cry again ‘Save our Souls, save us from bloodshed’. Behind this cry stands fear, insecurity, distress, destitution, bereavement and dread.

The solution is to establish ‘Unity in Diversity’. The ultimate unity in diversity which covers all fields and levels of human existence, is spirituality based on Divinity of Man, as preached by Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda.

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Sri Ramakrishna, (the prophet of modern age, worshipped by and others as an Incarnation of God) loved and honoured all paths to God, all Religions, all practical doctrines; he accepted them, practiced them as an insider and reached their ultimate goal. He found the common spiritual end culminating in One Non-Dual-Divinity. This spiritual oneness is the foundation of the entire world being ‘One Human Family’. Swami Vivekananda presents this in the Parliament of Religions on 11th September 1893.

“I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration but we accept all religions as true’.... ‘I will quote to you a few lines from a hymn which I remember to have repeated from my earliest boy-hood’…. ‘As the different places all mingle their water in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee’. Later on he puts forth the Ideal of Universal Religion: “If there is ever to be a universal religion, it must be one which will have no location in place or time; which will be infinite like the God it will preach, and whose sun will shine upon the followers of Krishna and of Christ, on saints and sinners alike; which will not be Brahminic or Buddhistic, Christian or Mohammedan, but the sum total of all these, and still have infinite space for development; which in its Catholicity will embrace in its infinite arms, and find a place for every human being from the lowest grovelling savage not far removed from the brute, to the highest man towering by the virtues of his head and heart almost above humanity, making society stand in awe of him and doubt his human nature. It will be a religion which will have no place for persecution or intolerance in its polity, which will recognise divinity in every man and woman, and whose whole scope, whose whole force, will be created in aiding humanity to realize its own true, divine nature.

What I want to propagate is a religion that will be equally acceptable to all minds; it must be equally philosophic, equally emotional, equally mystic, and equally conducive to action...... And this combination will be the ideal of the nearest approach to a universal religion. Would to God that all men were so constituted that in their minds all these elements of philosophy, mysticism, emotion and of work were equally present in full! That is the ideal, my ideal of a perfect man. Everyone who has only one or two of these elements of character, I consider ‘one-sided’; and thus world is almost full of such ‘one-sided’ men, with knowledge of that one road only in which they move; and anything else is dangerous and horrible to them. To become harmoniously balanced in all these four direction is my ideal of religion.

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Religion is realization; not talk, nor doctrine, nor theories, however beautiful they may be. It is being and becoming, not hearing and acknowledging; it is the whole soul becoming changed into what it believes.”

This total acceptance (not merely tolerance) has generated a new concept of preserving with reverence and celebrating the differences in the society under a common umbrella of One Human Family of Love and is the greatest contribution to the world for establishment of ‘One World of love, peace and harmony’.

The principle ― In humans there are six tendencies (Nature’s promptings as well as acquired) called the inner enemies: lust, anger, greed, delusion (i.e. mine- ness on a few people and objects of this world), obsessive egotism (false pride that belittles or looks down upon others), hatred and jealousy. In Indian psychology they

are termed Kāma, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Mātsarya (MüÉqÉ, ¢üÉåkÉ, sÉÉåpÉ, qÉÉåWû,

qÉS and qÉÉixÉrÉï). Behind the tendency of fight and war stands the obsessive egotism and hatred (Mada and Mātsarya). They are supported by awareness of oneself as the body-mind complex. The awareness of one’s inner divinity reduces the body- awareness (Deha-bhāva) which in turn destroys the inner enemies. When the two enemies Mada and Mātsarya die, then the brother-hood, comradeship, mutual love and concern develop and flourish.

4. Future Generation be made glorious: The younger generation, especially in India, with an exception of very few, are rushing towards base physical enjoyments and sense pleasures. Addictions to liquor, drugs, tobacco and obscenities of the flesh, are gripping them. The gusto is so great, as if they are wilfully moving towards self-destruction.

The main problem is error in our educational system and uncontrolled evil projecting media. They work as subliminal suggestion to tread the evil path. Frequent colourful depictions of evil in the society makes their mind to accept it as a common trend and it acts as a sanction to go that way without due guilt feeling. The educational system is bent on giving informative knowledge and making them ‘smart workers’, with inevitable emotional setbacks, than giving them holistic life-training to make them good citizens leading a dignified life of peace and joy. Parents are intent on marks in exam, social appreciation and recognition, and also on money earning capacity rather than the light of knowledge and wisdom their children would gain and spread in the society and radiate peace and joy and

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serve all with love. They do not realise that children will spend their rest of life in tears of frustration.

A number of small institutions having holistic development programme and dedicated to preserving culture and spirituality must help students to develop in proper way. They must guide the parents and convince the educational institutions till the Government takes interest in the welfare of the society and development of students in the right way. And, that is the purpose behind the Global Monument.

The Principle ― The children’s restlessness and youths’ uncongenial adolescent behaviour, rudeness and perverted states are promptings of lust and wrath (Kāma and Krodha), the two powerful invincible inner enemies. They work in various subtler and subtler ways. They are inner drives and urges common to all humans. If they are given higher turn, they become saving factors as well as achieve higher evolved states, and give more and more joy and peace. They will be blessings to the Society. The higher ideals of Tyāga (sacrifice) and Seva (service) are to be instilled in their hearts along with other elevating human values.

5. Coherence of Science and Spirituality (Empathetic Governance with enlightened Planning): Poverty eradication, economic development and growing inequality have been drawing the attention of reformers and world welfare-seekers.

Poverty eradication programmes advocate focus on creation of material wealth and providing a ‘readymade’ helping hand to the poverty stricken. The former plan (creation of material wealth) has failed in India because of lack of proper implementation and improper policies while the latter (‘readymade’ help) has failed because it has made people lazy and unwilling to work and lack of struggle for self-improvement or improvement in productivity. Of course, corruption is a common ailment in all fields that check growth in many ways.

Thus, those poverty eradication measures have given no good results on a large scale, though they have played some part in improving living standards in some parts of the world in a very limited way. Inequality remains wide-spread and alarming. While presenting the present world social situation, UN has highlighted the growing chasm between formal and informal (white and black) economies, growing disparities in respect of employment, education, health and in opportunities for social, economical and political participation, and widening gap between skilled and unskilled workers. Projected situations of a nation are different from the ground realities. The focus on growth and income generation has not

33 | Page caused any significant social improvements. The growing inequality and ever changing human trend has rendered global community increasingly unstable and insecure. Look at the Indian situation. 70% of National wealth was in the hands of 80% of the people at the time independence (1947); and now 80% of the wealth is in the hands of 10% people. Reasons are many, defects are innumerable ― corruption, wrong Government policies like free food and Rs. 1 kilo rice, instead of encouraging farming and providing them with new technology; life given to enjoyments instead of hard work, laziness and lethargy instead of paying awakened attention, TV, internet and mobile that takes people away from realities of life and presents virtual world of dreams, etc. Eradication of both extremes ― poverty and wealth ― is challenging. Unless the duties, responsibilities and honesty on one side, and the love, and concern-bound divine relationships on the other, rule the society, there is no hope. And that is possible only by providing a common spiritual ground.

The present scenario is that majority of the world’s population dwell in societies characterized by relations of dominance: one race by another, one nation by another, one religious or ethnic group by another, one social class by another, one sex by another. There is heavy cut-throat competition in every field. Extreme selfishness dominates man’s consciousness. City life is given to gratification of senses. Villagers are rushing towards cities. On one side the peaceful village life is getting extinguished and the land and farms remain barren and unproductive. On the other side, in cities we need to presume and understand that societies deteriorate instead of flourishing owing to an environment that fuels inequitable access to knowledge, to resources, to work and to a meaningful participation in the social living.

Of course, there is difference between man and man regarding the understanding of human life and nature, the world view ― how deep and wide is man’s materialistic view, the means available for generating wealth, access to knowledge and individual capacities and tendencies. These differences contribute to the disparity in acquisition of wealth. But the fact remains that the inner power being same in all humans, difference being only in ‘its external manifestation’, ― the competency to scale to higher achievements in their own field can be and has to be provided. Those who are on the higher rung must guide and lead those who are on the lower rung.

Bringing out new varieties of material goods, vigorous and endless supply and consumption is normally deemed to be an economically developing situation. Modern

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economic thinking supports and advocates this materialistic world view. In reality this demoralises the society in a subtle unseen way and tarnishes human values, because the intention behind is not human welfare but making money. It defeats the purpose of human life and diverts human interactions to the self-centred and self-interested pursuits of material wealth which is deprived of peace, love and concern for each other. On one side, it deters the human evolution to divine-hood, giving rise to modern mental ailments and stress. And, on the other side, it triggers the inevitable consequence of unfettered cultivation of artificial needs and wants which lead to excessive consumption and wastage by few and deprivation of even genuine needs and poverty for many. To add to them, cut-throat competitions, deceptive ways and all other negative forces start their active participation.

The legitimacy and worthiness of earnings and wealth depends on how they are acquired and how they are spent. If the acquisition is through righteous means, earnest efforts and harmless diligent work, if it is expended for the welfare of as many as possible so as to promote human welfare, to advance civilization, culture and spirituality through love and concern and by promoting education, health care, concern for aged and disabled, industry, commerce and providing basic human needs ― then that wealth and earnings are highly meritorious, sacred and commendable.

The human and material resources needed for solving human problems, especially eradication of poverty and in uplifting the down-trodden masses, cannot be mobilized where (i) there is oppression and domination of others by a few who are behind accumulation of wealth, and where (ii) the people lying in poverty and are lazy, lethargic and unwilling to change. The former ones need an ideal to live up to and the latter need whipping up to urge forward.

Living in line with the laws of the land formed by the Government is justice (lrÉÉrÉ

Nyāya) and living in accordance to the laws of Nature is called (kÉqÉï). Even after having committed a crime, if I am not caught or even if caught, if there be no evidence to prove me guilty, then I safely escape. But I can’t escape from Nature’s law, I have to reap the fruit of my action one day or the other, in this life or another. There is no injustice in the realm of Nature and God; none can escape from their vigilance. Thus, in acquisition of wealth too, one might have been legally right, maintaining honesty and integrity in earning money. The wealth then is legally valid and genuine. Having paid the due tax to the government, the earner is legal owner and has no other obligations to pay anything to anyone.

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But according to Dharma, if there be a hungry stomach starving, if there be a child having no means to get education or if a suffering man needs help, he is bound to share the earnings with them. In sharing there is the element of spirituality that makes wealth an offering to the Source ― to the Nature and to the social structure. This gives the sharer immediate joy and peace, which are gifts from Nature and blessings from the Divine. His heart expands to accommodate more number of beings; this expansion of consciousness that makes possible loving all, is spirituality. The wealth generated and utilized for a higher purpose is called

Yajña (rÉ¥É). It stands to promote human welfare and welfare of all beings and it enriches the society and, thereby adores Nature. When human welfare is sought, it eliminates all defects ― exploitation, monopolization, manipulation of markets. It terminates production of those items that support and promote violence and harmful substances like drugs and intoxicants and those that tear the social fabric. Eradication of social defects and problems is as severe as the knowledge revolution or educational programme for all or eradication of diseases and ailments.

The Principle ― Every revolution, be it agricultural or educational or any other, needs redefining the role of every individual, of institutions involved, of the community and of the Nation as a whole. It demands the acknowledgement of science and spirituality as two supplementary and complementary factors to the human efforts governing social development. This alone gives success in man’s venture, fulfils the purpose and also generates a sense of completeness in the man striving to achieve the goal. It has been well documented throughout history that such evolved thinking, where religion merges in pure spirituality and spirituality works in unison with science, investigating reality, real status and ground realities become revealed without any error; solutions too spontaneously evolve, which prove to be highly effective, smoothly working and surely goal-winning.

7.3 The Scope Wherever civilization or culture has advanced, it has happened in the cradle of spirituality. Wherever and whenever a man has attained peace and everlasting bliss, it is in the cradle of spirituality.

It is a path to peace; the vow for world peace. It is an unquenchable torch that sheds light in all directions; It has come from ancient times and shall continue forever.

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The main torch bearers of this magnificent project are renunciates who have sacrificed their all for God and for the welfare of the world with a vow to serve the world. We are aware and are vowed to practice ‘Every thought, feeling and action, every motive has got to be a build-up for a better, enlightened, beautiful, joyful and peaceful world for all mankind, without any difference from man to man’. It is looking upon the world as One, mankind as One. We understand that a goal that serves everyone alone is good and noble, for everyone is manifestation of the same Divinity; One indivisible Divinity shines in all.

We are dedicating our lives in trying to serve humanity and build a better world, better nation and better society. And, by Divine grace, we feel confident that our absolutely unselfish efforts and sacrifice shall bring the desired results.

With the Vivekananda Global Monument as the centre of universal attention and communication, we shall strive for peace and prosperity, provide education and training, be the cause of growth and development, put efforts to bring together science and spirituality for blissful life, inculcate humanism and human excellence, give lessons and train groups for ecological protection and economical resurgence, help people to unite and love.

By this we reach the hearts of millions all over the world and unite them by getting united with them in a bond of love and trust.

Under the sacred shade of the magnificent Monument, our hearts shall unite; millions who seek peace shall find peace; millions who seek education, skill and secular help, shall find them; millions who seek prospects of decent noble life shall attain their desires and millions who seek God shall reach the supreme Goal of human existence. But blessed shall be those who seek nothing but renounce to serve the Lord’s mission. The worship (of God or Nature) is not complete unless it is translated into practical day-to-day life to serve mankind and all beings.

Vivekananda, though emerged out of Hinduism, was never limited by Hinduism. To him, Hinduism was one of the religions that would lead to God, as any other. He assimilated, loved, honoured and preached the essence of every religion. He pointed out to the common essence of all religions, the spirituality. It is as if so many religions and so many paths are different ladders from different places at the foot of a hill of different races and culture around, leading to the Common Summit, the spirituality.

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Similarly, emerging out of the Indian soil, he no doubt remained a devote patriot building-up the nation, serving and inspiring people of India to serve and sacrifice; he verily entered their hearts as the inspiration and power to work. But he never limited himself to India; he got expanded to embrace the entire world, every race, every colony, every human that lived on the earth and also those who would come in future.

He loved and encouraged every profession, every type of work, every way and walk of life anywhere that would be beneficial to humanity and the nature around. He loved all types of art, sculpture, painting, music, customs and traditions of the world. He loved and honoured every sect, every denomination living on earth. There is nothing he did not love, which is a part of humanity and divine and elevating.

This made him Universal ― belonging to humanity. Thus, he shines in every heart of all humans everywhere. He represents the highest human ideal of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, uncompromising dedication, absolute humility, absolute fearlessness, indomitable strength, unlimited wisdom, undaunted courage and unbounded devotion. To add to all this, he is a vault of peace radiating divinity at all times everywhere. This makes the Global Monument universal.

He is a victorious luminary of the Parliament of Religions, he is the loving guardian of humanity, he is the master builder of our Nation, he is a champion of social transformation world over.

We are his children building up a living and speaking Monument, The Dynamic and Inspiring Monument that shall stand through millenniums driving mankind along the path of evolution to divine-hood, to be one family and to serve and sacrifice for others.

The humanity shall be enriched and ennobled by the Monument. Apart from being a pilgrimage centre, this shall be a centre of education and a cultural centre too ― to preserve, teach and train, perform research and enrich Indian Culture as well as to display other cultures. This shall shine as a venue for spiritual and moral education for children and youngsters and also be a place where elders can systematically study spiritual truths and practice spiritual disciplines and their practical application in daily life.

Thus, we hope that The Monument-Pilgrimage Centre shall be visited and utilised by people from all over the world, from all nations, religions and from all walks of life with a pure divine attitude of complete ‘mine-ness’, trust, love and respect.

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Let us be clear that the Monument is a divinely ordained project, a beacon from the Source of the universe, from the Heaven and Earth as a whole: It is a beacon of the Light that lights the universe ― it is to light the way to a world where dissension, dislike, jealousy and hatred are replaced by love and comradeship, where rift and split are replaced by unity and mutual trust, where destruction is replaced by construction and hope, where fear and insecurity are replaced by fraternity and solicitude.

The Monument shall stand proclaiming equality, justice, honesty and fulfilment of human rights. It shall stand radiating glory as a silent sentinel of love and peace in the moonlit nights of Sri Ramakrishna’s world saving teachings ― love of all inclusion, of service and sacrifice and that which embraces all with the light of purity, divinity and spiritual strength.

We plead for support from the Divine as well as from the general public and the Government as also from the global community. They must help us to serve humanity and the Nature around. All our plans, ambitions, prospects and success are dependent on the Divine and public support. We humbly wish that instead of tension filled anxious, illusory pursuits of chasing lust and lucre with excessive greed detrimental to one’s own well being, people need to realize the need for pursuing a joyful, meaningful life of fulfilment enveloped in love with right relationship with life’s commonwealth.

In fulfilment of the purpose of the Monument it is desired that the propagation of noble ideas, supreme ideals and great human values of the above mentioned kind, should not stop at proposal level or covering a small village or at personal level of implementation. It should be a part of institutions, enterprises, organisations at the individual, community, national and international levels ― and be perpetual to continue from generations to generations.

Right relationships based on divinity of man and on spiritual foundation of universal unity shall bring out wonderful results, right understanding, right progress and, right guidance and scope for us all. Contrary forces too are to be evaluated and properly handled. It has been observed that an essential element of ideological rush for name, fame, power, earnings and possession is intent on destroying unity and peace. This intent and the element demand our urgent and deliberate attention.

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Working at the international level to address today’s pressing challenges, we need human enterprises and creativity on a firm unshakable foundation of oneness of human existence. This comes from teachings of Vedāntic truths especially the Divinity of man that dissolves all types of man to man differences and also abates human chase after wealth, possession and physical enjoyment. At the same time gives tremendous impetus to give up laziness, wrong understanding, strive and struggle to sustain life and serve one and all with love and concern, for the man finds in his awareness his own existence inseparable from all. By adopting and practicing Vedāntic truths, man easily undergoes such real inner transformation wherein his awareness of divinity forcibly drops off all impurities and imperfections that are natural in all humans. As these processes unfold, human seekings shall be transformed to the refined level of quality, highest level of legitimacy and genuineness of needs of life. It also eliminates the lower level of understanding, lower levels of science and of technology as well as it governs the items and patterns of production and consumption, avoiding the unwanted, avoidable and harmful products. The most essential skill and worth of a person and his/her real greatness lies in his/her capability and capacity to (i) spiritualize day-to-day life and (ii) identify, create or adopt, innovate or dissuade a technological need, even of the existing ones. Proper utilisation of technology and resources to fulfil higher ideals and higher purposes is vital.

We need to welcome the diverse population to follow their own path, progress and flourish in the background of Vedāntic truths ― The Eternal Truth for a constantly changing society of diverse cultures, of diverse interests and diverse paths. They must be made to involve in our educational communities to contribute to the learning, discovery and dissemination of knowledge for universal unity and for the benefit of humanity. Spirituality eliminates animal-hood in man and ensures human divinity while personal law explains that theme and makes spirituality a tangible reality. Science serves only man’s bodily needs often through intellectual base (like computers).

There must be active convergence of science and spirituality which will render the inner-being and outer-being move in perfect harmony and will help the individual to remain in harmony with Nature. This inner and outer harmony makes sacrifice and service real, complete and spontaneous in man’s life. The elevated human values and living up to an ideal are the key to long term sustainability.

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Our plans of service and what we wish to do at National and local is :

Apart from striving for Global Unity, we can try to extend our services to various parts of the world as per the directives or suggestions of United Nations (UN) and World Health Organisation (WHO) if the Indian Government and our State Government permit. There is a great need of service everywhere; but the basis of service and sacrifice is elevation of human consciousness to higher levels. The Monument is being established as an aid to constantly keep reminding man of his divine identity and his duties and responsibilities as human beings, which keeps human awareness ever raised to a higher level of consciousness.

Human necessities at Global level may collectively be considered as: 1. Man’s physical need ― food, clothing and shelter (sustenance)

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2. Security ― freedom from fear of insecurity which has to be eliminated through universal unity: One World of love, peace and harmony. 3. Emotional needs ― family set-up, music, dance, arts, sculpture and cultural base and development etc. 4. Social Competence ― education, leadership, character building, personality development, human values like humility, organisational capacity, management and planning. Schools, teacher training, scholarships, vocational schools, sponsorships etc. 5. Social stability and peace ― Government, law and order, justice, police, military, patriotism, control of terrorism and underground. 6. Physical needs, conveniences and comforts ― a) Agriculture. b) Science & Technology, research and discovery, extraction and utilization of Natural resources and power, industry, transport, commerce (Banking and finance), international and national markets, medicines and medical services. c) Health & hygiene ― sanitation, drinking water (wells), nutrition, community clinics, medical awareness, sponsorship. d) Poverty eradication ― Job opportunities, self-employment schemes, loans and advances, small scale industries, home industries, village workshops. e) Welfare of the aged, child and women as well as vocational training of the physically and mentally challenged. f) Roads, gardens and playgrounds, community hall. g) Relief works ― natural calamities like floods, earthquakes etc. And man-made calamities like riots, terrorist attack, etc. 7. Environmental Care ― Loving and preserving the Nature around. Control of pollution, of causes of climatic changes, environmental degradation and of deforestation. 8. Spiritual Need ― the ultimate good for society and total fulfilment for every individual comes from spiritual evolution, which is the common essence of all religions and which proclaims the divinity of man.

All these need urgent attention at all places throughout the world. We shall have local, national and global plans to work out as much as the funds and Government clearances permit.


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Holistic Development: The Holistic outlook views the human life in three distinct perspectives — individual, transactional and social.

Physical / bodily development

Intellectual development

Individual Emotional development

Moral development

Spiritual development

Personality development

Behavioural development Holistic Development Transactional Dealings-wise development

Ethical development

Earnings-wise development

Service and Sacrifice

Civic sense and patriotism

Social Preservation of culture

Preservation of Nature; saving resources; improving

ecological conditions

With these developments man shall be able to live in perfect harmony within himself and with external world and Nature. And, with a heart filled with selfless love and everlasting peace, experiences joy of living every moment and be Free from all limitations and bondages.


The views, the principles and methods of nation-building which we present should be complete, positive, seeking welfare of all ― Bahujana Hitāya Bahujana Sukhāya, patriotic, at the same time idealistic and practical.

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Nation Building: There are four aspects of our national life and national issues ― (i) the eternal and abiding, (ii) the current and contemporary (iii) evident but hidden (iv) non- existing but appearing to be existing. All need attention; the burning problems of the day must be attended with diligence and seriousness. The abiding values should form the warp and woof of our national fabric.

There are 4 phases of history: pre-historic, historic but pre-invasion, pre-independence and post-independence that we need to study to understand the thread of our national life. We need a philosophy of life that keeps us flowing along the National stream and also links every individual to the rest of humanity in a bond of love that ensures prosperity, peace and joy of living. It should be inclusive of the philosophy of thought and action par excellence (like Bhagwad Gita) that not only seeks ‘resurrection and rebuilding our great and grand nation that gives light to the rest of the world and serves in every possible way’, but seeks intensely the world peace, mutual trust and love and living in harmony.


Services Rendered: We need to work at three levels ― (i) local services (individual and collective welfare) within our range and capacity; (ii) nation-building and reformation; (iii) Global unity and peace in love and trust. What hinders implementation, advancement and progress is human-nature, selfishness and self-centredness, which generates self- righteousness and unconcern for the rest. And, it must be consciously, wilfully and effortfully destroyed.

Swami Vivekananda says ―

“No amount of political or social manipulations of human conditions can cure the evils of life. It is a change of soul itself for the better that alone will cure the evils of life. No amount of force, or Government, or legislative cruelty will change the conditions of a race, but it is the spiritual and ethical culture alone that can change wrong tendencies for the better”.

The services we offer should be (i) to solve current contemporary problems and (ii) to infuse ideals and values in human consciousness that abide forever and flow through generations. %%%%%%%%%

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How we go about: An estimated 100 million people make some kind of pilgrimage every year ― some for a few hours, others for days or months. The placing of the statue is in such a beautiful location that it is the centre of the confluences of all sacred places of undivided South Canara Dist.: Udupi, Dharmasthala, Karkala, Subramanya, Murudeswar, Sringeri, Gokarna, Kolluru, Horanadu etc. An estimated six to ten thousand people may be expected to visit the Monument every day within a year of its consecration. Being a global Monument, people from all over the world shall also be attracted making it an international Tourism Centre. It shall be the pride of the Nation and a treasure of the State. There will be commercial development as well as hundreds of families getting benefited, thousands will find employment, self-employment and means of earning their livelihood.

In this context the main thing we need to attend to is the environmental impact of these journeys, which include all those pilgrimage centres around. The environmental sustainability to bear all the strains of pilgrimage impact may be called ‘evergreen pilgrimage’. This is possible when the visitors totally co-operate, being fully aware of their responsibility to the contribution of beautiful congenial environment around. The area must be flooded with trees, plants, lawns and gardens; cleanliness everywhere, clean and beautiful roads and footpath. The psychological and emotional fulfilment of the visitor is equally important so that their spiritual sensitivity is activated to perceive the spiritual atmosphere that transcends all external physical presentations provided. That alone gives meaning to everything. Every soul must be able to experience the spiritual transcendental joy that cannot be expressed through the words or by any other means. Vivekananda is a confluence of all religious faiths, so people of all faiths and all paths shall reach the place with reverence and adoration. Once this way of viewing thinking and feeling enters the soul of a lay man, he/she is bound to travel to every holy place of pilgrimage of any faith or religion anywhere in the world with same love and respect. This may be called the ‘faith-consistent-way’. A Pilgrim who travels and visits every pilgrimage centre in such a ‘faith-consistent-way’ will develop an inner awareness that makes him view the entire world as sacred, every object as an expression of the Divine; and that pilgrim is a true pilgrim. This is the essence of Hinduism. Walking on the earth anywhere with the awareness that we are walking on the sacred land of God, seeking Divine everywhere, is putting into practice the theory that is being preached.

Here the mankind shall meet on a common platform like the Parliament of Religions. Faith communities have much to think and contribute towards maintenance of atmosphere

45 | Page and environment needed to perceive the Common Spiritual Basis that unites the world. They can really make tremendous impact if they work together taking this as their common goal.

We need to make and maintain the place and places around, ever ecological. This includes discouraging use of innumerable private vehicles and promoting use of common large public transport among all citizens. ‘Greener’ practices of freshness and cheerfulness with beautified peace and joy radiating atmosphere, is to be cultivated. We need to pay lot of attention to save energy and water, waste material discarded in bins, and litters scattered in streets and in public places are to be manually segregated and sent for recycling and making bio-manure and other useful ways of utilization. There are zero-waste management processes already being adopted in many places.

Many places like Akshara Dham in Delhi, Golden Temple in Vellore, Temple, ShirdiSai Baba Temple, I personally visited to understand their present set-up and innovative future plans and found that they have taken up various initiatives which are worth studying and are most inspiring. We can safely adopt them.

One more point that demands special attention is security measures. Till terrorism and communal unrest is arrested, there should be fool-proof measures of security. To maintain law and order, rules and regulations and maintain silence within the premises, proper trained security staff may be necessary. Retired military officials can be made in-charge and guiding personnel. But love must supersede all initiatives.


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Fill India & The Globe With your love and strength

The way To PEACE

Instilling, Human values and spiritual ideals And human excellencies In every heart

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