DMVCTt CBSTt cabaret t MJGF No 1134 30 November 2016 RYNBHB[JOFDPNtRYHBZMPOEPO Ku Bar 21 years lighting up Gay London 18 Suitable only for persons of 18 years and over QX_1134_Cover.indd 1 29/11/2016 18:30 The who, what, why, where & when of gay London… THE INFORMER Annual Red Run makes over £50,000 On 27 of November, Positive East hosted the 7th annual World AIDS Day Red Run to raise vital funding and awareness for HIV services in London. The flawless Miss Jason hosted, followed by a group warm up led by Christopher Matthews with Horse Meat Disco providing the before and after run music. A record-breaking 600 people turned out on the day to run, volunteer and to cheer people on as they completed a 10K or 5K charity run. £56,800 in total has been raised so far for 14 London based HIV services that include 56 Dean EDITOR Street, Cara Trust, Bart’s Sexual Health Team, GMFA, Food Chain, NAT, NAZ, Mildmay, Metro, Spectra, DYLAN JONES StopAIDS, PositivelyUK, THT and Positive East.
[email protected] EDITORIAL ASSISTANT JOE HOLYOAKE Stephen Port jailed for life
[email protected] Stephen Port, the main suspect in this year’s heavily publicized NEW BUSINESS SALES EXECUTIVE Grindr serial killer case, has been jailed for life. He was convicted STEVE GREGORY of murdering four young gay men between the ages of 21 and 25. 020 7240 0055
[email protected] He lured them to his house in Dagenham on Grindr, administered a lethal dosage of GHB, then raped and killed them.