Filby in Bloom 2014

Village Portfolio Contents in Bloom 2014 Item Item Page Page Section Section

Cover 1 Trinity Broads B1, B3, A5 19 Contents 2 Clay Pits Project B1, B3, B4 20 Village Map 3 Village Pond B1, B3 Introduction Filby in Bloom 4 Wildlife Area 22 Anglia in Bloom Judging Day C3, C4 Nest Boxes 5 B1 Open Gardens Weekend C3, C4, C5 Ormesby L. Broad Viewing Platform & 23 Britain In Bloom Judging Day C3, C4 6 Walkway Domestic Waste Recycling August Bank Holiday Weekend C4 C5, B - Plant and Compost Recycling Anglia in Bloom Awards Ceremony Environmental Responsibility Garden Waste Composting Britain in Bloom Awards Ceremony C4 7 B2 Peat Usage Reduction Yarmouth in Bloom Awards Ceremony 24 Mulching Grand Firework Display C4, C5 Chemical Treatments Anglia in Bloom Seminar C4 Information Boards B3, B5 Filby Primary School Presentation C2, C3 Cleanliness Christmas Tree C3, C4 B4 Welcome Signs Filby in Bloom Meeting C2, C3 8 Street Furniture B5 25 Christmas Tree Festival & Christmas Fayre C4, C5 A New Road B2, B4, B5 Filby in Bloom Coffee Mornings Filby In Bloom’s Accounts C5 Britain in Bloom Finalists Seminar C4 The Press Easter Bonanza C4, C5 The Filby Flyer Autumn and Winter Activity A2 Local Radio & Television C2 26 Rotary Crocus Beds A1, A3 9 Filby on the Web Spring Colour A3, A5 Other Means of Publicity Growing-on Facilities A2 10 Quiz Night C5 Roadside Summer Display Planting Plan A1 Open Gardens Weekend C3, C4, C5 Pricking Out and Potting On A2 C - Community Grand Fete C4 Roadside Displays Created 11 Participation Firework Display 27 A Broads Influence A1, A2 C4,C5 Christmas Tree Festival & Christmas Fayre Thrigby Road Corner Bed Easter Bonanza A - Business Premises A4 Horticultural Branded Products C4 Achievement Residential Gardens A3, C3 12 Other Projects Tree Planting A1, A2 Sponsorship C5 28 Hedge Planting Filby Primary School C3 Allotments A3 The Future C1 30 Wildflower Planting A3, B3 13 The Village Pound A1, A2, A5 Village photographs in this Portfolio A1, A2, A3, Club Room Garden B3 15 are from Tom & Jackie Green , Keith Wildlife Area & Leslie Johnson , Ken & Joan Saul A5, B1 17 Community Orchard and Derek & Caroline Nicker. Some Broads images are from the Broads Authority archives. Scans The contributions from Ken Saul (Nest Boxes), from the local papers are reproduced Joan Saul (Wildlife Garden) and Rose Canham by kind permission of Archant (School’s Gardening Club) are appreciated. Newspapers.

Page 2 Village Map Filby in Bloom 2014

Water Feature Shop & P.O. Bus Shelter Millennium Clock Pavilion

Filby Bridge Restaurant Ormesby Little Broad Bowls Club Playing Field Club Room

Green Lane Boardwalk Ken Martin Memorial

Pound Lane Ormesby Lane

Filby Main Road Broad Church Broad Lane Filby Lane York Villa Close Close Poplar Drive Paddock A1064 Farm Drive Filby Broad FEPOW Memorial

Mautby Lane

Thrigby Road Mill Lane Staithe Kings Head P.H.

Primary School Village Pond

Jam Shed Wildlife Area Fox & Hounds P.H. Former Church Hall Village Sign

Unitarian Site Orchard Allotments Parish Church The Pound Page 3 Introduction Filby in Bloom 2014

Filby in Bloom The village of Filby is situated on the edge of the Norfolk Broads, between Filby Broad and Ormesby Little Broad, some 6 miles north-west of and 16 miles east of the city of . The parish has an area of a little over 2.2 square miles (543 acres) and, in the 2001 census, it had a population of 740 in some 308 households. Essentially agricultural in character, until the late 1950s Filby was known for its market gardens. Astride the busy A1064, the village has now become an attractive base for commuters, to both Great Yarmouth and Norwich. The village entered Anglia in Bloom, for the first time, in 1995, had its first Local Map success in 1997 and has participated in the event every year since. The Team Key Tasks All involved do so to make Filby a better place in which to live, for Adrian Thompson Chairman, planting, potting on and watering the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors alike. Everyone Paddy Hudson Secretary

Joy Baldry Potting on & planting makes a contribution in the best way that they can. There is no

Jenny Barnes & Tony Elms Fund raising quizzes and special evenings formal ‘In-Bloom’ committee, as such. Instead, everyone has a

Rose Canhan School Gardening Club say in the planning. A Chairperson and Secretary are elected for

Peter Chapman Water feature maintenance and litter the purpose of those meetings that are held but all participate in Barry Forsdyke Planning and potting on the discussions and everyone has an equal vote. Kate Foster Potting on & planting Team work is evident throughout the organisation of the many Les Futter Orchard & Wildlife Garden schemes and projects that run every year, to which so many of Mervyn & Sandra Gibson Planting, potting on & maintenance, use of greenhouse the residents willingly give their time. Every Saturday morning, Tom Green Display design, planting a small team is assembled to conduct all necessary clearing, Percy Hudson Floral displays, strimming and maintenance, potting on

Keith Johnson Website, Orchard & Green Village Project cleaning, planting and other sundry tasks to ensure that the

Lesley Johnson Orchard, Wildlife Garden & Pound village stays in great shape. Individuals often initiate their

Caroline Nicker Club Room Project, Portfolio editing, planting & potting on own projects and the sheer number and variety of the tasks

Derek Nicker Portfolio & Press Officer undertaken demonstrate the innovation within the village. Its Ian Richardson Planting & potting on enthusiasm for the In-Bloom competitions and for the overall Joan Saul Orchard, Wildlife Garden improvement to the fabric of the neighbourhood, in general, is Ken Saul Nest Boxes, Clay Pits Project self evident. David Shaw Planting, potting on and maintenance Filby is well known throughout the area as ‘The Flower Village’ Rev. Graham Steel Planting & potting on

David Thompson MBE Planting, potting on & watering and the media pay close attention to activities in the Parish,

Jenny Thompson Fund raising which are also publicised in a monthly newsletter, the Filby Flyer. Gwen Thurtle Potting on & planting Fundraising is a year round activity. A regular income is derived Victor Tungate Orchard from the collection of recyclables and sponsors are attracted Gordon & Margery Ward Planning & displays from local businesses. Villagers participate in regular events that Val Webb School Gardening Club raise money for the horticultural front. These include popular quiz nights at a local restaurant, coffee mornings, an Open Gardens Weekend and the Annual Fete. There really is a great community effort, well demonstrated by the projects described within this portfolio. Filby in Bloom is, indeed, “a lovely place to be”. Current members of the In-Bloom team are listed here but they are ably assisted, on a regular basis, and in a variety of different roles, by other village residents, too numerous to mention. Filby in Bloom’s accounts for 2013 / 2014 are available on page 25. The competitions advertised (22nd Mar Jun 2014)

Page 4 Filby in Bloom’s Year Filby in Bloom 2014

Anglia in Bloom Judging Day 2013 - C3, C4 Wednesday 10th July 2013 was Filby’s Judging Day in Anglia in Bloom’s 2013 competition. The village In-Bloomers welcomed back Judge Marney Hall, returning after judging the village in 2012. Marney is a Chelsea Flower Show Garden Designer and the Vice Chairperson of St. Ives in Bloom. Accompanying her was Margaret Spencer in her first year as an Anglia in Bloom Judge. Margaret is Chairman of the Rayleigh in Bloom Committee. The judges were given a short presentation of Filby’s entry then toured the village accompanied by Filby In-Bloom Chairman, Anglia in Bloom Judges at Filby Primary School (10th Jul 2013) Adrian Thompson and Press Officer Derek Nicker. The first stop on the tour was the new boardwalk and viewing platform built by the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Authority at Ormesby Little Broad. Their representative was present, accompanied by In-Bloomer and Broads Volunteer, Lesley Johnson, to describe some of the projects being undertaken. At the Village Pound, judges inspected a permanent memorial to Far East Prisoners of War that had been erected, in 2009, by the In-Bloom team. The party returned through the village to Thrigby Road and the village’s wildlife gardens where their work was outlined by In Bloomers, Keith and Lesley Johnson. Together, they moved onto Anglia in Bloom Judges at Stepping Stones Nursery (10th Jul 2013) the adjacent Community Orchard where local heritage varieties of apple are grown. This was followed by a visit to Filby’s expanding allotments. Visiting the village’s Primary School, they met Rose Canham, husband, Ray, and Val Webb, who assist with school’s Gardening Club. The children of the school introduced themselves and outlined their projects to the judge’s including their crop of new potatoes. The judges stopped at Steeping Stones Nursery, on the school’s premises, to admire the nursery’s newly constructed green house, built entirely from clear, plastic bottles. The judging party concluded the tour at the village’s Club Room where the judges took lunch and were afforded the opportunity of meeting Filby’s In-Bloomers, the ladies of the W.I. and other village notables

Open Gardens Weekend - C3, C4, C5 ‘Open Gardens Weekend’ is the occasion, in July, when the village ‘puts on its best horticultural bib and tucker’ and lets the world inside. Residents are pleased to make their individual contributions to Filby in Bloom by opening their gardens to the public, who visit from far and wide. Gardens on view range from chocolate box to architectural and from manicured to wild. There is even the odd vegetable patch amongst all those flowers. Included, again, this year, were David Thompson’s gardens, at the rear of the village shop, and those of the Post Mill at Thrigby, where visitors could look at the surrounding countryside through a hatch at the top of the mill. Holidaymakers mingle with day-trippers, many of whom make an annual pilgrimage to join in the event. Residents, too, like to tour the village and take the opportunity to meet the Open Gardens Weekend (13th & 14th Jul 2013)

Page 5 Filby in Bloom’s Year Continued Filby in Bloom 2014 neighbours. Visitor numbers are very dependent upon the weather and, on fine days, they can be seen, in their hundreds, clutching their maps and wandering the prescribed route, searching out the next little gem. Host and guest compare notes and exchange experiences. Plants can be bought at some of the gardens. There is always a welcome opportunity to rest in the pews of All Saints Parish Church and what village event would be complete without the opportunity for a welcome cup of tea, at the Playing Field, and a final chat about a great day out. Open Gardens 2013 took place over the weekend of 13th and 14th July. Good weather helped, once again, and there was a steady stream of visitors, both days. In addition to the usual Tea & Refreshments and Plant Sales, other attractions were a Giant Garage Sale and an exhibition of photographs of village notables’ wedding ceremonies, at the village’s Club Room, put together by archivists, Lesley and Keith Johnson. A total of £1,527 was raised, over the weekend, which was equally split between the Church, Filby New Village Hall Fund and Filby in Bloom. This year’s Open Gardens will take place over the weekend of 12th and 13th July.

Britain In Bloom Judging Day 2013 - C3, C4 On Tuesday September 13th 2012, at the Charter Hall in Colchester, village In-Bloomers David Thompson and Derek Nicker were delighted to accept a Gold Award for the village’s entry and to regain, after two barren years, their long held Best Village Award. Filby were, later, nominated to represent the Anglia Region in the 2013 Britain in Bloom competition for a third successive year. Judging Day, started early on 5th August 2013. Judge Mark Britain in Bloom Judges with Rose Canham at the School (5th Aug Wasilewski M.V.O. was returning to the village, having judged 2013) Mel Henley left, Mark Wasilewski centre. with Jim Knight, in 2009. Mark manages the gardens in Hyde Park, which in recent years have been the venue for the Royal Wedding, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations and the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Mark was accompanied by Mel Henley, on his first visit. Mel manages a portfolio of services that link to the Bloom campaigns, including parks, street care and recycling. The judges were accompanied on their tour by Adrian Thompson and Derek Nicker. First stop was car park where they met Broads Authority staff who outlined the construction of a new boardwalk In Bloomers, Keith and Lesley Johnson talk about the village’s Wild- and viewing platform. life Garden (5th Aug 2013) After stopping at the Pound, the judges visited the village’s Wildlife Garden where they were shown a recent addition, an Insect Hotel. At the Community Orchard, they learnt of the many local varieties of apple cultivated by village volunteers. At the village’s allotments, allotment holders disclosed the secret of their bumper crops, a liquid fertilizer made from Comfrey. Impressed though they were by the quality of the vegetables, the judges were less than impressed by the smell of the plant food! Welcoming the return to the Primary School’s Gardening Club, of Rose Canham, after husband Ray’s illness, last year, together Lunch in the Club Room after Judging (5th Aug 2013) with Val Webb, the judges were talked through the children’s

Page 6 Filby in Bloom’s Year Continued Filby in Bloom 2014 projects by the pupils themselves, pleased to take a break from their holidays and get the chance to show off their efforts, including digging up new potatoes that they had held back, just to show to the judges. Whilst there, they also stopped off at Stepping Stones Nursery to admire the Plastic Bottle Greenhouse. The tour concluded at the Club Room where, partaking of a full lunch, the judges were able to meet and greet people from many of the groups active in the village. Lunch was a bit special as the entire menu, in deference to the RHS’s Edible Britain Campaign, had been sourced locally, including village grown vegetables and salad items.

August Bank Holiday Weekend - C4, C5 Monday began with an opportunity to try Bowls. The village’s Bowls Club was open for people to have a go. The weekend’s main event was, of course, the Grand Fete followed by live music with the return of rock guitarist, Hank Bemarvin, and the evening concluded with the Grand Finale, a giant Firework Display. A photo exhibition, ‘Filby Weddings’, was held in the village Club Room, throughout the weekend. Warm weather brought out the crowds and the fete earned £4,072 for village funds.

Anglia in Bloom Awards Ceremony - C4 At the Anglia in Bloom Awards Ceremony, in St Albans on 10th September, it was announced that Filby had retained its title of Best Village and had been awarded a Gold medal. Particularly warming were our nominations for four special awards... • Best Conservation Project - Boardwalk and Ormesby Little Broad • Environmental Quality Award - The Village • Best Young People’s Project (12 years and under) - Fete (26th Aug 2013) Village School • Roy Lacey Award – The Saturday Crew Derek Nicker was pleased to accept the awards on behalf of the In-Bloom Team

Britain in Bloom Awards Ceremony - C4 Despite a very poor choice of venue, the Beachcomber Entertainment Centre in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, Caroline and Derek Nicker were pleased to attend the RHS Britain in Bloom Awards Ceremony, on Saturday 12th October and were delighted to accept a Gold Medal on behalf of village. The award was presented by ‘celebrity gardener’, Bob Flowerdew. Derek Nicker (right) receives Filby’s Gold Award from Anglia’s The category was won by the only other Gold medallist in the Chairman, Bob Ollier, (10th Sep 2012). Picture by Nigel Bloxham category, Pembridge in Herefordshire.

Yarmouth in Bloom Awards Ceremony - C4 On Friday, September 13th Filby won the Best Kept Village in the Borough of Great Yarmouth with a Gold Medal. The Post Office won Best Commercial premises with a Gold, and the Allotments also received a Gold. Grand Firework Display - C4, C5 Another of the village’s big fundraisers, its Fireworks Display, was held 3rd November, to the relief of the organisers as the previous year’s event had been cancelled as a result of flooding, following a downpour. The event was well attended and £1,094 Caroline and Derek Nicker receive Filby’s RHS Gold Award from Bob Flowerdew, (12th Oct 2013).

Page 7 Filby in Bloom’s Year Continued Filby in Bloom 2014

was raised for village funds

Anglia in Bloom Seminar - C4 On Wednesday 6th November, Caroline and Derek Nicker represented Filby at the annual seminar, held at the Orbis Energy Eco Centre in Lowestoft. It came as a complete surprise when it was announced that Filby would, once again, be in the following year’s Britain in Bloom Competition for an unprecedented fourth successive year. Having represented the region for the last three years, Filby had been told that, under Anglia in Bloom’s rules, they would be ineligible for the 2014 Britain in Bloom competition.

Filby Primary School Presentation Filby Primary School Presentation - C2, C3 As the school had received a nomination for Best Young People’s Project (12 years and under) for the Schools Gardening Club, principles from Filby in Bloom were invited to attend the school’s assembly, on 8th November, by Headmistress Debbie Flowerdew. Chairman Adrian Thompson presented their nomination certificate and a copy of the village’s Gold Medal certificate. Christmas Tree - C3, C4 Each year, in November, a large Christmas Tree is erected on the Village Pound. It is donated by a local farmer but it must be selected, felled, transported and erected by In-Bloom’s Saturday Crew.

Filby in Bloom Meeting - C2, C3 A meeting was held on Monday 2nd December in the Clubroom to present certificates to the members of the Saturday Crew, recognising their nomination for Anglia’s prestigious Roy Lacey Award for services to the In-Bloom movement, to the village’ for it’s nomination for Environmental Quality and to the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Authority for its nomination for Best Conservation Project - the Boardwalk to Ormesby Little Broad. The opportunity was used to discuss feedback from the two In-Bloom Seminars and to update plans for the 2014 entries.

Christmas Tree Festival and Christmas Fayre - C4, C5 On the afternoon of Sunday 8th December, a Christmas Tree Festival and Christmas Fayre was held in the Village Clubroom. Children came along to meet Santa in his grotto amongst the decorated trees. All the normal festive stalls were present.

Filby in Bloom Coffee Mornings - C4, C5 First held on 9th January 2014, the In-Bloom group instituted monthly Coffee Mornings to raise funds. At the second of these, Filby in Bloom Presentation Meeting (2nd Dec 2013) and speaking to a large audience, were personnel from Norfolk Wildlife Trust, who outlined their plans to revive the village’s Clay Pits Project and to create a number wildlife ‘hot spots’ about the village. Portfolio Deadline

Britain in Bloom Finalists Seminar - C4 Filby is preparing the final stage of its application, to BIG Lottery, for a grant of Held on 30th January 2014, at the Stadium of Light in Sunderland, £500,000, towards a new Village Hall. See the well organised event was attended by Derek and Caroline Page 30. The date for its submission coincides Nicker. with what would be the normal completion date of this portfolio. As both are being Easter Bonanza - C4, C5 prepared by the same team, the deadline for portfolio information was advanced to mid- On Saturday, 5th April 2014, another of the village’s regular fund May. Subsequent activities will be covered in raisers, an Easter Bonanza, was held in the Club Room. the Judging Day Presentation.

Page 8 A - Horticultural Achievement Filby in Bloom 2014

Autumn and Winter Activity - A2 In September, the Saturday Crew began the work of breaking down the summer displays and recycling both plants and compost for the following year. Britain in Bloom judges had commented that ‘In some beds at the Pound, the soil is relatively poor and in places shallow; incorporating more organic matter will be essential to achieve a higher standard of displays by improving the soil structure and retaining moisture. A consistently high standard should be achieved across all of displays. Some looked under-nourished and perhaps by incorporating a slow release fertiliser in the compost you may achieve New compost bays on Thompson’s Farm (22nd Mar 2013) better results in some cases. The In-Bloom team took advice on adding organic matter. Cow muck was advised, in preference to horse muck, as horses are unable to digest some weed seed and, if used, would promote its spread. A source of large quantities of year-old cow muck was secured. A new and large compost bay was constructed at Thompson’s Farm to accommodate it. It was advised to spread it as a thick layer, across the beds, and allow it to decompose over winter, before digging it in. Later in the year, the beds were supplemented with additions of Fish, Blood and Bone plant food. All of Filby’s beds were so treated. Tractor in use mixing compost (22nd Mar 2013) Chairman, Adrian Thompson and his father operate a number of farm businesses. Killing two birds with one stone, Adrian decided that father, who waters Filby’s floral displays, daily, throughout the summer, deserved some protection from the weather and provided him with a brand new John Deere tractor, with an enclosed cab, to pull his water bowser through the village. One of the many fittings that came with the tractor is a front loader bucket that, now, comes in useful moving large amounts of organic matter. Filby’s display barrels in 2014 contain one third cow muck, one third compost recycled from the previous year’s displays and one third newly composted material. This was prepared and repeatedly mixed, using the new bucket fixture. A well ‘mucked’ bed at Filby’s Centennial Bus Shelter (22nd Feb 2013) The water bowser trailer for the tractor has been repainted matching the John Deere house colours of the tractor but David’s character ‘Water for Filby in Bloom’ sign has been retained. Rotary Crocus Beds - A1, A3 On 2nd October 2011, watched by a contingent of members of the Rotary Club of Great Yarmouth and In-Bloomers, children from the village school had fun planting four thousand purple Crocus bulbs in beds, provided by Filby in Bloom, in front of the village Playing Field. Done in support of Rotary’s ‘Purple Pinkie Power’ programme, this was part of a series of End Polio Now events taking place throughout the UK. The triangular beds include a small patch of yellow crocuses in the shape of an eye. This permanent planting continues to add colour, year in, year out, to be enjoyed in the Spring by both residents and commuters on the Main Road. Spring Colour - A3, A5 Weather wise, it was a good spring and whilst wet, the area avoided any appreciable flooding. Temperatures rose to near 20oC during some days in March. As a result, the village managed good displays of Tete-a-Tetes and other daffodils. April, again, yielded a beautiful display from the Cherry trees along Main Road

Page 9 A - Horticultural Achievement Continued Filby in Bloom 2014

Growing-on Facilities - A2 Filby in Bloom has a substantial polytunnel, supplemented by two lean-to green houses built in 2009 and 2010. In January 2012, the polytunnel was badly damaged, in a storm, and had to be re-covered the following month. Anglia in Bloom Judges, Gordon and Margery Ward, moved house, within the village, late in the year and the buyer of their property did not wish to keep their beautifully maintained green house - so they offered it to the village’s In-Bloom group, with the proviso that they dismantled it and transported it away. Cherry Trees along Main Road (19th Apr 2014) On 5th November, the Saturday Crew turned up, removed the

Dismantling Gordon & Margery’s Greenhouse... (5th Nov 2013) be heaved over the hedge...(5th Nov 2013)

...and walked through the field... (5th Nov 2013) ...then down the road...(5th Nov 2013)

glass, heaved the frame into the adjacent field and proceeded to walk it down the road to join Filby’s other growing-on facilities at Thompson’s Farm. It was a short journey, however, as they managed to thumb a lift on the trailer of a passing tractor!

Roadside Summer Displays Planting Plan - A1 The Saturday Crew, once again, opted for an ‘in-house’ plan. Another glorious mix of colour with an emphasis on bright colours, Reds, Oranges and Yellows. Filby buys plant plugs from Pentland Plants and pots them on in facilities at Thompson’s farm. be re-ercted and put to use at Thompson’s Farm (5th Apr 2014)

Page 10 A - Horticultural Achievement Continued Filby in Bloom 2014

This year’s purchase of 12,660 plugs, placed yet more emphasis (55%) on Begonias, which have proven a great success in recent displays. Once again, Impatiens (Busy Lizzies) have been completely omitted as a result of a near-miss with ‘Downy Mildew’ in 2011. Pricking Out and Potting On - A2 The first plugs, ordered from Pentland Plants, were delivered in mid March, with more to follow over the next two weeks. Each week’s delivery was picked up, by the Filby in Bloom Saturday Crew, and other volunteers from the village, and pricked out and potted on. Filby’s 2014 Display Plants The availability of the ‘Ward Greenhouse’ enabled another ‘first’ for Filby in Bloom - its generation of part of the year’s display from seed.

Roadside Displays Created - A1, A2 Filby in Bloom’s standard Hanging Basket for 2014 is, again, a 450 mm diameter basket containing 12 plants, a colourful mix of Begonias, Trailing Geraniums, Calibrachoa, Bidens, Verbena, Lobelia and Petunias. 60 hanging baskets were prepared by the Saturday Crew, by ‘the numbers’. A further 60 baskets were obtained from a local Garden Centre at Moulton St. Mary. Filby’s 2014 Display Colours Limited use will be made of roadside barrels, again, this year. These were originally prepared in 2008, as a contingency, to add height to the displays in the event that Filby lost the ability to suspend baskets from its lampposts. Ultimately, they were wheeled out to supplement the lamppost displays that year but met with a mixed reaction from residents. Most agreed that, when deployed in groups, they looked good but, when used in isolation, they did not work. Since 2009, barrels have been used in groups and restricted to focal points. In 2011, their height was reduced and their top surfaces raked at an angle to make them more visible from the road.

A Broads Influence - A1, A2 Potting on. (5th April 2014) In keeping with the 2010 display’s Broads Theme, it was decided to erect a sailing dingy by the Boardwalk to Filby Broad. After recovering a wreck, In-Bloomer Tom Green rebuilt it and applied a new, white paint job. Netting was used for sails to reduce wind damage and a neat touch was added, the Filby in Bloom Grebe logo on the sail. Tom christened his craft the ‘Filby Flyer’! The sails of the ‘Flyer’ suffered during the winter storms, earlier this year, so Tom took the opportunity to dissemble the Flyer and repaint it, replicating the floral patterns of his village ‘Welcome’ signs, ready for the 2014 season.

The Filby Flyer (26th Apr 2014)

Page 11 A - Horticultural Achievement Continued Filby in Bloom 2014

Thrigby Road Corner Bed - A1, A2 In 2008, Judges’ advice was to increase the angle of the beds to the horizontal to assist visibility of the layout from the road. As no graphic design was undertaken there in 2009, the elevation was only slightly increased. The following year, that advice was adopted in full. The bed was sloped at a significant angle and trellising placed along the rear to obscure the hedge behind the bed. In 2013, the bed was terraced.

Business Premises - A4 All four of Filby’s main businesses are active participants in Filby in Bloom. The Shop & Post Office are the hub of information dispersal in the village and are Filby in Bloom’s de facto headquarters. The Filby Bridge Restaurant and the two local pubs, the King’s Head and the Fox & Hounds, are also active participants in the floral displays, each year.

Residential Gardens - A3, C3 There are many beautifully maintained private gardens in the village, some very visible during the judging. As part of the annual Filby in Bloom fundraiser, 11 private gardens were open to the public during the village’s Open Gardens Weekend on 13th and 14th July of last Year. Tree Planting - A1, A2 Continuing tree planting about the village, a grant of £1,500 from the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads Authority, in 2010, enabled the purchase of further fruit trees for the Community Orchard and 37 native trees to complete the planting along the village’s roads, the following year. Varieties planted included Cottoneaster, Sorbus, Crataegus, Malus, Pyrus, Prunus, English Oak and Hornbeam. Hedge Planting - A1, A2 On Saturday 23rd February 2013, a new hedge was planted along Main Road, near Poplar Drive. The hedge consists of Rowan, Hawthorn, Hazel, Wild Cherry, Dog Rose and Silver Birch. The plants were a gift from the Woodland Trust, to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the previous year. Allotments - A3 With the exception of a couple of plots that subsequently became the Orchard and the Wildlife Area, the bulk of the area, set aside by the village for allotments, was unwanted by residents and was rented out to a local farmer. As a result of some publicity about their availability, 5 plots were brought back into use as allotments in 2010. A total of 18 plots are available, now, of which 15 are occupied. Two drawbacks over the location are the large local rabbit population and the absence of a standpipe. On 27th March 2012, after consultation with the Unitarian Church, Filby Parish Council had agreed new car parking arrangements at the village’s allotments. The Parish Council also hired the village’s historic Jam Shed, nearby, so that allotment holders could use it for storage. (Until the late 1950s, the Jam Shed was used to store the village’s annual crop of raspberries, from where it was collected by lorry and taken to the depot of William Bracey & Sons, Fruit Merchants, in the nearby village of , who would sell them on to canners and jam factories.) During the Britain in Bloom Judging Tour in 2012, allotment holders revealed their secret of successful vegetable cultivation - the use of a plant feed made from the herb, Comfrey. Judges were treated to the sight and smell of this liquid fertiliser and advised that it was, now, being grown there on an industrial scale.

The village allotments (12th May 2014) The village allotments (12th May 2014)

Page 12 A - Horticultural Achievement Continued Filby in Bloom 2014

In 2013, a re-interpretation of the rules enabled allotment holders Filby’s Wildflower Planting - 2013 - Hedgerow Collection to keep chickens. Wild Flower Planting - A1, A2, A5

Filby does not have a convenient meadow or roundabout to Achillea millefolium - Yarrow Agrimonia eupatoria - Common Alliaria petiolata - Garlic Centaurea nigra - Common Daucus carota - Wild develop a wildflower meadow but it does have plenty of hedges 4.0% Agrimony 2.0% Mustard 3.5% Knapweed 7.0% Carrot 8.0% and verges so, by way of a first attempt at wildflower cultivation, in 2013, it was decided to attempt a hedgerow mix.

Digitalis purpurea - Wild Filipendula ulmaria - Galium mollugo - Hedge Galium verum - Lady’s Geranium pyrenaicum - 200 grams of mixed hedgerow wildflower seeds were purchased Foxglove 1.5% Meadowsweet 2.0% Bedstraw 2.0% Bedstraw 4.0% Hedgerow Cranesbill 0.5% from Naturescape, sufficient to cover an area of about 135 sq. metres. The mix contained 34 different plants in a variety of different colours, predominantly yellows, whites and purples. Geum urbanum - Wood Hypericum perforatum - Knautia arvensis - Field Lathyrus pratensis - Meadow Leontodon autumnalis - Rather than scatter them about, randomly, it was decided to Avens 2.5% Common St. John’s Wort 1.0% Scabious 2.0% Vetchling 1.5% Autumn Hawkbit 1.0% cultivate them. The seeds were sown, at the right density, into a 3 cm deep layer of potting compost on sections of cardboard, placed in Baker’s Bread Trays. The intent was to plant them out, Leontodon hispidus - Rough Leucanthemum vulgare - Malva moschata - Musk Malva sylvestris - Common Plantago lanceolata - Ribwort in whole sections, like laying turf. Hawkbit 0.5% Oxeye Daisy 6.5% Mallow 2.5% Mallow 2.0% Plantain 2.5% Having been watered in, the seeds were covered with fleece and left to germinate, which started to occur within 2 weeks. By late Prunella vulgaris - Self Ranunculus acris - Meadow Rhinanthus minor - Yellow Rumex acetosa - Common Primula veris - Cowslip 0.5% April, pressure on space, within the growing on facilities, made it Heal 7.0% Buttercup 4.0% Rattle 3.5% Sorrel 4.0% necessary to move the trays out of the polytunnel into the open air. In May, however, there was some concern that they might have suffered a setback. Despite this, when the first of the ‘turfs’ Sanguisorba minor - Salad Silene alba - White Campion Silene dioica - Red Campion Silene vulgaris - Bladder Stachys sylvatica - Hedge were laid at their chosen destination, the verge by Filby Bridge, Burnet 4.0% 6.5% 7.5% Campion 1.0% Woundwort 3.0% on 8th June. In spring, the plants re-emerged to begin flowering in late April. This planting will be supplemented by greenhouse grown poppies, by way of commemoration of the centenary of Torilis japonica - Upright Hedge Verbascum nigrum - Dark Vicia cracca - Tufted Vicia sylvatica - Wood the commencement of the Great War. Parsley 2.0% Mullein 1.5% Vetch 2.5% Vetch 0.5%

The Village Pound - A3, B3 The Village Pound, the core of the village’s floral display came in for some criticism from the Judges during the Britain in Bloom village tour on 5th August 2014. ‘In some beds at the Pound, the soil is relatively poor and in places shallow; incorporating more organic matter will be essential etc.’. At a meeting on 2nd December 2013, In-Bloomers decided to undertake a full ‘makeover’ of the Pound, repositioning and revitalising beds for the 2014 season. Barry Forsdyke, a former professional horticulturist, drafted a rough outline of the new Pound that would include a substantial conversion to permanent planting, to be undertaken in subsequent years as funds are raised to acquire the requisite shrubs. Work commenced in January 2014. New beds were cut in accord with Barry’s plan and each was covered with a thick layer of cow muck. The beds were rotivated in April before planting commenced. A pergola was built by Percy Hudson to provide a vista to the Ken Martin Memorial Water Feature, at the rear of the Pound. The Women’s Institute Bed was inaugurated by Mrs. Jan Howard, President of Filby & District W.I., on 8th April 2009, to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the W.I. in the village. A red standard rose bush was planted that year. Last year, the bed benefitted from cutting back overhead branches on nearby trees but is has always suffered from its shady position. It was repositioned Hedgerow wildflowers (12th May 2014)

Page 13 A - Horticultural Achievement The Village Pound Makeover Filby in Bloom 2014

FEPOW Memorial Ken Martin Memorial Water The Village Pound (7th Sep 2013) (7th Sep 2013) Feature (7th Sep 2012)

The Village Pound (2008) W.I. Bed (7th Sep 2013) A Start (25th Jan 2014)

Shrubs Moved (25th Jan 2014) New Pergola (29th Mar 2014) W.I. Bed Repositioned (29th Mar 2014)

FEPOW Bed Cleared (29th Mar 2014) Tidying Up W.I. Bed (12th Apr 2014)

The Pound 17th May 2014 The Pound 17th May 2014 The Plan 2014

Page 14 A - Horticultural Achievement Continued Filby in Bloom 2014 towards the centre of the Pound. New seats were donated by the Parish Council and by the Filby Society, a group of people from all over the world who converge on our small Norfolk village, every three years, to meet together in the place with which they share their name. Pound benches are dedicated to Frederick Filby and Elsworth Lincoln Filby. On the Pound is the village’s Far East Prisoners of War Memorial. In January, 1942, the 18th (East Anglian) Infantry Division was diverted, from its intended destination, the Middle East, to Singapore to help defend the city but, after 17 days of fierce fighting, it was surrendered to Japanese forces on 15th February. Included in that Division were the 4th, 5th and 6th Battalions of the Royal Norfolk Regiment, amongst which were men from the village. Surviving members of the Division were interned as Prisoners of War in Singapore’s notorious Changi Jail. Some were sent to build the infamous Burma Siam Railway and some were transferred to Japan, to act as slave labour. In 2008, a Memorial Bed, on the Filby Village Pound, was established, by the Filby in Bloom team, to commemorate their sacrifice. A design, suggested by members of the Far East Prisoners of War Association, depicting the organisation’s crest in carpet bedding, was replaced by a permanent memorial the following year. The new work in cast concrete was designed and built by village resident, Tom Green, using the same tile mosaic technique he employed for the build of new village signs, in 2008. That memorial has been retained whilst the layout of the Village’s Filby Club Room Garden Pound was revamped around it. “The area in front of the Village Hall needs a This year, the beds on the Pound will be planted out with bedding little TLC.” but in subsequent years, bedding will give way to permanent “Use a few more bee friendly plants in the planting bedding schemes.” Club Room Garden - A1, A2, A3, B3 The above suggested areas for improvement The Village’s ‘Hall’ is known locally as the Club Room - it is an for FiB, written by Marnie Hall and Margaret Spencer in their Judges’ Report of their tour eighteenth century thatched cottage, donated to the village to be on 10th July, 2013. used as a Reading Room. The suggestion, of the Anglia Judges, This welcome advice has been followed. Work in the report on their tour, that its garden had been neglected, commenced, in early December, to clear was perfectly valid. the Club Room garden of weeds, Ivy and Its permanent planting precluded easy access and had become unwanted debris. A wide, edged, shingle path was laid and walls were cleared of traces of overgrown. It was ‘right under people’s noses’ but nobody had Ivy and repainted. Percy Hudson, a founder noticed its untidiness. So much so that photographs of it, in its member of FiB, constructed a pergola, two sorry state, were difficult to locate. obelisks, a beehive compost bin and a stand for the water butt. In Bloomer, Caroline Nicker, volunteered to take on the project. The Water Feature by Ellie Beatty has been Her concept was to restore it as a Cottage Garden, populated incorporated within the garden ‘design’, the by pollinators, providing easy access for all. The Saturday Crew brief for which, was to generate an addition to adopted a ‘scorched earth’ policy and the ground was cleared the lovely thatched Club Room building, with in December. Roots were dug out and earth turned in January. mostly cottage garden flora and a deliberate Large quantities of compost were brought from Thompson’s emphasis on year round pollinator planting. Farm to create raised beds which were covered with a thick Plant donations have been many and varied layer of wood chippings, as a mulch, by way of weed control and consideration has been given to ‘donor sensibilities’, which has broadened and and moisture retention. A shingle path was laid and an entrance diversified the scope of the project beyond its created from the adjacent car park. original concept A pergola seat and obelisks were built and installed by Percy Seeds have been sown, flowers and shrubs have Hudson, who also turned his hand to building a water butt stand. been dug-up and transplanted, driven in no small part by the fact that there is virtually Water from the gutters of the Club Room have been channelled no funding for this project. It is, mostly, for to a butt donated by a resident. Percy built a compost bin that the love of gardening and our, and others’, was designed to replicate a traditional WBC bee hive. The WBC involvement and enjoyment of Filby’s latest was invented by and named after William Broughton Carr. It is horticultural scheme. always painted white to reflect the Summer sunlight and keep Caroline Nicker, FiB the temperature down for its occupants. An appeal for plants was made through the village’s news sheet

Page 15 A - Horticultural Achievement Club Room Garden Redevelopment Filby in Bloom 2014

Overgown Garden During Sales Event (15th May 2010) Club Room (14th Jun 2011)

Club Room Garden Plan (26th Apr 2014) Club Room (1st Dec 2013) Club Room (1st Dec 2013)

Pergola and Obelisks Obelisks Looking Like a Garden Painting (29th Mar 2014) Trellis Put Up (29th Mar 2014) (12th Apr 2014) (12th Apr 2014) (12th Apr 2014)

WBC Beehive Compost Bin (12th Apr 2014) Some Youthful Help Water Butt (15th Apr 2014) Well Mulched! 15th Apr 2014 (15th Apr 2014)

Starting to Grow Starting to Grow The Garden (6th May 2014) (12th May 2014) (12th May 2014) Early Planting (12th May 2014)

Page 16 A - Horticultural Achievement Continued Filby in Bloom 2014 and through the local press. This received a superb response and donations have continued up to close of press. Retained in the garden is Ellie Beattie’s Water Feature. Ellie Beattie, a student at Langley School, near Loddon in Norfolk, volunteered, as part of her studies, to construct a water feature for Filby. She designed and built the modern looking structure that includes the words ‘Filby in Bloom’ cast in Aluminium that she had recovered from recycled drink cans. It was originally installed on Thrigby Road corner and officially unveiled by the Mayor of Great Yarmouth, Terry Easter, on 7th July 2008. It was moved to the grounds of the Club Room, in 2010, to allow its permanent connection to power and water. It is retained whilst the garden of the Club Room is undergoing a complete revision. The garden is new - it will take time to establish but it will prove another oasis of beauty in the village. Wildlife Area - A5, B1 Next to the Community Orchard is a picturesque floral allotment that has been donated to Filby in Bloom, by holder, Margaret Rolfe. The donation has been transformed into a wildlife area, managed by the Orchard Group. In-Bloomers were delighted to discover, both in the garden and in the surrounding hedges, a treasure trove of fruiting bushes and trees that are now cropped for jam making, the proceeds of the sales of which form a significant contribution to village funds. Species lists are being maintained of the combined Orchard and Wildlife areas. To date, it includes some 23 species of bird, 9 wild plants, 1 reptile (a grass snake), 6 bees, 5 butterflies, 2 other insects and a single mammal, the rabbit, which infests the surrounding area. The species list may be seen on Filby in Blooms website Community Orchard - A5, B1 The initial idea for our community orchard was floated by village resident Joan Saul, over coffee, in late November 2007. None of her listeners had heard of the concept before but it seemed to have great potential and could form a useful part of the village’s ‘In-Bloom’ development. The thought of using native Norfolk varieties of apple was a great motivator. The Filby Village Orchard Project is, now, a partnership between the Filby in Bloom team, on behalf of the village, Norfolk County Council Planning and Transportation Department and The East of Apples and Orchards Project. The project aims to... • Create and maintain an orchard within the village for the enjoyment of the residents. • Create and maintain smaller groups of trees on other sites where appropriate. • Work with partners, such as the Apples and Orchards Project, to secure this aim. • Use local varieties to endeavour to ensure their long term future. • Make suitable trees, stakes, guards, ties etc., available, at reasonable cost, for residents to plant within their own property.

The project also contributes towards combatting climate change, by capturing CO2 from the atmosphere. At the instigation of member, Keith Johnson, the go-ahead for the project was agreed by the Filby in Bloom committee at a meeting on 11th December 2007. The Orchard was, initially, established on part of an allotment, on Thrigby Road, donated by plot holder, Steven Elderkin. The orchard is approached past the remains of Filby’s former Unitarian Church and the Wildlife Garden. This beautiful and well maintained area is, truly, one of Filby’s best kept secrets! The first trees, a selection of seven apple varieties were planted on 1st March 2008. Trees planted included Green Roland (1800s), Norfolk Beefing (1698), Vicar of Beighton (1890), Summer Broaden (1796), Horsford Prolific (1900), Sandringham (1883), and Red Ellison (1948). The size of the orchard was increased, in May 2008, when the remainder of Steven’s plot was transferred to the project. That part of the plot contained a small vineyard of 25 year old grapevines. On the advice of Anglia in Bloom 2008 Judges, the apple orchard was replanted, taking advantage of the extra area to achieve a wider spacing between the trees. Grapevines were retained at the border. In 2009, the selection of apple trees was extended to thirteen varieties, four dual use varieties, four cookers (culinary) and five eaters (dessert). Two varieties of pear tree were also introduced, one culinary variety of Norfolk pear and one dessert variety. In 2011, as part of a grant for permanent planting from the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads Authority, 20 further Norfolk apple trees, 8 Norfolk cherry trees and 3 Suffolk greengage trees were purchased and planted in the orchard.

Page 17 A - Horticultural Achievement The Development of the Orchard Filby in Bloom 2014

2007 2008



2011 2012

2013 2014

Page 18 B - Environmental Responsibility Filby in Bloom 2014

Trinity Broads - A5, B1, B3 The Trinity Broads are an isolated system of lakes, situated north-west of Great Yarmouth. Despite the name, the Trinity Broads area covers five broads: Ormesby, , Ormesby Little, Lily and Filby Broad. Nearby is the very small Little Broad. The village of Filby sits between Filby and Ormesby Little Broads. The area directly managed by the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads Authority is 14 sq. miles. It consists of 0.64 sq. miles of open water, about 14% of the open water of the Broads. It is surrounded by 1¾ square miles of fen and wet woodland habitats; this is roughly the size of 600 football pitches. Its catchment area is around 11½ square miles. The area was designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in 1998 and is, now, a part of the Broads Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Essex & Suffolk Water owns the majority of the site from which it draws water for Great Yarmouth and the surrounding area. In 1995, a partnership between the Broads Authority, Essex & Suffolk Water, the Environment Agency and English Nature (now Natural England) was formed. The aim of this partnership was to restore the ecological status of the Trinity Broads, reducing their turbidity, for the benefit of nature conservation, public water supply and recreation. Ormesby and Little Broad ranked highly in terms of prioritisation for restoration work, with the others receiving a medium ranking. Aimed at reducing algae by encouraging the growth of daphnia populations, a large-scale demonstration project was undertaken Ormesby Broad at Ormesby Broad which, at the time, held virtually the entire fish population of the Trinity Broads. About 22,000 pounds of fish

Waterside were removed over the winters of 1994 / 95 and 1995 / 96. This Rollesby Restaurant Ormesby St. Michael resulted in the immediate return of clear water in the summer and a rapid recovery of diverse aquatic plant communities across the broad. These clear waters and aquatic plant conditions have remained to the present day, highlighting how such techniques Rollesby Broad Rollesby sailing club A149 can have lasting positive environmental results. Fish removal, Rsvr. through electrical stunning, continued to 2002 and control of Lily Broad Bream spawning, by netting areas where eggs are laid, to 2006. The removal of fish from Ormesby Broad eliminated their Ormesby Little migration to surrounding waters and had a knock on effect for the Boardwalk with bird hide Broad Broad shore walkway other Broads. Turbidity reduced and mixed plant life increased in Filby Bridge Restaurant all other linked Trinity Broads but Filby Broad improved the least. A1064 It is speculated that the sediment in Filby Broad, as a result of its Little Filby East / West alignment with prevailing winds, is subject to more Broad Filby sailing club Filby Broad disturbance than other waters. Also the Muck Fleet channel from

Muck Fleet that Broad to the Yare, despite isolating the Broad via a sluice, is a fish reservoir.

Trinity Broads The last few years have been fantastic for water plants in the Trinity Broads system. Rollesby Broad had plants covering 100% of the Broad, in many areas growing right to the surface and there were also a good variety including a large stand of Water Crowfoot. All broads, apart from Filby Broad, are now, officially, considered to be recovering back to their ideal condition

Filby in Bloom would like to acknowledge the assistance received from Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Authority in the preparation of their portfolios, over recent years. Trinity Broads

Page 19 B - Environmental Responsibility Continued Filby in Bloom 2014 in terms of their wildlife value. This was a central aim of the Partnership’s Restoration project, at its conception, and it has been successfully achieved! Clay Pits Project - B1, B3, B4 The Clay Pits Project was instigated by one of Filby Primary School’s teaching assistants, Wendy Green, who ran the school’s Gardening Club. The suggestion was made that a derelict pond, known as the Clay Pits, situated alongside the school and behind the Thrigby Road Car Park, should be reclaimed as a wildlife area for teaching purposes. The pond was heavily overgrown with trees. It was surrounded by a boardwalk that was in a very Chairman Adrian Thompson inspecting the Clay Pits with Norfolk Wild- dilapidated condition and access from the school’s ground was life Trust Volunteers (27th Jan 2014) difficult. In 2010, the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads Authority adopted the project as a useful training opportunity for Broads Authority trainees and volunteers. A start was made in March, that year, when volunteers from the Trinity Broads Monday Group spent a morning cutting back wood from the pond. Volunteers returned periodically to continue with the recovery project. The authority planned to excavate the pond to make it deeper, as it dries out completely in warm weather. A smaller boardwalk would be built with access to the school playing field to allow the children to go pond dipping. As a result of loss of funding, no work was done on the project Norfolk Wildlife Trust at the Clay Pits (25th Mar 2014) during 2013. However, early in 2014, responsibility for it was Clay Pits / Filby Primary School Pond Projects assumed by Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT) who inspected the The school would like to retain access to a pond or wet area for the children to site in January. Despite lots of rain, there was very little water in experience the natural wildlife, first hand. This will be either as a result of the the pond. It was thought that this had been caused by a nearby Clay Pits project succeeding, or, alternatively, the school, with advice and support development. A meeting was held with the developers who could clear the overgrown plants from the current small pond in the wildlife garden. (It retains little water and dries out completely in warm weather. felt rain water run off from the development could be diverted to the pond, which they would assist in excavating. However, Currently the wildlife garden is used by gardening groups as our ‘work space’. after further investigation, the developers said that they had The children enjoy pottering around among the plants and logs as wellas gardening. (If the school had access to a watery habitat at the Clay Pits, the encountered legal difficulties and that they felt the project would current overgrown pond area could be redeveloped, to include seating and create be lengthy and costly, so they would have to pull out. a quiet area for children to use at break times. With the enlarged space, it would also work better as an outdoor classroom and so benefit many more children. NWT felt that some improvements could still be achieved but The current situation, is that we are awaiting the outcome of the Clay Pits project. it left them with no source of water and potentially only manual excavation. In early March, they decided to go ahead with manual Filby Primary School Gardening Coordinators, Rose Canham & Val Webb excavation. It could not do any harm to vary the levels at the site as, at the very least, it would create different conditions of dampness which would attract a more varied flora. It would have to be accepted that any ponds created might well be temporary (i.e. not last all summer, each year) but those ponds would have a distinctive fauna, too, and so were worth creating. Work re-commenced on 25th March 2014.

Village Pond - B1, B3 The Norfolk & Suffolk Broads Authority volunteered to conduct a survey of the main village pond. This was undertaken by Hannah Gray, Project Officer for the Trinity Broads, on 30th April 2009, who sent a formal report to the village. Hannah, whilst reporting A fallen tree is removed from the village pond... (7th Sep 2013)

Page 20 B - Environmental Responsibility Continued Filby in Bloom 2014

the absence of any particularly interesting features, says that this does not negate its value within the overall landscape of the area. Ponds are few and far between, in the surrounding agricultural landscape, and any pond is valuable for wildlife as part of a network of habitats. In June of 2012, however, high winds brought down a nearby Goat Willow. The foliage of the fallen tree covered virtually the entire surface of the pond. Whilst the farmer, on whose land the tree sat, accepted that clearance was his responsibility, it did not happen as he was reluctant to interrupt his sowing schedule sufficiently long to remove the tree. the benefit of somebody’s log pile (7th Sep 2013) By late summer of 2013, the pond virtually dried out and the Saturday Crew seized the opportunity to remove the bulk of the

Filby Community Wildlife Garden 2014 The big project this winter has been designing and beginning construction of a STUMPERY. This should provide year round habitat for all kinds of insects particularly beetles and some bees, and when established provide feeding and hibernating areas for hedgehogs. The damp and shady areas will be used by frogs and toads. We hope to add a few upturned flower pots and hiding areas around the Stumpery for these amphibians. The small watering area for bees and butterflies has been retained and Unblocking drainage - note how much the pond has re-filled (14th Sep improved. The Sneezewort is being encouraged to 2013) increase, as the Yarrow Plume moth (Platyptilia pallidactyla) is breeding well here. Children from FILBY SCHOOL have also helped this year by planting some wildflowers seeds around the borders. With the help of Norfolk Wildlife Trust’s Living Landscapes Project, we have been able to obtain HEDGING PLANTS (and volunteers to plant them) around one draughty corner of the garden to improve the micro-climate by providing shelter from the easterly winds. Eventually this hedge will be another haven for small mammals, insects and the like. The INSECT HOUSE has been well used again this year. One of next year’s projects will be to improve the habitat around the house with more bee-friendly flowers. The decision has at long last been made to Insect Hotel at the Wildlife Garden (12th May 2014) create a very small raised pond on this area. The NECTAR-RICH AREA of tall perennials did well last year and as well as a good nectar source, the seed heads stood well without disturbance and provided the birds with seed. Small insects, particularly ladybirds, also had another safe place in which to hibernate. Our LAVENDER BEDS have come on well and we are continually looking out for more and interesting small to medium perennials to increase the variety of plant types in this bed and extend the flowering season as much as possible. Maintenance on the whole area is ongoing. Joan Saul May 2014

Stumpery at the Wildlife Garden (12th May 2014)

Page 21 B - Environmental Responsibility Continued Filby in Bloom 2014

tree. It was a timely move as, a week later, water in the pond had resumed its normal level. Whilst there, they located blocked piping that had directed water from the adjacent road and they cleared it, eradicating the risk of occasional road flooding at that spot. Wildlife Area - B1 The Wildlife Garden became part of the Community Orchard in 2009 and has been allowed to develop slowly, with the minimum of intervention, although an area has been set aside for soft fruit etc. as a tribute to the earlier use made of this land. This fruit is gathered and processed to benefit the New Community Centre. In 2012, an insect hotel was constructed in the Wildlife Garden. It was suggested by Joan Saul and assembled by Joan, Victor Tungate and Les Futter, using natural and recycled materials. The new structure was built to further the aims of the garden to provide a haven for insects, especially bees, and other wildlife. A ‘Stumpery’ was added for the same purpose, earlier this year.

Les Futter puts up Nest Boxes (Feb 2013) Owl Box on Filby Common (25th May 2013)

Filby Bird Boxes 2014 Sixteen bird nest boxes, constructed by Percy Hudson, together with a further donated nest box, were erected in February 2013 by Les Putter and Ken Saul. The placement of the boxes was largely concentrated around two main areas of the village - the churchyard and Filby Common. Additionally, two boxes were sited along the paths between the church and Thrigby Road, with a further two at the wildlife garden next to the orchard. Two types of boxes were used - most being of the standard square “blue tit” design. The other variety featured a slightly larger, more oval, entrance hole at the apex of a pitched roof. For ease of reference, all boxes were randomly numbered on the base. Activity at each box was monitored throughout the year, by observing either nest-building and/or the feeding of nestlings. The latter proved definite breeding, and was also easier to record, given the frequency of the adult birds’ visits at this stage. While some of the boxes did not reveal any such activity, at the times of observation, this does not prove they have not been utilised. Evidence of pecking around the entrance hole may be a clue to use, but is not conclusive. A close inspection of each box at the end of the breeding season would provide a more exact analysis. It is also worth bearing in mind that sometimes it takes a season or so for birds to take up residence in artificial nest-boxes. The maps shows approximate locations of the nest-boxes, but is not to scale - Filby Churchyard, Footpath and Filby Common K.G.Saul

Page 22 B - Environmental Responsibility Continued Filby in Bloom 2014

Nest Boxes - B1 In February 2009, 40 nest boxes of various types, built by residents Percy Hudson and Ernest Bollington, were distributed about sites in the village, recognising the British Trust for Ornithology National Nest Box Week. In 2013, a further 17 were put up in February throughout the village by Ken Saul and Les Futter. They are still being monitored for occupation. In addition to this, the Broads Authority have erected an Owl Box on Filby Common and will be monitoring it for accommodation. Ormesby Little Broad Viewing Platform and Walkway - B1 Britain in Bloom judges take the new walk at Ormesby Little Broad (5th Aug 2012) A boardwalk to a viewing platform overlooking Ormesby Little Broad, at Filby Bridge, reopened for Easter, in 2012, after six months of renovation and conservation work. Over the winter, a 30 year old rotten boardwalk was replaced by a ½ km hard- surfaced footpath, which is suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs. A dyke, that had silted up completely, was dredged out and thousands of young fish have returned to over-winter, there. Plants such as milk parsley and water irises are already starting to re-grow and kingfishers, otters, water voles, bittern, dragonflies and damselflies have been seen there. Some trees have been cut down to allow more light into the dyke. At the end of the path, a new wooden viewing platform offers stunning The viewing platform at Ormesby Little Broad (5th Jul 2013) views over peaceful Ormesby Little Broad, part of the Trinity

Broads, where rowing, sailing, electric and model boating and Village Council Commercial Charity angling are permitted. New interpretation signs have been put Newspapers √ √ up telling people about the area and what wildlife they can see Cardboard √ there. The work was carried out by the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads Glass √

Authority in partnership with Essex and Suffolk Water. Aluminium Cans √ √ Domestic Waste Recycling - B2 Plastic Bottles √ Garden Waste √ √ Waste collection at the Recycling Centre at the Post Office Clothes √ continues. Newspapers and glass are left there by the village Shoes √ with revenues going to the New Community Centre Fund. A Mobile Phones √ more recent contribution to these funds has been the collection Printer Cartridges √ of shoes and clothes. The local authority recycles wastepaper, cardboard, aluminium cans, plastic bottles and garden waste, Filby’s Recycling 2013 / 2014 with bi-weekly home collection via wheelie bins. Commercial collection of aluminium cans also takes place, at the Post Office, Filby's Recycling Weights but this may well be undertaken by the village in the near future. 70 140

The village also recycles unwanted mobile phones and printer 60 120 s) nne ink cartridges which are passed to the Royal National Institute 50 100 s) gm ss (To ss a for the Blind. Dependent upon prevailing prices, Filby raises 40 80 (K s Gl oe &

Sh about £5,000 per year from recycling. rs 30 60 s& pe pa

20 40 othe ws

Even the recycling area at the Post Office gets the Filby in Bloom Cl Ne treatment with the Filby name, in topiary, in a bed by the bins and 10 20 0 0 a liberal distribution of hanging flower bags placed around the 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 bins during the summer months. Year Newspaper Glass Clothes & Shoes

Filby’s Recycling 2013

Page 23 B - Environmental Responsibility Continued Filby in Bloom 2014

Plant and Compost Recycling - B2 When the hanging baskets and barrels come down, during the Autumn, Filby’s policy has always been to recycle as much of their content as possible. This includes repairing all baskets and reclaiming the Begonias, Fuchsias and Geraniums for the next season. Compost from the display bins is returned to the communal bin where it is mixed with garden waste and well rotted cow manure for eventual re- use. It has proven to be excellent for digging into and improving the soil quality of our larger bedding schemes.

Garden Waste Composting - B2 Filby’s Peat Usage Reduction 2014 Until 2007, two readily accessible bins were maintained in the village for the disposal of garden waste. However, abuse occurred, frequently, and the In-Bloom Team were required to devote too much time segregating compostable and non-compostable waste. The bins were removed and, now, people requiring to dispose of large quantities of genuine garden waste are encouraged to use the In-Bloom bin by the polytunnel. In addition, last year, the local council started a garden waste collection scheme. Peat Usage Reduction - B2 At a series of In-Bloom meetings during 2008 / 9, it was resolved to reduce Filby’s peat usage. Filby aimed to be using composts containing no more than 80% peat by 2011. Albeit a couple of years late, that has, now, been achieved! Filby mixes multi-purpose compost with 25% by weight of its own composted material. The peat in the multi-purpose compost is not harvested from areas of scientific interest. Mulching - B2 To assist water conservation and to control weed, all of the permanent beds in the village are mulched with a liberal layer of wood chip donated by a local business, Ormesby Garden Services. Chemical Treatments - B2 No herbicides are used by Filby in Bloom. The use of pesticides is limited to a few slug pellets and the ‘odd squirt’, here and there, to control local infestations. Information Boards - B3, B5 The village already had three information boards, erected by the Broads Trust, illustrating wildlife to be seen about Filby and Ormesby Broads. A further two boards map public paths and walks in and around the village. In 2009, Filby in Bloom erected an additional three illustrated boards, one on the Village Pound, another at Thrigby Mill and a third at the Viking Longship. The Filby’s Welcome Signs (14th Jun 2008) latter has since been withdrawn as the Longship Display is no longer in use. An information board was proposed for the village pond but the position was considered a safety risk by the Broads Authority. A sign was placed in the W.I. bed on the Pound to commemorate the 75th Anniversary, in 2009, of the W.I. in the village and a notice was placed at the Water Feature, recording its creation by schoolgirl, Ellie Beattie. Signs are posted at the entrances to the Broadwalk and the Community Orchard. Information illustrating the planting plan of the Community Orchard is positioned on the side of the orchard’s shed.

Filby’s renovated Village Sign (26th Mar 2012)

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Cleanliness - B4 Fortunately, in its rural situation, Filby suffers from less than its fair share of environmental quality issues. There are few eyesore properties within the parish and graffiti is largely absent from village life. Vandalism is an occasional problem. Trees planted along village paths were damaged, in May of 2009, by persons thought to have been present, earlier, at one of the local pubs. Two trees were lost to this. Local police made enquiries. Local people made threats! Paths accumulate weeds and verges become overgrown, at the usual seasonal rates, but all such blemishes are attended to, on a regular basis, by both the local council and by volunteers from the village’s In-Bloom team. Verges are strimmed, hedges are trimmed and grass spaces are mown by those volunteers, frequently, during the summer months. Wheelie bins are provided by the council and household and recycling wastes are collected on alternate weeks. On the odd occasion when bins do overflow, council personnel are very conscientious in removing the surplus, leaving the village its usual tidy self.

Welcome Signs - B5 On 14th Jun 2008, two new signs were erected at the main entrances to the village. Designed and built by In-Bloomer, Tom Green, the signs depict the village’s Grebe logo with a floral surround. That floral design has been repeated this year on the Filby Flyer, a sailing boat at the walkway to Filby Broad.

Street Furniture - B5 The village’s benches, barrels and boxes are re-painted, regularly. The main man with the brush was In-Bloomer and former fireman, John Cox. John undertook a final project in the spring of 2012 - the renovation of the village sign. He consulted local resident, Peter Chapman, an expert on all things Medieval, Building the Playing Field Perimeter Road (22nd Jan 2012) on the appropriate colours. Replacing a pair of shields, John restored the sign to the more subtle colour scheme used when it was originally established in 1975. John was a huge loss, to In- Bloom, when he moved to Sheringham, late in 2012. A New Road - B2, B4, B5 Major events in Filby take place on the Playing Field and parking is provided both on the field itself (outside of the football pitch) and in an adjacent field. Unfortunately, on a number of occasions, wet weather has resulted in severe damage to the Playing Field’s surface. In September 2011, Filby’s Main Road was completely re-surfaced. At the suggestion of Parish Council Chairman, David Thompson, himself a keen In-Bloomer, an ‘unofficial’ deal was struck with the construction company whereby, in return for providing secure storage for the company’s equipment on the Playing Field, the village would receive a donation of road planings to enable a road to be built on the Playing Field. In January 2012, In-Bloom’s Saturday Crew created the new perimeter road on the Playing Field, enabling an enlarged parking area and access from its entrance to the adjacent field used for over-spill car parking at major events. The substantial layer of recycled planings was edged with the recycled timber from the old boardwalk that had been donated by the Broads Authority to the village for recycling.

Filby in Bloom Accounts Income Expenditure Carried Forward £25.88 Compost £554.40 Parish Council £600.00 Plants £1,600.00 Coffee Mornings £95.00 Tomato Feed £149.76 Restaurant Quiz Nights £900.00 Moulton Nurseries £900.00 Donations £1,360.48 Osmacote Pellets £99.00 Shop Collection £400 Blood, Fish & Bonemeal £38.20 Total £3,355.48 Total £3,341.86 Carried Forward £13.92

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The Press - C2 All aspects of activity in Filby feature, each week, in the ‘Village Life’ section of the local newspaper, The Yarmouth Mercury, published by Archant Newspapers, and In-Bloom news continues to appear, regularly. Sporadic Press Releases are issued by the In-Bloom team, highlighting items and events that it considers newsworthy. Filby in Bloom is, also, prominent in the regional paper, The Eastern Daily Press (EDP - also published by Archant). Where possible, during judging, judges are interviewed and photographed by Archant staff. If this does not occur, photographs and judges’ comments are submitted, by Filby in Bloom, to the local press. Filby’s results in the regional and national competitions are usually well reported. Coverage is to be arranged for both 2014 judgings.

The Filby Flyer - C2 This, Filby’s own monthly A4 news sheet, has been circulated to all residents since 2005. The succinct newsletter summarises key village events. It keeps everybody up to date with what is happening, locally and it provides a good channel to call for extra help when needed. It is an essential part of village life and is Coverage of Britain in Bloom by Archant Newspapers (14th Oct central to the In-Bloom message. A survey, conducted in 2009 as 2013) part of the project to acquire a new Community Centre, revealed the Flyer ‘in top spot’ with 88% of respondents registering it as their most used source of information on activities within the parish.

Local Radio & Television - C2 Filby’s successful floral displays are an annual feature in the press, on local radio and, occasionally, on television. Anglia TV’s Anglia Tonight East news programme descended upon the village on 5th April 2012, to acquire Filby’s advice as to how to mitigate the hose pipe ban that had just started! Radio Norfolk Anglia TV interviews Adrian Thompson (5th Apr 2012) pays close attention to village activities and often broadcasts interviews with village notables.

Filby on the Web - C2 Filby has long recognised the growing importance of this communications medium with its twin web sites filby-in-bloom. and Filby’s activities regularly appear in on-line versions of local and regional newspapers and re-runs of appearances in the broadcast media can be seen on local BBC and ITV web sites.

Other Means of Publicity - C2 Awareness is raised in a number of other ways including In- Bloom signs posted within the village, notice boards provided by the Parish Council and posters displayed in the local shops and garden centres. The Filby Flyer (Apr 2014)

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Quiz Night - C5 A major contributor to Filby in Bloom and other local charities is the popular monthly quiz at the Filby Bridge Restaurant. Participants, who need to book well in advance to secure a table, also enjoy a great meal and a raffle for donated prizes. Host and Quiz master Tony Elms entertains, in particular, when he tries to wrap his Essex accent around some of the local dialect.

Open Gardens Weekend - C3, C4, C5 Open Gardens 2013 took place over the weekend of 14th and 15th July. Fine weather brought in many visitors. August Bank Holiday Fete (26th Aug 2013) Grand Fete - C4 Filby’s 58th Annual Fete, held on the playing field, on last year’s August Bank Holiday Monday, was the culmination of a series of events over that weekend. This year’s event was well supported, as usual, and the fine weather drew crowds which stayed until the conclusion of the Grand Firework Display, later that night.

Grand Firework Display - C4, C5 Another of the village’s big fundraisers, its Fireworks Display was held on 3rd November. The event was very well attended. Christmas Tree Festival and Christmas Fayre - C4, C5 On the afternoon of Sunday 8th December, a Christmas Tree Filby in Bloom’s Ale Label (commissioned 15th May 2009) Festival and Christmas Fayre was held in the Village Clubroom .

Easter Bonanza - C4 Ashley Clarke Anglia Mowers Ben Burgess Arborialist On Saturday, 5th April 2014, another of the village’s regular fund raisers, an Easter Bonanza, was held in the Club Room, where Can Man Colourcote Nurseries Easter eggs, flowers, cuddly toys and local produce were on Colin Smith offer. C.Warton & Monumental David Hunt Branded Products - C4 Partners Mason Filby in Bloom branded products are on sale at the local Shop & East of England Eastern Daily Filby Bridge Post Office. Available are garden apparel, including polo shirts, Apples & Press Restaurant sweat shirts, fleeces and baseball caps, together with postcards, Orchards Project calendars and sweets. Filby Parish Filby Residents Filby W.I. Council Those devilishly difficult quiz sheets make an occasional Great Yarmouth Martham Halls Builders reappearance but one of the most popular items has turned out Council Hardware Merchants to be Filby in Bloom’s own award winning, local, real ale, brewed Horse and Groom Kings Head P.H. courtesy of Norfolk Square Brewery. J&M Edwards P.H. Rollesby Filby Noticing that the village supports the cost of its entry into the Norfolk Records Lotus Cars Macklow Ltd. Office competition through the sales of Filby in Bloom branded items, Norfolk Waste in 2009, brewery owner, Lesley Branquinho, volunteered the Norfolk Square Moulton Nurseries Management addition of a local real ale to the range. The beer’s label features Breweries Services a logo from the new signs, designed and built by resident Tom Ormesby Garden Green, that were erected at the entrances to the village in June Norfolk Journal Original Organics Services of 2008. The light amber ale, named appropriately ‘Filby in Pan Publicity PKM Studios The Tea Junction Bloom’, is brewed using local water and Norfolk malts, sourced Target Double Thurton from Branthill Farm, near Wells. English hops are used and the Yarmouth Stores Glazing Foundries Ltd. brew has a fresh, hoppy, citrus aroma - it is slightly dry on the Filby’s Sponsors (2008 to 2014) palate leaving a smooth bitter after taste. The launch on 15th

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May 2009 was reported in both the local and the regional press. Duckling Class Other Projects - C4 The Duckling Reception Class children at Filby Primary School have been exploring the world around them. They have enjoyed planting seeds; looking A heating oil syndicate operates and the village has acquired its after them and watching them grow. They did an experiment to see if they would own gritting bin & gritting machine to see it through the winter grow better inside the classroom or outside on the decking. months. On Tuesdays, they have also visited the local allotments to help feed the apple Sponsorship - C5 trees, learn about composting and to plant some wild flowers in their own patch. They loved exploring the Stumpery and then went back to school to build their Many companies and individuals have contributed financial and own bug hotel, inviting lots of different creepy crawlies for us to observe. material support to Filby in Bloom over the years, some of whom On every journey to the allotments, the children enjoyed exploring the local are recorded here. Others have contributed their time, effort environment, looking for signs of animals, sounds around them and evidence of and expertise to particular projects and the In-Bloom team are the changing seasons in Filby. grateful for all support given, in whatever form. Claire (Miss Finch) Filby Primary School - C3 On May 8th 2008, the staff and pupils at Filby’s only education establishment celebrated the official opening of their school’s £1M transformation from an aging Victorian first school, catering for pupils aged five to eight, to a modern primary school for five to eleven year-olds, which now, typically, number about 80. The school, which already had a school garden and an over subscribed gardening club, actively supports Filby in Bloom and is happy to show off its achievements to In-Bloom judges, each year. Participation by pupils has been encouraged by the use of a greenhouse at the school. The greenhouse, a gift from the In-Bloom Committee, in 2009, was re-glazed with plastic panelling, in case of accident, and erected on site by members of the Saturday Crew. In-Bloom makes an annual gift of seed supplies to get the pupils into the ‘growing habit’ for this year’s events. In 2008, the school enrolled in the RHS Campaign for School Gardening, which aims to encourage and support schools to develop and actively use a school garden. This benchmarking scheme has five levels and, at each level, resources are available to help develop the gardening habit in the school. The school has already gained Levels 1 through 3 awards and certificates. In January, pupils offered their suggestions as to how the Village Pound should be redesigned...

Year 1 and 2 Designs

Year 3 and 4 Designs

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Filby Primary School Gardening Notes - Autumn 2013-Spring 2014 This year, the children working on gardening projects are in Woodpecker and Duckling classes. Woodpecker class are year 3 /4 children. They take turns to have the opportunity to spend time gardening once weekly, in groups of four, working with Val and myself. We have found that small groups work well in that we have time to talk with the children and share skills and ideas. They are enjoying gaining ownership of the garden. These groups take place within lesson time, usually in the afternoon. Duckling Class, (reception), work with Miss Finch, the reception class teacher. Woodpecker Class In the autumn, we harvested tomatoes, runner beans, herbs and carrots that had continued growing during the school summer break. The children prepared them and enjoyed sharing them in class. We planted daffodil bulbs in containers for display at front of school in the spring. We cleared the mint from Bed I, it was taking over the whole of the space. We collected seeds from runner beans, calendula, nasturtiums, love-in-a mist and sunflowers. The children bagged and labelled the seeds. Together, we agreed how to make a gutter and piping to collect rain water from the shed roof. The In-Bloomers provided us with a water butt. lt’s great having water on tap in the area where we do our planting and where the greenhouse is situated. Thanks to Ray Canham who provided the guttering, pipe and tap and fixed it together with help from some children. We continued gardening up until the end of October. We began spring gardening in March, the first task being to clear the many beech leaves that fall in the wildlife garden. The children enjoyed sweeping and bagging the leaves to store for use as leaf litter, later. The next task was digging over Beds I and 2. These beds are in a sheltered warm position. Parents donated wellington boots which really helped with the digging! Bed I is always difficult to water so we are planting a mix of flowers that should tolerate sometimes hot dry conditions and attract wildlife. We planted up a few perennials and have broadcast annual seeds between. Hopefully this will provide an easy to manage colourful display in time for the children to enjoy before the end of the summer term The children chose where to position their plants and are helping each other. In Bed 2 we have planted potatoes. This was successful last year in that the children enjoyed planting, harvesting and eating their crops. As a different group, this year, it is a new experience for them. In Bed 3, we have planted pea, broad bean and radish seeds. We trimmed and tidied around the lemon balm, mint and chives. The children always enjoy the scent of these plants and groups like to take home a bunch of herbs when it is their turn to work on the garden. In the greenhouse, we planted runner bean, broad bean, pea, sweet pea and sunflower seeds. These have germinated and will be ready to plant out in a few weeks. The vegetables will be planted in Bed 3. The plan is to make a display of sunflowers in the triangular bed in the wildlife garden that can be enjoyed by the children, and also the birds, later in the year. We have used the RHS Growing for Gold sunflower mix so there should be a variety of colour and size to talk about. The daffodils in the tube at front of school have given a cheerful display throughout the spring. Plans for the summer term - to create a display at front of school, to plant out vegetables and flowers currently in the greenhouse into the beds, to weed and water as needed and to share crops and flowers as they develop. Filby Primary School Gardening Coordinators Rose Canham & Val Webb

Page 29 The Future C1 Filby in Bloom 2014

All who participate in In-Bloom do so not for the ‘glittering prizes’ of the competitions but for the good of the community and the most welcome reward is always the positive feedback received from members of the public. All mention how good the village looks, especially so during the summer. Many express this in letters which find their way to the village Post Office. In-Bloomers, from the village, do take the competitions seriously and endeavour to follow judge’s advice, where appropriate. Committee members attend the awards ceremonies, seminars and surgeries of both Anglia in Bloom and Britain in Bloom, whenever possible. Feedback from the surgeries is reported and discussed at some length. Judges comments are analysed and most of their recommendations are put into practise. In the summer months, Filby remains faithful to its floral displays but less visible, however, are some of the longer term projects being undertaken by the In-Bloom team. These include the Community Orchard for the preservation of threatened varieties of Apple that used to be grown in Norfolk. In conjunction with Filby Parish Council and the Broads Authority, access to the water has been improved by the provision of boardwalks onto both Filby and Ormesby Little Broads and, together with Norfolk Wildlife Trust, restoration of the village’s Clay Pits Pond has re-started. In 2010, Filby had a grant of £1,500 from the Broads Authority for planting schemes within the village. Roadside planting of trees continues and Filby’s commitment to the environment is further reflected by its adoption of the RHS initiative to reduce its usage of Peat based composts. Filby in Bloom has developed a close relationship with the local Far East Prisoners of War Association, as part of their joint two year project to establish a permanent memorial within the village to their sacrifice. It is pure pleasure to live in a village with such a great community spirit and it is, indeed, ‘a lovely place to be’. However, there is a blight on the horizon! The village’s Church Hall was closed to the public, as a result of an antiquated Village Club Room being re-thatched (14th Jun 2011) electrical system - it has since been converted to a private dwelling - and the Playing Field’s Pavilion, with its catering facilities for the Club Room, has deteriorated to the point where its use cannot be relied upon for more than a year or two, at most. There is strong fear, in the village, that, with the loss of both Church Hall and the Club Room’s catering facilities, meeting venues will be entirely absent from the village. As a result, user groups will go elsewhere and enthusiasm will drain from the community. Residents feel, strongly, that the best way of preventing this is to build a new village Community Centre and they have been working hard towards this goal for the past 8 years. The land for the building is held in trust by the village’s Playing Field Committee and planning permission has been granted for the erection of the new structure, on the playing field, adjacent to the Club Room. Wide ranging consultations have been held with the people of Filby (and nearby villages) and other stakeholders to ensure that the new centre and the services provided within it meet their needs. Reflecting the results of these consultations, the proposed new centre will include affordable eco-friendly design features. The Playing Field Committee intend to keep the environmental impact of the building as low as practical, within reasonable cost, as potential financial constraints are demonstrably important to the residents. The overall aim of the project is to maintain and expand upon the vibrant community spirit within the village, that may otherwise wither and die as the village’s current meeting places deteriorate to the point of becoming unusable. In 2006, a fund was inaugurated for the construction of the new building. The community has, so far, raised over £150,000 in cash. The preliminary project budget is £635,000. We are pleased to report that we have been successful, at both Stages 1 and 2 of a three Stage application process, for a grant for the balance from The Reaching Communities Buildings Fund of the BIG Lottery and we are preparing for the final Stage 3 submission in mid-June of this year. That date has meant that the deadline for submissions to the for the portfolio has had to be brought forward to mid-May, this year! Filby’s proposed new Community Centre (22nd Apr 2014)

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