Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Gaining

the Bachelor Degree in English Literature

By :







ABSTRACT REFUSAL USED IN THE ORIGINALS SEASON 1 TELEVISION SERIES By: Ati Kamesywari Refusal is one of phenomena that encounters in human daily communication. Refusal is one of speech acts. Refusal occurs to respond other speech acts. Refusal can make uncomfortable feeling and threat intelocutor’s face. The purpose of this research is to explain the refusal strategies that are used by characters in The Originals Season 1 television series. This method used in this research is qualitative, by using descriptive analysis. The writer uses a theory from Beebe, Takahashi, and Uliss-Weltz to analyze the data. The result of the research shows that there are eight types of refusal strategy that are applied by the characters. They are direct refusal, indirect refusal, direct refusal+adjunct, indirect refusal+adjunct, direct+indirect refusal, double direct refusal, double indirect refusal, and combination of three refusal. However, the result shows that the character mostly use indirect refusal strategy. There are seven strategies that are used by the character in applying indirect strategy. They are attempt to dissuade interlocutor, avoidance, excuse;reason;explanation, statement of alternative, statement of principle, promise of future acceptance, and acceptance that functions as refusal.

Keywords: refusal, refusal strategies, indirect strategy, the originals season 1.


ABSTRAK REFUSAL USED IN THE ORIGINALS SEASON 1 TELEVISION SERIES Oleh: Ati Kamesywari Penolakan adalah salah satu fenomena yang terjadi dalam komunikasi manusia setiap harinya. Penolakan adalah salah satu tindak tutur. Penolakan terjadi sebagai respon untuk tindak tutur lainnya. Penolakan bisa perasaan tidak nyaman dan bisa mengancan mimik wajah lawan bicara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan strategi penolakan yang digunakan oleh para tokoh dalam serial televisi yang berjudul The Originals Season 1. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Penulis menggunakan teori tentang strategi penolakan dari Beebe, Takahashi, dan Uliss-Weltz untuk menganalisis data. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat delapan jenis penolakan yang digunakan oleh para tokoh dalam mengaplikasikan penolakan mereka. Jenis- jenis penolakan dari penelitian ini yaitu penolakan langsung, penolakan tidak langsung, penolakan langsung+kata keterangan, penolakan tidak langsung+kata keterangan, penolakan langsung+penolakan tidak langsung, penolakan langsung beruntun, penolakan tidak langsung beruntun, dan gabungan dari tiga strategi penolakan. Namun, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para tokoh lebih sering menggunakan strategi penolakan tidak langsung. Ada tujuh strategi dalam penolakan tidak langsung, yaitu usaha agar lawan bicara tidak mengerjakan, pengalihan, alasan;sebab;penjelasan, pernyataan alternatif, pernyataan prinsip, penerimaan yang berfungsi sebagai penolakan.

Kata kunci: penolakan, strategi penolakan, penolakan tidak langsung, The Originals Season 1.



Life is like riding bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving -Albert Einstein

Faith is the infinite intelligence -Napoleon Hill

Everything will come to those who keep trying with determination and patience -Edison



This Graduating Paper is dedicated to: My Beloved Parents, Papah and Mamah My Beloved Husband and Son My Beloved Brother and all my family For their Greatest Love, Prayers, Supports, and Motivation.




First of all, I would like to say Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Aalamiin, because of Allah’s blessing I can finish this graduating paper. The sholawat and also salam are always be delivered to Prophet Muhammad SAW as the best role for human life in the world. I would like to expreess my appreciation and gratitude’s feeling for everyone who become the part of finishing this graduating paper. They are:

1. My beloved parents, Papah and Mamah, for giving me the greatest

love, affection, supports, prayers, and patience.

2. My dearest husband and son, you are my greatest motivation, and I

do thank God for having you both in my life.

3. Mr. Dwi Margo Yuwono, M.Hum., and Mrs. Ulyati Retno Sari,

M.Hum., as my academic advisor for giving me supports and help.

4. Mr. Bambang Hariyanto, M.A., as my research advisor for giving

me guidance, advice, and help in finishing myy graduating paper.

5. Mr. Dr. Ubaidillah, M.Hum., as the chairman of English Literature


6. Mr. Danial Hidayatullah, M.Hum., Mrs. Jiah Fauziah, M.Hum

(almarhumah), Mr. Arif Budiman, M.A., Mrs. Febriyanti Dwiratna

Lestari, M.A., Mr. Fuad Arif Fudiyartanto, M. Hum., Dr. Witriani,

M. Hum, and other lecturers for sharing their knowledge.


7. Thanks for Husnul Muhaiminah for the greatest support, the

cheerful- saturday nights in Jogja. May Allah gives you the best

one and the best things in your life.

8. Thanks for my fairies, Charlina Ningsih, Rakhma Tri Pratiwi, Sri

Rahayu, and Setyorini Kholidi, for the beautiful friendship, the

joyfull, the love, the laugh and the nice memories we have shared.

9. Thanks for my friends in English Department, M. Faozan Akrom,

Fadhliah Anwar, Rahmad Khanafi, Vita Tri Cahyani, Azka, Milla

and other for sharing memories together in English department.

10. Thanks for my friends in Yogyakarta, Yuni, Shinta, Uuk, Widi, Iis,

Isna, etc. for always be there for me.

11. Some people who have supported me so far that I can not mention

one by one. Thanks for everything. May Allah bless you all.

Yogyakarta, January 26th 2017

The Writer,

Ati Kamesywari




TITTLE ...... i A FINAL PROJECT STATEMENT ...... ii PENGESAHAN TUGAS AKHIR ...... iii NOTA DINAS ...... iii ABSTRACT ...... iv ABSTRAK ...... v MOTTO ...... vi DEDICATION ...... vii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... x LIST OF TABLE ...... xiii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1. Background of Study ...... 1 1.2. Problem Statement ...... 8 1.3. Objectives of Study...... 8 1.4. Significance of Study ...... 9 1.5. Literature review ...... 9 1.6. Theoretical Approach ...... 11 1.7. Methods of Study ...... 12 1.7.1. Type of Research ...... 12 1.7.2. Data Sources ...... 13 1.7.3. Data Collection Technique ...... 13 1.7.4. Data Analysis Technique ...... 14 1.8. Paper Organization ...... 14 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL APPROACH ...... 15 2.1 Pragmatics...... 15 2.1.1 Definition of Pragmatics ...... 15 2.1.2 Context ...... 16 2.2. Speech Acts ...... 17


2.2.1 Definition of Speech Acts ...... 17 2.2.2 Speech Acts Classification ...... 18 2.2.3 Speech Act of Refusal ...... 20 2.3. Refusal ...... 21 2.3.1. Direct Refusal ...... 21 2.3.2. Indirect Refusal ...... 22 2.3.3. Adjunct to Refusal ...... 24 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ...... 26 3.1. Findings ...... 26 3.1.1. Type of Refusal Strategies in The Originals Season 1 ...... 26 3.1.2. Types of Indirect Refusal Strategy in The Originals Season 1 ..... 28 3.2. Discussion ...... 29 3.2.1. Type of Refusal Strategy in The Originals Season 1 ...... 29 Direct Refusal ...... 29 Indirect Refusal ...... 32 Direct Refusal + Adjunct ...... 33 Indirect Refusal + Adjunct ...... 34 Direct + Indirect Refusal ...... 35 Double Indirect Strategy ...... 37 Double Direct Strategy ...... 39 Combination of Three Refusal Strategy ...... 40 3.2.2. Clues of Indirect Refusal Strategy in The Originals Season 1 ...... 42 Attempt to Dissuade Interlocutor...... 42 Avoidance ...... 42 Excuse, Reason, Explanation ...... 44 Statement of Alternative ...... 45 Statement of Principle...... 45 Promise of Future Acceptance ...... 46 Acceptance that Functions as Refusal ...... 47 CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 49 4.1. Conclusion ...... 49


4.2. Suggestion ...... 50 REFERENCES ...... 51 APPENDIXES ...... 54 CURRICULUM VITAE ...... 118


List of Table

Table 1. Total of refusal expression in The Originals Season 1 based on Beebe et al

Table 2. Types of Indirect Refusal in The Originals Season 1 based on Beebe et al




1.1. Background of Study

Human as social creature interacts one another in their daily life.

They have many ways in doing interaction. One of them is communication.

Through communication, it hopefully will make their interaction easier.

Communication is a process by which meaning is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, sign, or behaviour

(Pearson et al, 2003:10). Chaer mentions that there are three aspects in communication. They are participants, information, and means of communication (2010:17).

To make a communication runs well, human certainly needs some means. The means are language, sign, symbol, and gesture (Chaer et al,

2010:19). By using a language as a means to communicate, it is called verbal communication. While using some means besides language is called non- verbal communication. A verbal communication just belongs to human. Two participants are involved in verbal communication, a sender and a receiver.

As a means of communication, language is used to convey our feeling, ideas, and other. It probably creates relation among people. As Keraf said that language regulates various types of society‟s activities, plans and gives direction to human future (1997:4). According to Hornby, language is the system of sounds and words used by human to express their thoughts and feelings (1995:662).



Communication through language ease human to share information and ideas to others compared with other means, like sign and gesture. Through language, it can make human to know and understand each other, understand their selves, their feeling, and others. Meanwhile, language also can make a distance between them if they use it unwisely. In other words, human need to pay attention if they want to use language for conveying their feeling or sharing information.

The use of language in a communication can be seen in conversations.

Conversation is a real form of language use. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, conversation is an oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas ( There are two participants in conversation, the speakers and the interlocutors.

Everyone absolutely has their own way about how to act and how to speak. It is probably caused by many things, such as age, gender, culture, even education. As Kingsley Davis said that people‟s intelligence, speech, and social life are formed by culture (1949:3). Human as social creature belongs to a social group or society. It means he lives with his group‟s rules.

In other words, he have to follow expected patterns of behavior according to the rules where he lives as he wants to be accepted well by his group.

People suggested to consider their way to behave warmly by regarding people‟s feeling. Not only behaving with action but also behaving with words. In other words, people have to make a good communication through spoken words. As a hadits from Abu Hurairoh belows: 3

“Hadits from Abu hurairoh, he heards Rasulullah SAW said, “Indeed when someone says a word without thinking about the consequences, and so, he falls down into hell which is farther than anything exists between the east.””. (Baqi, 2010:931)

Referring to a hadits above, it tells people to say words positively. It means they have to be carefull when they want to utter words to other people.

If they can not keep her mouth when uttering something to other people, it can hurt their interlocutor‟s feeling. In contrary, when they say something kindly, it will make their interlocutor be happy. So, it can be concluded that people have to speak politely to maintain their relation among them. It also can help theirselves avoid the bad things that can be possibly happen, such as arguing and fighting.

In uttering words, people sometimes have a purpose to make their interlocutor to do something that they desire. Then, hopefully the interlocutor will do it through action. It is what we called as speech acts. According to

Yule, speech acts is actions performed via utterance (1996:47). Some examples of speech acts are request, invitation, apology, complain, refusal and others. 4

One of speech acts that encountered in daily life communication is refusal. Refusal occurs to respond some other speech acts, such as request, invitation, offers, and others. In other words, it is a rejection to other speech acts. According to Oxford dictionary, refusal is an act of refusing to do something, an expression of unwillingness to accept or grant an offer or request. In refusing something, people can use only a word for that. Yet, they also can make it through several words, even sentences. Sometimes, people also use gestures in refusing, even without saying a single word.

In applying refusal, people have to consider the words usage because it will influence interlocutos‟ feeling. By using positive words, it will maintain hearer‟s face. However, some people prefer choose negative word like NO so that it will threaten hearer‟s face. It is called Face Threatening Act (FTA), that is an act that threats people‟s face wants. Like Yule said that if speaker says something that represents a threat to another individual‟s expectations regarding self-image, it is called as face threatening act (1996:61) In applying refusals, people use different ways. They sometimes use direct way and also indirect way. It depends on the situation when they utter those refusals. In applying indirect refusal, they use some strategies like reason and explanation.

Here is an example of refusals:

(00:04:31)-(00:04:45) Davina : Tonight‟s the annual Dauphine street music festival, I want to go, please. Marcel : The whole point of you being up here is so you’re never spotted out there. You know what 5

smack in the middle of Dauphine street, Sophie Deveraux, pain-in-the-ass witch, and you know what the witches wil do to you if they find you.

The dialogue above is between Davina and Marcel. The place setting is in the attic of St. Anne church. This scene is in the fourth episode of The

Originals Season 1. In this scene, Davina asks permission to Marcel to go in

Dauphine street music festival “Tonight’s the annual Dauphine street music festival, I want to go, please.”. Then, Marcel refuses Davina‟s request by saying “The whole point of you being up here is so you’re never spotted out there. You know what smack in the middle of Dauphine street, Sophie

Deveraux, pain-in-the-ass witch, and you know what the witches wil do to you if they find you.”. Marcel refuses Davina‟s request by not saying No directly, he applies an indirect refusal by giving an explanation. Here, Marcel uses an explanation in order to not threat his interlocutor‟s face. He applies it because

Davina is his beloved friend who is considered as his own child. So, he does not want Davina feels dissapointed. In other word, he appreciates Davina by refusing her request with an explanation. An explanation in Marcel‟s refusal words is indicated as indirect refusal strategy.

Refusal occurs not only in people‟s real life, but also in literature works, such as movies, novels, and poems. In this technological era, many people like to watch movie because it presents audio visual thing. From visualization, movie can make a novel or book to life, including the characters within it. In other words, people can get that the movie they watch as if it is a reality. 6

Then, the audio also supports the movie‟s plot, the movie‟s atmosphere, even the audience‟s emotion. So that, the writer will choose movie as her object.

There are many movies that consist of refusals, including in television series movie. One of the television series movies is The Originals. The

Originals is an American fantasy drama television series. This movie has a high rating in IMDB, it is included in the fifteenth large of fantasy and drama movie. It also has average about 9 from each episode‟s rating (

The Originals is not like any other vampire movie which shows high- school vibe like Twilight and Vampire Diaries. This movie also focuses more on the family bond than romance story. The main character here, Niklaus, is not just a hero, but also a villain. He has a complicated dark side of his personality, such as, defiant, ill-mannered, and tempramental. All creature in this movie can be found in the original family, such as vampire, witches, werewolf, and also human. Those facts of the originals are interesting for the writer.

The Originals is an American television series that began to air on The

CW on October 3, 2013. The CW is a joint venture television company

between CBS corporation and Warner Bros Entertainment. This television

series is a horror fantasy movie. It is created as a spin-off of The Vampire

Diaries,the series follows vampire Niklaus Mikaelson as he and his

family become embroiled in the supernatural politics of New Orleans. This

television series is created by ( 7

As television series, The Originals has 4 seasons. The first till the

third seasons consist of 22 episodes, and the forth season has 13 episodes.

But, the forth season has not released in the television yet. The forth season

will be released on March 17, 2017 ( The first season is

called as the rising. The second season is called as the threat. The third season

is called as the fall. And the forth season is called as the resurrection.

However, the writer just chooses the first season to be analyzed.

The writer chooses the first season because it is a beginning. As the beginning, the season has some important rules. The first is it can be a foundation of a work. As the foundation, it will strengthen the next move of the movie. The second is it plays a rule to attrack people‟s attention to watch.

It also invests the audience whether to watch it continually or not. In conclusion, there will be no a good middle and a best ending, if the beginning fails to engage the audience. So, as the beginning, the first season is crucial.

The movie tells about the return of an original vampires family to New

Orleans, a French colony of Louisiana. Niklaus (), Elijah

(Daniel Gillies), and Rebekah (Claire Holt) are the original vampires. They are 7 siblings. The original vampires is the first vampires in the world. They leave New Orleans when their cruel father comes to the city to find them and has a plan to kill Niklaus. Then, over a hundred year, they return to New

Orleans to take back the city from Marcel Gerard (),

Niklaus‟ protege. 8

The writer finds so many refusals in this television series. Every characters has different ways in doing refusal, whether directly or indirectly.

Sometimes, they also use additional reasons and explanation in uttering refusal. The way that they use different strategies is the interesting thing to be analyzed. Also, the way that they refuse sometimes is hard to be understood.

Since refusal is considered sensitive in daily communication, it is important to be analyzed. It is also an important thing to get a better understanding of how people form refusals through interaction, both actions and utterances. As the writer tells about a hadits above. It is mainly to maintain a good relation among people by saying politely.

1.2. Problem Statements

Based on the background of study above, the research focuses on two questions. They are :

1. How are refusal strategies used by characters in The Originals season

1 television series?

2. What kind of refusal strategies which most used in The Originals

season 1 television series?

1.3. Objectives of Study

Based on the problem statements above, the research has 2 purposes,

they are:

1. To describe the refusal strategies are used by characters in The

Originals season 1 television series. 9

2. To describe the refusal strategies which are most used in The Originals

season 1 television series.

1.4. Significance of Study

The result of this research has two significances. Academically, this research can be used as a reference in linguistic fields particularly in speech act of refusal. This research also provide information about how people apply refusals.

Practically, this research is expected to be useful for the readers in selecting words usage when applying refusals. For other researchers, this research could be the consideration for them who want to conduct the similar research in the future.

1.5. Literature Review

The writer finds some literature reviews that are related to this research. The first is a graduating paper which entitled Positive and Negative

Politeness of Refusals in Three American Drama Movies, a research by Arie

Charismawati from Gadjah Mada University (2014). She analyzed the positive and negative of refusal in Legally Blonde movie, Yes Man movie, and He‟s

Not That Just Into You movie. In her research, she found 73 refusals from the movies. From 73 refusals expression, she found 32 (43.8%) that use positive politeness strategies, and the rest 42 (56.2%) use negative politeness strategies. Giving reason strategy is the most commonly used for positive 10

politeness. While, it is be conventionally indirect strategy which frequently found negative politeness strategies.

The second is from State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung by Nurul

Chojimah (2015) which entitled Refusal and Politeness Strategies in Relation to Social Status: A Case of Face-threatening Act among Indonesian University

Students. The writer investigated how Indonesian students refuse or decline something to persons that have different social status. It is focused on refusal strategies and politeness strategies of refusal. The data are taken from 161 students through discourse completion test. She divided the variable status into three kinds, lower to higher social-status (LHSS), higher to lower social- status (HLSS), and equal social-status (ESS). In her research, she finds that indirect strategies are frequently used by the students. From politeness strategy of refusal, the participants commonly use redressive expression. The group that often uses the strategy is LHSS, followed by HLSS, then ESS. The research finds that social-status does not influence much to the choice of refusal strategy, but it contributes the choice of politeness strategy.

The last is a graduating paper by Yenliana Wijaya from Petra Christian

University (2004) which entitled Politeness Strategies on Refusal to Invitation

Expressed by the Male and Female Students of Petra Christian University.

She did the research through interview. She classified the data according to the theory which is proposed by Brown and Levinson. She also used Scollon‟s scheme to classify refusals. She compared politeness strategies on refusals based on different gender, male and female. The researcher found that both 11

gender expressed different politeness strategies. She found that the participants used more negative politeness that solidarity politeness strategies.

Then, the female participant used negative politeness strategies than the male participants.

This research is different from those literature reviews since it analyzes different subject, The Original season 1. This research also will analyze about refusal strategies by applying Beebe, Takahashi, and Uliss-Weltz‟s theory.

They divide the refusals in three main strategies, direct refusal strategies, indirect refusal strategies, and adjunct refusal strategies.

1.6. Theoretical Approach

Pragmatic is a study about speaker meaning (Yule, 1996:3). It means pragmatic studies about the meaning in context between participants in conversation. In pragmatics, the listener can have a significant meaning when he understands not only the meaning of words used, but also the context when the utterances happen. So, pragmatics studies the relation between speaker, meaning and context of utterances. Levinson (1985: 21) states that pragmatics is the study of relation between language and context that are basic to an account of language understanding. Pragmatics discusses politeness principle, implicature, deixis, speech acts, and others.

Speech acts happens in human conversation. In speech acts, a speaker says something, then a listener does something according to the speaker‟s utterance. In other words, it is an action performed via utterances (Yule,

1996:47). One of speech acts that can be found in everyday conversation is 12

refusal. Refusal is a sensitive phenomena in daily conversation since it can make an offense to the hearer. So, in applying refusal, people need to consider the words usage and strategies.

Beebe, Takahashi, and Uliss-Weltzs (via Yamagashira, 2001: 261) compared Japanese and American refusals strategies. They use a Discourse

Completion Test (DCT) in the form of a written questinnaire consisting of twelve situations. They divide refusal into three main strategies, they are direct refusal, indirect refusal, and adjunct to refusal. Each of the main strategies is also divided into some strategies.

1.7. Method of Study

1.7.1.Type of Research

` This research uses qualitative research method, because it is

analyzed and described in non-numerical terms. According to Sugiyono,

qualitative research is;

“Qualitative research is a method that is based on the philosophy of post- positivism, is used to examine the condition of natural objects, (as its opponent is an experiment) in which the researcher is as an instrument key, conducted the data collection technique of triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive, qualitative , and the results further emphasize the significance of qualitative research rather than generalization.” (2008: 9).

So, it can be concluded that this research is a qualitative one as it does the research through words. This research forms in words or sentences 13

in describing the data. This research also uses a table in describing data for getting more understanding.

1.7.2. Data Source

The data in this research is divided into two, they are primary data and secondary dat. According to Sugiyono, primary data is where data source of data directly gives the data to the researcher, and secondary data is where data source indirectly gives the data to the researcher (2010:308). The primary data of this research is the dialogues in The Originals Season 1 television series that contains refusal expressions by male and female characters. Then, the secondary data of this research is the context of The Originals Season 1 when refusals happen. There are 22 episodes of this television series where the data is taken.

1.7.3. Data Collection Technique

The writer uses documentation technique in collecting data. Sugiyono states that documentation is a record of the events that had passed, the document may take the form of writing, pictures, or the monumental works of man (2008). In collecting data, there are several steps that have to be done.

First, the writer watches the movie and reading the script. Second, the writer listens and focuses on the refusal expressions used in the movie dialogue.

Third, the writer identifies the scenes which contains refusal expressions.

Last, the writer makes a data list to be identified. 14

1.7.4. Data Analysis Technique

The writer analyzes the data through descriptive way. According to

Moleong, the data in descriptive way is taken from words, pictures, and not

numerical terms (2012:11). There are some several steps to do. Firstly,

identifying the refusal used by characters according to Beebe, Takahashi, and

Uliss-Weltz‟s classification. Secondly, describing the refusal used in the

movie. Thirdly, explaining how refusal strategies used by characters. The last

is drawing conclusion.

1.8. Paper Organization

This research is divided into four chapters. The first chapter explains introduction which contains background of study, problem statements, objective of study, significance of study, literature review, theoretical approach, method of study, and paper organization. The second chapter will discuss more about theoretical framework. The third chapter will discuss about data analysis. The last chapter is conclusion. CHAPTER IV


4.1. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, the writer concludes about the types of refusal strategies that are used by characters in The Originals Season 1 television series and the clues or characteristic of the most used of refusal strategies, it can be seen below:

Based on the types of refusal strategy, the writer finds eight types of refusal strategy which are used by characters in The Originals Season 1. They are direct refusal strategy, indirect refusal strategy, direct refusal+adjunct, indirect refusal+adjunct, direct+indirect refusal, double direct refusal, double indirect refusal, and combination of three refusal.

The first is indirect refusal strategy (55,78%). Then, it is followed by indirect refusal+adjunct which have the same percentage (13,27%). It is followed by double indirect strategy (10,55%). The third is direct+indirect refusal strategy

(6,80%). Then, it is followed by direct refusal strategy and combination of three refusals strategy which have same average (6,46%), and the last two are direct refusal+adjunct and double direct refusal which have the same percentage

(0,34%). From the analysis above, it can be concluded that the most refusal strategy that are used by characters in this television series is indirect refusal strategy. This strategy is divided into seven clues. Attempt to dissuade interlocutor and avoidance clues are the most used by characters. Here, the



characters use attempt to dissuade interlocutor way mostly for criticizing the request or requester. It is caused by many arguments happen in this television series as it mostly presents arguments and fighting. Then, an avoidance is mostly used through physical departure. It is caused by many characters are involved in a fighting where sometimes they does not have choice to accept request from their requester.

4.2 Suggestion

The writer would like to give some suggestions for the reader and other researchers who are interested in analyzing refusal expression. As this research limits to the types of refusal strategy, the researcher suggests to focus on another aspect, such as culture and gender. From culture, other researchers can differentiate refusal strategy used by speaker as it considers as influence thing for applying refusal. Gender also can differentiate the selected words usage for applying refusal. Besides that, other researchers also can analyze refusal expression based on its function such as request, offer, suggestion, and invitation.

Other researchers also can analyze refusal in the next chapter as this research limits to the first season. REFERENCES

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Online Resources

Cambridge Dictionary. Web. November 11 2016. Cambridge dictionary. Web. December 10 2016. Grammar.about. Web. December 10 2016. 53

IMDb: The Originals Season 1 Ratings. Web. January 02 2017. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Web. Oktober 28 2016. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Web. December 08 2016. Merriam-Webster dictionary. Web December 10 2016. The CW Scheduled The Original Season 4 Premiere Date. Web. November 26 2016. return-for-season-4-release-date.html. The CW: Vampire Diaries. Web. November 26 2016. &lc=id- ID&s=l&m=89&host. Oxford Dictionary. Web. December 10 2016.

Appendixes 01/00:01:49-00:01:54 DR : Direct Refusal SA : Statement of Alternative IR : Indirect Refusal ADI : Attempt to Dissuade Interlocutor Episode DR+AD : Direct Refusal+Adjunct CR : Criticize the Requeste Time (when dialogue happens) IR+AD : Indirect Refusal+Adjunct CRr : Criticize the Requester DR+IR : Direct Refusal+Indirect Refusal NP : Non-Performative DDR : Double Direct Refusal NV : Non-Verbal DIR : Double Indirect Refusal V : Verbal CTR : Combination of Three Refusal AFR : Acceptance that Functions as Refusal PD : Physical Departure

No. Code Dialogue Context Refusal Strategy DR IR DR+AD IR+AD DR+IR DDR DIR CTR 1. 01/00:01:49 Rebekah : Can I eat him P: Rebekah and Elijah SA -00:01:54 brother? S: in the ship Elijah : I’d rather you T: baiting people didn’t. F: Elijah refuses Rebekah’s request 2. 01/00:02:08 Elijah : We lost all of our P: Elijah and the man ADI -00:02:15 crew. Therefore, we’ll ask S: in the ship (CRr) you to kindly transport our T: transport the goods belonging to the shore. F: the man refuses Man : What kind of hell Elijah’s request demons are you? 3. 01/00:04:45 Elijah : Any idea where I P: Elijah and Camille NP+SA -00:04:49 might find her? S: in Rosseau bar Camille : No, but I know T: information about someone who might. Jane-Anne 54

F: Camille refuses Elijah’s asking 4. 01/00:07:35 Sophie : Leave us alone. P: Sophie and Marcel ADI -00:07:43 Marcel : I never said you S: in the street corner of (Thr could move the body. New Orleans eat) Matter of fact, I left her T: move Jane-Anne’s +Ex here for a reason, send a body plan message. F: Marcel refuse ation Sophie’s request 5. 01/00:08:26 Sophie : No. Stop. Stop. P: sophie and Marcel Explan -00:08:40 Marcel. S: in the street corner of ation Marcel : I’m gonna hold on NO to your sister’s body in case T: moving Jane’s body maybe you remember why F: Marcel refuses Klaus is here. Sophie’s request 6. 01/00:08:40 Sophie : Marcel, please. Her P: siophie and Marcel ADI -00:08:46 body won’t be at peace. S: in the street corner of (CR) Marcel :Not my problem. NO T: begging to not move Jane’s body F: Marcel refuses Sophie’s request 7. 00:10:50- Sophie : Go ahead. Pay P: Sophie and a vampire ADI 00:10:55 your respects. S: in Sophie’s place (CR) Vampire : don’t make this a T: asking to pray thing, Sophie. F: the vampire refuses Sophie’s request 8. 01/00:13:56 Elijah : Here, if I may... P: elijah and Hayley ADI -00:14:01 Hayley : What are you S: in cemetery (CR) doing? T: linking mind F: Hayley refuses Elijah’s request 9. 01/00:15:36 Niklaus : Father, no. It hurts. P: niklaus and Mikael Avoida -00:15:41 Mikael : (he ties Niklaus) S: in front of their house nce T: begging to not tie (NV;P


F: mikael refuses D) Niklaus’ request 10. 01/00:16:36 Niklaus : Help me. P: Niklaus and Elijah Avoida -00:16:38 Elijah : (says nothing) S: in front of their house nce T: ask for help (NV;Sil F: Elijah refuses Niklaus’ ence) request 11. 01/00:19:07 Elijah : Come with me. P: Elijah and Niklaus Excuse/ -00:19:11 Niklaus : I’m not going S: the roof of a hotel Reason anywhere till I find out T: ask to join Elijah who’s conspiring against F: Niklaus refuses me. Elijah’s request 12. 01/00:19:41 Niklaus : You’ve been with P: niklaus and Hayley Pause -00:19:53 someone else. Admit it! S: in the cemetery filler+A Hayley : Hey, I’ve spent T: asking to admit DI days held captive in a F: Hayley refuses (Self- freaking bayou because Niklaus’ request Defens they think that I’m e) carrying some magical miracle baby. don’t you think I would’ve fessed up if it wasn’t yours? 13. 01/00:20:08 Sophie : If you don’t help us P: sophie and elijah ADI -00:20:21 take down Marcel. So help S: in the cemetery (CR) me, Hayley won’t live long T: ask for help +SA enough to see her first F: elijah refuses Sophie’s maternity dress. request Elijah : Enough of this. If you want Marcel dead, he’s dead. I’ll do to myself.

14. 01/00:20:17 Elijah : Enough of this. If P: elijah and Sophie DR -00:20:29 you want Marcel dead, he’s S: in the cemetery (NP)+D dead. I’ll do to myself. T: elijah wants to kill R(NP; Sophie : No. We can’t, not Marcel himself Negativ


yet. We have a clear plan F: Sophie refuses Elijah’s e that we need to follow, and request willing there are rules. ness)+I R(expla nation) 15. 01/00:20:21 Sophie : No. We can’t, not P: Sophie and Niklaus ADI -00:20:41 yet. We have a clear plan that S: in the cemetery (CRr) we need to follow, and there T: sophie telling a rule are rules. F: niklaus refuses Niklaus : How dare you Sophie’s request command me, threaten me with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weakness? 16. 01/00:23:43 Elijah : I am asking you to P: Elijah and Niklaus NP -00:24:11 stay here. I will help you. I S: in the street will be your brother. We will T: asking to stay build a home here together. F: niklaus refuses So save this girl. Save your Elijah’s request child. Niklaus : No. 17. 01/00:26:05 Niklaus : What you can do is, P: Niklaus and Marcel Gratitu -00:26:21 you can tell me what this S: in the bar de+exc thing is you have with the T:asking information use/reas witches. F: Marcel refuses on Marcel : You know I owe Niklaus’ request you everything I got, but I’m afraid I have to draw the line on this one. This is my bussiness. I control the witches in my town. Let’s just leave it at that. 18. 02/00:03:09 Rebekah : My bags are in the P: Rebekah and Hayley Addres -00:03:14 car. Get them, will you? S: in the plantation house s Hayley : Hello. Not the T: carrying the bag form+e


maid. F: Hayley refuses xplanati Rebekah’s request on 19. 02/00:05:54 Rebekah : Dearest Elijah, P: Rebekah and Elijah Addres -00:06:13 you’ve only wished S: in the plantation house s happiness for me. Emil and I T: turning Emil to be form+e are in love. Please let me turn vampire xplanati him. F: Elijah refuses on Elijah : Rebekah, the Rebekah’s request Governor has graciously agreed to hide a lot of our indiscretions. It would not do to turn his only son into one of us. 20. 02/00:06:13 Rebekah : Please for me. P: Rebekah and Niklaus ADI -00:06:23 Niklaus : It’s not gonna S: in the plantation house (CR) happen, sister. If we turned T: turning Emil to be a + every man you dropped vampire Expl your knickers for, then F: Niklaus refuses anati human beings would cease Rebekah’s request on to exist, and we’d have no bloody food. 21. 02/00:06:28 Elijah : Drop him. Klaus! P: Elijah and Niklaus Avidan -00:06:32 Klaus, drop him. S: in the plantation house ce (PD) Niklaus : (his hands are T: drop Emil (to not kill) wrapped around Emil’s F: Niklaus refuses throat) Elijah’s request 22. 02/00:08:41 Rebekah : You should have P: Rebekah and Hayley Pause -00:08:47 run the second your realized S: in a secret room of filler+p Elijah was gone. plantation house ause Hayley : Yeah. Well, the T: suggest to leave filler+ witches have put some sort F: Hayley refuses explana of hex on me. Rebekah’s suggestion tion 23. 02/00:10:16 Rebekah : You’re a witch. Do P: Rebekah and Sophie NP -00:10:25 a locator spell, locate the S: in cemetery (negati dagger, locate Elijah. T: suggest to locate a ve


Sophie : I can’t use magic. dagger and Elijah ability) It’s punishable by death. F: Sophie refuses + Marcel’s rules. Rebekah’s suggestion explana tion 24. 02/00:10:56 Rebekah : I’ll tell you what’s P: Rebekah and Sophie Explan -00:11:18 not bloody relevant. A coven S: in the cemetery ation of witches who can’t do T: suggest to leave New magic. Here’s an idea. Move Orleans away. F: Sophie refuses Sophie : We practice Rebekah’s request ancestral magic. This cemetery is filled with the remains of our witch ancestors. Without access to them, we’re powerless. If we run, we’re leaving our legacy behind, our home, our family. 25. 02/00:15:27 Marcel : How about tonight, P: Marcel and Camille AFR -00:15:36 nine o’clock? I’ll meet you S: in Rosseau bar (unspec right here. T: asking for a date ific Camille : I’ll take it under F: Camille refuses reply) consideration. Marcel’s request 26. 02/00:15:48 Hayley : Oh. Hey, hey, wait. P: Hayley and Kattie Exc -00:15:51 Kattie : We’re closed. S: in Jardin Gris shop use+ Sorry. T: asking to not close the state shop ment F: Kattie refuses of Hayley’s request regre t 27. 02/00:16:24 Hayley : Here. P: Hayley and Kattie Avid -00:16:30 Kattie : (her hands refuses S: in Jardin Gris shop ance Hayley’s money) It’s an T: gives money (NV ugly town for wolves. F: Kattie refuses ;PD) You’re doing the right Hayley’s money +exp


thing. lanat ion 28. 02/00:18:39 Little Marcel : I’m gonna P: little Marcel and Stateme -00:18:45 marry you someday. Rebekah nt of Rebekah : I would never S: in Mikaelson’s old Principl marry someone who house e couldn’t best me in a duel. T: marry Rebekah F: Rebekah refuses little Marcel’s willing 29. 02/00:20:32 Marcel : I have begged you P: Marcel and Niklaus PFA -00:20:44 to turn me into a vampire. S: in the old house + Niklaus : And I told you I T: begging to be a ADI will turn you when you’re vampire (thre ready. You go near F: Niklaus refuses at) Rebekah again, and you Marcel’s request never will be. 30. 02/00:26:30 Rebekah : Nik! Nik! Keep P: Rebekah and Niklaus Avoida -00:26:36 your hands off her. S: in the plantation house nce Niklaus : (his hands are still T: asking to not choke (NV;P wrapped in Hayley’s Hayley D) throat) F: Niklaus refuses Rebekah’s request 31. 02/00:29:59 Rebekah : I should go inside. P: Rebekah and Marcel Avoida -00:30:11 My brother will kill you. S: in Mikaelson’ old nce Marcel : Then I’ll die house (verbal; smiling. T: warning to not reaping joke) Rebekah F: Marcel refuses Rebekah’s warning 32. 02/00:31:00 Hayley : If you know P: hayley and Rebekah Reason 6-00:31:15 Marcel has Elijah, why don’t S: in the swimming pool you just get him back T: suggest to get Elijah yourself? F: Rebekah refuses Rebekah : Because if I cross Hayley’s suggestion my brother, then there’s


still a coffin downstairs with my name on it. 33. 02//00:32:3 Rebekah : Tell me where P: Rebekah and Marcel Avoida 0-00:32:31 Elijah is. S: in Rosseau bar nce Marcel : (says nothing) T: asking information (NV;sil about Elijah ence) F: Marcel refuses Rebekah’s request 34. 02/00:32:33 Rebekah : Tell me where he P: Rebekah and Marcel Avoida -00:32:44 is, or I will kill you! S: in Rosseau bar nce Marcel : No, you won’t. T: asking information (verbal; about Elijah topic F: Marcel refuses to tell switch) where Elijah is 35. 03/00:05:05 Niklaus : I’m afraid my sister P: Niklaus and Marcel Stateme -00:06:24 Rebekah is insisting. I S: inthe bar nt of demand Elijah’s return. She’s T: asking to return Elijah emphat quite worked up about it. F: Marcel refuse to give y+ Marcel : Listen, about your Elijah back reason brother, I would love to help you out, but Thierry is right. My guys are on edge. They see the original family moving in, vampires dying, it makes them nervous. If I had Elijah back now, it might give the wrong impression about who’s really in charge here. 36. 03/00:06:45 Rebekah : Should I make P: Rebekah and Niklaus reason -00:06:51 Thierry the ninth? S: in the phone Niklaus : Marcel is playing T: Rebekah willing to friendly. We can’t kill the Kill Thierry favorite son, or he’ll catch F: Niklaus refuses onto us. Rebekah’s suggestion


37. 03/00:07:02 Niklaus : I ordered you to P: Niklaus and Josh State -00:07:12 drain him of blood. What’s S: in plantation house ment taking so long? T: Niklaus orders Josh to of Josh : Sorry. I’m not drain vampire’s blood regre medieval torture expert quickly t+re guy. F: Josh refuses Niklaus’ ason order 38. 03/00:09:11 Rebekah : I don’t P: Rebekah and Kattie Avoida -00:09:18 know....wolfsbane, perhaps? S: in Jardin Gris shop nce Kattie : Wolfsbane? Why T: Rebekah wants to buy (V;RPR would you want that? wolfsbane ) F: Kattie refuses to give wolfsbane 39. 03/00:10:47 Rebekah (asks Sophie to P: Rebekah and Kattie ADI -00:10:51 sacrifice Kattie) S: in the living room of (CRr) Sophie : Are you out of plantation house your mind? T: Rebekah suggest to sacrifice Kattie F: Sophie refuses to Rebekah’s suggestion 40. 03/00:11:48 Niklaus : Kattie, for P: Niklaus and Sophie ADI -00:12:03 example...was to perform S: in the living room of (CR) much more powerful magic plantation house at the same time. That would T: Niklaus suggest to create a smokescreen sacrifice Kattie through concealing your very small performing magic spell from Davina. F: Sophie refuses Sophie : Kattie doesn’t Niklaus’ suggestion deserve to die. 41. 03/00:21:00 Marcel : I would’ve invited P: Marcel and Camille AD -00:21:08 you... S: in a party Marcel’s (pause Camille : Oh, no. We’ve held filler)+ been on one date. No T: Marcel gives an DR explanation necessary. You excuse about invitation (NP)+ do your thing. I’ll entertain F: Camille refuses IR


myself. Marcel’s apologize (ADI;g uilt trip) 42. 03/00:21:05 Camille : You do your thing. P: Camille and Marcel AD -00:21:13 I’ll entertain myself. S: in a party Marcel’s (pause Marcel : what, leave you held filler)+ alone, looking the way you T: Camille let Marcel to IR do? do his thing and leave her (Avoid F: Marcel refuses ance;V; Camille to leave her RPR)+ IR (Avoid ance;V; Topics witch) 43. 03/00:22:36 Sabine : You know, I can do P: Sabine and Hayley Explan -00:22:42 something about that if you S: in swimming pool ation want, I mean, find out if it’s a T: Sabine offers Hayley boy or girl. to predict the sex of her Hayley : I thought you unborn child through couldn’t do witchy stuff magic around here. It’s not magic, F: Hayley refuses just an old trick. Sabine’s offer 44. 03/00:25:01 Sophie : Unless we do P: Sophie and Kattie Avoida -00:25:06 something. S: in cemetery nce Kattie : We? T: Sophie suggest to save (V;RPR Thierry together ) F: Kattie refuses Sophi’s suggestion 45. 03/00:26:27 Marcel : I want to hear your P: Marcel and Thierry AD -00:26:30 side of it. S: in a party Marcel’s (pause Thierry : Hey, Marcel, come held filler)+ on. T: Marcel ask an AD explanation why Thierry (addres kills his guy s


F: Thierry refuses form)+ Marcel’s request to IR explain the tragedy (ADI;re quest for emphat y) 46. 03/00:30:03 Thierry : Kattie, no! P: Thierry and Kattie Avoida -00:30:05 Kattie : (keeps doing S: in the street nce magic) T: Thierry begs Kattie to (V;PD) not use magic F: Kattie refuses Thierry’s request 47. 03/00:30:58 Thierry : No! Kattie! P: Thierry and Kattie Avoida -00:31:06 Kattie : (keeps doing magic S: in the street nce to kill Marcel) T: Thierry begs Kattie to (V;PD) not use magic F: Kattie refuses Thierry’s request 48. 03/00:31:13 Rebekah : You can’t. She’ll P: Rebekah and Sophie NP+Ex -00:31:17 sense it. S: in cemetery planatio Sophie : No. I can find T: Rebekah begs Sophie n Davina. I just need another to not do her magic again moment. F: Sophie refuses Rebekah’s request 49. 03/00:34:49 Niklaus : Camille, the brave P: Niklaus and Camille Pause -00:35:17 bartender. I’m sorry, but I S: in Rosseau bar filler+A need you to give Marcel T: Niklaus asks Camille DI another chance. to give a chance for (CR) Camille : Wow. I totally Marcel misread that. F: Camille refuses to give Marcel a chance 50. 03/00:37:58 Marcel : I’m gonna make P: Marcel and Davina NP -00:38:04 things right, starting off by S: in church’s attic giving him his brother back. T: Marcel wants to give


Davina : No Elijah’s back F: Davina refuses Marcel’s request 51. 03/00:38:05 Marcel : What? Davina... P: Marcel and Davina NP+Re -00:38:16 Davina : No. You said the S: in church’s attic ason old ones were dangerous. I T: Marcel wants to give won’t give him back until I Elijah’s back knowhow to kill them. F: Davina refuses Marcel’s request 52. 04/00:02:35 Camille : I think you could P: Camille and Niklaus SA+ -00:02:52 benefit from talking to S: in workspace of Expl someone profesionally. plantation house anati Niklaus : I think I prefer to T: Camille suggest on talk to you, so I’m going to Niklaus to consult with offer you a job as my professional one stenographer. F: Niklaus refuses Camille’s suggestion 53. 04/00:02:56 Niklaus : Someone should P: Niklaus and Camille ADI -00:03:06 know my story, and it will S: in workspace of (CR) give us time to discuss other plantation house riveting subjects like your T: Niklaus asks Camille handsome suitor Marcel. to write story about Camille : Excuse me, my Marcel private life is... F: Camille refuses Niklaus to write about Marcel 54. 04/00:04:13 Marcel : Doesn’t matter. P: Marcel and Davina Explan -00:04:24 Time to give old Elijah back S: in church’s attic ation to Klaus anyway. T: Marcel wants to give Davina : You asked me to Elijah back figure out how to kill the F: Davina refuses to give originals. I’m not done. Elijah back Silver dagger hurts them, but that’s it. 55. 04/00:04:16 Davina : You asked me to P: Davina and Marcel Addres


-00:04:29 figure out how to kill the S: in St. Anne church’s s originals. I’m not done. attic form+r Silver dagger hurts them, but T: Davina asks to delay eason that’s it. Elijah’s return Marcel : Davina, we’ve been F: Marcel refuses through this. Klaus saved Davina’s request my life. I owe him one. 56. 04/00:04:31 Davina : Tonight’s the annual P: Davina and Marcel Explan -00:04:41 Dauphine street music S: in St. Anne’s church ation festival. I want to go. Please. attic Marcel : The whole point of T: Davina asking you being up here is so permission to go to you’re never spotted out music festival there. F: Marcel refuses to give permission 57. 04/00:04:50 Davina : Marcel, it’s one P: Davina and Marcel NP -00:04:53 night. S: in St. Anne’s church Marcel : I said no. attic T: Davina asking permission to go to music festival F: Marcel refuses to give permission 58. 04/00:06:42 Camille : You’re gonna force P: Camille and Niklau Reason -00:06:58 me to do this, aren’t you? S: in Rosseau bar Why even bother with T: Camille let Niklaus to politeness? force him to do his order Niklaus : Because I like you. F: Niklaus refuses I like the way your mind Camille’s request works. 59. 04/00:07:30 Agnes : (asks Hayley for a P: Agnes and Hayley Addres -00:07:33 checkup) S: in living room of s form+ Hayley : I told you, Agnes, I plantation house avoidan feel great. T: asking for check up ce pregnancy (V;hed


F: Hayley refuses to get ging) pregnancy’s checking up 60. 04/00:07:33 Agnes : You are overdue for P: Agnes and Hayley ADI -00:07:44 a checkup. S: in living room of (CR) Hayley : What am I gonna plantation house do, pop into the quarter for T: asking for check up a quick ultrasound? A pregnancy pregnant werewolf escorted F: Hayley refuses to get by a witch? Nothing to see pregnancy’s checking up here. 61. 04/00:15:25 Rebekah : Where’s the attic? P: Rebekah and Kieran Excuse -00:15:29 F. Kieran : Like I said, the S: in St. Anne church church is closed. T: asking information about attic F: Kieran refuses Rebekah’s request 62. 04/00:16:39 Rebekah : So put me back P: Rebekah and Elijah Reason -00:16:45 into the attic, and we can find S: in a memory + a way to get you out. T: Rebekah asks to put address Elijah : I’m afraid I’m not her in the attic form quite ready to leave yet, F: Elijah refuses Rebekah. Rebekah’s request 63. 04/00:17:45 Dr. Paige : Your blood P: Dr. Paige and Hayley Pause -00:18:18 presurre’s a bit high. I’ve got S: in Dr.’s practice house filler+ something for it. near a bayou reason Hayley : Uh, you know, T: Dr. Paige asks Hayley I’m actually not that good to drink pills with pills. F: Hayley refuses Dr.Paige’s request 64. 04/00:28:06 Davina : Let him go now. P: davina and Niklaus ADI -00:28:11 Niklaus : You should know I S: in St. Anne (CRr) don’t do well with demands. T: Davina wants Tim to be freed F: Niklaus refuses Davina’s request


65. 04/00:28:21 Tim : Please let me go. P: Tim and Niklaus Avoida -00:28:22 Niklaus : (keeps talking to S: in St. Anne nce Davina) T: Tim asks Niklaus to (NV; let him go do F: Niklaus refuses Tim’s nothing request ) 66. 04/00:28:22 Niklaus : Your choice, little P: niklaus and davina Avoida -00:28:35 witch. Swear allegiance to me S: St. Anne nce alone, and the boy lives. T: Niklaus gives Davina (NV;P Stand against me... a choice whethet to be D) Davina : (doing magis to partner or not fight Niklaus) F: Davina refuses Niklaus’s request 67. 04/00:31:01 Tim : Please don’t hurt P: Tim and Niklaus Explan -00:31:09 me. S: in St. Anne ation Niklaus : It wasn’t my intent T: Tim asks Niklaus to to, but sadly, I’ve run out of not hurt him time to play nice. F: Niklaus refuses Tim’s request 68. 04/00:31:46 Davina : Get away from P: Davina and Niklaus Avoida -00:32:02 him! S: St. Anne nce Niklaus : No, now, let’s not T: Davina asks Niklaus (V;topi be hasty. After all, I can to not hurt Tim c heal him. All you have to do F: Niklaus refuses switch) is ask. Davina’s request 69. 04/00:36:51 Marcel : In the meantime, P: marcel and rebekah ADI -00:36:56 stay out of this bar and stay S: in the bar (CRr) away from my guys. T; Marcel askr Rebekah Rebekah : What’s wrong? to stay away from his You jealous? gusys F: Rebekah refuses Marcel’s request 70. 04/00:38:49 Niklaus : Your only hope for P: Niklaus and Camille NP+A -00:38:57 peace is to forget this. S: in Camille’s house DI Camille : No. Don’t compel T: Niklaus asks Camille (Reque


me to forget this. to forget Sean’s tragedy st for F: Camille refuses help) Niklaus’ request 71. 04/00:38:57 Camille : Don’t compel me to P: Camille and Niklaus Reason -00:39:04 forget this. S: in Camille’s house Niklaus : And if I allow you T: Camille begs Niklaus to remember, the to noty compel her knowledge will eat away at F: Niklaus refuses you. Your quest for truth Camille’s request will only put you in danger. 72. 04/00:39:43 Camille : No. Don’t take this P: Camille and Niklaus Avoida -00:39:47 away from me! S: in Camille’s house nce Niklaus : (keeps compelling T: Camille begs Niklaus (NV;P Camille) to noty compel her D) F: Niklaus refuses Camille’s request 73. 05/00:02:03 Davina : Why not? I’m the P: davina and elijah Stateme -00:02:11 only one here. S: in St. Anne’s attic nt of Elijah : Even in my present T: Davina suggest Elijah principl condition, I would not feed to drink her blood e from a child. F: Elijah refuses Davina’s suggestion 74. 05/00:04:18 Niklaus : Why don’t you tell P: niklaus and sophie Avoida -00:04:24 me just how extreme this S: in living room of nce faction is? plantation house (V;Topi Sophie : Elijah is talking to T: Niklaus asks Sophie c Davina? about extreme witches switch) F: Sophie refuses Niklaus’s request 75. 05/00:06:27 Sophie : Monique? P: sophie and monique Excuse/ -00:06:31 Seriously? S: in the yard reason Monique : My mom told me T: Sophie asks Monique I had to. to not be a harvest girl F: Monique refuses Sophie’s request


76. 05/00:11:21 Hayley : I want to go with P: hayley and Sophie DR -00:11:25 you. S: in cemetery (NP)+A Sophie : No, thanks. T: Hayley wants to go to D Already got assaulted by bayou with Sophie (Gratitu Klaus this morning, don’t F: sophie refuses de)+ IR need a repeat. Hayley’s request (Explan ation) 77. 05/00:11:32 Hayley : you’ll be safer P: hayley and Sophie ADI -00:11:37 with me. S: in cemetery (CR) Sophie : Sorry if I’m not T: Hayley wants to go to buying your sudden bayou with Sophie concern for my safety. F: sophie refuses Hayley’s request 78. 05/00:14:46 Marcel : Anything I can do to P: Marcel and Sophie NP+Re -00:14:50 help? S: in the bed ason Sophie : No. You’ve caused T: Marcel offes to help enough trouble with them. Sophie helps the harvest F: Sophie refuses Marcel’s offer 79. 05/00:15:45 F. Kieran : You have to find P: Kieran and Bastiana ADI -00:15:52 another way. S: in St. Anne (CRr Bastiana : You think we do T: Kieran asks Bastiana )+ this lightly? The vampire to cancel the harvest Reas presence in the Quarter is F: Bastiana refuses on growing stronger. Kieran’s request 80. 05/00:23:03 Sophie : No, stop. Bastiana, P: sophie and Bastiana Avoida -00:23:08 stop. You have to stop. S: in cemetery nce Bastiana, please don’t do this. T: Sophie asks to cancel (NV;P Bastiana : (keeps killing the the harvest D) harvest girls) F: Bastiana refuses Sophie’s request 81. 05/00:23:43 Davina : Oh! No! Stop! No, P: davina and Bastiana Avoida -00:23:46 no! S:in cemetery nce Bastiana : (keeps killing T: Davina asks to not kill (NV;P harvest girls) harvest girls D)


F: Bastiana refuses Davina’s request 82. 05/00:25:16 Davina : Oh, let go of me! P: davina and the witches Avoida -00:25:25 Stop it! Stop it! Let go of me! S: in cemetery nce Stop it! T: Davina asks to let her (NV;P Witches : (keep holding go D) Davina) F: witches refuses the request 83. 05/00:29:44 Elijah : These books contain P: Elijah and Davina reason -00:30:12 all of the tools that you might S: in St. Anne’s attic need to control your magic. If T: Elijah offers book you free me from here, I can magic share them with you. F: Davina refuses the Whatever, if you leave now offer with Marcel, we’ll never see each other again, and I cannot find you, and I can’t help you. Davina : The witches manipulated me. You know how that ended. 84. 05/00:34:27 F. Kieran : You’re just gonna P: Kieran and Marcel AFR -00:34:31 leave her up there for S: in St. Anne (Lack anybody to find? T: asks to move Davina enthusi Marcel : I’m not in the F: Marcel refuses the asm)+ mood, Kieran. request address form 85. 05/00:37:58 Rebekah : (offers Hayley a P: Rebekah and Hayley Avoida -00:38:00 glass of alcohol) S: in plantation house nce Hayley : (shakes her head) T: offers alcohol to (NV;P Hayley D) F: hayley refuses the alcohol 86. 06/00:07:04 Josh : Can I get you P: Josh and Marcel Avoida -00:07:13 something? S: in the bar nce


Marcel : Look. I know you T: Josh offers to take (V;Topi want a daylight ring, kid. something Marcel needs c Little heads-up, I got guys F: Marcel refuses the switch) 80 years ahead of you. offer 87. 06/00:12:18 Sophie : Oh, God, no. No. P: sophie and Agnes Avoida -00:12:22 Agnes, no. No. S: in cemetery nce Agnes : (keeps injecting T: Sophie begs to not (NV;P Sophie) inject her D) F: agnes refuses the request 88. 06/00:12:56 Elijah : where is she? P: Elijah and Sophie Reason -00:12:59 Sophie : If I tell you where S: in living room of Agnes is, you’ll just kill her. plantation house T: asking information about agnes F: sophie refuses the request 89. 06/00:16:31 Elijah : That’s precisely why P: elijah and Sophie NP+ -00:16:43 we need to unlink you from S; in living room of Explan Hayley, no more danger plantation house ation towards her or the child. T: Elijah wants to unlink Sophie : No. What? If I am Hayley from Sophie not linked to Hayley, I lose F: Sophie refuses the my leverage on you. request 90. 06/00:16:54 Thierry : Does this mean P: Thierry and Marcel AD -00:17:02 you’re pardoning me? S: in the garden (Pause Marcel : Aw, you know I T: Thierry wants a filler)+ can’t do that. You broke forgive DR my number-one rule. You F: Marcel refuses the (NP;ne killed a vampire, T. request gative willing ness)+ IR (Explan ation)


91. 06/00:19:48 Niklaus : I’ve come to ask P: Niklaus and Kieran ADI -00:20:00 this group utilize its S; in St. Anne (CRr) considerable resources to find T: asking Agnes’ address a witch elder named Agnes. F: Kieran refuses the All I need is an address. request F. Kieran : And why would we want to help you? 92. 06/00:20:20 F. Kieran : We’d need some P: Niklaus and Kieran ADI -00:20:29 time to discuss. S; in St. Anne (Threat Niklaus : I don’t have time T: asking time to discuss ) nor do I like being asked to F: Niklaus refuses the wait. request 93. 06/00:22:03 Sophie : I’m trying to help. P: Sophie and Rebekah Avoi -00:22:06 Rebekah : Help? You’re the S: in Hayley’s room danc reason we’re in this bloody T: offers a help for e mess. Hayley (V;R F: Rebekah refuses PR) Sophie’s offer to help + Hayley ADI (CRr ) 94. 06/00:25:26 Niklaus : Undo its curse, or P: Niklaus and Agnes Explan -00:25:47 I’ll show you things worst S; in St. Anne ation than death. T: ask to undo the curse Agnes : Dark objects don’t of Hayley come with an off switch. F: Agnes refuses the The curse took root in request Sophie. She’s linked to your devil child. It’s just a matter of time. 95. 06/00:29:24 Rebekah : The unlinking P: Rebekah and Elijah IR -00:29:30 worked. Maybe now we can S: in Elijah’s room (Avoid make plans. T: ask to make planes ance;V; Elijah : Not now, F: Elijah refuses the Postpon Rebekah. Can we discuss request ement)


this when I return? + AD (Addres s form)+ IR (explan ation) 96. 06/00:30:13 Elijah : Then you should P: elijah and Rebekah Explan -00:30:27 stay. S: in Elijah’s room ation Rebekah : This thing that T: Elijah suggest to stay you and Klaus and Marcel F: Rebekah refuses the have, I want no part of it. I suggestion just want to be free. 97. 06/00:32:56 Elijah : Leave her. I gave P: Elijah and Niklaus ADI -00:33:18 my word. S: in St. Anne (CRr) Niklaus : You tend to give T: asks to free Agnes your word at the most F: Niklaus refuses the inopportune times brother. request We’ve been doing things your way all day. Come on. Just one little snap, and it’s toodle-loo, Agnes. She deserves it. 98. 06/00:35:27 Rebekah : (offers an apple to P: Rebekah and Marcel Pause -00:35:30 Marcel) S: in Mikaelson’s house filler+ Marcel : Nah. Apples T: offers an apple stateme aren’t my thing. F: Marcel refuses the nt of offer principl e 99. 06/00:35:51 Rebekah : Ever we want to. P: Rebekah and Marcel Pause -00:36:04 We can build a home S: in Mikaelson’s house filler+ together. We can leave T: asks to leave New reason behind Klaus and this city Orleans and those orphan any F: Marcel refuses the vampires. request


Marcel : Whoa, those orphan any vampires are my family, and this city is my home. 100 07/00:04:40 Hayley : Aah! Let me go, you P: Hayley and Tyler ADI . -00:04:47 backstabbing, half-breed S: in the house of bayou (CRr;in piece of sh... T: asks to free sult) Tyler : Shut up! F: Tyler refuses the request 101 07/00:07:02 Hayley : Hey, help me. P: Hayley and a girl Avoida . -00:07:05 The girl : (she is running) S: in house of bayou nce T: ask a help (NV;P F: the girl refuses the D) request 102 07/00:08:22 Marcel : You could always P: Marcel and Josh Pause . -00:08:30 join them, you know. S: in the bar filler+ Josh : Uh, drinking T: suggest Josh to join stateme games. It’s not really my other vampires nt of thing. F: Josh refuses the principl request e 103 07/00:11:06 Elijah : Niklaus, so help P: Niklaus and Elijah Excuse . -00:11:14 me... S: in the bayou Niklaus : Enough. I’ll kill T: asks for help to find Tyler Lockwood myself. Hayley and kill Tyler F: Niklaus refuses the request 104 07/00:11:45 Marcel : Say hi to Josh. P: Marcel and Davina ADI . -00:11:49 Davina : Why would you S: in St. Anne’s attic (CRr) bring him here? T: asks to greet josh F: Davina refuses the request 105 07/00:13:37 Hayley : What are you doing? P: Hayley and Tyler Reason . -00:13:46 Tyler, please! No, Tyler! S: in house of bayou Tyler : Klaus destroyed T: Hayley begs to not everything good in my life. harm her


So I’m gonna take away the F: Tyler refuses the thing he wants most. request 106 07/00:13:46 Hayley : No, please. Tyler, P: Hayley and Tyler Avoida . -00:13:48 please. S: in house of bayou nce Tyler : (keeps taking T: Hayley begs to not (NV;P Hayley’s blood) harm her D) F: Tyler refuses the request 107 07/00:21:36 Dwayne : Get away from her. P: Dwayne and Tyler ADI . -00:21:39 Tyler : What do you care? S: in house of bayou (CRr) T: Dwayne asks to get away from Hayley F: Tyler refuses the request 108 07/00:21:41 Tyler : You got what you P: Tyler and Dwayne Avoida . -00:21:42 wanted. Not get lost. S: in bayou house nce Dwayne : (do nothing) T: Tyler asks Dwayne to (NV;D leave o F; dwayne refuses the nothing request ) 109 07/00:22:45 Elijah : Let me take you P: Elijah and Hayley Addres . 000:22:49 home. S: in the bayou s form+ Hayley : Elijah, there’s T: Offers to take Hayley avoidan something you need to home ce know about the baby. F: Hayley refuses the (V;topi request c switch) 110 07/00:26:41 Elijah : I should take you P: Elijah and Hayley ADI . -00:26:48 home. S: in the bayou (CR) Hayley : are you serious? T: Offers to take Hayley Home to what? home F: Hayley refuses the request 111 07/00:26:48 Elijah : Look. Regardless of P: Elijah and Hayley Excuse/ . -00:27:01 my brother’s intentions, mine S: in the bayou reason


remain the same. I said that I T: Offers to protect would protect you, even, if Hayley need be, from Klaus himself. F: Hayley refuses the Hayley : I can take care of request myself. I’ve done it for a long time. 112 07/00:28:35 Tyler : Do it. You’re never P: Tyler and Niklaus Pause . -00:28:53 gonna break me. Only thing S: in the bayou filler+A you could do is kill me. So go T:Tyler asks Niklaus too DI on. Go on. Get it over with. kill him (CRr) Niklaus : want me F: Niklaus refuses the to end your suffering, don’t request you? 113 07/00:35:44 Elijah : (comes to bayou to P: Elijah and Hayley ADI . -00:35:54 help Hayley) S: in house of bayou (Let Hayley : You don’t have to T: Offers to help Hayley inter help. I can dig through the F: Hayley refuses the locut werewolf antique show on request or my own. off the hook )+ expl anati on 114 07/00:39:11 Niklaus : I’ll be needing you P: Niklaus and Rebekah ADI . -00:39:25 in my plot against Marcel. S: in plantation house (CRr) Don’t expect to be leaving T:asks help from town any time soon. Rebekah Rebekah : Why should I F: Rebekah refuses the help you after what you did request to Elijah? 115 08/00:04:38 Elijah : Hayley, please. This P; Elijah and Hayley Excuse/ . -00:04:50 fever will make me unstable. S: in the bayou reason Now, once these T: asks Hayley to leave


hallucinations begin, I’ll start F: Hayley refuses the to see things. I will start to request say things. You must leave me here. Hayley : I’m not leaving you like this. 116 08/00:09:01 Niklaus : Type, please. P; Niklaus and Camille ADI . -00:09:07 Camille : What’s the point? S: in the workspace of (CRr) You just repeat the same plantation house thing over and over again. T: asks Camille to type F: Cammile refuses the request 117 08/00:10:13 Niklaus : Draw on your own P; Niklaus and Camille Excuse/ . -00:10:19 time. S: in the workspace of reason Camille : This is my time. plantation house You steal it from me. T: asks Camille to not draw F: Cammile refuses the request 118 08/00:11:15 Rebekah : That little witch of P; Rebekah and Marcel Explan . -00:11:22 yours would put the odds in S: in Mikaelson’s house ation our favor. T:suggest to as help from Marcel : I can’t risk it. Davina She’s got less and less F: Marcel refuses the control over her magic suggestion lately. 119 08/00:18:37 Elijah : Surely, you can cast P; Elijah and Celeste Explan . -00:18:48 a spell, put him in his place. S: in Celeste’s house ation Celeste : It will take 100 T: asks Celeste to cast a witches to put him in his spell for Niklaus place. Besides, he only ever F; Celeste refuses the listens to you. request 120 08/00:19:13 Elijah : Hayley, please. This P: Elijah and Hayley ADI . -00:19:24 fever. My mind is flooded S: in the house of bayou (CRr) with these tortuous T: asks Hayley to leave


memories, you have to leave. F: Hayley refuses the Hayley : What is your deal? request You don’t like people taking care of you? 121 08/00:19:24 Elijah : There are P: Elijah and Hayley Avoi . -00:19:35 cosequences for those who S: in the house of bayou danc care. I will not have you pay T: asks Hayley to leave e that price. F: Hayley refuses the (V;T Hayley : So you’re having request opic weird retro sex dreams. Get swit over it. I’m staying. ch)+ Exc use 122 08/00:20:39 Niklaus : You have P: Niklaus and Marcel State . -00:20:48 something of mine. I want it S: in Mikaelson’s house ment back. T: asks to give a dagger of Marcel : Sorry, but I can’t back regre do that. F: Marcel refuses the t+ request NP (neg ative willi ngne ss) 123 08/00:23:11 Elijah : Brother, please. This P: Elijah and Niklaus IR . -00:23:30 is high folly. Is it not enough S: in the field (ADI;L that you have slaughtered T: asks to not kill people et dozens in just these past F: Niklaus refuses the interloc several weeks?well...word of request utor off a city littered with bodies will the surely travel the oceans. Do hook)+ you want to bring our father AD upon us? (addres Niklaus : Relax, brother. s I’ve sent rumor that the form)+


bodies are a result of the IR witches seeking blood (explan sacrifice for their rituals. ation) 124 08/00:27:37 Rebekah : Take the coin. P: rebekah and Marcel Avoida . -00:27:39 Marcel : What? S: in Mikaelson’s family nce T: ask to take the coin (V;RPR F: Marcel refuses the ) request 125 08/00:30:00 F. Kieran : Maybe you should P: Kieran and Camille NP . -00:30:15 leave town for a while. Give S: in cemetery your head some space. I T; suggest Camille to know your Dean. You could leave New Orleans put your thesis on hold. F: Camille refuses the Camille : I can’t. request 126 08/00:33:10 Marcel : Look. If you’re P: Marcel and Niklaus Avoi . -00:33:17 gonna kill me, let’s get this S: in Mikaelson’s house danc over with. T: Marcel asks Niklaus e Niklaus : Why would I kill to kill him (V;R you? Ypu picked up the F: Niklaus refuses the PR) coin. request + Reas on 127 08/00:40:23 Niklaus : You’re coming with P: Niklaus and Hayley ADI . -00:40:27 me. Little wolf. S: in front of plantation (CR) Hayley : Why would I go house anywhere with you? T: asks Hayley to leave the house F: Hayley refuses the request refuses the request 128 09/00:01:41 Rebekah : You need to give P: Rebekah and Marcel Explan . -00:01:49 him what he craves most S: in the garden ation loyalty, or at least the illusion T; suggest Marcel to give of it. loyalty to Niklaus Marcel : I ambushed him, F: Marcel refuses the


tried to bury him alive. request He’s not gonna trust me. 129 09/00:07:30 Elijah : Come. We musn’t P: Elijah and Hayley DR . -00:07:38 linger. Let’s get you S; in Mikaelson’s house (NP)+ someplace safe. T: asks Hayley to leave IR Hayley : No. You don’t have the house (ADI;L to worry about me. I’m F: Hayley refuses the et fine. I’ve been deemed request interloc under protection by the utor off almighty Klaus. the hook)+ IR (Explan ation) 130 09/00:07:46 Hayley : You have to help P: Hayley, Elijah, and ADI . -00:07:53 them. Rebekah (CR) Rebekah : Out in the bayou? S; in Mikaelson’s house do we like a bloody vampire T: ask Elijah and rescue squad? Rebekah to help werewolves F; Rebekah refuses the request 131 09/00:09:30 Niklaus : I think we should P: Niklaus and Marcel Pause . -00:09:37 have her move into the S; in Mikaelson’s house filler+ compound here with us. T: Ask Marcel to move explana Marcel : Eh, she can’t leave Davina to Mikaelson’s tion the attic. I already tried to house move her once. F: Marcel refuses the request 132 09/00:10:49 Marcel : You’re gonna love it P: Marcel and Davina NP+Ex . -00:10:56 at the compound. I already S: in St. Anne’s attic planatio got the best room in the place T: asks Davina to move n picked out. to Mikaelson’s house Davina : I can’t leave. F: Davina refuses the Remember what happened request


last time? 133 09/00:12:21 Governor : We want to be P: Governor and Niklaus IR . -00:13:26 sure you understand how S: in St. Anne (Avoid things work around here. T: ask to obey the rule ance;V; Look. You freaks do your Governor made PD)+ thing, and we’ll look the F: Niklaus refuses the IR other way. As long as our request (statem pockets stay full, we won’t ent of have problem. However, if regret)+ you cross the line, you IR answer to us. (ADI;th Niklaus : ha ha! Ok! I’m reat) sorry. Let me get this straight, i’m to play supplicant to this pompous ass and his ridiculous group of petty thieves? Ah, here are my terms. You will take whatever scraps I see fit to leave you, and you will be grateful. If that doesn’t suit you, I may decide you’ve outlived your usefulness. 134 09/00:22:40 Elijah : Shall we proceed P: Elijah and Rebekah SA . -00:22:45 then? S: in the bayou Rebekah : Let’s not and tell T: Looking for Hayley that we did. Then werewolves to be saved you get to impress the girl, F: Rebekah refuses the and I can go home. request 135 09/00:29:07 Hayley : What are you P: Hayley and Davina NP+Ex . -00:29:16 looking for? S: in Davina’s room of cuse/re Davina : My violin. I must’ve Mikaelson’s house ason left it in the attic. T: suggest Davina to take Hayley : So just go get it. her violin Davina : I can’t. It’s not safe F: Davina refuses the


for me out there. request 136 09/00:33:01 Elijah : I beseech you, P: Elijah and Niklaus ADI . -00:33:12 please come home. S; in plantation house (CR) Niklaus : What home, this T: begs Niklaus to stay to pathetic substitute? plantation house F: Niklaus refuses the request 137 10/00:03:49 Davina : I can stop if you P: Davina and Camille NP+A . -00:03:55 want me to. S: in Camille’s house DI Camille : No. Don’t stop. I T: offers Camille to stop (request want to remember her magic for breaking for everything. Niklaus’ compulsion help) F: Camille refuses the request 138 10/00:04:59 Elijah : You know if you P: Elijah and Hayley reason . -00:05:17 wanted to attend the S: in Hayley’s room festivities tonight, I’d be T: offers to accompany more than willing to take Hayley in the festival you. F: Hayley refuses the Hayley : You and Klaus are request barely on speaking terms. Let’s not rock the boat, ok? 139 10/00:14:56 Sophie : I need something P: Sophie and Hayley ADI . -00:15:06 from you, so that the witches S: on the phone (CR) can complete the harvest. T: asks Hayley to help + Hayley : On what planet F: Hayley refuses the Expl would I help you witches request anati get more power? All you’ve on done is hex me left and right. 140 10/00:19:19 Davina : I have to go P: Davina and Camille Excuse/ . -00:19:22 Camille : Davina, wait. S: in St. Anne reason Davina : I can’t let Tim die. T: asks Davina to not leave her F: Davina refuses the


request 141 10/00:23:53 Davina : You got me here. P: davina and Niklaus Pause . -00:23:59 Now let him down. S: In Mikaelso’S house filler+a Niklaus : Well, first, we T: asks to let Tim down voidanc have to have a little chat F: Niklaus refuses the e about your returning to the request (V;post fold. poneme nt) 142 10/00:24:59 Elijah : Davina, you don’t P: Elijah and Davina Avoida . -00:25:02 have to do this. S: in Mikaelson’s house nce Davina : (keeps doing T: begs to not againts (NV;P magic) them (Elijah, Niklaus and D) Marcel) F: Davina refuses the request 143 10/00:27:32 Tim : Davina, how did P: Tim and Davina Promis . -00:27:42 you do all that? How did I S: in Mikaelson’s family e of even get here? T: Tim asks an future Davina : I’ll explain explanation from Davina accepta everything, I promise. about the tragedy nce F: Davina refuses the request 144 11/00:01:58 Davina : Go away! P: Davina and Marcel Avoida . -00:02:06 Marcel : Come on. You got S: in Davina’s room of nce to be starving. You haven’t Mikaelson’s family (V;topi eaten since... T: asks Marcel to out c from her room switch) F: Marcel refuses the request 145 11/00:10:39 Rebekah : They want to P: Rebekah and Davina NP . -00:10:42 complete the harvest. S: in Davina’s room of Davina : No! Mikaelson’s family T: asks Davina to sacrifice herself for completing the harvest


F: Davina refuses the request 146 11/00:10:43 Rebekah : The witches say P: Rebekah and Davina Explan . -00:10:50 you’ll be resurrected. S: in Davina’s room of ation Davina : They’re liars! Mikaelson’s family They’ll say anything to get T: asks Davina to what they want just like sacrifice herself for Marcel, just like you. completing the harvest F: Davina refuses the request 147 11/00:11:02 Elijah : You’be convinced P: Elijah and Sophie Explan . -00:11:07 my siblings. You have yet to S: in the living room of ation convince us. Mikaelson’s house Sophie : We don’t have time T: asks Sophie to to waste. convince Elijah about the harvest F: Sophie refuses the request 148 11/00:11:09 Marcel : So fix her. P: Marcel and Sophie Explan . -00:11:11 Sophie : She can’t be fixed. S: in the living room of ation Mikaelson’s house T: asks Sophie to fix Davina F: Sophie refuses the request 149 11/00:11:18 Rebekah : I compelled up P: Rebekah and Davina NP . -00:11:21 some sedative. S: in Davina’s room of Davina : No, no, no! Mikaelson’s house T: Rebekah willing to sedate Rebekah F: Davina refuses the request 150 11/00:11:20 Davina : No, no, no! P: Rebekah and Davina Explan . -00:11:23 Rebekah : We keep you S: in Davina’s room of ation+a calm, we keep you alive Mikaelson’s house ddress


Davina. T: begs Rebekah to not form sedate her (Davina) F: Rebekah refuses the request 151 11/00:11:23 Davina : Stop! P: Rebekah and Davina Avoida . -00:11:25 Rebekah : (she’s going to S: in Davina’s room of nce inject Davina) Mikaelson’s house (NV;P T: begs Rebekah to not D) sedate her (Davina) F: Rebekah refuses the request 152 11/00:11:37 Davina : No! Please! No! P: Rebekah and Davina Avoida . -00:11:47 Please! Nooo! S: in Davina’s room of nce Rebekah : (keeps injecting Mikaelson’s house (NV;P Davina) T: begs Rebekah to not D) sedate her (Davina) F: Rebekah refuses the request 153 11/00:12:39 Niklaus : We all agreed that P: Niklaus and Marcel NP+ . -00:12:46 Davina must be sacrificed. S: in living room of ADI There’s no need to let her Mikaelson’s house (Threat blow the roof off our heads in T: willing to sacrifice ) the meantime. Davina for the harvest Marcel : No way! You’re F: Marcel P: Rebekah not touching her. and Davina S: in Davina’s room of Mikaelson’s house T: begs Rebekah to not sedate her (Davina) F: Rebekah refuses the request 154 11/00:14:20 Hayley : Hey. Do you have a P: Hayley and Elijah Excuse/ . -00:14:22 minute? S: in Mikaelson’s house reason Elijah : Just on my way out T: Hayley wants to talk to Elijah


F: Elijah refuses the request. 155 11/00:15:30 Rebekah : You’re going to P: Rebekah and Sophie ADI . -00:15:37 need an original on your side, S: in Sophie’s bar (CR) and I’m gonna need a witch T: asks Sophie to be on mine. If we’re gonna stop alliance those two from running F: Sophie refuses the things. request. Sophie : Am I missing something? 156 11/00:16:16 Vampire : hey. Klaus said not P: vampire and Marcel ADI . -00:16:22 to. S: in Davina’s room of (CR) Marcel : I’m done caring Mikaelson’s house what Klaus says. T: warns Marcel F: Marcel refuses the request. 157 11/00:17:12 Sabine : You don’t have to be P: Sabine and Elijah Exc . -00:17:22 here for this. It’s gonna take S: in cemetery use/r some time for Sophie to T: Sabine suggests Elijah easo prepare for her consecration. to leave Celeste’s n+ Elijah : I have time. I owe consecration expl her this. F: Elijah refuses the anati request. on 158 11/00:25:25 Elijah : So if we bury our P: Elijah and Rebekah ADI . -00:25:48 mother there and we S: in the living room of (CRr consecrate those grounds, we Mikaelson’s house )+ can finish the harvest ritual. T: finish the harvest expl Rebekah : Am I the only one ritual through anati thinking? Our mother was consecrating Esther’s on the most powerful witch in body history. If we bury her, we F: Rebekah refuses the hand that power to our request. enemies to use against us. 159 11/00:26:35 Rebekah : Where would P: Rebekah and Thierry ADI . -00:26:41 Marcel hide something S: in the garden (CRr)


precious to him? T: asking information Thierry : You think I’m about where Marcel just gonna offer that up so hides Davina you can leave me here to F: Thierry refuses the rot? request 160 11/00:27:55 Marcel : Get out! P: marcel and Rebekah Avoida . -00:28:00 Rebekah : (she is silent) S: in the docks nce T: Marcel asks Rebekah (NV;Sil to out ence) F: Rebekah refuses the request 161 11/00:41:21 Bastiana : Sabine! What’s the P: Bastiana and Sabine Addres . -00:41:34 meaning of this? S: in the quarter street of s form+ Sabine : Bastiana, I’ve had New Orleans avoidan to endure people calling me T: asks an explanation ce “Sabine” for almost a year from Batiana about (V;Topi now. I’d appreciate it if witches resurrection c you’d call me by my real F: Sabine refuses the switch) name “Celeste”. request 162 12/00:06:02 Diego : Hey, Marcel, maybe P: Diego and Marcel ADI . -00:06:13 you know what’s going on. S: in Mikaelson’s house (CRr Klaus ordered us to meet T: ask information about )+ here, and now he’s a no- Niklaus’ order Expl show. F: Marcel refuses the anati Marcel : What do you want request on from me? It’s new regime. Get used to it. 163 12/00:07:25 Niklaus : Marcel, I’d hoped P: Niklaus and Marcel Pause . -00:07:34 you would join Diego. S: in Mikaelson’s house filler+ Marcel : Nah. I’m gonna T: niklaus orders Marcel excuse take a personal day. to join Diego F: Marcel refuses the request 164 12/00:12:09 Niklaus : Diego. When night P: Niklaus and Diego Pause . -00:12:30 falls, I want you to gather S: in Mikaelson’s house filler+


every vampire in the quarter. T: orders Diego and explana Get me the head of whoever other vampires to find tion did this and put it on a stick. witches who messed up Diego : Yeah. That’s around New Orleans gonna be a problem. F: Diego refuses the Everyone is freaked out, request man. We haven’t had witches killing vampires in a long time. Marcel made sure of that. 165 12/00:12:38 Niklaus : Now, who of you P: Niklaus and vampires Avoida . -00:12:50 will fight to defend our S: in Mikaelson’s house nce home? T: asks vampires to fight (NV;Sil Vampires : (say nothing) the witches who messed ence) up around F: the vampires refuses the request 166 12/00:16:59 Marcel : Aren’t you gonna P: Marcel and Rebekah explana . -00:17:04 welcome me home? S: in the party tion Rebekah : I wouldn’t want (Mikaelson’s house) you to think that I was T: Marcel asks Rebekah happy to see you. to welcome him F: Rebekah refuses the request 167 12/00:21:25 Niklaus : I’m in the cauldron P: Niklaus and Marcel State . -00:21:32 now. You could meet me S: on the phone ment here. We could start burning T: Niklaus orders Marcel of passerby at the stake. to come to the cauldron regre Marcel : Sorry. I’m gonna F: Marcel refuses the t+ chase down my own lead. request excu se 168 12/00:23:30 Hayley : I’m coming with P: Hayley and Elijah NP+Ex . -00:23:34 you. S: in Mikaelson’s house planatio Elijah : No. Stay here. T: hayley wants to come n Compound is safe. with Elijah


F: Elijah refuses the request 169 12/00:26:34 Marcel : Cami, you need to P: Marcel and Camille Avoida . -00:26:38 run now. Don’t look back. S: in Rosseau bar nce Just go. T: asks Cami to leave the (NV;do Camille : (do nothing) bar nothing F: Camille refuses the ) request 170 12/00:26:49 Marcel : I said, get out of P: Marcel and Camille Avoida . -00:26:52 here. S: in Rosseau bar nce Camille : (do nothing) T: asks Cami to leave the (NV;D bar o F: camille refuses the nothing request ) 171 12/00:30:56 Niklaus : Get out of here. P: Niklaus and Camille Avoida . -00:31:01 Camille : Is Marcel dead? S: in Rosseau bar nce Did that guy kill him? T: asks Camille to leave (V;Topi the bar c F: Camille refuses the switch) request 172 12/00:31:04 Niklaus : Go. Find someone P: Niklaus and Camille SA . -00:31:09 off the street. S: in Rosseau bar Camille : I’ll do it. T: asks Camille to find someone’s blood to be drunk by Marcel F: Camille refuses the request 173 12/00:31:06 Camille : I’ll do it. P: Camille and Niklaus NP+Ex . -00:31:13 Niklaus : No. Not you. I S: in Rosseau bar planatio don’t want you involved in T: Camille wants to give n this. her blood to Marcel F: Niklaus refuses the request 174 12/00:31:10 Niklaus : I don’t want you P: Niklaus and Camille ADI . -00:31:17 involved in this. S: in Rosseau bar (CRr)


Camille : You don’t control T: Niklaus asks Camille me anymore, remember? to not give her blood to Marcel. F: Camille refuses the request 175 12/00:37:43 Niklaus : Each of you has a P: Niklaus and Vampires ADI . -00:38:15 decision to make. You either (including Thierry) (CRr) fight alongside me or you S: in Mikaelson’s house T: Niklaus offers Thierry : We don’t owe you vampires whether to fight anything. If staying in the with him or not quarter means living under F: Thierry refuses the your rule, I’d just as get the offer hell out. 176 12/00:39:15 Niklaus : (come to Sophie’s P: Niklaus and Sophie Explan . -00:39:19 place and asks a help) S: in Sophie’s house ation Sophie : I got no reason to T: asks help from Sophie help you, and I sure as hell F: Sophie refuses the don’t have a reason to help request him. 177 13/00:05:33 Niklaus : Can I get you P: Niklaus and Elijah Avoida . -00:05:41 anything, brother? A S: in the living room of nce magnifying glass, a pipe Mikaelson’s house (V;Topi perhaps? T: offers Elijah to take c Elijah : You have a theory something he needs switch) that you’d like to share with F: Elijah refuses the +Addre us, Niklaus? request ss form 178 13/00:07:31 Rebekah : Then perhaps you P: Rebekah and Elijah Addres . -00:07:37 should take her yourself. S: In the living room of s form+ Elijah : Well, then that Mikaelson’s house ADI would make me the very T: Rebekah suggests (CR) hypocrite that you’ve Elijah to not tell Hayley accused me of being? what to do F: Elijah refuses the request


179 13/00:08:57 F. Kieran : (come to Rosseau P: Kieran and Camille Excuse/ . -00:09:11 to talk with Camille) S; in Rosseau bar reason Camille : I’m busy. T: Kieran wants to talk with Camille F: Camille refuses the request 180 13/00:09:11 F. Kieran : Cami, just hear P: Kieran and Camille Explan . -00:09:21 me out. S; in Rosseau bar ation Camille : You know, I T: Kieran wants to talk came to your reopening with Camille because I wanted to try and F: Camille refuses the make amends and then I see request you talking with Klaus out in the open, like it’s bussiness as usual in the quarter. 181 13/00:10:20 F. Kieran : Cami, I need you P: Kieran and Camille NP+Ex . -00:10:33 to promise one thing, that S: in Rosseau bar planatio when it gets bad, I need you T: Kieran asks Camille to n to be as far away from me as leave New Orleans when possible. Kieran’s condition is Camille : No. No. There getting worse has to be some sort of way. F: Camille S; in Rosseau bar T: Kieran wants to talk with Camille F: Camille refuses the request 182 13/00:14:27 Marcel : there were 3 more P: Marcel and Sophie ADI . -00:14:38 girls sacrificed during the S; in Sophie’s house (CRr) harvest. I want to bring them T: Marcel asks help for back. resurrecting harvest girls Sophie : Who are you F: Sophie S; in Rosseau kidding? You don’t care bar about those girls. You just T: Kieran wants to talk


want Davina back so you with Camille can use her power again. F: Camille refuses the request 183 13/00:29:30 Marcel : I’m not saying it P: Marcel and Niklaus Avoida . -00:29:49 again. We do not kill kids. S: in the quarter of New nce Niklaus : (he fights Marcel) Orleans (NV:P T: Marcel warns Niklaus D) to not kill Monique F: Niklaus refuses the request 184 13/00:39:54 Sophie : Come on. We P: Sophie and Monique NP . -00:39:58 have to go. S: in the quarter of New (negat Monique : I don’t want to Orleans ive go. T: asks Monique to go willin with her (Sophie) gness) F: Monique refuses the request 185 13/00:40:58 Sophie : Please don’t do P: Sophie and Monique ADI . -00:41:02 this. S: in the quarter of New (CRr) Monique : Now you want to Orleans run when we need to stay T: begs Monique to not and fight. kill her F: Monique refuses the request 186 13/00:41:02 Sophie : Please, I’m P: Sophie and Monique Explan . -00:41:14 begging you...don’t...don’t... S: in the quarter of New ation Monique : The four of us, Orleans when we return, we’ll have T: begs Monique to not enough power to rid the city kill her of vampires, and we’ll kill F: Monique refuses the anyone who doesn’t keep request the faith. 187 14/00:07:18 Rebekah : What say you P: Rebekah and Pause . -00:07:32 join me at this swell, little Genevieve filler+ jazz joint I’ve discovered on S: in Fleur-dwe-lis AFR


basin street tonight? sanatorium (unspec Genevieve : Oh... I don’t T: Rebekah offers if know. Genevieve to join her in reply) jazz festival in basin street F: Genevieve refuses the request 188 14/00:08:14 Elijah : Good. I need a pen P: Elijah and Marcel Pause . -00:08:22 and paper. S: in the living room of filler Marcel : Hey. Am I taking Mikaelson’s house +ADI orders from you now? Or T: Elijah asks Marcel to (CRr) are we in this together? take a pen and paper for him F: Marcel refuses the request 189 14/00:15:14 Rebekah : Marcel. Have P: Rebekah and Marcel Pause . -00:15:20 some respect. S: in Fleur-de-lis filler+e Marcel : Yeah. I don’t sanatorium xplanati think they mind. T: Rebekah asks Marcel on to respect the dead bodies in the room (they are raping) F: Marcel refuses the request 190 14/00:16:50 Rebekah : Genevieve... P: Rebekah and Avoida . -00:16:57 Genevieve, wait Genevieve nce Genevieve : (keeps walking) S: in Fleur-de-lis (NV;P sanatorium D) T: Rebekah wants to talk to Genevieve F: Genevieve refuses the request 191 14/00:18:57 Elijah : We’re told the P: Elijah and the mayor Avoida . -00:19:09 former mayor kept a detailed of New Orleans nce record of the supranatural S: in the bar (V;Hed


community. A ledger of T: Elijah asks ging) names of witches, information about werewolves, and vampires. witches death’s record Specifically, their death F: The Mayor refuses the records. We need it. request Mayor : I... I don’t know. 192 14/00:20:14 Rebekah : No. No, please P: Rebekah and Excuse/ . -00:20:20 don’t do that to me. I’ll do Genevieve reason+ anything. S: in Fleur-de-lis address Genevieve : It’s too late, sanatorium form friend. T: Rebekah begs Genevieve to not link her memoirs to Niklaus F: Genevieve refuses the request 193 14/00:21:12 Marcel : Speaking of...what P: Marcel and Elijah Avoida . -00:21:23 do you think Klaus is gonna S: in the living room of nce do when he finds out that you Mikaelson’s house (V;Hed left him to suffer while you T: asks opinion about ging)+ saved Hayley and her wolf Niklau if he finds that address friend? Elijah choose to save form Elijah : Let’s avoid Hayley over him discussing matters that are F: Elijah refuses the not your concern, shall we, request Marcellus? 194 14/00:25:56 Genevieve : Do you want me P: Genevieve and SA . -00:26:03 to find your brother Kol? Rebekah Rebekah : Actually, I’d like S: in the party you to find Mikael. T: offers to find Kol F: Rebekah refuses the offer 195 14/00:32:50 Rebekah : I’m begging you, P: Rebekah and Explan . -00:33:11 please, don’t bring Mikael Genevieve ation here. If Klaus finds out what S: in Fleur-de-lis we have done, what you have sanatorium


done... T: asks Genevieve to Genevieve : Klaus will kill undo the spell that me. He’ll kill my entire summon up Mikael family. F: Genevieve refuses the Rebekah : Which is exactly request why I need you to undo it. Genevieve : It doesn’t work that way. There’s no undoing it. 196 14/00:33:11 Genevieve : Mikael is P: Genevieve and ADI . -00:33:20 coming. The only hope now Rebekah (CR) is tell Klaus the truth. S: in Fleur-de-lis + Confess what we’ve done. sanatorium reas Rebekah : That is not an T: Asks Rebekah to on option. He will dagger me confess that they and leave me in a box for summon up Mikael centuries. F: Rebekah refuses the request 197 14/00:39:37 Niklaus : Are we skipping P: Niklaus and Rebekah NP . -00:39:50 the part where you beg for S: in Fleur-de-lis (Nega mercy? For forgiveness? sanatorium tive Because I was really looking T: asks Rebekah to willin forward to that. apologize gness) Rebekah : I’ll pass. F: Rebekah refuses the request 198 15/00:02:28 Elijah : I need your help. P: Elijah and Camille Excuse/ . -00:02:30 Camille : I don’t have time S: in Mikaelson’s house reason+ for games, Elijah. T: asking a help from address Camille form F: Camille refuses the request 199 15/00:06:57 Elijah : Niklaus, not now. P: elijah and Niklaus Avoida . -00:07:07 Why must you cause... S: in the party nce Niklaus : (hits the bottle T: Elijah asks Niklaus to (NV;P with a spoon to attach delay his warning to D)


people’s attention) Rebekah F: Niklaus refuses the request 200 15/00:11:48 Elijah : I need to find P: Elijah and Monique ADI . -00:11:59 Sabine. I believe she’s taken S: in the cemetery (CRr someone very important to T: asking about where )+ex me. Sabine is plan Monique : And you thought F: Monique refuses the ation I’d help you? Sabine is one request of us, committedto the rise of the witches. 201 15/00:18:43 Hayley : I know you want P: Hayley and Elijah ADI . -00:18:52 revenge, and come the next S: in the bayou (CRr) full moon, when I’m sure her T: Hayley begs Elijah to cure works, she’s all yours. captive Sabine Elijah : Are you suggesting F: Elijah refuses the that we hold her, captive request for an entire month? 202 15/00:19:02 Hayley : So help me or get P: Hayley and Elijah Avoida . -00:19:08 out of my way. S: in the bayou nce Elijah : (leaves Hayley, T: asks help to captive (NV;P takes Sabine away) Sabine D) F: Elijah refuses the request 203 15/00:21:21 Rebekah : Marcel, all we P: Rebekah and Marcel Explan . -00:21:31 have is the element of S: in the car ation surprise, and we have lost it. T: asks Marcel to leave If we don’t leave now, there New Orleans together will be no one to save us. F: Marcel refuses the Marcel : I already failed request Davina once. I’m not leaving her behind. 204 15/00:22:31 Mikael : So I came here to P: Mikael and Elijah ADI . -00:23:03 give you a chance to help me S: in Elijah’s room (CRr) put down that help for good. T: offer a choice whetehr


Elijah : Do you really not to help Mikael to kill know me? Do you think I Niklaus or not could or would believe in F: Elijah refuses the offer anything that you say? If you honestly believe that I would betray my own brother for you, you’re a fool without equal. 205 15/00:24:05 Mikael : Stand with me or P: Mikael and Elijah Stateme . -00:24:25 fall with him. Coose, son. S: in Elijah’s room nt of Elijah : I will always choose T: offer a choice whetehr principl him. to help Mikael to kill e Niklaus or not F: Elijah refuses the offer 206 15/00:31:27 Niklaus : So... Mikael. If P: Niklaus and Mikael IR . -00:31:41 you’re going to kill me, then S: in the opera house (avoida get on with it. building nce;V;h Mikael : Au contraire, T: asks Mikael to kill edging) Niklaus. Some things him (Niklaus) +AD remain unsaid. F: Mikael refuses the (addres request s form)+ IR (explan ation) 207 15/00:34:28 Camille : Klaus, wait. P: Camille and Niklaus Avoida . -00:34:33 Niklaus : (he’s going out) S: in front of opera house nce building (NV;P T: Camille wants to talk D) with Niklaus F: Niklaus refuses the request 208 15/00:36:15 Rebekah : Run. Get Davina P: Rebekah and Marcel NP . -00:36:18 out of here. S: in the cemetery (Nega Marcel : I’m not leaving T: asks Marcel to leave tive


you behind. the cemetery willin F: Marcel refuses the gness) request 209 15/00:36:18 Rebekah : You must. P: Rebekah and Marcel NP . -00:36:22 Marcel : I will not leave S: in the cemetery (Nega you behind. T: asks Marcel to leave tive the cemetery willin F: Marcel refuses the gness) request 210 15/00:40:18 Elijah : Both of you must P: Elijah, Rebekah and NP+ex . -00:40:25 flee the city. I’ll hold him off, Niklaus planatio Niklaus. S: in the street of New n Niklaus : No. We fight him Orleans together. T: asks Rebekah and Niklaus to leave New Orleans F: Niklaus refuses the request 211 15/00:41:43 Niklaus : Get away from her! P: Niklaus and Elijah Avoida . -00:41:53 She’s mine. S: in the cemetery nce Elijah : (do nothing) T: Niklaus asks Elijah to (NV;P get away from Rebekah D) F: Elijah refuses the request 212 16/00:01:52 Elijah : Leave us now. P: Elijah and Rebekah NP . -00:01:55 Rebekah : I can’t. I’m stuck S; in the cemetery (negati here. T: asks Rebekah to leave ve Elijah and Niklaus ability) F: Rebekah refuses the + request excuse 213 16/00:06:25 Elijah : Father, stop. P: elijah and mikael ADI . -00:06:29 Mikael : Stay back, or you’ll S: in th wood (Threat be the next. T: asks Mikael to not hit ) Niklaus F: Mikael refuses the


request 214 16/00:06:48 Elijah : Niklaus, I P: Niklaus and Elijah ADI . -00:07:09 understand your anger, but I S: in the cemetery (CRr)+ implore you, bebetter than T: begs Niklaus to Addres him. Do what he could not. forgive Rebekah s form Demonstrate the grace of F: Niklaus refuses the mercy rather than this pretty request cruelty. Niklaus : You ask me to show mercy to one who has wronged me. You really dpn’t know me at all, do you, brother? 215 16/00:14:13 Elijah : Sister, leave us. P: Elijah and Rebekah NP . -00:14:16 Rebekah : I won’t go. S: in the cemetery (Nega T: asking Rebekah to tive leave her brothers willin F: Rebekah refuses the gness) request 216 16/00:16:34 Marcel : I’ll figure this out. P: Marcel and Rebekah Excuse . -00:16:39 Meantime, just don’t piss S: on the phone Klaus off any more than he T: asks Rebekah to not already is. make Niklaus be angry Rebekah : It’s a little late for F: Rebekah refuses the that. request 217 16/00:20:34 Niklaus : If you want to P: Niklaus and Elijah ADI . -00:20:41 protect Rebekah, you’ll need S: in the cemetery (CR) to use the white oak stake. T: asks to use the white Elijah : I don’t have to oak to protect Rebekaha listen to this nonsense. F: Elijah refuses the request 218 16/00:25:06 Niklaus : All you have to do P: Niklaus and Rebekah ADI . -00:25:10 is admit it. S: in the cemetery (CRr) Rebekah : You’re insane. T: asking Rebekah to admit that she wants


Niklaus dead F: Rebekah refuses the request 219 16/00:25:17 Niklaus : Admit it. P: Niklaus and Rebekah NP . -00:25:18 Rebekah : I didn’t. S: in the cemetery (Nega T: asking Rebekah to tive admit that she wants willin Niklaus dead gness) F: Rebekah refuses the request 220 16/00:28:37 Camille : She needs real help, P: Camille and Marcel NP+Ex . -00:28:44 maybe a stay in an institution S: in St. Anne’s attic planatio where she can get round-the- T: Camille suggests n clock-care and medication. Marcel to take Davina to Marcel : No, no, no. She hospital stays in a place like that, F: Marcel refuses the she is never getting out. request 221 16/00:28:58 Camille : We have to talk P: Camille and Marcel ADI . -00:29:01 about this. S: in St. Anne’s attic (CRr) Marcel : I’m not asking for T: Camille suggests permission. Marcel to take Davina to hospital F: Marcel refuses the request 222 16/00:30:07 Marcel : One more thing, P: Marcel and genevieve State . -00:30:18 I need you to fix the priest. S: in Jardin Gris shop ment Genevieve : Sorry. A hex T: asks Genevieve to of like that, if it’s had time to cure Kieran regre take root, there’s no F: Genevieve refuses the t+ undoing it. request expl anati on 223 17/00:03:35 Elijah : We must work P: Elijah and Niklaus Explan . -00:03:48 together S: in the living room of ation Niklaus, Let’s make the city Mikaelson’s house


whole again. T: Elijah asks Niklaus to Niklaus : Perhaps it is too work together with him broken to mend. F: Niklaus refuses the request 224 17/00:08:46 Elijah : Hayley, are you P: Elijah and Hayley ADI . -00:08:59 absolutely certain that you S: in the bayou (CRr) shouldn’t return to the T: elijah asks Hayley to compound? leave the bayou Hayley : You think the baby F: Hayley refuses the belongs there? You think request that’s where she’ll be safe? 225 17/00:10:28 Camille : You seem P: Camille and Niklaus IR . -00:10:42 supertight with Genevieve. S: in the living room of (Explan Maybe you could persuade Mikaelson’s house ation)+ her to help. T: asks Niklaus to IR Niklaus : It won’t do any persuade Genevieve to (Statem good. These hexes, they cure Kieran ent of start with magic, but as F: Niklaus refuses the regret)+ theytake root, they alter the request AD very chemistry of the brain. (addres I’m sorry, Cami. s form) 226 17/00:10:40 Niklaus : I’m sorry, Cami. P: Niklaus and Camille Perfor . -00:10:50 The damage is done. S: in the living room of mative Camille : I refuse to accept Mikaelson’s house + that, and you would, too, if T: Niklaus asks Camille reason you had any concept of to let Kieran go family. F: Camille refuses the request 227 17/00:12:01 Marcel : I want you and all P: Marcel and Thierry ADI . -00:12:19 the guys who walked out on S: in the dock house (CRr Klaus with you to join me. T: Marcel asks Thierry to )+ Thierry : you have nothing. fight Klaus with him expl You have no weapons, no F: Thierry refuses the anati allies. You go even close to request on the quarter, and Elijah will


kill you. That’s if Klaus doesn’t get you first. 228 17/00:12:35 Marcel : I’m gonna find a P: Marcel and Thierry IR . -00:12:50 way to take back our city, so S: in the dock house (ADI;C you with me? T: Marcel asks Thierry to Rr)+ Thierry : You were always fight Klaus with him AD great with words, Marcel, F: Thierry refuses the (addres but it’s gonna take more request s than a big speech this time. form)+ IR (explan ation) 229 17/00:13:35 F. Kieran : You’re an P: Kieran and Camille Explan . -00:13:50 O’Connell. They are going to S: in St. Anne’s attic ation ask you to take my place at T: Kieran asks Camille to the table. Don’t. Just leave. leave New Orleans Just start over. F: Camille refuses the Camille : I’m not going request anywhere as long as there’s still a chance. 230 17/00:21:09 Elijah : Diego. You will be P: Elijah and Diegoo AD . -00:21:33 polite and welcoming. S: in treachery party (pause Diego : Yeah. See, his T: Elijah asks Diego to filler)+ people killed my whole be polite IR family. My sister bled out F: diego refuses the (explan on the floor next to me. The request ation)+I only reason I’m standing R here is because Marcel (ADI;C came along and turned me R) before I bled out, too. So I’m telling you right now, I cannot be polite and welcoming to that. 231 17/00:23:24 Niklaus : I’m here to offer P: Niklaus and Jackson ADI . -00:24:30 you a gift. You see, long S: in the Mikaelson’s (CRr)


before I evolved, mine beat house as a werewolf. I know your T: asks a help from power. I know your burden. Jackson I’m here to take the latter F: Jackson refuses the away. request Jackson : Why would I trust someone who’s conspiring behind his own brother’s back? 232 17/00:29:03 Camille : Julep minus the P; Camille and Marcel Pause . -00:29:26 sugar and mint? S: in Camille’s house filler+ Marcel : Hey. I just saw T: offers a drink to avoidan Kieran. He’s not gonna Marcel ce hurt you again. In fact, he F: Marcel refuses the (V;Topi won’t leave the attic at all. I request c arranged for a little switch) boundary spell. 233 17/00:31:25 Correa : Shouldn’t you P: Correa and Niklaus SA+ . -00:31:30 intervene or something? S: in treachery party Expl Niklaus : Why would I? T: suggest Niklaus to anati This party just got intervene the chaos on interesting. F: Niklaus refuses the request 234 18/00:04:42 Genevieve : We’d like to use P: Genevieve and Elijah ADI . -00:04:53 it as a forum for introducing S: In Mikaelson’s house (guilt our young harvest girls to T: Ask permission to trip) society. have party for the harvest Elijah : So your coven girls attempted to destrot my F: Elijah refuses the family and you yourself request held my siblings in unspeakable torment. And you would like a party for the witches. 235 18/00:09:20 Monique : I communed with P: Monique and Stateme


. -00:09:39 the ancestor. They said it’s Genevieve nt of time for you to sacrifice S: in witches’ place agreem yourself. T: Genevieve’s sacrifice ent+ Genevieve : Of course. It F: Genevieve refuses the excuse will be an honor to fulfill request my duty to our coven. But it’s not quite my time yet. 236 18/00:09:40 Monique : We need for you P: Monique and IR . -00:09:48 to die so our community can Genevieve (ADI;C have the full power of the S: in witches’ place Rr)+ harvest. T: Genevieve’s sacrifice AD Genevieve : Careful, F: Genevieve refuses the (addres Monique. Not so long ago, I request s was one of those ancestors. form)+ IR (explan ation) 237 18/00:10:35 Elijah : (requests Diego to P: Eelijah and Diego IR(avoi . -00:10:45 come to witches party) S: in Diego’s place dance; Diego : You want us to go to T: asks Diego to come to V;RPR) a witch event on bended witches’ party + IR knee and give them a gift? F: Diego refuses the (statem I’m sorry, but I just request ent of remembered. We’re busy regret)+ doing just about anything IR else that night. (explan ation) 238 18/00:11:54 Oliver : Let’s hear the man P: Oliver and Hayley Avoida . -00:12:05 out. S: in the bayou nce Hayley : The witches are the T: asks Hayley to listen (V;topi ones that cursed your pack. to Elijah c And they’ve been nothing F: Hayley refuses the switch) but crap to me since I first request came to town. 239 18/00:15:12 Marcel : I’m ready. You P: Marcel and Diego IR


. -00:15:28 gonna fight with me? S: in the dock house (ADI;C Diego : With what? Huh? T: asks Diego to fight R)+ Look around. All you got is Niklaus together AD Thiery and a whole bunch F: Diego refuses the (pause of talk. request filler)+ IR (ADI;C R) 240 18/00:15:53 Jackson : No need to get all P: Jackson and Hayley ADI . -00:16:00 rilled up. It’s not good for S; in the bayou (self you, Hayley. T: suggest Hayley to not - Hayley : I have tried no be angry defe need to get to play nice. The F: Hayley refuses the nse) last month of pregnancy is suggestion + all hormones and mood reas swings. on 241 18/00:16:02 Hayley : I suggest that you P: Hayley and Oliver ADI . -00:16:06 tell me what is going on. S: in the bayou (CRr) Oliver : You can go to hell. T: asks information about the thing Jackson and Oliver hide F: Oliver refuses the request 242 18/00:16:39 Niklaus : Father Kieran’s P: Niklaus and State . -00:16:51 time is runnimg out and he Genevieve ment has been an ally to me. S: in Mikaelson’s house of Genevieve : Sorry. As I’ve T: asks Genevieve to regre already said, there’s no way cure Kieran t+ to undo that hex. F: Genevieve refuses the expl request anati on 243 18/00:17:01 Genevieve : Your mother was P: Genevieve and ADI . -00:17:15 powerful. She would have Niklaus (CR) had access to all manner of S: in Mikaelson’s house spells. Perhaps I could take a T: Genevieve wants


look through her grimoire. Niklaus gives his Niklaus : You want to use mother’s Grimoire father Kieran’s ailment as F: Niklaus refuses the an excuse to look through request my mother’s spellbook. Very devious. 244 18/00:17:15 Genevieve : Come on. The P: Genevieve and DR . -00:17:23 grimoire is worthless to you. Niklaus (NP)+ But with it’s power, I could S: in Mikaelson’s house IR solidify my place in the T: Genevieve wants (statem coven. Niklaus gives his ent of Niklaus : No, I’m sorry, mother’s Grimoire regret)+ love. F: Niklaus refuses the AD request (addres s form) 245 18/00:25:25 Davina : You need to leave P: Davina and Niklaus ADI . -00:25:31 here right now. S: in the witches party (CRr) Niklaus : Now, to be fair, T: Davina asks Niklaus you’re not quite as to leave the party powerful as you once were, F: Niklaus refuses the are you? You’re in position request to give order. 246 18/00:26:02 Niklaus : (he gives a gift to P: Niklaus and Davina NP+N . -00:26:08 Davina) S: in the witches party P Davina : No. I don’t want T: Niklaus asks Davina (Nega your gift. to receive his gift tive F: Davina refuses the willlin request gness) 247 18/00:29:18 Elijah : Control P: Elijah and all creature Avoida . -00:29:26 yourselves. This is a vulgar in the party nce trick. We do not violate our S: in the witches party (NV;P agreement. T: Elijah warns all to not D) All creature : (fighting each break the treaty peace other) F: all refuse the request 248 18/00:39:09 Eve : Do you want to join P: Eve and Elijah Avoida


. -00:39:21 us? S: in the bayou nce Elijah : What I want is for T: offers Elijah to join (V;topi that girl to be happy. werewolves c F: Elijah refuses the switch) request 249 19/00:01;19 F. Kieran : You stay away. P: Kieran and Bastiana Avoida . -00:01:21 Bastiana : (keeps walking S: in St. Anne nce approaching Kieran) T: asking Bastiana to (NV;P avoid him D) F: Bastiana refuses the request 250 19/00:01:34 Bastiana : Drink. P: Kieran and Bastiana ADI . -00:01:37 F. Kieran : Be gone, demon. S: in St. Anne (CRr) T: asking Kieran to drink F: Kieran refuses the request 251 19/00:01:37 Bastiana : Come on. Just one P: Kieran and Bastiana NP . -00:01:40 sip. S: in St. Anne F. Kieran : No. T: asking Kieran to drink F: Kieran refuses the request 252 19/00:05:09 Marcel : Cami, Josh told me P: marcel and camille ADI . -00:05:15 how bad things have gotten. I S; on the phone (CR) should be there for you. Just T: offers Camille a help let me help. F: Camille refuses Camille : How, by getting theoffer yourself killed? 253 19/00:06:35 Camille : Dr. Sheski, my P: Camille and Dr. Avoi . -00:06:42 uncle needs to be sedated, Sheski danc something strong. S: in St. Anne’s attic e Dr.Sheski : Sedation? He T: Camille asks Dr. (V;R looks like he should be in an Sheski to give Kieran PR) ICU. sedation + F: Dr. Sheski refuses the Expl request anati


on 254 19/00:12:52 Camille : Are you ready? P: Camille and Dr. ADI . -00:12:56 Dr.sheski : Please, I’m Sheski (Reque begging you, don’t force me S: in St. Anne’s attic st for to do this. T: Camille asks Dr. help) Sheski to give Kieran sedation F: Dr. Sheski refuses the request 255 19/00:14:59 F. Kieran : You get away P: Kieran and Dr. Sheski Avoida . -00:15:04 from me. S: in St. Anne’s attic nce Dr.Sheski : (keeps checking T: ask Dr. Sheski to (NV;P Kieran up) avoid him D) F: Dr.Sheski refuses the request 256 19/00:15:06 Dr.Sheski : Hearbeat is P: Dr.Sheski and Camille NP . -00:15:12 irregular. We can’t keep this S: in St. Anne’s attic up. It’ll kill him. T: Camille asks Dr. Camille : No. Sheski to do therapy shock F: Dr. Sheski refuses the request 257 19/00:15:38 Niklaus : Maybe it’s time... P: Niklaus and Camille ADI . -00:15:49 not to give up, to let go. S: in St. Anne (CRr) Camille : It’s not your T: Niklaus asks Camille decision to make. to let Kieran go F: Camille refuses the request 258 19/00:17:22 Josh : Um, I wouldn’t P: Josh and Dr. Sheski Avoida . -00:17:26 stay that close to him if I S: in St. Anne’s attic nce were you. T: Josh suggests Dr. (NV;P Dr.Sheski : (keeps Sheski to not D) approaching Kieran) approaching Kieran F: Dr. Sheski refuses the suggestion


259 19/00:18:20 Hayley : Thought you might P: Hayley and Niklaus Promis . -00:18:37 like to help kick his ass for S: on the phone e of trying to blow us to kingdom T: asking a helpfrom future come. Niklaus to defeat Marcel accepta Niklaus : Hey, listen. I F: Niklaus refuses the nce assure you, once I am request finished here, you will have my undivided attention. 260 19/00:19:05 Elijah : My blood, it could P: Elijah and Oliver Avoi . -00:19:12 heal her. S: in the house of bayou danc Oliver : Vampire blood? T: Elijah offers his blood e Trust me, she’d rather die. to cure Eve (V;R F: Oliver refuses the PR) offer + ADI (CR) 261 19/00:23:53 Hayley : So why don’t you P: Hayley and Marcel Excuse/ . -00:23:59 leave, follow your own S: in the dock house reason+ advice? T: Hayley suggests address Marcel : I was born here, Marcel to leave New form Hayley. Orleans F: Marcel refuses the request 262 19/00:30:55 Eve : Ollie, no. P: Eve and Oliver Explan . -00:30:57 Oliver : I’ve got to do that S: in the house of bayou ation even now. T: begs Oliver to not kill her (Eve) F: Oliver refuses the request 263 20/00:06:16 Niklaus : You will P: Niklaus and Marcel’s ADI . -00:06:20 grant him his freedom. father (CR) Marcel’s father : And if I say S: in Marcel’s father’s no? house T: Niklaus asks Marcel’s father to free Marcel


F: Marcel’s father refuses the request 264 20/00:15:36 Camille : You need to leave, P: Camille and Marcel Avoida . -00:15:39 like, now. S: in Kieran’s place nce Marcel : I will tell you T: Camille asks Marcel (V;topi about the key. to leave her c F: Marcel refuses the switch) request 265 20/00:15:38 Marcel : I will tell you about P: Marcel and Camille NP . -00:15:40 the key. S: in Kieran’s place (negat Camille : I don’t want to T: Marcel willing to tell ive know! Camille about the key willin which is left by Kieran gness) F: Camille refuses the request 266 20/00:16:55 Niklaus : Perhaps P: Niklaus and AFR . -00:17:05 tomorrow after the funeral, Genevieve (unspec you and I could spend some S: in Kieran’s place ific time together alone. T: Niklaus asks reply) Genevieve : I suppose we’ll Genevieve to meet him have to see. after Kieran’s funeral F: Genevieve refuses the request 267 20/00:26:58 Elijah : I’m taking her to P; Elijah and Genevieve Explan . -00:27:04 a real doctor. S: in Mikaelson’s house ation Genevieve : If you move her T; Elijah wants to bring from here, my spell will Hayley to hospital break. There won’t be F: Genevieve refuses the enough time to get her to a request hospital. 268 20/00:32:51 Marcel : You can tell me P: Marcel andCamille AD(stat . -00:32.57 what that says? S: in the cemetery ement Camille : I can. But I won’t. T: Marcel asks Camille of I’m sorry. about the box which is agreem left by Kieran ent)+


F: Camille refuses the DR request (NP)+I R (statem ent of regret) 269 20/00:33:49 Genevieve : Misericorde. P: Genevieve and the Avoida . -00:34:00 Don’t make me do this. She’s ancestor nce a baby. don’t make me a S: in the cemetery (NV;P monster. Please. T: Genevieve begs to the D) Ancestor : (makes ancestor to not force her Genevieve bleeding) kill Hayley’s baby F: The ancestor refuses the request 270 20/00:35:31 Marcel : I demand to P: Marcel and his father ADI . -00:35:40 know why their freedom has S: in the field (CRr)+ not been granted. All T: Marcel asks his father address necessary authorities have to free the slaves form ruled in their favor. F: his father refuses the Marcel’s father : You think I request don’t remember you, boy? 271 20/00:36:15 Niklaus : Here. Let me heal P: Niklaus and Marcel NP . -00:36:18 you. S: in Mikaelson’s house Marcel : No. T: Niklaus wants to heal Marcel F: Marcel refuses the request 272 21/00:02:18 Davina : Josh, now that you P: Davina and Josh Pause . -00:02:26 have a ring, I think you need S: in the quarter of New filler+ to leave town. Orleans avoidan Josh : Whoa, wait. We’re T: asking Josh to leave ce breaking up? the town (V;joke F: Josh refuses the ) request 273 21/00:02:26 Davina : I’m serious. P: Davina and Josh AD


. -00:02:35 Josh : Yeah. I know. S: in the quarter of New (pause Serious is kind of your Orleans filler)+ default setting, which is T: asking Josh to leave IR why you need me around to the town (ADI;C lighten you up. Ergo, not F: Josh refuses the Rr)+ leaving. request DR (NP;ne gative willing ness) 274 21/00:04:10 Niklaus : You’ll be making P: Niklaus and Excuse/ . -00:04:17 quite a few of these. Let’s Genevieve reason call it an even hundred. S: in Mikaelson’s house Genevieve : That’s not the T: Niklaus asks deal I made with Elijah. Genevieve to make more moonlight ring F: Genevieve refuses the request 275 21/00:04:17 Niklaus : Well, you’re P: Niklaus and ADI . -00:04:29 dealing with me now. And I Genevieve (CRr) am offering considerably S: in Mikaelson’s house more. T: Niklaus asks Genevieve : You think Genevieve to make more because I sleep with you, moonlight ring I’m suddenly at your beck F: Genevieve refuses the and call? request 276 21/00:08:51 Diego : Will I at least get to P: Diego and Marcel NP+ . -00:08:58 kill this fool? S: in the dock house explana Marcel : No. I got a better T: asking suggestion to tion idea. kill Jackson F: Marcel refuses the request 277 21/00:10:57 Niklaus : I can cure him, but P: Niklaus and Davina ADI . -00:11:05 you have to cooperate and tell S: in the witches place (CRr) me where to find Marcel. T: asks Davina to tell


Davina : Why, so you can where Marcel is kill him, too? F: Davina refuses the request 278 21/00:21:44 Genevieve : I need the blood P: Genevieve and Hayley Expl . -00:22:04 of a werewolf who doesn’t S: in Mikaelson’s house anati turn on a full moon. My first T: asks Hayley’s blood to on+ thought was Hayley because make a spell for SA of the pregnancy. moonlight ring Niklaus : Out of the F: Niklaus refuses the question. I’d just soon limit request the mother of my unborn child to the side effects of your witchery. I am half wolf. I control my form. Use my blood. 279 21/00:24:55 Elijah : Come with me. P: Elijah and Hayley NP+Ex . -00:24:59 Hayley : No. Someone needs S: in Mikaelson’s house cuse to watch her. T: Elijah asks Hayley to come with him F: Hayley refuses the request 280 21/00:26:01 Marcel : I’m gonna offer you P: Marcel and Niklaus ADI . -00:26:12 one last chance to pack your S: in Mikaelson’s house (CRr) stuff and get the hell out of T: Marcel asks Niklaus my town. to leave the house and Niklaus : Or what, you’ll town allow your men to rush to F: Niklaus refuses the their deaths again? request 281 21/00:28:32 Bodyguard : Ms. Correa, we P: the bodyguard and NP . -00:28:37 need to go. Your brothers are Correa already heading out the back. S: in Mikaelson’s house Correa : Not yet. T: the bodyguard tells Correa to leave the house F: Correa refuses the request


282 21/00:39:50 Marcel : You need to get out P: Marcel and Camille Avoida . -00:40:00 of here. My guys have been S: in Mikaelson’s house nce bitten by wolves. They’ll get T: asks Camille to leave (V;Topi sick and then blood-crazy. the house c Camille : We need to find F: Camille refuses the switch) Klaus. His blood can heal request you. 283 21/00:40:34 Hayley : Please, no P: Hayley and the Avoida . -00:40:39 Witches : (bring Hayley to witches nce church) S: in St. Anne’s church (NV;P T: begs the witches to not D) harm her (Hayley) F: the witches refuse the request 284 21/00:40:41 Monique : We should take P: Monique and Explan . -00:40:44 her to the city of the dead. Genevieve ation Genevieve : We won’t make S: in St. Anne’s church it. The baby is coming. T: Monique wants to bring Hayley to the cemetery F: Genevieve refuses the request 285 21/00:40:44 Hayley : No. It’s too soon. P: Hayley and Genevieve Pause . -00:40:48 Genevieve : Aah! S: in St. Anne’s church filler+e Apparently not. T: Hayley begs Geneviev xplanati to not take the baby out on from her womb F: Genevieve refuses the request 286 21/00:40:55 Hayley : Oh, let me go! P: Hayley and Genevieve Avoida . -00:40:59 Genevieve : You need to be S: in St. Anne’s church nce calm, Hayley. T: Hayley asks the (V;topi witches to free her c F: Genevieve refuses the switch) request +


address form 287 22/00:02:37 Hayley : Let go of me, P: Hayley and Genevieve Avoida . -00:02:40 you bitch! S: in St. Anne’s church nce Genevieve : (keeps casting T: Hayley asks the (NV;P spell) witches to free her D) F: Genevieve refuses the request 288 22/00:04:46 Davina : Josh, what are you P: Davina and Josh ADI . -00:04:50 doing here? I told you to rest S: in the quarter of New (let Josh : I’m fine. Orleans interloc T: Davina asks Josh to utor off rest the F: Josh refuses the hook) request 289 22/00:05:35 Hayley : No, no! (begging) P: Hayley and the Avoida . -00:05:36 Witches : (keeps taking the witches nce baby out) S: in St. Anne’s church (NV;P T: Hayles begs the D) witches to not take the baby out from her womb F: the witches refuses the request 290 22/00:08:51 Marcel : Save your friend. I P: Marcel and Davina Address . -00:08:58 can take care of the rest of us. S: in Mikaelson’s house form+NP Davina : Marcel. I can’t. after defeating by Correa T: Marcel asks Davina to give Niklaus’ blood to Josh F: Davina refuses the request 291 22/00:22:33 Niklaus : You took my P: Niklaus and Marcel Avoi . -00:23:13 daughter so I would heal you S: in Mikaelson’s house danc and your friends, here. T: Niklaus wiiling to e Marcel : This bite. All this. give his blood to heal (V;t


I know it didn’t come from Marcel’s wound opic nowhere. This is the last F: Marcel refuses the swit note in a song that I started request ch)+ a century ago when I state brought your dad to town. ment And for that, I am sorry. of regre t 292 22/00:25:58 Mikael : Stop! P: Mikael and Davina NP . -00:26:01 Davina : No. S: in Mikaelson’s house T: Mikael asks Davina to stop her magic which is controlled him F: Davina refuses the request 293 22/00:27:46 Genevieve : Please. P: Genevieve and Hayley NP . -00:28:09 Understand, I just wanted to S: in the cemetery live. Tell Klaus...I’m sorry. T: Genevieve asks Hayley : I’m not. Hayley to forgive her F: Hayley refuses the request 294 22/00:30:42 Hayley : I think the only P: Hayley and Elijah DR . -00:31:02 thing to do is send her away S: in Hayley’s room of (NP)+I while we stay behind and Mikaelson’s house R clean up the mess that we’ve T: Hayley suggests to (ADI;C made. send Hope away from R)+ IR Elijah : No. This is insane. New Orlean (explan You heard Genevieve. So F: Elijah refuses the ation) long as she lives, that baby suggestion will be hunted.



Name : Ati Kamesywari

Place of birth : Indramayu

Date of birth : May 20, 1990

Address : Jambak blok 4 rt/rw 01/13 Cikedung Indramayu West Java 45262

Mobile phone : 083824659258

E-mail : [email protected]

Education :

1. Formal Education - SD N Jambak 2 - MTsN Ciwaringin Cirebon - MAN 2 Ciwaringin Cirebon - UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta 2. Non-Formal Education - Islamic Boarding School Raudlothul Banat Ciwaringin Cirebon - Genta English Course Pare Kediri