1911-12 C55 Hockey Checklist

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1911-12 C55 Hockey Checklist 1911-12 C55 Hockey Checklist 1 Paddy Moran - Quebec Bulldogs 2 Joe Hall - Quebec Bulldogs RC 3 Barney Holden - Quebec Bulldogs 4 Joe Malone - Quebec Bulldogs RC 5 Ed Oatman - Quebec Bulldogs RC 6 Tom Dunderdale - Quebec Bulldogs 7 Ken Mallen - Quebec Bulldogs RC 8 Jack Macdonald - Ottawa Senators RC 9 Fred Lake - Ottawa Senators 10 Albert Kerr - Ottawa Senators RC 11 Marty Walsh - Ottawa Senators 12 Hamby Shore - Ottawa Senators RC 13 Alex Currie - Ottawa Senators RC 14 Bruce Ridpath - Ottawa Senators 15 Bruce Stuart - Ottawa Senators 16 Percy Lesueur - Ottawa Senators 17 Jack Darragh - Ottawa Senators RC 18 Steve Vair - Renfrew Creamery Kings RC 19 Don Smith - Renfrew Creamery Kings RC 20 Cyclone Taylor - Renfrew Creamery Kings 21 Bert Lindsay - Renfrew Creamery Kings RC 22 Larry Gilmour - Renfrew Creamery Kings RC 23 Bobby Rowe - Renfrew Creamery Kings RC 24 Sprague Cleghorn - Renfrew Creamery Kings RC 25 Odie Cleghorn - Renfrew Creamery Kings RC 26 Skein Ronan - Renfrew Creamery Kings RC 27 Walter Smaill - Montreal Wanderers RC (Hip) 27 Walter Smaill - Montreal Wanderers RC (Stick) 28 Ernie Johnson - Montreal Wanderers 29 Jack Marshall - Montreal Wanderers 30 Harry Hyland - Montreal Wanderers 31 Arthur Ross - Montreal Wanderers 32 Riley Hern - Montreal Wanderers 33 Gordon Roberts - Montreal Wanderers 34 F. Glass - Montreal Wanderers 35 Ernest Russell - Montreal Wanderers 36 James Gardiner - Montreal Wanderers RC 37 Arthur Bernier - Montreal Canadiens 38 Georges Vezina - Montreal Canadiens RC 39 G. (Henri) Dallaire - Montreal Canadiens RC 40 R. (Rocket) Power - Montreal Canadiens RC 41 Didier Pitre - Montreal Canadiens Compliments of BaseballCardBinders.com© 2019 1 42 E.D. "Newsy" Lalonde - Montreal Canadiens 43 Eugene Payan - Montreal Canadiens RC 44 George Poulin - Montreal Canadiens RC 45 Jack Laviolette - Montreal Canadiens Compliments of BaseballCardBinders.com© 2019 2.
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