Gold Placers and Their Geologic Environment in Northwestern Park County, Colorado
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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. E. Wrather, Director Bulletin 955-D GOLD PLACERS AND THEIR GEOLOGIC ENVIRONMENT IN NORTHWESTERN PARK COUNTY, COLORADO BY QUENTIN D. SINGEWALD Prepared in cooperation with the STATE OF COLORADO, THE COLORADO METAL MINING FUND THE COLORADO MINING ASSOCIATION AND THE COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BOARD Contributions to economic geology, 1947 (Pages 103-172) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1950 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price $1.25 cents CONTENTS Page Abstract ---------------------- ------------------ -------- 103 Introduction._____________________________________________________ 105 Scope of the work__--_---__-_--_--_----------------_----_---__ 105 Geography ____---------_-__-_---__-----_-----_-_-____.___ 106 Explanation of maps _ -_ - _- -- -__ __ _ _ 107 Acknowledgments ______________ 1._ _ _ _ _ _______ 108 Bedrock geology ._____- - _--_--_--_--------- ---_----__ _--- 109 Metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous rocks ___-_-_._______._ 109 Pre-Cambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks______._.._..___ 109 Pre-Pennsylvanian sedimentary rocks-----_---- -______-_ _ 110 Pennsylvanian and Permian sedimentary rocks,________-__.___ 110 General character____________.________________ _ ______ 110 Prevailingly nonred part. -__-_--- ---- _________-_. Ill Red beds___-_.-.-_._-__. .______ 111 Green contact-metamorphosed rock._____________________ 111 Morrison formation and Dakota sandstone (Upper Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous) ____________________________________ Ill Benton shale and the Montana group (Upper Cretaceous) ______ 112 Laramie (?) formation (Upper Cretaceous ?)__________________ 112 Arkose of Tertiary age.. _-_- --__--- -__ _____-.______ 113 Tertiary igneous rocks_-_--__ __ -__________._ ..._._-._ 113 Porphyry. __--__ _ __ ____ -_-______ ___ _____ 113 Other types. _ _ ________ _ _ ____ _ ___________________ 114 Structure. ____________________________________________________ 114 Lode deposits_____-____-_-----__--_____---_---____.-__._____-_ 115 Physiography of the mountain province.______ _ - _ __ _________ 117 Sequence of events.---.- - -- -_ -_-_ -__---- 117 General results of glaciation_____.- -_ _ ____ ___ _.______ 117 Glacial erosion and deposition ____________________________ 117 Cause -----------------------------------_________ 117 Erosion ______________________________________________ 117 Deposition-_ __________________________________________ 118 Ice-border channels. __ ____ _____________________ 119 Stages of glaciation___ _ - __ _ .. _ _ _______________ 120 Wisconsin stage._ ___ _ _ _ - _____ ______ 120 Moraines. ____________________________________________ 120 Snow lines.__________________________ _ _______________ 121 Pre-Wisconsin stages ____- ____ - __- __ _ _____ 122 Interglacial stages_________________________________________ 123 South Platte Glaciers.-------_-_..______.__.._____ 123 Wisconsin stage of South Platte Glacier,__ ____ ._.___.__ ' 123 Maximum extent of ice . ,_______________________ 123 Stillstands and readvances______________________________ 124 Wisconsin stage of Buckskin Glacier._____________ ____ ___ 125 Wisconsin stage of Mosquito Glacier_____ _____ _ _ _ ___ 125 .Wisconsin stage of Sacramento Glacier-_--___-__-__-_______,- 125 Moraines of pre-Wisconsin age._ ____ -__-____ ____-_ 125 in IV CONTENTS Physiography of the mountain province Continued Page Fourmiie Glacier______________________________________________ 126 Wisconsin stage. _________ _ _______________________________ 126 Pre-Wisconsin stages_____._________________________________ 127 Tarryall Glaciers._-__-_--_-_-_--____-______'___________________ 127 Wisconsin stage of Middle Tarryall Glacier___________________ 127 Maximum advance.___________________________________ 127 Stillstands and readvances____-___-___--________________ 128 Wisconsin stage of N orth Tarryall Glacier ____________________ 128 Pre-Wisconsin stages_____________________________________ 129 Minor glaciers._______________________________________________ 130 Beaver Glacier.___________________________________________ 130 Trout Creek Glacier.^. ___---__- _ _.____--_._ 130 Crooked Creek Glacier._____________-___---___________--_.- 130 Materials in the moraines_____________________________________ 130 Physiography of the Mountain-park province._-____--_._________-____ 131 Outline of processes and events__________________________________ 131 South Platte River drainage area.--_-_-__--_-_----__-_--________ 133 Topographic features_____--_--___-_---_-_--______--____-___ 133 TJnconsolidated deposits-_--_--_----_--_-_--____-___-_______ 134 Terrace No. 1 gravels_-______---_-_-_--_-__-___-_______ 134 Terrace No. 2 gravels--_--_-_-____-_---____-____-___-__ 134 Outwash gravels___-____--_-----_--------_--------_--__ 135 Other deposits------___--_-----_-_------_--------_---_ 135 Fourmiie Creek drainage ar'ea__-_--_--_-__-_------_--___-_-_-_-_ 135 Topographic features_______________---_--_-__--__________ 135 Unconsolidated deposits.___________-_---_--_______-_--_-___ 136 Gravels on west slope of Fourmile-South Platte Divide_-___ 136 Gravels of terrace No. 2_______-____----_-_--__-_--_--__ 136 Stratified deposits beneath gravels of terrace No. 2________ 136 Gravels of outwash apron south of Fourmiie Creek._______ 137 Alluvium____.__------__---_------_-_-___-__________-_ 137 Valley east of the South Platte_-_--____--_---__-_______.____-___ 137 Drainage area of Tarryall, Michigan, and Jefferson Creeks._______ 138 Topographic features ______.__-_-_-__--___-__--__----- 138 General relations and boundaries._-_-______--_---------- 138 Terrace No.1_________________________________________ 138 Terrace No. 2___-__-____-------_______________________ 133 TerraceNo. 3_-~ - - - - 139 Outwash aprons of pre-Wisconsin age..____._------------ 140 Outwash aprons of Wisconsin stage- _ _ - _ _ - - - - _ - 141 Miscellaneous features._________________________ _ -'- 141 Unconsolidated deposits.--_----_----_--_-____________._____ 142 Gravel capping terrace No. 1 ----__-________________ 142 Gravel capping terrace No. 2___________ -_ _- - 142 Gravel capping terrace No. 3________ _________________ 143 Cline Bench gravel.--------------- ---------------- 143 Tarryall outwash apron from Wisconsin stage of glaciation.. 143 Michigan and Jefferson outwash aprons from Wisconsin stage of glaciation-_______________- __________-_-_-_-_ 143 Gravel along east bank of Michigan Creek, north of Fairplay- Denver highway___________________________________ 144 Alluvium.. _--_-_-_-__-_--_--_--_-_---._-_---_---__-__ 144 Interior drainage basin south of Park Gulch______________________ 144 CONTENTS V- Page Gold placers___________-__________________-_------------------__-_ 144 General features..____-____-_______________--_-__-_------_-..__ 144 Production and fineness of gold.___________________________ 144. Distribution ______________________________________________ 146' Sources of gold.___________________________________________ 148 South Platte drainage area. __________________________________ 150 Buckskin Gulch_______________.___________________ 150 Mosquito Gulch__-------_-_-_____-__------_---_________-_- 151 Sacramento Gulch.________________________________________ 152 Beaver Creek_______________________._-____-______._______ 153 Upper Beaver Creek.__________________________________ 153 Lower Beaver Creek___________________________________ 153 Crooked Creek____________________________________________ 155 South Platte River....______.____._.__..._____ 155 Area north of Alma.___________________________________ 155 Alma placer_________________________________________ 155 Van Epps placer_____________________________________ 156 Northern part of Snowstorm property..._________________ 157 Snowstorm placer at MacConnell ranch._________________ 157 East side of valley between Fairplay moraine and main Snowstorm cuts_____-____________-._________________ 158 West side of valley between Sacramento and Mosquito Creeks..-.----_-----___--__._..._..........__ 158 River bed between Sacramento and Mosquito Creeks. _____ 159 Fairplay placer______________________________..____._._ 159. Undeveloped ground south of Fairplay moraine--____.________ 160 Fourmile Creek _______________________________________________ 161 Tarryall drainage area.________________________________________ 162 Middle Tarryall Valley.-.._________.__________ 162 Montgomery Gulch________________________________-___ 162 Deadwood Gulch..._..___'.__________________ 162 Middle Tarryall Creek________.______.____._______ 162 North Tarryall Valley .__________________________ 163 Fortune and Peabody placers___.__________-________________ 163 Cline Bench placer_______________________________________ 164 Placers in Park Gulch.____________________________________ 165 Wilson placer_____________________________________________ 166 Placers of Tarryall Creek within eastern granite hills ___________ 167 Undeveloped ground in South Park._________________________ 168 Tarryall Creek..._._.___.____.._______________ 168 South Branch of Park Gulch_________________________.__ 169 Michigan Creek_______________________ r _____________________ 169 Upper Michigan Creek_____________________________________ 169 Lower Michigan Creek.____________________________________ 169 Pennsylvania Mountain________________________________________ 170 Index..__________________________________________________________ 171 VI Page PLATE 8. Generalized