Graduate Program Review 2012-2013

Department of Biological Sciences Lou Densmore, Chair

College of Arts & Sciences Jeff Williams, Interim Dean

November 2012 PROGRAM REVIEW OUTLINE Department of Biological Sciences

I. Program Overview – A one to two-page summary of department’s vision and goals.

II. Graduate Curricula and Degree Programs A. Scope of programs within the department B. Number and types of degrees awarded - Degrees Awarded – Academic Year (chart) - Comparison of Degrees Awarded – Fall Data (Peer info table) - Program Degrees Awarded (table) C. Undergraduate and Graduate semester credit hours - Semester Credit Hours – Academic Year (chart) - SCH compared to Budget - Academic Year (chart) D. Number of majors in the department - Enrollment by Level – Fall Data (chart) - Comparison of Enrollment – Fall Data (Peer info table) - Program Enrollment (table) E. Course offerings and their enrollments over the past six years (enrollment trends by course) - Course Enrollments by Academic Year (table) F. Courses cross listed

III. Faculty A. Number, rank and demographics of the faculty (tenured and tenure track), GPTI’s and TA’s - Teaching Resources (chart) - Tenured and Tenure-Track by Rank - Fall Data (chart) - Comparison of Full-time Faculty (Peer info table) B. List of faculty members (graduate and non-graduate) (table) C. Summary of the number of refereed publications and creative activities (table) D. Responsibilities and leadership in professional societies - Professional Leadership (table) - Committee service (table) E. Assess average faculty productivity for Fall semesters only (use discipline appropriate criteria to determine) - Faculty Workload (table) - College SCH/FTE – Fall Data (chart) - Department SCH/FTE – Fall Data (chart)

IV. Graduate Students A. Demographics of applicants and enrolled students - Graduate Student Summary by Category – AY (chart) - Graduate Student Summary by Year – AY (chart) - Graduate Applicants by Region – Fall/Summer Data (chart) - Graduate Applicants - Fall Data (table) - Admitted Graduate Students - Fall Data (table) - Enrolled New Graduate Students - Fall Data (table) - Demographics of Enrolled Graduate Students - Fall Data (table) - Demographics of Enrolled Undergraduate Students - Fall Data (table) B. Test scores (GRE, GMAT or TOEFL) of enrolled students - Average GRE Scores for Enrolled Graduate Students – Fall Data (chart) C. GPA of new students - New Graduate Students GPA by Level – Fall Data (chart) D. Time to Degree in Years (chart) E. Provide a breakdown of how many enrolled graduate students are RA’s. TA’s or GPTI’s (chart) F. Initial position and place of employment of graduates over the past 6 years (table) G. Type of financial support available for graduate students. H. Number of students who have received national and university fellowships, scholarships and other awards - fellowships awarded (table) I. Percentage (%) of full time students receiving financial support J. Graduate Student Publications and Creative Activities (table) – number of discipline-related refereed papers/publication, juried creative/performance accomplishments, book chapters, books, and external presentations per year per student. K. Programs for mentoring and professional preparation of graduate students. L. Department efforts to retain students and graduation rates M. Percentage of Full Time students per semester – Fall data

V. Department A. Department operating expenses - Department Operating Cost - Academic Year (chart) - Department Operating Cost as a Fraction of Employees - (table) B. Summary of Proposals (Submitted) - Summary of Number of Proposals Written and Accepted (table) C. External Research expenditures - Summary of Faculty Awards (table) - Research Expenditures (chart) - Peer Institution Info (if available) (table) D. Internal funding - Source of Internal Funds (TTU) - (table) E. Scholarships and endowments F. Departmental resources for research and teaching (i.e. classroom space, lab facilities) - (table) G. HEAF expenditures (table) H. External Program Accreditation – Name of body and date of last program accreditation review including description of body and accreditation specifics.

VI. Conclusions – a one- to two-page summary of the observed deficiencies and needs identified by your review. Highlight areas of greatest need and areas of significant contributions.

VII. Appendices – should include, but not be limited to, the following: Table of Contents A. Strategic plan - Attachment from Strategic Planning website B. Curriculum Map C. Graduate Course Offerings (table) D. Graduate Student Handbook E. Graduate Student Association(s) - Description and information F. Graduate Faculty Information (from Digital Measures)


I. Program Overview

The Texas Tech University (TTU) Department of Biological Sciences' (DBS) mission is to embrace and integrate all aspects of the life science and related teaching. research and educational outreach, to develop and deliver and effective modern curriculum for graduate and undergraduate majors in the biological sciences and for non-majors taking biology classes, to contribute to basic knowledge and technology through faculty and student research, and to establish a departmental environment grounded in open and honest communication, mutual support, recognition of diverse individual contributions, and trust.

The vision statement of DBS is as follows: From a platform of innovative and effective approaches that integrate undergraduate and graduate education with multi-disciplinary research, the Department of Biological Sciences will achieve national and international leadership in research, scholarship, and education at all academic levels and provide campus-wide leadership in the integration on the life sciences.

Broadly speaking our research and graduate education efforts are focused in six major areas: Physiology and Biomedical Science, several aspects of Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Microbiology, Plant Physiology and Molecular Biotechnology, and Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics. We still offer the ability to have broad and in-depth training in Organismal Biology, which makes us unusual among many peer departments. These strengths allow us to recruit students from a wide range of backgrounds. They also help foster collaborations with colleagues in other TTU units, with the Health Sciences Center and with both national and international researchers. We have faculty or graduate students 'on the ground' in Africa, Iraq and the Ukraine, China, and Australia and have active research projects ongoing with colleagues in several parts of Southeast Asia, Central and South America.

Our M.S. degrees in Biology, Microbiology and Zoology are designed to provide detailed training and exposure to our students. There are opportunities for individual research and exploration in each student's discipline; we mentor and train our students in both research and teaching methods, preparation of manuscripts and presentation of one's results in poster and oral formats; and we develop the skills necessary to either pursuing a Ph.D. or finding employment. For our Ph.D. students in Biology and Zoology (although the latter degree is being eliminated and in the future we will be awarding the Ph.D. in Biology with specialization in a number of different areas), their programs provide in-depth exposure to Biology in general; to foster and support individual research projects in the student's own sub-discipline, to train and mentor students in research methods, preparation of manuscripts and oral communication skills; and to mentor our students to be successful faculty and researchers.

To assist our Graduate Program efforts and increase academic diversity in DBS, we initiated a Teaching Postdoctoral Fellow Program in 2003 that has continued on through the present. Although the goal of the program is to train new Ph.D.’s in pedagogy as they assist in teaching, at the same time that they develop research collaborations, many of these individuals interact directly with our graduate students in teaching and research endeavors. In addition in the Spring of 2012, one of the Teaching Postdocs, Dr. Stephanie Lockwood with departmental approval a support began teaching a 3 hr course in Biological Pedagogy that will a requirement for all

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2 graduate students that desire a Teaching Assistantship and have not had a similar course. Although it is early, all of the feedback on Dr. Lockwood's program has been positive and it may well be used as a model for all STEM departments.

Assessment of the Department's efforts to improve graduate education focuses on: 1) guaranteeing that M.S. or Ph.D. students that graduate from our program successfully compete for suitable academic, government or industry positions; 2) increasing the number and quality of publications by our graduate students; 3) increasing the number of awards and honors that our students earn at national or international meetings; and 4) increasing the numbers of scholarships and/or fellowships that our students receive from local (e.g., university) and national scientific societies or philanthropic organizations that support graduate education. Since 2006, we have been quite successful in placing our Ph.D.’s in positions that are most suited to their career choices, be that industry, government jobs or as faculty in teaching and research colleges and universities. To prepare our students, we encourage and support their travel to make presentations at regional, national and international meetings. We partner with the Graduate School in a funding match that supports travel to regional or (preferably) national meetings, and even though international meetings cannot be supported by 'local' funds, we also try to support (at some level and hopefully with most of the support coming from their mentor's grant) student travel to important international meetings. We have also supported the Graduate Student Forum, which has evolved into the Texas Tech Association of Biologists (annual) spring symposium (the TTU chapter of the American Association of Microbiologists also now participates) that is attended by graduate and undergraduate students from throughout the region. This event provides our students with invaluable logistical experience in organizing and setting up, as well as running a meeting, but also provides practice in presenting posters and talks at annual scientific society meetings.

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II. Graduate Curricula and Degree Programs

A. Scope of programs within the department

Degree Programs

The Department of Biological Sciences has had six programs of study leading to the following graduate degrees during the period 2006-2011:

1. Master of Science in Biology 2. Master of Science in Biological Informatics 3. Master of Science in Microbiology 4. Master of Science in Zoology 5. Doctor of Philosophy in Biology 6. Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology

The Master of Science in Biological Informatics has been eliminated within the last year as a Low Producing Program. In addition, the Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology is being phased out (again due to low, but steady production). It will be replaced by the Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, noting specialization in different sub-disciplines (e.g., Ecology, Systematics, Microbiology, Zoology, etc.).

All Masters' students may elect a non-thesis option, however this track is generally limited to students that are attempting to matriculate to a professional school. In addition, the Department also participates in the interdisciplinary program leading to the degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology. Currently there are 127 graduate students (89 Ph.D. and 38 MS) enrolled in our degree programs.

For all of the Doctoral and Master's programs, each graduate student develops an individual plan of study in consultation with his or her Advisory Committee that is designed to make the student aware of the current state of knowledge in his or her area of specialization, advance the student's specific career goals, and assist the student to successfully complete his or her research. All new graduate students must enroll in BIOL 6202 Preparation for Graduate Learning and Teaching in Biology (taught by Dr. Lewis Held) during their first fall semester in the program, and all new teaching assistants that have not had a similar course must also enroll in one section of BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology (Section 025, Biological Pedagogy taught by Dr. Stephanie Lockwood ) for additional training and development of their teaching skills. These are the sole graduate course requirements at the departmental level. The Department currently offers over 50 courses at the graduate level encompassing all major areas of the biological sciences. Graduate students may also take graduate courses offered by other academic departments, and they may choose to designate a minor in a related area outside of the Department.


Admission into the Graduate Programs

Student recruitment into our graduate program occurs either through direct recruiting by faculty at meetings, through contacts with colleagues at other institutions, through contacts initiated by the student after visiting our website, or by faculty examining unsolicited applications in the Graduate Secretary's office. To apply to our graduate program, prospective students complete the departmental application form, which may be filled out and submitted on-line, have three reference forms with accompanying letters of recommendation sent to our graduate secretary by the referees (not by the student), and complete a goals statement. The application and reference forms are both posted on the departmental web site at . Once an application has been received, the Department's graduate secretary notifies all faculty by email of the prospective graduate student's GPA, test scores, area(s) of scientific interest, and other pertinent information. Each faculty member then has the opportunity to review the application and determine whether he or she wishes to serve as the student's Major Advisor. At least one Graduate Faculty member must make a commitment to serve as Major Advisor before a prospective student can be admitted. This requirement is effective in creating a personalized link so that new students are able to orient themselves in the program and begin their research promptly. The Graduate Student Selection Committee, typically composed of five to seven faculty members from within the Department, makes the final decision regarding a student's admission into the graduate program. Applications are evaluated in a holistic manner, including evaluation of the applicant's GPA, standardized test scores, transcripts, goals statement, letters of recommendation, and any other evidence of previous scientific achievement or merit (for example, publications resulting from undergraduate research). After a student has been admitted, a decision is made regarding the award of a teaching assistantship if the student has requested to be considered for one.

Progress Towards the Graduate Degree

Once a student is admitted into our program their progress is monitored by our Graduate Advisor and by their Advisory Committee. All students are requested to establish their Advisory Committee within the first 9 months (generally during the second semester). For an M. degree, three committee members are required while for the PhD degree, the department requires five members appointed to a student's advisory committee. While the majority of the members of an advisory committee must be from Biological Sciences, students are encouraged to take advantage of expertise available across the university (and even from faculty members from outside the university if appropriate) and most do. Generally, Master's students are expected to complete their degree requirements in two years and Doctoral students in five years. Students conducting field based research usually take longer to complete due to the nature of their research. The Department offers virtually all of its graduate courses on a semester, annual, or biennial schedule so that students may take their desired courses without delaying graduation. All students are expected to complete their 5 courses as soon as possible. Advisory Committees will usually approve a course substitution on the degree plan if the original course is not being offered in a timely fashion. Each graduate student is required to complete and submit an annual graduate student evaluation form (due in January for the previous calendar year). These forms allow the Graduate Advisor to track the progress of each student through the degree program. Students who are behind schedule to form their Advisory Committees, file their degree plans at the Graduate School, present research proposals to their Advisory Committees, and/or hold annual meetings with their Advisory Committees are reminded of their responsibility to fulfill these departmental and Graduate School requirements.

Philosophy of Graduate Education

The Department is committed to seeing that all of its graduate students are successful in the completion of their degrees. To achieve this end, each graduate student is required to hold at least one meeting annually with his or her Advisory Committee. The purpose of this meeting is for the student to present recent research results, discuss alternative experimental approaches, resolve potential problems, and foster open communication between student and committee members so as to avoid unpleasant setbacks or interactions later in the student's program. In addition to the development of a student's research expertise, the faculty advisor also seeks to instill in the student a love of learning, a mastery of the scientific method and ways of thinking, a desire to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge, and improvement of both oral and written communication skills. Only a small number of students (typically less than five percent) fail to complete their degrees, usually for personal reasons. All graduate students completing a thesis or dissertation are strongly encouraged to publish their work in peer-reviewed scientific journals in their field. The Department also encourages student participation at regional and national meetings and actively supports graduate student requests for travel to meetings to present their research as part of their graduate education. Support for graduate student travel is provided through our Graduate Tuition account, our two graduate student organizations, (TTUAB — Texas Tech University Associate of Biologists, and ASM — the student chapter of the American Association of Microbiologists, as well as support from the Graduate School). Since the Spring of 2010, there has been a student-sponsored symposium that invites not only TTU and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) graduate and undergraduate student participation, but also invites other regional university, college and even community college students to participate. Presentations are judged by faculty from participating departments and schools and cash awards are made to the most outstanding oral and poster presentations. This event continues to grow and in 2013 will be co-sponsored by TTUAB, ASM and the graduate student organization from Natural Resources Management (in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources).

The Department remains committed to finding new opportunities to support our graduate students and maintain an active recruitment effort by our faculty. Over the last six years we have successfully recruited and hired six new faculty, including two Senior Hires (and are currently involved in 3 additional searches at the Assistant Professor level) who continue to 6

build upon the on-going graduate and research efforts of our department. We will continue to try and recruit faculty who will become a vital and energetic component of our graduate efforts. Our goal remains to build upon the current strengths of our department while having the vision to move into new venues of research. The placement of eight of our faculty into the Experimental Sciences Building in 2005 has provided us with opportunities to develop new programs and to expand upon our current strengths that will likely lead to increased graduate enrollments.

Research and Teaching Opportunities

The Department offers opportunities for both basic and applied graduate research in all major fields of the biological sciences, including systematics and evolutionary biology, ecology and behavioral biology, cell and molecular biology, quantitative biology, and several areas of animal and plant biotechnology. Graduate students who have pursued Master's and/or Doctoral degrees have received competitive grants; made presentations at regional, national, and international scientific meetings; and published in highly regarded, peer-reviewed scientific journals. Many have gone on after graduation to have successful careers in medicine, teaching and research, government, and industry. Within Biological Sciences a graduate student can focus their research interests to specific areas of research expertise which includes behavioral ecology, population biology, cancer biology, community and landscape ecology, conservation biology, developmental genetics, endocrinology, entomology, evolutionary biology, mammalian systematics, marine ecology and fisheries biology, microbial ecology, microbe—host interactions, microbial genetics, molecular immunology, molecular systematics and evolution, molecular virology, parasitology, plant molecular and cell biology, plant molecular genetics, plant physiology, quantitative biology, science education, and threat reduction/nonproliferation of biological weapons. In addition, numerous joint research projects involving graduate students are being carried out in collaboration with other faculty across campus, including those located in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering, the Museum of Texas Tech University, and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Other projects are being conducted with off-campus researchers in other regions of the United States and around the world, including such far-flung locations as Australia, Malaysia, Panama, Iraq, and the Ukraine. All of these interactions at the local, regional, national, and international levels provide opportunities for graduate students to enrich their research experience.

The number of Graduate Faculty in the Department as of September 2006 was 36, we currently have 40 (with two Instructors that have Graduate Faculty status for teaching purposes). Several of our faculty (e.g., San Francisco and Zak) over the all or part of the last six years have had extensive administrative obligations which has precluded their extensive involvement in graduate education. For the 2006 academic year the average number of 7 graduate students mentored by each faculty member was 3.1 (contributed by the smaller number of faculty). In the 2012 academic year, for which we there were an average of 3.2 graduate students mentored by each Graduate Faculty member. Over the last six years we have seen a loss of five senior faculty through retirement or resignations. This loss in senior faculty has contributed to some of our difficulties leveraging research funding over the last six years. Importantly, our graduate program has continued to grow (or at least stay relatively stable) as we hired new faculty and the remaining faculty have increased their graduate recruitment efforts. Financial support for graduate education comes primarily from teaching assistantships offered by the Department and research assistantships offered by individual faculty, depending on the availability of research grant funding. Currently, there are 81 TAs and 21 RAs among our graduate students. In addition, there are some 25 students that do not have support. The number of TAs needed in the department has increased over the last six years from 78 in fall 2006 to the current number, largely due to support from the College of Arts and Sciences’ recognition that our undergraduate enrollment in Biological Sciences (currently over 1100) continues to increase. However we probably need at least five more TAs to adequately cover the current number of labs. The department does not have the funds to provide more than a few RAs during the long semesters. Most RAs during the long semesters are provided by faculty through their funded research or from start-up for new faculty to recruit graduate students. In addition, the Texas Tech University/Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science Education Program, in conjunction with the Department, has supported at least three TTU/HHMI Graduate Teaching Scholars. These students, selected from a broad pool of applicants interested in future teaching careers, are evaluated by master teachers in the Department and also work with the University's Teaching Learning and Technology Center to enhance their teaching effectiveness. The number of RAs in the department varies across years depending upon funding success.

Graduate students have also been supported by scholarships and fellowships from various governmental agencies such as the EPA, through the Fulbright organization or from their home country. The number of students supported in this manner varies each year. Our graduate students are encouraged to apply for fellowships and dissertation improvement grants when possible. The department works to ensure that all students have at least some support during the summer and uses some of the Graduate Tuition funds to provide departmental RAs for one summer session. During the summer graduate students are also supported as TAs for our summer classes. We have been supporting up to thirty two graduate students as TAs during the summer. The majority of our graduate students are supported through faculty RAs during the summer (46 during 2012). Over the last six years, four of our graduate students have participated in the TEACH Program supported by the TLTC and the Teaching Academy. Moreover, the Department of Biological Sciences was recognized in April 2006 for our overall commitment and dedication to undergraduate and graduate education with the Department Excellence in Teaching Award. Funds from this award were used to renovate several rooms in our building that are conducive for graduate student offices (which with our large graduate student population can be hard to find),as well as to develop rooms to provide discussions between graduate students and their mentors, for small class discussions and to provide graduate students the means to meet with their peers and advisors 8 to work on manuscripts and proposals. All graduate faculty in Biological Sciences are actively involved in educational opportunities and training. To provide expanded opportunities to our graduate students we have been increasing the numbers of adjunct faculty who have graduate faculty status participating in our Department. For 2012, we have five adjunct faculty from the USDA-ARS Plant Stress Lab and the Texas A&M Extension Service associated with our graduate efforts. Other adjunct faculty are from the TTUHSC, as well as other universities (University of Iowa, University of Idaho, etc.)

In addition to mentoring by the major professor and members of their advisory committee, graduate students are assisted in their programs by: I) the Graduate Advisor and Program Coordinator, which is a tenured faculty member (currently Dr. Randall Jeter), 2) a graduate secretary (permanent staff member, currently Ms. Carol Espinosa) who maintains all records and notifies students of all issues involving the Graduate School, 3) an office staff member who assists all graduate students in enrollment issues (currently Ms. Lanita Ladd), 4) one of our Associate Chairpersons who coordinates all TA assignments and works with the graduate students and Chair to ensure financial support (currently Dr. Scott Holaday), 4) the Department Chair, who works to provide financial support for all graduate students as needed (and available), and 5) the Graduate Affairs Committee, who works to help resolve issues that arise during a student’s program in Biological Sciences. In 2004, one of our Graduate Faculty members, Dr. Lauren Gollahon was named a National Academies Teaching Fellow and Mentor. Outstanding teaching is highly valued at both the graduate and undergraduate levels at TTU and almost 25% of our present faculty in Biological Sciences have been recognized with President’s Excellence in Teaching Awards from the university.


A. Number and types of degrees awarded


Graduate Program Degrees Awarded Source: Institutional Research and Information Management Name of Program 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Biology 18 22 22 14 14 20 Microbiology 6 10 6 14 6 4 Zoology 1 4 4 4 0 2


Comparison of Degrees Awarded - Fall Data 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 University of Arkansas Bachelor 89 89 105 112 144 148 Master 8 6 11 5 2 3 Doctoral 3 1 4 5 9 4 Auburn University Bachelor 87 88 75 87 71 89 Master 13 19 22 13 16 14 Doctoral 4 7 11 9 4 11 Louisiana State University Bachelor 448 382 382 438 376 336 Master 5 4 2 4 8 5 Doctoral 14 13 24 25 19 17

University of South Carolina Bachelor 183 214 223 197 224 232

Master 1 2 3 3 5

Doctoral 6 8 8 9 9 2

West Virginia University

Bachelor 125 127 120 141 118

Master 9 5 5 4 4

Doctoral 2 1 3 4

Texas Tech University Bachelor 167 168 177 140 126 137 Master 13 21 17 19 14 15 Doctoral 12 15 15 13 6 11

B. Undergraduate and graduate semester credit hours

C. Number of majors in the department for the fall semesters 12


Graduate Program Enrollment Source: Institutional Research and Information Management Name of Program 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Biology 85 77 89 100 100 88 Microbiology 14 15 10 6 7 7 Zoology 14 11 15 19 19 17


Comparison of Enrollment - Fall Data 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 University of Arkansas Bachelor 548 694 723 210 878 906 Master 15 9 5 11 12 11 Doctoral 37 35 32 31 33 36 Auburn University Bachelor 182 330 320 391 444 447

Master 55 64 54 41 35 31

Doctoral 48 54 61 61 65 74 Louisiana State University Bachelor 1,368 1,271 1,231 1,125 1,169 1,232 Master 6 4 7 5 5 5 Doctoral 144 141 148 135 139 137 University of South Carolina Bachelor 1,178 1,151 1,198 1,253 1,363 1,636 Master 8 4 6 10 9 10 Doctoral 62 63 69 64 63 67 West Virginia University Bachelor 816 853 869 828 912 Master 17 15 15 17 16 Doctoral 24 28 28 29 26 Texas Tech University Bachelor 760 746 696 784 922 986 Master 53 45 49 44 42 38 Doctoral 60 58 65 81 84 74 15

D. Course enrollments over the past six years (enrollment trends by course)

• Figures are totals – classes may be offered more than once a year

Course Enrollments by Academic Year Source: Institutional Research and Information Management

Department Subject Course 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Totals BIOL BINF 5301 11 17 0 0 0 0 28 BIOL BIOL 5301 10 4 9 8 0 11 42 BIOL BIOL 5302 11 9 27 11 20 2 80 BIOL BIOL 5303 13 0 0 2 0 0 15 BIOL BIOL 5305 4 7 7 11 7 1 37 BIOL BIOL 5306 0 8 1 5 0 1 15 BIOL BIOL 5309 3 2 2 5 6 4 22 BIOL BIOL 5310 12 0 10 0 16 7 45 BIOL BIOL 5311 13 0 9 0 20 30 72 BIOL BIOL 5312 0 12 9 0 0 7 28 BIOL BIOL 5320 8 6 12 13 4 0 43 BIOL BIOL 5330 0 5 0 24 0 7 36 BIOL BIOL 5407 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 BIOL BIOL 6000 31 33 28 43 36 36 207 BIOL BIOL 6100 20 25 36 40 30 13 164 BIOL BIOL 6101 43 37 32 32 42 52 238 BIOL BIOL 6202 24 19 26 25 20 9 123 BIOL BIOL 6301 78 104 93 131 169 137 712 BIOL BIOL 6304 0 0 21 1 1 0 23 BIOL BIOL 6309 33 60 35 35 29 35 227 BIOL BIOL 6315 2 7 0 0 0 0 9 BIOL BIOL 6350 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 BIOL BIOL 6392 5 0 0 0 0 3 8 BIOL BIOL 6408 16 20 19 23 20 20 118 BIOL BIOL 7000 256 259 313 328 312 262 1730 BIOL BIOL 8000 49 42 24 35 63 66 279 BIOL BOT 5401 7 4 0 15 0 7 33 BIOL BOT 6304 0 9 0 0 9 0 18 BIOL BOT 6409 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 BIOL MBIO 5301 5 2 6 3 2 1 19 BIOL MBIO 5303 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 BIOL MBIO 5401 11 0 1 0 2 0 14 BIOL MBIO 5403 6 0 6 6 7 8 33

BIOL MBIO 5404 3 7 2 3 3 4 22

BIOL MBIO 5408 9 7 4 1 0 2 23

BIOL MBIO 6000 11 5 3 2 2 1 24

BIOL MBIO 6302 10 4 5 5 5 3 32

BIOL MBIO 6306 4 5 8 3 1 2 23 BIOL ZOOL 5304 2 1 10 3 0 6 22 BIOL ZOOL 5306 8 3 0 0 0 0 11 BIOL ZOOL 5308 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 BIOL ZOOL 5312 2 7 3 4 7 5 28 BIOL ZOOL 5401 3 3 5 3 4 1 19 BIOL ZOOL 5402 0 0 7 3 2 2 14 BIOL ZOOL 5406 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 BIOL ZOOL 5407 0 1 1 2 2 0 6 BIOL ZOOL 5408 0 5 1 1 0 1 8 BIOL ZOOL 5409 0 0 2 6 1 0 9 BIOL ZOOL 5421 0 1 4 2 4 1 12 BIOL ZOOL 6000 3 7 0 0 0 0 10 BIOL ZOOL 6303 0 5 2 9 0 2 18 BIOL ZOOL 6321 1 2 4 2 0 0 9 16

E. Courses cross listed (syllabus included behind)



BIOLOGY BIOLOGY 5301 Advanced Genetics 3416 Genetics 5302 Advanced Cell Biology 3320 Cell 5303 Advanced Experimental Cell Biol. 3310 Experimental Cell

5305 Organic Evolution/Advanced Students 4305 Organic Evolution 5306 Advanced Cancer Biology 4307 Cancer Biology 5309 Advanced Ecology 3309 Principles of Ecology 5310 Advanced Community Ecology 4310 Community Ecology 5311 Ecology for Teachers 5312 Cell and Molecular Biology for Teachers 5320 Advanced Molecular Biology 4320 Molecular Biology 5330 Advanced Landscape Ecology 4330 Landscape Ecology 5405 Systems Ecology 5407 Advanced Population Biology 3307 Population Biology 6202 Preparation for Graduate Teaching And Learning in Biology 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology 6304 Principles and Practice of Phylogenetic 6309 Advanced Topics in Quantitative Biology 6315 Regulation of Gene Expression 6350 Advanced Physiological Plant Ecology 4350 Physiological Plant Ecology 6392 Marine Biology 4392 Marine Biology 6408 Research Techniques in Electron Microscopy 6502 Biometry BOTANY 5401 Advanced Plant Physiology 3401 Plant Physiology 6301 Advanced Plant Development 3409 Plant Development 6302 Advanced Field Botany 4302 Field Botany 6304 Advanced Plant Molecular Biology 4304 Plant Molecular Biology

MICROBIOLOGY 5301 Advanced General Microbiology 3401 Principles of Micro 5303 Microbe-Plant Interactions 5401 Current Perspectives in Microbial Ecology 4401 Microbial Ecology 5403 Immunobiology 4402 Immunology and Serology 5404 Pathogenic Microbiology 4404 Pathogenic Micro 5408 Microbial Genetics 4406 Genetics of Microbes 6302 Advanced Bacterial Physiology 4303 Physiology of Bacteria 6306 General Virology 4310 Intro to Virology



ZOOLOGY ZOOLOGY 5304 Comparative Endocrinology 4304 General Endocrinology 5306 Advanced Mammalogy 4406 Intro to Mammalogy 5308 Advanced Ornithology 4408 General Ornithology 5312 Advanced Animal Behavior 4312 Animal Behavior 5401 Animal Histology for Advanced Students 3401 Animal Histology 5406 Advanced Invertebrate Zoology 3406 Comparative Invertebrate Zoology 5407 Vertebrate Zoology for Advanced Students 5409 Comparative Physiology for Advanced Students 4409 Comparative Animal Physiology 5421 Ecological Entomology 4321 Insect Diversity 6302 Principles of Systematic Zoology/Advanced 6303 Seminar in Mammalogy for Advanced Students 6320 Comparative Neuroanatomy 6321 Advanced Herpetology


III. Faculty

A. Number, rank, and demographics of the graduate faculty

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B. List of faculty members List all faculty who were employed by your department during the six years of this review


of Grad HIRE END Faculty? FACULTY NAME JOB TITLE DATE DATE Y or N Randy Allen Professor 1989 2008 Y Robert Baker Horn Professor 1967 Y Ximena Bernal Assistant Professor 2009 Y Shan Bilimoria Professor 1977 Y Robert Bradley Professor 1986 Y John Burns Professor emeritus 1969 2006 Y William Butler Assistant Professor 2010 Y Charles Cannon Associate Professor 2002 Y Instructor and Research Deborah Carr 1992 Y Assistant Professor James Carr Professor 1991 Y Ron Chesser Professor 2000 Y Nathan Collie Associate Professor 1991 Y Lou Densmore Professor and Chair 1985 Y Richard Deslippe Associate Professor 1996 Y Sandra Diamond Associate Professor 1998 Y Michael Dini Associate Professor 1992 N

Lauren Gollahon Associate Professor 1997 Y Caryl Heintz Professor 1975 Y Lewis Held Associate Professor 1987 Y

Scott Holaday Professor 1983 Y Randall Jeter Associate Professor 1985 Y Biological Sciences


Tigga Kingston Associate Professor 2005 Y

Mark McGinley Associate Professor 1991 N Nancy McIntyre Associate Professor 2000 Y Matt Olson Associate Professor 2010 Y

Reynaldo Patino Professor 1990 Y Carl Phillips Professor 1998 Y

Brian Reilly Associate Professor 2000 Y William Resetarits Professor 2010 Y

Sean Rice Professor 2005 Y Christopher Rock Associate Professor 2002 Y Brenda Rodgers Assistant Professor 2006 Y

Julie Rosenheimer Associate Professor 2005 Y

Michael San Francisco Professor 1990 Y

Jorge Salazar-Bravo Associate Professor 2003 Y Kenneth Schmidt Associate Professor 2002 Y Dylan Schwilk Assistant Professor 2007 Y

Dean Smith Professor 2005 2012 Y Richard Strauss Professor 1992 Y

David Tissue Professor 1996 2012 Y Gene Wilde Professor 1995 Y

Zhixin Xie Associate Professor 2005 Y John Zak Professor 1986 Y Hong Zhang Professor 1995 Y

Kai Zhang Associate Professor 2006 Y

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C. Summary of the number of refereed publications and creative activities.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Publication Type N = 26 N = 31 N= 31 N= 29 N= 31 N= 36 F = 37 F = 38 F = 38 F = 40 F = 42 F = 42 Refereed Articles/Abstracts 82 68 76 79 80 65 Books/Book Chapters 9 5 6 4 7 13 Other Publications 3 7 8 4 6 5 Presentations/Posters 90 93 90 88 89 85 Encyclopedia of Earth 0 13 2 77 26 65 Authored Teaching Materials 0 1 1 0 0 0 Research Reports 0 0 0 0 0 2 N = # of full time faculty contributing F = # of full time faculty in department

D. Responsibilities and leadership in professional societies

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Professional Leadership N= N= N= N= N= N= F= F= F= F= F= F= Editor/Editorial 21 26 25 25 26 29 Executive Board 5 7 7 6 5 6 Officer in National Org. 1 7 1 1 1 1 Committees 20 32 30 35 27 30 DOD Review 1 1 1 1 0 0 Imaging Center Director 1 1 1 1 1 1 Proposal Review Panel Member 2 2 2 2 4 6 NSF Program Officer 0 0 3 1 3 0 NIH panels 3 0 0 6 6 6 Science oversight committee for World Recreational Fishing 1 1 1 1 1 1 Conference N = # of full time faculty contributing F = # of full time faculty in department

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Graduate Student Committee’s faculty have served for the past 6 years

Committees Served Committees Served Committees Chaired in department outside department Faculty Name Masters Doctoral Masters Doctoral Masters Doctoral Robert Baker 6 15 2 4 Ximena Bernal 2 1 2 3 1 0 Shan Bilimoria 4 3 0 0 0 0 Robert Bradley 6 2 5 22 1 1 William Butler 0 1 2 6 0 1 Charles Cannon 3 1 3 2 4 8 Deborah Carr 0 0 1 0 1 1 James Carr 6 2 3 14 0 0 Ronald Chesser Nathan Collie 1 1 6 5 0 2 Llewellyn Densmore 8 8 9 1 2 4 Richard Deslippe 1 2 1 4 5 0 Sandra Diamond Michael Dini 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lauren Gollahon 4 8 3 7 0 1 Caryl Heintz 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lewis Held 1 0 2 1 0 1 Scott Holaday 5 3 6 8 2 6 Randall Jeter 9 3 17 8 1 1 Tigga Kingston 1 5 2 4 1 3 Mark McGinley 3 0 0 0 3 0 Nancy McIntyre 4 5 16 12 12 20 Matthew Olson 1 0 1 3 0 0 Carleton Phillips 0 2 0 6 0 0 Brian Reilly 8 1 10 6 2 8 William Resetarits 1 3 3 1 0 1 Sean Rice 2 3 5 5 1 0 Christopher Rock 6 3 1 1 3 5 Brenda Rodgers 4 3 3 4 0 0 Michael San Francisco 5 3 3 2 2 10 Dean Smith 0 0 1 0 0 0 Jorge -Salazar Bravo 4 4 11 18 5 3 Kenneth Schmidt 3 5 5 1 0 0 Dylan Schwilk 4 1 4 7 5 2 Richard Strauss 3 6 27 44 3 9 David Tissue 1 2 3 3 3 7 Gene Wilde 5 1 1 1 1 0 Zhixin Xie 1 0 7 11 2 4 John Zak 7 5 12 7 0 3 Hong Zhang 2 12 9 10 4 6 Kai Zhang 0 11 0 8 0 3

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E. Assess average faculty productivity for Fall semesters only (use discipline appropriate criteria to determine)

Faculty Workload 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 University 16.08 15.44 16.07 15.52 17.96 17.54 College 17.09 16.71 16.99 14.61 17.78 17.97 Department 22.06 20.54 19.33 14.94 21.26 21.50

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IV. Graduate Students

A. Demographics of applicants and enrolled students

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Graduate Applicants - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Asian 6 12 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Black, Not of Hispanic Origin 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 Hispanic 1 2 1 1 5 2 Mexican American 1 Multiple 2 1 Non-Resident Alien 23 63 17 123 22 169 31 31 11 20 16 13 Unknown 1 8 2 4 1 10 3 White 2 7 2 7 5 8 6 11 11 8 11 9

Gender Total 33 92 23 138 28 189 42 47 25 30 35 24

Total Applicants 125 161 217 89 55 59

Admitted Graduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Asian 1 4 1 Hispanic 1 1 1 1 Mexican American 1 Multiple 2 1 Non-Resident Alien 14 41 14 93 13 97 18 15 3 6 3 4 Unknown 3 2 1 1 4 1 White 3 3 4 7 4 4 5 3 4 5

Gender Total 16 52 17 97 18 109 23 20 10 9 9 9

Total Admitted 68 114 127 43 19 18

Enrolled New Graduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Asian 3 Hispanic 1 Mexican American 1 Multiple - 2 Non-Resident Alien 1 5 2 4 8 4 8 4 3 5 1 2 Unknown 4 1 1 1 White 1 1 5 1 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 4

Gender Total 10 7 8 5 12 7 11 8 8 8 4 6

Total Enrolled 17 13 19 19 16 10 Biological Sciences


Demographics of Enrolled Graduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Asian 5 1 4 3 2 1 Hispanic 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 Mexican American 1 Multiple 2 2 Non-Resident Alien 16 21 12 24 17 24 32 26 32 26 25 21 Unknown 7 5 8 3 7 3 1 White 13 13 12 12 15 17 18 21 21 16 22 16

Gender Total 42 43 37 40 43 46 52 48 56 44 49 39

Graduate 85 77 89 100 100 88

Demographics of Enrolled Undergraduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M African American Multiracial 2 1 3 American Indian/Alaskan Native 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 Asian 31 33 27 33 31 32 26 24 32 32 35 36 Black, Not of Hispanic Origin 20 18 21 29 21 27 23 24 30 30 31 38 Hispanic 49 48 56 49 55 55 76 58 87 73 119 96 Multiple 4 5 8 5 Non-Resident Alien 3 4 5 4 1 11 7 13 8 18 6 Unknown 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 2 8 7 5 6 White 222 217 217 201 194 188 223 182 237 214 216 214

Gender Total 329 324 327 321 305 304 365 300 415 372 436 406

Undergraduate 653 648 609 665 787 842

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Graduate Applicants - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Asian 1 1 1 1 Black 2 1 Hispanic 2 1 1 1 2 Non-Resident Alien 2 4 1 7 5 4 6 2 6 5 5 Unknown 2 1 1 White 6 2 1 1 3 1 4 4 1 1

Gender Total 15 8 4 9 6 4 9 5 10 5 6 8

Total Applicants 23 13 10 14 15 14

Admitted Graduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Asian 1 Hispanic 1 1 Non-Resident Alien 1 2 2 1 White 3 1 2 3

Gender Total 4 3 - 1 - - 4 1 3 1 1 -

Total Admitted 7 1 - 5 4 1

Enrolled New Graduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Asian 1 Hispanic 1 1 Non-Resident Alien 1 1 1 1 1 White 3 1 2

Gender Total 4 2 1 1 - - 1 1 2 1 1 -

Total Enrolled 6 2 - 2 3 1

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Demographics of Enrolled Graduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Asian 1 1 Hispanic 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Non-Resident Alien 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 White 4 3 3 6 2 3 3 2 1 1 2

Gender Total 7 7 6 9 5 5 1 5 3 4 3 4

Graduate 14 15 10 6 7 7

Demographics of Enrolled Undergraduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M African American Multiracial 1 American Indian/Alaskan Native 1 1 1 1 Asian 2 2 2 1 3 1 3 4 2 Black, Not of Hispanic Origin 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 1 1 1 3 Hispanic 5 5 7 7 11 5 14 6 12 5 14 7 Multiple 1 Non-Resident Alien 1 2 3 2 5 Unknown 1 1 White 13 17 18 11 19 10 21 18 25 23 22 23

Gender Total 21 24 29 20 34 18 42 31 44 33 46 40

Undergraduate 45 49 52 73 77 86

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Graduate Applicants - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Asian 1 1 1 Black 1 Hispanic 1 1 Multiple 1 Non-Resident Alien 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 Unknown 1 1 White 1 2 2 5 1 3 3 2 2 3 1

Gender Total 3 2 3 3 8 5 6 4 2 3 3 3

Total Applicants 5 6 13 10 5 6

Admitted Graduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Black 1 Non-Resident Alien 1 2 2 1 Unknown 1 1 White 1 2 1 1 1 1

Gender Total 1 - 1 2 5 2 1 2 - 1 1 -

Total Admitted 1 3 7 3 1 1

Enrolled New Graduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Non-Resident Alien 2 1 1 Unknown 1 1 White 1 1 1

Gender Total - - - 1 4 1 1 2 - - - -

Total Enrolled - 1 5 3 - -

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Demographics of Enrolled Graduate Students - Fall Data 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 F M F M F M F M F M F M Hispanic 2 1 1 1 1 Non-Resident Alien 1 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unknown 1 2 1 2 White 2 8 2 5 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 5

Gender Total 2 12 2 9 7 8 9 10 9 10 9 8

Graduate 14 11 15 19 19 17

Demographics of Enrolled Undergraduate Students - Fall Data

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011


African American Multiracial 1 1

American Indian/Alaskan Native 1 1 1

Asian 1 1 1 1 3 1

Black, Not of Hispanic Origin 1 2 2 1 4 3

Hispanic 3 1 4 1 3 1 3 2 6 8 6 8 Mexican American 1 Multiple 1 Non-Resident Alien 1 Unknown 1 White 31 21 24 17 20 11 24 14 18 19 22 11

Gender Total 36 26 28 21 23 12 28 18 27 31 33 25

Undergraduate 62 49 35 46 58 58

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B. Test scores (GRE, GMAT and/or TOEFL) of enrolled students

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C. GPA of new students

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D. Time to Degree in Years – Average years to graduate for all students graduating each year

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E. Number of RA’s, TA’s or GPTI’s, with total number of graduate students in the program.

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F. Initial position and place of employment of graduates over the past 6 years

Name Initial Position Initial Employer Location

2006-2007 Children’s Cancer Research Institute at Adam Brown the University of San Antonio Texas Health Science Center Eric Paul Assistant Professor SW Oklahoma State Weatherford OK Rocky Mountain Taste and Smell Center, Dept of Cell 12801 E 17th Ave Professional Research B. Dnate’ Baxter and Developmental Aurora, CO Assistant Biology, University of 80045 Colorado at Denver - Health Sciences 100 N. University University of Central Michelle L. Haynie Assistant Professor Dr., Edmond, OK Oklahoma 73034 Postdoctoral Fang Hu Univ. Michigan Ann Arbor researcher Cody Walker Visiting Instructor TTU Lubbock,TX Corpus Christi, Lee Rex McAlililey, Assistant Professor Delmar College TX NIH Post doctoral Ray Willis TTUHSC Lubbock, TX fellow James H. Campbell Post-Doctoral Oak Ridge Natl. Lab. Oak Ridge, TN Rathna S. Kalagara unknown Erica Chipman Wildlife Biologist GeoMarine, Inc. Plano, TX Nicole Silva H.S. Science teacher San Antonio, TX Xin Tao Research Technician Biotech of Idaho Moscow, ID Renke Zhou Ph.D. student University of Florida Gainsville, FL Bossier Parish Instructor Bossier City, LA Tara Breeland Community College, Chris Higgins Biological Sciences, Assistant Professor Tarleton State Tarleton, TX University Norma Salcedo Department of Biology, Assistant Professor Charleston, SC College of Charleston Oak Ridge National Jim Campbell Research Associate Knoxville, TN Lab University of Brandon Morris PhD student Norman, OK Oklahoma Sasi Kolli Graduate Assistant TTU California Zhehui Mao Graduate Assistant UT Austin Austin, TX Biological Sciences


TTU Postdoc Researcher Guoxin Shen

Zhejiang Academy of Now a professor at Hangzhou, China Agricultural Sciences Postdoc Researcher University of Chicago S. Venkataramani.

Now a Scientist at Metabolix, Inc. Boston, MA Zhiqiang Du Postdoc UT MD Anderson CC Houston Apt AF, Research Jeremy Gilbertson Air Force Tyndale AFB Scientist

2007-2008 13309 SE 84th Ave., Suite Department of State 200, Ryan R. Chambers Forensic Scientist Police - Forensic Clackamas, Services Division OR 97015

Harris County 1885 Old Spanish Dallas D. Henson DNA Analyst III Medical Examiner's Trail, Houston, Office TX 77054 Instituto de Biologia, Medellin, Sergio Solari Assistant Professor Universidad de Colombia Antioquia Greenwood, Norma Salcedo Assistant Professor Lander University South Carolina Amy Nusbaum Houston Zoo Juan Pablo Carrera Research Assistant Museum of TTU Lubbock, TX Tamara Enriquez NA Bloomington, AL Post doctoral University of Nilesh Chitnis Philadelphia PA Associate Pennsylvania Jonathan Townsend Science Teacher Whiteface High Whiteface TX David Rodriguez Teaching Postdoc TTU/El Centro Dallas, TX John McVay Research Assistant LSU, Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA Donna Hamilton Teaching Postdoc TTU at Waco Waco, TX University of Jonathan Weinbaum Assistant Professor New Haven, CT Southern Connecticut George Washington Joy Ferenbaugh Assistant Professor U UT Southwestern Asim B. Dey Research Assistant Dallas, TX Medical Center Jennifer R. Huddleston Post-Doctoral University of Georgia Athens, GA Tonya Phifer Clinical Technician Viktoria Goncharova Research Assoc. Research and Lubbock, TX Biological Sciences


Testing Laboratory 79407 Science Teacher as John Middleton MSc Harmony Academy Lubbock, TX Private High School Ramani Ravirala RES ASSOC Beckman Institute LA Jodi Wrangham, Scientist Oil firm TX University of Jeb Clark Research Assistant Mississippi Medical Jackson, MS Center

2008-2009 Manasa Kohirker Res Technician TTUHSC Lubbock Richard Larson Res Technician Baylor Sch. Med. Houston Summer Ketron Dental School UT Houston Houston, TX Applying for postdoc Vicki J. Swier work at Graduation 452 Dorman Hall, Department of Mississippi Biochemistry and R. Neal Platt II PhD Student State, MS Molecular Biology, 39762 College of Agriculture

Research and Lubbock, TX J. Delton Hanson Research Scientist Testing Laboratory 79407 Juan Carlos Diaz Research Assistant Rice University Houston, TX Moh’d Hozain Postdoctoral Fellow Texas Tech Lubbock Sai Advantium Cheryl L. Murzello Research Chemist Pune, India Pharma LTD Biomedical Sciences, Mohammed Repon Doctoral student University of Kansas Kansas, City, KS Khan Medical Center Jeff Unger Therapeutic Mentor The Mentor Network Dedham, MA Univ. GA Tian Tian Zhang Ph.D. student Bioinformatics Athens, GA Program Texas Tech Nicte Ordoñez-Garza PhD Program Biology Lubbock, TX University National Institutes of Shashi Kumar Post-Doc Fellow MD Health Texas Tech University Medical Student Lubbock, TX Curtis Stennett Health Science Center Pahrump, D. W. Gaines Biologist US Park Service Nevada University of Desiree Bayless Vet School Boulder, CO Colorado Shashi Kumar Medical School Michigan St. East Lansing Khanna Kanav PhD student Texas Tech Univ Lubbock TTU Health Sciences Jinhua Luo Postdoc Researcher Center Lubbock, TX Biological Sciences


Vijaya Pasapula Scientist Merck New Jersey Zhejiang Academy of Xiaoyun Qiu Associate Professor Agricultural Sciences Hangzhou, China Yiyan Wang Graduate Assistant UC Merced Merced, CA UT Southwestern James Koch Technician Dallas Medical Center Vinaya Bhandarkar Visiting lecturer SUNY NY

2009-2010 Department of Heather Meeks Defense DTRA Alexandria, VA program Miguel Pinto AMNH New York Matt Campbell Post-doctoral Fellow LSU - Baton Rouge LA Zhiyu He PhD Student Texas Tech Lubbock Becky Roper Technician North Carolina State Raleigh, NC Roopa Pulijala unknown Bryan Reece Research Coordinator El Centro College Dallas, TX Jeff McDonald Research Technician Houston, TX Casey Richardson Ph.D. Student Dept Biological Sci TTU, Lubbock Museum of Southwestern Jon Dunnum Curator of Collections Albuquerque, NM Biology, University of New Mexico Teaching Post –Doc Angela Moss TTU TX Fellow (HHMI) Ross University School North Brunswick, Sam Wiley Medical Student of Medicine NJ US Fish and Wildlife Ash Meadows, D. S. Weissenfluh Biologist Service Nevada Berny Mullappally Technician Genentech San Francisco Zhi Pan Postdoctoral Fellow TTU Lubbock Nayoung Kim Postdoctoral Fellow TTUHSC Lubbock

2010-2011 Peter Larsen Research USDA Kansas Instituto de Ciencias Roopa Pulijala Hugo Mantilla Postdoctoral Asociate Naturales of the unknown (M.S.) Universidad Nacional 13988 Diplomat Research and Dr., Ste. 100, Development Farmer’s Branch, Sheri B. Westerman Forensic Scientist Division, Orchid TX Cellmark, Inc. 75234Farmer’s Branch, TX Biological Sciences


75234 Xi Chen Housewife Sharanya Murali Res. Technician Paul Foster Sch. Med El Paso Programmer- Yonggan Wu Industry bioinformaticist Jayasri Alluvada Technician Texas Tech Lubbock Biological Sciences, Tirhas A. Hailu Doctoral student Lubbock, TX Texas Tech Univ. Prasanth K. unknown Thunuguntla Kelly Baker City Water Planner City of Lubbock Lubbock, TX Shannon Hempstead Medical School Texas Tech Lubbock, TX Mark Kay Lab Qingjun Luo postdoc Dept. of Pediatrics, Stanford, CA Stanford University UT-HSC School of Public Health, Fangqian Ou-Yang Grad student Houston, TX Division of Biostatistics Harshad MD Cancer Medical Senior Research Tech Houston, TX Mahadshawar, Center Priyanka Maiti Doctoral Student Univ of Cologne Cologne GDR Shalika Silva Doctoral Student TTU TX Carrie Graham Research Assistant MD Anderson Houston Colin Bell Post-doc USDS-ARS Lubbock TTU Health Sciences Manoj Banjara Graduate Assistant Center Lubbock, TX UT Southwestern Hongtao Ma Research Scientist Dallas Medical Center

2011-2012 Educator 4-H Capital Amanda Arner AmeriCorps Austin, TX Program Lynne Beaty PhD Student Oklahoma State U. Stillwater, OK National Museum of Curatorial Research Amanda Lawrence Natural History, Washington DC Assistant Smithsonian Institute Bo Zhang Grad student TTU Math Lubbock Meghan Cromie Ph.D. student TIEHH TTU Lubbock Arup Chakraborty Post-doctoral Fellow Natl. Cancer Institute Bethesda, MD Deanna Chapa Research Associate USDA lab McLennan Jeremy Weaver Instructor Waco, TX Community College Stephanie Lockwood Teaching TTUPost - Texas Tech LubbockLubbock, TX

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doctoral- Instructor University David K. Parks Service technician Caliber Controls Richmond, TX Biochemistry & College Station, Nishant Chalise Doctoral student Biophysics, Texas TX A&M University Fredricksburgh, Shayna Aldrich School Teacher Fredricksburgh ISD TX Halandale High Celia Trujillo School Teacher San Antonio, TX School Jason Tom School Teacher Grapevine ISD Grapevine, TX Stephanie Lomeli Dental School San Antonio, TX David Ralph Tucson, AZ Research Biological Sciences Fan Jia Lubbock, TX associate/postdoc TTU Adam Lord Res Scientist/lecturer McClellen Jr College TX Janice Kelly Univ Illinois Maria Gaetani Fire ecologist USDA/USFS Flagstaff, AZ Rita Magalhaes Grad student TTU Lubbock, TX Apolinar Ortiz Medical School US Navy Natasja van Gestel Post-doc Fellow TTU Lubbock Sundaram Kuppu Postdoc Researcher UC Davis Davis CA University of Ou Zhang Postdoc Ann Arbor, MI Michigan Andrew Avila Postdoctoral Fellow UCSF San Francisco

G. Type of financial support available for graduate students

The Department relies heavily on Teaching Assistantships (TAs, we currently have ~85 per long semester). These students primarily teach laboratory sections, although about 10% are involved in prepping laboratories. Masters students receive almost $14,000 per 9 month appointment. Doctoral students receive about $1000 more over 9 months. We generally have between 28 and 35 TAs in the summer that teach and another 10 or so that are supported to help prep labs or work with faculty in developing courses.

There are Research Assistantships (RAs) available both from the Department and from faculty with extramural funds that have dedicated student salaries. They are typically paid at the same rate as the TAs, although they can be paid more if the faculty member so desires. Generally, the department will fund between 3-5 RAs for outstanding students that are in their final semester before graduation. These RAs are awarded on merit, based on performance in the classroom, in their research and service (such as to TTUAB or ASM). Most of these are awarded to doctoral students.

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H. Number of students who have received national and university fellowships, scholarships and other awards

06/07 07/08 08/09 AWARD # # # $ $ $ Stud Stud Stud AT&T Chancellor’s $13,500 5 $15,500 6 $31,000 10 Cash Family $3,000 1 - - - - CH Foundation ------Hazlewood - - $3,000 1 $3,000 1 DeVitt Jones - - $1,750 1 $3,500 1 Junction Summer - - $1,000 2 $500 1 McNair - - $3,000 1 $3,000 1 P&I Smith $1,000 1 - - - - Summer Dissertation $11,500 5 $18,400 8 $9,200 4 Water Conservation ------09/10 10/11 11/12 AWARD # # # $ $ $ Stud Stud Stud AT&T Chancellor’s $28,000 9 $29,000 10 $18,000 5 Cash Family - - $3,000 1 - - CH Foundation - - - - $4,000 1 Hazlewood $3,000 1 - - - - DeVitt Jones $3,500 1 - - - - Junction Summer $500 1 - - - - McNair $3,000 1 - - - - P&I Smith $2,000 2 $1,000 1 $1,000 1 Summer Dissertation $4,600 2 $16,100 8 $11,500 5 Water Conservation $1,000 1 - - - -

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I. Percentage of full time master and doctoral students who received financial support.

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J. Graduate Student Publications and Creative Activities – Number of discipline-related refereed papers/publications, juried creative/performance accomplishments, book chapters, books, and external presentations by Master and Doctoral students in the department.

Oral or Poster Publication: Refereed Non-Refereed presentations Other activities Year Thesis Diss. Thesis Diss. Thesis Diss. Thesis Diss. 2011 9 46 3 0 26 47 10 28 2010 13 41 1 3 34 56 12 18 2009 9 46 2 4 32 50 7 8 2008 14 27 2 2 18 45 4 6 2007 8 18 1 0 21 48 6 9 2006 11 36 1 0 17 42 1 3

K. Programs for mentoring and professional preparation of graduate students

To aid new students in their adjustment to the responsibilities of graduate school, especially for incoming MS students, DBS requires that all incoming students take Lewis Held's BIOL 6202 "Graduate Teaching and Learning". This course is offered every Fall semester and covers important topics such as: 1) how to effectively do reference searches; 2) preparing an oral presentation using Power Point (and now Prezi); and 3) ensuring teaching lab and research lab safety (see Appendix H for syllabus). For all new Teaching Assistants and incoming students that have not had such a course on their transcripts or who have rather mediocre or less teaching evaluations, Stephanie Lockwood has developed a new course in "Biological Pedagogy" (BIOL 6301; see Appendix H for syllabus) starting in the Spring of 2012. It includes a reflective teaching approach and topics such as: 1) Classroom management and teaching controversial issues; 2) Bloom's ; 3) Student motivation; and 4) Suchman Inquiry Teaching Model. This course has already begun to change the culture of graduate student teaching, as TAs have raised their evaluation scores by as much as 25%.

L. Department efforts to retain students and graduation rates.

The Department begins trying to retain graduate students from the first time they are admitted into DBS. Unless students already have a faculty member that is willing to minimally serve as their mentor on a provisional basis, they are not accepted into the program. Because of this, our dropout rate is low and few students 'drift' away from their labs.

With financial help from the Graduate School we have also increased our efforts to bring prospective students to the Department to visit and get to know the faculty and other students

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51 in the program. Such a visit provides them the 'straight poop' on potential mentors and labs and helps alleviate misconceptions about TTU or Lubbock.

Once in the program, the Graduate Advisor (R. Jeter) in consultation with the Chair evaluates all graduate students on a yearly basis to insure that progress is being made in their respective programs and to provide a forum for addressing concerns that either they or the students might have. If and when interactions between a student and mentor become strained, the Graduate Affairs Committee and even the Chair can act as mediators to help resolve any such issues.

The Chair does provide travel support for students that want to travel to do field research or to present their findings at national or regional meetings, especially if the mentor does not have sufficient funds to do so. This helps the students realize that the Department is committed to their education and success.

M. Percentage of Full-Time Master and Doctoral students per year – Fall Data

Percentage of Full-Time Masters and Doctoral Students per Year – Fall Data Due to the demands of scientific research, very few of the graduate students in our program are not full-time. During 2006–2012, there were never more than one or two students who had part-time status in any given semester. Typically part-time graduate students are those who must divide their time between their studies and off-campus employment, or else they have completed all of their graduation requirements and received permission from the Graduate School to enroll for a reduced number of hours in their final semester before graduation. During 2006–2012, the percentage of full-time Ph.D. students in the Department has slowly but steadily increased from 55 to 67% of the total graduate enrollment for each year (fall semester data).

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V. Department

A. Department operating expenses

Department Operating Costs as a Fraction of Employees

06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 Dept Op. Cost $601,594 $625,875 $531,146 $483,875 $459,352 $452,176 Faculty & Staff $3,836,906 $3,894,417 $3,735,086 $4,683,274 $5,641,329 $6,510,770 Dept Op. Cost 15.68% 16.07% 14.2% 10.33% 8.14% 6.95% /FS

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B. Summary of Proposals (submitted)

Summary of Number of Proposals Written and Accepted

Successfully Foundation State Federal Others funded D M D M D M D M D M 2011 6 10 4 4 33 19 17 4 23 6 2010 16 3 6 4 39 33 14 2 19 4 2009 9 4 21 8 36 30 12 3 20 7 2008 16 5 15 3 21 8 17 8 32 5 2007 15 2 14 4 32 8 19 8 26 3 2006 6 1 12 1 32 8 8 12 19 7 D = proposals written by CO-PI’s from your department only M = proposals written by CO-PI’s from multiple departments

C. External Research expenditures


Number of FacilitIes & Year Award Amount Awards Administrative 06/07 32.28 $243,129 $1,853,310 07/08 31.32 $437,701 $2,398,750

32.77 $436,888 $2,792,082 08/09 09/10 20.14 $334,344 $2,071,309 10/11 25.50 $585,525 $3,667,887 11/12 23.64 $305,201 $1,758,417 Totals: 165.65 $2,342,788 $14,541,755

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D. Internal Funding

06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 Research Enhancement 0 $69,143 $58,000 0 0 0 Research Incentive 0 $10,110 $378,650 $50,000 0 0 Line Items 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interdisciplinary Seed Grants $515,324 $166,929 $170,120 0 0 0 New Faculty Start-ups $40,000 $121,897 $116,866 $242,926 $1,090,126 $461,920 Matching from VP of Research 0 0 0 0 $129,917 $129,917 Special needs and opportunities 0 $19,920 0 0 $90,705 0 Research Promotion 0 $20,100 0 0 0 0 Graduate School Fellowships 0 $3,000 0 $4,000 $4,000 0 HEAF $70.000 $138,700 $13,000 0 0 0 TOTALS: $625,324 $549,799 $736,636 $296,926 $1,314,748 $591,837

E. Scholarships and endowments

The Department of Biological Sciences currently has three endowed scholarships for graduate students. They are the J. Knox Jones Jr. Memorial Scholarship, the Rene Fonseca Memorial Scholarship and the Michelle Knapp Memorial Scholarship. They are all given to graduate students in the mammalogy program. J. Knox Jones Jr. was a Horn Professor in Biological Sciences. Dr. Jones was a one of the great mammalogists of his time; this scholarship supports up to 3 students at a level of up to $2,500 per year.

Rene Fonseca and Michelle Knapp were both graduate students that were part of Dr. Robert Baker's Mammalogy research group. Both were tragically killed in separate auto accidents. The Rene Fonseca Memorial Scholarship provides $500 per year to one or two students that are studying some aspect of mammalogy. The Michelle Knapp Memorial Scholarship provides $1,000 a year to a student that is studying some aspect of biology of bats or some other mammal.

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F. Departmental resources for research and teaching (i.e., classroom space, lab facilities)

Type of Space Number of Rooms Total Assignable Square Feet OFFICES: Faculty & Administration 31 9,436

Graduate Assistant 4 1,711 Technician 2 925 Emeritus 0 0 Meeting Rooms 4 1,278 Common Space 17 4.288

LABS: Special Instruction Labs 16 19,451 Research Labs 86 30,744 Herbarium 1 1,829 Plant growth chambers 1 1,636 Greenhouse 16 10,110


TTU-HHMI 3 1,653 Office Lab (Instruction & Research) TOTAL SQUARE FEET 84,991

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G. HEAF expenditures

Other Labs Classroom TOTAL (identify) MiSeq Integrated 2011 $21,050 System $21,050 LTQ Mass Spec (from Chemistry) $141,500

2010 $151,500 Spectromt er (from Geoscienc es) $10,000 Ice Ford 2009 machine Camper $784 $452 shell $332 Stereo Microscop 2008 $13,485 e $13,485 2007 Toyota 2006 pickup - $8,443 $8,443

H. External Program Accreditation – Name of body and date of last program accreditation review, if applicable. Include description of body and accreditation specifics.

Mammalogy Program - accredited by the American Society of Mammalogists. Last accredited 1983. This accreditation benefits our research program in mammalogy and genomics.

Museum of Texas Tech University - accredited by the American Association of Museums. Last accredited 2008. This accreditation benefits our research programs in mammalogy, ornithology, ecology, natural history, and genomics.

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VI. Conclusion

Normally each December the faculty gets together over a catered supper and discusses important matters. This year, with some difficult tenure and promotion decisions, a time consuming Space Survey and this Review, we have not had an opportunity to make it happen. We will be meeting in early January, however. At that time there will be several items that we clearly need to discuss. They are: 1) Research funding for the department; 2) Enhancement of graduate recruitment, especially at the PhD level; 3) Increased support for graduate students, including salaries, office space and travel support.

Research Funding Recent, newly implemented NSF and NIH policies have changed the game plan for many of our faculty. With the ability to only make one NIH resubmission and NSF's preproposal format, with limited numbers of proposals that any investigator can be a PI or Co-PI on, it is much more difficult to leverage funding. Furthermore, for the past biennium the Governor has largely done away with the Texas Advanced Research Program. Although funding does go in cycles, and in 2010 we had almost $3 million in grant awards, the past two years have been down. This is a real concern for the Dean, the Chair and the entire Department. It is clear that we will have to find different sources, perhaps foundations. In addition, we must increase our collaborative efforts both across the university and between universities. The Senior Hire program, while providing leadership to our research groups and younger faculty has not yet provided the increased funding that was hoped; unfortunately our Senior Hires face the same difficulty that the rest of us do with NIH and NSF. We are heartened by successes of some of our junior or recently tenured faculty, including Dr. Boyd Butler (NIH R15), Dr, Ximena Bernal (NSF), Dr. Tigga Kingston (NSF Network) and Kai Zhang (USDA).

Request: The University needs to reinstate dedicated funds for bridging that can support active research groups between grants.

Enhancement of Graduate Recruitment We have done somewhat better recruiting domestic students to our program, but often it is the same individuals that get the better U.S. students. This said, many of the international students that have applied and been accepted to the Department over the past 6 years have been excellent. This is especially true for groups of students on the 6th floor that have matriculated from Central and South America, several students in Microbiology from India and the Plant Molecular Biology group's recruitment of Asian students. We have been relatively stable at the 110-115 level for several years, fluctuating up and down slightly. Enhancing our website will help, and so will the recently introduced waiver for PhD students that only now need pay ~$700 per long semester if they have a TA. However, we definitely need to increase our graduate student salaries, especially at the PhD level (see below). We have been active in recruiting regionally, as various faculty members, including the chair have visited schools within a 350 mile radius that could provide students. During these visits, presentations regarding the research that the faculty member is doing as well as the Department itself are made. Such efforts are helpful, but so are having interested students visit. To that end, the Graduate School has made funds available specifically for such visits.

Request: Make even more funds available for recruitment, including invitations of groups of students that might comprise a cohort to visit.

Increase Graduate Student Salaries and other Financial Support

Biological Sciences 60

Currently, PhD students that are supported year round earn approximately $20,000. That needs to be raised at least 15% and would be much better if it were increased by 20%. We also need to completely waive all fees for PhD students. Lubbock is a very reasonable city to live in, and we need to emphasize that with such an increase, the quality of life for a graduate student can be better than in competing university cities and towns. We also need to renovate more space for graduate student offices, so as to house the students that we are trying to recruit. Requests have been made to the University, but as of yet have not been acted upon. We try and do a credible job of supporting graduate student travel to do field research or to present at meetings, offering up to $400 per trip. The Graduate School has funds that allow at least a 1:1 match in such circumstances and TTUAB and ASM also provided funds for their respective members. However, we could use even more funds to support such travel, as it allows our students to become known to peers and recognized for potential future jobs. Finally, we need to increase the number of Departmental RAs. These can serve as additional recruiting inducements for top students and as rewards for current students that have excelled.

Request: The University should provide additional funds for RAs both for recruitment and reward, and funds to renovate graduate student offices should be made available.

Perhaps our greatest strength in Biological Sciences is the sense of camaraderie that exists among most of the faculty and the graduate students. This provides opportunities for students to get diverse training across the multitude of biological disciplines. Our graduates appear to do extremely well in the job market, especially those from several labs (e.g., Baker, Bradley, Densmore, San Francisco, Zak), and these senior faculty must serve as examples for the younger faculty. It already appears that we have a renewed excitement in the Ecology, Evolutionary and Behavioral Biology group that will facilitate their graduates to be successful as well. Similarly, newer faculty in the Cell and Molecular Biology group (e.g., Butler, Xie and a prospective hire at the Assistant Professor level) seem to be excellent young scientists. We believe that with our collegiality, sense of cooperation and integrative approach to studying modern biology and the support of the Dean of Arts and Sciences and the upper administration, our future is a bright one.

Biological Sciences VII. Appendices – should include, but not be limited to, the following:

A. Strategic Plan B. Curriculum Map C. Graduate Course Offerings D. Graduate Student Handbook E. Graduate Student Association(s) F. Graduate Faculty Information G. Teaching Post-doctoral Information H. Syllabi for Graduate Courses Pertaining to Teaching and Learning


APPENDIX A Strategic Plan

Our departmental strategic plan is located at the following website:


APPENDIX B Curriculum Map

During the semester in the graduate program, the student will select the members of their Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee will meet to advise and assist towards the completion of the degree. The Committee will individually tailor the course plan to the student’s academic background, research interests, and career goals.

Requirements for completing the thesis MS degree include coursework (30 credit hours), a research thesis, and a final oral examination. A 36-credit hour non-thesis option is also available. The PhD degree requires 60 credit hours beyond the baccalaureate (including formal courses, seminars, and research credits), passage of a comprehensive qualifying exam (written and oral), and completion and oral defense of a dissertation.

The courses available in the Department of Biological Sciences cover a broad range of subjects spanning the diversity of life microorganisms through higher and plants, and all levels of organization from the molecule to the ecosystem. The diversity of courses available is further expanded by offerings in other departments in the College of Arts and Sciences (including Chemistry and Biochemistry, Environmental Toxicology, Geosciences, Mathematics and Statistics, and Physics) as well as in other academic units of the University (such as the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, College of Engineering, and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center).

An important decision is the choice of a thesis or dissertation topic, one that is both of interest to the student and complementary to their Major Advisor’s research program. Following discussions with their Major Advisor, the student will submit a research proposal to their Advisory Committee for their approval. Typically times for completion of the M.S. degree are 2-3 years and for the Ph.D. degree are 4-5 years.

The only prerequisite for every student entering the M.S. degree is BIOL 6202, which is Dr. Held's Preparation for Graduate Learning & Teaching in Biology. Ph.D. students that have had an MS degree and have taught and/or presented papers at national meetings may be exempted from this course. The other required course for Teaching Assistants (TA) is BIOL 6301 (section 025) Biological Pedagogy. This class is necessary for all starting students that want a TA that have not had a comparable class on their undergraduate transcripts.

Besides the above courses the only required courses for all graduate students are BIOL 7000 (research), BIOL 6000 (MS thesis), BIOL 8000 (dissertation). All other courses are considered optional electives, with the Graduate Committee being responsible for insuring that the students writes a suitable proposal for research and defends it, then does the research and finally defends it for the respective degree. If students do take these courses it is to bolster their backgrounds and allow them to pursue their research. Our graduate course offerings can be accessed in Appendix C at the following web site:





APPENDIX C Graduate Course Offerings

Our graduate course offerings are located at the following website:


APPENDIX D Graduate Student Handbook

Our graduate student handbook can be viewed at .


APPENDIX E Graduate Student Association(s)

The Department of Biological Sciences has two Graduate Student Associations. They are Texas Tech University Association of Biologists (TTUAB) and American Association of Microbiologists (ASM).

Texas Tech University Association of Biologists (TTUAB)

TTUAB has created a website located at This student organization has been substantial component of the Department of Biological Sciences. TTUAB members who fulfill all requirements (dues and hours) are eligible for yearly conference travel expenses, Graduate Forum Awards, and Mini-Grant Awards. For example in 2007-2008, the TTUAB awarded $7000 in Mini-Grant Awards and paid over $9000 in conference travel expenses. They have created a yearly symposium that not only invites TTU and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center graduate and undergraduate student participation, but also invites other regional university, college and even community college students to participate. The event is named Texas Tech University Annual Biological Sciences Symposium (TTABSS). Presentations are judged by faculty from participating departments and schools and cash awards are made to the most outstanding oral and poster presentations. This year will be the third year of its creation. The growth of this event has perpetuated collaboration of TTUAB, Tech ASM and now the graduate student organization from Natural Resources Management will help with the 2012 TTABSS. TTUAB has received the Texas Tech University Student Organization of the Year Award in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Texas Tech Student Chapter of the American Society for Microbiology (Tech ASM)

The Texas Tech Student Chapter of the American Society for Microbiology (Tech ASM) is a student organization open to all Texas Tech students, regardless of major, and dedicated to promoting microbiology and Texas Tech University. This is one of 73 active student chapters in the United States and one of only three chapters in the state of Texas recognized by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), the largest single organization devoted to the life sciences in the world. ASM currently has over 39,000 members.

Since its beginnings in 1977, the chapter has served Texas Tech University, the Department of Biological Sciences, and Tech microbiology students in a number of ways:


• Invited Lubbock numerous world-famous scientists, including Nobel Prize winner Max Delbrück.

• Our organization sponsors and provides funding for student members to attend ASM meetings and workshops at both the state and national level.

• Scheduled tours to microbiology-related operations, such as regional wineries, the sewage treatment plant, and the County Health Department.

• Sponsored intramural sports teams.

• Served the community by providing microbiology workshops in elementary and secondary schools in the area.

• Chapter members annually serve as judges in the South Plains Regional Science Fair.

• Chapter members offer tutoring to students taking microbiology classes and promote undergraduate research with microbiology faculty.

• Encourage informal interaction between students and faculty at all of our functions.


APPENDIX F Graduate Faculty Information


Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Robert Baker Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 309 Campus Mail Stop: 43131

Mailing Address City/State Zip

The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Institution University of Arizona Year Awarded 1967

Degree MS Field Institution Oklahoma State University Year Awarded 1965

Degree BS Field Institution Arkansas A&M College, Monticello Year Awarded 1963

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Horn Professor Department of Biology Institution/Agency Texas Tech University


Year(s) September 1979 - Present

Title Director of the Natural Science Research Laboratory Institution/Agency Texas Tech University and Museum of Texas Tech Year(s) 1976 - Present

Title Full Professor, Biology Department Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1965 - Present

Title Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) June 2001 - November 2008

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Hugo Mantilla-Meluk Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2010 Institution

Student's Name Heather N. Meeks Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2009 Institution

Student's Name Miguel Pinto Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2009 Institution

Student's Name Vicki J. Swier Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2008 Institution

Student's Name Faisal Bin Ali Anwarali Khan Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2008 Institution

Student's Name Maria Raquel Marchan-Rivadeneira Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2008 Institution


Student's Name Norma Salcedo Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2007 Institution

Student's Name Sergio Solari Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2007 Institution

Student's Name Juan Pablo Carrera Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2007 Institution

Student's Name Tamara Enriquez Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2007 Institution

Student's Name Adam Brown Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2006 Institution

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Seminar

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Seminar


Summer II TTU 2011 MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 MUSM 7000 Research MUSM 6001 Museum Internship MUSM 6000 Master's Thesis MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer II TTU 2010 MUSM 7000 Research MUSM 6001 Museum Internship MUSM 6000 Master's Thesis MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 MUSM 7000 Research


MUSM 6001 Museum Internship MUSM 6000 Master's Thesis MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 MUSM 7000 Research MUSM 6001 Museum Internship MUSM 6000 Master's Thesis MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Salcedo, N. J., Rodriguez, D., Strauss, R., Baker, R. (2011). The Fitzcarrald Arch: a vicariant event for Chaetostoma (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) speciation?. Copeia, 2011, 503-512.

Panasci, M., Ballard, W., Breck, S., Rodriguez, D., Densmore, L., Wester, D., Baker, R. (2011). Evaluation of Fecal DNA Preservation: Techniques and Effects of Sample Age and Diet on Genotyping Success. The Wildlife Society, 75(7), 1616-1624.

Marchán-Rivadeneira, R. R., Phillips, C., Strauss, R., Guerrero, J. A., Mancina, C. A., Baker, R. (2010). Cranial differentiation of fruit-eating bats (genus Artibeus) based on size- standardized data. Acta Chiropterologica, 12, 143-154.

Meeks, H. N., Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Gaschak, S., Baker, R. (2009). Understanding the Genetic Consequences of Environmental Toxicant Exposure: Chernobyl as a Model System. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 28(9), 1982-1994.

Chesser, R., Baker, R. (2007). Lessons of Chernobyl. Scientific American, Brazil, 6, 78-85.

Chesser, R., Baker, R. (2007). Lessons of Chernobyl.. Scientific American Brazil, 6, 78 - 85.


Books (Accepted)

Phillips, C., Baker, R. (2009). Global Disease Surveillance, Emergent Disease Preparedness, and National Security (pp. 83+ 4 un-numbered pages). Lubbock, Texas: Museum of Texas Tech University.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Meeks, H. N., Wickliffe, J. K., Hoofer, S. R., Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Baker, R. (2007). Mitochondrial control region variation in bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) is not related to Chernobyl radiation exposure.. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26(2), 361-369.

Chesser, R., Baker, R. (2006). Growing up with Chernobyl. American Scientist, 94, 542-547.

Chesser, R., Wickliffe, J., Baker, R., Rodgers, B. (2006). Variation in mitochondrial DNA control region haplotypes in populations of the Bank Vole, Clethrionomys glareolus, living in the Chornobyl environment, Ukraine. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25, 503- 508.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, The Wildlife Society. (October 2011 - Present).

Editor, Associate Editor, The Wildlife Society Bulletin, Lubbock, TX. (May 2011 - Present).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Baker, R., I CONGRESO ECUATORIANO DE MASTOZOOLOGÍA, Museo de Zoología QCAZ, Quito - Ecuador, "Who is the Thyroptera in Ecuador on the western side of the Andes?," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (November 18, 2011).


Marchán-Rivadeneira, M. R. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. (Author Only), Guerrero, J. A. (Author Only), Mancina, C. A. (Author Only), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual Meeting, Society for the Study of Evolution, Minneapolis, MN, "Evolutionary shape changes in the skull of fruit-eating bats (genus Artibeus): evidence from fossil and extant taxa," International. (June 2008).


General Baker, R., Scientific and Technological Barriers To Global Real Time Risk Assessment of Vector-borne Infections:, DOD, DITRA, Banbury, NY, "Significance of Knowing Mammalian Reservoir Species," International. (September 2011).

Baker, R., Bioterrorism & Complex Systems Workshop: One health Initiative, Missouri University, Missouri University, "Databases critical to making wise decisions in response to a crisis," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2011).

Baker, R., Seminar_Invited, Smithsonian, Natural History Museum, Washington, D.C., "Insights into speciation of mammals," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (November 2010).

Baker, R., North American Society of Bat Research (NASBR)., NASBR, Denver, Colorado, "Speciation dynamics in bats," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (October 2010).

Baker, R., International Bat Research Conference (IRBC)., Prague, Czech Republic, "Allopatric, Ecological, Hybrid, etc. Speciation in bats: How do their wing prints differ?," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (August 2010).

Baker, R. (Presenter & Author), North American Symposium on Bat Research, Portland, OR, "Power of Genetic Data in Understanding Speciation in Bats," National. (November 2009).

Baker, R. (Presenter & Author), University and Museums Collections, Berkeley, CA, "Collection of mammals and Genetic Resources Collection," National. (September 2009).

Baker, R. (Presenter & Author), International Mammalogical Congress, Buenos Aries, Argentina, "Operational species criteria and problems with species lists," International. (August 2009).

Baker, R. (Presenter & Author), American Society of Mammalogists, Fair Banks, Alaska, "Species messy at all levels," National. (June 2009).

Baker, R. (Presenter & Author), Texas Biodiversity Symposium, Houton, TX, "Genetics, Genetics Species Concept, Wildlife Diversity, and Policy." (January 2008).

Baker, R. (Presenter & Author), CRES Symposium, San Diego, CA., "Chromosomal evolution and speciation: the genetic species concept. Mammalian Chromosomes: Milestones in Understanding and Application," National. (November 2006).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

Contract Phillips, C. (Principal), Baker, R. (Co-Principal), "Zoonotic Agents and their Mammalian Reservoirs in the Kyrgyz Republic," Sponsored by UK Helath Protection Agency contract, funding from the Ministry of Defence, dstl, UK, Other. (June 2009 - July 2010).


Grant - Not Funded

Cañas, J. (Supporting), Baker, R. (Principal), "NSF Center for Integrative Studies in Zoonotic Diseas (iZooD)," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal.

Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Baker, R. (Principal), Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Wickliffe, J. K. (Co-Principal), "Functional Genomic Impacts of the Chernobyl Accident," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Federal, $1,757,798.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

The Gerrit S. Miller Jr. Award, from the North American Bat Symposium Colleagues. (2009).

Distinguished Service Award, from the Texas Genetics Society. (2008).

Sustainability Award, from the Ecological Society of America,. (2008).

Distinguished Texas Scientist Award, from the Texas Academy of Sciences. (2007).

Outstanding Faculty Mentor by Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa. (2007).


Committee Member, Horn Professor Selection Committee. (August 2011 - Present).


For Profit Organization, Permian Basin Petroleum Association, Midland, Texas. (June 2011 - Present).

For Profit Organization, Mary Lou Bradley of Bradley 3 Ranch, Memphis, TX. (May 2011 - August 2011).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Ximena E. Bernal Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Assistant Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 2008

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 273 Campus Mail Stop: Mailing Address City/State Zip

The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Institution University of Texas at Austin Year Awarded 2007

Degree MS Field Animal Behavior and Physiology Institution Universidad de Los Andes Year Awarded 2001

Degree BS Field Biology Institution Universidad de Los Andes Year Awarded 1998

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2009 - Present

Title Research Associate Institution/Agency Smithsonian Tropical Reseach Institute Year(s) June 1, 2011 - May 31, 2014


Title Visiting Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009

Title Postdoc Institution/Agency University of Texas at Austin Year(s) May 1, 2007 - August 31, 2008

Title Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant Institution/Agency University of Texas at Austin Year(s) September 1, 2001 - May 1, 2007

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Amanda Arner Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Lynne Beaty Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Priyanka de Silva Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Amy Kuczynski Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Jenny Strovas Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Quinn Emmering Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution


Student's Name Elizabeth Trumpower Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 15, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2011 ZOOL 5312 Advanced Animal Behavior BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 "Current issues in Aquatic Sciences" BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5305 Organic Evolution for Advanced Students

Fall TTU 2010 ZOOL 5312 Advanced Animal Behavior BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology


BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5305 Organic Evolution for Advanced Students

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Page, R. A., Schnelle, T., Kalko, E. K.V., Bunge, T., Bernal, X. (2012). Sequential assessment of prey through use of multiple sensory cues by an eavesdropping bat.. Naturwissenschaften, 99, 505-509.

Bernal, X., Rand, S. A., Ryan, M. J. (2010). Female mate choice and the potential for ornament evolution in túngara frogs, Physalaemus pustulosus.. Current Zoology, 56(3), 343 - 357.

Bernal, X., Page, R. A., Ryan, M. J., Argo IV, T. F., Wilson, P. S. (2009). Acoustic radiation patterns of mating calls of the túngara frog (Physalaemus pustuosus): Implications for multiple receivers. J Acous Soc Am, 126, 2757-2767.

Bernal, X., Rand, S. A., Ryan, M. J. (2009). Task differences underlie sexual dimorphism in behavior.. Proc Roy Soc London B, 276, 1323-1329.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Lloyd-Strovas, J., Bernal, X. A review of undergraduate evolution education in United States’ Universities: Building a unifying framework.. Evolution: Education and Outreach.

Book Chapters (Invited)

Page, R. A., Ryan, M. J., Bernal, X. Be Loved, Be Preyed, Be Eaten. In Ken Yasukawa (Ed.), Animal Behavior - Encyclopedia Vol 3. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.


VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Animal Behaviour. (December 2011 - Present).

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. (October 2011 - Present).

Biology Letters. (August 2011 - Present).

Animal Behaviour. (July 2011 - Present).

co-faculty advisor, SACNAS. (June 2011 - Present).

Editor, Associate Editor, Journal of Herpetology. (December 1, 2010 - Present).

Herpetological Review. (November 2010 - Present).

Journal of Herpetology. (October 2010 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Behavioral Ecology. (May 2010 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Ethology. (April 2010 - Present).

South American Journal of Herpetology. (April 2010 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Animal Behaviour. (February 2010 - Present).

Treasurer, West Texas Association for Women in Science. (October 2008 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Ethology. (February 2011 - August 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Bioacoustics. (October 2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Animal Behaviour. (September 2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Behavioral Ecology. (August 2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Proc Roy Soc B. (July 2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Evolution. (June 2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Experimental Biology. (January 2009).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years



Bernal, X. (Presenter & Author), McMahon, T. A. (Author Only), Pinto, M. (Author Only), Entomological Society of America Meeting, Reno, Nevada, "Frog-biting midges (Corethrella spp) as vectors of Trypanosoma sp. and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis." (November 13, 2011).

de Silva, P. (Presenter & Author), Jaramillo, C. (Author Only), Bernal, X. (Author Only), Entomological Society of America Meeting, "Selection of biting sites on anuran hosts by Corethrella Coquillett species." (November 13, 2011).

Moreland, M. (Presenter & Author), Bernal, X. (Author Only), TTU Undergraduate Research Conference, "Oophgay in Bombina orientalis." (April 11, 2011).

Beaty, L. (Presenter & Author), Bernal, X., Texas Tech Association of Biological Sciences Symposium, "Assessment of Information Sources in Learned Predator Recognition of Tadpoles.." (April 1, 2011).

de Silva, P. (Presenter & Author), Jaramillo, C. (Author Only), Bernal, X. (Author Only), Texas Tech Association of Biological Sciences Symposium, "Selection of biting sites on anuran hosts by frog-biting midges.." (April 1, 2011).

Arner, A. (Presenter & Author), Bernal, X. (Author Only), Texas Tech Association of Biological Sciences Symposium, "Spatial Exploration as an Assessment of Learning in two Anuran Species.." (April 1, 2011).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Bernal, X., Ryan, M. J. (Principal), Page, R. A., "Eavesdroppers and signal evolution.," Sponsored by NSF, Other, $417,000.00. (June 2006 - June 2010).

Grant - Not Funded

Bernal, X. (Principal), "Dimensions: Reproductive Niche Partitioning accross a Biodiversity Gradient," Sponsored by NSF, Texas Tech University, $1,539.06. (September 1, 2011 - August 31, 2016).

Bernal, X. (Co-Principal), "Reproductive Niche Partitioning across a Biodiversity Gradient," Sponsored by Smithsonian Research Insitute, Federal, $85,000.00. (April 1, 2012 - October 31, 2013).

Bernal, X., "Exploring the auditory system of eavesdropping frog-biting midges," Sponsored by Whitehall Foundation, $30,000.00.


Bernal, X., "LOI - Active space of complex signals," Sponsored by Paul Veneklasen Research Foundation.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Committee Member, Graduate Student Selection Committee. (September 1, 2009 - Present).

Committee Member, Space Committee. (August 15, 2010 - May 31, 2012).

Committee Member, Seminar Committee. (August 1, 2009 - May 31, 2012).

Committee Member, Curriculum Technology Committee. (January 2009 - May 2009).

Board Member, West Texas Association for Women in Science, Lubbock, TX. (September 1, 2008 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Shan L. Bilimoria Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1979

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 287 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip

The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Microbiology Institution University of Otago Year Awarded 1975

Degree BS Field Microbiology Institution University of Otago Year Awarded 1972

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 1978 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Soumya Mohana-Sundaram Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Polrit Viravathana


Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Saranya Ganapathy Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nilesh Chitnis Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed October 4, 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jonathan Townsend Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed July 8, 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Fall TTU 2011 MBIO 6306 General Virology BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis


Fall TTU 2010 MBIO 6306 General Virology BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

D'Costa, S. M., Vigerust, D. J., Perales-Hull, M. R., Lodhi, S. A., Polrit, V., Bilimoria, S. First complete and productive cell culture model for the genus Iridovirus. Archives of Virology.

Chitnis, N. S., Paul, E. R., Lawrence, P. K., Henderson, C. W., Ganapathy, S., Taylor, P. V., Virdi, K. S., D'Costa, S. M., May, A. R., Bilimoria, S. (2011). A virion-associated protein kinase induces apoptosis. Journal of Virology, 85, 13144-13152.

Bromenshenk, J. J., Henderson, C. B., Wick, C. H., Stanford, M. F., Zulich, A. W., Jabbour, R. E., Deshpande, S. V., McCubbin, P. E., Seccomb, R. A., Welch, P. M., Williams, T., Firth, D. R., Skowronski, E., Lehmann, M. M., Bilimoria, S., Gress, J., Wanner, K. W., Cramer, R. A. (2010). Iridovirus and Microsporidian Linked to Honey Bee Colony Decline. 5(10), 11.


Williams, T., Chitnis, N. S., Bilimoria, S. (2009). Invertebrate iridovirus modulation of apoptosis. Virol Sinica, 24, 294-304.

Chitnis, N. S., Paul, E. R., D'Costa, S. M., Bilimoria, S. (2008). Modulation of iridovirus- induced apoptosis by endocytosis, early expression, JNK, and apical caspase. Virology, 370, 333-342.

Paul, E. R., Chitnis, N. S., Henderson, C. W., Kaul, R. J., D'Costa, S. M., Bilimoria, S. (2007). Induction of apoptosis by iridovirus virion protein extract. Archives of Virology, 152, 1353-1364.

Other (Accepted)

Bilimoria, S. (2009). Use of iridoptin to induce toxicity in insects. US Patent Application Number: PCT/US2008/075523.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (September 1, 1979 - Present).

Member, Society for Invertebrate Pathology. (July 1, 1977 - Present).

Member, American Society for Microbiology. (February 1, 1976 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Apoptosis. (January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2012).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Archives of Virology. (January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2012).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Bilimoria, S., Biological Sciences Seminars, Biological Sciences TTU, Lubbock, TX, "Viral Kinase, Apoptosis and Biocontrol," Local, Published Elsewhere. (September 17, 2008).


Ganapathy, S. (Presenter & Author), Shen, G., Zhang, H., Parajulee, M., Bilimoria, S., 2011 Meeting, American Society for Plant Biology, Minneapolis, MN., "Use of a viral gene to confer insect resistance to transgenic Arabidopsis and cotton," International, Published in Proceedings. (August 6, 2011).

Paul, E. R. (Presenter & Author), Chitnis, N. S. (Author Only), Lawrence, P. K. (Author Only), Henderson, C. W. (Author Only), Yao, H. (Author Only), Townsend, J. M. (Author Only), Taylor, P. V. (Author Only), Ganapathy, S. (Author Only), May, A. R., D'Costa, S.


M. (Author Only), Bilimoria, S. (Author Only), XVIII International Poxvirus, Asfivirus, and Iridovirus Symposium, Poxvirus, Asfivirus, and Iridovirus Symposium, Sedona, AZ, "A viral protein kinase induces apoptosis," International, Published in Proceedings. (June 7, 2010).

Nguyen, Q. (Presenter & Author), Virdi, K. S. (Author Only), Zhang, H., Bilimoria, S. (Author Only), Student Research Days, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, "Integration and transcription of an apoptosis-inducing Insect virus gene in Arabidopsis thaliana," Local, Published Elsewhere. (April 10, 2008).

Virdi, K. S. (Presenter & Author), Ahmed, A. A. (Author Only), Bilimoria, S., Student Research Days, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, "Iridoptin, a Chilo iridescent virus polypeptide inducing apoptosis and host shutoff, is a virion component," Local, Published Elsewhere. (April 10, 2008).

Paul, E. R. (Presenter & Author), Chitnis, N. S. (Author Only), Henderson, C. W. (Author Only), Kaul, R. J. (Author Only), D'Costa, S. M. (Author Only), Bilimoria, S. (Author Only), 106th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, American Society for Microbiology, Orlando, FL., "Induction of Apoptosis and Inhibition of Host Protein Synthesis by Iridovirus Capsid Protein Extract.," International, Published in Proceedings, Published Elsewhere. (May 21, 2007).

May, A. R. (Presenter & Author), Townsend, J. M. (Author Only), Paul, E. R. (Author Only), Chitnis, N. S. (Author Only), Bilimoria, S., Student Research Days, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, "A novel viral protein induces apoptosis in boll weevil cells.," Local, Published Elsewhere. (April 13, 2007).

Taylor, P. V. (Presenter & Author), Chitnis, N. S. (Author Only), Paul, E. R. (Author Only), Bilimoria, S. (Author Only), Student Research Days, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, "Novel apoptotic mechanism of a viral gene.," Local. (April 13, 2007).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Bilimoria, S. (Principal), "Over expression and insecticidal activity of iridoptin.," Sponsored by Bayer CropScience, Private, $69,792.00. (June 1, 2011 - July 20, 2012).

Bilimoria, S. (Principal), Zhang, H. (Co-Principal), Parajulee, M. (Co-Principal), "Generation of transgenic Arabidopsis and cotton against boll weevils and aphids," Sponsored by Texas Tech Univesity THECB, State, $294,998.00. (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2010).

Bilimoria, S. (Principal), "A Viral-encoded kinase induces apoptosis," Sponsored by Texas Tech University / THECB, State, $34,654.00. (January 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Committee Member, Faculty Awards Committee. (September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2012).

Committee Member, Microbiology Group. (September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2012).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Rhonda L. Boros Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Assistant Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 2004

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Post Doctoral Fellow Field Integrated Rehabilitation Engineering Program (IREP) Institution Harvard Medical School & Boston University Year Awarded 2004

Degree Ph D Field Kinesiology Institution Pennsylvania State University Year Awarded 2002

Degree MS Field Exercise Science Institution Appalachian State University Year Awarded 1998

Degree BS Field Mathematics & Physical Education Institution University of North Carolina Year Awarded 1993

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 2004 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Hyung Suk Yang Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Will Martin Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 2011 Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name Eric Plumlee Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 2011 Institution

Student's Name Sandra Black Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 2007 Institution

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Bo Gao Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Aditya Jayadas Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Dmitri Okorokov Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Shamik Bhattacharya Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Lindsey Skelton Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Fall TTU 2011 ESS 7000 Research ESS 5306 Biomechanics

Summer I TTU 2011 ESS 7000 Research ESS 6000 Master's Thesis


Spring TTU 2011 ESS 7000 Research ESS 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 ESS 7000 Research ESS 6000 Master's Thesis ESS 5306 Biomechanics

Summer II TTU 2010 ESS 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2010 ESS 7000 Research ESS 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 ESS 7000 Research ESS 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2009 5306 Biomechanics

Spring TTU 2009 5310 Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Urbin, M., Stodden, D., Boros, R. (2012). Examining impulse variability in overarm throwing. Motor Control, 16(1), 19-30.

Ozsoy, B., Yang, J., Howard, B., Hashemi, J., Boros, R. (2011). Direct optimizatiton-based planar human vertical jumping simulation. International Journal of Human Factors Modeling and Simulation, 2(1/2), 47-66.

Domire, Z., Boros, R., Hashemi, J. (2011). An examination possible quadriceps force at the time of anterior cruciate ligament injury during landing: A simulation study. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(8), 1630-1632.


Domire, Z., Boros, R., Hashemi, J. (2011). An examination possible quadriceps force at the time of anterior cruciate ligament injury during landing: A simulation study. Journal of Biomechanics, 44(8), 1630-1632.

Conference Proceedings (Accepted)

Yang, H. S., Boros, R., Davies, B., Shields, J. (2012). The influence of prophylactic ankel braces on lowwer limb mechanics during a 90 degree side-step curring task. American Society of Biomechanics.

Anderson, A., Boros, R., Stodden, D., Yang, H. S. (2012). The influence of prophylactic ankle braces on lower limb mechanics during single leg hopping tasks. American Society of Biomechanics.

Boros, R., Plumlee, E. A. (2010). Effects of ankle immobilization on knee joint biomechanics during an unanticipated cutting maneuver. American Society of Biomechanics.

Domire, Z., Boros, R., Hashemi, J. (2010). Maximum possible quadriceps force 50ms after ground contact. American Society of Biomechanics.

Ozsoy, B., Yang, J., Boros, R. (2010). Human jumping motion analysis and simulation - A literature review. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics.

Boros, R., Urbin, M., Stodden, D., Shannon, D. M. (2010). Examining impulse-variability in overarm throwing. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity.

Boros, R., Skelton, L. (2009). Impact forces during ballet: Implications for injury. American Society of Biomechanics.

Boros, R. (2006). Biomechanics of drop landing: Sensitivity of single versus multiple trials analysis. American Society of Biomechanics.

Other (Accepted)

Martin, W., Boros, R., Sawyer, R., Gonzales, J. (2012). Effects of Betaine supplementation on strength and power adaptations following an 8-week resistance training program (5 Supplement ed., vol. 44, pp. S720). Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

Black, S. R., Boros, R., Miller, J., Henry, J. (2007). Neck strength and concussion in NCAA Division I football (4th ed., vol. 21, pp. e15). Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.


Conference Proceedings (Accepted)


Boros, R., Jayadas, A. (2010). Effect of arm restriction on upper body response to a slip. American Society of Biomechanics.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society. (April 2012 - Present).

2007-date Conference Organizing Committee, South Central American Society of Biomechanics. (2007 - Present).

Member, American College of Sports Medicine. (2006 - Present).

Member, Research Consortium of the American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance. (2004 - Present).

Member, Penn State Alumni Association. (August 2002 - Present).

Member, American Society of Biomechanics. (2001 - Present).

Member, National Strength & Conditioning Association. (1998 - Present).

Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. (1998 - Present).

Biomechanics Academy, American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance. (2004 - 2012).

Member, National Association for Girls and Women in Sport. (2004 - 2012).

Member, National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2004 - 2012).

Conference-Related, Founding Member - South Central American Society of Biomechanics. (2007 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Gait and Posture. (2005 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Applied Biomechanics. (2004 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Biomechanics. (2004 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. (2004 - Present).

Conference-Related, South Central American Society of Biomechanics. (2012).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, South Central American Society of Biomechanics. (2012).


Attendee, Meeting, American Society of Biomechanics, Gainsville, FL. (August 15, 2012 - August 18, 2012).

Attendee, Meeting, South Central American Society of Biomechanics, Dallas, TX. (April 13, 2012 - April 14, 2012).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, South Central American Society of Biomechanics. (2011).

Attendee, Meeting, South Central American Society of Biomechanics, Dallas, TX. (February 25, 2011 - February 26, 2011).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance. (2010).

Conference-Related, South Central American Society of Biomechanics. (2010).

Attendee, Meeting, American Society of Biomechanics, Providence, RI. (August 18, 2010 - August 21, 2010).

Committee Member, Conference Organizing Committee for the 2010 South Central American Society of Biomechanics Meeting. (September 2009 - February 2010).

Attendee, Meeting, South Central American Society of Biomechanics, Denton, TX. (February 11, 2010 - February 13, 2010).

Attendee, Meeting, American Society of Biomechanics, University Park, PA. (August 26, 2009 - August 29, 2009).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Research Consortium. (July 6, 2009 - July 24, 2009).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, American Society of Biomechanics. (March 2009 - April 2009).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance. (2008).

Attendee, Meeting, South Central American Society of Biomechanics, Permian Basin, TX. (February 20, 2008 - February 21, 2008).

Attendee, Meeting, National Strength & Conditioning Association, Atlanta, GA. (July 11, 2007 - July 14, 2007).

Reviewer, Conference Paper, American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance. (2006).


Reviewer, Conference Paper, American Society of Biomechanics. (2006).

Attendee, Meeting, Motor Development Research Consortium, Lubbock, TX. (November 10, 2006 - November 11, 2006).

Attendee, Meeting, American Society of Biomechanics, Blacksburg, VA. (September 6, 2006 - September 9, 2006).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Boros, R. (Presenter & Author), Motor Development Research Consortium 2006, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Youth soccer heading: Simulated head impact forces and accelerations," Regional. (November 10, 2006).


Yang, H. S. (Presenter & Author), Boros, R. (Chair), Davies, B. (Author Only), Shields, J. (Author Only), 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, American Society of Biomechanics, Gainesville, FL, "The influence of prophylactic ankle braces on lower limb mechanics during a 90 degree side-step cutting task," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (August 17, 2012).

Anderson, A. (Author Only), Boros, R. (Chair), Stodden, D. (Author Only), Yang, H. S. (Author Only), 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, American Society of Biomechanics, Gainesville, FL, "The influence of prophylactic ankle braces on lower limb mechanics during single leg hopping tasks," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (August 16, 2012).

Martin, W. M. (Presenter & Author), Boros, R. (Chair), Sawyer, R. (Author Only), Gonzales, J. (Author Only), American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, CA, "Effects of betaine supplementation on strength and power," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (June 2, 2012).

Yang, H. S. (Presenter & Author), Boros, R. (Chair), Davies, B. (Author Only), Shields, J. (Author Only), 2012 South Central American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, American Society of Biomechanics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, "The influence of prophylactic ankle braces on lower limb mechanics duuring a 90 degree side-step cutting task," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 14, 2012).

Anderson, A. (Presenter & Author), Boros, R. (Chair), Stodden, D. (Author Only), Yang, H. S. (Author Only), 2012 South Central Regional American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, American Society of Biomechanics, Dallas, TX, "The influence of prophylactic braces on lower limb mechanics during single lag hopping tasks," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 14, 2012).


Jayadas, A. (Presenter & Author), Boros, R. (Chair), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, American Society of Biomechanics, Providence, RI, "Effect of arm restriction on upper body response to a slip," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (August 20, 2010).

Boros, R. (Chair), Plumlee, E. A. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, American Society of Biomechanics, Providence, RI, "Effects of ankle immobilization on knee joint biomechanics during an unanticipated cutting maneuver," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (August 20, 2010).

Domire, Z. (Presenter & Author), Boros, R. (Author Only), Hashemi, J. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, American Society of Biomechanics, Providence, RI, "Maximum possible quadriceps force 50ms after ground contact," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (August 20, 2010).

Urbin, M. (Presenter & Author), Stodden, D. (Chair), Boros, R. (Co-Chair), Shannon, D. (Author Only), North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Tucson, AZ, "Examining impulse-variability in overarm throwing," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (June 11, 2010).

Boros, R. (Presenter & Author), Skelton, L. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, American Society of Biomechanics, University Park, PA, "Impact forces during ballet: Implications for injury," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (August 2009).

Boros, R. (Presenter & Author), Black, S. R. (Author Only), National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference, National Strength and Conditioning Association, Atlanta, GA, "Neck strength and concussion in NCAA Division I football," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (July 2007).

Boros, R. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, American Society of Biomechanics, Blacksburg, VA, "Biomechanics of drop landing: Sensitivity of single versus multiple trials analysis," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (September 8, 2006).


Ozsoy, B. (Presenter & Author), Boros, R. (Author Only), Yang, J. (Chair), 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Miami, FL, "Human jumping motion analysis and simulation," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (July 19, 2010).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years



Boros, R. (Principal), Martin, W. M. (Supporting), "The effects of betaine supplementation on strength and power adaptations following an 8-week resistance training program," Sponsored by Danisco Sweeteners Oy, Kantvik, Finland, Private, $3,443.00. (January 2011 - August 2011).

Grant - Not Funded

Domire, Z., Boros, R., "Knee Extensor Weakness as a Cause of Dangerous Landing Kinematics and ACL Injury," Sponsored by National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Federal.

Stodden, D. (Principal), Hart, M. (Co-Principal), Meaney, K. (Co-Principal), Roncesvalles, M. (Co-Principal), Griffin, L. (Co-Principal), Boros, R. (Co-Principal), "The Effect of Motor Skill Competence on Obesity in Latino Children and Adolescents," Sponsored by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Private, $75,000.00. (2009 - April 2009).

Boros, R. (Co-Principal), Yang, J. (Principal), "REU Site: Building Bridges between Engineering and Science in Applied Sport and Injury Biomechanics," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $319,086.00.

Hart, M. (Co-Principal), Meaney, K. (Principal), Lochbaum, M. (Co-Principal), Stevens, T. (Co-Principal), Roncesvalles, M. (Co-Principal), Boros, R. (Co-Principal), Roman-Shriver, C. (Co-Principal), "Childhood Obesity Multidisciplinary Behavioral research At Texas Tech: Developing the COMBATT CenterResearch Development Grant Proposal, Texas Tech University," Texas Tech University, $390,497.00. (2007 - September 2007).

Hart, M. (Co-Principal), Meaney, K. (Principal), Massey-Stokes, M. (Co-Principal), Dornier, L. A. (Co-Principal), Lochbaum, M. (Co-Principal), Roncesvalles, M. (Co-Principal), Dickin, C. (Co-Principal), Boros, R. (Co-Principal), Carter, D. (Co-Principal), "Investigating Childhood Obesity Intervention Strategies for Low Socio-Economic Children and Families: A Multifaceted Approach.," Texas Tech University, $555,068.00. (2006 - February 2006).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Faculty Contact, KAS and Departmental Contact for University Day. (2006 - 2012).

Faculty Advisor, Kinesiology & Athletic Society. (January 2006 - August 2012).

HESS Curriculum and Program Corrections to Catalog. (February 2010).

Student Nominations for NASPE Major of the Year. (November 14, 2009).


Committee Chair, Graduate Program Committee. (August 2008 - August 2009).

Committee Member, Graduate Program Committee. (September 2006 - August 2009).

Committee Member, Biomechanics Faculty Search Committee. (September 2008 - July 2009).

Attendee, Meeting, Commencement Exercises. (May 8, 2009 - May 9, 2009).

Attendee, Meeting, Department Excellence in Teaching Awards Reception. (April 17, 2009).

ESS 1301 Guest Lecture - Biomechanics component, Guest Lecture - ESS 1301. (March 30, 2009).

Nomination of Allison Dunne to the Tech Parents Association Award. (February 2009).

Departmental Excellence in Teaching Award Submission. (January 2009 - February 2009).

Co-Chair, Convocations Committee. (August 2012 - Present).

Committee Member, Convocations Committee. (September 2009 - August 2012).

University Senate Service, Faculty Senate. (September 2009 - August 2012).

Attendee, Graduation, Convocations Committee. (December 18, 2009 - December 19, 2009).

Faculty Mentor, Center for Undergraduate Research. (August 2007 - August 2009).

Committee Member, 3D Animation Lab Advisory Committee. (September 2007 - May 2009).

Attendee, Award Ceremony, Center for Undergraduate Research Spring Banquet. (April 16, 2009).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Robert D. Bradley Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1994

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 298 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Postdoctoral Fellow Field Institution Texas A&M University Year Awarded 1994

Degree Postdoctoral Fellow Field Institution University of Texas at Austin Year Awarded 1992

Degree Ph D Field Zoology Institution Texas Tech University Year Awarded 1991

Degree MS Field Wildlife and Fisheries Science Institution Texas A&M University Year Awarded 1986

Degree BS Field Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences Institution Texas A&M University Year Awarded 1983

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Chair Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) January 1, 2010 - Present

Title Full Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2006 - Present

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 2001 - September 2006 44

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Emma Roberts Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Howard Huynh Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nicte Ordonez-Garza Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Matthew Mauldin Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Megan Corley Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Cody Thompson Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Amanda Lawrence Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Sheri Westerman-Ayers Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 2010 Institution

Student's Name Roy Platt Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2008


Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Dallas Henson Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Ryan Chambers Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name John Hanson Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Brooke Baxter Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Michelle Haynie Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Daniel Wondmagegne Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Michelle Knapp Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Ashish Bashyal Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Stephen Roussos Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member


Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Cibele Caio Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Juan Carrera Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Lizette Stiles Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Molly McDonough Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Racquel Marchan Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Adam Ferguson Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Courtney Thomason Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Miryam Venegas-Anaya Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Julie Parlos Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed



Student's Name Tyla Holsomback Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Amber Duran Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Roxanne Larsen Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2011 Institution

Student's Name Hugo Mantilla Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2010 Institution

Student's Name Peter Larsen Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2010 Institution

Student's Name Heather Meeks Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jon Dunnum Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Vicki Swier Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nicte Ordonez-Garza Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name David Rodriquez Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Norma Salcedo Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Segio Solari Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name John Middleton Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Krystal Hinerman Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Lee McAililey Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Ray Willis Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation

Summer I TTU 2012 MUSM 7000 Research MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation


BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 ZOOL 6303 Seminar in Mammalogy for Advanced Students BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2011 ZOOL 5402 Advanced Mammalogy MUSM 7000 Research MUSM 6000 Master's Thesis MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2011 MUSM 6000 Master's Thesis MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 MUSM 7000 Research MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2011 ZOOL 5407 Vertebrate Zoology for Advanced Students MUSM 7000 Research MUSM 6001 Museum Internship MUSM 6000 Master's Thesis MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Molecular systematics and evoluation BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis


Fall TTU 2010 ZOOL 5402 Advanced Mammalogy BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Seminar

Summer II TTU 2010 MUSM 7000 Research MUSM 6001 Museum Internship MUSM 6000 Master's Thesis MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 ZOOL 5402 Advanced Mammalogy MUSM 7000 Research MUSM 6001 Museum Internship MUSM 6000 Master's Thesis MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum MUSM 5325 Museum Field Methods BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 ZOOL 6303 Mammalogy for Advanced Students ZOOL 5407 Vertebrate Zoology for Advanced Students MUSM 7000 Research MUSM 6001 Museum Internship MUSM 6000 Master's Thesis MUSM 5328 Museum Practicum BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Molecular systematics and evoluation BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2009 BIOL 6301 Molecular Systematics and Evolution 6101 Seminar


Fall TTU 2008 BIOL 6101 Seminar

Spring TTU 2008 ZOOL 6303 Mammalogy for Advanced Students BIOL 6101 Seminar

Fall TTU 2007 BIOL 6101 Seminar

Spring TTU 2007 BIOL 6301 Molecular Systematics and Evolution BIOL 6101 Seminar

Fall TTU 2006 BIOL 6101 Seminar

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years

Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Creative Activity

Museum Exhibit (Invited)

Bradley, R. (Exhibitor), Bradley, L. (Exhibitor), Baker, R. J. (Exhibitor), "Rats, Bats, and a Whole Lot More: Expeditions by the Natural Science Research Laboratory, 1994-2008", Museum of texas Tech University. (May 2010 - September 2010).


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Bradley, R., Cajimat, M. N. B., Fulhorst, C. F., Milazzo, M. L. (2011). Diversity and phylogenetic relationships among the North American Tacaribe serocomplex viruses (Family Arenaviridae). Virology, 421, 87-95.

Bradley, R., Ayers, S. B. (2011). Genetic diversity in the transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) among natural hosts of the North American arenaviruses. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University, 304, 1-15.

Bradley, R., Ordóñez-Garza, N., Corley, M. S., Rogers, D. S. (2011). Molecular evidence for paraphyly Nyctomys sumichrasti: support for a new genus of Vesper Mice?. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University, 872, 31-26.

Bradley, R., Ordóñez-Garza, N. (2011). Peromyscus schmidlyi. Mammalian Species, 872, 31-26.


Bradley, R., Hanson, J. D. (2010). Antibodies to Tacaribe serocomplex viruses (Family Arenaviridae, genus Arenavirus) in cricetid rodents from New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 10, 629-637.

Bradley, R., Ordóñez-Garza, N., Strauss, R. E., Salazar-Bravo, J. (2010). Concordant patterns of phenotypic and genetic variation in three species of endemic MesoAmerican Peromyscus (Rodentia, ). Journal of Mammalogy, 91, 848-859.

Bradley, R. (2010). Getting down and dirty with rodents. Journal of Mammalian Evolution, 17, 301-302.

Bradley, R., Hanson, J. D., Swier, V. J. (2010). Molecular divergence in the Oryzomys palustris complex: evidence for multiple species. Journal of Mammalogy, 91, 336-347.

Bradley, R., Thompson, C. W., Chambers, R. R. (2010). Rbp3 in geomyid rodents: reduced rate of molecular evolution or evidence for selection?. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University, 296, 1-10.

Bradley, R., Thompson, C., Chambers, R. R. (2010). Rbp3 in geomyid rodents: Reduced rate of molecular evolution or evidence for selection?. Occasional Papers of the Museum, Texas Tech University, 296, 1-15.

Bradley, R., Pinto, C. M., Baxter, B. D., Hanson, J. D., Mendez-Harclerode, F. M., Suchecki, J. R. (2010). Using museum collections to detect pathogens: Trypanosoma cruzi in Texas woodrats. Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases, 16, 356-357.

Book Chapters (Invited)

Thompson, C., Bradley, R. (2012). Neotoma isthmica. In G. Ceballos and G. Olivia (Ed.), Los Mamíferos Silvestres de México, Segunda Edición (2nd ed.). Comision Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad Fondo de Cultura Economica.

Thompson, C., Bradley, R. (2012). Neotoma picta. In G. Ceballos and G. Olivia (Ed.), Los Mamíferos Silvestres de México, Segunda Edición (2nd ed.). Comision Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad Fondo de Cultura Economica.

Other (Accepted)

Bradley, R., Solari, S., Larsen, P., Carrera, J., Baker, R. (2010). Operational criteria for genetically defined species: analysis of the diversification of the small fruit-eating bats, Dermanura (Phyllosomidae: Stenodermatinae) (vol. 11, pp. 279-288). Acta Chiropterologica.



Journal Articles (Accepted)

Bradley, R., Baxter, B., Mendez-Harclerode, F. (2009). A molecular examination of relatedness, multiple maternity, and cohabitation of the southern plains woodrat (Neotoma micropus). Journal of Mammalogy.

Bradley, R., Chambers, R. (2009). A phylogenetic assessment of pocket gophers (Geomys): evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Journal of Mammalogy.

Bradley, R., Haynie, M. (2009). Genetic variation within populations of a dietary specialist, Neotoma stephensi (Stephen’s woodrat), in Arizona. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University.

Bradley, R., Howell, E., Larsen, P., Hanson, J., Khan, F., Larson, R., Chambers, R. (2009). Mammal records from Briscoe, Dickens, Hall, and Motley counties, Texas. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University.

Bradley, R., Henson, D. (2009). Molecular systematics of the genus Sigmodon: results from mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences. Canadian Journal of Zoology.

Bradley, R., Swier, V., Baker, R. (2009). Patterns of chromosomal evolution in Sigmodon, evidence from whole chromosome paints. Cytogenetic and Genome Research.

Bradley, R., Cajimat, M. (2008). Diversity among Tacaribe serocomplex viruses (family Arenaviridae) naturally associated with the Mexican woodrat (Neotoma mexicana). Virus Research.

Bradley, R., Milazzo, M., Haynie, M. (2008). Diversity among Tacaribe serocomplex viruses (family Arenaviridae) naturally associated with the white-throated woodrat (Neotoma albigula) in the southwestern United States. Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases.

Bradley, R., Genoways, H., Bell, D., Chambers, R. (2008). Hybrid zones, genetic isolation and systematics of pocket gophers (genus Geomys) in Nebraska. Journal of Mammalogy.

Bradley, R., Hanson, J. (2008). Molecular diversity within Melanomys caliginosus (Rodentia: ): evidence for multiple species. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University.

Bradley, R., Hoofer, S., S. S., Larsen, P. (2008). Phylogenetics of the fruit-eating bats (Phyllostomidae: Artibeina) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University.

Bradley, R., Henson, D., Durish, N. (2008). Re-evaluation of the geographic distribution and phylogeography of the Sigmodon hispidus complex based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. The Southwestern Naturalist.


Bradley, R., Cajimat, M. (2007). Catarina virus, an arenaviral species principally associated with Neotoma micropus (Southern Plains Woodrat) in Texas. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Bradley, R., Haynie, M. (2007). Genetic variation in multilocus microsatellite genotypes in two species of woodrats (Neotoma macrotis and N. fuscipes) from California. Journal of Mammalogy.

Bradley, R., Mendez-Harclerode, F. (2007). Molecular evidence for high levels of intrapopulation genetic diversity in woodrats (Neotoma micropus). Journal of Mammalogy.

Bradley, R., Reeder, S. (2007). Phylogenetic relationships of neotomine-peromyscine rodents using DNA sequences from intron 7 of the beta fibrinogen gene. The quintessential naturalist: honoring the life and legacy of Oliver P. Pearson.

Bradley, R., Durish, N. (2007). Toward a molecular phylogeny for Peromyscus: evidence from mitochondrial cytochrome-b sequences. Journal of Mammalogy.

Bradley, R., Milazzo, M., Hanson, J. (2006). Catacamas virus, a hantaviral species naturally associated with (Coues’ oryzomys) in Honduras. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Bradley, R., Amman, B., Hanson, J., Longhofer, L. (2006). Intron 2 of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH1-I2): a nuclear DNA marker for mammalian systematics. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University.

Bradley, R., Sudman, P. (2006). Molecular systematics of pocket gophers of the genus Geomys. Journal of Mammalogy.

Bradley, R., Longhofer, L. (2006). Molecular systematics of the genus Neotoma based on DNA sequences from intron 2 of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene. Journal of Mammalogy.

Bradley, R., Reeder, S., Carroll, D., Edwards, C. (2006). Neotomine-peromyscine rodent systematics based on combined analyses of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

Bradley, R., Hanson, J. D., Amman, B., Baxter, B., Carroll, D., Durish, N., Haynie, M., Kageyama, M., Longhofer, L., Mendez-Harclerode, F., Reeder, S., Suchecki, J. (2006). Rapid recovery of rodent populations following a severe drought. Southwestern Naturalist.

Bradley, R., Baker, R. (2006). Speciation in mammals and the genetic species concept. Journal of Mammalogy.

Bradley, R., Kageyama, M. (2006). The Changing Significance and Definition of the Biological Voucher. Museum Studies: Perspectives and Innovation.


Bradley, R., Salazar-Bravo, J. (2006). Voucher Specimens for SARS-linked Bats. Letter to the editor of Science. Science.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. (1994 - Present).

Member, Society for the Study of Mammalian Evolution. (1994 - Present).

Member, Society for the Study of Evolution. (1986 - Present).

Member, Texas Academy of Science. (1985 - Present).

Member, Society of Systematic Biologists. (1984 - Present).

Member, Southwestern Association of Naturalists. (1984 - Present).

President-elect (2001-2002), Patron Member (2002), President (2002-2003), Bobcat Member (2005); committees: Student Presentations Evaluator (1994-1996), Executive (2002-present), ad hoc Membership (2007-2008), Auctioneer (2003-present), Texas Society of Mammalogists. (1984 - Present).

Life Member (1991) and Patron Member (1998); committees: Education and Graduate Students (1990-1992), Merriam Award (1994-1996), Grants-In-Aid of Research (1994- 2001), Grants-In-Aid of Research (Chair, 1996-2000), Systematics Collection (2000- present), Associate Editor (2001-2005; 2006 temporary assignment), American Society of Mammalogists. (1983 - Present).

Texas Academy of Sciences.

Committee Member, Texas Society of Mammalogists. (2002 - Present).

Committee Member, American Society of Mammalogists. (2000 - Present).

Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. (1994 - Present).

Member, Society for the Study of Mammalian Evolution. (1994 - Present).

Member, Society for the Study of Evolution. (1986 - Present).

Member, Society of Systematic Biologists. (1984 - Present).

Member, Southwestern Association of Naturalists. (1984 - Present).

Member, Texas Society of Mammalogists. (1984 - Present).


Member, American Society of Mammalogists. (1983 - Present).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Thompson, C. (Presenter & Author), Stangl, F. B. (Author Only), Bradley, R. (Author Only), Texas Academy of Science, Texas Academy of Science, Sul Ross State University-Alpine, Texas, "Potential ancient hybridization and mitochondrial capture in hybridizing ground squirrels (genus Spermophilus)," State. (2012).

Thompson, C. (Presenter & Author), Stangl, F. B. (Author Only), Bradley, R. (Author Only), Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Tech University- Junction, "Potential ancient hybridization and mitochondrial capture in hybridizing ground squirrels (genus Spermophilus)," State. (2012).

Ordóñez-Garza, N. (Presenter & Author), Matson, J. (Author Only), Strauss, R. (Author Only), Bradley, R. (Author Only), Salazar-Bravo, J. (Author Only), 10th International Mammalogical Congress, International Federation of Mammalogists, Mendoza, Argentina, "Phenetic and genetic concordance among three species of endemic Peromyscus (Rodentia) from Mesoamerican highlands," International. (August 2009).


Bradley, R. (Author Only), Mauldin, M. R. (Presenter & Author), Haynie, M. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the American Society of Mammalogists, American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, OR, "Molecular and ecological evaluation of hybridization in two species of woodrats (Neotoma floridana and N. micropus)," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Corley, M. S. (Presenter & Author), Platt, R. N. (Author Only), Amman, B. R., Annual Meetings of the American Society of Mammalogists, American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, OR, "Phylogenetic relationships and tribal divergence times in the subfamily Neotominae," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Thompson, C. (Presenter & Author), Stangl, F. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the American Society of Mammalogists, American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, OR, "Y-Chromosome and mitochondrial sequences indicate genetic intogression in ground squirrel (genus Spermophilus)," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Booth-Binczik, S. D. (Presenter & Author), Thompson, C. W. (Author Only), Bender, L. (Author Only), Huntley, J. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the Felid Taxon Advisory Group of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Dallas, TX, "Ocelot Food Habits and Potential for Competition with Bobcats in South Texas," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (May 2011).


Bradley, R. (Author Only), Eisemann, A. H. (Presenter & Author), Mendez-Harclerode, F. (Author Only), Ramsey, S. (Author Only), Haynie, M. L., Annual Meetings of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Tyler, TX, "Assessment of genetic diversity within populations of Neotoma albigula (White-throated Woodrats) from Arizona, using microsatellite loci and mitochondrial d-loop sequence data," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Ordonez-Garza, N. (Presenter & Author), Amman, B. R. (Author Only), Platt, R. N. (Author Only), Haynie, M. L., Annual Meetings of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Tyler, TX, "Assessment of genetic diversity within populations of Neotoma albigula (White-throated Woodrats) from Arizona, using microsatellite loci and mitochondrial d-loop sequence data," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Mauldin, M. R. (Presenter & Author), Haynie, M. L. (Author Only), Rowell, E. (Author Only), Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Molecular and ecological evaluation of hybridization in two species of woodrats (Neotoma floridana and N. micropus)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Corley, M. S. (Presenter & Author), Platt, R. (Author Only), Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Molecular evidence to support the phylogenetic position of Otonyctomys hatti," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Thompson, C. W. (Presenter & Author), Stangl, F. B. (Author Only), Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Y-chromosome and mitochondrial sequences indicate genetic introgression in morphologically distinct ground squirrel (Genus Spermophilus)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Eisemann, A. H. (Presenter & Author), Mendez-Harclerode, F. (Author Only), Ramsey, S. (Author Only), Haynie, M. L., Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Assessment of genetic diversity within populations of Neotoma albigula (White-throated Woodrats) from Arizona, using microsatellite loci and mitochondrial d-loop sequence data," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Mauldin, M. R. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Molecular and ecological investigations of a woodrat (Genus Neotoma) hybrid zone," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Ordonez-Garza, N. (Presenter & Author), Amman, B. R. (Author Only), Platt, R. N. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists,


Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Molecular evidence for cryptic species in Peromyscus pectoralis (Cricetidae: Neotominae)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Corley, M. S. (Presenter & Author), Ordonez-Garza, N. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Molecular evidence to support the phylogenetic position of Otonyctomys hatti," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2011).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Thompson, C. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meetings of the American Society of Mammalogists, American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, WY, "Implications of hybridization between the Mexican ground squirrel (Spermophilus mexicanus) and the thirteen-lined ground squirrel (S. tridecemlineatus)," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Mauldin, M. (Presenter & Author), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the American Society of Mammalogists, American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, WY, "Molecular evidence for hybridization between Neotoma micropus and N. floridana," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Corley, M. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meetings of the American Society of Mammalogists, American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, WY, "Phylogenetic relationships within the Neotominae based on combined mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data sets," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Thompson, C. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meetings of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Junction, TX, "Implications of hybridization between the Mexican ground squirrel (Spermophilus mexicanus) and the thirteen-lined ground squirrel (S. tridecemlineatus)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Ordonez-Garza, N. (Presenter & Author), Duplechin, R. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Junction, TX, "Taxonomic status and distribution of the Peromyscus boylii group (Rodentia: Cricetidae)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Clinton, A. (Presenter & Author), Fulhorst, C. (Author Only), Milazzo, M. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Characterization and natural host relationships of Muleshoe virus in north Texas and western Oklahoma," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Ayers, S. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Is transferrin-


receptor 1 (TfR1) the host receptor for North American arenaviruses," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Mauldin, M. (Presenter & Author), Hanson, D. (Author Only), Baker, R., Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Molecular evidence for hybridization between Neotoma micropus and N. floridana," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Vargas, E. (Presenter & Author), Ayers, S. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Molecular systematics of Geomys based on DNA sequences from the protein coding the alcohol dehydrogenase gene (Adh-1)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Corley, M. (Presenter & Author), Platt, R. (Author Only), Amman, B. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists. Junction, TX. 2010. (Regional Meeting)., Junction, TX, "Phylogenetic relationships within the Neotominae based on combined mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data sets," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Ordonez-Garza, N. (Presenter & Author), Duplechin, R. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Taxonomic status and distribution of the Peromyscus boylii group (Rodentia: Cricetidae)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Ayers, S. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meetings of the Texas Tech University Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech university, Lubbock, TX, "Examining the role of the transferrin-receptor (TfR1) gene as the host cellular receptor for North American arenaviruses," Local, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (January 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Mauldin, M. (Presenter & Author), Hanson, D. (Author Only), Baker, R. (Author Only), Meeting of the Texas Tech University Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Molecular evidence for hybridization between Neotoma micropus and N. floridana," Local, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (January 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Corley, M. (Presenter & Author), Platt, R., Amman, B., Meeting of the Texas Tech University Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Molecular relationships within the Neotominae based on combined mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences," Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (January 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Vargas, E. (Presenter & Author), Ayers, S. (Author Only), Meeting of the Texas Tech University Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Molecular systematics of Geomys based on DNA sequences from


the protein coding alcohol dehydrogenase gene (Adh-1)," Local, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (January 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Thompson, C. (Presenter & Author), Meeting of the Texas Tech University Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Preliminary data on the phylogeography of the thirteen-lined ground squirrel (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus)," Local, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (January 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Clinton, A. (Presenter & Author), Fulhorst, C. (Author Only), Milazzo, M. (Author Only), Meeting of the Texas Tech University Annual Biological Sciences Symposium. Lubbock, TX. 2010, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Genetic Characterization and natural host relationships of Muleshoe virus in north Texas and western Oklahoma," Local, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (January 2010).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Baker, R. J. (Presenter & Author), 10th International Mammalogical Congress, Mendoza, Argentina, "Operational species criteria and problems associated with species lists," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (August 2009).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Ordóñez-Garza, N. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. E. (Presenter Only), Matso, J., Salazar-Bravo, J., 10th International Mammalogical Congress, Mendoza, Argentina, "Phenetic and Genetic Concordance Among Three Species of Endemic Peromyscus (Rodentia) from Mesoamerican Highlands," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (August 2009).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Hanson, J. D. (Presenter & Author), Indorf, J. (Author Only), Swier, V. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the American Society of Mammalogists, American Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Molecular divergence in the Oryzomys palustris complex: evidence for multiple species," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2009).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Baker, R. J. (Presenter & Author), American Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "What is a species how are they recognized, and what good are they," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2009).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Westerman, S. (Presenter & Author), Hanson, J. D. (Author Only), Lee, T. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Genetic characterization of the elusive montane fish-eating rat of Neusticomys monticolus," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2009).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Corely, M. (Presenter & Author), Platt, N. (Author Only), Amman, B. R. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Molecular relationships within the Neotominae: how many tribes should be recognized," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2009).


Bradley, R. (Author Only), Vargas, E. (Presenter & Author), Westerman, S. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Molecular systematics of Geomys based DNA sequences from the protein coding the alcohol dehydrogenase gene (Adh-1)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2009).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Thompson, C. W. (Presenter & Author), Chambers, R. R. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Rate of molecular evolution of the interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) gene in the rodent suborder Castorimorpha," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2009).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Tompson, C. W. (Presenter & Author), Chambers, R. R. (Author Only), Annual Meetings of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Rate of molecular evolution of the interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) gene in the rodent suborder Castorimorpha," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2009).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Mauldin, M. R. (Presenter & Author), Hanson, J. D. (Author Only), D’Elia, G., Annual Meetings Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Phylogenetic systematics of the genus Holochilus based mitochondrial and nuclear data," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2009).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Baker, R. (Presenter & Author), Texas Parks and Wildlife Conference on Biodiversity, "Genetics, genetic species concept, wildlife diversity, and policy," State, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (September 2008).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), McDonald, K. (Presenter & Author), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, "Impact of Potential Emergent Diseases on Genetic Resources Tissue Collections, the Health Concerns of Museum Workers, and Natural History Museum Procedures and Policies," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (August 2008).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Swier, V. (Presenter & Author), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, "Chromosome painting in Sigmodon: A test of parsimony and alternative phylogenetic hypotheses," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2008).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Solari, S. (Presenter & Author), Larsen, P. (Author Only), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, "Systematics and species boundaries of Dermanura (Phyllostomidae: Stenodermatinae)," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2008).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Platt, N. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, "What is Peromyscus? A phylogeny based on multiple data sets," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2008).


Bradley, R. (Author Only), Swier, V. (Presenter & Author), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the Texas Genetics Society, "Chromosome painting in Sigmodon: a test of parsimony and alternative phylogenetic hypotheses," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (March 2008).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Platt, N. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "A nuclear and mitochondrial perspective of Peromyscus. Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2008).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Swier, V. (Author Only), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "Chromosome painting in Sigmodon: to understand the ancestral karyotype of Sigmodontines," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2008).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Henson, D. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "Molecular systematics of the genus Sigmodon based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2008).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Bull, R. (Presenter & Author), Solari, S. (Author Only), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "MtDNA phylogenetics of the fruit-eating bats (Phyllostomidae: Artibeina)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2008).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Chambers, R. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "Phylogenetic relationships within Geomys: results from nuclear and mitochondrial genes," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2008).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Garner, H. (Presenter & Author), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, "From Blueprint to Moving In: What Worked, What Didn’t, and Practical Advice for Designing Your Next Building," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (August 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), McDonalf, K. (Presenter & Author), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, "Taxidermy Woes, Wows, and Results at the Museum of Texas Tech University. 2007," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (August 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Marchan, R. (Presenter & Author), Larsen, P. (Author Only), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, "Ecogeographic variation, subspecies, and distribution of Artibeus lituratus in Central America: insights of predicting models," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2007).


Bradley, R. (Author Only), Swier, V. (Presenter & Author), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, "Further explorations that the karyotype of Sigmodon hispidus is the ancestral form for the sigmodontines," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Platt, N. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, "Genetic variation in the Peromyscus boylii species complex of western Mexico," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Hanson, J. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, "Molecular phylogenetics of the Oryzomyini: Does a multi-gene approach help resolve a systematic conundrum," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Chambers, R. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, "Molecular systematics of Geomys: results from mitochondrial and nuclear gene studies," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Henson, D. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, "Molecular systematics of the genus Sigmodon based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Hester, L. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, "Survey of enteric parasites from Mexico," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Baker, R. K. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "Genetic diversity in Reithrodontomys fulvescens. Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Platt, N. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "Genetic variation in the Peromyscus boylii species complex of western Mexico," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Hanson, J. (Author Only), Platt, R. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "Geographic variation and the description of a new species of Oreoryzomys balneator," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Marchan, R. (Presenter & Author), Larsen, P. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "Geographic variation, subspecies, and morphological data: a study of Artibeus lituratus in Central America," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2007).


Bradley, R. (Author Only), Hanson, J. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "Molecular phylogenetics of the Oryzomyini: Does a multi-gene approach help resolve a systematic conundrum," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Chambers, R. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "Molecular systematics of the genus Geomys: results from mitochondrial and nuclear gene studies," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Henson, D. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, "Reevaluation of the distribution Sigmodon toltecus and S. hirsutus," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2007).

Bradley, R. (Author Only), Orodonez-Garza, N. (Presenter & Author), Swier, V. (Author Only), Hanson, J. (Author Only), Annual meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "The karyotype of Peromyscus grandis (Goodwin, 1932) (Rodentia: Cricetidae)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2007).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Bradley, R. (Co-Principal), Huynh, H. R. (Co-Principal), Baker, R. J. (Co-Principal), "Investigating the Taxonomic Status and Island biogeography of Peromyscus maniculatus argentatus," Sponsored by New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund, State, $6,160.00. (2011 - 2012).


Bradley, R. (Principal), Strauss, R., Rice, S., Allen, L., "Collaborative Research EID: Modeling the Dynamics and Evolution of North American Arenaviruses and Their Hosts," Sponsored by NSF, Texas Tech University, $898.42. (August 1, 2011 - July 31, 2014).

Grant - Not Funded

Bradley, R. (Co-Principal), Baker, R. J. (Principal), Phillips, C. J. (Co-Principal), Zak, J. (Co- Principal), "Preproposal to establish a “Center for Integrative Studies of Zoonotic Diseases (IZooD)," Sponsored by NSF (Science and Technology Centers, NSF 11-522, Texas Tech University, $25,000,000.00. (2012 - 2017).

Bradley, R. (Co-Principal), Wallace, M. C. (Principal), "Identifying Source Sink Population Dynamics on Federal Lands," Sponsored by SERDP, Texas Tech University, $558,875.00. (September 2010 - August 2012).


Bradley, R. (Co-Principal), Rice, S. H. (Principal), Strauss, R. E. (Co-Principal), "Modeling the dynamics and evolution of zoonotic diseases and their hosts," Sponsored by NHARP, Texas Tech University, $200,000.00. (2008 - 2009).

Grant - Pending

Bradley, R. (Principal), Baker, R. J. (Co-Principal), "Cataloguing, curating, and installing the mammal collection formerly housed at the Science Museum of Minnesota into the Museum of Texas Tech University," Sponsored by NSF, Texas Tech University, $495,304.00. (March 2012 - February 2014).

Bradley, R. (Principal), "Dissertation Research: Comparative Genomics Approach to Identify Speciation Genes in a Mammalian Hybrid Zone," Sponsored by NSF, Texas Tech University, $14,605.00. (August 1, 2012 - July 31, 2013).

Bradley, R. (Principal), Baker, R. J. (Co-Principal), "Cataloguing, curating, and installing the mammal collection formerly housed at the Science Museum of Minnesota into the Museum of Texas Tech University," Sponsored by NSF, Texas Tech University, $495,304.00. (March 2011 - February 2013).

Bradley, R. (Principal), Baker, R. J. (Co-Principal), "Cataloguing, curating, and installing the mammal collection formerly housed at the Science Museum of Minnesota into the Museum of Texas Tech University," Sponsored by NSF, Texas Tech University, $495,304.00. (March 2011 - February 2013).

Bradley, R. (Principal), "Dissertation Research: Utility of Speciation Genes in Exploring Dynamics and Maintenance of a Hybrid Zone Between Two Ground Squirrel Species (Genus Spermophilus)," Sponsored by NSF, Texas Tech University, $14,605.00. (August 1, 2010 - July 31, 2012).

Bradley, R. (Principal), Baker, R. J. (Co-Principal), "Cataloguing, curating, and installing the mammal collection formerly housed at the Science Museum of Minnesota into the Museum of Texas Tech University," Sponsored by NSF, Texas Tech University, $495,304.00. (March 2010 - February 2012).

Bradley, R. (Co-Principal), Butler, C. (Principal), Haynie, M. L., "RUI Collaborative Research: Assessing the efficacy of three ecological niche models in identifying the extent and dynamics of hybrid zones," Sponsored by NSF, Texas Tech University, $742,813.00.

Sponsored Research

Bradley, R. (Principal), Baker, R. J. (Co-Principal), "Assessment of Wind Turbines on the Chiropteran Fauna At the Reese Technology Center," Sponsored by Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University, $90,705.00. (2011 - 2014).

Sponsored Research - Not Funded


Bradley, R. (Principal), Allen, L. J. (Co-Principal), Strauss, R. E. (Co-Principal), Fulhorst, C. F. (Co-Principal), Haynie, M. L. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative Research EF: Modeling the dynamics and evolution of North American Arenaviruses and their hosts," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $1,840,786.00. (August 1, 2010 - July 31, 2013).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

Barnie E. Rushing, Jr. - Faculty Distinguished Research Award Nominee, Texas Tech university. (2011).

Outstanding Researcher - College of Arts and Sciences (Natural Sciences and Mathematics), Texas Tech University. (2011).

Faculty Appreciation - chosen by a Kappa Alpha Theta student as an Outstanding Professor, Kappa Alpha Theta. (2010).

Board of Directors, Texas Genetics Society. (2007).

One of several Faculty named as Outstanding Professor, Phi Beta Kappa students. (2007).

Fellow, The Texas Academy of Science. (2006).

Manuscript (Speciation in mammals and the genetic species concept) by Robert J. Baker and Robert D. Bradley selected for the J. A. Allen Contributions in Mammalogy, Journal of Mammalogy. (2006).


Associate Chair. (January 2010 - Present).

Committee Chair, Department Initiative. (2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Department Initiative. (2010 - Present).

Committee Chair, Promotion and Tenure. (2010 - Present).

Committee Chair, Rene Fonseca Memorial Scholarship. (2010 - Present).

Committee Chair, Michelle Knapp Scholarship. (2008 - Present).

Committee Chair, J Knox Jones Memorial Scholarship. (1999 - Present).


Writer of Letter of Recommendation for Students and Faculty. (January 2011 - December 2011).

Committee Member, Tenure Hearing Committee. (2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Athletic Council. (2002 - Present).

Committee Member, Texas Tech University Press. (2002 - Present).

Committee Member, Associate Editor, Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. (1996 - Present).

Committee Member, Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Research Award Committee. (2011).

Committee Member, Texas Comptroller's Office - Interagency Task Force on Economic Growth and Endangered Species. (December 2011 - Present).

Committee Member, Monterey High School. (2005 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Boyd Butler Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Assistant Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2726 Campus Mail Stop: 43131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Cell Biology Institution State University of New York Year Awarded 2005

Degree MS Field Biology Institution Midwestern State University Year Awarded 1994

Degree BS Field Biology Institution Howard Payne University Year Awarded 1992

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) January 1, 2010 - Present

Title Research Fellow Institution/Agency Washington University School of Medicine Year(s) August 1, 2005 - December 31, 2009

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 70

BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Teaching Biology at the University Level

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Butler, W. Differently phosphorylated forms of the cortactin homolog HS1 mediate distinct functions in natural killer cells.. Nature Immunology, 9(8), 887-897.

Butler, W. Distinct Roles for the actin nucleators Arp2/3 and hDia1 during NK-mediated cytotoxicity. Current Biology, 19(22), 1886-96.

Butler, W. Purified integrin adhesion complexes exhibit actin-polymerization activity. Current Biology, 16(3), 242-251.

Liu, Y., Butler, W., Pappas, D. (2012). Spatially selective reagent delivery into cancer cells using a two-layer microfluidic culture system. Analytica Chimica Acta, 743, 125-130.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years



Butler, W. (Principal), "Role of cytoskeleton in distinct immune cell functions," Sponsored by Texas Tech University, Federal, $600,000.00. (August 1, 2010 - July 31, 2013).

Grant - Pending

Paton, C. (Co-Principal), Butler, W. (Co-Principal), "Regulation of NKG2D-mediated cytotoxicity by retinoic acid," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health (NCI), Federal, $275,000.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2014).

Butler, W., "Role of Transedothelial Migration on the Activation of NK cells," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $500,000.00.

Butler, W., "CPRIT High Throughput Imaging Core Facility," Sponsored by CPRIT, State, $2,600,000.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Chuck Cannon (Jr.) Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 2002

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: Campus Mail Stop: 43131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Botany Institution Duke University Year Awarded 2000

Degree BA Field Biological Anthropology Institution Harvard University Year Awarded 1989

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 2007 - Present

Title Professor Institution/Agency Chinese Academy of Sciences Year(s) July 2007 - Present

Title Director of Herbarium Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 2002 - Present

Title Assitant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 2002 - May 2007

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 6301 Genomics

Spring TTU 2011 74

BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Genomics

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Book Chapters (Accepted)

Cannon, C. The Quaternary dynamics of Sundaland forests. University of Cambridge Press.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Cannon, C. Assembly-free comparative genomics of short-read sequence data discovers the needle in the haystack. Molecular Ecology, 19, 146-160.

Cannon, C. Long-term reproductive behavior of woody plants across seven Bornean forest types: suprannual synchrony, diversity, and productivity. Ecology Letters, 10(10), 956-969.

Cannon, C. The current refugial rainforests of Sundaland are unrepresentative of their biogeographic past and highly vulnerable to disturbance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.A.), 106(27), 11188-11193.

Cannon, C. Tropical botanical gardens: at in situ ecosystem management frontier. Trends in Plant Science, 14, 584-589.

Other (Accepted)

Cannon, C. An end to wishful thinking. newsletter for Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation: Tropinet:.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years



Cannon, C. (Principal), "Establish research group on Ecological Evolution," Sponsored by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Other, $442,099.00. (July 2007 - December 2011).


Cannon, C. (Principal), "Genomics of Tropical Biodiversity," Sponsored by Yunnan Provincial Government, Other, $294,733.00. (September 2009 - August 2012).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

New Course Preparation Work

Fall TTU 2010

"Genomics," BIOL 6301-010.



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Deborah L. Carr Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Assistant Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 2010

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2715 ext. 314 Campus Mail Stop: 4-3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Environmental Toxicology Institution Texas Tech University Year Awarded 2009

Degree MS Field Microbial Ecology Institution University of New Mexico Year Awarded 1989

Degree BS Field Environemntal, Population, Organismal Biology Institution University of Colorado Year Awarded 1984

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Research Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) January 15, 2010 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Meijun Dong Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Morgan Willming Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Lucas Heintzman Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 78

Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Sathya Chammathi Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed October 9, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 6301 Environmental Substainability

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Environmental Sustainability BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Carr, D., Morse, A., Zak, J., Anderson, T. (2011). Biological degradation of common pharmaceuticals and personal care products in soils with high water content. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 217, 127-134.

Carr, D., Morse, A., Zak, J., Anderson, T. (2011). Microbially mediated degradation of common pharmaceuticals and personal care products in soil under aerobic and reduced oxygen conditions. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 216, 633-642.


Journal Articles (Accepted)


Carr, D., Carr, J., Willis, R., Pressley, T. (2008). A perchlorate sensitive iodide transporter in frogs. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 156, 9-14.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. (May 1, 2008 - Present).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Carr, J., Thiyagarajah, R. (Author Only), Carr, D. (Author Only), Smith, E. (Author Only), State of the Coast 2012, Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, New Orleans, "Assessment of body size and sex ratios in Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) from sites in Barataria Bay, LA. impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (June 27, 2012).

Carr, D., Carr, J., Pressley, T., Annual Meeting, FASEB, San Diego CA, "Physiological activity and tissue distribution of a perchlorate sensitive iodide transport protein from anuran amphibians," International, Published in Proceedings. (2007).


Carr, D., Morse, A., Anderson, T., SC-SETAC Annual Spring Meeting, SC-SETAC, "Biotransformation of micropollutants in sandy loam soil," Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (2009).

Carr, D. (Presenter & Author), Morse, A. N. (Author Only), Anderson, T. A. (Author Only), SC-SETAC Annual Spring Meeting, 2009, "Biotransformation of micropollutants in sandy loam soil.." (2009).

Carr, D., Morse, A., Anderson, T., SETAC North America Annual Meeting., SETAC, "Biotransformation of estrogens and synthetic pharmaceuticals and personal care products in a sandy loam soil," Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (2009).

Carr, D. (Presenter & Author), Anderson, T. A. (Author Only), Toxicology Research Exposé, 2009., Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University, "A Biotransformation of two synthetic micropollutants in soils.." (2009).

Carr, D. (Presenter & Author), Morse, A. N. (Author Only), Anderson, T. A. (Author Only), SETAC North America Annual Meeting, 2009, New Orleans, ". Biotransformation of estrogens and synthetic pharmaceuticals and personal care products in a sandy loam soil.," National. (November 2009).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years



Anderson, T. (Principal), Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Salice, C. (Co-Principal), "Terrestrial Toxicity Investigation of Gas-to-Liquids Fluids for Land-Based Drilling Applications-Phase 2," Sponsored by Shell, Private, $69,990.00. (2011 - 2012).

Anderson, T. (Principal), Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Cobb, G. (Co-Principal), "Terrestrial Toxicity Investigation of Gas-to-Liquids Fluids for Land-Based Drilling Applications," Sponsored by Shell, Private, $67,598.00. (2010 - 2011).

Smith, E. (Co-Principal), Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Principal), Thiyagarajah, A. (Co- Principal), "Sampling for Reproductive and Developmental Recovery In Fish From The Gulf Of Mexico One Year After Exposure To BP Oil/Dispersants," Sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Private, $115,000.00. (July 2011 - Present).

Grant - Not Funded

Smith, E. (Principal), Anderson, T. (Co-Principal), Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Co- Principal), Dixon, K. (Co-Principal), Gao, W. (Co-Principal), Godard-Codding, C. (Co- Principal), James, D. (Co-Principal), Kendall, R. (Co-Principal), Maul, J. (Co-Principal), Salice, C. (Co-Principal), Singh, K., San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Smith, P. (Co- Principal), Surles, J. (Co-Principal), Presley, S. (Co-Principal), "Ecosystem and Societal Sustainability and Recovery from the DWH Oil Spill," Sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Private, $20,726,583.00. (2011).

Kendall, R. (Principal), Salice, C. (Co-Principal), Maul, J. (Co-Principal), Anderson, T. (Co- Principal), Godard-Codding, C. (Co-Principal), Smith, E. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Co- Principal), Carr, D. (Co-Principal), "Ecotoxicology of Early Life Stage Coral Reef Fishes and Corals," Sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Private, $1,425,000.00.

Rivero, I. (Principal), Casadonte, D. (Co-Principal), Hedden, R. (Co-Principal), Holtz, M. (Co-Principal), Simon, S. (Co-Principal), Cañas, J. (Supporting), Carr, D. (Supporting), Fan, Z. (Supporting), Green, M. (Supporting), Hedden, R., McKenna, G. (Supporting), Pantoya, M. (Supporting), Wang, S. (Supporting), "MRI: Acquisition of an X-Ray Diffraction System for Materials Research, Training, and Education," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $641,392.00.

Rivero, I. (Co-Principal), Morse, A. (Principal), Song, L. (Co-Principal), Carr, D. (Co- Principal), "Modification and Testing of Carbon Nanotube Based Biosensors for Real-time Monitoring of Membrane Integrity for Virus Removal," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $404,050.00.

Rivero, I. (Co-Principal), Carr, D. (Principal), Barnes, M. (Co-Principal), "Reversible Redox Manipulations for In-situ Sediment Remediation of Metals," Sponsored by Department of Defense, Federal, $149,890.00.

Grant - Pending


Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Principal), Smith, E. (Co-Principal), "Long-term assessmnet of reproductive and developmental recovery in Gulf Killifish impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill," Sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Private, $1,106,804.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).

Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Principal), Smith, E. (Co-Principal), "Reproductive and Developmental Recovery of Gulf Killifish After Corexit 9500 Exposure," Sponsored by Coastal Response Research Center/NOAA, Federal, $146,291.00. (December 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: James Carr Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Endocrinology Institution University of Colorado Year Awarded 1988

Degree MA Field Endocrinology Institution University of Colorado Year Awarded 1986

Degree BS Field Zoology Institution Cook College, Rutgers Year Awarded 1982

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 2006 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Meghan Cromie Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Wenjie Li Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Bo Zhang Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution


Student's Name Sharanya Murali Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Richard Larson Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2010 Institution

Student's Name Manasa Rao Kohirker Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2009 Institution

Student's Name Jacob Lustgarten Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2008 Institution

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Arup Chakroborty Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Ein Alias Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Hongtao Ma Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Jose Thekkniath Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Katelyn Germ Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name Kenneth Griffith Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Leticia Torres Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Prkash Sharma Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Shuangying Yu Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Angela Moss Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2009 Institution

Student's Name Bibek Sharma Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution

Student's Name Norka Malpartida Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution

Student's Name Pamela Bryer Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution

Student's Name Summer Ketron Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution


Student's Name Sandeep Mukhi Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2011 ZOOL 5401 Animal Histology for Advanced Students BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Animal Ecophysiology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 ZOOL 5409 Comparative Physiology for Advanced Students BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 ZOOL 5401 Animal Histology for Advanced Students BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research


BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 ZOOL 5409 Comparative Physiology for Advanced Students BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Invited)

Carr, J., Patino, R. (2011). The hypothalamus–pituitary–thyroid axis in teleosts and amphibians: Endocrine disruption and its consequences to natural populations. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 170, 299-312.

Journal Articles (Accepted)

Scollen, E. J., Carr, J., Cobb, G., Rintoul, D., McMurry, S. (2011). Metabolism and distribution of p,p'-DDT during flight of the white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

Sharma, B., Hu, F., Carr, J., Patino, R. Water quality and amphibian health in the Big Bend region of the Rio Grande basin.. Texas Journal of Science.

Paden, N., Smith, E., Carr, J., Kendall, R. (2010). Expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (stAR) in male American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and preliminary evluation of the response to TNT. Chemophere, 80(1), 41-45.

Paden, N. E., Smith, E., Carr, J., Kendall, R. J. (2010). Expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (stAR) in male American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and preliminary evluation of the response to TNT. Chemosphere, 80(1), 41-45.


Carr, J., Lustgarten, J., Ahmed, N., Bergfeld, N., Bulin, S., Shoukfeh, O., Tripathy, S. The organization of CRF neuronal pathways in toads: Evidence that retinal afferents do not contribute significantly to tectal CRF content. Brain, Behavior and Evolution.

Hu, F., Smith, E., Carr, J. (2008). Effects of larval exposure to estradiol on spermatogenesis and in vitro gonadal steroid secretion in African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis.. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 155, 190-200.

Goleman, W., Carr, J. (2006). Contribution of ammonium ions to the lethality and antimetamorphic effects of ammonium perchlorate. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25, 1060-1067.

Wright, M. L., Francisco, L. L., Scott, J. L., Richardson, S. S., Carr, J., King, A. B., Noyes, A. G., Visconti, R. F. (2006). Effects of bilateral and unilateral ophthalmectomy on plasma melatonin in Rana tadpoles and froglets under various experimental conditions.. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 147, 158-166.

Orton, F., Carr, J., Handy, R. (2006). Effects of nitrate and atrazine on larval development and sexual differentiation in the Northern Leopard frog Rana pipiens. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25, 65-71.

Carr, J. (2006). Novel effects of CRF on visuomotor behavior and autonomic function in amphibians. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 146, 28-35.

Hu, F., Sharma, B., Mukhi, S., Patino, R., Carr, J. (2006). The colloidal thyroxine (T4) ring as a novel biomarker of perchlorate exposure in the African Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis. Toxicological Sciences, 93, 268-277.

Theodorakis, C. W., Rinchard, J., Park, J. W., McDaniel, L., Liu, F., Carr, J., Wages, M. (2006). Thyroid endocrine disruption in stonerollers and cricket frogs from perchlorate- contaminated streams in east-central Texas.. Ecotoxicology, 139, 59-69.

Book Chapters (Accepted)

Carr, J. Stress and Reproduction in Amphibians. San Diego CA: Elsevier.

Carr, J., McNabb, A., Smith, E. (2006). Thyroid function and mechanism of perchlorate action in vertebrates.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Smith, E., Carr, J., Wages, M., Wang, J., Murali, S., Kendall, R. J. (2012). Response of larval frogs to Corexit 9500. Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry.


Carr, D., Carr, J., Willis, R., Pressley, T. (2008). A perchlorate sensitive iodide transporter in frogs. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 156, 9-14.

Solomom, K., Carr, J., du Preez, L., Giesy, J., Kendall, R. J., Smith, E., van der Kraak, G. (2008). Effects of atrazine on fish, amphibians, and aquatic reptiles: a critical review. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 38, 721-772.

du Preez, L. H., Kunene, N., Gideon, J. E., Carr, J., Giesy, J. P., Gross, T. S., Kendall, R. J., Smith, E., Solomon, K. R., van der Kraak, G. (2008). Reproduction, larval growth, and reproductive development in African Clawed Frogs (Xenopus laevis) exposed to atrazine. Chemosphere, 71, 546-552.

Murphy, M. B., Hecker, M., Coady, K. K., Tompsett, A. R., Jones, P. D., du Preez, L. H., Everson, G. J., Solomon, K. R., Carr, J., Smith, E., Kendall, R. J., van der Kraak, G. J., Giesy, J. P. (2006). Atrazine concentrations, gonadal gross morphology and histology in ranid frogs collected in Michigan agricultural areas. Aquatic Toxicology, 76, 230-245.

Park, J. W., Hecker, M., Murphy, M. B., Jones, P. D., Solomon, K. R., van der Kraak, G. J., Carr, J., Smith, E., du Preez, L., Kendall, R. J., Giesy, J. P. (2006). Development and optimizatin of a Q-RT PCR method to quantify CYP19 mRNA expression in testis of male adult Xenopus laevis: comparisons with aromatase enzyme activity. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 144, 18-28.

Murphy, M. B., Hecker, M., Coady, K. K., Tompsett, A. R., Jones, P. D., Newsted, J. L., Wong, H. L., du Preez, L. H., Solomon, K. R., Carr, J., Smith, E., Kendall, R. J., van der Kraak, G., Giesy, J. P. (2006). Sediment TCDD-EQS and erod and mrod activities in ranid frogs from agricultural and non-agricultural sites in Michigan (USA). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 40, 468-474.

Hecker, M. H., Murphy, M. B., Coady, K. K., Villeneuve, D. L., Jones, P. D., Carr, J., Solomon, K. R., Smith, E., van der Kraak, G. J., Gross, T. S., du Preez, L. H., Kendall, R. J., Giesy, J. P. (2006). Terminology of gonadal anomolies in fish and amphibians resulting from chemical exposures. Reviews in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 187, 103- 132.

Book Chapters (Accepted)

Smith, P., Wiremen, J., Carr, J., Smith, E., Kendall, R. J. (2006). Ecological Risk Assessment. In Perchlorate Ecotoxicology. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

Smith, E., Carr, J., Norris, D. O. (2006). In David O. Norris and James A. Carr (Ed.), Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Introduction. In Endocrine Disruption Biological bases for Health Effects in Wildlife and Humans. Oxford University Press.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations


Member, Texas Association of Advisors for Health Professions. (2009 - Present).

Member, American Heart Association. (January 1995 - Present).

Member, Society for Neuroscience. (January 1, 1988 - Present).

Secretary, Comparative Endocrinology Division, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. (January 1, 1983 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Behavioral Ecology. (2009 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Environmental Research. (2005 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Environmental Science and Technology. (2005 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Environmental Health Perspectives. (2004 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Toxicological Sciences. (2004 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Neuroendocrinology. (2003 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Chemosphere. (2002 - Present).

Editor, Associate Editor, General and Comparative Endocrinology. (2002 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology. (2002 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. (2002 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Toxicology Letters. (2002 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. (2000 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Ecotoxicology. (2000 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. (1999 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Pharmacological and Experimental Therapeutics. (1999 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Brain, Behavior and Evolution. (1995 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Hormones and Behavior. (1995 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Brain Research. (1991 - Present).


Reviewer, Journal Article, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. (1991 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, General and Comparative Endocrinology. (1991 - Present).

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, National Science Foundation. (1991 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Neuroendocrinology. (1991 - Present).

Committee Member, International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptile Endocrinology and Neurobiology, Science Advisory Committee. (May 2010 - August 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Aquaculture. (2008).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Carr, J., Seminar series on wildlife endocrinology, US EPA, webinar, "Amphibians as Models for Studying Contaminant-induced Disruption of the Thyroid Axis and Its Consequences," National. (July 19, 2012).

Carr, J., Bulin, S. (Author Only), Larson, R. (Author Only), ISAREN 2011: 7th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology, ISAREN, Ann Arbor, MI, "Multiple pathways for CRF receptor modulation of sympathetic nervous system activity," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (July 12, 2011).


Carr, J., Thiyagarajah, R. (Author Only), Carr, D. (Author Only), Smith, E. (Author Only), State of the Coast 2012, Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, New Orleans, "Assessment of body size and sex ratios in Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) from sites in Barataria Bay, LA. impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (June 27, 2012).

Cromie, M. (Presenter & Author), Kang, J. (Author Only), Desai, N. (Author Only), Patel, S. (Author Only), Carr, J., ISAREN 2011: 7th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology, ISAREN, Ann Arbor, MI, ". Pharmacological and anatomical evidence for an Edinger-Westphal preganglionic (EWpg) cell group in the northern leopard frog Rana pipiens. Front. Endocrin," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (July 12, 2011).

Murali, S. (Presenter & Author), Smith, E. (Author Only), Wages, M. (Author Only), Carr, J., ISAREN 2011: 7th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology, ISAREN, Ann Arbor, MI, "Characterization of sodium iodide symporter


activity in thyroid and extrathyroidal tissues of African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) tadpoles.," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (July 12, 2011).

Carr, J., Zhang, B. (Presenter & Author), Lustgarten, J. (Author Only), Smith, E. (Author Only), Wages, M. (Author Only), ISAREN 2011: 7th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology, ISAREN, Ann Arbor, MI, "CRF neurons at the interface between sensory and motor processing.," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (July 12, 2011).

Carr, J., Larson, R., Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, "Peripheral administration of urocortin-2 lowers blood pressure and elevates plasma catecholamine levels in the toad Bufo marinus," International, Published Elsewhere. (November 16, 2010).

Kumar, A., Brown, C., Larson, R., Carr, J., Annual Meeting, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, "Evidence for an evolutionary loss of both the ligand and receptor that regulate rapid skin darkening in the Texas toad, Bufo speciosus," National, Published Elsewhere. (January 2010).

Larson, R., Ahmed, N., Shoukfeh, O., Bulin, S., Bergfeld, N., Lustgarten, J., Carr, J., Annual Meeting, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, "Retinal afferents do not contribute significantly to CRF innervation of the optic tectum," National, Published Elsewhere. (January 2010).

Carr, J., Ahmed, N., Shoukfeh, O., Green, J., Tripathy, S., Bergfeld, N., Lustgarten, J., Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, "CRF and CRF R1 are expressed in the optic tectum," International, Published Elsewhere. (November 2009).

Bergfeld, N. (Presenter & Author), Bulin, S. (Author Only), Barawid, N. (Author Only), Carr, J. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, "Neuronal distribution of urocortin-1 and urocortin-3 in the brain of an anuran amphibian," International, Published Elsewhere. (November 2008).

Carr, J. (Presenter & Author), Bulin, S. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Antonio, "Do non-specific stressors elicit adaptive behavior?," National, Published in Proceedings, Published Elsewhere. (January 2008).

Sharma, B., Hu, F., Carr, J., Patino, R., Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, "Occurrence of Intersex Amphibians in Big Bend National Park: Are Environmental Trace Metals to Blame," International. (2007).

Carr, D., Carr, J., Pressley, T., Annual Meeting, FASEB, San Diego CA, "Physiological activity and tissue distribution of a perchlorate sensitive iodide transport protein from anuran amphibians," International, Published in Proceedings. (2007).



Nudi, N. A. (Presenter Only), Carr, J., Smith, E., Pre-Jamp Internship, Texas Tech University, Biological Sciences, "The effects of Triclosan on the early embryonic development of Xenopus laevis," Local. (August 2010).

Solomon, K. R., Carr, J., DuPreez, L. H., Giesy, J. P., Kendall, R. J., Smith, E., Van Der Kraak, G. J., International Weed Science Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, "Atrazine and amphibians: Reproductive effects and risks from agricultural uses.," International. (June 2008).

Solomon, K. R., Carr, J., Kendall, R. J., Smith, E., du Preez, L. H., Giesy, J. P., van der Kraak, G. J., 4th Pan Pacific Conference, Honolulu, HI, "Atrazine and amphibians: lessons learned from risk assessment of reproductive effects," National. (June 1, 2008).

Solomon, K. R., Carr, J., du Preez, L. H., Giesy, J. P., Kendall, R. J., Smith, E., van der Kraak, G. J., Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe 1th Annual Meeting, SETAC, Porto, Portugal, "Atrazine and amphibians: risks in the agricultural landscape," International. (May 20, 2007).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Smith, E. (Co-Principal), Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Principal), Thiyagarajah, A. (Co- Principal), "Sampling for Reproductive and Developmental Recovery In Fish From The Gulf Of Mexico One Year After Exposure To BP Oil/Dispersants," Sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Private, $115,000.00. (July 2011 - Present).


Sponsored Research

Smith, E. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Co-Principal), "Dispersant and Xenopus laevis," Sponsored by Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University, $5,000.00. (May 2010 - Present).

Grant - Not Funded

Smith, E. (Principal), Carr, J. (Co-Principal), Gao, W. (Co-Principal), Singh, K. (Co- Principal), Surles, J. (Co-Principal), "Molecular and Physiological Biomarkers of Effects for Community Health Impacts and Resilience," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $1,071,486.00.

Smith, E. (Principal), Anderson, T. (Co-Principal), Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Co- Principal), Dixon, K. (Co-Principal), Gao, W. (Co-Principal), Godard-Codding, C. (Co-


Principal), James, D. (Co-Principal), Kendall, R. (Co-Principal), Maul, J. (Co-Principal), Salice, C. (Co-Principal), Singh, K., San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Smith, P. (Co- Principal), Surles, J. (Co-Principal), Presley, S. (Co-Principal), "Ecosystem and Societal Sustainability and Recovery from the DWH Oil Spill," Sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Private, $20,726,583.00. (2011).

Kendall, R. (Principal), Salice, C. (Co-Principal), Maul, J. (Co-Principal), Anderson, T. (Co- Principal), Godard-Codding, C. (Co-Principal), Smith, E. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Co- Principal), Carr, D. (Co-Principal), "Ecotoxicology of Early Life Stage Coral Reef Fishes and Corals," Sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Private, $1,425,000.00.

Godard-Codding, C. (Principal), Cañas, J. (Supporting), Carr, J. (Supporting), Cox, S., Ferguson, R. (Supporting), Hamman, D., Smith, E., Liu, Z. (Co-Principal), "Southwest Bridge to the Doctorate Program: Pathway to success for minorities in Science," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $1,948,458.00.

Godard-Codding, C. (Co-Principal), Smith, E. (Principal), Carr, J. (Co-Principal), Gao, W. (Co-Principal), Cox, S. (Co-Principal), "Alternative species stem cell biology (ASSCB) research program development," Sponsored by Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University, $979,179.00.

Godard-Codding, C. (Co-Principal), Smith, E. (Principal), Thompson, A. (Principal), Carr, J. (Co-Principal), Cox, S. (Co-Principal), Dickerson, R. (Co-Principal), Frame, L. (Co- Principal), Gao, W. (Co-Principal), Strahlendorf, j. (Co-Principal), "Human and alternative species stem cell biology and toxicology: a TTU-TTUHSC interdisciplinary research program," Sponsored by TTU and TTU-HSC, Texas Tech University, $500,000.00.

Grant - Pending

Carr, J. (Principal), Smith, E. (Co-Principal), Anderson, T., "Developmental windows of sensitivity to environmental perchlorate," Federal, $300,000.00.

Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Principal), Smith, E. (Co-Principal), "Long-term assessmnet of reproductive and developmental recovery in Gulf Killifish impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill," Sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Private, $1,106,804.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).


Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Principal), Smith, E. (Co-Principal), "Reproductive and Developmental Recovery of Gulf Killifish After Corexit 9500 Exposure," Sponsored by Coastal Response Research Center/NOAA, Federal, $146,291.00. (December 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012).


Smith, E., Carr, J., "Embryotoxic effects of Oil dispersant: Xenopus gene clusters and cellular differentiation," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $429,838.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

Faculty Appreciation, Kappa Kappa Gamma. (2008).

Outstanding faculty member, Graduate Students. (2007).

Excellence in classroom teaching, Apple Polishing Banquet, TTU Mortar Board. (2006).

Outstanding faculty member, Graduating Seniors. (2006).


Committee Chair, Promotion and Tenure. (September 1, 2010 - Present).

Attendee, Meeting, Departmental Space Committee. (September 1, 2009 - Present).

Committee Chair, Faculty Awards Committee. (September 1, 2005 - Present).

Attendee, Meeting, Promotion and Tenure. (September 1, 2005 - Present).

Attendee, Meeting, Cell and Molecular Biologist Search Committee. (September 1, 2008 - May 1, 2009).

reviewer, TTUAB Research Days. (2006 - 2008).

Attendee, Meeting, •Institutional Biosafety & Hazardous Material Committee. (September 1, 2009 - Present).

Faculty Advisor, Joint Admission Medical Program. (January 1, 2009 - Present).

Attendee, Meeting, Radiation and Laser Safety. (September 1, 1997 - Present).

Attendee, Meeting, University Library Committtee. (September 1, 2007 - May 1, 2009).

Attendee, Meeting, TTU Faculty Senate. (September 1, 2004 - May 31, 2007).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Ron K. Chesser Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-1737 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Zoology Institution University of Oklahoma Year Awarded 1981

Degree MS Field Biological Sciences Institution Memphis State University Year Awarded 1976

Degree BS Field Zoology Institution University of Oklahoma Year Awarded 1973

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Director - Center for Environmental Radiation Studies Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) March 1, 2002 - Present

Title Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) January 2000 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Kenneth Griffin Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Eric Howell Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University 98

Student's Name John Hisey Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Other

Student's Name Heather Meeks Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 6301 Environmental Radiation and Radiation Biology

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years



Journal Articles (Accepted)

Ruokonen, M., Aarvak, T., Chesser, R., Lundqvist, A.-C., Merila, J. (2010). Temporal increase in mtDNA diversity in a declining population.. Molecular Ecology, 19, 2408-2417.

Chesser, R. (2010). Temporal increase in mtDNA diversity in a declining population. Molecular Ecology, 19, 2408-2417.

Rodgers, B., Chesser, R. (2009). History and background of Piecing together Iraq’s nuclear legacy.. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Bondarkov, M., Shubber, E., Phillips, C. (2009). Piecing together Iraq’s nuclear legacy.. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, May/June, 19-33.

Meeks, H. N., Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Gaschak, S., Baker, R. (2009). Understanding the Genetic Consequences of Environmental Toxicant Exposure: Chernobyl as a Model System. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 28(9), 1982-1994.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B. (2008). Near-field particle dynamics and empirical fallout patterns in Chernobyl’s Western and Northern Plumes.. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 5124-5139.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B. (2008). Near-Field Radioactive Particle Dynamics and Empirical Fallout Patterns in Chernobyl's Western and Northern Plumes.. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 5124-5139.

Chesser, R., Baker, R. (2007). Lessons of Chernobyl. Scientific American, Brazil, 6, 78-85.

Chesser, R., Baker, R. (2007). Lessons of Chernobyl.. Scientific American Brazil, 6, 78 - 85.

Other (Accepted)

Cochran, J. R., Danneels, J., Kenagy, W. D., Phillips, C., Chesser, R. (2007). Iraq nuclear dismantlement and disposal project.. Waste Management.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Chesser, R., Phillips, C. (2007). Iraq nuclear dismantlement and disposal project. Waste Management, 5 pp.


Meeks, H. N., Wickliffe, J. K., Hoofer, S. R., Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Baker, R. (2007). Mitochondrial control region variation in bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) is not related to Chernobyl radiation exposure.. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26(2), 361-369.

Chesser, R., Baker, R. (2006). Growing up with Chernobyl. American Scientist, 94, 542-547.

Chesser, R., Wickliffe, J., Baker, R., Rodgers, B. (2006). Variation in mitochondrial DNA control region haplotypes in populations of the Bank Vole, Clethrionomys glareolus, living in the Chornobyl environment, Ukraine. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25, 503- 508.

Other (Invited)

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B. (2011). Report on the Survey of the Adaya Nuclear site and Health Assessments of the Village of Tall ar Ragrag. Report Provided to the United States Department of State ISN/NESS and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad, Iraq,.

Other (Accepted)

Phillips, C., Bondarkov, M., Kelsey, S., Chesser, R. In Richard Price, Barbara Price (Ed.), Assembling multinational partnerships and private sector support for nonproliferation and threat reduction.. Spiez: Proceedings of the Chemical Biological Medical Treatment Symposium VIII..

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B. (2012). Report on Iraq’s Ministry of Environment laboratory on General Chemical Hazards Assessment.. US Dept State and US Embassy Baghdad.

Chesser, R. (2012). Status of Iraq’s Radioanalytical Laboratory. US Dept of State.

Chesser, R., Howell, E. K. (2011). Report on the Status of the Al Qa’im Fertilizer Plant and Former Uranium Extraction Site and Recommendations Remediation Actions.. US Dept of State.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Howell, E. K. (2011). Report on the Survey of the Adaya Nuclear Site and Health Assessment of the Village of Tall ar Ragrag.. US Dept of State.

Chesser, R., Howell, E. K. (2011). Report on the Status of the Adaya Nuclear Site and Recommendations for Health and Risk Assessment. US Dept State.

Chesser, R. (2011). Report on the Status of the Al Jesira Nuclear Site and Recommendations for Dismantlement and Disposal.. US Dept State.

Chesser, R. (2011). Report on the Status of the Djerf Al Naddah Nuclear Site and Recommended Future Actions.. US Dept State.


Chesser, R. (2011). Report on the Status of the Rashidiya Nuclear Site and Recommended Future Actions.. US Dept State.

Chesser, R. (2011). Information for the Secretary US Dept State.

Chesser, R. (2011). Report on the Status of the Al Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center and Recommended Future Actions. US Dept State.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2011). Science, Higher Education, and the Iraq Nuclear Facilities Dismantlement and Disposal Project (ISN/NESS). US Dept State.

Chesser, R., Jarjies, A., Bondarkov, M., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2010). In Richard Price, Barbara Price (Ed.), Status of nuclear facility dismantlement and nonproliferation efforts in Iraq, 2005 - 2010.. Spiez: Proceeding of the Chemical Biological Medical Treatment Symposium VIII..

Chesser, R. (2010). Iraq’s Nuclear Sites Briefing Book. US Dept of State.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2009). Train and Engage Program for Nuclear Dismantlement in Iraq. Great Britain, Ministry of Industry & Finance.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2008). Tuwaitha Characterization and the Concept of Train and Engage. Vienna: IAEA.

Chesser, R. (2007). Tuwaitha Characterization II. US Dept State.

Chesser, R. (2007). The 20-year Legacy of Chernoby. Washington, DC: US Congressional Record.

Chesser, R. (2006). Tuwaitha Characterization. US Dept State.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. (April 2008 - Present).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Chesser, R. (Presenter & Author), American Society of Tropical Medicine, American Society of Tropical Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, "Similarities and Differences Between the Nuclar Releases at Chernobyl and Fukushima," International. (December 2011).

Chesser, R. (Chair), Chemical Biological Medical Treatment Society, Applied Science and Analysis, Inc., Cavtat, Croatia, "Nonproliferation and Nuclear Dismantlement in Iraq," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published Elsewhere. (April 2011).


Rodgers, B. (Coordinator/Organizer), Chesser, R. (Coordinator/Organizer), Phillips, C. (Coordinator/Organizer), Chemical, Biological, Medical Treatment Society (CBMTS),, Cavtat, Croatia, "Symposium on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Dismantlement for the conference in the World Congress on CBRN Threat and Terrorism," International, Published in Proceedings. (April 10, 2011).

Phillips, C., Chesser, R., CBMTS, Spiez Laboratory, Spiez, Switzerland, "Assembling Multinational Partnerships and Private Sector Support for Nuclear Nonproliferation— Lessons from Iraq," International, Published in Proceedings. (May 2010).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., DPRK Nuclear Dismantlement, US National Academy of Sciences, Bejing, China, "Nuclear Dismantlement at Yongbyon. Lessons from Iraq.," International. (April 2009).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., DPRK Nuclear Dismantlement, US National Academy of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, "Nuclear Dismantlement at Yongbyon. Lessons from Iraq.," International. (April 2009).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., USA-ROK Workshop on DPRK Nuclear Scientist Nonproliferation., US National Academy of Sciences, Seoul, South Korea, "Procedures for Environmental and Structural Characterization of Radioactive Contamination at DPRK’s Yongbyon Nuclear Facility (North Korea).," International. (October 2008).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Dismantlement Ceremony in Baghdad, Iraq, Government of Iraq, Parliamentary Building, Baghdad, Iraq, "The Beginning for Nuclear Dismantlement in Iraq," International. (July 7, 2008).

Chesser, R., Train and Engage Workshop, Great Britain, Slavutych, Ukraine, "Objectives of Train and Engage Programs for Nuclear Dismantlement," International. (June 2008).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Rodgers, B., International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Sessions on Iraq Nuclear Dismantlement, US Department of State, Vienna, Austria, "Tuwaitha Characterization and the Concept of Train and Engage.," International. (April 2008).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Request for Military Support for Programs in Iraq, US Dept of State, CENTCOM, Tampa, Florida, "Texas Tech's Programs and Objectives in Iraq," International. (April 2008).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Rodgers, B., International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Sessions on Iraq Nuclear Dismantlement, US Department of State, Vienna, Austria, "Environmental Characterization at Iraq’s Al Tuwaitha Nuclear Facility," International. (July 2007).


Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Radiation Damage and Biomolecules, Ireland's Royal Academy of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, "Biological Effects and Dosimetry at Chernobyl," International. (June 2007).

Chesser, R., DPRK dismantlement perspectives, Civilian Research and Development Foundation, Washington, DC, "Texas Tech University’s International Program Opportunities for North Korean Students and Scientists," International. (May 2007).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Chemical Biological Medical Treatment Symposium, CBMTS, Dubrovnik, Croatia, "Forensic Reconstruction of Radioactive Particle Dispersion at the Chernobyl and Al Tuwaitha nuclear facilities," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2007).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Rodgers, B., International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Session on Iraq, US Department of State, Amman, Jordan, "Update on Environmental Characterization at Iraq’s Al Tuwaitha Nuclear Facility," International. (April 2007).

Chesser, R., After Chernobyl: What is Next in Radiological Sciences?, National Institute for Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan., Chiba, Japan, "Patterns, Radiation Dosimetry, and Biological Effects at Chernobyl.," International. (February 2007).


Chesser, R. (Presenter & Author), Chemical Biological Medical Treatment Society, Applied Science and Analysis, Inc., Cavtat, Croatia, "Status of Nuclear Facility Dismantlement and Nonproliferation Efforts in Iraq 2005-2010," International, Published Elsewhere. (April 2011).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State/Sandia National Laboratory, Federal, $24,964.00. (October 2011 - December 2013).

Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Disposal and Dismantlement in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia National Laboratory, Federal, $714,982.00. (October 2011 - December 2013).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $600,000.00. (August 2010 - December 31, 2011).


Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $585,000.00. (2010 - March 31, 2011).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Bondarkov, M. (Co-Principal), "Train and Engage Program," Sponsored by Great Britain -- Ministry of Finance and Industry, Federal, $363,000.00. (March 2008 - December 31, 2008).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $510,000.00. (2007 - December 31, 2008).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $150,000.00. (2006 - December 31, 2007).

Grant - Not Funded

Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Baker, R. (Principal), Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Wickliffe, J. K. (Co-Principal), "Functional Genomic Impacts of the Chernobyl Accident," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Federal, $1,757,798.00.

Grant - Pending

Cañas, J. (Co-Principal), Kendall, R. J. (Principal), Cox, S. (Supporting), Cobb, G. (Co- Principal), Smith, E. (Co-Principal), Mayer, G. (Co-Principal), Maul, J. (Co-Principal), Gao, W. (Supporting), Singh, K. (Supporting), Jackson, W. (Co-Principal), Chesser, R. (Co- Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Biological Responses to Coexposure to Radionuclides and Heavy Metals," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $9,110,124.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

Barnie E. Rushing, Jr. Award, Texas Tech Univerisity. (April 11, 2009).


Committee Member, Promotions committee. (2005 - Present).

Committee Member, Awards Committee. (September 2008 - August 2010).


Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Civilian Research and Development Foundation, Washington, DC / Rosslyn, VA. (January 15, 2010 - Present).


International Agency, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. (January 12, 2006 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Nathan L. Collie (Ph.D.) Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1991

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 313 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Zoology Institution University of California, Berkeley Year Awarded 1984

Degree MA Field Zoology Institution University of California, Berkeley Year Awarded 1981

Degree BS Field Zoology Institution Texas Tech University Year Awarded 1977

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) February 15, 2010 - Present

Title Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Biological Sciences Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) April 15, 1997 - Present

Title Associate Professor, Molecular Bioengineering Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) November 1, 2005 - February 15, 2010

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Arup Chakraborty Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III) 108

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Spring TTU 2012 ZOOL 5304 Advanced Comparative Endocrinology

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 5302 Advanced Cell Biology

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced General Endocrinology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5302 Advanced Cell Biology

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 5302 Advanced Cell Biology

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 ZOOL 5304 Comparative Endocrinology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5302 Advanced Cell Biology


VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Du, Z., Cheng, K., Vaughn, M., Collie, N., Gollahon, L. (2007). Recognition and capture of breast cancer cells using an antibody-based platform in a microelectromechanical systems device.. Biomedical Microdevices., 9(1), 35-42.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Professional member, American Diabetes Association.

member, American Society for Cell Biology.

Member, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. (January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Chakraborty, A. (Presenter & Author), Robey, R. W. (Author Only), Gillet, J.-P. (Author Only), Piekarz, R. L. (Author Only), Gottesman, M. M. (Author Only), Collie, N. (Author Only), Bates, S. E. (Presenter Only), American Association for Cancer Research 102nd Annual Meeting, American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, FL, "Elevated expression of phosphorylated mitogen activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) as a mechanism of resistance to the histone deacetylase inhibitor romidepsin in HUT 78 cutaneous T-cell lymphoma cells.," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (April 2, 2011).


Collie, N. (Panelist), TLPDC Workshop, Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development Center, Lubbock, TX, "Constructing an Effective Syllabus," Local. (November 7, 2011).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Collie, N. (Principal), Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "Response of Multidrug Resistance Proteins to Antitumor Drugs in a Co-Culture Model of Breast Cancer.”," Sponsored by TTU VPR, Texas Tech University, $34,823.00. (September 1, 2008 - July 21, 2009).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

Faculty Spotlight, Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development Center. (December 20, 2011).

Apple Polishing Award, Chapter of Mortar Board at TTU. (November 17, 2011).

Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Recognition, Phi Beta Kappa, Course of the Lambda of Texas Chapter. (April 28, 2011).

New Format for existing course

Fall TTU 2011

"Advanced Cell Biology," BIOL 5302-001. The delivery of content, such as standard lectures and students writing down the information, has been minimized. Such content is now available online on our Blackboard web site organized as detailed outlines and extensive PowerPoint presentations. In addition, other sources for similar content is promoted as free content from some of the top universities can now be accessed and viewed multiple times at the students' leisure outside of class. Now, face-to-face class time is focused more on problem solving and interspersed with shorter segments of lecture to re-enforce concepts with which students have the most difficulty. Assessment of student understanding is now achieved by for-credit problem sets that student work before class and then re-try within their cooperative learning groups in which students are organized into to smaller groups. Peer-to- peer discussion and feedback then identifies problem areas and solutions to the problem sets that are then re-submitted for final credit. Another innovation that helps to focus student learning on important concepts is the explicit introduction of 3 - 4 student learning objectives (SLOs) for each lecture period. The lecture information and problems are then organized around achieving each SLO. In addition, quiz and final exam questions are developed around assessing the achievement of these specific SLOs. For-credit problem sets were developed and are delivered via the Blackboard web site assignment tool. A short quiz designed to assess student understand of the problem set is administered via the Blackboard online quiz tool. In-class problem solving with my direct input and with peer discussion from cooperative learning groups forms the most important active learning that I employ. In addition, one entire lecture will be devoted to how cell biology discoveries in the laboratory are translated into cancer treatments in the clinic. That guest lecture will be given by my colleague Dr. Susan Bates, Head of Molecular Therapies, Clinical Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute.


Departmental Chemical Hygiene Officer, Biological Sciences. (April 2, 2011 - Present).

Committee Member, Assessment Committee. (January 15, 2011 - Present).


Proposal Reviewer, TTUAB grant program. (May 1, 2011).

Committee Member, Biology Majors. (February 1, 2011 - April 15, 2011).

Faculty Judge of oral and poster presentations, 2011 Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium (TTABSS).. (April 1, 2011 - April 2, 2011).

Committee Member, Advisory Committee, The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center.

Committee Member, Advisory Committee to the Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development Center. (April 1, 2011 - Present).

Dean's Representative, Dissertation Committee. (October 22, 2010).

Workshop Organizer, Science Faculty Collaborative in Texas, Lubbock, TX. (June 15, 2012 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Lou D. Densmore (III) Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1985

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2715 ext. 223 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Postdoctoral Field Molecular Evolutionary Biology Institution University of Michigan Year Awarded 1985

Degree Ph D Field Biochemistry Institution Louisiana State University Medical Center Year Awarded 1981

Degree MS Field Population Biology Institution University of Houston Year Awarded 1977

Degree BS Field Biology Institution University of Houston Year Awarded 1975

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Chair of Biological Sciences Institution/Agency Texas Tech Year(s) November 2010 - Present

Title Full Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 2005 - Present

Title Interim Chair of Biological Sciences Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) December 2009 - November 2010

Title Associate Chair of Biological Sciences Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 2003 - December 2009


III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Miryam Venegas de-Anaya Involvement Dissertation Defense Committee Chair Year Completed December 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Ashish Bayshal Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Stephen Roussos Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jeremy Weaver Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Yonggan Wu Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed December 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Liza Garcia Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed December 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jonathan Weinbaum Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed August 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name David Rodriguez Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed August 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Raymond Willis Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed December 2006 Institution Texas Tech University


IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Matthew Mauldin Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 2014 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Cody Thompson Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed December 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jose Thekkiniath Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed December 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Julie Parlos Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jennifer Nestler Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed August 2012 Institution University of Iowa

Student's Name Megan Corley Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Eric Allen Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2012 Institution University of Iowa

Student's Name Ram Babu Shrestha Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Laurie Cotroneo Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 2010


Institution Other

Student's Name Ali Reza Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Eric Howell Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed December 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nayoung Kim Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed August 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name John Hanson Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Molecular Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research


Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5320 Advanced Molecular Biology

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 ZOOL 6321 Advanced Herpetology BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5320 Advanced Molecular Biology

Fall TTU 2009 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2009 ZOOL 6321 Advanced Field Herpetology

Spring TTU 2009 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Advanced Special Topics BIOL 5320 Advanced Molecular Biology

Fall TTU 2008


BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2008 BIOL 6321 Advanced Field Herpetology

Spring TTU 2008 BIOL 8000 Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 5320 Advanced Molecular Biology

Fall TTU 2007 BIOL 8000 Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 5312 Cell and Molecular Biology for Teachers

Summer I TTU 2007 ZOOL 6321 Advanced Field Herpetology

Spring TTU 2007 BIOL 8000 Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Advanced Special Topics BIOL 6000 MS Thesis BIOL 5320 Advanced Molecular Biology

Fall TTU 2006 BIOL 8000 Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Hamilton, D. E., McIntyre, N. E., Densmore, L. (2012). Using Implanted Passive Integrated Transponders to Monitor Long-term Burrow Fidelity in a Theraphosid Spider, Aphonopelma hollyi. The Southwestern Naturalist, 57, 144-147.

Hamilton, D., McIntyre, N., Densmore, L. (2012). Using implanted passive integrated transponders to monitor long-term burrow fidelity in a theraphosid spider, Aphonopelma hollyi. Southwestern Naturalist, 57, 144-147.

Vandewege, M., Rodriguez, D., Weaver, J., Hibbits, T. D., Forstner, M. R. J., Densmore, L. (2012). Evidence of Hybridization in Elaphe bairdi and Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri


including Comparative Population Genetics Inferred from Microsatellites and Mitochondrial DNA. Journal of Herpetology.

Rodriguez, D., Forstner, M. R.J., Moler, P. E., Wasilewski, J. A., Cherkiss, M., Densmore, L. (2011). Effect of human-mediated migration and hybridization on the recovery of the American crocodile in Florida (U.S.A.). Conservation Genetics, 12, 449-459.

Panasci, M., Ballard, W., Breck, S., Rodriguez, D., Densmore, L., Wester, D., Baker, R. (2011). Evaluation of Fecal DNA Preservation: Techniques and Effects of Sample Age and Diet on Genotyping Success. The Wildlife Society, 75(7), 1616-1624.

Densmore, L. (2010). A New Horned Crocodile from the Plio-Pleistocene Hominid Sites at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. PLos One/, 5(2), 1-13.

Brochu, C. A., Wagner, J. R., Jouve, S., Sumrall, C., Densmore, L. (2009). A correction corrected: Consesnsus over the meaning of Crocodylia and why it matters. Systematic Biology, 58, 537-543.

Densmore, L., Glenn, T. C. (2008). 3rd International Workshop on Crocodylian Genetics and Genomics. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 309A, 569-570.

McVay, J. D., Rodriguez, D., Rainwater, T. R., Dever, J. A., Platt, S. G., McMurry, S. T., Forstner, M. R. J., Densmore, L. (2008). Evidence of multiple paternity in Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in Belize, CA, inferred from mitochonrial markers. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 309A, 643-648.

Cedeno-Vasquez, J. R., Rodriguez, D., Calme, S., Ross, J. P., Densmore, L., Thorbjarnarson, J. T. (2008). Genetics of American and Morelet's crocodiles in the Yucatan Peninsula: Species Integrity and hybridization. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 309A, 661-673.

Venegas Anaya, M., Crawford, A. J., Escobedo, A., Bermingham, E., Densmore, L. (2008). Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of Caiman crocodilus in Central and South America. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 309A, 649-660.

Rainwater, T. R., Selcer, K. W., Nespoli, L. M., Finger, A. G., Ray, D. A., Platt, S. G., Smith, P., Densmore, L., Anderson, T., McMurry, S. T. (2008). Plasma vitellogenin in Morelet’s crocodiles from contaminated habitats in northern Belize.. Environmental Pollution, 153, 101-109.

Rodriguez, D., Cedeno-Vasquez, J. R., Forstner, M. R. J., Densmore, L. (2008). Using micrsatellites to describe hybridization zones between Crocodylus acutus and Crocodylus moreletii in the Yucatan Peninsula. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 309A, 674-686.

Rodriguez, D. A., Densmore, L. (2008). Hybridization between Crocodylus acutus and Crocodylus moreletii in the Yucatan Peninsula II. Evidence from Microsatellites. Journal of Experimental Zoology/John Wiley, 10(209A), 674-686.


Weaver, J. P., Rodiguez, D. A., Venegas-de Anaya, M. D., Cedeno-Vasquez, J. R., Forstner, M. R. J., Densmore, L. (2008). Genetic Characterization of Captive Cuban Crocodiles (Crocodylus rhombifer) and Evidence of Hybridization with the American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus). Journal of Experimental Zoology /Wiley-Blackwell, 10(309A), 649-660.

McAliley, L. R., Willis, R. E., Ray, D. A., White, P. S., Brochu, C., Densmore, L. (2006). Are crocodiles really monophyletic? - Evidence for subdivisions from sequence and morphological data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 39, 16-32.

Selcer, K. S., Nespoli, L. M., Rainwater, T. R., Finger, A. G., Ray, D. A., Platt, S. G., Smith, P. N., Densmore, L., McMurry, S. T. (2006). Development of an enzyme-linded immunosorbent assay for vitellogenin. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (C), 143((1)), 50-58.

McAliley, L. R., Willis, R. E., Forstner, M. R. J., Guerra, T., Densmore, L. (2006). Eight microsatellite markers for the San Esteban Chuckwalla. Molecular Ecology Notes(6), 759- 761.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Rodriguez, D., Forstner, M. R. J., McBride, D. L., Mueller, J. M., Densmore, L., Dixon, J. R. (2012). Low genetic diversity and evidence of population structure in threatened populations of Nerodia harteri. Journal of Herpetology.

Willis, R. E., McAliley, L. R., Neely, E. D., Densmore, L. (2007). Evidence for placing the false gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii) into the family Gavialidae: Inferences from nuclear gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 43, 787-794.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Reviewer, Journal Article, BMC GEnomics. (December 26, 2011 - January 2, 2012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B. (October 30, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. (August 8, 2011 - August 10, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Herpetology. (July 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Molecular Ecology. (June 2011).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years



Densmore, L., Weaver, J. P. (Author Only), Venegas-de Anaya, M. (Author Only), 2nd symposium on Crocodyliform Evolution at the 4th Latin American Congress of Verterbrate Paleontology, Latin American Congress of Vertebrate Paleontology, San Juan, Argentina, "Phylogenetic Sytematics and Biogeographic History of Neotropical crocodiles," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (September 2011).

Venegas-de Anaya, M. (Presenter & Author), Densmore, L. (Author Only), Leon, Y. (Author Only), Inchaustegui, S. (Author Only), Pena, J. (Author Only), Field Work and Lab Techniques Workshop, Crocodile Specialist Group, Lago Enriquilo, Dominican Republic, "Field Work and Lab Techniques to collect and analyze Crocodylus acutus DNA samples," Regional. (June 2010).

Weaver, J. (Presenter & Author), Rodriguez, D. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), TTU/HHMI Research Roundtable, TTU/HHMI, Lubbock, TX, "Molecular evidence for the existence of a distinct Antillean crocodile," Local, Published Elsewhere. (2009).

Densmore, L. (Presenter & Author), Crocodilian Specialist Group - 3rd Cuban Crocodile Workshop Meeting, Crocodilian Specialist Group of the IUCN, Zapata Swamp, Cuba, "At least 3 species of crocodiles are hybridizing in the New World: Exactly what is going on and why....Our first evidence.," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published Elsewhere. (June 3, 2009).

Garcia-Jimenez, L. (Presenter & Author), Venegas-de Anaya, M. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), Presentation for the Ministry of the Enviroment, Ministry of the Environment, Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, "Genetic variation in captive and wild populations," National. (May 29, 2009).

Densmore, L. (Presenter & Author), de Anaya, M. V. (Presenter & Author), Presentation for the Ministry of the Environment, MVDT (Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, Republic of Colombia), Bogota, Colombia, "Genetic variability and identification of pedigrees in New World crocodiles: Implication for conservation and management," International, Published Elsewhere. (May 29, 2009).

Densmore, L. (Presenter & Author), West Virginia University, "Interspecific hybridization in New World Crocodiles: implications for Conservation and Management," State, Published Elsewhere. (2008).

Densmore, L. (Presenter & Author), VI World Congress of Herpetology, World Congress of Herpetology, Manaus, Brazil, "Genetic variation and interspecific hybridization in New World crocodiles:I Implications for Conservation and Management," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (2008).


Densmore, L. (Presenter & Author), 3rd International Workshop on crocodilian genetics and genomics, Crocodilian Specialist Group of the IUCN, Panama City, Panama, "Crocodylian Genetics and Genomics: The Last Five Years," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (2007).

Densmore, L. (Presenter & Author), West Virginia University, "There are at least two species of crocodiles currently hubricing in Belize: Exaactly what is going on and why?," Local. (2007).


Gross, B. (Author Only), Venegas de-Anaya, M. (Presenter & Author), Weaver, J. P. (Author Only), Fashyal, A. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Presenter & Author), 2nd symposium on Crocodyliform Evolution at the 4th Latin American Congress of Verterbrate Paleontology, Latin American Congress of Vertebrate Paleontology, San Juan, Argentina, "Testing for genetic introgression within Morelet's and American crocodiles in Mexico using 40 microsatellites," International, Published in Proceedings. (September 2011).

Roussos, S. (Presenter & Author), Tomovic, L. (Author Only), Dimaki, M. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 2nd Annual TTUAB Symposium, TTU Association of Biologists, Lubbock, TX, "A Morphological Comparison between Insular and Continental Populations of Long-nosed Vipers in Greece," Local, Published in Proceedings. (April 2011).

Bashyal, A. (Presenter & Author), Venegas-de Anaya, M. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 2nd Annual TTUAB Symposium, TTU Association of Biologists, Lubbock, TX, "Population genetics of the American crocodile in Coiba National Park, Panama," Local, Published in Proceedings. (April 2011).

Roussos, S. (Presenter & Author), Tomovic, L. (Author Only), Dimaki, M. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), SWAN 2011, Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Tyler, TX, "A Morphological Comparison between Insular and Continental Populations of Long- nosed Vipers (SQUAMATA:VIPERIDAE) in Greece," State, Published in Proceedings. (April 2011).

Bashyal, A. (Presenter & Author), Venegas-de Anaya, M. (Author Only), Perry, G. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 20th Annual Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, Crocodile Specialist Group, Manaus, Brazil, "Population genetics of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Coiba Marine National Park, Panama," International. (September 2010).

Weaver, J. P. (Presenter & Author), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 20th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, Crocodile Specialist Group of the IUCN, Manaus, Brazil, "A morphometric and genetic approach to describing incongruencies of Crocodylus in the greater Antilles," International, Published in Proceedings. (September 2010).


Gross, B. (Author Only), Weaver, J. P. (Author Only), Rodriguez, D. (Author Only), Venegas-de Anaya, M. (Author Only), Densmore, L., 20th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, Crocodile Specialist Group of the IUCN, Manaus, Brazil, "Testing the phylogenetic utility of 40 microsatellites on Morelet's and American crocodiles," International, Published in Proceedings. (September 2010).

Venegas-de Anaya, M. (Presenter & Author), Densmore, L. (Author Only), Sanjur, O. (Author Only), Bermingham, E. (Author Only), 20th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, Crocodile Specialist Group of the IUCN, Manaus, Brazil, "Coiba: research and education program for conservation and management of crocodiles," International, Published in Proceedings. (August 2010).

Vandewege, M. (Presenter & Author), Rodriguez, D. (Author Only), Weaver, J. P. (Author Only), Hibbitts, T. (Author Only), Forstner, M. R.J. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 15th Annual Biology Student Sympoisum, Texas State University Association of Biologists, San Marcos, TX, "Bimodal pattern of hybridization between Baird's rat snake and the Texas rat snake inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear data," State, Published in Proceedings. (April 2010).

Roussos, S. A. (Presenter & Author), Dimaki, M. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), First Annual TTUAB Symposium, TTU Association of Biologists, Lubbock. TX, "Phylogeograph of the long-nosed viper (Vipera ammodytes) in the Cyclades, Greece," Local. (April 2010).

Vandewege, M. (Presenter & Author), Rodriguez, D. (Author Only), Weaver, J. P. (Author Only), Hibbitts, T. (Author Only), Forstner, M. R. J. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 113th Annual Meeting of Texas Academy of Science, Texas Academy of Science, "The hybrid zone between the Texas rat-snake and Baird's rat snake inferred from Microsatellite and Mitochondrial DNA data," Regional, Published in Proceedings. (March 2010).

Rodfiguez, D. (Presenter & Author), Weaver, J. P. (Author Only), Cedeneo-Vasquez, J. R. (Author Only), Forstner, M. R. J. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 3rd Cuban Crocodile Workshop, Crocodilian Specialist Group of the IUCN, Zapata Swamp, Cuba, "Hybridization between New World crocodiles: An example from C. acuts in Mexico and Florida," International, Published in Proceedings. (2009).

Weaver, J. P. (Presenter & Author), Rodriguez, D. (Author Only), Venegas-de Anaya, M. (Author Only), Cedeneo-Vasquez, J. R. (Author Only), Forstner, M. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 3rd Cuban Crocodile Workshop, Crocodilian Specialist Group of the IUCN, Zapata Swamp, Cuba, "Using molecular markers to identify hybrids amomg captive populations of he Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer)," International, Published Elsewhere. (2009).

Weaver, J. P. (Presenter & Author), Rodriguez, D. (Author Only), Venegas-Anaya, M. (Author Only), Cedeno-Vasquez, J. R. (Author Only), Forstner, M. R. J. (Author Only),


Densmore, L. (Author Only), 111th Meeting of Texas Academy of Science, Texa Academy of Science, "Incongruence of species designations as determined by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA: An example from the Cuban crocodiles (Crocodylus rhombifer)," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (2008).

Vandewge, M. (Presenter & Author), Rodriguez, D. (Author Only), Weaver, J. (Author Only), Forstner, M. (Author Only), Densmore, L., 111th Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Texas Academy of Science, "Population genetics of Elaphe obsoleta lindeheimeri (Texas rat snake) in Texas," State, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (2008).

Densmore, L., University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, "There are at least three species of crocodiles currently hybridizing in the New World: Exactly what is going on and why?," State, Published Elsewhere. (March 2008).

McVay, J. (Presenter & Author), Rodriguez, D. (Author Only), Forstner, M. R.J. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 3rd International Workshop on crocodilian genetics and genomics, Crocodilian Specialist Group of the IUCN, Panama City, Panama, "Evidence of multiple paternity markers in Morelet's crocodile inferred from microsatellite markers," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings, Published Elsewhere. (2007).

Weaver, J. P. (Presenter & Author), Rodriguez, D. (Author Only), Fortsner, M. R.J. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 3rd International Workshop on crocodilian genetics and genomics, Crocodilian Specialist Group of the IUCN, Panama City Panama, "Genetic characterization of the Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhomibifer) suing zoological samples," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings, Published Elsewhere. (2007).

Rodriguez, D. (Presenter & Author), Cedeno-Vasquez, R. (Author Only), Forstner, M. R. J. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 3rd International Workshop on Crocodilian Genetics and Genomics, Crocodilian Specialist Group of the IUCN, Panama City, Panama, "Genetic structure of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Florida and evidence of hybridization inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear markers," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (2007).

Rodriguez, D. (Presenter & Author), Forstner, M. R.J. (Author Only), Cedeno-Vasquez, R. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), 3rd International Workshop on crocodilian genetics and genomics, Crocodilian Specialist Group of the IUCN, Panama City, Panama, "Using genetic markers to detct hybricizations zones between the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and Morelet's crocodile (C. moreletii) in the Yucatan Peninsula," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (2007).

Willis, R. E. (Presenter & Author), McAliley, L. R. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), ASIH Joint Meeting, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, LA, "Are crocodiles monophyletic? Evidence for Subdivisions from Sequence and


Morphological Data," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings, Published Elsewhere. (2006).


Hamilton, D. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Densmore, L., Janowski- Bell, M. J., Texas Tech University Department of Biological Sciences Graduate Student Forum, Lubbock, TX, "An evaluation of genetic diversity of the North American tarantula, Aphonopelma spp., at the colonial, population and species levels." (2007).

Hamilton, D. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Densmore, L., Janowski- Bell, M. J., The 54th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Stephenville, TX, "An evaluation of genetic diversity of the North American tarantula, Aphonopelma spp., at the colonial, population and species levels." (2007).

Hamilton, D. E. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Densmore, L., Janowski- Bell, M. J., The XVII International Congress of Arachnology, São Pedro, Brazil, "An evaluation of genetic diversity of the North American tarantula, Aphonopelma spp., at the colonial, population and species levels and the implications on dispersal distances." (2007).

Craig, C. N. (Presenter & Author), Hamilton, D. E., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Densmore, L., The XVII International Congress of Arachnology, São Pedro, Brazil, "Use of radio- telemetry to monitor movements and interactions of North American tarantulas (Aphonopelma spp.) living in aggregations." (2007).

Rodriguez, D. (Presenter & Author), Forstner, M. R. J. (Author Only), Densmore, L. (Author Only), SWAN 2006, Southwestern Naturalists, Colima, Mexico, "Low alleleic variation in wild populations of two endangered species of crocodile:Crocodylus acutus and Crocodylus moreletii," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (2006).

Hamilton, D. (Presenter & Author), Janowski-Bell, M., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Densmore, L., The 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN, "A preliminary molecular analysis of the theraphosid genus Aphonopelma and its implications on dispersal patterns and current taxonomy," Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (2006).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Taraban, R. (Co-Principal), Densmore, L. (Principal), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Talkmitt, S. (Co-Principal), "Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program--HHMI Phase VI: Total grant 2010-2014," Sponsored by Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Private, $500,000.00. (2010 - 2012).


Densmore, L. (Co-Principal), Weaver, J. (Principal), "Morphometric analysis of Antillean crocodiles," Sponsored by IUCN/SSC Crocodile Speicalist Group Student Research Competition, Other, $1,000.00. (November 2010 - November 2011).

Taraban, R. (Co-Principal), Densmore, L. (Co-Principal), San Francisco, M. (Principal), Talkmitt, S. (Co-Principal), "Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program--HHMI Phase V," Sponsored by Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Private, $1,500,000.00. (2006 - 2010).

Densmore, L. (Co-Principal), "Synthetic Approaches towards crocodylian phylogeny," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $300,000.00. (March 2005 - March 2010).

Grant - Not Funded

Densmore, L. (Principal), Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), Reich, D. (Supporting), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Talkmitt, S., Taraban, R. (Co-Principal), "TTU CISER Phase VI Core proposal," Sponsored by Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Private, $2,200,000.00.

Sponsored Research - Pending

Densmore, L. (Co-Principal), Griffis-Kyle, K. (Principal), "GHNNNA regional evaluation of arid-land wildlife water management on the biodiversity of organisms with complex life cycles," Sponsored by Department of Defense - Legacy Fund, Federal, $149,000.00. (2011 - 2013).

Densmore, L. (Co-Principal), Griffis-Kyle, K. (Principal), "A regional evaluation of arid-land wildlife water management on the biodiversity of organisms with complex life cycles," Sponsored by Department of Defense - Legacy Fund, Federal, $149,000.00. (2010 - 2012).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

Texas Tech Integrated Scholar, Provost. (September 2010).

President's Excellence in Teaching Award, Texas Tech Teaching Academy. (2007).

New Format for existing course

Summer I TTU 2008

"Advanced Field Herpetology," BIOL 6321-J01.

New Course Preparation Work


Fall TTU 2007

"Cell and Molecular Biology for Teachers," BIOL 5312-001.

"Research," BIOL 7000-015.


Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Biological Informatics (MS).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Biology (BS).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Biology (MS).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Biology (PHD).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Cell and Molecular Biology (BS).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Microbiology (BA).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Microbiology (BS).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Microbiology (MS).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Zoology (BA).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Zoology (BS).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Zoology (MS).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Zoology (PHD).

Committee Chair, Radiation and Laser Safety Committee. (1993 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Richard J. Deslippe Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1997

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 272 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Zoology Institution University of Alberta Year Awarded 1994

Degree MS Field Biological Sciences Institution University of Windsor Year Awarded 1989

Degree BS Field Zoology Institution University of Guelph Year Awarded 1985

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) 2003 - Present

Title Adjunct Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) 1999 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Stephanie Lockwood Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2011 Institution

Student's Name Charmaine Woodard Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2006 Institution

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III) 130

Student's Name Steve Collins Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Anup Bastola Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Joe Carmichael Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Spring TTU 2012 ZOOL 5421 Ecological Entomology

Fall TTU 2011 ZOOL 5406 Advanced Invertebrate Zoology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 ZOOL 5421 Ecological Entomology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research


Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 ZOOL 5421 Ecological Entomology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Lockwood, S., HaghiPour-Peasley, J., Hoffman, D., Deslippe, R. (2012). Identification, expression, and immuno-reactivity of Sol i 2 &Sol i 4 venom proteins of queen red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).. Toxicon, 60(5), 752-759.

Deslippe, R. (2010). Social parasitism in ants. Nature Education Division of teh Nature Publishing Group, 1(8), 27.


Other (Accepted)

Deslippe, R. Pearson Science.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Editorial Review Board Member, Animals. (2010 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Nature Knowledge. (2011).

Reviewer, Study Section, Pearson Science. (2011).


Reviewer, Journal Article, The Southwestern Naturalist. (2011).

Reviewer, Book, WH Freeman. (2011).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Horne, S. (Presenter & Author), Deslippe, R. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, Nevada, "Venom sac proteins of Red Imported Fire Ant queens (Solenopsis invicta): characterization, expression and function.." (August 2011).

Lockwood, S. (Presenter & Author), Deslippe, R. (Author Only), 82nd Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Conference of Entomologists, Rocky Mountain Conference of Entomologists, Woodland Park, Colorado, "Expression, Characterization, and Immuno-reactivity of Venom Gland Proteins From Red Imported Fire Ants (Formicidae: Solenopsis invicta)," Regional, Published in Proceedings. (July 2011).

Horne, S., Deslippe, R. (Author Only), Annual Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, TTAUB - TTU Biological Sciences, "Venom sac proteins of Red Imported Fire Ant queens (Solenopsis invicta): characterization, expression and function.." (April 2011).

Lockwood, S. (Presenter & Author), Fokar, M., Deslippe, R., Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University, "Function of protein sac proteins from queen red imported fire ants (Formicidae: Solenopsis invicta)," Local. (2010).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Deslippe, R. (Principal), "Regulation of worker behavior by queens in colonies of red imported fire ants," Sponsored by Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program, State, $108,799.00. (July 1, 2010 - August 31, 2012).

Deslippe, R. (Principal), "Queen control over worker behavior in colonies of red imported fire ants: role of the venom sac proteins," Sponsored by Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University, $33,300.00. (2008 - 2009).

Deslippe, R., "Identification and behavioral testing of fire ant pheromones involved in recognition," Sponsored by Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas Tech University, $40,000.00. (2005 - 2007).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Committee Member, Assessment Committee. (2010 - 2012).

Committee Member, Graduate Student Affairs Committee. (2010 - 2012).

Committee Member, Arts and Sciences Scholarship Committee. (2003 - 2011).

Committee Member, Arts and Sciences Scholarship Committee. (2003 - 2012).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Sandra Diamond Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 286 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Institution/Agency Year(s)

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6392 Marine Biology

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years



Journal Articles (Accepted)

Campbell, M. D., Patino, R., Tolan, J., Strauss, R., Diamond-Tissue, S. (2009). Sublethal effects of catch-and-release fishing: measuring capture stress, fish impairment, and predation risk using a condition index. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67(3), 513-521.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Sullivan, L. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. (Presenter Only), Diamond-Tissue, S. (Presenter Only), Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada, "Tracking Atlantic croaker movement in the Gulf of Mexico: a shifting element mosaic in the “dead zone”?," International. (August 2008).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

Diamond-Tissue, S., "GIS Analysis of Shark Population Abundance and Distribution in the Gulf of Mexico," Sponsored by Environmental Defense Fund, Private, $100,902.00. (May 1, 2012 - April 30, 2013).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Michael Dini Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 246 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Biology Institution University of Notre Dame Year Awarded 1989

Degree California Teaching Credential, Secondary, Life Status Field education Institution Loyola-Marymount University Year Awarded 1979

Degree BS Field Biology Institution St. Mary's College of California Year Awarded 1977

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title associate professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) August 2, 1992 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis 139

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Books (Accepted)

Dini, M. (2011). BIOL 1403 Lab Manual (pp. 230). Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing.

Dini, M. (2011). Lab Manual for BIOL 1404 (pp. 273). Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing.

Dini, M. (2010). BIOL 1403 Lab Manual (pp. 282). Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing.

Dini, M. (2010). Lab Manual for BIOL 1404 (pp. 272). Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Dini, M., University Student Housing, Stangel-Murdough Hall, TTU, "How to Succeed in College," Local. (September 2011).

Dini, M., Morse, A. (Presenter Only), Tapp, S. (Presenter Only), Teaching Academy, TTUHSC, TTUHSC, "Considerations on Peer Evaluation," Local. (May 10, 2011).

Dini, M., Secular Students Society, Holden Hall, TTU, "Creationism and the Public Schools," Local. (April 11, 2011).

Dini, M., SACNAS, Biology Building, TTU, "My Thoughts as an Educator," Local. (February 8, 2011).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Grant - Pending

Hardin, E. (Principal), Siwatu, K. (Supporting), Gellene, G. (Supporting), Howle, V. (Supporting), Dini, M. (Supporting), Glab, W. (Supporting), "Implicit theories of intelligence in gateway pipeline courses," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $971,675.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Committee Member, A&P Committee. (January 2011 - December 2011).

Committee Chair, Assessment Committee. (January 2011 - December 2011).

Committee Chair, Biology Majors Committee. (January 2011 - December 2011).

Committee Member, Faculty Awards Committee. (January 2011 - December 2011).

Committee Member, Teaching Academy, Executive Committee. (September 2010 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Lauren Gollahon Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1997

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-4464 ext. 234 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Postdoctoral Field Breast Cancer Institution Univ of TX Southwestern Medical Center Year Awarded 1997

Degree Postdoctoral Field Rat Mammary Carcinogenesis Models Institution Univ of TX MD Anderson Cancer Center Year Awarded 1993

Degree Ph D Field Veterinary Anatomy Institution Texas A&M University Year Awarded 1990

Degree MS Field Zoology Institution Texas A&M University Year Awarded 1986

Degree BA Field Marine Biology Institution Barrington College Year Awarded 1981

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 2003 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Drake Smith Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name Patrick Dennis Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Kyungwoo Lee Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jaehyung Lee Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Andrew Avila Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed May 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Hongtao Ma Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed December 2010 Institution

Student's Name Joseph Carmichael Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed September 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name James Koch Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nayoung Kim Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed December 2009 Institution

Student's Name Berny Mullappally Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Angela Swerdlove


Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed May 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Zhi Pan Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed December 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Kira Chumbley Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed December 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Zhiqiang Du Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed December 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Wei Xu Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Ken Griffith Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Prakash Sharma Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Arup Chakraborty Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Srinivas Karra Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 2009 Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name Nilesh Chitnis Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed December 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5306 Advanced Cancer Biology

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology


Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6408 Research Techniques in Electron Microscopy BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5306 Advanced Cancer Biology

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Gollahon, L., Jeong, Y., Finckbone, V., Lee, K., Park, J.-S. (2011). The Natural Product, NI- 07, Is Effective Against Breast Cancer Cells While Showing No Cytotoxicity to Normal Cells.. The Open Breast Cancer Journal, 3, 31-44.

Wankhed, S., Du, Z., Berg, J., Vaughn, M., Dallas, T., Cheng, K., Gollahon, L. (2008). Cell Detachment Model for an Antibody-Based Microfluidic Cancer Screening System. 22(5).

Du, Z., Cheng, K., Vaughn, M., Collie, N., Gollahon, L. (2007). Recognition and capture of breast cancer cells using an antibody-based platform in a microelectromechanical systems device.. Biomedical Microdevices., 9(1), 35-42.

Other (Accepted)

Pan, Z., Gollahon, L. (2010). Taxol Directly Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum-Associated Calcium Changes That Promote Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells (6th ed., vol. 16). The breast journal.


VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Human Anatomy and Physiology Society. (July 2012 - Present).

Member, Institution of Biological Engineering. (September 2005 - Present).

Member, American Association for Cancer Research. (September 1998 - Present).

Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (September 1990 - Present).

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, EPA, Washington, DC. (March 2006 - Present).

Reviewer, Study Section, Department of Defense, Washington, DC. (September 1998 - Present).

Reviewer, Study Section, Department of Defense, Washington, DC. (September 2005 - September 2007).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Gollahon, L. (Discussant), The National Academies Summer Institute, NAS/HHMI, Madison, WI, "National Academies Summer Institute on Undergraduate Education in Biology," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published Elsewhere. (June 2012).

Gollahon, L. (Discussant), Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education, AAAS and Directorates for Biological Sciences and for Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, "Working Group: Toolkits to Support the Change," National, Published Elsewhere. (July 2009).

Gollahon, L. (Presenter & Author), Strategies for Success Workshops, Pearson Publishing, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, "Incorporating Active Learning in Large Lecture Classes," Regional, Published Elsewhere. (November 2007).

Gollahon, L. (Presenter & Author), Strategies for Success Workshops, Pearson Publishing, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, "PhysioEx™ 7.0 for Human Physiology: Integrating Lab Simulations into a Viable Lecture Tool," Regional, Published Elsewhere. (November 2007).


Lee, K. (Presenter & Author), Gollahon, L. (Author Only), 103rd Annual AACR Meeting, AACR, Chicago, IL, "The Interaction of ZSCAN4 with TRF1: Effects on regulation of


telomere elongation in cancer cells," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (April 2012).

Gollahon, L. (Presenter & Author), Jeong, Y. (Author Only), Finckbone, V. (Author Only), Pan, Z. (Author Only), Lee, K. (Author Only), Park, J.-S. (Author Only), 102nd Annual AACR Meeting, AACR, Orlando, FL, "A Natural Product, NI-07, is Effective in a Wide Variety of Solid Cancer Cell Types But Exhibits No Cytotoxic Effects in Normal Cells," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (April 2011).

Lee, J. (Presenter & Author), Gollahon, L. (Author Only), 102nd Annual AACR Meeting, AACR, Orlando, FL, "Nek2 is a Promising Target for Triple Negative Breast Cancer Treatment Strategies," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (April 2011).

Lee, J. (Presenter & Author), Gollahon, L. (Author Only), 33rd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, UTSA HSC, San Antonio, TX, "Reduced NIMA Related Kinase 2 (Nek2) Expression Levels Enhance Paclitaxel Sensitivity In Breast Cancer Cells," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (December 2010).

Lee, J. (Presenter & Author), Gollahon, L. (Author Only), 101st Annual AACR Meeting, AACR, Washington, DC, "Reduced NIMA Related Kinase 2 (Nek2) Expression Levels Enhance Paclitaxel Sensitivity In Breast Cancer Cells," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (April 2010).

Pan, Z. (Presenter & Author), Gollahon, L. (Author Only), AACR 2010 Annual meeting, American Association of Cancer Research, Washington DC, "Role of Calcium in Relationship of Microtubule Stabilization, Mitotic Arrest and Apoptosis induced by Taxol in Breast Cancer Cells," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (April 19, 2010).

Struzyk, K. (Presenter & Author), Gollahon, L. (Author Only), Annual Conference for the Institute of Biological Engineering, IBE, MIT, Cambridge, MA, "Potential Using Variable Flow Rates in a Microfluidic Biochip," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (March 2010).

Pan, Z. (Presenter & Author), Gollahon, L. (Author Only), 2009 AACR annual meeting, AACR, Denver, CO, "Taxol modulates apoptosis-related intracellular calcium changes in breast cancer cells depending on extracellular calcium concentrations," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (April 2009).

Pan, Z. (Presenter & Author), Gollahon, L. (Author Only), 2008 AACR annual meeting, AACR, San Diego, CA, "Calcium Regulates Taxol-Induced Apoptosis and Resistance of the Anti-Apoptotic Protein Bcl-2 in Breast Cancer Cells," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (April 2008).


Gollahon, L. (Presenter & Author), The 12th Annual Meeting for the Institute of Biological Engineering, IBE, St. Louis, MO, "Recognition and Capture of Cancer Cells Using an Antibody-Based Platform.," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (March 2007).

Kim, N. (Presenter & Author), Case, S. (Author Only), Gollahon, L. (Author Only), 29th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, UTSA HSC, San Antonio, TX, "Analysis of breast-cell lineage response differences to Taxol using a novel co-culture system," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (December 2006).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Collie, N. (Principal), Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "Response of Multidrug Resistance Proteins to Antitumor Drugs in a Co-Culture Model of Breast Cancer.”," Sponsored by TTU VPR, Texas Tech University, $34,823.00. (September 1, 2008 - July 21, 2009).

Gollahon, L. (Principal), "Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression for Normal Breast Cells in Co-Culture with Breast Tumor Cells Using a Novel Co-Culture (CC) System," Sponsored by TTU REF (OVPR), Texas Tech University, $35,000.00. (April 2007 - March 2008).

Gollahon, L. (Principal), "Creating New Research Opportunities at Texas Tech University: Acquisition of Advanced High Resolution Imaging and Analytical Instrumentation to promote Multidisciplinary Collabiration," Sponsored by Dow Chemical Compny, Private, $532,000.00. (September 2006 - August 2007).

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "A New Proteomic Method and Its Application to Chemical Biology," Sponsored by TTU-OVPR, Texas Tech University, $499,692.00. (September 2004 - August 2007).

Gollahon, L. (Principal), "Acquisition of a High Resolution, Analytical SEM to Enhance Interdisciplinary Research Capabilities at Texas Tech University," Sponsored by NSF-MRI, Federal, $655,000.00. (September 2004 - August 2007).

Gollahon, L. (Principal), "Detection of Biomarkers for Breast Cancer," Sponsored by Receptor Logic Ltd, Private, $2,000.00. (June 2006 - May 2007).

Sponsored Research

Gollahon, L. (Principal), "Nondisclosed," Sponsored by Yusahng LLC, Private, $31,433.00. (July 15, 2010 - June 1, 2011).

Gollahon, L. (Principal), "Nondisclosed," Sponsored by Yusahng LLC, Private, $72,583.00. (September 1, 2009 - August 31, 2010).


Gollahon, L., "Classification of HLA-A2 Breast Tissues and Preferential Expression of 1B8 in These Breast Tumors," Sponsored by MHC Biologics, LLC, Private, $19,951.00. (June 1, 2008 - May 31, 2009).

Gollahon, L., "Validation of Cell Growth Attachment on Different Nanoparticle Coatings," Sponsored by Aeonclad Coatings, LLC, Private, $18,452.00. (February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2009).

Grant - Not Funded

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "CPRIT: Cancer Imaging Mass Spectrometry Core Facility," Sponsored by CPRIT, State, $604,036.40. (September 1, 2011 - August 31, 2013).

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "CPRIT: New Practical Proteomic Method for Quantitative Analysis of Proteins for Discovery of Biomarkers of Breast Cancer," Sponsored by CPRIT, State, $257,313.06. (September 1, 2010 - August 31, 2013).

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "Imaging Mass Spectrometry for Cancer Detection," Sponsored by CPRIT, State, $728,783.40. (April 1, 2011 - March 31, 2013).

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "Investigating HLA-Peptide Complex Presentation for Developing a Microfluidics-Based Screening Assay to Identify Breast Cancer Cells in Bodily Fluids ," Sponsored by Susan G. Komen Foundation, Private, $600,000.00. (January 2007 - December 2010).

Gollahon, L. (Principal), "Research Development Program. Establishment of the Texas Tech University Imaging Center: Opening New Opportunities for Research, Teaching and Training.," Sponsored by TTU-OVPR, Texas Tech University, $388,998.00. (September 2007 - August 2010).

Densmore, L. (Principal), Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), Reich, D. (Supporting), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Talkmitt, S., Taraban, R. (Co-Principal), "TTU CISER Phase VI Core proposal," Sponsored by Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Private, $2,200,000.00.

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "Development of proteomic research infrastructure at Texas Tech University.," Sponsored by TTU-OVPR, Texas Tech University, $867,348.00. (April 2007 - March 2009).

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "Nanotoxicology of Cadmium-based Quantum Dots Relevant to Human and Ecological Health," Sponsored by TTU - OVPR, Texas Tech University, $643,012.00. (April 2007 - March 2009).

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "A New Proteomic Method and Its Application to Chemical Biology," Sponsored by Texas ARP, State, $150,000.00. (January 2007 - December 2008).


Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), "Nanotoxicology of Cadmium-based Quantum Dots Relevant to Human and Ecological Health," Sponsored by TTU - OVPR, Texas Tech University, $624,987.00. (September 2006 - August 2008).

Sponsored Research - Not Funded

Gollahon, L. (Principal), Lee, J. (Co-Principal), "Investigating Cell Cycle-regulated Protein Kinases: Their Substrates and Their Role in Centrosome Regulation (Lee)," Sponsored by Department of Defense, Federal, $119,479.00. (September 1, 2009 - August 31, 2012).

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), Niwayama, S. (Principal), "ARRA: New Proteomic Methods for Discovery of Potential Cancer Biomarkers," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $424,231.00. (April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2012).

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), Anderson, E. (Principal), Hashemi, J. (Co-Principal), "ARRA: Efficacy Testing of Computer-based, Self-discovery Learning in Physiology through a Higherorder Problem-solving Model," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $541,185.00. (October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2011).

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), Park, S. (Principal), "ARRA: The Regulatory Role of Adhesion Site Nano-mechanics in Cell Tumorigenicity," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $783,855.00. (October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2011).

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), Niwayama, S. (Principal), "New Proteomics Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Proteins for Cancer Biomarkers," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $171,552.00. (October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2011).

Sponsored Research - Pending

Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), Sperry, K. (Principal), "Forensic Science Training Development and Delivery Program," Sponsored by US Department of Justice, Federal, $474,101.00. (October 1, 2010 - September 30, 2011).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

Education Leader in Life Sciences, National Academies/HHMI. (June 2012).

Outstanding Graduate Teaching Scholar Mentor, TTU/HHMI. (April 2011).

President's Excellence in Diversity & Equity Award Nomiee, Texas Tech University, Office of the Provost. (April 2011).

Outstanding Faculty Mentor, Center for Undergraduate Research. (April 2010).


New Format for existing course

Spring TTU 2012

"Advanced Cancer Biology," BIOL 5306-001. 1. Mondays - A list of papers to be read, with the dates they are due for discussion will be posted to the website. One class period a week will be devoted to discussion of an article assigned to the class and its associated topics. 2. Wednesdays – This class period will be devoted to an article chosen by a group member. Each group will have a different paper. Students will rotate responsibility for each week’s article, group discussion and preparation of the short write up based on group comments, incorporating aspects of the class article assigned. The student choosing the article has the responsibility of finalizing the write-up based on group comments during that class period and uploading it to the website by the next class period. 3. Fridays – The class will be presented data or case studies. The groups will then discuss the results and synthesize an interpretation of the data. This will be completed in class. 4. Peer evaluations will be prepared and uploaded to the assignments box. Each group member will assign a grade to the other members based on a set of criteria posted in the website. 5. Individual meetings with Dr. Gollahon to discuss formal presentations and proposal reviews.

New Course Preparation Work

Spring TTU 2012

"Advanced Cancer Biology," BIOL 5306-001. 1. Mondays - A list of papers to be read, with the dates they are due for discussion will be posted to the website. One class period a week will be devoted to discussion of an article assigned to the class and its associated topics. 2. Wednesdays – This class period will be devoted to an article chosen by a group member. Each group will have a different paper. Students will rotate responsibility for each week’s article, group discussion and preparation of the short write up based on group comments, incorporating aspects of the class article assigned. The student choosing the article has the responsibility of finalizing the write-up based on group comments during that class period and uploading it to the website by the next class period. 3. Fridays – The class will be presented data or case studies. The groups will then discuss the results and synthesize an interpretation of the data. This will be completed in class. 4. Peer evaluations will be prepared and uploaded to the assignments box. Each group member will assign a grade to the other members based on a set of criteria posted in the website. 5. Individual meetings with Dr. Gollahon to discuss formal presentations and proposal reviews.


Committee Chair, Space Committee. (September 1, 2008 - Present).


Committee Member, Tenure and Promotion. (September 1, 2006 - Present).

Committee Chair, Human Anatomy and Physiology Program Committee. (September 1, 1997 - Present).

Advisory Board Member, Women's Studies. (September 2011 - Present).

Committee Member, Materials Infrastructure Committee. (February 2010 - Present).

Committee Chair, General Education Committee - Natural Sciences. (September 2008 - Present).

Committee Member, Core Curriculum Steering Committee. (September 1, 2010 - August 31, 2013).

Guest Speaker, Franship ISD, Wolfforth, TX. (September 1997 - June 2008).


Government, EPA, Washington, DC. (April 2006 - Present).

Government, DOD Sponsored Cancer Research Program, Washington, DC. (September 1998 - Present).

For Profit Organization, Pearson Publishing, San Francisco, CA. (January 1998 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Caryl Heintz-Wyatt Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 269 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Microbiology Institution Indiana University Year Awarded

Degree MS Field Microbiology Institution University of Cincinnati Year Awarded 1965

Degree A.B. Field Biology Institution Wittenberg University Year Awarded 1962

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 1991 - Present

Title Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 1997 - December 31, 2009

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Spring TTU 2012 MBIO 5404 Pathogenic Microbiology

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology 156

BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Dunham, C., Weathers, L. H., Hoo, K., Heintz-Wyatt, C. I just need someone who knows the ropes: Mentoring and female faculty in science and engineering. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 18(1), 79-96.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, American Society for Microbiology.

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Hoo, K. (Presenter & Author), Heintz-Wyatt, C. (Author Only), Dunham, C. (Author Only), 2008 ADVANCE PI meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, "Partnership of Women in Engineering, Research and Science," National, Published in Proceedings. (2008).


Dunham, C. (Presenter & Author), Heintz-Wyatt, C. (Author Only), Southwest Social Science Association Meetings, Southwest Social Science Association, Denver, CO, "Gender Diversity in Academe: Challenges Faced in Achieving Institutional Change," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (2008).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Heintz-Wyatt, C. (Co-Principal), Hoo, K. (Principal), Dunham, C. (Co-Principal), Raehl, C. (Co-Principal), Leeper, S. (Co-Principal), Jenkins, M. (Co-Principal), "Partnership of Women in Engineering, Research and Science - PoWERS," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $499,590.00. (September 2006 - August 2010).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Associate Dean for Research. (September 1997 - December 2009).


Committee Member, Graduate School Scholarship committee. (March 2007 - April 2009).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Lewis I. Held (Jr.) Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 278 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Institution University of California, Berkeley Year Awarded 1977

Degree BS Field Life Sciences Institution Massachusetts Institute of Technology Year Awarded 1973

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) January 15, 1987 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 6202 Preparation for Graduate Learning and Teaching in Biology

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 6202 Preparation for Graduate Learning and Teaching in Biology

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology 160

BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years

Non-Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Creative Activity

Book (Accepted)

Held, L. (Exhibitor), "Quirks of Human Anatomy", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Held, L. (2011). When does the spiny legs1 allele of the prickle gene cause extra joints?. Drosophila Information Service, 95, 47-52.

Held, L. (2010). The evo-devo puzzle of human hair patterning.. Evol. Biol., 37, 113-122.

Held, L. (2010). The evolutionary geometry of human anatomy: Discovering our inner fly.. Evol. Anthropol., 19, 227-235.

Held, L. (2010). How does Scr cause first legs to deviate from second legs?. Drosophila Information Service, 93, 132-146.

Books (Accepted)

Held, L. (2009). In Christopher Curcio (Ed.), Quirks of Human Anatomy (N/A ed., vol. N/A, pp. 250). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Genetics Society of America.

VIII. Presentations in the last six years

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

Grant - Not Funded

Held, L. (Principal), "The Fine Art of Molecular Mechanics," Sponsored by Guggenheim Foundation, Private, $20,000.00.


Grant - Pending

Held, L. (Principal), "Role of prickle-sple in Leg Epidermal Development," Sponsored by National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias, Private, $10,000.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

President's Book Award, 2nd Place, TTU. (2011).

Professing Excellence Teaching Award, TTU University Student Housing. (April 6, 2010).


Committee Member, MS Committee for Bo Zhang (Dr. Carr).

Committee Member, PhD Committee for Ashish Chougule (Dr. Thomas, TTUHSC).

Committee Member, PhD Committee for Priyanka de Silva (Dr. Bernal).

Committee Member, PhD Committee for Tammy Carter(Dr. Thomas, TTUHSC).

Committee Member, Biology Dept., Accomplishments/Dissemination. (September 2011 - Present).

Committee Member, Biology Dept., Initiatives Committee. (September 2011 - Present).

Biology Dept Liaison to TTU Library. (September 1990 - Present).

Committee Chair, Biology Dept., Nonmajors Zoology. (September 1989 - Present).

Committee Member, Comprehensive Performance Evaluation.

Faculty Advisor, Faculty Senate Liaison to Student Senate.

Faculty Senate Representative of Arts & Sciences.

Committee Chair, Faculty Status and Welfare.



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Scott S. Holaday Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1983

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 260 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Botany Institution University of Florida Year Awarded 1978

Degree MS Field Forestry Institution University of Florida Year Awarded 1973

Degree BS Field Forestry Institution University of Illinois Year Awarded 1971

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Full Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2004 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Elizabeth Waring Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Thiya Mukherjee Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Hasitha Guvvala Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution


Student's Name Yuanhua Wang Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Jayasri Alluvada Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 15, 2011 Institution

Student's Name Zhiyu He Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed December 15, 2009 Institution

Student's Name Becky Roper Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 15, 2009 Institution

Student's Name Moh'd Hozain Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed December 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Cassandra Plank Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Trevor Mason Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Hahn Pham Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name Liv Soares Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Jian Chen Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Dev Raj Paudel Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed August 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Maria Gaetani Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed August 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Rongbin Hu Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed August 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Esha Poudel Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Esha Poudel Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Ram Babu Shrestha Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 15, 2011 Institution

Student's Name Travis Adams Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed December 2010 Institution


Student's Name Margaret Shields Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed August 7, 2010 Institution

Student's Name Patti Koemel Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 2010 Institution

Student's Name Patti Koemel Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 15, 2009 Institution

Student's Name Kermit Price Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 15, 2009 Institution

Student's Name Marija Glisovic (Stojanovic) Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution

Student's Name Vijaya Pasapula Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution

Student's Name Vijaykumar Veerappan Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution

Student's Name Bradley Sladek Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 15, 2008 Institution

Student's Name Elizabeth Gordon Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 15, 2008 Institution

Student's Name Lisa Patrick


Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 15, 2008 Institution

Student's Name Traesha Robertson Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution

Student's Name Sujatha Venkataramani Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2011 BOT 5401 Advanced Plant Physiology BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis


Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2009 BOT 5401 Advanced Plant Physiology

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Kornyeyev, D., Logan, B. A., Holladay, S. (2010). Excitation pressure as a measure of the sensitivity of photosystem II to photoinactivation. Functional Plant Biology, 37, 943-951.

Hozain, M. I., Salvucci, M. E., Fokar, M., Holladay, S. (2010). The differential response of photosynthesis to high temperature for a boreal and temperate Populus species relates to differences in Rubisco activation and Rubisco activase properties. Tree Physiology, 30, 32- 44.

Kornyeyev, D., Holladay, S. (2008). Corrections to current approaches used to calculate energy partitioning in photosystem 2. Photosynthetica, 46, 170-178.

Haigler, C. H., Singh, B., Zhang, D., Hwang, S., Wu, C., Cai, W., Hozain, M., Kang, W., Kiedaisch, B., Strauss, R. E., Hequet, E. F., Wyatt, B. G., Jividen, G. M., Holladay, S. (2007). Transgenic cotton over-producing spinach sucrose phosphate synthase showed enhanced leaf sucrose synthesis and improved fiber quality under controlled environmental conditions. Plant Molecular Biology, 63, 815-832.

Kornyeyev, D., Logan, B. A., Tissue, D. T., Allen, R. D., Holladay, S. (2006). Compensation for photosystem II photoinactivation by regulated non-photochemical dissipation influences the impact of photoinactivation on electron transport and CO2 assimilation. Plant and Cell Physiology, 47, 437-446.

Logan, B. A., Kornyeyev, D., Hardison, J., Holladay, S. (2006). The role of antioxidant enzymes in photoprotection.. Photosynthesis Research, 88, 119-132.



Journal Articles (Accepted)

Hozain, M. I., Abdelmageed, H., Lee, J., Kang, M., Fokar, M., Allen, R. D., Holladay, S. (2012). Over-expressing AtSAP5 in cotton up-regulates putative stress-responsive genes and improves the tolerance to rapidly developing water deficit and moderate heat stress. Journal of Plant Physiology.

Zhang, H., Xie, X., Kim, M.-S., Kornyeyev, D., Holladay, S., Pare, P. W. (2008). Soil bacteria augment Arabidopsis photosynthesis by decreasing glucose sensing and abscisic acid levels in planta. The Plant Journal, 56, 264-273.

He, C., Shen, G., Pasapula, V., Luo, J., Venkataramani, S., Qiu, X., Kuppu, S., Kornyeyev, D., Holladay, S., Auld, R., Blumwald, E., Zhang, H. (2007). Ectopic expression of AtNHX1 in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) increases proline content and enhances photosynthesis under salt stress conditions. Journal of Cotton Science, 11, 177-185.

Narendra, S., Venkataramani, S., Shen, G., Wang, J., Pasapula, V., Lin, Y., Kornyeyev, D., Holladay, S., Zhang, H. (2006). The Arabidopsis ascorbate peroxidase 3 is a peroxisomal membrane-bound antioxidant enzyme and is dispensable for Arabidopsis growth and development. Journal of Experimental Botany, 57, 3033-3042.

Other (Invited)

Holladay, S. (2007). Robert Wise and Kenneth Hoober (eds), Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Volume 23, The Structure and Function of Plastids. Book Review (vol. 92, pp. 133-135). Photosynthesis Research.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, American Society of Plant Biologists. (January 1, 1977 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Aquatic Botany. (July 10, 2012 - July 12, 2012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, African Journal of Biotechnology. (July 5, 2012 - July 6, 2012).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Cotton Science. (November 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, The New Phytologist. (April 2011 - November 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Aquatic Botany. (October 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Photosynthetica. (April 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. (March 2011 - April 2011).


Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Plant Physiology. (February 2011).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Holladay, S. (Principal), Allen, R. D. (Co-Principal), Burke, J. (Co-Principal), "Heat-shock Factor Binding Protein and the Regulation of Plant Stress Responses," Sponsored by Southwest Consortium for Plant Genetics and Water Resources, Federal, $40,000.00. (September 1, 2008 - July 31, 2010).

Holladay, S. (Principal), Allen, R. D. (Co-Principal), M. o. T. F. (Co-Principal), "Integrated Plant Stress Research Program," Sponsored by Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University, $303,000.00. (June 2006 - August 2009).

Holladay, S. (Co-Principal), Allen, R. D. (Principal), Burke, J. (Co-Principal), "Heat-shock Factor Binding Protein and the Regulation of Plant Stress Responses," Sponsored by Southwest Consortium for Plant Genetics and Water Resources, Federal, $35,000.00. (September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2008).


Holladay, S. (Co-Principal), Granot, D. (Principal), Allen, R. D. (Supporting), "Enhancing Cotton Fiber Elongation and Cellulose Synthesis by Manipulating Fructokinase Activity," Sponsored by Texas Department of Agriculture/U.S.-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund, State, $150,000.00. (July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2011).

Grant - Not Funded

Schwilk, D. (Co-Principal), Holladay, S., "IOS Preliminary Proposal: Linking leaf traits, strategies of nitrogen use metabolism, and susceptibility to invasion," Sponsored by NSF, Federal.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

New Format for existing course

Fall TTU 2009

"Advanced Plant Physiology," BOT 5401-001.


Committee Chair, Space Committee. (September 2011 - Present).


Committee Member, Growth Chamber Committee-ESB. (September 2010 - Present).

Committee Chair, Plant Biology Committee. (September 1996 - Present).

Faculty Co-ordinator of the Greenhouse. (September 1989 - Present).

Committee Chair, Departmental Initiatives. (September 1, 2008 - September 2010).

Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure. (September 1, 2003 - September 2010).

Committee Member, T.E.A.C.H. Committee. (April 2002 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Randall M. Jeter Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1985

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2715 ext. 270 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Microbiology Institution University of California Year Awarded 1982

Degree MS Field Microbiology Institution University of Oklahoma Year Awarded 1976

Degree BS Field Physics Institution University of Arizona Year Awarded 1974

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 1991 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Tirhas Aregawi Hailu Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Rachael Elise Price Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nishant Chalise Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 11, 2012 Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name David Keith Parks Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed December 16, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Prasanth Kumar Thunuguntla V. K. Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 6, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Tirhas Aregawi Hailu Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 6, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Roopa Pulijala Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed December 18, 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Mohammed Repon Khan Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 8, 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Cheryl Louis Murzello Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 8, 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jennifer Rogers Huddleston Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed May 9, 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Asim Bikash Dey Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 11, 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Rathna Sirisha Kalagara Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 11, 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)


Student's Name Wei Xu Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Aysegul Balyimez Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Tejpreet K. Chadha Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name VelvetLee Finckbone Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Adam Michael Lord Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed December 16, 2011 Institution

Student's Name Ou Zhang Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed December 16, 2011 Institution

Student's Name Apolinar Ortiz Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed August 6, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Kanhav Khanna Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed December 15, 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Priyanka Maiti Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed December 15, 2010 Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name Shashi Kumar Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed December 18, 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Tejpreet K. Chadha Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed August 8, 2009 Institution

Student's Name Carrie Elaine Graham Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed August 8, 2009 Institution

Student's Name Shamini Parameswaran Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 8, 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Desiree Michelle Bayliss Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 8, 2009 Institution

Student's Name Jose Chakkunny Thekkiniath Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 28, 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jeremy Jay Nicholson Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 9, 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jonathan Lance Ferguson Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 9, 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Marko Davinic Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 9, 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jeb Stuart Clark


Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed December 14, 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nilesh S. Chitnis Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed December 14, 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Adnan Alatoom Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed August 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Dhirendra K. Nayak Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed December 15, 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Shashi Kumar Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed December 15, 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jodi B. Wrangham Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed December 15, 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2012 MBIO 5301 Advanced General Microbiology BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2011 MBIO 5408 Microbial Genetics BIOL 7000 Research


BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2011 MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis MBIO 5301 Advanced General Microbiology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Microbal Genetics BIOL 6100 Microbal genetics lab BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis MBIO 5301 Advanced General Microbiology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2009 MBIO 5408 Microbial Genetics

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years



Journal Articles (Accepted)

Zhang, H., Murzello, C., Sun, Y., Kim, M.-S., Xie, X., Jeter, R., Zak, J., Dowd, S., Pare, P. (2010). Choline and osmotic-stress tolerance induced in Arabidopsis by the soil microbe Bacillus subtilis (GB03). Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions/American Phytopathological Society, 23(8), 1097-1104.

Huddleston, J. R., Zak, J., Jeter, R. (2007). Sampling bias created by ampicillin in isolation media for Aeromonas. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 53(1), 39–44.

Huddleston, J. R., Zak, J., Jeter, R. (2006). Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Aeromonas spp. Isolated from Environmental Sources. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72(11), 7036–7042.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Genetics Society of America. (1988 - Present).

Member, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. (1988 - Present).

Member, American Society for Microbiology. (1978 - Present).

Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1977 - Present).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Jeter, R. (Author Only), Pulijala, R. (Presenter & Author), 2009 Fall Meeting of the Texas Branch of the American Society for Microbiology, Texas Branch of the American Society for Microbiology, Tyler, Texas, "Extracellular nuclease DnsH in Aeromonas strain 92," State. (November 5, 2009).

Jeter, R. (Author Only), Kumari, R. (Presenter & Author), Murzello, C. (Author Only), Melester, B. (Author Only), Acosta-Martinez, V. (Author Only), San Francisco, M. (Author Only), Zak, J. (Author Only), 94th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Effects of crop management on microbial diversity and biochemical properties of agroecosystems under semi-arid conditions," National. (August 2, 2009).

Jeter, R. (Author Only), Kumar, S. (Presenter & Author), Kumari, R. (Author Only), Dowd, S. (Author Only), San Francisco, M. (Author Only), Zak, J. (Author Only), 94th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque,


New Mexico, "Evaluating tillage effect on bacterial diversity in a semi-arid agroecosystems using pyrosequencing," National. (August 2, 2009).

Jeter, R. (Author Only), Kumar, S. (Presenter & Author), Dowd, S. (Author Only), Acosta- Martinez, V. (Author Only), McMichael, B. (Author Only), Zak, J. (Author Only), San Francisco, M. (Author Only), 2008 Joint Meeting of the Texas and South Central Branches of the American Society for Microbiology, Texas and South Central Branches of the American Society for Microbiology, Austin, Texas, "Bacterial diversity in peanut (Arachis hypogaea) rhizosphere in semi-arid climate: impact of nitrogen fertilization," Regional. (November 9, 2008).

Jeter, R. (Author Only), Pulijala, R. (Presenter & Author), 2008 Joint Meeting of the Texas and South Central Branches of the American Society for Microbiology, Texas and South Central Branches of the American Society for Microbiology, Austin, Texas, "Cloning and sequencing of an extracellular nuclease from Aeromonas strain 92," Regional. (November 9, 2008).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Jeter, R. (Principal), "Peroxide-Resistant Microorganisms in Contact Lens Disinfecting Solutions," Sponsored by Alcon Research, Ltd., Private, $48,500.00. (January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2010).


Jeter, R. (Principal), McMichael, B. (Co-Principal), Pare, P. (Co-Principal), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Zak, J. (Co-Principal), "Unlocking the Economic Potential of the Soil Biodiversity in Arid-Land Agriculture," Sponsored by Texas Tech University Office of Vice President for Research, Texas Tech University, $549,373.00. (January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2009).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

Outstanding Organization Advisor (Graduate), Texas Tech University Center for Campus Life. (April 29, 2011).


Committee Member, Faculty Awards Committee. (September 1, 2009 - Present).

Committee Chair, Graduate Student Affairs and Scholarships. (September 1, 2009 - Present).


Committee Chair, Microbiology Committee. (September 1, 2004 - Present).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Biology (MS). (June 2002 - Present).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Biology (PHD). (June 2002 - Present).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Microbiology (MS). (June 2002 - Present).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Zoology (MS). (June 2002 - Present).

Degree Program Coordinator. AS - Zoology (PHD). (June 2002 - Present).

Committee Member, Space Committee. (September 1, 2003 - May 31, 2007).

Committee Chair, Institutional Biosafety and Hazardous Materials Committee. (September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2011).

Committee Member, President's Book Award Committee. (March 15, 2010 - March 29, 2010).

Committee Member, Core Curriculum Committee. (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009).

Committee Member, Faculty Senate. (May 10, 2006 - May 6, 2009).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Tigga Kingston Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Assistant Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 281 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Ecology, Behavior & Evolution Institution Boston University Year Awarded 2001

Degree MA Field Ecology, Behavior & Evolution Institution Boston University Year Awarded 1999

Degree BSc Field Zoology Institution Royal Holloway University of London Year Awarded 1993

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Institution/Agency Year(s)

Title Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2006 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Marina Fisher-Phelps Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Chun-Chia Huang Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Kendra Phelps 184

Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Juliana Senawi Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Nurul Ain Elias Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Jeff Unger Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 2009 Institution

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Colleen Martin Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Susan Tsang Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution Other

Student's Name Zachary Thomas Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Daniela Schmieder Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution Other

Student's Name Nicole Tatman Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution


Student's Name Tiffany Hedrick Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Faisal Anwarali Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Quinn Emmering Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Amanda Owens Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed April 2008 Institution

Student's Name Faisal Anwarali Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed April 2008 Institution

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Conservation Biology

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 5309 Advanced Ecology

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011


BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 5309 Advanced Ecology

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Invited)

Rossiter, S. J., Akbar, Z., Mohd-Adnan, A., Struebig, M. J., Kunz, T. H., Gopal, S., Petit, E. J., Kingston, T. (2011). Social organisation and gene flow: insights from co-distributed bat populations.. Molecular Ecology, 21, 647-661. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05391.x.

Journal Articles (Accepted)

Murray, S., Campbell, P., Kingston, T., Akbar, Z., Francis, C. M., Kunz, T. H. (2012). Molecular phylogeny of hipposiderid bats from Southeast Asia and evidence of cryptic diversity. Phylogenetics and Evolution, 62, 597-611..


Meyer, C. F., e. a. (. 1. a., Kingston, T. (2011). Accounting for detectability improves estimates of species richness in tropical bat surveys. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48, 777- 787.

Saveng, I., Soisook, S., Bumrungsri, S., Kingston, T., e. a. (. 1. a. (2011). A taxonomic review of Rhinolophus coelophyllus Peters 1867 and R. shameli Tate 1943 (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in continental Southeast Asia. Acta Chiropterologica(13), 41-59.

Struebig, M. J., Kingston, T., Petit, E. J., Akbar, Z., Mohd-Adnan, A., Rossiter, S. J. (2011). Parallel declines in species and genetic diversity in tropical forest fragments. Ecology Letters(14), 582-590.

Voigt, C. C., Akbar, Z., Kunz, T. H., Kingston, T. (2011). Sources of assimilated proteins in Old- and New-World phytophagous bats. Biotropica(43), 108-113. DOI 10.1111/j.1744- 7429.2010.00632.

Meyer, C. F., e. a. (. 1. a., Kingston, T. (2010). Long-term monitoring of tropical bats for anthropogoenci impact assessment: guaging the statistical power to detect population change. Biological Conservation(143), 2797-2807.

Kingston, T. (2010). Research priorities for bat conservation in Southeast Asia: a consensus approach. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19, 471-484.

Schmeider, D., Kingston, T., Hashim, R., Siemers, B. (2010). Breaking the trade-off: rainforest bats maximise bandwidth and repetition rate of echolocation calls as they approach prey. Biology Letters, DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0114.

Struebig, M. J., Kingston, T., Akbar, Z., LeComber, S. C., Adnan, A., Turner, A., Kelly, J., Bozek, M. S., Rossiter, S. J. (2008). Conservation importance of limestone karst outcrops to Palaeotropical bats in a fragmented landscape. Biological Conservation, 142, 2089-2096.

Struebig, M. J., Kingston, T., Akbar, Z., Adnan, A., Nichols, R., Rossiter, S. J. (2008). Conservation value of forest fragments to Palaeotropical bats. Biological Conservation, 141, 2112-2126.

Struebig, M. J., Horsburgh, G. J., Pandhal, J., Triggs, A., A, Z., Kingston, T., Dawson, D. A., Rossiter, S. J. (2008). Isolation and characterisation of microsatellite loci in the papillose woolly bat, Kerivoula papillosa (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Conservation Genetics, 9, 751-756.

Francis, C. M., Kingston, T., Akbar, Z. (2007). A new species of Kerivoula (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Peninsular Malaysia.. Acta Chiropterologica, 9, 1-12.

Bates, P. J., Rossiter, S. J., Suyanto, A., Kingston, T. (2007). A new species of Hipposideros (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) from Sulawesi.. Acta Chiropterologica, 9, 13-26.


Lane, D. W., Kingston, T., Lee, B. P.-H. (2006). Dramatic decline in bat species richness in Singapore, with implications for Southeast Asia.. Biological Conservation, 131, 584-593.

Book Chapters (Accepted)

Kingston, T. (2011). In S Barnard (Ed.), Roosting ecology and the captive environment. In: Bats in Captivity Volume 3. Washington, DC: Logos Press.

Kingston, T. (2009). In TH Kunz, S Parsons (Ed.), Analysis of species diversity of bat assemblages In: Behavioral and ecological methods for the study of bats, 2nd edition (pp. 195-215). Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Schmieder, D., Kingston, T., Hashim, R., Siemers, B. ensory constraints on prey detection performance in an ensemble of vespertilionid understorey rainforest bats. Functional Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2012.02024.x.

Book Chapters (Accepted)

Kingston, T. (2009). In R Gillespie, D Clague (Ed.), Indonesia - Biology In: Encyclopedia of Islands. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Board of Directors, Chair Student Awards, North American Society for Bat Research.

Committee member for International Fellowship Award, North American Society for Bat Research. (August 2007 - Present).

Editorial Review Board Member, Endangered Species Research. (January 2006 - Present).

Committee Member, Bat Conservation International, Austin, Texas. (October 2010 - October 2014).

Editorial Review Board Member, Journal Of Zoology. (January 2007 - December 2012).

Board of Directors (voting), North American Society for Bat Research. (August 2007 - November 2010).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Acta Chiropterologica. (2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Biological Conservation. (2009).


Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Mammalogy. (2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Zoology. (2009).

Committee Member, North American Society for Bat Research. (November 2006 - November 2009).

Attendee, Meeting, NSF. (October 30, 2009 - November 1, 2009).

Attendee, Meeting, NIAID/NIH. (September 10, 2009 - September 11, 2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Acta Chiropterologica. (2008).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Acta Theriologica. (2008).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Biological Conservation. (2008).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Mammalogy. (2008).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Tropical Ecology. (2008).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Molecular Ecology. (2008).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Population Ecology. (2008).

External Reviewer for MSc Thesis, University of Capetown. (2008).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Wildlife Research. (2008).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Squire, C. D. (Author Only), McGinley, M. (Author Only), Tirumula, L. N. (Author Only), American Museum of Natural History/CUNY, New York, NY, "“The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: A Research-based Learning Environment for Teaching Biological Concepts”.," National. (April 2012).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, "Bat diversity and conservation in Southeast Asia," State. (January 2012).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, Germany, "Bat diversity and conservation in Southeast Asia," International. (January 2012).


Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), 2nd International Southeast Asian Bat Conference, Bogor, Indonesia, "Bat conservation in Southeast Asia and the SEABCRU," International, Published Elsewhere. (June 2011).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Philippine Cave Bat Forum,, Bat Conservation International, Davao, Philippines, "The Southeast Asian Bat Conservation Research Unit," International. (January 2011).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Kudos, R. S. (Author Only), Senawi, J. (Author Only), Akbar, Z. (Author Only), Hashim, R. (Author Only), Kunz, T. H. (Author Only), Gopal, S. (Author Only), 15th International Bat Research Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, "Landscape and temporal variability of insectivorous bat assemblages in a Malaysian rainforest: just what is a bat assemblage?," International. (August 23, 2010).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Earthwatch Lecture Series, Earthwatch Institute, Royal Geographical Society, London UK, "Malaysian Bat Conservation," International. (September 13, 2007).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Walsh, A. (Author Only), Bates, P. J., Struebig, M. J., Kunz, T. H., Akbar, Z., 14th International Bat Research Conference, Merida, Mexico, "Bat conservation in South East Asia.," International. (August 2007).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), 14th International Bat Research Conference, Merida, Mexico, "From research to outreach – and environmental education program for the bats of Malaysia.," International. (August 2007).

Walsh, A. (Presenter & Author), Morton, P. A. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 14th International Bat Research Conference, Merida, Mexico, "Methods to Promote Bat Conservation," International. (August 2007).

Rossiter, S. J. (Presenter & Author), Struebig, M. J. (Author Only), Akbar, Z. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 14th International Bat Research Conference, Merida, Mexico, "The impact of social organization on genetic structure," International. (August 2007).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Invited Seminar, University of Malaya, Malaysia, "Malaysian Bat Conservation," International. (March 2007).


Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), 41st North American Society for Bat Research, Toronto, Canada, "Networking networks for global bat conservation," International. (October 2011).

Bates, P. J. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), +. 1. o. a. (Author Only), 2nd International Southeast Asian Bat Conference, Bogor, Indonesia, "Enhancing taxonomic capacity to underpin biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia," International. (June 2011).


Huang, J.-C. (Presenter & Author), Lestari Rustiati, E. (Author Only), Bahrie, S. (Author Only), Yustian, K. (Author Only), U, K. (Author Only), Kusuma, E. (Author Only), Miswandi, K. B. (Author Only), Master, J. (Author Only), Pastianiongrum, H. (Author Only), Nusalawo, M. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 15th International Bat Research Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, "Impacts of land-use intensification on bat assemblages in Sumatra, Indonesia," International. (August 24, 2010).

Phelps, K. L. (Presenter & Author), Olival, K. J. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 15th International Bat Research Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, "Influence of Anthropogenic Disturbance on Cave-Roosting Bats and the Potential Emergence of Associated Zoonotic Diseases.," International. (August 24, 2010).

Schmieder, D. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), Hashim, R. (Author Only), Siemers, B. (Author Only), 15th International Bat Research Conference,, Prague, Czech Republic, "Echolocating bats achieve high prey detection performance with broadband calls," International. (August 23, 2010).

Phelps, K. L. (Presenter & Author), Akbar, Z. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Author Only), The 2nd International Berlin Bat Meeting: Bat Biology and Infectious Diseases., Berlin, Germany, "Volant Viruses: Are Cave-Roosting Bats at Greater Risk?," International. (February 20, 2010).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Squire, C. D. (Author Only), McGinley, M. (Author Only), Schmidt, K. (Author Only), Tirumula, L. N. (Author Only), North American Society for Bat Research 39th Meeting, Portland, Oregon, "The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: A Research-based Learning Environment for Teaching Biological Concepts," National. (November 2009).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Squire, C. D. (Presenter & Author), McGinley, M. (Presenter & Author), Schmidt, K. (Author Only), Tirumula, L. N. (Presenter & Author), College of Education 6th Annual Conference, TTU., TTU, "“The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: Technology brings a real research environment into Texas Elementary Classrooms”.," Local. (October 2009).

Struebig, M. J. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Akbar, Z. (Author Only), Adnan, A. (Author Only), Rossiter, S. J. (Author Only), North American Symposium for Bat Research 38th Annual Meeting, Scranton PA, "Species and Genetic Diversity of Insectivorous Bats in a Paleotropical Fragmented Forest Landscape.," National. (November 2008).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Akbar, Z. (Author Only), Biodiversity Crisis on Tropical Islands, University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam, Brunei, "Bat Conservation in South East Asia: research, capacity building and outreach in a critical region.," International, Published Elsewhere. (June 2007).


Struebig, M. J. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), Akbar, Z. (Author Only), Adnan, A. (Author Only), Nichols, R. (Author Only), Rossiter, S. J. (Author Only), Biodiversity Crisis on Tropical Islands, University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darassalam, Brunei, "Forest fragments as islands: a bat perspective in Peninsular Malaysia.," International, Published Elsewhere. (June 2007).

Struebig, M. J. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), Akbar, Z. (Author Only), Anan, A. (Author Only), Nichols, R. (Author Only), Rossiter, S. J. (Author Only), First International South-East Asian Bat Conference, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand, "Bats in fragmented landscape: impacts of forest fragmentation on the assemblage and population genetic structure of insectivorous bats in Malaysia," International. (June 2007).

Fletecher, C. D. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), Akbar, Z. (Author Only), I, S. (Author Only), First International South-East Asian Bat Conference, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand, "Roost diversity of forest-interior bat species in Peninsular Malaysia," International. (June 2007).

Kudos, R. S. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), Akbar, Z. (Author Only), First International South-East Asian Bat Conference, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand, "Temporal variation of insectivorous bat assemblages at Krau, Malaysia," International. (June 2007).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Akbar, Z., First International South-East Asian Bat Conference, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand, "Bat Conservation in South East Asia: research, capacity building and outreach in a critical region," International. (May 2007).

Rossiter, S. J. (Presenter & Author), Chen, S. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Author Only), Jones, G. (Author Only), First International South-East Asian Bat Conference, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand, "Echolocation call frequency variation and genetic structure," International. (May 2007).

Senawi, J. (Presenter & Author), Faszly, R. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Author Only), A, N. (Author Only), Akbar, Z. (Author Only), First International South-East Asian Bat Conference., Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand, "Spatial mapping for foraging extent and association of forest interior insectivorous bats.," International. (May 2007).


Elias, N. A. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 41st North American Society for Bat Research, Toronto, Canada, "Could climate change affect reproductive success in tropical insectivorous bats?," International. (October 2011).

Noerfahmy, S. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), Sugardjito, J. (Author Only), Rafiastanto, A. (Author Only), Struebig, M. J. (Author Only), 2nd International


Southeast Asian Bat Conference, Bogor, Indonesia, "Bats as indicators of High Conservation Value Areas in West Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo," International. (June 2011).

Huang, C.-C. (Presenter & Author), Rustiati, E. (Author Only), Nusalawo, M. (Author Only), Maryanto, I. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 2nd International Southeast Asian Bat Conference, Bogor, Indonesia, "Changing the face of farmer-wildlife conflicts: the economic potential of bat-discarded coffee beans in southwestern Sumatra," International. (June 2011).

Prastianingrum, H. (Presenter & Author), Winarni, N. L. (Author Only), Nurcahyaning, F. (Author Only), Kartika, F. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 2nd International Southeast Asian Bat Conference, Bogor, Indonesia, "Diversity of insectivorous bats in new and old trails in primary rainforest, Way Canguk, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia," International. (June 2011).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), +. 7. o., 2nd International Southeast Asian Bat Conference, Bogor Indonesia, "Landscape and temporal variability of insectivorous bat assemblages in a Malaysian rainforest: just what is a bat assemblage?," International. (June 2011).

Elias, N. A. (Presenter & Author), Hashim, R. (Author Only), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 2nd International Southeast Asian Bat Conference, Bogor, Indonesia, "Reproductive phenology of insectivorous bats in Malaysia: Implications for climate change," International. (June 2011).

Senawi, J. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 2nd International Southeast Asian Bat Conference, Bogor, Indonesia, "The relationship between wing morphology and bite force in a species-rich bat assemblage from Malaysia," International. (June 2011).

Phelps, K. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 40th North American Society for Bat Research, Denver CO, "Between a rock and a hard place: quantifying anthropogenic disturbance at karst formations and its application for bat conservation," International. (October 2010).

Huang, C.-C. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), +. 8. o. a., 40th North American Society for Bat Research, Denver CO, "Impacts of land-use intensification on bat assemblages in Sumatra, Indonesia," International. (October 2010).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), +. 7. o. a., 40th North American Society for Bat Research, Denver CO, "Landscape and temporal variability of insectivorous bat assemblages in a Malaysian rainforest: just what is a bat assemblage?," International. (October 2010).

Senawi, J. (Presenter & Author), Kingston, T. (Author Only), 40th North American Society for Bat Research, Denver CO, "The relationship between wing morphology and bite force in a species-rich bat assemblage from Malaysia," International. (October 2010).


IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Kingston, T. (Principal), "RCN Southeast Asian Bat Conservation Research Unit," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $499,855.00. (March 2011 - February 2016).

Kingston, T. (Principal), "South East Asian Bat Conservation Research Unit," Sponsored by BAT Biodiversity Partnership/Earthwatch Institute, Other, $23,239.00. (January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010).

Kingston, T. (Principal), "Bats as indicators of forest ecosystem health in high conservation favlue forest in Kalimantan, Indonesia," Sponsored by BAT Biodiversity Partnership/Earthwatch Institute, Other, $9,500.00. (January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2010).

Kingston, T. (Principal), "South East Asian Bat Conservation Research," Sponsored by Lubee Bat Conservancy, Private, $7,000.00. (January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2010).

Kingston, T. (Principal), "Southeast Asian Bat Conservation Research," Sponsored by BAT Biodiversity Partnership/Earthwatch Institute, Other, $10,456.00. (January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2010).

Kingston, T. (Principal), "Southeast Asian Bat Conservation Research," Sponsored by BAT Biodiversity Partnership/Earthwatch Institute, Other, $24,000.00. (January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2008).

Kingston, T. (Principal), "Southeast Asian Bat Conservation Research," Sponsored by BAT Biodiversity Partnership/Earthwatch Institute, Other, $39,900.00. (January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2007).

Grant - Not Funded

Kingston, T. (Principal), "DEB Preliminary Proposal: Historical and anthropogenic disassembly of bat assemblages in the refugial rainforests of Sundaland: a phylogenetic and functional trait approach.," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $2.00. (April 2013 - March 2018).

Kingston, T. (Principal), "IOS Preliminary Proposal: Predicting Extinction Risk using Stress Hormone Levels: Susceptibility of a Cave-Dependent Bat Species to Anthropogenic Disturbance," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $2.00. (June 2013 - May 2016).

Kingston, T. (Principal), "CAREER Historical and anthropogenic disassembly of bat assemblages in the refugial rainforests of Sundaland: a functional trait approach.," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $541,007.00. (January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2015).

Crooks, S. (Co-Principal), Kingston, T. (Principal), McGinley, M. (Co-Principal), Peaslee, R. (Co-Principal), "The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: Progressive, Cognitive Learning


in a Research Environment," Sponsored by NSF: Discovery Research K-12., Federal, $3,136,583.00. (September 2010 - August 2015).

Kingston, T., Saveng, I. (Principal), Sophany, P. (Co-Principal), Sarith, P. (Co-Principal), Sarak, C. (Co-Principal), Furey, N. (Co-Principal), "Capacity-building for research and conservation of cave-dwelling bats in Cambodia.," Sponsored by NSF-USAID, Federal, $137,753.00. (April 2012 - March 2015).

Kingston, T., Wiantoro, S. (Principal), Maryanto, I. (Co-Principal), M. (Co-Principal), W. (Co-Principal), "Cave-dwelling bats as agents of pest control in the agricultural landscapes of Java.," Sponsored by NSF-USAID, Federal, $144,635.00. (March 2012 - February 2015).

Kingston, T., Jose, R. P. (Principal), "Conservation of cave-dependent bats in the Philippines: prioritizing caves for long-term monitoring.," Sponsored by NSF-USAID, Federal, $88,828.00. (March 2012 - February 2015).

Kingston, T., Shindikar, M. (Principal), "North Western Ghats Bats Conservation Research Unit (NWBCRU): Research, Capacity building and outreach in a threatened bat diversity hotspot in India," Sponsored by NSF-USAID, Federal, $101,150.00. (March 2012 - February 2015).

Kingston, T., Mahmood-ul-Hassan, M., "Potential of bats in food security and capacity building for biodiversity conservation in Pakistan.," Sponsored by NSF-USAID, Federal, $150,000.00. (March 2012 - February 2015).

Kingston, T. (Principal), "Where east meets west: modeling terrestrial connectivity of bat diversity across the South Central Region," Sponsored by US DOI/USGS South Central Climate Science Center, Federal, $450,000.00.

Kingston, T. (Principal), Phelps, K. (Co-Principal), "Dissertation Research: Assessment of Anthropogeneic Disturbance on Cave-Dependent Bats: Coupling Traditional Ecological Methods with Physiological Stress Markers," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $14,568.00.

Kingston, T. (Co-Principal), Waldien, D. (Co-Principal), "Protecting the Threatened Bats of Southeast Asia," Sponsored by Save Our Species, Other, $406,269.00.

Peaslee, R. (Co-Principal), Kingston, T., Crooks, S., McGinley, M., "The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: Progressive Learning Situated in a Research Environment," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $2,165,406.00.

Kingston, T. (Principal), "RCN Southeast Asian Bat Conservation Research," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $374,874.00.

Kingston, T. (Principal), Squire, C. D. (Co-Principal), "The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure," Sponsored by Motorola Innovation Generation Grant, Private, $49,764.00.


Kingston, T. (Principal), Sedlock, J. (Co-Principal), "Bat assemblages as indicators of anthropogenic distruance and climate change in Southeast Asia," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $2,918,321.00.

Kingston, T. (Co-Principal), Walsh, A. (Principal), Struebig, M. (Co-Principal), "South East Asia Flying Fox Conservation Program," Sponsored by Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund, Private, $19,750.00.

Kingston, T. (Principal), Boal, C. (Co-Principal), "Minimizing environmental costs of wind energy development on bat ecosystem and societal services," Sponsored by ARP, Federal, $175,812.00.

Kingston, T. (Principal), "Reproductive phenology of insectivorous bats in Malaysia: Implications for climate change.," Sponsored by TTU VP for Research Research Enrichment Fund, Texas Tech University, $34,811.00.

Grant - Pending

Kingston, T. (Co-Principal), Bates, P. J.J. (Co-Principal), Bartlett, D. (Co-Principal), Vanitharani, J. (Co-Principal), "UKIERI UK-US-India Trilateral Research in Partnership," Sponsored by British Council, Other, $80,000.00. (October 2012 - September 2014).

Sponsored Research

Schmidt, K. (Co-Principal), Kingston, T. (Principal), McGinley, M. (Co-Principal), "Live from the field," Sponsored by TTU Education Initiative Grant (VPR Office), Texas Tech University, $208,000.00.

Sponsored Research - Not Funded

Kingston, T. (Principal), "CAREER Historical and anthropogenic disassembly of bat assemblages in the refugial rainforests of Sundaland: a phylogenetic and functional trait approach.," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $822,358.00.

Kingston, T. (Principal), Crooks, S. (Co-Principal), Peaslee, R. (Co-Principal), McGinley, M. (Co-Principal), "Progessive Learning Situated in a Research Environment: The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure.," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $2,165,407.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Committee Member, Gradate Student Affairs & Scholarships. (September 2008 - August 2012).

Committee Member, Graduate Curriculum. (September 2008 - August 2012).


Committee Member, Student Awards. (September 2008 - August 2012).

Committee Member, Graduate Student Affairs. (September 2007 - August 2008).

Committee Member, Curriculum Technology. (September 2006 - August 2008).

Committee Member, Environmental Biology. (September 2006 - August 2008).

Committee Member, A&S Writing Advisory Committee. (January 2010 - May 2010).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Stephanie Lockwood Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Teaching Assistant Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2715 Campus Mail Stop: 43131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Postdoctoral Field Fire Ant Venom/ Biology Graduate Teaching Assistant Research Institution Texas Tech University Year Awarded

Degree Ph D Field Biology Institution Texas Tech University Year Awarded 2011

Degree MS Field Zoology Institution Eastern New Mexico University Year Awarded 2006

Degree BS Field Geology Institution Eastern New Mexico University Year Awarded 2003

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Instructor/ Research Post-doctoral Associate Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) January 2012 - August 2012

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 6301 Topics in Biology : Medical Entomology

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years

Peer-Reviewed/Refereed 200

Journal Articles (Accepted)

Lockwood, S., HaghiPour-Peasley, J., Hoffman, D., Deslippe, R. (2012). Identification, expression, and immuno-reactivity of Sol i 2 &Sol i 4 venom proteins of queen red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).. Toxicon, 60(5), 752-759.

Lockwood, S., Pollock, D. (2012). Landscape and habitat attributes of species of Glyptasida Casey (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 66(1), 15-22.

Lockwood, S., Pollock, D. (2009). A revision of the genus Glyptasida Casey (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Asidini). Zootaxa, 2023, 1-27.


Other (Accepted)

Lockwood, S. (2010). Local Press Environmental Problems Laboratory Manual, 5th edition.

Lockwood, S. (2007). Invertebrate Zoology Lab Manual.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Association of Biology Laboratory Educators. (April 2012 - Present).

Member, National Association of Biology Teachers. (2012 - Present).

Member, National Science Teachers Association. (2012 - Present).

Member, Entomological Society of America. (2005 - Present).

Member, The Coleopterists Society. (2005 - Present).

President, Treasurer, Board of Directors, Association of Biologists at Texas Tech University - Graduate. (2007 - 2012).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Lockwood, S. (Presenter & Author), Strovas, J. (Author Only), ABLE 2012, Association of Biology Laboratory Educators, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, "Establishing a Solid Pedagogical Foundation in Biology GTAs," International, Published in Proceedings. (June 2012).


Lockwood, S. (Presenter & Author), Deslippe, R. (Author Only), 82nd Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Conference of Entomologists, Rocky Mountain Conference of Entomologists, Woodland Park, Colorado, "Expression, Characterization, and Immuno-reactivity of Venom Gland Proteins From Red Imported Fire Ants (Formicidae: Solenopsis invicta)," Regional, Published in Proceedings. (July 2011).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

New Course Preparation Work

Summer II TTU 2012

"Topics in Biology : Medical Entomology," BIOL 6301-025. Cornell note-taking system



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Molly Mcdonough Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: Campus Mail Stop: Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Mark A. McGinley Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1991

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-1828 ext. 242 Campus Mail Stop: 1017 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer Certification Field Research Diver, Underwater Naturalist, Deep Sea Institution Professional Assoc. of Diving Instructors (PAID) Year Awarded 2002

Degree Postdoctoral Field Marine Biology Institution Hofstra University Marine Lab Year Awarded 2000

Degree Postdoctoral Field Ecology Institution University of Minnesota Year Awarded 1991

Degree Ph D Field Biology Institution University of Utah Year Awarded 1989

Degree MS Field Biology Institution Kansas State University Year Awarded 1983

Degree BA Field Zoology Institution University of California Year Awarded 1980

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Honors College Year(s) 2005 - Present

Title Fulbright Visiting Scholar Institution/Agency Institute of Biological Sciences, Univ. Of Malaya 206

Year(s) 2010 - July 2011

Title Marine Biology and Scuba Instructor Institution/Agency Odyssey Expeditions, British Virgin Islands and Winward Islands Year(s) June 2003 - August 2008

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 6301 Adv Topics in Biology : Advanced Field Ecology BIOL 5311 Ecology for Teachers

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 5311 Ecology for Teachers

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Field Ecology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis


VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years

Non-Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Creative Activity

Photograph (Invited)

McGinley, M. (Exhibitor), "Christmas Around the World", Liverpool City Library, Liverpool, NSW Australia. (2011).


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Dee, E. M., McGinley, M. (2010). Encyclopedia of Life "Gray Whale". Environmental Information Coalition.

Turnage, C., McGinley, M. (2010). Encyclopedia of Life "Orangutan". Environmental Information Coalition.

Dee, E. M., McGinley, M. (2010). Encyclopedia of Life "Orca". Environmental Information Coalition.

Dee, E. M., McGinley, M. (2010). Encyclopedia of Life "Tucuxi Dolphin". Environmental Information Coalition.

McGinley, M., Barakatt, C. (2010). The Encyclopedia of the Earth: A Reliable Resource for Teachers and Students.. The Science Teacher, 77(2).

McGinley, M. (2009). Adaptations of Marsh Plants. National Council for Science and the Environment.

Nikki, H., McGinley, M. (2009). Arctic. National Council for Science and the Environment.

Laura, G., McGinley, M. (2009). Boquillas Canyon, United States. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes in Anegada. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Andros Island. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Anguilla. National Council for Science and the Environment.


McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Antigua. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Aruba. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Barbados. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Belize. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Bequia. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Bermuda. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Bimini. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Bonaire. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Cayman Brac. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Columbia. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Costa Rica. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Cozumel. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Cuba. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Curacao. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Dominica. National Council for Science and the Environment.


McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Eleuthera. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of French Cay. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Grand Cayman. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Grand Turk. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Grenada. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Guadaloupe. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Guanaja. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Haiti. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Jamaica. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Little Cayman. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Martinique. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Mexico. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Mustique. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of New Providence Island. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Panama. National Council for Science and the Environment.


McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Providenciales. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Puerto Rico. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Roatan. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Saba. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Salt Cay. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of San Salvador. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of St. Croix. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of St. Eustatius. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of St. John. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of St. Kitts. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of St. Lucia. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of St. Maarten. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of St. Martin. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of St. Thomas. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of St. Vincent. National Council for Science and the Environment.


McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of the Bahamas. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of the British Virgin Islands. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of the Caribbean. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of the Caymen Islands. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of the Dominican Republic. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of the Netherlands Antilles. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of the Turks and Caicos Islands. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of the United States Virgin islands. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Tortola. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Trinidad and Tobago. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Utila. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Venezuela. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of Virgin Gorda. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Common Coral Reef Fishes of West Caicos. National Council for Science and the Environment.

Lee, J. A., McGinley, M., Wofford, J. (2009). Malaria and DDT. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2009). Natural Selection. National Council for Science and the Environment.


McGinley, M., Swarthout, D. (2009). Photosynthesis. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M., Lloyd, J. (2009). Population Growth Rate. National Council for Science and the Environment.

Niclas, G., McGinley, M. (2009). Rio Grande, United States. National Council for Science and the Environment.

Alicia, F., McGinley, M. (2009). Riparian Zone. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M., Lee, J. A. (2009). San Solomon Springs, Balmorhea, Texas. National Council for Science and the Environment.

Battershell, L., McGinley, M., Wofford, J. (2009). Zoonotic Diseases. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2008). Exponential growth. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2008). Logistic Growth. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2007). Altruistic Behaviors. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M., Ornes, H. (2007). Aquatic Plants. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2007). Aquifer. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2007). Atoll. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M., Ellis, E. (2007). Biome. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2007). Carrying Capacity. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2007). Coral Reef Fish Feeding Behavior in the Caribbean. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2007). Genetic Variation. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2007). Mutualism. National Council for Science and the Environment.


McGinley, M., Duffy, J. E. (2007). Predation. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2007). Species Richness. National Council for Science and the Environment.

McGinley, M. (2007). Threats to Coral Reefs. National Council for Science and the Environment.

Other (Accepted)

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Banded butterflyfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Barred hamlet. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Beaugregory. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Bicolor damselfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Blackbar soldierfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Blue chromis. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Bluestrip grunt. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Brown chromis. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Carnivore. Environmental Information Coalition.

Velde, A., McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Common bats of Big Bend National Park. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Common coral reef fishes of Eleuthera. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Common coral reef fishes of Venezuela. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Coney. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Creole wrasse. Encyclopedia of Earth.


McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Cucurbita pepo. Environmental Information Coalition.

Adkins, K., McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Desert birds. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Doctorfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M., Schlegel, L. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Dugongs in Malaysia. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Dusky damselfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M., Schlegel, L. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Ecotourism in Sabah, Malaysia. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Fairy basslet. Encyclopedia of Earth.

Buchheim, J., McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Fish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M., Buchheim, J. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Fish senses. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Fishing cat. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Flat-headed cat. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Foureye butterflyfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), French grunt. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Gray angelfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Graysbye. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Great barracuda. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Harlequin bqww. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Herbivore. Environmental Information Coalition.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Indigo hamlet. Encyclopedia of Earth.


McGinley, M., Singletary, E. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Insect adaptations to stream systems. Encyclopedia of Earth.

Boyce, W., McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Invasive river cane along the Rio Grande. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Longspine squirrelfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Mahogany snapper. Encyclopedia of Earthw.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Malaysia Water Resources and Freshwater Ecosystems Factsheet. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Nassau grouper. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Ocean surgeonfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Omnivore. Environmental Information Coalition.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Porkfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Queen angelfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Reproduction. Environmental Information Coalition.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Rock beauty. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Schoolmaster. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Sergeant major. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Slippery dick. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Smallmouth grunt. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Spanish hogfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Spotfin butterflyfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.


McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Spotted goatfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Squirrelfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Tamarix control. Environmental Information Coalition.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Threespot damselfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Tomtate. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Trumpetfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M., Schlegel, L. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Turtle Islands National Park (Malaysia). Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Yellow goatfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Yellowhead wrasse. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Yellowtail damselfish. Encyclopedia of Earth.

McGinley, M. (2011). In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Yellowtail snapper. Encyclopedia of Earth.

Turnage, C., McGinley, M. (2010). "Asian Elephant". In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Earth. Washington, dC: Environmental Information Coalition.

Dee, E. M., McGinley, M. (2010). "Dusky Dolphin". In Cutler J. Cleveland (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Earth. Washington, dC: Environmental Information Coalition.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Editor, Journal Editor, Encyclopedia of the Earth, Washington, DC.

Board Member/Foundation, Environmental Information Coalition (EIC), Washington, DC.

Reviewer, Journal Article, Various Science Journals.

Member - see responsibilities, World Conservation Union (IUCN).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years



Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Squire, C. D. (Author Only), McGinley, M. (Author Only), Tirumula, L. N. (Author Only), American Museum of Natural History/CUNY, New York, NY, "“The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: A Research-based Learning Environment for Teaching Biological Concepts”.," National. (April 2012).

McGinley, M., Invited Speaker, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, "Formal and Informal Education for Sustainable Development," International. (2011).

McGinley, M., 15th Annual Biological Graduate Congress 2010, Chulalongkorn University, National University of Sinagpore, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, "Ecology in South East Asia," International. (December 16, 2010).


Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Squire, C. D. (Author Only), McGinley, M. (Author Only), Schmidt, K. (Author Only), Tirumula, L. N. (Author Only), North American Society for Bat Research 39th Meeting, Portland, Oregon, "The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: A Research-based Learning Environment for Teaching Biological Concepts," National. (November 2009).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Squire, C. D. (Presenter & Author), McGinley, M. (Presenter & Author), Schmidt, K. (Author Only), Tirumula, L. N. (Presenter & Author), College of Education 6th Annual Conference, TTU., TTU, "“The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: Technology brings a real research environment into Texas Elementary Classrooms”.," Local. (October 2009).


McGinley, M., Barakatt, C., North American Association of Environmental Educators, Wichita, Kansas, "Encyclopedia of the Earth: a new resource for environmental educators," Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (2008).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Lamp, D. (Principal), Casadonte, D. (Co-Principal), McGinley, M. (Co-Principal), Baker, M. (Co-Principal), Ortiz, R. (Co-Principal), Aguirre, Z. (Principal), Williams, G. Brock (Co- Principal), "Middle School Math/Science MS^2: Understanding by Design," Sponsored by Greater Texas Foundation, State, $3,000,000.00. (June 1, 2009 - August 31, 2013).

Ortiz, R. (Co-Principal), Smith, W. (Principal), Aguirre, Z. (Co-Principal), Casadonte, D. (Co-Principal), Baker, M. (Co-Principal), Dwyer, J. (Co-Principal), McGinley, M. (Co-


Principal), Lamp, D. (Co-Principal), "MS2: Understanding by Design," Sponsored by Greater Texas Foundation, Texas Tech University, $3,000,000.00. (August 2009 - Present).

Grant - Not Funded

Crooks, S. (Co-Principal), Kingston, T. (Principal), McGinley, M. (Co-Principal), Peaslee, R. (Co-Principal), "The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: Progressive, Cognitive Learning in a Research Environment," Sponsored by NSF: Discovery Research K-12., Federal, $3,136,583.00. (September 2010 - August 2015).

Peaslee, R. (Co-Principal), Kingston, T., Crooks, S., McGinley, M., "The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: Progressive Learning Situated in a Research Environment," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $2,165,406.00.

Sponsored Research

Schmidt, K. (Co-Principal), Kingston, T. (Principal), McGinley, M. (Co-Principal), "Live from the field," Sponsored by TTU Education Initiative Grant (VPR Office), Texas Tech University, $208,000.00.

Sponsored Research - Not Funded

Kingston, T. (Principal), Crooks, S. (Co-Principal), Peaslee, R. (Co-Principal), McGinley, M. (Co-Principal), "Progessive Learning Situated in a Research Environment: The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure.," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $2,165,407.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

Fullbright Scholar, US Government. (2010).

Recognized for Academic Excellance and Teaching, Delta Tau Delta/Kappa Alpha Theta Academic Excellence Reception. (2009).

Professing Excellence Award, University Student Housing. (2008).

Honorary Membership to Mortar Board, Mortar Board, National College Senior Honor Society. (2006).

New Course Preparation Work

Summer I TTU 2011

"Ecology for Teachers," BIOL 5311-001.



Committee Member, Political Science Faculty Search Committee. (2011 - Present).

Faculty Advisor, Eta Omicron Nu (HON). (September 2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Honors College Curriculum Committee. (2008 - Present).

Committee Member, Biology Department Curriculum Committee.

Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisor and Coach - Texas Tech Women's Volleyball Club.

Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisor Tech Scuba Club.

Committee Member, Faculty Search Committee.

Chairperson, Graduate Review Committee.

Committee Member, Graduate Selection Committee.

Committee Member, Interdisciplinary Science Masters Degree Advisory Board.

Committee Member, Natural History and Humanities Curriculum Committee.

Committee Member, Service Learning Advisory Committee.

Committee Member, Service Learning Advisory Council.

Committee Member, Teaching Learning and Technology Center Advisory Committee.

Committee Member, University Core Curriculum Committee.

University International Affairs Committee.

Faculty Advisor, Filipino Student Association. (September 2011 - Present).

Committee Member, Student Fulbright Committee. (2011 - Present).

Committee Member, University Core Curriculum Committee (Natural Sciences). (2009 - Present).

Committee Member, International Affairs Committee. (2009 - 2011).

Faculty Advisor, Faculty Advisor - Mortar Board. (2005 - 2008).

Attendee, Meeting, United States Embassy, Malaysia, Cherating, Pahang. (2011 - Present).




Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Nancy E. McIntyre Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 2000

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-4113 ext. 280 Campus Mail Stop: Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Postdoctoral Field Urban ecology Institution Arizona State University Year Awarded 2000

Degree Ph D Field Ecology Institution Colorado State University Year Awarded 1998

Degree MS Field Zoology Institution University of Georgia Year Awarded 1993

Degree BS Field Zoology Institution University of Georgia Year Awarded 1991

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2006 - Present

Title Curator of Birds Institution/Agency Natural Science Research Laboratory, The Museum of TTU Year(s) 2006 - Present

Title Virginia and John Holtry Visiting Scientist Institution/Agency South Dakota State University Year(s) August 30, 2011 - December 31, 2011

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Scott Starr Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair 223

Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Lucas Heintzman Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Steve Collins Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Kelly Baker Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Bryan Reece Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed May 2009 Institution

Student's Name Donna Hamilton Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Erica Chipman Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Chun-Chia Huang Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Erik Jansen Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jessica Kissner


Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Anthony Giordano Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Doug Holt Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Juliana Senawi Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Kendra Phelps Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Seiji Miyazono Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nurul Ain Elias Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Elizabeth Watson Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Courtney Thomason Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Kathy Macdonald Involvement Dissertation Committee Member


Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Michael Compton Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Erik Jansen Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Rebecca Perkins Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Janice Kelly Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2012 Institution

Student's Name Doni Schwalm Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2012 Institution

Student's Name Lacrecia Johnson Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Brandi Welch Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Rita Margarida Quinones-Magalhaes Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Heath Grizzle Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2011



Student's Name Sam Wiley Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Darrick Weissenfluh Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2010 Institution

Student's Name Noe de la Sancha Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2010 Institution

Student's Name Colin Bell Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed December 19, 2009 Institution

Student's Name Richard Phillips Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed May 2009 Institution

Student's Name Rogelio Carrera Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Elizabeth Rigby Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jeremy Nicholson Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jo-Szu Tsai Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name Joy Ferenbaugh Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Shawn Haskell Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Amelia Nusbaum Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Brian Klingbeil Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2007 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Lisa Brennan Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Matt Butler Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Mindy Rice Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Traesha Robertson Involvement Dissertation Defense Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Charmaine Woodard Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name Jeffrey Law Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Lindsay Smythe Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 5330 Advanced Landscape Ecology

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2011 ZOOL 5408 Advanced Ornithology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Ornithology BIOL 6100 Advanced Ornithology no credit lab BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 5310 Advanced Community Ecology

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology


BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 5330 Advanced Landscape Ecology

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Hamilton, D., McIntyre, N., Densmore, L. (2012). Using implanted passive integrated transponders to monitor long-term burrow fidelity in a theraphosid spider, Aphonopelma hollyi. Southwestern Naturalist, 57, 144-147.

Abuzeineh, A., McIntyre, N., Owen, R., Dick, C. W., Holsomback, T. (2011). Extreme population fluctuation in the Northern Pygmy Mouse (Baiomys taylori) in southeastern Texas. Therya, 2(1), 37-45.

Holsomback, T. S., McIntyre, N., Nisbett, R. A., Strauss, R., Chu, Y.-K., Abuzeineh, A. A., de la Sancha, N., Dick, C. W., Jonsson, C. B., Morris, B. E.L. (2009). Bayou virus detected in non-oryzomyine rodent hosts: an assessment of habitat composition, reservoir community structure, and marsh rice rat social dynamics.. Journal of Vector Ecology, 34, 9-21.

Reece, B. A., McIntyre, N. (2009). Community assemblage patterns of odonates inhabiting a wetland complex influenced by anthropogenic disturbance.. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2, 73-80.

McIntyre, N., Nisbett, R. A., Abuzeineh, A., Holsomback, T., Chu, Y.-K., Carmichael, J., de la Sancha, N., Dick, C. W., Jonsson, C. B., Owen, R. (2009). Ecological correlates of serological status for Bayou virus in Oryzomys palustris (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae). Mastozoología Neotropical, 16(1), 83-93.

Rice, M. B., Ballard, W., Fish, E., McIntyre, N., Holdermann, D. (2009). Habitat-distribution modeling of a recolonizing black bear population in the Trans-Pecos region of Texas.. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 123, 246-254.


Brunjes, K. J., Ballard, W., Humphrey, M. H., Harwell, F., McIntyre, N., Krausman, P. R., Wallace, M. (2009). Home ranges of sympatric mule deer and white-tailed deer in Texas. Southwestern Naturalist, 54, 253-260.

Bell, C., Martinez, V., McIntyre, N., Cox, S., Tissue, D., Zak, J. (2009). Linking microbial community structure and function to seasonal differences in soil moisture and temperature in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland.. Microbial Ecology, 58, 827-842.

Reece, B. A., McIntyre, N. (2009). New county records of Odonata of the playas of the Southern High Plains, Texas.. Southwestern Naturalist, 54, 96-99.

Chipman, E. D., McIntyre, N., Strauss, R., Wallace, M., Ray, J. D., Boal, C. (2008). Effects of human land use on Western Burrowing Owl foraging and activity budgets. Journal of Raptor Research, 42, 87–98.

Bell, C., McIntyre, N., Cox, S., Tissue, D., Zak, J. (2008). Soil Microbial Responses to Temporal Variations of Moisture and Temperature in Chihuahuan Desert Grassland.. Microbial Ecology, 56, 153-167..

Rice, M. B., Ballard, W., Fish, E., McIntyre, N., Holdermann, D. (2008). The importance of accurate landuse/landcover maps for assessing habitat suitability for black bear (Ursus americanus) in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas. Wildlife Biology in Practice, 4(2), 48-56.

Abuzeineh, A. A., Owen, R., McIntyre, N., Dick, C. W., Strauss, R., Holsomback, T. (2007). Response of the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris) to inundation of habitat. Southwestern Naturalist, 52, 75-78.

Carmichael, J. A., Strauss, R., McIntyre, N. (2007). Seasonal variation of North American form of Gigantolaelaps mattogrossensis (: ) on marsh rice rat in southern coastal Texas. Journal of Medical Entomology, 44, 80-84.

Hernandez, K. M., Reece, B. A., McIntyre, N. (2006). Effects of anthropogenic land use on Odonata in playas of the Southern High Plains. Western North American Naturalist, 66, 273- 278.

Brunjes, K. J., Ballard, W., Humphrey, M. H., Harwell, F., McIntyre, N., Krausman, P. R., Wallace, M. (2006). Habitat selection by sympatric mule and white-tailed deer in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management, 70, 1351-1359.

Shochat, E., Warren, P. S., Faeth, S. H., McIntyre, N., Hope, D. (2006). Urban mechanistic ecology: from patterns to emerging processes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 21, 186-191.

Books (Accepted)


Niemela, J., Breuste, J. H., Elmqvist, T., Guntenspergen, G., James, P., McIntyre, N. (2011). Urban Ecology: Patterns, Processes, and Applications. Oxford University Press.

Book Chapters (Accepted)

McIntyre, N., Rango, J. J. (2009). In M.J. McDonnell, A.K. Hahs, and J.H. Breuste (Ed.), in urban ecosystems: community patterns as functions of anthropogenic land use. (pp. 233-242). New York, NY: Ecology of Cities and Towns: A Comparative Approach; Cambridge University Press.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Phillips, R. S., Ballard, W., Wallace, M., Brunjes, J. H., Fish, E., McIntyre, N., DeMaso, S. J. (2011). Rio Grande wild turkey habitat associations during dispersal.. Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium, 10, 213-225.

Collins, S., Reece, B., McIntyre, N. (2010). Lestes on the Playas of the Southern High Plains of Texas. Argia, 22(2), 4-7.

Chipman, E. D., McIntyre, N., Ray, J. D., Wallace, M., Boal, C. (2007). Effects of radio- transmitter necklaces on behaviors of adult male western burrowing owls. Journal of Wildlife Management, 71, 1662-1668.

Book Chapters (Accepted)

Niemela, J., Breuste, J., Elmqvist, T., Guntenspergen, G., James, P., McIntyre, N. (2011). Concluding Remarks: The Way Forward for Urban Ecology. In J. Niemelä, J.H. Breuste, T. Elmqvist, G. Guntenspergen, P. James, and N.E. McIntyre (Ed.), Urban Ecology: Patterns, Processes, and Applications. Oxford University Press.

McIntyre, N. (2011). Introduction to Section 3 – Ecology in Cities: Processes Affecting Urban Biodiversity. In J. Niemelä, J.H. Breuste, T. Elmqvist, G. Guntenspergen, P. James, and N.E. McIntyre (Ed.), Urban Ecology: Patterns, Processes, and Applications. Oxford University Press.

McIntyre, N. (2011). Summary for Section 3 – Ecology in Cities: Processes Affecting Urban Biodiversity. In J. Niemelä, J.H. Breuste, T. Elmqvist, G. Guntenspergen, P. James, and N.E. McIntyre (Ed.), Urban Ecology: Patterns, Processes, and Applications. Oxford University Press.

McIntyre, N. (2011). Urban Ecology: Definitions and Goals. In I. Douglas, D. Goode, M. Houck, and R. Wang (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook on Urban Ecology. Routledge Press.


Niemela, J., Breuste, J., Elmqvist, T., Guntenspergen, G., James, P., McIntyre, N. (2011). Urban Ecology: From Science to Applications. In J. Niemelä, J.H. Breuste, T. Elmqvist, G. Guntenspergen, P. James, and N.E. McIntyre (Ed.), Urban Ecology: Patterns, Processes, and Applications. Oxford University Press.

Conference Proceedings (Accepted)

Brunjes, J. B., Ballard, W., Wallace, M., Phillips, R. S., Holdstock, D. H., Spears, B. L., Miller, M. S., Demaso, S. J., Applegate, R., McIntyre, N., Gipson, P. (2007). Patterns of capture mortality in Rio Grande wild turkeys (vol. 9, pp. 75-81). Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Playa Lakes Joint Venture. (2007 - Present).

Member, Society of Wetland Scientists. (2007 - Present).

Member, The Wildlife Society. (2006 - Present).

Member, American Ornithologists’ Union. (2004 - Present).

Member, Association of Field Ornithologists. (2004 - Present).

Member, Cooper Ornithological Society. (2004 - Present).

Member, Raptor Research Foundation. (2004 - Present).

Member, Texas Ornithological Society. (2004 - Present).

Member, Wilson Ornithological Society. (2004 - Present).

Member, American Institute of Biological Sciences. (2002 - Present).

Member, Southwestern Entomological Association. (2001 - Present).

Member, Dragonfly Society of the Americas. (2000 - Present).

Member, Sigma Xi. (2000 - Present).

Member, Entomological Society of America. (1998 - Present).

Member, Southwestern Association of Naturalists. (1998 - Present).


Chair, Nominating Committee, U.S. Chapter of IALE, 2004-present; Member, Foreign Scholar Travel Award Committee, U.S. Chapter of IALE, 2007-present, International Association for Landscape Ecology. (1997 - Present).

Member, Ecological Society of America. (1995 - Present).

Member, Society for Conservation Biology. (1994 - Present).

Member, American Geophysical Union. (2011).

Committee Member, U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology. (2007 - Present).

Committee Chair, U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology. (2004 - Present).

Editor, Journal Editor, Urban Ecosystems. (2004 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Applied Vegetation Science. (2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Biological Conservation. (2011).

Book prospectus reviewer, Earthscan. (2011).

Reviewer, book chapter, Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. (2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Insect Conservation and Diversity. (2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Landscape and Urban Planning. (2011).

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. (2011).

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. (2011).

Editor, Book. (2009 - 2011).

Editor, Journal Editor, Landscape Ecology. (2007 - 2011).

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF-OPUS. (2010).

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, TTUAB. (2010).

Reviewer, Book, Cambridge University Press. (2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Field Ornithology. (2009).


Reviewer, Journal Article, Landscape and Urban Planning. (2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Landscape Ecology. (2009).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia. (2009).

Reviewer, Book, Wiley-Blackwell. (April 2009).

External Ph.D. examiner, Lincoln University. (December 2008 - January 2009).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


McIntyre, N. (Presenter & Author), Seminar Series, Center for Water and the Environment, Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota-Duluth, Duluth, MN, "of wetlands for conservation on the Great Plains: An approach using graph theory to examine habitat connectivity in a changing climate," Local. (October 2011).

McIntyre, N. (Presenter & Author), Departmental Seminar Series, Dept. Natural Resources Mgmt., SDSU, Brookings, SD, "Prioritization of wetlands for conservation on the Great Plains: An approach using graph theory to examine habitat connectivity in a changing climate," Local. (September 2011).

McIntyre, N. (Presenter & Author), Seminar Series, Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence, SDSU, Brookings, SD, "Prioritization of wetlands for conservation on the Great Plains: An approach using graph theory to examine habitat connectivity in a changing climate," Local. (September 2011).

Strauss, R. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Johnson, L. (Author Only), Haukos, D. (Author Only), Graph theory seminar, Biomathematics group, TTU, Lubbock, TX, "Use of graph theory to predict effects of playa loss on wildlife migration," Local. (October 2009).


McIntyre, N. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. (Author Only), Annual Meeting, U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Athens, GA, "A multi-scaled graph theory approach to identifying critical habitat clusters within the playa wetland network of the Great Plains," National. (April 2010).

Phillips, R. S. (Presenter & Author), Ballard, W. (Author Only), Wallace, M. (Author Only), Fish, E. (Author Only), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), DeMaso, S. J. (Author Only), Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Lubbock, TX,


"Evaluating causal mechanisms of dispersal using effective dispersal distributions: wild turkeys as a model.," State. (2009).

McIntyre, N. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. (Author Only), The 24th Annual Symposium of the U.S. Regional Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, U.S. Regional Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Snowbird, UT, "Prioritization of wetlands for conservation: an approach using graph theory," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (2009).

Phillips, R. S. (Presenter & Author), Ballard, W. (Author Only), Wallace, M. (Author Only), Fish, E. (Author Only), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), DeMaso, S. J. (Author Only), Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, NM, "Comparing models of effective dispersal to assess causal mechanisms of sex-biased dispersal: Wild turkeys as a model.," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (August 2009).


Starr, S. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, TX, "Effects of prolonged desiccation on invertebrate seedbanks of playa wetlands." (2012).

Heintzman, L. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, TX, "Examination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an urban stormwater system and their teratogenic effects on Odonata." (2012).

Holsomback, T. (Presenter & Author), Abuzeineh, A. A., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Salazar-Bravo, J., Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, TX, "Tenable costs of Bayou virus infection in Oryzomys palustris (marsh rice rat)." (2012).

Schwalm, D. (Presenter & Author), Ballard, W. (Author Only), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Gipson, P. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, OR, "Genetic implications for management of swift fox in Texas," National. (2011).

Holsomback, T. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Salazar-Bravo, J. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Socioecology of the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris) reveals transmission routes for Bayou virus," State. (2011).

Schwalm, D. (Presenter & Author), Ballard, W. (Author Only), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Gipson, P. (Author Only), Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, HI, "Current and historic genetic structure in swift fox populations: implications for reintroduction programs," National. (2011).


Baker, K. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, TTUAB, Lubbock, TX, "Associations between adult female body size and fitness in odonates," Local. (2011).

McIntyre, N. (Presenter & Author), Eastern South Dakota Water Conference, Brookings, SD, "Prioritization of wetlands for conservation on the Great Plains: An approach using graph theory to examine habitat connectivity in a changing climate," Regional. (October 2011).

Holsomback, T. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Clark (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, ASM, Laramie, WY, "A GIS approach to evaluate socioecological theory and the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris)," National. (2010).

Collins, S. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas, Dragonfly Society of the Americas, Orono, ME, "A new approach to the conservation of North American dragonflies." (2010).

McIntyre, N. (Presenter & Author), Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Brown Bag Seminar Series, Lubbock, TX, "Playa wetlands and wildlife in the Southern Great Plains," Local. (2010).

Collins, S. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, TTUAB, Lubbock, TX, "Assessing watershed controls on odonate distribution," Local. (2010).

Baker, K. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, TTUAB, Lubbock, TX, "Effect of female body size on fitness in damselflies," Local. (2010).

Baker, K. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), The 57th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Junction, TX, "Effect of female body size on fitness in damselflies," International. (2010).

McLellan, L. E. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), TTU Honors College Undergraduate Research Conference, TTU, Lubbock, TX, "Effects of anthropogenic land use on body size and fluctuating asymmetry in a model organism (Enallagma civile, the Familiar Bluet Damselfly)," Local. (April 2009).

Phillips, R. S. (Presenter & Author), Ballard, W., Wallace, M., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Fish, E., Demaso, S. J., Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX, "Sex-biased dispersal and its possible impacts on what we know: Wild turkeys as an example." (2008).

Hamilton, D. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Densmore, L., Janowski- Bell, M. J., Texas Tech University Department of Biological Sciences Graduate Student


Forum, Lubbock, TX, "An evaluation of genetic diversity of the North American tarantula, Aphonopelma spp., at the colonial, population and species levels." (2007).

Bell, C. (Presenter & Author), Zak, J., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Cox, S., Grizzle, H., The 11th Biennial Soil Ecology Society Meeting, Moab, UT, "Microbial responses to environmental factors in the sotol grasslands of Big Bend National Park: implications for predicting responses to global climate change." (2007).

Hamilton, D. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Densmore, L., Janowski- Bell, M. J., The 54th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Stephenville, TX, "An evaluation of genetic diversity of the North American tarantula, Aphonopelma spp., at the colonial, population and species levels." (2007).

Craig, C. N. (Presenter & Author), Reece, B. A., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), The 54th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Stephenville, TX, "Nestedness of Odonata in playas of the southern Great Plains." (2007).

Phillips, R. S. (Presenter & Author), Ballard, W., Wallace, M., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Fish, E., Demaso, S. J., The Wildlife Society 14th Annual Conference, Tucson, AZ, "Cost and benefits associated with dispersal: Rio Grande wild turkeys as a model." (2007).

Hamilton, D. E. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Densmore, L., Janowski- Bell, M. J., The XVII International Congress of Arachnology, São Pedro, Brazil, "An evaluation of genetic diversity of the North American tarantula, Aphonopelma spp., at the colonial, population and species levels and the implications on dispersal distances." (2007).

Craig, C. N. (Presenter & Author), Hamilton, D. E., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Densmore, L., The XVII International Congress of Arachnology, São Pedro, Brazil, "Use of radio- telemetry to monitor movements and interactions of North American tarantulas (Aphonopelma spp.) living in aggregations." (2007).

Holsomback, T. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "The ecology of Bayou virus and Oryzomys palustris." (2006).

Holsomback, T. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Texas Tech University Department of Biological Sciences Graduate Student Forum, Lubbock, TX, "Bayou virus infection in the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris): ecological, morphological, and behavioral associations." (2006).

Holsomback, T. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), The 22nd Annual All- University Conference on the Advancement of Women in Higher Education, Lubbock, TX, "The ecology of Bayou virus and the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris)." (2006).

Holsomback, T. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Colima, Mexico, "The ecology of Bayou virus and Oryzomys palustris." (2006).


Hamilton, D. (Presenter & Author), Janowski-Bell, M., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Densmore, L., The 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN, "A preliminary molecular analysis of the theraphosid genus Aphonopelma and its implications on dispersal patterns and current taxonomy," Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (2006).

Holsomback, T. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), The 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TX, "Bayou virus infection in the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris): ecological, morphological, and behavioral associations," Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (2006).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Cañas, J. (Co-Principal), Dwyer, J. (Co-Principal), McIntyre, N. (Co-Principal), Williams, G. Brock (Principal), Jang, R.-J., "PRISM: RMR-TTU: Recruitment, Mentoring, and Research in Mathematics and Science at Texas Tech University," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $1,457,733.00. (September 2010 - September 2015).

McIntyre, N. (Principal), Hayhoe, K. (Co-Principal), "Climate Forcing of Wetland Connectivity in the Great Plains: An Exploratory Study Using Graph Theory," Federal, $88,498.00. (September 1, 2011 - August 31, 2013).

McIntyre, N. (Co-Principal), Williams, G. Brock (Principal), Cañas, J. (Co-Principal), Jang, R.-J. (Co-Principal), Dwyer, J. (Co-Principal), "PRISM: RMR-TTU: Proactive recruitment of math students on the South Plains," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $1,457,733.00. (September 2010 - Present).

Grant - Not Funded

McIntyre, N. (Co-Principal), Williams, G. Brock (Principal), Cañas, J. (Co-Principal), Jang, R.-J. (Co-Principal), "PRISM: Proactive recruitment of math students on the South Plains," Sponsored by NSF, Federal.

Grant - Pending

Dwyer, J. (Co-Principal), Williams, G. Brock (Principal), Drager, L. (Co-Principal), McIntyre, N. (Co-Principal), "Texas Tech Math Biology Scholars," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $571,406.00. (June 1, 2012 - Present).

Sponsored Research - Not Funded

Ridley, M. (Supporting), Gurrola, H. (Principal), Hardin, E. (Co-Principal), Horita, J. (Co- Principal), McIntyre, N. (Co-Principal), Rainwater, K. (Co-Principal), Allen, L. J. (Supporting), Griffis-Kyle, K. (Supporting), Sweet, D. (Supporting), "Increasing interest in


STEM: School-wide change through involvement in high profile scientific research," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $1,499,925.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Committee Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Space Committee. (2008 - Present).

Committee Chair, Seminar Committee. (2006 - Present).

Used the large-format plotter in my lab to print 24 posters in 2009 for members of my department.. (2001 - Present).

Committee Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (2005 - 2010).

Reviewer, TTU Honors College Undergraduate Research Conference. (April 3, 2009).

Member, Llano Estacado chapter of the Audubon Society, Lubbock, TX. (2000 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: matt S. Olson Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 2011

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-3722 ext. 58 Campus Mail Stop: 43131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Postdoctoral Field Population Genetics Institution Vanderbilt University Year Awarded 2001

Degree Ph D Field Botany Institution Duke University Year Awarded 1997

Degree MS Field Botany Institution Louisiana State University Year Awarded 1992

Degree BA Field Biology Institution University of Texas at Austin Year Awarded 1987

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) August 1, 2010 - Present

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency University of Alaska Fairbanks Year(s) September 1, 2006 - August 30, 2010

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research 242

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Molecular Ecology

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 6101 Molecular Ecology and evolution BIOL 6100 " Founations to recent advances in Molecular Ecology

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Invited)

Olson, M., Levsen, N. (2012). Classic clover cline clues. Molecular Ecology, 21(10), 2315- 2317.

Journal Articles (Accepted)

Breen, A., Murray, D., Olson, M. (2012). Genetic consequences of glacial survival: the late Quaternary history of balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.) in North America. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, 39(5), 918-928.

Levsen, N., Tiffin, P., Olson, M. (2012). Pleistocene Speciation in the Genus Populus (Salicaceae). SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY, 61(3), 401-412.

Grubisha, L., Levsen, N., Olson, M., Taylor, D. L. (2012). Intercontinental divergence in the Populus-associated ectomycorrhizal fungus, Tricholoma populinum. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 194(2), 548-560.

Keller, S., Levsen, N., Olson, M., Tiffin, P. Local adaptation in the flowering time gene network of balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera L.. Molecular Biology and Evolution.

Storchova, H., Muller, K., Lau, S., Olson, M. (2012). Mosaic Origins of a Complex Chimeric Mitochondrial Gene in Silene vulgaris. PLOS ONE, 7(2), e30401.

Keller, S., Levsen, N., Ingvarsson, P., Olson, M., Tiffin, P. Local Selection Across a Latitudinal Gradient Shapes Nucleotide Diversity in Balsam Poplar, Populus balsamifera L. Genetics, 188, 941-.


Keller, S., Soolanayakanahally, R., Guy, R., Salim, S., Olson, M., Tiffin, P. (2011). Climate- driven local adaptation of ecophysiology and phenology in balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera L.. American Journal of Botany, 98, 99-108.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Olson, M., Levsen, N., Soolanayakanahally, R., Guy, R., Schroeder, W., Keller, S., Tiffin, P. The adaptive potential of Populus balsamifera L. to phenology requirements in a warmer global climate. Molecular Ecology.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Olson, M., Texas Tech UNiversity, Evolution Ecology and Behavior Seminar Series, "Adaptive potential of balsam poplar in a changing climate." (May 2012).

Olson, M., University of Kansas, "Adaptive potential of balsam poplar in a changing climate." (October 2011).

Olson, M., University of California Davis, "Adaptive potential of balsam poplar in a changing climate." (March 2011).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Olson, M. (Principal), "Population Genomics of Cold Adaptation in Poplar," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $1,748,076.00. (September 2007 - Present).

Grant - Not Funded

Schwilk, D. (Co-Principal), Olson, M. (Principal), Friedman, J. M. (Co-Principal), Tiffin, P. (Co-Principal), Schilling, J. (Co-Principal), "Association mapping of biomass yield, wood properties, and drought tolerance in Populus deltoides," Sponsored by USDA, Federal, $1,478,359.00.

Olson, M. (Principal), "sing Local Adaptation To Identify Optimal Populus Germplasm In A Changing Climate," Sponsored by USDA, Federal, $749,988.00.


Olson, M. (Principal), "Collaborative research: The genetic basis of thermal tolerance in threespine stickleback," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $386,201.00.

Olson, M. (Principal), "GEPR: Characterizing the genotype-phenotype map for latitudinal variation in balsam poplar," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $1,956,054.00.


Olson, M., "Collaborative research: The genetic basis of thermal tolerance in threespine stickleback," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $401,000.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

New Course Preparation Work

Fall TTU 2011

"" Founations to recent advances in Molecular Ecology," BIOL 6100-060.



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Carleton J. Phillips (Ph.D.) Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-3722 ext. 283 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Systematics and Ecology (mammalogy) Institution University of Kansas Year Awarded 1969

Degree MA Field Zoology Institution University of Kansas Year Awarded 1967

Degree BS Field Zoology Institution Michigan State University Year Awarded 1964

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) July 1, 1998 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Fall TTU 2011 ZOOL 5406 Advanced Invertebrate Zoology BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 247

BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Marchán-Rivadeneira, R. R., Phillips, C., Strauss, R., Guerrero, J. A., Mancina, C. A., Baker, R. (2010). Cranial differentiation of fruit-eating bats (genus Artibeus) based on size- standardized data. Acta Chiropterologica, 12, 143-154.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Bondarkov, M., Shubber, E., Phillips, C. (2009). Piecing together Iraq’s nuclear legacy.. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, May/June, 19-33.

Books (Accepted)

Phillips, C., Baker, R. (2009). Global Disease Surveillance, Emergent Disease Preparedness, and National Security (pp. 83+ 4 un-numbered pages). Lubbock, Texas: Museum of Texas Tech University.

Other (Accepted)


Cochran, J. R., Danneels, J., Kenagy, W. D., Phillips, C., Chesser, R. (2007). Iraq nuclear dismantlement and disposal project.. Waste Management.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Chesser, R., Phillips, C. (2007). Iraq nuclear dismantlement and disposal project. Waste Management, 5 pp.

Other (Accepted)

Phillips, C., Bondarkov, M., Kelsey, S., Chesser, R. In Richard Price, Barbara Price (Ed.), Assembling multinational partnerships and private sector support for nonproliferation and threat reduction.. Spiez: Proceedings of the Chemical Biological Medical Treatment Symposium VIII..

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2011). Science, Higher Education, and the Iraq Nuclear Facilities Dismantlement and Disposal Project (ISN/NESS). US Dept State.

Chesser, R., Jarjies, A., Bondarkov, M., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2010). In Richard Price, Barbara Price (Ed.), Status of nuclear facility dismantlement and nonproliferation efforts in Iraq, 2005 - 2010.. Spiez: Proceeding of the Chemical Biological Medical Treatment Symposium VIII..

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2009). Train and Engage Program for Nuclear Dismantlement in Iraq. Great Britain, Ministry of Industry & Finance.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2008). Tuwaitha Characterization and the Concept of Train and Engage. Vienna: IAEA.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Rodgers, B. (Coordinator/Organizer), Chesser, R. (Coordinator/Organizer), Phillips, C. (Coordinator/Organizer), Chemical, Biological, Medical Treatment Society (CBMTS),, Cavtat, Croatia, "Symposium on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Dismantlement for the conference in the World Congress on CBRN Threat and Terrorism," International, Published in Proceedings. (April 10, 2011).

Phillips, C., Chesser, R., CBMTS, Spiez Laboratory, Spiez, Switzerland, "Assembling Multinational Partnerships and Private Sector Support for Nuclear Nonproliferation— Lessons from Iraq," International, Published in Proceedings. (May 2010).


Phillips, C., Natural vs Intentional Disease Outbreaks, Booze Allen Hamilton and the Defense Intelligence Agency/DoD, Maryland, "Disease surveillance and the challenge of distinguishing between natural and intentional outbreaks," National. (May 2010).

Phillips, C., Zoonotic Research in the Kyrgyz Republic, Helath Protection Agency and DSTL/Ministry of Defence, UK, Porton Down, UK, "Review of data on Mammalian Reservoir Species in Central Asia," International. (April 2010).

Phillips, C., National Security Council, White House, NSC and US National Academies of Science, Washington, DC, "Strategic Planning for Personnel Redirection and Dismantlement of Yongbyon Nuclear Facility, DPRK," International. (February 2010).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., DPRK Nuclear Dismantlement, US National Academy of Sciences, Bejing, China, "Nuclear Dismantlement at Yongbyon. Lessons from Iraq.," International. (April 2009).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., DPRK Nuclear Dismantlement, US National Academy of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, "Nuclear Dismantlement at Yongbyon. Lessons from Iraq.," International. (April 2009).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., USA-ROK Workshop on DPRK Nuclear Scientist Nonproliferation., US National Academy of Sciences, Seoul, South Korea, "Procedures for Environmental and Structural Characterization of Radioactive Contamination at DPRK’s Yongbyon Nuclear Facility (North Korea).," International. (October 2008).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Dismantlement Ceremony in Baghdad, Iraq, Government of Iraq, Parliamentary Building, Baghdad, Iraq, "The Beginning for Nuclear Dismantlement in Iraq," International. (July 7, 2008).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Rodgers, B., International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Sessions on Iraq Nuclear Dismantlement, US Department of State, Vienna, Austria, "Tuwaitha Characterization and the Concept of Train and Engage.," International. (April 2008).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Request for Military Support for Programs in Iraq, US Dept of State, CENTCOM, Tampa, Florida, "Texas Tech's Programs and Objectives in Iraq," International. (April 2008).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Rodgers, B., International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Sessions on Iraq Nuclear Dismantlement, US Department of State, Vienna, Austria, "Environmental Characterization at Iraq’s Al Tuwaitha Nuclear Facility," International. (July 2007).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Chemical Biological Medical Treatment Symposium, CBMTS, Dubrovnik, Croatia, "Forensic Reconstruction of Radioactive Particle Dispersion at the


Chernobyl and Al Tuwaitha nuclear facilities," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2007).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Rodgers, B., International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Session on Iraq, US Department of State, Amman, Jordan, "Update on Environmental Characterization at Iraq’s Al Tuwaitha Nuclear Facility," International. (April 2007).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State/Sandia National Laboratory, Federal, $24,964.00. (October 2011 - December 2013).

Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Disposal and Dismantlement in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia National Laboratory, Federal, $714,982.00. (October 2011 - December 2013).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $600,000.00. (August 2010 - December 31, 2011).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $585,000.00. (2010 - March 31, 2011).

Phillips, C. (Principal), Baker, R. (Co-Principal), "Zoonotic Agents and their Mammalian Reservoirs in the Kyrgyz Republic," Sponsored by UK Helath Protection Agency contract, funding from the Ministry of Defence, dstl, UK, Other. (June 2009 - July 2010).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Bondarkov, M. (Co-Principal), "Train and Engage Program," Sponsored by Great Britain -- Ministry of Finance and Industry, Federal, $363,000.00. (March 2008 - December 31, 2008).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $510,000.00. (2007 - December 31, 2008).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $150,000.00. (2006 - December 31, 2007).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Brian Reilly Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 255 Campus Mail Stop: 43131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field BioMedicine Institution University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Year Awarded 1990

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2007 - Present

Title Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2000 - August 31, 2007

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Shannon Hempstead Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jeffrey McDonald Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 15, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Sumit Mukherjee Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Eric Veggeberg Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University 253

Student's Name Clayton Cobb Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Payal Mital Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 6301 Flow Cytometry and Cellular Immunology

Fall TTU 2011 MBIO 5403 Immunobiology BIOL 6100 Advanced Introduction to Cellular Immuity

Spring TTU 2011 MBIO 5404 Pathogenic Microbiology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Flow Cytometry and Callular Immunology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 MBIO 5403 Immunobiology BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Flow Cytometry and Callular Immunology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology


BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Reilly, B. Expression of CD35 on subsets of human peripheral CD8+ T-cells.. Journal of Immunology.

Reilly, B. Human peripheral CD4+ T-cells expressing complement receptor 1 (CR1, CD35). J. Immunol. Journal of Immunology.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, International Society for Advancement of Cytometry. (January 1, 2010 - Present).

Life-time Member, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science. (January 1, 1998 - Present).

Member, American Association of Immunologists. (January 1, 1990 - Present).

Member, Sigma Xi. (January 1, 1988 - Present).

Editorial Review Board Member, J. of Molecular Immunology. (January 1, 2007 - Present).

Reviewer, Study Section, National Institutes of Health ZRG1 IMM-E. (October 10, 2011 - October 28, 2011).

Reviewer, Study Section, National Institutes of Health ZRG1 F07. (September 26, 2011 - October 28, 2011).

Reviewer, Study Section, National Institutes of Health ZRG1 F07. (June 13, 2011 - July 22, 2011).

Reviewer, Book, Garland Publishing. (May 2011 - June 2011).

Chairperson, National Institutes of Health ZRG1 F07-E. (January 15, 2011 - March 4, 2011).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years



Reilly, B., 3rd Internation Conference on Innate Immunity, "C4A-bound immune complexes are more resistant than C4B-bound immune complexes to processing by CR1 and factor I.," Published in Proceedings.

Reilly, B., 13th International Congress of Immunology, "Expression of CD35 on human peripheral CD8+ T-cells.," Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (2011).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

Sponsored Research

Reilly, B. (Principal), "Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter," Sponsored by Medical Research Council of Canada, Other, $250,000.00.

Reilly, B. (Principal), "Immune Complex Disease and C4 Allotypes," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Other, $225,000.00.

Reilly, B. (Principal), "Immune Complex Disease and C4 Allotypes," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Texas Tech University, $225,000.00.

Reilly, B. (Principal), "Immune Complex Disease and C4 Isoforms.," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Texas Tech University, $225,000.00.

Reilly, B. (Principal), "Interactions of C4 Isotypes with Complement Receptor CR1.," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Other, $550,000.00.

Reilly, B. (Principal), "Isotypes of the fourth component of complement," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Other, $300,000.00.

Reilly, B. (Co-Principal), "Isotypes of the fourth component of complement," Sponsored by The Arthritis Society of Canada, Other, $400,000.00.

Reilly, B. (Principal), "The Fourth Component of Human Complement and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus," Sponsored by National Instititutes of Health, Other, $225,000.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

New Format for existing course

Spring TTU 2011

"Pathogenic Microbiology," MBIO 5404-001.


Committee Member, Course and Curriculum Committee. (September 1, 2010 - Present).


Committee Member, Faculty Awards Committee. (September 1, 2008 - Present).

Committee Member, Microbiology Curriculum Committee. (September 1, 2004 - Present).

Grant Proposal Reviewer, Internal. (April 15, 2011 - April 30, 2011).

Dean's Representative. (April 2011).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: William Resetarits Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: Campus Mail Stop: Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 5310 Advanced Community Ecology

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Sean Rice Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: 742-2710 ext. 274 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Institution University of Arizona Year Awarded 1990

Degree BA Field Biology Institution Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Year Awarded 1984

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Speciation BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis


Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Population genetics BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5305 Organic Evolution for Advanced Students

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Applied Biostatistical Analysis BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Rice, S., Papadopoulos, A. (2009). Evolution with stochastic fitness and stochastic migration.. PLoS ONE, 4(10), e7130.

Rice, S. (2008). A stochastic version of the Price equation reveals the interplay of deterministic and stochastic processes in evolution.. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8, 262.


Rice, S. (2008). The G-Matrix as one piece of the phenotypic evolution puzzle.. Evolutionary Biology, 35(2), 106-107.

Rice, S. (2008). Theoretical approaches to the evolution of development and genetic architecture.. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1133(2008), 67-86.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Rice, S., 14th Evolutionary Biology Meeting at Marseilles, Université de Provence, France, Marseilles, France, "Stochastic Processes Driving Directional Evolution," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (September 21, 2010).

Rice, S., Integrating Different Biological Approaches, University of Alberta, Canada, Edmonton, Canada, "The evolutionary meaning of novelty," International. (November 13, 2009).

Rice, S., Study group on Intragenomic Conflict, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, "Game theory and intragenomic conflict," International, Published Elsewhere. (March 13, 2009).

Rice, S., Multilevel selection in evolution, Univ. of British Colombia, Vancouver, BC (Canada), "Stochastic multilevel selection," International. (November 10, 2008).

Rice, S., Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, "Towards an axiomatic theory of evolution," State. (October 12, 2008).

Rice, S., Univ. of Houston, Houston, TX, "Towards an axiomatic theory of evolution," State. (September 13, 2008).

Rice, S., Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, "Developing an exact and general theory of evolution," State. (November 15, 2007).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

Sponsored Research

Rice, S., "Developing an axiomatic theory of evolution," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $498,813.00. (September 1, 2009 - August 31, 2012).

Rice, S., "Mathematical foundations of evolutionary theory," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $223,000.00. (August 1, 2006 - July 31, 2009).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


New Course Preparation Work

Spring TTU 2011

"Population genetics," BIOL 6301-049.



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Chris D. Rock Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 2002

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-3722 ext. 271 Campus Mail Stop: Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Genetics Institution Michigan State University Year Awarded 1991

Degree BA Field Molecular Biology Institution University of California, Berkeley Year Awarded 1985

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) November 1, 2002 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Sayani Mallick Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Yingwen Jiang Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Amandeep Mittal Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed October 17, 2012 Institution

Student's Name Fan Jia Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed August 11, 2012 Institution


Student's Name Fangqian Ou-Yang Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 12, 2011 Institution

Student's Name Qingjun Luo Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed November 5, 2010 Institution

Student's Name Yingwen Jiang Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed July 9, 2010 Institution

Student's Name Casey Richardson Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed December 16, 2009 Institution

Student's Name Tian Tian Zhang Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed May 17, 2008 Institution

Student's Name Viktoria Gontcharova Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed November 17, 2007 Institution

Student's Name Murali Vysyaraju Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed November 17, 2006 Institution

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Dylan Wann Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Arnab Ghosh Involvement Dissertation Defense Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name Caren Ayala Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Li Sun Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Neelam Mishra Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Nancy Leyland Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Teresa Gaus Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Roji Manadhar Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Jian Chen Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Bralie Hendon Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed October 19, 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Sundaram Kuppu Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed August 12, 2011 Institution


Student's Name Bangshing Wang Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed March 9, 2011 Institution

Student's Name E. Margaret Shields Involvement Dissertation Defense Committee Member Year Completed July 27, 2010 Institution

Student's Name Kelong Wang Involvement Dissertation Defense Committee Member Year Completed May 9, 2009 Institution

Student's Name Nicole Steele Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed November 1, 2008 Institution

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 5301 Advanced Genetics

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2011 BOT 6409 Advanced Plant Development BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research


BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Methods in Molecular Plant Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Rock, C., Luo, Q.-J., Mittal, A., Jia, F. (2011). An autoregulatory feedback loop involving PAP1 and TAS4 in response to sugars in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology, 80((1)), 117- 129. DOI 10.1007/s11103-011-9778-9.

Rock, C., Richardson, C. R. (2010). Analysis of antisense expression by whole genome tiling microarrays and siRNAs suggests mis-annotation of Arabidopsis orphan protein-coding genes.. PLoS ONE, 5, e10710.

Rock, C., Jia, F. (2009). Cre-lox univector acceptor vectors for functional screening in protoplasts: analysis of Arabidopsis donor cDNAs encoding ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE1-like protein phosphatases. Plant Molecular Biology, 70, 693- 708.


Rock, C., Luo, Q. (2009). Evidence for antisense transcription associated with microRNA target mRNAs in Arabidopsis.. PLoS Genetics, 5(e1000457).

Book Chapters (Accepted)

Rock, C., Luo, Q.-J., Ou-Yang, F. (2011). Antisense transcription associated with microRNA target mRNAs. In V. A. Erdmann and J. Barciszewski (Ed.), Non-Coding RNAs in Plants. Dordrecht: Springer.

Rock, C. (2010). In A. Pareek, SK Sopory, HJ Bohnert, Govindjee (Ed.), "Stress Signaling I: The Role of Abscisic Acid (ABA)". Dordrecht: Springer.

Conference Proceedings (Accepted)

Youn, E., Gontcharova, V., Richardson, C., Morton, C., Samanta, M., Luo, Q., Rock, C. (2008). Feature evaluation of the support vector machine for micro-RNA target site prediction in Arabidopsis thaliana. Orlando, Florida: BCBGC2008.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, American Society of Plant Biologists. (January 1, 1988 - December 31, 2009).

Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (January 1, 1985 - December 31, 2009).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Plant Molecular Biology. (June 1, 2012 - August 31, 2012).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford. (February 27, 2012 - March 3, 2012).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation. (January 15, 2012).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. (June 30, 2011 - August 22, 2011).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Plant Signaling and Behaviour. (July 22, 2011 - August 19, 2011).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, USDA Ogalalla Aquifer Program, Bushland, TX. (July 12, 2011 - August 8, 2011).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Plant Physiology. (March 28, 2011 - April 17, 2011).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, BMC Evolutionary Biology. (September 28, 2010 - March 12, 2011).


Editor, Associate Editor, Plant Signaling and Behavior. (May 31, 2005 - December 31, 2009).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Colby College, Waterville, ME. (December 19, 2008).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Rock, C. (Presenter & Author), Mittal, A. (Author Only), Payton, P. (Author Only), Ritchie, G. (Author Only), Burke, J. (Author Only), Plant Biology 2012, American Society of Plant Biologists, Austin, TX, "Field testing of transgenic cotton expressing Arabidopsis ABA INSENSITIVE5 and B3-domain RELATED TO ABI3/VIVIPAROUS1 (RAV) transcription factors," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (July 24, 2012).

Rock, C., Jia, F., GRC on Plant Molecular Biology: Genomic Approaches to Plant Signaling Systems, Gordon Research Conferences, Holderness, NH, "GENETIC INTERACTIONS BETWEEN RNA INTERFERENCE AND ABSCISIC ACID RESPONSE PATHWAYS," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published Elsewhere. (July 15, 2012).

Rock, C., Mittal, A., Ritchie, G., Burke, J., 109th Annual Meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, S.A.A.S., Birmingham, AL, "“Production and Field Testing of Transgenic Cotton That Expresses Transcription Factors for Enhanced Traits and Productivity Under Drought Stress”," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 6, 2012).

Rock, C., 2011 Texas State Support Committee Cotton Inc Annual Review, Cotton Inc, Lubbock, TX, "“Production and field testing of transgenic cotton that expresses transcription factors for enhanced traits and productivity under drought stress”," State, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (December 2, 2011).

Rock, C., 108th Annual Meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, S.A.A.S., Corpus Christi, TX, "“Production and field testing of transgenic cotton that expresses transcription factors for enhanced traits and productivity under drought stress”," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (February 7, 2011).

Rock, C., 2010 Texas State Support Committee Annual Meeting, Cotton Inc, Lubbock, TX, "PRODUCTION AND TESTING OF TRANSGENIC COTTON THAT EXPRESSES TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS FOR ENHANCED SEED AND FIBER TRAITS AND PRODUCTIVITY UNDER DROUGHT STRESS," State, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (December 2, 2010).

Rock, C. (Author Only), Richardson, C. R. (Presenter & Author), Keystone Conference on “RNA Silencing Mechanisms in Plants”, Keystone Conferences, Hilton Santa Fe/Historic Plaza. Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Computational analysis of antisense transcription using


Arabidopsis whole genome tiling microarray and small RNA abundance data suggests mis- annotation of predicted ‘orphan’ protein-coding genes.”," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings, Published Elsewhere. (February 24, 2010).

Rock, C. (Presenter & Author), Cotton Inc.Texas State Support Committee Annual Meeting, Cotton Incorporated, USDA Plant Stress and Germplasm Lab, 3810 4th St., Lubbock, TX 79415, "“Production and field testing of transgenic cotton that expresses transcription factors for enhanced seed traits and productivity under drought stress.”," State. (December 3, 2009).


Rock, C., Fiene, J. G. (Presenter & Author), Kalns, L. (Author Only), Nansen, C. (Author Only), Sword, G. A. (Author Only), Beltwide Cotton Conference 2012, National Cotton Council of America, Orlando, Florida, "Transgenic cotton cultivars show differential responses to drought-stress," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (January 5, 2012).

Rock, C. (Presenter & Author), Mittal, A. (Author Only), Thompson, T. (Author Only), Burke, J. (Author Only), 2011 Beltwide Cotton Conference, National Cotton Council, Atlanta, GA, "“Production and field testing of transgenic cotton that expresses transcription factors for enhanced traits and productivity under drought stress”," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (January 6, 2011).

Rock, C. (Author Only), Larson, G. R. (Presenter & Author), Texas Tech University Association of Biologists’ Scientific Symposium (TTUABSS), Texas Tech Dept of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, "“Abscisic acid regulates microRNA842/846: implications for predicted target gene At5g28520 function and miRNA evolution.”," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (February 6, 2010).

Rock, C. (Author Only), Luo, Q. (Presenter & Author), Keystone Conference on “RNA Silencing: Mechanism, Biology and Application, Keystone Conferences, Keystone Resort, Keystone, Colorado., "“A feedback regulatory loop involving PAP1/MYB75 and miR828/TAS4 in response to sugar in Arabidopsis.”," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (January 16, 2010).

Rock, C. (Presenter & Author), 2010 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Cotton Incorporated, New Orleans Marriott Hotel and Sheraton New Orleans Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana, "“Production and field testing of transgenic cotton that expresses transcription factors for enhanced seed traits and productivity under drought stress.”," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (January 6, 2010).

Rock, C. (Author Only), Mittal, A. (Presenter & Author), Joint Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists and the Phycological Society of America, American Society of Plant Biologists, Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, ""RAV transcription factors positively effect ABA responses"," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (July 19, 2009).


Rock, C. (Author Only), Luo, Q. (Presenter & Author), Joint Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists and the Phycological Society of America, American Society of Plant Biologists, Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, "“In silico and expression-based identification of microRNAs in rice.”," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (July 19, 2009).

Rock, C. (Author Only), Stidger, D. (Presenter & Author), TTU Honors College Research Days, Honors College, TTU, Texas Tech University, "“Drought Tolerance of Cotton.”," Local, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 17, 2009).

Rock, C. (Author Only), Luo, Q. (Presenter & Author), Southern Section of the American Society for Plant Biology Annual Meeting, American Society of Plant Biologists, Doubletree Suites, Austin TX, "“Evidence for Antisense Transcription Associated with MicroRNA Target mRNAs in Arabidopsis.”," Regional, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published Elsewhere. (March 2, 2009).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Rock, C. (Principal), Ritchie, G. (Co-Principal), Payton, P. (Co-Principal), Burke, J. (Supporting), "“Field testing of transgenic cotton that express transcription factors for seed and fiber traits and productivity under drought”," Sponsored by USDA Ogalalla Aquifer Program, Federal, $69,240.00. (September 30, 2011 - September 30, 2013).

Rock, C. (Principal), Bednarz, C. (Co-Principal), "“Production and testing of transgenic cotton that expresses transcription factors for enhanced seed traits and productivity under drought stress.”," Sponsored by USDA, Federal, $82,116.00. (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2011).

Rock, C. (Principal), "“Computational analysis of causality between miRNAs and antisense transcription: Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research.”," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Federal, $103,141.00. (June 1, 2008 - August 31, 2010).

Rock, C. (Principal), "“Computational analysis of causality between miRNAs and antisense transcription.”," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Federal, $416,016.00. (September 28, 2007 - August 31, 2010).

Sponsored Research

Rock, C. (Principal), Burke, J. (Co-Principal), ""Field testing of transgenic cotton that express abscisic acid receptors and transcription factors for seed and fiber traits and productivity under drought."," Sponsored by Cotton Inc TX State Support Committee, Other, $170,000.00. (January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2012).


Grant - Not Funded

Rock, C. (Principal), "DEVELOPMENT OF MOLECULAR MARKERS FOR ACCELLERATED BREEDING OF FLAVOR ENHANCERS AND STRESS RESPONSES IN GRAPE BERRY," Sponsored by American Vineyard Foundation, Private, $142,881.00. (July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2015).

Rock, C. (Principal), Hellman, E., "TESTING OF A NOVEL MECHANISM BY SMALL RNAS FOR ETIOLOGY of PIERCE’S DISEASE SYMPTOMS AND BERRY DEVELOPMENT IN GRAPE," Sponsored by Texas Dept of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant, State, $60,922.00. (October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2013).

Youn, E. (Co-Principal), Rock, C. (Principal), "An institute of computational and systems biology," Sponsored by Redbook: Congressionally Directed Project, Federal, $869,244.00.

Youn, E. (Co-Principal), Wilkins, T. (Principal), Dwyer, J. (Co-Principal), Knaff, D. (Co- Principal), Rock, C. (Co-Principal), "Science Master’s Program: The genomics and bioinformatics Master’s at Texas Tech University," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $671,259.00.

Grant - Pending

Rock, C. (Principal), Xin, Z. (Co-Principal), Hicks, G. (Co-Principal), Samanta, M. (Co- Principal), "“A genomics approach to clone biomass yield genes and map functional alleles from a pedigreed mutant library of Sorghum “," Sponsored by Dept of Energy, Federal, $1,498,236.00. (October 1, 2012 - August 31, 2015).

Rock, C. (Principal), "Understanding Trans-Acting Small interfering RNA Locus4 (TAS4) regulation of bioflavonoid nutraceuticals for improved health," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $430,338.00. (April 1, 2013 - March 31, 2015).

Sponsored Research - Pending

Rock, C. (Principal), Auld, D. (Co-Principal), Dever, J. K. (Co-Principal), "Molecular marker discovery for and cloning of loci for qualitative and quantitative traits affecting fiber length and in-boll yield component," Sponsored by Cotton Inc TX State Support Committee, Other, $85,154.00. (January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Committee Chair, Growth Chamber Coordination Committee. (September 1, 2009 - Present).

Committee Member, Seminar Committee. (September 1, 2009 - Present).


Committee Member, Plant Biology Committee. (September 1, 2008 - Present).

Committee Member, Student Awards Committee. (September 1, 2008 - Present).

Faculty Advisor, Tech Chapter of Beta-Beta-Beta Biological Honors Society. (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2010).

Committee Member, Graduate Student Affairs and Scholarship Committee. (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009).

Committee Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009).

Committee Member, Dissertation Defense, Margaret Shields. (June 25, 2010 - June 28, 2010).

Adjudicator for 2012 TTU Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Association of Biologists at Texas Tech University. (March 30, 2012 - March 31, 2012).

Adjudicator for 2011 TTU Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Association of Biologists at Texas Tech University. (April 2, 2011).

Adjudicator for Research Days poster presentations, Center for Undergraduate Research. (March 31, 2010 - April 1, 2010). student mentor, Lubbock High School, Lubbock, TX. (February 10, 2012).

Adjudicator for 5th Annual Science Fair, Harmony Science Academy- Lubbock, Lubbock, TX. (December 10, 2011). mentor for middle school student giving "My science career" presentation, Valley Springs Middle School, Valley Springs, CA. (September 18, 2011).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Brenda E. Rodgers Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Assistant Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-3232 ext. 303 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Biology Institution Texas Tech University Year Awarded 2000

Degree MS Field Biology Institution Lamar University Year Awarded 1997

Degree BS Field Biological & Physical Sciences Institution University of Houston Year Awarded 1994

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2007 - Present

Title Visiting Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2007

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Eric Howell Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Jessica Smith Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Kenneth Griffith 278

Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Jennifer Miller Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 2011 Institution

Student's Name Sumit Mukherjee Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed September 2010 Institution

Student's Name Eric Howell Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed December 1, 2009 Institution

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Lee Kyungwoo Involvement Dissertation Defense Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jaehyung Lee Involvement Dissertation Defense Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed August 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Kavita Knu Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2011 Institution

Student's Name Manasa Rao Kohirker Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2010 Institution


Student's Name Richard Larson Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2010 Institution

Student's Name Hongtao Ma Involvement Dissertation Defense Committee Member Year Completed May 2010 Institution

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Grant Writing

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research


BIOL 6301 BIOL 6301-033: Adv Topics In Biology: Grant Proposal Writing BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2009 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5301 Advanced Genetics

Summer II TTU 2009 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2009 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2009 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2008 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's thesis

Spring TTU 2008 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Grant Proposal Writing


VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Howell, E. K., Gaschak, S. P., Griffith, K. D., Rodgers, B. (2011). The Effects of Environmental Low-Dose Irradiation on Tolerance to Chemotherapeutic Agents. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30(3), 640-649.

Rodgers, B., Chesser, R. (2009). History and background of Piecing together Iraq’s nuclear legacy.. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Bondarkov, M., Shubber, E., Phillips, C. (2009). Piecing together Iraq’s nuclear legacy.. Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, May/June, 19-33.

Meeks, H. N., Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Gaschak, S., Baker, R. (2009). Understanding the Genetic Consequences of Environmental Toxicant Exposure: Chernobyl as a Model System. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, 28(9), 1982-1994.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B. (2008). Near-field particle dynamics and empirical fallout patterns in Chernobyl’s Western and Northern Plumes.. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 5124-5139.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B. (2008). Near-Field Radioactive Particle Dynamics and Empirical Fallout Patterns in Chernobyl's Western and Northern Plumes.. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 5124-5139.

Rodgers, B., Holmes, K. M. (2008). Radio-adaptive response to environmental exposures at Chernobyl. Dose Response; Formerly Nonlinearity in Biology, Toxicology, and Medicine, 6(2), 209-221.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Meeks, H. N., Wickliffe, J. K., Hoofer, S. R., Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Baker, R. (2007). Mitochondrial control region variation in bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) is not related to Chernobyl radiation exposure.. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 26(2), 361-369.

Chesser, R., Wickliffe, J., Baker, R., Rodgers, B. (2006). Variation in mitochondrial DNA control region haplotypes in populations of the Bank Vole, Clethrionomys glareolus, living in the Chornobyl environment, Ukraine. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25, 503- 508.

Other (Invited)


Chesser, R., Rodgers, B. (2011). Report on the Survey of the Adaya Nuclear site and Health Assessments of the Village of Tall ar Ragrag. Report Provided to the United States Department of State ISN/NESS and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad, Iraq,.

Other (Accepted)

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B. (2012). Report on Iraq’s Ministry of Environment laboratory on General Chemical Hazards Assessment.. US Dept State and US Embassy Baghdad.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Howell, E. K. (2011). Report on the Survey of the Adaya Nuclear Site and Health Assessment of the Village of Tall ar Ragrag.. US Dept of State.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2011). Science, Higher Education, and the Iraq Nuclear Facilities Dismantlement and Disposal Project (ISN/NESS). US Dept State.

Chesser, R., Jarjies, A., Bondarkov, M., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2010). In Richard Price, Barbara Price (Ed.), Status of nuclear facility dismantlement and nonproliferation efforts in Iraq, 2005 - 2010.. Spiez: Proceeding of the Chemical Biological Medical Treatment Symposium VIII..

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2009). Train and Engage Program for Nuclear Dismantlement in Iraq. Great Britain, Ministry of Industry & Finance.

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Phillips, C. (2008). Tuwaitha Characterization and the Concept of Train and Engage. Vienna: IAEA.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. (August 2010 - Present).

Member, American Association for Advancement of Science. (2007 - Present).

Member, Sigma Xi. (2007 - Present).

Patron Member, Texas Society of Mammalogists. (2007 - Present).

Board of directors member, Texas Genetics Society. (2005 - Present).

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia. (August 2010 - Present).

Board Member/Foundation, Texas Genetics Society. (April 2009 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Dose Response. (July 2007 - Present).


Reviewer, Panel Under, U.S. Department of Energy, Bethesda, Maryland. (November 2010 - November 30, 2010).

Reviewer, Panel Under, U.S.Department of Energy, Bethesda, MD. (July 6, 2009 - July 9, 2009).

Reviewer, Panel Under, U.S. Department of Energy, Bethesda, MD. (October 2008).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Radiation Research. (January 2008).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Rodgers, B. (Presenter & Author), Iraq Ministry of Health,, Baghdad, Iraq, "Collaborative efforts on Health Assessments in Northern Iraq," International. (June 2012).

Rodgers, B. (Presenter & Author), United Nations Environmental Programs (UNEP), Geneva. Switzerland, "“Environmental and Health Assessments in Northern Iraq: Adaya Burial Site," International. (February 2012).

Rodgers, B. (Presenter & Author), United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva. Switzerland., "“Environmental and Health Assessments in Northern Iraq: Adaya Burial Site," International. (February 2012).

Rodgers, B. (Presenter & Author), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria., "“Environmental and Health Assessments in Northern Iraq: Adaya Burial Site," International. (February 2012).

Rodgers, B., Chemical, Biological, Medical Treatment Society, Cavtat, Croatia, "Radiation Worker Safety and Population Monitoring Programs in Iraq.," International, Published in Proceedings. (April 11, 2011).

Rodgers, B. (Coordinator/Organizer), Chesser, R. (Coordinator/Organizer), Phillips, C. (Coordinator/Organizer), Chemical, Biological, Medical Treatment Society (CBMTS),, Cavtat, Croatia, "Symposium on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Dismantlement for the conference in the World Congress on CBRN Threat and Terrorism," International, Published in Proceedings. (April 10, 2011).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Rodgers, B., International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Sessions on Iraq Nuclear Dismantlement, US Department of State, Vienna, Austria, "Tuwaitha Characterization and the Concept of Train and Engage.," International. (April 2008).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Rodgers, B., International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Sessions on Iraq Nuclear Dismantlement, US Department of State, Vienna, Austria,


"Environmental Characterization at Iraq’s Al Tuwaitha Nuclear Facility," International. (July 2007).

Chesser, R., Rodgers, B., Radiation Damage and Biomolecules, Ireland's Royal Academy of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, "Biological Effects and Dosimetry at Chernobyl," International. (June 2007).

Chesser, R., Phillips, C., Rodgers, B., International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Session on Iraq, US Department of State, Amman, Jordan, "Update on Environmental Characterization at Iraq’s Al Tuwaitha Nuclear Facility," International. (April 2007).


Rodgers, B. (Presenter & Author), West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Tx, "“Saddam’s Nuclear Legacy: Public Health Assessments in Iraq”.," State. (November 2011).

Rodgers, B. (Presenter & Author), Review and Planning of the Iraq Nuclear Decommissioning Program (IDP), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria, "The importance of public health monitoring during Iraq Nuclear Decommissioning," International. (November 2009).

Rodgers, B. (Author Only), Howell, E. K. (Presenter & Author), Association for Radiation Research, Glasgow, Scotland, "Chemotherapeutic challenge of the Chernobyl Rodent, Apodemus flavicollis," International. (June 2009).

Rodgers, B. (Presenter & Author), Texas Environmental Health Association, San Marcos, TX, "When a city Dies: Pripyat, Ukraine in the Shadows of Chernobyl," State. (May 2009).

Rodgers, B. (Author Only), Howell, E. K. (Presenter & Author), AAAS Annual Meeting, AAAS, Chicago, IL, "Chemotherapeutic challenge of the Chernobyl Rodent, Apodemus flavicollis," International. (February 2009).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State/Sandia National Laboratory, Federal, $24,964.00. (October 2011 - December 2013).

Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Disposal and Dismantlement in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia National Laboratory, Federal, $714,982.00. (October 2011 - December 2013).


Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $600,000.00. (August 2010 - December 31, 2011).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $585,000.00. (2010 - March 31, 2011).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Bondarkov, M. (Co-Principal), "Train and Engage Program," Sponsored by Great Britain -- Ministry of Finance and Industry, Federal, $363,000.00. (March 2008 - December 31, 2008).

Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Phillips, C. (Co-Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Nuclear Dismantlement and Disposal in Iraq," Sponsored by US Department of State / Sandia Natl Labs, Federal, $510,000.00. (2007 - December 31, 2008).

Grant - Not Funded

Rodgers, B. (Principal), "Analysis of NTAD Gene Cluster Products in Addiction & Relapse," Sponsored by NHARP Pre-proposal, Local, $80,000.00.

Rodgers, B. (Principal), "Biological Stress and Enhanced Immune Function," Sponsored by NHARP, State, $200,000.00.

Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Smock, S. (Co-Principal), "Genotype, Social Support and Relapse Susceptibility," Sponsored by Department of Defense, Federal, $904,997.00.

Rodgers, B. (Principal), Smock, S. (Co-Principal), "Characterizing the role of SNCA gene variants in the alcohol-preferring phenotype," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Federal, $252,786.00.

Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Kruman, I. (Co-Principal), "TTU-TTUHSC Joint Initiative," Texas Tech University, $195,903.00.

Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Baker, R. (Principal), Chesser, R. (Co-Principal), Wickliffe, J. K. (Co-Principal), "Functional Genomic Impacts of the Chernobyl Accident," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Federal, $1,757,798.00.

Grant - Pending

Cañas, J. (Co-Principal), Kendall, R. J. (Principal), Cox, S. (Supporting), Cobb, G. (Co- Principal), Smith, E. (Co-Principal), Mayer, G. (Co-Principal), Maul, J. (Co-Principal), Gao, W. (Supporting), Singh, K. (Supporting), Jackson, W. (Co-Principal), Chesser, R. (Co- Principal), Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), "Biological Responses to Coexposure to Radionuclides and Heavy Metals," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $9,110,124.00.


Rodgers, B. (Co-Principal), Smock, S. (Co-Principal), Harris, K. (Supporting), "Genetic & Social Support markers in Substance Dependence Disorders relapse prevention," Sponsored by NIDA - National Institutes on Drug Addiction, Federal, $299,974.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

Inspiration & Teaching Excellence, Mortar Board Society. (May 2011).

Phi Beta Kappa inductee, Phi Beta Kappa. (May 2011).

New Course Preparation Work

Fall TTU 2009

"Advanced Genetics," BIOL 5301-001.


Committee Member, Majors Biology. (September 2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Graduate Student Selection Committee. (September 1, 2007 - Present).

Committee Member, Non-majors Zoology. (September 1, 2007 - Present).

Committee Member, Biological Sciences Seminar Series. (September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2008).

Committee Member, Curriculum Technology. (September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2007).

Committee Member, Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee. (September 1, 2007 - Present).


Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation, Arlington, VA. (April 2010 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Jorge Salazar-Bravo Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-1051 ext. 299 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Biology Institution University of New Mexico Year Awarded 2000

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) January 1, 2003 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 6301 Advanced Organic Evolution

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology 289

BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer II TTU 2010 BTEC 7000 Research in Biotechnology BTEC 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BTEC 7000 Research in Biotechnology BTEC 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BTEC 7000 Research in Biotechnology BTEC 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years

Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Creative Activity

Nonfiction - Print Journal (Accepted)

Salazar-Bravo, J., Yates, T., "A new species of Thomasomys (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) from central Bolivia".


Journal Articles (Accepted)


Banerjee, C., Allen, L. J., Salazar-Bravo, J. (2008). Models for an arenavirus infection in a rodent population: consequences of horizontal, vertical and sexual tansmission. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 5, 617-645.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Ordóñez-Garza, N. (Presenter & Author), Matson, J. (Author Only), Strauss, R. (Author Only), Bradley, R. (Author Only), Salazar-Bravo, J. (Author Only), 10th International Mammalogical Congress, International Federation of Mammalogists, Mendoza, Argentina, "Phenetic and genetic concordance among three species of endemic Peromyscus (Rodentia) from Mesoamerican highlands," International. (August 2009).


Holsomback, T. (Presenter & Author), Abuzeineh, A. A., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Salazar-Bravo, J., Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, TX, "Tenable costs of Bayou virus infection in Oryzomys palustris (marsh rice rat)." (2012).

Holsomback, T. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Salazar-Bravo, J. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX, "Socioecology of the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris) reveals transmission routes for Bayou virus," State. (2011).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Michael J. San Francisco Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1990 MICHAEL.SANFRANCISC TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-3905 ext. 244 Campus Mail Stop:

Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Post-Doctoral training Field Biotechnology Center Institution Ohio State University Year Awarded 1990

Degree Post-doctoral Research Associate Field Department of Biochemistry Institution University of Maryland, School of Medicine Year Awarded 1987

Degree Ph D Field Biology Institution Boston University Year Awarded 1984

Degree MA Field Biology Institution Boston University Year Awarded 1980

Degree BS Field Agricultural Sciences Institution University of Agricultural Sciences Year Awarded 1977

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Director Institution/Agency Clark Scholars Program Year(s) January 1, 1997 - Present

Title Director Institution/Agency TTU/Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science Education Program Year(s) June 1, 2006 - September 1, 2009

Title Faculty Director Institution/Agency Joint Admissions Medical Program Year(s) September 1, 2000 - May 1, 2009 293

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Aysegul Balyimez Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Cassie Veerstagh Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Jose Thekkiniath Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Mark Grimson Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Matt Anderson Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Melinda Forehand Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Mi Young Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Michael Schraeder Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Mohamed Farag Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed



Student's Name Monique Gelderman Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Monique Gelderman Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Nancy Carty Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Oya Zarinabadi Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Peg Foster Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Phani Veeramachaneni Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Phat Dang Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Preeti Cusade Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Preeti Reddy Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution


Student's Name Priya Lakshmi Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Priyanka Maiti Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Qishi Zhang Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Raji Jayaraman Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Ravathi Vediyappan Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Rickey Hamby Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Robert Webb Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Savitha Narendra Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Sew-Fen Liu Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution


Student's Name Shalika Silva Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Stephen Tomlinson Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Steven Cox Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Sujatha Venkataramani Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Sun Yan Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Susan D’Costa Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Susan Thomas Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Todd Musik Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Vilka Scott Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Vinya Bhandharkar


Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Wade Fluckey Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Wen-Chi Yu Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Xioaping Zhang Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Yamin Li Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Yen Lin Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Young-sook Yu Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Yusuf Tutar Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Zhini Demirbag Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Adam Lord Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair


Year Completed December 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Angela Swerdlove Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed 2009 Institution

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Bhagvathi Balasubramanium Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Cassie Veerstagh Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Bai Ping Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2009 Institution

Student's Name Asim Dey Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed 2008 Institution

Student's Name Landon Westfall Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 2006 Institution Other

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012


BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Fall TTU 2011 MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2011 MBIO 6302 Advanced Bacterial Physiology MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis


Spring TTU 2010 MBIO 6302 Advanced Bacterial Physiology MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Barabote, R. D., Thekkiniath, C., Vediyappan, G., Strauss, R., Fralick, J. A., San Francisco, M. (2011). Xenobiotic efflux in bacteria and fungi: a genomics update. Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology, 77, 237-306.

Shapard, E. J., Moss, A. S., San Francisco, M. (2011). Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis can infect and cause mortality in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Mycopathologia, 172.

Barabote, R. D., Thekkiniath, C., San Francisco, M. (2011). Xenobiotic efflux in bacteria and fungi: a genomics update. (Invited Review for Advances in Enzymology)-. Wiley, 237-306.

Moss, A., Carty, N., San Francisco, M. (2010). Identification and partial characterization of an elastolytic protease in the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. IR, 92(2/3), 149-158.

Pan, X., Zhang, B., Smith, J. N., San Francisco, M., Anderson, T., Cobb, G. (2007). N- nitroso compounds produced in deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatis) gastrointestinal tracts following RDX exposure. Chemosphere, 67(6), 1164-1170.

Other (Accepted)

Glasner, J. D., Yang, C. H., Reverchon, S., Hugovieux-Cotte-Pattat, N., Condemine, G., Bohin, J., van Gijsegem, F., Yang, S., Franza, T., Expert, D., Plunkett 3rd, G., San Francisco, M. (2011). Genome sequence of the plant pathogenic bacterium Dickeya dadantii 3937 (8th ed., vol. 193). Journal of Bacteriology.


Journal Articles (Accepted)


Dowd, S. E., Killinger-Mann, K., Blanton, J., San Francisco, M., Brashears, M. Positive Adaptive State: Microarray Evaluation of Gene Expression in Salmonella enterica Typhimurium Exposed to Nalidixic Acid. Foodborne Pathog Dis, 4(2), 187-200.

Hughes, M. K., Yanmala, S., San Francisco, M., Loneragan, G., Miller, M., Brashears, M. Reduction of multidrug-resistant and drug-susceptible Salmonella in ground beef and freshly harvested beef briskets after exposure to commonly used industry antimicrobial interventions. J Food Prot, 73(7), 1231-1237.

Hughes, M. K., Yanamala, S., San Francisco, M., Loneragan, G., Miller, M., Brashears, M. (2010). Reduction of Multidrug-Resistant and Drug-Susceptible Salmonella in Ground Beef and Freshly Harvested Beef Briskets after Exposure to Commonly Used Antimicrobial Interventions.. J. Food Prot., 73(7), 1231-1237.

Schrader, M., Thorvilson, H., San Francisco, M. (2010). Transgenic strains of Beauveria bassiana as entomopathogens against Solenopsis invicta Buren..

Davinic, M., Carty, N., Colmer-Hamood, J., San Francisco, M., Hamood, A. (2009). The role of Vfr in regulating exotoxin A production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.. Microbiology, 155, 2265-2273.

Moss, S. A., Reddy, N., Dortaj, I., San Francisco, M. (2008). Chemotaxis of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and its response to a variety of attractants.. 100, 1- 5.

Yang, S., Peng, Q., San Francisco, M., Wang, Y., Zeng, Q., Yang, C. (2008). Type III secretion system genes of Dickeya dadantii 3937 are induced by plant phenolic acids. 3 (8).

Pan, X., San Francisco, M., Lee, C., Ochoa, K. M., Xu, X., Zhang, B., Cobb, G. (2007). Examination of the mutagenicity of RDX and its N-nitroso metabolites using the Salmonella reverse mutation assay.. 629(64-69).

Ravirala, R., Barabote, R. D., Wheeler, D., Reverchon, S., Tatum, O., Malouf, C., Lui, H., Hedley, P., Pritchard, L., Birch, P., Toth, I., Payton, P., San Francisco, M. (2007). Phenolic acids induce efflux pump gene expression in Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937. Mol. 20, 313-320.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, American Society for Microbiology. (January 1, 1983 - Present).

Member, American Phytopathological Society. (January 1, 1992 - December 31, 2009).

American Phytopathological Society.

American Society for Microbiology.


Manuscript reviewer, Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

International Society for Microbe-Plant Interactions.

Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Bacteriology.

Manuscript reviewer, Microbiology.

Manuscript reviewer, Molecular Microbe-Plant Interactions.

Manuscript reviewer, Molecular Microbiology.

Manuscript reviewer, Natur Wissenschaften.

Manuscript reviewer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,.

Manuscript reviewer, Protein Science.

Manuscript reviewer, Texas Journal of Science.

Grant proposal reviewer/Panel member, TTU Institute for Biotechnology, Mini grant review.

Grant proposal reviewer/Panel member, TTU Institute for University Research, Biological Sciences.

Director, Director South Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair. (2002 - Present).

Grant proposal reviewer/Panel member, USDA Competitive Grants Program. (1993 - Present).

Grant proposal reviewer/Panel member, National Science Foundation. (1991 - Present).

Grant proposal reviewer/Panel member, Panel Member-National Science Foundation- Biotechnology, (Small Business Initiative). (2006).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Jeter, R. (Author Only), Kumari, R. (Presenter & Author), Murzello, C. (Author Only), Melester, B. (Author Only), Acosta-Martinez, V. (Author Only), San Francisco, M. (Author Only), Zak, J. (Author Only), 94th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Effects of crop management on microbial diversity and biochemical properties of agroecosystems under semi-arid conditions," National. (August 2, 2009).


Jeter, R. (Author Only), Kumar, S. (Presenter & Author), Kumari, R. (Author Only), Dowd, S. (Author Only), San Francisco, M. (Author Only), Zak, J. (Author Only), 94th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Evaluating tillage effect on bacterial diversity in a semi-arid agroecosystems using pyrosequencing," National. (August 2, 2009).

Jeter, R. (Author Only), Kumar, S. (Presenter & Author), Dowd, S. (Author Only), Acosta- Martinez, V. (Author Only), McMichael, B. (Author Only), Zak, J. (Author Only), San Francisco, M. (Author Only), 2008 Joint Meeting of the Texas and South Central Branches of the American Society for Microbiology, Texas and South Central Branches of the American Society for Microbiology, Austin, Texas, "Bacterial diversity in peanut (Arachis hypogaea) rhizosphere in semi-arid climate: impact of nitrogen fertilization," Regional. (November 9, 2008).


San Francisco, M., Pittsburg, PA, "Bacterial Tag-Encoded FLX/Titanium Pyrosequencing for Evaluating Microbial Diversity in a Peanut Rhizosphere." (2009).

San Francisco, M., ASM Branch Meeting, Unicersity of Texas, Tyler, "DNAse activity in the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis." (2009).

San Francisco, M., Tempe, Arizona, "Strategies for infection and survival of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis II." (2009).

San Francisco, M., National ASM meeting,, Philadelphia, PA, "The MdtABC efflux pump gene expression in Erwinia chrysanthemi is induced by Indole acetic acid and is Important for phytopathogenesis,." (2009).

San Francisco, M., IRCEB meeting, Tempe, Arizona, "Strategies for infection and survival of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis I." (2008).

San Francisco, M., American Society for Microbiology, Toronto, Canada, "Chemotaxis of the amphibian pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatids and its response to a variety of substrates." (2007).

San Francisco, M., Chytridiomycosis meeting, Tempe, Arizona, "Evidence of proteolytic activity by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis." (2007).

San Francisco, M., Sam Houston University, Houston, "Regulation of mdt efflux pump gene expression by BaeR two-component system in Erwinia chrysanthemi Texas ASM branch meeting." (2007).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years



Taraban, R. (Co-Principal), Densmore, L. (Principal), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Talkmitt, S. (Co-Principal), "Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program--HHMI Phase VI: Total grant 2010-2014," Sponsored by Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Private, $500,000.00. (2010 - 2012).

Taraban, R. (Co-Principal), Densmore, L. (Co-Principal), San Francisco, M. (Principal), Talkmitt, S. (Co-Principal), "Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program--HHMI Phase V," Sponsored by Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Private, $1,500,000.00. (2006 - 2010).

Jeter, R. (Principal), McMichael, B. (Co-Principal), Pare, P. (Co-Principal), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Zak, J. (Co-Principal), "Unlocking the Economic Potential of the Soil Biodiversity in Arid-Land Agriculture," Sponsored by Texas Tech University Office of Vice President for Research, Texas Tech University, $549,373.00. (January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2009).

San Francisco, M., Sponsored by Joint Admission Medical Program, State, $90,000.00. (September 2002 - August 2008).

Grant - Not Funded

Smith, E. (Principal), Anderson, T. (Co-Principal), Carr, D. (Co-Principal), Carr, J. (Co- Principal), Dixon, K. (Co-Principal), Gao, W. (Co-Principal), Godard-Codding, C. (Co- Principal), James, D. (Co-Principal), Kendall, R. (Co-Principal), Maul, J. (Co-Principal), Salice, C. (Co-Principal), Singh, K., San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Smith, P. (Co- Principal), Surles, J. (Co-Principal), Presley, S. (Co-Principal), "Ecosystem and Societal Sustainability and Recovery from the DWH Oil Spill," Sponsored by Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Private, $20,726,583.00. (2011).

Densmore, L. (Principal), Gollahon, L. (Co-Principal), Reich, D. (Supporting), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Talkmitt, S., Taraban, R. (Co-Principal), "TTU CISER Phase VI Core proposal," Sponsored by Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Private, $2,200,000.00.

Godard-Codding, C. (Co-Principal), Carty, N. (Principal), Cañas, J. (Co-Principal), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Rumbaugh, K., "West Texas Chapter of the Association for Women in Science Dependant Care Travel Award," Sponsored by Elsevier Foundation, Other, $24,000.00.

Grant - Pending

McKenna, G. (Principal), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative Research: EAGER: The Dynamics of Entangled Linear and Cyclic DNA: Nature's "Ideal" Molecules," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $250,000.00.


Rivero, I. (Principal), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), "Design and Assessment of the Efficacy of Nonwoven Dressings for the Clinical Treatment of MRSA," Sponsored by National Football League Charities, Private, $100,000.00.

McKenna, G. (Principal), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), "Collaborative Research: The Dynamics of Entangled Linear and Cyclic DNA: Nature's "Ideal" Molecules," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $291,092.00.

Sponsored Research

San Francisco, M., "Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science Education Program," $2,200,000.00. (September 1, 2010 - August 31, 2014).

San Francisco, M., "Collaborative Research: The Rheological Response of Entangled Linear and Cyclic Polymer Solutions: DNA, with G. McKenna,," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $354,437.00. (June 1, 2010 - May 31, 2013).

San Francisco, M., Sponsored by Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science Education Program (PI with Co-PIs L. Densmore, R. Taraban, S. Talkmitt), $1,500,000.00. (September 2006 - August 2010).

San Francisco, M., "Unlocking the Economic Potential of Soil Biodiversity in Semi-Arid Land Agriculture," Sponsored by Office of the VPR, Texas Tech University, $549,373.00. (January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2009).

San Francisco, M., "“Ricin and Ricin Surrogate Sorption to Clay Minerals: Inhalation Dangers and Protein Degradation” (Co-PI with Co-PI with R. Zartman, C. Green, J. Zak)," Sponsored by U.S. Department of Defense, (SBCOM), $62,000.00. (August 2006 - July 2007).

San Francisco, M., "Dynamics and Evolution of Emerging Diseases with Applications to Amphibians.," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $915,000.00. (June 2002 - June 2007).

Sponsored Research - Pending

San Francisco, M., "Collaborative Proposal: Mechanisms of Pathogenicity in the Emerging Fungal Pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $404,789.00. (January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2012).

San Francisco, M., "Chitin synthase activity and gene expression in an amphibian fungal pathogen," Sponsored by Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience, $40,000.00. (March 1, 2010 - February 28, 2011).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

President’s Excellence in Teaching Award. (2009).

New Format for existing course

Spring TTU 2011

"Advanced Bacterial Physiology," MBIO 6302-001.


Committee Member, Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (1995 - Present).

Committee Member, Member, Faculty Awards Committee. (1995 - 2011).

Chair Promotion and Tenure Committee. (2002 - 2008).

Search Committee, Microbiology. (2005 - 2006).

SPRSEF, Chairman of the Board, South Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair. (2005 - Present).

Endowed chair search committee, appointed by the provost, Geosciences. (2000 - Present).

Founding Member TTU Teaching Academy. (1999 - Present).

Director, The Clark Scholars Program. (1997 - Present).

Graduate Dean's Representative to Ph.D. Final Defenses. (1991 - Present).

Associate Director of the TTU/Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science Education Program, TTU/Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science Education Program. (2005 - 2009).

As Faculty Director of the Joint Admission Medical Program for the State of Texas at TTU, Joint Admission Medical Program. (2003 - 2009).

Committee Chair, Chair, University Biosafety Committee (previously, University Recombinant DNA and Transgenic Organisms subcommittee). (2000 - 2008).

Committee Member, Advisory Committee, McNair Scholars Program. (2005 - 2006).

Activities in Collaboration with K-12 Schools. (1991 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Ken A. Schmidt Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2723 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Postdoctoral Field Ecology Institution Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Year Awarded 1999

Degree Ph D Field Ecology and Evolution Institution University of Illinois Year Awarded 1997

Degree BS Field Biology Institution University of Illinois Year Awarded 1992

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Visiting Scientist Institution/Agency Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Year(s) January 2000 - December 31, 2012

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Erica Chipman Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Matthew Gruntorad Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nural Ain Elias Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 309


Student's Name Morgan Lewis Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Sam Wiley Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2010 Institution

Student's Name Curtis Stennet Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2009 Institution

Student's Name Jeff Unger Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2009 Institution

Student's Name Tara Breeland Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2007 Institution

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 ZOOL 5408 Advanced Ornithology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Brown Bag Seminar BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Behavioral Egology seminar


Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Brown Bag Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5309 Advanced Ecology

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Population Ecology BIOL 6101 Behavioral Egology seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 ZOOL 5408 Advanced Ornithology MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years



Journal Articles (Accepted)

Keesing, F., Hersh, M. H., Tibbetts, M., McHenry, D., Duerr, S., Brunner, J., Killilea, M., Schmidt, K., Ostfleld, R. S. Reservoir competence of vertebrate hosts for Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Belinsky, K. L., Hogle, J. L., Schmidt, K. (2012). Veeries Experience More Varied Acoustic Competition at Dawn Than at Dusk. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 124(2), 265-269.

Emerson, S., Brown, J. s., Whelan, C. J., Schmidt, K. (2012). Scale-dependent foraging: shared doom, associational refuge and effects of plant defenses. Oecologia, 168(3), 659-670.

Ememring, Q. C., Schmidt, K. (2011). Nesting songbirds assess spatial heterogeneity of predatory chipmunks by eavesdropping on their vocalizations. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80(6), 1305-1312.

Felts, J., Schmidt, K. (2010). Multitasking and eavesdropping in cotton rats foraging under predation risk. Behavioral Ecology, 21, 1080-1086.

Dall, S. R., Schmidt, K., van Gils, J. (2010). Biological information in an ecological context. Oikos, 119, 201-202.

Schmidt, K., Whelan, C. J. (2010). Nesting in an uncertain world: information and sampling the future. Oikos, 119, 245-253.

Schmidt, K. (2010). The ecology of information: an overview on the ecological significance of making informed decisions. Oikos, 119, 304-316.

Keesing, F., Brunner, J., Duerr, S., Killilea, M., LoGiudice, K., Schmidt, K., Vuong, H., Richard, O. S. (2009). Hosts as ecological traps for zoonotic vectors. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 276, 3911-3919.

Schmidt, K., Schauber, E. M. (2008). Behavioral indicators of predator-free space: Studying species interactions through the behavior of predators. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 53, 389-406.

Schmidt, K., Lee, E., Ostfeld, R. S., Sieving, K. E. (2008). Eastern chipmunks increase their perception of predation risk in response to titmouse alarm calls. Behavioral Ecology, 19, 759- 763.

LoGiudice, K., Duerr, S., Newhouse, M. J., Schmidt, K., Killilea, N. E., Ostfeld, R. S. (2008). Impact of host community composition on Lyme disease risk. Ecology, 89, 2841- 2849.


Schmidt, K., Rush, S. A., Ostfeld, R. S. (2008). Wood thrush nest success and post-fledging survival across a temporal pulse of small mammal abundance in an oak forest. Journal of Animal Ecology, 77, 830-837.

Schmidt, K. (2007). Non-additivity among multiple cues of predation risk: A behaviorally driven trophic cascade between owls and songbirds. Oikos, 113, 82-90.

Schmidt, K., Ostfeld, R. S., Symth, K. M. (2006). Spatial heterogeneity in predator activity, nest survivorship, and nest-site selection in two forest thrushes. Oecologia, 148, 22-29.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, American Society of Naturalists.

Member, Animal Behavior Soceity.

Member, Interntaional Society of Behavioral Ecology.

Editor, Associate Editor, The AUk. (September 2010 - Present).

Editor, Associate Editor, Oikos. (June 2006 - Present).

Editor, Associate Editor, Avian Conservation and Ecology. (2005 - Present).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Schmidt, K. (Presenter & Author), Whelan, C. J. (Author Only), American Ornithological Union Annual Meeting, American Ornithological Union, San Diego, CA, "HABITAT SELECTION IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD: PRIVATE AND PUBLIC INFORMATION AND THE INFORMED BIRD," National. (February 2010).


Schmidt, K., Interntaional Society of Behavioral Ecology, Society of Behavioral Ecology, Univeristy of Lund, Lund, Sweden, "Predation risk and the Territory Game: a game theoretic perspective," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (August 14, 2012).

Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Squire, C. D. (Author Only), McGinley, M. (Author Only), Schmidt, K. (Author Only), Tirumula, L. N. (Author Only), North American Society for Bat Research 39th Meeting, Portland, Oregon, "The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: A Research-based Learning Environment for Teaching Biological Concepts," National. (November 2009).


Kingston, T. (Presenter & Author), Squire, C. D. (Presenter & Author), McGinley, M. (Presenter & Author), Schmidt, K. (Author Only), Tirumula, L. N. (Presenter & Author), College of Education 6th Annual Conference, TTU., TTU, "“The Malaysian Bat Education Adventure: Technology brings a real research environment into Texas Elementary Classrooms”.," Local. (October 2009).


Schmidt, K., University of Uppsala, Sweden, "Information and negotiating predation risk in a world of uncertainty," International. (September 2011).

Schmidt, K. (Author Only), University of Lund, Sweden, "Listening in on the neighbors: the art and signifcance of eavesdropping between birds and mammals," International. (September 2011).

Schmidt, K., Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Austin, TX, "Prosepecting and philopatry to safe sites produces site-depndent regulation." (August 2011).

Belinsky, K. L., Schmidt, K., Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Austin, TX, "Voices in the dark: Predation risk as a cost of dusk singing in a songbird," National. (August 2011).

Kelly, J., Schmidt, K., The American Ornithologists’ Union Meeting, The American Ornithologists’ Union, Jacksonville, FL, "Post-breeding public information use in a ground- nesting songbird community," National. (July 2011).

Watson, E., Schmidt, K., Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech Association of Biologists, Texas Tech University, "Eavesdropping by black-teiled prairie dogs on acoustic signals of killdeer," Local. (April 2011).

Kuczynski, A., Schmidt, K., Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech Association of Biologists, Texas Tech University, "Heterospecific Transfer of Alarm Calls," Local. (April 2011).

Kelly, J., Schmidt, K., Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech Association of Biologists, Texas Tech University, "Post-breeding public information use in a ground-nesting songbird community.," Local. (April 2011).

Hersh, M. H., Brunner, J., Killilea, M., LoGuidice, K., Schmidt, K., Tibbetts, R., Ostfeld, R., Keesing, F., NSF/NIH Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases PI meeting, National Science Foundation, National Inst of Health, Madison, WI, "Comparative ecology of Borrelia burgdorferi and Babesia microti: Effects of host quality on tick-borne disease dynamics," National. (March 2011).


Schmidt, K., The AFO/COS/WOS Joint Meeting, Assoic Field Biologists, Cooper Ornithological Society, Wislon Ornithological Society, Kearney, NE, "Post-breeding public information use in a ground-nesting songbird community," National. (March 2011).

Hersh, M., Tibbetts, M., Ostfeld, R., Brunner, J., Killilea, M., LoGuidice, K., Schmidt, K., Keesing, F., NSF/NIH Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases PI meeting, National Science Foundation, National Inst of Health, Atlantic City, NJ, "Assessing reservoir competence of multiple vertebrate hosts for Babesia microti and other tick-borne pathogens using real-time PCR," National. (March 2010).

Emmering, Q. C., Schmidt, K., AOU: COS/AOU/SCO Meeting, American ornithologists Union, San Diego, CA, "Breeding passerines assess nest predation risk through eavesdropping: An interspecific comparison," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (February 2010).

Emmering, Q. C., Schmidt, K., 44th Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Animal Behavior Society, Burlington, VT, "Songbirds assess nest-predation risk using a proximate cue of a predator: An experimental manipulation of chipmunk vocalizations.," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (July 2007).

Emmering, Q. C., Schmidt, K., Texas Tech University Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, TTUAB, Texax Tech University Lubbock, TX, "Songbirds assess nest- predation risk using proximate cues associated with predators: An experimental manipulation of chipmunk vocalizations," Local. (March 2007).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Schmidt, K. (Principal), "The Ecology of Information in Predator-Prey Interactions: Testing mechanisms by which informed prey avoid their predators in space and time," Sponsored by NSF, Texas Tech University, $600,000.00. (February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2013).

Schmidt, K. (Principal), "Collaborative research: The ecology of Anaplasma phagocytophilum: Reservoirs, risk, and incidence," Sponsored by NSF Infectious Diseases, Texas Tech University, $35,000.00. (August 1, 2008 - August 1, 2010).

Schmidt, K., "Eavesdropping may save your life: What information is contained in alarm calls and who’s listening in?," Sponsored by Natioanl Geographics Society, Private, $15,000.00. (November 2006 - December 2007).


Schmidt, K. (Co-Principal), "Acorn pulses and the dynamics of rodents, ticks, and Lyme- disease in oak forests," Sponsored by NSF, Other, $27,800.00. (May 2005 - April 2010).


Sponsored Research

Schmidt, K. (Co-Principal), Kingston, T. (Principal), McGinley, M. (Co-Principal), "Live from the field," Sponsored by TTU Education Initiative Grant (VPR Office), Texas Tech University, $208,000.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

New Format for existing course

Fall TTU 2010

"Advanced Topics in Biology," BIOL 6100-061.

New Course Preparation Work

Fall TTU 2010

"Population Ecology," BIOL 6301-061.


Committee Chair, Environmental Biology. (September 2011 - Present).

Committee Member, Initiatives Committee. (September 2009 - Present).

Committee Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee. (September 2008 - Present).

Committee Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (September 2009 - August 2010).

Committee Member, A&S Writing Committee. (2007 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Dylan W. Schwilk Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Assistant Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2227 ext. 252 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Postdoctoral Field Biology Institution Stanford University Year Awarded 2004

Degree Ph D Field Biology Institution Stanford University Year Awarded 2002

Degree BA Field Biology and English & Comparative Literary Studies Institution Occidental College Year Awarded 1996

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Institution/Agency TTU Year(s) September 2007 - Present

Title Ecologist GS-11 Institution/Agency US Geological Survey Year(s) May 1, 2004 - January 31, 2007

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Rita Quinones Magalhaes Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Maria Gaetani Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Russell Lackey 318

Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Tony Cullen Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed December 16, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Rita Quinones Magalhaes Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed December 16, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Elizabeth Waring Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Chenhui Li Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Mitra Minon Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Chun-Chia Huang Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Priyanka de Silva Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Amy Kuczynski Involvement Dissertation Defense Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University


Student's Name Hasitha Guvvala Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Yuanhua Wang Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Juliana Senawi Involvement Qualifying Exam Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Micah Beierle Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Natasja van Gestel Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed December 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Lisa Fultz Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed August 2012 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Micah Beierle Involvement Dissertation Defense Committee Member Year Completed May 4, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Renaldo Arroyo Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed June 1, 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Kyle Haralson Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed March 15, 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years


Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Climate Change BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 5309 Advanced Ecology

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Ecoloical Strategies of Plants BIOL 6100 Ecological Strategies of plants lab BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Ecological Strategies of Plants BIOL 6100 Ecological Strategies of plant lab

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research


BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Invited)

Ackerly, D. D., Schwilk, D., Webb, C. O. (2006). Niche evolution and adaptive radiation: testing the order of trait divergence. Ecology, 87, S50-S61.

Journal Articles (Accepted)

Quinones Magalhaes, R. M., Schwilk, D. (2012). Leaf traits and litter flammability: Evidence for non-additive mixture effects in a temperate forest. Journal of Ecology.

Stephens, L. S., McIver, J. D., Boerner, R. E.J., Fettig, C. J., Fontaine, J. B., Hartsough, B. R., Kennedy, P., Schwilk, D. (2012). Effects of forest fuel reduction treatments in the United States. Bioscience, 62, 549-560.

Schwilk, D., Keeley, J. E. (2012). A plant distribution shift: temperature, drought or past disturbance?. PLoS One, 7(2), e31173.

Schwilk, D., Zavala, N. (2012). Germination response of grassland species to plant-derived smoke. Journal of Arid Environments, 79, 111-115.

He, T., Pausas, J. G., Belcher, C. M., Schwilk, D., Lamont, B. B. (2012). Fire-adapted traits of Pinus arose in the fiery Cretaceous. New Phytologist, 194, 751-759.

Pausas, J. G., Schwilk, D. (2012). Fire and plant evolution. New Phytologist, 193, 301-303.

Van Gestel, N., Schwilk, D., Tissue, D., Zak, J. (2011). Reductions in daily soil temperature variability increase soil microbial biomass C and decrease soil N availability in the Chihuahuan Desert: potential implications for ecosystem C and N fluxes. Global Change Biology, 17(12), 3564-3576.

Schwilk, D., Caprio, A. C. (2011). Scaling from leaf traits to fire behaviour: community composition predicts fire severity in a temperate forest. Journal of Ecology, 99(4), 970-980.


Morlon, H., Schwilk, D., Bryant, J. A., Marquet, P. A., Rebelo, A. G., Tauss, C., Bohannan, B. J., Green, J. L. (2011). Spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity in mediterranean type ecosystems. Ecology Letters, 14(2), 141-149.

van Mantgem, P. J., Schwilk, D. (2009). Negligible influence of spatial autocorrelation in the assessment of fire effects in a mixed conifer forest. Fire Ecology, 5(2), 116-125.

Schwilk, D., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Bailey, J. D., Fettig, C. J., Fiedler, C. E., Harold, R. J., Moghaddas, J. J., Outcalt, K. W., Skinner, C. N., Stephens, S. L., Waldrop, T. A., Yaussy, D. A., Youngblood, A. (2009). The national Fire and Fire Surrogate study: effects of fuel reduction methods on forest vegetation structure and fuels. Ecological Applications, 19(2), 285-304.

Hartsough, B. R., Abrams, S., Barbour, R. J., Drews, E. S., McIver, J. D., Moghaddas, J. J., Schwilk, D., Stephens, S. L. (2008). The economics of alternative fuel reduction treatments in western United States dry forests: financial and policy implications from the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study.. Forest Policy and Economics, 10(6), 344-354.

Knapp, E., Schwilk, D., Kane, J., Keeley, J. E. (2007). The role of burning season on initial understory vegetation response to prescribed fire in a mixed conifer forest.. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 37(1), 11-22.

Ferrenberg, S. M., Schwilk, D., Knapp, E. E., Groth, E., Keeley, J. E. (2006). Fire decreases abundance but increases diversity: early and late season prescribed fire effects in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest. Fire Ecology, 2, 79-102.

Schwilk, D., Keeley, J. E. (2006). The role of fire refugia in the distribution of Pinus sabiniana in the southern Sierra Nevada.. Madrono, 53(4), 364-372.

Schwilk, D., Knapp, E., Ferrenberg, S., Keeley, J. E., Caprio, A. C. (2006). Tree mortality from fire and bark beetles following early and late season prescribed fires in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest.. Forest Ecology and Management, 232, 36-45.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer. (January 2012 - December 2012).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Academic journals. (January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011).

Reviewer, Book, Various. (January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Academic journals. (January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years



Pausas, J. G. (Coordinator/Organizer), Schwilk, D. (Coordinator/Organizer), MEDECOS XI: International Conference on Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems, MEDECOS, Los Angeles, CA, "Fire as evolutionary processes shaping plant traits," International, Published Elsewhere. (September 2011).

Schwilk, D. (Presenter & Author), Keeley, J. E. (Author Only), Special session: Climate Change and Fire, MEDECOS XI: International Conference on Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems, MEDECOS, Los Angeles, CA, "A vegetation shift upslope: climate warming, drought or fire?," International. (September 2011).

Schwilk, D. (Presenter & Author), Department of Natural Resources Colloquium, University of Nevada, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, "Fire, climate change and vegetation shifts," Regional. (March 31, 2011).

Schwilk, D., Association for Fire Ecology, Association for Fire Ecology, Savannah, Georgia, USA, "Scaling from leaf traits to fire behavior," International. (December 3, 2009).

Schwilk, D., Association for Fire Ecology, Association for Fire Ecology, Savannah, Georgia, USA, "The National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study: Effect of Alternative Fuel Reduction Methods on Forest Vegetation, Structure, and Fuels," International. (December 3, 2009).

Schwilk, D., Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of America, San Jose, California, USA, "Litter flammability and restoration fire: changes in stand composition influence fire severity," International. (August 2007).

Schwilk, D., Seminar series, Forest Science Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon, "Born to burn: is flammability niche construction?," Local. (February 15, 2007).


Schwilk, D. (Author Only), Magalhaes, R. R.M.Q. (Presenter & Author), Botany 2011, Botanical Society of America, St. Louis, Missouri, "Leaf traits and litter flammability:understanding multi-species mixtures," International. (July 10, 2012).

Schwilk, D. (Author Only), Gaetani, M. (Presenter & Author), Southwestern Fire Ecology Conference, Association for Fire Ecology, Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Tradeoffs in fire survival traits of oaks in the Trans-Pecos Mountains," National, Published in Proceedings. (March 1, 2012).

Quinones Magalhaes, R. M. (Presenter & Author), Schwilk, D. (Author Only), MEDECOS XI: International Conference on Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems, MEDECOS, Los Angeles, CA, "Leaf traits and litter flammability: understanding multi-species mixtures," International. (September 2011).


Schwilk, D. (Presenter & Author), Keeley, J. E. (Author Only), Ecological Soceiety of America, Ecological Soceiety of America, Austin, TX, "Ecological Soceiety of America," International. (August 2011).

Quinones Magalhaes, R. M. (Presenter & Author), Schwilk, D. (Author Only), Ecological Soceiety of America, Ecological Soceiety of America, Autin, TX, "Leaf traits and litter flammability: understanding multi-species mixtures," International. (August 2011).

Schwilk, D. (Presenter & Author), Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Junction, Texas, "Scaling from leaf traits to fire behavior: community composition predicts fire severity in a temperate forest," Regional. (April 24, 2010).

Zavala, N. (Presenter & Author), Schwilk, D. (Author Only), Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of America, Alburquerque, NM, "Fire-stimulated seed germination in Texas grassland species," International, Published in Proceedings. (August 5, 2009).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Schwilk, D. (Co-Principal), "TTU Riparian, Upland and Llano River Land and Habitat Improvement Projects.," Sponsored by TPWDF, State, $24,150.00. (October 13, 2011 - October 14, 2013).

Schwilk, D. (Co-Principal), "Evaluation of woody plant communities two years after the East Amarillo Complex wildfires.," Sponsored by TTU, Texas Tech University, $34,000.00. (2009 - 2010).

Grant - Not Funded

Schwilk, D., "DEB Preliminary Proposal: Linking community composition to fire behavior through leaf traits and mixture effects," Sponsored by NSF, Private, $200,000.00. (May 1, 2013 - April 30, 2016).

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Predicting fire behavior under climate change: are there non- additive mixture effects in litter flammability?," Sponsored by USDA Joint Fire Sciences, Federal, $24,903.00. (January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2015).

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Integrating physiology with landscape-level predictions of forest response to drought and fire: synthesizing information on the interactions among drought, temperature and regeneration stage in Texas Sky Island trees," Sponsored by USGS / South Central Climate Center, Federal, $183,750.00.

Schwilk, D. (Co-Principal), Olson, M. (Principal), Friedman, J. M. (Co-Principal), Tiffin, P. (Co-Principal), Schilling, J. (Co-Principal), "Association mapping of biomass yield, wood


properties, and drought tolerance in Populus deltoides," Sponsored by USDA, Federal, $1,478,359.00.

Schwilk, D. (Co-Principal), Holladay, S., "IOS Preliminary Proposal: Linking leaf traits, strategies of nitrogen use metabolism, and susceptibility to invasion," Sponsored by NSF, Federal.

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Leaf traits and flammability: Building a model for leaf morphology effects," Sponsored by NPS, Federal, $15,468.00. (September 1, 2010 - August 31, 2011).

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Collaborative Research: Plant functional traits and climate change — exploring the interactions among drought, temperature and regeneration stage.'' National Science Foundation. . Submitted \$429,179 total, \$286,483 to TTU," Federal, $286,483.00.

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Non-analog communities and litter flammability," Sponsored by USDA Joint Fire Sciences Program, Federal, $19,000.00.

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Collaborative Research: Plant functional traits and climate change — exploring the interactions among drought, temperature and regeneration stage," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $166,478.00.

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Collaborative Research: Plant functional traits and climate change — exploring the interactions among drought, temperature and regeneration stage," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $243,831.00.

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Potential plant distribution shifts in desert sky islands: hydraulic strategies and drought.," Sponsored by Norman Hackerman, State, $189,000.00.

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Plant distribution shifts: drought or temperature?," Sponsored by NSF EAGER, Federal, $34,000.00.

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Scaling from leaf traits to fire behavior," Sponsored by National Park Service, Federal, $30,000.00.

Schwilk, D. (Principal), "Flammability traits and fire regime: the potential for positive flammability feedbacks favoring a non-native invasive species in the northern Chihuahuan desert," Sponsored by SERDP, Federal, $150,000.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

New Format for existing course

Fall TTU 2011

"Ecological Strategies of plants lab," BIOL 6100-071.


New Course Preparation Work

Spring TTU 2012

"Climate Change," BIOL 6301-071.

Fall TTU 2010

"Advanced Ecological Strategies of Plants," BIOL 6301-071.


Committee Member, Botany committee. (January 1, 2011 - Present).

Committee Member, Graduate Student Affairs and Scolarships. (January 1, 2011 - Present).

Committee Member, Environmental Biology. (January 10, 2009 - Present).

Committee Chair, Recycling. (January 1, 2009 - Present).

Recruitment seminar. (November 18, 2010).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Dean Smith Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 2005

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 310 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Biological Sciences Institution Stanford University Year Awarded 1971

Degree MA Field Biological Sciences Institution Stanford University Year Awarded 1969

Degree BA Field Biology Institution Harvard University Year Awarded 1967

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Professor Emeritus Institution/Agency University of Hawaii Year(s) March 2010 - Present

Title Visiting Professor Institution/Agency University of Heidelberg Year(s) October 1, 2008 - September 30, 2009

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Kyungwoo Lee Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Wei Xu Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University 329

Student's Name Patrick Dennis Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 6301 Introduction to Stem Cells

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 6301 Adv Topics In Biology: Stem Cells, Genetic Technology, and Regenerative Medicine BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 6301 Introduction to Stem Cells

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Smith, D., Rosenheimer, J., K. R. (2007). Delayed rectifier and A-type potassium channels associated with Kv 2.1 and Kv 4.3 expression in embryonic rat neural progenitor cells. PLoSONE, 3(2), e1604.


Books (Accepted)


Smith, D. Managing the Research University.

Other (Accepted)

Smith, D. Senior Research Administration & Management Series.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Society of Research Adminstrators International.

Workshop Organizer, Society for Research Administration International, Arlington, VA. (October 16, 2010 - October 18, 2010).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Smith, D., 011 Advancing Ethical Research Conference, Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research, Washington, DC, "Managing the Research University," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published Elsewhere. (December 4, 2011).

Smith, D., Annual Meeting, Society for Research Administrators, Montreal, "Animal Research Ethics," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings, Published Elsewhere. (October 28, 2011).

Smith, D., Annual Meeting, Society for Research Administration International, Montreal, "Setting Up an Office of Research Administration," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (October 26, 2011).

Smith, D., Senior Research Administration and Management Webinar Series, Society for Research Administration International, Arlington, VA, "The Chief Research Officer's First 90 Days on the Job: Office Organization," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (July 27, 2010).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

New Format for existing course

Spring TTU 2011

"Adv Topics In Biology: Stem Cells, Genetic Technology, and Regenerative Medicine," BIOL 6301-050.

New Course Preparation Work


Spring TTU 2011

"Adv Topics In Biology: Stem Cells, Genetic Technology, and Regenerative Medicine," BIOL 6301-050.


Committee Member, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. (December 1, 2001 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Rich E. Strauss Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 285 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Institution Pennsylvania State University Year Awarded 1980

Degree MS Field Ecology (Interdisciplinary) Institution Pennsylvania State University Year Awarded 1977

Degree BA Field Biology Institution West Chester State University Year Awarded 1974

Degree Diploma in Computer Programming Field Computer Programming Institution Institute of Computer Management Year Awarded 1970

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) August 2006 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Courtney Thomason Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Adam Ferguson Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution


Student's Name Raquel Marchán-Rivadeneira Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Joseph Carmichael Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Kathryn Macdonald Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution

Student's Name Sam Wiley Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed June 2010 Institution

Student's Name Curtis Stennett Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed June 2009 Institution

Student's Name Tara Breeland Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed June 2007 Institution

Student's Name Norma Salcedo Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed June 2007 Institution

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research


Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6309 Applied Bayesian Statistics in Biology

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6309 Mutivariate statistics BIOL 6301 Mophometrics

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6304 Principles and Practice of Phylogenetic Systematics BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6309 Statistical Inference & analysis BIOL 6301 Research Tool

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis


Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6304 Principles and Practice of Phylogenetic Systematics BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Salcedo, N. J., Rodriguez, D., Strauss, R., Baker, R. (2011). The Fitzcarrald Arch: a vicariant event for Chaetostoma (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) speciation?. Copeia, 2011, 503-512.

Barabote, R. D., Thekkiniath, C., Vediyappan, G., Strauss, R., Fralick, J. A., San Francisco, M. (2011). Xenobiotic efflux in bacteria and fungi: a genomics update. Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology, 77, 237-306.

Stennett, C. R., Strauss, R. (2010). Behavioural lateralization in zebrafish and four related species of minnows (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae). Animal Behaviour, 79, 1339-1342.

Marchán-Rivadeneira, R. R., Phillips, C., Strauss, R., Guerrero, J. A., Mancina, C. A., Baker, R. (2010). Cranial differentiation of fruit-eating bats (genus Artibeus) based on size- standardized data. Acta Chiropterologica, 12, 143-154.

Chizinski, C. J., Pope, K. L., Wilde, G., Strauss, R. (2010). Implications of stunting on morphology of freshwater fish. Journal of Fish Biology, 76, 564-579.

Holsomback, T. S., McIntyre, N., Nisbett, R. A., Strauss, R., Chu, Y.-K., Abuzeineh, A. A., de la Sancha, N., Dick, C. W., Jonsson, C. B., Morris, B. E.L. (2009). Bayou virus detected in non-oryzomyine rodent hosts: an assessment of habitat composition, reservoir community structure, and marsh rice rat social dynamics.. Journal of Vector Ecology, 34, 9-21.

Campbell, M. D., Patino, R., Tolan, J., Strauss, R., Diamond-Tissue, S. (2009). Sublethal effects of catch-and-release fishing: measuring capture stress, fish impairment, and predation risk using a condition index. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67(3), 513-521.

Chipman, E. D., McIntyre, N., Strauss, R., Wallace, M., Ray, J. D., Boal, C. (2008). Effects of human land use on Western Burrowing Owl foraging and activity budgets. Journal of Raptor Research, 42, 87–98.


Higgins, C. L., Strauss, R. (2008). Modeling stream-fish assemblages with niche apportionment models: patterns, processes, and scale dependence. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 137, 696–706.

Abuzeineh, A. A., Owen, R., McIntyre, N., Dick, C. W., Strauss, R., Holsomback, T. (2007). Response of the marsh rice rat (Oryzomys palustris) to inundation of habitat. Southwestern Naturalist, 52, 75-78.

Carmichael, J. A., Strauss, R., McIntyre, N. (2007). Seasonal variation of North American form of Gigantolaelaps mattogrossensis (Acari: Laelapidae) on marsh rice rat in southern coastal Texas. Journal of Medical Entomology, 44, 80-84.

Book Chapters (Accepted)

Strauss, R. (2010). In E. Ashraf (Ed.), Discriminating groups of organisms (pp. 73-91). New York: Morphometrics for Nonmorphometricians; Springer.

Strauss, R. (2010). In E. Ashraf (Ed.), Prospectus: the future of morphometrics (pp. 345- 352). New York: Morphometrics for Nonmorphometricians ; Springer.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Mellon, R. (Presenter & Author), Wiley, S. (Author Only), Strauss, R. (Author Only), Texas Tech University Undergraduate Research Conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Effects of inbreeding on sexual behaviors in male Poecilia reticulata," Local. (March 2010).

Mellon, R. (Author Only), Wiley, S. (Author Only), Strauss, R. (Presenter & Author), Texas Poeciliid Biologist Conference, San Marcos State University, San Marcos, TX, "Effects of inbreeding on sexual behavior in male guppies, Poecilia reticulata," Regional. (December 2009).

Strauss, R. (Presenter & Author), McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Johnson, L. (Author Only), Haukos, D. (Author Only), Graph theory seminar, Biomathematics group, TTU, Lubbock, TX, "Use of graph theory to predict effects of playa loss on wildlife migration," Local. (October 2009).


Strauss, R. (Presenter & Author), International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology: Education and Researc, University of Portland, Portland OR, "Quantification of pigmentation patterns in a diverse group of catfishes," International. (December 2011).


Ferguson, A. W. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R., Peterson, A. T. (Author Only), Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, "Characterization of the abiotic niche of the American hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus leuconotus) using ecological niche modeling: past and present viewpoints," Local, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2011).

Thomason, C. A. (Presenter & Author), Knowles, S. (Author Only), Graham, A. L. (Author Only), Pederson, A. B. (Author Only), Strauss, R., Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, "Population-level effects of coinfection by Bartonella and intestinal nematodes in Peromyscus leucopus," Local, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2011).

Allison, G. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R., Mellon, R. (Author Only), Wiley, S. (Author Only), Texas Tech University Undergraduate Research Conference, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, "Effects of inbreeding on courtship behavior in female guppies, Poecilia reticulata," Local. (April 2011). de la Sancha, N. U. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. (Author Only), Annual Meeting, American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, WY, "Exploring richness in the Interior Atlantic Forest remnants of eastern Paraguay: a predictive model for non-volant small mammals," International. (June 2010).

McIntyre, N. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. (Author Only), Annual Meeting, U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Athens, GA, "A multi-scaled graph theory approach to identifying critical habitat clusters within the playa wetland network of the Great Plains," National. (April 2010). de la Sancha, N. U. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. (Author Only), Annual Meeting, Southwest Association of Naturalists (SWAN), Juncntion, TX, "A predictive model of non- volant small mammal assemblages in eastern Paraguay Atlantic Forest remnants," Regional. (April 2010).

McIntyre, N. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. (Author Only), The 24th Annual Symposium of the U.S. Regional Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, U.S. Regional Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Snowbird, UT, "Prioritization of wetlands for conservation: an approach using graph theory," National, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (2009).

Ordóñez-Garza, N. (Presenter & Author), Matson, J. (Author Only), Strauss, R. (Author Only), Bradley, R. (Author Only), Salazar-Bravo, J. (Author Only), 10th International Mammalogical Congress, International Federation of Mammalogists, Mendoza, Argentina, "Phenetic and genetic concordance among three species of endemic Peromyscus (Rodentia) from Mesoamerican highlands," International. (August 2009).

Sullivan, L. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. (Presenter Only), Diamond-Tissue, S. (Presenter Only), Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada, "Tracking


Atlantic croaker movement in the Gulf of Mexico: a shifting element mosaic in the “dead zone”?," International. (August 2008).

Strauss, R. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Montreal, Can, "Using Markov models to assess effects of inbreeding on courtship behavior of guppies (Poecilia reticulata)," International. (July 2008).

Marchán-Rivadeneira, M. R. (Presenter & Author), Strauss, R. (Author Only), Guerrero, J. A. (Author Only), Mancina, C. A. (Author Only), Baker, R. (Author Only), Annual Meeting, Society for the Study of Evolution, Minneapolis, MN, "Evolutionary shape changes in the skull of fruit-eating bats (genus Artibeus): evidence from fossil and extant taxa," International. (June 2008).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

President's Excellence in Teaching Award, Texas Tech University. (April 20, 2010).

Outstanding Faculty Award, Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society and Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society. (November 8, 2008).

New Course Preparation Work

Spring TTU 2012

"Applied Bayesian Statistics in Biology," BIOL 6309-001. First time that information on Bayesian statistics has been available in course format for graduate students in department Full lecture notes and auxiliary readings posted online



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: David Tissue Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: Campus Mail Stop: Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Van Gestel, N., Schwilk, D., Tissue, D., Zak, J. (2011). Reductions in daily soil temperature variability increase soil microbial biomass C and decrease soil N availability in the Chihuahuan Desert: potential implications for ecosystem C and N fluxes. Global Change Biology, 17(12), 3564-3576.

Robertson, T., Zak, J., Tissue, D. (2010). Variable natural and five years of supplemental precipitation affect species richness and plant density in a sotol-grassland in the Chihuahuan Desert.. Oecologia, 162, 185-197.

Robertson, T., Bell, C., Zak, J., Tissue, D. (2009). Precipitation timing and magnitude differentially affect aboveground annual net primary productivity in three perennial species in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland.. New Phytologist, 181, 230-242.

Bell, C., McIntyre, N., Cox, S., Tissue, D., Zak, J. (2008). Soil Microbial Responses to Temporal Variations of Moisture and Temperature in Chihuahuan Desert Grassland.. Microbial Ecology, 56, 153-167.. 342

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Gene R. Wilde Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date:

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 290 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Zoology Institution Oklahoma State University Year Awarded 1994

Degree MS Field Biological Sciences Institution University of Nevada, Las Vegas Year Awarded 1984

Degree BS Field Biological Sciences Institution University of Nevada, Las Vegas Year Awarded 1978

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) August 15, 2007 - Present

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) August 1, 2001 - August 1, 2007

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis


Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Introduction of Meta Analysis BIOL 6100 Advanced Ichthyology Lab BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis


VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Chizinski, C. J., Pope, K. L., Wilde, G., Strauss, R. (2010). Implications of stunting on morphology of freshwater fish. Journal of Fish Biology, 76, 564-579.

Wilde, G., Chizinski, C. J., Pope, K. L. (2010). Implications of stunting on morphology of freshwater fishes. Journal of Fish Biology, 76, 564-579.

Wilde, G. (2009). Does venting promote survival of released fish?. Fisheries, 34(1), 20-28.

Wilde, G., Sawynok, W. (2009). Effect of hook removal on recapture rates of 27 species of angler-caught fishes in Australia. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 138, 692- 697.

Wilde, G., Durham, B. W. (2009). Effects of streamflow and intermittency on the reproductive success of two broadcast-spawning cyprinid fishes. Copeia, 2009, 21-28.

Wilde, G., Durham, B. W. (2009). Population dynamics of smalleye shiner an imperiled cyprinid fish endemic to the Brazos River, Texas. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138, 138, 666-674.

Wilde, G., Durham, B. W. (2008). A life-history model for peppered chub, a broadcast spawning cyprinid. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 137, 1657-1666.

Wilde, G., Pope, K. L. (2008). A model for predicting survival of angler-caught and released largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 137, 834-840.

Wilde, G., Durham, B. W. (2008). Composition and abundance of drifting fish larvae in the Canadian River, Texas. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 23, 273-280.

Wilde, G., Durham, B. W. (2008). Daily survival rates of larvae and juveniles of six species of Great Plains cyprinid fishes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 137, 830- 833.

Wilde, G., Durham, B. W. (2008). Synchronous and asynchronous spawning in a Great Plains cyprinid fish. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 17, 528-541.

Wilde, G., Durham, B. W. (2008). Validation of daily growth increment formation in the otoliths of juvenile cyprinid fishes from the Brazos River, Texas, USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 28, 442-446.


Wilde, G., Knabe, D. W., Pope, K. L. (2007). The effect of catch-and-release angling on survival and growth of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 14, 115-121.

Wilde, G., Durham, B. W., Pope, K. L. (2006). Biodiversity implications of a temperature caused fish kill in a flowing prairie river. Southwestern Naturalist, 51, 397-401.

Wilde, G., Durham, B. W. (2006). Influence of stream discharge on reproductive success of a prairie stream fish assemblage. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 135, 1644- 1653.

Book Chapters (Accepted)

Wilde, G., Cooke, S. J. (2007). The fate of fish released by recreational anglers (pp. 181- 234). Amsterdam: Springer.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Board Member/Foundation, 6th World Recreational Fishing Conference, Berlin.

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), Workshop on Barotrauma in Marine Recreational Fisheries, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Atlanta, GA, "Avoidance: management and fishing techniques to minimize capture of unwanted fish," National, Published Elsewhere. (March 2011).


Wilde, G. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter, American Fisheries Society., Texas Chapter, American Fisheries Society, San Marcos, TX, "Reproductive ecology of the red shiner in the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River, Texas.," State. (February 2011).


Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), 6th World Recreational Fishing Conference, World Recreational Fishing Conference, Berlin, Germany, "Use of Google Insights for Search in fisheries.," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (August 2011).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Weissenfluh, D. S. (Presenter & Author), Baldino, C. R. (Author Only), Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge Symposium, National Park Service, Pahrump, NV, "Evaluating methodology and habitat selection for the endangered warm


springs pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis pectoralis) in School Springs Refuge," Regional. (2010).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Weissenfluh, D. S. (Presenter & Author), Baldino, C. R. (Author Only), Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, "Distribution of endangered warm springs pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis pectoralis) within a desert spring refuge," Local. (2010).

Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), 41st Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Desert Fishes Council, Furnace Creek, CA, "Development and assessment of population dynamics models for Ash Meadows fishes," Regional. (2009).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Weissenfluh, D. S. (Presenter & Author), Baldino, C. R. (Author Only), 41st Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council, Desert Fishes Council, Furnace Creek, CA, "Distribution and habitat selection of endemic fish and invertebrate species within a desert spring refuge," Regional. (2009).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Urbanczyk, A. C. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN, "Reproductive ecology of the plains minnow, a fractional spawning cyprinid, in the Brazos River, Texas," National. (2009).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Knabe, D. W. (Presenter & Author), Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN, "Reproductive ecology of the red shiner in the Brazos River, Texas," National. (2009).

Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, New Orleans, LA, "Does venting promote survival of released fishes?," Regional. (2009).

Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), Pope, K. L. (Author Only), 5th World Recreational Fishing Conference, Dania Beach, FL, "A conceptual model for trophy fish production," International. (2008).

Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), Pope, K. L. (Author Only), 5th World Recreational Fishing Conference, Dania Beach, FL, "Latitudinal variation in maximum weight of angler-caught fishes," International. (2008).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Durham, B. W. (Author Only), Urbanczyk, A. C. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Texas Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Junction, TX, "A review of the study of heat shock proteins in fishes and their potential use for understanding physiological tolerance," State. (2008).

Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), Durham, B. W. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Texas Chapter, American Fisheries Society,


Junction, TX, "Conservation implications of elasticity patterns in Great Plains cyprinids," State. (2008).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Durham, B. W. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Texas Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Junction, TX, "Development of the Upper Brazos River Basin: effects of existing and proposed reservoirs on native fish abundance," State. (2008).

Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), Durham, B. W. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, NM, "Population dynamics models for imperiled stream-fish populations," Regional. (2007).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Durham, B. W. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, NM, "Reproductive failure as a mechanism for the decline of imperiled stream-fish populations," Regional. (2007).

Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), Durham, B. W. (Author Only), Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Stephenville, TX, "Population dynamics of Great Plains fishes," Regional. (2007).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Chizinski, C. J. (Presenter & Author), Pope, K. L. (Author Only), Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Memphis, TN, "Latitudinal variation in life-history traits in Centrachidae," Regional. (2007).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Durham, B. W. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, NY, "A framework for the study of stream-fish population dynamics," International. (2006).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Gaines, B. (Presenter & Author), Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, NY, "A survey of the fish assemblage and riverine habitat characteristics of the Wichita River," International. (2006).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Pope, K. L. (Presenter & Author), Hurley, K. L. (Author Only), Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Gretna, NE, "Relationship between fishery quality and master angler catches," State. (2006).

Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), Durham, B. W. (Author Only), Ecology of Stream Fish: State of the Art and Future Prospects Symposium II, Leòn, Spain NE, "Population dynamics models for broadcast spawning stream fishes," International. (2006).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Urbanczyk, A. C. (Presenter & Author), Pope, K. L. (Author Only), Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Southern


Division American Fisheries Society, San Antonio, TX, "Potential use of North American fishery agency record-fish lists in identifying patterns in trophy fish occurrence," Regional. (2006).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Pope, K. L. (Presenter & Author), Hurley, K. L. (Author Only), Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, San Antonio, TX, "Relationship between fishery quality and angler catches of trophy fishes," Regional. (2006).

Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, San Antonio, TX, "Symposium wrap up: the role of science in trophy fish management," Regional. (2006).

Wilde, G. (Presenter & Author), Pope, K. L. (Author Only), Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, San Antonio, TX, "The science of trophy fish management," Regional. (2006).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Knabe, D. W. (Presenter & Author), Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, San Antonio, TX, "Theoretical model for prey size selection by largemouth bass," Regional. (2006).

Wilde, G. (Author Only), Durham, B. W. (Presenter & Author), Midyear Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, San Antonio, TX, "Validation of daily growth increments formation in the otoliths of juvenile Brazos River fishes," Regional. (2006).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Wilde, G. (Principal), "Population dynamics of fishes in the upper Brazos River," Sponsored by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, State, $317,476.00. (September 1, 2007 - August 31, 2012).

Wilde, G. (Principal), "Red River Chloride Control baseline inventory of aquatic resources and location of instream refugia and limnological survy of Lake Kemp," Sponsored by with Weston Solutions, Inc., Broken Bow, Oklahoma, Private, $207,607.00. (June 1, 2010 - December 31, 2011).

Wilde, G. (Principal), "Red River Chloride Control baseline inventory of aquatic resources and location of instream refugia," Sponsored by Weston Solutions, Inc., Broken Bow, Oklahoma, Private, $101,738.00. (September 1, 2006 - December 31, 2008).


Wilde, G. (Principal), "Red River Chloride Control baseline inventory of aquatic resources and location of instream refugia," Sponsored by Weston Solutions, Inc., Broken Bow, Oklahoma, Private, $156,654.00. (September 1, 2005 - December 31, 2006).


Wilde, G. (Principal), "Migration of Arkansas River shiner and other broadcast spawning fishes in the Canadian River, New Mexico-Texas," Sponsored by Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Federal, $70,569.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Zhixin Xie Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Associate Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 2005

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-3722 ext. 279 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Institution University of Idaho Year Awarded 2000

Degree MS Field Plant Genetic Improvement Institution Zhejiang Agricultural University Year Awarded 1987

Degree BS Field Agronomy Institution Zhejiang Agricultural University Year Awarded 1984

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Institution/Agency Year(s)

Title Institution/Agency Year(s)

Title Institution/Agency Year(s)

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2011 - Present

Title Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2005 - August 31, 2011

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years) 354

Student's Name Kanhav Khanna Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 31, 2009 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Kalpana Gardiyawasam Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nancy Layland Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Polrit Virvathana Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Ben QIN Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Aziz Mina Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nick Sanford Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Thiya Mukherjee Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Yingfeng Zhu Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed


Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Yingwen JIANG Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Qingxia RUAN Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Yun SUN Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Meenakshi Mittal Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Amandeep Mittal Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Fan Jia Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Fanqian Ouyang Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed August 31, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name JAYASRI ALLUVADA Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 31, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Hui Wang Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 31, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University


V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 "RNA Silencing&Regulatory Small RNA'S

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced cell Biology II

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 "RNA Silencing&Regulatory Small RNA'S BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Cell Biology II

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology


VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Xie, Z., Khanna, K., Ruan, S. (2010). Expression of microRNAs and its regulation in plants. Semin Cell Dev Biol.

Liu, X., Huang, J., Wang, Y., Khanna, K., Xie, Z., Owen, H. A., Zhao, D. (2010). The role of floral organs in carpels, an Arabidopsis loss-of-function mutation in MicroRNA160a, in organogenesis and the mechanism regulating its expression. The Plant Journal, 62(3), 416- 28.

Xie, Z., Qi, X. (2008). Diverse small RNA-directed silencing pathways in plants. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1779, 720-724.

Book Chapters (Invited)

Xie, Z., Jia, G., Ghosh, A. (2012). Small RNAs in Plants. In R. Sunkar (Ed.), MicroRNAs in Plant Development and Stress Responses (pp. 28 pages). Heidelberg: Springer.

Xie, Z. (2011). Biogenesis and function of virus-derived small interfering RNAs in plants. In Erdmann VA and Barciszewski J (Ed.), Non-coding RNAs in plants (pp. 485-498). Heidelberg: Springer.

Book Chapters (Accepted)

Xie, Z. (2010). In Meyers BC. and Green PJ. (Ed.), Piecing the puzzle together: Genetic requirements for miRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana (Methods Mol Biol ed., vol. 592, pp. 1-17). Springer.

Conference Proceedings (Accepted)

Bao, F. S., Xie, Z., Zhang, Y. (2010). Fast Phased Small RNA Cycle Counting Algorithms. Proceedings of BIBE (pp. 130-135).

Bao, F. S., Xie, Z., Zhang, Y. (2010). Fast phased small RNA cycle counting algorithms (2010th ed., pp. 130-135). 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, BIBE.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, American Society of Plant Biologists. (June 1, 1999 - Present).


Reviewer, Grant Proposal, BARD, the United States - Israel Binational Agricultural Research & Development Fund. (December 31, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, The Plant Cell. (November 11, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. (September 12, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Nucleic Acids Research. (July 23, 2011).

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, the Dutch research council). (July 4, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Cell Research. (June 3, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Nucleic Acids Research. (April 14, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Plant Molecular Biology. (March 30, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Nucleic Acids Research. (March 13, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Virology. (March 3, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Frontiers in Biology. (March 2, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. (February 14, 2011).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Frontiers in Biology. (January 6, 2011).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Xie, Z., 2010 Kriton Hatzios Symposium, The Southern Section of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Knoxville, TN, "Explore the Small RNA World Using Plant Model Systems," Regional, Published in Proceedings. (April 11, 2010).

Xie, Z., The 17th International Conference on Plant & Animal Genomes, San Diego, CA, "Biogenesis and Function of Virus-derived Small RNAs in Plants," International, Published in Proceedings. (January 10, 2009).


Bao, F. (Presenter & Author), Xie, Z. (Author Only), Zhang, Y. (Author Only), The 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Philadelphia, PA, "Fast Phased Small RNA Cycle


Counting Algorithms," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (May 31, 2010).

Qi, X. (Author Only), Bao, F. (Author Only), Qi, X. (Author Only), Wu, Y. (Author Only), Lee, B. (Author Only), Chen, D. (Author Only), Wilkins, T. (Author Only), Xie, Z. (Presenter & Author), Keystone symposium on "RNA Silencing Mechanisms in Plants”, Santa Fe, NM, "Evidence for an Important Role of miRNAs in the Developing Cotton Fibers," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (February 25, 2010).


Srivastava, A. (Author Only), Bailey, B. K. (Author Only), Yuan, Y. (Author Only), Qi, X. (Author Only), Xie, Z. (Presenter & Author), Cell Symposia:Regulatory RNAs, Chicago, IL, "A Species of Conserved, Telomeric Repeat-associated Small Interfering RNAs in Plants," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (October 12, 2011).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Xie, Z. (Principal), Wilkins, T. (Co-Principal), "Uncover the Regulatory Role of microRNAs in Developing Cotton Fiber," Sponsored by Southwest Consortium on Plant Genetics and Water Resources, Other, $60,000.00. (September 1, 2009 - July 14, 2013).

Xie, Z. (Principal), "Role of RNA Silencing in Telomere Dynamics," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $210,574.00. (May 1, 2009 - October 30, 2012).

Sponsored Research

Xie, Z. (Principal), Wilkins, T. (Co-Principal), "A Global Approach toward Manipulation of Tissue- and Development Stage-specific Gene Expression in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)," Sponsored by TTU/Texas/private source matching funds, Texas Tech University, $389,752.00. (December 1, 2010 - November 30, 2013).

Grant - Not Funded

Xie, Z. (Principal), Shi, H. (Co-Principal), "Argonaute Protein Dynamics in RNA-directed DNA Methylation," Sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Texas Tech University, $650,962.00. (April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2015).

Xie, Z. (Co-Principal), Wilkins, T. (Principal), "GEPR: Epigenomic Regulation of Gene Expression in Cotton Fiber," Sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF), Texas Tech University, $2,449,465.00. (September 1, 2011 - August 31, 2014).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

NSF Travel Award, Directorate for Biological Sciences (DBS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF). (August 2, 2011).

New Format for existing course

Spring TTU 2010

"Advanced Topics in Biology," BIOL 6301-066.

New Course Preparation Work

Fall TTU 2011

"Advanced cell Biology II," BIOL 6301-080.

Fall TTU 2010

"Advanced Cell Biology II," BIOL 6301-066.


Committee Member, Departmental Initiatives. (September 1, 2011 - August 31, 2012).

Committee Member, Graduate Student Affairs & Scholarships. (September 1, 2010 - August 31, 2012).

Committee Member, Growth Chamber Coordination-Biology. (September 1, 2010 - August 31, 2012).

Committee Member, Plant Biology. (September 1, 2010 - August 31, 2012).

Committee Member, Space Committee. (September 1, 2010 - August 31, 2012).

Reviewer of mini-grant Proposals, The 2011 TTUAB Grants-In-Aid competition. (May 3, 2011).

Hosted a 2011 Clark Scholar in the lab and served as a faculty mentor, Clark Scholars Program. (June 21, 2011 - August 4, 2011).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: John Zak Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1986

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-3833 ext. 238 Campus Mail Stop: Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Biology (Soil Ecology) Institution University of Calgary Year Awarded 1981

Degree MS Field Biology (Fungal Ecology) Institution University of Pittsburgh Year Awarded 1976

Degree BS Field BS Institution University of Pittsburgh Year Awarded 1974

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Associate Dean for Research in Arts and Sciences Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) December 7, 2009 - Present

Title Professor of Biological Sciences Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1998 - Present

Title Chair of Biological Sciences Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) 2002 - December 2009

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Trevor Mason Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nirmala Durhanga Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair 363

Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Natasja van Gestel Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Apolinar Ortiz Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Chair Year Completed August 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Heath Grizzle Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed August 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Ben Qin Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Hasitha Guvvala Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Nishant Chalise Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Rachael Price Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jenny Strovas Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jose Thekkiniath


Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Tejpreet Chadha Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Shalika Silva Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed December 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Rita Quinones-Magalhaes Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed August 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Tirhas Hailu Involvement Master's Thesis Committee Member Year Completed May 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Fungal Biology BIOL 6101 Advanced Fungal Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology


Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2011 MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis MBIO 5401 Current Perspectives in Microbial Ecology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6101 Advanced Fungal Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 MBIO 6000 Master's Thesis BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Fungal Biology BIOL 6101 Advanced Fungal Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis


VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Anderson, J. A., Hooper, M. J., Zak, J., Cox, S. Characterization of the structural and functional diversity of indigenous soil microbial communities in smelter-impacted and non- impacted soils.. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28, 534-541.

Anderson, J. A., Hooper, M. J., Zak, J., Cox, S. Molecular and functional assessment of bacterial community convergence in metal-amended soils. Microbial Ecology, 58, 10-22.

Van Gestel, N., Schwilk, D., Tissue, D., Zak, J. (2011). Reductions in daily soil temperature variability increase soil microbial biomass C and decrease soil N availability in the Chihuahuan Desert: potential implications for ecosystem C and N fluxes. Global Change Biology, 17(12), 3564-3576.

Carr, D., Morse, A., Zak, J., Anderson, T. (2011). Biological degradation of common pharmaceuticals and personal care products in soils with high water content. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 217, 127-134.

Carr, D., Morse, A., Zak, J., Anderson, T. (2011). Microbially mediated degradation of common pharmaceuticals and personal care products in soil under aerobic and reduced oxygen conditions. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 216, 633-642.

Anderson, J. A., Cañas, J., Long, M. K., Zak, J., Cox, S. (2010). Bacterial community dynamics in high and low bioavailability soils following laboratory exposure to a range of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine concentrations. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29(1), 38-44.

Robertson, T., Zak, J., Tissue, D. (2010). Variable natural and five years of supplemental precipitation affect species richness and plant density in a sotol-grassland in the Chihuahuan Desert.. Oecologia, 162, 185-197.

Zhang, H., Murzello, C., Sun, Y., Kim, M.-S., Xie, X., Jeter, R., Zak, J., Dowd, S., Pare, P. (2010). Choline and osmotic-stress tolerance induced in Arabidopsis by the soil microbe Bacillus subtilis (GB03). Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions/American Phytopathological Society, 23(8), 1097-1104.

Bell, C., Martinez, V., McIntyre, N., Cox, S., Tissue, D., Zak, J. (2009). Linking microbial community structure and function to seasonal differences in soil moisture and temperature in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland.. Microbial Ecology, 58, 827-842.


Robertson, T., Bell, C., Zak, J., Tissue, D. (2009). Precipitation timing and magnitude differentially affect aboveground annual net primary productivity in three perennial species in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland.. New Phytologist, 181, 230-242.

Bell, C., McIntyre, N., Cox, S., Tissue, D., Zak, J. (2008). Soil Microbial Responses to Temporal Variations of Moisture and Temperature in Chihuahuan Desert Grassland.. Microbial Ecology, 56, 153-167..

Huddleston, J. R., Zak, J., Jeter, R. (2007). Sampling bias created by ampicillin in isolation media for Aeromonas. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 53(1), 39–44.

Huddleston, J. R., Zak, J., Jeter, R. (2006). Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Aeromonas spp. Isolated from Environmental Sources. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72(11), 7036–7042.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Cobb, G., Abel, M. T., Rainwater, T. R., Austin, G. P., Marsland, E. J., Anderson, T., Cox, S., Leftwich, B. D., Kendall, R. J., Zak, J., Presley, S. (2006). Metal distributions in New Orleans following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: a continuation study. Environmental Science and Technology, 40(15), 4571-4577.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, Ecological Society of America.

Editoral Board, Mycological Society of America.

Member, Sigma Xi.

Board of Directors, Soil Ecology Society of America.

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Arid Environments. (January 2011 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Microbial Ecology. (January 2008 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Soil Biology and Biochemistry. (January 1990 - Present).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, FEMS-Microbiology. (January 2011 - December 2011).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, National Science Foundation. (January 2011 - December 2011).

Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Nature. (January 2011 - December 2011).


Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Plant and Soil. (January 2011 - December 2011).

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Zak, J. (Presenter & Author), Hayhoe, K. (Presenter & Author), Sigma Xi, TTU, "Climate Science and Its Ramifications," Local. (January 25, 2012).

Zak, J. (Presenter & Author), Rogers University, "Ecosystem Responses to Changing Climate in the Chihuahuan Desert: What do we know!," Regional. (September 2011).

Zak, J. (Presenter & Author), The Presidents Teaching Award Scholars, TTU- TLPD, TTU, "How to Learn to Cook for 5 - 500-teaching in the Classroom," Local. (September 2011).

Zak, J. (Presenter & Author), Site Visit for the SCCSC, USGS, Norman, OK, "The South- Central Region:Issues and Challenges," National. (June 2011).


Zak, J. (Presenter & Author), Dhungana, N. (Presenter & Author), van Gestel, N. (Presenter & Author), Ecological Society of America, San Antonio, "Responses of a soil microbial community to reduced daily soil temperature variability: A field study in the Chihuahuan Desert," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed, Published in Proceedings. (August 2011).

Zak, J. (Presenter & Author), Understanding Conservation and Human Impacts, TTU, TTU, "Observations from a Biologist," National. (April 2011).

Jeter, R. (Author Only), Kumari, R. (Presenter & Author), Murzello, C. (Author Only), Melester, B. (Author Only), Acosta-Martinez, V. (Author Only), San Francisco, M. (Author Only), Zak, J. (Author Only), 94th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Effects of crop management on microbial diversity and biochemical properties of agroecosystems under semi-arid conditions," National. (August 2, 2009).

Jeter, R. (Author Only), Kumar, S. (Presenter & Author), Kumari, R. (Author Only), Dowd, S. (Author Only), San Francisco, M. (Author Only), Zak, J. (Author Only), 94th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Evaluating tillage effect on bacterial diversity in a semi-arid agroecosystems using pyrosequencing," National. (August 2, 2009).

Jeter, R. (Author Only), Kumar, S. (Presenter & Author), Dowd, S. (Author Only), Acosta- Martinez, V. (Author Only), McMichael, B. (Author Only), Zak, J. (Author Only), San Francisco, M. (Author Only), 2008 Joint Meeting of the Texas and South Central Branches of the American Society for Microbiology, Texas and South Central Branches of the


American Society for Microbiology, Austin, Texas, "Bacterial diversity in peanut (Arachis hypogaea) rhizosphere in semi-arid climate: impact of nitrogen fertilization," Regional. (November 9, 2008).


Zak, J. (Presenter & Author), Sul Ross State University, Alpine TX, "Ecosystem Responses to Changing Climate in the Chihuahuan Desert: What do we know!," Regional. (November 2011).

Bell, C. (Presenter & Author), Zak, J., McIntyre, N. (Author Only), Cox, S., Grizzle, H., The 11th Biennial Soil Ecology Society Meeting, Moab, UT, "Microbial responses to environmental factors in the sotol grasslands of Big Bend National Park: implications for predicting responses to global climate change." (2007).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Kucera, J. (Principal), Horita, J. (Co-Principal), Hudnall, W. (Co-Principal), Zak, J. (Co- Principal), "Soil Microbial Communities: Key Indicators of Soil Carbon Transformations When Conservation Reserve Program Land is Converted to Cropland," Sponsored by USDA- AFRI, Federal, $480,000.00.

Cañas, J. (Principal), Brown, T. (Supporting), Aguirre, Z. (Supporting), Cox, S. (Supporting), Munoz, J. (Supporting), Zak, J. (Supporting), "Plains Bridges to the Baccaluareate: Increasing Minorities in Sciences," Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Federal, $1,080,000.00. (2008 - 2013).

Jeter, R. (Principal), McMichael, B. (Co-Principal), Pare, P. (Co-Principal), San Francisco, M. (Co-Principal), Zak, J. (Co-Principal), "Unlocking the Economic Potential of the Soil Biodiversity in Arid-Land Agriculture," Sponsored by Texas Tech University Office of Vice President for Research, Texas Tech University, $549,373.00. (January 1, 2007 - December 31, 2009).

Sponsored Research

Zak, J. (Co-Principal), Paton, V. (Principal), Arsuffi, T. (Co-Principal), "HSI-STEM Grant - TTU and El Centro College," Sponsored by Dept of Education, Federal, $1,300,000.00. (October 2008 - September 2011).

Zak, J. (Principal), "Effects of Grassland Restoration Efforts on Soil Resources in Degraded Tabosa," Sponsored by DOI, Federal, $7,000.00. (April 2009 - August 2011).


McMichael, B. (Principal), Zak, J. (Co-Principal), "Strategies for managing root rot in cotton," Sponsored by Cotton Incorporated, Texas Tech University, $15,000.00. (July 20, 2010 - December 31, 2010).

Contract - Pending

Presley, S. (Principal), Kendall, R. (Co-Principal), Cobb, G. (Co-Principal), Smith, P. (Co- Principal), Zak, J. (Supporting), "Centre for Environmental, Health, and Safety Management In KEPA’s Environmental Monitoring Centre at Shuaiba Industrial Area of Kuwait," Sponsored by Government of Kuwait, Other, $400,375.00.

Presley, S. (Principal), Kendall, R. (Co-Principal), Cobb, G. (Co-Principal), Smith, P. (Co- Principal), Zak, J. (Supporting), "Centre for Environmental, Health, and Safety Management In KEPA’s Environmental Monitoring Centre at Shuaiba Industrial Area of Kuwait," Sponsored by Government of Kuwait, Other, $400,375.00.

Grant - Pending

Rainwater, K. (Co-Principal), Zak, J. (Principal), Hayhoe, K. (Co-Principal), "A Proposal to Host the Department of the Interior's South-Central Climate Science Center," Sponsored by U.S. Geological Survey, Federal, $662,292.00. (2012 - Present).

Sponsored Research - Not Funded

Zak, J. (Co-Principal), "IGERT: Desert-biofuels-Sustainable Renewable Energy for Semi- arid Region," Sponsored by NSF, Federal.

Zak, J. (Co-Principal), "SCI- Zoonosis Center," Sponsored by NSF, Federal.

Sponsored Research - Pending

Zak, J. (Co-Principal), McMichael, B. (Principal), "Strategies for Managing Soil Pathogens in Cotton Roots," Sponsored by Cotton Inc, Private, $24,995.00. (January 2012 - December 2012).

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

President's Excellenec In Teaching Award, TTU. (April 16, 2011).

New Format for existing course

Spring TTU 2011


"Current Perspectives in Microbial Ecology," MBIO 5401-001. This course provides direct - hands-on projects for graduates to participate in lab and field based research that relates to course material. Students participate in four distinct research projects that are designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the scientific method and associated techniques that would occur in a microbial ecology research lab. Each project is expandable to a graduate thesis or dissertation project with further guidance. In addition, graduate students are required to meet with instructor to discuss microbial ecology literature relevant to their research efforts.


Committee Chair, Undergraduate Scholarship. (September 2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Greenhouse advisory Group. (September 2009 - Present).

Committee Member, STEM Coordination Committee. (September 2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Core Curriculum Committee. (September 2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Shared Facilities Planning Committee. (April 2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Research Advisory Council. (November 2009 - Present).

Committee Member, Presidents' Sustanability Initiative. (September 2009 - Present).

Committee Chair, Natural Sciences Core Committee. (2008 - Present).

Guest Speaker, Harwell Elementary Science Day, Lubbock, TX. (November 1990 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Hong Zhang Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 1995

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-3722 ext. 277 Campus Mail Stop: 3131 Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Genetics Institution Michigan State University Year Awarded 1989

Degree BS Field Microbiology Institution Sichuan University Year Awarded 1982

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2008 - Present

Title Associate Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 2000 - August 2008

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Li Sun Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Neelam Mishra Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Xunlu Zhu Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jian Chen 374

Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Qiang Gu Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Yinfeng Zhu Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Rongbin Hu Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Sundaram Kuppu Involvement Doctoral Advisory Committee Chair Year Completed August 30, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Plant Biology Research Seminar

Fall TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 5301 Advanced Genetics


Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BOT 6304 Advanced Plant Molecular Biology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6101 Seminar BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years



Journal Articles (Accepted)

Li, B., Zhang, H., Tate, D., Ding, L., Zhang, L. (2011). Sparse Principal Component Analysis Based Sustainability Assessment of EOL ICT Service Infrastructures. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 14(5/6), 435 - 451.


Journal Articles (Accepted)

Zhang, H. Creating drought- and salt-tolerant cotton by overexpressing a vacuolar pyrophosphatase gene. Plant Sig. Beh., 6, 861-863.

Zhang, H. Expression of an Arabidopsis sodium/proton antiporter gene (AtNHX1) in peanut to improve salt tolerance. Plant Biotech. Rep., 5(October issue).

Zhang, H. Expression of an Arabidopsis vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase gene (AVP1) in cotton improves drought- and salt-tolerance and increases fiber yield in the field conditions. Plant Biotech. J., 9, 88-99.

Zhang, H. Regulated overexpression of IPT in peanut significantly improves drought tolerance and increases yield under field conditions. Plant Cell Physiol., 52, 1904-1914.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

Member, American Society of Plant Biologists. (September 1, 1985 - Present).

Reviewer, Journal Article, BMC Plant Biology.

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of African Biotechnology.

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of African Microbiology.

Editor, Journal Editor, Journal of Biotech Research.

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Integrative Biology.

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Plant Growth and Regulation.

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Plant Physiology.

Reviewer, Panel Under, NSF, Panel for plant biotechnology program.

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, NSF.


Reviewer, Journal Article, Plant Cell.

Reviewer, Journal Article, Plant Journal.

Reviewer, Journal Article, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.

Reviewer, Journal Article, Plant Physiology.

Reviewer, Journal Article, Plant Science.

Editor, Journal Editor, The Open Plant Science Journal.

Reviewer, Grant Proposal, USDA.

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Ganapathy, S. (Presenter & Author), Shen, G., Zhang, H., Parajulee, M., Bilimoria, S., 2011 Meeting, American Society for Plant Biology, Minneapolis, MN., "Use of a viral gene to confer insect resistance to transgenic Arabidopsis and cotton," International, Published in Proceedings. (August 6, 2011).

Nguyen, Q. (Presenter & Author), Virdi, K. S. (Author Only), Zhang, H., Bilimoria, S. (Author Only), Student Research Days, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX, "Integration and transcription of an apoptosis-inducing Insect virus gene in Arabidopsis thaliana," Local, Published Elsewhere. (April 10, 2008).


Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, USA, "Protein phosphatase 2A plays an important role in salt stress response," International. (August 5, 2011).

Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, USA, "The involvement of protein phosphatase 2A in auxin transport pathway," International. (August 5, 2011).

Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, American Society of Plant Biologists, Minneapolis, USA, "The positive role of PP2A-B14 in ABA signaling at seed germination," International. (August 5, 2011).

Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), The Second International Symposium on Genomics and Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China, "Engineering cotton for increased drought-, salt-, and heat-tolerance," International. (July 6, 2011).


Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), Huazhong Agricultural University, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China, "Regulatory role of protein phosphatase 2A in ABA signaling pathway," International. (July 4, 2011).

Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), Sichuan University, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, "Why do we have to study plants?," International. (June 22, 2011).

Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), Sichuan University, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, "Regulatory role of protein phosphatase 2A in ABA signaling pathway," International. (June 15, 2011).

Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), Zhejiang Forestry University, Zhejiang Forestry University, Linan, Zhejiang, China, "The importance of plant science research in a changing world," International. (June 8, 2011).

Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), Hangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, "Creating drought-, salt-, and heat-tolerant transgenic crops," International. (June 6, 2011).

Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, "Molecular mechanism of protein phosphatase 2A's regulatory roles in ABA signaling," International. (June 3, 2011).

Zhang, H. (Presenter Only), Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, "Creating drought-, salt-, and heat- tolerant transgenic cotton and peanut," International. (June 1, 2011).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Zhang, H. (Principal), "Creating drought-tolerant peanut for West Texas," Sponsored by National Peanut Board, State, $20,000.00. (January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012).

Zhang, H. (Principal), "Making peanut significantly more drought tolerant," Sponsored by Texas Peanut Producers Board, State, $22,000.00. (May 1, 2011 - April 30, 2012).

Zhang, H. (Principal), "Making peanut significantly more drought toleran," Sponsored by Texas Peanut Producers Board, State, $20,000.00. (May 1, 2010 - April 30, 2011).

Bilimoria, S. (Principal), Zhang, H. (Co-Principal), Parajulee, M. (Co-Principal), "Generation of transgenic Arabidopsis and cotton against boll weevils and aphids," Sponsored by Texas Tech Univesity THECB, State, $294,998.00. (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2010).

Grant - Not Funded


Zhang, H. (Principal), "Development and field analysis of drought- and heat-tolerant transgenic cotton," Sponsored by USDA, Federal, $500,000.00. (March 1, 2012 - February 28, 2016).

Zhang, H. (Principal), "Molecular mechanism of PP2A's regulatory role in ABA signaling," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $578,435.00. (September 1, 2011 - August 30, 2014).

Sponsored Research - Not Funded

Wyrick, D. (Co-Principal), Zhang, H. (Principal), Tate, D. (Co-Principal), "A Total Life Cycle Assessment Based System Model for Environmental Performance of ICT Connective Infrastructure," Sponsored by AT&T Technology and Environment Awards Program, Private, $25,000.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education


Committee Chair, Graduate Curriculum Committee.

Committee Chair, Growth Chamber Committee.

Committee Member, Plant Biology Committee.

Committee Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee. (September 1, 2009 - August 30, 2011).

Committee Member, Institutional Biosafety and Hazardous Materials Committee. (September 1, 2007 - Present).



Instructions: The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to be generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. Name: Kai Zhang Department/Unit: Biological Sciences

Rank/Title: Assistant Professor Date Submitted: 11-16-2012 Appointment Date: 2006

TTU Email: [email protected] Phone: (806) 742-2710 ext. 250 Campus Mail Stop: Mailing Address City/State Zip


The Graduate Faculty Application Form is to generated in the DigitalMeasures software platform, please make any additions or corrections in DigitalMeasures and reprint application. If being reconsidered after three years probation, please use the “provisional” application.

I. Academic Background

Degree Ph D Field Cellular and Microbial Biology Institution The Catholic University of America Year Awarded 2000

Degree BS Field Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Institution Peking University Year Awarded 1996

II. Professional Experience, Academic and Nonacademic

Title Assistant Professor Institution/Agency Texas Tech University Year(s) September 1, 2006 - Present

III. Direction of Graduate Students (completed theses and dissertations directed in the last six years)

Student's Name Mattie Pawlowic Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Wei Xu Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Ou Zhang Involvement Dissertation Committee Chair Year Completed December 10, 2011 Institution Texas Tech University

IV. Other Service on Graduate Committees in the last six years (excluding III)

Student's Name Sumit Mukherjee Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed 382

Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Souvik Karmakar Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Other

Student's Name Ben Qin Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Drake Smith Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Jaehyung Lee Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Workineh Kite Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed September 2011 Institution Other

Student's Name Hongtao Ma Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed October 10, 2010 Institution Texas Tech University

Student's Name Diego Vargas-Inchaustegui Involvement Dissertation Committee Member Year Completed September 10, 2009 Institution Other

V. Graduate Courses Taught in the last six years

Summer II TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2012 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Microbiology of Pathogenic Eukaryotes


Fall TTU 2011 MBIO 5301 Advanced General Microbiology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Summer II TTU 2011 BIOL 7000 Research

Summer I TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research

Spring TTU 2011 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Fall TTU 2010 MBIO 5301 Advanced General Microbiology BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology

Summer II TTU 2010 BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Summer I TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6000 Master's Thesis

Spring TTU 2010 BIOL 8000 Doctor's Dissertation BIOL 7000 Research BIOL 6301 Advanced Topics in Biology BIOL 6100 Advanced Topics in Biology

VI. Published Research and Creative Activity in the last six years



Journal Articles (Accepted)

Pawlowic, M. C., Zhang, K. (2012). Leishmania parasites possess a platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase important for virulence. Mol Biochem Parasitol.

Zhang, O., Xu, W., Pillai, A. B., Zhang, K. (2012). Developmentally Regulated Sphingolipid Degradation in Leishmania major. PLoS One, 7(1):e31059.

Xu, W., Xin, L., Soong, L., Zhang, K. (2011). Sphingolipid Degradation by Leishmania major Is Required for Its Resistance to Acidic pH in the Mammalian Host. Infect and Immunity, 79(8), 3377-87.

Zhang, K., Bangs, J., Beverley, S. M. (2010). Sphingolipids in Parasitic Protozoa. Adv Exp Med Biol., 688:238-48..

Zhang, K., Beverley, S. M. (2010). Phospholipid and sphingolipid metabolism in Leishmania. Mol Biochem Parasitol, 170 (2), 55-64.

Zhang, O., Wilson, M., Xu, W., Hsu, F.-f., Turk, J., Kuhlmann, F.M., Wang, Y., Soong, L., Key, P., Beverley, S. M., Zhang, K. (2009). Degradation of Host Sphingomyelin Is Essential for Leishmania Virulence. PLoS Pathog, 5 (12).

Sutterwala, S., Hsu, F., Sevova, E., Schwartz, K., Zhang, K., Key, P., Turk, J., Beverley, S., Bangs, J. (2008). Developmentally Regulated Sphingolipid Synthesis in African Trypanosomes. Mol. Microbiol, 70 (2), 281-296.

Zhang, K., Hsu, F., Turk, J., Beverley, S. M. (2007). Characterization of Inositol Phosphorylceramides from Leishmania major by Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Electrospray Ionization. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 18 (9).

Zhang, K., J., Hsu, F., Key, P., Bandhuvula, P., Saba, J., Turk, J., Beverley, S. (2007). Redirection of sphingolipid metabolism towards de novo synthesis of ethanolamine in Leishmania. EMBO J, 26, 1094-104.

VII. Current Participation in Professional Associations

VIII. Presentations in the last six years


Pawlowic, D., Zhang, K., The Second European Symposium on Microbial Lipids, Bern, Switzerland, "Sphingosine Kinase is a vital enzyme for Leishmania survival and pathogenesis," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (May 16, 2012).


Zhang, K., Invited talk, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, "Identification of a novel virulence pathway in protozoan pathogen Leishmania," Regional. (March 2008).

Zhang, K., Invited talk, UTMB at Galveston, TX, Galveston, TX, "Essential Roles of Sphingolipid Metabolism in Leishmania Virulence," Regional. (October 2007).


Zhang, K. (Author Only), Biology of Host-Parasite Interactions, Gordon Research Conference, Newport, RI, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 10, 2012).

Zhang, K. (Presenter & Author), 2010 GRC on host parasite interaction, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI, "Sphingolipid degradation in Leishmania virulence," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2010).

Zhang, K., Rio Grande ASM meeting, UTEP, El Paso, TX, "Loss of sphingolipid synthesis in Leishmania promastigotes leads to extreme hypersensitivity to a specific subset of ergosterol synthesis inhibitors," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (January 2007).


Pawlowic, M. C., Zhang, K., Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, "Exploring the Novel Roles of Ethanolamine in Leishmania Phospholipid Synthesis and Pathogenicity," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (September 2011).

Zhang, O., Zhang, K., The Kinetoplasid Cell Biology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, "Sphingolipid Degradation in Leishmania Virulence," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (April 2011).

Pawlowic, M. C. (Presenter & Author), Zhang, K., Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, "Degradation of Host Lipids by Leishmania," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (September 2010).

Xu, W. (Presenter & Author), Zhang, K., Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, "Sphingolipid degradation in Leishmania virulence," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (September 2010).

Zhang, O. (Presenter & Author), Zhang, K., Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, "Requirement for ISCL in Leishmania Infection: An Essential Role of Host Sphingolipid Degradation in Virulence?," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (September 2009).

Pawlowic, M. C. (Presenter & Author), Zhang, K., Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, "Phospholipid Biosynthesis in Leishmania Parasites," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (September 2008).


Zhang, K., Biology of Host-Parasite Interactions, GRC, Newport, RI, "A potential link between sphingolipid metabolism and virulence in Leishmania," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (June 2008).

Zhang, K., Molecular Parastiology Meeting, Wood Hole, MA, "Initial Characterization of a Putative Inositol Phosphorylceramide-specific Phospholipase C Mutant in Leishmania major," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (September 2007).

Zhang, K., Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, "Loss of sphingolipid synthesis in Leishmania promastigotes leads to extreme hypersensitivity to a specific subset of ergosterol synthesis inhibitors," International, Peer Reviewed/Refereed. (September 2006).

IX. Grant and Contract Activity for the last six years


Zhang, K. (Principal), "Roles of Plasmenylethanolamine Biosynthesis in Leishmania Virulence," Sponsored by NIH/NIAID, Federal, $206,350.00. (July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2013).

Zhang, K. (Principal), "ARRA: Roles of Sphingolipid Metabolites in Leishmania Differentiation," Sponsored by NIH/NIAID, Federal, $135,579.00. (July 22, 2009 - June 30, 2012).

Zhang, K. (Principal), "Identification of a Parasite-Specific, Lipid-Metabolic Pathway Essential for Leishmania Virulence," Sponsored by NIH/NIAID, Federal, $339,112.00. (September 22, 2009 - August 31, 2011).

Zhang, K. (Co-Principal), "Developing Novel, Lipid-Based Therapeutics Against Protozoan And Helminth Parasites," Sponsored by TTU-TTUHSC, Texas Tech University, $291,943.00. (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2010).

Zhang, K. (Principal), "Evaluating the therapeutic potential of novel lipid synthesis inhibitors against Leishmania parasites in a murine infection model," Sponsored by TTU, Texas Tech University, $35,000.00. (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2009).

Zhang, K. (Principal), "TTU VPR Research Instrumentation Support," Sponsored by TTU, Texas Tech University, $19,920.00. (May 1, 2008 - July 1, 2009).

Contract - Not Funded

Zhang, K. (Supporting), "Systems Biology of Leishmania-Host Interactions," Sponsored by NIH, Federal.

Grant - Pending


Zhang, K. (Principal), "Exploring an essential and dangerous pathway in Leishmania parasites," Sponsored by NIH, Federal, $1,250,000.00.

X. Other professional activities during the last six years that contribute to graduate education

Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

Oral presentation awards, the Molecular Parasitology Meetings: Years 1998, 2003, and 2004, Woods Hole, MA..


Committee Member, Departmental initiative committee. (September 1, 2011 - Present).

Committee Member, Microbiology Committee. (September 1, 2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. (September 1, 2010 - Present).

Committee Member, Graduate Student Selection Committee. (September 2008 - Present).

Committee Member, TTU IBC committee. (September 2011 - Present).

Committee Member, TTU Radiation/Laser Safety Committee. (September 2008 - Present).



Teaching Post-Docs Program

In the Fall of 2003, Biological Sciences initiated a Teaching Post-Doctoral Fellows program. This program, the brainchild of Dr. John Zak, was initiated as a result of attending an NSF meeting in which individuals from large public and private universities and small colleges noted that many research post docs that were on the market were very uncompetitive when it came to their teaching skills. If one were going to just be at a Research 1 AAU university, this might not be a problem. However the vast majority of job offers are not at Research 1 universities, they are at colleges or universities where teaching is considered to be a very important component of tenure and promotion. Hence we have implemented a Teaching Post-Doc program where the individuals are instructors of record for one class per long semester and one summer session (if needed). The post-docs are typically paired with one of our best instructors for a particular course the first semester. These 'master teachers' work with the post-docs to share their experiences and methods for establishing teaching goals. This program has seemingly worked well, and in 2007 the TTU-HHMI Science Education Program helped support at least one of these Teaching Post- Docs. We now range between 4 - 6 per year. Generally the term of employment is 2-3 years. They are also expected to submit grants and pursue a research project. Virtually all of them have done very well in the job market following their tenure as a Teaching Post-Doc.


Appendix H

Syllabi for Courses Involving Teaching and Learning Preparation for Graduate Students

We have two classes that specialize in teaching and learning, as well as preparing our graduate students to be both instructors and scientists.

The first is Dr. Stephanie Lockwood's "Biological Pedagogy", BIOL 6301 sec. 025

The second is Dr. Lewis Held's "Preparation for Graduate Learning & Teaching in Biology". BIOL 6202 sec. 001.

Syllabi for both courses are included.


Biological Pedagogy BIOL 6301 (section 025)

Instructor: Dr. Stephanie Lockwood Office: Room 510, Biology Building I want to make the Phone: 806-742-2715 (Dept.) classroom an active, Email: [email protected] engaging learning Office Hours: By appointment...or just stop by my office. environment; therefore, we have active lectures Class Room: Biology Building, Room 21; M/W/F 11:00 - 11:50. on Mon./Wed. and teaching discussions or Required Nilson, L. B. 2010. Teaching at its Best: A Research-Based groups activities on Fri. Textbook: Resource for College Instructors (3rd Ed.). Jossey-Bass Publisher.

Materials: Bound notebook for assignment, notebook for yourself.

Two major themes of Biological Pedagogy will allow you to this course are understand the different components of teaching reflection and teaching and learning, general policies mentorship. You will and procedures, and will provide different also be paired with a aspects of professional teaching TTU/HHMI Graduate development tailored specifically to the Teaching Scholar (GTS) needs of biology educators in your current for teaching role as GTAs, as well as your potential mentorship. Mentors role as future faculty. This class will will attend all Fri. afford you the opportunity to evaluate sessions. your teaching, through reflection exercises: to identify what you are doing when you teach, how you are teaching, and think about if it's working. Reflective Teaching Expected Learning Outcomes: Being a GTA is one of many This course is all about responsibilities you might receive going to graduate school. Many of you application! I want have probably never taught before or have had limited experience or training. YOU to be able to directly apply and use 391 the information, resources, assignments now and in the future. This course aims to: 1) provide high-caliber, informative, and effective GTAs within the Department of Biological Sciences, and 2) provide diverse opportunities for biology GTAs that will facilitate the development of a solid foundation in teaching pedagogy that will assist you in meeting your current GTA responsibilities and provide preparation for careers in academia. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

Expected Learning Outcomes (cont.): 1. Compare different levels of thinking to learning outcomes and select the proper teaching methods and assessment tools. 2. Demonstrate different teaching strategies to create an engaging classroom experience. 3. Combine different techniques for effective classroom management. 4. Prepare lectures and discussions to engage students with different learning styles and teaching methods. 5. Assess your own teaching through reflective exercises. 6. Develop a teaching philosophy.

Methods for Assessing Expected Learning:

Activities Teaching Non-teaching Pre-Assessment Question 50 50 Post-Assessment Questions 75 75 Teaching Self-Reflection 100 100 ID Assignment 100 ----- Reflective Teaching Journal 50 ----- Teaching Reflection Paper ---- 150 Teaching Coaching Sessions 150 150 Teaching Philosophy 100 100 TLPDC Workshop 75 75 Mentor Observations 50 50 Course Design Project 250 250 Total Possible Points 1000 1000

Grade Policy: Final grades will be based on the following scale: A = 90- 100%; B = 80-89%; C = 70-79%; D = 60-69%; F = 0-59%. All Teaching is a very personal assignments are due on the date assigned in the syllabus. Late experience and with these assignments will lose 10% of their possible value each day. (i.e. a 90 type of assignments there are point assignment will lose 9 points each day after the due date). ALL no concrete right or wrong assignments are due BEFORE the start of class on the day the answers; therefore, grades assignment is due. are based on completion, Attendance: It is expected that you will attend and participate in every adherence to guidelines, and scheduled class. There are no makeup classes/assignments. If you miss effort. Based on this class due to an illness, you will need to provide a note from your information, I follow a strict grading policy and attendance policy. 392

physician to receive an excused absence. I realize as grad students you have other responsibilities other than this class; therefore, I have established the following policy for unexcused absences (regardless of the reason for the absence):

Attendance (cont.): # of Unexcused Absences Grade Policy 0 - 3 absences No letter drop 4 - 6 absences One letter grade drop > 6 absences "F" for course

Religious Holy Days - OP 34.19: A student who intends to observe a religious holy day should make that intention known in writing to the instructor prior to the absence. A student who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence.

Criteria for Grade Determination: To assess the established expected learning outcomes listed above, I have developed the following assignments. I briefly describe the assignments below:

Earlier I made the statements that this course is all about application, and reflection and mentorship being major themes of the courses. All of the following assignments use the themes of reflection through mentorship and are designed for help you improve your teaching now, as well as for you to incorporate into your teaching portfolio in the future (except for the pre & post-assessment questions, which are for me to reflect and apply to the class).

Pre- & Post-Assessment Questions: These assignments will let me know what areas of teaching that you need help in and areas that you don't need help in. These assignments will evaluate your teaching confidence and concept awareness. The post-assessment also asks for your feedback about the course. This information is VERY valuable for the continual development of this course, as well as to ensure that I am doing all I can to help your success as a biology educator (GTA, instructor, etc). TLPDC Workshop: Taking this course will facilitate the development of a solid foundation in teaching pedagogy. To help your continual teaching pedagogy development you will also attend one seminars/workshops over in the Teaching, Learning, Professional Development Center (TLPDC) on your choice of a teaching topic. To see what seminars/workshops are available and to register go to the TLPDC's website ( Once you have looked at the TLPDC's website, email me and ensure that the workshops are appropriate for this class.

Mentor Observations - In observing others teach, we gain new perspectives and ideas. During the semester your will observe two of your mentors while they teach. (25 x 2 = 50 points)

Reflective Teaching Assignments: Reflective teaching is an important component in teaching education and professional


development. Reflective teaching means looking at what you do in the classroom, thinking about why you do it, and thinking about if it works - a process of self-observation and self-evaluation. In this course we will use a combination of different techniques to allow GTAs to reflect on their teaching.

Teaching Self-Reflection – GTAs will be videotaped once this semester. In the beginning of the semester let your students know you're going to be video recorded to help improve your teaching, not because you're in trouble. Video recording are among the most objective observation techniques. Graduate TAs will watch their videos and complete the Teaching Self-Reflection.

Instructional Diagnostic (ID) Assignment (TAs) - Your mentors will come to your class and complete a instructional diagnostic (ID) with your class. IDs provide you information about your teaching/ class with feedback directly from your students mid-semester, this allows for your to adapt your teaching without waiting until the next semester. Once your mentor has completed the ID and given you the ID forms you will complete the ID assignment.

Reflective Teaching Journal (TAs) – Students will maintain a journal of their teaching experiences throughout the semester (bound notebook, label with name and course your teaching). Teaching assistants will make one entry (2 pages) per week (it is advised that students take 10 to 15 minutes immediately after teaching to journal). Each entry will include: on the left page: 1) Heading with date and lecture topic; 2) Description - Describe yourself as a teacher; Describe what happened in class; Describe how did the lecture went?, Describe your emotions/enthusiasm?, Describe student involvement?, Were you/materials prepared?, Any problems with students?, I tried to incorporate ______we learned about in class and it ______., etc.; and on the right page 3) Reflection - Reflect on the description from the left side of the page; What would you do differently next time?, What areas have you identified for improvement?, How would you handle the situation differently next time?, etc. (10 points per week x 5 weeks = 50 points) (5 entries) Teaching journals will be due every Friday by 3:00pm in the box outside my door.

Teaching Reflection Paper (Non-TAs) - Students will attend 3 different lectures by 3 different professors, instructors, or TAs to gain different teaching perspectives. Students will describe the different teaching styles, what works well for the teacher, and what doesn't work well for each observation. Finally, you will also consider what aspects you would like to include in your teaching and why. It might be beneficial to observe teachers outside of the department, so you don't focus on the "biology". If you would like to go outside of the department, get with me to schedule and find you a professor. The teaching reflection paper will 2 pages 1.5 spaced, 12pt font, times new roman, 1" margins.

Teaching Coaching Sessions: Because teaching is such a complex and demanding profession, it is important for new teachers to be provided with a support system that allows them to transition from theory to practice. During this session you will meet separately with the instructor and mentor (twice) to discuss how your teaching is going, as well as to receive tailored feedback on your teaching. The session with your instructor will reflect on the various teaching assignments: teaching journal, teaching reflections, and teaching video. It is YOUR responsibility to schedule this appointments with your instructor and mentor. (3 x 50 = 100 points)


These capstone assignments are designed to bring the entire semester together. The Teaching Philosophy assignment is designed for you to reflect on the semester and make you think about why you teach the way you do. The Course Design Project is intended to give you an opportunity to design a class and reflect on "why" you set-up the class the way you did.

Teaching Philosophy: A teaching philosophy statement is a narrative that includes: your conception of teaching and learning, a description of how you teach, and a justification for why you teach that way. Students will begin thinking about and developing their own teaching philosophies, therefore students will write a teaching philosophy statement. Faculty and TAs are often asked for their teaching philosophy for seeking academic appointments and are an integral part of teaching portfolios. Teaching Philosophy statements focus on your: 1) goals for student learning, 2) enactment of goals (teaching methods), 3) assessment of goals (measuring student learning), as well as how you 4) create an inclusive learning environment. Teaching philosophy statements are generally about 1 to 2 pages, your assignment will be will be no less than 1 page, 1.5 spaced, 12pt font, times new roman, with 1" margins. Turnitin: To turn in your teaching philosophy, you will submit it through Turnitin ( Use the following course information: Course ID, 5212565; Password, biologyGTA

Course Design Project - Designing a course can be a challenge for many professors. However, it can also very rewarding and give you a chance to create your dream class, fill a missing gap in your department, or be a component of your teaching portfolio. Students, with their mentors, over several weeks design a course and develop a reflective syllabus. A reflective syllabus includes commentary that explains the intentional, reflective choices about the activities, assignments, expected learning outcomes, overall course set-up, etc. Groups will then present their designed courses/reflective syllabi to the class and a group of judges will select the best designed course. The best designed course will receive the Semi-Annual Golden Apple Award. The project will be graded by a combination of the syllabus, the presentation, and peer evaluations.

Assignment Due Dates:

Activities Due Date Pre-Assessment Question Jan. 23 Teaching Self-Reflection Mar. 6 ID Assignment Apr. 8 Teaching Reflection Paper Apr. 8 TLPDC Workshop Apr. 22 Mentor Observations Mar. 6/ Apr. 24 Course Design Project May 3 Teaching Philosophy May 6 Post-Assessment Questions May 6


Piazza: We will be conducting most class-related discussion on Piazza ( this term. Piazza is a question-and-answer platform specifically designed to get you answers fast. The Web site supports LaTeX, code formatting, embedding of images, and attaching of files. The quicker you begin asking questions on Piazza (rather than via individual emails to a classmate or me), the quicker you'll benefit from the collective knowledge of your classmates, mentors, TA, and instructor. I encourage you to ask questions when you're struggling to understand a concept—you can even do so anonymously.

Student Accessibility: OP 34.22: Any student who, because of a disability, may require special arrangements in order to meet the course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary arrangements. Students should present appropriate verification from Student Disability Services during the instructor’s office hours. Please note instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from Student Disability Services has been provided. For additional information, you may contact the Student Disability Services office in 335 West Hall or 806-742-2405.

Classroom Civility: To create and preserve a classroom atmosphere that optimizes teaching and learning, all participants share a responsibility in creating a civil and non-disruptive forum. Students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in this classroom in a manner that does not disrupt teaching or learning. Cell phones must be turned off at all times, unless you have informed me ahead of time that you are expecting an emergency message. Electronic devices such as iPads, laptops, etc. must be turned off during discussions.

Academic Integrity: OP 34.12: It is the aim of the faculty of Texas Tech University to foster a spirit of complete honesty and high standards of integrity. The attempts of students to present as their own any work not honestly performed is regarded by the faculty and administration as a most serious offense and renders the offender liable serious consequences, possibly suspension.

a) "Academic dishonesty" includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, falsifying academic records, misrepresenting facts, and any act designed to give unfair academic advantage to the student (such as, but not limited to, submission of essentially the same written assignment for two courses without the prior permission of the instructor) or the attempt to commit such an act.

b) "Plagiarism" includes, but is not limited to: Appropriation of buying, receiving as a gift or obtaining by any means, material that is attributable in whole, or in part, to another source, including words, ideas, illustrations, structure, computer code, other expression and media, and presenting that material as one’s own academic work being offered for credit.

c) Confidentiality – In the normal course of events, students in many of our classes come across confidential information. Such information should be treated with utmost confidentiality and should never go any further than the university classes in which our students are enrolled. Even within a university class, pseudonyms should be used instead of student’s real names. Information about teachers and other educators that we gain in field experiences and/or research should also be treated confidentially.

**The below schedule, policies, procedures, and assignments in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances, by mutual agreement, and/or to ensure better student learning.**


D Guest ek Date Topic Assignments Text C Speaker Jan. 16 Introduction M Schedule Jan. 21 Holiday - No Class Videotaping w/ D Jan. 23 First Day Teaching - Department Info Mentor Jan. 28 Microlectures/ Laboratory Teaching Strategies █ D Jan. 30 Classroom Communication & Culture Biology TAs Feb. 4 Rules & Reg. - FERPA, Lab Safety, TTU Regs █ Dr. L. █ M Feb. 6 Rules & Reg. - Student Accommodations Philippe Get Suzanne Feb. 11 Reflective Teaching █ Videotaped █ D Tapp Feb. 13 Student Motivation Feb. 18 Classroom Management █ █ M Feb. 20 Teaching Controversial Issues Reflective Troy Lescher Feb. 25 Bloom's Taxonomy █ Journals █ D Feb. 27 Leading Discussions/ Asking questions Mar. 4 Learning Styles █ M Mar. 6 Teaching Methods/Active Learning Mar. 11 Spring Break - No Class Mar. 13 Mar. 18 Course Design/ Effective Syllabi █ Susan S Mar. 20 Suchman Inquiry Teaching Model Talkmitt Teaching Coaching Mar. 25 Summative Assessments/ Question Const. Biology █ Session w/ Mentor S Mar. 27 Faculty Q & A Faculty Apr. 1 Holiday - No Class █ S Apr. 3 Grading & Rubrics (Room 405) Ken Griffith Apr. 8 Student Inquiry/ Problem-based Learning █ S Apr. 10 Classroom Technology (Room TBD) Teaching Coaching Apr. 15 Teaching Philosophy Statement Session w/ Instructor Dr. A. Boye █ S Apr. 17 Classroom Assessment

Apr. 22 TLPDC Jigsaw █ S Dr. M. Apr. 24 Student Evaluations Logan Suzanne Apr. 29 Teaching Portfolios (TLPDC 153) S Tapp May 1 Course Design Project May 6 Golden Apples & Follow-Up

Discussions: M - Mentor, D - Discussion, S - Reflective group syllabus

Biological Sciences

BIOL 6202 Preparation for Graduate Learning & Teaching in Biology

SYLLABUS Prerequisite: Must be a grad student in Biol. Sci. Department or have consent of instructor. Purpose: Preparation of graduate students for the roles of scholar, researcher, and teaching assistant. Emphasizes literature research, preparation & use of visual aids, and problem-solving methods. Instructor: Lewis Held, Jr., Ph.D., Rm. 417, 2-2721, Off. Hrs. TT 4:30-5:30 PM. Textbook: Required: "The Ph.D. Process" by Dale Bloom, Jonathan Karp, & Nicholas Cohen. [This is a great "survival handbook". It should be useful for years after this course.]

GRADING Scale: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, < 60 = F. (No plus/minus grading.) Objectives: Successful students will grasp how to be an effective scholar, researcher & teacher. Assessments: Points: For: 30 Term paper (must be critiqued by expert & by Writing Center). 30 Seminar (= oral presentation of term paper). 20 Homework. 20 Colloquium presentation. 100 (Total possible points)

Term paper: 5-15 pages, double-spaced, approved topic, by the deadline assigned on first night. Must be based on literature research (performed this semester) in a biological subfield. State: who critiqued the paper, & list major changes made after critique. State: which refs. were found by Web of Science, Biol. Abstr., or ON-LINE search. Seminar: 10 to 15-min. oral presentation of term paper plus ~3-min. Ques./Answ. discussion. Must use ≥ 4 Powerpoint slides/images prepared by you. Must use ≥ 1 overhead acetate (text or graphics) prepared by you. Homework: Three homework assignments, due on the dates indicated on the Schedule.

Participation: Attendance is mandatory except for the nights indicated on the Schedule. This also means active learning. Ask questions & express yourself in class! (Absences will be excused only in the event of satisfactory written evidence of serious illness, legitimate emergency, or death of immediate family member.)

Disabilities: Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require special arrangements in order to meet course requirements must notify Dr. Held in the first week of class.

Religious holidays: Any student who will miss class (and/or test) days because of recognized religious holidays is requested to notify Dr. Inspiring movies about Held during the first week. Books on reserve the teaching profession: at the Main Library (2nd floor Reserve Room) "Dead Poets Society" "Mr. Holland's Opus" "Renaissance Man" 1. Teaching Skills "Blackboard Jungle" McKeachie, Wilbert J. "Teaching Tips" "Goodbye Mr. Chips" Gullette, Margaret "The Art and Craft of Teaching" "To Sir with Love" Eble, Kenneth E. "The Craft of Teaching" “The Emperor’s Club” Whitehead, Alfred N. "The Aims of Education & Other “Music of the Heart” Essays" “Fame”

Biological Sciences

2. Learning Skills When you "burn out", it may help Snyder, Benson R. "The Hidden Curriculum" to rent one of these great classics! 3. Writing Skills Please don’t give up until you do! Mills, Gordon H. "Technical Writing" Harrison, James "Scientists as Writers" Leggett, Glen "Handbook for Writers" [U. of Chicago Pr.] "A Manual of Style"

Biological Sciences

Graduate Program Reviews 2006-2012


College: Arts and Sciences Department: Biological Sciences Conducted by: Institutional Research & Information Management

November 2012


FACULTY SURVEY RESULTS – BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Number of faculty participated in survey Professor 8 Assoc. Professor 12 Asst. Professor 4 Emeritus Other 20 PARTICIPANT TOTAL 44


5 4 3 2 1 - Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree N/A Average Disagree

Q -1 The facilities and equipment available to teach graduate courses are adequate. 3 23 5 11 0 2 3.43 Q-2 I have adequate access to facilities and equipment needed for my graduate work.

3 23 5 11 0 2 3.43 Q-3 The quality and availability of departmental graduate student office space is adequate for my needs. 6 18 11 3 6 0 3.34 Q-4 Library resources available to me are adequate. 14 19 5 3 3 0 3.86 Q-5 Teaching resources (faculty, teaching assistants) are adequate to my needs.

11 22 5 4 0 2 3.95 Q-6 The program offers an adequate selection of graduate courses, sufficient for timely completion of a full graduate program. 2 24 7 6 3 2 3.38 Q-7 The graduate courses available are taught at an appropriate level and are of sufficient rigor. 8 23 6 2 3 2 3.74 Q-8 The graduate teaching assistants available to faculty in the program are of appropriate quality. 4 16 18 4 0 2 3.48 Q-9 Graduate courses in other fields, needed to support your program or minor, are sufficiently available. 2 24 12 4 0 2 3.57 Q-10 There is adequate communication about policy and program changes in your department. 3 19 14 6 0 2 3.45


Q-11 There is adequate communication from the upper administration regarding policy changes. 3 15 13 9 2 2 3.19

Q-12 I am satisfied with the professional interaction with faculty throughout TTU. 9 15 11 7 0 2 3.62 Q-13 Graduate courses in other fields, needed to support your program(s) or minors, are sufficiently accepted. 2 22 17 1 0 2 3.60 Q-14 Graduate courses in other fields, needed to support your program(s) or minors, are sufficiently recommended by your advisor(s). 2 18 21 1 0 2 3.50 Q-15 I am receiving the research and professional development guidance I need from other faculty. *Not reported for 2012-2013 Q-16 I am satisfied with the professional interaction with the graduate program coordinator(s). 6 20 13 1 0 4 3.78 Q-17 I am satisfied with the professional interaction with other faculty within the program(s). 11 20 6 5 0 2 3.88 Q-18 I am treated as a respected contributor to the graduate program in which I am involved. 8 25 6 2 1 2 3.88 Q-19 I have been given an opportunity to be engaged in decisions regarding changes in the program(s). 3 17 9 8 2 5 3.28 Q-20 Course and program changes are evaluated by all faculty and voted upon by those faculty. 5 15 10 3 2 9 3.51 Q-21 Sufficient graduate teaching assistantship stipends are available. 2 13 8 11 7 3 2.80 Q-22 The program offers adequate opportunity for its faculty to gain teaching training. 7 21 6 6 0 4 3.73 Q-23 Graduate teaching assistantships assignments are made equitably, based on established criteria. 3 19 9 7 3 3 3.29 Q-24 Graduate program policies are clearly defined and readily available to me. 4 18 14 3 0 5 3.59 Q-25 Graduate program policies clearly identify petition and appeals procedures available. 3 11 22 4 0 4 3.33



What do you consider to be the strengths of your graduate program(s)?

We provide an environment that is conducive to research, which includes people, resources and facilities. The cost of living associated with our region is attractive to graduate students. Historical successes, especially in some specialized topic areas (systematics, evolution, and mammalogy in particular), have resulted in well-known, highly-regarded research and opportunities for students. In recent years many of the faculty members have developed access to positions outside of traditional academia and this has greatly benefited our students. International collaborations on the part of faculty have brought many international students into the program and this is a source of strength. Quality of interaction with faculty, exposure to seminars and other opportunities, collegial atmosphere, support from uni with TAs, broad offerings in teaching, quality of faculty, blend of grad and undergrad research. Recruiting and graduating competitive students. We have a number of faculty who do organismal or whole organism work, based on specimens and field work. This is becoming increasingly unusual in departments which become dominated by molecular and medical research. We have a wide diversity of graduate students, both international and domestic, at both the Master's and doctoral levels. In general, faculty do a good job of mentoring graduate students and preparing them for their post-graduate careers. The department is able to provide financial support for almost all of the graduate students who need it. TA fellowship available, good lab facility, good opportunities in working from molecular biology to field biology. They create motivated, self-sufficient scholars. There are few strengths within our Graduate Program. I think the biggest strength of our program is the integrative nature of the Department; we boast expertise in most of the biological sciences, from organismal to cell biology and from systematics to behavior. One exceptional aspect of or program is the TTU Association of Biologists - our grade student organization. They are incredibly proactive and have won the award for best graduate student organization for 3 years in a row. No exceptional qualities come to mind. It is my opinion that we are a solid graduate research program that trains students very well. But overall, no identifiable strengths are easily distinguished from the rest of what I consider to be a strong graduate program. The majority of students are Ph.D. track. The other graduate students I was lucky to work with in my laboratory. We have highly diligent graduate faculty and students. The graduate coordinator does an excellent job. The courses taught by the biotechnology institute do an excellent job of training students for research in areas of molecular biology. Quality research and instruction by well-qualified faculty members; research support from the department whenever possible. Students still apply to come here for graduate school. The number of Ecology faculty with varying degrees of expertise. Most faculty and graduate instructors willing to aid graduate students in problems they encounter, whether it be research or classes related to help find a clear solution. A cadre of motivated grad students who serve as departmental leaders and role models to other grad students. 1. We have a high number of TA positions. 2. Facility and resources (space, equipment, etc) are adequate.


I am given the opportunity to choose and explore the research area that I wanted to study. The experience of some faculty plus the support from the Department to graduate students (through Teaching assistantships, travel funds, equipment, departmental vehicles). Also, I feel that there's a good communication between the authorities and the graduate students. Good course offerings in community ecology and animal biology. The faculty and their availability so student can reach them. My primary professor allows me great flexibility in my research goals and questions.

What changes, if any, could be made to improve the quality of your graduate program(s)?

I see no need for major changes. We could benefit from additional faculty with active research programs. This could expand opportunities for graduate students. Tuition reimbursement for grad students would allow us to attract higher quality students and compete with well ranked institutions. Our institution is one of the few at its level that does not provide full tuition reimbursement and several prospective students have mentioned this as a reason to decline coming here. Fewer piggyback courses, more summer support, higher salaries, funds to recruit grad students, more active faculty researchers. More RA support for students. Establish a large and easily accessible experimental research station for ecological work on the prairie. It would strengthen the graduate program to develop some additional courses at the graduate level so that the graduate students do not have to take so many combined undergraduate-graduate (“piggy- back”) courses. Graduate student stipends (teaching assistantships) are at the low end compared to other departments on campus and other Big 12 universities; finding a way to increase these stipends would make them more competitive for recruitment purposes. I believe the most important change would be to have 12 month stipends for the students as TAs or RAs. This gives them more consistent help during the summer months. Increase funds for at least some international travel to meetings to present invited talks. Making graduate students competitive in the job market, do not hire our own graduate students as teaching postdocs, and making sure that our graduate students publish in top journals. Fewer piggy-back courses/more advanced course development; decrease time to graduation, e.g., major professors should not force their grad students to secure all of their own funding before their projects can begin. RAs seem to have become a thing of the past, also. Applying for travel funding is a ridiculous pain in the behind. There needs to be a core graduate curriculum for all entering graduate students. Currently there are no core graduate courses required and each student takes what is mandated by their faculty advisor or committee. The requirements for entering students are too low and we need to increase those requirements. We also need to maintain that students who do not meet the current requirements are not allowed into the program. Currently, even if a student does not meet the entry requirements, that student will still be admitted if there is a faculty advisor willing to take them. There needs to be a hierarchy and evaluation regarding stipends as currently there are none. PhD students should receive stipends over masters. There are no evaluations done by faculty members of the teaching assistants. Consequently, there are many TAs who are inept in their teaching. We should not have Post-Doctoral fellows teaching graduate level courses. Only PhD faculty members should teach graduate level courses. There should be a time limit on the length support for graduate students. MS students should receive no more than 3 years TA or RA support and PhD student should receive no more than 6.5 years TA or RA support.


After that time, the PI for the student should be required to provide support. The thesis or dissertation Committee Chairs should not be the principal investigator in whose lab the student is working. This creates a conflict of interest as I have observed first hand situations where the PI/Chair removed members of a committee because those individual were being too difficult on the student, when in reality they were not. Related to the above, there should be paper requirements to receive a graduate degree. My suggestion is 1 for MS and 2 for PhD. Students should not be allowed to enter labs with little or no funding for research. The department currently has little extramural funding and yet we continue to admit students into the department and into labs because they receive TAs and the PI does not have to pay their salary. However, this leads to a serious problem related to the students' ability to do research. The departmental resources are minimal. This seriously hinders the students' ability to perform their research. Graduate student recruiting needs to improve. More research assistantships for the grad students. Also, more equitable distribution of workload between courses in which the graduate students TA. First, we desperately need better stipends (at least $2000 more per semester). Second, the number one complaint of my students is the administration’s lack of competency with regards to accurate and timely billing of tuition and fees and an apparent disregard for owning up to their mistakes. Third, piggy-back graduate courses (i.e., graduate students attend undergraduate lectures) are often ineffective, inefficient, and inadequate. Award teaching assistantships to students under faculty supervision based on the PI grant submissions. More job opportunity. The load of teaching assistants should be reduced. Graduate stipends should be made for competitive. More sophisticated equipment should be made available/accessible. The department and university should take a more serious approach toward safety facilities and equipment. The department chair should take greater responsibility for contingency support for supplies and chemicals required to allow graduate students to finish their research. A central equipment facility for the department is long overdue. Graduate office space should be expanded. Facilities for graduate lunch or break rooms should be made available. More financial assistance (RAs/TAs). Additional resources for teaching; most dedicated to incoming faculty, many of whom are not as productive as anticipated. Establish a core curriculum for graduate students within each of the areas of emphasis within the department. Currently, we only have one required course and no stand-alone graduate courses except for Special Topics that are offered at the whim of individual faculty. Do not allow our graduate students to teach graduate sections or to teach undergraduate courses for which they are unqualified. Much more clear guidance and planning from the upper administration on funding for research. Any changes to research funding policies occurring "in the middle of the semester" have a very severe impact on graduate student research. Some grad students are clearly more productive than are others, and more effective TAs than are others, yet there is no reward structure for this. 1. Lack of external funding (therefore F & A return). It severely limits the growth of our graduate program and our ability to recruit top tier applicants. / 2. Shortage of stand-alone graduate courses (too many piggy-back courses). Some courses (e.g. Biol 6202) are outdated and should be eliminated. Dr. Lockwood's class should not be mandatory. Also, there should be better office space for graduate students/TAs. I know that money is a concern everywhere, but I feel a little unfair that TA's just have economical support for 10 months. Usually summer time is critical and there are not a lot of opportunities available to teach or to work in campus and we need to pay tuition, bills, rent, and food. In case of international students is even worse because it is not possible to work out of campus. Texas Tech wants to reach the Tier 1 status but it's hard to be more competitive and productive when the economical part is a critical


issue every year. In my department I feel that some Faculty should be more productive and offer new courses every semester in their field of expertise, not to send them to teach general classes to cover faculty gaps. I have had excellent courses and seminars but also bad and poor courses in Texas Tech. If TTU wants to be Tier 1 it is imperative to hire more qualified faculty. We need to waive tuition in order to attract quality applicants. All other graduate programs that are comparable do this. Furthermore, we need to make applications for scholarships transparent and available during application so we can use them as a recruitment tool. It is really a relief if there is an adequate stipend or if the tuition is fully waved. Then graduate students can just think about their research without having stress about their living here in US. It is very difficult for international students to live here with this stipend after paying the tuition. Graduates of Biological sciences are strongly in stressed since they have to manage 12 months with having only 9 months stipends. Believe it is very difficult. More discussion seminars. Fewer graduate students per lab. There is not enough time spent with the faculty. Provide the biology department with more funding to employ their TAs and RAs throughout the academic year. That includes the summer terms.

Please feel free to add any additional comments or questions in the space below.

Good luck Dom.....there is plenty to do. In the DBS, it is very difficult for most of the grad students to defend within a reasonable timeframe, because they are expected to secure their own funding, teach, do their research plus help their lab mates with their fieldwork/bench work/writing, present at least 3 times per year, do well in their coursework, and publish, while also building their CVs in other ways, such as judging science fairs, mentoring undergrads, participating in campus-wide groups, etc. There are serious issues related to the Biological Sciences graduate program. The lack of any core curriculum presents a serious problem. This requires that new classes are created for graduate students to take in order for them to fulfill their classroom requirements. I think there should be less personal or political agendas and more collegial interactions between faculty members. No one division is more important than the others. Yet it seems there is more divisiveness and underhandedness. This could possibly be attributed to a lack of strong, clear leadership. Faculty will not be encouraged to take calculated risks and recruit high quality students if the department and university do not take responsibility for contingency support for graduate research supplies when faculty are between grants. Furthermore, sudden and drastic withdrawal of such support by the department chair is not only capricious but seriously jeopardizes graduate research and the careers of graduate students. Nothing will ever change here. There is an alarming trend within our department of graduate students teaching upper level electives and junior/senior level core courses to our undergraduates instead of faculty. They also teach the graduate section of "piggy-back" courses even though a faculty member is listed on paper. Our teaching-postdoc program, which are freshly minted Ph.D.s from our department are given courses to teach for which they were not trained in. For example, a new Ph.D. graduate from our program taught a junior level Parisitology course including the graduate section though her research and classroom training was in Ecology. The rationale was that we had no faculty to teach this course and it was important to make it available to undergraduates. Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. There needs to be much more professionalism from all levels of the administration, as well as faculty,


staff, and graduate students as a whole. 1. The department must place a much stronger emphasis on securing external grants/contracts. It should be included as a key criterion for tenure and promotion. Right now, our policy on tenure/promotion from assistant professor to associate professor does not require external funding. So assistant professors can be tenured and promoted even when they have no funding, as long as they submitted proposals and have publications. This is unacceptable for a STEM department and has to change if we are serious about improving the graduate program and helping TTU achieve Tier-one status. As the very least, assistant professors should bring in 2x more external grants than their start-ups. More is expected from associate professors who are applying to be full professors. One of the things I like most about this department is the collegiality among my colleagues. But to move forward, we must have strike a fine balance between having a high standard and maintaining a friendly environment. / 2. More transparency is needed on issues such as departmental budget, the hiring of teaching postdocs or other staff positions, faculty teaching load, etc. The information on the department and graduate school websites is poor. We do a very poor job in recruiting. Lubbock is a hard sell to many students. I am competing for good students with other universities, but TTU offers very little to students to draw them other than the draw of my lab. Furthermore, in my department we have some major gaps in expertise which make it difficult to recruit students in my particular field. It is a huge help for students (especially international students) if you increase stipend or at least give 12 months payments or reduce wave tuition totally. Banana phone.


STUDENT SURVEY RESULTS – BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Student participant: Years in Number of students participating in survey program Doctoral 27 1ST year 10 Master’s Thesis 6 2nd year 7 Other 3 3rd year 3 PARTICIPANT TOTAL 36 4th year 11 5th year 5 6th year 0


5 4 3 2 1 - Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly N/A Average Disagree

Q-1 The research facilities and equipment available for my graduate research meet my needs. 9 15 4 4 2 2 3.74

Q-2 I have adequate access to facilities and equipment needed for my graduate work. 10 12 5 6 1 2 3.71

Q-3 The quality and availability of departmental graduate student office space is adequate for my needs. 15 7 2 8 3 1 3.66

Q-4 Library resources available to me are adequate for my needs. 14 12 1 4 4 1 3.80

Q-5 Teaching resources (faculty, teaching assistants) are adequate to my needs. 12 16 3 2 2 1 3.97

Q-6 The program offers an adequate selection of graduate courses, sufficient for timely completion of a full graduate program. 5 17 4 7 2 1 3.46

Q-7 The graduate courses available are taught at an appropriate level and are of sufficient rigor. 5 26 2 1 2 0 3.86

Q-8 The graduate teaching by faculty in the program is of appropriate quality. 9 21 3 2 1 0 3.97

Q-9 Graduate courses in other fields, needed to support my program or minor, are sufficiently available. 1 20 4 6 2 3 3.36

Q-10 Program seminars are adequate to keep me informed of developments in my field. 4 20 5 5 2 0 3.53


Q-11 The initial advising I received when I entered the program was an adequate orientation. 3 14 7 8 3 1 3.17

Q-12 I have a department mailbox or other form of communication with faculty & graduate students. 20 13 2 0 1 0 4.42

Q-13 I have adequate access to my major professor. 19 10 3 0 3 1 4.20

Q-14 I am receiving the research and professional development guidance I need. 10 16 6 1 3 0 3.81

Q-15 I am satisfied with the professional interaction with my major professor. 16 10 6 1 3 0 3.97

Q-16 I am satisfied with the professional interaction with faculty both within the program and at TTU. 9 17 5 0 3 2 3.85

Q-17 I am treated as a respected contributor to the research program in which I am involved. 10 17 3 1 2 3 3.97

Q-18 I have been given an opportunity to be engaged in significant research for my thesis or dissertation. 11 17 1 2 2 3 4.00

Q-19 If I decide to change my major professor, the mechanism for doing so is suitable. 4 13 7 3 1 9 3.57

Q-20 I am informed of opportunities for professional development and contacts outside TTU, such as attendance at professional meetings. 7 21 4 0 2 2 3.91

Q-21 Graduate teaching or research assistantship stipends are adequate. 3 11 3 8 9 2 2.74

Q-22 The program offers adequate opportunity for its graduate students to gain teaching experience. 11 16 5 1 1 2 4.03

Q-23 Graduate teaching assistantships, assignments are made equitably, based on established criteria. 3 14 5 5 5 4 3.16

Q-24 Program policies are clearly defined and readily available to me. 7 18 2 3 4 2 3.62

Q-25 Graduate program policies clearly identify petition and appeals procedures available to me. 4 17 5 2 4 4 3.47

Q-26 There is a well-established mechanism for regular graduate student participation in decisions affecting students, whenever this is appropriate. 4 10 9 6 4 3 3.12



What do you consider to be the strengths of this program?

Professors, resources, size of the program. The faculty and staff are very helpful and informative. The department seems to work together well, even though it is separated by areas of study. The biology pedagogy class has been very informative with teaching for the first time. Interesting, I can understand more knowledge. Molecular biology. The professors are great and students are great. Ease of Contact with certain Faculty / Strong support for Graduate Community / I found most of the faculties are friendly and willing to help the students, which is a definite plus point. Diversity - the department houses many sub disciplines of biology making it easy to find professors or students that have a particular expertise. If I have a problem there is someone I can talk to in order to work toward a solution. / / Faculty - the faculty that I interact with are supportive, both in academia and with personal problems Wide variety of faculty and courses offered; relatively good course experiences for the most part; There are no strengths. The general academic atmosphere of DBS is very supportive and faculty seem to get along and help promote all students in the department. Constructive feedback regarding one's research is readily available. DBS works within limitations set by the administration to support its students as much as feasible. The graduate student organization, TTUAB, helps promote camaraderie and a supportive environment among a diverse group of students. The support from the Department (authorities, faculty, staff and graduate students) and the quality of some professors. Respectable department; Not enough pay as a TA/RA but decent enough; Good teaching faculty. There is a general camaraderie amongst the grad students, which is helpful in learning new techniques, completing research, and as a general support system. Quality of the Faculty. Availability of teaching as well as research opportunities / Opportunity to select or reject major advisor after the start of the program / Opportunity to attend other national & international conferences I expect the program will help me to gain vivid knowledge in the filed in which I am interested. The faculty are all very nice and seem to get along well without any noticeable rivalries. There are constant announcements about seminars within and outside of the department. Two weekly seminars are held. There is a class for new teaching assistantships while has been a tremendous help. My department fully supports its students and that makes us more confident in everything we do. Great faculty The professors and available courses in the department. I think there is a strong core of students in my area of research, which provides a strong base to ask questions.


What do you consider to be the weaknesses of this program?

Overcomplicated procedures and formalities, amount of coursework. May not be able to find a job Piggy-back courses are terrible. Also, there isn't a real "program". Most large Universities have programs that you apply to and all the students accepted into that program everyone is required to take a few of the same classes to serve as a baseline. Then there are rotations with various professors in their labs to help you figure out what you want to do. This was the only University that required me to locate my own major adviser first before applying to the Graduate School. We do not have adequate access to high impact scientific journals, the stipend for teaching assistantship is fairly low, the department does not offer many of the required courses for the graduate students, the department does not offer a lab rotation system for the graduate students. TA/RA Assignments - the department has been working toward a solution to this problem for a while, but I think external support would help. Perhaps setting up some kind of criteria would be beneficial. The rumor is that students with the loudest advisors get the most support, e.g. RAs during the summer. Setting up an objective system would help solve some of these ill feelings. / / Graduation Criteria - This is a serious issue. Some students graduate with little effort while others work very hard. Granted, these differences should be apparent to employers, but it is no less frustrating. I know that many of these differences are dependent upon the student's committee and chair, but it's frustrating to know that you're doing multiple analyses on multiple data sets while a fellow student defends a dissertation consisting of a single, simple statistical analysis. That is one example, another would be publishing. Some courses too old-fashioned lecture & exam heavy for a graduate or cross-listed undergrad/grad class, would like to have some more interaction or grade based less on 2-3 exams. Several courses are offered as one-off, special topics courses with low student caps, which are sometimes not announced far enough in advance the previous semester to be able to consider taking them. This makes it hard to plan ahead to take some courses which may be useful, but which have either already been filled by the time you hear about them at the beginning of the semester they are offered, or because you cannot alter your class registration because teaching assignments have already been given and those can't be changed at that point. This program has many flaws... / 1. There an adequate number a classes to take. My major professor must teach a new class every semester so that I can fill my schedule. / 2. The classes that are offered tend to be subpar with only a few exceptions. My undergraduate classes at a different school were more demanding. / 3. There is not a defined set of guidelines or orientation for incoming students. This program requires a semester long course to fill students in when a week would suffice. / 4. There is no core curriculum in place and classes are not offered every year or even every other year. / 5. Thesis committees are a joke. The necessary requirements as far as research data are extremely lax. There is no first author paper requirements. The major advisor is allowed to be the chair of the committee which is not in the best interest of the student. / 6. The staff is incapable of doing their jobs in a timely and efficient manner and are not able to answer basic questions. The most limiting component of our program is financial support. Our 9 month salaries put us well below the poverty line, prevent us from having an income source during the summer, and force us to go into considerable debt to successfully achieve our career goals. Having to pay tuition each semester certainly does not help the situation. Lack of transparency regarding how funds are distributed among graduate students is also an issue although the administration has been working with the graduate student body to fix this. Some professors in the department. Poor research facilities; Less money spent on infrastructure of the labs (this includes safety measures too); Not enough funding to fund the graduate students' TA throughout the year. Significant lack of qualified TAs at the moment, which makes it difficult to spend time completing


our own research because we spend the majority of our time as lab TAs. In addition to being overworked in that sense, we are not fairly compensated for the additional hours that we put in to making sure TA assignments are completed well and appropriately. Information regarding recent pay scale changes for TAs was NOT adequately disseminated, and grad students could not make informed decisions about their willingness to increase work load as a result. Part of this is departmental policy, a large part is upper administration. And this is unacceptable. There are not financial resources to develop the research in the lab. In the lab we do not have all the equipment and reagents that we need to be more productive. Sometimes the needed courses are not offered for many years / resources are not enough and cutting- edge, which makes the requirement to go to the other departments or out of the university for the arrangement. The program lacks lab rotation facility. It is important as it provides a platform for students to get to know different research fields and then figure out their specific interest. There should core lab facility open for all students so that they are not restricted by the equipment availability. I have not been in the program long, so I have not experienced much. I do, however, wish that I could readily contact some of my other professors. I spent a week trying to get in touch with a professor who does not have an email address and is not present in his office during any of his office hours. While this professor is definitely helpful when questioned after class, the class is only once a week. None Limited class choices each semester Orientation for students starting in the spring semester needs to be improved. The program only recently has started to offer a variety of courses in my area of research. Unfortunately, these courses did not come about until the past year or so, which was untimely in my


What changes, if any, could be made to improve the quality of this program?

Decrease coursework, streamline forms/procedures for graduate students once they arrive. Improved welcome packet. More job opportunity Group professors into different "programs". This could be interdepartmental. This will allow new graduate students to rotate around in other labs to gain experience in various subfields of your field. / / More graduate only classes with relevant, new subjects. Most of the professors now are very familiar with the classical side of things. Logistical arrangements of class times/lab spaces. Increase the stipend or waive the tuition for at least PhD students, offer more courses, increase the accessibility of different scientific journals in library, implement a lab rotation system like many other universities, so that the students can have a better understanding about the faculties before getting into a particular lab. I know that creating an objective rubric can have positive as well as negative implications. There will always be situations in which the criteria cannot be followed completely. But, by having a set of criteria, it will eliminate some of the problems and ill-will that exists among graduate students (and faculty for that matter). For example, if you have X publications (not notes) then you can apply for a summer RA. Or, you get an RA if your average student evaluation score is greater than X after 4 semesters, etc. I know this seems silly, but it rewards the students that are doing good research and putting forth effort in their teaching. And it encourages faculty to push their students to work harder, instead of complaining until they finally get better appointments for their students. Overall, it would


make the system seem fair and potentially help students to feel appreciated. Make more graduate courses less reliant on 2-3 exams only for grades (more discussion, or other interactions would be beneficial). Announce special topics courses far enough in advance the previous semester before students start registering. Some special topics courses should be offered on a regular basis (though not necessarily every semester, but maybe every other year) so that new students don't miss out on an important topic that would be beneficial and so they can plan ahead to take it when it is offered again. Keep graduate students abreast of changes in assistantship availability and stipends offered, and make it more clear what criteria are used to award TAs--but do not tell students what *may* happen if you don't know, since many of those changes and/or "promises" never seem to materialize. To suspend the program, bring in new leadership, actually look at a school that has a teir one research program and design the program off of theirs, and to define specific research goals for the department. Stipends should be increased as well as admission standards. Advisors should only be able to except students based on the funding of the lab. Offer competitive 12 month salaries. Provide greater access to on-line journals. Provide competitive and transparent RAs/travel grants based on merit and not arbitrary factors (e.g. how loud a particular faculty advisor can yell). Limit support for unproductive graduate students. Offer graduate scholarships exclusive to biological sciences or proportional to the amount of productivity of particular disciplines in terms of publications/presentations. I would balance the amount of work and research opportunities among graduate students. Some students have research assistantships and don't teach whereas other have to teach two or three sections per semester. There's a lot of pressure for us to make research, to be competitive, to publish, to have good grades, to be a good teaching assistant... so it's important to keep students motivated to accomplish their goals during the program time. / Also, graduate students who depend on teaching assistantships face a big problem every summer because there's not enough opportunities for everyone and in case of international students (a big component in our department) is even worse because we're not allowed to work outside of the university and we need to pay tuition, health insurance, research expenses, rent, bills,.... without that support it's harder to be more competitive. Need to increase the resources to improve research that is being done. Department and administrative staff need to be significantly more transparent when sharing information that is DIRECTLY relevant to graduate student livelihood and well-being. Funding the labs, giving internal grants from the university to improve research. Give an equal amount of TA assignments to all students, so we can do more research. Give RAs assignments to all students during the Summer sessions (including both). Motivating graduate students by acknowledging the deserving students and giving necessary (can be mild) penalty for the slack ones. / Motivating the faculties by providing them with cutting-edge technologies in their field of research. / Encouraging graduate students to focus just on the studies keeping their mind aside of the financial burdens (certain increment in annual stipend may be good in yearly basis). / Strictly enforcing the time frame for graduation. / Improving the quality of product i.e. the graduates and their work, my better monitoring. If the above weaknesses are taken care of it would be very good. While I find the weekly departmental seminar very interesting and beneficial, I think the room should be scheduled for a longer period of time. I know that classes have to be held in the room, but many times the speaker has talked over time and is unable to answer questions. I have not personally experienced the variety of classes available to finish a degree, but I have heard that the selection is not particularly great (take that for what it's worth I guess). More faculty on ecology and evolutionary biology. None More classes available each semester


Student orientation in the spring as well as in the fall. I think the program needs to make some drastic efforts to offer additional graduate courses, more so in application and theory as opposed to "advanced" versions of undergraduate courses. Although some of these are necessary, a stronger variety of classes are needed to differentiate the undergraduate programs from the graduate programs. Also, a stronger effort needs to be placed on graduating students in a timely manner. Although the time needed to a complete a graduate degree and the research varies drastically depending on the field, there have been many students that have taken 6+ years for Master's degrees, which limits opportunities for the future students. The final thing is that the supporting core facilities need to drastically improve, both in resources and support staff. This would bring Biology and similar departments into competition with other research-1 universities.

Please feel free to add any additional comments below.

Overall this is a great University, the students and professors here are great. I would like to see more "strategic hires" though with relevant research in Cell and Molecular Biology. There are very few classes in that field (maybe 2?) and this is such an important field that students across the country are lining up to study (cancer treatments, etc.). New professors would greatly improve the selection of classes. Texas Tech, student business services is the major problem of the university and is the main reason I advise other potential graduate students not to attend TTU. Aside from charging graduate students tuition which many Universities do not, the university also requires tuition be paid prior to applying scholarships. The university has to realize we, as graduate students, who make 1200 - 1600/ month just cannot afford this. It is absurd and I firmly believe it is so they can make interest off of our money prior to refunding us. The alternative to not paying full tuition is a $25 deferment plan - why not just get my tuition bill correct to begin with so i may save myself $25 and I can make the interest on MY money? / / I truly wish I felt as if TTU valued it students, especially graduate students...we do most of the research and deserve better benefits and have our money treated respectfully. I know other Texas Universities are able to defer tuition costs, and have higher stipends for students and those are the ones that will be attractive to incoming graduates. Additionally, as a biologist Lubbock and the surrounding area is nearly impossible to work in the field, therefore, TTU must come up with more inventive ways of attracting students. Most obvious is $. I am personally, looking very much forward to graduating and leaving the area in hopefully the very near future. We have a great department and I appreciate everything it does to support the students and faculty. However, there is always room for improvement. By setting up a more objective "reward" system for graduate students (e.g. RAs), I believe it will solve at least a few problems that exist between students and the administration, and between the students themselves. Overall, satisfied with Biology program, but could use some minor improvements. At a university level, Student Business Services issues and errors need to be reduced significantly. Not a single graduate student in my department has not had a major issue with mistakes on SBS' part which ultimately put the student in a financial bind, even though it was the university's fault. Many of the same problems crop up every semester, and should not be occurring at a school that claims to want Tier I status. I attended an undergraduate Tier I institution, with a 10-25% larger student body, and had no major problems there, nor did any graduate student I know have major issues. I consider the sheer abundance of mistakes on tuition statements, fee waivers, overcharges & over awarded financial aid to be unprofessional at best. I am in my second year, and there has been a major issue with my student account every semester. This semester, SBS did not finish resolving my account issues until about 60 days after the semester had started, which is closer to 90 days since I paid my account. In general, I have not been able to reliably budget ahead of time how much money to set aside for tuition and fees


and when to pay them, as the timing of fee waivers and how much of the tuition/fees get waived seems to vary widely by semester, while the deadline for payment does not change. This department has ignored most of the comments from the last accreditation and it shows. It would help if the upper administration realized what it really takes to become a Tier 1 program in terms of graduate student support. Nearly no Tier 1 program makes PhD students pay tuition, offers 9 month stipends, and or limits resources to the labor force that produces a majority of research and academic outreach for a university. I don't know if this is a good place to complain but I feel that SBS and the people in charge to deal with Health insurance for the students have done an awful job this semester. This is not fair to the Texas Tech community and students, like me, that came here to improve our education and work for this institution. Want to see Texas Tech take a lift to tier one by producing quality graduates at the same time (not merely by enrolling a large number of students and brag about that).