mm m ,Hjf, ^*J^ ®« it iftURded r m'mSm lb. w. f: [^^d-»Aj - toi Jdie.^Wi _ tWO,i IP I. b: mniuB*. ife^ ftoiih* «n|t TaaiAan CSwefd, ^Booao, .'W ^pfit^^^W'flniwe to at^d^dti for the past aeverai fpn 'tJi*sdti-wS5'’1lklMtft ____ ,>'■;"* ■ ■■': has tangfat 4a the jnihUe sehoola asMni^^ ttat' of fcedeU and Tadkin <^nUea. be g*’ hOii^e' «s ali|0 a^e in . ^Igloat pastoHui^ W liaTfr hewf'^ IT. ApioPeP work, betnc’aedretarv ol the As- -'Ihn* °dn fv4 iBihln, Deo. '1 ^Mrs. WH&am aoeiatlonal -W. M. U. work of the *»«^- A. Cooper of Un' Tloe-prealdent of the W. M. U. of . •e»iooL proeching mairlagt: of her daofb- Zion Baptist church and secre­ at his hohiA on WifhefiSoro rbv^ tW- ia, was held today at l^gowood ' ‘’PtfA fAglt' eoddaver at all times ter, Ann'.e OQlv'ird, to Rev. Lon tary of the ZiOn eunday school. Atlantic Greyhound Corpora­ Orady Bnrglee of Elkin. The mar­ Baptist cburoh; Rev. Burfiin is the son of Mr. tion annpbices excursion , fares He learee bts wife and ' two red being riage will take place at the cloee and Mrs. Tbiomas Edward Bur- - DM^tOoiit ^or.. CoTers of the morning hour of worship for the round trip of 170 per cent children, Carl and Coy; also sur­ giss of this city. Fc- several years of the. one way fare, going ...on viving are his fathw and mother, » wd tar] S, colilitl&g of the Sunday, Pecember 11, at the he has been pastor of the Arling­ sale Decem^.:42, 1938 to R. W. and Mavgie Parker Moore, *»•»♦ momben,'. irlth Mr. First Baptist church in this city. ton and Ronda Baptist churches. ^^^„ jS“-QPM3nir superintendent | Rev. Eph Whlsenluint, pastor of uary 1, ff^^^^^nalve, good fw of i^keeboro route S. ^^the aehool as host, and Miss the church, will officiate, using Millie Oahrlel a member of the the ring ceremony. It will be a a* hostess. , I public wfddlng and no private Hoard, membw-8 present were 1 invitations have been Issued. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY! S9^ ' This Certificate Is Wortli $4.41 • 594^ Three For loc TU« cCTtifleaU u4 **< •aUdM Um kaarw to oni •( Mir Otaaiiii teSHtoactiU* |f.H VACUUM FILLKR BACK­ LESS FOUMTAIN PKNB. VUbl* Ink Smb. Vac BEK tlw taikl A Uf*-Ttai* twrantM with «uii pen. Uni- Get Your TCTuI (1st for laSlM, b«b, boyt u4 firli. While-U-Wail CHRISTMAS THE PEN WITH A LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE PERMANENTS Enlarging, Tinting, Copying. At The THE NEW PLUNGER FILLER—VACUUM ZIP—ONLY ONB PULL AND IT’S PULL A. & B. BEAUTY SHOPPE. TUa PEN holds 309% more ink than ordiamr /onnUln pent «a tlt« mnrkpt! Ton can Writ* for Hontiu on On* Filling. No Repnit Blllal No Lerer Fillcrt No Presanre Bar; Pm toftod nmd fBArantoed to ho nnbrookahlo for life. Get yonra NOW; THIS PSN GiTOs FREE If yon can bny one in the dty for len then FIVE DOLLARS! Thia certificate rood only white adverttalng aale U on. Free Gift Box with Each Pen. $1.50 Pencils To Match Above Pens, 29c This Pen On Mail Orders Add 6c Extra UMIT Wall Bros. Special HoKday Prices Will Be 3 Pens to — CALL NOW FOR APPOINTMENT — $5.00 R. M. Brame & Sons - Drugs Each After Sale Certificate Next to Liberty Theatre A. & B. Beauty Shoppe North Wilkesboro, N. C.



Aut< soltile Owners, and Especially Those Who Have The Misfortune of Having A Wreck:

We have just opened a paint shop and fender and body re- department, equipped with the latest and best machin­ ery oa the market, wiiich will be operated under the personal supervision of Mr. A. E;. Rhodes, on* of the best and most ex­ perienced paint and body rebuilding men to be found anywhere m North Carolina. Mr. Rhodes has had years of experience in Sir line of business and he needs no introduction to the many Furniture is really the most beautiful and the most lasting gift of all to be chosen. It’s beauty and motorists' of this section. comfort is a reminder of the giver for many years. It is a useful gift... For this Christmas season we __ ------— 'la addition to giving the motoring public the service as have assembled nunierous useful and attractive gifts . . . gifts for every member of the family, and meatioBed above, we will continne to do sll kinds of general gifts that will be greatly appreciated. Shop Rhodes-Day for the ideail Christmas gift—FURNITURE. automobile repair work and welding, also radiator repair work If there is anything you need in automobile or truck repair- aee us. IVe can do any kind of job you Want done, and at the right price. Give a Studio Couch We have Studio Couche.s in a variety of colors—rust, green and wine- High grade iiphoLstery. Sturdy construction. A Studio Couch is an attractive living Tull Motor & Welding Company room piece for day use, and a comfortable bed at night. Rudiator Repairing, Welding, Painting, Body Rebuilding and General .Vutomobile Repair Work. Phone 190 North Wilkesboro, N. C. $27.50 $47i0 $55.00

YIPPEE KI-YI! fwrmriTtiSH WE’RE HERE AGAIN IN e Chair Will Make an Ideal Gift Luxurious Lounge Chairs with deep cushions. Upholstered in OUR NEWEST! Monday All New Adventures with .A.meiic,i's .Most Tuesday tapestrv and ve-!our.s. Selection of beautiful colors. Ottoman Beloved______Family_ , . The Hardy.s! ' included. A gift any man willenjoy for year.s OUT WEST WITH ...... * a"" * $17.50 - $19.50 - $22.50 Hey, Ma! Hey, Pa! THE HARDY’S” and all the family! $a50-$31.50 Here’s the picture that everybody wants to see! That i>eloved Hardy Fam­ Cecilia Parker • ily out West . . . it’s their Virginia Weilder, newest, their funniest and their most exciting ad­ SARA HADEX venture! It’.s the of Them All

TODAY AND FRIDAY^ THE GREATEST AIR PICTURE EVER FILMED! Ten Times Greater in Technicolor! “MEN WITH WINGSff f| AND THESE ADDED FEATURES WatttHstms ~^urSfMPH60f Bridge Sets ^jc^DINANDf/^cBULl $11.50 SV1 TECHNICOLOR OliMtaidSir KO lADIO !fau:tf U and SPOT, STRAIGHT CHAIRS Pictures Duke - Pitt — Army - Navy AND RAKERS A nice selection in various colors football battles of upholstery.' '• 05c up : Chairs ....---- — $5.85 up SATURDAY Rockers — $6.50 up Mirrors Gene Autrey SMILEY BURNETTE KERMIT MAYNARD IN WESTERN JAMBOREE LIBERTY Their Newest! also and


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