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MILLBURN Z And Septem ber S, 1 9 } 9 V o l . 5 1 , N o . 3 6 — A — 11---------------- ■— MILLBURN Z and Founded 1888 -----Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURN, N.J. FIVE CENTS copy MR. R. J. BRETNALL, princi­ WOMEN’S GUILD of St. Stephen’s Church, Millburn, will Hills Ass’n food First pal of Millburn High School, has Three Nozv Seek just received word from the hold its first meeting this year American magazine that Wesley at the summer home of Mrs. Endorses tomb Target Doyle, who was graduated June Surrogate Post Hobart Benedict in Lavallette, '39, was given honorable men­ on Tuesday, September 12. Buses Millburn candidates for the "Embargo food stuffs" was tion for his sketch “Democracy”, Three candidates are new con­ will leave the parish house at Town Committee are on the ie slogan of Millburn Township which Was submitted as art testing for the nomination as 8:30 in the morning. Ladies ex­ home stretch now with but little pecting to attend are requested ousewives Monday as they entry in the American Youth Essex County Surrogate. Prom­ more than a week remaining in to bring box luncheons. tent to the shops to replenish Forum. It is estimated that over inent among these is Fred Her- which to score. 360,000 youths were entered id * he week-end onslaught on the rlgel Jr., of Short Hills, pres­ Tuesday night the Short Hills'1 the competition. Association Council endorsed antry. ent incumbent and running as ★ Grade “B " Milk Clarence A Hill, Henry L. Junge 'From Friday when local food an independent. and E. Bernard Ward, the latter uyers last went to market, to Eugene F. Hoffman of Bloom­ for tax collector. Committee flonday of this week, meat Open House field, has the Clean Govern­ On October t ~) candidates were heard one at a »rices soared an average of bet- ment designation and its organ­ time and association approval The sale of Grade B milk in came at the end. er than 15 per cent and grocer- A t Glenzvood ized support and to maxe the es other than green produce, Millburn Township will be legal Mr. Hill is seeking return to race interesting Richard Spitz of on October 1 following the re­ nounted from 2 to 5 per cent. Saturday morning from 9 to Irvington, has^filed under the the committee on his record and Pork was the leader in the cent passage of an ordinance by while there are rumors of a tide 12 and afternoon from 1 to 4. Republican designation. the Board of Health. In this ipswing with some cuts ldng- in the Hills area in favor of Mr. parents and pupils of the Glen- Mr. Sp^tz is a brother of Edgar connection board member A. ng upward for a 40 per cent Kemmerer its effectiveness is wood school district, will have G. Spitz of 25 Rosedale avenue, Ross Meeker introduced a reso­ ram Butchers and merchants h ing discounted. Mr. Hill lists open house at the new build­ and is well known here in the lution at Tuesday evening’s ix-re unable to account tor the flood control and pay-as-you-go ing on Taylor road. All resi­ practice of law and in fraternal meeting granting approval of narked rise other than to at- relief among things he has sup­ dents of the Township are in­ circles. He has named Monroe application of the various milk ributc it to speculators cashing ported. vited also to see the new plant. Van Duyne as his campaign dealers to sell Grade B milk. n on the uncertainty. All school property is in readi­ However, approval of the Town­ Ur. Jung:.- wno nu- .vt-jis ago manager. ,. missed the grade by a narrow These concede that coincident ness for the resumption of ship Veterinarian of the .source T|je candidate is active in margin, is counted upon for n ,vith the declaration war Eng- school and classes Monday of supply of this milk is neces­ civic, community and fraternal strong- finish this year and hi. ind and France may have morning. Wednesday there was sary before such application will circles, being a member of the friends are working diligently placed large orders here for a meeting of principals with Su­ Central Presbyterian Church, be granted. (oodstuffs, but they are unable perintendent. Patterson and In put a South Mountain man Newark Athletic ,Club. Newark Inspection of several dairies on the committee and so have to see even so, aside from specu­ Thursday a general teacher’s ■ Safety Council. Pomegranite was made by Dr. Macpherson, lation and profiteering, why meeting was held In the High recognition for the area. Lodge. F. & A. M , Essex Speak­ hea th officer, during the past Roderick MacDougall widely nice jumps should have been so •School Library. er's Club and Is Exalted Ruler month as stgted in his report known local dairyman is work­ neteoric. Friday teachers will be on duty of the Irvington Lodge of Elks, submitted at this meeting. ing quietly and in some quarters Commenting on the moderate at the various schools for new and Counsel to the Patrolmen’s Dairies inspected were found to he is looked upon as the dark nerease in dry and canned gro­ pupil registration. Benevolent Association of Irv­ be in good sanitary condition horse of the four. Many have ceries one merchant said “these ★ ington. He has written for pub­ with the exception of the two pondered what a "thrufty" Scot nill come later as new purchases lication many articles on legal found deficient last month and can see in the post he has elected are made by processors and as fraternal and business subjects. at that time ordered to sus­ to go out for, some even won­ new crops reflect the trends". Comes Home He has been engaged in Onej^- pend delivery in Millburn. As all dering if the fact the town clerk Residents recalling 1914 re­ tivc practice of law since ^23. dealers immediately found an­ sits with the committee, adds member this same quick price In Black-Out ★ other source of supply these two to its attraction, trend although few if any are dairies were again restrained Mr. Kemmerer has issued this from furnishing milk to Mill- able to name any specific per­ Returning from Europe last H i Ho Cast statement as to his candidacy: centages. Then staples all In­ week on the Aquitania, Charles burn. “My petition for nomination creased with certain items such Bulkley of Jefferson avenue, Rehearsals for the 1939 edition ★ as a Township Committeeman as butter and lard becoming al­ Yale ’39, is one of the last Short of HI HO will begin next week, has been filed. I enter the cam- most prohibitive. When the Hills residents to leave England Wednesday, September 13, at piihin for the Republican nom­ United States entered the World Many Traffic before war broke out. 4:30, girls will report at the ination representing no group War butter substitutes were in Mr. Bulkley spent an interest­ Wyoming Clu band a week later or faction. I am not running universal use and afterward ing Summer touring England Wednesday, September 20, the IVa r Casualties with any other candidate. For small • chums were available > 'and his only discomfort came at men will have the club house at all my opponents I have an en­ wherein a pound of butter and Millburn’s drive on speeders, the end when ship’s passengers 8 P. M. tirely friendly feeling and so a pint of milk were blended to­ stop street passers and other were not. permitted to have No date has yet been set for far as I am concerned there will gether into two pounds of nour­ stateroom windows or portholes traffic law violators is still under be no personal attack or bit ter­ ishing and wholesome mixture. rehearsals of the women’s open at night and all were way according to the report of ness. Fish and eggs were universally chorus, but this announcement police department activities for painted black to prevent ligjjit "From time to time during the I urned to as meat substitutes, will soon be made. the month of August as sub­ from being seen. While carrymg campaign I will discuss openly ★ mitted by Commissioner John Sugar first became high in a full passenger list, he said the and publicly the Issues and ex- “MANY MICKLES A. Stewart at the meeting of the price and later scarce so that Aquitania had no cots in the MAKE A MUCKLE” Township Committee Tuesday (Continued on Page Eight) but a pound was doled out to a salons. family and gasolineless week­ night. Of 153 arrests for the While he- -spent.-mi,..ti®e *n Republican Meeting ends became the rule. y es — “Many Littles make a month 128 were for traffic law Germany Mr. Bulkley states Much” and now a man who Even though we stay neutral violations. friends advised him Hitler has learned this in his home and Millburn Republican Club is Millburn residents will feel the Fines totaling several hun­ a firm hand on the young gen­ remembers it in business would holding an. open_primary meet­ Pinch of this European fray in dred dollars have been assessed eration despite the fact parents bring it to- Township affairs. ing with all Township candi­ ways not now suspected. Tin a in Police Court -against drivers and elders are divided in then- Roderick MacDougall operator dates, Fred Herrigel Jr., C. Mil­ munitions necessity entering and in one case a license was allegiance.
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