MAY 19, 2018 Mirror-SpeTHE ARMENIAN ctator Volume LXXXVIII, NO. 43, Issue 4538 $ 2.00 NEWS The First English Language Armenian Weekly in the United States Since 1932 INBRIEF Parliament Pashinyan Meets with Putin, Rejects Paylan Bill on Armenian Genocide ISTANBUL (Armenpress) — The leadership of the Former Soviet Bloc Leaders Turkish parliament this week rejected the bill that had been submitted by lawmaker of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Garo Paylan which called SOCHI, Russia (Public Radio of ) for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, — Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Agos reports. Pashinyan participated in the sitting of the On April 20, 2018, Garo Paylan submitted a bill Supreme Council of the Eurasian Economic to the parliament proposing to call the 1915 and Union (EAEU) on May 9 along with the subsequent events as an Armenian Genocide, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, remove the names of perpetrators from public President of Belarus Alexander places, and grant Turkish citizenship to the descen- Lukashenko, President of Kazakhstan dants of the Genocide victims or Armenians affect- Nursultan Nazarbayev and Prime Minister ed by it. of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov. The rejection signed by Speaker of the parlia- President of Moldova and Chairman of the ment Ismail Kahraman says Paylan’s bill and state- EAEU Board were present ments “insult the country, the national dignity and at the meeting. oppose the history”. Addressing the summit, Pashinyan con- The Speaker rejected the bill of ethnic Armenian gratulated everyone on Victory Day and lawmaker sending it back aimed at “making neces- thanked Putin for the warm welcome. sary corrections”. “We have already formed the govern- ment, which does not envisage changes in foreign policy vectors. I confirm my full Prime Minister with Russian President Vladimir Putin Armenian Deputy see PASHINYAN, page 2 Foreign Minister Calls Out for ‘Daesh-Style’ Violence ALBIN LOHR-JONES/EASTERN DIOCESE Former California BRUSSELS, Belgium (Public Radio of Armenia) Governor George — Violence in the has seriously harmed the Armenian communities of the region, Armenia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot Deukmejian Dies Hovakimyan said on May 15, addressing a ministe- rial conference on “Ethnic and religious violence” Leaves Legacy of Fiscal in Brussels. Conservatism and Bipartisan He noted that many Armenians have been killed Cooperation as a result of terrorist actions, a number of Armenian settlements, churches, schools and cul- LOS ANGELES — Former Governor of tural establishments have been destroyed, forcing California George Deukmejian died on May Armenians to leave their homes 100 years after the 8. He was 89. Armenian Genocide. George Deukmejian, a two-term California Hovakimyan noted that Armenia was one of the governor who was admired by Republicans first countries to criticize the mass killing of the and Democrats alike for his willingness to civilian population by terrorist groups. cross party boundaries, and who quietly He reminded the assembled that the Armenian Parliament officially recognized and strongly Guests admiring the St. Vartan Cathedral 50th anniversary photography exhibit. shepherded the state through a period of rapid growth and sustained prosperity, died condemned the Yezidi Genocide in , thus at his home in Long Beach, Calif. reaffirming its commitment to keep fighting for St. Vartan Cathedral Marks see DEUKMEJIAN, page 6 prevention of genocides and other crimes against humanity. Hovakimyan called Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Golden Anniversary ’s statements on Nagorno Karabakh false and unfounded and reminded about NEW YORK — Half a century after St. Azerbaijan’s Daesh-style crimes against Armenians. By Taleen Babayan Vartan Cathedral was consecrated in a He also pointed out that the Azerbaijani policy of special ceremony, marking a symbolic justifying hate crimes and glorification of criminals, Special to the Mirror-Spectator moment in Armenian-American history, the patronage of violence and terrorism and belli- the community gathered to toast its 50th cose rhetoric on the state level are strongly con- anniversary in a cultural program featuring a photo exhibition and sacred music demnable. concert on Saturday, May 5. Honoring the weekend’s celebratory theme of “Promise, Progress, Presence,” the historic photo exhibition, which was unveiled in Hall of the Eastern see ANNIVERSARY, page 10 INSIDE

An App Could Be Just What the Doctor Ordered Sanjian on BOSTON — Harry tronic edition has been Glorikian is focusing on the By Alin K. Gregorian released as well. impact of technology on The book, co-written by Mirror-Spectator Staff medicine and hoping to science writer Malorye Page 18 encourage closer ties Allison Branca, has found between the two, thus resulting in better plenty of attention in the medical world. health care at a lower price point. For Moneyball, Glorikian interviewed Glorikian is making his argument for this dozens of healthcare providers, top health- INDEX increased use of technology in medical care in care executives, and entrepreneurs from Arts and Living ...... 13 his latest book, MoneyBall Medicine: Thriving organizations including many at Lahey Armenia ...... 2 in the New Data-Driven Healthcare Market. Clinic, Collaborative Trajectory Analysis Community News...... 4 The hardcover edition of the book was Project (cTAP) and Flatiron Health. Editorial ...... 17 International ...... 3 published in November and its initial runs As he writes in the introduction, “A sold out promptly on Amazon. Now, an elec- see MONEYBALL, page 9 2 S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR ARMENIA News From Armenia

Armenian PM Expects Fresh Elections in 2018 YEREVAN (RFE/RL) — Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan suggested on Tuesday, May 15, that fresh parliamentary elections sought by his political team will be held in Armenia later this year. Predecessor ’s Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) holds the majority of seats in the current parliament. It is therefore in a position to block key bills drafted by Pashinyan’s government. The premier was asked by reporters about fresh elections as he walked from one ministry building to another. “I think this year,” he replied when asked about possible election dates. The idea of snap polls is supported in principle not only by Pashinyan’s Yelk alliance but also the two other parliamentary minority factions: the Tsarukian Bloc and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation. Both groups have received ministerial posts in the Families celebrated the holiday and gathered for photos. (photo: Aram Arkun) new government. The HHK’s position on the issue remains unclear. Senior representatives of the formerly ruling party have only signaled that it will likely approve the Pashinyan Armenia Celebrates Triple May 9 government’s policy program which will be submitted to the National Assembly by the end of this month. Pashinyan seemed confident about the program’s approval by lawmakers. But he at the same time Holiday After May 8 Jubilation warned: “I also think that nobody should succumb to a temptation to wrongly interpret the political situation.” where the statue of Mother Armenia as heroes and often bearing images of Under the Armenian constitution, pre-term gener- wields her sword in defense of the land, medals they earned, were carried there al elections will have to be called if the prime minis- By Aram Arkun Mirror-Spectator Staff many families and representatives of earlier in the morning on stakes and ter resigns and the parliament twice fails to elect a organizations came to pay their were left standing against a wall. new premier. respects to the soldiers who died pro- Afterwards, many visitors went inside YEREVAN – After the jubilation creat- tecting Armenia. Wreaths were donat- the Military Museum of the Armenian Bangladeshi Detainees ed by Nikol Pashinyan’s election to the ed by various organizations and state Ministry of Defense underneath office of prime minister, the next day, May bodies. Pictures of the soldiers, named Mother Armenia to view the exhibits. In Armenia Probed For 9, Armenians celebrated a triple holiday. This holiday originally was for the victory Possible Terror Links of the in World War II, YEREVAN (RFE/RL) — Armenia’s National Security which is called the Great Patriotic War Service (NSS) said on Monday, May 14, that it is inves- here. Armenians made great sacrifices in tigating possible links with “terrorist groups” of six this war. The commemoration was later Bangladeshi men who were detained while crossing into broadened to include the liberation of the the country from Azerbaijan last week. city of Sushi, Artsakh, from Azerbaijan in The Armenian Defense Ministry reported the 1992, and the formation of the Defense detentions on May 8. It said the men were spotted Army of the Artsakh Republic the same and caught by its troops deployed on the heavily year. mined Armenian-Azerbaijani border before being Volunteer supporters of Pashinyan’s handed over to the NSS. movement cleaned the Republic An NSS statement said the six entered Armenia from Square on May 9, as they did after Azerbaijan’s Nakhichevan exclave, which also borders prior major demonstrations. on and Turkey, under the cover of darkness. The primary celebrations take place “The individuals in question have testified that for in Yerevan and Stepanakert, the capital the purpose of finding work they intended to cross of Artsakh, during the morning. Nikol into Turkey through Iran but lost their way and acci- Pashinyan participated in the dentally found themselves in Armenia,” it said. Stepanakert ceremonies. However, The security agency said it is now taking “inves- events and individual commemorations take place throughout the day through- tigative actions to establish the identity of the indi- During the afternoon of May 9, Armenian air force cadets march to Republic viduals and verify the credibility of their testimonies, out Armenia. Square carrying pictures of soldiers killed in action real motives for the border crossing as well as their At Victory Park in the afternoon, links with extremist and terrorist groups.” The NSS statement added that the detainees have so far been charged only with illegally crossing Armenia’s border. All of them are now under arrest Pashinyan Meets with Putin, Former Soviet Bloc Leaders pending investigation, it said. The Armenian-Azerbaijani frontier has long been PASHINIAN, from page 1 trade and economic partner, and arena and within the framework of closed because of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It commitment to Armenia’s internation- Russian investments make up 35 percent international organizations, starting is tightly guarded by the armed forces of the two al obligations. We expect active coop- of all investments in Armenia.” from the UN, where Armenia and neighboring states. eration with EAEU partners, based on Putin assured Pashinyan that Russia have always supported each the practical interests of free move- “Moscow will continue to work with other to regional security and econom- Czech Airlines Resumes ment of goods, services, labor and cap- Yerevan as actively on international ic integration frameworks.” ital, as well as the introduction of priv- Flights to Armenia ileged regimes of economic coopera- tion, which is regulated by the Union YEREVAN (Armenpress) — Czech Airlines will law,” Pashinyan said. resume flights to Armenia from June 8, ATO.RU The Armenian Prime Minister website reports. The airline said the absence of expressed hope that the further coop- flights for four years was due to a fall in the foreign eration of the Eurasian Economic currency, which led to a decline in the demand for Union member states would be aimed flights to the Czech Republic. at development, creation of favorable “Last year the markets of Eastern European and conditions for entrepreneurship and South Caucasian countries stabilized and in some investment, and improvement of the liv- sense returned to the situation existing before the ing standards of the citizens. crisis, leading to increase in the demand of flights. Putin received Pashinyan on the For that reason we decided to return to the Armenian sidelines of the Eurasian Economic market and resume regular flights”, an airline repre- Union summit in Sochi. sentative informed. Putin first congratulated Pashinyan Yerevan-Prague flight will take place twice a week on taking office. with Airbus A319 planes. The Russian President noted that “Russia sees Armenia as its closest part- ner any ally in the region. Putin remind- Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan with other Eurasian Economic Union member leaders ed that Russia remains Armenia’s main S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 3 INTERNATIONAL Hezbollah, Allies Score Major International News Iran Restoring Three Gains in Lebanon Election Armenian Sites TEHRAN (Public Radio of Armenia) — Restoration existing with the group in a unity gov- work has commenced for three Armenian sites that ernment, Hariri countered that the By Zeina Karam and Bassem Mroue stand adjacent to the UNESCO-registered Monastery alternative would mean complete of Saint Thaddeus in northwest Iran, Tehran paralysis. “We tried that in the past,” Times reports. BEIRUT (AP) — The leader of he said. sion accomplished” after weeks of cam- “Sandoukht mausoleum and temple as well as Lebanon’s Iranian-backed Hezbollah “The country needs stability. ... paigning. Zakarius church are subject to rehabilitation work,” group declared “mission accomplished” Lebanon needs jobs, development, Hezbollah is considered a terrorist said Hassan Sepehrfar, a provincial tourism official. Monday, May 7, after scoring major tourism and electricity,” he said. group by the U.S., but its political wing A budget of one billion rials ($24,000) has been gains in parliamentary elections, as the The election, the first in nine years, has long held seats in Lebanon’s parlia- allocated to the projects that include flooring and main Western-backed faction headed by was marked by a low turnout, especially ment and was part of Lebanon’s outgo- strengthening as well, the official added. Prime Minister Saad Hariri lost a third in the capital, Beirut, reflecting voter ing coalition government. Qareh Klise has always been a place of high spiritual of its seats. frustration over endemic corruption Nasrallah did not say how many seats value for Christians and other inhabitants in the region. The results of Sunday’s election fur- and a political establishment that fails his group and its allies won, but the offi- Every summer, it hosts gatherings of pilgrims coming ther bolster Iran’s allies in Lebanon and to deliver on basic services, such as cial results showed they took at least 43 from Iran and Armenia to observe special religious cer- neighboring at a time when waste management and electricity. of the legislature’s 128 seats, giving emonies such as Holy Communion and baptism. Tehran faces growing Israeli threats and Machnouk, the interior minister, put them the power to veto laws. Hezbollah Together with St. Stepanos Monastery and the the prospect of the United States national turnout at 49 percent, com- maintained its bloc of 12 members, like Chapel of Dzordzor, St. Thaddeus was placed on the pulling out of a landmark nuclear deal pared to 54 percent in 2009. In Beirut in the previous parliament. Other pro- UNESCO World list in 2008 under the title negotiated with world powers. precincts, the turnout was between 32 Syrian factions made their strongest “Armenian Monastic Ensembles of Iran.” They also underline the growing clout showing since Damascus ended a near- percent and 42 percent. of the group in Lebanon where it domi- ly three-decade military presence in The drop came despite a reformulated nates politically and militarily. Lebanon in 2005. electoral law designed to encourage vot- Czech Airlines Resumes Hariri acknowledged the losses at a “There is a major political, parliamen- ing through proportional representa- news conference in Beirut on Monday, tarian and moral victory for the choice tion. But many, including Machnouk, Flights to Armenia but said “it’s not the end of the world.” blamed the new, complex law for the of the resistance,” Nasrallah said in a YEREVAN (Armenpress) — Czech Airlines will The international community, he said, tepid turnout, particularly in Beirut. televised speech. resume flights to Armenia from June 8, ATO.RU should look at the results in a “positive Official results showed one candidate The daily al-Akhbar newspaper, which website reports. The airline said the absence of way” because they reflect democracy in from a grassroots movement of leans toward Hezbollah, described the flights for four years was due to a fall in the foreign Lebanon. He blamed his losses on a activists, journalist Paula Yaacoubian, election as a “slap” for Hariri on its currency, which led to a decline in the demand for new election law and a performance by won a seat in the capital, an area tradi- front page. flights to the Czech Republic. his political party “that wasn’t up to the tionally monopolized by establishment Hezbollah supporters road through “Last year the markets of Eastern European and standards.” political parties. the streets of Beirut on scooters, honk- South Caucasian countries stabilized and in some “My hand is extended to every Some of Hariri’s Sunni supporters ing their horns and waving the militant sense returned to the situation existing before the Lebanese who participated in the elec- saw him as being too soft on Hezbollah, group’s signature yellow flag as some crisis, leading to increase in the demand of flights. tions to preserve stability and create and the billionaire businessman also shouted sectarian slogans. Some were For that reason we decided to return to the Armenian jobs,” Hariri said in a televised state- faced criticism after sacking dozens of attacked with clubs and sticks when market and resume regular flights”, an airline repre- ment. He said he would continue to employees from his companies in they entered a predominantly Sunni dis- sentative informed. work closely with President Michel Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, largely due trict Monday night. Yerevan-Prague flight will take place twice a week Aoun, who is allied with the rival, to Saudi spending cuts. On Sunday evening, a group of men with Airbus A319 planes. Hezbollah-led bloc. raised the Hezbollah flag over a statue The new election law also allowed The official count, announced by of the late prime minister, Rafik Hariri, Sunni rivals to contest the elections. Interior Minister Nouhad Machnouk at the incumbent premier’s father, who “Clearly, the Future Movement no Mammadyarov: a news conference, shows that Hariri, a was assassinated by a truck bombing in longer monopolizes the Sunni votes,” Sunni politician with close ties to Saudi 2005. A U.N.-backed tribunal has indict- said political analyst Ibrahim Bayram. Azerbaijan Is Ready for Arabia, has lost at least five seats in ed five Hezbollah members for the He said that while Hariri is still likely to Beirut, once considered his party’s killing. form the next government, he is now Intensive Negotiations stronghold. The next Cabinet, like the outgoing weaker and new conditions are likely to PARIS ( — Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Hariri told reporters that his Future one, will likely be a unity government be imposed on him. Elmar Mammadyarov met on Tuesday, May 15, with Movement won 21 seats in Sunday’s that includes Hezbollah. The two sides Another big winner was the right- the co-chairs of the Organization for Security and vote, a decline of 11 from the last elec- can hardly govern effectively without wing Christian Lebanese Forces, which Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group and the tion, in 2009. Hariri would still have the each other, something Hariri alluded to almost doubled its number of seats to personal representative of the OSCE Chairman-in- largest Sunni bloc in parliament, facili- at his news conference. 15. The group has vowed to combat the Office. tating his return as prime minister to Asked whether he would give up co- country’s rampant corruption. He spoke about the importance of continuing the form the next government. negotiations in an intensive manner upon the com- Hezbollah and its political allies gained pletion of the elections in Azerbaijan. at least 43 seats, giving another boost to Mammadyarov, for his part, expressed Baku’s Iran’s allies in Lebanon and Syria, where readiness to do this, Foreign Ministry spokesman Tehran’s influence has grown in recent Pashinyan Mobbed By Armenian Hikmet Hajiyev said. During the meeting, measures years as it has provided crucial support planned by the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group to President Bashar Assad. Supporters in Russia to advance the negotiation process were discussed. The elections were the first since war broke out in Syria in 2011, sending SOCHI, Russia (RFE/RL) — Prime security and sustainable development.” more than 1 million refugees fleeing Minister Nikol Pashinyan pledged to “I am calling on Russian and Kurdish Presidential into Lebanon, a small country with a strive for a “great repatriation” of Armenian businessmen from Russia to population estimated at around 4.5 mil- Armenians living abroad as hundreds come to Armenia and invest and create Candidate Pledges to lion. The war has divided Lebanon, pit- of them greeted him at the start of his jobs there because it’s now a new Open Armenian-Turkish ting parties supporting Hezbollah’s first visit to Russia late on Sunday, Armenia where every investment will intervention in Syria against Saudi- May 13. be protected and no investment will be Border aligned parties opposed to it. The divide Pashinyan was mobbed by ethnic at risk,” he said in an impromptu reflects the region-wide rivalry between Armenian supporters after arriving in speech. ISTANBUL ( — The campaign platform of Saudi Arabia and Iran. Sochi to hold talks with Russian “I am happy to see your happy eyes Selahattin Demirtas, who is nominated presidential Iran welcomed the initial election President Vladimir Putin and attend a and proud of seeing your proud eyes,” candidate by the opposition pro-Kurdish People’s results, with Foreign Ministry summit of five former Soviet republics. added Pashinyan. “I am serving each of Democratic Party (HDP) of Turkey, points to the need spokesman Bahram Ghasemi saying Many of them shook hands and took your and let nobody doubt that our for normalizing of Turkey’s relations with Armenia. that his country will “support and coop- selfies with the 42-year-old premier in struggle will earn Armenia, the The program noted that if elected president, erate” with any government that is and outside a local Armenian church Armenian people and Artsakh Demirtas will lift the embargo and develop economic elected by a majority. where he prayed and lit candles. (Nagorno-Karabakh) new victories and diplomatic relations with, Armenia, the Kurdish The results indicated Sunni voters Pashinyan thanked many members of every day, every week and every year.” Firat News Agency (ANF) reported. were losing faith in Hariri’s party amid Russia’s large Armenian community for Pashinyan has repeatedly pledged to “We will open without preconditions the a declining Saudi role in Lebanon, a supporting his protest movement when speed up economic growth in Armenia Armenian-Turkish border, which is unilaterally deteriorating economy and general he addressed the jubilant crowd chanti- by breaking up de facto monopolies, closed by Turkey,” Demirtas’s platform notes. “We exasperation over the civil war in ng “Nikol!” in the church courtyard. separating business from politics and will assist in the pacific settlement of the Karabakh Syria, which has further strained the He also said: “I want to thank broth- improving the broader investment cli- conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.” economy to the breaking point. They erly Russia for having created such con- mate. His newly formed cabinet is due Demirtas is charged with assisting the “terrorist also point to a Sunni constituency that ditions for the Armenian people. But I to present a comprehensive policy pro- organization,” insulting the president of Turkey and is frustrated by what they see as weak- also want to say that our aim is a great gram to the parliament by the end of with several other articles of the Turkish criminal ness and compromises offered to the repatriation. Our aim is to concentrate this month. code, and therefore he is imprisoned. Hezbollah camp. a considerable portion of the human, Hundreds of thousands of Armenians Turkey will conduct snap presidential and parlia- Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah financial, economic, spiritual and scien- have left their country since the 1990s mentary elections on June 24. said his party’s gains would give “pro- tific potential of the [Diaspora] in search of employment abroad and tection” to the group and declared “mis- Armenians in Armenia and to ensure its Russia in particular. 4 S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR Community News

Conn. Legislature Armenian Diaspora Passes Law Mandating Survey Launches Pilot Genocide, Holocaust Study in Boston Area Studies ARLINGTON, Mass. — The Armenian Diaspora Survey (ADS) is beginning a pilot HARTFORD, Conn. — On May 7, the study, exploring the many connections tying Connecticut House of Representatives unani- Armenian communities and individuals to each mously passed Senate Bill 452 “An Act other around the globe. The project began in Concerning the Inclusion of Holocaust and Boston on May 17 with presentations by the Genocide Education and Awareness in the team of researchers and pilot study leader, Dr. Social Studies Curriculum.” The Senate had Susan Pattie, at the Armenian Cultural previously unanimously passed the bill, fitting- Foundation. The Boston team, Dr. Pamela ly, on April 24. The act mandates each local Young, Dr. Vahe Sahakyan and Dr. Lisa and regional board of education in Connecticut Gulesserian, also explained ways in which vol- to include Holocaust and Genocide education unteers can help with interviewing, distributing and awareness as part of the social studies cur- questionnaires, photography and other ways in riculum for the school district. The law allows which we will explore how Armenians in the boards of education to utilize existing and Boston area think about identity and belonging appropriate public or private materials, person- in the 21st century. From left, Dr. Sergio La Porta, Robert Saroyan, and Prof. Barlow Der Important changes have taken place around Mugrdechian the Armenian diaspora and continue today but as yet we have no large-scale study of the Armenian diaspora. The ADS begins with a pilot study phase with teams of experienced Fresno State Armenian researchers also visiting Marseilles, Cairo and Pasadena in order to test the tools the Survey is using in different environments. In each place, Studies Program the teams will use questionnaires, interviews, observation, photography and video to question and record the views and concerns of people who identify themselves as Armenians. Celebrates 30 Years In Boston, the ADS is supported by the National Association for Armenian Research and Studies (NAASR). Funded by the Calouste FRESNO (Hye Sharzhoom) — On March 18, more than 200 students, faculty, Gulbenkian Foundation and administered by administrators and members of the community joined together at the Fort Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, left, with the Armenian Institute, London, the ADS aims Washington Country Club for the Armenian Studies Program 30th Annual Jack Krikorian to record the views of people who are active in Banquet. these communities but also seeks the perspec- The event celebrated the more than 40 students who received Armenian Studies tives of people who may feel more marginal. The nel and other resources and to accept in kind Program scholarships in 2017-2018. Students earning a minor in Armenian Survey explores different ways of belonging donations designated for the development and Studies, graduating seniors, and executive offi- within the diaspora and also the connections implementation of the education and awareness cers of the Armenian Students Organization between the diaspora and the Republic of required. The bill was signed into law by Gov. were also recognized. By Claire Kasaian Armenia and/or other forms of homeland, such Dannel P. Malloy on May 10, 2017. Special guests in attendance included as towns and villages in historic Armenia. In The Connecticut Genocide Commemoration Fresno State President Dr. Joseph Castro and order to provide context for the study, the ADS Committee had expanded its mission during Mary Castro; Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities Dr. Saúl Jiménez- also gathers information on different national the past several years to include both a public Sandoval; Kazan Visiting Professor Dr. Yektan Türkyılmaz, Fulbright Visiting social environments, how it feels to be an Genocide curriculum in public schools as well Scholar Dr. Hayk Demoyan; and William Saroyan Home and Museum Project Armenian in, for example, France or America or as to establish an Armenian Genocide Coordinator Avag Simoyan. Egypt, and how one becomes French, American Memorial. Armenian Studies Program Director Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian delivered or Egyptian as well as Armenian. Petitions were circulated supporting the the opening remarks of the Banquet, stressing the important impact the Program The ADS began in March 2017 with a meet- Genocide and Holocaust education bill at the has on its students. “This academic year the Program awarded $54,000 in schol- ing of researchers involved in studying April 21 commemoration of the Armenian arships to more than 40 students,” Der Mugrdechian remarked. “The scholarships Armenians, migration, and diaspora. In Genocide which was held at the state Capitol on make a meaningful impact by supporting deserving students.” September 2017, the Pilot Study began to take April 21. Haig and Isabel Berberian Professor of Armenian Studies Dr. Sergio La Porta shape under the leadership of Dr. Susan Pattie, In addition the Committee submitted testi- welcomed the attendees and affirmed that the success of the Armenian Studies working with Leon Aslanov as research assis- mony in favor of the bill through its chairman Program was based both on the strength of student involvement and through the tant. With the regular assistance of the Advisory Jack Krikorian. support of the community. Committee, the ADS has developed a question- La Porta introduced Jiménez-Sandoval and Associate Dean Dr. Honora naire and a list of open-ended questions to be Chapman, who spoke of the Armenian Studies Program’s influence on the com- used for interviews. Aslanov is also creating an munity. “It took a thousand years and a lot of pain for you to be here as a com- extensive bibliography of primarily social sci- munity,” Jimenez-Sandoval observed. “One thing I have learned from the ence works about Armenians in different dias- New Primate Presides Armenians is to be aware and conscious of who you are, and then to take action.” pora communities. Fresno State President Dr. Joseph Castro highlighted the contribution that the Visits to the four sites, Pasadena, Boston, Over Ascension Day program makes to the university by attracting Armenian students and providing Marseilles and Cairo, will take place over four see FRESNO, page 8 NEW YORK — On Thursday, May 10, the weeks. Following data collection, the material Armenian Church celebrated the Feast of the will be archived and made available to scholars Ascension — the day marking the ascent of our and researchers. The teams will also evaluate Lord Jesus Christ to heaven, on the 40th day the entire process in order to move beyond the after his resurrection. Pilot Study and begin further work around the At the Diocesan parish named for the Holy diaspora. We expect to finish the Pilot Program Ascension, in Trumbull, Conn., a dozen clergy- in early autumn 2018. men gathered for a special badarak, celebrated The goals are the creation of an extensive bib- by Fr. Mesrob Hovsepyan of the White Plains liography of works about Armenian communi- parish. Holy Ascension pastor Fr. Untzag ties around the world, including doctoral theses, Nalbandian hosted the gathering. journalistic articles, scholarly works, etc. Thus Presiding over the occasion was newly-elect- far, the works listed are in English, Eastern and ed Primate Fr. Daniel Findikyan. He expressed Western Armenian, French and Russian. The his happiness to be among his brother clergy on creation of the bibliography will continue in such a holy occasion, as one of his first acts as other languages and will be updated constantly. Diocesan Primate. A variety of other media including photo The Feast of the Ascension (Hampartsoum in essays, short videos, exhibitions and presenta- Armenian) has been celebrated in the universal tions. church since ancient times. Modern scholarship It is hoped that each four-week visit will end traces its observance to the 4th century. The with a presentation for the local community, Nicene Creed, chanted in the Armenian Church Left to right: Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Warren Paboojian and Lesa Paboojian, sharing some of the initial findings as well as the during every Divine Liturgy, asserts that Christ and Dr. Sergio La Porta visual work done by the research team and vol- “ascended into heaven with the same body and unteers together. sat at the right hand of the Father.” For further information contact: Leon Aslanov [email protected]. S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 5 COMMUNITY NEWS Wellness Center Saving Lives of Mothers, Saving Families in Armenia

WASHINGTON — For the past two decades, medical students from the Yerevan State But, it is not only the women’s lives that are AAWC. For the past 20 years, the Medical saving the lives of mothers/women in Armenia Medical University (YSMU). In addition, it pro- being saved, but also the lives of mothers and Advisory Board Members have volunteered their through early and accurate detection of diseases vides a six-month Residency Program for grandmothers, who are the pillars of their fami- time and expertise participating in 80 medical with appropriate treatments has been the chief Radiology Graduates from NIH of Armenia. lies and the source of joy for their children.” exchanges, organized by AACA, to train the mission of the Armenian American Wellness AAWC Medical Staff, both on-site in Armenia Center (AAWC or Wellness Center). The and at their respective medical institutions in Wellness Center is a humanitarian project of the the US Armenian American Cultural Association, Inc. Since 2004, the AACA and AAWC have been (AACA). The AACA is an independent, non-par- a proud recipient of grant awards from the US tisan, 501 (c)(3) registered tax-exempt organiza- Agency for International Development (USAID) tion founded in February 1995 in the US Its mis- to renovate, expand, and equip the Wellness sion is to promote Armenian cultural, educa- Center. In this regard, Anne Dix, Director of tional, and scientific endeavors and to sponsor USAID American Schools and Hospitals Abroad health and humanitarian assistance projects for (ASHA) Program wrote: “The Armenian the people of Armenia. The Wellness Center was American Wellness Center exemplifies the val- established in April 1997 as the first non-profit ues of USAID/ASHA. Our partnership has cre- entity in Armenia to address breast cancer rates, ated an institution that strengthens the commu- which had reached endemic proportions among nity and region, empowers Armenian women, women in Armenia from the Soviet times. From promotes American values, and models global one mammography screening department, the best practices. USAID/ASHA is honored to part- Center has turned into a six-story modern med- ner with the Armenian American Cultural ical facility, with ten departments equipped with cutting-edge medical technology. With the intro- duction of Western technology and expertise, the Wellness Center has revolutionized preven- tive healthcare delivery in Armenia. Every day, between 160 and 200 patients visit the Wellness Center. From April 1997 through AAWC Medical Staff December 2017, the center saved 7,779 lives of women. Overall, 530,254 medical services were provided to 417,498 patients. Furthermore, Karine Saribekyan, a cancer survivor, wrote, “I On September 22, 2017, the Wellness Center 22,036 patients from remote regions received am one of those thousands of women, whose life celebrated its 20th anniversary in providing pre- free of charge medical services, during AAWC’s has been saved by the Armenian American ventive healthcare services in a corruption-free Medical Outreach Missions in all 11 districts of Wellness Center. On behalf of all mothers, I environment to women and their families in Armenia. The Wellness Center has also been a would like to thank Mrs. Rita Balian, who estab- Armenia. More than 200 guests, including US teaching center for Armenian and international lished this Center to save the lives of women. and Armenian government officials, donors, medical professionals, scholars, and cancer sur- vivors treated at the Wellness Center attended Keith Simmons the event. In his congratulatory letter on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Wellness Center, US Ambassador to Armenia Richard M. Association and the Armenian American Mills, Jr., wrote: “I am proud that the United Wellness Center.” States government has been a strong supporter Recalling his early involvement with the of this project. The Center stands as a great Wellness Center, former US Ambassador to the example of Armenian and American partnership Republic of Armenia Peter Tomsen, wrote: and of our shared values and service, trans- “During our immensely rewarding period in parency, and accountability.” Armenia in the mid-1990s, we were fortunate to According to Ambassador of the Republic of be early witnesses of AAWC’s accession to what Armenia to the United States of America Grigor it has become today – one of the finest health Hovhannissian, “For the past two decades, the centers in Eurasia. Due mainly to Rita Balian’s Armenian American Wellness Center in Yerevan has been growing to become a state-of-the art healthcare facility, which is today a sym- bol of excellence for provid- ing primary healthcare ser- vices to individuals and fam- ilies in Armenia. The [Front Row Left to Right]: Michelle Parsons, RT; Mohammad Latif, USAID Senior Engineer; Ann advancement of medicine Archer, MD; Rita Balian, President of AACA and Founder of AAWC; Emma Zargarian, MD; Christine relies largely on internation- Avakoff, MD; John Poochigian, MD; and Vicken Poochikian, MD. [Back Row Left to Right]: Former US al cooperation and profes- Ambassador to Armenia John Evans, Robert Aubrey Davis, Commentator of WETA and Founder of sional exchanges, and it has XM Radio Program; Amb. Grigor Hovhannissian, and Heros Noravian, Ph.D. been impressive to watch over the years the outcomes of one of the brightest exam- ples of Armenian-American cooperation.” Addressing the audience at the event, Keith Simmons, former Anne Dix USAID/Armenia Mission director, who also played an instrumental role in promoting AAWC-USAID herculean efforts, the then-Mammography partnership, stated: “In 2001, after meeting Rita Center has grown from one specialized medical and Vartkess Balian and Hranoush Hakobian in department to ten specialized departments Armenia and witnessing the Wellness Center’s today. AAWC’s provision of much needed health great work, I realized that the Center would be care to the population inside and outside of a serious partner with USAID. Joining together Armenia mirrors the friendship and cooperation with the AACA to support the Wellness Center between Americans and Armenians as symbol- was a win-win for USAID, the Diaspora and the ized by the two national flags flying together in Armenian people. It is one of the best and most front of the AAWC building.” successful examples of a public-private partner- According to Emeritus Professor of Surgery at ship (PPP).” Harvard University Dr. Ernest Barsamian, “As an As part of the ongoing year-long anniversary oasis of medical excellence, the Wellness Center celebrations of the Wellness Center, on April 7, has become a positive example to emulate and the AACA together with the Embassy of the improve the delivery of healthcare in medical Republic of Armenia in Washington, D.C., host- clinics and centers throughout Armenia.” From left, Amb. Grigor Hovhannissian, Sona Van and Rita Balian at the Armenian Embassy ed a presentation of awards to honor the US The evening at the Embassy on April 7, also Medical Advisory Board Members of the AACA- see WELLNESS, page 8 6 S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR COMMUNITY NEWS Former California Governor George Deukmejian Dies

DEUKMEJIAN, from page 1 of an exemplary public servant. Past recipients His death was confirmed by Steve Merksamer, include: Kenneth L. Khachigian in 2017; Charles Deukmejian’s former chief of staff. “Chuck” Poochigian and Deborah A. Poochigian As governor, Deukmejian appointed more in 2012; former Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) than 1,000 judges, many of whom are still serv- in 2006; former Canadian Parliamentarian ing in California’s courts. Sarkis Assadourian in 2005; Congressional In the 1982 race for governor, he defeated the Caucus of Armenian Issues Co-Chairs Rep. mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Bradley, by about Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and former Co-Chair 90,000 votes out of nearly eight million cast, a Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) in 2004; Rep. David victory so narrow that some news reports pre- Dreier (R-CA) in 2003; Congressional Caucus on maturely pronounced Bradley the winner. Armenian Issues Co-Chair Rep. Jackie Speier (D- Deukmejian served two terms, from January CA) and former Rep. John Sweeney (R-NY) in 1983 to January 1991. In each of his eight state 2001; former Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan budgets, education was the state’s highest fund- Oskanian in 1998; and former Armenian ing priority. In 1985, the California Legislature Minister of Trade and Industry Garnik considered a bill introducing a human rights and Nanagoulian. genocide curriculum throughout the California George Deukmejian served from 1979 to 1983 public school system. Both the California State as California State Attorney General. Prior to Senate and Assembly passed the bill in that, he served in the California State Assembly September of that year. Governor Deukmejian from 1962 to 1967 and in the State Senate for signed the bill into law on September 28, 1985, twelve years from 1967 to 1979, where he repre- and the new curriculum was first printed in 1987. sented Long Beach and surrounding Southern Senator Robert Dole (R-KS), Governor George Deukmejian, Gloria Deukmejian, First Lady (then- The Armenian Assembly’s 1987 tribute ban- California communities. Second Lady) Barbara Bush, President (then-Vice President) George Bush, Sr., and Senator Edward quet in honor of George Deukmejian was joined He was the recipient of nine honorary degrees Kennedy (D-MA) at the Armenian Assembly’s 1987 tribute banquet in honor of George Deukmejian. by many political leaders from across the coun- and was Visiting Fellow at the Institute of try. President (then-Vice President) George Bush, Politics of the John F. Kennedy School of Sr., Senator Robert “Bob” Dole (R-KS), Senator Government, Harvard University. He was a Deukmejian was known to be especially tough as the last the State of California actually had a Edward Kennedy (D-MA), Senator Larry Pressler Regent Emeritus of the University of California, on crime. While governor, he presided over the bipartisan, working relationship between the (R-SD), Rep. Robert Dornan (R-CA), Rep. Chip and a former member of the Board of Trustees building of more than a dozen prisons. governor’s office and the legislature.” Pashayan (R-CA), Massachusetts Speaker of the of California State University. During its 2013 After leaving office in 1991, he became a part- Considered a politician of great integrity, he House George Keverian, New Jersey Assembly dedication of the new Long Beach courthouse in ner in the Los Angeles office of Sidley & Austin, was respected on both sides of the aisle and cred- Majority Leader Garabed “Chuck” Haytaian, for- the County of Los Angeles, it was officially commuting from his house in Long Beach, ited for his ability to work with members of both mer California Assembly Majority Leader Walter named the “Governor George Deukmejian which he and his wife had lived in since 1960. parties to enact legislation of great consequence Karabian, American diplomat Barry Zorthian, Courthouse.” He is survived by his wife, Gloria; their chil- to the state in the areas of transportation, law and presidential speechwriter Ken Khachigian, In a 2005 memoir, David Gardner, who was dren, Leslie, George and Andrea; and six grand- and order, gun control and public safety to name among other esteemed guests, were all in atten- president of California’s university system in the children. but a few. Many have said that the Armenian dance. President Ronald Reagan and Governor 1980s, wrote of the governor’s stand on One of the signal moments in Deukmejian’s genocide informed his lifelong quest for Michael Dukakis offered special video messages apartheid in South Africa, “All of this killing and governorship came in 1989, after a gunman and anti-violence. of praise to Governor Deukmejian. violence, directed mostly against blacks, remind- killed five elementary school children in “Today, another son of the Armenian nation President Reagan noted: “The Armenian ed Deukmejian of the Turkish massacres of Stockton, Calif., using an AK-47. Bucking his joins the ranks of other extraordinary Armenian Assembly has made the right choice. This tribute Armenians in World War I.” party, Deukmejian supported a Democratic-spon- American public figures, including Kirk sored bill outlawing semiautomatic rifles, one of Kerkorian and our own former AGBU president the first such bans in the nation. Alex Manoogian. They have left an indelible lega- Willie Brown, the former mayor of San cy of hope and inspiration to those seeking to Francisco, who was speaker of the State balance worldly success with giving back to their Assembly when Deukmejian was in office, said of fellow Armenians,” stated AGBU President Berge the governor’s support for the ban, “It was the Setrakian on behalf of the worldwide organiza- right thing to do, not the politically right thing to tion. “George Deukmejian was a shining example do.” of effective leadership to both his country and “Deukmejian was a registered Republican, but the community that shaped his character and he elevated the level of governorship above his world view.” party choice,” Brown said in an interview for this (The New York Times contributed to this obituary. “I think his time in office will be seen report.) Nardolillo Funeral Home Est. 1906 John K. Najarian, Jr. Rhode Island’s Only Licensed Armenian Funeral Director 1278 Park Ave. Cranston, RI 02910 (401) 942-1220 Geoge and Gloria Deukmejian with President Ronald Reagan and his wife, Nancy 1111 Boston Neck Rd. Narragansett, RI 02882 (401) 789-6300 is truly well deserved. George has served his com- Recalling the episode in 2012, Deukmejian munity, state, and nation with great distinction.” said, “My feeling was, there but for the grace of Reagan continued: “Duke, you’ve also made it God go I.” clear how very much your Armenian heritage Gardner had strongly opposed divestment, but means to you. As we know, many Armenian- at the governor’s urging, the state pulled some Americans immigrated to our land under very $3 billion in stock holdings out of South Africa. difficult circumstances, and often with little or no During a visit to California after his release from money. Yet few Americans have so exemplified prison, Nelson Mandela said the action by the F UNERAL H OME the essence of the American dream. With hard University of California — the first large public Giragosian work they have built a new life to be proud of, institution to take a stand — played a critical role James “Jack” Giragosian, CPC they accomplished great things, and never lost in ending white minority rule in South Africa. Mark J. Giragosian sight of their fundamental values. George A staunch fiscal conservative, Deukmejian was Funeral Counselors Deukmejian is just this sort of man. He is strong a consistent opponent of new taxes and govern- 576 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown, MA 02472, TEL: 617-924—0606 in character and long in caring. These are just ment spending increases, to the point where his some of the reasons you’re being saluted Duke.” Republican colleagues in the legislature nick- At the Gala, Vice President Bush spoke highly named him “The Iron Duke” for repeated vows of Governor Deukmejian. “Barbara joins me in to veto spending bills. extending warm best wishes to all of those gath- Courken George Deukmejian Jr. was born on Telephone (617) 924-7400 ered for the Armenian Assembly of America trib- June 6, 1928, in Menands, N.Y., north of Albany. ute banquet in honor of Governor George His parents had emigrated from eastern Turkey Deukmejian.” in the early 1900s. His father worked in a series Aram Bedrosian The following year, the Assembly honored of jobs — as a photographer, Oriental rug dealer Governor Deukmejian in Beverly Hills. In a con- and paper wholesaler. His mother worked in a Funeral Home, Inc. gratulatory note, Bob Hope stated: “He’s one of necktie factory. my favorite Californians and I think he’s done a Deukmejian attended Siena College in Albany Continuous Service By The Bedrosian Family Since 1945 fine job as Governor.” County, graduating in 1949 with a bachelor of MARION BEDROSIAN In his honor, the Assembly created the arts in sociology. He received a law degree in 558 MOUNT AUBURN STREET PAUL BEDROSIAN “Deukmejian Award for Public Service,” which is 1952 from St. John’s University School of Law in WATERTOWN, MA 02472 granted to individuals who embody the qualities Queens. LARRY BEDROSIAN S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 7 COMMUNITY NEWS

AGBU New England Cambridge-Yerevan Sister District to Celebrate City Annual Meeting to 110th Anniversary Feature Fletcher Tavitian Scholars CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — On Saturday, June 2, the Armenian General Benevolent Union CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — On May 23, the (AGBU) New England District will be celebrat- Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City ing its 110th anniversary at the Massachusetts Association (CYSCA) will host its 32nd Institute of Technology (MIT) Samberg annual meeting at Johnson Hall at Holy Conference Center in Cambridge. The gala, Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church on themed Excellence in Action, reflects the orga- Brattle Street. In addition to updates on nization’s longstanding commitment to the programmatic activities, a panel discus- Armenian people through a wealth of cultural, sion will take place including students educational and humanitarian programs. from the Tufts Fletcher School of Law AGBU New England District Chair Ara J. and Diplomacy Tavitian Foundation Balikian, Esq., and 110th Anniversary Co- Program. Chairs Lindsey Hagopian and Houry The organizing committee of the AGBU New England District The students are in Boston for six Youssoufian, have joined forces with a team of months studying at Fletcher and will community members to bring this significant share lessons learned as well as plans to evening to fruition. According to Balikian, The evening will kick off with a cocktail founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, implement back in Armenia. Additionally, “Started in 1908, the New England chapter reception on the seventh floor balcony of the AGBU Central Board Member, and co-founder there will be discussion around the was the first AGBU chapter in the United Samberg Center, overlooking the skyline of of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative. The recent prime minister election and relat- States and the third worldwide. We are delight- Boston and the scenic views of the Charles other is to renowned pediatric heart surgeon ed matters. This meeting is open and free ed to have the opportunity at our gala to not River, and will include a silent auction featur- Dr. Kristine J. Guleserian, Pediatric and refreshments will be provided. The only celebrate and recognize 110 years of suc- ing a vast selection of unique items and expe- Cardiovascular Surgeon and Director of Heart business meeting starts at 7 p.m. and the cesses, but also highlight our progressive riences. A dinner and program will follow with Failure and Transplantation at Nicklaus panel at 7:30 p.m. vision of excellence with new activities that insight on AGBU New England District past Children’s Hospital in Miami, Florida. CYSCA was formed in 1987 by a group continue to uphold our heritage, reach out to engagements and plans. Serving as Mistress of A post-event reception will follow at Meadhall of concerned citizens of Cambridge, our youth, and foster the expanded use of our Ceremonies will be Lia Oganesyan, Founding restaurant. For tickets and inquiries, visit members of the Cambridge Peace beautiful center in Watertown. We are also Partner of Protocol Investments, TED Speaker the event website, email [email protected] . Commission, who believed that a part- honored that AGBU’s Central Board of and Entrepreneur-In-Residence. Also see the Facebook nership with a Soviet city would promote Directors will be joining us to celebrate this Two Global Excellence awards will be pre- website world peace. They believed that people milestone.” sented at the event. One is to Noubar Afeyan, wEngland can build bridges of friendship, goodwill and cooperation on shared values, that often governments cannot. In the over 30 years since its formation, many activities have taken place, including citizens exchanges in diverse fields such as edu- cation, economics, environment, music, art, culture, public health, social work, and other community based services; youth exchanges; as well as financial aid to needy schools.

St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School Student Ranks First Nationwide in Math Competition

WATERTOWN — St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School (SSAES) announced this week the outstanding achievement of one of its students in the Math Kangaroo International Competition. Grade 4 student, Vartan Arakelian, was ranked first statewide and nationwide in the March contest. “This is a great honor for Vartan, his family, and St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School. We are very proud of his exceptional performance,” stated Principal Houry Boyamian. This is the fourth year that stu- dents from SSAES have participated in this international math competition. Vartan also performed very well in 2016 and 2017, with 99 per- centile both nationally and statewide.” Vartan Arakelian The international Math Kangaroo origi- nated in Australia in 1980. Not only has it spread from country to country, but also the various countries in which the competition takes place work together each year on choos- ing the problems for the contest. It also takes place at the same time throughout the world. However, the results are not compared between various countries. In 2017, more than 28,000 students partici- pated nationwide in the competition covering 12 levels, of which 4,748 were fourth graders. The number of students taking the level 4 exam in Massachusetts in 2017 were 626, according to the official math Kangaroo website. Top prize winners will participate in the Award Ceremony on May 19, at Bridgewater State University. St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School was founded in 1984 and serves students from pre-kindergarten through grade five. To learn more about SSAES, visit 8 S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR COMMUNITY NEWS

Students and faculty at the ASP Banquet Fresno State Armenian Studies Program Celebrates 30 Years

FRESNO, from page 4 Armenian Genocide. Through the program, I topic based on his great-great-grandfather town, without a strong connection to my them with a variety of services. “I want to was able to reconnect with my heritage.” Thomas Mugerditchian’s career as Vice Consul Armenian roots. As far as I knew we were the express my gratitude to all of you for making this Michael Rettig is graduating with his in Diyarbekir. Rettig received the Outstanding only Armenians in the world. When I moved to Program the best of its kind in the country.” Master’s Degree in History. The Armenian Thesis Award from the Department of History. Fresno, I discovered there were more of us and The Armenian Studies Program gave special Studies Program helped him develop his thesis “I grew up in Oakhurst, a small mountain became interested in my culture. It was really recognition to Warren and Lesa Paboojian, for the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State establishing the Warren R. Paboojian Award for that gave me the opportunity to dive into that Student Editor of Hye Sharzhoom and to history and background,” Rettig stated. “From Robert Saroyan for establishing the Robert V. the classes I took, to the friends I’ve made, to Saroyan Family Scholarship. the places I’ve traveled, the Armenian Studies Paboojian, who was a writer for Hye Program has been integral to my development Sharzoom, emphasized the importance of the as a student and as a person.” paper. “Hye Sharzhoom provides a voice to stu- Marine Vardanyan is graduating with a dents and I am pleased to be able to encourage Master’s Degree in education in the students to continue to write for the paper.” Educational Leadership and Administration Rob Saroyan emphasized the importance of option. Her senior project was on “Identity, philanthropy and stated that he was motivated Belonging, & Armenian Studies: Exploring the to establish a scholarship fund to give back to Program’s Role in Students’ Lives.” the university. “It is an inspiration for me to be “The Armenian Studies Program gave me a able to invest in a program like the Armenian purpose on campus and it allowed me to con- Studies Program,” said Saroyan. nect with my university beyond just attending Students shared reflections on their involve- classes and going home. It allowed me to build ment in the program and what it has meant to a network of friends who helped each other them. “Participating in the Armenian Studies navigate through college. Program has enriched my college experience It helped me learn more about our rich his- more than I could ever imagine,” said Shelbie tory and culture, it opened my eyes to the Ohanesian, a liberal studies major minoring in strength of our Fresno-Armenian community Armenia Studies. “I owe many thanks to my 91- who supports our program and our students.” year-old grandmother, Florence Ohanesian, Left to right: Dr. Yektan Türkyılmaz, Prof. Hagop Ohanessian, Lesa Paboojian, Dr. Honora Chapman, The ASP Annual Banquet provided a warm who is here tonight. I remember sitting down at President Dr. Joseph Castro, Mrs. Mary Castro, Warren Paboojian, Robert Saroyan, Dr. Saúl atmosphere for all to enjoy each other’s com- her kitchen table years ago and listening to the Jiménez-Sandoval, Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian and Dr. Sergio La Porta at the ASP Banquet pany while celebrating the student achieve- stories of her mother and father escaping the ments.

Wellness Center Saving Lives of Mothers, Saving Families in Armenia

WELLNESS, from page 5 Darius Tomas Lebioda, Polish poet, writer, trans- be born and a mother will win her battle against featured Sona Van, Armenian poet and essayist, lator, and editor, who especially traveled from mortality and return to her family. The organiz- who was awarded the HOMER European Medal Poland to Washington to present the Award. er of this evening’s event [Rita Balian] is just this of Poetry and Art for her recent book, Libretto In her concluding remarks at the event, Van type of Angel, through whose efforts the for the Desert. The book has been translated noted: “I don’t know how it is done in Heaven, Armenian American Wellness Center in into 14 languages. Van was introduced by but here on Earth, the performers of miracles Armenia, has helped thousands of mothers and Stanley H. Barkan, American poet, translator, are seemingly ordinary people who hide their future mothers, to receive the necessary treat- editor, and publisher from New York. The wings beneath their work clothes, from whose ment. HOMER Award was presented to Sona Van by grace, some young boy will discover his right to Balian recalled, “We began this journey 22 years ago planning to take one mammography machine to Armenia. I never imagined then that we would establish a center with ten medical departments today and introduce modern pre- ventive healthcare to Armenia. The many achievements of the Wellness Center would not have been possible without the support of indi- viduals, institutions, and governments, including the Government of Armenia, the US Government through its USAID/GDA and USAID/ASHA grants for their contributions in making AACA’s humanitarian project possible and helping us save the lives of mothers and women and to create a Healthier Nation. I am grateful to Hranush Hakobyan for her steadfast Ernest Barsamian support working with me to make this Wellness Center a reality. Khachanush Hakobyan, the cen- ter’s executive director, inspires and leads 106 band, Vartkess Balian, an architect, engineer, remarkable staff members with grace and builder, and a philanthropist, we would not have integrity. I am also grateful to my sister-in-law, been able to undertake this humanitarian mis- Marie Balian, a breast cancer survivor, for her sion.” Rita Balian added, “As we look back at our love and support throughout the years. Most beginnings, we have accomplished significant Peter Tomsen Richard Mills Jr. importantly, without the unconditional love, gen- results. Yet, as we look into the future, the jour- erosity, and talents of my dearly departed hus- ney seems to have just begun. ” S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 9 COMMUNITY NEWS An App Could Be Just What the Doctor Ordered

MONEYBALL, from page 1 As a result, “They [patients] are healthier so years ago. “Not only how you can monitor a revolution is transforming the $10 trillion they don’t come back.” patient but change the business model used by healthcare landscape, promising greater trans- According to Glorikian, the hospital did it by healthcare,” Glorikian said. parency, improved efficiency, and new ways of standardizing. They strengthened their odds by “The biggest driver is if we move to value- delivering care. This new landscape presents overriding their surgeons’ individual operating based payment system, which would make tremendous opportunity for those who are styles with proven best-care guidelines that change happen faster,” he explained. Currently, ready to embrace the data-driven reality. Having everyone, every time, has to follow. Even when he explains, hospitals and medical care the right data and knowing how to use it will be a surgeon wants to something different – they providers charge fees for services rendered. the key to success in the healthcare market in have to justify their reason for doing so, select- “Right now, the fee for service system gets paid the future. We are already starting to see the ed from a previously agreed-upon list of accept- for doing things right or wrong, whether the impacts in drug development, precision medi- able justifications. patient gets better or not” he said. Instead, he cine, and how patients with rare diseases are Another chapter takes on the treatment of suggests incentivizing better care: paying doc- diagnosed and treated. Startups are launched cancerous tumors. “There is technology that tors and hospitals for the treatments and pro- every week to fill an unmet need and address allows us to investigate the genetic sequence” cedures that lead to the best patient outcomes the current problems in the healthcare system. of the tumor, he said. That way, it won’t be a at the best possible price. Digital devices and artificial intelligence are one-size-fits-all solution but a specific type of “It takes only a few to skew the system. If I helping doctors do their jobs faster and with treatment that works best depending on a per- say I only pay you for work that comes above a Harry Glorikian more accuracy.” son’s genetic makeup. level or for patients that are healthier,” then the “Data is really able to change medicine,” “It is being developed really fast, faster than system will change. Glorikian said in a recent interview, “and not most people appreciate,” Glorikian said. He cited the car market as an example of an for outcome. People pick on drugs for being just in one area.” Digital health is another area where the tech- industry that reacted to improvements at a bet- super expensive. Those might be worth paying It can lead to “staffing hospitals more effi- nology is driving healthcare innovation and ter cost, in which Japanese cars took over the for, if they cure a rare disease or substantially ciently.” starting to affect patient lives. world market by delivering a higher quality and lengthen a cancer patient’s remission.” One area he researched was doctor burnout. “The FDA [Food and Drug Administration] dependable car for the value. As he explains, much of the technology He said analyzing when patients typically come approved a watchband for EKG, for example he Thus, with better patient care, the cost of “allowing for higher-quality capability is not a in can help staffing, as statistics show that there said. “AliveCor’s KardiaBand, a device that insurance could also be lowered. major area. It is already in place.” are specific times when a crush of patients detects dangerous heart rhythms, has become “We are trying to change a system that has Recently, he said, the FDA approved a new come. the first Apple Watch accessory cleared for med- been done this way for a long time. We are cancer test that is going to change the way Next, once the patient is at the hospital, ical use by the FDA. It can capture an EKG going to see what works and what doesn’t,” he oncology treats cancer. “What is the optimal way to treat a patient?” reading in 30 seconds, then detect problems said. “There are limitations in the system,” he said. One of the hospitals he cites as an example for like atrial fibrillation, a type of heart arrhyth- As he says, the system cannot change itself “But in the next decade or two, if we continue optimizing health care is Geisinger Medical Center mia. In addition, the company launched a new quickly, organically. Who or what can instigate to go forward, there will have to be a value- in Pennsylvania. “They use data to measure differ- version of the band in the US with a feature that change? based system.” ent things to lead to a healthier patient. If one opti- called SmartRhythm. That uses Apple’s built-in “Until the value-based system is based on per- Again, with an eye on the bottom line which mizes the process with data, you should have heart rate sensor and AI algorithms to warn if formance and outcome, I’m afraid most of that can also provide the best possible medical out- healthier and happier patient” while reducing costs. the heart rate is elevated. has to be driven by government,” he said. come, Glorikian questioned doctors using three As an example they offer a money-back guarantee The new technology could not have been He stressed, “Insurance is the underlying or four medical devices for one procedure. on surgeries they perform. envisioned even as recently as two or three problem,” since “there is a lack of measurement “What if we just had one?” He suggested a study could be done to find out which device is the best for treating a certain condition. “Quite a few [in the field] say this is the way to go,” he noted. There might be disagreements and the need further study to satisfy the con- cerns of those who might worry that patients might get shortchanged. One new development, Glorikian said, is the launch of a medical school by Kaiser Permanente, the insurance giant, which is scheduled to open in 2019. The Kaiser system works because they both provide care and offer health insurance plans. Glorikian says that that model allows them to analyze health data from millions of patients and members to strategize where health resources should be allocated, and which patients are at high risk for a disease and could benefit from an intervention.“They heather you are, the happier they are because they make money,” he said. “It’s a win-win situation where both patients’ health and wellness and the health system’s bottom line are improved.” Glorikian is a global business expert with more than three decades of experience building successful ventures in North America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world. He holds four US patents in telecommunications, and has others pending. He currently serves as general partner at New Ventures Funds. Before joining New Ventures, he served as an entrepreneur-in-residence to GE Ventures – New Business Creation Group. He currently serves on the board of GeneNews Ltd. (a molecular diagnostic company). He also serves on the advisory board of Evidation Health (a digital health startup launched with support from GE Ventures), and several other companies. He is also a co-founder of DrawBridge Health (a diagnostics startup launched with support from GE Ventures). Previously he co-founded and was managing director of Scientia Advisors. He holds an MBA from Boston University and a bachelor’s degree from San Francisco State University. He has written numerous articles for industry publications, appeared on “CBS Evening News” and been quoted regularly by Dow Jones, the Boston Globe, BioWorld Today, the Los Angeles Times, the Independent, Science Magazine and other media outlets. His previous book was Commercializing Novel IVD’s; A Comprehensive Manual for Success. To purchase a copy of the book on Amazon, visit Medicine-Thriving-Data-Driven-Healthcare- ebook/dp/B077MKRN1X 10 S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR COMMUNITY NEWS St. Vartan Cathedral Marks Golden Anniversary

ANNIVERSARY, from page 1 based Johanna Goldfeld, offered never-before- ential standing not only among Armenians, but the soldiers on the battlefield and the genocide Diocese, delivered a visual journey to guests seen photographs and detailed informative foot- also of the greater New York community and survivors, who both protected the Armenian and traced the cathedral’s presence when the notes, spanning through 60 carefully selected the world at large, was exemplified by the snap- Christian identity, noting, “it was a symbol to building was still a concept, all the way through photographs by the organizing committee, shots. genocide survivors that they too overcame pow- its construction and memorable highlights of including Sandra Shahinian Leitner, Melanie “Armenian Americans brought a dream of erful forces at great cost to retain their events and guests. Dadourian and Shoghag Hovanessian. Their many decades to fruition,” said Shahinian Christian identity.” The exhibition, designed by the New York- collective goal, to depict the cathedral’s influ- Leitner in her remarks, where she sketched a She urged everyone to renew their commit- ment to the cathedral on its 50th anniversary and invited guests to peruse the photo exhibi- tion and “witness the journey of our predeces- sors, become absorbed in their passion and commitment, and give thought to the ways of being part of this ongoing story.” The thought-provoking photo timeline edu- cated and evoked nostalgia for visitors, who themselves had been present at significant reli- gious and cultural events throughout the cathe- dral’s history, from the One World Festival to pontifical visits by Catholicoi, to famous names who entered the sanctuary doors, notably Aram Khatchaturian, Alan Hovhannes, Jesse Jackson and Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Above all, the exhibition demonstrated the strength of unity among Armenians as well as the ecumenical community, who together created 50 years of storied history and were present not only for momentous occasions, but also gathered on the cathedral grounds during more solemn times, including the Artsakh movement and Armenia’s

The Nikolai Kachanov Singers

portrait of the year 1968 and placed the cathe- dral’s consecration into historical context. Among all the domestic turbulence, however, a symbol of Armenian Christian identity was erected, the first Armenian cathedral in the Western Hemisphere, which was dedicated on April 25, 1968 by the late Vasken I, Catholicos of All Armenians. “From their early days in this country, the genocide survivors knew that an Armenian house of worship would be their home; their Soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian place of peace; and the emblem of centuries of faith that held them together as a community of believers,” she said. earthquake in 1988, as well as the Armenian It was a dream that was brought to fruition Genocide centennial services in 2015, which after decades of determined fundraising. The were all shown through captivating images. millions of dollars raised were reflected in the The exhibition also give viewers an interac- quality craftsmanship and intricate design of tive opportunity, through the writing of post-it the cathedral, modeled after the 7th century St. notes on a creatively designed final panel, to Hripsime Church in Armenia and named in share their thoughts on the cathedral’s future, honor of St. Vartan Mamigonian, who died and how they could be part of that future by defending Armenian Christianity during the helping invoke changes they themselves wanted Archbishop Khajag Barsamian flanked by the cultural performers 5th century Battle of Avarayr. to witness. Shahinian Leitner drew a parallel between The evening continued with the Sacred

Hovnanian School, Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School and St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Students singing Hayr Mer (St. Gregory the Illuminator Mission Parish) School singing as part of the youth choir S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 11 COMMUNITY NEWS

Guests admiring the St. Vartan Cathedral 50th anniversary photography exhibit.

Music Concert in the cathedral sanctuary in a Illuminator Armenian School, sang the Hayr Steinway artist who has recorded over 20 “To hear the poetic and fluent music-making program curated by pianist Sahan Arzruni and Mer and Pontifical Ode under the direction of albums, who was specially requested by of my compatriots and colleagues on the pro- featuring award-winning performers, including conductor Khoren Mekanejian and organist Archbishop Barsamian to organize a special gram was to understand that the cathedral had clarinetist Narek program for the 50th anniversary. “I wanted to satisfied the dreams of its creators, patrons, and Arutyunian, pianist Sahan present the material in its purest form, for the stewards to be the center of aspiration, expres- Arzruni, soprano Isabel sharagans to be realized in a way that was done sion, morality, and art to which one returns Bayrakdarian, concert traditionally and to present the Komitas Divine again and again for the reminder of the best of organist Haig Mardirosian, Liturgy in a way that Komitas heard in his inner human experience and heavenly aspiration,” conductor Hovhannes ear, by male singers only and without the said Mardirossian. Mirzoyan, flutist Sato accompaniment of organ.” In his remarks, Archbishop Khajag Moughalian and The For some of the performers, the evening was Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Nikolai Kachanov Singers, more than a concert. A number of them had Armenian Church of America (Eastern), con- under the tutelage of grown up alongside the cathedral and remem- gratulated the evening’s cultural programs and Nikolai and Tamara ber its founding, including organist Dr. Haig highlighted the cathedral’s “golden anniver- Kachanov (with special Mardirossian, Dean Emeritus at University of sary,” which was a “great opportunity to honor appearances by tenors Tampa and American University, who was at those who built the first Armenian cathedral in Sergey Tkachenko and the time of the consecration was “a young per- the United States.” He thanked the grand bene- Jason Weisinger and bari- forming musician at the cusp of a concert and factors of the 50th anniversary, Nazar and tone Vagharshak Ohanyan), academic career.” Artemis Nazarian, as well as the support of the who performed a range of “I became keenly aware of the singular posi- Dadourian Foundation, in addition to all of the sacred and liturgical works tion of St. Vartan Cathedral from the begin- committee members. by Komitas Vardapet, Alan Sandra Shahinian Leitner, a member of the Photography Exhibition ning,” said Mardirossian. “We celebrate today as we look back and see Hovhaness, Hampartsoum Committee, delivering her remarks In the late 1960s he accepted several invita- all of the achievements of the past fifty years,” Limondjian and Baghdasar tions by the late Patriarch Torkom Manoogian, said Barsamian. “We also look forward to a Tbir. to perform at the cathedral, particularly for great future with the leadership of our new The young voices of the next generation were Louise Yardumian. Armenian Genocide commemorations. American-born new Primate, Very Rev. Fr. also part of the program as students of the “I don’t recall another occasion in New York Performing in the sanctuary again almost 50 Daniel Findikyan. May God bless you and all Hovnanian Armenian Day School, Holy Martyrs when Armenian sacred music was featured years later, he felt that “the promise of St. the souls of all those who built St. Vartan Armenian Day School and St. Gregory the exclusively in a concert setting,” said Arzruni, a Vartan Cathedral had been faithfully fulfilled.” Cathedral.”

Flutist Sato Moughalian Clarinetist Narek Arutyunian 12 S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR COMMUNITY NEWS Grand Episcopal Badarak Honors 50th Anniversary of Cathedral

friendship between the two spiritual leaders, Archbishop who served in the decades leading up to the construction. By Florence Avakian Barsamian accepted the gift as stepped away from the office Following the requiem, Primate-elect Fr. Daniel Findikyan of Diocese Primate he has held for 28 years, and the congre- paid tribute to Archbishop Khajag, whom he said “will set gation seized the opportunity to express its appreciation and forth on a new path to serve our church and people.” NEW YORK — “I congratulate the 50th anniversary of this love for him. Following a final blessing by Barsamian on the faithful cathedral,” said Archbishop Khajag Barsamian in his message Another memorable moment followed, as Hovhannisian and on Findikyan, a procession of priests and deacons slow- to worshippers who crowded every corner of New York’s St. offered a prayer for Findikyan, and presented him with a pec- ly filed through the cathedral to the stately strains of the Vartan Cathedral. “This is a place that has welcomed people toral cross from the Catholicos, as the cathedral erupted into Pontifical Ode, or Hayrabedagan Maghtank. from every walk of life, every background, who have come applause. An emotional Findikyan quietly vowed that “I give During the elegant reception that followed, many individu- together here to pray, share our friendship, and learn the rich you all I have.” als expressed a strong emotional response to the occasion. Christian heritage of the Armenian people.” Barsamian, in his inspiring sermon, expressed appreciation A deeply emotional AGBU President Berge Setrakian said: The occasion for those words was Sunday morning, May 6, to Catholicos Karekin II for his “encouragement during my “The badarak is a reflection of an ancient people. Things come as a grand Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Archbishop years as Primate, and to Archbishop Nathan.” He warmly wel- and go, but the church is eternal. Today, I saw all the depart- Barsamian to mark the golden anniversary of St. Vartan comed all the dignitaries, and thanked “my spiritual brother ed cathedral founders living again beside us.” Cathedral. The monumental occasion began with three dozen Archbishop Oshagan, with whom I have worked, thought, and Philanthropist Aso Tavitian said the occasion made him priests and deacons from throughout the Eastern Diocese prayed together for many years.” reflect on “our resilience and our survival. I felt proud to be entering the cathedral in procession from the outdoor plaza. He added: “We also pray that the new leadership in Armenian, and proud of our valuable contributions not only The clergy escorted Barsamian in his final celebration of Armenia will act wisely and unify and strengthen our home- for Armenians but to all people.” the badarak as Primate of Eastern Diocese. Alongside him land.” Armenia’s Ambassador to the US Grigor Hovhannissian was the newly-elected Primate, the Very Rev. Daniel Paying tribute to his successor in the role of Primate, he recalled traveling together with Archbishop Khajag to the Findikyan, as the column filed into the cathedral to the majes- recalled ordaining Findikyan 21 years ago. “I have followed his parishes, promoting the idea of honorary consulates in the US tic hymn, Hrashapar. wonderful work,” he said. “He brings new hope, and he will “Srpazan is a man of mission; a mentor, a friend, and a confi- An honored guest for the occasion was Archbishop Nathan continue to strengthen this Diocese, especially among the dante,” he said. Hovhannisian, who had arrived from Holy Echmiadzin to rep- youth.” And Armenia’s UN Ambassador Zohrab Mnatsakanian relat- resent Karekin II, the Catholicos of All Armenians. He reflected on the greater meaning of St. Vartan Cathedral ed that the Primate reflected “the dignity and spiritual Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan and Bishop Abgar — “an edifice built by the entire Armenian people” — recalling strength of our ancestry. Every effort must be made to sustain Hovakimyan also attended the service. his first encounter with the cathedral in 1975 “when I came the Armenian identity,” he said. Among the dignitaries in attendance were Armenia’s from , and first saw the cathedral’s beauty and inspi- For Diane Piranian — whose father Puzant Piranian “was Ambassador to the US Grigor Hovhannissian, Armenia’s ration.” there from the birth of the cathedral” on the original project Ambassador to the Zohrab Mnatsakanian, and “It has been the greatest blessing in my life to serve as committee—the 50th anniversary made her recall her father’s the leaders of organizations including head of the Billy Primate here for 28 years,” he said, asking the faithful to turn “continuous time, support, and drive to see an Armenian Graham Foundation, AGBU president Berge Setrakian, FAR around and view the image of St. Vartan illuminated in one of cathedral realized. It’s a special, exciting milestone for all of us chairman Randy Sapah-Gulian, Armenian American Health the cathedral’s towering stained-glass window. “May his spirit whose parents and grandparents were involved. This place Professionals Organization President Dr. Larry Najarian, always inspire and lead us,” he said. was their mark on the world.” Armenia’s Honorary Consul in Chicago Oscar Tatosian, and A combined choir of more than 50 voices — composed of Dr. Sam Mikaelian — a longtime supporter of the Diocese chairman of the Cathedral 50th Anniversary Committee members of the Gomidas Choir, the St. Vartan Cathedral and former executive director of the Diocesan Center — said Richard Dabagian. Choir, and choirs from local parishes around the Diocese — he had traveled from Chicago because he “could not miss a A special blessing came from having family members of the sang the glorious Yekmalian badarak under the direction of second of the celebratory weekend.” original cathedral godfathers attending the service. Chief the Gomidas Choir director Kris D. Kalfayan, with Louise He called the photo exhibit a “masterpiece,” the concert “a among them was the family of Nazar Nazarian, his wife Yardumian on the organ. The acclaimed soprano Isabel gift to my Armenian soul,” and the badarak the “highlight of Artemis and children Levon and Seta and their families. Nazar Bayrakdarian was the guest soloist. the weekend. It brought me tears of happiness, joy, and peace Nazarian—one of the last surviving godfathers of the 1968 The beautiful chalice used in the service—donated by James for our future, and personally strengthened my pride in my cathedral consecration—and Artemis had been honored the Kalustian of Cambridge, MA, in honor of the 50th anniversary Armenian heritage.” previous evening with the “St. Vartan Cathedral Golden of St. Vartan Cathedral—will travel to all the eastern Diocese’s Finally, after spending the reception surrounded by well- Anniversary Medal,” and were distinguished as the Grand parishes to be employed during local celebrations of the wishers from throughout the Eastern Diocese, Archbishop Benefactors of the cathedral’s 50th anniversary year. badarak as a symbol of the greater unity of the Eastern Barsamian himself had a moment to reflect on the monu- The entire service was broadcast live over the Eastern Diocese and Armenian Church. mental week the Diocese had just experienced: a week equal- Diocese’s Livestream channel. ly balanced between honoring the past and looking to the Hovhannisian read a message of congratulations from the Blessing the Founders future. The outgoing Primate said that he was “very excited Catholicos of All Armenians, and presented as a special gift to The unique service concluded with a special hokehankisd that Fr. Daniel will be leading the Diocese. I see a bright St. Vartan Cathedral a framed icon of the Holy Martyrs of the (requiem) service for the souls of the many courageous, gen- future ahead, especially for the young generation.” Genocide. A special gift from the catholicos was given to erous souls who built this spiritual home, including the cathe- “And as for myself,” he said quietly, with a smile, “I’m at Barsamian: a beautiful gold cross. In a moment of warm dral consecration godfathers and the committee members peace.” Archbishop Pays Final Visit in Office to Ordain New Britain Deacons

NEW BRITAIN, Conn. — The Armenian Cannata. the milestones of the Primate’s service and on mitment and dedication in the face of so many Church of the Holy Resurrection of New Britain Arthur G. Simonian served as master of cere- his many contributions. competing demands on their time. witnessed an historic visit on April 29,2018 as monies and gave introductory remarks follow- Attorney Harry Mazadoorian offered a toast He then gave some poignant recollections of the Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the ing which Mouradjian addressed the group and on behalf of the Parish recognizing first the his longtime interactions with the New Britain Armenian Church, Archbishop Khajag warmly welcomed the Primate. He reminded Primate’s dedicated service and his many Parish and made some inspirational comments Barsamian, ordained Deacon Matthew Cannata the parishioners that Barsamian was complet- accomplishments, then Father Kapriel for his about his vision for the future of the Church. and Subdeacons David and Matthew Marottolo ing his tenure of nearly three decades in early mentorship, patience and guidance in leading Deacon Matthew Cannata spoke with humili- into the Diaconate. Father Kapriel Mouradjian May and that he served as the 11th Primate of the new Deacons, third to the Deacons’ families ty and humor on behalf of the Deacons with hosted the visit and participated in the ordina- the Diocese, longer than anyone else in that for encouraging their service to the Church and reflections upon some of his experiences on the tion sacrament. position. Father Kapriel commented on some of finally to the Deacons for their unselfish com- path to ordination. The church was filled to capacity with parish- ioners and other well-wishers during the Ordination Sacrament. Following the service, a reception was held with bountiful food and drink prepared and Detroit Daughters of Vartan Host 19th Manti & More Fundraiser served by hardworking members of the com- mittee led by chairpersons Jeanne Abrahamian evening planned to gather friends and family to of Vartan. They walked and brain stormed on a and Jane Derasadourian and members, By Gloria Korkoian enjoy a meal together filled with friendships lovely summer afternoon. Manti & More was Henrietta Kallagian, Marge Litteral and Hasmig and camaraderie. This year manti was served to born that day. 200 members and guest. The Daughters of Vartan is a service organi- SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — On April 13, the The focus of the evening was manti, a tradi- zation that inspires and encourages its mem- Daughters of Vartan Detroit Chapter hosted its tional Armenian meal made and enjoyed by bers to support cultural, educational, religious annual Manti & More dinner at St. John Armenians throughout the Diaspora. It is a cui- and charitable organizations and activities on Armenian Church in Southfield. The well-attend- sine handed down generation after generation. the local, national and international levels. On ed event was successful due to the creative and Music was provided by The Kef Tones, a the local level, the Detroit Chapter presents dedicated committee chaired by the Terry group made up of young Armenian musicians — educational and cultural programs, grants Palaian and Denise Boyagian. In January, 21 Harry Kezelian III, Dikran Callan and Grigore scholarships and participates and serves in var- Daughters of Vartan, Knights and guests under Boyakjon. ious social, philanthropic, religious and educa- the direction of Palaian made the manti, which The evening was dedicated to Past Grand tional activities. was to be served on February 9. Unfortunately, a Matron Anita Arslanian. Every project begins The proceeds of this annual event support severe winter snow storm caused the first can- with a vision. Manti & More has been going worthy organizations in Armenia, Artsakh, cellation of Manti & More in 19 years. It was strong for 19 years. How did it come about? It Jerusalem, Syria, needy families in our Detroit Subdeacon David Marottolo, Acolyte Mitchell Mouradjian,Deacon Matthew Cannata, Father quickly rescheduled for April 13. started with a walk in a park. Arslanian was Armenian community, Forgotten Harvest and Kapriel Mouradjian, Arbishop Khajag The first Manti & More had a small atten- pushing her young children in a stroller and our Veterans to name just a few. The Daughters Barsamian and Subdeacon Matthew Marottolo, dance, but it has grown through the years walking with a friend. They talked about a of Vartan’s Detroit Chapter has donated over through the hard work of the members. It is an fundraiser for Zabelle Chapter of the Daughters $180,000 from 2000-2018. S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 13 Arts & Living Homage to The Nation Announces Appointment of Senior Infinity of Art Editor Abrahamian NEW YORK — On May 11, The Nation, the & Creativity progressive weekly journal, announced the appointment of Atossa Araxia Abrahamian as senior editor. Based in New York City, she begins work on June 14. By Tamara Hovhannisyan, PhD Abrahamian’s interests are as varied as her previous essays and criticism for the Nation, which have ranged from the rock-star appeal With an amazing coincidence, almost before of Modern Monetary Theory to the major for- Christmas, Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “Savior eign-policy questions facing the left of the World” recorded an incredible result at an today to an interview with current and former auction sale, causing amazement and confusion, editors of High Times magazine. (Her most leaving a new wave of worship towards art in recent review, published in The the air. Just like any extraordinary phe- Nation’s Spring Books special issue, consid- nomenon, this one too spread dual influence ered the question “Can Yanis Varoufakis Save and gave rise to various causal interpretations, Europe?”). In her new role, Abrahamian will flooding periodical and professional press. As a expand The Nation’s coverage of economics, result, old and new opportunists rushed to pur- business, technology, globalization, and cul- chase cheap and dusty creative nonsense, which ture, working with seasoned journalists and will come to the arena later, to feed human up-and-coming reporters both here in the greed with probable disappointment. United States and from around the globe. She Meanwhile, a new wave of public opinion and “Comedians” by Robert Elibekian will also continue reporting the occasional mass attitude was formed, a rise of unprece- feature and writing for the magazine. dented attention and respect towards creative “Atossa is a compelling and sophisticated individuals prompting universal forgiveness writer, editor, and thinker on the big ideas towards their daily living deviations. At the same time, a number of art lovers who have ‘The Mysterious adopted sleepless nights and self-sacrifice as their true lifestyle, went out in search of their dreams, landing their ideas on canvas, hoping, that the eloquent silence entrusted onto the Theater’ of Robert Elibekian

LOS ANGELES — Stephanie’s Art Gallery will present an exhibition by Robert Elibekian, organized by gallery director, Linda Stepanian and titled “The Mysterious Theater.” The exhibit will open on June 1, and features 30 oil paintings on canvas. It is the first comprehensive look at Elibekian’s engagement between the human body and theatrical scenes, music, symphony and movement. Elibekian was born on 1941 in Tbilisi, ; he has been a member of the Armenian Artist Union since 1970. For many years, he was successfully involved Atossa Araxia Abrahamian in stage design for theaters and film studios in Armenia and abroad. As a modern artist, Elibekian breaks through and moves beyond the harmony of form and color, gathering inspiration from the Greco-Roman era, to Asian art and shaping the world,” says Nation editor and Egyptian art. Listening to the notes of an internal symphony, the palette of Elibekian publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel. “Her brings “the fragrances of the East and the rhythms of the West” to create a space entrepreneurial spirit and grasp of fresh per- for which dancers and musicians come to life. Using the magic wand of his paint- spectives — whether towards a new economy brush, Elibekian “directs ballets of colors, creating at the same time ballerina, décor, or on the borders of the future — will help and musical theme.” The gesture of the dancers are in a moment of choice in their seed meaningful debates and conversations movements of ebbs and flows, moving from harmony to harmony, decomposing and beyond the ephemera of Trump’s latest tweet recomposing in a spectrum of crystal clear poses. “They are images in a musical or temper tantrum. An accomplished reporter ocean in which the fusion of colors give rise to a theatrical show, with each syllable in her own right, Atossa has always been a charming our senses.” (Germak, Christian. Robert Elibekian. pp.4) welcome addition to The Nation’s pages.” Elibekian’s creative life was reflected in numerous personal exhibitions throughout “I’m thrilled to be joining The Nation’s bril- the world. His art has been exhibited in several museums, including: The National liant team of editors after contributing to the Gallery of Armenia, Museum of Modern Art of Yerevan, Matenadaran Museum and magazine for several years as a freelancer,” the Tretyakov Gallery, the Museum of Oriental Art Moscow, the Cafesjian Museum adds Abrahamian. “We’re living in a period of see ELIBEKIAN, page 14 global upheaval, which brings with it real opportunities for radical political ideas and new economic models. I can’t think of a better “Spirit of Light” publication than The Nation to bring these movements and initiatives to light through seri- ous reporting and well-informed commentary.” stretched canvas will ensure their living, long Abrahamian has written for the New York after them… Times, New York magazine, the London It is not a secret, that the most delicate and rigid Review of Books and other publications. She spectators of the complex process of creativity are has worked as an opinion editor at Al Jazeera not only experienced artists but also prudent and America and a general-news and business experienced entrepreneurs of the art market. reporter for Reuters, and helped launch There are artists whose inner world was nour- the New Inquiry, where she is now editor ished by creative honesty enhanced with profes- emeritus. Abrahamian grew up in Geneva, sional decency, giving me an enormous pleasure Switzerland, and studied philosophy as an and undeniable privilege to know and work with undergraduate at Columbia University, where them. she returned for a master’s program in inves- The first name is Armenian painter Gevorg tigative reporting at the Graduate School of Yeghiazaryan, who has already acquired a solid Journalism. Her first book, The Cosmopolites: place in the international market. The Coming of the Global Citizen, was a New During my lengthy experience in art business, York Times Book Review Editor’s Choice I have witnessed a great number of sincere admi- selection. ration and professional assessments of Her parents, who are Iranians of Armenian Yeghiazaryan’s works, including eloquent com- and Russian descent, worked for the United ments from sophisticated collectors (whose “Spectacle” by Robert Elibekian Nations. feedback awoke a precious sense of national Born in Canada in 1986, she holds Swiss, pride within me). American and Iranian citizenship and speaks see HOMAGE, page 15 English, French, Armenian and Russian. 14 S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR ARTS & LIVING ‘The Mysterious Theater’ of Robert Elibekian

ELIBEKIAN, from page 13 of Art in Armenia, the Alex Manoogian Museum of Detroit, the White House and the Zimerli Museum in New Jersey. He is the recipient of several outstanding honors, including: State Merit Prize of Armenia, the Movses Khorenatzi Medal in the field of national culture. Stephanie’s Art Gallery is located at 466 Ste. C., Foothill Blvd. La Canada Flintridge. For general information, visit

“Theater” by Robert Elibekian “Dancer” by Robert Elibekian Rhode Island Armenian Exhibit In Providence Museum Recipe

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The new exhibit of the Armenian Historical Association of Rhode Island is “Rhode Island Armenians: Discovering the Past and Looking to the Future.” The exhib- Corner it will open on Saturday, May 19 with a program from 1 to 3:30 p.m., followed by a reception, all at the museum, 245 Waterman St., Suite 204. The guest speaker will be Dr. Hayk Demoyan, by Christine Vartanian Datian director of the Genocide Museum and Institute in Yerevan, Armenia and currently a visiting Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University. His talk will start at 2 p.m., followed by a book-sign- ing at 2:30 p.m. Twenty large panels depicting Rhode Island Summer Carrot Casserole Armenian culture, heritage and history of the Armenians in Rhode Island through public exhi- INGREDIENTS bitions, displays, artifacts and media will be on 1 pound medium carrots, washed, sliced or diced display. 3/4 cup milk or half and half For further details email info@armenianhis- 2 eggs, beaten or [email protected] 2 cups shredded or grated Provolone, Swiss or Fontina cheese (or favorite cheese like Jack or cheddar) 2 medium cloves garlic, minced 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1/2 medium green bell pepper, seeded, finely chopped 1/4 cup green onions, chopped or sliced (including green part) 1/4 cup flour 1/2 teaspoon Kosher or sea salt (to taste) 1/4 teaspoon each dry mustard and dried dill 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon baking powder Dash of paprika 3/4 cup panko or coarse bread crumbs 1/4 cup chopped pecans or walnuts 1/2 stick unsalted butter, cut into pieces 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted Chopped flat-leaf parsley and dill as garnish Olive oil

PREPARATION Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix bread crumbs, one tablespoon melted butter, and nuts together in a medium bowl and set aside. Boil carrots until tender, drain, mash, and set aside. Sauté onions, bell pepper, green onions and garlic in 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil for 5-8 minutes, toss, and set aside. Dr. Hayk Demoyan In a large bowl, combine the carrots, milk, eggs, cooked vegetables, cheese, and spices together, and mix well. In a separate large bowl, combine the flour, salt, dry mustard, and baking powder; add the carrot mixture to the dry ingredients, toss, and mix thoroughly. Turn into a buttered 9 X 13 baking dish and sprinkle with bread crumbs and nut mixture. Dot top of casserole with butter and bake for 35-45 minutes at 350 degrees or until bubbly. CHECK US Garnish with chopped parsley and dill before serving. Serves 6-8.

OUT *Christine's recipes have been published in the Fresno Bee newspaper, Sunset magazine, Cooking Light magazine, and at S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 15 ARTS & LIVING Homage to Infinity of Art & Creativity

HOMAGE, from page 13 nights, absolute scrupulousness imposed by the One can be obsessed with Yeghiazaryan’s art presence of undeniable perfection. These latest due to the soulfulness of it. The latest shared creations either separately or as sensibly assem- stunning collection proves that Gevorg is in the bled unity are works that allure museum exhibits. peak of his creative soul searching. In fact, cred- There is cosmic sorrow in Yeghiazaryan’s char- its of this narrative go to the artist himself, since acters, a silent concern for the world’s intricate it has been inspired just by observation of the col- fortune. It seems that the characters have come lection which I introduce to the reader without down from above to carefully inspect unhealthy additional exaggeration and an unedited verbal- delusions of our times, and to weep for the loss of values. Unreal alien eyes watch humbly the world from above, innocent as the artist’s soul, honest as his hand, and noble as his essence. Probably, the irreversible reality that we encounter has resulted in the overwhelming toughness of concerns of our century. We are inclined to maneuver from realizing the conse- quences of our loses and are alienated from their artistic representations. Meanwhile, it is necessary to perceive that valuable pieces of created art bear marks of deep thoughts and serious reflections. Culture conveys personal as well as national affinities, and discussing precedents of their for- mulations is a topic for separate observations, again with a lot of secret unopened doors. The national culture of the land of Armenia “Holding onto Innocence” that nurtured and resulted in Gevorg Yeghiazaryan as an artist, was condensed in fables emerging from ancient times. Armenians ization of his artistic insights. Yeghiazaryan’s withstood centuries-old sorrows by preserving the works are immortalized conversations with souls, Light of Life through art. The indisputable exis- spiritual confessions done with the honesty of a tence of art inception in our national background, “Peaceful Metamorphosis” child and the wisdom of an old philosopher. in our miniatures, in illustrations of our spiritual Yeghiazaryan’s triumph of intelligence is shin- books and monastic inscriptions have become ing in this remarkable collection. unlimited sources of inspiration for collective the melody and the silence, the heaven and the depicted thoroughly. He realizes the place and Artist creates with thrilling honesty, and his national artistic talent. earth, the life and the dream, the body and the the role of an artist and with inner confidence of works carry the unconcealed signature of his Yeghiazaryan’s paintings are multifaceted. soul — peacefully combining “life within the fin- the enlightener. complicated personality, backed by sleepless They tenderly manifest both the old and the new, ished creations.” Artistic visions like rescued Symbols dwelling in Yeghiazaryan’s creations icons with hearty softness find their place on a are carefully chosen. Seen are blooming lanterns, piece of canvas. They live thoughtfully lusting for fine visualizations of the light of the soul. This continuity like an old love, walking peacefully like seems to be created not with a brush but rather light-footed partridges, or like graceful brides, a soul, as if everything has been prompted from depicted by a creative hand that was blessed by heavens. It radiates kindness, creative, and caring the heaven and the earth. This giving a nation a hands of the painter encompass sacred tender- rebirth of hope on a rising star of national iden- ness of his soul. Kissing souls in heavens resem- tity crowned with independence. bling each other’s spirits and plunging into each In Yeghiazaryan’s paintings the masterpiece other’s eyes; these are the symbols of the artist of inception is revived. A human being is seen in Gevorg Yeghiazaryan who himself can claim the all his powers and weaknesses, with tragedy of embodiment of the creative spirit of the ancient rushing between consequences of duality, yet nation of Armenia.

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MASSACHUSETTSFLORIDA a rising sophomore at the Cleveland Institute of Music, SEPTEMBER 16 — Sunday Afternoon at the Park for will appear as soloist with the Boston Pops Orchestra Families & Friends. Armenian Heritage Park on The JANUARY 20-27, 2019 — Armenian Heritage Cruise under the direction of Keith Lockhart. He will perform the Greenway. 2-4 p.m. Enjoy Boston Hye Guys Ensemble XXII 2019. Western Caribbean Cruise aboard the Royal Sibelius Violin Concerto in D-minor. The Pops will pre- with Ron Sahatjian, clarinet; Joe Kouyoumjian, oud; Art Caribbean’s Allure of the Sea. Traveling to Nassau, sent Dance to the Movies with Dancing Celebrity Chingris, percussion. RSVP appreciated. Cozumel, Roaten, Costa Maya. Cabin Rates, starting from Pros, So You Think You Can Dance top finalists, [email protected] $949/person based on double occupancy, including port and singing stars from American Idol and The Voice. NOVEMBER 14 — Najarian Lecture on Human Rights at charges and ACAA registration fee. Government rates of Tickets $95, $70 and $35, available at: Historic Faneuil Hall, Boston Wednesday. Doors open $137.45 are additional. Armenian entrainment, at 6:45pm, Program at 7:30pm. Reception follows at The Armenian cultural presentations, Armenian Festival Day, JUNE 10 — St. James Armenian Church Festival Annual Bostonian Hotel An endowed public program of Tavlou and Belote Tournaments and much more. Call Picnic! Join us for a fun-filled festival! Delicious Armenian Heritage Park on The Greenway. Details forth- Travel Group International at 1-561-447-08750 or 1-866- Armenain food, live Armenian music, children’s activities coming. 447-0750 ext. 108, contact person Janie. with moon bounce, face painting, and more! Rain or shine. St. James Armenian Church, 465 Moutn Auburn NEW JERSEY MASSACHUSETTS St, Watertown. For more info, visit www.stjameswater- or call 617-923-8860. SEPTEMBER 30 — Save the Date! Armenian Fund USA MAY 18-19 — Armenian Memorial Church Annual Fair, JUNE 16 – Book presentation by Adrienne Alexanian and Ardzagang Armenian TV are proud to present Armenian Memorial Church, 32 Bigelow Ave., (editor) of her father’s memoir Forced into Genocide: Artash Asatryan and band, guest singer Grisha Watertown, Friday, May 18, 5-8 p.m., Saturday, May 19, Memoirsof and Armenian soldier in the Ottoman Turkish Asatryan, from Armenia! The concert is dedicated to 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Armenian kebab meals served, Armenian Army Worcester Library – Saxe Room – 2 - 3:30 pm 3 Armenia’s and Artsakh’s independence celebration. delicacies, silent auction Salem Square – Worcester MA – (508) 799-1655 ext. 3 Don’t’ miss the performance by the son and grandson of MAY 19 — Hai Guin Scholarship Association Annual Book signing will follow the presentation – proceeds will the legendry singer Aram Asatryan. Proceeds to benefit Luncheon & Fashion Show, Saturday, 11:30 a.m., at be donated to charity Fruitful Artsakh Project. 4 p.m. Bergen PAC, 30 N. Van Montvale Plaza, Stoneham. Fashions by Soft JUNE 18 — The Gregory Hintlian Memorial Golf Brunt St., Englewood. Surroundings of Chestnut Hill, MA. Tickets: $60 per per- Tournament, sponsored by Holy Trinity Armenian son. Please call Lisa at 781-729-6333; Becky at 508-651- Church of Greater Boston at the Marlborough Country NEW YORK 8893;or Marilyn at 978-818-9098 for tickets. Club, Marlborough; 9:30 a.m., registration; 11 a.m., MAY 21 — 19th Annual St. James Open Golf “Shot Gun.” Join us for a day of golf - player’s fee: $175 APRIL 21 - MAY 13 — Off-Broadway production by Pan Tournament – Oakley Country Club, Watertown. (includes hospitality, lunch, dinner, green & cart fees, Asian Repertory Theatre of Joyce Van Dyke’s play, Scramble format. Raffle, Auctions and dinner following prizes and gifts) – or just dinner and a social evening DAYBREAK: the lyrical story of two Armenian women the tournament. For more information visit ($50 per person). Limited to 128 players. Tournament friends, survivors from 1915, who are transported with or contact the church office and tee sponsorships available. RSVP deadline, June 11. their families into the 21st century future. Performances at 617.923.8860 [email protected]. To register or for further information, log onto at the Beckett Theatre (on Theatre Row), 410 W. 42nd MAY 23 — Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City Association call the Holy Trinity St., New York, Tuesdays through Sundays; weekend mati- (CYSCA) Annual Meeting with special guests Tavitian Church Office, 617.354.0632, or email [email protected]. nees. Discount tickets for seniors, students and groups. scholars from Tufts Fletcher School of Law and JUNE 20 — Tea & Tranquility, Armenian Heritage Park For tickets and information: or call Diplomacy who will speak about lessons learned from on The Greenway, Boston, Wednesday, 5-6:30 p.m. (212) 239-6200. For discount tickets: www.telecharge- Fletcher and the recent election in Armenia. At 7pm at Meet & Greet! Enjoy Tea & Desserts hosted by MEM Tea or call (212) 947-8844. Or contact the the- Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, Johnson Hall, Imports and The Bostonian Hotel. Walk the Labyrinth. For atre: [email protected], (212) 868-4030. 145 Brattle St, Cambridge. Free and open to the public. first-time walkers introduction to walking a labyrinth at Refreshments provided. 5:30 p.m. RSVP appreciated. MRAHSSODAEC HISLUSEANTTDS MAY 31 — Annual Spring Dinner and Drawing spon- [email protected] sored by the Friends of Holy Trinity 1000 Club, 6:30 JUNE 28 — Under a Strawberry Moon, Armenian MAY 19 — Knights of Vartan Arax Lodge 100th p.m., Charles and Nevart Talanian Cultural Hall, Holy Heritage Park on The Greenway, Boston, Thursday, anniversary Armenian Radio Hour of Rhode Island Trinity Armenian Church of Greater Boston, 145 Brattle 8:30– 9:30 p.m. Meet & Greet! Moonlit Labyrinth Walk. 70th anniversary celebration fundraising dinner/dance. St., Cambridge. Open to all. You don’t have to be a mem- Enjoy chocolate-dipped strawberries, hosted by Vicki Sponsored by the Knights of Vartan Arax lodge May 19, ber of the 1000 Club to join us for a delicious losh kebab Lee’s and Ice Teas, hosted by MEM Tea Imports. RSVP 2018 at the Egavian Cultural Center of Sts. Sahag and and pilaf dinner, $9.99 per person; tickets on sale at the appreciated. [email protected] Mesrob Armenian church, 70 Jefferson Street, door. Regular monthly raffle drawing at 8 p.m., plus 5 JULY 7 — Save the date! Armenian Church of Cape Cod Providence. Music by Joe Zeytoonian Ensemble. Dinner at $25 door prizes. “One-time” numbers will be sold on the second annual Kef Time dinner and dancing at the 6:30 pm, dance beginning 8:30 pm. Admission for dinner night of dinner; special offer: purchase five “one-time” Cape Club, 125 Falmouth Woods Road, North Falmouth. and dance $30, dance only $20. Dinner reservation is numbers for $20, save $5. For further info, contact the Leon Janikian Band with DJ and special appearance by required, please call Ann Ayrassian 401-529-5210. Holy Trinity Church office, 617.354.0632, or log Harry Minassian. Details to follow. Sponsors are appreciated. Please contact Leonard JULY 18 — Tea & Tranquility, Armenian Heritage Park Arzoomanian 508-958-7391 arzoo623@webrightser- JUNE 1-2 — Armenian Food Festival Sponsored by the on The Greenway, Boston. Wednesday, 5- 6:30 p.m. All proceeds will be donated to the Armenian Hye Pointe Church Women’s Guild, 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 Meet & Greet! Enjoy Tea & Desserts hosted by MEM Tea Radio Hour. Deadline for dinner reservation, and dona- p.m. Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe, 1280 Imports and The Bostonian Hotel. Walk the Labyrinth. For tions to be listed in the program book, is May 13. Boston Post Road, Haverhill. Chicken Kabob, Losh Kabob, first-time walkers introduction to walking a labyrinth at and Kheyma Dinners, Armenian Delicacies including 5:30 p.m. RSVP appreciated. Lahmejoon, Cheese Beoreg, Spinach Pie, Tourshi, [email protected] Cheoreg, Kataif, Paklava, and many more delicious items. AUGUST 15 — Tea & Tranquility, Armenian Heritage For more information call the church at (978) 372-9227. Park on The Greenway, Boston, Wednesday, 5-6:30 Calendar items are free. Entries should not be longer JUNE 9 — The Friends of Armenian Culture Society will p.m. Meet & Greet! Enjoy Tea & Desserts hosted by MEM than 5 lines. Listings should include contact infor- host the 67th annual Armenian Night at the Pops Tea Imports and The Bostonian Hotel. Walk the mation. Items will be edited to fit the space, if need on Saturday, at 8 p.m. at Symphony Hall in Boston. Labyrinth. For first-time walkers introduction to walking a be. A photo may be sent with the listing no later Talented violinist Haig Hovsepian, a winner of the 2017 labyrinth at 5:30 p.m. RSVP appreciated. Boston Symphony Orchestra’s Concerto Competition and [email protected] than Mondays at noon.

Berklee College of Music President to Be St. James Men’s Club Speaker on June 4

WATERTOWN — On Monday, June 4, there and theater. for Children, and a co-founder of Horizons will be a St. James Armenian Church Men’s Brown is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of for Homeless Children, which serves the Club dinner meeting at the St James Charles Davidson College and a graduate of the Yale needs of homeless children throughout the Mosesian Cultural and Youth Center. The School of Management. He cofounded Bright Boston area. speaker will be Roger H. Brown, the president Horizons Family Solutions in 1986 with his Brown is an active member of the Bright of the Berklee College of Music. wife, Linda Mason, and served as chief execu- Horizons Family Solutions board of trustees Since his appointment in 2004, he has pio- tive officer until January 2002. and the Boston Public School Arts Advisory neered the launch of a suite of educational A former co-director of the Save the Board. institutes, including Africana Studies and the Children relief and development effort in This St. James Men’s Club dinner meeting Berklee Global Jazz Institute, among others; Sudan, he and Mason coauthored the book will begin with a social hour and mezza at 6:15 overseen the creation of the world’s largest Rice, Rivalry, and Politics, which examines p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. online music education system, and completed the management of emergency relief efforts. Women are invited to the program, to be a merger with the Boston Conservatory to He has served as a management consultant held at the church’s Charles Mosesian establish the world’s most comprehensive train- for Bain and Company, was one of the Cultural and Youth Center - Keljik Hall, 465 Roger H. Brown ing ground for global careers in music, dance, founders of the Bright Horizons Foundation Mt. Auburn St. S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 17 COMMENTARY

COMMENTARY Mirror Iran Under Fire

suffer the consequences of the new sanctions against Iran, Spectator By Edmond Y. Azadian should they continue to trade with her. Turkey, a NATO ally, which had been superheating its economic relations with Iran to bring the trade between the two countries from the Three countries in the Middle East are in anguish, devas- present $9.7 billion to $30 billion, will be first to suffer from tated by the “Arab Spring,” which has yet to offer any the US actions. rewards for the region. In the process, Iraq, Libya and Syria The New York Times, in tune with the majority of the news EstablishedEstablished 1932 1932 have been devastated by foreign aggression neatly labeled as media, has taken the initiative to publish a piece warning of An ADLAn Publication ADL Publication “civil wars.” the consequences of the president’s rash decision: “When it Millions have been killed and even more displaced internally. comes to danger of a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, Yet, Messieurs Mike Pompeo and John Bolton are not satisfied there is no sign Iran or any other major powers in the exist- with the existing bloodbath in the region and have convinced ing and so far successful pact will simply fall in line with Mr. EDITOR their unpredictable boss, Donald Trump, to withdraw from the Trump’s new plan; more likely, his decision, announced on Alin K. Gregorian Iran nuclear deal signed by seven nations, including the US, sig- Tuesday [May 8], will allow Iran to resume a robust nuclear naling the beginning of a new war with Iran. program, sour relations with close European allies, erode ASSISTANT EDITOR This initiative has emboldened to bomb the Tartus America’s credibility, lay conditions for a possible wider war Aram Arkun military base in Syria, to invite Iran to retaliate in kind and in the Middle East and make it harder to reach a sound agree- ART DIRECTOR to warrant Washington’s protective cover of its US ally. That ment with North Korea on its nuclear weapons program.” Marc Mgrditchian is why Patrick Buchanan, a former presidential candidate, But the Trump administration has been using just the defines it as “Bibi [Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin reverse rationale — that strong pressure on North Korea Netanyahu] wants the US to fight for Israel.” forced that regime to come to the negotiating table and the Unfortunately, that is what is actually happening, never same policy will be applied to Iran, expecting the same mind that the cost for the US is $3 trillion, which could be results. What the administration does not fess up to is that it SENIOR EDITORIAL COLUMNIST: put to better use. does not intend nor afford to go to a nuclear confrontation Edmond Y. Azadian

CONTRIBUTORS: Florence Avakian, Dr. Haroutiun Arzoumanian, Philippe Raffi Kalfayan, Philip Ketchian, Kevork Keushkerian, Harut Sassounian, Hagop Vartivarian, Naomi Zeytoonian

CORRESPONDENTS: Armenia - Hagop Avedikian Boston - Nancy Kalajian New York/New Jersey - Taleen Babayan Berlin - Muriel Mirak-Weissbach

Contributing Photographers: Jirair Hovsepian

The Armenian Mirror-Spectator is published weekly, except two weeks in July and the first week of the year, by: Baikar Association, Inc. 755 Mt. Auburn St., Watertown, MA 02472-1509 Telephone: 617-924-4420 FAX: 617-924-2887 E-Mail: [email protected] For advertising: [email protected]

SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Now, more bloodbaths are on the way because of the insan- with North Korea and will be satisfied with a face-saving deal. ity that has been unleashed. Susan Rice, former National However, when it comes to Iran, all the pretexts and excuses Security Advisor to President Obama, wrote in an opinion are intended to ignite a war. That war will not only reward U.S.A. $80 a year piece in the New York Times this week: “President Trump’s Mr. Netanyahu, but it will also be in line with the general reckless decision to withdraw the United States from the Iran scheme of pressuring Russia, a neighbor and ally of Iran. Canada $125 a year nuclear deal will not force Iran back to the negotiating table, The prospect of such a war will have devastating conse- Other Countries $190 a year nor will it address serious concerns about Iran’s behavior in quences for Armenia since Iran is its only reliable outlet to the Middle East. But, it will leave Iran’s nuclear program the outside world. First of all, Iran is Armenia’s major trad- unconstrained and an inconsistent America isolated from its ing partner, after Russia. Next, there are several economic © 2014 The Armenian Mirror-Spectator allies and far less safe.” plans on board with Iran that promise economic prosperity Periodical Class Postage Paid at Boston, MA Had the consequence of Mr. Trump’s action been confined for Armenia. These plans will be the first casualties of war. and additional mailing offices. to what Ms. Rice described, it would have been more On the other hand, our Christian neighbor, Georgia, has benign than what is yet to come. played a duplicitous game with Armenia, arbitrarily closing ISSN 0004-234X As Mr. Buchanan predicted, “we appear to be at the begin- the border, plus forbidding the transit of any armaments to ning of a new war and how it ends we know not. But for Bibi Armenia for its self-defense. All arms have been reaching POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The and National Security Advisor John Bolton, the end always Armenia through a circuitous route. Armenian Mirror-Spectator, 755 Mount Auburn has been clear — the smashing of Iran and regime change.” A war with Iran will spill over into Armenia, which is just St., Watertown, MA 02472 Iran is not Iraq, nor Libya. The conflict in the offing may across the border. In such a scenario, Azerbaijan’s policy is Other than the editorial, views and opinions prove to be more disastrous, with serious regional and world- obvious: it will serve as a launching pad for the US and expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily wide ramifications, which may also ricochet back to harm Israeli forces, which will also pressure Armenia to play a sim- reflect the policies of the publisher. Israel. ilar role to demonstrate its sympathy towards the West. This Iran has its political tentacles extended throughout the action which will force the country into suicide. Middle East, which may render the conflict bloodier. Plus, At this point, the Velvet Revolution has taken over the Iran has learned, as the world has learned, that giving up its country and people are intoxicated and euphoric, but they Copying for other than personal use or defenses like Iraq and Libya did, does not guarantee peace need to realize that a rude awakening may not prove to be internal reference is prohibited without and security; it encourages even more aggression. too far. express permission of the copyright Mr. Trump’s unilateral actions leave the US allies and The storm is gathering in the region and all indications owner. Address requests for reprints or other signatories to the Iran deal in limbo. France’s indicated that Armenia needs to put its house in order in back issues to: President Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Washington yielded preparation of the calamity. nothing except for a lavish banquet and Mr. Trump’s mock We do not have the luxury of savoring the people’s victory Baikar Association, Inc. dusting of a spec from Mr. Macron’s shoulder. for long. As Armenia recovers from the revolution, it has to 755 Mt. Auburn St., Watertown, MA 02472- The US allies have been put on notice that they may also watch its borders and brace for harder times. 1509 18 S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR COMMENTARY

to win. Some people went to Mount Lebanon [around 1915]. However, Erbal: How were the community quotas were secured all most of the [Armenian] refugees came [to Lebanon] in 1921. In Lebanese these years since the last census was in 1932? How did the pop- 1918, as you know, the French took charge of the southern ulation figures compare and change across/within different parts of today’s Turkey after the Armistice, including Cilicia. Christian and Muslim sects? And a lot of [Armenian genocide] survivors went to Cilicia. They Sanjian: This issue’s history goes back to the Mutassarifate included people both from Cilicia and from other regions of his- Elections and of Mount Lebanon created as an Ottoman Sanjak back in toric Armenia or the eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire. 1860/61. The Sanjak had its own elected council with seats dis- They were hoping that they will return to their homes once tributed among different communities. And when the Lebanese there was final peace. But, after the Kemalists forced the French territories were expanded in 1920, the French authorities kept out through the Ankara agreement of 1921, signed by Franklin the same kind of system and they roughly divided the seats Bouillon and Kemal Ataturk, the exodus of Armenians from The Lebanese based on the census they conducted in 1920-1921. Up until Cilicia happened and most of them ended up in either Syria or 1929, quotas in all elected councils were based on this census. Lebanon. The [Lebanese] census of 1921-22 was being con- In 1943 when Lebanon became independent, in order to keep ducted as these refugees were coming to Lebanon. Most of internal peace, the numbers in the 1932 census were roughly them came by boat from Mersin to the Lebanese coast. Others Armenian taken into consideration. This is when they decided on the 6 came by road. Their numbers were not reflected in the [1921- Christian to 5 Muslim ratio since Christians outnumbered 1922] census. That’s why during the elections of 1925 and Muslims slightly, and there also was a very small Jewish com- 1929, Armenians did not have any [pre-allocated] seats. The munity. Over the years, the percentage of Lebanese Muslims Treaty of Lausanne gave everybody who was a former Ottoman Politics has increased. … Christians have often complained since 1992 citizen the right to choose the citizenship of a post-Ottoman that a large number of Christian deputies, including Armenian country, and over 25,000 Armenians at that time chose to deputies, are often being elected by Muslim votes. Some bound- become Lebanese citizens. They received their IDs in early 1925 aries of districts have been changed to make small Christian and, in the summer of 1925, they were allowed to register as By Ayda Erbal ghettos where Muslim vote would not be that influential, lead- voters in the election. However, they did not have any Armenian ing to another anomaly. seats. In the 1929 elections, they tried to have one seat in the Erbal: I also read about the citizenship laws, for example, Parliament but the French authorities refused. The next elec- BEIRUT — A first in nine years and deferred for 5 years for Lebanese mothers not being able to pass their citizenship to tions were held in 1934. Armenians were now given a seat, security reasons, Lebanese elections were held on May 6 and their kids. Were you able to follow that discussion? How will because the refugees and their families had been included in brought victory to Hezbollah party and its allies. this effect the population balance? the 1932 census. Since then, every new parliament has had at This was an election with many changes, challenges and nov- Sanjian: This is still being debated. This has been a major least one, and now more, Armenian seats. Prior to the Lebanese elties including the new electoral law which introduced for the demand of the feminist groups. I must say that I also suffered Civil War in 1975, there were about 200,000 Armenians in first time, elements of proportional representation. from the same law until the end of the Civil War. It was only in Lebanon, although that number included a few tens of thou- First proposed by then Interior Minister of the Najib Mikati’s 1994 that I became a Lebanese citizen, although my father had sands of Syrian Armenians as well, who had moved from Syria government Marwan Charbel in 2011, the new law was ratified settled in Lebanon around 1957. My parents got married in during Nasser’s control of Syria and in the post-Nasser era but in June 2017 and will also allow Lebanese expats to vote for the 1967, and my mother was a Lebanese from the beginning of her still did not have Lebanese citizenship. Many of those [Syrian- first time in the country’s history. Even though there are up to life. Basically, I could not get citizenship because there was not Armenians] became Lebanese citizens after the 1994 decree a few million Lebanese citizens abroad, state-run news agency such law. But, after the end of the Civil War, some foreigners giving citizenship to people who lived long enough in Lebanon. set the number of registered voters close to 83,000 with expat living in Lebanon were given citizenship, and my father and I However, there was also a very large exodus of Armenians dur- Lebanese registrants in Arab countries numbering approxi- were among those who benefited from this law. Can you imag- ing the Civil War, the reason why we do not know for sure how mately 12,600. They voted on April 27 and 29 — a week before ine a Lebanese diplomat, if she’s married to a foreigner abroad, many Armenians live in Lebanon today. But, of course, we know their compatriots in the homeland. cannot pass her citizenship to her children? Of course, some- how many Armenians are voting. They are now not as influen- Even though the Lebanese-Armenians form approximately 4 times presidents bestow with special decree citizenship for tial as they were before 1975 and this new law makes them even percent of the larger Lebanese population, Apostolic and some celebrities, but decrees do not replace the law. Christians less influential because the introduction of the system of pref- Catholic combined, they make up are very sensitive, thinking that more Muslims will become erential vote. Now, Armenian votes are needed mainly to make 34 percent of the East Beirut elec- Lebanese citizens and that this is the real reason why this is sure that Armenian seats would go to deputies who represent torate, which made them key in acted upon. Actually, this fear of affecting the population well-established Armenian organizations and political parties. securing the seats in that district. according to the census is hindering the development of For example, one very famous figure was Michel el-Murr, who In light of the importance of the Lebanese democracy and individual rights. Everybody recog- was an engineer by profession and a contractor, but also a per- Armenian vote in one of the impor- nizes that, but they say that there is some kind of raison d’état son very much involved in Lebanese politics. He basically had tant districts in these elections, we which needs to be held higher than individual rights. This is an alliance with the Tashnag party in the Metn district, where had a conversation with Prof. Ara also a very acute issue. In return, the Lebanese parliament also Bourj Hammoud with a large Armenian population is. It was a Sanjian of University of Michigan passed a law a couple of years or so ago, which is valid for 10 regular feature for the last 50 years, up until this election, for Dearborn, an Armenian-American years and it gives the right to former Lebanese citizens who the Tashnags to vote for Michel el-Murr. Of course, he would scholar from Lebanon on the were abroad and careless, and moreover did not register their then return that favor by trying to help Armenians whenever recent changes of the electoral law. kids and technically lost their citizenship to reapply and recov- they needed. Now that ability is much less. For example, on this Sanjian is working on a er their citizenship. occasion, the Tashnags and Murr contested the elections sepa- manuscript on Armenian political Prof. Ara Sanjian Erbal: Palestinians are not given citizenship rights in rately, because they had calculated that running together on parties and electoral politics in Lebanon. They cannot work in certain sectors and hold certain the same list would not now provide any additional advantage Lebanon. degrees, but what is the current situation for Palestinians? I am to either side. Other Christians are also having this problem, as (Editor’s note: The expanded version of this interview can be assuming Christians will not be happy if citizenship is extended I said before, because of the numbers. The Tahsnag party is the found on to Palestinians. strongest party among the Armenians in Lebanon. Even Sanjian: Not only Christians, but also Shias will not be happy though we still don’t have the full breakdown of the Armenian Ayda Erbal: What did change with last year’s electoral law because most of the Palestinian refugees are Sunni. The main vote of the May 6th election, in the last two or three elections, and how does it compare to the earlier law? political rivalry in Lebanon in recent years has been between 75% or more of the Armenian voters actually voted according Ara Sanjian: The technical name given to the Lebanese sys- Sunnis and Shias. The mainstream Sunni organization is to Tashnag party preferences. During the election campaign tem is called consociationalism. Basically, it gives the people backed by Saudi Arabia, and the mainstream Shia organizations this year, however, the Party was very candid and open about communal rights in addition to individual rights. Lebanon rec- are backed by Iran. So Lebanon has become an arena of, hope- its [limited] ability to gain all Armenian seats. Of the six ognizes 18 different religious communities and most of them fully not a proxy war but, a proxy struggle between Saudi Armenian seats, the Tashnag party had concluded that its vot- have seats allocated to them in the parliament. Currently the Arabia and Iran. Palestinians on the other hand are not given ers were enough to guarantee the election of three candidates, Lebanese parliament consists of 128 deputies. This has been citizenship under the idea to which Lebanon remains sub- while other factors, such as alliances, etc. would decide to the case since the end of the Civil War in 1990. These 128 scribed that Palestinians have the right to return [to their home- whom the other Armenian seats would go. That’s why the deputies are divided equally between Muslims (64) and land] according to a UN resolution passed in 1949. UNRWA, Tashnag party openly addressed the Armenian voters in its elec- Christians (64). which takes care of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, has up toral rallies through the following statement: “we want you to Erbal: Was it always like that? I remember that after the cen- to 400,000 names on its list. People always said that this num- vote for us. However, if for one reason or another you are not sus of 1932 the ratio was 6 to 5. ber was exaggerated, given the fact that many of the people on satisfied with us, we wish that you vote for the other candidates Sanjian: Yes, from 1943 to 1990 the ratio was 6 to 5. After the list of UNRWA have migrated to other countries. A few backed by the two other Armenian traditional parties: the the end of the Civil War it’s a 50-50 divide. But even within each months back, the Lebanese government conducted a survey Hunchakians and the Ramgavars.” The party openly warned religion we have the various confessions with a different num- and the actual number of the Palestinian refugees living in against voting for “one-day Armenians”. This term has been ber of seats allocated to each one of them. So, within the 64 Lebanon was put at 174,000. Some people think that the num- coined very recently and is about those Armenians who do not Christian seats, for example, we have specific number of seats bers have been brought down in order to reduce political sen- actually participate in Armenian community life except on April allocated to Maronites (34), the Greek Orthodox (14), the Greek sitivities as much as possible, but there is no hope the 24 every year, when they also proclaim their allegiance and Catholics (8), the Armenian Orthodox (5), plus one seat each for Palestinians will gain anything out of this. The argument put commitment to the Armenian cause. Armenian Catholics (1), Evangelicals (1) and to what we call the forward will be: “if we give Palestinians Lebanese citizenship, This is a major problem that the community is facing because Minorities (1). Minorities include the people of Latin rite, plus the only country that will benefit from this will be Israel,” in the of assimilation. When Armenians came to Lebanon over 90 the Syriac and Assyrian churches, as well as other 6 or 7 small sense that Palestinians will lose their right to go back to their years ago, language was a big barrier because very few communities. The 64 Muslim seats are divided into equal num- own homes. And, of course, the argument will also be used in Armenians knew Arabic. They lived in clusters, and even today ber of Sunni (27) and Shia (27) deputies, but also smaller allo- order not to effect the intra-communal balance among the language is an issue for the middle-aged and above. But, grad- cations for the Druze (8) and the Alawites (2). All these are part Lebanese. By the way, there are some (Palestinian) Armenians ually, these clusters have broken down, plus more and more of the electoral law and the seats are distributed in the various as well who fall in the same category. Some of them are now Armenians are no longer attending Armenian community constituencies according to religion. For example, in a certain getting Armenian citizenship, now that the Armenian govern- schools. They are instead going to foreign missionary schools, district, seats may be pre-allocated for, say, two Maronites, one ment is giving Armenian citizenship. etc. and are becoming a more and more integrated group Greek Orthodox, one Sunni and one Druze. Only people from Erbal: Do we know the size of the Armenian constituency in among the Christians of Lebanon. those sects can actually nominate themselves for those seats in the 1932 census? Erbal: How do the Armenian parties form their candidate that specific constituency. However, everybody registered in the Sanjian: Sure. First and foremost, let me go a little bit back. lists? Is there any difference among Armenian parties in terms constituency can vote. So, it is possible, for example, that you There were few Armenians living in Beirut and even fewer liv- of designating/ choosing their candidates? may vote in a constituency where there is no seat for your own ing in the Mutassarifate of Mount Lebanon during Ottoman Sanjian: Usually, Armenian lists are not single party lists. sect, but any winning deputy has to get as many votes as pos- times. Probably the total number was not more than 1000 at Supporters of various groups have come together, some sible and so technically those deputies who can also get votes the time. During the 1915 deportations of the genocide, because they traditionally work together, like the Free Patriotic outside their religious group will be in a much better situation Lebanon was not initially on the major deportation routes. see LEBANON, page 20 S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR 19 COMMENTARY

of Erdogan’s bodyguards were dropped on the eve of US , and Israel. Bregman asked him to investigate Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s visit to Turkey. whether any legal restitution was available to the victims.” Fortunately, a group of Washington, DC lawyers were so Bregman then contacted fellow longtime DC attorney outraged by the attacks and escape of Erdogan’s bodyguards Steve Perles. “I have this case that will rely on the Foreign back to Turkey that they decided last week to sue the Turkish Sovereign Immunities Act [FSIA],” Bregman said. “You’re the My Turn government, two Turkish-Americans and three Turkish guy who can do it.” Perles has a long experience successfully Canadians for “violations of international law and hate suing Germany for Holocaust reparations and Iran and Libya By Harut Sassounian crimes, as well as assault, battery and false imprisonment.” to pay for damages for “terrorist acts.” On May 3, another American law firm filed a separate lawsuit The Washingtonian reported: “working with Bregman and by five of the protesters against Turkey. Akaras, Perles is preparing to file suit for hundreds of millions American Lawyers Sue Turkey For The Washingtonian reported: “With the US government in damages from the Republic of Turkey. ‘Any foreign head of Hundreds of Millions of Dollars unable or unwilling to obtain justice for the Sheridan Circle state who unleashes his security force against US citizens victims, a group of DC lawyers set out to do so themselves. exercising their lawful rights on US soil has no protection On May 16, 2017, during Turkish President Recep Tayyip Douglas Bregman had little inkling of the riot, let alone what under FSIA,’ Perles says. Other lawyers agree. A team head- Erdogan’s visit with President Donald Trump in the White had provoked it. But what he saw on the news that night hor- ed by Agnieszka Fryszman of Cohen Milstein filed a victim- House, Erdogan’s bodyguards, unprovoked viciously attacked rified him: ‘This guy [Erdogan] gets to come to our country, impact statement representing 13 victims of the Sheridan Kurdish and Armenian protesters who had gathered outside speak to the President at the White House, then send his Circle attack, including Murat Yasa and Heewa Arya. The the residence of Turkey’s Ambassador in Washington, DC. thugs to bloody up American citizens just for speaking out?’” legal team has added Michael Tigar, who successfully sued Nine demonstrators were seriously injured! The Washingtonian added: “Bregman, 68, runs a civil-prac- the government of Chile for assassinating Orlando Letelier According to the Washingtonian, “at a news conference tice law firm in Bethesda. Originally from suburban with a car bomb at Sheridan Circle in 1976.… Tigar says stu- on June 14, DC police chief Peter Newsham said that ‘rarely Philadelphia, he got a law degree from Georgetown University dents at American University law school are putting together have I seen in my 28 years of policing the type of thing I saw in the 1970s and put down roots. He lectures there and at the case against Turkey. He’s confident in its strength. ‘It in Sheridan Circle.’ The House of Representatives approved a Columbia University law school. Having participated in took 16 years, but we got to get $4 million from Chile,’ he resolution, 397–0, calling ‘for perpetrators to be brought to protests during the 1960s, he sees a need to defend freedom says.” justice and measures to be taken to prevent similar incidents of speech from threats ‘like abuse of power,’ he says. Bregman Bregman told the Washingtonian: “Somebody needs to be in the future.’” phoned one of his associates, Andreas Akaras, a litigator at punished. We are willing to put in the time and resources to Last July, a federal grand jury charged with assault 19 Bregman, Berbert, Schwartz and Gilday. ‘Did you see what push back against a fascist government so our clients are vin- members of Erdogan’s bodyguards, most of whom had diplo- happened today at Sheridan Circle?’ he asked. Akaras had dicated. It is well worth the effort.” matic immunity. As a result, they could not be arrested and joined Bregman’s firm after seven years as an aide to The Washington Post concluded: “under U.S. law, the were allowed to fly back to Turkey. Two Turkish-Americans Maryland congressman John Sarbanes. He’d worked on a Turkish government may fight, settle or refuse to defend were arrested and later sentenced to a year and a day in jail. range of issues related to southeastern Europe and the against the lawsuits. In a refusal, a judge could enter a default Several months after this incident, the charges against most Mediterranean and developed contacts in Turkey, Greece, judgment for the protesters.”

Armenia’s People-Power Revolution, Russia, and the Western Bloc

Azerbaijan and sells it billions in weapons. Major Jewish orga- rently against Armenians in Artsakh/Karabakh. By David Boyajian nizations such as the American Jewish Committee provide Armenians know this history very well. Western Bloc Azerbaijan political support while, sadly, a coterie of Jewish attempts to reassure Armenia that Turkish intentions are writers constantly and unfairly berate Armenia in the US and benign are understandably treated with derision. With Turkey’s As we write this, massive peaceful civil actions against international media. return to its traditional authoritarianism and repression, and its Armenia’s establishment have continued under the leadership ongoing alliance with jihadists in Syria, even the Western Bloc of Nikol Pashinyan, a National Assembly (NA) member who is The Pan-Turkic Path is reconsidering its long-standing sycophantic treatment of part of the opposition Yelk (Way Out) Alliance. Though widely Turkey’s long-standing dream is a pan-Turkic path from Turkey. unpopular Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan has been forced to Turkey to Azerbaijan, then across the Caspian Sea to the four However, Armenians know that Russia may go too far in resign, his Republican Party (RPA) still has a narrow majority Central Asian Turkic countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, accommodating Turkey and Azerbaijan and thereby betray (58 of 105) in the NA. Most observers believe that the RPA Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The Western Bloc has implicit- Armenia. members were elected through fraud, bribery and intimidation. ly bought into pan-Turkism in order to exploit the region’s ener- After WWI, Turkey used weapons supplied by Bolshevik The RPA’s politicians and oligarchs are also generally blamed gy deposits and, as explained, perch along Russia’s underbelly. Russia to exterminate the former’s remaining Armenian citi- for stealing billions of the country’s wealth; violating civil rights; Georgia — predominantly non-Turkic and Christian — serves zens and invade the independent Republic of Armenia. Russia debasing the judiciary and civil service; keeping the talented as the Western Bloc’s door into the Caucasus. Of course, also gifted Armenian territory, including Artsakh and Armenian Diaspora at arm’s length; and failing to successfully Georgia remains under Russian pressure. Witness not only Nakhichevan, to Azerbaijan. Russia prevented Armenia from address Armenia’s many problems: corruption, a less-than-robust Russia’s support for Georgia’s breakaway regions of Abkhazia retaking Western Armenia (now eastern Turkey), which economy, unemployment, outward migration, and more. and South Ossetia, but also Georgia’s defeat in the 2008 Armenia was entitled to according to the Treaty of Sevres A bright spot: Landlocked Christian Armenia and its brother Russian-Georgian war. All that pressure becomes meaningless, (1920) signed by the European powers. Russia could sell out Artsakh/Karabakh Republic survive, even though blockaded however, were Russia to lose Armenia to the Western Bloc. Armenia to Turks and Azeris in similar ways today. by genocidal Turkey and Turkic/Muslim Azerbaijan who out- Russia would then have no military or operational base in the It’s possible, therefore, that Armenia could turn to NATO as number Armenians by 90 million people. This miracle is due to Caucasus. Moreover, if Armenia got off its dependence on a protector. This is risky, however. NATO member Turkey far the tenacity of Armenia’s people and armed forces. Russian energy and military equipment, Russia would have lit- exceeds Armenia in military weight. Moreover, the West, As Armenia is a long-time friend and admirer of our country, tle ability to pressure Armenia, especially as the two lack a com- though historically sympathetic to Christian Armenians for we Americans need to understand it. mon border. hundreds and even thousands of years, has generally helped The Western Bloc’s path to the Caspian Sea (which a NATO Armenians only in humanitarian — not military — ways. Why Armenia Matters fleet would dominate) and Central Asia would be wide open. Still, it is possible for Armenia to switch sides if Russia con- The current revolution is home-grown and purely Armenian. NATO would probably eventually sit along Iran’s northern bor- tinues to treat Armenia as little more than a pawn. Outside powers — whether countries or organizations — neither der. Indeed, Armenia has excellent relations with the Western initiated nor control the revolution. Still, major nations defi- Russia could also lose its mainly Muslim North Caucasus Bloc (except for Turkey) and recently signed a partnership nitely have strong opinions, usually unstated, about the present regions (Chechnya, Daghestan, etc.) to the Western Bloc. agreement with the EU. The Western Bloc, of course, silently crisis. ‘As Armenia goes, so goes the Caucasus, Caspian, and hopes that the current revolution and possible internal liberal- Russia loathes the revolution. Russia wants Armenia to con- Central Asia’ is a fair statement. For Russia, Armenia is vital – ization in Armenia will someday turn it away from Russia. tinue to be highly dependent on it for natural gas, the nuclear perhaps a matter of life or death. Russia needs Armenia far power plant and energy grid, investments, sophisticated more than it will admit. Shaping its Own Destiny weapons, and the right to travel to Russia to work and some- Unfortunately, many Armenians who see Russia as a The RPA, Russia’s favorite pin-up boys, is trying to depict times deposit stolen money. Ongoing corruption in Armenia Christian “big brother” don’t realize that the Russian-Armenian Nikol Pashinyan as anti-Russian and thus a security risk. makes it easier for Russia to bribe, intimidate, and blackmail dis- relationship should be a two-way street. However, Pashinyan has firmly stated that Armenia’s alliance honest leaders and oligarchs, represented mainly by the RPA. A Would Armenia ever join the Western Bloc? with Russia will not change, nor will Armenia drop out of the Russian base guards Armenia’s border with Turkey. Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and CTSO Why is Russia so intent on controlling its small ally? Because Armenia’s Dilemma (Collective Security Treaty Organization) if he becomes Prime without Armenia, Russia would lose its grip on the Caucasus, To dissuade it from explicitly joining the Western Bloc, Minister. Caspian Sea, and probably Central Asia. The Russia is flattering Azerbaijan as a “strategic partner” (which it The RPA claims that Pashinyan is anti-Russian because he US/NATO/European Union/Turkey (“Western Bloc”) would really isn’t) and sells it weapons that it will use against once opposed his country’s entry into the EEU and preferred then move in. Thus perched along the Russian Bear’s soft under- Armenia/Artsakh. Russia is also cozying up to Turkey to pull an association agreement with the European Union. The charge belly, NATO would slice it open and have his insides for dinner. it away from the Western Bloc. It won’t work. Turkey and is absurd. Until Russia twisted his arm in 2013, even then- Thus, Russia needs Armenia far more than it cares to admit. Azerbaijan (“One nation, two states”) are historically and inher- President Serzh Sargsyan was set to sign an agreement with Georgia was coopted by the Western Bloc years ago. It has ently hostile to Russia. But it makes Armenia nervous never- the EU. invested billions in Georgia, which desires NATO membership theless. Armenians appreciate Russia’s help. But they refuse to be as protection against Russia. Armenia’s main concern is security. Armenians remember the taken for granted and betrayed yet again. Azerbaijan, corrupt and a virtual dictatorship, but flush with Genocide of 1915-23 and numerous anti-Armenian massacres Armenia’s populace simply wants Armenia to become oil and gas income, has also expressed interest in joining NATO. committed by Turks against Armenians in the last 150 years. stronger and more self-confident in every way – for Armenians’ Over 27 years, the Western Bloc has invested untold billions in Since 1991, Turkey has threatened several times to attack own sake and so that Russia treats it equitably. Azerbaijan in such sectors as energy, banking, hotels, aviation, Armenia. In 1993, Turkey and the Muslim Chechen Speaker of This is neither anti-Russian nor pro-Western Bloc. It’s just the agriculture, and consulting. The Western Bloc has also con- the Russian Duma hatched a plan to invade Armenia while right thing to do. structed major oil and gas pipelines from Azerbaijan’s Caspian Russia stood aside. Turkey also arms and trains the Azerbaijani fields through Georgia and into Turkey and beyond. More such army. (The author is an Armenian American freelance journalist. pipelines (to supply Europe) are planned. And Azeris have long committed massacres against Many of his articles are archived at Interestingly, Israel receives around 40 percent of its oil from Armenians – as recently as the late 1980s, early 1990s, and cur- 20 S ATURDAY, M AY 1 9 , 2 0 1 8 T HE A RMENIAN M IRROR -S PECTATOR

Right now, Azerbaijan, a country founded on racial seg- bat, leadership and much more. Over 265 6th-12th-grade Poqr Mher Cadet regation, war crimes and genocide, also happens to be an students attend school at Poqr Mher. Approximately 20 ally of the US, and has a military budget greater than the percent of the students are orphans. 109 boys graduated entire Armenian government’s budget. Almost every day, from the complex during 2005-2009 and 53 of them School and the US snipers from the Azerbaijan side break ceasefire treaties entered college. Their mission is to train excellent and open fire on Armenian soldiers and innocent civilians. sergeants and to prepare these cadets in several ways to In March, three soldiers who were the same age as my be officers in the Armenian Army. But the school is not Civil Air Patrol older sister were killed by sniper fire where they were only important to the kids, but also to the country. Right guarding the border between Artsakh and Azerbaijan. It now, Armenia is in desperate need of good, well-trained remains a dangerous situation for the sovereignty of officers to defend its borders. Regular Kids Are Leaders Artsakh. Unfortunately, Azerbaijan is not the only worry So the two-week session is ending and I have some for Armenia. Turkey, another ally of the US, is imposing thoughts that I have brought back from my experience. an illegal blockade on Armenia and not allowing the coun- The main reason for going to Poqr Mher this year was to try to prosper. I have learned a lot about one thing, that have a firsthand experience at a place where everyone By Mikhael Airumian there are usually reasons below the surface that make gov- works hard and adapts to the environment, and to better ernments decide on their choices, whether it is about edu- understand one piece of this Armenian life. As I made my WASHINGTON — As I was contemplating my trip to cation or military might or even basic survival. way into Armenia, and then to the school, I did not want Armenia to spend two weeks at the Poqr Mher Cadet One of my reasons for being so interested in this cadet to have too many ideas about what was the “right way of School, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what to school is because it ties in so nicely with my Civil Air doing things.” Through traveling and living with a host expect. Having visited the school for one day during the Patrol experience. They both train and teach the youth family for the past two summers I’ve realized that things summer last year, this spring I conducted a fundraising valuable leadership skills, but that is just scratching the will never be the same way twice. When you think you drive to buy boots for orphans who attend the school. I surface. I wanted to dig deeper to explore what the simi- have it all figured out is when you could not be more also have been a member of the US Civil Air Patrol since larities and differences are between the Civil Air Patrol wrong. I thought it best to do a lot of watching and lis- age 13, and understand to a great extent what it is like to and Poqr Mher. tening to see if I could catch on quickly. be a member of a military style organization. Because of Civil Air Patrol is a program for kids aged 12-21 in the The best part about preparing to visit the school was my interest in military history and because what I have United States with three missions: to train members in coming up with the questions to try to answer. I can say seen of this school is impressive, I became interested in aerospace education, cadet programs and emergency ser- that it overall was not too surprising. The school is a very finding out more. vices. Last year, several graduating seniors earned schol- special school. Students do go there to learn, and the stu- There might be some obvious similarities between my arships to the Air Force Academy in Colorado. If a mem- dents are regular kids. The difference is that is clear that familiar Civil Air Patrol and Poqr Mher, and there are ber decides to enlist in the Air Force, he or she can enter there is a lot of discipline that goes into being really good clearly some big differences, so I decided not to make as a higher rank than a regular basic airman. Cadets also at what they do. assumptions and that it would be more interesting to take get hands-on training flying planes. According to the Civil My adventure at Poqr Mher has led me to keep asking a deeper look at Poqr Mher in its own cultural context. On Air Patrol website: the question, “What can we do to help?” It has strength- my flight to Armenia, I began thinking up the questions “In the late 1930s, more than 150,000 volunteers with ened my wish to help the school however I can. I know that needed an answer: Why does Armenia need a military a love for aviation argued for an organization to put their that sometimes as a kid I may not be taken as seriously as educational complex for 6th graders? What similarities planes and flying skills to use in defense of their country. an adult, but I will continue to take my power point pre- does this school share with Civil Air Patrol and how is it As a result, the Civil Air Patrol was born one week prior sentation to more groups. Even if there are not many different? How will this experience give me a better under- to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Thousands of vol- donations, at least the Fresno Armenian community will standing about both of our countries’ ideas about the next unteer members answered America’s call to national ser- know about this school and the hard decisions that generation? Preparing to leave for my adventure at Poqr vice and sacrifice by accepting and performing critical Armenian citizens and even kids have to make to contin- Mher, I thought about my fundraising efforts over the past wartime missions. Assigned to the War Department under ue safeguarding their borders. My hope is to do our part year. I want to make a difference in the lives of others and the jurisdiction of the Army Air Corps, the contributions to improve the school so that they can turn out even bet- my stay at the school could help me improve my future of Civil Air Patrol, including logging more than 500,000 ter and brighter students than ever before. fundraising efforts. flying hours, sinking two enemy submarines, and saving Seeing all this firsthand now leads to an even bigger Much information about Armenia’s recent military his- hundreds of crash victims during World War II, are well question. Reading books and discussions in our family tory can be found to answer the question “Why does documented. On July 1, 1946, President Harry Truman made me think about Armenia’s place in world politics. In Armenia need this school?” According to Robert signed Public Law 476 incorporating Civil Air Patrol as a order for a nation to protect itself, it needs to be strong in Avetisyan, who is the Permanent Representative of the benevolent, nonprofit organization. On May 26, 1948, many ways, not just military power. Armenia needs to stay Nagorno Karabakh Republic to the US, and someone I Congress passed Public Law 557 permanently establishing strong by having allies, having a population large enough have met on numerous occasions: Civil Air Patrol as the auxiliary of the new US Air Force.” to keep an army, having a good economy, holding on to “In 1988, Nagorno Karabakh (NK), a historically Our weekly Civil Air Patrol meetings try to capture the territory and not letting the borders get taken, and having Armenian land and autonomous entity in the Soviet ideas that the original members had as they created our good political leaders. The conclusion that is easily made Union, petitioned the Central Government in Moscow ask- group from the beginning. We do focus on development of is that Armenia needs to put plans in place to get rid of ing to be reunited with Armenia. The Soviet Union and knowledge, teamwork, leadership qualities and physical fit- the old corrupt politicians. It also should not ignore the Azerbaijan denied Nagorno Karabakh’s appeal for self- ness, but the most important thing we do is practice act- fact that it is especially weak in some of those other areas determination. The situation escalated to conflict, as ing in public service. The program is all about shaping that are listed above and the politicians now in power need Azerbaijan resorted to pogroms and military aggression in future leaders of the Air Force and the world. some of that training for themselves. It is always strange an effort to suppress Nagorno Karabakh’s action. This vio- Poqr Mher, on the other hand, is a military-style board- to be an observer in another culture, but I can say that I lence was followed by the 1991-1994 Azeri-instigated war ing school located on the outskirts of Yerevan. It was am confident about this and that my impressions of Poqr on the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR), which claimed established by the Armenian government in 2001 and is Mher make it easy to believe that the new generation of thousands of NK casualties and destroyed an estimated 80 funded by the state, but it is a private, non-profit organi- leaders will succeed because of the leadership training percent of Nagorno Karabakh’s economy. In the summer zation and is not run by the government. All of the usual they are receiving in this school today. of 1992 Azerbaijan placed about 50 percent of the NKR school classes are taught, along with military education (Mikhael Airumian was born in Silver Spring, Md. He territory under military occupation. Since the cease-fire and development of leadership skills. All students partici- attends high school at Waterford Kamhlaba United World Agreement of 1994, the conflict awaits final, peaceful, and pate in martial arts and physical training and they are College in Mbabane, Swaziland and expects to graduate in equitable resolution through direct negotiations.” extremely good at it. This training includes strategy, com- November 2018.)

Lebanese Elections and The Lebanese Armenian Politics

LEBANON, from page 18 Erbal: This would have been a strong indicator for intra-party Terzian and Alexander Matossian are only party supporters. Movement and the Tashnags since 2005. I’m sure all factions democracy. That raises the number of members of their parliamentary bloc calculated how much each one of them would bring in votes. Sanjian: To some extent, yes. In Lebanon the Tashnag party from two (in 2000, 2005 and 2009) to three. They also lent sup- The Free Patriotic Movement usually does not touch on the used to win almost all elections after the end of World War II port to a fifth Armenian candidate, George Bouchikian, in the Armenian slot, so the Tashnag party nominated its own candi- until 2000. Since 2000 the Tashnags have always gotten most district of Zahle (where the Armenian village of Anjar is situat- dates in both Beirut I and Metn. Meanwhile, the Tashnags do of the Armenian votes but ended up with only two seats among ed), but he was not elected because his list overall could not not say much about the Free Patriotic movement nominating six. That was in 2000, 2005 and also in 2009. However, that has pass the threshold in that constituency. The Hunchakians had their candidates for the non-Armenian seats. not affected at all internal Armenian community affairs. The one, and the Ramgavars had three candidates, and all lost. Erbal: Are all Armenian parties like this? Tashnag party continues to control all church bodies etc. in the Therefore, only three of the six Armenian deputies in the new Sanjian: The Tashnags, for example, have nominated Hagop Armenian Orthodox community. People have come to know chamber are representatives of traditional Armenian organiza- Pakradouny, who is the general secretary of the party’s Central that it’s not very important who the Armenian deputies in the tions. The other three elected Armenian deputies – Paula Committee in Lebanon and an incumbent deputy, to run again Lebanese Parliament are. So there’s not as much interest in Yacoubian, retired General Jean Talouzian and Eddie Demirjian, in Metn. In Beirut I, they had three candidates. One of them, that process as it used to be. have no established links with community institutions and orga- Hagop Terzian, is a party member and the other two, Alexander Erbal: I know it’s still very early given the fact that you don’t nizations and can be classified among those who were pejora- Matossian and Serge Tchoukhadarian, are close to the party. In have access to the detailed results but what happened in these tively described as “one-day Armenians.” Demirjian got elected Zahle, they also sponsored, but in a lower key manner, another elections? Any surprise for Armenians? with only 77 votes in his favor, when another Armenian candi- candidate. Hunchakians are small and nominated just one per- Sanjian: Armenian political parties, especially the dominant date who got 3,000 votes in the same constituency, Marie son, who was also an incumbent deputy, and they worked for Tashnag party, appear surprised and unhappy with the low per- Jeanne Bilezikjian, lost. This was because they were on different that end. The Ramgavars actually nominated three. All the centage of Armenian participation — less than what it was in lists and seats are distributed according to the percentages other Armenian candidates did run as independents and they 2009, during the last elections. The reasons behind this drop received by the various lists in general. On the other hand, the did not get any coverage in the press since are not analyzed yet, and we should not jump into conclusions only seat won by what has become known as the civil society in all the newspapers are controlled by the respective parties. The at this early stage. The Tashnags officially had four candidates, Lebanon (a group of people outside established political parties Independent Armenian candidates used the Lebanese television and three of them were elected – of the three Hagop and demanding radical changes from outside the established stations in order to talk to general voters. Pakradouny is a Tashnag party member, whereas Hagop system) is Yacoubian.