o strong growth in the t In onth (as of January 25). m lrosa, have predicted an A ouncil (GJEPC). C ommon investors, enabling c ttended to at Awantipora. a n the bus carrying pilgrims o thers being assigned their o

lobal diamond prices due g 330 crore in the current ₹ ewellery Export Promotion J ompanies, De Beers and c nvestment option for i technical snag”, which was a pened indiscriminate re o our terrorists directly, with f

f a predicted increase in o itnessed trading worth w tatistics from the Gems and s argest diamond­mining l merged as a good e iates, and “later developed c eavily armed militants h ttack. It was executed by a

rojections are on the back p onth of operations), m ough diamond, as per r ear. The world’s two y hich shows that it has w rims picked up more asso­ g rims died last year when g et just a few days before the g

onths. The strong m eptember (its rst full S 5% of the total imported 9 rice of diamonds later this p rowth in trading volumes, g ha Chowk, where the pil­ t he ocer added. Eight pil­ t icked the spot and the tar­ p

y 10% within the next three b rading worth ₹142 crore in t lobal market. It exports g o an anticipated rise in the t We have seen a healthy “ ts security cover rst at Pan­ i One car remains missing,” “ als, and its head Abu Ismail, c

good option A oo, expects prices to go up t xchange, which saw e ccounting for 8% of the a ttribute the rise in trading a us got disconnected from b ike was used for the attack. b aiba terrorists, including lo­ T

ndia’s diamond industry, I ear. Data show the y arket participants M iamond consumer, d ,500­page SIT report, the 1 e said two cars and one H hatti said, “The Lashkar­e­ B

heir position,” he added. t t least 50 cents. a orld’s third largest w CEX. I utures on August 28 last f ighway. According to the H ent of the yatri bus.” m IT head and SP Tahir Ashraf S

inds of investors to build k nd chief executive ocer, a iamond after accumulating d perations in diamond o nterestingly, is the I rinagar­Jammu National S eep an eye on the move­ k , peaking to S The Hindu The

iamond trades enables all d hysical of the p irector, A.S. Exports. D rasad, managing director P ommenced trading c rom Baltal to Jammu on the f ole to provide logistics and r onday. M

urther. One can seek f The small lot size of “ uarter,” said Ashish Mehta, q ortfolio,” said Sanjit p wned Reliance Capital, o gainst the accused on a

imit estimates, by the next l irector, Ratnakala Exports. D hem to diversify their t 3,200, and continue to buy ₹ acked by the Anil Ambani­ b SIT) that led a chargesheet (

the injured Amarnath pilgrims.


o gain,” said Ramesh Patel, t ne trade, for as little as o xchange Ltd (ICEX), E ven up to 5­10% on outer­ e pecial Investigation Team S A le photo of J&K Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti meeting

y buying as low as 1 cent in b ould increase by 4­7% or c iamond investors are here d he Indian Commodity T healthy. efore the attack”, says the b


volumes at ICEX has been hat the price of diamonds t uggest that the domestic s nvestment plan (SIP) route i iamonds their best friend. d arget was picked just days t

The growth in trading hrough the systematic t hese factors are indicating t iamond­mining companies d nvestors are making i ir and “the spot and the m

he world’s two largest t nvestor can buy diamonds i hat more and more t ouched a 52­week high. All t n July 10 last year in Kash­ o

ve­year low and almost  undamentals coming from f quals 100 cents). An e ndication, it will appear i arrying Amarnath pilgrims c

as recovered from its h The bullish “ ents and 1 carat (1 carat c rading data are any t arry out the attack on a bus c

The IDEX diamond index “ rices in the current year. p iamonds of two sizes: 50 d perations in India. If the o ars and one motorbike to c

rice may go up P CEX oers trading in I utures exchange began f ubstantial rally in diamond s leven militants used two E

nd, which could trigger a e akh lots in the same period. l he world’s rst diamond t

rinagar rinagar S

upply. s upply shortage by 2018­ s rom 4.39 lakh lots to 10.7 f t’s been ve months since I eerzada Ashiq Ashiq eerzada P

urging demand, and falling s hey expect a signicant T xchange registered a rise e


Militants picked the spot and target days before the attack’ ‘ eading global economies, l ncrease in diamond prices. i erms of volume, the t


rades double less than ve months after India opens world’s rst diamond futures exchange T

a quick plan, says SIT chief

Diamonds make the cut with domestic investors domestic with cut the make Diamonds

Attack on Amarnath pilgrims



people drowned when the Malda­bound bus from Karimpur with over 50 passengers sank into the water.

ouse, Mr. Modi said it was H he government wants early t



Rescuers pull out a bus which fell o a bridge in Murshidabad district of on Monday. At least 36 : plunge Fatal or further scrutiny, while f ia outside the Parliament d M PUSHES FOR SIMULTANEOUS FOR PUSHES M P ONTINUED ON ON ONTINUED C PAGE 10 PAGE Ī

end it to a Select Committee s n his address to the me­ I ONTINUED ON ON ONTINUED C PAGE 10 PAGE Ī

pposition group wants to O le talaq. p ew police chief. n

ould get their right. w hey pronounce instant tri­ t ajya Sabha where a larger R raining school, will be the t

ast, but is hanging re in the l ail term for Muslim men if j nd that Muslim women a rivastava, SP of the police S

ant issue like triple talaq t ill proposes a three­year B he in December t epartment said Piyush D

alisation of divorce” as the n he Bill had been cleared by T ut. The Home r e no politics on an impor­ b

ail term J he people that there would t hat they term the “crimi­ w ce training school in Mee­ i

ion members are resisting t il Kumar Singh to the pol­ n ell as the expectation of w

o both Houses. t he government’s eort as t assage of the Bill. Opposi­ p olice chief of Kasganj Su­ p

ade it a part of his address m as transferred the district h

he session, Mr. Kovind t dityanath government A

day of the Budget session on Monday.


Narendra Modi addresses the media on the rst Big push: Big emarks before the start of r fter the violence, the Yogi a

hile Mr. Modi made his W eanwhile, three days M

ent. m olice lines here. p

udget session of Parlia­ B he ‘Beating the Retreat’ at t

riple talaq Bill, during the t fter an inquiry,” he said at a

ill, 2017, also known as the B ill come out in the open w

ion of Rights on Marriage) t etaliated later... all that r

he Muslim Women (Protec­ t Who started it and who “

ated the early passage of c hame for all of us.” s

ra Modi on Monday advo­ d tate and “a matter of S

nd Prime Minister Naren­ a alling it “a smear” on the c

resident Ram Nath Kovind P he violence in Kasganj, t

poke out strongly against s


am Naik on Monday R pecial Correspondent pecial S

ttar Pradesh Governor U

t has been hanging re in Upper House of Parliament I


mar Rashid mar O

passage of triple talaq Bill


blot on U.P.:

President, PM call for early Watery grave Watery

Kasganj a


#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4

he reforms needed to eec­ t specially if high internation­ e econd half of the year,” the s There has been a lot of “ ears and highlighted fo­ y AUTIOUS OPTIMISM OPTIMISM AUTIOUS C ELHI METRO METRO ELHI D AYS PRESIDENT PRESIDENT AYS S 6 PAGES 6 EDITORIAL PAGE 10 PAGE Ī Ī Ī

hese include completing T ary in the coming year, s y began to accelerate in the m griculture. a he past three­and­a­half t REQUENT POLLS A BURDEN, A POLLS REQUENT F ARM INCOME’ INCOME’ ARM F PAGE 14 PAGE Ī

y vigilance will be neces­ c lobal recovery, the econo­ g loyment, education, and p ear, the Survey pointed out. y ation and scal decit in  CLIMATE CHANGE MAY HIT HIT MAY CHANGE CLIMATE ‘ ONTINUED ON ON ONTINUED C PAGE 10 PAGE Ī

roeconomic concerns, poli­ c ake in the next nancial t he export uplift from the t olicy focus including em­ p ad been able to contain in­ h ISES ISES R PAGE 13 PAGE Ī

as several policy actions h Against emerging ma­ “ f earlier policy actions, and o reas that would require a a to y, he said the government m uring the period. d NDIRECT TAXPAYER COUNT TAXPAYER NDIRECT I

ance and preventive action. l urvey highlighted three S hese risks, the government t ures, the dissipating eects s 36 billion to $60 billion $ alking about the econo­ T AHUL’S TAKE TAKE AHUL’S R PAGE 10 PAGE Ī

part from addressing A s — that would require vigi­ e As a result of these mea­ “ n the medium term, the I ncomes. i nvestment increased from i

.3­0.4%. 0 rices and stock market pric­ p conomic growth. e ensive sectors.” t urvey said. S ent ensured that foreign m ommitment to double farm c

rends — such as rising oil t arm sector as well as job in­ f nd a rise in ination of a ould in turn further boost w te sector participation,” the a riate policies of the govern­ p rated the government’s e

n GDP growth by 0.2­0.4%, i aution about some ongoing c orporates and banks, which c hasis in the budget on the p anks and allow greater priv­ b ress to Parliament and reit­ d he President said appro­ T

owever, the Survey did H heet problem aicting both s herefore expect a lot of em­ t orms to shrink unviable f rices results in a slowdown p decline,” he said. a ovind in his maiden ad­ K

or economy,” it said. j ressing the twin balance d omics at PwC India. “We n eed complementary re­ n 10 per barrel increase in oil $ hem on farming,” said Mr. t ave, on an average, shown h


r. Subramanian said that a M orld’s fastest growing ma­ w ould go a long way in ad­ w r, Public Finance and Eco­ e tanding ‘exit’ problem, s urrent account decits c he expenditure incurred by t



il­ination link O e­instating India as the r or public sector banks f anerjee, Partner and Lead­ B orthy for cracking the long­ w he government’s scal and t ardships but also reducing h

vigilantism. o 7­7.5% in 2018­19, thereby t nd the recapitalisation plan a dvancements,” said Ranen a The TBS actions, note­ “ re not only removing their a ate of ination as well as r

steps against cow

tall’ in capital ows,” it said. s or the year as a whole, rising f ency and Bankruptcy Code v acklash and technological b rivatisation of Air India. p hree­and­a­half years, the t chemes of my government s

the court’s order to take stern

harply, provoking a ‘sudden s DP growth to reach 6.75% G lementation of the Insol­ p challenge given the global a nd banks, and nalising the a f this trend. In the last o tandard of living. The s

States for not complying with

d stock prices correct e This should allow real “ or and job creation has been t orm measures like the im­ f ance sheets of corporates l owever, has seen a reversal h armers and to raise their f

contempt action against the

l oil prices persist or elevat­ a conomic Survey said. E ooking ahead, it said re­ L tress on the agriculture sec­ s ively address the ailing ba­ t econd quarter of 2017­2018, s arious diculties faced by v

respond to a plea seeking

or more reforms F own in GDP growth. The d y government is to remove m

Haryana and to

essed a temporary slow­ n The highest priority of “

governments of Rajasthan,

ecame law. b f 2016­17, the economy wit­ o ics Oce. t

Monday asked the

During the rst quarter “ he Bill to ban triple talaq t ated by the Central Statis­ m

The Supreme Court on

igher than the 6.5% esti­ h ent. m nd expressing hope that a


ial year would touch 6.75%, c chievement of the govern­ a roving maternity benets p seeks reply from 3 States 3 from reply seeks

xcess of $410 billion as an e ooking gas connection, im­ c rowth in the current nan­ g Cow vigilantism: SC vigilantism: Cow

urther predicted that GDP f eign exchange reserves in r uilding toilets, providing b

run Jaitley on Monday, A ure, dignity for women by t


iament by Finance Minister l ighest priority to agricul­ h

on Monday.


he Survey, tabled in Par­ T ioned about giving the t both Houses of Parliament


conomic Survey 2018. E ernment, Mr. Kovind men­ v Ram Nath Kovind addresses

being heard by a single­judge

ind Subramanian said in the v ect key areas for the go­ 

judges. Till now, the case was

hief Economic Adviser Ar­ C n what appeared to re­ I

Bench comprising two

nd Services Tax recede, a emocracy.” d oce of prot, to a larger

ng troubles of the Goods i ial justice and economic c disqualication for holding

onetisation and the teeth­ m ocussed on “ensuring so­ f who are challenging their

s the negative eects of de­ a iament where his speech l of the 20 former AAP MLAs,

xports and investment even e ressed a joint sitting of Par­ d Monday transferred the pleas

ear on the back of reviving y et session on Monday, ad­ g The Delhi High Court on

t 7­7.5% in the next nancial a n the rst day of the Bud­ o EW DELHI EW N

MLAs to Division Bench Division to MLAs he economy is set to grow T resident Ram Nath Kovind, P

HC transfers plea of AAP of plea transfers HC

EW DELHI EW N ew Delhi ew N

pecial Correspondent Correspondent pecial S pecial Correspondent pecial S

ocusses on economic democracy F n education and agriculture o ising oil prices, stock markets r f note ban, GST have receded o

alls for medium­term focus C ounds a note of caution on S conomic Survey says eects E

ination: Kovind I I I

‘Recovery will lift growth to 7­7.5%’

Govt. has curbed


irupati T umbai M alappuram M ohali M ubballi H olkata K iruchirapalli T angaluru M ijayawada V ochi K hiruvananthapuram T isakhapatnam V oida N adurai M yderabad H engaluru B oimbatore C hennai C at rinted P ucknow l ......

age 10 p age 10 p age 11 p age 15 p

ogical end: Mehbooba l onstituencies c avi Shastri R onvened by Pawar c

kip Opposition meet s ill be taken to its w nd Ajmer Lok Sabha a nd character, says a

rinamool, DMK, BSP T hopian killings probe S 3.76% polling in Alwar 6 ndia showed guts I



thehindu.com 10.00  4 pages 2 ț

t Edition ity C

elhi D uesday, january 30, 2018 30, january uesday, t follow us: follow



DELHI Timings Tuesday, January 30 Tight vigil in RISE 07:11 SET 17:59 Police seek clarication in Koraput rape case RISE 16:46 SET 05:47 strife­torn Wednesday, January 31 Assam district RISE 07:10 SET 18:00 Ask Crime Branch to explain discrepancies in the forensic report of the minor girl who committed suicide last week RISE 17:54 SET 06:45 Staff Reporter Press Trust of India Thursday, February 01 ports, a chemical test on the controversy was being creat­ and put up before the direc­ bits to the serology and the conducted through the latest BHUBANESWAR Guwahati RISE 07:10 SET 18:00 victim’s undergarment had ed over the interdivisional tor and the chemical examin­ DNA divisions for various in­ sophisticated and interna­ RISE 19:01 SET 07:39 The Odisha police have indicated the presence of se­ draft reports without going er for approval and counter terdivisional examinations. tionally­validated equip­ A strict vigil is being main­ sought a clarication from its men drops of dierent per­ through the nal report. signatures. Finally, it is sub­ After receipt of the reports ment,” said the SFSL, refut­ tained by the security forc­ Crime Branch on the report­ sons. However, the Crime “During the process of mitted to the courts,” the lab­ from the two divisions, a ­ ing allegation of tampering. es at Maibang in Assam’s ed discrepancies in the fo­ Branch had submitted a re­ chemical examination, die­ oratory said in a statement. nal report was prepared,” it Meanwhile, taking a dig at Dima Hasao district where rensic report of the alleged port to the National Human rent types of tests are con­ “In this particular case, said. the Naveen Patnaik govern­ situation is returning to Koraput gang­rape victim Rights Commission stating ducted and repeated in or­ exhibits were received by the ment, the Opposition parties normal following violence who committed suicide a that there was no evidence of der to eliminate any chances SFSL in four phases. The Report’s focus alleged that the State was not and death of two persons week ago, triggering a mas­ the minor girl being raped. of error. Interaction among expert to whom a particular In the current case, the nal impartial in its investigation during a bandh to protest sive political outrage in the Meanwhile, the State Fo­ experts of the discipline con­ case was allotted had under­ examination report had fo­ into the alleged gang rape. the reported inclusion of State. rensic Science Laboratory cerned takes place. Then the taken the examination in dif­ cused more on the results of They have demanded a CBI the district in ‘Greater Na­ According to media re­ (SFSL) said an unnecessary nal draft report is prepared ferent stages and sent exhi­ the DNA prole technique probe into the incident. galim’. Curfew was relaxed CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday though night cur­ Zebras crossing Bail plea of American Center few would continue, a dis­ trict ocial said. Markets reopened and people were attack accused rejected seen buying provisions. The situation in Maibang had become tense on Janu­ Hasan was involved in attack in which 5 cops were killed ary 25 when some organi­ Brus to be sations had called a 12­hour bandh in protest against repatriated Press Trust of India American Center here on Ja­ Opposing the bail plea, the reported inclusion of nuary 22, 2002, killing ve State counsel N. Ahmed sub­ Dima Hasao in ‘Greater from March The Calcutta High Court on police personnel and injur­ mitted that the accused had Nagalim’. Monday rejected bail peti­ ing several others. links with terror outt Har­ The protesters had Press Trust of India tion of an accused in the His counsel prayed for kat­ul­Jihadi­e­Islam and re­ stopped trains at Maibang Aizawl 2002 American Center ter­ bail claiming that since the leasing him on bail at this station, broke window­ The Mizoram government ror attack case. case diary was before the Su­ stage would go against na­ panes of a train, damaged has started preparations to A Division Bench com­ preme Court in connection tional security. properties at the station repatriate over 32,000 Bru prising Justice Dipankar Dut­ with a petition related to and broke tracks. To dis­ people from six relief ta and Justice Pratik Prakash another accused in the case, Absconded for 14 years perse the mob, the police camps in Tripura from the Banerjee rejected the bail Hasan’s trial before the ses­ He also submitted that Ha­ initially lathi­charged and rst week of March, State plea of Hasnu Zubair Ahmed sions court here has re­ san absconded for 14 years red in the air. Two per­ Home Department ocial alias Hasan Imam, who was mained suspended. and was arrested by the Guj­ sons died due to injuries said on Monday. The arrested in October 2016. arat STF from Aurangabad suered during the vio­ Centre has released 7.9 Right to freedom district of in October lence. crore for the expenditure, January 2002 case Claiming that Hasan’s right 2016 and subsequently Meanwhile, Assam CM while the State government Hasan was allegedly a mem­ to freedom was being ham­ handed over to the STF of Sarbananda Sonowal has estimated that over 123 ber of the Asif Raza com­ pered for no fault of his, the Kolkata Police. The accused also called upon the peo­ crore would be required , For your eyes only: A 12-day-old zebra calf stands with its mother at a special enclosure mando force that had car­ counsel prayed that he be re­ is at present lodged in Ali­ ple to maintain peace and he said. before being released for public viewing at the Alipore Zoological Garden in Kolkata. * AFP ried out the attack at the leased on bail. pore Correctional Home. harmony. Headless Visva Bharati waits to hear from Centre The ociating V­C retired on Saturday

Press Trust of India on Monday that the func­ Santiniketan (West Bengal) tioning of the university re­ Visva Bharati University is mained unaected. “Nor­ yet to hear from the Centre mal academic and on who will head the institu­ administrative work was in tion even as the ociating no way aected due to the Vice­Chancellor (V­C) re­ developments. No one is tired on Saturday. discharging responsibilities Registrar Amit Hazra said at the V­C’s oce now and that the university is await­ we are expecting a decision ing an announcement from from the MHRD.” the Union Ministry of Hu­ Sudipta Bhattacharya, man Resource Development president of Visva Bharati (MHRD) on the issue. The University Faculty Associa­ University became headless tion, said, “We submitted a after ociating V­C Swapan memorandum demanding Kumar Dutta retired on Sa­ that the senior­most direc­ turday, his last working day. tor may take charge as V­C Mr. Hazra, however, said as per the university Act.” Sikkim party to contest Assembly elections

Press Trust of India Gangtok The Sikkim Nationalist Pe­ ople’s Party (SNPP) on Monday announced that it will contest the State As­ sembly polls due early next year. “We have decided to en­ ter into the electoral fray in Sikkim next year after ab­ staining from the poll pro­ cess in 2014,” SNPP presi­ dent Biraj Adhikari said. He alleged that the Pa­ wan Kumar Chamling go­ vernment was mired in controversy and it was time the people gave chance to an alternative leadership to take the State on the path of develop­ ment and progress. Mr. Adhikari urged the people to give their sugges­ tions to help the SNPP for­ mulate its vision document for the 2019 Assembly polls. “It is high time the new generation of Sikkim take its destiny in own hands by forcefully articulating ex­ pectations from the rulers on issues like employment, education, health,” he said.



uch less a sucient cause, m lleged. a ion was led. t

ailed to make out any cause, f , it was ould not be xed c ure that the revision peti­ s

etitioners (railways) have p elled 30 hours but the ACs v atter expeditiously to en­ m

I am of the opinion that “ he complainant tra­ T iousness in processing the r

ent to the complainant. m hey were xing it. t ays) did not show any se­ w

ould cause further harass­ w ere not functioning but w 3, 2016, the petitioners (rail­ 1

elay in ling the appeal as it d hey were told the ACs T he impugned order on April t

ot inclined to condone the n nd complained to the TT. a eiving a certied copy of c

ourney they felt suocated j he commission said it was T Evidently, even after re­ “

artment when during the p xpeditiously. e ppeal delay ppeal A

ere in a AC III­Tier com­ w ng with the matter i

nd two minor children a 017. 2 ere not serious in proceed­ w

laint, Mr. Sharma, his wife p CDRC against the order in N ling the plea showed they 

ccording to the com­ A f 177 days on their part in o he Railways moved the T

aying the inordinate delay s ompartment,” the PO said. c ioning during the journey. t

itioning facility in a sealed d hen the ACs stopped func­ w tate Commission order, S

une, 2012, without air­con­ J alandhar Cantontment J rs challenging the Punjab e

0 hours in the month of 3 ashtra’s Kopargaon to go to r ays and its Jalandhar oc­ w

ake a long train journey of t ppeal of the Indian Rail­ a helum Express from Maha­ J

icket, was forced to under­ t is family who boarded the h ion (NCDRC) dismissed the s

espite having AC III Tier d o passenger Ish Sharma and t isputes Redressal Commis­ D

luding two minor children, c ays for causing harassment w he National Consumer T

ther family members, in­ o osed 15,000 as ne on rail­ p ir­conditioners. a

ant, who, along with his n ad on March 1, 2016, im­ h on­functional n

arassment to the complai­ h he State commission T ame a nightmare due to c

elay would cause further d ekha Gupta said. R our­long train journey be­ h

hen condonation of such w CDRC presiding member N 15,000 to a man, whose 30­ 

one the delay, more so d y the Supreme Court...” b irecting Railways to pay d

I am not inclined to con­ “ ission has upheld an order m ries has been deprecated a

ng the revision petition. i f the government function­ o he apex consumer com­ T

ate delay of 177 days in l­ n aisical attitude on the part d


or condonation of inordi­ f Such casual and lacka­ “


0­hour­long train journey became a nightmare for family 3

non­functional ACs upheld

Fine imposed on Railways over

ab Ahmed said that price of t hmed said. A armers. Mr. Ahmed said f

s also hanging re,” Mr. i nd irrigation facilities to the a yana Transport Minister Af­ r

dequate supply of fertiliser a nd cooking gas, former Ha­ a onnectivity for Nuh, but it c

ncrease in prices of petrol i e also approved railway W ernment of failing to ensure v

e accused the Khattar go­ H ent to task for the steady m ent did not take it forward. m

aking the Union govern­ T uh, but the present govern­ N Farmers unhappy’ Farmers ‘

shi Dayanand University in i roducts and cooking gas. p aid. s gainst the alleged thrash­ a

he reach for the masses. t ional centre of the Mahar­ g n the prices of petroleum i ollege campus, protesting c ead and red a shot,” he h

hree years making it out of t overnment approved a re­ g ent and the steep increase m ere staging a dharna at a w is weapon towards his h

o doubled over the past s f the present State govern­ o ttitude’ towards Nuh. “Our a rity of the DSP, he pointed g hen a group of students w

ooking gas cylinder had al­ c lleged anti­Mewat policies a ion and the ‘step­motherly t ents questioned the inte­ d he incident took place T

ating law and order situa­ r dded that the prices of a ay in Nuh in protest against d cer said. o When a group of stu­ “

overnment for the deterio­ g ts to the common man. He  anakrosh Yatra”, on Mon­ J rotest at Jaitu here, a police p aid. s

ad not passed on the bene­ h ut a protest march, “Mewat o e also accused the State H eapon during a students’ w cer, the police ocial o

ut the Modi government b or their produce. f eaders and workers took l ng himself with his licensed i ioned the “integrity” of the t

ot getting adequate prices n he Congress rule in 2014, t large number of Congress A uicide by allegedly shoot­ s ers, some of them ques­ t

cute power shortage and a arket has nose­dived since m ate. The earlier practice c tility scale power projects. u But, now after the forma­ “ ab on Monday committed j here to pacify the protes­ t


rude oil in international c hat the farmers were facing t aking a no­objection certi­ t hrough ground mounted t optional) one. ( ingh Sandhu, reached S intendent of Police in Pun­ r

taff Reporter taff S

op projects, and 6,400 MW t as been exempted from h onsidered as a ‘vaikalpik’ c 50­year­old Deputy Supe­ A hen the DSP, Baljinder W

entre also ayed for hike in fuel and cooking gas prices C ent of grid connected roof­ m roduce electricity, then he p he department was always T ew days back, he said. f

aridkot F

chieved through deploy­ a talls solar rooftop panels to s o attention was paid to it. n ng of a couple of students a i


ister said, “if anyone in­ n ,300 MW is targeted to be 4 alpik Urja Vibhaag) in 1985, k

against ‘anti­Mewat policies’

f the total capacity, O nergy consumers, the Mi­ e nd renewable energy (Vai­ a

during students’ stir

022. 2 n a major relief to solar I f the department of new o

ent,” he said. t ower projects by the end of p Ever since the formation “

Haryana Congress protests

DSP shoots himself W of grid­connected solar M he maximum possible ex­ t e said in an interview. h

mplementation of 10,700 i ating their suggestions to r enewable Energy (MNRE), R

ower Policy, 2017, targets P takeholders and incorpo­ s nion Ministry of New and U

he Uttar Pradesh Solar T erious deliberations with all s arget of 10,700 MW xed by t

on people to bear, he said. m he policy was made after T he solar power generation t

Public Health Department women employees raise slogans demanding equal pay for equal work on Monday. on work equal for pay equal demanding slogans raise employees women Department Health Public : protest Patna

PTI ommuters. ommuters. c

TI P *

ion is a costly aair for com­ s nyone can go through it. a ntends to harness to meet i nd causing inconvenience to inconvenience causing nd a

ering the fact that transmis­ d vailable on the internet and a 2,300MW, which the State 2

onday, reducing visibility reducing onday, M

#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4

0­150MW capacity, consi­ 5 olar Power Policy 2017) is S nergy potential of e og enveloped the region on region the enveloped og f

rom solar energy plants of f epartment (Uttar Pradesh d ttar Pradesh has a solar U egrees. A thick blanket of blanket thick A egrees. d

he coldest with a low of 2.5 of low a with coldest he t ines up to 15 kilometres l The new policy of the “ aid here. s

aryana with Narnaul being Narnaul with aryana H ill provide transmission w r. Pathak said. M ntire country,” Mr. Pathak e

ontinued in Punjab and Punjab in ontinued c nnounced our new policy,” a er one department in the b ent is that the authorities m

old weather conditions weather old C een done by this govern­ b ance, and we have already t artment become the num­ p

HANDIGARH C nother thing which has A tarted getting its due impor­ s ill denitely help the de­ w

unjab, Haryana Haryana unjab, P

esh, the department has d vinced by the stakeholders e ransmission lines ransmission T

old wave continues in continues wave old C

overnment in Uttar Pra­ g hat the intensity of interest t

ources of energy,” he said. s ion of the Yogi Adityanath t ooftops ... I am condent r

s one of the mainstream a olar energy through solar s



* rom the canal on Jan. 21. 21. Jan. on canal the rom f


ource of energy, but rather s urpose), and also harness p Resources Minister Brijesh Minister Resources

oman, was recovered out recovered was oman, w

olar energy as an optional s r plants in the State (for this e U.P. Additional Energy Additional U.P.

onday. The body of the of body The onday. M

We are not considering “ tall some 6,000 solar pow­ s

istrict, police said on said police istrict, d

anels . p We have decided to in­ “ er body into a canal in the in canal a into body er h

o people to purchase such t athak said. P ife to death and throwing and death to ife w

r for 25 years and appealed e ources Minister Brijesh S llegedly strangulating his strangulating llegedly a

rovide uninterrupted pow­ p ears, Additional Energy y man has been arrested for arrested been has man A

els have been designed to n f 10,700 MW in the next ve o UZAFFARNAGAR M

ife, arrested ife, w e claimed that solar pa­ H eet its clean energy target m

an strangulates strangulates an M or raj.” t ,000 solar power plants to 6

e have ended the inspec­ W ent will set up around m

pect and then give the NOC. s he Uttar Pradesh govern­ T

is colleague. colleague. is h TI P

afety directorate would in­ s

ucknow L

reatment, said Dr Arun Saraf, Arun Dr said reatment, t

as that ocials of power w

RESS TRUST OF INDIA OF TRUST RESS P uccumbed to injuries during injuries to uccumbed s

ngaged. Dr Ritesh Dixit Ritesh Dr ngaged. e

NOC not required for solar rooftop panels’ ‘

he day he was to get to was he day he t

ast week, died on Sunday, on died week, ast l

meet clean energy target xplosion of a parcel bomb parcel a of xplosion e

as seriously injured in the in injured seriously as w

30-year-old doctor, who doctor, 30-year-old A


U.P. to set up 6,000 plants to

Fight for rights for Fight

omb blast dies dies blast omb b

octor injured in parcel- in injured octor D


race the girl, he said. said. he girl, the race t


ate”. f he accused, leading to de­ t s the present one was a rawn with the liberty to le d ebruary 5. F he present plea and le a t

upplied. s

hough the police is yet to yet is police the hough t

roceedings in support of p properly­worded” petition “ ihad will meet with the same j ent writ petition to be with­ s he fresh one for hearing on t ounsel for Bibi, to withdraw c

ated water was being n

ccused has been identified, been has ccused a

o the trial court during the t sked Bibi’s counsel to le a a Those who will commit love “ etition. We allow the pre­ p he apex court registry to list t enior lawyer Indira Jaising, s

as alleged that contami­ w

fficial said. One of the of One said. fficial o

he “unruly crowd” rushed t ropriate directions, but p ening on camera and saying t File a properly drafted “ better petition” and asked “ ustice Dipak Misra allowed J

ambhal residents after it S

illage in the district, an district, the in illage v

s. Jaising had said that M ould consider issuing ap­ w used is allegedly seen threa­ c Bench headed by Chief A

ide potable water to the v

n 18-year-old girl from a from girl 18-year-old n a

d on social media, the ac­ e ccused.” a he top court had said it T nd social media sites. a

with her daughters at Kaliachak in West Bengal. West in Kaliachak at daughters her with


ected authorities to pro­ r * niforms allegedly kidnapped allegedly niforms u

udicial process to favour the j nternet. i n the video, later upload­ I ithdrawn from the internet w Gulbahar Bibi, wife of Mohammed Afrazul, Mohammed of wife Bibi, Gulbahar Wait for justice: for Wait

hairperson U.D. Salvi di­ c ive men wearing police wearing men ive F

een attempting to stall the b eing circulated on the b arrying Hindu women. m nd setting him ablaze be a

Bench headed by acting A ANNA (M.P.) ANNA P

ice, as “unruly crowd has t ithdrawal of the video from w ised to refer to Muslim men c usband’s ghastly murder h

osing as cops as osing p Supply potable water’ water’ potable Supply ‘

ove Jihad’, a term publi­ L ental right to access to jus­ m astardly murder, besides d ion that the video of her t irl kidnapped by men by kidnapped irl G

hould be granted funda­ s ation Team probe into the g anting that he did it to ‘stop r ul, is also seeking a direc­ z

istrict. d

he had also said the victims S n impartial Special Investi­ a as allegedly seen on a video w ear­old Mohammed Afra­ y

hrowing a petrol bomb in in bomb petrol a hrowing t lan of water supply in the p

frazul’s widow is seeking A egar, after the killing, R ulbahar Bibi, wife of 50­ G Bid to stall justice’ stall to Bid ‘

rrested on Sunday for Sunday on rrested a ubmit a comprehensive s

ear. y ho is in judicial custody. w robe into the murder. p bhishek and Kernail were Kernail and bhishek A

as directed authorities to h

he police said on Monday. on said police he t used Shambhulal Raigar, c nternet. i istrict on December 6 last d eeking an independent s

urther, the green panel F

here on Saturday, on here n Rajasthan’s Rajsamand i inor nephew of the ac­ m r and withdrawn from the e ear, to le a fresh petition y

admaavat admaavat P

ater was being extracted. w

nside a theatre screening theatre a nside i eing hacked and burnt alive b ecorded on camera by the r as not circulated any furth­ w asthan on December 6 last j

rict where contaminated t

hrowing a petrol bomb petrol a hrowing t

ideo of the Muslim labourer v nd the entire murder was a ernment to ensure that it v acked and burnt alive in Ra­ h

umps in the Sambhal dis­ p

rrested for allegedly for rrested a

live on December 6 last year a he Centre and the State go­ t ermed as “horrendous” the t rom West Bengal, who was f

overnment to seal hand g

wo youths have been have youths wo T

arlier, the top court had E egedly hacked and burnt l nd a direction be issued to a ow of a Muslim labourer d

ected the Uttar Pradesh r


handrachud, said. C ng from West Bengal, was al­ i een by millions of people s ay granted liberty to the wi­ d

al (NGT) on Monday di­ n

etrol bomb in theatre in bomb etrol p

s A.M. Khanwilkar and D.Y. e he Muslim labourer, hail­ T he video has already been t he Supreme Court on Mon­ T

he National Green Tribu­ T

wo held from throwing from held wo T

hich also comprised Justic­ w ictims. v s. Jaising had then said M



ial of access to justice to the n poorly drafted”. “ fresh one,” the Bench, a


taff Reporter taff S

pex court says present petition was ‘poorly drafted’; the labourer from Bengal was hacked to death in Rajasthan A says NGT

SC asks Afrazul’s widow to le fresh plea in Sambhal,

Seal pumps







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#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4

rea. a veryday, he said. e ence at the Secretariat on r echanical area of the vessel. the of area echanical m ale. t ing. s oon after, the father sud­ S ecedents. t

atch to access the critical the access to atch h ees throng the hill shrine t ddressing a press confe­ A he Bellandur catchment t o be no happy ending to the t fter their son had gone mis­ a arry sought to know his an­ m eaving. l

allen while using a utility a using while allen f

s many as 70,000 devo­ A ikyala Rao. n ants were discharged into t tory is true but there seems s orcibly brought home a boy f ents of the girl he wanted to r he boy up to prevent him t

ppeared to have slipped and slipped have to ppeared a

o ensure that no pollu­ t ad not taken any decision. h inister Payidikondala Ma­ M atic thriller, however, the m o Tirupati, had found and t ouple went so far as to lock c ould get married as the pa­ c

that the motorman the that

indu H r, said that the government e ccording to Endowments a igil” of industrial euents v ng disbelief. Unlike a cine­ i The used to believe him. f nd his wife, on a pilgrimage a owledge him so that he n

olice V. Ajith Kumar told told Kumar Ajith V. olice P


ared to frequent visitors, p ent to maintain a “strict m darshan’. Mr. Rao, howev­ ‘

uzz on social media, spark­ b aghunatha Reddy. Reddy R anted the family to ack­ w r relatives, the couple re­ e

aid. Deputy Commissioner of Commissioner Deputy aid. s

irected the State govern­ d eturning without having r or early ‘darshan’ com­ f

ays he is a relative — set o a s (headman) rasad, the youth said he p ecognise his sister and oth­ r age l sarpanch

5, Kerala police investigators police Kerala 5, 2

an. As a result, many were m ill get priority and chance w a government, the Bench k

uburb of Chicago — who s on. According to Mr. Ram­ s ot their son and could not n f the two boys is former vil­ o

oast of Vizhinjam on January on Vizhinjam of oast c

darshan’ of the common ‘ ime visitors in a given year t ubmitted by the Karnata­ s

rasad from Naperville, a p hittoor district. The father C ng to be the couple’s real i eenager insisted that he was t

essel Vivian Ocean off the off Ocean Vivian essel v

ased on the action plan B t aected the chances of I his is to ensure that rst­ T

tory tweeted by Mr Ram­ s t Mandalavaripalli village in a oung man walked in, claim­ y heir lost son. Though the t

ushiyang on board a cargo a board on ushiyang Y

ala frequently. m dentify frequent visitors. i ent Plants. m

ren reunited as adults, the d ome, convinced he was h tay. The suspense continues s 7 of this year, another 2

7-year-old Chinese sailor Chinese 7-year-old 3

evotees were visiting Tiru­ d e tagged with Aadhaar to b y install Sewage Treat­ l

ollywood plot of lost chil­ B hey then took him T ant the “wrong” boy to w rue lmi­style, on January t aused the death of the of death the aused c

he ‘darshan’ ticket will T ellandur lake mandatori­ B ear. But, some inuential y

nfolding like a typical U he people of the village also t nto this idyllic scene, in I restaurant. a n accidental fall could have could fall accidental n A

hat let out sewage into the t hrine more than twice a s ricting frequent visitors. t

ra Pradesh. h ing the latter married. t ame identication marks at s tays on. Given his delity, s


an would not visit the m ent is contemplating res­ m nsure that 99 apartments e ost boys somewhere in And­ l other and sister, even get­ m he same age having the t o be adopted so that he t ailor’s death: police death: ailor’s s

ollution Control Board to P enerally, the common G ndhra Pradesh govern­ A ramprasad_c about two @ ants the “wrong” brother w on, he took care of his s n 2009, they found a boy of i o foul play in Chinese in play foul o N

han’ pattern. s darshans’ at Tirumala, the ‘ ected the State r weets on January 27 from t sons” to stay, their sister “ ained that he was not their t ued to search for him and n

n streamlining the ‘dar­ i ith a view to streamlining W al (NGT) on Monday di­ n arnataka on Sunday. on arnataka K hus began a series of T arm. Though he still main­ f he years, his parents conti­ t other wants both the m

isited Kanakumbi in Kanakumbi isited v

echnology would be used t he National Green Tribu­ T

his.” t round the year 2000. Over a While the onsibilities. p nd worked at the family a ijayawada V

uring the budget session. He session. budget the uring d

onday, the Minister said M

You're not going to believe “ rom home sometime f ants to relinquish his res­ w hange his mind. He stayed c taff Reporter taff S


esolution against it is likely is it against esolution r

right” son, the “wrong” son “ ragedy made the boy t 11­year­old boy ran away a

hinjini Ghosh hinjini S

ijayawada ijayawada V

Ticket will be tagged with Aadhaar’ with tagged be will Ticket ‘

ichael Lobo has said a said has Lobo ichael M

enly died of cancer. The d ccording to the narrator, A nd with the return of the A

pecial Correspondent Correspondent pecial S

ssembly’s Deputy Speaker Deputy ssembly’s A

ats told

alaprabha river basin, Goa basin, river alaprabha M

saga of two lost boys from Andhra Pradesh, told on Twitter, hangs in suspense suspense in hangs Twitter, on told Pradesh, Andhra from boys lost two of saga A visitors to Tirumala to visitors

ahadayi tributary into the into tributary ahadayi M

99 Bengaluru

iverting water from the from water iverting d

Return of the lost son, 17 years later

ccusing Karnataka of Karnataka ccusing A Plan to restrict frequent restrict to Plan

Install STPs,


gainst Karnataka’ gainst a

Goa may move resolution move may Goa ‘

ate,” she said. p e said he would cam­ H LA Jignesh Mewani said M ll political parties and so­ A oman journalist. oman w

vent and decided to partici­ e aid. s alit leader and Gujarat D he juggernaut of the BJP ... t iat. r reated by the clerics and c a prayers she conducted m xplicit conversation with a with conversation xplicit e

ver his reported sexually reported his ver o al trip. Came to know of the n JP to come to power,” he B ssailants. a odi, it will be tough to stop M onventions of Islamic Sha­ c gainst women has been a not a Muslim”. The Jum­ “

6 last after a controversy a after last 6 2 m in Bengaluru on a perso­ a deologically to prevent the i ember 2017 by unidentied t nto the hands of Narendra i aring the centuries­old d The discrimination “ idely described her as w

ransport Minister on March on Minister ransport T lowly getting to know her. I s am ready to compromise I fter Gauri was killed in Sep­ a aid: “If Karnataka also falls s een men and women. w mall group on Sunday last, s ehemently by people who v

aseendran resigned as resigned aseendran S ng her lifetime. But I am i y pure and politically stuck. l hairman of the trust oated c rust here, Mr. Doreswamy T er leading the prayer for a h id not discriminate bet­ d he has been attacked S

Mr. Cabinet. erala K I did not know Gauri dur­ “ on’t wish to be ideological­ d r. Doreswamy is also M sed by the Gauri Memorial i had reported ressed humankind and d fraid. a he Hindu Hindu he T

s the party’s Minister in the in Minister party’s the s a

rise guest. p nd unite to ght the BJP. “I a JP.” B t the programme, organ­ A ound it convenient. f that the Koran ad­ andoor, said she was not W u u d

enominate A.K. Saseendran A.K. enominate r

ist from Manipur, was a sur­ v ideological puritanism” “ united front and defeat the a ook at the programme. t rayers whenever she p s. Jamida told M ce at Cherukode near o The Hin- The

tate leadership’s proposal to proposal leadership’s tate S

rom Sharmila, rights acti­ I olitical activists must shun p ial movements should form c ghter H.S. Doreswamy,  o ahead by leading g roups and sections. g roup at her organisation’s g

awar on Monday cleared the cleared Monday on awar P

auri. G eaders, including freedom l ia for long. But she would d erved by dierent Islamic s riday prayers for a small F

he NCP president Sharad president NCP he T

ienced after the murder of r his was the line most T

acing threats on social me­ f ent” from the prayers ob­ r onventions by leading the c

Lankesh's birth anniversary in Bengaluru. in anniversary birth Lankesh's




he “awakening” he expe­ t s must unite. e y. She said she had been s oo had been “starkly die­ t enged the Islamic Shariat l , Kavitha Lankesh and Jignesh Mewani at Gauri at Mewani Jignesh and Lankesh Kavitha Raj, Prakash

o Kerala Cabinet Kerala o t

is recent vocal protests to h rogressive and secular forc­ p nticipated the controver­ a ath Society, who chal­ n

aseendran set to return to set aseendran S

ctor Prakash Raj attributed A i Lankesh” for which all r s. Jamida said she had M eacher of the Quran Sun­ T prayer on Friday. on prayer

urprise guest urprise S he ideals and legacy of Gau­ t en on the Internet. m amida K. alias Jamida J Jamida K. at the Jumma the at K. Jamida eople. p

n Karnataka, to “preserve i ot spared by men and wo­ n as “ignoring.” w egregate undereducated egregate s

le to defeat the BJP. p oming Assembly elections c ore Ms. Jamida, she was n hreats, which she said she t as being introduced to introduced being as w

icha Singh also asked peo­ R atiya Janata Party in the up­ r etitioners said the new cover new the said etitioners p ubsidiaries chose to ig­ s ven reached the level of e

heck required passports. The passports. required heck c rom Allahabad University f ave a call to defeat the Bha­ g amat­e­Islami and their J ial media. The criticism c

olour cover for emigration- for cover olour c ar, and student leader m nniversary — on Monday a advathul Mujahideen, the N barrage of criticism on so­ a

ecision to introduce orange introduce to ecision d a Rashid and Kanhaiya Ku­ l he journalist­activist’s birth t athul Ulama, the Kerala y erala, last Friday is facing K

rit petition challenging its challenging petition rit w NU student leaders Sheh­ J Gauri Day’ — held to mark ‘ amastha Kerala Jamiy­ S n Malappuram district, i

entre on a public interest public a on entre C

gainst the BJP. a ctivists who took part in A rganisations such as the o a prayer at a tiny village m

onday issued a notice to the to notice a issued onday M

or three weeks in April f lthough major Islamic A he woman who led a Jum­ T

engaluru engaluru B

he Kerala High Court on Court High Kerala he T

aign extensively in the State p

ast 14 centuries,” she said. p

taff Reporter taff S ALAPPURAM M


slamic scholars over the I

taff Reporter taff S

C notice to Centre Centre to notice C H

All political parties, social movements should form a united front to achieve this’ achieve to front united a form should movements social parties, political All ‘

assport colour: Kerala colour: assport P am ignoring it, will continue doing what I did: Jamida did: I what doing continue will it, ignoring am I

BJP to ‘preserve Gauri legacy’ for leading Jumma prayer

Kerala woman faces threat Activists call for defeating







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n the past four days. The ex­ i he alleged murder of a T cers to check the illicit fell­ o oth these ocials. b ourt’s intervention the case C ebruary 27, 2017. F

(Individual pollutant data for various cities are averages for the previous day) previous the for averages are cities various for data pollutant (Individual 5 7 9 3 1 #4

iggest consignment seized b inister has now suspended M he public pressure and High t olitical patronage. p tructions to the department s rakonda police station on t

premature death in people with heart or lung disease lung or heart with people in death premature

istrict. This is the second d elay the matter. The Forest d bout to close it but due to a nder the administrative and u hakur has given strict in­ T ad complained to the Chi­ h lung function, irregular heartbeat, asthma attacks, heart attacks and attacks heart attacks, asthma heartbeat, irregular function, lung

he Chopal division, Shimla t orest Minister Govind F is deputy. But they tried to h t a case of suicide and was i hat had allegedly ourished t ome at Chitrakonda and h nose and throat, coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath, reduced breath, of shortness and tightness chest coughing, throat, and nose

PM2.5 & PM10: PM10: & PM2.5 Particulate matter pollution can cause irritation of the eyes, the of irritation cause can pollution matter Particulate

he Sarahan forest range of t o nab the forest maa. t elp of the Range Ocer and h he State police had called T hat it will crush the maa t eturned to her paternal r

dizziness, confusion, unconsciousness and even death. even and unconsciousness confusion, dizziness,

il worth crores of rupees in o ach district of the hill State e nd he had even sought the a he Matanda forest range. t ision document had assured v eep contact, the woman k

critical organs like the heart and brain. At very high levels, it can cause can it levels, high very At brain. and heart the like organs critical

CO: Carbon monoxide. High concentration in air reduces oxygen supply to supply oxygen reduces air in concentration High monoxide. Carbon 0,000 litres of cedar wood 2 ast regime and the BJP in its l ivisional Forest Ocer, in D ith the help of social media w ound hanging from a tree in f s he did not return or A

reacting with other air particles, causes acid rain, pollutes coastal waters. coastal pollutes rain, acid causes particles, air other with reacting

nd recovered at least a f forest produce during the o special task force, under a a he matter into the limelight t ody of the forest guard was b aiting for him. w

: : NO Nitrogen Dioxide. Aggravates respiratory illness, causes haze to form by form to haze causes illness, respiratory Aggravates Dioxide. Nitrogen 2

aught some local smugglers c imachal Pradesh has set up H forest guard had brought A owerful forest maa. The p elling of trees and smuggling f onepat for six months S and monuments. and

particles to form haze and stain culturally important objects such as statues as such objects important culturally stain and haze form to particles ecently, the department R n the State. i line in his name to check the p here was a massive illicit T anata Party government in J oman, who stayed on in w

making breathing difficult. It can affect visibility by reacting with other air other with reacting by visibility affect can It difficult. breathing making

mugglers caught mugglers S esin, or face action. r he newly elected Bharatiya T erfume industry, is banned p ernment to launch a hel­ v ll connections with the a

: : SO

Sulphur Dioxide. Short-term exposure can harm the respiratory system, respiratory the harm can exposure Short-term Dioxide. Sulphur 2

roducts, like cedar oil and p sed in pharmaceutical and u ast year had forced the go­ l onstable allegedly severed c

Good (Readings indicate average AQI) average indicate (Readings Good Moderate Poor Air Quality Code: Code: Quality Air

* * *


raction of this oil, which is t orest guard, Hoshiyar Singh, f ng of trees and smuggling of i as handed over to the CBI. w er the birth of the baby, the t

taff Correspondent taff S

ihkaanm.. .—.—...... —.....—.....— ...— ...— Vishakhapatnam

ered a girl child in 2014. Af­ v ue...... 3.26.. 8..5...... 85 58 Pune...... 35..2565.... *

ets up special task force in each district to check felling of trees and smuggling of forest produce S ubi...... —.. .—...... —.....—.....— ...— ...— ......

ith the woman, who deli­ w

recorded a healthy AQI score of 56 of score AQI healthy a recorded

uko...... 4.30.41..—.... 411.....— ...... 24..9350..


In contrast, Alwar, Rajasthan Alwar, contrast, In

dly had physical relation e

okt...... —.—...... —.....—.....— ...— ...— Kolkata......

unhealthy level of pollution. pollution. of level unhealthy

he BSF constable alleg­ T yeaa ...... 54. 2 13.... .153 120 ...... 6..5843.. Hyderabad score of 416 indicating an indicating 416 of score *

an overall air quality index (AQI) index quality air overall an H.P. to crack down on forest maa

eh ...... 689. 8 32.... .372 385 ...... 1628193.. Delhi

* here, police said. t

Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh recorded Pradesh Uttar Ghaziabad,

hna ...... 1.92.11..—.... 191.....— ...... 11..1932..


In observation made at 4.00 p.m., 4.00 at made observation In ept her in a rented house k

eglr ...... 6.58... 17.... .147 ...... 6..7578...... — Bengaluru


ith him to Sonepat and w

heaa....2237.20..—.... 230.....— Ahmedabad...... 12121347.. *

COPM2.5PM10CODE NO SO CITIES 2 2 ear he took the woman y

Yesterday breathing are you air the in Pollutants

012. In September next 2

okt...... 78..13.5 27.8.... —.... Kolkata...... 93..21.0 29.3.... —...... Visakhapatnam entre, told the Bench that C arjeeling and Kalimpong D eighbouring poll­bound n nd in the Northeast. a n Malkangiri district in i 003. 2 TI P

oia...... —..2.... . iaaaa...... —..3... 20.0 30.0.... —.... Vijayawada...... 6.0 24.2...... —.... Kohima......

ugopal, appearing for the n o the situation prevailing in t eeded to be shifted to the n ers of Jammu and Kashmir d rea, when he was posted a ame to power in the State in c

oh...... —..3... 34Trci...... 11..20.4 31.1.... —...... Tiruchi 23.4 31.0.... —.... Kochi......

he BJP after the saffron party t he Union of India was alive t ent incidents, and they l ttorney General K.K. Ve­ A radesh, besides the bor­ P ho is from Chitrakonda w apr...... —..2... 00Tiadu .....03..3... 22.6 33.2...... 0.3.... Trivandrum 10.0 27.8.... —.... Jaipur......

ongress leaders had joined C mhl...... 12...23Siaa ...... —..12.2.....-1.6 —...... Srinagar 2.3 21.2...... —.... Imphal...... he Centre had said that T hich had recently seen vio­ w . 5 n Gujarat and Himachal i ontact with the woman, c

yeaa ...... 00..1. hma...... 55...0.6 15.5...... —.... Shimla...... 16.8 30.0.... —...... Hyderabad

Several ther political outfits. o

ormal. n wo districts of West Bengal, t urther hearing on February f eeded to deploy the forces n he constable had come in T

ubli...... 00..1. hlog...... 39...0.7 13.9...... —.... Shillong...... 18.0 30.0.... —.... Hubballi......

eft the party and had joined l

evered connections evered S he Centre had said it T as fast returning to w aramilitary forces in the p nd posted the matter for a uaai...... —..2.... . aci...... 63...8.5 26.3...... —.... Ranchi...... 9.2 23.4...... —...... Guwahati

ring back leaders who had b

o ...... 28..1. apr...... —..2... 13.1 29.8.... —...... Raipur 19.7 32.8.... —...... Goa ecision. d he situation in North Bengal t entre cannot forever keep C overnment in three days g

ago...... 00...41Pn ...... 02..11.5 30.2.... —...... Pune 4.1 10.0...... Gangtok...... 0.1....

y the end of the year, to b

osing the Centre’s p nformed by the Centre that i r. Venugopal said the M esponse of the West Bengal r aryana, they said. H

erdn...... 49...60Pdcer...... 04..18.2 30.4.... —.... Puducherry...... 6.0 24.9...... —.... Dehradun......

tate Assembly polls expected S

ernment approached it op­ v r of these forces after being e ry 27,” he said. a handrachud sought the C illage in Sonepat district of v

...... —..3... 24.2 30.2.... —...... Blair Port 18.9 31.6.... —.... Coimbatore......

ampaign, in the run­up to the c

hna ...... 90..2. an ...... —..2.... 7.4 23.6...... —...... Patna 22.4 29.0.... —...... Chennai ctober 27 after the State go­ O t had allowed the transf­ I tates will be held on Febru­ S .M. Khanwilkar and D.Y. A le, who hails from Rohat b

hat his party would start a t ...... 39...7.0 23.9...... —...... Delhi New 7.1 21.3...... —...... Chandigarh

rom the Darjeeling hills till f loyment in Gujarat. p ssembly polls in both the A ipak Misra and Justices D ng against the BSF consta­ i

hbnsa ...... 03..1. yuu...... —..3... 16.3 30.0.... —.... Mysuru...... 13.7 30.3.... —...... Bhubaneswar

ipak Babaria, on Monday said D

al of paramilitary forces w tatehood demand, for de­ S ompanies in Meghalaya. c Bench of Chief Justice A egistered a case of track­ r

hpl...... 82..1. ubi...... 25..16.0 32.5.... —.... Mumbai...... 13.2 28.2.... —.... Bhopal......

harge of Madhya Pradesh, c

eglr...... 95..1. aglr...... —..3... 21.8 34.6.... —.... Mangaluru...... 16.0 29.5.... —.... Bengaluru......

t had stayed the withdra­ I he scene of unrest over the t anies in Nagaland and 100 p ebruary. F he Odisha police have T

ongress general secretary in C

laaa ...... —..2.... . aua...... —..3... 21.0 33.0.... —.... Madurai...... 8.0 26.8...... —...... Allahabad

est Bengal. W ng and Kalimpong districts, i he deployment of 270 com­ t lections will be held in e ce said. i

ial...... —..2.... . uko...... 38...3.2 23.8...... —.... Lucknow...... 4.6 25.9...... —...... Aizawl


orces to remain deployed in f rom the strife­torn Darjeel­ f The ECI has also sought “ aya, in which Assembly l angiri on Sunday, the pol­ k

heaa...... 03...98Krol...... 33..19.2 33.3.... —.... Kurnool...... 9.8 30.3...... —.... Ahmedabad......

eaders who left party party left who eaders l

graa...... 48...84Kzioe...... —..3... 22.0 32.4.... —...... Kozhikode 8.4 24.8...... —.... Agartala......

ompanies of paramilitary c anies of paramilitary forces p n February 18. o ra, Nagaland and Megha­ u ays’ transit remand to Mal­ d

.P. Cong. to bring back bring to Cong. .P. M

iyri a i iyri a min max rain city min max rain city

he Centre to allow all 15 t raw four of the eight com­ d a where polling will be held r ortheastern States of Trip­ n ission was taken on four m

isolated places over Odisha, east Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha

he High Court had asked T itted the Centre to with­ m aramilitary forces in Tripu­ p ary forces in the three t ext day and with its per­ n

Chandigarh, Delhi and Rajasthan. Cold wave conditions likely at

f east U.P. o


orces from the State. f ear, the apex court had per­ y ent of 300 companies of m or deployment of paramili­ f agh, Murshidabad the b

places over north Bihar, east Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana,

mployment to the districts e

ocating the paramilitary l tates. On November 27 last S he ECI has sought deploy­ t ommission of India (ECI) C udicial magistrate of ­ j

Forecast for Tuesday: for Forecast Dense to very dense fog is likely at a few n development and i

raining the Centre from re­ t ation from the Election d he court of additional chief t

istricts to Nepal, and usher d

Temperature Data: IMD, Pollution Data: CPCB, Map: Skymet (Taken at 18.00 Hrs) 18.00 at (Taken Skymet Map: CPCB, Data: Pollution IMD, Data: Temperature

utta High Court order res­ c ad received a recommen­ h e was produced before H separate Gorkhaland.

FILE PHOTO: AFP PHOTO: FILE * orakhpur and its adjoining G

Darjeeling during a clash with protesters demanding a

he court had stayed a Cal­ t he government said it T anuary 25. J ridge would connect b

Security forces ring teargas shells in Fight for identity: identity: for Fight

rder was a “State subject”, o astern States. e an Bagh, Murshidabad on s .P. Chief Minister said the U

bserving that law and O he three poll­bound north­ t d the constable from Ro­ e naugurating the bridge, the i

ricts of West Bengal. t engal for deployment in B engal counterpart arrest­ B ddressing a gathering after A

eeling and Kalimpong dis­ j alimpong districts in West K ith the help of its West w orakhpur road here. G

amilitary forces from Dar­ r orces from Darjeeling and f n Odisha Police team A ridge on the Sonauli­ b

onstruction of the Mahesra c he total 15 companies of pa­ t ies of Central paramilitary n he police said on Monday. t

overnment for the delay in g entre to withdraw seven of C raw the last four compa­ d er at Sonepat in Haryana, h

lamed the previous State b he court had permitted the t ourt that it wants to with­ C arriage and abandoning m

ogi Adityanath on Monday Y n October 27 last year, O onday told the Supreme M angiri on the promise of k

ttar Pradesh Chief Minister U

ormalcy”. n he Union government on T cking a woman from Mal­ 


ion there is returning to t engal on the charge of traf­ B

ew Delhi ew N

ttacks previous regime previous ttacks a

istricts and now “the situa­ d orce constable from West F

ress Trust of India India of Trust ress P

dityanath opens bridge, opens dityanath A

ested a Border Security r

ells SC it wants to deploy the remaining paramilitary forces in poll­bound States T

he Odisha police have ar­ T

hubaneswar B



arrested for

Centre seeks to complete

Rainfall, temperature & air quality in select metros yesterday metros select in quality air & temperature Rainfall,

BSF jawan

Weather Watch Weather N BRIEF N I






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n each district. It had asked i ying beef. r

orm a dedicated task force f ext that vehicles were car­ t

ad directed the States to h ook place there on the pre­ t

f violence “must stop,” it o hat such incidents mostly t

bserving that such acts O ng after it was pointed out i

nto themselves.” u o ensure highway patroll­ t

ehaving like they are “law b t had directed the States I

o check cow vigilantes from t o stop such acts. t

eek and acting promptly w nd eorts have to be made a

r in every district within a e ilantism does not grow” g

ction is required so that vi­ a olice ocers as nodal oc­ p

luding appointing of senior c hat “some kind of planned t

o law and order. It had said t ame of cow protection, in­ n

ures to stop violence in the s ernments on issues related v

onstitution to all State go­ C he States to take stern mea­ t

he apex court had asked all t tates and Union) of the S

rticle 256 (obligation of A n September 6 last year, O

ould issue directions under c tern measures S

o the submission that it t

sked the Centre to respond a ond by April 3. p

he court had further T i, asked the States to res­ h

ere law unto themselves.” w randson of Mahatma Gand­ g

hould not behave as if they s ushar Gandhi, the great T

ands” and that “they h ontempt petition led by c

ake law into their own t ice Dipak Misra, acting on a t

hat the people “should not t Bench led by Chief Jus­ A

ad said. It had observed h igilantism. v

teps against cow s romptitude,” the top court p

rosecuted with quite p ourt’s order to take stern c

roups and such people are g ot complying with the n

nd ensure that vigilante a ion against the States for t

hall take prompt action s plea seeking contempt ac­ a

ttar Pradesh to respond to U The senior police ocer “

igilantism. v f Rajasthan, Haryana and o

revent incidents of cow p ay asked the governments d

f actions taken by them to o he Supreme Court on Mon­ T

tatus report giving details s


heir chief secretaries to le t egal Correspondent egal L

lea for contempt action against them against action contempt for lea P

seeks reply from 3 States States 3 from reply seeks

Cow vigilantism: court vigilantism: Cow

hild. c n Greams Road. Hospital o tep into the shop, Siva, 30, s

is fall was broken by the h oved to the main hospital m ust as they were about to J

fracture on his left leg, as a iarpet. She was later d o a grocery shop nearby. t

ronically, Siva suered only I o Apollo Hospitals in Ton­ t er grandfather P. Arunagiri h

ciousness and was rushed s yashri was walking with n uers fracture S

hanyashri lost con­ D t around 8­30 p.m., Dha­ A

ours, doctors said. h oor on the balcony. d ere on Sunday night. h

ould be reassessed after 48 w hrough a gap in the grill t building in Tondiarpet a

edation and her condition s n inebriated condition, fell a er from the second oor of h

eg. Dhanyashri was under l a, who might have been in v ged man fell right on top of a

ractures in the spine and f he police suspect that Si­ T ally injured after a middle­ c

n the brain and has suered i tores, fell on top of her. s ­four­year­old girl was criti­ A

as critical. She has swelling w departmental bove the a


uthorities said the child a iving on the second oor l taff Reporter taff S

Chennai, crushes 4­year­old

Man falls from second oor in

ussain said that the bus H ay evening, altogether 36 d ege and Hospital. l embers of the deceased to m equired by the agency. r

al Municipality Soumik k le. By the late hours of Mon­ c urshidabad Medical Col­ M anged vehicles for family r urther interrogation was f

hairperson of the Dom­ C ered, they rushed to the v ered from the ill­fated vehi­ v unate accident. We have ar­ t

said rosecutor Nitesh Rana p

#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4 or injuries. n nce the bodies were reco­ O nd two children) were reco­ a It is a very big and unfor­ “ ixit after special public D

f Rajbhushan Omprakash o 50,000 to victims with mi­  odies (20 male, 10 female b dentication documents. i ng. i

ourt extended the custody c or the critically injured, and f ater in the evening, 32 L ith photographs and photo w he hospital later in the even­ t

rore bank fraud case. The c in of the deceased, 1 lakh k athered near the rescue site g ehicle. v eaved family members in r

lleged role in the 5,383­ a 5 lakh to the nearest of the  hey managed to enter the t ccident spread, they rst a f the accident and met be­ o

iotech Limited, for his B ounced a compensation of n ated bus. After news of the f us had been recovered, b he morning, visited the site t

ompanies, including Sterling c

he Chief Minister an­ T ers who had taken the ill­ g usk, when large parts of the d ho left for Murshidabad in w

andesara group of S

ater with four cranes. After w y members of the passen­ l ister Mamata Banerjee, n olatium announced S

ustody of a director of c

el to pull the bus out of the n t was a long wait for fami­ I ege and Hospital. Chief Mi­ l

nforcement Directorate E

ospital. h onse Force (NDRF) person­ p vernight,” he added. o cers by the Cabinet.” o otication by the Ministry n urshidabad Medical Col­ M eek such a probe. s

ill February 7 the t

ue operations will carry on c he bodies,” she said at the t or National Disaster Res­ f ad been approved for all h ended despite a gazette t eceased were taken to the d y has the locus standi to m

Delhi court has extended A

re still a few missing. Res­ a onducting post­mortem of c t took several hours I ion even when the scheme t he benets were not ex­ T he bodies of the T rst satised that Mr. Swa­ 


ued with the police. s urvived the accident. There s hey will work overnight for t reated negative interpreta­ c ecovered. r its, the court had to be r azette notication G

irm’s director extended director irm’s f

engers. “Nine people have s ors have assured me that t n clashes that en­ i ion was due to an “a self­ t een b efore going into the me­ b

D custody of pharma of custody D E

arry the bodies. The doc­ c ere damaged w as carrying at least 56 pas­ w hat such unnecessary litiga­ t MS) Branch. ( odies had b run Mishra observed that A

wo vehicles T al of the appeal, and said w y’s Military Secretary’s m Bench led by Justice A

eported. r TI P


rovoked rage. p ecommended the withdra­ r n interpretation by the Ar­ a 014. 2

way on Monday.



owever, no damage was H

ed. b escue work r he Defence Ministry in 2015 t nd Women Ocers due to a anda Pushkar in January n protesters and, top, rescue work under

ometime, officials said. s

ors said from his hospital v A police vehicle which was set on re by ardy pace of t n expert panel set up by A ithheld from Short Service w hashi Tharoor’s wife Su­ S

orce, disrupting air traffic for F

n water,” one of the survi­ i ccident. The a he Supreme Court. t rs, the benet was later e eath of Congress MP d

he control of the Indian Air t

oud noise and the bus was l

he site of the t ence Ministry appealed in f o all commissioned oc­ t ng an SIT probe into the i

n Monday in an area under o

Suddenly, there was a “

le gathered at p ut the Army and the De­ B ions were made applicable t ility of his petition seek­ b rinagar International Airport S

he other. t housands of peo­ T own this discrimination. d el. But though the promo­ n ress it on the maintaina­ d fire broke out at the A

anaging the steering with m cers, the Tribunal struck o ajor and Lieutenant Colo­ M ubramanian Swamy to ad­ S ardy rescue work T


ephone with one hand and l y women ocers and SSC b ice to the ranks of , v onday asked BJP leader M isrupts air traffic air isrupts d

He was speaking over te­ “ nitially. i n 2012, on petitions led I wo, six and 13 years of ser­ t he Supreme Court on T ire at Srinagar airport Srinagar at ire F

rict on Monday. t y four bodies were found l olonel­rank. C ions of Army ocers at t


ccident in Murshidabad dis­ a ours after the accident. On­ h ould reach the Lieutenant c 004, had accepted promo­ 2

egal Correspondent egal L

t Bhagofua village. a


tate­run bus service for the S ith boats in the initial w aptains while their juniors C ee, the government, in t

reiosfrom the temple hree idols t

lamed the driver of the b

escued mostly by locals r tantive Lieutenants and s jai Vikram Singh Commit­ A

SC to Swamy baton before fleeing with a

t least two survivors have A

ours. A few survivors were h cers were retired as sub­  ecommendations of the r

lias Muso, 70, to death with a

as not visible for several w isparity wherein senior of­ d n implementation of the O obbers beat Mahendra Das r maintained:

blame driver

eep waters of the canal and d cheme resulting in a sharp s anel recommendation P olice said on Monday. The p

he bus sank into the T cers opting for the new o ihar’s Begusarai district, the B Can plea be


istrict. d he benet was extended to t ountry. c iscreants on Sunday in m

ere stolen by unidentified w omkal subdivision of the D ystem to 10+4 years system, s ears of service for the y

dols, worth lakhs of rupees, i he Daulatabad area near the t hanged from 5+5+4 years c ion and benets despite t

as killed and century­old w im in the case. h he incident took place in T ervice scheme was S ere denied due recogni­ w

he head priest of a temple T isance of oences against n rict to the . t n 2006, when the Short I ate Aishwarya Bhati, who c

EGUSARAI B Special Court to take cog­ a rom Karimpur in Nadia dis­ f onnel in the Army. s rs, represented by advo­ e

ihar, idols stolen stolen idols ihar, B lea to quash a decision by p NBSTC) bus was travelling ( lem was conned to per­ b omen commissioned oc­ w

emple priest killed in killed priest emple T

8, 2017, dismissing his 1 ransport Corporation T ected ocers. The pro­ a raw the case against the d

ourt order on December C he North Bengal State T xtending the same to the e olved and it would with­ s

n Marathi. i

TI P enged a Bombay High l arly hours of Monday. e hat the issue has been re­ t

hat I killed Dey,” Rajan said t

t. Col. Purohit chal­ L m north of Kolkata, in the k greed to the Ministry’s plea a

Forces Tribunal decision.

rticles. “It is false [to say] a

he competent authority. t hidabad district, about 300 s ice of India Dipak Misra t

appealed against a Armed

efaming him through his d

ant of valid sanction from w ridge in West Bengal’s Mur­ b Bench led by Chief Jus­ A The Defence Ministry had

ecause the journalist was b

alegaon blasts case for M reaking the railing of a b ommissioned before 2006. c

e had got J. Dey killed h

gainst him in the 2008 a engers fell into a deep canal s ommissioned Ocers C

gainst him. He denied that a

ng criminal proceedings i bus carrying over 50 pas­ a hort Service and Women S

o get false cases registered t

urohit to quash the ongo­ P t least 36 people died when A romotions and benets to p

nd politicians had colluded a

onel Shrikant Prasad l ision setting aside denial of c olkata K on Dawood Ibrahim, police d

pecial Correspondent pecial S

ion led by Lieutenant Co­ t rmed Forces Tribunal de­ A ere that fugitive underworld h

ent to respond to a peti­ m ppeals against a 2012 a ajan on Monday told a court R

f survivors f o he govern­ t ence Ministry withdrew its f eported gangster Chhota D

nvestigation Agency and I en Army ocers, the De­ m


escue a handful a escue r

. Dey murder charge murder Dey . J onday asked the National M n a morale booster for wo­ I

ocals in boats in ocals L hhota Rajan denies denies Rajan hhota C

he Supreme Court on T


rishnadas Rajagopal rishnadas K


egal Correspondent egal L deep canal in Murshidabad

entre withdraws appeal in top court top in appeal withdraws entre C

Purohit: SC

women Army ocers

petition by 36 killed as bus falls into

A morale booster for

Respond to







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ransparency and corporate t “Ageless Federer creates – udding cricketer, the IPL is b hy does one have to be W visits. The Terms of Reference for the Readers’ Editor are on www.thehindu.com

All communication must carry the full postal address and telephone number. No personal

im apart, even among the pantheon of tennis’s nest. h eforms on political r s phenomenal (‘Sport’ page i xchange expended. For a e PL auction PL I

, India. Anna Salai, Chennai & Editor, The Hindu, Kasturi Buildings, 600 002 600 860 859

and there are key conomy e 36, 0th Grand Slam title, at 2 dea about the foreign i nd outlive much younger opponents. It is this that sets a ; E­mail:[email protected]; Mail: Readers’ Friday); Fax: +91-44-28552963

p.m., Monday to a.m. to ( contacted by Telephone:

5 11 +91-44-28418297/28576300

nless there is a strong U ixth Australian Open and s anuary 29). No one has an J

compete nd the technical — that allows Federer to out a dichily, Thrissur, Kerala A

the edition (place of publication), date and page. The Readers’ Editor’s office can be

. ppropriately in India a oger Federer winning his R Editorial – “Retail therapy”, ( elvin Jose, elvin J

It is the policy of The Hindu to correct signicant errors as soon as possible. Please specify ets of his game — the physical, the mental, the tactical, c

replicated annot be c nstant form of i election. n an i eavyweight champion eavyweight H

Health Ministry. adverse events”. It should have been

­ his ability to continually refurbish and nuance all fa t

nd political systems a erformance” from such an p arty gaining the upper hand p

Heath Ministry to study 2017 spike in vaccine­related 2018, read: “

ory demanded a masterful calming of the nerves. It is t

ave dierent demographic h xpect any “ideal e ruling ould result in the c

Typographical error: A front­page headline on Sunday, Jan. 28,

empur, Uttarakhand H

as never worried Federer in a similar manner, but vic­ h

oreign countries which f itches. One can hardly p This . pposition id the O a ijai Pant, ijai V Commissioned Ocer.

ilić ear, shedding the mental baggage of defeats past;  y iting the example of C sed extensively to cure u ought­after ‘property’. s ho or which may nancially w Commissioner Ocer. It should have been Junior tained by a Junior

lice ling a case against an army unit had referred to injuries sus­ emocracy, as a safeguard. d slam­bang’ variety are much ‘ lso a scarce resource, is a individuals or rms gainst a ast t to spectacular eect against Nadal in Melbourne l i

rn­aerpr Jan. 29, 2018) on Jammu and Kashmir po­ A front­page report (

he need for internal party t gnored, all­rounders of the i ountry such as India. Water, c actions aking discriminatory t

dept at relaxing into the moment and seizing it: he did a

orrections & clarifications: clarifications: & orrections c

ommittee also highlighted C lectricity in a power­starved e are hile cricket puritans W ead to the government l

eems to have become better at it. He appears more s

he Indrajit Gupta T teely determination, grit, s stronomical amounts. a onsumes way too much c ltclpriswhich may olitical parties p www.hindu.com/opinion/letters/

ar. If anything, Federer, at this stage of his caree e r,

more letters online: letters more money. arties to tap such p Fed­Ex’ is testimony to his ‘ layers may fetch p he IPL tournament T nancial resources of all 

f silencing the voice of doubt that whispers in their o

he creation of bogus/ghost t he glory of the legendary T ustralia, way back in 2001. A hile relatively unknown w overnment can track the g

I oimbatore C

ctly what I did.” But the greatest of athletes nd a way a

unding could also lead to f cheme of things for a team, s .V.S. Laxman against V ew regulation, the Central n . Suresh Kumar, Suresh . B

as telling myself, ‘Don’t mess it up,’ and then that’s ex­ w

ther than that, such O ontinues. c cored by the legendary s hey do not t into the t unding’. According to the f

othamangalam, Kerala K

ucceed only if it is in full. s f this tennis genius o dmiration the epic 281 runs a ames may not nd takers if n ccountability of electoral a mind was all over the place” — “I was so close and I “ .G. Kuriakose, .G. C

owever, state funding can H ć was gracious in defeat. ili  usiness approach. Big b ope that the “fairytale” run h and, will still recall with h he transparency and t atch. He later admitted that in the fourth set his m

unding”, January 29). f Marin elightful to watch. d is own words, we fervently h ricket fans, on the other C ollows a cool, calculative f onds ‘aimed at improving b

ig stage. Federer tightened up at least once during the b

onditions (“A vote for state c akes tennis beautiful and m layers’ auction expectedly p ennis icons. As he said it in t nce the show is over. o he introduction of electoral t

ć is no stranger to the ili ize. A Major winner himself,  s

iting India’s economic c He efy time and logic. d he pantheon of legendary t layers in the IPL fade away p hich surrounds it, the IPL w here is a hidden danger in T


erves of easy power and moves well for someone his s

tate funding of elections, s f tennis. He continues to o rrespective of the hype I ederer is a distinct leader in F accomplishments” of “


ble adversary in the title round. The 6’6” Croat has re­ a

partial ave also suggested h ndiluted love for the game u erformances, Roger p The f money involved? o

engaluru B

ć proved a formid­ ili ith the World No. 2 — but Marin  w

ndrajit Gupta Committee, I rofessionalism and p f the unbelievable amounts o ith his scintillating W

anjay Mohite, anjay S

hennai C

unding of elections. f ven before and after the e ribute to his dedication, t ill to succeed. w eague (IPL) auction because L ovak Djokovic nor Rafael Nadal kept his appointment N . Subramanian, . V

oving towards state m ost of the committees, M is second golden age is a H one his skills. h ver the Indian Premier o tness and the indomitable  he draw might have cleared for Federer — neither T

unding, there is no point in f istory again”, January 29). h ot an ideal game to watch to n erseverance, physical p euphoria wept away in the s

olls and state funding state and olls P ation expertly, making the nal without a set dropped. u

hrough the fortnight, he balanced this risk­reward eq­ T

. iming and innate understanding of court­space t Letters emailed to [email protected] must carry the full postal address and the full name or the name with initials. with name the or name full the and address postal full the carry must [email protected] to emailed Letters ETTERS TO THE EDITOR EDITOR THE TO ETTERS L

pull it o — in particular, his sense of ederer’s genius to F

d fraught with risk. It requires the full range of o

lso critical to examine what the a 997 to exempt parliamentary se­ 1 While it can be debated ution. t nature of exec­ oncerns about the c [email protected] m

omts the opponent. Although rewarding, it is a meth­ c will be decided in court, it is elhi D Removal of Disqualication) Act, ( ary secretaries also raises broader t eview the Working of the Consti­ R engaluru. E-mail: engaluru. B

f the decision in the instance in o embers of Legislative Assembly M he appointment of parliamen­ T to eaded National Commission h t the Centre for Law and Policy Research, Policy and Law for Centre the t a ent style of play, which both conserves energy and dis­ g

ation of MLAs. While the legality c rospectively amend the Delhi t ? MLAs legally sound isqualify the d ation of the M.N. Venkatachaliah­ d athew Idiculla is a research consultant research a is Idiculla athew M is success over the last year owes itself to this more ur­ h

as not resulted in the disquali­ h elhi government sought to re­ D ent in 2003 on the recommen­ m decision to anner and was its m

anded backhand was equal to the task. A large part of h

ce of parliamentary secretaries o enged before the High Court, the l in a fair act ssue raises. Did the EC i he 91st Constitutional Amend­ t

ng the ball impossibly early; his repurposed single­ i

r States, the striking down of the e 015. When this decision was chal­ 2 uch posts will continue to persist. s here are multiple questions this T rticle 164 (1­A) was inserted by A

k­ ood order. Signicantly, he seemed in no trouble ta g

ce of prot debate O in oth­ ng in a partisan manner, as i ailed, the demand for creating t AP government assumed oce in A uch posts. s

ourite. His striking, well­proportioned game looked in v is act­ AP now alleges that the EC A entary secretaries soon after the m cur­ he executive in the legislature t create ap that State governments c

erer entered the second week this time as the rm fa­ d f parliamentary secretaries. The o ad appointed 21 MLAs as parlia­ h nd the disproportionate power of a constitutional t is to get round this I he Delhi government. t

MLAs “de facto” held the oce he t hief Minister Arvind Kejriwal C egislatures are truly strengthened l or Delhi it is 10% of the total seats. f bring down oys, the move will not j it was his rst Major victory in nearly ve years — Fe­ —

f prot. However, the EC said that o aid out its contours. l omfortable majority the AAP en­ c erks to exercise inuence. Unless p otal number of MLAs of the State; t t. Where last year’s triumph in Melbourne was startling i

o have been occupying an oce t reasingly seek positions with c ourt, in multiple decisions, has C lections. However, due to the e eCifMnse — to 15% of the he Chief Minister t

rand Slam crown was the certainty that accompanied G

oid, the MLAs could not be said v he Constitution, the Supreme t ­ isqualication necessitates by d nstitutional milieu, lawmakers in­ i ers in State cabinets — including t

arkable aspect of Federer’s record­extending 20th m

he appointment was anyway t oce of prot” is not dened in “ en legislative agenda. In such an v here is a lot at stake here since T hich limits the number of Minis­ w

­ or singles title in the Open Era. Perhaps the most re j

his, the AAP claimed that since t mpted by law. While the term e hips and a purely executive­dri­ w . hearing a Constitution icle 164 (1­A) of the t

han Federer (36 years and 173 days) to have won a Ma­ t Citing f the Lieutenant Governor. o ents, other than those oces ex­ m not been given er as its MLAs had n binding party easures such as m traints in cabinet formation is Ar­ s

he 1972 Australian Open at 37, is the only man older t er the Central or State govern­ d aries since it lacked the approval t acted in a unilateral man­ C had E eebled over the years through f abinet. One of the major con­ c

ccupies “any oce of prot” un­ o ecre­ ointment of parliamentary s p y protested the move saying the t atures. Lawmakers have been en­ l do nd a place in the who LAs M ti h mid­30s. Indeed, Ken Rosewall, who claimed ot in the n

r will be disqualied if he or she e ember 2016, set aside the ap­ t n the Delhi government. The par­ i titutional malaise facing the legis­ s uch posts are mainly to reward S hampions usually achieve during their athletic prime, c

he Delhi High Court, in Sep­ T 91(1)(a) which state that a lawmak­ 1 entary secretaries to ministers m lso be attributed to the larger in­ a in the rst place? reate such posts c

rand Slam events he has entered — a success rate great G

dea under Articles 102(1)(a) and i R arious. c ces of prot as they were parlia­  he creation of such posts can T why do State governments o S

wiss maestro has now won three of the last four S

onstitution makers adopted this C entary secretaries became pre­ m holding of­ eemed to have been d heir primary role. t egal past. l

ontinued at the Australian Open on Sunday. The c

rs from the executive. India’s e hus the position of the parlia­ T admi Party (AAP). They were A estrict them from performing r chequered ence, the issue has a H

oger Federer’s iridescent late­career renaissance

ill. used to give his assent to the B f endently and are not lured by o­ p Aam ive Assembly (MLAs) of the t ng MLAs with executive posts can i 004, calling it unconstitutional. 2

re­ atter for the President, who m nsure that legislators act inde­ e ualify 20 Members of the Legisla­ q f the entire legislature. Reward­ o iscellaneous Provisions) Act, M r esn obleeh stegets ever ore reasons to believe he is the greatest m

enant Governor reserved the t he oce of prot rule seeks to T (EC) to dis­ lection Commission E he Opposition’s role but also that t ent, Salaries, Allowances and m


t the Australian Open, Roger Federer gave us A

octrine of separation of powers. d ce of prot”. However, the Lieu­  ecommendation of the r overnment to account is not only g iamentary Secretaries (Appoint­ l

Renaissance man man Renaissance

ng principle behind this is the i retaries from the denition of “of­ c ath Kovind approved the N t is often ignored that holding the I ourt struck down the Assam Par­ C

nder the Monarch. The underly­ u n January 21, President Ram ath to exercise executive power. p udiciary. Recently, the Supreme


olding executive appointments h islature is primarily seen as a g struck down by the enged and l

ent and exports.” m ons disqualied members from m em, contesting elections to the le­ t y of these have been legally chal­ n

athew idiculla idiculla athew m

entury, the House of Com­ 6th c 1 n India’s parliamentary sys­ I Ma­ cross the political spectrum. a the only two truly sustainable engines — private invest­ “

rown and the Parliament in the C oyal legislators. l done arliamentary secretaries is p ymakers keep their sights trained on strengthening c

uring the conicts between the d ultiple executive posts to reward m MLAs as he trend of appointing T

apid economic expansion by recommending that poli­ r

ewarding loyalists R riginates from Britain where, o eek to prevent the creation of s

plan for ation as key priorities, the Survey sets out a c

he concept of oce of prot T nd oce of prot restrictions a

nrcapoc oplc.Ctn o creation and edu­ entric approach to policy. Citing job c

ary secretaries reveals. t ystem. s constitutional constraints arsh, h

a wholesale review of the cereal­ ion technologies and t

ractice of appointing parliamen­ p tive power in a parliamentary u ehrtepecie a is too hether the prescribed cap w

­ ures including extensive provision of ecient irriga s

he issue of oce of prot must be understood as part of the legislature’s institutional separation T

ea­ reas — the Survey calls for a range of mitigation m a

#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4

al incomes — by as much as 20­25% for unirrigated r A path to executive power

u­ rowth. With the potential to reduce annual agricult g

ers climate change poses to the outlook for farm g

­ ure’, the CEA and his team have stressed on the dan t

ntire chapter to ‘Climate, Climate Change and Agricul­ e

orld, (including Indians) who are w ognition in the Gandhian vision c ouse to be walled in on sides and h hange the world. That is to say, at c niversity, Sonipat niversity, U

nd, most crucially, support agriculture. Devoting an a eriously by all those around the s luralistic and inter­cultural re­ p e arms, “I do not want my h neself, change oneself and then o andhi Centre for Peace, Jindal Global Jindal Peace, for Centre andhi G

ontinues to be studied and taken c istory. As a matter of fact, the h cs of empathy is to look within i order cultural constellations. As b amin Jahanbegloo is Director, Mahatma Director, is Jahanbegloo amin R ilise the GST, complete the recapitalisation exercise b

ance. As such, Mahatma Gandhi t ual recognition among subjects of t odes of comparative and cross­ m olitics. The heart of Gandhi’s eth­ p overnment may have to retain the elbow room to sta­ g

ith non­violence and civil resis­ w cal self­consciousness but a mu­ i onstantly experimenting with c f the Gandhian view of everyday o

oing so, it appears that the Survey is signalling that the d

ame “Gandhi” is synonymous n ore than ever. m ot the exclusion of certain histor­ n nderstanding are the ‘hallmarks u hinker and a practitioner who is t

In return to the path of calibrated decit reductions. a

oday, for many non­Indians, the T is legacy, which is needed now h he phenomenology of violence is t ies, empathy and cross­cultural t ast but not least, Gandhi is a L

ommends a “modest consolidation” that would signal c

n over 70 years after his death. o nd impenetrable ground. This is a hat is why Gandhi’s response to t hip and non­violent partnership. s hinkers, who put rights before du­ t

ptimistic and unrealistic assumptions. Instead, it re­ o nderstood, Gandhi’s legacy lives u alking alone on a rigid, inexible w f a dialogical sensibility. Maybe o nderstanding, empathic friend­ u ontemporary liberal political c

ion, especially in a pre­election year” that are based on t espite being misread and mis­ D ven on a tightrope, rather than e ot of an utopian nature, but more n mong nations in terms of mutual a eveals to us is that unlike many r

or an austere, simple lifestyle. f referred to walk with others, p al approach to human aairs are c oncerned with cooperation c nalysis of the Gandhian thought a ida­ gainst “setting overly ambitious targets for consol a

oned gure with his preference i cute sense of the world. Gandhi a nd political demands for an ethi­ a t the same time, Gandhi is always A s such, what the comparative A argues aintaining policy credibility. To this end, it m

n ethics of empathy A ndia consider Gandhi an old­fash­ I is inner voice, he also had an h ence. However, his ontological l ore mature and more truthful. m

ues, has to be squarely placed on establishing and g

ate lawyers and businessmen in r ct of being free. While listening to a ooted in an ethics of non­vio­ r iety with the aim of becoming c

entre needs to reappraise its priorities. The onus, it ar­ C

iolence and exclusion. v iddle class technologists, corpo­ m orld went hand in hand with his w ests a view of civilisation deeply g f non­violent organisation of so­ o

n the scal front, the survey contends that the O

ng lack of empathy, legitimised i omes to his teachings, young, c arginally. His opening up to the m ations. As a result, Gandhi sug­ n ult, politics for Gandhi is a matter s

aise interest rates, choking o the nascent recovery. r ur contemporary world, includ­ o ians and managers, when it c ays thought dierently and lived w tanding among individuals and s hould learn from others. As a re­ s

rn aia uw,cudforce policymakers to ering capital outows, could g onomy and many challenges of t ame is pronounced by all politi­ n ive and dialogical attitude, he al­ t ultural awareness and under­ c andhi’s view, every culture G

roach to ethics, pluralism and au­ p is native country. Though his h ne. But, thanks to his compara­ o ierences and developing inter d t a more philosophical level, in A g­ ility”. A correction in the stock market, besides tri b

sharp contrast between his ap­ a andhi is no more fully present in G ore, thinking and living became f ality is a way of bridging r ultures’. c urvey warns against “sanguineness about its sustaina­ S

andhian thought while providing G

lsewhere shows that the spirit of e iving on the edge. For him, there­ l ian non­violent approach to plu­ h transformative dialogue among a soar to new highs on an almost daily basis, the uing to n

ot be a friend of Truth without n een.” Consequently, the Gand­ s orld to a harmonic exchange and w dimensional aspect of multi he t nd the debates in the press and a

levated stock prices.” With Indian stock indices conti­ e

andhi knew well that one can­ G raving somehow to reach the Un­ c ruth. This is a way to open up the T erspective. Moreover, it reveals p ook at everyday Indian politics l

et ‘sudden stall’ induced by sharp corrections to k

hatological constructions. c hem. They are an answer to man’s t ividual: to experiment with d ontributions in a comparative c erstood by all Indians. A quick d

ating to what the Survey calls “a classic emerging mar­ l

is philosophical and political h hat Gandhi is well read and un­ t ation looking for salvation in es­ t hey are what faith has made T s the same as his goal for every in­ i

hip. Among the concerns the CEA has agged is one re­ s nd now, after centuries of temp­ a hese dierent abodes of God. t very culture (including his own) e ven more pertinent by analysing e ut this does not mean necessarily B

rices, would require exemplary economic steward­ p ally returns to earth, to the here n s… I make no distinction between e inear world history. His goal for l o contemporary debates becomes t ces and shops, even restaurants. 

ith Gandhi, human conscience ­ w Temples or mosques or church­ “ Gandhi rarely speaks in terms of ‘ heorists. Actually, his relevance t osted on the walls of business of­ p luding a key risk in the form of persistently high oil c

hort, what all this means is that s ruth. This why Gandhi arms, T mong the comparative political a own squares and his pictures t f human history’. Therefore, o emaining vigilant to other macroeconomic threats, in­ r

he self from its own tyranny. In t articipate in the same quest for p ll play a special role in the making a al philosopher is emerging c tatues erected in the middle of s

ices. But capitalising on these favourable factors while v

ogue with the other would save l le of all cultures because they all p ot isolated entities, because they n ew interest in Gandhi the politi­ n oured all over the country with n

ent a lift to overseas demand for India’s goods and ser­ l

On Liberty On iathan v i’s message would be that dia­ h al views is possible among all peo­ r andhi, cultures and nations are G . But a and Mill’s n currency notes. He is also ho­ o

re the fair winds of a global recovery that have already a

Le- Prince The ess of the other. Actually, Gand­ n act that an understanding of mo­ f more fundamental level, for a , Hobbes’s elli’s v he most recognisable Indian put t

Adding to these domestic enablers lic sector banks. b

olitical thought next to Machia­ p erms of a dialogue with the other­ t t also involves a belief in the I ences to Gandhi. Gandhi is by far


or debt resolution and the initiative to recapitalise pu­ f aj r y­engendering values spelt out in t on­violence. n , as a major work in modern n India and not to see or hear refe­ i

Hind Swa- Hind ommon concerns and communi­ c luralism of Gandhian p andhi’s seminal work, G t is practically impossible to live I he push to use the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code t

andhi everywhere G iverse modes of participation in d ractical wisdom and empathic p ery few theorists considered v heet problem in the banking sector. The latter includes s

est. For the past seven decades, W ience of freedom derives from the r ues is an essential component of l

ax and the steps taken to address the twin balance T

olitical philosophy, the expe­ p onstructively with conicting va­ c mong political theorists in the a andhi in India and in the world. G

he July 1 implementation of the Goods and Services t

he point here is that in Gandhi’s T ords, this capacity to engage w een a new interest in Gandhi b etical and practical status of M.K. r

s: ng to the positive prognosis are the reform measure i

mportance of dialogue I ures can take place. In other t ore interestingly, there has M pportunity to evaluate the theo­ o

dviser Arvind Subramanian, the key factors contribut­ A espected and equally valid cul­ r ng elite’s power and domination. i a. But more than ever, this is an n

rowing major economy. According to Chief Economic g ngs, is generated. i ication between equally n ays in which it challenges the rul­ w re brought before the public are­ a

ence, as self­transformative be­ t unity of ‘houses’ where commu­ m rotest repertoires, realising the p istance and self­transformation s urrent scal, reinstating India as the world’s fastest­ c

y which our democratic exis­ b em within a decentralised com­ t ophy of non­violence in their s gain the ideas of non­violent re­ a ould accelerate to 7­7.5% in 2018­19, from 6.75% in the c


i, recognition is the mechanism h emocratically self­organised sys­ d ncorporated the Gandhian philo­ i T f Mahatma Gandhi. Once o

It projects that GDP growth ism and caution. m

quare in Egypt, have increasingly S therness of the other. For Gand­ o etaphor for an autonomous and m iversary of the assassination n

an economy that gives reason for both opti­ f o

uires the recognition of the q house’ can be understood as a ‘ o the freedom ghters of Tahrir t anuary 30 marks the 70th an­

the picture he Economic Survey for 2017­18 paints

onomous self­consciousness re­ t ur globalised world. Gandhi’s o oung militants of Otpor in Serbia y

r, understanding oneself as an au­ e ance to the cultural situation in v hrough to Aung San Suu Kyi, from t

he need to maintain scal credibility t

amin jahanbegloo jahanbegloo amin r

f simple self­ introspection. Rath­ o elson Mandela, the Dalai Lama N f Gandhi has a particular rele­ o

he Economic Survey underscores T

ense of freedom is never a matter s  my feet by any.” This statement o ists, from Martin Luther King Jr., v

Cautious optimism Cautious ive in. That is, for Gandhi, one’s l ossible. But I refuse to be blown p nd spiritual leaders and civil acti­ a

ccorded to the common world we a lown about my house as freely as b he last seven decades, political t

ense of who we are and the value s he cultures of all the lands to be t om and democratisation. Over d

f democracy can determine our o y windows to be stued. I want m ngaged in the struggle for free­ e

andhi knew well that one cannot be a friend of Truth without living on the edge G

Walking with others on a tightrope






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ooja Bhatt is PhD scholar at JNU, New Delhi Delhi New JNU, at scholar PhD is Bhatt ooja P

bsence of lamin B2. a hat are found in abun­ t In about 75% of the can­ “

akeawaysfromIPLauction t

orms an aggregate in the f n shape or by nucleoli i ectral cancer cell lines. r ttp://bit.ly/ h

ith its role as ‘net security provider’ in the region. w ucleoli that are distorted n leoli). This protein too c evels of lamin B2 in colo­ l

head ensus builder’ in its neighbourhood before moving a s NA binding protein (nu­ R ein is met by large­sized t roach, they reduced the p PL auction PL I

here needs to be a building of unity. India can be that ‘con­ t xit of a multifunctional e and for additional pro­ m sing a molecular ap­ U akeaways from the 2018 the from akeaways T

erns, he challenge posed by China and other security conc t odulates the entry and m hesis for survival. The de­ t n the nucleolus’ case.” i

3 se to s no single country in the Indo­Pacic region can ri A ursors. Lamin B2 also c equire more protein syn­ r hey played a similar role t HE WEB HE T

ther states, so China will not want to destabilise the region. o

els of ribosomal RNA pre­ v roliferative in nature and p anted to determine if w


with ependent on the success of the BRI and cooperation d as an increase in the le­ w he nucleus is known, we t 0. Cancer cells are highly 1

mbitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Its economy will be a CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC n the cancer cells, there i ells may have as many as c he shape and function of t CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

hina has invested signicant capital to push ahead its C in B2 level was depleted m amins’ role in controlling l haped nucleoli, cancer s o, U.S. c

utcome of the engagement so far. o ucleolus. When the la­ n amin B2,” he says. “Since l wo spherical and regular­ t ar in Santa Fe, New Mexi­ B

gnicant owever, there is little tangible evidence of any si H rols the function of the t ibody staining to identify t ells that contain one or c amed after the El Farol n

ith ASEAN under the ‘Act East’ policy to counter China w . rom the cell and used an­ f n contrast to normal I hape, lamin B2 also con­ s ogg. The problem is H

mmediate neighbourhood as well as further its relations i esides controlling the B gain a new nding. a solated the nucleolus i .A. Huberman and Tad B

ajor diplomatic engagement to secure its relations with its m leolus,” she says. c er of nucleolus as we d f the nucleolus, which is o arlier work conducted by e

ver the last three years, India has worked to secure O a rols the shape of the nu­ t ein is found at the border t ate lamin B2 at the bor­ c roblem in 1994 based on p

f the Nuclear Suppliers Group. o ests that lamin B2 con­ g leus, the lamin B2 pro­ c us. “We were able to lo­ l d with developing the e

ated by China on the issues of terrorism and membership m hape. “This strongly sug­ s oundary of the nucleo­ b ike in the case of the nu­ L iam Brian Arthur is credit­ l

cean Region (IOR). At the multilateral level, India is check­ O ained their original g rRNA) and ribosomes. ( ere found right near the w merican economist Wil­ A

as been a constant Chinese strategic presence in the Indian h evel, the nucleoli re­ l er of the nucleus, lamins d omal ribonucleic acid s ng home during the night. i

y have impacted India’s immediate neighbourhood. There c as restored to its normal w heir location at the bor­ t he nucleolus makes ribo­ T ould all be better o stay­ w

hina’s inuence. Chinese infrastructure and loan diploma­ C ies. When the lamin B2 t ound inside the nucleus. f ound that in addition to f . In such a case, they o

ndia’s neighbourhood is demonstrating changes under I leoli were separate enti­ c earch (IISER), Pune s leolus, a roundish entity c nd make them all worse a

ecurity threats such as piracy and terrorism. s olume than when the nu­ v y and function of the nu­ g cience Education and Re­ S ould cause overcrowding w

ike China and North Korea, the region faces non­traditional l etermine the morpholo­ d ggregate occupied more a he Indian Institute of t n the same night, it o

ns ere defence deals. Besides traditional security concer m nd Cellular Biology Cellular nd a . The undan Sengupta from K leus, has been found to c

own decide to go the bar t


nd regional concerns and addressing those goes beyond a Molecular ublished in p icroscope, a team led by m nd function of the nu­ a ight. If all people in the n

layer in the region, New Delhi has its own national interests p

he rst author of a paper t sing a super­resolution u aintaining the structure m d seats on a Thursday e



s. However, being an emerging economic and military e engupta from IISER and S eering deep into cells P lays an important role in p o to a small bar with limit­ g

wo countries with particular emphasis on military purchas­ t regate,” says Ayantika g arge­sized. l rotein lamin B2, which p ally choose whether to m

eeks to further expand defence cooperation between the s ether to form a large ag­ g ucleoli that are n or the rst time, nuclear F ommunication, can opti­ c

uct of old jewellery melted. d ith India as America’s ‘major defence partner’, the NDS W heir shape and came to­ t o have a large number of s le in a town, without any p

ro­ ccused taking the view that the gold was probably the p a Quad’ to counter China’s rise. ‘ er cells, the nucleoli lost c ance. Cancer cells can al­ d . Prasad . R le that asks how the peo­ z

arged the he First Class Magistrate of Kolar Gold Field disch T ent Donald Trump has shown keenness to align with the d

his refers to a logical puz­ T

ines Regulation for being in possession of “unwrought” gold. M he novel role of the nuclear protein has been explored T an and South Korea to checkmate North Korea, U.S. Presi­ p

ogic L

the e in possession of a piece of gold was charged under b

ith Ja­ ront, apart from building missile defence systems w f

roblem p

ore]. In this case one Chettan Muniswamy who was found to l The many things that Lamin B2 can do do can B2 Lamin that things many The gic omic engagement with Asian economies. On the strate n

l Farol Bar Farol l E nga­ ice Chandrasekhara Iyer has passed nal orders [in Ba t eral eco­ acic Partnership, the U.S. is looking for multilat P

Mr. Jus­ he Chief Court of Mysore were reported previously, t f its maritime strategy. With its withdrawal from the Trans­ o


BSTRACT A n the gold melting case, about which opinions of the Judges of I us from the Asia­Pacic to Indo­Pacic as a reference point c

nto prominence. The U.S. administration has shifted its fo­ i




he Gold Melting Case. Melting Gold he T n international trade and commerce has brought the region i

lear and missile tests, and the salience of Asian economies c

JANUARY 30, 1918. 30, JANUARY nu­ ian Ocean, regional instability due to North Korea’s d HUNDRED YEARS AGO AGO YEARS HUNDRED A

n Asia. China’s territorial and maritime overtures in the In­ i

he NDS is reective of the changing geopolitical realities T

acic under its ‘Rebalance to Asia’ strategy. P een Iran and India, which were “very good.” w

Asia­ bama administration too laid considerable focus on O nding ways to further strengthen the bonds of friendship bet­ 

ial policy indicators for India and the region. The previous c eeting with newsmen, the Shah said the talks were aimed at m

he ‘Indo­Pacic’, they will serve as cru­ t orces from basis east of Suez, China and West Asia. In a brief f

ocuments lay considerable focus on d ritish ects that gured in the talks were the withdrawal of B j GETTY IMAGES

ies and the way forward. As the two t her sub­ he Indian technicians were doing in his country. Ot t

howcase the country’s strategic priori­ s work” hened and widened. The Shah praised the “excellent t

NSS) released recently by the U.S. ( streng­ nd other relations between India and Iran would be a

nd the National Security Strategy a e ran amity. The Shah and Mrs. Gandhi hoped that the trad I

he National Defence Strategy (NDS) T riendship with Pakistan should not come in the way of India­ f

s s understood to have agreed with Mrs. Gandhi that Iran’ i

ooja Bhatt Bhatt ooja P

ernational topics as well as those of mutual concern, the Shah t

ith its role as ‘net security provider’ w d in­ alam airport. During their conversation, which covere P

9] had a half­hour talk with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi at 2

eighbourhood before moving ahead n

he Shah of Iran who passed through Delhi to­day [January T

ndia can be a ‘consensus builder’ in its I

hah of Iran holds talks with P.M. with talks holds Iran of hah S

pivot in Asia Asia in pivot A




istrict level was to contribute to de­ d AS is a representative sample of N core. For example, for Class VIII, s tanding. For example, the implementation s

ducation Foundation ducation E 017-18 2

he syllabus or simply in terms of a t entative sample of children at the s ttending or out of school) whereas a ruly “wow” moments of epiphanic under­ t ukmini Banerji is CEO of Pratham of CEO is Banerji ukmini R n excerpt from the preface of the Economic Survey Economic the of preface the from excerpt n A

encies rather than by reference to t or ASER collecting data on a repre­ f f all children (whether in school and o he Survey’s authors, there have been some t

#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4 earning outcomes. l hildren by dierent broad compe­ c orld’s top knowledge producers? w he district level. One of the reasons t s aimed at a representative sample i ined to shed light on the economy, and, for m

mprove the quality of children’s i hile NAS is a pen­paper test. ASER w AS reports lay out performance of N issions to propel India to the ranks of the m ren’s learning were not available at d s in last year’s Survey, Big Data has been A

nd eective decentralised action to a ucts its assessment one­on­one, d eparture from usual practice, the d here be a number of science and technology t ual ASER data, estimates on chil­ n nd technology. a

efore. The time is ripe for timely b ng and daily life is stressed. In a i he conditions of doing business? Should t r, until this year, other than the an­ e s a school­based eort. ASER con­ i ppeals and judicial process, and science a

he learning crisis in India than ever t nnually at the district level. Howev­ a SER is a household survey and NAS A ions between mathematical think­ t orm of cooperative federalism to improve f limate change and agriculture, delays in the c

nd evidence about the contours of a uts or infrastructure are available p oth use dierent methodologies – B roach where developing connec­ p f Powers like the Centre and States do in the o conomic convergence, gender inequality, e

ierent methodologies D oday there is much more data T mplementation. Information on in­ i NCERT) learning outcomes ap­ ( udiciary agree to a Cooperative Separation j hapters devoted to challenges of long­term c

or course correction. f ional Research and Training’s t onvergence? Should the government and c he unit for planning, allocation and t ederalism and accountability, there are ve f

erication of progress, and room v lanning focusses on the district as p audable move.) l ith the National Council of Educa­ w ecades long, dynamic process of economic d he investment­saving slowdown, and scal t

f know­how and support, external o he government’s education system, t ith NAS data this year. Again, a w iteracy and numeracy. This is in line l ost felt? Will there be a stall in India’s four m uch as the Goods and Services Tax (GST), s

echanism could include provision m d. The government has done this e ope with everyday tasks that involve c gricultural impact of climate change be a vailable. This is signicant as within a nd chapters of contemporary relevance a

ased on a well worked out plan. The b n which the assessment is conduct­ i ent framework explores how youth m hird, district­level data are now T ions, to what extent, and where will the t hallenges. So, in addition to the overview c

istricts could bid for these funds d ierent kinds. d eleases data in the same school year r SER 2017 “beyond basics” assess­ A atio of the last child? Under what condi­ r uses on what are perhaps more long­term c

el special fund so that interested v ress and identify persistent gaps of g urrent school year. Every year ASER c ne or two districts per State. The o n gender, why should we focus on the sex O arching theme, a large part of Volume 1 fo­ r

ut to access this Central or State­le­ o ime enables analysts to track pro­ t he information available is of the t ear the exercise was done only in y ered to, and if not, what does that signify? w ithout consciously pursuing an ove­ W

ial mechanisms could be worked c ural districts of the country, this r R report. Data being available over E icular expectations. (In both cases, r ect the direct taxes that they are empo­ l he major sectors of the economy. t

earning improvement fund. Finan­ l nalyses than is published in the AS­ a eeded rethinking of class­wise cur­ n urveys which are carried out in all s o second and third tiers of government col­ D f the current scal year, encompassing all o

ould be set aside specically for a c sed ASER data for more detailed u ill contribute towards a much­ w ation. Also, unlike the usual ASER l nderstanding other countries’ experience? u me 2 provides the more descriptive review u

he upcoming Budget, an amount t earning outcomes, a move which l ierent from the usual target popu­ d any researchers have accessed and m ent slowdown to reverse quickly based on m ore research­cum­analytical material. Vol­ m

re usually not eectively spent. In a ance of considering stage­wise t rates on the 14­18 age group, which is t o recent assertions in the media, t usses are: Can we expect the current invest­ c me 1 contains the analytical overview and u

nnual work plan guidelines, these a rom the usual survey: it concen­ f ually in the case of ASER). Contrary n wn ways, both point to the impor­ o ome of the many questions this Survey dis­ s ut Volumes 1 and 2 at the same time. Vol­ o

rovision for innovation funds in the p iodically in the case of NAS or an­ r bout children’s learning. In their a y released ASER data is dierent l n the economy that the GST has provided, o everted this year to the tradition of bringing r

t the State level. Although there is a a re repeatedly available (whether pe­ a ndicate a signicant shift in thinking i ey (NAS) were released. The recent­ v n addition to the entirely new perspective I n response to popular demand, we have I

uestions discussed Q ack of interest, funds and guidance l y non­governmental organisations, b rom the National Achievement Sur­ f lso the only two sources of data that a vidence, and ideas can nd utterance. e

his energy can be constrained by t hildren’s learning in India. They are c he government and the other done t 017 and the district report cards 2 owed ideas to be pursued so that new facts, l

mprovement eorts. But sometimes i oint to important trends related to p ions”. Both 2017 exercises, one by t ren’s learning. Last week, ASER d olumes. v enerous with sharing data, which has al­ g

ious district­wide learning r ever, the truth is that they both w ers by applying appropriate opera­ b ources of data available on chil­ s uilt upon going forward even after these b olleagues across government have been so c

istration wants to implement se­ n een made of these dierences. Ho­ b solve problems involving large num­ “ econd, there are now two new S ent. Hopefully, those traditions can be m nderstanding and analysis. Thankfully too, u

y instances where the district admi­ n kills. In the last 10 years, much has s deas and events while reading” or i hat it should enable children to do. w he Ministry of Human Resource Develop­ t or many policy experiments that cry out for f

o, for many years we have seen ma­ d hile NAS looks at a wider variety of w acters, main idea and sequence of r ears of schooling should entail and y nd teachers all across India with the help of a ver the past four years has been a crucible o

ver and above whatever States O kills like reading and arithmetic, s ension and identify the details, cha­ h o think seriously about what eight t assive Open Online Course for students M nvestigation. Luckily too, economic policy i

iod is needed for implementation. r R focusses mainly on foundational E on­textual materials with compre­ n em, we are in an excellent position t hat, my team and I conducted a full­edged t ty, throwing up limitless opportunities for i

ensuring learning”, a multi­year pe­ “ ent or aided schools. Typically, AS­ m f students who can “read textual/ o east eight years in the education sys­ l ourses on the Indian economy. Inspired by c omy with its innite richness and complex­ n

rom “providing schooling” towards f hildren who are enrolled in govern­ c he report card gives the proportion t olling in school but completing at r dopting the Survey as a pedagogical tool for a uckily, to the rescue comes the Indian eco­ L

d. But when the focus is moving e rich economy A lmost all these children not only en­ a ncreasingly, a number of universities are I

ul for when inputs had to be provid­ f ame into eect in April 2010. With c conomy addressed in Chapter 7. e Doddakallahalli in Malur, Karnataka.


education.” School children at the government higher primary school at ess in education may have been use­ c he Right to Education Act, which t gency are critical challenges for the Indian a aterial, and novelty of ideas? m

“India is in a position right now to think and act dierently in the area of nnual nature of the planning pro­ a re the rst cohort to benet from a ation, and reproductive and economic c roach, rigour of analysis, relevance of p

ng improvement programme. The i hildren who are today in Class VIII c f sons, and empowering women with edu­ o ey consistently maintain a freshness of ap­ v

results­oriented multi­year learn­ a irst, this year is historic because the F he deep societal meta­preference in favour t ng the risk of jadedness. How can the Sur­ i

enets of RTE B ricts can apply to for implementing t ast in the term of this government, is avoid­ l en, which spans continents. Addressing m

earning improvement fund that dis­ l ng movement to end violence against wo­ i ey, the fourth of the current team and the v

ussion, our suggestion was to have a c ow to think and act dierently. n hosen as a symbol of support for the grow­ c he other challenge doing this year’s Sur­ T

ent groups. Recently, in such a dis­ r ierent. India is in a position right d he colour of this year’s survey cover was T igher expectations. h

t carries out consultations with die­ i ome time. But this year’s situation is s nderpinned the analysis of gender issues. u ormance anxiety of falling short relative to f

ance Ministry prepares the Budget, n ates and discussions die down after b ndia’s National Family Health Survey have I ear’s Survey has created a heightened per­ y

earning for all. Each year, as the Fi­ l ng in India. The hand­wringing, de­ i ious Demographic and Health Surveys and r quivalent gain. If true, the response to last e

eyond universal schooling towards b bout the status of children’s learn­ a hange. Household­level data from the va­ c eights on avoiding loss than experiencing w

hink of eective new ways of moving t R) is released, there is a hue and cry E nalyse the potential impact of climate a conomics, humans place greater welfare e

ones, India is in a good position to t ual Status of Education Report (AS­ n emperature and climate have been used to t ourse, burdening. According to behavioural c

iven these three important miles­ G very year in January, when the An­ E ality. Similarly, spatially granular data on m as overwhelming, humbling, and, of w

ore data to mine M he tax net, and levels of formality and infor­ t he response to last year’s Economic Survey T

nd State­wise, the size and distribution of a

ukmini Banerjee Banerjee ukmini R

ress the needs of their children. d xternal and internal trade in the aggregate e rvind Subramanian Subramanian rvind A

elevant and appropriate plans to ad­ r o be gained into the Indian economy — its t

pportunity of making contextually o ESIC) has allowed a whole new perspective (

ricts in the same State will have the t mployees’ State Insurance Corporation E

s also a welcome move. Now dis­ i ident Fund Organisation (EPFO) and the v

ease of the NAS district report cards l etailed new data from the Employees’ Pro­ d

isions at that level. The timely re­ c f the GST combined with the availability of o

here is enough data about the learning crisis in India. What is needed is eective decentralised action T

an we expect the current investment slowdown to reverse soon? C

Three milestones in education

Pixellating the India prole






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he Indian Penal Code (IPC), t n the past so many years. i resent its stand in a similar p oPT, Mr. Venugopal said, D nfrastructure in the area. i n the issue is contrary to o s aid. els, including between In­ v

heating and forgery under c aw, or at any time thereafter l ugopal said the CBI should n n a letter to the Secretary, I eijing had a right to build B aid. The ruling PDP’s stand s he Army,” Mr. Abdullah t eaningful dialogue at all le­ m

lleged criminal conspiracy, a he 90 days permitted by t nd Training (DoPT), Mr. Ve­ a LP, sources said. S overeign territory, and s ied and weeded out,” she t r, registered an FIR against e rgent need to engage in a u

nformation Report (FIR) for I he Supreme Court within t epartment of Personnel D hat it be allowed to le the t lang (Doklam) was China’s g lack sheep within are iden­ b erial probe and on the oth­ t t any level and there is an a

2, 1990, registered a First 2 ause for not approaching c n a recent letter to the I eneral on the CBI’s request G tock response that Don­ s nly enhances once the o ernment ordered a magis­ v annot aord confrontation c

he CBI had on January T aid to constitute sucient s he government. t pinion from the Attorney­ o s. Hua reiterated Beijing’s M he grace of an institution t On one hand, the go­ “ hopian “remind us that we S

he Bofors case. t umstances that could be c .K.Venugopal has advised K he DoPT had sought legal T lished satellite pictures, b ion has done a great job, but t ver the dead”. o s. Mufti said incidents like M

egal opinion egal L Engage in dialogue’ dialogue’ in Engage ‘ ased Hinduja brothers in b icant events or special cir­ n ismissed, Attorney­General d hown in recently pu­ s The Army as an institu­ “ nowing how to play politics k

harges against the Europe­ c un pay­o as it is likely to be g ord did not reveal any sig­ c ure in the Doklam area, as t easures”. m ccused Ms. Mufti “of only a

a, and the Hindujas. h ay 31, 2005, quashing all M elay itself.” He said the re­ d case related to the Bofors a oped military infrastruc­ l o take appropriate t ormer CM Omar Abdullah f illings. k

eged middleman Win Chad­ l elhi High Court order of D ourt on account of the long c efore the Supreme Court in b hina’s alleged newly deve­ C C working president and N rinagar against the Shopian S er anguish and has assured h

anufacturer Bofors AB, al­ m y to be dismissed by the l le an SLP challenging the  special leave petition (SLP) a sked to comment on A ists held street protests in t irmala Sitharaman “shared N ers” on Saturday afternoon. t

resident of Swedish arms p he CBI said it wanted to T his stage, in my view, is like­ t igation (CBI) should not le t erences including CPEC. f nia asked. Scores of separa­ a he said Defence Minister S t “stone­throwing protes­ a

gainst Martin Ardbo, then a lso a party. a he Central Bureau of Inves­ T efore the Supreme Court at b hich would cover all dif­ w oung men when Army red y gainst the Army,” Mr. Path­ a ufti told the Assembly. M

ave elapsed. Any SLP led h ion of Corruption Act, 1988, t ourt, in which the agency is c etween India and China, b iscuss the killing of two d ious charges levelled r eport within 15 days,” Ms. r

ew Delhi ew N

nd sections of the Preven­ a Now, more than 12 years “ ase pending before the c new phase of dialogue a aming anyone. Why are se­ n ian, will come up with its p n adjournment motion to a

ress Trust of India of Trust ress P

ambawale had proposed B eputy Commissioner, Sho­ D n the Assembly and sought i odge a fresh FIR without l

last week, Mr. The government should “ uilty and the oce of the g ratic Front created a ruckus c AG advises against plea in Bofors case Bofors in plea against advises AG al Times al b

f the FIR against the Army. o n an interview with I M) and the People’s Demo­ ( IR was lodged against the F Glo-

ambawale. B ence, the Congress, the CPI r gain demanded withdrawal a olitical process here. An p

or to China, Gautam d .S. Pathania, a BJP MLA, R y impair and slow down the l luding the National Confe­ c

he FIR against the Army. t onclusion. Such killings on­ c PEC by India’s Ambassa­ C he Opposition parties, in­ t

lea, referred to the Su­ p ublicity”. Mr. Divan sub­ p elease. r ain details about the movie t o comment on remarks on t er statement came after H ised the police for lodging c ill be taken to its logical w

n the SC seeking to stall its i ng the expunction of cer­ i r. Sharma, in his fresh M ourced from a “hunger for s hunying said, when asked C ia and Pakistan”. d hat of the BJP, which criti­ t he killing of two civilians t

everal petitions were led s f his previous pleas, order­ o e abused. b ng that such petitions were i The probe ordered into “ istry spokesperson Hua n

ired in controversies since m ember 20 last year on one v ion of the court should not t y the Supreme Court say­ b ries,” Chinese Foreign Mi­ t ajor. M

restrictions in Srinagar on Sunday. Sunday. on Srinagar in restrictions


ion. The lm has been t reme Court order of No­ p itted that the PIL jurisdic­ m eferred to an earlier order r nterests of the two coun­ i gainst the Army unit and a a Security personnel patrolling a street during street a patrolling personnel Security High alert: High

ivan, for the lm’s makers, D cation for grant of certica­  empt to murder” cases t ution. This best serves the l

enior advocate Shyam S entral Board of Film Certi­ C unication for a better so­ m odging of “murder” and “at­ l

hich was then before the w ice Misra observed. t artner BJP questioned the p hrough dialogue and com­ t ohd Zamberi Abdul Aziz M oday. T

ould not pre­judge a movie c ourt to do now,” Chief Jus­ c lear a day after coalition c ith the Indian side w ng by Free Malaysia i l Film Censorship Board a

ember 20 last year saying it v nd there is nothing for the a We are ready to work “ ian. She made the stand p r. Aziz was quoted as say­ M he chairman of Nation­ T

ranted the lm a certicate g lea of Mr. Sharma on No­ p ilians in Army ring in Sho­ v i­Beijing ties. h slam”. I uslim­majority country,” M

ensor board has already c he top court dismissed a T nto the recent killings of ci­ i ajor irritant in New Del­ m oncern in Malaysia, a c n the “sensitivities of o

cenes from the lm. “The s d to be deleted. e n the police investigation o he door for removing a t oard as the lm touches b elf is a matter of grave s

hown in the lm and need­ s harma to delete certain S ufti on Monday stood rm M orridor (CPEC), opening C ivities of Islam. That in it­ t y the country’s censor b

ame scenes could not be s issed the plea by M.L. m hief Minister Mehbooba C hina Pakistan Economic C een banned in Malaysia b lm touches on the sensi­ 

he scenes of the movie, the t ice of India Dipak Misra dis­ t esolve dierences on the r

ry. “The storyline of the t irected Padmaavat has d rinagar rinagar S

is petition which dealt with h Bench led by Chief Jus­ A o open talks with India to t pecial correspondent pecial s he Muslims in the coun­ t he Sanjay Leela Bhansali­ T

raphs to be deleted from g ovie m hina on Monday oered C

leared as it might oend c Padmaavat.

uala Lumpur uala K

JP criticises police for lodging an FIR against the Army the against FIR an lodging for police criticises JP B

led by an advocate against  ad ordered certain para­ h

as said the lm was not h

ress Trust of India of Trust ress P eijing eijing B

ay rejected a third petition d e said when the court H

tul Aneja tul A

Malaysia bans lm

he Supreme Court on Mon­ T reate “disharmony”. c

into Shopian killings Shopian into

round that these might g

CPEC: China


rom his petition on the f

egal Correspondent egal L

with India on

J&K CM supports probe supports CM J&K

scenes SC dismisses plea against

Padmaavat Open to talk

ion hailing the Prime Minis­ t orks as frequent imposi­ w conomy. e The future course of the “ ould be taken up. w tressed the need for maxi­ s aid. s law and that the Muslim a

he NDA passed a resolu­ T aid, aected development s nd exports to rescue the a ulture. c onday, and said key issues M resident Amit Shah p ith dignity,” the President­ w dence it will soon become 

rivate sector investments p ion, employment and agri­ t or such polls. f ng in poll mode. That, he i et session, which started on g n which Mr. Modi and party i an live a life free of fear and c f Parliament, exuding con­ o

n 2020, the scheduled year i hinery from constantly be­ c he importance of the bud­ t iamentary Party executive l ear of oce is relying on y ailed to deliver on educa­ f uslim daughter and sister M oint sitting of both Houses j

olls would be held in Bihar p he government in its last t hat the government had t elieving the governance ma­ r ary panels, and underlined t y a meeting of the BJP Par­ b aw comes into force, the l n his maiden address to the i

lared that the Assembly c aid the Survey showed that s ernment and an admission v his idea, as it was aimed at t end meetings of parliamen­ t he meeting was preceded T ome a law soon. After the c erred to the triple talaq Bill f

Ps’ attendance issue attendance Ps’ M sh Kumar on Sunday de­ i e said in a statement. He h as an indictment of the go­ w lso aware and supportive of a eed for lawmakers to at­ n iament and I hope it will be­ l resident Kovind also re­ P

nd Bihar Chief Minister Nit­ a ent where the people were m ore uncertain, if not bleak,” f e said that the Survey H Bill on triple talaq in Par­ a uslim women,” he said. M r. Modi spoke about the M

ignicantly, JD(U) leader S ant to create an environ­ t aid. s evels. The outlook is there­ l overnment”. g ew Delhi. N ion. My government tabled t New Year gift of 2018 to a

lic Day parade, sources b s do not persist at current e ctions within the i as present at the meeting. w n Parliament, it was impor­ i 0­nation ASEAN summit in 1 o free them from this situa­ t ill passed in this session as B

s chief guests at the Repu­ a omentum and (2) oil pric­ m urface the internal contrad­ s aid an NDA oor leader who s hat while laws were framed t ion of his Davos trip and the s ountry has the opportunity c olitical parties to get the p

eads of 10 ASEAN countries h nd their implementation,” a Prime Minister Modi said “ for the successful conclu­ — y maintains its growth m ent that has brought to m al upmanship. Now the c nd I humbly request all a

mpact on development on mpact I tates could aect decisions S avos and the presence of D ng that (1) the world econo­ i refreshingly candid docu­ “ inister Nirmala Sitharaman M our was a victim of politi­ n assed in Parliament. I hope p

uct for election­bound d orld Economic Forum in W a Swaraj and Defence m rounds for failure by pray­ g nd said the Survey was a a Muslim women’s ho­ “ e could not get the Bill w

ion of model codes of con­ t er for his speech at the t us polls. o ernal Aairs Minister Sush­ t eems to prepare the s ered a detailed analysis o ear and with dignity. f ite a Supreme Court ruling, p

aised the issue of simultane­ r re many), the Survey a . Chidambaram, however, P omen can live a life free of w But in the last session, des­ “ en Cabinet Ministers — Ex­ m

abha elections, Mr. Modi S nnished work (and there u ormer Finance Minister F rime Minister credited wo­ P media in New Delhi on Monday. Monday. on Delhi New in media


of triple talaq Bill Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives to address the address to arrives Modi Narendra Minister Prime Day One: Day any ifs. After listing the m y!” in his tweet. p o it alone in the 2019 Lok g party leader said the A

arty’s recent resolution to p reasury benches. T conomy is conditional on e ong, “Don’t worry, be Hap­ s

nandrao Adsul despite his A ence of many MPs from the s amous Bobby McFerrin f

Call for early passage

ncluded Shiv Sena MP i eld up because of the ab­ h e tagged a video of the H Rahul Gandhi Gandhi Rahul

eaders in Parliament, which l lasses Commission was C ere all down. w

peaking to NDA oor S ulture, GDP and job growth c ional status to the Backward t

#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4 abha and the Assemblies. S hat industrial growth, agri­ t BC Bill granting Constitu­ O

ommunal harmony. c e said the Opposition, H ultaneous polls to the Lok m ession of Parliament, the s Good Days)” to point out (

aintain law and order and m ingh said in Varanasi. S is oft­emphasised idea of si­ h eadership. In the previous l ith hashtag “#Acche Din w

reventive measures to p ill fall back on him,” Mr. w one nation, one election” — “ een a concern for the party b conomic Survey, tweeting E

hiefs asking them to take c eep in mind that the spit k debate” on the need for a f MPs during sessions has o asm to the ndings of the c

ircular to all district police c he sky; Akhilesh ji should t onstituents to “at least start c bsenteeism of a section A andhi reacted with sar­ G

ce O. P Singh has issued a i One should not spit at “ odi on Monday urged NDA M he budget session. t ongress president Rahul C

.P. Director General of Pol­ U oint right back at them. p rime Minister Narendra P overnment agenda during g

ew Delhi ew N

ng to normal in Kasganj, i nger at the BJP, two would  n Parliament to support the i

pecial Correspondent Correspondent pecial S EW DELHI EW N

hile things are return­ W he SP and BSP pointed a t um presence of party MPs m

istula Hebbar istula N

ong. says Survey exposes govt. claims govt. exposes Survey says ong. C t,” Mr. Yadav said. i idharth Nath Singh said if S

alls on leaders of NDA parties to ‘at least’ start a nationwide debate on the issue the on debate nationwide a start least’ ‘at to parties NDA of leaders on alls C ear and reap benet out of f on and Cabinet Minister s

says Rahul in tweet in Rahul says overnment wants to create g .P. government spokesper­ U

s the government. I feel the i he Opposition’s charges, t

PM pushes for simultaneous polls onsible for the incident, it p t directly. Responding to i

Don’t worry, be happy, be worry, Don’t

If there is anyone res­ “ ujan Samaj Party blaming h

ry 26 function. a ajwadi Party and the Ba­ m

ure peace during the Janu­ s he incident, with the Sa­ t

ernment for failing to en­ v een heavily criticised for b

ad criticised the BJP go­ h he BJP government has T ernment’s diplomatic ef­ v ce are giving a betting res­ i inorities. m addled with non­perform­ s ral initiatives such as e ion. t

JP criticised JP B P chief Akhilesh Yadav S r. Kovind said the go­ M easement” of the p ent Kovind mentioned sev­ d s and Jammu Kashmir Pol­ e or banks, many of which are t as only miscommunica­ w

ious community,” he said. g dvani. A owerment and not ap­ p ernment as pro­poor, Presi­ v ur Army, paramilitary forc­ o he health of the public sec­ t PI leader D. Raja said it C

odged against a specic reli­ l aid. s andhi and BJP veteran L.K. G With better coordination, “ overnment believed in “em­ g e addressed the issue of H trongly pitching the go­ S ition parties were missing, s

ure, a police spokesperson s aste and no FIRs could be c nti-terror operations nti-terror A ent Rahul Gandhi, Sonia d resident Kovind said the P egration of the country. t n the Constitution,” he said. i sked why other Oppo­ A

reated for one specic c ested as a preventive mea­ r mit Shah, Congress presi­ A ne year,” he said. o o achieve the economic in­ t tream, while reposing faith s arajan said. g

bout it. Jobs and posts were a IRs, while 81 have been ar­ F nltration”. i ral Hall included BJP chief t een cancelled in the past b he government was seeking t iolence and join the main­ v as inconclusive,” Mr. Ran­ w

easement... we all know p hem, 31 are named in the t ectly related to cross­border r peech in Parliament’s Cen­ s akh dubious companies has l ince Independence, he said s ith those who wish to shun w tical situation, the meeting i

The introduction of ap­ “ een arrested so far. Of b u and Kashmir were “di­ m en to Mr. Kovind’s rst t nd, registration of about 3.5 e s Tax the biggest tax reform e pen the path of dialogue o ues about the present pol­ s

hen it was in power. w total of 112 persons have A ion continues. Towards this t alling the Goods and Servic­ C My government has kept “ ttacks in some parts of Jam­ a eated in the front row to lis­ s We discussed a host of is­ “

oted only one ideology m y youths. b ax reform ax T Our ght against corrup­ “ ituation had improved. s he President said terrorist t ahajan, those who were M ng opposed the move. i

specially the SP, had pro­ e n unauthorised bike rally a hem”. t uction in violence and the d ithout naming Pakistan, W ok Sabha Speaker Sumitra L arties present at the meet­ p

lash that broke out during c airs. f inister Narendra Modi and M akh crore of capital into l o the poor. t reas, there had been a re­ a ultaneous elections. All m

thers were injured in a o

ncreasing role in global af­ i . Venkaiah Naidu, Prime M y infusing more than 2 b upply and LPG connections s ast and Maoist violence­hit e overnment’s push for si­ g

amajwadi Party chief Party amajwadi S

ullet injuries and several b alise the public sector banks t oads, uninterrupted power r e said that in the north­ H he country was playing an t part from Vice­President A he parties discussed the t khilesh Yadav khilesh A

handan Gupta, 20, died of C government government overnment would “recapi­ g ecting all villages with n e said. h ound respect for India” and f n this issue.” o ccording to sources, A

ublic Day. One person, p orts had ensured a “new­ f eed to arrive at a consensus n ng assets, and said that the i ousing for all by 2022, con­ h onse to the perpetrators,” p ere present. w incident, it is the is it incident,

IRs on the incident on Re­ F ions and all political parties t el leader Sharad Yadav b

responsible for the for responsible

> <

olice have so far lodged ve P ect of simultaneous elec­ j f the CPI(M) and JD(U) re­ o

President Ram Nath Kovind being escorted to Parliament on Monday. Monday. on Parliament to escorted being Kovind Nath Ram President Big day: Big V. SUDERSHAN V.

* anyone is there If

ate is required on the sub­ b bdullah, T.K. Rangarajan A

Pradesh: Governor Pradesh: e said “a sustained de­ H onference leader Farooq C

aid. s nand Sharma. National A

onduct,” President Kovind c hulam Nabi Azad and G

Kasganj a blot on Uttar on blot a Kasganj

ion of the model code of t d by Congress leaders e

rocess due to the promulga­ p he meeting was attend­ T

mpede the development i ruary 1. b

n human resources but also o as been planned for Fe­ h

nly impose a huge burden o romote self­employment. p ven in remote areas and e icipation of the parties, t

Frequent elections not “ ursed under the scheme to b igital services at low cost, d eeting, with a wider par­ m

lections. e 4 lakh crore had been dis­  ad been set up to provide h nother Opposition A

abha and Assembly S anctioned and more than s ommon Service Centres C issing. m

ng for simultaneous Lok i ri Mudra Yojana had been t nitiative, he said 2.70 lakh i nd the a

overnance, including pitch­ g nder the the Pradhan Man­ u alking about the digital T he Bahujan Samaj Party t

ues concerning s ent, he said 10 crore loans m iddlemen. m ool Congress, the DMK, m

ered an entire range of is­ v alking about employ­ T ights by eliminating r arties including the Trina­ p

ident Ram Nath Kovind co­ s hones. p elped the poor secure their h ance on Monday, with key d

arliament on Monday, Pre­ P ervices available on mobile s adhaar as something that A esidence saw thin atten­ r

ress to the joint sitting of d ade more than 100 public m nique identity number u CP chief Sharad Pawar’s N

n his hour­long, maiden ad­ I he recent Umang App had t e also hailed the 12­digit H he Opposition meeting at T

ew Delhi Delhi ew N

ew Delhi ew N

ination: Kovind andeep phukan andeep S pecial Correspondent Correspondent pecial S

ays it impedes the development process as the model code of conduct is enforced is conduct of code model the as process development the impedes it ays S

meeting Govt. has curbed

Opposition Frequent polls a burden: President



EWS N 10




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he release said. t nd tranquillity,” read a joint a roblem be resolved rst. p With PTI inputs) PTI With (

etween India and Nepal,” b earnt to have said. l aland be deferred for peace g rotracted Naga political p

pecial ties of friendship s ate the talks,” Mr Rijiju is t egislative Assembly of Na­ L ivil society groups that the c

nd to advance age­old, a ion in Nagaland will facili­ t ive that the elections to the t and by tribal bodies and m

ues of mutual interest, s elieve that peaceful elec­ b ore, it has become impera­ f 7 elections, following a de­ 2

cal leaders of Nepal on is­ i aith in the ongoing talks. We f han elections and there­ t ot to contest the February n

old discussions with polit­ h he Naga issue and has full t ccord is more important a a People’s Front, decided g

rovide an opportunity to p aches utmost importance to t tical solution or Naga peace i ies, including the ruling Na­ t

The upcoming visit will “ Government of India at­ “ arlier on Monday, 11 par­ E he Naga people that the pol­ t

e formally sworn in. b ront (NPF), in Kohima. F It is the unanimous view of “ . o

nanimous view nanimous U handa’ though he is yet to c f the ruling Naga People’s o lections in the State be put e

ushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Pra­ P nd Surhozhelie, president a anding that the Assembly m

ith former Prime Minister w hief Minister T.R. Zeliang C ress. g a civil society groups de­ g

ortheastern States, met n le’s Front, and the Con­ p ion through a coalition t uthority a resolution by Na­ a

r. Oli fought the elec­ M ending and signing without t ecretary in charge of the s nd its ally, the Naga Peo­ a

lockade between 2015­16. b am Madhav, party general R 1 parties including the BJP 1 rom its Nagaland unit for at­ f

harge for Nagaland, and c ended by representatives of t onths­long economic m ice­president of the party, v

rime Minister during the P he party’s election in t anisations, which was at­ g sasepi Sangtam, a State T

ince the former was the s ome Kiren Rijiju, who is H ribal Hohos and Civil Or­ T ended Kheto Sema and p

ommittee of the Nagaland c r. Modi had been cold M nion Minister of State for U he BJP on Monday sus­ T

ies between Mr. Oli and T arties. p eeting called by the core m


old ties old C eclaration signed by the d he decision came at a T istula Hebbar istula N

isit. v move to defer Nagaland polls polls Nagaland defer to move

ad invited each other for a h

herein both the leaders w

inister K.P. Sharma Oli M BJP suspends members over members suspends BJP

ut to the elected Prime o

endra Modi had reached r

eek Prime Minister Na­ w

ignicantly, only last S

athmandu. K sed in critical condition af­ i ing and violence” to terror­ g nd 15 of them were injured. a

ewly elected rulers of n orkers since Sunday night w orkers have been hospital­ w esorted to “large­scale rig­ r

atic engagement by the m een attacked by Trinamool b ypoll a farce. Five of our b uling Trinamool Congress r

ill be the rst big diplo­ w hat his party workers had t actics made the Uluberia t owever, alleged that the h

he visit by Ms. Swaraj T ia Sabiruddin Molla alleged r Trinamool’s strong­arm “ he Opposition parties, T

aid on Monday. s PI(M) candidate in Ulube­ C llegations. a . old t The Hindu The

inistry of External Aairs M resident Dilip Ghosh said. p eadership denied the l as initiated,” the ocial w

ors,” a release from the t he party’s goons,” BJP State t ival parties. The Trinamool r he day, appropriate action t

ng it across diverse sec­ i se the voters and workers of i omplaints received during c er they were assaulted by t

ach to further strengthen­ t cale violence. As for other s

hat the two countries at­ t ny complaints of large­ a

Noapara bypolls on Monday. Monday. on bypolls Noapara


hip and the importance s We have not received “ A jawan checking the voter ID card during the during card ID voter the checking jawan A Strict vigil: Strict

anding bilateral partner­ p lace. p

epal, and reects the ex­ N ncidents of violence took i

hanges between India and c arge peaceful and no major l

ar high­level political ex­ l aid. The polls were by and s

ith the tradition of regu­ w lection Commission ocial E

The visit is in keeping “ polling of 75.4%,” a senior a

xpanding partnership xpanding E ia, while Noapara recorded r

otes were polled in Ulube­ v

ountry. c Till 5 p.m., 76% of the “

ew Constitution of the n n Monday. o

rst historic poll under the  eat in North 24 Paraganas s

oalition, which won the c nd the Noapara Assembly a

fter Nepal elected a Leftist a a seat in Howrah district h

he visit comes weeks T ion to the Uluberia Lok Sab­ t

ruary 1 to 2. b ere polled in the byelec­ w

isit Kathmandu from Fe­ v ore than 70% of the votes M

ister Sushma Swaraj will n

olkata K

epal, External Aairs Mi­ N taff Reporter taff S

n a bid to revive ties with I

pposition parties say their workers terrorised by TMC TMC by terrorised workers their say parties pposition O


pecial Correspondent pecial S

70% voting in bypolls in voting 70%

Nepal govt. govt. Nepal

engage new engage

West Bengal sees over over sees Bengal West

Sushma to Sushma

ere rectied. w astes and Muslims. C ent and former Union Mi­ d ad a total 39 lakh voters. h lism in the past, has put up a rolonged illness. Sanwar p ikely to have an impact on l lwar saw a direct ght A

#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4 uts, Sindhis, the Scheduled p esumed after the snags r he three constituencies T hich grappled with faction­ w ember 17, 2017, following a t n Ajmer, Congress presi­ I nd Banwari Lal Singhal are a ions due in December. t

topped working. Voting s ake place on February 1. t lectorate are Gujjars, Raj­ e ar seat 10 times. w f BJP MLAs Gyan Dev Ahuja o he Opposition Congress, T hand Nath died on Sep­ C nal for the Assembly elec­ 

ooths of Ajmer as EVMs b he counting of votes will T unities among the 18 lakh m ongress has bagged the Al­ C nd the provocative remarks a ust 9, 2017. g et Minister in the State. n re being considered a semi­ a

he BJP. Other major com­ t abha elections in 1952, the S eported in several polling r ng the polling. i ng in Jaipur and died on Au­ i ar Lal Jat was earlier a Cabi­ w ow vigilantes in the region c nd Ajmer. The byelections a

ion of Brahmin votes from t echnical failures were T nywhere in the State dur­ a adav. Since the rst Lok Y ynching of dairy farmers by l al collapsed at a BJP meet­ L he Nath sect. Ajmer MP San­ t united front in both Alwar a

rst time in the State.  ent was reported from d ake away a signicant por­ t ensively for Mr. Karan Singh t he recent incidents of T rom Haryana who headed f

ow vigilantiism ow C ates’ photographs for the d o major untoward inci­ N tate vice­president, may S n 2014, has campaigned ex­ i ath, was a religious leader N polling station in Ajmer on Monday. Monday. on Ajmer in station polling


People standing in a queue to cast their vote at a at vote their cast to queue a in standing People Patient wait: Patient rail (VVPAT) and the candi­ t harma, who is the party’s S efeated by Mr. Chand Nath d ranchise. f n Alwar, Mahant Chand i

ongress candidate Raghu C oter­veried paper audit v lectorate exercised their e 5.14% in Ajmer. The winner 5 d from Alwar in 2009 and e ant impact. c

hunk of sympathy votes. c hines were used with the c ara district, 76.57% of the w endra Singh, who was elect­ t ural areas, make a signi­ r f the votes in Alwar and o

r. Lamba may get a good M r Union Minister of State Ji­ e lectronic voting ma­ E embly constituency in Bhil­ s he party polled 60.42% T uslims, who mostly live in M

on of Sanwar Lal. s ongress leader and form­ C ontestants. c n the Mandalgarh As­ I helmingly in 2014. w adavs enjoy a majority. Meo Y

warup Lamba, who is the s aturday. S ssembly bypoll saw eight A n Monday. o ad gone the BJP way over­ h oters in the constituency, v

hrough its candidate Ram­ t he race. The Mandalgarh t he Ajmer Lok Sabha seats t ampaign’s last day on c tate. Among the 18.27 lakh S ions were held on Monday, t

y­three candidates were in t ions held to the Alwar and t onsolidate Jat support c oadshow on the election r s a Cabinet Minister in the i ajasthan, where byelec­ R

he electorate voted. Twen­ t he BJP now expects to T aran Singh Yadav during a K as recorded in the byelec­ w ok Sabha constituencies in L ingh Yadav of the BJP, who S

n 2014. i ehlot sought votes for Mr. G olling. In Ajmer, 65.41% of p n average 63.76% polling A he Alwar and the Ajmer T ormer MP, and Jaswant f

as defeated by Sanwar Lal w he race, recorded a 62.12% t ior Congress leader Ashok n f the Congress, who is a o


pecial Correspondent pecial S ister of State Sachin Pilot n he byelection results. Se­ t etween Karan Singh Yadav b lwar, with 11 candidates in A

ohammed Iqbal Iqbal ohammed M

uling party won a huge vote share in 2014; bypoll results will show which way the wind is blowing for A for blowing is wind the way which show will results bypoll 2014; in share vote huge a won party uling R ssembly polls ssembly Rajasthan bypolls bypolls Rajasthan

Alwar, Ajmer will send a message to BJP, Cong. BJP, to message a send will Ajmer Alwar,

63.7% turnout in turnout 63.7%

upta said. G he trouble began. t les passed through the Mus­ c sif said. A hrough the spot where the t ere on, over 100 motorcy­ w ear, the event had been or­ y ungs. l

rouble. Ten to 15 motorcy­ t sked us to go to Pakistan,” a anted to make their way w When the celebrations “ primary school. Till last a etained by police,” Mamta d bdul Hamid Chowk where A houlder and punctured his s

empt was made to foment t hey used expletives and t onverged at the spot and c rand scale,” he said. g bdul Hamid Chowk, next to A ut of his shop when he was o hree to four km from Veer t ay a bullet hit Gupta’s right s

er centre and was coming t upta was killed around G ust 15 last year, a similar at­ g aid this was not a main road, s ricolour and saron ags t ime, we decided to do it on a t oisting ceremony at Veer h rom the house. The police f

olice inaction olice P upta used to run a compu­ G esidents said that on Au­ R unction was on. When we f les with riders holding the c anised on a small scale. This g We had organised a ag­ “ hat the shots were red t

olice. “My son Saurabh p vents. e olice station. It is alleged p

hings that are unforeseen.” t ook place, recalled the t ad been picked up by the h 00 metres from the Kotwali 1

Chandan Gupta’s mother being escorted to the prayer ceremony at Kasganj on Monday. Monday. on Kasganj at ceremony prayer the to escorted being mother Gupta’s Chandan Victim of a riot: a of Victim


u families said their sons d lic Day and there are certain b here the confrontation w ront of the Barki house, just f

alp is missing. Several Hin­ k et us not forget it was Repu­ L sif, who stays in the lane A anisation, was killed in g

hauhan, whose son Anu­ C s a matter of investigation. i n another part of Kasganj, I ion, a non­governmental or­ t

iolent bike rally bike iolent V asganj, Mr. Anand said, “It K lems,” said Vijay Chandra b d with the Sankalp Founda­ e

ally through the bylanes of r ome outsiders created pro­ s upta, who was associat­ G

ommunities. We suspect c ad permission to take out a h ily in prayers. m issing. m

rouble between the two t hether the motorcyclists w he Barki family is still T anoj Kumar joined his fa­ M

here has never been any T efusing to comment on R a Hindu Parishad leader w rom Delhi. f

emple. t asjid demolition in 1992. M hotograph was kept. Vish­ p rn Uttar Pradesh, 250 km e

he aftermath of the Babri t ous Chamunda Devi m rom the table on which his f hat swept the city in west­ t

his kind of tension even in t nner road leads to the fa­ i or Gupta, a tricolour hung f illed in communal clashes k

opulation. “We never saw p arments shop. The narrow g t a condolence meeting A er Chandan Gupta, 22, was t

in, owner of a ready­made s hich has a majority Hindu w eployed. d ob on January 26, hours af­ m

anes,” said Mohammad Ya­ l ad taken place in Kasganj, h eams and local police t ansacked and looted by a r

rst time a communal clash  o through these congested g ith Rapid Action Force w usinessman in Kasganj, was b

esidents said this was the R he motorcyclists wanted to t ull of security personnel f arki, who was a prominent B

unction.” f endence Day and this year, p population of 1.4 lakh was a ons of the late Barkatullah s

essed on the previous Inde­ n t Police Lines for the ocial a n Monday, the city with O asim, Nasim and Salim, W

he entire force was present t ain roads. Like we wit­ m asganj. K he two­storey house of T

Since it was Republic Day, “ nd used to pass through the a ho has been camping in w riday’s violent attack. F

ce station, Mr. Anand said, i as done on a small scale w olice (Agra) Ajay Anand, P he Barki household after t

ew phenomenon. Earlier, it n arely 100 metres from a pol­ b itional Director­General of d till stands on the stove in s

The motorcycle rally is a “ ince the clashes took place s ow he was killed,” said Ad­ h vessel with half­cooked dal A

ould not stop the violence c houting slogans. s ensic report to ascertain r

asganj K

sked why the police A im­majority area, with riders l We are waiting for the fo­ “ ijaita Singh ijaita V

lame ‘outsiders’ for fomenting trouble fomenting for ‘outsiders’ lame b to tend residents past; recent its with struggles violence communal of history previous no with town U.P. A

Wary Kasganj grapples with unprecedented violence unprecedented with grapples Kasganj Wary


EWS N 11




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r. Peskov said “no”. M ainly aimed at crushing m ew legislation. n o reach ocials in the Law t

ered Mr. Navalny a threat, d ene was in power, was d xperts while drafting the e o the report, and attempts t

hether the Kremlin consi­ w hen President J.R. Jayawar­ w uman rights lawyers, and h ernment is yet to respond v

Asked utin in the race. P he PTA, enacted in 1979 T ights groups, civil society, r er the PTA in 2016. The go­ d

ith President Vladimir w heir detention. t ountry to consult victim c le have been arrested un­ p

nyone could compete a orture and abuse during t ion, HRW has urged the t at least 11 peo­ eportedly, R

onday it was unlikely that M he interviewees reported t ng counterterrorism legisla­ i ere worse than the PTA’s. w

ers on a conference call on t he suspect in court. Many of t lace it with rights­respect­ p ern that some provisions c

mitry Peskov told repor­ D onths without producing m anka repeal the PTA and re­ L ists who noted with con­ v

remlin spokesman K ecommending that Sri R among lawyers and acti­ ear f itted detention for up to 18 m

. ussia on Sunday R ects,” he said. p sparked ever, the rst draft w awful activities,” and per­ l

rotesters to rallies across p egal safeguards for sus­ l arrant for unspecied “un­ w errorism law in 2016. Ho­ t

ttracted thousands of a tandards. There need to be s orts to draft a new counter­ f TA allowed arrests without P

avalny’s call for a boycott N eeping with international k o abolish it, and initiated ef­ t ights watchdog said the r

Mr. lection on March 18. e ust be progressive, in m ees and relatives — the n ickremesinghe promised W

e says will be a rigged h ealed and the law replacing p iews with 34 former detai­ v nd Prime Minister Ranil a

n voters to boycott what o as to be completely re­ h ent Maithripala Sirisena d ism Act’ — based on inter­ r

rison sentence, has called p on Monday. “The PTA ernment helmed by Presi­ v anka’s Prevention of Terro­ L u u d

rumped­up suspended t r debate,” he told o eal the legislation, the go­ p ence: Abuses under Sri d The Hin- The

ver what he says is a o nternational pressure to re­ i Locked Up Without Evi­ ‘ or any public consultation f

een barred from running b mid growing domestic and A eleasing a report titled R n Parliament nor presented i

ressure grows on govt. on grows ressure P r. Navalny, who has M as neither placed as a Bill w o action”. n

ttended in places. a ent of being “all talk and m shrouded in mystery”. “It “

unday had been sparsely S he civil war ended in 2009. t onday accused the govern­ M yer K.S. Ratnavale, is w

sts he had organised on e o senior human rights la­ t islation, particularly after g uman Rights Watch on H

ial election and that prot­ t ion of Terrorism Act (PTA), t ism legislation, according r he prolonged use of the le­ t

o the upcoming presiden­ t ave repeatedly questioned h eal the draconian Preven­ p raft of the counterterro­ d

avalny as a political threat N riminatory policies. Critics c orryingly, the latest W ernment for its failure to re­ v

pposition leader Alexei o nsuccessful. u he Sri Lankan state’s dis­ t riticising the Sri Lankan go­ C

ay that it did not regard d omment were c f Tamil youth outraged by o

olombo olombo C

he Kremlin said on Mon­ T he nascent armed struggle t nd Order Ministry for a a

eera Srinivasan eera M

oscow M

RW says people are still being detained & tortured under it it under tortured & detained being still are people says RW H

euters R

Kremlin action on repealing terror law’ law’ terror repealing on action

threat, says threat,

‘Sri Lanka is all talk and no and talk all is Lanka ‘Sri

Navalny no Navalny

cross the country. a ul’s landmark Interconti­ b residential elections. p fghan troops have taken A

iban ghters stormed Ka­ l hal Fahim academy. s o suspend operations t ution of multi­candidate t

he organisation was forced t arlier, on January 20, Ta­ E elled home from the Mar­ v ution, including the insti­ t

illed and 26 wounded while k aqqani Network. H eforms to China’s Consti­ r rmy trainees as they tra­ A

esday. Five people were n n the ­aliated o ide bomber killed 15 Afghan c pen letter calling for ve o

fghanistan’s east on Wed­ A national day of mourning, a n October, a Taliban sui­ I ion, he had circulated an t

ack, which was followed by t ource said. s ave the Children’s oce in S ours before his deten­ H

S ghters also attacked I as blamed Saturday’s at­ h , an Afghan security ound p nder President Xi Jinping. u

y foreigners. b n er.The government ent years. c he heavily fortied com­ t re crackdown on activism e

otels and shops frequented h ombings in the city in re­ b espite an increasingly sev­ d he gunmen did not enter T

ing to attack supermarkets, n 35 in one of the worst 2 anking ocers are trained. r istent voice for reform s

aid IS militants were plan­ s ivilians — and wounding c tary academy, where high­ i ution, Yu has been a per­ l

oreigners in recent days f t least 103 people — mainly a ear the Marshal Fahim mil­ n he city’s once chronic pol­ t

ecurity warnings sent to S d area of the capital, killing e o breach an army battalion t eijing government over B

ational holiday. n ance blew it up in a crowd­ l uicide vest, had attempted s est known for suing the B

uiet, while Monday was a q xplosives­packed ambu­ e ashnikovs and at least one l d place”, said Mr. Huang . e

he capital was unusually t uicide attacker driving an s rmed with a rocket, two Ka­ a urveillance at a designat­ s

ay, usually a working day, d ast Saturday, a Taliban L ver. Ocials said the men, o eld under “residential h

or further violence. On Sun­ f eleased. r dding that the attack was a y members that Yu will be l

igh alert as the city braces h ualty gures are no longer s pokesman, Dawlat Waziri, s olice also told his fami­ P

Kabul remains on ours. h f 2014, though troop ca­ o as detained alive,” said the w uang Hanzhong. H

ault lasting more than 12 s heir combat role at the end t illed by our forces and one k ording to defence lawyer c

f them foreigners, in an as­ o nternational forces ended i hemselves and two were t han the rst charge, ac­ t

east 25 people, the majority l shocking” casualties since “ Two bombers detonated “ ears, ve times longer y

ental hotel and killed at n hat the UN describes as w istry spokesman said. n rison sentence of 15 p

ounded 16, a Defence Mi­ w hich carries a maximum w

t least 11 soldiers and a ubversion accusation, s

Monday’s attack at the Marshal Fahim academy in Kabul.

AP *

han Army battalion killed g dded the more serious a Afghan personnel arriving at the site of Under siege: Under

onday’s attack on an Af­ M uzhou, Jiangsu province, X

alate their oensive. c olice in the eastern city of p

ry as the Taliban and IS es­ g ry 19. But on Saturday, a

ens grief­stricken and an­ z is son to school on Janu­ h

#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4 eft already war­weary citi­ l Clinton Puppets”. “ er favour. h nto whether the FBI i eijing apartment to walk B arch. He will remain on M

ife got donations from w ation and showed bias in g ees have launched inquiries t have he series of assaults T olice ocers as he left his p ureau of Investigation in B

he Clinton probe when his t han capital in recent days. g otched the Clinton investi­ b ed congressional commit­ l ected to leave the Federal p fter he was detained by a

hird major assault in the Af­ t ow he could be in charge of h handful of Republican­ A upting a public service” r r. McCabe had been ex­ M

ay, killing 11 soldiers in the d last Mr. McCabe, asking b gainst Ms. Clinton. a nitially charged with “dis­ i er said on Monday. t Andrew McCabe.


FBI Deputy Director witter in recent months to T ompound in Kabul on Mon­ c u Wensheng, 50, was Y o charges were brought N ource familiar with the mat­ s

tate (IS) group on a military S r. Trump has taken to M retary of State. c yer said on Monday. w gency’s No. 2 ocial, a a

linton. C hile she served as U.S. Se­ w ttack claimed by the Islamic a ar from his home, his la­ f as stepped down as the h

lose ally of Hillary and Bill c ers launched a pre­dawn b se of a private email server u c opponent Hillary Clinton, i nd will be held in isolation a

unmen and suicide bom­ G overnor Terry McAulie, a G estigation into Ms. Clinton's v ersion of state power” v avour of his 2016 Democrat­ f

onations from then­Virginia d onnection with the FBI’s in­ c harged with “inciting sub­ c eged bias against him and in l

abul K

tate Senate and received S akers and the President in m an rights lawyer has been m ent Donald Trump for al­ d

gence France-Presse gence A

an for a seat in Virginia’s r arget of Republican law­ t prominent Chinese hu­ A cCabe, criticised by Presi­ M

ecause his wife previously b r. McCabe has become a M BI Deputy Director Andrew F ighters tried to breach battalion near a training school training a near battalion breach to tried ighters F

eijing B

et of Republican ire in part g . ate, the source said d

ashington W gence France-Presse gence A

r. McCabe became a tar­ M eave until his retirement l euters R

targets Afghan military post military Afghan targets


ndrew McCabe was criticised by President for ‘bias’ in Hillary’s favour Hillary’s in ‘bias’ for President by criticised was McCabe ndrew A

lawyer with lawyer

Eleven soldiers killed as IS as killed soldiers Eleven FBI’s ‘No. 2’ steps down amid allegations amid down steps 2’ ‘No. FBI’s

China charges China

he issues also came to T nd large washing machines a merican jobs and going A or both partners.” f

Mount Kumgang. AFP

as to be rules­based”. h olar­energy components s ent talked about protecting d ration that is advantageous e the North Korean territory of

or solutions, strive for coop­ f as to be open and fair it also h roved taris on imported p vaporated as the new Presi­ e Monday. It was to be held in

Unication Ministry said on eporters in Berlin. “We try r as said that “while trade n r. Trump last week ap­ M ember 2016, those hopes v

the North, South Korea’s merica,” Mr. Seibert told A he United States”. Mr. Schi­ t etriment”. d residential election in No­ p

public sentiment regarding luding the United States of c rictive trade measure from t ery much to their v hen Mr. Trump won the W

encouraging “insulting” rotectionist measures rotectionist P irected against anyone, in­ d orts are aected by any res­ p nd I think it’ll turn out to be a

Korean media for onsibility”. “But that is not p ropriately in case our ex­ p nfair to the United States, u

for February 4 blaming South

illion a year for both sides. b ven more international res­ e eady to react swiftly and ap­ r nion has been very, very U

with South Korea scheduled

ondent EU that takes over c onday that “the EU stands M erview that “the European t ued, could yield over $100 g

joint cultural performance

ore competitive, more self­ m aritis Schinas retorted on g aid in a British television in­ s nited States that, it was ar­ U

North Korea has cancelled a

ants “an even stronger, w U chief spokesman Mar­ E n Sunday, Mr. Trump O one between the EU and z


o create a massive free trade t eek why her government w outh Korea. S irst” policies. F

joint event with South with event joint

a, when both sides sought m erkel set out in Davos last M ompetition from China and c etrimental to his “America d

North Korea cancels Korea North

d that Chancellor Angela e urers, particularly against t eals that he portrayed as d inistration of Barack Oba­ m

Abdul Gayoom. esman, Steen Seibert, not­ k n a bid to help U.S. manufac­ i gainst multilateral trade a ith relations during the ad­ w AFP

and Maumoon Nasheed erman government spo­ G tand­o contrasts sharply s

former Presidents Mohamed

European Commission’s building in Brussels.

o something very big”. The t n Monday. o AFP *

The signatories include Flags uttering at the entrance of the Rising tension: Rising oth called for cooperation b y, saying it “may morph in­ c

top court to suspend him. he EU and Germany T oyance with EU trade poli­ n

signed the petition asking the

13 billion ($16 billion). € rump expressed his an­ T

said on Monday that they had

ess than 24 hours after Mr. l uch smaller, of only about m

Maldivian Democratic Party

he EU’s warning comes T n services, the U.S. decit is I

allegations against him. The

$448 billion) to the country. ( gainst the 28­nation bloc. a

and investigate corruption

orting some €362 billion p nfair trade measures u

President Abdulla Yameen

oods from the U.S. while ex­ g ent Donald Trump takes d

Supreme Court to remove the

ppropriately” if U.S. Presi­ a illion ($304 billion) in b

Maldives have asked the

how, the EU imported €246 s eady to hit back “swiftly and r

Opposition leaders in the

n 2016, ocial gures I aid on Monday that it stands s


WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. ( he European Union (EU) T oust President oust

orld Economic Forum W

Maldives leaders seek to seek leaders Maldives

russels B

he fore during last week’s t

ssociated Press ssociated A

he U.S. President has said that the bloc has been unfair to his country his to unfair been has bloc the that said has President U.S. he T

responds to Trump threat Trump to responds

Ready for trade war, EU war, trade for Ready







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osts,” the survey added. c apan, in India. This will not J ank and New Development B he need of the hour is to T ourts, the Survey said. c n terms of stalled projects, i epartment unambiguously D n litigation by the quarter i

ue and irrational spectrum n y South Korea, China and b nfrastructure Investment I st clearances, it said. e mulated by other high e evere toll on the economy s urvey pointed out that, “the S ndirect and direct tax stuck i

ile, price war, reduced reve­ p ustry, currently dominated d lobal institutions like Asian g ssues related to land and for­ i ther subject matters, and o his, it said was “taking a T ng out of its appeals. But the i Together, the claims for “

ith growing losses, debt w nvestment Bank and also I heets of private companies; s eloping the shipbuilding in­ v his may be replicated for T . ays and pendency of cases l 5% of direct tax cases aris­ 8 ourts and Supreme Court. c

ng through a “stress period i hat there was scope for de­ t ional Infrastructure t rojects; stressed balance p uced impressive results. d de­ udiciary and adding to j argest litigant with almost l ppellate Tribunal, high A

he telecom sector is go­ T he Survey pointed out T ructure nancing like Na­ t ially in power and telecom c ive bench for taxation pro­ s reasing the workload of the c he tax department is the T the Income Tax ideration by s

ompetitive tari structure. c ructure projects. t titutions dedicated to infras­ s rivate partnerships, espe­ p ith constituting an exclu­ w ndirect tax cases under con­ i igh rates of failure was in­ h ey said. v

ime primarily due to non­ t opment projects and infras­ l rom private investment, in­ f ue to collapse of public d ourt’s recent experiment c ence with litigation despite t ver 4.7% of GDP,” the Sur­ o ect tax cases and 1.45 lakh r

eclining over a period of d ore on sustainable deve­ m ent gap with nancing m ector until the recent past s pproximately 1.37 lakh di­ a enets” as seen in the apex b he government’s persis­ t d to nearly 7.58 lakh crore, e

reight movement has been f ank which are focusing B ll the infrastructure invest­  nvestment in infrastructure i ourts could have “profound c oses 65% of its cases”. It said l nding March, 2017, amount­ e n March, 2017, there were I

hare of Indian Railways in s here was massive under­ T .7% of GDP of .7% 4 edicated subject­matter d

urther, it added that the F 526 billion by 2040,” it said. $ he Survey found that T March, 2017, amounted to almost 7.58 lakh crore . recently was due to a collapse of public private partnerships.

verruns. o ent gap would be around m nd the Supreme Court. a uring the stalled period. d Tax claims stuck in litigation to the quarter ended I­T’s taxing: Underinvestment in infrastructure sector until Bumpy road:

uns and 74 projects time r ia’s infrastructure invest­ d f workload on high courts o ave risen by close to 60% h

3 projects face cost over­ 4 he cumulative gure for In­ T project costs urvey said as S ides leading to a reduction s

f 3,17,373.9 crore. Of these, o estment out of $4.5 trillion. v een the hardest hit,” the b evels of the judiciary be­ l

ighways with (original) cost h 3.9 trillion infrastructure in­ $ oads and Railways have R n appeals pursued at higher i

ects in road transport and j hat India can meet around t The Ministries of Power, “ ould gain from a reduction w

ectors, there were 482 pro­ s The current trend shows “ ers of the courts. d ey said the tax department v

onitored projects across m conomic Survey 2017­18. E een stalled by various or­ b hat is less than 30%, the Sur­ t

ut of the 1,263 total ongoing o ell­being, according to the w nfrastructure projects have i aced with a success rate F

aid as on September 2017, s c growth and community i rore worth of government c ndirect tax cases. i

n road sector, the Survey O ructure to improve econom­ t hat more than 52,000 t artment for both direct and p

oad sector oad R y 2040 to develop infras­ b nd delay, the Survey found a eals by the income tax de­ p

ents of about $4.5 trillion m ate the costs of pendency m onday when it comes to ap­ M

rate millions of jobs. e ndia will require invest­ I hile it is dicult to esti­ W omic Survey released on n

acturing base but also gen­ f

uced investment”. d ess is more said the Eco­ L


nly create a strong manu­ o ested tax revenues, and re­ t

pecial Correspondent pecial S

ew Delhi Delhi ew N

ounting legal costs, con­ m

oibam Rocky Singh Rocky oibam S

nvestment gap would be about $526 billion by 2040, according to the Survey I ncome Tax Department is the biggest litigant but loses 85% of cases, says Survey I

India needs $4.5 tn for infrastructure infrastructure for tn $4.5 needs India ‘Tax litigation taking toll on economy’

ave been saying this inter­ h When we analyse asset “ 0.75 points or 0.55%. 6 urther back in the chain are f roducts left outside the GST p an­made bres. m egalitarian” in nature. “ ect logistics cost can in­ r

ates are rising... but people r omic Survey for 2017­18. n t a record 11,130.40, gaining a ersion,” whereby taxes v mbedded taxes arising from e y­made garments made of d ts export structure was i hat a 10% decrease in indi­ t

tock Exchange (NSE) closed S r you can say... interest O fter presenting the Eco­ a locked because of “tax in­ b omprehensive review of c act increased exports of rea­ f exports superstars’ and that ‘ xports and it is estimated e

roader Nifty of the National b arket prices are justied. m ubramanian told the media S ut Tax Credits that get p ouncil should conduct a C ound that the package in f eaning that India had no m or has huge implication on t

The he last one month. t ime it is dierent and stock t e have to be watchful,” Dr. w ST itself (for example, In­ G mple) was that the GST a ed’ in exports. The Survey d Improving logistics sec­ “ any, Brazil, or Mexico – m

ore than 2,000 points in m istake of saying... oh! this m ays tend to come back so w nd those that arose a ation (arising from this ex­ c the VAT) that were ‘embed­ ( from the n India than in the U.S., Ger­ i ogistics operations. l

It had gained 6,283.25. 3 You can either make the “ o up very much, they al­ g petroleum and electricity) ( t then said a policy impli­ I ect taxes levied by the states r ion by rms was much lower t y and enhance eciency in c

lose at a new high of c ilemmas,” he said. d orld that when asset prices w n state levies to oset indi­ o ring in greater transparen­ b ound that export concentra­ f

to ex gained 232.81 points s rices like this, there are two p We have seen around the “ f that package was rebates o ntegrated Logistics Policy to I nalysis on exports and a rebates on state levies to oset taxes ‘embedded’ in exports.

n Monday, the BSE Sen­ O y basis. l hat the largest component t he Survey did a rm­level t he formulation of a National t A 2016 package for the apparel sector had Relief measure:

ew peaks on an almost dai­ n rto unchartered territory. e 016, the Survey observed 2 imilarly, for the rst time, S lobal market, it suggested

g *


to hith­ enchmark indices b quity markets touching e etitiveness in domestic and p ector announced in June s xports. e

he rally that had pushed the t he backdrop of the Indian t rore package for the apparel c ount for 70% of India’s c ogistics was impacting com­ l

here was no abatement in t he statement comes in T eferring to the 6,000­ R angana — in that order ac­ l ointing out that high cost of P

he CEA advised caution, t hief Economic Adviser. C eed for national policy national for eed N acturing exports. f ataka, Tamil Nadu and Te­ n

dded. Interestingly, even as a o Arvind Subramanian, t axes to boost India’s manu­ t Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kar­ —

rease correspondingly,” he c xercise caution, according e ate the embedded export n urvey said. S ory, showing that ve states t

ur vigilance should in­ o losely and investors need to c s’ and expeditiously elimi­ e anufacturing exports,” the m tates, the rst in India’s his­ s

raps. The higher prices go, t ices have to be monitored d ively review ‘embedded tax­ s n important boost to India’s a he international exports of t

to] stay clear of both these [ he rise in stock market in­ T ouncil should comprehen­ C axes, which could provide t ector. This included data on s

roven wrong, so you have p nd Services Tax (GST) a f these embedded export o ndings on India’s export 


ationally so often and were n uggested that the Goods s o an expeditious elimination t hrown up some interesting t


he Economic Survey has T This review should lead “ he document has also T

e se rcssie hytend to come back, he says hen asset prices spike, they W hain). c urvey said. S

ew Delhi ew N

reater than those up the g rease 5­8% of exports,” the c

pecial Correspondent pecial S

stocks touching record highs

urvey moots thorough review of taxes from products left outside the ambit of GST, and from within S

‘Eliminate embedded taxes to boost exports’ exports’ boost to taxes embedded ‘Eliminate CEA cautions investors on

societal preference for a son, noting the adverse sex ratio of females to males has led to 63 million “missing” women.


acts change, I change my f oost saving?” b ruary 7.

b * (2,926) 2,895 g) (1 gold ct 22 ......

The pink­coloured Economic Survey, which was tabled in Parliament on Monday, said India must confront the : Code pink

(43.10) 42.60 (1g) Silver etail R

...... riority over those that p ext to review policy on Fe­ n eynes famously said, as K

ious rates in parentheses in rates ious v

ramme) be given greater g ally has to change. As r he panel is set to meet T

anuary 29 rates in rupees with pre- with rupees in rates 29 anuary J

r the ‘Make in India’ pro­ o etaining a ‘neutral’ stance. r he monetary policy natu­ t



#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4 he ease of doing business t erspectives the stance of p t its last two meetings while a

ush, reforms to facilitate p epo rate, unchanged at 6% r owing. From both those r

tantial infrastructure s ut gaps will also start nar­ p eld its key policy rate, the h Source:Indian Bank Source:Indian

hat boost investment (sub­ t ommittee of the RBI has c f growth happens the out­ i

Malaysian Ringitt Malaysian 16.41 16.32 ......

51.62 51.34 Dollar Canadian ...... sked, “Should policies a icking up but also the fact p he monetary policy T

48.63 48.38 Dollar Singapore


nvestment, the Survey i imit of 6%. l s not just the fact ination is i

68.05 67.70 Franc Swiss


eous slump in savings and n ia’s (RBI’s) upper tolerance d ures have re­emerged. So it s

10.07 10.01 Yuan Chinese ......

58.57 58.27 (100) Yen Japanese ...... eferring to the simulta­ R ow the Reserve Bank of In­ l urned, inationary pres­ t

89.66 89.20 Pound British ......

avings slowdown. s etail ination was just be­ r Now clearly the cycle has “

78.97 78.56 Euro


Cycle has turned’ has Cycle ‘ etrimental to growth than d ood prices. The reading for f

63.69 63.37 Dollar S U ......

ent slowdown was more m ember, driven by surging c T SELL T T BUY T T URRENCY C

xcept yen at 4 p.m. on January 29 January on p.m. 4 at yen xcept e

invest­ ngoing. However, o onth high of 5.21% in De­ m ates,” he said. r

ndicative direct rates in rupees a unit a rupees in rates direct ndicative I

avings saying that too was s ion, accelerated to a 17­ t ould have seen much lower c


erns over slowdown in c onetary policy formula­ m hat was a phase where we t

he Survey raised con­ T ank’s primary yardstick for b nd the economy was weak, a

13.05 608.90 Entertainment Zee ...... avings slowdown avings S ased ination, the central b ery high real interest rates v

-3.60 358.00 Bank YES

...... onsumer price index C eriod when we had very p

-0.80 311.15 Wipro ......

e conjured back,” it said. b s,” it said. e ower interest rates. In the l

Vedanta -0.60 345.00 ......

he ‘animal spirits’ need to T assed on into higher pric­ p ould have beneted from c

19.55 788.50 UPL ......

n the big and small alike. o uming the increase is s bout a period of 18 months, a

UltraTech Cement UltraTech 30.75 4390.70 ......

ivising policies has to be t omes and spending — as­ c The Indian economy, for “ 6.35 604.80 Mahindra Tech ......

77.80 3198.85 TCS ...... ocus of investment­incen­ f hich will crimp real in­ w entral bank’s policy stance. c

14.00 783.15 Steel Tata


rivate investment. “The p bout 12% higher in 2018­19, a anting a reappraisal of the r

Tata Motors Tata -1.05 399.25 ......

nd invest to help revive a ecast by the IMF to be r tances had changed, war­ s

8.10 587.95 Pharma Sun


ium industries to prosper d

Average oil prices are fo­ “ ubramanian said circum­ S

State Bank State -1.05 312.10 ......

onment for small and me­ r rom rising oil prices. f ions to support growth, Dr. t

-1.40 964.50 Ind Reliance ......

-0.15 194.15 Corp PowerGrid ...... reate a conducive envi­ c onday agged the risks M harp interest rate reduc­ s

ONGC -3.35 205.15

...... he government must T he economic survey on T nce a strong votary for O

-0.90 171.05 NTPC ......

egulatory environment. r ne percentage point.) o ationary pressures. 

352.50 9630.70 Suzuki Maurti ......

and stable tax and lear c undred basis points equal h romptly on re­emerging in­ p

M&M 6.55 764.35 ......

ng business and creating a i lose at 7.44%. (One c hat let them tamp down t

-37.45 912.20 Lupin ...... Window to Budget to Window

15.45 1431.95 L&T ng further the cost of do­ i limbing 13 basis points to c ut to adopt a policy stance b ......

Kotak Bank Kotak 22.75 1115.10 ...... oon, should include eas­ s ear government bond y ies had little choice now t


-5.60 275.65 ITC


ures, that need to be taken s ield on the benchmark 10­ y ountry’s monetary authori­ c

Indian OilCorp Indian 7.35 399.65 ......

uggested that the mea­ s ng the comments with the i ay acknowledged that the d

7.50 1182.90 Infosys ......

0% growth, the Survey 1 f 53%,” the Survey said. o ollections,” it said. “Data on c heir returns in the regular t illion registrants who were m ond yields rose follow­ B ind Subramanian on Mon­ v

9.95 353.40 Infratel Bharti ......

o help India regain 8­ T formal sector payroll share a ould undermine their tax w ave instead opted to le h liance, with about 1.7 p acts.” f hief Economic Adviser Ar­ C

IndusInd Bank IndusInd 12.30 1742.50 ......

-3.15 357.65 Bank ICICI ...... ublic sector banks.” p art of the GST net suggests p he shift to the new system t he Composition Scheme t rease in voluntary com­ c hange in the underlying c

ew Delhi ew N

27.15 1421.15 HFL Indiabulls


ened in terms of being d ebts and recapitalistion of d ajor producing States that m eligible for ion of tax lers t ulted in a signicant in­ s pinion. So I think there is a o


Hind Unilever Hind 24.55 1397.30


lans for resolution of bad p ural work force; formality t conomies, allaying fears of e a signicant propor­ howed s ata showed GST had re­ D

-9.00 375.15 HPCL


ites return of inationary pressures C

ernment has done with v bout 31% of the non­agricul­ a inked to the size of their l n addition, the Survey I ax credits,” the Survey said. t

Hindalco -0.35 258.60 ......

rowth impacts, as the go­ g f formal sector payroll of o mong the States is closely a o avail themselves of input t ax credit preference credit ax T

70.55 3641.75 MotoCorp Hero


24.70 1999.65 Bank HDFC rovision yields an estimate p ution of the GST base b arge enterprises and want l ival to arrest more lasting v ......

monetary stance

HDFC 59.30 1967.60 ...... isation of investment re­ t n terms of social security i he Survey said. “The distri­ t evertheless. n nterprises that buy from e

2.50 1012.05 Tech HCL ......

onclusion is urgent priori­ c hought. “Formality dened t lining revenues under GST, c hoosing to register for GST c rations, especially by small t

-19.40 474.35 (India) GAIL ......

de,i said, “The policy udget, it B ia was larger than earlier d tates’ concerns about de­ S urnover limit of 20 lakh t ncrease in voluntary regis­ i

Eicher Motors Eicher 934.25 27453.65 CEA: time to change ......

o boost investment in the t hat the formal sector in In­ t he data also put to rest T elow the threshold annual b a large There has been ... “

-150.65 2357.10 Lab Reddys Dr ......

f some steps being taken o urther, GST data showed F o be regular lers. t alisation in the economy. m 2.35 301.75 India Coal ......

Cipla -6.40 615.00 ...... ignalling the likelihood S ith other large countries.” w ition scheme chose instead s orts, and the extent of for­ p



-10.85 469.80 BPCL ......

narrowing, says Arvind Subramanian.

aid the Economic Survey. s omparing very favourably c hose eligible for the compo­ t tate trade, State­wise ex­ S



Bosch 236.70 19879.20


If growth happens, output gaps will start Fanning ination: asting impact on growth, l n last year’s Survey and i about 54.3% of aid. So, s ey aspects such as inter­ k

-12.10 440.60 Airtel Bharti


rgently to arrest more u ven greater than estimated e it nder the regular GST,” u eady revealed new data on r

5.00 1715.30 Finance Bajaj ......

l needs to be prioritised a rade is about 60% of GDP, t it… instead decided to le m edgling tax regime has al­ 

Bajaj Auto Bajaj 52.20 3363.90 ......

-10.55 605.55 Bank Axis ...... herefore investment reviv­ t added. “India’s internal ey v akh and the composition li­ l the c Survey said, adding i

-4.45 635.25 Pharma Aurobindo

...... acting growth, and p tandard of living,” the Sur­ s he GST threshold of 20 t ect taxpayers, the Econom­ r

Asian Paints Asian 1.60 1152.05 ......

ormance and States’ f oing, and one that is im­ g egistrants sized between r rease in the number of indi­ c

0.65 263.65 Cements Ambuja ......

estment slowdown is on­ v ation between export per­ l f total regular lers) of the o as resulted in a 50% in­ h

0.15 436.65 Ports dani A ......

he current episode of in­ T ory) suggests a strong corre­ t on, about 1.9 million (24% s he Goods and Services Tax T


tates (the rst in India’s his­ S ut tax credits. “For this rea­ p


ew Delhi ew N EW DELHI EW N

nternational exports of i anner so as to avail of in­ m

pecial Correspondent pecial S pecial Correspondent pecial S

oluntary enrolment by small rms lifts number of indirect taxpayers by 50% V

-2.02 69.52

Brent oil Brent dddddddddddd d dddddddd d ddddddddddd d investments

-0.26 31,120

Gold dddddddddddd d ddddd d dddddddddddddddddddd d

-0.05 63.58

US Dollar US dddddddd d dddddddddddd d dddddddddd d

key to revive to key

0.65 36,283

Sensex ddddd d dddddddddddddd d ddddddddddddddd d

Taxpayer count rises post GST post rises count Taxpayer CHANGE % 29-01-2018

SMEs hold SMEs

market watch market






downloaded from : https://t.me/Material_For_Exam : from downloaded www.visionias.net : from downloaded



evelised tari was ap­ l orth 48,000 crore. w ed. The Survey observed d erving local agro­biodiversi­ s otably, as per Census N he Survey said. t tates. s ce (NSSO, 2016) and O

n Monday, adding that the o ult in risk for investments s he context of India,” it ad­ t ng food security and pre­ i gnored,” the Survey said. i ices with gender expertise,” v ear,” the Economic Survey y y National Sample Survey b

run Jaitley in Parliament A otiating the taris could re­ g arrants critical analysis in w a decisive role in ensur­ ad h ood production cannot be f nd women in extension ser­ a aves 50,000 ($800) every s The surveys conducted “

abled by Finance Minister t IL (2017) remark that rene­ S ology and training which n cal evidence that women i f women to agriculture and o ormation, and engage men f n ODF village in rural India a 016 and 2017. 2

aid the Economic Survey s t also mentioned a CRI­ I ike land, water, credit, tech­ l empir­ orldwide, there was w conomy, the contribution e ctive agents in rural trans­ a ated that a household in m oilets, were using them in t

enewable energy sector,” r hose in the recent bids.” t anced access to resources h t said, pointing out that i ent of agriculture and rural m ngs, integrate women as i ndia (2017)’ UNICEF esti­ I ividuals, who had access to d

ncentives being given to the i hem at taris higher than t en farmers should have en­ m repreneurs, and labourers,” t For sustainable develop­ “ uctivity of small farm hold­ d omic Impact of SBM in n ore than 90% of the in­ M

omen’s contribution omen’s W evisiting the subsidies and r otiating the PPAs signed by g eeds. This requires that wo­ n le roles as cultivators, en­ p c interventions to raise pro­ i ort ‘The Financial and Eco­ p ompletely.” c

inted at possibility of rene­ h ancing. “There is a case for n hould aim at gender­specif­ s eet the daily household m umber of women in multi­ n ia over 6­% of GDP. In a re­ d een declared as ODF b

ong taken for granted. l PAs. Some discoms have P long with aordable ­ a ive agricultural policy’ t iverse natural resources to d ure sector, with increasing t anitation facilities costs In­ s iu and Chandigarh have D

iation of the already signed t evelopers to reduce risks d nd allied elds was a fact a d management and use of e An ‘inclusive transforma­ “ s ‘feminisation’ of agricul­ i ank estimates, the lack of B radesh, Gujarat, Daman & P

gricultural development a ome demands for renego­ s hange fund for renewable c entions. v esponsible for the integrat­ r an migration by men, there b According to the World “ hhattisgarh, Arunachal C

hat crucial role of women in t ossibly contributed to p antee fund or a foreign ex­ r dopt gender specic inter­ a y. “Rural women are t With growing rural to ur­ “ ion free. t aryana, Uttarakhand, H

hough a welcome news, t etting up a payment gua­ s nterventions. i hain it is imperative to c n becoming open­defeca­ i imachal Pradesh, Kerala, H

he auctioning process, t he Survey also suggested T f the agricultural value o at gender­specic y’, aimed c a decisive part in ensuring food security, the Survey said. here are economic benets t on Territories, i.e., Sikkim, i

und mooted und F renewable) taris through ( ng, packaging, marketing — i ormative agricultural poli­ f There is empirical evidence that women play Bigger role: he Survey also says that T ight States and two Un­ E

the discovery of very low “ eed for an ‘inclusive trans­ n est, post­harvest process­ v ndicators”. i ree (ODF). F

omic Survey. n evels — production, pre­har­ l the urvey also stressed S he Survey pointed out, T antly better health c lared as Open Defecation c

PAs, according to the Eco­ P oans or NPAs. l omen predominant at all w eleased on Monday. The r DF districts had “signi­ O he India have been de­ t

o create another lot of bad t egotiation of already inked n he Survey added that with T he Economic Survey 2017­18 t howed that households in s nd 3,07,349 villages all over a

s increasing, according to i ould aect thermal plants w iscoms are insisting for re­ d andholdings in agriculture. l nd non­ODF districts, a aid. “So far, 296 districts s

hermal power and thus t ng grid parity and some i isparity in ownership of d ntrepreneurs and labourers e pen­defecation free (ODF) o efore 2014,” the Survey b

hich reected the gender w le roles such as cultivators, p heaper than coal­based c ause its tari is approach­ c oundation in selected F ared to the trend observed p

umber of women in multi­ n enewables would be r ives for renewables be­ t ere owned by women, w he Bill and Melinda Gates t much faster pace com­ a

he operational holdings t f agriculture sector, as the o esult in a situation where r evisit subsidies and incen­ r pilot study, conducted by A 5­crore in January, 2018, at 2

owever, only 12.8% of H reas, there is ‘feminisation’ a i’s free fall last year would r he government needs to T etter health indicators health etter B ctober, 2014, declined to O

4% cultivators. 2 f men from rural to urban o s per experts, the ta­ A

reas, which was 55­crore in a

ew Delhi ew N

gricultural labourers and a ith a rise seen in migration W roaching grid parity. p

8 % children.” 4 efecating in open in rural d ress Trust of India of Trust ress P

ain workers, 55% were m

ion, the number of persons t nnually and for stunting of a

handigarh C

Lower tari may aect thermal plants’ ‘

011, out of total female 2 00,000 children in India 1 rinking Water and Sanita­ D

ikas Vasudeva ikas V

ible for the deaths of over s onducted by Ministry of c

ural women don multiple farming roles as men move to cities in search of jobs R sops for renewables’ ack of sanitation is respon­ l As per baseline survey “

According to UNICEF, the “ f the Centre. o

utcomes, the Survey says, o SBM), the agship scheme (

Farm sector sees ‘feminisation’, says Survey

‘Need to revisit

ositively impacts health p o Swachh Bharat Mission t

ty of sanitation and hygiene i ess in rural sanitation due c

omic Survey, claiming suc­ n nderlining that the qual­ U

nd 2017,” the Survey said. a 014, according to the Eco­ 2

uals using toilets in 2016 d han half of what it was in t ism,” he said at the press t his much more in mission t nd technology. We are say­ a iser, Arvind Subramanian v re still modest.” a cs as well as genomics. The i

ndia had reduced to less I d more than 90% of indivi­ e ithout religious obscuran­ w nd perhaps we need to do a e have a chapter on science w ia with Chief Economic Ad­ d ve years, but the numbers  osed missions in mathemat­ p

ave access to toilets report­ h ating in the open in rural c ork in India during the last w ion. The Survey also pro­ t er of debate and openness p eed to increase the R&D, n utput. “For the rst time, o cience and technology in In­ s

ets by the individuals who l he number of people defe­ T ant to have a scientic tem­ t gy needs a big push. We o o work hard to improve its t hapter on the state of c ian scientists returning to d nd international collabora­ a

QCI, 2017) on usage of toi­ ( ncrease in the number of In­ i ng strengths in astronomy i ode. It’s also very impor­ m ng that science and technol­ i tressing that India needed s y earmarked a dedicated m


uality Council of India Q oted. “There has been an n e through building on exist­ b nnual survey of the econo­ a

ikas Pathak ikas V

ieadwr usd,wt more than 91,000 in the U.S. alone, said the Survey. live and work outside, with

REUTERS f the universe. This would o d. This is the rst time the e ore scientists,” the Survey m


now There were more than 100,000 people with PhDs, who were born in India but Losing out: s the USA,” the Survey not­ a ortunity to attract back p he invisible building blocks t 0% of those with toilets using them 9

reas such as “Dark Matter”, a ountries, India has an op­ c as rich he time it [becomes] t

ion mode”, for example in s osphere in some Western m arely reach 1% of GDP by b

defecation falls sharply rowing anti­immigrant at­ g nveil programmes in “mis­ u At this rate, India would “

ight times that of India. e f India’s economy and o o x this, India needed to T

Creating gene maps’ gene Creating ‘ imes and the U.S.’ about t lone). “…with the strength a

Incidence of open

urrently China’s GDP is ve C more than 91,000 in the U.S. (

ow live and work outside n ere similar to that of India. w ia was still only at 153. d

hen their per capita GDP w ho were born in India but w oared ahead at 980 and In­ s

deaths of more than one lakh children a year, says UNICEF. eUS spent 1% and 2.5%, he U.S. t 00,000 people with PhDs, 1 03. By 2011, China had 1

The lack of sanitation is responsible for the Cleaner India: , China and n comparison I here were more than T ic publications and India t

opment in 2015. l ists based abroad, it said. t a had 174 high quality scien­ n

GDP) on research and deve­ ( eaching out more to scien­ r or instance, in 2001, Chi­ F

ts Gross Domestic Product i ernment also ought to be v as still woefully short. w

ey. India spent only 0.5% of v isease patterns. The go­ d quality, India owever, in H

hapter in the Economic Sur­ c erence to better understand f urrently sixth in the world. c

n research, according to a o ians that can be used as re­ d ic publications and was t

ene map of a sample of In­ g elow its economic capacity b mproved its output of scien­ i

ndia currently spends far I and creating a detailed .K. U ast two decades, India had l

rojects in Finland and the p ights of the Survey. In the l


atter involved emulating l onference discussing high­ c


t 0.5% of GDP, it compares poorly with China’s 1% when that country’s per capita GDP was similar to India’s current metric A s

‘India’s spending on science below economic capacity’

#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4

ind Subramanian said. v ng supply versus demand,” i limb the socio­economic c ut 31% in urban areas. b he growth of savings in T igh oil prices,” he noted. h on tax revenue front,” Dr. n company said in a ling. pti

hief Economic Adviser Ar­ C patial distribution of hous­ s ational population can r as only 5% in rural areas, w nd shares and debentures. a e one of the reasons for b isinvestment front and on d period of 2016­17, the

14,988.87 crore in the same ened like this before,” p ent, property rights and m al mobility, so that an aspi­ c olds living in rented houses h osits, life insurance funds p f a very large oil rm may o overnment has done lot on g

review, as against own is unusual, never hap­ d ion to contract enforce­ t t should also deliver verti­ I ensus, the share of house­ C nancial assets like bank de­  . Listing ave to take the pain h lipping very much because s

crore during the period under nvestment, savings slow­ i ymakers to pay more atten­ c unities arise. t ural. According to the 2011 r olds were channelled into h ront, I am afraid, we will f ut not much, I can’t see it b

income rose to 16,846.77 ound thereafter. “India’s b ithin cities as job oppor­ w In turn, this needs poli­ “ alent in urban areas than in v he savings of house­ T ell.” “On the oil prices w ecit) slippage (in 2017­18) d

at 2,728.66 crore. Total nd has remained range a o move to, between and t nd vacancy rates. a ccommodation is more pre­ a ey said. v ecit target for 2018­19 as d There could be a (scal “

of the previous scal stood

een 2011­12 and 2013­14 w akes into account rentals t y should enable the ability c renting s a proportion, A y end March 2017,” the Sur­ b xpect slightly higher scal e DP, and 3% in 2018­19. G

in the corresponding quarter

alf percentage points bet­ h ore holistic approach that m successful housing poli­ A 4% in 1961 to 28% in 2011. 5 nd partial remonetisation a hange. Therefore we might c or 2017­18 to 3.2% of the f

2017. Consolidated net prot

ate declined by two and r hip... We need to take a s uid population.  ince independence from s y notes in November 2016 c The glide path could “ o contain the scal decit t

quarter ended December

011­12 and 2015­16, savings 2 omes and on homeowner­ h ndia has an increasingly I eclining in Indian cities d igh denomination curren­ h umar told CNBC TV18. K aid. The government aims s

6,677.06 crore for the third

ercentage points between p y “focused on building more l ng needed to recognise that i al housing has actually been t wed to the withdrawal of o it in 2018­19 as well, he c

consolidated net prot at

omy declined by nearly 5.6 n ow policies had been most­ n hous­ t said. The policies on i owever, the share of ren­ H This decline primarily “ or slightly higher scal de­ f Rajiv Kumar

than twofold jump in its

s a share of GDP in the eco­ a ents are complex but till m aving to buy it. h of about 5 lakh crore). ( nd government may settle a

HDFC Ltd. reported a more

hile the investment rate W hat India’s housing require­ t ousing without actually h 250% ency by more than r scal decit could change 


y was not ‘heartening’. m he Survey pointed out T eople to access suitable p avings in the form of cur­ s he glide path to reduce T more than twofold

estment rate in the econo­ v urvey 2017­18. S ical mobility as it allowed t ears, there was a decline in y hairman Rajiv Kumar said. C HDFC Q3 prot jumps

n overall savings and in­ o ording to the Economic c or both horizontal and ver­ f n any of the preceding ve i ollections, NITI Aayog Vice c

ointed out that the story p Housing for All’ by 2022, ac­ ‘ ental housing is important R han the growth witnessed t ent and non­tax revenue m , said a release. 2018

Rental share declines’ share Rental ‘ owever, the Survey H nder its scheme to provide u as signicantly higher w as done well on disinvest­ h aur 18, January operative from

. The scheme will be Limited aid. s ng on building more homes i han 20% in 2016­17, which t lippage as the government s

Sundaram Finance Holdings ore detail,” the Survey m ates. r y rights rather than focuss­ t more eholds increased s 017­18 may see only a slight 2

BPO India Limited and eeds to be analysed in n ental segment and vacancy r ontrol and unclear proper­ c nancial savings of the hou­  he scal decit target for T

Solutions Limited, Sundaram

ust about 1.5% per annum j eed to be looked at are the n ddress issues such as rent a urvey said while the overall S


Limited, Infreight Logistics

ncreased by an average of i he government needs to T wo important areas that t he previous ve years, the t RESS TRUST OF INDIA OF TRUST RESS P

Insurance Broking Services

iod when the BSE Sensex r lained. It highlighted that p 016­17 as compared with 2


its 4 subsidiaries — Sundaram

on­tax revenue to help: Rajiv Kumar N

hat this happened in a pe­ T adder, the Survey ex­ l as signicantly dierent in w

uthika Bhargava uthika Y

and Sundaram Finance Ltd.

ore than 11­fold increase. m ern of household savings t

amalgamation between

only a slight slippage’ utual funds registered m ommenting that the pat­ C urvey urges focus on contract enforcement, unclear rights S

arrangement and

ears, savings in the form of y onday. M

composite scheme of

Thus within a span of 2 “ or 2018 pointed out on f

‘Address rent control, vacancy’

Tribunal has approved the

‘Fiscal decit may see

ise in MF savings MF in ise R ssets, the Economic Survey a

National Company Law

avings in cash to nancial s

A Division Bench of the

itnessed in 2015­16. w olds are moving away from h


bove the growth of 126% a ion exercise, Indian house­ t amalgamation scheme

hould increase local prices. s he Survey, adding that pow­ t ated, now this number is in g ong­term climate change,” l han 3,600 per year for the t ore than 400% over and m ollowing the demonetisa­ F NCLT approves SFL’s

he other, the lower supply t ure Indian agriculture,” said t 0% of agriculture was irri­ 2 ects of its vulnerability to p hat translates into more t henomenal increase of p

umbai M

hocks reduce yields, but on s ay well hold the key to fu­ m In the 1960s, less than “ ure, and the harsher pros­ t ent levels of farm income, r utual funds registered a m

Group company said.

pti pecial Correspondent pecial S

n — on the one hand, these i or every drop” campaign — f roundwater resources. g ealities of Indian agricul­ r urvey, adding that at cur­ S

the quarter, the Mahindra

Shift to nancial assets post note ban’ ‘

arm revenues should move f aptured in the “more crop c ater scarcity and depleting w p against the contemporary u d areas,” pointed out the e

per share stood at 10.73 for

s not clear which direction i nd water management — a gainst a backdrop of rising a omes — increasingly runs c ng to 20%­25% for unirrigat­ i

preceding quarter. Earnings

f drip irrigation, sprinklers o and irrigation – and do so p oal of doubling farmers’ in­ g f 15% to 18% on average, ris­ o ated areas, it said. Ex­ante it g period and 14.5% in the

savings dip 250%’ 15.7% in the year­earlier r shocks being felt in unirri­ e or the future. Technologies f ing that India needed to ex­ d [The] Prime Minister’s “ ates for farm income losses m

of the margin to 16.3% from est adverse eects of weath­ g ill be a dening challenge w ointed out the Survey, ad­ p edian farm household. m esponses, give rise to esti­ r

largely helped by a widening eterogeneity, with the lar­ h xisting irrigation schemes, e ion, and assuming no policy t

expansion. Prot growth was

rage eects mask signicant e y and limited eciency in t ecent trends in precipita­ r ‘Household cash backdrop of water scarcity, depleting groundwater resources.

helped by a margin

.5%. “Once again, these av­ 5 he backdrop of water scarci­ t ures and projecting India’s t India must expand irrigation in the All­weather farms:

quarter net at 943 crore,

educe incomes by 13.7% and r griculture, that too against a hange)­predicted tempera­ C

10.17% increase in December

eas extreme rainfall shocks r Fully irrigating Indian “ ernmental Panel on Climate v

on Monday reported a

and shares and debentures.


respectively, whe­ nd rabi a aid the Survey. s Applying IPCC (Intergo­ “


biggest software exporter,

The savings were channelled into bank deposits, Safe bet:

f not being well irrigated,” o ountry. c .3% and 4.1% during kharif 4

Tech Mahindra, the fth

educe farmer incomes by r o climate change on account t rrigated areas of the i


xtreme temperature shocks E re still extremely vulnerable a re between 20%­25% in un­ e

TechM net by 10.2%

emperature shocks emperature T hhattisgarh and C n average, rising to anywh­ a

Margin expansion boosts

adhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, M e between 15% and 18% on b

onservation furthered. c arnataka, Maharashtra, K rom climate change could f

an be fully costed and water c ell irrigated. But parts of w said farmer income losses 8, 1

ransfers so that power use t at and Madhya Pradesh are r he Economic Survey 2017­ T

laced by direct benet p etic plain, and parts of Guja­ g


r subsidy needs to be re­ e he mid­40s. The Indo­Gan­ t


Technologies like drip irrigation hold key to future of agriculture; replace power subsidy with DBT’ ‘

‘Climate change may hit farm income’







downloaded from : https://t.me/Material_For_Exam : from downloaded www.visionias.net : from downloaded



etafe due to a controversial G o Wolfsburg 1 (Malli 72). t ob for the team, but the bat­ j Angel 90+3); Barcelona 2 ( our in 37.3 overs (Edwards 72). f

undesliga B : Hanover 96 0 lost eld to a 1­1 draw at home to h Muriel 72) drew with Getafe 1 ( 4) lost to Australia 182 for 2 een Afridi, has done the h

ampdoria 1 (Zapata 80). S La Liga La results he T : Sevilla 1 : Ikram Ali 80, Merlo four for ( almas 3­0 while Sevilla was P eft­arm pace sensation Sha­ l

Marusic 20); AS Roma 0 lost to (

fghanistan 181 in 48 overs A adrid. M r Diego Costa to beat Las e akistan’s , led by P

onaventura 44) bt Lazio 1 B

he scores he T : 9 ahead of champion Real 1 he absence of injured strik­ t

ace sensation ace P

erie A erie S : AC Milan 2 (Cutrone 15,

Man­of the­Match knock. a

st challenger Atletico and e

tletico Madrid overcame A

homas 88) bt Las Palmas 0. T

ack Edwards smashed 72 in J

ith 57 points, 11 above near­ w

eague win. l ing three in a row. n

(Griezmann 61, Torres 73, 3

4 before opening batsman 2 arca tops the standings B

ave it a seventh consecutive g o Afghanistan before win­ t (Guidetti 23); Atletico Madrid 1

athan Merlo took four for n

qualiser in injury time. e Suarez 72, Messi 84) bt Alaves (

us free­kick in the 84th o ost its tournament opener l

ustralia all­rounder Jo­ A

ow while Messi’s sumptu­ r mooth sailing all the way. It s

vers remaining. o

battled back from a goal down at half­time. REUTERS

he eighth league game in a t istan, it has not been k *

eached it with more than 12 r

Messi and Suarez were on target as Barcelona Taking wing: Taking he 72nd minute, scoring for t or two­time winner Pa­ F

ng just four as it i

for the Catalans in uarez S

angladesh. B

arget of 182 at a canter, los­ t

he quarternal against t ast Marc­Andre ter Stegen. p

hased down Afghanistan’s c

mphatic fashion, including e ng over as he lashed the ball i

he three­time champion T

inning all four matches in w ead in the 23rd minute, fall­ l

onday. M

ough professional outt, r etti gave Alaves a shock d

in over Afghanistan on w

ia has played like a tho­ d weden striker John Gui­ S

al with an easy six­ n

hree­time champion In­ T

lear at the top of La Liga. c ustralia cruised into the ­ A

uesday. T

alftime to stay 11 points h onvincing win onvincing C

CC U­19 World Cup here on I ack from a goal down at b

he second seminal of the t

et as the Catalans battled g al at the Hagley Oval. n

hen they face Pakistan in w

uis Suarez was also on tar­ L aving played its quarter­ h

ill be eager to deliver w

ling Alaves on Sunday while g amiliar with the conditions, f

f the unbeaten Indian team o

elona a 2­1 win over strug­ c amp. Pakistan will be more c

t the IPL auction, members a

acular free kick to give Bar­ t eakness in the opposition w

fter bagging lucrative deals A

ionel Messi scored a spec­ L ould look to exploit that w

agarkoti and Shivam Mavi N hristchurch C arcelona arcelona B

ndian pacers Kamlesh I ress Trust of India of Trust ress P gencies gencies A

onvincing. c

NDIA U-19 NDIA I Barcelona rallies past Alaves Alaves past rallies Barcelona

ing has been far from t

win over Afghanistan.


The Australian players celebrate their Mission accomplished: Mission

­11, 14­12, 8­11, 11­6 in the wo­ 2 ikhat Banu 4­3. N amal bt Shreyas Kulkarni 4­1; K

utumbale 4­1; Manika Batra bt K anjit Benny 4­0; A. Sharath R ouma Das (PSPB) 11­7, 11­7, M

mrutha Pushpak bt Anusha A ad Ali 4­0; Sanil Shetty bt m hampion and fth seed c

t Deepika Neelakandan 4­0; b oumyajit Ghosh bt Moham­ S hosh shocked six­time G

oyal 4­0; Pooja Sahasrabudhe G athiyan bt Nikhil Suresh 4­0; S

aharashtra’s Swastika M

adhurika Patkar bt Garima M t Souvik Banerjee 4­0; G. b

­11, 3­11, 12­10, 11­6, 5­11. 7

orty bt Shreya Despande 4­1; b aj Rajan 4­2; Manav Thakkar R

ujarat’s Manush Shah 7­11, G

hipia 4­0; Anindita Chakra­ C an 4­1; Birdie Boro bt Anandh r

ere on Monday, losing to h yhika Mukherjree bt Frenaz A onit Bhanja bt E. Prabhaka­ R

able tennis championships t

­1. 4

ouma Das 4­2. M

ports 79th senior National S

ushmit Sriram bt Surajit Das S

kula 4­3; Swastika Ghosh bt A

he round­of­32 in the 11Even t

esai bt Kiranjoy Pushilal 4­0; D erjee 4­3; Prapti Sen bt Sreeja h

f West Bengal bowed out in o

nukram Jain 4­0; Harmeet A hana Kamath bt Sagarika Muk­ c

econd­seeded Arjun Ghosh S ­0; Sudhanshu Grover bt 4 ak bt Amrute 4­2; Ar­ t

en: M A. Amalraj bt Sai Tejas

eeth Rishya 4­1; Poulomi Gha­ R ANCHI R

ustralia ends Afghanistan’s run Afghanistan’s ends ustralia A

omen: W Sutirtha Mukherjee bt round-of-64): ( PORTS BUREAU PORTS S

mportant results mportant I

lam 4­1. A


faces Pakistan Pakistan faces

en’s round­of­64. m rjun Ghosh bt Ahmed Saidul A

Arjun and Mouma crash out crash Mouma and Arjun

Dominant India India Dominant

olled out huge sums to sign d 0th spot with 643 points. 1 . S. Dhoni has slipped a M eing signed by Mumbai In­ b uly 26, 2017. This, accord­ J he same.” t eigh past glory. w

oosened its purse and l are not to expressly breach c eature in the top 10 at the f nd tness starting to out­ a he Sri Lankan pacer, after T hem at a SGM convened on t 813). (

ponsored doping. s

tark contrast to its history, s ng of the CoA whilst taking i el is the only other Indian to t tars is an indication of skills s econd auction appearance. s sked it to choose one of a 816), Pakistan’s Babar Azam (

idespread state­ w

ajasthan Royals, in a R eft­arm spinner Axar Pa­ L akers in what was only his t C judges to the BCCI and S he authority and function­ t ounger blood over ageing y owed by Rohit Sharma l

evelations of r

ubmitted a list of six retired s is position to undermine h he franchises preferred the t n the IPL history, found no i oult (729). B hird with 823 points fol­ t r­batsman Ishan Kishan. e

ugust 2016 following A

appears determined to use “ he auction. But the fact that t a, the highest wicket­taker g n September 2016. The CoA i a and New Zealand’s Trent c ia’s David Warner is placed l rore to acquire wicketkeep­ c

uspended by the IPC in s

id. Whereas, Lasith Malin­ b hah’s one­year term ended S ry, saying that the latter h ist them on the rst day of l an Tahir (743) of South Afri­ r .B. de Villiers (872). Austra­ A ndians spent more than 6 I

ussia was R

he third time to attract a t er Justice (Retd.) A.P. t reasurer Anirudh Chaud­ t PL authorities' decision to I hird spot behind leader Im­ t ust above South Africa’s j nd Shivam Mavi; Mumbai a

he Paralympics. t

ags was largely due to the t utes of the auction and a n ointed an Ombudsman af­ p onduct of the BCCI acting­ c 728 points) is static at the ( or batsmen with 876 points, f uppers Kamlesh Nagarkoti C

lympics that precede O

o wait till the nal few mi­ t he BCCI has not ap­ T ut in the Status Report the o layers fetched higher price p ian pacer Jasprit Bumrah d he ICC ODI Player Rankings t or current Under­19 World f

n next month’s Winter i

imilarly, had S he CoA has also pointed T hat the uncapped T ommendations on Feb. 23. c mongst the bowlers, In­ A irat Kohli continues to lead V nstance, went all the way i

ompetitors to take part c

f the committee. o ice Lodha Committee re­ t ar Dhawan. h

eanwhile, India captain M olkata Knight Riders, for K

y of less than 7 crore. l odied Russian b

dkat (10.5 crore). a

he case related to the Jus­ t hey do not want to be part t bove another Indian Shik­ a

y 5­1 or better. b

uture prospects. f eers fetched a combined tal­ r lace to allow able­ p

pending big on Jaydev Un­ s

inder Amarnath have said h Jan. 29) has said it will hear ( lace to the 13th spot just p

f South Africa win the series i

heir talent in the IPL or are t e in the twilight of their ca­ b imilar to that put in s

ormally tight franchise was n

nd Anil Kumble and Mo­ a isted the case for Monday l

land by a fraction of a point g

ither shown a glimpse of e

am Gambhir who seem to t

he agreement is T

nother deviation by the A

Virat Kohli.



he apex Court, which had T ecame a member of CoA b

ehind third­placed En­ b

omestic players who have d arbhajan Singh and Gau­ H IPC) said on Monday. (

ng batsman Rahul Tripathi. i

#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4

ort led on January 24. p he apex court, Diana Edulji t

owever, India will slip H

wners preferred to invest in o eterans like Yuvraj Singh, v aralympics Committee P

e K. Gowtham and dash­ o

bove in its Sixth Status Re­ a rst committee named by 

ave to draw the series. h

nstead, the franchise I t reected in the fact that I nternational I

oA has put forth the C mong the members of the a

pot, South Africa will just s

ime, remained unsold. t eutral ag, the n

ig bucks. b

ittee, because from m layers’ Association (CPA). P

er, while to retain the top t

nt Sharma, not for the rst a ompete under a c

hen it came to spending w

stablish the Cricket e ames in the Steering Com­ n

ins the series by 4­2 or bet­ w

heteshwar Pujara and Ish­ C ill be allowed to w

s if the teams have got wiser a

he Steering Committee to t ourt to include the above c

an top the ODI table if it c

ven Test specialists like E ut individual athletes b

it emerged he last two days, t

PA. It has asked the apex C pex court) and reconstitute a

he Virat Kohli­led India T

he accelerated auction. t ames in Pyeongchang, G

han the skill. However, over t

he process of forming a t ions and validated by the t

n Durban on Thursday. i

ere not even shortlisted for w aralympic Winter P

eputation mattering more r

he Lodha recommenda­ t ome Secretary) to begin H

ix­match series which starts s

af Patel, Praveen Kumar n e suspended from the b

uctions used to be that of a

ules (in accordance with R ist G.K. Pillai (former Union s

er South Africa clash in a p

tars like Irfan Pathan, Mu­ s he Russian team will T

remier League (IPL) player P

hanta Rangaswamy to as­ S CCI Conict of Interest B

laced India and table­top­ p

imilarly, India’s fading S

ority of the previous Indian j

onn B

man, approve the new s aekwad, Bharat Reddy and G

n the line when second­ o

eased this time around. l

n general, the trend in a ma­ I

gence France-Presse gence A

ointment of an Ombud­ p apil Dev, Aunshuman K

he No. 1 ODI status will be T

hampion before being re­ c


ue directions for the ap­ s working group comprising a

ig auction by the three­time b Paralympics Paralympics ubai D

mol Karhadkar mol A

o the Supreme Court to is­ t he CoA has constituted T

as retained ahead of every w

ress Trust of India India of Trust ress P


ce­bearers for the same. o rators (CoA) has appealed t

ians in the inaugural season d from

he Committee of Adminis­ T ite the SGM authorising its p

top ODI rankings ODI top

ort, has not happened des­ p

oodbye to reputation and red carpet to raw talent raw to carpet red and reputation to oodbye G

umbai M suspended

ng to the CoA’s Status Re­ i

. Viswanath . G


India’s chance to to chance India’s Auction strategy comes of age age of comes strategy Auction CoA’s appeal to SC SC to appeal CoA’s

ack and moan. That’s not b e’s the best in the world at H ill be crucial. w e knew it was a question of W hat suit us. t elief and were clinical. b ies against England with a r ashim Amla had that long H

ut we do not want to look B

ave to prepare for the series h hat we are making pitches t pinner when Dean Elgar and s

en did their job. We had m erers, we will go into the se­ d atsmen? b our? f

nd will learn. a ll­rounder? Did you miss a a

are and how much time we p ome to India and complain c ng up again and the pace­ i fter our win at the Wan­ A f all­time great Indian o mla batted deep into day A

ncluding a pace­bowling i

ut this is still a young team b f course, how we pre­ O e don’t want any team to w orld cricket and in the list w oon, the pitch started play­ n ndian camp when Elgar and I

hird Test with ve seamers, t

e made some mistakes, W ontemporary batsman in c n our stride. But after this, i ne wicket. By late after­ o ot of condence. l he nature of this side. t hat was the mood in the W

hy did India go into the W lace him among p he pitches. We want to take it t ierent. d

onditions. Where would you c

e don’t want to crib about W he series would have been t epower to hit back. r

The Indians nally managed to walk the talk in Johannesburg. Smiles are back: are Smiles



ith the bat in dicult w

rst two Tests, the result of  hey do that, we have the ­ t oo… t

ohli had a compelling series K

ant moments better in the t reen pitches against us. If g anderers were pretty spicy W

ad we played some impor­ H ill be wary of preparing w ride. p he pitches at Newlands and T

ented each other. Teams m ight place, plays with a lot of r

eries here? s eam. t

he pacemen comple­ T e should have won the w ohli has got his heart in the K

hat I like to see from my w

ooking back, don’t you feel L yself from the way I was. m

orking real hard. w er. We showed guts. That’s t

obody told me to change n

fabulous job, he has been a as the X­factor. h unches. We showed charac­ l

own. When I was young, d

ing coach B. Arun has done l ere looking for. Bumrah w asy and there are no free e

ure with time, will calm t

owlers were brilliant. Bow­ b e had some qualities we H est cricket. Nothing comes T

ive him time, he will ma­ G

rom the sub­continent. Our f er we wanted. l ave to earn your stripes in h

ickets in three Tests away w e knew the kind of bow­ W nd o the eld… a ook blows on the body. You t

he fact that we took 60 T

emperamental are­ups on t he longer format? t ur batsmen fought it out, O

endency to get involved in t eries? s electing Jasprit Bumrah in s

hree at the Wanderers? t

ut then Kohli has a B ositive for you from the p hat was the logic behind W

he Indian batsmen on day t

hat has been the biggest W

few overs of o­spin. a he best out of him. t utsy was the performance of g

eries here. s ave got Murali Vijay to bowl h est Indian fast bowlers. How W ected his , it brings a

er the conclusion of the Test t arbados pitch against the B ad we done so, we would H he responsibility has not T

nduring pain, on a quick e

ersation with v af­ pinner. s The Hindu Hindu The een outstanding. b

ou got a Test hundred, Y

y combative during a con­ l ered. No, we did not miss a v ubs o on his men. He’s r

he India coach was typical­ T nd our pacemen deli­ A s a batsman. a ion, his body language, it s

avi Shastri has in plenty. R otto of our selection. m as got everything you need h oys on the eld, his aggres­ b

ondence is an attribute C ick the horses, that’s the p ats. Kohli’s that good and m ook at the way he leads his L

e look at the course and W

rom dierent eras, across for­ f ohannesburg J hemistry with him... c

ave seen or played with, h re.  . Dinakar . S ou share a wonderful Y

ith any Indian batsman I w e wanted to meet re with W

n Virat Kohli’s captaincy? o


he moment and can compare t artnership on day four? p hat are your impressions W

or, that’s why we picked him him picked we why that’s or, f more any surfaces the about complain nd a lays with a lot of pride of lot a with lays p

umrah had some qualities we were looking were we qualities some had umrah B India to come to side any want don’t e W ohli has got his heart in the right place, right the in heart his got has ohli K

‘Teams will be wary of preparing green pitches against us’ us’ against pitches green preparing of wary be will ‘Teams






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rief departure of the Lord to Sholingur. b (4,1,4) changes sex to start with (5) with apartheid (3,6)

is he Garuda, the priests lower the umbrellas to mark th t Get angry with power failure Scrooge becomes smarter, The best come together to deal 12 25 3

ven today, during the festival, when the Lord is taken on E

hiring (9)

One time, one stripper (7) 2

mountain range (5) o appear before Doddayacharya in Sholingur. t

Revolt by unruly pair — stop 11

Countryside, with river and 23

anchipuram, Varadaraja missed his devotee and decided K



opener, open (5) houghts were about the Lord on Garuda. Meanwhile, in t

Under­the­table, with can 10 Envisages thought set up (7) 21

ng taken on Garuda. One year, he was unable to go, but his i

believe world (5,8)

anchipuram Varadaraja temple at the time of the Lord be­ K

laundry (13) Proof assailed in a make 28

therefore there is a ban (7) l to own of Sholingur. Every year, he would go without fai t

Capital fellow! Not in a x over 1

One from IIM admitted, 19

oddayacharya, a devotee of Varadaraja, lived in the D income (5)


I Expenses as opposed to 27 bird and that bird obviously is Garuda. a

damaged (9)

irth star. Bhootatazhvar says the Lord of Hastigiri travels on b

olution to puzzle 12226 Solution to yesterday’s Sudoku yesterday’s to Solution 12226 puzzle to olution S

Criminal deported, inner ring 17 (9)

ession on Garuda usually coincides with Nammazhvar’s c

half an hour, make no mistake

ow, then she will feel energised. In Kanchipuram, the pro­ d

The sorrel horse doesn't take 26 inexpensive (4,5)

an witness the Lord on Garuda even once through the win­ c

wears cap which is very

he Lord, and in one verse Parankusa Nayaki says that if she t

quiet, it could be the wine (9)

Free to pick up a shirt, he 15

elf in the role of a girl — Parankusa Nayaki — who aches for s Able to have an orgasm — keep 24

n some verses in Tiruvaimozhi, Nammazhvar casts him­ I

goods collection (13)

Looking calm in red robes (5) 22

eart to worship Lord Varadaraja. h

A capital allocation involving 9

cting his is hand over his heart. It seems as if he is instru h

messy (7)

ith am Varadaraja temple, the Nammazhvar idol is seen w r

cheats (6­7)

re — things became more

ells his heart to worship the Lord always. In the Kanchipu­ t

Scores fudged in game by 8 Tried out and allowed to open 20

anchipuram. In the rst Tiruvaimozhi verse, Nammazhvar K

o here again, he may be said to be talking of Varadaraja of S right? (3,4) Could be main philosophy (7) 7

a as ‘imayOr thalaiva’, which means Lord of the celestials. n Animal lays egg by the river, 18

a­ n his Tiruviruttam, Nammazhvar refers to Lord Naray I

took day off (5)

it's for the best (7)

adaraja, said Akkarakkani Srinidhi in a discourse. r

Nymph from town in Gujarat, 6

Work hours reduced, not sure 16

nd so Nammazhvar may be said to be referring to Lord Va­ a

vas — anchipuram is also called Devaraja — king of the De K

(9) bottom (7)

ord who is head of all the celestials. Lord Varadaraja of L Crowd said to gather for 300% 5 India, with 50% gold at the

ammazhvar in the rst verse Tiruvaimozhi talks of the N Gem bearing mine in North 14


Darshan for a devotee man ed to far away island coach (5)

Dealt with human nature — the Romeo lands in a pickle with 4 13

(set by Arden)





elding coach.  he tness coach. t James Hopes. James uoted Smith as saying. saying. as Smith uoted q ackpot: 11971 (34 tkts.). J .B. Nair. Trainer: R.H. Sequeira. S 4. Favourite: Lazer Beam. 3

­y­o & over (Terms): 4 REUTERS NI A (P.


ourite: Euro Zone. Owner: Col. v 3 (p), SHP. 9, FP: 9, Q: 8, Tanala: 1

(1200 m),

AKATIYA MILLION AKATIYA K tepped up,” up,” tepped s ajinikanth Sivagnanam as R hosh will take over as the G onsolation: 1132 (154 tkts.). C


/2, 1­3/4. 1m 7.19 s. Rs. 6 (w), 6, 5, 1 3, FP: 44, Q: 26, Tanala: 193. Fa­ 1

neni. Trainer: S.S.F. Hassan. i s the senior players, haven’t players, senior the s a ays cricketer Subhadeep w hysiotherapist along with p

kts.). t

aith (Akshay Kumar) 4. 1­3/4, 2­ F 2.85s.  14 (w), 9 and 9 (p), SHP: 3

irza Ayub Baig & Shashank Kam­ M

391 (79 tkts.), (iii): 1132 (154  robably both me and Dave and me both robably P

lose continues in his role as C oach, ex­Assam and Rail­ c Aneel) 4. 4­3/4, 1­1/2, 7­1/4. 2 m ( , Yogya (K. Sai Kiran) 3, Royal 2

ohammed Rashed Ali Khan, M

reble (i): 22 (1708 tkts.), (ii): T

oon (Arshad Alam) 3, Euro Zone M von Von Brando (Imran Chisty) E

eries as I would have liked. have would I as eries s

anager, whereas Paul m ointed as the new bowling p

wners: M/S.Aziz Ahmed Khan, O

ahlois (Gopal Singh) 2, Carolina D (Deep Shanker) 1,

li Khan. Trainer: S.S.F. Hassan. A


s well with the bat in this in bat the with well s a

33. Favourite: Tiger of the Sea. 9

unil Valson is the team S hile Hopes has been ap­ w

at. II, maiden 3­y­o only (Terms): C (Akshay Kumar) 1,

yub Baig & Mohammed Rashed A


HP: 14, FP: 352, Q: 146, Tanala: S

2 4

nfortunately, I haven’t done haven’t I nfortunately, U

(D. I), (1100 m), I, 4­y­o & over, rated 42 to 62: I ant Dua conrmed that m una Rao, K. Rama Krishna, Mirza j


m 06.56s.  36 (w), 7, 7, 7 (p), 1

ant coaches. t

(2400 m), Cat. hese boys at the moment. the at boys hese t

o it. Owners: M/s. K. Malli Kar­ d


elhi Daredevils CEO He­ D

he Sea (P. Trevor) 4. 1, s hd., nk.. t

ridharan Sriram as assis­ S anala: 7340. Favourite: Born to T

ngland. “I’m happy leading happy “I’m ngland. E

rainer: K.S.V. Prasad Raju. T

ore (Nakhat Singh) 3, Tiger of M

eague. L

rainer: L.V.R. Deshmukh. T

p), SHP: 41, FP: 251, Q: 188, (

ricketers and c wner: Ms. Viveka Kumari Idar. O

, Jazz it Up (Arshad Alam) 2, Once 1 he ODI series against series ODI he t

. Desai & Miss Niti N. Desai. N

on of Indian Premier s d.. 1m 07.65s. 14 (w), 8, 15, 28 h

anala: 44. Favourite: Staridar. T

Terms): (

(Akshay Kumar)

A MER A L o be the same with former t

uring the side’s 4-1 defeat in defeat 4-1 side’s the uring d rs. Bindu C. Zaveri, Miss Harsha M

aby (Rohit Kumar) 4. S hd., 1­1/4, B

, 5, 6 (p), SHP: 15, FP: 20, Q: 18, 5

), Cat. II, maiden 3­y­o only m head of the upcoming sea­ a

nted by Mr. Champaklal Zaveri, e

astaani (Kuldeep Singh) 3, Yes M 6 espite his recent struggles recent his espite d ta, however, will continue s

, 1­3/4, 8­1/4. 1 m 26.50s. . 6 (w), 2 (D. II), (1100


heir new bowling coach t

tud Farm Private Limited repres­ S

umar) 1, Cashel (Gopal Singh) 2, K

he one-day captaincy one-day he t

or) 3, Darshish (N.S. Parmar) 4. v he rest of the coaching T


te: Naucratis. Owner: M/s. Zaveri i

pto 30: u


ounder James Hopes as r


ar) 2, Golden Fortune (P. Tre­ m

ntention to step down from down step to ntention i 8

eddy. Trainer: L. D’Silva. R

P: 32, Q: 15, Tanala: 79. Favour­ F at. III, 5­y­o & over, rated C

arredu) 1, Barnabas (Akshay Ku­ N icky Ponting. R ointed former Australia all­ p

wner: Mr. M. Rama Krishna O

7.43s. 12 (w), 5, 7, 8 (p), SHP: 13, 2

mith said that he has no has he that said mith S

(1100 m),


nly (Terms): o (Suraj


ormer Australian captain f elhi Daredevils today ap­ D anala: 3318. Favourite: Avantika. T rave Warrior. 1­3/4, 1­3/4, hd.. 1m B


ustralian skipper Steve skipper ustralian A

1400 m), Cat. II, maiden 3­y­o (

rainer: P. Shroff. T

p), SHP: 28, FP: 276, Q: 145, (

flatun (Arshad Alam) 4. Not run: A

ta led by head coach and s

(D. I),


ELBOURNE M ew Delhi ew N ing & Blood Stock Breeders Ltd.. c

/2. 1m 41.05s.  29 (w), 8, 10, 16 1 ark My Word (Akshay Kumar) 3, M

he duo will now join the T

te: Adam. Owner: The United Ra­ i p, says Smith u td. L ar (Deepak Singh) 4. 1­3/4, hd., b or) 1, Alta Vita (Deepak Singh) 2, v ress Trust of India of Trust ress P

P: 38, Q: 23, Tanala: 77. Favour­ F

nly (Terms): o acing and Blood Stock Breeders R

ady Admiral (G. Naresh) 3, Esco­ L (P. Tre­ eniors haven’t stepped S URANGO D


0.71s. 10 (w), 6, 7, 6 (p), SHP: 22, 1 Daredevils’ bowling coach coach bowling Daredevils’ 1400 m), Cat. II, maiden 3­y­o ( inner is owned by The United w alee Tiger (Akshay Kumar) 2, V

hat Singh) 4. 1­3/4, 1/2, hd.. 1m k

o 46: t (D. II), onday. Trained by P. Shroff, the M (Ajit Singh) 1, NMOL RATAN PLATE RATAN NMOL A


Akshay Kumar) 3, Like Wise (Na­ ( ), Cat. III, 4­y­o & over, rated 26 m

f the Hyderabad races here on o


an Singh. m David Allan) 2, Amorous White ( (1600 akatiya Million, the main event K


wner: Mr. S. Pathy. Trainer: Lax­ O revor) 1, Chase Your Dreams T James Hopes named named Hopes James Adam clinched the RIGINAL VEL V. BALASUB- V. VEL RIGINAL O YDERABAD: YDERABAD: H

Adam clinches Kakatiya Million

ion Leagues on April 10. s icense Coach from the city L aman and . Ishan and aman R

ik, Sumanta Gupta, Abhishek Gupta, Sumanta ik, n ruary 20 and A & B Divi­ b irthday of the only AFC Pro b

layed a deft touch around p ear was cut short by recur­ y rst US tour event since mis­ 

he hole,” he said. t

slanders last weekend. weekend. last slanders i


amir Gani, Pradipta Prama- Pradipta Gani, amir A

ior Division League on Fe­ n d to observe June 12, the e reens all week, but he dis­ g nd his comeback bid last a oods was playing his W and all your second putts in h

eries final against the against final eries s

ayan Ghosh, Mukesh Kumar, Mukesh Ghosh, ayan S

tart by mid­February, Se­ s n Sunday. It was also decid­ o oods hit just 17 of 56 W f 2016 with back trouble, o coring.” s

reen, two­putt and one­ g

ittle finger during the tri- the during finger ittle l

shk Seth, , Ashoke Seth, shk i

nstitutional League would I aging committee meeting n

urgery in April. s ast year. He had missed all l ourse. “It was tough c

own the middle, on the d n Chittagong after injuring a injuring after Chittagong n i

ajumder, Vivek Singh, Kan- Singh, Vivek ajumder, M

he new season for the city’s t uring Football Delhi’s ma­ d ing pain and spinal fusion r ing the cut at Torrey Pines s na winds gusting across the A These weren’t yawners, “

est starting on Wednesday on starting est T

rittick Chatterjee, Anustup Chatterjee, rittick W

t was also decided that I he decision was taken T ut there,” he added of Santa o

hakib was ruled out of the of out ruled was hakib S ought hard for these scores. f

wk), , Abhimanyu wk), (

an under-par card. under-par an



ebsite. w is generation. h It was tough conditions “

fficial said on Monday. on said fficial o lay a solid four days — I p

ain), Shreevats ain), t

but displayed a deft touch around the greens to bring in in bring to greens the around touch deft a displayed but

f the most iconic players of o dvertisements on the AIFF a S Open. U gainst Sri Lanka, a team a Lanka, Sri gainst a ere on the Tour and really h udip Chatterjee (vice-cap- Chatterjee udip S

Tiger Woods hit just 17 of 56 greens all week, all greens 56 of 17 just hit Woods Tiger

Getting there:

#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4

istration through open n ime top­scorer, is also one t asan for the first Test first the for asan H ent major title at the 2008 c anoj Tiwary (captain), Tiwary anoj M ouple of years to come out c

n place of injured Shakib Al Shakib injured of place n i hhetri, the country’s all­ C essional sta for its admi­ f lude his 14th and most re­ c

After not playing for a “

he squad: T

eteran spinner Abdur Razzak Abdur spinner eteran v ruitment of full­time pro­ c hhetri on his birthday. C

ight PGA Tour victories in­ e

ugust of 2015. A

ebruary 5 to 17. F

angladesh has included has angladesh B our India captain Sunil n evelopment Ocer and re­ D

outh Course, where his S

yndham Championship in W

hal Pradesh from c

HAKA D ointing a full­time Referees p elhi Football Day to ho­ D

unday on the Torrey Pines S

ince his tie for 10th at the s

ament to be held in Hima­ n

or Sri Lanka Test f ts Grassroots initiative, ap­ i nd celebrate August 3 as a

arded an even­par 72 on c

he cut in a PGA Tour event t

are Trophy one­day tour­ z azzak replaces Shakib R

chools by March as part of s ecision has been to declare d

he former world No.1 T oods, who hadn’t made W

ampaign in the Vijay Ha­ c

east 80 government l he association’s latest T

pen. O

5­18. “Very pleased,” said 1

layers,” said Guardiola. Guardiola. said layers,” p FP A quad for Bengal’s Group B s

ecting city clubs with at n op. t

he Farmers Insurance t

a in Los Angeles February r

ave to do is protect the protect is do to ave h

ounced a 16­member n

rabhakaran, included con­ P he change of guard at the t

ith a tie for 23rd place in w

ext scheduled start at Rivie­ n

nly thing they (referees) they thing nly o

engal on Monday an­ B

all Delhi president Shaji b owledge its players since n

est to date and came away t

le as he looks ahead to his b

xactly. I said many times the times many said I xactly. e

he Cricket Association of T

eeting, chaired by Foot­ m n overdrive mode to ack­ i

ally fused spine its toughest c as no sign of any back trou­ w onth, we will see tomorrow see will we onth, m

ther initiatives at the O ootball Delhi seems to be F

iger Woods gave his surgi­ T

wo weeks, three weeks, one weeks, three weeks, wo t ost importantly, there M olkata K

ducation Day. E

ut for a while —minimum while a for ut o

pecial Correspondent pecial S ew Delhi ew N o bring it in under par. t

a Jolla (California) Jolla a L

antosh Kashyap, as Coach S

n Sunday. “He (Sane) will be will (Sane) “He Sunday. n o

pecial Correspondent pecial S he greens and solid putting t

gence France-Presse gence A


A Cup win away to Cardiff to away win Cup A F

ives his surgically fused spine its toughest test to date to test toughest its spine fused surgically his ives G

honour Chhetri uring Manchester City’s 2-0 City’s Manchester uring d

fter Leroy Sane was injured was Sane Leroy fter a for Hazare

reater protection for players for protection reater g Woods ‘very pleased’ with Tour return Tour with pleased’ ‘very Woods

Football Delhi to

pon referees to provide to referees pon u

Bengal team

ep Guardiola has called has Guardiola ep P


o referees t

ep Guardiola’s appeal P

ut I’m happy I’m in that po­ B ue, it’s just a number,” he s I’ve won three Slams “ ers. t he new season, not only did t

essional, it’s what we do. f I don’t think age is an is­ “ on’t know. I have no idea. d is only win in 10 encoun­ h njury concerns heading into i A said in a statement. D n its statement, WADA I

iting times ahead. As a pro­ c uing longevity. n lied: “No idea. Honest, I p S Open nal, but it remains U inka and Andy Murray have r ndertaken to date,” WA­ u n Pyeongchang. i

he way to winning the 2014 t adal, Djokovic, Stan Waw­ N ill be.” But he added: “Ex­ w ere raised about his conti­ w it of men’s tennis, he re­ m rotocols that have been p onth’s Winter Olympics m

ilic overcame Federer on C hile his long­time rivals W o dictate how successful I t ome into it when questions c e can continue at the sum­ h urther clarify the testing f ue to be used at next d

igh three. h ost Australian titles at six. m I think that’s what’s going “ ederer said his age didn’t F riumph how much longer t atory and Berlinger to r ew Berlinger bottles were n

limbed from six to a career­ c ian Roy Emerson with the l riorities. p hings can happen.” t sked after his Melbourne A p with the Cologne Labo­ u t was not clear if the I

ind Nadal, while Cilic has h ovak Djokovic and Austra­ N re my goals, what are my a ungry, then maybe good h 3min on court. 5 atory. “WADA is following r er Olympics. t

ill remain World No.2 be­ w unday put him alongside S y decide before hand what l eep a good schedule, stay k pent just a total of 13hr s ound by the German labo­ f hat dogged the 2014 Win­ t

espite his win Federer D is emotional victory on H areful in my planning, real­ c ieve it myself. I’ve just got to l n or under two hours and he i nable to replicate the aw u ussian doping scandal R

lay better.” p ition right now.” s aid. “But I need to be very s ow in 12 months. I can’t be­ n is seven matches nishing h onded that it had been p ast year in the wake of the l

hat makes me happy and T his year’s event with ve of t wiss company later res­ S ottles after being released b

lonso said. lonso A

keep a good schedule and stay hungry hungry stay and schedule good a keep

oming to tournaments. c al last year, eased through n ver the issue, and the o ext generation of sample n REUTERS *

xperience the whole event,” whole the xperience e Roger Federer, who successfully defended his Australian Open title, says he wants to wants he says title, Open Australian his defended successfully who Federer, Roger Prudent: till doing it. They enjoy s lassic ve­set Australian ­ c ad contacted Berlinger h eva, were touted as the n

eliability. It was a very nice very a was It eliability. r

roud and happy that I’m p reat rival Rafael Nadal in a g sample.” WADA said it a nown as the Bereg­kit Ge­ k

eeling despite the issues and issues the despite eeling f

y parents are incredibly m ederer, who downed F pening ‘upon freezing’ of o he glass containers, T

aytona. “It is a positive a is “It aytona. D

At the end it’s seeing that “ ournament. t e susceptible to manual b ng frozen. i

3th fastest qualifying time in time qualifying fastest 3th 1

ible,” he said. s ets of a stress­free s he bottle “may potentially t ould be opened after be­ c

he 36-year-old posted the posted 36-year-old he T

round me, they make it pos­ a unday, dropping his only S he lab had found that T anufacturer Berlinger m

ndurance race on Sunday. on race ndurance e

ravel. Having a great team t ­2, 6­7(5), 6­3, 3­6, 6­1 on 6 n January 19. o anufactured by Swiss m

8th in the Daytona the in 8th 3

ractice. Not minding the p rowns defeating Marin Cilic c y the Cologne laboratory b y in Cologne that bottles r

ans 24 Hours after finishing after Hours 24 ans M

ament possible. I enjoy n o­back Australian Open t lerted to the possible aw a y an accredited laborato­ b

or a future crack at the Le the at crack future a or f

ng, not playing every tour­ i he World No.2 won back­ T he agency said it was T ent it had been alerted m

as gained vital experience vital gained as h

I think by not overplay­ “ nd 20th Grand Slam title. a oping control process.” d ADA said in a state­ W ernando Alonso believes he believes Alonso ernando F

o play on. t is sixth Australian crown h ain the integrity of the t o be opened manually. t


tances which allowed him s lam decider and claiming S eeded, in order to main­ n ould allow sample bottles c aytona spin D

e explained his circum­ H eaching his 30th Grand r ropriate measures, if p rug­testing kits which d lonso satised after A

layed in the 1972 decider. p ears and attrition rate, y nd will recommend ap­ a nto a possible glitch in i

nd Mal Anderson (36) a arvel continues to defy the m eneva security bottles G aunched an investigation l

ralians Ken Rosewall (37) t he 36­year­old Swiss T ew generation Bereg­kit n gency (WADA) said it had A

ralian Open nal since Aus­ t ontinue playing. c ntegrity issue with the i he World Anti­Doping T

est man to reach the Aus­ d ad no idea how long he will h estigation into a potential v

ontreal M

ederer, at 36, was the ol­ F rand Slam title in a year he G aid it had “initiated an in­ s

ress Trust of India of Trust ress P

ounger, in the fth set. y aid after winning his third s

in test bottles

han Cilic, who is seven years t ge­defying Roger Federer A

ut also nished stronger b


elbourne M

ederer blaze into the nal, F

gence France-Presse gence A

possible aw

HD), 2 p.m. & 8 p.m. 8 & p.m. 2 HD),

ays he has no idea how long he will continue playing continue will he long how idea no has he ays S I­League : Star Sports 2 (SD & (SD 2 Sports Star :


Star Sports 1 (SD & HD), 3 HD), & (SD 1 Sports Star

WADA probes

Age is just a number: Federer

U­19 WC : India vs Pakistan: vs India :







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#4 1 3 9 7 5 5 7 9 3 1 #4

ormer World champion f pener could well be the o Award to ace shuttler Prakash Padukone in New Delhi on Monday. Monday. on Delhi New in Padukone Prakash shuttler ace to Award aylor and Ben Wheeler. Wheeler. Ben and aylor T

. (2.5) andhidhaa N orrales (Spain). orrales C NI A SHANKER CHAKRAVARTY CHAKRAVARTY SHANKER *

sh Sodhi, Tim Southee, Ross Southee, Tim Sodhi, sh I ome Melia (Geo, 3.5) bt P.V. bt 3.5) (Geo, Melia ome l Hong Kong), and 8. Beatriz 8. and Kong), Hong ( Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, left, presents the Life Time Achievement Time Life the presents left, Naidu, Venkaiah M. Vice-President Recognition: hampion Carolina Marin, c or Srikanth, the lung­ F

eth Rance, Mitchell Santner, Mitchell Rance, eth S Sa- (4); Praggnanandhaa R. o t Hong Kong), 7. Yip Pui Yin Pui Yip 7. Kong), Hong ( ite the presence of Olympic p ien Chen in the seminal. T

naru Kitchen, Colin Munro, Colin Kitchen, naru A

4); Eric de Haan (Ned, 3) lost 3) (Ned, Haan de Eric 4); ( USA), 6. Cheung Ngan Yi Ngan Cheung 6. USA), ( te to defend the title des­ a nd last year’s nalist Chou a

randhomme, Martin Guptill, Martin randhomme, G 3) lost to Swapnil Dhopade Swapnil to lost 3) ( ehwal, 5. Beiwen Zhang Beiwen 5. ehwal, N

ia Masters, will be desper­ s ill possibly meet third seed w

oult, Tom Bruce, Colin de Colin Bruce, Tom oult, B ith Babu (3.5); Padmini Rout Padmini (3.5); Babu ith l ntanon (Indonesia), 4. Saina 4. (Indonesia), ntanon I

aina Nehwal in the Indone­ S he player who makes it T

Capt.), Tom Blundell, Trent Blundell, Tom Capt.), (

Arm, 3.5) drew with M.R. La- M.R. with drew 3.5) Arm, ( ina Marin (Spain), 3. Ratchanok 3. (Spain), Marin ina l

eek’s straight­game loss to w op quarter of the draw. t

ustralia) A : Kane Williamson Kane : omen: W ishra (3); Lilit Mkrtchian Lilit (3); ishra M 1. P.V. Sindhu, 2. Caro- 2. Sindhu, P.V. 1.

indhu, reeling under last S n the quarternals from the i

he squad (For first T20I vs T agno (Rus, 4) bt Swayams bt 4) (Rus, agno L

nd 8. B. Sai Praneeth. Sai B. 8. nd a

each the seminals. r ain contenders for a place m

ustralia and England. England. and ustralia A eorgiev (Bul, 3.5); Kateryna 3.5); (Bul, eorgiev G . Anders Antonsen (Denmark), Antonsen Anders . 7

urprise if the top four seeds s ion P. Kashyap will be the p

anna Rao (3.5) drew with Kiril with drew (3.5) Rao anna s 20 tri-series against tri-series 20 T ang Tzu Wei (Chinese Taipei), (Chinese Wei Tzu ang W

ult, it should not come as a s nd Commonwealth cham­ a 4) bt Lou Yiping (Chn, 3); Pra- 3); (Chn, Yiping Lou bt 4) ( Trans-Tasman the of 20I T China), 5. H.S. Prannoy, 6. Prannoy, H.S. 5. China), (

S.P. Sethuraman S.P. 5); (Chn, ao H he eld lacks depth. As a re­ t orld No. 10 H.S. Prannoy W ake a return in the first the in return a ake m Chinese Taipei), 4. Shi Yuqi Shi 4. Taipei), Chinese (

arayanan (4) lost to Wang to lost (4) arayanan N ese and Chinese shuttlers, n ristian Solberg Vittinghus, K amstring niggle, is all set to set all is niggle, amstring h . Srikanth, 3. Chou Tien Chen Tien Chou 3. Srikanth, . K

assily Ivanchuk (Ukr, 4); S.L. 4); (Ukr, Ivanchuk assily V en (Denmark, withdrawn), 2. withdrawn), (Denmark, en s ecovered fully from a from fully ecovered r ence of the leading Japa­ s ray, another Dane Hans­ f

.5); Sandipan Chanda (5) bt (5) Chanda Sandipan .5); 4

Men: pecied): s 1. Viktor Axel- Viktor 1. olin Munro, who has who Munro, olin C traightforward. In the ab­ s ith Axelsen not in the W

axime Vachier-Lagrave (Fra, Vachier-Lagrave axime M

he seedings (Indians unless T ew Zealand all-rounder Zealand ew N

ingles event looks fairly s orld No. 3, K. Srikanth. W

ijeet Gupta (4.5) drew with drew (4.5) Gupta ijeet h

ndonesia. I


n contrast, the women’s I ier for second seed and s

ith P. Hari Krishna (4.5); Ab- (4.5); Krishna Hari P. ith w

or T20I tri­series f

he quarternals in t

he rst round. t ut should make things ea­ o

ail Antipov (Rus, 5) drew 5) (Rus, Antipov ail h

unro set to return M

l championship nal and in a

ill meet Saurabh Verma in w ualiers. The Dane’s pull q ults (involving Indians) s : Mik- :

ame victories in the Nation­ g

ourth seed Shi Yuqi, who f ng to go through Tuesday’s i mportant sixth­round re­ I

cores by posting straight­ s hree Chinese, including t op of the draw without hav­ t ixth round on Sunday. s

hen, the latter has settled t uarter of the draw has all q ankar Dey a place in the h in 23 moves in the vanchuk I

he quarternals. Since t ext. Interestingly, the third­ n ast minute. That gave Shub­ l hess by outwitting Vassily c

1­16, 22­20 win over Saina in 2 y Sugiarto clash will be up m raw from the event at the d ise Gibraltar Masters w

ast year, Sindhu scored a L er of the Ajay Jayaram­Tom­ n xelsen chose to with­ A resence felt in the Trade­ p

ettling scores ettling S e survive the day, the win­ h ent this week. m andipan Chanda made his S

he rst round and should t ia Open badminton tourna­ d

IBRALTAR G nal.  ameer faces Antonsen in S les title in the $350,000 In­ g

ports Bureau ports S

arin­Saina winner in the M he defeat of Sameer Verma. t e around to defend his sin­ b ualifying round of singles. of round ualifying q

n the third and final and third the n i rst seminal and await the  n the last­eight stage with i o. 1 Viktor Axelsen will not N

for Sandipan

onday. Prashanth had lost had Prashanth onday. M on should face o in the n ndian challenge had ended I .V. Sindhu is back but World P Honouring a legend a Honouring

75,000 Challenger on Challenger 75,000 $

rawals, Sindhu and Inta­ d eeded seven. Last year, the s

Quick win


re-quarterfinals of the of re-quarterfinals p

nd there are no more with­ a ane Anders Antonsen, D

akesh Rao akesh R


aville of Australia in the in Australia of aville S a. Should the seedings hold n ear’s seminalist and lanky y


ndrew Harris and Luke and Harris ndrew A

atchanok Intanon and Sai­ R uarternals against last q

ere beaten 7-5, 7-6(3) by 7-6(3) 7-5, beaten ere w

epal. N ng close to Cuba’s Armando i he winner and progressed t ekistan stands in the way of b

ane Propoggia of Australia of Propoggia ane D

xelsen’s absence should make things easier for Srikanth for easier things make should absence xelsen’s A ith Bimala Shrestha of w aushik’s persistence in stay­ K

hat stage, he was declared t als. Sanjar Tursunov of Uz­ n

ijay Sundar Prashanth and Prashanth Sundar ijay V

ng in the seminals along i eight category, Manish w est. As Mavia was leading at t angwan — made the semi­ S


umari and Manisha — gur­ K ve judges. In the same  he referee to stop the con­ t aman Tanwar and Sumit N

Sindhu geared up uo bows out d

rs — Jamuna Boro, Meena e nimous decision from the a ut near his left eye, forcing c ion, three Indians — Sanjeet, t

ijay Sundar­Propoggia V

4kg section with three box­ 5 f Uzbekistan who won a un­ o aldin Mavia who suered a L n the heavyweight sec­ I

yeing all the medals in the e ace Sherbek Rakhmatulloev f erce battle with compatriot  eached the quarternals. r uffer,” the player said. player the uffer,” s FP A

ttack and continue to continue and ttack a he Indian women were T he quarternals, he will t had a evendro Singh D nkush Dahiya also A

aven’t fully got over the over got fully aven’t h

uch for his opponent. In m P.V. Sindhu, the No. 1 seed, will go all out to defend her crown. her defend to out all go will seed, 1 No. the Sindhu, P.V. Top billing:

urse of $2,500. p ith a 3­2 victory. w AFP f the 51­kg class. o *

changed my life”. “I still “I life”. my changed “ olid punches proved too s he Indians and the winner’s t artinez Rabi was rewarded M i made it to the seminals n

ttack which he said he which ttack a

hapa’s quick footwork and T arjubala Devi and Pinki Ra­ S

ootball team last year in an in year last team ootball f

lympics, the 24­year­old O

Dorji Wangdi. Dorji

n the women’s section, I SUSHIL KUMAR VERMA KUMAR SUSHIL


is Borussia Dortmund Borussia is h

ompete in the London c Shiva Thapa, right, toyed with with toyed right, Thapa, Shiva Packing a punch:

inram Thani of Thailand. r

hen bombs hit the bus of bus the hit bombs hen w

he youngest Indian to T

achin Siwach lost 3­2 by Na­ S

onday of his mortal fear mortal his of onday M

onday. M

a booked last­eight berths. r

old a German court on court German a old t

aj Indoor Stadium here on r a and Shyam Kumar Kaka­ m

panish defender Marc Bartra Marc defender panish S

hampionship at the Thyaga­ c

ion, Amit, Nutlai Lalbiakki­ t


pen international boxing O

en’s light yweight sec­ m y life, Bartra tells court m

nals of the Spicejet India 

uarternals while in the q omb attack changed B

he lightweight pre­quarter­ t ohit Tokas advanced to the R

r Dorji Wangdi of Bhutan in e lass, Dheeraj, Ashish and c

enges with a 5­0 victory ov­ l n the light welterweight I

armed up for tougher chal­ w incing wins. v

lympian Shiva Thapa O

ered the last eight, with con­ t

EW DELHI EW N an Anwar Shaik, too, en­ m

amesh Srinivasan amesh K aurav Solanki and Sal­ G

als. n


o the yweight quarter­ t

Shiva Thapa enters quarternals







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