Lile It. .G:71LI "!!'I(>!I ,.Ggpj~ VOL
,C't C. e ' 5 ti I! I w ,', t iu 6 I 4 Atutenddntg ,.6,.„:,p~~pp r) C. t CC , gj ',»'', ';:';",, o,',6 PC d/Id C C I f Yp Jan Avery Jan Campbell Susie Oberg 'Shirley BlicA: Csgf), „ tC + C ' tg 1 lILe It. .G:71LI "!!'I(>!I ,.ggpj~ VOL. 60, NO. 5 THE IDAH 0 ARGONAUT, UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 ~C 1AH II~I OeljlS .4g ji Queen, Court A,ppear g At I etdfiston Today i~pea 'I~pnl.rp Sally Ghiglieri, a junior from Redding, Calif., was chosen ..',': I.p late yesterday afternoon by the male population on the Uni- Idaho campus as the 1955 Homecoming Queen. The University's short-lived controversy with the American Legipn has nearly faded put versity of ~ A member the Delta Gamma sorority, she has been an of the picture with the withdrawal one the e d L t of of action by of t t cheer leader for the past two years. As Queen, she The North Idaho members of the American Legion came put Mpnday asking that the Idaho 'I'p will reign over the entire weekend of Homecoming activities, University cancel the speech scheduled Dr. R. M. Hutchin pres~i~dent pf the Fund fpr I',ntries V pat by Today thc queen and five final-t=, . the Republic and associate Foundation since 1951. living at Hays. Her activities in- director of the Ford ists will travel tp Lewistpn tp aP- cl d f The Dudley Loomis post of Mps- S t Thc cpw has failed tp follow the resplu- gf tipn stated that Hutchins'L Jk wtlich em«eeet:-:.:::::,:.:.,'-;.",-:,;-:.'.;,';:::;;::",::,:=::-„:.:.I I A "pr)blic '<utterances and testimony n a a um,arac,e before congressional investigrrtipn 'put to present I ' ha s .ex«u rve board n Thirty-one living groups arid organizations have their.
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