c 2009 International Press Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 13 (2009) 1445–1518 Branes and quantization Sergei Gukov1,2 and Edward Witten3 1Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA 2Department of Physics, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA 3School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
[email protected] Abstract The problem of quantizing a symplectic manifold (M,ω) can be for- mulated in terms of the A-model of a complexification of M. This leads to an interesting new perspective on quantization. From this point of view, the Hilbert space obtained by quantization of (M,ω) is the space of (Bcc, B ) strings, where Bcc and B are two A-branes; B is an ordinary Lagrangian A-brane, and Bcc is a space-filling coisotropic A-brane. B is supported on M, and the choice of ω is encoded in the choice of Bcc.As an example, we describe from this point of view the representations of the group SL(2, R). Another application is to Chern–Simons gauge theory. Contents 1 Introduction 1447 1.1 The Problem 1447 1.2 Quantization via branes 1448 1.3 Comparison to geometric quantization 1453 1446 SERGEI GUKOV AND EDWARD WITTEN 1.4 Comparison to deformation quantization 1455 1.5 The inverse problem 1456 1.6 Organization of this paper 1458 2 Basic construction 1458 2.1 The A-model and the canonical coisotropic brane 1458 2.2 Space of (Bcc, Bcc) Strings 1461 2.3 Lagrangian brane and quantization 1462 2.4 Unitarity 1470 3 Branes and representations 1473 3.1 An example 1473 3.2 Representations of