Reech S. Worple way, The Vale,Acton w CurrieJ.Manor farm,,Romfrd Haynes Henry, , Bell James, Barking Side, Cutler George, N w Haynes James, Alperton, Wembley Bell John, Enfield chase, Enfield Cutler James, Wembley Ilaynes John, Alperton, w Bell N a than, Mill Hill N w de Rivaz Francis, High rd. Whetstone N Hea'lRchd. AndrewHolt, Hadley rd. Enfld BishopGeo. Millfarm,Norwood, Dickers Henry James, N w Hill Mrs.James, Bessboro' road, Harrow Bishop Geo. jun. park, Southall Dickinson William, Dell farm, Tot- Hinge Fredk. J. Church end,HendnNW Bishop Owen, rd.Sdbry. Harrw teridge, Whetstone N Hinge J ames, 16 Church rd. Hen don NW ~linko Herbert, Botany bay, Enfield Dilley Mrs. Ann, Little heath, Chad well Hitchman John & Sons, 7<'17 Forest road ; chase, Enfield Street, Chad well Heath Wadbam ldg. Wadham rd. Wlthmstw; Bloom Danl. Geo. Mill Hill N w Dilly David, row, Woodford Grn & Queen's road east, Bodsworth Charles, , Southall Dodds .Annie (Mrs.), Southall Stock Holdway .Frederick, Bodsworth George, N ortholt, Southall market, High street, Southall Bollington Hy. 1\ Milton House farm~ Bolton Isaac, Up. Halliford, Shepperton Dolamore Frederick, High street sou~h. E Booth A. Ganwick corner, Potters Bar Draper John Wm. Old farm, Chigwell Bollington Jn. G. t.High st. sth.E.Ham E BorrettC.Willishaws,Dagenham,Romfrd Dumbelton Christopher P. Edgware Honour William M. Mill Hill N w Bourne George, Alperton, \Vembley Dun lop Andrew,Church end, NW Hopkins & Sons, Northolt, SouthaTI Bourne Waiter, Alperton, Wembley Dunsdon John, Northfield farm, North- Hopkins G. Kenton la. Kingsbury NW Bourne Whiilay, Alperton Farm, Peri- field lane, Ealing w Horley W. Katie's cot. Mill Hill N w vale, Ealing w • Durrant Bros. Howe Ernest Deacon, Burtons roa.d, Bowman Thos. farm,Edgware Edlin William, N ortholt, Southall Hampton Hill Bowver George, Queen's rd. Hendon NW Edsall CharlesA. OldChurch rd. Chingfrd Howgego Alfred, sen. Roydon's farm~ Bowyer Thomas, Canons farm, Edgware Eld ridge J abez, Sloper's pond, Enfield Dagenham, BraileyJames,Kingsbury rd. N easden NW chase, Enfield Howgego William, Dagenham, Romford BramleyWilliam,Enfield road,Southgate Ellison Artbur Thos. Sudbury, Harrow Hunt Robert George & James, The Bramley William, N w Ewer John, Dorman'sWells frm.Southall Limes, Grange hill, Chigwell Bransgrove James,Kenwn lane,Kenton, Farley John T. Mill H1ll N w Hunt George, road, Harrow The Hyde NW Ferguson James, Salisbury hall, Ching- Hunt Mrs. HnntingsFarm,Greenla.llfrd Bransgrove John, Marsh farm, ford road, \'\'althamstow Hunt Thomas Ranft, 1Vest End, Hayes Brasell James, Old Church rd. Finch John, Dell farm, , In gram James, Barking Side, Ilford Bray James, Edgwarebury, Edgware ·whetstone N lngram James, Beehive lane, llford Brett Thomas, , Chingford Fitz Edwd. Hazelwood la. Palmer'sGrn N Ives Jas. Montagu rd. Lower Edmontoa Briers John, Potters Bar Flooks Jn.Church farm,,~lingw Ivory John, Hermon hill, Brown George, Gaysham hall, Barking Fortescue N athaniel, Hy .la.Wlthm. A bby I voryJn. Wilsons fm. Plashet gr .E. Ham E Side, Ilford Fountain Jn. Aldborough Hatch, Ilford Jelley Richard, Enfield rd. Southgate N Brown John,Chigwell row,Woodford Grn FrancisJ.ColneyHatch la.NewSouthgt N Jessop Charles, New road, Chingford Brown Joseph, Goodmays lodge, Chad- French William, High road, JessopJosiah,ChingfordBatch,Chingford well Street, Frost John, Elstree Johnson George, Twyford Bridge farm, Brown Robert George, Goodmays,Chad- Frusher D. Land view, Pk. rd. NewBarnet Twyford, Ealing w well Street, Chadwell Heath Furze John, Chigwell Jones Wm. White Webbs, Waltham Crss Brown Ro bert George, Great N ewburys, Gapes John, Chigwell row, W oodfordGrn Kay Jas. Wood end, N ortholt, Southall Aldboro' Hatch, Ilford Garrod HenryS. Hendon N w KeenRichd.Jas.Goodhews fm.)Iil!HllNw Brown Robert George, )1anor & Long- Gay John & Alfred, Dagenham, Romford Keen Richard James, Coppett's road~ bridge farms, Harking Gay Isaac, Dagenham, Romford Mnswell Hill N Brown Robert Geo. Rippleside, Barking Gay William John, Eastbrook end, Keevil Richard, Cricklewood 'N w Bunce .Arthur George, Firs farm, Firs Dagcuham, Romford Kemsley Arthur Mills, , lam~, Win~hmore Hill N . Giblett Samuel, High road, Loughton Ponder's End Bunce Mrs.Ehza,Fir's la.Low.Eumonton Gibson Robert, Perivale, Ealing w Kernsley U. White Hart lane, Burgess John, Mays lane, High Barnet Gingell Wm. Taylor's farm, Chigwcll Kennedy Patrick. Alperton, Wembley Burton W. Kingsbury NW Goddard Mrs. Mary, Park farm, Boston Kidman Charles, Potters Bar Bush James, Marsh hill, NE road, Hanwell w Kidner r'rancis, Kings bury N w Butts George, Park farm, Wealdstone Goddard Richard, la. Acton w Kidney J sph. Greenford Green, Harrow Butt George, Great Stanrnore Goddard ·w. Wexlow,Mt. Pleasant,Sthall Kidney Wm. Greenford Green, Harrow ByfordJn.Woodlandsfarm,TheHydeNw Goddard William, Twyford, Ealing w Kinch N. jun. Preston, The Hyde~ w Cable, Little heath, Chadwell'Goodenough Thos. tlyon lane, Kinch Thomas, Woodcock hill, Preston~ Street, Chadwell Heath Goodman C. & Sons, Longbridge road, The Hyde N w Cable Josiah, Little heath, Chadwell Barking King Benj.&Son,2o7High st. High Barnet Street, Chadwell Heath Goodman Chas. Wall end, East Ham E King A. J. Chase side, \Vinchrnove Hill N Carr Jn.E. Priory,Church la. Tottenham Goodwin Daniel, Stonehall farm, Red• King Frederick Charles, , Bar het Chalmers David, Barking Side, Ilford bridge, Ilford King Jas. Edwd. Boston road, Brentfrcl Chambersll. D.Park pLLeallrdg. rd.Lytn Gott G.Fence piece, Barking Side, Ilford Kirk William, Rippleside, Barking ChampnessE.Station rd. WalthamAbbey Gould G. & Sons, High road & Trapp's Kirk by William,Golding's hill,Loughtoil Cbapman Richd. Jn. Ruckholt la. Hill & Borders farms, Loughton Knight B. George lane, Wanstead N K Chapman Thomas, Grace Frank, Northolt, Southall Lake Isaac, Aldborough Hatch, Ilford ChapmanT.jun.Farm hill,Walthm.Abby Gray Henry, Dagenham, ~omford Lamb J. Clay hill, Barking Side, Ilford ChurchesJesse&Frank,Hadley rd.Enfield Green Mrs.Greenford farm,Grnfrd.Sthll Lamb Joseph, Beehive lane, Ilford Churches Mark Stott, Low st. Chingford Gregory Ambrose, Pittshanger farm, Laurence Harry, Little Bush farm, Clarke C. Featherstone farm,Mill H11lNW Queen's walk, Ealing w Kingsbury Nw Clayton George, Arkley, Barnet Guilford Thomas, 'Vembley Lavender Jason,Wellingtn.rd.. Twicknhm Clements John, Cram well rd. Teddiugton G uuary Samuel, Dagenham, Romford Lawrence Harry, Kenton, The Hyde N w Clifford John, Mill road, Gunn James Henry, Harrow Weald Lawrence Henry, Hatherop house,Priol'f Clifford William, Whitton, Gunnery James, Choates lane, Ripple- road, Hampton Cobb G. A lex, White Webbs. Wlthm. Cross · side, Barking Lee William, Barking Side, Ilford CobleyHichd.Bull'sCross,WalthamCross Gunning K R. EastEnd rd.E. N Lethbridge John, Denham farm, Totte- Cole Geo.Aveyla. High Beech, Longht11n Hale Arthur Charles, Botany Bay, ridge, Whetstone N Cole John, White Hart lane, Tottenham Enfield chase, Enfield Lobjoit Wm. George, Heston, Hounslow C{)le Mrs. Elizabeth, Potters Bar Hale Chas. Hugh, Cattlcgate, Enfield LonghurstWil!iam,NorwoodGreen farm, Collett John, Friant farm, Kingsbnry NW chase, Enfield N orwood, Southall Collett W. Shoelands farm, TheHyde NW Hall Anthony, Harrow Lovejoy H.Gladwin,Totteridge,Whetstn Coppen Geo. Heath, Romford Hammett .Alfred William, Potters Bar Mabbitt Mrs. C. Underhill, High Barnet Coppen Thomas L. Whalebone farm, HancockJas.Henson,TheHale, Edgware Madge Jsph.Botany Bay, Enfield chase, Chad well Heath Harris Ww. Upper Halliford rd.Sunbury Enfield Cotching & San, Hanger lane & 8 Spring Hart Joooph, 16 Wakering rd. Barking Malpas Thos. Beehive,Barking Side,Ilfrd Bridge road, Ealing w Hartley Mrs. Matilda, Windmill road, Martin C.&Son,ChingfordHatch,Chngfrd Co:xshallFrank,Sewardstone, Chingford Sunbnry Common Mason Hy. rd. Hampton Hill Co:xshall Hy. Sewardstone, Chingford Hawkings John, Claybnry Lodge farm, :Massey Alfred, Little heath, Chad well Cradock Thomas, Greystoke farm, Barking Side, Ilford Street, Chad well Heath , Ealing w Hawkins ;/_ Claybury farm, Woodford Massey George, The Kennets, Crees Frederick William, Ravenors Bridge, . Deep lane, The Hyde N w farm, Greenford, Southall Hayden William, Manor house, Billet rd. MatthewsMark,3Cedar ter. Currie Mrs. Ann, Eastbrook end, Dag- Walthamstow May Thos. Great Porters,'"'L enham, Romford HaynesHenry, Whitehouse, Enfield ch11se, MayesThos. Vallance Enfield Mead Abrhm. Becontree th, Rom~