ICIP WORKING PAPERS: 2009/9 + + Lessons of peace in Aceh: administrative decentralization and political freedom as a strategy of pacification in Aceh Javier Gil Pérez www.cla-se.com www.cla-se.com Lessons of peace in Aceh: administrative decentralization and political freedom as a strategy of pacification in Aceh Javier Gil Pérez Researcher in the University Institute General Gutiérrez Mellado He has been a research associate in the Rajaratnan School of International Studies in Singapore and also visiting fellow in the Center of Strategic and International Studies of Jakarta. His areas of work are: political Islam, terrorism, new threats to security in Southeast Asia and international relations between Asia and the Middle East.
[email protected] Text comissioned by the Institut Català Internacional per la Pau. Institut Català Internacional per la Pau Barcelona, desembre 2009 © 2009 Institut Català Internacional per la Pau Gran Via, 658, baix. 08010 Barcelona T. +34 93 554 42 70 | F. +34 93 554 42 80
[email protected] | www.icip.cat Editorial Board Javier Alcalde and Rafael Grasa Consell Editorial Pablo Aguiar, Alfons Barceló, Catherine Charett, Gema Collantes, Caterina Garcia, Abel Escribà, Vicenç Fisas, Tica Font, Antoni Pigrau, Xavier Pons, Alejandro Pozo, Mònica Sabata, Jaume Saura, Antoni Segura and Josep Maria Terricabras Traslation Luke Moreland Typesething Ātona, S. L. Graphic Designer Cla-se ISSN 2013.5793 (edición en línea) 2013.5785 (edición en papel) DL B-38.039-2009 All rigths reserved AbstrAct (eng) This working paper shows the evolution of the Aceh conflict until its peaceful resolution in 2005. The key factors in the success of this peace process have been the confluence of several factors related to the internal and external dynamics of the country, including the new political leadership, the decreasing role of the military power, the international support and the meeting of the objectives of both groups, and so on.