The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus The Notre Dame ALUMN S Vol. 23 APRIL, 1945 No. 2 The ALUMNUS presents this proposed Adoration Chapel which will centralize the religious program of the postwar campus. Because of its universal appeal, the Chapel is under consideration as the University's War Memorial for Notre Dame men of World War II. » » » » \„ - .^gi^ _^_ mm. »m0m II.:.i" amtfI -». ^„M/\K e I— NoTftE DAME l)wiJiyv . .** **.'"f" !• I. The Notre Dame Alumnus And He knew Heaven was plenty worthwhile. Those alumni killed in this war and AUuM4u Reli^404€l BiUleiin welcomed home to Heaven by their • BY BEV. JOHN P. LYNCH, C&C, ISj Mother, Notre Dame, know now that Heaven is worthwhile. They know the FAMILY PROBLEMS the Census Bureau in Washington and truth of Father Charles O'Donnell's shows future fighting strength among Several alumni have written asking poem— major powers, basing statistics on the- questions on recent articles in this category of 15-35 year old males. Rus TO OUR LADY column regarding the Catholic family sia in 1970 should have 43,000,000 as We have colored your cloak with gold and some of its problems. against the United States' 21,000,000! And crowned you with every star. Bather than try to write individual And the silvery ship of the moon lengrf:hy letters, I'm going to. suggest Yet Mrs. Roosevelt in a recent press We have moored where your white feet are.