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Page 1 440 COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. [1841. · 440 COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY. [1841. ·-------------- - Hume Robert John, physician, 9 Curzon street, Mayfair Hunt Edward Marklew, sollcitor, 8 New Boswell rt.Linc.inn Hume Robert Montague, solicitor, 44 Lincoln's inn fields Hunt Elizh. (.:\Iiss), fancy repos. 15 A, Princes st.Hano• er sq Humfrey Charles, barrister, 36 Essex street, Strand Hunt George Alfred, opp!"aiser, l Weston place, King's cross Humfrey Lebheus Chas. barrister, 5 Brick court, Temple Hunt Henry, attorney, !J St. MildrPd's court, Poultry Humm Samuel, hat manufacturer, 146 Brick la. Spitalfields Hunt Henry, Elephant~· Castle P.H. 11 Oxford market Hummel & Anderson, paper stainers & house decorater:'l, 82 Hunt Henry, Feathers P.H. 53 Featherstone bt. City road Westminster bridg·e road, Lambeth Hunt Henry, merchant, 3 Jeffrey's square, St. l\Iary axe Hummel Edmund & Co. hosiers&flannel drap.29 St.James' st Hunt Hen. Physicians'A1·msP.H.3~ \Yarwickla.N e\\gate st Humpage Henry, solicitor, 39 Gt. James st. Bedford row Hunt Henry, physician, G8 Little Brook street, Hanover sq HumpageJoseph,surgeon,1 Bryanstone st. Portmansquare Hunt Henry Arthur, surveyor, 8 York road, Lambeth Humphery John, wharfinger, Hay's wharf, Tooley street, & Hunt Holdsworth, barrister, 3 Tanfield court, Temple Kent & 'Sussex wharf, Montague close, Borough Hunt Isaac, boot & shoe maker, 4 Pitfield street, Hoxton Humphrey Daniel, lVheatsheaf P. H. Church st. Greenwich Hunt Isaac, butcher, 10Commercial pi. Commercial road east Humphrey Richard, tailor, 20 Redcross street, Cripplegate Hunt Isaac,grocer &oilman, 10 Ilano>er pl. Regent's park rd Humphrey 'l'hos. B. surgeon & chemist, 27 Gt.Tower st. City Hunt .Tacob, diamond cutter, 34 Tenter street, :::lpitaltields H urn phreys John &; Sarah, button ma.5.8edfordbnry,Cov .gar Hunt J ames, builder & brick mer. 7l Horset'erry rd. Westmin iHumphreys Tlwmas & Son1 auctioneers, apprabers, house Hunt James, confectioner, 10 Blackman street, Borough & estate agents, Gl Leadenhallst. & 1 New rd. St. Geo. e Hunt James, plumber, 6l Great Portland street, Oxford st Humphreys Ann (Mrs. , butcher, 87 Brick lane, Spitalfields Hunt James, wine cooper, 18 St. Duns tan's hill Humphreys Ann (:~Us. , shell fish wareh. 30 Aldersg·ate st Hunt J a red 'l'errett, bone boiler & crusher, Lambeth wharf Humphreys Charles, hatter, 12 Spring street, Marylebone Hunt John, bone boiler, :Manor lane, Bermondsey HumphreysChas.surveyor&draughtsman, OlLeadenhall st Hunt John, GeOJ·ge P.H. G2 Long lane, Bermond;:.ey Hnmphreys David, furn.japanner,27 Steward st. Goswell st Hunt John, cu:-.tom house agent, 138 Fenchmch street Humphreys David, haberdasher, 21 Eyre street hill Hunt John, lathe & tool maker, 30 Red Lion st. Clerh.enwell Humphreys Edward, hoot & shoe maker, 32 Whitechapel rd Hunt John, parallel glass grinder, 4.:J Tothillst.Westmillilter Humphreys Erskine, barrister,!) Old square, Lincoln's inn Hunt John, soapmaker & bone crusher, High st. Lambeth Humphreys Evan, plmtlber& ~lazier, 73 Parkst.Grosvenorsq Hunt John, tailor & draper, 63 Basinghall street Humphreys Geo. stock & sharehrok. 7 Capelct.Barthlmw. la Hunt John, wine & spirit & prov. mer.!) Rood la.Fenc1.urch st Humphreys Griffith, haberdasl1er, lG9 Oxford street Hunt John Alexander, hatter, ;26 Duke ot. Grosvenor ~quare HumphreysJamesBywater,Crown cot'. ho. 4I High Holborn Hunt Joseph, carpenter, 13 Red Cross square, Cripplegate Humphreys John, auction. ~urveyor,& valuer, HlOldBroad st Hunt Joseph, grocer & teadealer, 91 Albany st. Regent's pk Humphreys Joseph, estate agent, 7 London ter. Hackney rd Hunt Joseph, strawhat& staywareho.IOHigh st.Kensington Humphreys Samuel, water gilder, 12 Green st. Leicester ~q Hunt Mary Ann (1\Irs.), Savoy PalaceP.H.Savoy st. Strand Humphreys Thos. attorney, 21 New East India chambers Hunt Philip, tailor & piece broker, 3.3 Cloth fair, Smithfield Humph.reys ·wm. fruiterer,.) St. Dunstan's alleY, Tower st Hunt Ralph, watch tool maker, 10 Helmet row, St. J_.uke's Humphreys\Vm.Seynwur AnnsP. Hunt Robert, &ilk manufacturer, 4 Steward st. Spitalfields Humphreys \Vm. solicitor, 40 Warwick la. Newgate street Hunt Robert H. C. Hambur~ merchant, .J.) Old Broad st Humphreys Wm. surgeon,81Connaught terrace,Edgware rd Hunt Roger, solicitor, 5 New Bank buildings, Lothbury Humphreys William Corne, solicitor, 119 N ewgate street Hunt Samuel, baker, 22 Red Cross street, llorouO'h H umphreys W m.Hy.coalmr.J amaicawf.13Up. Groundst.Bks Hunt Sam.carpent. & undertaker.6Hop gardns,St.Rfartin'sla Humphries Jas. & Geo.\r. worsted spinners, 47 Skinner st Hunt Samuel, tailor, 40 Seymour place, Bryanston square· Humphries Joseph Cooper, genera] agent, 3 Falcon square Hunt Stephen, grocer, &c. 86 Dean street, Soho HumphriesJoseph Samuel, tailor, 37 Leicester square Hunt Thomas, baker, 139 Tooley street Hnmphris Thomas, ironmonger, 1 Gees court, Oxford street Hunt Thomas, cheesemou~er, 141 \Yhitechapel road Humphry Edward, engineer, 3 High street, Lambeth Hunt Thomas, fislnnoiJger& poulterer, 2 & 3 Fitzro)· market Humphry JosPph, barrister, 4 New square, Lincoln's inn Hunt 'l'homas, Barley .1li01c P.H.13.j Salisbury sq. Fleet st Humphrys Josiah, solicitor, 1 Featherstone blds. Bedford rw Hunt Thomas, silversmith & jeweller, 1.'.i1 Tottenham et. rd Hundley Charles, hootmaker, 64 St. 1\Iartiu'slane Hunt Timothy, baker, 10 London road, Southwark Hundley Francis, engraver & printer, 64 St. 1\Iartin'slane Hunt William, Angf'l P.H. 47 Tothill street, Westminster Hunerdosse Gerard Fred. grocer, 118 Ratcliffllighway Hunt ·wm. brushmaker, 10 Chiche&ter pi. Gray's inn road Hungerforrl General Stemn~·CoachBooking o.ffice,18Strand Hunt Wm. carpenter, 21:1 Redcros~ square, Crippleg·ate Hungmjord ~· Lambeth Suspen._~ion Bridge Go. (Richard Huut Wm. carpenter & undertaker, t\ Church st. Kensington Lawrance, sec.), 9 Yilliers street, Strand Hunt \V m. hatter~ hosier, 8 Great R~·der st. St. James's Hungerford .1liarket Compamf'sqffice, 9 Yilliers st. Stranrl Hunt Wrn.linendra.&silkmercer,2-!Crawford st.Portman sq Hungerfo·rd Tf7tmj, Hungerford Market Companv, Thos. Hunt William, tailor & undertaker, 31 Upper Stamford st Waiter, superintendent, Strand • Hunt William, uudertnker, 23 Somerset pl. Co•nmereial rd Hunnard John, law stationer, 2 Inner Temple lane Hunt William, winecooper ~bottle mercht. 42 Mark lane HunnemanJohn, foreign agent, 9 (~ueen street, Soho Hunt Wm.Hen. clog&pattenma.;2Jeru~alempass.Clerkenw Hunsdon John Ricbards, ironmonger, 30 Broad st. Lambeth Hunt Wm.N athan,stationer,28Watlingst.&l0Howla.Cheapsi Hunt Chas. & Edw. merchants,() Pinners hall, Huut William Thomas, grocer, 23 Lit. Hell alley, Coleman st Hunt & Collins, tailors & breeches makers, 30 Haymarket j Hunter & Coventry, corn ,\c flour factors, Corn Exchange, Hunt & Ellis,house painters, paper hangers,&c.10 Idol lane, & 8 Whitehart court, Lomi.Jard street & 10 St. Dunstan's passage, Great Tower street Hunter & Erlward~, chronometer, "·atch, & clock !Ilakers, Hunt, Fourdrinier&Co.who.stationers,I2Sherborne lane,City 43 Cornhill Hunt, Hall, Bancks & Sons, card makers to her )laje,ty the Hunter & English, millwrights &. engineers, Bow Queen,the Queen dowager,& the royal family ,20 Piccadilly Hunter, Gouger & Co. east india agents, 6 Gt. Winc!l.~ster &t Hunt & Henekey & Co. teadealers, 3~1 High Holborn Hunter William & Sons, cahinet makers & upholsterers, Hunt John & Co. tin workers, 7 Long lane, Bermondscy 30 l\Ioorgate street, Bank Hunt John & Thomas, wholesale stationers & rag merchants, Hunter Wm. & Son~, timber merchants,30 ~Ioorgate street, 34 & 35 Seacoallane, Skinner street, Snowhill and Bydes' place, and 18!)k, Church street, Shoreditch Hunt Samuel & Co. billiard table makers, tobacconists, & Hunter (Zaccheus ), Mason & Co. importers of leeches; sul'- trnnk makers, 370 & 371 Strand, & 105 Quadrant gical instrument makers, and dealers in medical glass, Hunt Thomas&Co.america merchts.17Ironmonger la.Cheapbi earthenware, &c. 44 Web ber row, Blackf'riars road Hunt Wm. & Ebenezer,mercers & drapers, 182 Shoretlitch Hunter Charles, law book~eller, 26 Bell yard, Temple bar Hunt Abraham, china warehouse, 17 Great Ryder street, Hunter Christopher, ~urgeon, 5 Winchester pl. Pentonville St. James's, &. 29 Queen's row, Pimlico Hunter David, baker, 14 ~lount terr. Whitechapel road Hunt Benj. geu1. agent, 66 Upper Stamford st. Blackf'riars Hunter George, Hm·8e ~·(}room P.H. HVinbley st.Oxfordst Hunt Charles, gold cutter, 13 Short's bldgs. Clerkenwell Hunter George, tailor, 165 Sloane street, Knight~hridge Hunt Charles, merchant, 6 Pinners hall, Gt. \Vinchester st Hunter Henry, chemist & drugg·ist,100 Old street, St. Luke's Hunt Charles Edward, attorney, 2 Barnard's inn, Holborn Hunter James. auctioneer, Ebenezer pi. Comml. rd. Limeh Hunt Charles John, billiard table maker, 21 Cork st. Bond st Hunter James, coach & harness maker, 1 Paul st. FirUibury, Hunt Edmund, coffee rooms, 100 Old street road and 23 Providence row, Fin:.bury Hunt Edmund, glass &china man, 104 Crawford st. Portm.sq Hunter James, Dial P.H. 1:32 Loug alley, Finsl.mry Hunt Edward, baker, 15 St. Andrew's hill, Doctor's commons Hunter J ames, milliner, 120 Upper street, Islington Hunt Edward, King's Head P. H. 91 Upper st. Islington Hunter Jas. surgcon,4 Oddy's rw. & 1 Cornpton ter. Islington Hunt Edward, tailor, 27 St. Andrew road, Borough Hunter J ames, surg·eon dentist, 49 Gower street, Bedford sq .
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