Promote the Vote, Protect the Vote Resource Guide NCJW Washington Office 1707 L Street NW, Suite 950 Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 202 296 2588
[email protected] Check us out on Facebook and Twitter! @NCJW National Council of Jewish Women, 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1901, New York, NY 10115 Table of Contents I. Introductory Materials } Introduction } Q & A on NCJW’s 501(c)(3) Status } Taking Action on Ballot Initiatives } Promote the Vote, Protect the Vote Activity Ideas } Voter Education: Candidate Forums, Questionnaires, and Voter Guides } Sample Questions for Candidate Forums and Questionnaires II. Promote the Vote } Timeline for Voter Engagement and Turnout } Guide to Voter Registration } Voter Registration Poster to Display at Events } Before Election Day: Get Out The Vote (GOTV) } Election Day: Get Out The Vote (GOTV) } Tips on Building Partnerships: Coalition-Building Do’s and Don’ts III. Protect the Vote } Election Day Protect the Vote Activities } Understanding and Applying the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) } Early, Absentee, and In-Person Absentee Voting } Guarding Against Obstacles to Voting on Election Day } Barriers to Voting: Voter ID Laws } Know Your Rights: Poster for Display IV. Resources } Additional Resources } Contact Information for State Boards of Elections NCJW Promote the Vote, Protect the Vote Resource Guide I. Introductory Materials Introduction: Promote the Vote, Protect the Vote The most important political office is that of the private citizen. ~ Justice Louis Brandeis For decades, NCJW members and supporters across the country have worked to encourage civic engagement by registering voters, educating communities, and getting out the vote on Election Day.