Some Historical Notes on Stocksbridge & District
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Some Historical Notes on Stocksbridge & District Compiled by Mrs. OLIVE HEPWORTH in the Year 1959 Some Historical Notes on Stocksbridge & District Compiled by Mrs. OLIVE HEPWORTH in the Year 1959 I am indebted to my Father, Mr. Wallncc Charlesworth, for the assistance r got from the books and notes he left on the early Stocksbridge District; and to Or. W. :\f. Roheruhaw for his kindne~s and help concerning Stock<bridg~ lhnral Uniun and hi~ various Choirs. 0. IIEPWORTIJ, Holli n Bu•k. 1959 "~.t; J:\ \Ll> rHOI\1' \\'IL!'O:\ Foreword (El\GLISH HISTORY> Hac.·n and tribe~ l."arue from aero.... tl1e "(:l'i and 1ct1icd amotl~ them on tht':l-c h lands. Anglians. S:a..xon~. Nor:'le, Normans anrl Sc:uul inrwi :w ~ Fi~htiog, plundering anll slaver)• prc ..·:. ilcd. Settlers Htken priwn('t~ \'Yea·e made tn worl.. fur their m;,ster"; uext cam(' coloni:.o;n tion ~utd la~t •·eligion. The countrv was divided and ~ u b-diviclrd by ~ IIH\11 kiug:o:, or chieftains, :u.d il re<1uircd a :;tern struggle to kecs• the: lh.:ople together inw OC'C united from. The period o { ~ett l emeru CO\'UCd-874 to 934 A.D. The lb('('s who seltl~d in the Nonh were mainly Nor:,c and Anglo· Saxon~ . They were s.trong. hard-working people, lr1endly and f.-ithful. Taken aholtethC'r they had a character .. uch a~ no other of that day could claim \\'l•ilc:o t hi .. oolonization wa .. .'!oin~ un the: Xor~ :and the Anglu Sa"~Cou-., 'Ctlltd in Yorkshirt. For a tim~ t htrt \\Oh ptac~. They felt !3ft in tht mountain rountry or the Pc:nnine'i, a-., h \\Ould be diffic-ult to )urpnse thtm there. T l• i~ il'l tilt reason wily we get so man~· Kor:JC nntl .'\ngi('I-Saxon illll,-uamr" and ph•CC·names in Yor kshire. Our plncc·nattiCS, like the f)eoplc wl!o usc th('m~ change, a nd a re in a certain se u ~c a rc..:ord of the •u·ti\•ititl'i of the a~es . E " e r ~~ ccnw•·y has sten th<· d~ J)a r t u re o f some <tnd the arrival or Ql her,, ln reg3rd to the l a r~er uun•be•· of Scandiu · a \•ian wnrds, wt art unable to distin~ui"h whcrhtr the>· art t'eally Norse or Dani .. h. Hc<'k, Carr. Holm, 1\ab. Thrse are e~amples of names. Nc• hi .. t(\T) can he !>ati$factory urlltcott i1 inc1udh thC" Churcl• and tht< hcn('ti..;c \uthiu it .. :--cc-J)('. To d<>:~ribe thf Villar::c Community and )tt lta\'c C'IU1 the mud·buih l.c:M.t~s whtrt thr JlCC'Jllc liu·d. i:. to omit a m:un point of interest. For the Churrh \\3~ not only t ht pia« oi \\Orslup. but al-.o thC' !iC::tl oi local go\·unrn('flt. and often the Church ;\nd the ~lanor House \··ere built togethtr. \mc. •tiJ.C the \';trioul' U:!ot'.:~ to whidt a Churc.-h wa .. put \\ilS a 'Chool il•t t11C" ynun~er c hild rtn. Churcl•e" were nnt llbtd by the t'rdinary tl<'r•l>le at fir~Jt, but were kept as a prl\·ate fh:\IH I'Y lor the Q'CtHry. Later on the people we re allowed to usc them. SometirHC3 fl. great deal of trouble would occur during t hese alte ra tion~. Pin;l lly they all worked 10~·r: t hcr. ln •ldinint<t lilt: cvuntics. manors, parl:!·h~~. ;uul tcuaut•: holdings, it muotl ht' rC"mcmh·~red that in the 12th nutury t herC' were no roads a ... \H ~no\\ them, only boundariEs and landma.rk,. 8t"aten tracks thrnn~h tht wood,. from point to point exist ed, lhtre were (ootpaths and hor>t r«\ds (or hor,.cs and mules. with fc•· cxc~ptions the land' \\(tt ncn fnclo,;t":d. Cl<'arinll' and boundaries wtr.! ut\Ter road .. or fence~; rivers and .. trum' deflcH' the limits oi an)' county, manor, J)arish, or ~mal1t r holding. T hen came ruction. The people formed thcmsd\'eS illto Colo nic ~. making \rillages and homes. Next fvllowtd small lndusHitl' aud l:(r;ulm\lly they adaJlt ed lhemselvcs to English ..:ounlty lire. A compiNe H;u1sformatio n in t he names o f tWlc Jl COJ> I'-= was in fact one o f the result.:; o( the Conquest. and so the need of S urn:unes. ln t he cour~(' of centuries the names of persons and pl;u::es have acted and re·acted upo n each other. 0\1ring the time of the Anglian settle ment. place .. received the:r n~mt" £rom owner;; later when !!'o hccamc a necessity$ they were adopted from &•lace-name~. llccp in the Ptnninh on the western border there "'ere many hill .. an~l ,-allen in tht haod:oo of the Cdb. Ther~ i, ror example \\·ale... whkh mean' fort":ignC'rs, that i~. \Velshmc.n. and rtpre3oenl$ 3 ~nnnunity or Briton:.. th;ng s.ide by side ";th AnRiian ~ttler' Clo~ing of Commons. Jn 1778 an Act of Parliament was passed ior enclot~ing the Commons. Bryerl~ws mean b)·-lnw~ ,ueh a~ Local GoHrnmt"nt Authorities have power to Jt'lakc, an<! wer·e mnde most.l y for C"OIII J)I:~Ims bC' IWetn, relatin1; to the Common lands. llr:ulli dfl w:l$ divided i11 to four 13ryerlaws- ( l ) \.Valdcrshel£ ('Om~i~ting o f the p:\f't north o f the Yewden i4l cludin~ Bobter»tone and ~tidhope. (2) \.Vcs tnall including Broornhead, \VightwiLie and u\ .. araden. (J) Brighthomlet, AnCS3CfC: and \-Vorral. (4) Bradfield including Nc:ther Bradfield1 Smallfield, Haldworth, Ounaworth or Stannin.l;(()Cl. The ttm·m;.hi)h w~ r ~ in the analn due w lhe iniliati\'C or the .-\nglian... !'txt cante the grouping of township~ into \\'apental..b, and oi \\ ai>Cntal..c,. into Ridings. Jn York~hire we h a\'C 1\orth, East and \\'C"ot Riding~. which the administrati\'C area.s of Lhe County. 5 Historical Survey of Stocksbridge & District hy Mrs. OLIVE 1-IEl' WOHTII -~-- STOCKSBRIDGE 1802 S tu~o:ksb r itlge was fi rst mentioned in 1802. when Lord Melbourne sold Bolsterstone Estate. .\t that period it was t he name of a small farm. On the Ordnance map for 1852 there wa> a capital B for Bridge making it into two words. Tradition savs that a man named Stocks farmed where the bridge stoo<i"and later on as the village grew it took the name of Stocksbridgc. L.1ter :\lr. Samuel Fox sta rted. and established Stocks bridge Works in 1842. A disused Woollen Mill at Stocksbridge was bought from Thomas )fewto n and work started in a small way. This beginning has developed in to t he present steel wo rks. Old Industries Svmc u f the chief industric; in forrncc· times were glass making, co k e~ b urni n g, <1uarrying stone, a cotton mill 1 a woollen mill ( later made into a c:orn mill). cloth-weaving, a chemical works at Decpcar, a blacking-mi ll (near where Blacking Mill Row now stands), and Pnttery works (near Vnslh•en Bridge and Midhope). STOCKSBRIDGE - ABOUT 1851 There were 9 houses in Stc •·ksbridge about the year 185 I. Joseph, Robert and William Turner <!<'cupied Stock's Works after Denton ground clay, and made blacking and bricks. They failed and then went a nd opened the works at Henholmcs. Here they got coal and made bricks, later on sold the good-will to Mr. John Armitage. At this period three houses stood between Stocksbri dgc and Dccpcar , nnd three in Haywood's Quarry. 6 .\IH,ul thi ... time Horner Houtoe ~on.;,i--ted of two farm huu'C'", one .:uuage and a joiner·!' -.hup. O("CUJ)icd bv Frances \\"nc:ht ami a iarnily uamed Helliwell. The (arm O<"C'Hpied lo~ F \\"ri~:ht hel<>nged t• John llelliwell ni l;"n,lhen Bridge Unsliven Bridge L"n,li,cn Bridge ""s fi rst built a- a pack-bridge Inn had to l1e widened. when 1he Bradfield and l'cnhuune rottd was m:.dc :lhout 1745. \\as again altered ahout 1796. 14ater widened when 1he ~henie l d a mi Jfan<.·h~..~~tt:r tu rnpikt road wa"' made. Water Supply \n interesting event which was told to us by ~fr. David l~oebuck oceurred in Stocksbridge district before the water wa, piped into the houses. Mr. Roebuck lived nearlv all his life on Hun•helf Bank, and he once remembered a _;ery dry "C'-hOn when drinking water got so scarC'C that people had to queue all night above Ella Oiff for it. Eve ntually it dried up here, and the only place where it tould be got was the Dr2.gon's well on Tuwncnd Common There wns only o ne house in the district rn this period with a SUI)J>Iy C"J i water on the premises aud this wa~ at the Rev. W. H. Wi lson's down Back Lane, Haywoods. Later th e Lord of the Manor, R. H. Rimmington Wilson. gave a sr•·ing of \Vater to .S tocksbridge for ever and ever, bu1 eventuall y the Stocksbridge Local Board decided to sell it to Sheffield Corp oration.