Post-Traumatic Disorder

Matthew S. Stanford, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer PTSD

• Diagnosis – The uncontrolled re-experiencing of a traumatic event accompanied by symptoms of increased arousal and avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma lasting more than one month following the event. • Lifetime Prevalence – 7% of the population. • Gender – Twice as common in women as men.

______PTSD Symptoms

• Intrusive Symptoms o Flashbacks (reliving the trauma over and over) o Bad o Frightening and intrusive memories

• Avoidance Symptoms o Staying away from reminders of the experience o Trauma-related thoughts and feelings

• Negative Alterations in Cognition and Mood o Feeling emotionally numb o Feeling strong guilt, or worry o Losing interest in enjoyable activities o Having trouble remembering the traumatic event

• Hyper-Arousal Symptoms o Jumpy and easily startled o Feeling tense or “on edge” o Difficulty sleeping o Irritability or outbursts of anger ______PTSD Symptoms in Children

• Regression Symptoms o Bed wetting (nocturnal ) o Encopresis o Forgetting how or being unable to talk

• Re-Experiencing Symptoms o Flashbacks (reliving the trauma over and over) o Bad dreams (may not have recognizable content) o Frightening and intrusive thoughts o Acting out the traumatic event during play

• Distress Symptoms o Being unusually clingy with parent or other adult o Unexplained crying o Appearance of new fears and (e.g., fear of monsters) o Disorganized or agitated behavior

______Stress Response

• When a threat is perceived, stress (glucocorticoids) are released from the adrenal glands, causing the individual to go into a “fight-or- flight” state.

______Trauma and the Brain

Amygdala - The brain’s emotional center and alarm system. Hippocampus – Brain’s storage for our most recent conscious memories. Prefrontal Cortex- Where information is used to make decisions about cognitive and emotional responses.

______Long Term Effects of PTSD

• Physical Problems o High blood pressure o Susceptibility to o o Increased risk of stroke and heart attack

• Cognitive Problems o Memory deficits (hippocampal damage) o Problems with attention o Difficulty learning

• Psychiatric Problems o Depression (suicide 6x higher in those with PTSD) o Impulsive aggression (increased rates of domestic violence) o ______PTSD and COVID-19

• Natural Disaster o 30-40% of direct victims o 10-20% of first responders o 5-10% of the general population


• Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT) o Exposure Therapy o Cognitive Restructuring o Stress Inoculation Training

• Medication o Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

• Short-Term Interventions o Psychosocial Support Groups o Trauma Focused Psychological Debriefing o Symptom Focused Treatment (e.g., relaxation techniques)

______Trauma and the Scriptures

• God is sovereign. • God is good and cares for us. • God is present with us in our suffering. • Jesus understands our weakness (Hebrews 4:15). • Suffering is an opportunity to grow closer to God. • Our identity is not defined by our circumstances (e.g., traumatic events) but is grounded in Christ.
