Giving Season 2020 Giving Tuesday Toolkit Introduction


Giving Tuesday is right around the corner… Let’s get ready for it!

The end of the year, also known as the “Giving Season”, is an unparalleled time in the nonprofit world, where spirits are high and fundraising opportunities are abundant. Approximately one third of all annual donations are made during this time of the year. Many donors want to end the year on a positive note and take this opportunity to support the causes they care about, both locally and globally.

Giving Tuesday kicks off the Giving Season on the first Tuesday of . In fact, it is the biggest giving event of the year. Created in 2012, this global day of generosity brings together nonprofits and supporters from all over the world to celebrate charity and solidarity. Every year, millions of people take part in the festivities, and billions of Dollars are raised by nonprofits during this one special day.

As a nonprofit organization, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to raise funds for your projects. GivingWay provides nonprofits with a wide range of fundraising tools and resources to execute a successful Giving Tuesday fundraising campaign. Our marketing and fundraising experts put together this ultimate Giving Tuesday toolkit, which includes a step-by-step campaign calendar, email & social media templates, free visuals and much more!

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions. Your success is our success.

Happy fundraising!

2 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The Giving Season ……………………………………………………………………………………….4 Best Practices ………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 GivingWay Tools ………………………………………………………………………………………….12 Giving Tuesday Templates Emails ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21 Social Media …………………………………………………………………………………………….24 Giving Tuesday Step by Step Calendar …………………………………………..26 Giving Tuesday Visuals Logos ………………………………….……………………………………………………………………….28 Social Media …………………………………………………………………………………………….28

3 The Giving Season – When, What & Why The Giving Season

What is the Giving Season?

• The last quarter of the year is referred to as the “Giving Season” • It includes Giving Tuesday, and New Years Eve • 31% of annual giving occurs in December • 12% of all giving happens in the last 3 days of the year • Volunteers are twice as likely to donate than non-volunteers

Important Dates

Giving Season 2020 • Giving Tuesday – December 1 • Christmas – December 25 • New Years Eve – December 31

What is ?

• “Giving Tuesday” was established in New York in 2012 as a movement to encourage generosity and giving • It’s the first and biggest event of the Giving Season and is growing rapidly every year • In 2019, appx. $511 Million was raised online in the U.S during GivingTuesday, and a total of $1.9 Billion globally • 68% of all donations in 2018 were made by individual donors

5 Best Practices, Tips & Tricks Best Practices

Define Your Strategy

Establish a clear, actionable and practical plan for the Giving Season – dates, content & messaging.

Set Your Goals • Total $ you wish to raise (set a realistic goal) • Increasing monthly recurring donors • Recruiting volunteers/supporters • Donor retention • Expanding your email list

Make Lists

Think of all the supporters you’ve collected over the years; plan what your “ask” is and how, where and when you will reach them: • Past/current donors – individuals and companies • Past/current volunteers • Visitors to your organization • Board & management • Social media following

7 Best Practices

Giving Tuesday Branding

Make sure all your communications are branded with the GivingTuesday logo and include a hashtag (#givingtuesday) where relevant: • /Instagram/LinkedIn profile picture & cover • Email banner • Your website • All social media images and posts

Find GivingTuesday logos at:

8 Best Practices

Email Marketing - Calendar

• Prepare your contacts list • Set up an email calendar and prepare your emails in advance:

2 weeks 7 days before 5 days before 1 day before Giving Tuesday 1 day after before

Picking up 5 days to go – Tomorrow’s the Happy Giving Campaign speed, need help us reach day – we’re Tuesday – one last Thank you announcement your support our goal almost there! push please ☺

Email Marketing - Content

Email content ideas and best practices: • Update about your 2020 achievements • Describe your goal • Explain what you will do with the money you raise • Add at least one picture to each email • Provide a clear call to action: donate button or link to donation page • Ask to share your donation page if not able to donate

9 Best Practices

Social Media - Calendar

• Decide which social media outlets you will be using: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and WhatsApp groups • Set up a posting calendar and prepare your posts in advance:

2 weeks before 1 week before Giving Tuesday 1 day after

Go big! Several posts, Campaign 1 post per day, Thank you posts Facebook Live, announcement every day #thankyouwednesday Instagram stories

Social Media - Content

Social media ideas and best practices: • Focus on your positive achievements and the important work you are doing • Always ask to share if not able to donate • Use diverse formats such as photos, videos, Q&A, Facebook Live, Instagram stories etc.

10 Best Practices

Social Media - Visuals

Each post should include: • A photo/image • Giving Tuesday Logo • #GivingTuesday hashtag • Link to donation page

Social Media – Post Ideas

Some content ideas • Make a fundraising video* • Share success stories from your projects/beneficiaries • Post inspirational quotes • Post joyful pictures • Do countdowns to Giving Tuesday

*57% of people who watch fundraising videos will go on to donate to that cause

11 Getting Ready with GivingWay Tools GivingWay Tools

Your GivingWay Tools for the Giving Season

• Special Giving Season donation page • Campaign page • Peer-to-peer fundraising • General profile • Giving Tuesday Toolkit

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$9,000 Raised Goal: $15,000

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$1,200 Raised Goal: $5,000

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13 GivingWay Tools

Special Giving Season Donation Page - What

• Special design and messaging for GivingTuesday and then for the Giving Season • Embedded donation box for easy payment • Promotion of monthly donations

14 Note: screenshots apply to GivingWay’s product as of the Webinar date and can change with product updates GivingWay Tools

Special Giving Season Donation Page - Where

Your Dashboard → Features → General Donations → Link from your Site

Donate Link → Copy → I’m Done

15 Note: screenshots apply to GivingWay’s product as of the Webinar date and can change with product updates GivingWay Tools

Campaign Page (formerly “Project Page”) - What

• Specific campaign for a certain project • Includes $ goal, progress bar and list of donors • Great way to set up a designated Giving Season campaign

Campaign Page - Where

Your Dashboard → Features → Fundraising Campaigns → Add First Campaign

16 Note: screenshots apply to GivingWay’s product as of the Webinar date and can change with product updates GivingWay Tools

Campaign Page - Where

Fill in title, $ goal, description, use of funds and status; Spanish language available.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising - What

• Harness the power of your network to help you fundraise • With just a few clicks, your volunteers and supporters can set up fundraisers for your Campaign

17 Note: screenshots apply to GivingWay’s product as of the Webinar date and can change with product updates GivingWay Tools

Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser

General Profile Tips

• Your profile page should be updated with all current information • Make sure you have good quality images and videos • Encourage supporters to add reviews on your profile • Upload annual reports if available

18 Note: screenshots apply to GivingWay’s product as of the Webinar date and can change with product updates GivingWay Tools

New! Local Currencies

Donors can now choose from 25+ different currencies – and growing!

19 Note: screenshots apply to GivingWay’s product as of the Webinar date and can change with product updates Giving Tuesday Templates Templates

Email Template: Before Giving Tuesday

Subject Line: Join Us for GivingTuesday – the Global Day of Giving on Dec 1, 2020

Body: Dear Friends,

On December 1, people all around the world are coming together to tap into the power of human connection, make a difference in the world and end 2020 on a positive note. Will you be one of them?

[NAME OF YOUR ORGANIZATION] will be participating in GivingTuesday and we need your help! Over the past year we [YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS]. Our goal this year is [YOUR GOAL]. But we can’t do this without you!

Take part in our project and directly impact the lives of [YOUR BENEFICIARIES]. The money raised will help us achieve the following: [AMOUNT] USD = [USE OF PROCEEDS] [AMOUNT] USD = [USE OF PROCEEDS]

Donate here: [LINK TO DONATE]

Not able to donate? You can also make a difference by helping spread the world. Share this link with your friends and family, explaining why you support our cause.

Thank you for being a part of our community. Your support truly means the world to us.


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21 Templates

Email Template: One Day Before Giving Tuesday

Subject Line: Help Us Reach Our Goal on Giving Tuesday

Body: Dear friends,

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, the global day of generosity. As you know, our organization [YOUR WORK IN A FEW WORDS], and our goal this year is [YOUR GOAL]. We need your support, can we count on you?

You can help us reach our goal in two ways: • Make a donation today: [LINK TO DONATE] • Spread the word, by sharing this link with your friends and family, and telling them why you believe in our work.

Not able to donate? You can also make a difference by helping spread the world. Share this link with your friends and family, explaining why you support our cause.

We’ve got just one day left until one historic day of giving. Let’s do this!

Thank you for your continued support. By joining forces, we can truly change the world.


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22 Templates

Email Template: On Giving Tuesday

Subject Line: Happy Giving Tuesday! Here’s How You Can Participate

Body: Dear friends,

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, the global day of generosity. As you know, our organization [YOUR WORK IN A FEW WORDS], and our goal this year is [YOUR GOAL]. We need your support, can we count on you?

You can help us reach our goal in two ways: • Make a donation today: [LINK TO DONATE] • Spread the word, by sharing this link with your friends and family, and telling them why you believe in our work.

Not able to donate? You can also make a difference by helping spread the world. Share this link with your friends and family, explaining why you support our cause.

We’ve got just one day left until one historic day of giving. Let’s do this!

Thank you for your continued support. By joining forces, we can truly change the world.


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23 Templates

Social Media Template

On this year’s #GivingTuesday, no matter where we are and what we have, we all have gifts to give • Make a donation to [YOUR GOAL]: [LINK TO DONATE] • Share this post to help spread the generosity • How will you give this year?

Mark your calendar! December 1 is #GivingTuesday. We’re proud to be a part of this global celebration of giving and invite you to celebrate with us! We want to [YOUR GOAL], are you in? Support us here: [LINK TO DONATE] • Share this post and let’s spread the generosity 

#GivingTuesday - Together we stand  Together we give ❤️ Your donation, whatever the amount, will help [YOUR GOAL]. Thank you so much for your support! [LINK TO DONATE] • Share this post and let’s spread the generosity 

D-5/2/1 before #GivingTuesday! We are looking forward to celebrating with you on this global day of generosity. Our goal this year is [YOUR GOAL]. Donate now to make a difference: [LINK TO DONATE] • Or share this post around❤️

Happy #GivingTuesday! In this time of uncertainty, there's a fundamental truth that gives us hope - that together we can do extraordinary things. LET’S DO IT Donate today: [LINK TO DONATE] • Share this post and let’s spread the generosity 

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24 Giving Tuesday Calendar Calendar

Step by Step Calendar Copy & Paste from Google Doc

Date To Do

November 16-22 Campaign Announcement (10-15 days before) • Email: Announce that you participate in Giving Tuesday and what is your goal this year, and start sharing the link to your donation page • Social Media: Start posting the Giving Tuesday posts you prepared in advance Don’t forget to use #GivingTuesday!

November 24 Picking Up Speed (7 days before) • Email: Send a ”save the date’ email to your community about needing their support to reach your goal for this Giving Tuesday. • Email: Send a dedicated email to your volunteers with the link to your donation page + 1-2 ready –to-use visuals, and ask them to help share your Giving Tuesday campaign. • Social Media: Increase the frequency, post 1 post per day, every day until December 1 – Always include: Giving Tuesday logo, #GivingTuesday, and the link to donate Don’t forget to use #GivingTuesday!

November 26 Keep Mobilizing Your Community (5 days before) • Email: Send a “help us reach our goal” email to your community with a reminder of your goal, how you will use the donations, with the link to your donation page • Check on your volunteers: Helping with the campaign: send them words of appreciate and encouragement, answer potential questions they may have, etc.

November 30 Almost There! (1 day before) • Email: Send a reminder to your community “Tomorrow’s the day,” we’re counting on you” asking them to make a donation to help you reach your goal.

December 1 It’s Showtime! Giving Tuesday • Email: Wish a Happy Giving Tuesday to your community and ask them to make a donation today • Optional: send a “last chance to donate for Giving Tuesday” email appeal in the late afternoon/evening to create a sense of urgency • Social Media: Go Big! Post several times during the day, try to be present as possible (make a Facebook live, post Instagram stories, thank donors live etc.)

November 24 Time to Say Thank You (7 days before) • Email: Send a “thank you” to your donors, and to everyone who supported your Giving Tuesday campaign • Social Media: Show your appreciate, post a thankyou message/image with #thankyouwednesday

And take some time to rest and congratulate yourself for all the work you put in your Giving Tuesday campaign this year!

26 Giving Tuesday Visuals Templates

Giving Tuesday Logos Copy & Paste from Google Doc

Social Media Posts Copy & Paste from Google Doc

[Your picture here]

28 For any questions or support feel free to contact our team at [email protected]