By Andrew Hennessey

This book is dedicated to Frank Ferguson without whom it might never have been written.


03 Introduction 10 Disconnection 21 Human deregulation 33 The war on human Grace 51 Interdimensional Cosmology 60 The far end of the Vine 67 The deception of the world 72 Hopeless cul de sacs of Earth i) 72 The deception of Science ii) 79 The deception of History iii) 86 The deception of Ufology

91 Conclusion

Andrew Hennessey, November 2010 edition 1, eml: Andrew @ xenopolitics.com




The real alien goals of the global Cabal

This book is about the alien soul harvest which I believe to be taking place on Earth. It will outline a model for how and why it happens and the only thing we can do to survive it.

The most significant and enduring, eternal thing we have on Earth is our soul, however, not that many people, for one reason or another, are in a position, mentally or spiritually to either recognise or care about that.

There are a number of reasons for this but all can be tracked back to an organised system of evil deeds that leads to the Father of Lies, the Devil. The Devil wants our soul, and is prepared to supply us with any hardship or sleep- inducing comfort to acquire it !!

There is the precise and intelligent deceptions, enhancements and inducements – engaging diversions for the wakening spirit supplied by those who specialise in the horned hand salute under all flags, banners and sides, with allegiance to the Reptilian fallen or Nephilim, and there is the demonic/grey insectoid swarm smothering its prey in a specific and unique field of spiritual negation and unique events with negating outcomes.

The process of the soul harvest for the Devil and its demons supplies us with limited choices within an endlessly, historically degrading and demeaning, un-evolving social cul de sac. By thus engaging us with these material conundrums, and then ourselves choosing not to turn the other cheek to material possessions and aggressive and bestial incitement first our mind and ultimately our soul is driven down and away from its heavenly direction.

We can choose to connect with the pattern of true, divine human love that is Christ and His Holy Family – but that is only after we have succeeded in filtering out the disgrace and discord and sabotage of the human institution called the Christian Church. If we recognise that Christ and our relationship with Him is more than the works of disgraceful human beings that have infiltrated His Church – but is the true loving and resonating turbo charge that refreshes our human pattern and lifts our laden being out of the organised despair and tyranny of Earth to the love within the many mansions of Heaven, we will have defeated the purpose behind the large-scale historic sabotage of the Christian and Catholic church. Christ has paid our ransom.

3 The creatures attempting to harvest our souls appear to fit in with ancient and modern descriptions of devils and demons, the fallen reptilians and greys, but that is not to say that they have the complete run of the planet. I’m certain that many of us have also dined with good Angels unawares.

Souls are being plucked from the living human grapevine for dark abuses in the hungry abyss by wrapping them in heavy accretions of material luxury, or dark shrouds of physical and spiritual disease and despair, or in the engaging intellectual millstone of materialism and its labyrinth of powers and principalities, or in its addictions and pseudo consolations.

The incessant cultural attack on our vision of a divine human family is actually an onslaught of depravity, where brutal and defamatory depictions of Christ and His mother Mary are given every opportunity to sicken us. E.g. regular anti-Christian theatre and cultural events take place internationally. [America Needs Fatima.org]

It is evil’s way of distorting our vision of divine, eternal human grace by making our vision of human family on Earth bear no spiritual fruit. Our example of a divine family is replaced by a negating impostor, some anti-mother heroine, or our image of viable man and woman are packaged as some anti-life-anti-hero or our social aspirations by an intensely worked Hollywood vision of a living hell and a living unhuman death, fuelled to the fullest extent by nihilistic media; magazines, games consoles, TV, Films, imprints on clothing etc

The Dehumanisation & Bestiality intended to Disconnect the human soul can be seen manifesting in society today as follows;

1. Loss of human social and nuclear family values and loss of images of human grace through e.g. anti-hero movies, education, media. This isolates the youth and disconnects them from a vision of a good earthly family – a dark reverse of the as above so below – for they cannot by earthly example easily envision a grace filled heavenly family.

2. the encouragement of indiscriminate sexual license and impersonal paradigms. This encourages selfish and abusing sexual license and gratification and negates the human grace and loving personality, destroying a social vision of commitment and social nurture.

3. encouraging the reward system for the unjust taker and abuser and promoting the values insecurity and fear of a human jungle where anything goes. A system of rewards for abusers to re-inforce their new choices. Do what thou wilt is all of the law of Thelema according to psychotic magician Alasteir Crowleigh

4. traditions of all sorts are being disintegrated – including familiar landmarks and traditional social services. This keeps the people that are being disconnected from their vision of social humanity from re-acquiring their roots and re-orientating themselves in terms of prior good social examples.

5. use of anthropomorphic cartoons to destroy the aesthetics in human symmetry from an early age. Animals are made cool to be and animal aesthetics and aspirations that

4 are pseudo-human render human social visions as animalistic caricatures.

6. Cul de sac stockyard science and technology forcing the world view of combustion and oxidation and burning and degradation upon the human race by e.g. barring free energy and using internal combustion engines, nuclear fission and breakdown instead of fusion, oxidation and decay e.g. rusting and old age and entropy [celestial beings never run out of energy and replenishment being connected to the source of human Grace by resonating with and drawing from Christ [John 15] imo.] This media vision of incessant and eternal decay is also fed by ideas that would lead to the disconnection and abandonment of the soul far away from any form of being in a personal and loving human society.

7. The frequencies of animal brutality driven by aggression and sex hormones and re- enforced by media cues etc are probably incessantly driven by alien matrix broadcasts whilst the human being – being animalised can be modelled and driven as basically as any ape colony fuelled on adrenal cortex hormones and territory. Use of color, neuro linguistic programming, sounds of tribal music etc all drive us down to this base human-animal state.

8. An environment of constant terror and fear forces those driven to think in terms of meat issues and tissues to be hyper vigilant and pay as much attention to the evils of the circus in their lives. This constant personal extrapolation into whatever fear-filled scenario is specific to us – causes us to be dragged along by the torrent of alien machinations – by getting swept away by this cultural torrent of incarnate evils we panic as spirits and souls and thrash out like drowning swimmers and at that point some dark shepherd will come into our lives to offer solutions to our worldly dilemmas by selling us on the idea that there is no heavenly help or prayer or brother or sister that can save us.

9. The matrix machinery then has our number because we agree to accept one and thinking there is nothing else except the torrent of evil in the artificial and terrifying world we buy our ticket for the alien matrix. The more we can disengage and turn the other cheek – the harder the matrix ticket salesbeing will find it to herd us to the alien harvest. If we pray to Christ for help – we will receive it – I did.

10. One of the most hacked books on planet Earth is the bible and especially the new testament – the story of the divine energy of the Holy Spirit triumphing over worldly materials and of mankind being saved and sustained by the grace-filled values of human love by resonating with the most powerful and loving example of human symmetry in the form of the firstborn human Christ. [John 15] We have to buy the Repto-Grey farming idea of being graceless and disconnected and unhuman to get assimilated and fail here. There are the dark hungry ones though who have no powers of love – but are always hungry – prevailing not only by doing what they will but also being naturally limited by only doing what they can get away with without losing too much energy. They live by the lie, by deceit because only by cheating the connected out of their life force can the disconnected live on.

11. The real goal of the alien life force harvesters is to disconnect the human souls from their ability to resonate with and draw life from the pattern and the source of all

5 human love – their first born example of Christ. They do this by inflicting diseased worldly things, upon the lives of their victims to drown them and by then shaming them into agreeing to give their humanity up.

12. Christ and His Divine family are ignored and demeaned usually with reference to the much publicised hypocrisy within the human institutions of e.g. the Christian Church and in the place of our resonance with God’s fullness and our divine brother and human pattern Christ, is substituted materialism and the philosophy of electricity in matter or stardust, or the rhetoric of nothing or the pantheons of the beasts.

The less we can see of ourselves as grace-filled and loving Human beings – the more rage or impatience, the more unfeeling and uncaring, the more arrogant and pseudo- godlike and self-serving – the more disconnected from Christ, his human love and the values of human society and truth we are. That is the primary goal of the Fallen on Earth as it affects every human being pulling them away from their inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ.

The book will investigate the components of human disconnection as I think they apply to the human soul, and will also briefly touch on the falsified; history, science, medicine and technology that keeps humanity in a regressed state at the mercy of millennia of predation.


Another round another crust another atlantis under dust and sea another war without victory another hazy history and white bones to conceal hitek fossils on the farm kept from the daylight that would harm another round of savage farming for the usual suspects a harmageddon of toxic waste contrived cul de sacs that show no haste to create a civilisation whilst the weird elite in their wierd distaste spurn the basic human like pesky critters that seem to have some use and our most hopeful Book the true Good News is buried under an ocean of other hopeful views – whilst in the dark and behind closed doors the stairway to Heaven that is Christ is edited by revision our souls divine right to be Human and its pattern of loving Grace begins to take an animal face

6 in the movie temples. and stark visions of barbarian and monster and butchered nurture and family play their course even if the cinema audience contains some true cartoons that could literally kick you up the carpark before you can blink

Like some sad arcade game we are invited to engage the bestial rage – our human weakness and cat and mouse versus monsters that just get lucky whilst we get unlucky and tired demonic homing beacons may hover over us the fast dragon may be entering with fast sword it’s a lie that there’s somewhere to run in this world that isn’t mapped out by evil. But when you turn to Christ the world runs around you but cannot find you John 3:8 it’s the lure of the treadmill – the karmic round – to engage to try and fail the engagement is the millstone and chains that drag us into the pit. even when you can photograph the matrix droids that facilitate the farming theatre it still seems like there is something to play for.

There is. The moment in which we live and escape is the perpetration of a loving act for our brother or sister. we sometimes dare to do so against all the false constraints imposed on our own life There in that moment of commune we break the shackles of the beast programming and destroy our alien burden. there Christ lives in our heart and we in him and there satan rages in vain because we recognise our brother and sister on the road because we have broken through their wall of alienation and spiritual callouses and bruises and wounds produced in their own heroic battle with annulment by the evil one we have connected with a fellow pilgrim and steadied them in their disorientation

7 we have calmed their distortion we heal our brother or sister human in their distorted state and because we reach them and touch their lives with love and give them the gift of hope and a vision of grace that goes beyond monkey Darwin Utilitarian bananas we devastate satans plans with one kind act. planet Earth – the de-gracing of humanity the farming and stripping of soul and vendors of forgetful despair-filled toxins disguised as culture or media or people we can allegedly aspire to as we play the game of snakes and ladders deadened by alleged success or crushed by alleged failure. Its so easy for the would-be gods to play amongst the dysfunctional and retarded human biology

They can run rings round us screaming at the speed of our personal light, and recite a library to us and run a marathon between sips of our coffee They need to read our hopes and ideas to make their constructions look more desirable to lure our aspirations and intentions so that our energies can be channelled then twisted, crushed and tapped in their unhappy life-force farm.

This is not our true home it will fall away from us like some dirty overcoat and we shall awaken with hearts full of gladness and joy for we are more than it we are truly human and have surpassed the bestial pits and snares of Earth

And our future is not some mad animal cartoon or horror movie for the sorrows of Earth shall pass away and all its allegations and pretensions to human society will then be what they wanted to be

8 from the beginning in the kingdom of the beast where their worm does not die nor their fires go out. Our Father gives them a different path Psalm 139 and their pretensions to humanity will no longer be visible or recognisable without the human mask the faerie grey and lizard vampires wear the Hag side when models of true humanity to distort and farm have been withdrawn from them and we have returned home.

Then in such places and galaxies as here, nothing more intellectual than an ecological library of reeds and bushes, a lair of mud and obvious thatch, a cul de sac without a matriculation card in the jungle of life. an arbitrary rock for a throne as it always was before humans wanted the soft furnishings here the residual memory of technology not because it is useful to them but only because it was an object of real human civilisation and desire that appeared useful to us to them merely leverage and bait a route to manipulate, stress and milk our human spirit and soul in the Earthly game of carrot and stick and smoke and mirrors. In truth, that shall set you free, only in Christ is our Escape from Earth and all its adjacent stellar stockpens

Here though is the hope for us that is in Christ – the first quote from John has us in stealth mode after prayer and the second quote from the letters of Paul has us beamed up and out i.e. Translated.

John 3:8 ‘The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.’

Colossians 1:12 ‘Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: 13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son’

9 Disconnection

This chapter looks at the way we are connected to Christ and the way that we are being disconnected. There are many anti-life and anti-human philosophies in our spiritual and intellectual environment and very often they are so beautifully packaged and well presented that it is often difficult to discern the lie within.

The main aim of the reptilian or grey/ devil or demon is to produce disconnection from the Source within the human soul by presenting and driving into us, negation and negative circumstances.

They do this by inducing fear – driving the spirit down to the fight or flight animalistic response, or by flooding us with sexual or territorial imperatives disguised as culture and media which chain the human soul to the adrenal cortex and our most animalistic hormones.

If we think and behave as animals, experiencing the ‘rage virus’ of the Zombie films we have lost our human Grace and our Divine qualities. Our ‘rage virus’ being the effect of animalistic behaviour in the debased and disconnected human condition on our souls.

In human disconnection from our Father, our Source there is a hopeless loss of Divine love, yet many people cannot see the subtle deceptions that attempt to drag us from our eternal life and our eternal peace in Christ.

It isn’t hard to envisage the perfect divine examples of everything that become successively more and more imperfect. They are the first in a series, the divine archetype. Plato wrote of this divine perfection. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_Forms

‘… But what were the forms? In Plato's dialogues as well as in general speech there is a form for every object or quality in reality: forms of dogs, human beings, mountains, colors, courage, love, and goodness. Form answers the question "what is that?" Plato was going a step further and asking what Form itself is. He supposed that the object was essentially or "really" the Form and that the phenomena were mere shadows mimicking the Form; that is, momentary portrayals of the Form under different circumstances. The problem of universals - how can one thing in general be many things in particular - was solved by presuming that Form was a distinct singular thing but caused plural representations of itself in particular objects. Matter was considered particular in itself.

These Forms are the essences of various objects: they are that without which a thing would not be the kind of thing it is. For example, there are countless tables in the world but the Form of tableness is at the core; it is the essence of all of them. Plato's Socrates held that the world of Forms is transcendent to our own world (the world of substances) and also is the essential basis of reality. Super-ordinate to matter, Forms

10 are the most pure of all things. Furthermore, he believed that true knowledge/intelligence is the ability to grasp the world of Forms with one's mind….’

In the same way, Christ and His Holy family are the divine love, Source and pattern and central essence of all that we could be as human beings.

How we are connected to the True Vine

In Christ we have the first perfect human being defined in perfect love with whom we resonate and are connected to by that process of empathic love and harmony. Christ is the perfect human pattern, and similarly in choosing Mary, his Mother, God has defined the perfect human Mother. Mary mother of Christ is a perfect human Mother in that she has perfect human Grace, whereas other versions of mother that are venerated also incorporate the kingdom of the beasts and indeed the overwhelming bulk of biological life on planet Earth does not reproduce with a human or mammalian womb, so associating human motherhood with;3.. ‘insect mothers’, ‘nematode mothers’, ‘lizard mothers’, ‘bacterial mothers’, ‘viral mothers’ etc is a contradiction. All life was made by God, but human motherhood is a human pursuit and commitment that goes beyond the prime directives of territorial and hormonal biology and biochemistry. Current social conditioning such as the culture of Walt Disney and its anthropomorphic projections of human behaviour morals and reason onto the activities of animals produces false expectations of the lower animal kingdoms. Such social arts present the human condition and its symmetries and relationships distorted and caricatured and also seem to allege that what forms animals possess are sufficient to practise the creative artforms and aesthetic and cultural nuances of human civilisation.

The kingdom of the beasts live by nature red in tooth and claw and it is to that pattern of human degradation that the human race is being driven by such things as Social Darwinism and eugenics and ad hoc warfare.

Our connection to the True Vine of John 15, our resonance with and commitment to the perfect human family and perfect source of Divine human Grace refreshes the pattern of our own ailing soul and keeps us connected to a loving human vision of Heaven, that heads up and out of the frequency pit on Earth.

When we see the obvious provenance and universal truth behind the physical reality of Christ’s new covenant, we might start the pilgrimage on that Way of Life He suffered to illustrate that will take us out of our low frequency lives and low ways towards a more life-filled and love-filled abundance.

It is possible to demonstrate that without any recourse to a freighter full of dogma and self-referential opinions we can illustrate an enduring and obvious lawful truth. The central message of Christianity, from the gospel with its new Covenant; i.e. to love one another as ourselves and love ourselves as we love God, is the key and central reality of every living life form at any scale or complexity.

11 This simple and universal truth in Christ’s New Covenant appears to get overlooked amongst the pre-occupation with images of human failure in Christ’s church.

It is a basic fact that every self-regulating biological and indeed physical and chemical system in time space has two aspects. The first is its internal integrity - its endogenous engine that maintains it in a functional state, and the second aspect of every biological system is its ability to extend into and apply itself to the external universe - i.e. Its exogenous component.

Nature and its biological organisations at the level of cellular biology in e.g. plant and animal cells operate with this dual aspect of a balance between external and internal operancy and integrity. At the level of the chemical, this consistency, that is regulated through membranes and enzyme transport systems and organelles and nuclei and the operation of osmosis and movement of salts and sugars from a place of high concentration to a place of low concentration can be used to demonstrate an analogy for the flow and regulation and manipulation of civilised love amongst beings by artificial social processes, morals and ethics, tools and relationships.

Evolved civilised beings that function and persist according to the natural and universal recipe for life merely have to mimic by artificial constructions in their complex mind sets and intellectual and ethical investments the two part behaviour of the natural and biological universe.

Mark 12:29, 'Jesus replied, This is the first .. 'Listen, Israel, the Lord our God is the one Lord, and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. .. The second is .. You must love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.'

Christ was sent to Earth by the Father to deliver this simple message. Seeing the absolute truth presented thus, Society and Civilisation either must embrace a natural model for organised life that always works the universe over - or it will choose loveless and empty death.

No plant cell that empties itself and surrenders everything from its store can survive without re-supply. If all it does is empty itself it will become nutritionally bankrupt and be unable to re-energize its house-keeping and maintenance chores and will then cease to function and live.

There is no such thing that lives or wants to live biologically the universe over that totally empties itself.

By promoting emptiness and nihilism perhaps Reptilians/Naga and Greys profit from the breakdown materials and release of residual essences when their victims disintegrate.

The natural biological model and recipe for life though is that every component of every cellular organisation at either the level of plant or civilisation maintains its internal integrity and because of this, is also able to extend and apply itself externally. Thereby functioning naturally.

12 At the level of biology and chemistry this is called homeostasis, but at the level of the human soul it is called self-respect or self-love and this soul then extends to and supplies other souls in equal measure.

The message of Christ for us is that a Kingdom of Holy Spirits, Saints and Angels that extend through many mansions all the way up to the source is all connected to us by the power and fullness of love that binds us all together, and that in this unity we operate this anthropomorphic Kingdom and family as if we were a fruit-bearing Vine.

JOHN 15. 'I am the true vine, and my Father the vinedresser. Every branch in me that bears no fruit he cuts away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more. You are pruned already, by means of the word that I have spoken to you. Make your home in me, as I make mine in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit all by itself, but must remain part of the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty; for cut off from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is like a branch that has been thrown away - he withers; These branches are collected and thrown on the fire, and they are burnt. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask what you will and you shall get it. It is to the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit.'

In biology, therefore, the vine is fruitful because the cells do not cease to operate by emptying themselves and dying, as they both give and receive and withhold for their own use some loving life-giving love or water from the Source. [see chapter endnotes for references to fullness]

In Eastern religious doctrines as espoused by e.g. Theosophy, the Source is the Logos, a high energy, light filled place from which there are outpourings and fruitful vehicles as indeed is mirrored in the book of Genesis in the old testament. Our high energy source therefore cascades a harmonic series down into increasing densities of vehicles in spirit and matter. The very first of those instances of harmony are correctly called the First Born. The Highest human harmonic vehicle, the very First or human pattern closest to our Father the Source of All, is our Brother Christ. God our Father loves us so much that he would send his beloved first born into the deeps of matter to become human - to entangle with and encapsulate his massively powerful, timeless, high-scale clear vision and capacities into a dense and corrupt, slow moving living death to redeem us.

The central premise that Christ whose message was the social Way of Life had come from a massively high energy paradigm is borne out from the testimony of Saints over the centuries who testify of miraculous healing and molecular re-arrangements and other events that are beyond the ideas of our notions of physics, gravity, time, consciousness and light.

Christianity embraces all beings who do the will of God as our brothers and sisters - all beings who keep the simple 2 part Covenant of the Way of Life. It is my opinion therefore that Christianity be adopted as a social model with which we can converse with like-minded and loving beings from all over the Cosmos.

13 The message of the truth contained in Christ's message may travel further because it actually has an empirical and scientific basis and is the truth of a universal law seen clearly in all biological life. All and any civilised biological life that has ever modelled its own cellular processes for industrial, environmental or medicinal reasons will recognise Christ's Universal truth. Perhaps they will then see the need to look up and beyond themselves to a higher frequency Universe of greater Love and then begin their own pilgrimage home. Our brothers and sisters from everywhere in the universe that can recognise a universal law might then wish to talk with us and to begin to share a great many things. As people, we may have many more new friends to meet on the road. I would rather have a cup of water from my brother an Octopii than a toxic chalice from a sweet looking blonde. Who are our brothers and sisters ? those who do the will of God. Those who do not do the will of God are in fact ….

Grinding us down to the level of the beast.

There have always been dark forces at work amongst humanity with obvious superhuman powers and technologies e.g. the fastwalkers noted by M M Banks in the faerie lore of British Calendar Customs, 1937 – but what is their agenda for Humans ?

I contend that there is an ongoing programme of alien/demonic dehumanisation and bestiality like some threshing mill trading on the pain of artificially diseased human lives.

The greys have been around a long long time and have had many names; Djinn, Geni, Faerie, Gremlin, Kobold, Troll, Demon, Archon, Goblin,

Also it is to be noted that the Greys traditionally have interest in soul stuff and genetic processing too e.g. faerie abductions and the changeling children. [M M Banks, 1937, Rev R Kirk, 1697, Grimm, 1901] This Grey farming is well discussed by Nigel Kerner in his book The Song of the Greys, although I disagree with his conclusion that the Greys are creating hybrids to evolve themselves into a more habitable life filled state, my opinion, rather is that the Greys are hierarchically and very well adapted to hungry lifeless states and efficiently predate upon larger social systems and that these hybrids are not to house a new evolutionary state for the Greys but are Trojan horses or adapted feeding mechanisms making incursions into diverse and creative sexual type mega-populations with evolving cultural sophistry of the sort mentioned by Philip Krapff in his stories of the Verdants. These would be a rich source or seam of creative souls for the Grey demonic swarm to infest .

The disintegrative farming process on Earth as it pertains to the human type souls I discuss in the next chapter MORE BECOMING AS ANIMALS

The long term harvesting of incarcerated interstellar prisoners takes the form of driving them to abandon their soulful humanity – to abandon being the social human

14 being full of love for one anothers brothers and sisters, respecting personal integrity and loving God, the One Father with all our heart, mind, spirit, body and soul. [This is Christ’s New Covenant] The essence of being a loving human.

For the Greys and Reptilians in this artificially constructed funfair of pain and desolation we call a social system here – the main aim is to break down their humanity and their souls presumably for the harvest of their life essence by sweeping them away in these rivers of cultural bestiality.

We read in Revelation 17 that the woman, which rides the beast with seven heads and ten horns, is the mother of harlots. The ten "horns" are 10 kings according to Revelation 17:12. Notice too that the woman does not control or steer the Beast. It is the Beast, i.e., Satan, and cannot be tamed. Those who ride the Beast have sold their souls to Satan voluntarily, and are thus controlled by the Devil. Indeed they have surrendered their humanity and notions of human love and society, dignity and respect to become self serving predators akin to nature red in tooth and claw – doing what they will – as they have the strength to do it.

In analysing the strategy of Exopolitics as a movement it had been seen to be a whirlwind romance with the public by a circus geared at alleged Disclosure and conducted by teams of rational highly educated people who appeared to be working for the greater public good. Then suddenly things went into freewheel and no longer welcome were people complaining of bad or evil behaviour from negative non-humans.

I was literally followed between net groups by some vindictive individual telling me and everybody else that I was lying about negative Ets, and that all aliens were good and he was backed up by a small army of adepts who proclaimed that only negative people had bad things happen to them and they got what they deserved because of that. Which actually does in a perverted way confirm that they believed there were negative aliens doing bad things – its just that the people that mattered didn’t get harmed.

No, the chosen [and you would know them by their fruits] were the next generation of young people – the incoming root race – the special starseeds, the hybrids, the diamonds or indigos or violets or whatever and it doesn’t matter that some people are being brutally dehumanised [Schroeder P] or sadistically injured by frankly demonic thugs.

But how dare we demonize the demons – they just do what they do and as long as they aint doing it to us then we’re special etc. So having also checked with Amnesty International in London I found out that human victims of alien human rights abuse have at this time no credence with them .. I decided to stop legitimising the Exopolitical movement by lending it the benefit of the doubt and my credibility.

Watchers of the ideologies of the New World Order have long known about the Gaia hypothesis and been suspicious of unwarranted eugenics white papers issued even by

15 my childhood hero the marine biologist Jacques Cousteau – who doesn’t say nice things about people like me to the United Nations. Indeed he’s somewhat not unique in that respect – or, disrespect.

The global mother religion that emerges out of the Gnostic, illuminati and Theosophical teachings has a somewhat elitist, eugenics edge to it, but at its heart for it to tie in the Extra Terrestrial with the Terrestrial it has to be essentially a religion which de-prioritises the unique in the human condition to level it on a parity with a goldfish, hive drone or squid.

There are indications from the activities of Dr Salla in exotic Hawaii that progress is being made in developing exopolitical high Intelligence non-human channelling and communication with Dolphins and Cetaceans. Don’t get me wrong – there are wonderful tales of tribes of dolphins intelligently saving human swimmers and towing them etc and it’s a source of total dismay to me that one of the most beautiful species on this planet, the whales are regularly slaughtered by whalers.

The need to worship non-human form or indeed unhuman formlessness emerges out of the elitist debate that we lesser humans got it wrong and need to get our minds right and could learn better lessons from the natural world. [Though it’s been on natural history programmes that tribes of dolphins also kill other dolphins not of their tribe.]

This raft of ideas that emerge from the maltreatment of innocent and intelligent non- human life tends not to point the fingers of blame at Icelandic or Japanese marine industrialists but the average man on the street – currently struggling with artificial plagues and plagued by bogus untested cures for them.

The culture of blaming humanity for the wars and the pollution is an elitist and frankly inaccurate and dishonest activity – and although Sean Connery states in a recent green bank advert for Agricole – ‘its time for common sense’ that new sensibility doesn’t incorporate the liberating new paradigm of free energy. To regreen our world – the useless eaters have to go – goes the rhetoric. Forget that to withhold free energy from us is to deliberately withhold paradise. It becomes obvious that green tax issues are an elitist socio-economic and ultimately anti-human conspiracy after the English university leaks that sparked climategate – the scientific conspiracy to suppress the damning data that contradicted the need for such debt-inducing and severe green taxes.

The other obvious issue of making the world human free and green doesn’t actually account for the elitist suppression of easy to produce free energy technologies. The latter have a tendency to get closed down. The Gaia emergency allegedly caused by human activity could easily be repaired by human activity given the free energy that would be able to do so. Free water and air filtration, free disposal and processing of pollution, offworld agriculture and hydroponics etc etc and a total end to the era of internal combustion technology on Earth. Where is that humanity’s fault ?? as what after all is at the top of the pyramid with their all-seeing eyes fails to be human and is happy to say so with its horned hand salutes under all flags and banners.


From e.g. Faraday, 1890. Tesla, 1910, Townsend Brown, 1938, De Palma, 1992, Searle, 1999, Latham, 2009 etc etc a veritable parade of heroic striving souls wishing nothing but the best in free energy for their fellow humans.

Us humans therefore are a beset artificially controlled and suppressed species and caught between a rock and a hard place and are now being asked to shake claws with our brothers the lobsters. Gaias children therefore include all life – everywhere on Earth and no doubt this goddess being is totally tuned into other planetary consciousness and hives and collectives and soul groups.

Not really an enwombed mother therefore, but an archetypal metaphysical process from which emerges all life – including the non-womb e.g. insecta and the hive related bees, ants and wasps.

First step there though if we were inclined to take that journey is to embrace our dolphin brothers and sisters who have gone out on a limb for us many times defending innocent humans from sharks etc and have huge brain capacities and enormously evolved intelligence. I do do that – love Gods creatures. I wish to do them no harm, near far, wherever they are, and on whatever planet or reality pocket, I believe that our hearts will go on [personally, in Christ] and I respect their right to worship whatever being or beings they see their Creator with.

I also wish that some would reciprocate that love and respect for my human dignity and the human lives and souls of others whom they demonically persecute against their wishes and will.

In order though to create a universal religion of being and consciousness that subsumes and assimilates the human in us to make us one with our brother or sister the seagull etc – we are going to have to deprioritise and disengage from the things that make us human and reduce the human genre to the level of a life process based on communal ‘electricity or lucis or lux’. [Prof Hagar, Scientific and Medical Network]

That’s sad for I love the idea of the human family, I like the specialisms of the allegedly unbalanced female and the allegedly unbalanced male that make us wholesome and unique and beautiful. I love the idea of brothers and sisters that look human enough to empathise with my aspiration to society and who can as humanoid in form play musical instruments and write and sing and dance, converse and co- create and co-counsel and heal. A human type soul-group is a unique and special club to belong to – and we make agreements to join it and to interpret our universe by its gentle constraints of form and grace and nurture and implement our exploration by the use of its human tools – many of which are by the mathematics of the golden mean attuned to our symmetry and form.

That is not to say that being a lobster is better or worse than being human – its just that I like a game of football or snooker or cycling. I would like to live in a future free of loan sharks and shapeshifting reptilians that

17 sneakily hide themselves away behind holograms. What’s wrong with their scales ? looking human all day must be a monstrous restriction on their own sense of identity. Beings need to be unique independent beings allowed the liberty to do their own thing. Me and my divine human family in Christ for example doing my own thing and finding eternal and abundant life force and life in my own harmless way John 10:10, John 15

Its not just my personally incomplete fascination with duality that enables me to enjoy the human genre. Duality is only alleged to be a source of depletion, but every transaction in every and any realm is governed by an exchange between an area of sufficiency to one of insufficiency – however high up the ladder of human or indeed unhuman reality we wish to proceed. Even the discharge to nothingness is from something to nothing. I prefer the New Testament on this one personally - from Colossians 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

The insufficiency in these cosmic energy densities in which we currently live emerges out of hunger for energy and structural maintenance, by the use of nature red or blue or green in tooth and claw but duality is not merely about hunger. In higher realities these insufficiencies are merely the lack of right chords or instrumentation for your music, or choosing the right apparel for the right occasion, or experiencing a teak sailing ship in a beautiful lagoon. Duality gets a very bad name. Duality and partial separation of consciousness can be an act of contemplation and devotion to our Father. Not the instantaneous art of spontaneous magical creation of a vase of flowers by an allegedly evolved superconsciousness – but the respectful labour of the painter, in oils, a partially detached soul, giving glory and respect and honour to the minutiae of created life. Love, I know, knows no limitation of forms or energy formats and I love many non- human beings and I’m sure many have loved me over the years; from cats and dogs to Angels and Saints.

I am biased and partial to human reality and expect to be respected for that even by evil aliens. The new Exo religion though has no human prerogative.

Although much of mankind has been exposed to the animorph kingdoms of Walt Disney and human projections into the activities of the animal kingdoms through the media I believe that the aliens have a more sinister motive than merely ecumenical and cosmic education pertaining to the eternal dance of forms. http://offtheplanet.blogspot.com/2009/12/grinding-us-down.html

For the NWO Exoreligion to roll out, those beautiful unique quirky individual things that make a human being special will have to go.

So once some lobsters and humans and seagulls and zetas have been put in the big ideological blender – the great equaliser – whats left then is a communal soup of life force and electricity. Gone at this point are the inequalities of violin playing or the demands of the artists easel – instead we take a voyage into formlessness and become everything – and

18 nothing, contemplating other more armless pastimes. My own personal problem with this is that I still have so very far to go as a violin player that I might feel somewhat unfacilitated by my Father should I lose my arms in some sort of matrix-blender. I know my Father would not want me to be unhappy. A farewell to arms doesn’t mean a farewell to human grace, only to depletion and violence. That is me though – the love of the human ideal family and the human ideal form.

For me Exoreligion gets off to a bad start – for seeing Mary mother of Christ converted and reduced to EcoMary on the New Paradigm Academy website didn’t encourage me to be thinking of ideal human family relationships and human family nurture and society and creativity and recreativity. In the New Paradigms Institute’s rendition of EcoMary we have the echo of the out of sorts Boylan and his fictitious alternative marians [Mary ans] or Altimarians. Even the dubious proclamations of Boylan appear to originate from the same source. The Exos seem to have a thing about diminishing the Virgin Mary.

The final phase though of the Exopolitical NWO exoreligion roll out is the Borg-like assimilation philosophies of the Transhuman Movement and their matrix upload plans so well outlined by Drew Hempel. http://www.nonduality.com/hempel.htm

There are some borg- transhumanists in the woodwork in exoland – but they maybe need a bit more emphasis on non-human life of a natural kind before we can all be ideologically processed enough to see ourselves as animistic bits of electrical datastream in an alien and posthuman mainframe.

The rollout though will probably promote the stripped-down anima before the anima in the machine.

Footnotes: The Fullness of Christ and God

John 1:16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. Romans 11:12 Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness? Romans 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. Romans 15:29 And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:26 For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. 1 Corinthians 10:28 But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof: Galatians 4:4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

19 Ephesians 1:10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: Ephesians 1:23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all. Ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Ephesians 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: Colossians 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; Colossians 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.


Here's my take on why we get flooded with Disney animorphs. If the aliens succeed in making us as animals - they can map us and our intentions and assimilate us by a process that can be more easily modelled than we could hope - as when we conform to 'the territorial imperative' [Robert Ardrey] i.e. driven and governed by the hormones of aggression - our interactions can be easily mapable.

At that point all within what we assume is human society can then entrain us to be as animals. All our human goods, values, infrastructure become no more than drivers of a basic pseudo sexual imperative in a dark spiritual jungle. Driven and governed by the constancy and consistency of sexual hormones and their cycles and our minds referenced by their social, psychological and cultural territorial markers we can be easily modelled in matrix software. Our decisions can be influenced by graduated cues and carefully contrived stimuli, just at a more sophisticated level of jungle than the apes of Robert Ardrey's study. If we our mind can be mapped and anchored by our investments in such pseudosexual realities then we our soul could be more easily uploaded ... imagine our virtual reality chemtrail sugarcoating in an alien software and microwave environment that thinks like this ...

I suspect that chemtrails could be a sugar-coating of electrolytes like a virtual reality suit like in the film 'the lawnmower man' !!! The human mind extends and invests into its body and executes aspects of its intentions I think in a very programmable way if the intentions are based on the animalistic sex drive and adreno-cortisones.

Some people may think that because its so obvious in Hollywood today that the culture of the animalistic brute tied to earth energies and stardust is a recent development, but this is not so. It has been as constant a theme as sightings of demonic faeries/greys throughout history – the two phenomena are tied together.

THOMAS CARLYLE in Sartor Resartus circa 1867 , chapter 10 quotes a German ethnologist who has identified in 19th Century UK a widespread back to the earth cult which practises Earth worship and anarchic ideologies, who like to live more in burrow-like abodes made of deliberately recycled materials. This quoted portrayal of gypsy ideologies fits in well with the leaving of tied rags and clouties at fairy wells and trees throughout the UK. The fairies themselves have been noted by the research of the Reverend Robert Kirk in 1697 to be materialising bodies out of the essences of the air and also for drinking through the pores of their skin. This latter is a very Grey-like activity reported by Garry Woods in the famous early 1990's A70 Tarbrax abduction case in Scotland. There is a tie in therefore between Faeries, Greys and rags. From the following quote from Carlyle's Sartor Resartus, it can be seen that there is some link between anarchic rags and nature worship and the Greys and their de- regulation of the human social imperative.

21 Other forms of de-regulation of humanity is also evident in the enforced dehumanisation nightmares afflicted by the Greys on Paul Schroeder of the USA circa 2000. Nature spirits all over Western Europe from Medieval times that have been reported with the characteristics of Greys have been traditionally solicited and appeased by the currency of human rags tied to Hawthorn trees or other trees near wells and water sources. This 19th Century quote shows the early origins of the 20th Century and 1960's hippy philosophies. I speculate that these images of human social de-regulation come from intimate interaction with the Greys and such other non-human communities on Earth mentioned in Grimm's Teutonic Mythology, 1901 and Kirk's 'Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Faeries, 1697, MM Banks 1937 etc

This from THOMAS CARLYLE in Sartor Resartus circa 1867, chapter 10 'In strange contrast with this Dandiacal Body stands another British Sect, originally, as I understand, of Ireland, where its chief seat still is; but known also in the main Island, and indeed everywhere rapidly spreading. As this Sect has hitherto emitted no Canonical Books, it remains to me in the same state of obscurity as the Dandiacal, which has published Books that the unassisted human faculties are inadequate to read. The members appear to be designated by a considerable diversity of names, according to their various places of establishment: in England they are generally called the _Drudge_ Sect; also, unphilosophically enough, the _White Negroes_; and, chiefly in scorn by those of other communions, the _Ragged-Beggar_ Sect. In Scotland, again, I find them entitled _Hallanshakers_, or the _Stook of Duds_ Sect; any individual communicant is named _Stook of Duds_ (that is, Shock of Rags), in allusion, doubtless, to their professional Costume. While in Ireland, which, as mentioned, is their grand parent hive, they go by a perplexing multiplicity of designations, such as _Bogtrotters_, _Redshanks_, _Ribbonmen_, _Cottiers_, _Peep-of-Day Boys_, _Babes of the Wood_, _Rockites_ _Poor-Slaves_; which last, however, seems to be the primary and generic name; whereto, probably enough, the others are only subsidiary species, or slight varieties; or, at most, propagated offsets from the parent stem, whose minute subdivisions, and shades of difference, it were here loss of time to dwell on. Enough for us to understand, what seems indubitable, that the original Sect is that of the _Poor-Slaves_; whose doctrines, practices, and fundamental characteristics pervade and animate the whole Body, howsoever denominated or outwardly diversified.

'The precise speculative tenets of this Brotherhood: how the Universe, and Man, and Man's Life, picture themselves to the mind of an Irish Poor-Slave; with what feelings and opinions he looks forward on the Future, round on the Present, back on the Past, it were extremely difficult to specify. Something Monastic there appears to be in their Constitution: we find them bound by the two Monastic Vows, of Poverty and Obedience; which Vows, especially the former, it is said, they observe with great strictness; nay, as I have understood it, they are pledged, and be it by any solemn Nazarene ordination or not, irrevocably consecrated thereto, even _before_ birth. That the third Monastic Vow, of Chastity, is rigidly enforced among them, I find no ground to conjecture. 'Furthermore, they appear to imitate the Dandiacal Sect in their grand principle of wearing a peculiar Costume. Of which Irish Poor-Slave Costume no description will

22 indeed be found in the present Volume; for this reason, that by the imperfect organ of Language it did not seem describable. Their raiment consists of innumerable skirts, lappets and irregular wings, of all cloths and of all colours; through the labyrinthic intricacies of which their bodies are introduced by some unknown process. It is fastened together by a multiplex combination of buttons, thrums and skewers; to which frequently is added a girdle of leather, of hempen or even of straw rope, round the loins. To straw rope, indeed, they seem partial, and often wear it by way of sandals. In head-dress they affect a certain freedom: hats with partial brim, without crown, or with only a loose, hinged, or valve crown; in the former case, they sometimes invert the hat, and wear it brim uppermost, like a University-cap, with what view is unknown. 'The name Poor-Slaves seems to indicate a Slavonic, Polish, or Russian origin: not so, however, the interior essence and spirit of their Superstition, which rather displays a Teutonic or Druidical character. One might fancy them worshippers of Hertha, or the Earth: for they dig and affectionately work continually in her bosom; or else, shut-up in private Oratories, meditate and manipulate the substances derived from her; seldom looking-up towards the Heavenly Luminaries, and then with comparative indifference. Like the Druids, on the other hand, they live in dark dwellings; often even breaking their glass-windows, where they find such, and stuffing them up with pieces of raiment, or other opaque substances, till the fit obscurity is restored. Again, like all followers of Nature- Worship, they are liable to outbreakings of an enthusiasm rising to ferocity; and burn men, if not in wicker idols, yet in sod cottages.

These ideologies are also reported by MM BANKS in British Calendar Customs, 1937, Vol 1-3 in tales of jumping the fire where the weakest man in a group that is jumping might at some point not be able to clear the blaze !! etc Although the Greys themselves are seen to be interstellar and have much capacity over time and space, and have obvious mines in Saturn's rings [Cassini photographs and also Dr Norman Bergrun's Ringmakers of Saturn circa 1970] and at Ianni Chaos on Mars - the human beings that they interact with appear to be taking steps away from civilisation in contrast.

Here are some more thoughts on my hypothesis of human animalisation. Some observations I have made that seem to illustrate the anti-human and pro- animalistic alienation of mankind. What we see below is likely the status quo for a tribe of rhesus macaques or orang utangs.

1. empowered-as-animals-media-culture 2. energy out of organic decay 3. inbuilt obsolescence of cultural artefacts and materials 4. territorial tribalism globally 5. the cult of sex [glorified in media] 6. the disintegration of family values 7. melting to nothing and electricity 8. discord in knowledge and reason 9. physics, technology and biology of fission and combustion, not fusion

23 For ex starship pilots, [Ralph X, Jensabian] and assimilated colonists, people with galactic memories [Schroeder, Collier, Jewels] ... there are no electrogravity propulsion units or energy systems, no rust free infrastructure, no loving society or social glory, no libraries full of real science and truly untainted culture – there are no reassuring signs of an evolution out of primitivism to those halcyon days of high civilisation that they can allegedly remember.

All of the above basic human-animalistic condition can be governed by a field theory e.g. Kurt Lewin, 1952, Field Theory in Psychology, also Wolfgang Kohler, 1952 on electromagnetic fields and psychology, and can also be modelled by Robert Ardrey’s study of monkeys in The Territorial Imperative. Basically if we can be driven by the sex hormones produced by our adrenal cortex we can be easily tuned in to and mapped. Sexual and Biological and material entropy can be easily guided by e.g. subliminals. Its good farming methodology. We hear of the coming harvest - but lets hope we don't end up as future beasts of burden farmed out elsewhere when the stockyards disappear with earth changes. In fact maybe that's why this planet is called after an agricultural medium called soil. We compost things in it ... Its more than likely to me that in the galactic records - this place is only called Earth for the benefits of the inmates. Maybe FARM 16253i84LLk77 sigma sector ?? There are probably other Repto-retarded farms in this galaxy called MUD, STONE, GRAVEL, DUNE or SWAMP. Planet Gravel is probably a very very beautiful place, and has been contributing soul dust and software to the Repto hungrydeath markets for millennia. Its inhabitants are perhaps semi-human semi animal clones, like an excerpt from the Muppet show and their social and technical environment might well be Repto-Grey controlled. They all have one thing in common, they have key issues missing from their science and technology and their trusted wise ones never issue decrees of change even when changes are shown to be logical and needed. The Muppets on planet Gravel probably watch a version of Disney that's teaching them to be flawless robots that don't experience pain and organic disorder and disease. They probably have been worked on to long to meet the Great Motherboard to willingly go to the harvester ship where they can be free of furry messes and finally be clean aesthetic robots. They have been annulled and negated and inverted as beings Yet these planets probably once had some very beautiful names and some very special ways of doing things. Planet Earth is a bit more sophisticated yet the same issues prevail. We are driven to divest ourselves of what we were based on the idea that what we are is inappropriate or insufficient for a loving life. What we replace it with is engineered by degrees such as the animal instincts in the cult of sex and cool. Dehumanised by the anti-social recreation and recreational substances. On Earth we are imo being trained to long to be in the social glamour of the family of animalistic Muppets.

24 I think that this social, spiritual and psychological engineering is being forced onto us by non-humans to farm us and reduce us all down to our component parts that are rooted in biological behaviour. So rooted our behavioural triggers and anchors can be tweeked and pushed by even existing human technologies that operate at the frequency of the human biological mind. The escape route is prayer - the raising of our spiritual frequencies and our faces from down in the earth where they have been pushed to the loving destinations in our heavens above.

Here is an overt example of the demonology of negation at work on me in the world.

In order for the aliens to assimilate us into their matrix and feed I have formed the theory that they act upon us by presenting the anti-thesis to every kind of aspiration and hope that we may possess.

The aliens would engineer and present negative counter examples to our best personal and social hopes so that they can make us feel cut off and isolated and disorientated. By thus isolating us in a hopeless state we become easier to acquire and manipulate.

It’s true to state that I have an actual real time example of them trying to do that with me. I owned this beautiful, rich and empowering red raincoat. It was a classy item made in Germany with the best of German engineering etc etc it was disaster proof, rugged, made to last etc I was walking through the park when I saw two cars come along the park road. Both were red.

The first car was a beautiful new expensive small car the same colour red as my coat, and the other car following directly behind, driving illegally, was a dark, very old rusty red small car and as the two cars passed by I immediately spotted that it appeared that someone had taken a pot of the beautiful fresh red expensive paint the same colour as the front car and of my coat and had arbitrarily splashed it as if thrown onto the hood of the following car.

It wasn’t some new artform … it was as if the fresh new red was being thrown downmarket and being transferred and downgraded onto something old and past it. The values of my red coat were being depressed.

As soon as I recognized the total bizarre impossibility of there being anywhere a pot of paint that would ever be thrown on a car hood and the same colour of red as the car in front and my coat I just said … you’ve got to be kidding.

As soon as I said that … the old car suddenly stopped in the road and sat there and put on its hazard warning lights – like I had just terminated a sub-routine in a computer program.

In my opinion, the aliens had been presenting social theatre to counter and negate my feeling of integrity and social independence. If its happening to me – its also happening to many others too. Trying to get us to stop resisting the upload by making

25 us feel hopeless. Whatever good things we have – these particular aliens want us to feel disappointed with.

What I had just observed was social theatre that had created disturbing recombinations around familiar patterns, objects and symmetries such that it produces a devaluation of and transfer of our aspirations and attitudes towards something good onto lesser quality social objects and social investments. In this case overt degradation.

If people experience problems in the course of their life and personal growth, they will often put it down to bad luck, fate, or some other fault that is self-originated or mundane e.g. something they have eaten, confusion through lack of sleep, or indeed they may simply refuse to recognise the bizarre when it confronts them.

Or the day that Bart [atsdeck] turned up at work and many people were wearing all green, and that green files were left for him and references were made to the colours in conversation and that other green objects were left lying about what could generally have been thought of as a mature and professional office. That is not to say that mundane negative things do not happen - they absolutely do, but there is sometimes something inexplicable that happens like the red/green stories on the link above that really take the biscuit. There is a general failure by the masses to recognise the spiritual and demonic swamp and low spiritual density through which we are currently wading. In the Deliverance book by Stella Davis we are left with the reality that such powers of evil are abundant and very real. (Possessed people can actually spit out nails and fly through the air) Although human eyes can fail to recognise what they are seeing and experiencing when it manifests, this is not the case for orbiting corporation and military satellites or indeed the millions of digital cameras now in the public domain. Mapping satellites that supply the geographic images to such applications as http://www.flashearth.com show at least the UK as teeming with streaks of blue white light as orbs of various sizes and magnitudes cause motion blur on the imaging system as they streak at high speeds.


There is indeed a whole hierarchy and ecosystem of discarnate animal life and weird sea creatures grazing or feeding at the bottom of our energy sea in the air just above our heads. I have personally taken many photos of these creatures, but in amongst the energy- harmonic jungle of this planet there are more sinister life forms and I have many photos of some of these too.

The frequent manifestation of interdimensional demons with interdimensional technology e.g. the flesh spaceship reported by Crowleigh in his Lam demon grey story from 1919 and the demonic behaviour of Greys towards Paul Schroeder, US abductee in the 21st century http://www.iwasabducted.com/schroeder/ and also the

26 demonic use of powers and principalities, greys as drawn by Dr John Dee, Elizabethan mage in the 16th century suggest as does the abundant folklore of many countries around the world, that historically the planet has always been steeped in interdimensional entities many with technological capabilities that can manipulate time-space. e.g. Kirk R, the Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Faeries’ 1697, Banks MM British Calendar Customs vol1-3, 1937, Grimm, Grimm’s Teutonic Mythology, 1901 , the Stoicheia - elemental intelligences - of St Paul, Archons of ancient Greece, the Djinn of Persia, Rakshasha of India, Pashashwaska [stars that walk] of South America, Skinwalkers of North America etc.

According to the folklore anecdotes, many of these discorporate beings can manifest the appearance of almost any body - human or otherwise - they choose, and in 1697 the Rev Kirk noted in his analysis of faerie folklore reports that these beings could migrate between bodies of all sorts of creatures, crystallising bodies out of the ethers of the air. It is also noted that many abductees report having seen grey type and other bodies as empty space suits as if on a coat hanger [e.g. Penman, Kirkcaldy, 2000] awaiting animation by migrating spirit life or orbs.

I personally saw at least fifteen glowing blue white orbs ascend up from a housing estate into a stationary UFO that had a doorway open and at which stood a grey at Rosyth, Scotland in 2003.

Here from about 2000, you can see a glowing orb streaking towards a stationary UFO over the vicinity of Pitreavie underground NATO base in Scotland. http://www.flashearth.com

The idea that both demons and grey spacemen are zipping about between bodies of all sorts; from badgers and foxes and birds from the 17th century stories, [R Kirk] to animating Greys and materialising bodies [Hennessey on MIB, Turning of the Tide, 2007], and entering into technology, http://offtheplanet.blogspot.com/2010/02/demons-in-our-machinery.html - ours or theirs verifies the true interdimensional nature of the demons or greys and their command over materials in our time space on Earth.

Many people though are of the opinion that maybe only some aliens are out there somewhere and that maybe 5% of the lights in the sky reported as UFOs are actually of non-human origin and that if they keep watching the Soaps on TV, keep their heads down and their eyes on the road and their hands upon the wheel that none of this stuff really has anything to do with them.

That’s their mistake.

Clearly the myriad of morphing demonic orbs being photographed, from the ‘Foo Fighters’ buzzing the Royal Air Force in the 1940’s to the Legion that Christ encountered and took down, totally ties in with the interdimensional alien insectoid reports of the abductees of the 20th and 21st century. The insectoid caste system of the beehive, with its Queen, drones, workers etc all specialised and unquestioning central instructions was mirrored in the writings of the

27 early Plato circa 800BC in his ‘Republic’. Such evil hive-like powers have also a way of getting into human beings too. I recall seeing at Mass in Scotland in 2008, two big 4-inch glowing yellow orbs rise out of a couple seated in the centre of the church as the Mass was being consecrated at the Altar.

Clearly negative demonic/aliens can get into just about everything and everyone.

This is probably the reason that the newly formed Exopolitical World Network tries to bury the historic evidence for evil interdimensional non-human intelligence by creating a false watershed around the Roswell crash of the 1940’s. In part of its mission statement it attempts to chop away centuries of important biblical, empirical and anecdotal evidence for alien demons in silver suits. ‘This activism has as its primary objective the ending of a 63-year truth embargo imposed by the United States government with the cooperation of other first-world nations. The truth in question? The engagement of the human race by non-human beings (extraterrestrials) since at least the 1940's.’

Long before the 1940’s, however, there was more than a 63-year embargo on the truth of Demons and The Fallen and in fact, historically the healthiest prohuman activity that served mankind as regards these demonic intruders was Exorcism, not Exopolitics. Today though according to the leading lights of Exopolitics, e.g. Dr Salla, evilly behaving intruders cannot be labelled as demons or demonised. Exopolitics founder, Dr Salla is clear on what he considers the reactive victim mentality that is breaching the human rights of the aliens in contravention of various UN treaties on war crimes and hate speech. In post # 53172 on his prepare4contact forum:

I'm trying to find the right language so members are clear we will not allow hate speech (i.e., demonizing and fear mongering) directed towards ET races by those whose experiences and prejudices blind them to countervailing ET behaviours, e.g., benevolent ET groups/races trying to assist humanity's evolution.

What though do centuries of experience and analysis from the Ministry of the Roman Catholic Church say in these matters about Demons, their nature and their behaviour ? http://www.catholic.org/encyclopedia/view.php?id=3753

‘One characteristic of Jewish Demonology was the amazing multitude of the demons. According to all accounts every man has thousands of them at his side. The air is full of them, and, since they were the causes of various diseases, it was well that men should keep some guard on their mouths lest, swallowing a demon, they might be afflicted with some deadly disease…’

In the book called ‘Spiritual Warfare, Lessons on Deliverance from Spiritual Bondage to Freedom in Christ’, pub. IUniverse, inc, 2010, isbn 978-1-4502-4554-8, by the highly experienced and empowered Catholic, Stella Davis there are a myriad demons that embody; e.g. resentment, lust, sloth, gluttony, greed, jealousy, the names of books or natural objects etc The named demon is called thus e.g. ‘X/Satan, in the name of Jesus and in the power

28 of the Holy Spirit, I command you to come out. I command you to go to the feet of Jesus. It is to be remembered that simply displacing a demon from an unready person results in a bigger problem, as we were warned in the New Testament that that evil spirit will return with seven more even stronger ones. [S Davis, 2010 relates the truth of this in her book] Also if the Deliverer [lay exorcist] or the Official Catholic Church Priest or Bishop have not themselves been confessed to remove themselves of their internal spiritual contradictions of Christ i.e. Their own sins, then they will be ineffective because the evil spirit, their target can spot the impurities within the exorcist, causing disruption.

‘The first thing to do in any battle is to know your enemy. Our enemy is the one who destroys our life. Our enemy is the one who is the opposite of Jesus Christ and so we need to know who the enemy is. We know he came to kill, to steal and to destroy. He came for three things. He tries to destroy everything that Jesus did or is doing, he kills the soul, he destroys the mind, he destroys families and he destroys the heart of each person. Jesus came to heal, to set us free, to deliver us and to save us. Satan does everything the opposite of what Jesus can do. Stella Davis, 2010’

Spiritual warfare is a battle between the kingdom of darkness ruled by Satan and the Kingdom of Heaven ruled by God and His Son Jesus Christ. The weapons of this warfare are not fleshly human weapons but spiritual weapons such as truth and righteousness, blessings and forgiveness and repentance and lies, deceit and curses. The battle involves an intense wrestling with powers and principalities “in the heavenly realms” from which Christians and nations in general, need protection. (Ephesians 6:10-18, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Colossians 1:13, Revelations 12:1-17) To St Michael, our defender and leader of the heavenly host we pray: ‘St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protector against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen’

Christ is the true divine pattern, first born of God to be human from the Source of the grapevine [John 15] to resonate and refresh and pour into and through every loving human heart through the agency of the Holy Spirit. When we call on Him to help us and sustain us it is by the love in our hearts that we are linked to Him and when we do as He bids, to turn the other cheek from the iniquities of the world, He asks us to disengage from the cycle of brutality and vain baggage and attachments that can drag our souls down like a millstone into the biological aggression and materials and frequency physics of this low dimension.

If we were not down here in this relative frequency pit of a cosmos struggling against entropy and energy deficits amongst energy and life hungry beings that appear quite cut off from Gods love and eternal supply we might be, after redemption, in Christ’s love in some high energy and more timeless and beautiful heaven in one of the many mansions of Gods house. In beautiful and relatively burden free and energy and life-filled and love filled states our souls ‘onion layers’ may form a perfect sphere in the manner of God at the core, Christ our Divine Pattern and then our self, unified by the Holy Spirit and radiating out from the centre like a field of light. In these places of love and Christ, our beings

29 are magnified and healthy, transparent and devoid of contradictions. In this density however, wrapped up in a shell of dysfunctional DNA, our souls lampshade, our physical and spiritual body, can take on the color and appearance of its social and parental context. This could be very dark and contradictory indeed. The darkness in our life becomes contradictions to the Christ within us and our pattern becomes distorted and picks up injuries, warps and tears. These become footholds for the enemy. On Earth in particular the myriad hive-like demonic life-forms can be likened to a field of negation and nihilism very specific to you. They have been here, producing negations of humanity for millennia, burying true social evolution and knowledge in the process whenever it has emerged. Particularly they have infiltrated and attacked the gospel of Christ attempting to remove the Divine origins of Christ and the Divine purpose of Mary His Mother to keep us unresonant, stilled, negated and harvested in the darkness.

As Exorcism and Deliverance have shown us this myriad soup of demonology can assume a legion of names. My following model could be in error, but I give it here for discussion in the hope of mankind’s progress towards Christ.

Some demons of negation seem to work by firstly imposing self-doubt. Because Earth makes us slow we often do not have the processing capacity for continual and accurate self-checking, so evil confidence tricks can more easily work if our process of self-recognition is for some reason impaired. Our main mission as human beings is to do the Will of God. In our case it is to be the unique vessel and loving heart that we are and were made to be. In our dark and dense world though, guided by hacked and impaired senses, our souls true purpose can be distorted and twisted by constant, intelligent and evil nihilism and the natural forces of entropy.

These dents and tears in our Spirit can become niches for demons.

Soul/Spirit distortions and the opportunity for demonic niches can come out of the impact of e.g.;

1. Social and cultural environment 2. Past negative assumptions 3. Current social processes and tools of self-expression 4. Known or forgotten sins against Christ within us. 5. Unrecognised sins against Christ within us. 6. Imposition and mimicry of discarded anti-Christ ideologies as if self-originated to trick and shame the now more progressed Soul 7. Creation of fearful theatre and falsification 8. temptation and distorted intentions

As has been noted by Exorcists and those doing Deliverance, the demons of self- negation can take a legion of names from every noun, verb or adjective in the books. Because we as humans tend to reflect our inner spiritual state of being back to ourselves via the objects we place in, or live with in our environment, the demons of

30 contradiction can literally contradict anything in our environment that has been some sort of prop or asset or fear or worry or challenge or enhance some sickening aspect, or depressing association etc These objects or names or ideologies in our environment that catch our and demonic attention, may challenge us deeply or shake or unleash the consequences of some forgotten sin or self-contradiction, or twist us in self-pity, or remind us of failure or insufficiency and that which undermines our vision of the Christ within us and within others has a name in the world as it is part of the objects, processes and qualities in our environment but it also becomes the specific demon of our spirits negation.

According to Stella Davis’s spiritual testimony in her book on Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance, demons can perceive the sins in people that they target. E.g. in the case of the Exorcist who had not self-cleansed by going to Confession before the Exorcism – the demon within the person to be helped could call out all the unforgiven and unrecognised sins of the Priest.

Our assumptions and physical and spiritual investments and alleged personal assets that are built on shaky foundations therefore are ripe for the invasion.

They first drive a contradiction [notA] of some major aspect of who or what we are [A] into us, and if at some point we accept it and sustain it by our own thoughts and deeds, the roots of the chain of associations [P,Q,R] and assumptions that used to maintain it as a healthy asset are contradicted and negated [not P, notQ, notR]. When [A] is unrooted it becomes harvested the way bees may harvest pollen off flowers to take back to the hive energy supply. Their main goal is to strip away everything that sustains and then harvest the Soul for satan.

What we can do immediately is to recognise the power in the Scriptures and in the words and promises of Christ. When we bless someone in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we refresh and re-affirm their true origins and pattern, the Christ within them and through them, immediately causing their souls Christian pattern to become stronger and more resistant to evil attack.

In this cosmic density or alien hive zone, it is an acid bath of personal negation on all points of self no matter who you are or what you believe. The giants, Fallen or nephilim of old mentioned also in Flavius Josephus History of the Jews, appear to have maintained a primitive and untruthful world full of technological, political and scientific lies and many of our human leaders can be seen under all flags and denominations making the sign of the horned hand - the devils hand. These ‘dragons in their pleasant palaces’ Isaiah or the fallen mentioned in the apocrypha the Book of Enoch the Nephilim have also been playing their part in the harvesting of souls for satan. Into this mixture of busy demonic bees and their evil hive, there are also the soul farming Reptilians, the Nephilim whose war on Heaven and on humanity is also Ages old.

Genesis 6:4

31 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Numbers 13:32, 33 And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; (cannibals) and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

[also Deuteronomy 2:20 and Joshua 17:15]

Ultimately mankind is free to choose satan or Christ but the maintenance of a trouble free, demon free, orb-free spirit is as necessary as brushing your teeth on a daily basis.

Prayer, confession and Christian affirmation cleans away the spiritual contradictions and prevents spiritual cavities forming that can be exploited by demonic orb corrosion.

By reconnecting our Spirit to Christ, we are made whole again from the centre out, our pattern refreshed and re-inforced, displacing our spiritual and demonic decay. http://www.saintaquinas.com/prayers.html I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do; and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

32 The War on Human Grace – the demonic feeding mechanism

The mechanics of our dualistic cosmos is fairly black and white - indeed its dualism is governed by flow and transference across potential differences at all levels and scales - from places of high potential to places of low potential.

Our dualistic cosmos is driven by this ceaseless flow between areas of high potential and areas of low potential e.g. in chemistry there is valency and ionic transference, in plant biology there is osmosis and in electricity there is voltage and current and in human psychology, there is transference across a field [Lewin, K, Field theory in psychology, 1952 http://wilderdom.com/theory/FieldTheory.html]

Human society, because of natural laws such as; chaos and entropy and the emergence of order out of chaos, is identical to the physical order of things and also produces differences of supply and demand, sufficiency and insufficiency, therefore flux and exchanges take place within and between all human domains and social processes.

Greys and Reptilians [telepathic and bio-energy seeing life forms] can exploit this energy transfer in human bio-electric and mental ecology as our assumptions and secret investments although invisible to us are visible to them. They can do this by confidence tricks, undermining and triggers. e.g. causing us gushing and energy- releasing bouts of self-vindication.

Human investments in social assets though occur not only at a physical and monetary level, but also at a spiritual and psychological level. Very visible to telepathic and biomagentic seeing predators we live unaware of our human vulnerabilities amongst an eclectic bunch of allegedly advanced life forms. Very often our physical theatrical props are used by ourselves to shore up and bolster our self image and self-esteem and not only do these props have monetary investments but they also bind us with chains of assumptions driven and sustained by our psychology using both bio-physical and soul energies.

Our external world manifests invisibly [to us] and internally as life-essence architecture, assets and investments. These energy fruits and concentrations distilled from our efforts in the world could be ripped from our souls. e.g. by confidence tricks of various depths and complexity and spiritual value. Christ asks us to leave attachments, worldy things and to also turn the other cheek to the world - to disengage from it.

The investment of the human soul in its worldly attachments can create a millstone to drag us down into unseemly investments and demeaning compromises in a chaos driven environment.

This planet, or perhaps more accurately, this lowly pit or density imo, tends to be a carefully arranged set of primitive, non-evolving simulations in which to farm humans and their spiritual and soul investments and intentions. The social trend within the more evolved social processes and charades on Earth tends to war on or depress/repress the creative and spiritual and nurturing intelligence of its human social classes.


The alien farmers in disguise can create sudden cascades of human mental anguish by collapsing the house of cards of assumptions about normality in a very surreal and undermining way. http://offtheplanet.blogspot.com/2010/07/modus-operandii-of-greys-and- reptilians.html

Although the story of people all wearing green and manifesting green objects in Bart’s office appears harmless - did it occur to him to ask what mind-reading, matter- manufacturing aliens were doing in a 9 to 5 office environment - what were they really up to - surely beings that can manufacture clothing and other fabric could easily materialise a half million dollars. Why would such beings focus their minds on tedious human mundanity, given their encyclopaedic command of skills and knowledge surely they could devote themselves to the hardest jobs on this planet or indeed any other with total ease ? - unless, for example they were farming humans e.g. the mundane human workers from inside their own heads ?

Bart though reacts very well to the absurdity.

What is this war on the human spirit, the creative human being and his/her imagination ?

In many ways it is a war - though I often compare it to a field-effect spiritual acid bath that acts to distort, shear away and strip off anything good that we emerge from our beings. In humanity and the human soul there will be constant growth and emergence - emergence is a universal and natural law of chaos - order out of chaos is the other half of the equation from disorder and entropy http://www.slideshare.net/AutoSurfRestarter/complexity-the-emerging-science-at-the- edge-of-order-and-chaos-by-m-mitchell-waldrop - and the alien farmers act to prune these soul outpourings and outgrowths off - presumably to supply the hive with life - the way that bees collect pollen on Earth.

Humans experience the pruning and stripping in many ways. Why does artistic, spiritual and creative ethics get driven down to bestial beats, non- family, non-nurture, anti-heroic, anti-grace, anti-human, and why also does our image of sexuality get so corrupted and distorted ? In many ways this nihilism takes every form imaginable by a human - every aspect of our personal negation appears very unique to us - as if custom designed and strikes at the very root of soul essence by which we are attached to the True Vine of Christ [John 15] It not only distorts and shears our investments in what we think society is - it also distorts and attempts to break our investment in ourselves, in the things that make us what we are - hacking at the root of our gender and sexual processes and our belief in and our connection to God.

Our sexual psychology tends to drive us down into anima and selfish gratification yet our media and culture glorifies it by de-emphasising long-term relationships and rolling out superficial role models in some social cult of sex.


Some may say that that is because of an innate and low degradation solely within the human soul. What if, however, like Global Warming, spiritual and sexual degradation is not primarily driven by the innate tendencies of Mankind. What if the creative and sexual intelligence and beautiful sub-culture of mankind on planet Earth, and its emotional emanations is a threat to and or is food for some alien life form ? What if our negation was a demonic/grey priority. The eating of our human graces and our creative diversity is experienced as an annulment/nihilism by ourselves ?

Because human culture is manifesting as driven by the aggressive sexual energies at the heart of the male adrenal cortex or ovaries in the female - social programmers from any alien culture could feed into the basic psychology of such investments by driving and promoting and inspiring an animalistic culture. This would create a social paradigm of male and female human stereotypes that can be derived from the behaviours observed within the most basic biological research into primates e.g [Robert Ardrey, http://www.ditext.com/ardrey/imperative/imperative.html Anthony Storr, Konrad Lorentz]

It might well be the case that humans on Earth carry on with their human issues, industries and mining but that embedded within our human epochs and societies and amongst us there is a totally different sort of mining taking place. i.e. That our souls are being mined out by aliens.

Aliens that don't have to work at any human job, for any human result or any human money or who aspire to no human artefact or human social goal. Indeed aliens who can manufacture any of what humans collectively aspire to at the drop of a human hat.

The problem with seeing the perspective of human farming is that it might be hard to think of why aliens don't want what we want and why would they bother with us anyway. Its my opinion only, but the answer to this riddle may come from a greater cosmic perspective - a bigger picture.

Humans, the target of alien farming are;

1. sexually polar, interactive, interdependent and complimentary 2. creative and diverse, analytical and also irrational and destructive 3. adaptive, creative and re-creative tool users 4. tend to invest and externalise in tokens and artefacts and facilities and stores and boundaries 5. more diverse and soul-endowed than life-forms driven solely by chemical processes 6. tend to be culturally driven down by engineered animalistic ideology and then spiritually distorted and twisted away from their supply of life ie. the recognition of the True Vine of John 15, their salvation through and in the pattern of Christ that refreshes and re-supplies their human spiritual pattern.

35 From all these interacting human ingredients in the environment of human social chaos - fomented or otherwise, there will be a lot of expended mind juice as assets distort and disintegrate. If aliens were interpenetrating the human social process with the intent of undermining to elicit human psychic and soul energy through despair by e.g. collapsing central assumptions in human mindscapes like houses of cards, or by precipitating acts of self-vindication from an unjustly treated and outraged human - then there is a whole ecosystem of human aspirations in which to telepathically roam.

Why though would aliens need humans at all ?

Aliens are technologically advanced, with superior facilities and empires, superior knowledge and they can make anything they want. Perhaps not everything - for the very key to life is the essence of love from the True Vine of Christ [John 15] Such beings as e.g. the Greys - as others have pointed out e.g Nigel Kerner in the 'song of the greys' http://www.nigelkerner.com/ do not come from human beginnings but were and are part of the insectoid genesis within our stardust driven duality.

The upward surge of insectoid evolution as it collects and collates and stores and computes its collective logistics produces the logic of the totalitarian hive. Devoid of the passions and choices and diversity of human biology, mind and family, insectoid mating relationships are specialised and also permanently redundant as a modus operandii. Such sexual processes being governed by the Queen and cloning processes and other natural rhythms and factors [As they are in nature on Earth] do not have human priorities. These hive priorities though could be uniquely adapted to mine out the human soul essences.

Within the insectoid hive the evolutionary step in consciousness from hive interdependent to individually motivated is a step that not all insectoid life wishes to take. The raw force of the chaos law of emergence though dictates that the evolution of sexuality and psychological diversity will take place in these grey/insectoid populations. Unique ensouled individuals could emerge within these populations. It might also be that these general population deviations are brutally suppressed as they do not form part of the ruling or alpha caste. e.g. in highly evolved technological insecta the population may be regulated and purged of these emerging creative and unique deviants.

It is the driving force of sexuality in humans that can account for much of what is both good and bad within our worldly culture before Christ, and it is the image of the diverse, divine, human grace-filled family - so often under attack on this world that maintains our aspirations to God.

There must therefore, naturally be a disagreement between 'sexuals' and 'asexuals' - Sexopolitics !!?. the as above so below cosmic analogy

36 The planet Earth is used here as an analogy with which to calculate the composition and proportions of life in the Cosmos at its most fruitful. The relative proportions of life forms on planet Earth I assume remain intact in this cosmic bubble of the multiverse foam. From this biological and geological planetary analogy of our planet which also extends to account for the internal structure of the cosmos, we can imagine the air within the bubble as dark matter [planetary geology] and the bubble skin being light matter with light matter superclusters of life and stars as we know it on the periphery or skin of the bubble. We can deduce that dark matter and viral life-forms and primitive formlessness are on the inside of our planet/cosmos amongst the crystal and geology .. perhaps a crystal-based robotic intelligence predating on the essence of basic level beings. In the superclusters within the skin of the cosmic bubble, like some mandelbrot set - a black looking circle [analogy for the planets geology] with a rich highly coloured fractal edge of chaos skin .. there will be [imo] a rich sea of essences and transactions at a more invested level as discussed by biochemist Dr Peter Plichta at the end of his work on chaos theory called 'God's Secret Formula', 1997. Here Plichta discusses how the evolution of chemistry has led to the evolution of the physical forms in biology. I.e. the presence of certain types of bio-chemical compound always seem to drive the same sort of morphology in nature.

The skins of other cosmic bubbles interpenetrate this one - hence semi-visible galaxies have been noted. The relative proportions of intelligent life that is organised within the light matter at the edge of chaos in the cosmic bubbles skin may well start, as it does on Earth - with fungal basidiomycetes. The intelligent-life-equivalent could be primitive basic non- anthropoid collectives the forerunner of the massive organisations of the phylum insecta which by sheer weight of biomass on Earth below have to govern the absolute majority of anthropoid forms in this cosmos and density. Insectoid probably being the most common intelligences in this cosmos. Phylum Hymenoptera - the bees, ants and wasps with its caste system that can include regal and admin, scientists and operants or drones .. intelligent alien life in this cosmos has to primarily derive from insecta or indeed reptilia. The Reptilian need to feed is covered elsewhere.

Perhaps 5-10% of all intelligent life is anthropoid of which the main proportions of anthropoid life in this cosmic bubble maybe about 70% insectoid society with maybe 10% reptilian 15% other and less than 5% humanoid. A closer look at earths ecology and biomass may yield a more accurate brief as to the insectoid proportions in this cosmos. At the level of individuality, intellectual diversity, quality of creation and recreation the human type with its gender and nurture and social diversity is capable of creating most interesting social investments for a long term group soul. The human equilibrium might emerge abundant and diverse fruit.

All of cosmic life and matter is driven by Gods will and in the material world by chaos processes.

A known law of chaos theory is emergence - studied by e.g. Stuart Kauffman at www.santafe.edu, e.g1. 'autocatalytic self-organising polymers' Stuart Kauffman on

37 the DNA instantaneously and out of nothing model of the cosmos, or, e.g.2 Brian Goodwin’s work on the spontaneous emergence of the eye in Acetabularia sp.' Emergence is known to Theosophists as 'outpouring' from vol 1 of the Secret Doctrine quoting Hindu science from 10,000BC Evolution it could be argued by chaos science is spontaneous and sudden.

Mega populations of insectoids therefore will be most abundant, massively organised and logically regulated - but amongst their numbers there will emerge by laws of nature and chaos proto-gender beings. This emergent sexuality and creativity in insectoid Beta castes under stress would be seen as a direct threat and challenge to the ruling alpha caste which can perhaps barely cope with the processing of all of its own prima donnas. The secret of the mechanism is within the caste structure of insecta populations. The middle class or beta caste has to balance, reconcile and creatively resolve conflicts between the rationalist science and service classes and the irrational aberrance of the ruling caste as they on occasion become contradictory, driven by their 'regal'/irregular natures. This evolutionary pressure and creative stress is similar in nature to balancing the left - logical and right - creative brain in humans. The sexual process tends to separation and natural differences, sufficiencies, specialisms and insufficiencies. These differences are going to be considered unwanted deviations from the norm in insectoid populations. This creative end based thinking leads based in difference and diversity leads to more diversity within the being and an emergence of individualism and ultimately sexual based intelligence. Without the Grace of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit though there will be little opportunity to escape the pit. Psalm 139. Why they emerge and evolve from formlessness is probably a best kept secret amongst e.g. the greys, because creativity is actually a God-given birthright - not the prerogative of a clandestine insectoid caste.

Psalm 139 Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? 8 If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! 9 If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, 10 even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. 11 If I say, "Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night," 12 even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you. 13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. [1] Wonderful are your works;

38 my soul knows it very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you.

The demonic greys have probably a 3 tier caste system with internal variants. e.g. regal the internal alpha caste admin the external alpha caste executive scientist the internal beta caste operant scientist the external beta caste soldier the internal gamma caste drone the external gamma caste

Here is biological research on an insecta hive in nature on Earth: The Soul of the White Ant by Eugène N. Marais Translated by Winifred de Kok, 1937. from unsolved mysteries chapter 1 is an example of interdimensional teleportation in insecta in nature.

'We present to you the following facts: 1. The queen is incapable of movement. 2. The doors of the cell are too small for her to come or go by. 3. The insects cannot lift her. 4. Yet she vanishes from one cell to appear in another.'

As they say in the cosmic analogy - as above so below.

The Greys/demons probably navigate through the interdimensional continuum by listening for evidence of human intellectual activity or tools and then looking for the signature frequencies of nearby tertiary stars. They choose tertiary stars because they are the most biochemically, geologically complex and diverse with enriched energy signatures and have a rich mix of chaos processes from which can emerge sustainable life. Their cosmic map may look like a Mandelbrot or fractal chaos set, where a rich tertiary star may look like a very colourful and highly complex edge. They may as a swarm tumble endlessly sideways heading towards the oasis signatures of tertiary stars that have evolved/emerged complex elements and complex biology.

Interdimensional reptilians, another predator here find it easy to take shape and form, often working in predatory soul groups.

39 They seem to act to increase the artistry and incentives and level of spiritual and intellectual engagements within the human snares and cul de sacs. I think any powerful interdimensional being resonating powerful energy patterns automatically generates his/her/its own DNA when dipping its soul energies into some matter. DNA after all is a series of resonant musical relationships and harmonies and internal structures that could result from the soul pushing its life force into matter and warping the physical and chemical reality of whatever sphere or plane as a consequence and the music of that soul becomes encoded in an energy to matter process.

I'm sure that part of the truth about the greys is that they are specialised insectoid interdimensional and have the capacity to swarm around their food source ... it could be that the EBE shells they use at this time may have had some input from the nephilim but that these specific 'evolutions' or 'further adaptations' are probably viewed as political investments by the Reps and the deception of alleged gratitude by the greys - who don't actually need any tampering or technology - for what emerges from the swarm into whatever physical reality they are mining is purely context driven.

I think that fallen angels may have tampered with Greys locally, - but that generally the bodies the greys manifest are derived directly from the mathematical ratios of the insectoid chemistry and metabolism they are favouring. see Peter Plichta in Gods Secret Formulae in the end chapter on life forms and chaos mathematics. When they swarm or wherever they swarm - their technology and their forms are rooted in insectoid cosmogenesis and the chaos mathematics of insecta ratios and proportions. That saves the computer storage if they have to disperse.

I think that Grey technology results as an after-effect of their invasion e.g. it is prey specific adaptations. I don't think that a prevalence of Grey technology results in their invasive capacity. I suspect that the Grey/faerie technology is merely window dressing like a trojan horse ...

The greys might take orders from other species in the interests of their own particular harvest and they may allow themselves to be temporarily modified by other species in the interests of their own harvest.

The reptilian fallen appear to be sharing the same human prey and may use the grey swarm - because it totally immerses the human prey like a field effect. This is good for detailed and highly responsive bulk farming and life essence management of high numbers. Because such individualism in the localised prey can be catered for the harvest of life essence is therefore increased.

The Nephilim/Reptilian Fallen will probably bring the fine social details that engages the human spirit in the cul de sacs.

I often think we're near the bottom of a frequency pit here where our planet in all its resonant dimensions and adjacent recently shed resonant shells/spheres attracts all sorts of browsing hungry life at all scales from all dimensions.

40 We appear on Earth to be immersed in a soulless and hungry multifaceted legion of a collective substance that uses the metaphysics of an insectoid hive .. and deploys its juice-collection assets to mine out particularly human soul energy. At an interdimensional level it is a swarm of discarnate insectoid life specifically specialised to predate on and milk human soul-energy assets that are invested and generated by human-like intellect, tools and representation.

For the soul farm invasion to work - the focus of the human souls must be dragged down into worldly concerns and possessions/accretions of status and pride filled investments. This millstone anchors them long enough for the hive to generate specific stasis for each human individual.

Insectoid humanoids probably represent the most abundant biomass in all the humanoids of all types in this cosmos using the distribution and numbers of species on planet earth as an analogy. Some specialised Insecta probably do not have adaptations that enable them to mine out human type soul life processes, but these that afflict Earth do. These adaptations will probably require them to invest in robotic AI technologies so that they can perpetuate a feeding and food sourcing database that enables them to efficiently generate and assimilate human realities. They probably also create many hive progeny like the winged nymph phase of a proper insect hive that will operate in tandem with a huge robotic data store. classes of Predatory attacks on humans. 1. directly by non-technological, organic biophysical means the highly specific and complex variations of demonic life may be directly related to highly specific points of negation in human life investments in their targets e.g. negating mirror opposite by distortion and misrepresentation e.g. the diverse catalog of demonic names discovered at exorcism and deliverances is probably no more diverse than the number of specific human problems and the names of the sources of their physical or psychological or spiritual diseases. http://www.porn-free.org/demons.htm http://www.porn-free.org/deliverance_demons.htm http://www.porn-free.org/church.htm

2. indirectly via indigenous and acquired technology using both software and specifically evolved tools and hardware for the processing of human assets

3. in co-operation with other predatory lifeforms e.g. dark Anunnaki [Reptilian/devilry] generation of complex human cul de sacs, outrages, social chaos and conundrums, disease and conflicts big and small and the distortion of truth and elimination of newly emerging discoveries that could remove social chaos and disease - the Anunnaki produce and engineer complex and engaging human social charades at such a level of sophistry that they are complex and engaging enough to suck in and drown the creative human soul.

41 The human soul because of its inborn internal telepathic defects and lack of full interdimensional functionality and memory has a natural weakness that causes the person to externally manifest their will in the context of whatever material cul de sac they are challenged in. The Anunnaki players in these cul de sacs, having superhuman processing and relative super powers compared to the flaws in human genetics and abilities are able to create dismay and dash hopes with their performances. Often to be found elevated on pedestals - everything being very easy for many of them - without their dazzling performances in these charades - engaging and driving human aspirations - more human souls would awaken to immediate Heavenly beauty beyond the Grey matrix machinations.

The inbuilt sophistry of each cul de sac improves the efficiency of the human soul harvest by causing the spiritual disease of disconnection in fear and hopelessness from our Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The reptilian life form is quite a prevalent life form in proportion on Earth, using Earth as our cosmic species analogy. We use a tertiary planet like earth from a tertiary star as a cosmic analogy because Earth will be one of the most complex and representative examples of a cosmic fruit. Earth is made all the more important and special because Christ was sent here to redeem mankind and bring us back to the Father.

Both the Anunnaki and the Greys will have their own technologies, but the Greys technology will have specifically evolved into and out of the negation of whatever technological issues the human society had that the Greys were predating on. These Insecta left on their own would not be happy to come back as ants - they have specific adaptations that attract them to undermining human life and society. The Reptilians though disconnected from God in their Fall have advanced humanoid civilisation and also allegedly (Jewels) advanced interdimensional capacities that probably are directly related to how much and what type of soul-juice they can acquire from their human farms. A hungry Imperium full of disconnected beings that have turned their back on the abundance of Our Father the source of life and Christ the source of our human, loving pattern – needs to feed.

How these feeding issues are achieved amongst the redundant social cul de sacs and charades in the deliberately retarded society with its deliberately retarded tools is that superfast beings – i.e. the Reptilian and Greys – create and manage despair in their human herd and feed off and milk the nervous system of their victims.

They do this in my opinion by driving and imposing negative and contradictory and outrageously false conditions upon ourselves, by undermining our psychological beliefs and investments – those investments in life into which we have poured our time, our essence and life force and our assumptions – and we then outpour or self- vindicate in fits of negative responses when they are shaken.

It is there that the feeding opportunity for the lotus eater or prana feeder or life force drinker occurs. The mechanism is that telepathic Reptilians and Greys easily discerning our

42 weaknesses then see our unstable thought forms and self doubts and very easily drive the negative dagger into our spiritual being. That begets negative energies from us that resonate, bolster and affirm and engage the original evil intention. Disorientated by our doubt and the contradictions we bleed and are milked as we exude the negative aspects of the original dagger. Logically, in other languages, a double negative is used to negate a negation, and therefore, it resolves to a positive. It is only a positive from the feeders point of view.

The two lots of energy that the victim sees as negative energy add up ...

This suddenly abundant cumulative negative energy that we outpour on top of the first negative energy invested by the feeder is a bigger energy loss for us - and an overall or net gain for the feeder.

It was Wolfgang Kohler in 1952 who investigated electromagnetic field theory in biology and psychology, tying his research up with Kurt Lewin’s Field Theory in Psychology, 1952 Life and emotions can be seen in terms of biomagnetic fields and emanations. [see also Lyall Watson in Supernature]

If we do not turn the other cheek, if we do not disengage from the negative assault, we emanate food. As we emanate biomagnetic waves from our aura, the mechanics of the Reptilian and Grey feeding mechanism could be analogous to Constructive Interference in Wave Theory.

In physics, interference is the addition (superposition) of two or more waves that results in a new wave pattern. Interference usually refers to the interaction of waves that are correlated or coherent with each other, either because they come from the same source or because they have the same or nearly the same frequency.

Consider two waves – one imposed on us from an external being – the other elicited as a response in us, that are in phase, with amplitudes A1 and A2. Their troughs and peaks line up and the resultant wave will have amplitude A = A1 + A2. This is known as constructive interference. Basically the initial telepathically directed dart or investment is intended to elicit an electromagnetic discharge of soul-food from our being.

Our life is tied up with monetary, physical, spiritual and social and psychological investments in people, places, artefacts, and intentions. These are all funded by the energy reserves from our soul and spirit and also if we resonate in prayer, we resonate with the divine family and our loving support [John 15] and replenish ourselves too – though often in fits and starts – speaking for myself.

Reptilian and GreyHive-headed beings getting negative with us succeed in feeding when we do not disengage from them – when we fail to turn the other cheek. On a planet deliberately designed by the Repto-Greys to be full of grief and angst and pain and has been kept artificially retarded and dysfunctional for their purposes of running something akin to a burger bar where their kind can get the organically produced and squeezed nervous systems of billions of humans – the mechanisms of

43 producing pain and angst are well understood.

More so if they have the all seeing eye of telepathy, a fully functional sixth sense, where they can see the nervous juices in the same way they can recognise their own through the human looking holograms. [non of this David Icke BS with hand signals, codewords etc – they see and they live]

Below are a few choice Repto-Grey recipes and specials of the day – every day for Humans from the book how to serve Mankind. Fear Stress Guilt Shock and Anger are the main reasons in my opinion that the world here is operated the way it is. Why depopulate when abundant free energy can feed and house and empower us and our agriculture and harvests. All the dark shepherds fly every human flag but in truth they are on the same side – as we can tell from the display of horned hands in our faces every so often.

They are merchants of disease – and listed below is the true nutrition and currency of planet Earth – its real worth to our Reptilian and Grey Imperium. This is the real gold they are mining – our souls. You can see the ideology of needing soul dust to feed demons displayed in the first 20 minutes of the film called The Golden Compass.

Below is listed in my opinion the etiquette for Reptilian and Grey feeding – it is the modus operandi for human life on Earth, how we get squeezed and milked – like what Bob Dylan was singing about in The Ballad of a Thin Man. Excerpt from Wiki. It could I suspect come from the pages of the nursery books or plug-ins for young negative Reptilians and Greys. There probably are a few such culinary instruction books on the essentials of human milking in these darkworld libraries on How to Serve Mankind ..

Fear Not though for Christ will set us free. Fear — It is very common to be afraid when things are happening to us that are completely outside of our normal experience. Our safety has been shattered and our future is unsure. This insecurity can rock our foundation and cause fear. Stress — We all know that there is good stress and bad stress. Good stress may come from a challenging project with a tight deadline at work or the case of the jitters that may accompany us down the aisle on our wedding day. But bad stress comes from traumatic events that make us feel unsafe. Bad stress can contribute to many emotional and physical problems. There are some who would say that stress creates all disharmony within our bodies and creates all illness as well. Whether we choose to believe that stress is that powerful, for those of us who have experienced it, we can say it can be very unpleasant. In coping with stress, people tend to use one of the three main coping strategies: either appraisal-focused, problem-focused, or emotion- focused coping. (Weiten, Lloyd, 2006 Emotion-focused strategies involve releasing pent-up emotions, distracting one-self, managing hostile feelings, meditating, using systematic relaxation procedures, etc. Guilt, Shock, and Disbelief — We may be absolutely floored by some particularly bad news. It may take some time to process the actual meaning of some crisis situations and their long term affects. Imagine finding out that your spouse has been having an affair. In most cases we will be shocked. We may not want to accept the

44 facts and choose to disbelieve for some period of time. Guilt comes into play when we blame ourselves as the cause of the crisis event. We also feel guilty that we are not experiencing the crisis personally but supporting someone who is close to us through their crisis. We are guilty that a friend's spouse has cancer but our spouse is fineAnger — Crises bring out anger in people because we need to express our rage or unrest over what is happening. Anger comes in many shapes and form. As an emotion, anger is a good thing, when expressed appropriately. However, when we are in the midst of a crisis our anger often comes out in self-destructive ways. We may take our anger out on loved ones because they are easy targets. We may take our anger out on our children because they are weaker than we are.’ Excerpt from Wikipaedia on stress and fear.

The dark ones can only live by the lie because it is by the denial of a souls innate love and capacity that they feed. If we forgive their denial - they go hungry - because we have turned the other cheek - because we have listened to Christ, disengaged - because we do not empathise with the snares of material wealth and deceived by the traps of worldly acclaim - our burden is light, and our soul in all its Love is free. Hierarchical reptilians probably have highly developed social infrastructure in many of the lower planes and underworlds and their numbers will continually deplete because they run out of life. Many will stay close by the soul farms set up like Earth and may also transport and relocate Grey hivemakers across the underworld dimensions they have developed their farms in.

Their farm here on Earth has been running a long time. This is the material that the Exopolitics World Network gloss over in their mission statement - who try to keep the Greys looking like recently arrived intelligent technological interstellar and advanced life with a relatively clean bill of health.

More sinister probably is their interdimensional modus operandii and intentions - an interdimensional swarm that predates upon human-type psychological, physical and spiritual intentions and extensions into three dimensional localities by distorting and negating human extensions into time space from ultradimensional spaces and proximity.

Here is some history of demonology and essence drinking and human farming. This kind of material is anethma to pseudo exopoliticians - as it illustrates a historic entrenched interest in farming the human race for essences and its soul life. Drinking souls essence, leeching the life essence out of areas and objects, shapeshifting, and also being skilled at the historic technology and trades and crafts of the day - enough to impress and intimidate. Clearly it all started before 1947AD Stephen Bassett I think that exopolitics is being used as a decoy and diversionary tactic to make the raison d'etre of demonology look like good clean industrial nation state trade of 20th century origin. 'This activism has as its primary objective the ending of a 63-year truth embargo imposed by the United States government with the cooperation of other first-world nations. The truth in question? The engagement of the human race by non-human beings (extraterrestrials) since at least the 1940's.'


However we can clearly see here that the negative reports of individuals like 20th and 21st century Paul Schroeder http://www.iwasabducted.com/schroeder/ have all been done many many times before to human beings throughout the entire history of the human race.

This from Superstitions of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland Collected entirely from Oral Sources By John Gregorson Campbell [paraphrased]

According to Scoto-Celtic belief, the race of the faeries, mimic mankind in form, manner, occupations, and pleasures, but are aethereal, invisible, silent, living underground, in hills and green mounds of rock or earth. They are addicted to visiting mankind to take away the benefit of their goods and labours, and sometimes even their persons. They may be present in an adjacent dimension to human gatherings, though unseen. Their interference ultimately does no good, and is often destructive.

Their theft appears to have an unworldly motive beyond the physics of mankind.

The Fairies do not take the objects of their theft away bodily, but take what is called in Gaelic its toradh, i.e. its substance, essence, virtue, fruit, or qualitative benefit. The outward appearance is left, but the reality has been vampirised. Thus, when a cow is elf-taken, it appears to be suddenly smitten by some strange disease {chaidh am beathach ud a ghonadh). In reality the real cow is gone, and only its semblance or doppelganger remains, animated it may be by an Elf, who receives and milks all the human intention and energetic attentions paid to the sick cow, but gives nothing back in return. The impostor cow lies on its side, and cannot be made to rise. It consumes the foodstuffs laid before it, but does not yield milk or grow fat. In some cases it gives plenty of milk, but milk that cannot make butter. If taken up a hill, and rolled down the slope, it disappears altogether.

Similarly when the toradh/essence of land is taken, there remains the appearance of a crop, but a crop without benefit to man or beast, the grain is without weight or substance, the fodder without nourishment.

At times the elf downscales and shapeshifts into a being that enters through key-holes and window-slits; at other times becomes a great tall man. In different localities the Fairies are known as Alfs, Huldra-Folk, Duergar, Trolls, Hill Folk, Little Folk, Still Folk, Pixies, etc. A difference of size, as well as of name, has led to these being described as separate beings, but they have all so much in common with the Celtic Fairies that we must conclude they were originally the same.

Most frequently, historically, it was women, not yet risen from childbed, and their new born babes that the Fairies abducted. Women and the babies were guarded to keep the mother and child from their attacks. It is said that the Fairy women are unable to suckle their own children, and hence their desire to secure a human wet-nurse. This, however, does not explain why they want the children,


46 When they succeeded in their abduction attempts, the elves/faeries left instead of the mother, a double or lookalike, some old materials from the local land or in place of the infant an old being of their own race. The impostor child grew up a garrulous misshapen miscreant, ever crying and complaining.

It is to the aged elf, left in the place of child or beast, that the name sithbheire (pron. sheevere) is given, meaning one who has an ' ancient manner or look, * he is but a sithbheire,'. When a person does a sense-less action, it is said of him, that he has been * taken out of himself* {air a thoirt as\ that is, taken away by the Fairies.

Many disabilities and deformities in children are attributed to the Fairies. When a child is inattended by its mother, for however short a time, the Fairies may come and give its little legs such a twist as will leave it hopelessly lame and debilitated.

From Grimm's Teutonic Mythology, 1901 the leading features of elvish nature seem to be the following:-- - Man's body holds a medium between those of the giant and the elf; an elf comes as much short of human size as a giant towers above it. All elves are imagined as small and tiny, but the light ones as well-formed and symmetrical, the black as ugly and misshapen. The former are radiant with exquisite beauty, and wear shining garments: the AS. œlfsciene, Cædm. 109, 23. 165, 11, sheen as an elf, bright as angels, the ON. 'frîð sem âlfkona,' fair as elfin, express the height of female loveliness.

The dwarf adds to his repulsive hue an ill-shaped body, a humped back, and coarse clothing; when elves and dwarfs came to be mixed up together the graceful figure of the one was transferred to the other, yet sometimes the dwarfs expressly retain the black or grey complexion:

'svart i synen,' p. 457; 'a little black mannikin,' Kinderm. no. 92; 'grey mannikin,' Büsching's Wöch. nach. 1, 98. Their very height is occasionally specified: now they attain the stature of a four years' child, (25) now they appear a great deal smaller, to be measured by the span or thumb

. (Methinks she comes to me through solid walls, Her help, her comfort lets me nothing fear; And when she will she wafteth me from here With her white hand high o'er the pinnacles. I ween she is a Venus high.) He compares her then to a Venus or Holda, with the elvish power to penetrate through walls and carry you away over roof and tower (see chap. XXXI., Tannhäuser; and Suppl.).

They abstract well-shaped children from the cradle, and substitute their own ugly ones, or even themselves. These supposititious creatures are called changelings, cambiones--- - (App., Superst. E.); OHG. wihselinga (N. Ps. 17, 46. Cant. Deuteron. 5), our wechselbälge; Swed. bytingar, Dan. bittinger; also our kielkröpfe, dickköpfe from their thick necks and heads. (Stories about them in Thiele 1, 47. 3, 1. Faye p. 20. Ir. Elfenm. xli.-xlv. cv. Deut. sag. nos. 81-2, 87-90) (60) So early as in the poem 'Zeno' (Bruns p. 27 seq.) --- it is the devil that fills the place of a stolen child. The motive of the exchange seems to be, that elves are anxious to improve their breed by means of the human child, which they design to keep among them, and for which they

47 give up one of their own. A safeguard against such substitution is, to place a key, or one of the father's clothes, or steel and needles in the cradle. A very familiar story in the sagas of present day abductions that have absolutely nothing to do with the disinformation of 1947AD/Roswell being important enough as the start date of such human - non-human traffic - which clearly started millennia ago.

The following is an extract from the Reverend Robert Kirk's 1697AD treatise On 'the secret commonwealth of elves, fauns and faeries' Isbn 0 85991 016 4 He was one of Scotland’s first recorded abductees - 17th Century !!!

Please note the references to shape shifting and rematerialisation. The word 'Reptile' isn't in this book - but he does refer to strange aquatic Faeries in Scotland's Western Isles called 'the blue men of the Minch sith, 'S or Fairies, they call sluaghinaith or the good people: Cit would seem, to prevent the dint of their ill attempts: for the Irish use to bless all they fear harnie of and are said to he of a middle nature betwixt man and Angel (as were daemons thought to be of old); of intelligent Studious /spirits, and light changeable bodies (11k those called Astral) somewhat of the nature of a condens'd cloud, and best seem in twilight.

These bodies be so plyable thorough the subtilty of the spirits, that agitate them that they can make them appear or disappear at pleasure. Some have bodies or vehicles so spungious, thin and defecate, that they are fed by only sucking into some fine spirituous liquor that pierce like pure air and oyl: others feed more gross on the foyson or substance of comes and liquors, or on come itself, that grows on the surface of the Earth; which these fairies steal away, partly invisible, partly preying on the grain...

Their bodies of congealed air, are some times carried aloft, other whiles grovel in different shapes, and enter in anie Cranie or cleft of the ..' Having demonstrated and made Evident to Sense this extraordinary vision of our tramontain Seers, and what is seen by them, by what is said above; manie having seen this same Spectres & apparitions at once having their visible faculties entyre:

It now remains to show that it is not unsuitable to Reason, nor the Holy Scriptures. First that it's not repugnant to Reason doth appear from this, That it is no less strange for Immortal Sparks and Souls to come and be immersed into gross Terrestrial Elementary Bodies, and be so propagated, so nourished, so fed, so cloathed as they are, and breath in such an air, / and world prepared for them, then (p.68) for Hollanders or Hollow-cavern Inhabitants to live and traffic amongst us in another State of Being without our knowledge, For Thaymond de Subunde in his third Book chap.12.3 argues quaintly that all sorts of living creatures have a happie rational polity of their own with great contentment, which government, and mutual converse.

; But in everie deed, and speaking suitable to the nature of things; There is no more absurdity for a spirit to inform an Infantin Body of Air, than a Body composed of dull and drousie Earth; The best of spirits having aiwayes delighted more to appear into aereal, then into Terrestrial Body's. They feed mostwhat on quintessences, and 'Ethereal Essences: the pith and spirits only of

48 Womens milk feed their Children, being artificially convey'd (as air and oyl sink into our Bodys) to make them vigorous and fresh.

And this shorter way of conveying a pure Aliment (without the usual digestions) by transfusing it, and transpiring through the pores into the veins and arteries, and Vessels that supply the body, is nothing more absurd, than an Infants being fed by the Navel be-fore it is borne, Or than a plant which groweth by attracting a lively juice from the Earth throw manie small roots and tendons; whose / Courser (p.S2) parts being adapted and made connatural to the whole, doth quickly coalesce by the ambient cold, and so are condensed, and baked up into a confirmed wood in the one, and solid body of flesh and bone in the other. A Notion, which if entertained and approved, may show that the late Invention of soaking and transfusing (not blood, but) 'Ethereal virtual Spirits, may be useful both for nourishment and health; whereof there is a Vestige in the damnable practise of Evil Angels, their sucking of blood and spirits out of witches bodys (till they drain them, into a deformed and dry leanness) to feed their own Vehicles withal, leaving what wee call the witches mark behind.

From Paul Cook's Deliverance page at www.porn-free.org with kind permission.

Characteristics of Demons: * The demons that we encounter on earth seem to prefer to inhabit bodies (Revelation 18:2, Matthew 12:43-44, Mark 5:12). * Communal: Demons often live and work together. Jesus explained that when re- inhabiting a former host person, a demon will take seven spirits more wicked than himself and reoccupy the person (Matthew 12:43-45). Examples of communal demons are found in Mark 16:9 (Mary's seven demons) and Mark 5:9 (man with a legion of demons). * Demons have intellect and will (Matthew 12:43-45; Mark 5:6-13) * Demons vary in level of wickedness (Matthew 12:43-45; Mark 5:6-13) * Vary in power level and endurance: they require rest (Matthew 12:43-44; Mark 5:6- 13); some are only routed through prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29) * Recognize that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and they also can discern if people are legitimately using the authority of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:24-26; Mark 5:10-13; Acts 19:15)

Capabilities of Demons * Can travel (Matthew 12:43-45) * Can cause sickness, disease, fever, physical abnormalities, mental torment, alterations of voice * Can fight with God's angels (Daniel 10:13,20; Revelation 12:7) * Can influence human events (Revelation 16:13-14) * Can speak through a person's voice and see through their eyes (Acts 19:15) * Can affect the "state" of their host person (Matthew 12:43-45) ranging from total possession (Mark 5:2-8) to periodic influence (Mark 9:17-18). They are able to influence the emotions, thoughts and actions of their host toward destruction. Examples include the Gerasene demoniac cutting himself in Mark 5:5 and the boy who was being thrown into the fire in Mark 9:22. * Can invigorate people with extraordinary strength (Acts 19:16) * Can deceive people and draw people away from the truth, enticing them by their own desires (2 Chronicles 18:20-22, Luke 4:1-13, James 1:14 inferred, Acts 5:3)


In human perspective, all romantic notions of cosmos aside, the hive mentality on Earth, as deployed, is a brutal and demonic feeding mechanism. A demonic legion of anti-soul and anti-life beings are deployed around human creatives, breaking them down to bestial levels, stripping away our Divinely given human grace.

I am reminded of the alleged contactee or incarnated Pleiadean who has memories of flying a Pleiadean starfighter - it might be that that pilot is long gone home to heaven in those ancient starwars - but that their last memory was being taken by a demonic ship in the defence of their homeworld.

John 10:16 (King James Version) 16And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. Job 38:31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

Recycled memory records and fragments appear to be a specialty in this Legion of evil though all good souls will be brought home by the loving Angelic effort in this Great Work of Salvation.

The only truth in this respect is that if we turn to Christ and keep prayerfully connected - we will not be harvested by this evil.

John 10:28-30 (King James Version) 28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. 30I and my Father are one

50 Interdimensional Cosmology This chapter sets out to provide a road map for time space and its dimensions drawing from contemporary and ancient sources.

Although time and matter’s gravity in my opinion are one and the same thing – the possibility of timelessness in human society and timeless travel could open the door on a new era of social interaction and social meaning. There are precedents in the ancient records for such an evolved society and cosmology.

My own interest in time travel led me to understand what the ancients already seemed to know. I had been researching issues of time travel cosmology for a few years and had noted that backwards time travel might be far easier than forwards time travel – for reasons, which I explain below in my cruise liner analogy.

I had been looking into some of the mechanics necessary for teleportation and forward time travel and had developed a general systems theory which could have been used as a framework for such forward transmissions. At its heart it is based upon the idea that although there is an infinity of objects and events in the universe – an infinity of combinations that are too great for any computation we know – there is actually a limited and fixed number of the kind of events that can take place in the cosmos. There is a limited and closed number of processes/transactions that can happen during every event in the Universe. Using a Boolean analogy – I modelled a short series of universal and law-like events in a unique arithmetic that had a fixed and finite number for zero and infinity.

I reasoned for the purposes of time/space travel that given any known future energy landscape or distant context as a frame of reference – such time-space transmissions encoded using this new language and sent from our own time space could be recalibrated according to their new target context without distortions produced by unknown zeros and equations and distortions relating to infinity. These are major steps away from Goedel’s Logical numbering paradox and the infinite recursion and paradox of computation noted by Turing.

I then developed a time space cosmology that seemed to have parallels with the ancient record although I arrived at those anciently described ideas by my own contemporary route.

Our accepted understanding of time and the cosmos is probably false. An understanding of the time, matter and gravity concepts (on the lips of abductees and 'Black Ops' scientists like Dr. Michael Wolf and the basics of the Secret Science) agrees with my own paradigm and show us the possibility that gravity, time and mass are all one and the same. In all likelihood, it is easier to travel through time and dimensions by spinning a magnetic disk, than it is to travel between distant galaxies with never to be found 'dilithium crystals' of Star Trek.

This one issue, if true would predict that interstellar time space and intergalactic time space were not operating the same kind of time or matter as our solar system. Indeed

51 partially materialised dark matter galaxies have been recorded. e.g. The unusual galaxy, called NGC 4625, proves the theory of constant birth and death of stars and planets and it is relatively nearby. Dr. Armando Gil de Paz of the Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, Calif, in July issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters. "We are practically up-close and personal with a galaxy undergoing an evolutionary stage that was thought to occur only at the dawn of the universe ..,”

Travelling through mountain ranges and chasms of aether and newly emerging dark matter and cosmic schisms and structural inconsistencies in the fabric of time space the ET traveller would need to effectively get above this geography to make traversing it easier.

There are indications in our modern day records that point to the understanding of timespace known to our ancients. One of the main features of interstellar travel (that was seemingly disclosed by ET's), is that they travel by pulling their destination to themselves. This doesn't sound like Star Trek does it? This is how it probably works: by taking their ships out of gravity (and therefore time) and the physical conditions of this dimension (by getting on a high mountain top of free energy at no cost to themselves), their destination seems to swirl closer towards them because distant things look closer together, i.e. city blocks look very close together from Earth’s orbit. Then, they then drop more easily onto their destination, with the minimum of physical adjustment, but using the maximum of free energy.

This kind of ET interstellar travel may operate on the principle that mass and matter is directly related to the amount of gravity measured. This relationship between gravity and time has been observed by humanity.

The 4 atomic clocks experiment by Hafele and Keating also proves a Hennessey hypothesis that time is a field effect of mass – that time is a gravity wave. The clocks at high altitude are further from the centre of gravity of the Earth and therefore experience less time. The 4 atomic clocks experiment by Hafele and Keating may also prove Einstein's ideas too – but the same experimental data fits and adds empirical weight to the Hennessey Model – that a gravity field is a time field. http://www.andrewhennessey.co.uk/thenewphysics.pdf

I propose that Time is Gravity [Hennessey] Time is directly proportional to mass and to gravity: Gravity and time are one and the same field. The more mass, the more gravity, the more empirical time and that the spinning magnets of the electrogravity technology of e.g. Townsend Brown – anti-gravity are also capable of being anti-time machines. The less mass there is – the more energy there is – the less time there is .. and this idea is borne out by accounts of timelessness and OBE’s and other people who allege encounters in the Spirit Realms.

The ancient records speak of an understanding of the kind of time space cosmology that fits with the consequences of antigravity and anti-time and depicts islands and mountains in time space.

52 Gulfs, mountains and canyons and rifts do appear in the universal energy seas, but these are directly driven by absolute and universal chaos, not the limited linearity of the accepted Hawking model. There are clear parallels and parables in documents like the KJV that illustrate a cosmology that is currently being related by contactees.

The Angelic worlds above our own frequency set operate on rational not irrational principles – and traditionally tend to be witnessed as more timeless where the rules of matter are easily mutated by will and abundant energy.

Here, human or other local intervention in or reversal of related and affected electrogravity and delta of change in gravitational-gradients of fluid-aether is not pre- ordained. Total reversals are impossible because the flow is always one way from the macrocosm. Although aspects of this local Dynamic are subject to our free will in our microcosmic context. In this respect, locally constructed technology will always be struggling to attenuate macrocosmic intercession in microcosmic processes.

Where there is a paradigm of less time, more spirit and more energy - we tend to associate the Spirtualist tales of magical realms of creativity where matter is responsive to will. Artefacts are then allegedly created by our spiritual heart, not by perpetually failing circuit boards. Even the Verdants according to Philip Krapff claim to have taken their ships up the frequencies to `heaven' or somewhere near it. In UFOLOGY there are tales of the flight dynamics of alien spacecraft where abundant free energy is pumped into the hull envelope making it antigravity which causes the vehicle to rise above the concrete properties of local mass in this our density or Cosmos. It climbs the mountains of energy and time space.

The more energy, the less mass, the less gravity, the less time there is … and inversely, the more mass, the more gravity, the more time there is – and this fits in with the notion of timelessness and high energy and high frequency that we have already garnered from tales of the spirit worlds in books such as The Life Unseen by Anthony Borgia, and the Life Elysian by Robert James Lees. It also fits in with the sometimes sinister cosmology of the faerie realm portrayed clearly in collected folklore tales and anecdotes by ethnologists such as; MM Banks in British Calendar Customs, vol 1-3, 1937, Grimm’s Teutonic Mythology, Grimm, 1901 and also the Rev Robert Kirk in the Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Faeries, 1697AD. In those tales of faerie abduction that folklore is so replete with, the abductee is usually only gone for a short length of time in the faerie land but usually seven years have gone by in the world of mankind. This suggests that the world of mankind is actually operating on a much higher frequency of evolutionary scale than the world of faerie. The cycles of our seasons go round and round and round in fast-forward compared to the abducted soul in the faerie realm stuck in relative stasis for sometimes what only appears to be a few hours.

The realm of Angels therefore is operating at a much higher frequency than all of this. Terrafirma is faster than faerieland, but relatively speaking in relation to our own time

53 space and cosmos the Angelic realm is way way up a frequency mountain and possessing the perspective to diminish distant events in this our time space to seeable and foreseeable reality. In some way our lives and futures appear mapped out to them. Theirs the greatest heights and love and timeless perspective.

Mass in our density or plane will also produce harmonic images or dimensions/resonances of itself that we have noted in the human records as Mythic or Theological e.g. Heavens, Planes, Spheres, Continuum, Nirvana etc

In the KJV bible, an old document, there are hints of a whole realm and state of being that is quite independent of what we take for normality. In some of the quotes that follow it appears that a very realistic cosmology and philosophy of time was being operated anciently that bears little resemblance to the world of 20th Century Stephen Hawking.

Isaiah 2:2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

With or without Einstein, Angels have been coming and going throughout the millennia on this planet and often showing that they have advanced prophetic knowledge of events that are going to occur as if they are already written. I think that these events in our plane or dimension are written such that they can be largely seen from other dimensions and high energy time zones and that we as people are always looking at known yesterdays when we act out these parts we inhabit here – albeit with our own unique interpretations. The spiritual issue for participants here isn't so much that the mechanics of the Earthly play are known it is in the unique interpretation of the script, and the performance, dedication and focus of the actors. This next bit proposes the idea that predetermination in our lives is partially true.

There are therefore very real possibilities that our lives can live in all sorts of timelessness and that we can move through these time zones to take part in all sorts of creations and matter that are high energy and more responsive to our creative will.

Forward time travel within our own density without angelic co-ordination according to my own research is possible, although more difficult than merely going back over old ground. All of the matter of this density or cosmos that we inhabit is like a bubble in the foam of a massive multiverse. Living in this cosmos is like being on an ocean liner that has a forward momentum and we can often predict where it is going to be, quite accurately in the short term. Long-range time travel with storms and undercurrents in the etheric ocean of the multiverse makes knowing where to jump onto our future ships position less likely to accurately predict from within our own time space perspective. If we mistakenly predict and project the future winding course of time space relative to ourselves we may accidentally end up in some muddy creek in a drifting island pocket in our cosmic ocean.

(that may well not be a mountaintop but a hell or at best a zone of purgatory next to

54 hell.)

We begin our voyages through time defined in terms of our local cosmos whether physically or energetically or spiritually. Everything around us is intimately interlinked on all scales in context. The ocean liner is made out of iron and steel and the passengers of carbon because we inhabit a tertiary star system full of more complex tertiary matter and that the core components of iron and carbon are central to the chemistry of the central planets and also the oxidative metabolism of most of its biological life forms. The physical chemistry that spontaneously organizes to emerge new life is mimicked and duplicated by the intellectual capacity of human life. Transfers between high and low duplicate the laws of organization and bonding in chemistry by crystallizing and emerging social organizations and social adaptations. These emergent social structures are driven by the context of the environment and any other interference or constraint.

Indeed the emulation of the physics of nature and nurture in Christ’s New Covenant is likened to an efficiently performing biological vine in John 15 and I write about this in my paper at the beginning of this work: THE ET LAW AND THE WAY OF LIFE

The appearance of matter and our integration with it is an illusion however, but the matter works its own logistics out via the dualistic processes within it e.g. opposites; entropy and disintegration operating against the law of emergence and order out of chaos. Fission or breakdown or combustion operates against Fusion and spontaneous growth. Order and Chaos is a secret school and illuminati motto and one of the most abandoned and discarded truths within the charade of human science. The chaos law of Emergence is the buried key to eternity and the buried truth of our free lunch, free energy and free souls. e.g. Just try to find Dr Stuart Kauffman's paper `Auto catalytic Self-Organizing Polymers' – the spontaneous DNA for nothing anti-Darwin scientific discovery. [Originally at www.santafe.edu]

Our cruise liner time space with all its components and ingredients has its own forward momentum on the ocean of an infinite continuum between other seas and other bubbles and other higher dimensional harmonics and echoes of these.

The realm of our Angels sits high up in the frequency mountains above this, our density. From what we know therefore we can work out that if we were high up on a frequency mountain somewhere – we can see where our time wave and cruise liner was going from a totally different perspective.

I do not believe that every small detail of how we react at breakfast time on the cruise liner is already known, or exactly what weather or preference of clothes one might favour on that day is known, written down and set down in advance for us whether we like it or not. We were created in my opinion truly and totally free to choose. Generally, though although there are many other Cruise liners and many other kinds of ship, the course, cargo manifest and itinerary of our cruise liner is already set on

55 our "cruise ship earth/solar-system".

This is because all material things we wish to incarnate and locate into are governed by the rules of materials and their interactivity. What is on life’s menu and the selection to be offered up is already written in advance, perhaps already governed by the presence or absence of harvests and produce that were themselves driven or excluded by environmental conditions and that what the onboard entertainment is going to offer up is already part of the ships itinerary – a form of entertainment whose pessimism or austerity or optimism and frivolity is itself influenced by the relative abundance of the wheat/staple harvest or energy/fuel demand that is directly driven by warming or cooling from the presence or absence of sun spot activity.

We can select from these things or choose to refuse in my opinion.

Why, though would we as higher density spirits buy into a life that we already know all about and can see laid out from a different perspective for that might be like seeing a rerun of a film all over again. The adventure in my opinion is in the application, interpretation and re-interpretation of the obstacles and the details that we choose to use or create.

I believe that every soul that buys a ticket/DNA for this cruise liner gets a book of outlined drawings or scripts based on the part of the ship that they occupy for them to color in, but that whether we produce a Da Vinci or Cartoon at the end of the process is up to ourselves.

To a great extent though the activities and details of the journey of the cruise ship are very predictable based on the ships manifest, supplies, necessary crew and passenger list.

It is in this model entirely possible to get above the local geography of this time space and view the topology from a great height.

Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 11 Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.

Luke 4:5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

It seems that from all the lore we know, whether from the older Religions or the pagan or Spiritism - that Angels dark or light can find vantage points over the time space of the cruise liner in which we are being conveyed. There are also clear accounts of prophetic visions from e.g. the Brahan Seer in Scotland in the 17th Century who foretold all sorts of changes in Scotland, and also from 800BC where the prophet Isaiah clearly foretold of the coming of Christ.


There are also other accounts of time space tinkering by the Greys in UFOLOGY where perhaps during some stage managed process with a stage hypnotist aboard the cruise ship memories of our time out have been erased and hastily spliced together like some bad video editor to give us Déjà vu. Not a seamless job by the aliens. Sometimes on cruise ship Earth the ships passengers matrix radio will tell us that there is to be some Bingo at the swimming pool, and many people unconsciously pick that up and go there – thereby generating a synchronicity where they meet all sorts of people from other walks of life in the process who also like Bingo too. In the realm of Angels and in the life and Great work of the Saints and Angels, many come down from the great heights of these mountains and vantage points and often we dine with Angels unawares at breakfast. These enigmatic people never seem to have the right cabin number, or have differing credentials and they never seem to be where they should be, for in truth they are not really of the places that they appear to come from.

Angels though are not bound by the rules of cruise ship Earth or its dark alien dependents and farmers and don't really care about the energy of breakfast as a necessity of any kind of energy that they must intake.

Technically Beings of higher levels of energy could be in stealth mode relative to here.

John 3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

Acts 27:22 And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship. 23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, 24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.

In Christ's teachings, and in particular the fact that almost every reference to His divine origins is so often and so obviously hacked and sabotaged by edit after edit throughout the ages of mankind – we can still see some evidence of the fact that He could see down the timelines of all of those in His vision.

John 21:18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. 19 This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me

Matthew 26:34 Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. Matthew 26:73 And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee. 74 Then began he to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man.

57 And immediately the cock crew. 75 And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly.

The other realities of Christ’s teachings that make up part of the Gospel are the many miracles of energy and will over matter; in water to wine, food from energy, the rescripting of blind eyes, the healing and material transformation by energy and spirit of all sorts of disease. There are many other doctrines and schools on planet Earth that offer similar powers and godlike abilities, and it can be seen in the activity of alien beings and their abilities to proceed through the walls of our cruise ship reality, some to heal and others to wither that energy invested into or taken out of people and objects can change their states for good or ill. Some Grey abductees for example complain of incurring serious back injuries and other ailments. Others claim healing by Greys and other kinds of Beings from the stars in our Cosmos.

For Beings from the Angelic realms and for Christ is the promise of real power and real responsibility.

Matthew 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Angelic powers do not operate by the rules or needs or dependencies or investments of this cosmos. Beyond our idea of time and matter are works of massive powers and social healing and creation.

Mark 4:37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?

Also, if Angels and other travelers need the tokens to operate our Cruiseship reality, then they can cause them to manifest from anywhere in a respectful manner. Matthew 17:27 Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.

58 In Gospel teachings – which is what I am more familiar with – is demonstrated an advanced chaos cosmology, [knowledge of which is also used by Nigel Kerner in his disclosure book on Grey farming cosmology called The Song of the Greys], that one day the bubble in the multiverse foam that is the density of Cruiseship Earth will one day burst in the natural course and order of things.

Isaiah 34:4 And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

In an endless multiverse of bubble upon bubble in a fractal and vast foam at all and every scale there are infinite roads and paths full of God, portals between and through bubbles at all scales. There will be wannabe gods and energy hungry beings though not all these paths in my opinion lead to the perfection of family and love and communion archetypally illustrated by Christ.

Ultimately – given the enormity of magnitude and scale that abundantly supplied and abundantly powerful beings can operate at .. it is entirely possible that a couple of enormous hands could lift our cruise ship out of the water. The love of community and of the heart operates quite independently of scale and magnitude however, and the eternal fig tree of which our burdened cruise ship is only a small part has many mansions and palaces and mountains and temples at all scales for all scales of beings.

Revelation 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

The television that we pay so much for in our ships cabin on cruise ship Earth never seems to stop telling us what is possible and impossible. Yet it is more than ever apparent that with love and the will to act lovingly at any scale or order and magnitude of energy – all things seemingly incredible have to be possible for us and others: many other things, exciting and fulfilling things beyond our human and often deliberately poisoned imagination.

This too was part of Christ's promise to us.


We hear from so many different sources of dimensions of higher and higher love and higher and clearer and everlasting harmonics beyond our notion of time and space on Earth and its plane that resonate with ever growing clarity and power only a heartbeat above our heads. These endless Kingdoms or many mansions of Life are full of love and joy and relationships and even our limited Earthly or galactic knowledge can people only some of these places with sets of beings and hierarchies of society, soul groups and social interactions.

On the cosmic plane of Earth though, chaotic materials are; spiral and helical weather systems that are galaxies and atoms, or helical superclusters or atmospheric storms or vortices which pass through endless folds of endless curtains into other adjacent theatres or cosmic bubbles in the foam.

In this chaos cosmology of whirls and turbulence, the endless Life that is the One God continually pours out a foundation of life at the bottom of a huge pyramid of ever increasing and accruing sentience. [e.g. Logos, Outpourings, Vehicles, Vol. 1 - Hindu cosmology from The Secret Doctrine by Blavatsky, or, Kerner, N] These little sparks or seeds may grow and evolve through other series of forms and archetypes - like hermit crabs. In the process they accrue attributes and specialism and adaptations for certain habitats and niches.

Nigel Kerner in his 'Song of the Greys' speaks of the tidal ocean of God's Life as an impersonal process that ebbs and flows on the beaches of endless crystals of sand, leaving little bits of foam - new life form sparks - on every tidal retreat. Kerner goes on to illustrate how this process is being farmed as foodstuff by the Greys who artificially manufacture synthetic amalgams of sparks to birth and or fuel a hybrid human-like [anthropomorphic] species by garnering in the soul outpourings of the more creative and life-filled beings that they predate upon. The Greys farm and strip [Streiber, W] their captives to supply the missing soul bits, attributes and specialist humanoid characteristics to their new and alleged next step the non-sexual humanoid Grey hybrid. [Kerner, N] I think this being is merely a Trojan horse or a means to the end of accessing humanoid civilisations and forging empathic feeding strategies with selected creatives within other dualistic ET social realities for the benefit of the Imperial hive and its industries.

The Life Foam in this analogy is the endless supply of new Life from the Source, our Father as it seeps into the hierarchies of Life that are not sentient the way we are. E.g. the animals, the insecta, the reptilia, the fungi, the bacillus etc We humans on the other hand are not isolated bits of sea stuff, but a socially merged and resonating sentient and nurturing, tool using life forms who strive to be as simple, coherent and fruitful as a Vine.

Relative to us, the Greys and their exclusive insecta type caste system come from the atomic and relatively distant end of this interacting Life Foam as individually and collectively we as humans are now different by virtue of being socially engendered,

60 diverse, dualistic and are also a multitude of similarly endowed beings [Life in the World Unseen, Borgia, A and The Life Elysian, Lees, RJ].

For reasons I cannot explain, the Humans of earth and the earth plane are being socially engineered at this time and in sore need of reprieve. [Hempel D and Delooze, M] The legends of the Reptilian Annunaki, alleged creators of humanity are global and some evidence for their continual presence in mankind more than visible. [Sitchin, Z and Gardner, L and Alford, A] On this earthplane there is a continual cycle of predation and energy deficit, and energy acquisition on this planet and potentially every other in this cosmos there is competing nature redorangeyellowgreenblueindigovioletblackwhitegrey in tooth and claw and container.

Our cosmos - this plane of existence appears to be part of a place where the worm does not die, nor the metabolic fires quenched for it is a place of continual hunger and eating. [cf. Hell] [Kauffman, S; 'autocatalytic self-organising polymers' (a model of perpetually recreating and emerging DNA from a chaos of basic ingredients)]

When I hear stories of the Fall, I am aware of the mythology of Lucifer and the many ideologies created and uncreated around both the actual physical process and the myth by various groups of Beings who have an interest in both deceiving and farming the human race. [Flavius, J] Angels fall down from heaven to become incarnadine and selfish and service to self and self-empowered is the core of what we are being presented with. If there is a quest to find or steal the Light however, it is probably because being disconnected from and hateful of the loving vineyard of their brothers and sisters in Christ and the One God, they need to locate the Lights of others to feed upon. [cf. the lotus eaters] When our former brothers and sisters fall from these highly energy and knowledge enriched and loved states however, they fall down into unhuman and dehumanised relationships of a disconnected nature. [Book of Enoch etc]

There the meaning of what it is to be nurturing and loving and facilitating and tolerant of innocence and error is distorted and perverted and broken. There the reason for being human is lost and distorted and replaced by the reason for being animal - the reason for being less than human and an over-riding all conquering predator bereft of justice and social facility. [Do what thou wilt is all of thy law, Thelema, Crowleigh A]

As it was in Isaiah's time over two thousand years ago - the circus of fallen evil today knows no changes in its way of death and blood as yet. [Icke, D]

Isaiah 57: 3 But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore. 4 Against whom do ye sport yourselves? against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood, 5 Enflaming yourselves with idols under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys under the clifts of the rocks? 6 Among the smooth stones of the stream is thy portion; they, they are thy lot: even to

61 them hast thou poured a drink offering, thou hast offered a meat offering. Should I receive comfort in these?

The symptoms of the disease of the human soul we all recognise in terms of violations of; trust and life and that which is sacred or beautiful or aesthetic or moral or just or fair or sensible or a sense of family or love or relationship or logical or sane or social or prudent or tactical or strategic. It is chaos and anima and the desolation not just of the temporary human being but of the eternal principle of the best of what it is to be human for its own sake.

Perhaps people we know want to take on the characteristics of animals or birds or assume the energies of animals or some other non-human creatures. [Fraser, The Golden Bough]. Perhaps they visualise themselves as less than human. E.g. a collaborator Mr G, of the Greys is looking forward to flitting between all sorts of natural life forms whilst recreationally indulging in their sensory limitations and assets. A Transhumanist for example felt safer and more protected wearing the metallic skin of a robot - however insensitive that was to feelings of joy and organic life - it offered protection from pain. [>H List, 1997] Our sense of being human becomes distorted by our immersion in the energies of animism and material props. My own response to the dangers of distortion of my humanity is a Christian one. A Buddhist or Eastern Mystical response might be to let go of every form and be nothing to any reality or form and in being empty, devoid of influence and distraction have the greatest stability. A Gnostic magician might build a locus or working using empathetic magic and rituals and talismans in the hope of restoring their lost balance. A Theosophist unless they have 'a hard brain and cannot meditate' might refer to masters or mahatmas and hope that by doing their bidding 'without cavil or delay' [Besant, on Morals of the Secret School] that they may be rewarded and sustained by some alchemical art.

When I think of being the best human I can be I think of Christ who is God's first born and an archetype and brother. If I conform my errant mentality and imitate the natural law He espouses by his new covenant I will be sustained. In His new covenant as a loving soul and committed brother - I may by Loving my brothers and sisters and by loving God and by loving myself in equal measure be what it is to be a healthy being on any scale and magnitude anywhere in the Universe. I would then be like a healthy plant cell in a vine that is able to function by passing on the waters of Life from the One Source, its root, to its adjacent fellows and by also retaining a measure of that self-integrity and loving essence for himself. Of course how we then actually perform when stressed and put to some service and use by God is another issue. I think that Christ is the template by which we can continue to live. His power and example, his abundant Life and Love in anthropomorphic resonance with my soul, like a waterfall of Life can renew my Human Being in all its aspects throughout the many cascading and descending spheres in which I can hope to eternally and happily persist now and in the future. However, if our minds become too trammelled and occupied and pre-occupied and sophisticated and convoluted we can become un-natural and not perform the same

62 simple self-regulating mechanism that all life from the simplest to the more complex uses to remain at ease with the flow of Life within it. I think that problem is why I am now here on Earth. By resonating with the template and example of Christ we can return to and be refreshed by a more natural state of humanity instead of becoming diseased by our own sophistry. Above our heads therefore is a Loving Vine [John 15] that extends and rambles in a carefree manner through all sorts of mansions and harmonics and spheres, rooted in the Source of all human love and life, our Father, Son and Holy Spirit but we at the bottom end of it, are like fruits dangling from the lower branches.

At some point though - some Beings, formerly of the human and dualistic paradigm that were full of Life, energy and knowledge, relationships and friendships and loves and society and creativity and sharing wish for nothing more of life.

Before the time of Christ in the Abrahimic lore, in Psalm 139 of the Old Testament there is mention of the Souls who abandon the human, who 'melt' down and take the 'wings of morning'.

The process itself is probably not all one way - as an efficient and evil vampiric predator could have a strategy for rebuilding their commitments and feeding game plans when they become burned or melted down too far in the ongoing struggle of the hungry cosmic deserts.

In those sandy shores or deserts where Kerner's more simple Soul Foam washes upon the beaches of material incarnation and creativity - the predators gather like beachcombers.

The bigger catches though are those beings on the lower end of the Vine and a more Complex form of Life - the human type Life. We can be tempted to let go. We are fruits of complexity falling down into a universe of organised simplicity. These organised predators might conceive of tools or props for their complex prey that strip them of, or diminish, the very attributes that they can be made to hope to enhance. Being complex types its only reasonable to accept encouragement to cast reasonable doubt and self-doubt on our own assessments of our alleged abilities or alleged inabilities and buy into some solution to an alleged issue. More diminished down here near or on the Earthplane we can get easily taken by liars and cheats and snake-oil salesmen. Later when or if we get there - as ascended Human type angelic Beings higher up the ladder we have it all, all kinds of powers and attributes, and we can be vested and invested with faith and power that can move mountains without need of talismans or tools. Such talismans symbolise the presence of our material burdens but also our lack of faith in and connection with God our source. Our need for props is symbolic of a diminished focus on God and our loving brothers and sisters and symptomatic of service to self. These props, Trojan horses into our souls are reminders of our state of dis-ease or imbalance - our magical insufficiency rather than an enhanced efficiency. A predator can commence mind games around the presence or absence of such

63 alleged assets and our faith in our success or failure with these props becomes invested not in God but in the fruits of our own ego and our own mind based performance. Our mind becomes lost in a maze or matrix of mind games and our heart becomes disheartened and disconnected. Sluggish and Senescent, Sophisticated and over-ripe, slightly fermented and easily dislodged the human souls who have not in time maintained themselves and their brothers and sisters and returned love to their wellspring and first born Brother. In the retarded and artificial matrix of either soul farms or some half way galactic or aetheric house beyond here they are then disorientated and shaken free of their inheritance and their eternal Life and they Fall down into the dust. Some might wrongly say 'falling down to heaven .. on Earth' They are content to be dust, stardust or electrons, quanta or photons or electro- chemicals and to be part of a cycle of materials anciently described:

Psalms 17:11 They have now compassed us in our steps: they have set their eyes bowing down to the earth; 12 Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places. 13 Arise, O LORD, disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, which is thy sword: 14 From men which are thy hand, O LORD, from men of the world, which have their portion in this life, and whose belly thou fillest with thy hid treasure: they are full of children, and leave the rest of their substance to their babes. 15 As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.

There depicted in Psalms - the Children not just of the World but of the Wheel of time and the material cycle of this dense hell. The Discipline of Raja Yoga also teaches that having and perpetuating child bearing activities can lock you into an almost endless cycle of returns.

Perhaps for someone like myself who had been living elsewhere in the lower vine and who had been drunken with their own mentality and were selfishly sleeping, as I'm sure that's why this author came here, we may awake before we fall.

Psalms 57:6 They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah. 7 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. 8 Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early.

Down in the cycle of living and dying dust beneath the Vine of Life there is driving anima and non-human and un-human and un-loving deceit. The Greys for example appear to be stripping and mining our abilities and knowledge and human processes [Collier] and behavioural models and responses out of their captives - allegedly according to Kerner and Streiber to build the next generation of ensouled and superior humans within some biological remit.

Yet none of these alleged new humans they produce innately embody the reality of either biological or non-biological [angelic high energy]; sexual congress, duality, society and family as these traits are artificially engineered out of hierarchical

64 societies in earth-based natural populations of bees, ants and wasps. [Hymenoptera sp.] and are allegedly targeted elsewhere in cosmic alien megapopulations [Krapff, P]. To their adherents they merely promise more engineered biological forms in the future, not high energy, high frequency universal independence and capacity.

This is not to say that a Queen and hierarchy in a more evolved and spiritual hymenoptera based soul group and alien mega population would not one day wish to completely flood themselves and their domain out with competitive replacements. It seems to me more at this stage in our Earthly farm that the behaviour of these beings when they are not getting their own way is loveless, brutal and clinical.

From the abductee Paul Schroeder … 'When the Dark side aliens seem addicted to you truths emerge more dreadful than mere body tampering and theft .If the truth, weren't so very scary, I wouldn't haunt you for your slant . A very different endgame than one pretends is naturally inherent at our death, the death of abductees. Reptilians and greys INTERFERE with ones soul transit; they garner souls and transfer them into soulless bodies they've created, as hybrids or clones ,bypassing the whole human spiritual recycling of HEAVEN_EARTH_HEAVEN_EARTH, with all the attendant helpers from the universe of Light. Imagine awakening, again, in an infants body with amnesia, again, but this time after time, no Heaven or rest or blueprint or attending angels between lifetimes. Your only spirit unseen guides and helpers are from the Darkness as reptilians and greys who orchestrate your emotional life replete with temptations, addictions, sinister acts and thoughts, bad luck and horrors so that you're always their delicious property for the milking, a landlocked spiritual Nightmare. When greys say; WE HAVE THE RIGHT, in a response to abduction complaints, it means that they have invested much in us; that's why they know so very much about our previous lifetimes ..'

On this planet which is a great crossroads - the mind of a human being can be ceaselessly; wiped, replaced, substituted, switched off, implanted, reprogrammed, redirected or overborne by the actions of non-humans upon our more retarded beings in our technologically and socially and quite deliberately retarded nihilistic cul de sac … yet unfortunately in Paul's life - all the activities of Good are really the activities of Universally dominant Evil in disguise whilst any goodness that is in the Universe simply looks on impassive and uncaring and un-helping. Paul in his own brutally oppressed dualistic state cannot identify the logical presence of some good somewhere in the Universe and the thing is although having seen a form of Angelic reality the event had no immediate consequences of release from his alien farmers and fear feeders. Paul Schroeder has not yet been physically saved. Let us pray for him and ourselves that we may be saved from the Evil one and its powers and principalities.

Our worst nightmare on Earth is not so much things like planet X flyby, pole shift and tilt, mountains becoming seas etc but it is the reality that we don't know what to look forward to. Every image we see or hear or read about could deceive us or mislead us, and every author this one included is prone to error.

Channels tell us to look for no more technology or tools, or to be emptying ourselves out as beacons of love - whereas I think we should look forward to being filled with

65 the utter fullness of God. We hear that we should surrender to or visualise scenery in landscapes and mindscapes devised by other allegedly human minds - these being allegedly safe places to navigate our soul towards in the event that we may suddenly be disembodied for numerous and various reasons. When we have others think-create our final destination for us and paint these pictures we have allowed something to grab our attention and our soul. Our attention and spiritual intentions have then been hijacked and re-routed into some off-the-peg corral or virtual reality type matrix. In my opinion we should be wary of heaven-type scenery triggered and implanted in your mind by the written word and other media. To see with our real eyes, and I'm not pretending to be knowledgeable in these matters .. we need to see with the heart so that we can navigate more surely as ascending souls through the possibilities of a maelstrom of competing realities. What I suggest therefore - because this would work for me - [ it might not for you - because for example in Neural Linguistic Programming it was found that people orientated their consciousness and recognised the world differently by specialising in one or two of their five or six senses e.g. it was found that they had; tactile language, visual language, audio or olfactory etc] is not to focus on an image of any landscape or geographical looking mindscape supplied by worst case some dark Reptoid or Grey farmer, but to focus instead on the goodness of the final destination and the things that can happen there. Do this in terms of your own personal way of 'seeing' [touching/hearing etc] things …

For example the best things we could hope for in our own terms;

1.The Loving social and healing network of Christ's archetypal true vine, 2. the empowering return of ancient and sacred memories and the gifts of new knowledge and skills and opportunities, Youth and Beauty, a secure Kingdom full of beautiful technological and natural facilities with ethical libraries and advanced social fabric and media. 3. Beautiful works to do and loving recreation. 4. Perhaps for some who are ready, there might be Life with a loving family. 5. the renewal and creation of friendships and exciting travel and exploration. 6. Rescue work and missions of mercy.



It can be seen from some of our academic material that for some time now all is not right with our view of the world. We have physics and cosmology and sciences and paradoxes that refuse change and solutions and whole ways of doing things seemingly entrenched in obsolete technologies and fuels and medicines - and we have everywhere some war or rumour of war. I suggest that things in our status quo have very much been like that every century for thousands of years. There is always some dark evil wolf of human political fabrication at the edge of the pasture to keep the flock nervous, yet for every century that passes the news of the dark alien underground and what goes on there has always supplied us with stories of magical people and their shapeshifting technologies and often evil friends. Cave paintings, standing stone carvings, ancient monumental sculptures, European Renaissance paintings, the Roswell first contact myth - we have always had some dysfunctional and un-progressive human society that seems to go nowhere - whilst at our fringes in the dark woods of our nightmares at the pastures edge lurk the alien brigands who would usurp the flock portrayed in the cultural media of the day. Historically though the planets surface seems to be stuck in zones like the film Westworld.

Around 1000AD, looking in depth at the academic reasoning behind the non-use of the Chinese navy over a period of 500 years which comprised of a fleet of heavily armoured highly manoeuvrable flat topped paddle boats that were armed with cannons we see a glaring paradox. In 500 years of massive fiscal demands that would relocate capital cities and equip numerous armies etc No-one allegedly had the idea to take even a portion of that fleet south, hugging the coast and water supplies into the Indian or Arabian Ocean in search of gold - but the only explanation offered for this is that either strangers interfered or that they as a people had a 'patient and resigned shopkeeper mentality' - but neither of these explanations is sufficient for me. They conducted trade and imports from India which also contributed to their culture and architecture so they knew of the Raj Kingdoms and palaces. It is an incredible fact though that that navy was allegedly never used for the purpose of conquest yet they had overwhelming technological superiority till the arrival of the East India Company hundreds of years later !!! How could some martial arts warlord never have the idea to leave the Chinese version of the Truman show or Groundhog Day in search of loot to finance some of those massive campaigns ??? What changed their minds to prevent their global conquest ?

The particle physics of Lord Kelvin and his atomic vortex theory of 1901 is actually a more advanced particle physics model than the one we are using in the 21st Century. Also Tesla's theory of Environmental Energy ought to have been enough at the start of the 20th Century to give us a future. Instead we toy with insoluble mathematical conundrums and elite mindgames that can

67 never progress past a central fatal flaw and inbuilt mathematical redundancy.

No such joy however, as most of us start to notice on a journey round our local bookstore, the remix and duplication and un-originality in ever more dumbed down formats. Multimedia devices for youth culture with tiny display units totally fail to convey anything good. Educational exams for children in the 18th and 19th century appear to look more and more like post graduate university degrees with their mathematical components and Science and medical Science totally fail to deliver for the human race, certainly at any price that they could afford to pay. Two thirds of the population of this planet have no social concept of coffee and cake whilst in an African village pancakes made out of dust and sugar are served up to the starving.

In these grotesque and alien and un-humanly engineered social circumstances then, we see time and time again the failure of every social charade we had been counting on to deliver. Junk physics, unending cancers, incurable paradoxes and diseases whilst millions of contactees or spiritually tuned in simply cannot write a chemical formulae for a cure down on a paper napkin sent by some wise Alien being of alleged love and light.

The aliens themselves entrenched and farming this disorientated herd, suspiciously seem to be farming our souls from some accounts and other accounts point to some impending harvest. After this harvest they allege that their victims will inherit better biology next time, yet the eternal soul and all its manifestations as a truly living and empowered being does not need or use biology or biological constraints - being empowered by a network of living and free life. It is only the dead that have future need of biology, and of course, biological beings need to eat, even clever alien ones.

We mill about in our stockpens looking at the entropy and social disease in the culture and media and utilities and in our own security and geology whilst others with less than human agendas parade powers of illusion and mastery of matter and shape, and display technologies, skills, memories of events and places beyond the human horizons and perhaps if we are human we realise that our own human condition for some reason we agreed to before we were born, is artificial. It could not be reasoned that we don't have these massive capacities too, its just that either genetically or by some other magical or telepathic or technological control, we cannot access them at this point.

Looking at satellite photographs of my own home and area, I can see alien observation droids parked above my and the dwellings of others. Special Forces in contact have suggested that they are in the possession of visioning equipment that can see all the stuff that's flying about .. and that if we had this kind of technology we might see a very different kind of world.

We hear of the Reptilians and their alliance with the Greys and that humanity according to a series of Norwegian statues in Oslo are their thralls.

68 If this is so, then let us ask some important questions about the things we take for granted. This place is a deliberately diseased and retarded cul de sac imo. If oil ran out somewhere, these beings would probably manufacture it for our use. We know that they can abduct anyone anywhere and programme or replace them - so does that rule not apply to our many and various politicians and leaders and captains of industry ? In a planet that has been managed and successfully zoned for thousands of years, its science and technological developments suppressed whenever necessary to keep the planets surface backwards, the one word that could sum up or describe the quality of the entire evolutionary output of this planet is 'almost'.

On planet Almost therefore where people are being herded about and Distressed and supplied and resupplied by global industries and a global food chain … how do we know that whole container ships coming from China and their cargoes are not abducted and substituted too ? How do we know that our little bits and pieces of household material doesn't have other inclusions in it. To believe that is a Psychiatric condition called Capgras Syndrome, which more commonly is the belief that someone you know and love is now an alien substitute. There have to be genuine sufferers of this disorder, but from what we know maybe some people are not so deluded.

On Planet Almost many people in the Western world have a computer, mostly running Microsoft operating systems and software - a luxury not extended to probably 70% of the population of this planet. One hears stories that the CPU, the chip that is at the heart of our home PC is designed after the floor plan of an Egyptian Temple and that the enigmatic Bill Gates has some sort of Stargate happening at his HQ. Stuff like this might well be fanciful comic book material which may or may not link into other aspects of matrix like virtual reality and semi scientific Transhumanism, Cyborgs and matrix uploads. However one thing is for certain with your windows software in that you will always be looking at the top left of the screen. In Neural Linguistic Programming, or NLP, which was developed from presumably secret military research e.g. Munroe Institute, we have the idea that the eyes looking in certain directions are accessing either logical or imaginative faculties, real truths or fabrications - so could it be that our creative imagination is somehow being conditioned to expect a top left hand corner input or some sort of network link ? Is our top left visual field a window into our creative imagination ?

We almost landed stuff on mars and the moon again, we almost have a space program, we almost have a theory of relativity that works, we almost have free energy, we almost have cures for this and that. We almost have a computer and software that finally operates to spec. We almost have a food shortage, economic collapse and nuclear war and we almost have full disclosure. We most certainly have Repto-Grey soul farming and chaos theatre from all this creative distress. The fact that that actually goes on is advertised in the stained glass of 13th Century

69 Lincoln Cathedral in England where you see St Theophilus being handed a soul capture device by a Reptilian devil. I think how the process works is that tiring human beings absolutely phased and dazzled by the superhuman craftsmanship of some very strange competitors in their own line of business sell themselves out to some masterful type that promises them their dreams by a process of enlightenment. Ie. The acquisition of a little helper or attachment, a demon, as more recently advertised in the film 'The Golden Compass'.

If the human being can detach from the world, this strange series of dysfunctional social charades arguably designed to milk the person of their good stuff, is going to matter less. Then perhaps merely losing their dreams to some telepathic thief and then watching others live your dream instead of you is not such a hard thing. I remember having a melody stolen from myself on more than one occasion to then hear it manifest in the most grandiose circumstances for example. Many creative people complain of being ripped off all the time in any case. Realistically though many have been telepathically hacked and ripped off. There are several times in my life when I thought that I needed glasses. My eyesight though would recover back to its very sharp normality. I then noticed that after mixing with certain kinds of people, some of whom seemed reptilian, that my eyesight would become distorted for a while, but thanks to Angelic love and healing, it would always return to clarity. Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. One night after a Reptilianesque interaction with a person, we had been following some unsettling line of discourse and I felt that my heart centre had become slightly depleted. My eyesight had then become slightly distorted, but it was soon restored. I went to bed and slept well, but just before it was time to rise I had a torrid dream that seemed to replay the unsettling argument of the night before such that when I awoke, my eyesight was not its usual clear self. I prayed and asked why this was proceeding as a victory for dark things when I sat down and stared out of a window attempting to relax my eyes. Suddenly I saw what I was being asked to account for. It was an etheric implant that had been distorting my vision. It was a long narrow, metallic light coloured oblong shape. My Angel then removed it and very shortly afterwards my eyesight returned to clarity. I realised suddenly the amazing analogy between our own physical bodies and the reality in which we all live. In entering into a physical discourse that diminished the quality of my hope and aspirations I had allowed a person to have an impact on my own spiritual clarity and destiny. I had allowed a worldly argument to impact upon my spiritual life and my connection with my replenishing vision of eternity had become blocked with obvious physical impact upon my health. To me - the internet could theoretically be a place of real spiritual hardship for many people that could have direct impacts upon their physical as well as spiritual health. If groups of beings gain their essences by pruning and sucking the energies from human 'containers' in these discussions, they could also have an occult but very direct impact on our physical quality of life too. I have suggested that we need to be connected to the vine of John 15 so that we get resupplied and mended and sustained by Holy Spirits.


None of these realities herein described are the realities that we would have learned about in any formal or established way, yet many of us suspect that at least some of it could be true. Its probably good news for us that all the social, cultural and spiritual landmarks upon which the human will and ego extends and maps itself for the benefits of its alien farmers could get shortly erased by either geological or climatic catastrophe. That would mean for the cattle that it was time to up steaks. Whatever beef we have with whoever is operating our Disneyland will have to be abandoned for a process more often referred to as a 'harvest'. Some are even being told to look forward to bigger and better biology which probably means there is a planet somewhere full of giant kangaroos. High energy souls, and all high frequency life-forms are well beyond biology and zoology and biological reproduction and gestation and cloning. It is a consolation for these beings that wish to proceed with letting their souls get reprocessed that in the universe of biology 'their worm does not die nor their fires go out ..' but I personally know someone who is looking forward to inhabiting and migrating between all sorts of animal life under the Greys. That's his choice though.

There are realms and realities beyond here and beyond biology - most of us are certain of such things, but we need to also look to our loving brothers and sisters in these places to help us out of this stockyard. My heart is with Christ, not with any human temporal institution, others will choose another way, but I know that my choice has fulfilled my life.


1. the deception of science 2. the deception of history 3. the deception of ufology


It would be fair to say that for the last hundred years, the human race has not made any progress in the understanding of life and the Cosmos. Whereas technology, which has greatly improved our understanding of the particle physics that runs it all, has remained paradox ridden and incomplete. Thus far, it is only by the greatest bit of luck that the buffoons thankfully haven't succeeded in completing a black hole of any magnitude in the lab. The Teutonic eggheads of post World War II made the Germanic contribution to science legendary, and the popular understanding of the mad scientific genius always has a German accent: Einstein, Von Neumann, Heisenberg, Max Plank, etc. The only problem with this myth is that it is a load of old baloney. Einstein and the establishment agreed in the late 1930's, in Copenhagen, that having a paradox at the heart of physics was a good idea. Also, that the speed of light should be fixed at a constant and that there was no ether or grainy bits in space that would hold things up. An entire century of human evolution has been lost by that nonsense. Did you know that the reason why the sky isn't white at night is a real paradox and mystery? Because if Albert Einstein and cronies have rationally decided, that there is nothing holding the passage of light through the cosmos up (i.e. that there is no ether), then they would also expect the sky to be completely white at night. The dark night sky disproves Einstein's Theory of Relativity. We know the sky is black at night and that was the paradox noted by Obler in 1920. Something is holding up the light to make it dark, and that whole paradox is really proof for the ether that Einstein wanted so badly to ignore. Of course people will answer to Olber that the Universe has been measured finite - but how could we ever rationally say that when we have never measured the Dark Matter within it. We build TVs and computers or any other black box, yet our understanding of the vital processes at the heart of it all is actually less than nothing. If we look closely--- and we have to (because no one wants to admit it to you)---there are paradoxes not just at the heart of physics, but at the heart of everything we think we know about the universe. Our logic isn't logical, our philosophy of arithmetic is about nothing in particular, and our physics is an ignorant tragedy. The odd thing is that the thirty or so really crippling paradoxes are all really the very same one, but just dressed up differently in the specialist language of each discipline. That is, every paradox could be solved by taking into account its interaction with the bigger picture. The very opposite of how every scientist today has been trained to think. Coming back to physics and cosmology, (because we have to. . .well somebody does anyway) our particle physics today is a gargantuan monstrosity of mathematical nonsense that will never produce any results. It's called super-strings, and at the heart

72 of all the real problems of 21st century academic physics, is the in-built failure of Einstein and his theories of relativity. How much nonsense and social engineering has been written on the back of the mathematical nonsense and paradoxes in physics? The nonsense of quantum physics is being used to justify all sort of impulsive and irrational social leaps and experiments. Whole theories of human behavior and the occult are based upon these foundations of sand. Let's be clear, though, about what I'm saying. Yes, there is plenty of scientific evidence and results to talk about particles and show what particles can do. But current quantum physics and super-strings is a model or a construct. It is a vehicle on which to drive forward; it is a frame on which to hang the experimental results. There are better frames and better vehicles. However, what quality of vehicle are we talking about when we talk of quantum physics? The answer has to be a unicycle. In comparison, the amount of Rolls Royce genius that has been repetitively ignored for at least the past hundred years by the establishment, has been criminal. We had Maxwell in the 19th Century, Tesla and Brown in the early 20th Century and De Palma in the 1990's. Also, a whole gaggle of others; all these people knew how physics really worked and how to tap into the really free energy of the cosmos in addition to interplanetary space travel. Of course, this was all against the wishes of the Einsteinian theorists and the oil companies. But, if you thought that the problem was a modern one, well have I got news for you. Having developed and rediscovered Tesla's Theory of Environmental Energy [1938] and how free energy works, I studied and studied the principles of philosophy of science, and developed a new scientific world-view. I found ways to argue in philosophy that could educate modern scientific thinkers away from the paradoxes by using the same jargon that they use, but in a different way. I was trying to get them to adopt a 'holistic' approach. Boy, what a waste of ten years that was. The cosmos runs on harmony, resonance, musical scales, the mathematics of wave theory and 'eightness'. It is definitely not a coincidence that the Chinese I CHING symbolism is made up like it is, for that is exactly the same symbolism used inside every modern computer chip. So, there is the look of real antiquity about this truth, but it gets worse. Having been an avid follower of the Chaos Theory (coming out of the Santa Fe Institute), I noticed that one of the fundamental natural laws that seemed to underpin the cosmos (that nobody wanted to talk about), was 'emergence'. That 'order emerges out of chaos' was being proved on the Santa Fe computers, and some conspiracy buffs will tell you that it is also part of the motto of a very high Masonic degree. This was the one connection no scientist was trained to ever want, yet it was the key to understanding everything: unity, Tesla, time-travel, anti-gravity, possibly even the soul and eternal life. It was the very cornerstone of reality. More shocks lay ahead for me, however. Taking a rummage through a dusty old cupboard in the Edinburgh Theosophical Society one day, I found this bundle of yellowed paper (dated 1920) with instructions to destroy in the event of the owner's death. It was an esoteric secret school Illuminati Degree. I opened up the bundle with glee, but discovered to my horror (well, it was for my ego), that in those pages was the theory that I thought I had invented; the theory of 'emergence,' 'threeness' and harmony, based on Hindu and Sanskrit writings dating back 10,000 BC. As we all know, there is nothing new about real truth, but the Illuminati Schools have been teaching the reality of science, free energy and emergence to people for millennia. The Platonic school's harmonic math briefly emerged into art schools

73 during the renaissance, but it never made it into science and technology. If it had, we could all have been flying anti-gravity machines in the 16th century---much like the technical designs of the Vimanas of the ancient Hindus, which were preserved in caves written on palm leaves. Presumably, after some cataclysmic earth change thousands of years BC, that may have sunk what we think of as Atlantis. The same theories written in Sanskrit have been re-invented time and time again by bright human scholars. The recent spate of really, (obviously) good theorists have come to grief looking for peer acceptance and publication. People like Peter Plichta, Ray Tomes and myself have tried till we're blue in the face to get scientists to see sense and save the world with sanity. Many of us today are beguiled by the technological advances of genetics and computers, maybe even satisfied that the pace of medicine is just about holding back the tide of new super bugs. Many of us are happy to listen to the great mathematician, Stephen Hawking, speculating badly that the unity will come to physics in twenty years. We all know that's a pretty safe thing to say because we may have been hit by earth changes before then, and any cronies perpetuating the science conspiracy, will have passed over before then, anyway. The reality of the matter, though, is that the crop of modern science gurus like Hawking and Dawkins do not give us the truth. Whether they know the truth and are hiding it from us is another story. If they were hiding this, they would be criminals of civilization. stifling the young minds that could save our planet. However, maybe the basis of the matter is that they are merely victims. The new theorists like Plichta, Tomes, Brown, and myself who have come forward, can argue the most profound and real scientific arguments, using the highest form of scientific language and analysis and are willing to be proved wrong. We satisfy all the criteria for good science: simplicity and prediction, which is more than can be said for rubbish theories like the 'big bang' and super-strings. Where, oh where, did we hear that good science is so difficult that it needs incredible hyper-dimensional mathematics and the infliction of restrictive disability, to even have the time and inclination to contemplate the complexities? It is just not true that reality is ultra complex. Thousands of scientists, millions of hours, billions of dollars have been spent, yet no results, no progress has been forthcoming---just a beckoning dark age and a good mortgage. Those big black holes in our current scientific understanding are starting to be filled by dark gods and black magic. Weird scientific Masons are starting to insert Lucifer into their meaningless equations to have them make any kind of sense (Scientific and Medical Network). A dark age of barbarism and insanity is only a few scientific confessions away. Publicly, we may yet see some scientific scholars in the magical robes of alchemy and they might cite Newton as their paragon of magic and gravity. He was also an alchemist and Rosicrucian, but certainly not one to have published all of the truth or to have been permitted to do so. The other problem with making change is that science is really a masculine preserve and that left brained emperor is hardly going to concede that he is not the proprietor of reason. But that's another problem, that of proving things like UFOs and free energy to so called skeptics is a nonsensical pursuit. One could present them with a 'falsification' or proof and they would not change their point of view. In science, the very cornerstone doctrine of reasoning (again by a Germanic philosopher scientist called Karl Popper), says that you only need one proof and then the skeptic must concede the possibility of what you are talking about.

74 All over the world, proofs are being presented and nobody wants to learn of it. Perhaps in secret, the world's top Masonic scientists could save the world with free energy, using some of the most ancient knowledge on this planet. Perhaps those scientists who tried to make this difference, but died young, (like Bruce De Palma) will one day be acknowledged as heroes. Let us hope that there is still a tiny fraction of time left for the masses on this planet to know truth . Let us also pray that the 'Elite Master Plan' to cull the ignorant, helpless and poisoned in mind and body fails. In any event, the secret of time-travel, dimensional-travel and all the free energy you can use may be simply garnered with the spin of a magnetic disk. But be forewarned, every attempt carries a government death warning. If you want to scientifically test the basis of telepathy, harmony of the spheres and the very nature of the cosmos, get two acoustic guitars, tune them up and set them so that they face each other. Strum one guitar and you will notice that the other guitar starts to resonate in harmony. If you want to understand how it is that free energy is only a phone call away, think of a hydroelectric dam. The universe is full of ether and subatomic particles all buzzing about and bubbling out all over the place. They are very chaotic and it is a natural law that out of that swirling vortex, order emerges. Just like the red spot on the planet Jupiter. The planetary super storm on Jupiter has a red eye that looks solid and stable. In fact, the particles of the cosmos are all like eyes in the energy storms of the cosmos. All of that activity exerts its own pressure on the fabric of the cosmos, and like the waters of a hydroelectric dam, they have a pressure against the wall. When we spin an electromagnetic plate to get free energy as De Palma, Brown and numerous others have done, it is like opening up a sluice in the dam and the weight of energy pours through, driving our turbine. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to solve the most difficult paradox ever known to the minds of the world's greatest physicists, let's give it a try and see how easy this is. Scientists cannot figure out whether a particle is a particle or a wave. As far as they are concerned, it cannot be both. It is both, however. But, the real question is: What is a particle? Is it a billiard ball or do we need a more holistic explanation that says that every particle is part of something much bigger? That insight would actually help solve the paradox and stop silly physicists from saying that particles are telepathic. There is little danger that scientists---who are trained reductionists---will make that connection, though. Particles really emerge like notes out of the endlessly playing chaotic symphony. The chaotic vortex of small and big particles that make up the cosmos is constant, like an orchestra playing an eternal symphony. But, it is an orchestra that we cannot technically see, thus far. Out of this orchestral symphony, ordered notes continually emerge, like the red spot of Jupiter---order emerging out of chaos, waves of particles like waves of music. Particles are waves and it is only a paradox if we think that a particle is a finished article, something that is a completely isolated end product, like a snooker ball. A reductionist scientist today only sees the snooker ball. The reality is that a particle is like a musical note that is continually being played by a violinist, and it can change and become something else under the right conditions. Nicola Tesla also saw this, and his Theory of Environmental Energy was confiscated by the U.S. government. Our snooker ball could become a tennis ball.

75 Outrageous idea, but really very organic and sensible. All of today's experimental results in physics have reference to 'threeness', 'eightness' and have harmony in it. But that never seems to lead to a simpler understanding of the Cosmos. We seem to keep getting sillier with our mathematics, never down to basic harmony and chaos. It's always something bizarre and complex. The scientific mindset of reductionism strips away all the complexities and leads us away from holistic systems; it gives us snooker balls and little disintegrated components that we can pick up with tweezers. Of course, this has led to paradoxes everywhere simply because things are actually so interconnected. The contradiction is that reductionism never made a simple job out of particle physics. Our very understanding of time and the cosmos is, in reality, nonsense. Science fiction programs like Star Trek serve to reinforce the idea that we have to get past the impossible 'faster than light barrier' to traverse the cosmos. "If you're at warp Factor 10, you can't go any faster", and as chief engineer Scott said to Captain Kirk - "you cannot change the laws of physics" - at least as far as current science is concerned . This is all baloney as well. An understanding of the time, matter and gravity concepts (on the lips of abductees and 'Black Ops' scientists like Dr. Michael Wolf and the basics of the Secret Science) show us that gravity, time and mass are all one and the same. In all likelihood, it is easier to travel through time and dimensions by spinning a magnetic disk, than it is to travel between distant galaxies with never to be found 'dilithium crystals'. One of the main features of interstellar travel (that was seemingly disclosed by ETs), is that they pull their destination to themselves. This doesn't sound like Star Trek does it? This is how it probably works: by taking their ships out of gravity (and therefore time) and the physical conditions of this dimension (by getting on a high mountain top of free energy), their destination seems to swirl closer towards them because distant things look closer together, i.e. city blocks look very close together from earth's orbit. Then, they then drop more easily onto their destination, with the minimum of physical adjustment, but using the maximum of free energy. Right now on this planet---and make no mistake about it--- what passes for science is a perpetuated conspiracy of ignorance. Everywhere on the internet, the glories of technology are being propounded; even the completion of the Human Genome Project wasn't an act of analytical genius. It was simply a case of funding enough monkeys, typewriters and petri dishes. Science itself has turned into an irrefutable priesthood with popes like Hawking at its head---doctrines that cannot be overturned and reality that cannot be published. As the 21st Century progresses, more and more minds are being led into darkness. Scholastic education at universities, schools and colleges discourage individual brilliance and teach people to become conduits of vast amounts of data. Unfortunately, most of that data is junk. Philosophy departments are either closed down or converted into schools of atheism or nihilism with spartan ethics and elitist overtones. Everywhere, the skills of analysis are being discouraged and disowned, while the plans of the social engineers (that steer the new generations to their doom) take shape. Like deja vu, we have seen these plans unfold before during the industrial revolution and 'dark Satanic mills' of England. There, in vile working conditions, the slaves of capitalism were chained to the production and assembly lines, no one ever knowing how it all worked. It's the same in the 21st Century. The capital of truth and information falls into 'total compartmentalization', without anyone ever knowing the whole truth.

76 Today, science is used against the masses; it has become the slave of politics and multi-nationals. To avoid introducing a tax on industrial carbon emissions, one group of scientists, working for the UK Thatcher Government, pronounced that there was no such thing as global warming. To save money on cattle feed production, scientists pronounced it safe to lower the sterilization temperatures of the feed process---this, as a prelude to the CJD epidemic of 'Mad Cow Disease'. Now the Nazi theories of eugenics once again come to the fore publicly, as the newly cracked genetic codes of the population offer multinationals more ways to tax and exploit the population through insurance, health, education and social engineering scams. Unfortunately, the same short-sighted science that gave us bad disconnected physics, will be applied to the science of genetics. With what results? Everything will be taken out of context, and at some point, someone will invent a new paradox to explain why seemingly ordinary genes can make extraordinary people. Scientists like Hawking continue to promote Darwin, probably knowing it's all a lie. Richard Dawkins' book, 'Climbing Mount Improbable,' tells us of the slow painstaking climb involved in the evolution of the complex organ of the eye and how the human race acquired it after millions of years of painstaking evolution. His Cambridge compatriot biologist, Brian Goodwin, however, tells us that the eye is an organ which can spontaneously evolve or devolve at will (in a flash in an instant), and has models to prove that. In other words, the eye emerges spontaneously to fill the need; it doesn't take millions of years of improbability and slow Darwinism. Meanwhile, proponents of catastrophe continue to prepare the population for imminent disaster and earth changes. Why? Because recently, science finally accepted the possibility of sudden global problems. In the blink or evolution of an eye, the earth's crust can flip, and mountains, valleys and oceans have a real need to swap places. It's happened before and it will happen again. Even the Dropa People (the race of crashed ETs that left their records in caves in the Himalayas, found and deciphered by Chinese officials), tell of impending global disaster. But Hollywood's meteorites and Walt Disney's dinosaurs and news releases of sunken lands and coastline changes, heighten our awareness of sudden change. What makes the onset of natural disasters like this a conspiracy? It is the fact that governments know when it's going to happen, and allegedly do not have the technology to prevent it or save their populations. They need a scapegoat so enter the X-Files conspiracy. In 1947, hordes of little gray men from 'somewhere far away' made a deal with the nice US government to give us technology in exchange for the DNA of some nice 'white women'. But those darn critters went overboard and supplied stuff that didn't work, so now we have to depend on NASA and the petrol engine to save the day. But! Sorry folks, there isn't enough petrol around to get all 6 billion people off this planet. First, these beings (called greys) have been around since the dawn of recorded history, and secondly, they are not the ETs who are in charge of the human race, nor the ones who are keeping us ignorant and culled. Secondly (as we have already discovered), the technologies and scientific theories to save the human race have been around and taught secretly here for millennia. It was interesting to note, in the John Travolta film "Battlefield Earth" (from the book by Scientology guru L. Ron Hubbard), that the human hero was taken by the giant all conquering Chief of the Master Race, to the destroyed Washington Library of

77 Congress. He was given free reign to read anything he wanted - science, engineering and philosophy, because it was all useless and couldn't save him. Whatever, or whoever is left in this desert of ignorance after any disaster occurs, faces a future without truth or reality. They will no doubt be implanted zombies with no concept of mother or father (and probably with no need for compassion or knowledge). If science cannot mend its ways and serve truth, we should at least have the knowledge that science as a philosophical practice is dead. As a tool of rational inquiry, it is redundant. In its place, a new order is born---not of the scientist, but of the technologist. For it is technology that will control, deaden and manipulate the originality and truths of the future. Technology and the technologists will simply become the controlling tentacles of the governments and multinational corporations. Ironically, perhaps it will be the survivors, the peoples of the future, who will begin again by making their own measurements of the monoliths of antiquity, the eons old ziggurats. But a better scenario than that would be a setting where we were not so habitually programmed to sit in front of the television day after day, etc. Instead, we would realize that nature itself is an encyclopedia of wisdom from which to draw analogies that will solve many problems. The power of analogy can help us model the unknown. For example, It can give us a real clarity on eternity and dimensions. In the heavy dark masses of matter and time that we wade through (temporarily divorced from the eternal wellspring of energies and youth), we are like deep-sea divers at the bottom of a weighty gravity ocean. Our life force comes in packets of food, like bottled oxygen; our movements are slow and cumbersome, our outlook, murky. If we run out of food or oxygen, we run out of life force. However, by analogy, eternity---dry land without the cumbersome diving suit of our physical body---must have sunshine, oxygen and life force aplenty, without restriction. The power of analogy can save the world ; it can solve problems and break down communication barriers, yet it is not a taught discipline. The population is not being allowed to analyze or analogize, or basically, to think. The 'science conspiracy' has wasted the potential of generations of young able minds. But, worse than that, it has exposed the human race to the possibility of extinction. To find the responsible parties we must make a brief foray into the non-science of astrology. All of the astrological signs actually correspond to stellar constellations and clusters. There is a secret Thirteenth Sign in astrology called the Red Serpent or Ophiucus, named after the Greek serpent god of medicine. It also points to a constellation---the constellation of Serpens. You may find that the Serpens Constellation is the standard horizon of some astronomical charts, that everything is plus or minus in relation to that Constellation; a great honor for a great Reptile. It may be that what we know of as science descends into nonsensical hocus pocus. Yet, it may be that the truth of the ancients, that of alchemy, white, mono-atomic, gold giving energy, rejuvenation and eternal life is in fact true---that the ancients ate it after converting the more base gold into that state. We hear it can change the world, can cure all, etc. If that's the case, then don't build up your expectations.

Whatever truths come upon us; whatever future we have in store, we must gear ourselves up for a change of perspective. we have been exposed to the nonsense of science for such a long time, that it will be a hard effort to replace what "we think we know" with reality. The Conspiracy has seen to that.

78 THE DECEPTION OF HUMAN HISTORY : 'TALK TO THE HAND …' Mayor of L.A. Arnie Schwarzenegger in the film TERMINATOR 3

The activities of a 'Hidden Hand' that intervenes and steers human history is a recurring complaint amongst hard done by humans. One may find reference to it in modern conspiracy legends and myths penned by e.g. Trevor Ravenscroft in his 'Spear of Destiny', or Roberts and Gilbertson's 'The Dark Gods', however, merely recycling historical rumour - often within the context of self- referential non-academic bibliographies is ultimately fruitless. Having operated as an Ethnologist within the conspiracy community and having studied numerous amazing and difficult to substantiate events, it is refreshing to find that had I merely continued with a standard academic education at the UK's OPEN UNIVERSITY, I would have discovered what the academics already knew - there's nothing as strange as History. OU COURSE AT308 provided two textbooks on 'Pre-industrial Cities and Technologies' edited by Chant and Goodman, 1999 AD.

From these various academic works, the editors drew upon the efforts of Social historians, Technologists, Archaeologists and other Scientists to assemble a History of Technology. The three examples cited here in this paper however, disown the other academic comment and course material supplied and deployed around these textbooks in other pamphlets etc as content intended to emphasise the Open Universities' own distinctive agenda in the social sciences as opposed to some other UK Universities specialist leanings in e.g. Philosophy, which can compete in the same scientific publications market for shelf-room in bookshops. The two course textbooks on 'Pre-industrial Cities and Technology' are definitive and sufficient enough to supply all the material that I needed to write very good course essays with. Any material quoted is representative of the ideologies that are said therein by this teaching University to give shape and form to the dilemmas of history that retarded the evolution of science and technology on this planet. This very popular Open University Course AT308 has been very thoroughly researched and discussed and has retained its rigorous framework for technological evolution on this planet throughout the 2001 AD deployment of the contradictory and refutational archaeological data of Michael Cremo, in his startling publication 'The hidden history of the Human Race.' This amazing compilation of archaeological finds presented without spin and with recourse to professional scientific method could not have left even the subscribers to Charles Fort with a sceptical overview of history. Although Charles Fort's collection of strange paranormal absurdities as witnessed can be dismissed as relative hear-say, the archaeological finds as presented by Cremo were thoroughly researched by the professional scientists who found them and carry the weight of scientific legitimacy and falsifiability. The Open University does pay attention to such developments. Recent AT308 Course updates in 2003 AD included the finding of a very large submersed agricultural settlement in the Indian Ocean. The alleged contradiction it provided to the paradigm supplied by V G Childe's theory of 'urban revolution' - an expansion driven along a militaristic infrastructure from the Tigris and Euphrates basin, propagated by the continuity of trade and ideologies was dismissed.

79 Although the submerged buildings in the Indian Ocean were numerous and ordered, seasonal cultivation and pastoral needs did not particularly endear a fixed locality to inhabitants in need of food and water throughout the entire year in ancient times. This could also be deduced from the presence of tartan amongst red-haired mummies in Dolmens in northern China. People were prepared to 'shop around' for a good meal and beverage and place to chill in those days.

The alleged city in the Indian ocean was downgraded by the OU to a mere agricultural settlement as the morphology of the settlement and therefore its implied functions, as deduced from the oceanographic scans did not immediately confer upon it the status of a specialised and diverse place of; trade, skills, manufacture and habitation. Presumably the restaurant and shipwright signage was a bit barnacled. Open University Course AT308, therefore, is a source of technological history that can be defined as a tool for upwardly mobile education that is both stable, and able - a definition in common with the cruise-liner 'Titanic'. The three examples of academic breakage that illustrate an insufficiency in scientific reason to account for the total failure of reality come from 3 continents and civilised epochs.


1. The slow boat from China.

China, from around the time that the Huns, Goths etc were finishing off Rome circa 500 AD although also experiencing the wrath of Kublai Khan in the north of China - began a tangential approach to Civilisation that incorporated a more spiritual cosmology within the approach of civilised values to community and society. Drawing also on Indian mathematics and astrological expertise, many important cultural exchanges took place between India and China that included the import of; architectural idiom, gunpowder components such as saltpetre, decimalisation and absolute zero. [Chant and Goodman 1999, p. 271] India therefore, was an important supplier of religious values, images and ideas, of opulent religious ideologies, ostentatious displays of wealth and empire. i.e. a good place to borrow some gold from in the event of a crisis. The industrialisation of China was fraught with destructive and recurring rebellion and war, but in the main, the vast country of 4.3 million square miles was well served by extensive use of river and canal navigation and a very large stock of boats and ships over a period of 1500 years from 500 AD. Frequent wars amongst warlords with the resources and aspirations to build and rebuild and relocate huge capital cities would have created a frequent need to replenish treasure stocks for mercenary campaigns and the industries needed to supply them. Although it could be said that the 'silk road' an 8000 kilometre road running from Chang' an in west China to Baghdad and Persia through the central Asian city of Samarakand through the Gobi desert in northern Tibet was the domain of the Mongol Hordes and blocked the opportunity to trade in the Mediterranean by overland

80 commerce, the same could not be said of the far easier journey south around the Malaysian Peninsula and into the Indian ocean. Consider that from the comfort of one's own expeditionary fleet, and borne south by favourable currents and winds, there would be no absence of supplies such as fresh water on the far shorter route to the places of known treasure. It is strange therefore to consider that from e.g. the Sui and Tang Dynasties circa 479 AD right up to the Ming and Ch'ing Dynasties circa 1840 AD that this in fact, did not happen. It may be that various aspects of the bad things from the east intimidated the ancient warlords of China e.g. Jesuit priests, Marco Polo (1271-1295 AD), or the Black Death 1347 AD but that the origins of rich Indian treasure would not have escaped any well organised imperialist of those eras. Whilst the Emperor Yong Le, in the early 15th century sent naval expeditions into the Indian Ocean to trade with India and explore east Africa, warmongering was rather restricted presumably because of the possibility of an Indian alliance with Mongols. The practise of even politically correct Emperors and warlords outsourcing new resources stopped around 1433 AD. [Chant and Goodman 1999, p. 289] relate, however, that ' some civil servants .. disgusted by alien .. government, withdrew from public life.' [Chant and Goodman 1999, p. 291] continue by saying that 'Historians have documented new Mongol threats from the north and steep increases in the cost of timber needed for shipbuilding to explain the end of naval exploration. They have noted political infighting associated with relocation of the capital…' 'It is hard to escape the view, however, that something deeper than politics and the price of timber was at issue. For the governing class to turn its back so abruptly on the rest of the world, and also to lose interest in science and mathematics, suggests a shift in values and a defensive, unadventurous outlook.'

[Chant and Goodman 1999, p. 282] The Chinese navy, founded in 1132 AD, had sailing ships and also paddle-powered and sail-less top armoured attack craft that could travel and manoeuvre independent of wind direction and also move in reverse. All naval vessels were equipped to catapult gunpowder bombs into the enemy. Cannonade were also in use against the Mongol hordes as early as the 12th and 13th centuries and would also have been available for military ships. Although the Chinese navy failed the stop the 18th and 19th century European expeditions from e.g. the Dutch East India Company and then the English East India Company, there appears to be no reason whatsoever for the superior Chinese navy not to have over-ran the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf and the continent of Africa in its quest for the resources that could keep the empire defended, or some warlord in a mercenary campaign in the intervening 600 years after the founding of the navy and the recognition of its uses. The only academic explanation for the non-conquest and non-exploitation of the Indian ocean, the Arabian gulf and East Africa offered by leading academics is of a 'defensive and unadventurous' outlook to which [Mr Regis Huc in Chant C, 1999, p. 216] would add .. 'patient and resigned shopkeeper mentality.' The Chinese (warlords) in their quest for the gold and treasure etc that would fuel their ambitions of conquest, conspiracy and defence never thought about the possibilities for conquest using the abundant surplus of shipping and the proven expertise available to use it. The non-use of a proven resource base in India over a period of 700 years for the

81 financing of huge mercenary campaigns e.g. against the Tartar and Mongol hordes, or White Lotus rebellion, because a gold hungry warlord was too lazy to send one of many thousands of ships from this vast continent to re-explore the proven treasure centres of India is ludicrous.

2. 'A Horse, a horse, my Kingdom for a Horse …' [Shakespeare W, King Richard III, Act 5 Scene 4.]

From ancient Sumer c.a. 3500 BC, it took 4000 years into Europe to discover how to harness a horse for heavy loads and heavy plough by adapting an ox harness. Getting a new take on the yoke harness used for Oxen such that a collar harness could be attached to another draft animal with less muscles in front of the windpipe appeared to be impossibly hard. The sort of difficult discovery civilisation makes once it starts using hot drinks in the cold jars it used to drink from. Taking 4000 years to get a handle on a horse and how it breathes, however is a bit of a stretch of credibility. The excuse of 'unfamiliarity with horse anatomy' by Burford doesn't wear in any of those war zones whatsoever. The introduction of the heavy plough in northern Europe in the 10th century AD created the agricultural surplus necessary for the beginnings of; trade, specialisation and urban revolution that became the European Renaissance in the 15th century. This inability to comprehend a horse over 4000 years delayed intensive cultivation and intensive social and scientific urbanisation, industrialisation and scientific invention by at least 400 years in Middle Ages Europe. It was approximately 400 years after the introduction of the use of draft horses on the heavy plough that the Renaissance took place in Europe. [Burford A, in Chant 1999 page 29] and [White L, in Chant 1999, p 99].

Warring nobles, Goths, Huns, Mongols, Kings, Queens etc from about the time of the fall of Rome c.a. 500 AD would have been requiring supplies and heavy transport to conduct their campaigns often in the most difficult of terrain that could not always be accessed by porter or river transport. In the absence of Oxen, siege engines such as; ballista, rams, trebuchets etc and other applications of woodland for military use would have needed use of much of the spare horses from the numerous fallen in those battles. 500 years of stupidity before someone effectively straps up a horse doesn't seem credible. Campaign after campaign, army after army, necessity after necessity, battle after battle, retreat after retreat, sagacious investigation of supply logistics from everyone who has ever seen, eaten, butchered, harnessed, shod, ridden and or collided with a horse later, and in 500 years cannot devise a contraption to allow it to pull a heavy load without choking. A bit much considering scorched earth warfare between petty nobles and highly organised armies probably required burger king ox steak cuisine and an overwhelming need to get half a ton of arrows etc. to point B from whatever stronghold it was required to over-winter in. Regardless of who ate the local Oxen, with hundreds of years of recurrent necessity in anarchic Eurasia [e.g. 600 AD - 1400AD], and always plenty of unoccupied medium

82 cavalry horses to use, in tens of thousands of combat dilemmas the military hierarchy were totally unable to harness a horse to a cart without strangling it or to invent a better harness to solve matters of large scale life and death than the Ox harness used in ancient Sumer and Rome. There were 20th century schools of military thought that suggested that war was a driving factor in the evolution of human industry, and would cite the benefits of the cold war and the nuclear arms race as an influential factor in e.g. the electronics industry. The arms race in the 20th century also became the space race and the subsequent development of super-light and super-tough alloys, plastics and fabrics and the process of miniaturisation could be seen to bring household benefits in; television technology, cold weather gear etc. That however, does not take it away from the middle ages of Europe and their own early modern ways of thinking. Burford in Chant 1999, p36, relates that oxen were sufficient for Rome, but had clearly forgotten that it was the sight of massed horseman using short composite horse bow that had seared its way across the static impediments to warfare created by Roman thinking all over northern Eurasia. From then on, efficient mobilisation of arms and resources would be the best response to such threats, as hard-hitting light cavalry could get everywhere at short notice. Whereas the era of the beef burger drive thru had clearly commenced - people in the dark ages clearly knew what a horse was and how it could be variously used. In short, therefore, there is no true rational explanation for the several centuries of retarded thinking that allegedly held back a scientific revolution in Europe because horses could not be harnessed properly.

3. Getting stoned in South America.

The sites and structures of the ancient Mayan civilisation in South America are impressive indeed. As are the number of new age beliefs attributed to the accuracy of sunspot predictions, the mathematics of Mayan chaos theory and other aspects of astronomy and science that seem to show, according to irrational 'hippy' beliefs, a penchant for design that would have got them all jobs with the George Lucas Star wars films at Hollywood. Much as I rather empathise with the sentiment of such imagery of perhaps a golden bee that looks like an aerodynamic 20th century jet fighter in a 'Von Daniken' book - the very thought that petroleum engines and considerations of atmospheric friction appeared to be touted as evidence of space faring beliefs, enabled me to ignore those crystal skulls and other such at least for the time being until I could discover what it was that the population of the Mayan Empire actually did for a living. The impractical new age of the 20th century never actually did any meaningful work and seemed to assume that neither did their spaced out space brother counterparts from ancient but spacey south America. Myself, obviously being more of a practical sort, reckoned that such a magnificent achievement as building walls on those mountainsides that had polygonal 50 - 100 tonne blocks with angular sides that could have made a very challenging xmas party game by ronco toys - would have been hard even with the tools, metals and technologies available to the concurrent pyramid and temple builders of; Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome.

83 To assemble the; geometric, asymmetric, many sided, irregular, shapes and forms from which those massive walls at Cuzco and Sacsahuaman were made would take; cutting tools, hoists, ramps, pulleys, metal smelting and mining and a mathematical precision of such finesse that even today in the 3rd millennium of humanity on this planets surface, one still could not insert a razor blade between them. Had I only but known - for the hardest edged tools that the Mayans possessed was allegedly obsidian - a volcanic glass that could be splintered to cut meat and textiles, and the bronze Aztec blades later used against Cortez, the conquistador. Neither bronze or obsidian are hard enough to provide an impact on the metamorphic volcanic rocks of the Andes mountain chain - and whereas there may be local and regional variation within the static and drift geology, no skills within the construction industry were cited in Chant and Goodman 1999, pps. 242-251 as being able to make the tools that could cut those rocks to such precise geometric shapes. Muscle power and earthen ramps by default were cited as the cause of these incredible and massive and precise and ornate structures. Worse still, it was with the utmost horror that I came to a shuddering stop at p. 251 of Chant and Goodman 1999. I can only quote/paraphrase from what I saw there ….. 'There are strong similarities to the Egyptian modus operandii for pyramid construction. Like the Pharaohs, the Incas imposed a system of compulsory labour on tens of thousands of captives. As in ancient Egypt the Incas hauled huge boulders from quarries, used log rollers and infrastructure, inclined planes and bronze crowbars to move them. Given the nature of the massive and precise stones at Cuzsco however the next academic statement appears incredible .. ‘The precise shaping and fitting is thought to have been achieved by the constant pounding of boulders by harder stones, a continuous action maintained by a force of thousands of labourers working in shifts’ (Gasparini and Margioles, 1980, p324:Hardoy,1973. p.465. )

I can buy the quarry stuff where-by banging wedges into sandstone and limestone in e.g. Egypt one could isolate and dislocate a large rough hewn boulder for subsequent refinement and roll it away on rollers etc and haul it up a ramp. Also the geology of the Andean mountain chain, although predominately Igneous and metamorphic rock suggests that there was plenty of available materials to use of roughly equivalent hardness to make both tools and building materials out of. However the organisation required to pound these massive and hard boulders into the precise polygonal shapes we today see as precisely fitting would have taken immense effort by the use of skills even if most of the civilian population worked along side the captives. [e.g. as in the Chinese canal system upgrade near 9th century Tang Dynasty, Chang' an]

Given the hand tools used were of roughly equivalent hardness or even harder than the boulders, the rocks themselves would be in constant use and not much more than another factor of 10 or 20 % harder than the construction material. Not being diamonds, they would need constant replacement too if used ceaselessly by thousands and thousands of labourers, skilled and unskilled. Given that there was no substance harder than this cutting tool and that the cutting tool was an arbitrary shaped rock of useful size, shape and weight for use in this sort of construction, it would mean that the supervisors on these projects would need a relative army of tool searchers to acquire tools of the right size and weight. As the local stone tools got used up, gradually, the search would have to widen to

84 keep an army of thousands and thousands of workers working efficiently in shifts and moderately supplied with food and water. Not every stone found that was hard enough could be of use to deliver efficient craftsmanship. The logistics of such an undertaking beggar belief. If the hand-tools sourced were too soft or too heavy or too bulky, then the project would slow down and the labour force would expire. I am aware of the Scottish saying that 'a bad workman always blames his tools' but then at the same time - not everyone was born to cut surfaces in rock like they were brain surgeons. Perhaps it was the jealous cynic in me - but that's a lot of guys standing around with a sore arm for days on end being unable to eat. I suppose that they would not come to any 'arm. However, the crème de la crème of anaemic academic investigation still sticks with the heavy rock theory instead of taking the light sabre approach for the 21st century.

In conclusion it is my belief that the human academic paradigm cannot adequately explain or account for the distribution and assets of ancient civilisation on this planets surface.

85 THE DECEPTION OF UFOLOGY – the demons in silver suits

This article illustrates the failure of overtly organised academics to come up with a pro-human political party manifesto in 10 years of being an alleged interest group acting for and on behalf of mankind.

Exopolitics ? it needs to change from JAR issue 9 by kind permission of Elaine Douglass, editor

JAR, The Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research, is a non-commercial, subscription email quarterly magazine about the abduction phenomena and its implications. Learn about JAR at www.jarmag.com . Subscribe at $20. The article below appeared in JAR 9, published in August 2010.


In the year 2000, during a period of alien encounters in my life that came on like some bad B Movie, I was of the strong opinion there should be some human agency—like Exopolitics!—that would debrief me of the knowledge I had acquired in “creative” sessions with an alien interface. I was being stalked by a shape shifting alien alleged princess and an extraordinary hybrid entity manifestation, accompanied by enticements to leave with these beings. On my declining the offer, an incredible and spiritually brutal barrage of strange and extraordinary events followed. Particularly unpleasant was the hybrid lady materializing a small portal through which flooded a room full of glowing 12-inch triangular larvae that looked like flying flounder fish. Clearly, the aliens do surreal very well indeed.

In those days I was in deep trouble from alien encounters; they threatened to tear my existence apart. I knew in my heart others were too, and there needed to be some sort of agency that would collate our extraordinary claims and perhaps match up some of the evidence collected. I was attracted to Exopolitics through the works of its pioneering three doctors, Salla, Greer and Boylan, even though I noticed the absence of the works of Dr Dave Jacobs and Budd Hopkins. On an exo-forum, where I expected to meet more people with my own set of

86 experiences, there was a feel-good feel to some exopolitical posts, and indeed I met some very wonderful people on the exopolitics yahoo forum of Dr Salla’s prepare 4 contact (p4c). ( http://tech.groupsyahoo.com/group/prepare4contact/ ) I met those who were genuine contactees, many with interstellar memories and knowledge. Some were in ongoing scenarios and gave accounts of interstellar technology and star wars type encounters in great detail, with encyclopaedic knowledge of interstellar life. One such person was attacked by Reptilians and Greys who came down from overhead ships and the subsequent defence of their home and their car was made by Pleiadean starships on public streets. I was meeting other people who could remember how to fly Pleiadean starfighters from their time in the Orion wars—before they were captured and brought here. I also met people online who were on the receiving end of unhappy close encounters and dark, muddy abduction memories, such as people whose person and families were being assailed by dark Reptilians. These people, though, seemed to get either continually overlooked, uninvited, or rejected, and were never featured at exopolitical conferences, media events or media projects. What they had in common with me was they had an important story to tell about the activities of negative aliens. A case in point is the story of Paul Schroeder and his catalogue of outrageous and grievous alien behaviour targeting his person against his ongoing personal wishes, hopes and aspirations. (See http://www.iwasabducted.com ) It became apparent that highly educated people in exopolitics, who really should know better, were letting down mankind by not upholding the complaints of victims traumatised by criminal alien behaviour. Some players in Exopolitics, such as Dr Greer, adhere to the fallacy all aliens are good despite the abundant empirical and historic evidence illustrating the negative nature of some of the ETs on earth. The idea all aliens are good is a logical fallacy that would fail any academic exam since no one has met all the aliens in an infinite cosmos. Not that mainstream Exopolitics today denies the contemporary existence of negative aliens in our midst. For example, Dr Salla wrote in 2006:

I have privately corresponded with Dr Greer on a number of occasions where he has repeatedly dismissed data I forwarded to him that some extraterrestrials are violating the rights of individuals, and that agreements with covert agencies have indeed been reached where these agencies have become complicit in such violations.

Despite Dr Salla’s complaints to Dr Greer, there would be no exopolitical forum where I could testify to my torments at the hands of negative aliens. Instead, Dr Salla is clear on what he considers the reactive victim mentality that is breaching the human rights of the aliens in contravention of various UN treaties on war crimes and hate speech. In post # 53172 on his prepare4contact forum:

I'm trying to find the right language so members are clear we will not allow hate speech (i.e., demonizing and fear mongering) directed towards ET races by those whose experiences and prejudices blind them to countervailing ET behaviours, e.g., benevolent ET groups/races trying to assist humanity's evolution.

Many people speaking out, though, had suffered traumatic encounters and the nature of their post-traumatic stress appeared to disqualify them as witnesses to the status

87 quo. It seemed they were being required by exopolitics not to say what they felt about being violated and socially estranged in any emotive way that would offend the rights of their attackers. It is as if negative alien-induced outrage is being criminalized, and I have not yet seen an official recognition or exopolitical formulation of the specific alien crimes against humanity. I am one who believes ETs have been on earth for millennia, whereas Exopolitics contends our bemused little starbrothers just got here in the 1940s. Exopolitics does not admit this is an embedded and historic problem. In other words, not only are the Greys exploiting humans now—they’ve been doing it for centuries!

Instead of taking up the rights of human beings in negative alien encounters, exopolitics makes an issue of aliens having human rights. This, from Dr. Salla’s post # 53172 on the prepare 4 contact yahoo forum:

So in applying human rights standards to extraterrestrial visitors, they have the same right not to be demonized as does any human racial group. Proscribing hate speech/demonization against extraterrestrials is therefore affirming their right not to be vilified or have war propaganda directed against them. We can acknowledge that some extraterrestrial regimes or groups might be enemies or evil, but never an entire race.

Dr. Salla’s edict against sweeping generalities that lead to the ignorance of racism misses the point. Clearly, if you are a human who has been raped, abducted, grievously assaulted, harassed, had damage to property, unwanted medical research, implants, abortions, inflicted disabilities from beings that keep coming back despite repeatedly telling them not to—then, when you identify demonic behaviour in your assailants—the very least you want to supply to the human rights court is identifying information that the assailant was, e.g., a Caucasian, Asiatic, African, grey, tall white, Anunnaki, etc. From there, no one asserts that all of any race is evil, just that empirically, human alien abductions tend to be driven by negatively-behaving greys, though other species are noted present. It’s a given that if human beings assert greys are evil, they are referring to the greys they have encountered on Earth, who tend to be negative. One person on p4c had memories of fighting them in the Orion wars! These abductees reporting alien militarism are picking up on the reality that fences and boundaries around stellar resources are being maintained, and that breaches of these boundaries results in, dare I say it? Armed conflict between the ETs.

As an example of how we should think about the aliens, Dr Salla in p4c forum post # 53172 models ET societies in terms of human eastern European ethnicity and factions. In that anthropocentric generality, where he likens all alien society to a human social model, he does not account for the possibility that in relation to the human race some entire alien race could be totally anti-human, e.g. some sort of parasitic, viral intelligence antithetic to the life processes of humanity—i.e., an innately anti-human xenobiology. Salla’s weak academic model of cosmic humanism in organisations does not draw widely enough from other examples in the natural world. E.g. the hive organisations of the bees, ants and wasps with innate caste structures and specialties, elite, artificers,

88 drones and soldiers—somewhat akin to the social structures of Plato’s Republic. Just because we can have a benign conversation with a swine flu virus capsule doesn’t mean it is going to acknowledge our human rights. How can Dr Salla assert we are not dealing with such totally anti-human xenobiology here on earth right now ? Yet he excludes the debate about a demonic hive/biblical- demonic-legion race of beings historically here on Earth. He has opted for the ‘all aliens are humanity’ model.

I agree greys elsewhere in the Cosmos might well have evolved beyond doing what the reported greys here on Earth do. Some might be doing great things, somewhere, but the evidence shows that the bad ones are here on Earth, and that is most prominent in the experience and testimony of those chosen to interact. The fact remains those greys should be brought to account.

Next in exopolitics emerged the apologism for the activities of negative aliens: The victims were blamed. Somehow, because our souls were impure, we had created the reality of being an alien victim and we had got what we asked for, or deserved. This blame-the-victim reality-creation ideology has been associated with much of the flaming on some exopolitical forums.

For example, this post, p4c # 6018 by Stephen Calkins, suggests that these human victims were asking for it—a quite common theme on the Exopolitical scene generally:

Hi Cassie, Ray and P4Cer's, While people may "appear" to be "out of control" or "victims" to circumstances or other individuals, (i.e., abductees taken without their permission, etc.), they are at the same time, (from their higher consciousness), aware of their choices, and are wilfully playing their role(s) as the "masters of limitation." (i.e., a true master of reality creation, and thus able to choose to limit itself, in such a way as to experience victimhood. Basically, we are choosing to evolve, and as we do we will less and less express the need to experience negative/limiting manifestations.

Dr Salla in this post to Wynderer clearly endorses the ideology of all humans creating their own reality according to their own spiritual level. Dr Salla’s post # 41719 on the prepare4contact yahoo forum:

Hello Wynderer, I think we need to revisit the idea of conducting regular group meditations/exercises. More people are desiring to change the world by coming together in small groups and envisaging positive outcomes. The growth in literature around the power of positive intention, e.g., Lynne McTaggart, Gregg Bradden, etc., suggest this is an area we need to keep working on as a group.

When I noticed that Exopolitics had not produced the mainstream and credible political frameworks that any real political movement would, I decided to look at the issues myself and came up with a draft exopolitical manifesto for an imaginary exopolitical party that I called the New Star Party Manifesto. In 2010, Exopolitics has become a diverse and entertaining circus full of workshops and conferences and DVDs and books—but it has still not produced the political mechanisms that would serve mankind or facilitate a post-contact era.


Out of this reaction to the failures of exopolitics to represent humanity and take a pro- human stance, and also on being admonished for demonizing the creatures that had attacked my own life—I recognised that exopolitics seemed to be a somewhat one- party monolog where all aliens were good, and out of this rejection and invalidation of my own experiences the testimony of Xenopolitics was born. (See: www.xenopolitics.com)

Exopolitics as a movement has not worked hard enough to acknowledge the human rights of human victims of alien abuse. It tends to present even the negative aliens as recently arrived despite the historic evidence to the contrary. The movement of exopolitics also seems to act to filter out natural human outrage. Instead of working to identify specific alien perpetrators and create the mechanics of human justice, exopolitics favours the historically embedded alien aggressors by concealing the evidence of their ancient criminology and burden of guilt. Even worse, some exopolitical supporters assist the idea that human victims of alien abuse are self- harming psychotics.

It is obvious some humans are still the victims of alien racist behaviour and are being treated like cattle, and spiritually tortured in contrived and intelligent ways. E.g. Paul Schroeder. (www.iwasabducted.com) Whereas the stated aim of Exopolitics is to promote "healing, forgiveness and reconciliation over past injustices,” it clearly cannot get the negative aliens to stop behaving like racist demonic bio-lab research farmers in the now—despite all the alleged benign assistance that exopolitics claims to currently exist. Such human beings as Mr. Schroeder have a right to human rights too. Exopolitics with a capital E is dysfunctional, and I want more than just its negation and deconstruction. I want to see reconstruction and growth into something pro- human. And saying that doesn’t make me anti-exopolitics. It makes me a concerned and socially responsible human being. At the very least if Exopolitics does not illustrate a detailed pro-human agenda soon, it could be then labelled as a multinational smokescreen for the industrial profiteers and the behaviour of negative alien farmers.


On reflecting on a better way forward for humanity other than to buy into the alleged end-based evolution of the human social charade - I found that there needed to be some distance between my expectations of society and its alleged social [historic/scientific/technical etc] rules and myself and that included establishing my own relation to the true Kingdom of God. Christ on the mountain was shown all the kingdoms of men that were in satans thrall until satan’s allotted time was done - so the tightly controlled charade of planet earth as it masquerades and alleges social evolution merely blends into other chaotic social incarnations and dysfunctional mixtures of more of the same. It is actually a devolving soul pit designed to strip us of our spiritual grace and spiritual integrity. It is controlled by the soul hungry, shape-shifting [demonic] reptilians and greys and their infernal technologies - who can run up to the next bus stop and back in the blink of our human eyes and who have encyclopaedic skills and knowledge in contrast to our genetically dysfunctional and artificial human state etc Indeed they can often make superphysical things manifest in a cartoonesque way. In this society there appears to be no social justice – where the humans whose souls that satan wants to harvest are elevated to great and often undeserving social heights and numbed by the shroud of overwhelming success in relation to the social standards of the day. Satan mimics and attempts to annul our vision of Heaven, distorting and degrading our spiritual hope. Often the most special and gifted people in these charades are mined out and suppressed in despair as these beings squat in our spirits and try to hack our souls of their spark.

Life on Earth therefore to my way of seeing it is about satans contrived injustice and a blatant attempt to strip the human soul and human spirit and the Christ in us that was God given to all. It is our choice to resist this and fight for the right to love. We can do this by realising that the true Kingdom of Christ is in our hearts now and is also a profoundly real super-spiritual realm beyond here – and that all derogatory attempts to animalise and bestialise us will fail because Christ is ultimately carrying us there to our true home. Our victory is to arrive there at the threshold of Heaven as loving humans, not embittered by injustice but in the knowledge that our salvation for a more glorious and fulfilling society was always certain because we believed in Christ. Christ is the root from which all human generations of love flow, the grapevine of Holiness from the Highest to the lowest realm and all human integrity and saved human souls live within His pattern. Victories for Christ within the remit of this temporally fallen world may be down to the love within the individual and Christ-like human heart – each vessel according to its measure, its talents and its deployment. Whatever this world is ‘doing’ – its not manifesting enough love and enough good, it is a constant struggle against distortion, entropy and death – the death of spirit the death of love, the death and distortion of soul. It is our job as loving beings to manifest love within our own personal social contexts in this cauldron of iniquities – and that is the victory for our Father and Christ and our Holy Family in this world.