
Want to help me with ? Encountered a problem last session

Group is 3 people, darkling leechfinger, wizened oracle (me) and fireheart. We somehow "adopted" a blind mortal and made it our mission to help him and ensure that finaly good things happen to him.

Until now we let him have a talk with his dead father by having the darkling impersonate him, getting him laidd multiple times, made sure his daughter doesnt get bulllyed anymore Nd more.

But last session we visited a magic show. Not a real magician, but stage magic of the highest order. Now heres the thing. After some highjinks about avoiding known loyalists and our courtjester, whos puns make me loose clarity by being just to close to my durance, we finaly arrived and promptly our blind friend got invited on stage. Some basic tricks later he got put into one of those sword-boxes. And when the magician was finished putting the swords into the box instead of our friend a fetch stepped out. Heres the thing. Our friend is bliend and so is his fetch. The fetch doesnt know about us and behaves like before.

We already catched the stage magician, but he is not an agent of the gentry. He just got the box from sn auction.

We are preparing ourslves for an expedition to safe our dear blind friend. I have 128 exp safed up since i never spend any for the last 5 months of playtime. My contracts are mirror 3, time 5, board 1 and forge 3. Any tips what else might become helpfull?

If anyone wants i could tell you more about the chronicle till now. Got some stories that might be interesting ______

Ok here comes the story of how i wentvto the market for the first time, if anyone is reading/lurking/bored

It was the time after christmas but before new year, a time called "between the years". We 3, oracle, leechfinger and fireheart, just escaped arcadia and wanted to go outside again. We hadnt found contact to the local freehold by that point, but that would change.

Wandering over the christmas market we noticed a gap between two booths that was never there in the previous years, so we ventured in. Shocked that our masks just failed (got seen by some drunk hooligans) we ventured deeper into the gap, fleeing their eyes.

After a short while the stone gave way to soft earth and we stood in the middle of the hedge. Surrounded by merchant booths, tents and strangely, even ferris wheels and roller coasters. No one minded us being there and wesoon understood that we had found a secure trod into the hedge. After searching a few minutes and buying food we soon found a place that seemed to call us there. A tent with a strange , more deer than anything else but with a human voice, eyes and hands .

In his wares where a lot of usefull stuff but only i was stupid enough to buy something. I found some nails, that would allow me to nail someone down verbaly (does that metaphor work in english?). As a price he just wanted sonething from me that i used to walk. I thought he meant my candy filled walking stick.

He didnt

After painfully getting my entire lower half ripped of and replaced by a deers (making me even more inhumane, since before i only hat big yellow eyes, floofy large ears and big sharp teath. You know why), i was now a faun. Lost clarity to that, but got a nice 4 dot token that allowed me to force someone to stay on topic and not lie about it. Pretty broken in our game so far.

But now it got interesting since i encountered my old keeper. A little bit further down the road

Now i was in big shit. My friends hightailed it and left me. Cant blame them. I only stayed because my new legs hat a knee to much.

My keeper, a crawling pillar of rock with uncountable mouths and a single eyed tongue watched me. His eyeys piercing me down to my core.

>funny i once had a television (literal meaning of the latin translation me being an oracle) just like you. But i lost him.

By that point i decided to take the risk and asked for his old slave in exchange for my services. He agreed to bring me to myself so that i could be enslaved by me, so that the i that is now would be in service to him. Complicated yes, but the ST loved it and the keeper agreed. He would find his old slave and bring him to me as a slave.

After he left i realized what had happened and after an occult roll by the entire team we found out that my old keeper is now ob ghe hung for me, but since im no longer the changeling i was (50% are now deer) he wouldnt be able to keep his part of the bargain.

And thats how i got my freedom by demanding myself as a slave as payment for my service

Shit like this is why i love changeling ______

So everyone, gather 'round for i am about to tell you the story of "How I Lost Most Of My Clarity", or "The Flea Market ".

This hapened in our 4th session, right after we visited the goblin market for the first time and i lost my human legs (typed that one out last thread).

Anyway, we 3, darkling, elemental fireheart and wizened oracle (me), without anything to do went to take a stroll over one of the flea markets at the river promenade. Meanwhile we felt safe within our new lifes, as my oracle powers alowed us to win the lottery every time we went out of money. Never tried to get the jackpot tho, since that would cause to much attention (or so we thought). On our way there we met an old friend of mine, who would later become my ingame gf (for like 2 sessions).

Just after we entered the area we were told to roll for clarity loss, since the theme of the market was "faerie tales". Witches, knights, wild men and forest spirits galore. They put a lot of effort into the costumes wich would become my downfall. I alone didnt pass and now was down to 6 clarity.

Being hit by that sudden terror i struggled to keep up with the rest of them. Moving through the chaos of bagpipes, screaming and alkohol fueled chantings i soon nearly caught up to my friends and got told to "komm in die hufe" (get into your hoofs, meaning to catch up or make something quicker), wich forced me in my vulnerable state to roll AGAIN, wich i again failed... 5 clarity aint that bad, thats still half sane, i told myself. Just need to do something to ground myself back in the world. So i did the only reasonable thing and got drunk on hot wine.

While i proceeded to kill my brain with the sweetest poison, we began watching some acrobats, 2 of wich will become important in later storys, a juggler who i will call bombshell and a jester who shall be known as . Both are , but had such ridiculous costumes that we couldnt tell that.

But they saw us clear. Sweet, drunk prey, and a mortal.

They came to us and asked if we wanted to be part of the performance and by that point we lacked the willpower to resist. (ST ruled that each goblet of wine cost one point of Willpower temporarily, with 0 being a alkohol induced blackout)

During their performance they stole oue wallets , what we somwhow noticed. They ran and we gave chase.

We caught up to them as they pried open an old hatch to an air defence bunker from the war. The air reeked of death and our vomit. Laughing they dissapeared into the dark tunnels below. We told tge girl to wait outside, while we went in.

A darkling in the dark? Foolish mortals. A fireheart in the driest surrounding possible? Idiotic mortals Being unarmed against a wizened with forge 3? Retarded mortals.

Against all three of us, even in our pretty drunk condition, they stood no chance to get away.

But they did and closed the latch from outside. The inside of it sealed if eith cold iron. A trap. And with that clarity checks all around. I finaly passed one and conjured up a gun and a fleshlight. No dark would get between me and my money Venturing deeper in the bunker to search them, we heard someone running. Deeper and deeper we went, until we stood on the deepestlevel and in the last room. There in the middle stood a small, nearly translucent child. Reflexive i shot at it and it fell into the dark. All we heart was a "thud" and after that total silence.

Murder. My only weakness... Needless to say i failed that clarity roll again. 4 clarity is aparently the point where your surroundings become more and more anthropomorph, as my gun began to tell my how bad of a person i was.

Searching the shadows with my flashlight gave nothing. The child had disappeared and only a greasy spot left where it fell.


With that the room began to chill down an ice spread from the greasy stain.

We tried to run but the ice was faster. contracts did nothing and soon we were falling like bambi on ice.

Quick thinking saved us as the darkling took the initiative and turned zhe mirror like ice into a gateway into the hedge.

>good thing: we now were in the hedge with angry ghost behind us >bad thing: we now were in the hedge with angry ghost behind us.

Thankfully all that adrenaline and some goblin fruits we found sobered us up nearly instandly abd we began climping the thorny walls. And with that darkling climbed while i shrunk down to the size of a pen to hide in a pocket and elemental used become one with the primal foundation (fire) to fly up.

We didnt account for the spiders on our way up. Thankfully they werent the smartest guys around and as one of them lamented that his companions lacked a "scharfe zunge" (sharp tongue= being of high wits and/or insultingly sarcastic). I made them an offer, to make them "sharper" and conjured up a file. With it i blunted some of my sharp teeth(my char began as a homage to the red riding hood wolf) and gave them the "sharpness". They agreed to the deal and let us pass.

With that we got back up and opened a gate back, just quick enough to not get eaten by the angler fish bear, that we never noticed.

That day i learned that not every hobgoblin is sentient.

We never got our wallets back tho. The spirit is a slumbering plot point, butwe nope the fuck out every time we suspect that our ST wants to bring the child back. We always carry extra keys now to throw at the ghosts. (In german myth if you throw an iron key through a ghost, the ghost is forced to enter hell or heaven)

Got drunk on jägermeister afterwards, booth in char and OOC so my memory is kinda fuzzy

______Adopt a Mortal

That shitshow started the moment our darkling found out that we are sterile. Happened after the market thing so i wasnt surprised.

He didnt take it to well and began stalking the local preschools and orphanage. (Its next to impossible for a single man to adopt here). We found that out by using the nails on him. Werent happy with him, but rolled with it. He is like the main char anyway so we didnt mind him taking actions.

Now at one of his "strolls" he noticed a small girl. Mismatched clothing, ubkempt hair and worn everything. She radiated sadness. He decided to do the rationale and non-fae thing and to become her godfather. (Heard your faeries do that regularly,but ours mostly curse and kill children )

So while he followed her in a non mebacing way the little girl got by a group of her classmates. They were fuckibg mean to here and he found out that her father is blind, mother dead and they live basically off of welfare, insurance money and a small pension. Now we had a quest. After the little girl ran away sobbing the darkling used one of his contracts to make the girls unable to communicate (curse of babel or somwthing. Was funny) and followed the trail of tears to a small house with a overgrown garden and a dirty yellow door. Having foubd out the adress and the things above darkling came back and told us what just had happened. Fireheart got upset, i had ro relearn walking so was happy to go for a walk.

We went there and knocked, introducing us as old childhood friends of the dead mother and were let in. The poor little girl had to do nearly everything herself. Not that the father didnt try, but him being blind made it impossible for him to cook (his hands were full of cuts and burns, cleaning too obviously was of the table).

As a wizened i used the brownies boon merit to quickly bring everything up to a presentable state, him being blind helped, and we decided to help him live his life.

Two pledges later he got a call from the rentenkasse (if you are not eith social security systems, they pay the pensions), who informed him that there was a typing error in the system and that he would receive 10 times the money than before. Second pledge didnt cure his blindness ( his eyes got burned out by gasoline), but soothed his crippling pains from the scars.

He didnt notice at first, but the aura of pain lifted an we could harvest glamour from him like he never felt happy before. Took bashing damage from being nearly exploding due to too much POWAHHH.

He has been our faithfulk, but unknowing battery ever since. Its like he has triple the soul of a normal man.

The we took to the daughter. Her face waS basicaly one giant crater. She looked like a dark souls cosplay. A pledge later (told her she just looked like her mother) and some nivea handcream later she now had striking looks 3.

Endet the session there due to feels, but we now make sure to visit them daily to help with cooking. Darkling got called mother once. Was a good day


While im here i can tell you all about the three poor sausages.

A handfull of sessions ago we finaly met another changeling who wasnt either a loyalist, nor a traveler.

We had more by pure chance found him next to the entrance to our hollow, stealing our fruits. (Thst went into our collective book of grudges)

He introduced himself as an adherent to the currently ruling summer queen, and invited us to prove our worth. If we managed to win, we were in, if not then we would have to wait a full year.

Using my oracle power (by using my defunct mobile phone as a mirror) i could see that he was speaking the truth.

He appointed us a date and where to meet him again.

When the day finaly came he was nowhere to be seen, but at the meeting spot we found an envelope with three rings in it. One with an oak, one with a deer and one with a snowflake. On the inside of the envelope was our objective. Put on the rings and simply go to the chamber of philharmonics next to the dome without atracting attention. Thats was already in eyes reach and even without legs or arms we would have been there in mere minutes.

We were not ready for what happened next when we put on the rings.

Whe collapsed into strings of sausages. (Like a rope, but made of meat). Now we were lucky, that we were still in our car, but now without arms or legs were trapped. After some coiling around we finaly managed to open a door. Took 3 hours.

Then it would be a cakewalk for us. At least we thougt so. Smelling something delicious a dog appeared. A dirty, ill and sick mongrel of a dog. And he had our scent. >ohshitdotjpg

Now we got out of the car, but were now in danger. Elemental tried to turn into fire, but only endet up smelling delicious. I troed using contract of mirrors to try and look like a man again, but nope, now i just had my face embedded as a compsny logo. So we decided to snake our way forward. It had already gone dark so we only had to watch out for the dog. After 25 metres the dog smelled us and began sniffing. In panic i tried to scry for an out of this situation and i found it. A rainpipe with a hile just big enough to fit in merely 5 metres to our left. The hound began to sniff in our direction and we charged into the hole.

Dogteeth closed behind us and he began to scratch on the rusty metal.

Meanwhile we pulled ourselves up onto the roof and managed to move the rest of the way. Now only a drop and maybe 10 metres seperated us from the glorious salvation that was the open door. We could even see our "friend" waiting for us.

We went down like snakes and encountered our last obstacle. A rat and some stairs.

And just to clear that up, next to everything did we had to roll for it with each success meaning 1 glorious metre. Darkling remembered that leechfingers can kill by touching and boa constrictored the rat. Rat went down.

Never heard asausage being described as grinning smugly, but hey, i also was never a sausage before.

Finaly we entered the chamber and transformed back.

"Friend" informed us, hhat because of the rat the ruling kings and queens would have to decide if wefailed or not and got denied access to the inner chamber. They told us they would contact us and gave us free tickets to that damned magic show.

Dirty, bruised and delicious smelling we went back to the car, only to find that the police had given us a ticket.

That whole session was special. (Calling someone a "poor sausage" or armes würstchen is a prett, common term for people down on their luck) ______

The revenge on the Ex

It all started when i awoke one morning and found out i now had antlers. Im playing an oracle and the ST sometimes paragraphes important plot points through literal parables and metaphors. Putting the horns on someone for example means cucking him/her.

By that point i looked like pic related so it was a hard case of cucking due to the size of the antlers. Using my powers as an oracle i began agressively shouting at my morning tea since i also got a massive headache ( in german a bashing wound that "blooms" into a small hill-thingy is called a horn). I lost to the superior arguments of my tealeaves and got nothing of use out of my once per chapter power. But decided to switch from earl grey to a less noble brand. Now the hunt was on. After i smashed into both doorposts at once (cause fuckhuge antlers) and blacked out due to pain. The girlfriend (mortal) later came and found me laying on the floor surrounded by leaves. The leaves laughed. (I have pretty low clarity due to abusing magic for basically everything)

In the meantime the darkling and fireheart arrived snd we began brunchibg as usual. I got negative modifiers for social rolls ( cause now i was a "hornvieh" meaning horned livestock, or idiot) and made her angry at me. The other two could barely stop laughing, but understood pretty soon what was happening. Darkling slipped away and into her study room. Meanwhile fireheart and i continue brunching. Bitch ate all the scrambled eggs so elemental went to make new one, helped darkling search instead. They found a used condom.

After girlfriend left for university i was now confronted with beeing cucked. now revenge is a dish best served cold, so i gathered a shitload of glamour and waited to more proof.

Soon she wanted to "find herself" and explained that it would be for the best to pause our relationship. Now i had all the proof.

After she mooved out i sneaked into her kitchen at night. Using the essence of 7 times 7 disney songs i made a pledge with the silverware, the plates and all food that didnt deny the request.the pledge was thst i would clean them all and sharpen the too if they would sing to her, and only to here. Cost a lot of glamour. But was worth it. After liberaly throwing the essence of disney songs EVERYWHERE i slipped out into the night to join the others to do actualy important court stuff (that is literally untranslatable for me because i would fuck up the writing)

A few days later i went by her apartement and nearly got smashed by several loads of plates and silverware. Their death scream gave me melancholia and dropped my clarity diwn to two. After falling to my knees and trying to put them back together the elemental lifted me up and dragged my crying bitchy ass back to my home where i proceeded to bawl my eyes out.

Nightmares still haunt me about all the voices going out at the same time, screaming in pain and terror, silent to everyone but me.

Should stop risking so much for the little thibgs, but ooc it was soooo worth it ______Anyway, storytime is go, just dont expect good english if you werent there the last threads : Gather round for the story "The Blind And The Trapdooreel", or "How We Convinced A Hobgoblin He Was Insane"

When we last left our heroes (darkling leechfinger, elemental fireheart, and me wizened oracle) we went to a magicians show. Not a real mage, but stage magic. We had our dear blind friend and his daughter with us, because they are realy important to us.

During the performance our blind friend got invited up on stage and into the swordbooth. After the performance a fetch stepped out.

Luckily the fetch was blind as well and after the performance was over we split. Elemental drove fetch and girl home, making shure to lock the fetch in, while darkling and me went to bully the magician.

After interrogating him we were shure, that he was no gentr, agent and that he bought the swordbox in an auction. We suspected a goblin market but had no way to tell. . A short cellphone call later we three met again on stage and proceeded to open a door into the hedge, using the curtains.

After crossing over we stood in an old, overgrown version of the same theater wich lay behind us. The thorns had been plucked and there even was another version of the swordbooth. Thinking quickly we opened it, but found nothing inside. Now we had a problem. Where would we search first. We split up to cover more ground and searched the hall for footprints or something resembling them at least. We found a long, slimy slither imprint in the soft grassy floor.

Entereng the foyer we found a gigantic eel with the head of a spider working on more boxes. It hadnt noticed us, luckily .

We debated a bit weather to sneak past it, talk to it, or to run back through the hedge to enter in a diffrent spot again.

Our decision was taken from us since, apparently we were too loud and the hobgoblin noticed us. Before we could react his tail and body had blocked our exit ways and now it was time to talk. Luckily we are good at talking.

It turned out, that the hobgoblin was in a good mood to talk, since just a few seconds ago another quirky, blind hobgoblin just left on the search for "the rest of the crowd", leaving the trapdoorspidereel pretty confused. The trapdoorspidereel further told us, that he sent the blind one to the insane asylum (because in the hedge, why would you choose to be blind? You would need to be insane), but refused to tell us where it was.

Using my favourite token (wich cost me both legs), a few nails that when thrown at a beings shadow force it to stay on topic and "nailing it down" in the conversation, leaving it unable to do something else than talking, we found out, that he did not know where the asylum was, because "he didnt need to know since he wasnt insane" A Short scrying later, using his big beafy eyes as crystal balls, i went over to one of its cupboards and without him noticing removed a cup from it (Not having all cups in the cupboard means being insane in german). Elemental and darkling began shoving it, to convince it, that it was indeed "verrückt"( or a bit disolaced, in english, meaning also insane). The now confused hob asked what we were thinking, followed by the darkling summoning shadows over its eyes (meaning "umnachted" being a lunatic) and some untranslatable bantering later he was convinced to be insane. After all he didnt have all cups in the cupboard, was deplaced and also lunatic. (I hope that makes sense).

Seeing no reason to act reasonable the now insane trapdoorspidereel did the only rational thing and began acting completly deranged, smashing his worplace with its coils and spiderlegs, dangling from its head. First time we ever where in a realy dangerous situation we couldnt talk our way out, the darkling and i shrunk down using mirror 3 and climbing into the elementals pockets, who used become one with the primal foundation to fly up ibto the chandelier.

After the hob had completly wrecked everything in side he crashed through the door, and towards the asylum, or so he claimed at least.

We followed. Session ended with us managing to follow the hob and then standing at the gates of tge asylum. Aparently one only gets to go inside when insane, so we prepared.

Using forge i quickly made a spindle and some whool and stepped infront of the guardians. I began to spin the spindle to make yarn, while the elemental helped (to make yarn means "spinnen", wich can also mean spider (plural), or being insane). Darkling then got tangled in the yarn, being "verwirrt" meaning confused, or lightly deranged. That confinced the guards to let us in as well. Search for bliendo friendo isnt over, but we are shure to find him there. His blind stick we already found. ______