INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS No. Project Description Key Lead/s Old Man of Storr Car Parking, Toilets, Campervan Waste Facilities, Paths to support sustainable tourism. THC/SGRPID Tourism 1 Infrastructure Skye Iconic Sites Habitat restoration, improved inclusive access, formailised viewpoints, coordinated Skye Iconic Sites Tourism interpretation, promotion & marketing to support sutainable tourism at the Fairy Pools, Old Man Group 2 Infrastructure of Storr and . Fairy Glen Tourism Car Parking, Turning Area, Passing Places and Path to support sustainable tourism. SGRPID/THC 3 Infrastructure Quiraing Tourism Car Parking to support sustainable tourism. SGRPID/THC 4 Infrastructure Kilbeg Tourism Campervan site, with waste facilities, toilet and shower facilities to support sustainable tourism. Sabhal Mor Infrastructure Ostaig/ 5 Community Trust Tourism Toielts, Disabled Parking and a Path to support sustainable tourism. Broadford & Strath Infrastructure Community Company 6 Tourism Pontoons, Laundrette, Toilets & Shower facilities to support sustainable tourism. Raasay Development 7 Infrastructure Trust Coral Beach Tourism Car Parking, Toilets and Campervan Waste Facilities to support sustainable tourism. SGRPID/THC Infrastructure 8 Kilt Rock Tourism Car Parking to support sustainable tourism. THC 9 Infrastructure Skye Cycle Path A network of cycle, wheeling and walking routes on Skye. Skye Cycle Network 10 Network Group Link Road A transport infrastructure project that is a key component for a number of other projects in THC/LSHA Portree, including, Housing, Harbour Access, Emergency Services and movement of large vehicles 11 through Portree. Uig Pier Upgrade of harbour facilities, including new terminal building, to accommodate new ferry vessel. THC/Transport 12 /HIE 13 Broadband Delivery of improved digital connectivity. SG Armadale Ferry Review of Harbour Infrastructure at Armadale. CMAL 14 Terminal Air Field Airstrip improvements to accommodate reintroduction of scheduled air services. SG/Hi- 15 TRANS/THC/HIE Portree Public Sector Feasibilty to be undertaken on the potential co-location of Public Sector Bodies/Partners HIE 16 Co-Location Housing & Development of affordable housing and business units. Staffin Community 17 Business Units Trust/CHT/LSHA Bayfield Car Park Development of improved car parking and campervan waste facilities. THC/Portree & Braes Community Trust 18 Armadale Trading Redevelopment of site. Sleat Community 19 Area Trust 20 Housing Development of new housing units. LSHA Kilbeg Housing Development of new housing units. CHT/Sabhal Mor 21 Ostaig/THC 22 Broadford Housing Development of new housing units. LSHA 23 Portree Housing Development of new housing units. LSHA/THC Kyleakin Connections Development of a 2 room extension to accommodate an additional community support facility Kyleakin Connections 24 Staffin Slipway Redevelopment of site. Staffin Community 25 Trust Broadford Toilets Development of new toilets and redevelopment of old toilets Broadford & Strath Community Company 26 Carbost Community Community buyout of local shop and redevelopment of petrol pumps Carbost CIC 27 Shop Community Community buyout of local shop and redevelopment of surrounding land Edinbane Community Shop Company 28 Broadford Industrial Hospital contractor accommodated to ensure build project. New business units progressing HIE 29 Estate through design and consenting stage. Raasay Micro Hydro Project at advanced stage. Raasay Development 30 Trust Raasay Housing Options appraisal of housing development. LSHA/CHT/Raasay 31 Development Trust Struan Community Development of a community & visitor centre. Struan Community Centre Development Group 32 School CHT developing a pilot project with TGT. Glendale Trust/CHT 33 Meanish Pier Partnership project with private sector under consideration. Glendale Trust/Private Sector 34 Uig Industrial Estate The reorganisation of public sector services to enable business growth. HIE/THC 35 Uig Community Trust Uig Community Trust Consultation in progress regarding a number of projects. 36 Projects Kilmuir Community Hall Redevelopment. Kilmuir Community Trust Projects Trust 37 Centre Development of a Heritage Centre. Project Officer in place. Urras Baile 38 Fhlòdaigearraidh KGV Transfer Community buyout of KGV Playingfield for development of community recreational facilities Portree & Braes 39 Community Trust Portree Harbour Redevelopment of site. Portree & Braes Community 40 Trust/THC Broadford Hospital New community hospital to serve Skye, and South . Constructin underway. NHSH 41 Portree Hospital Options Appraisal Process will re-commence starting 2nd December. NHSH/Ritchie Report Steering Group 42 North Skye Care Next steering group meeting on 24th November. Formal Options Appraisal to re-start on 2nd NHSH/Ritchie Report Provision December. Steering Group 43 Broadford Primary Replacement of existing Broadford Primary School and inclusion of Community Hub THC 44 School 45 Sleat Nursery Bun-Sgoil Shleite - ELC extension and refurbishment THC Master Replacement of existing Dunvegan Primary School, Development of Sports Pitch and Housing. THC/North West Skye 46 Plan AFC/LSHA Somerled Square Reorganisation of public realm to enable business recovery and improve public space and access. THC/Others 47 Minginish Community Hall Association MCHA Community Land 48 Development New Projects That Have Been Highlighted To The Project Team Following Initial Email Engagement Sleat Micro Hydro Sleat Community Trust Micro Hydro project at Tormore crowd-fundng in progress Sleat Community 49 Trust An Crubh An Crubh Motorhome Facilities An Crubh Motorhome Facilities 50 51 Armadale Housing Development of 12 housing units LSHA Sports Health Fitness Development of a Sports Health, Fitness and well-being centre, with potential to be branded as a Sabhal Mor and Well-being 'National Centre for Celtic Sports. Ostaig/Sleat 52 Centre Community Trust New Library Sabhal Mor Ostaig are looking into the possibility of developing a new Library as a National Gaelic Sabhal Mor Ostaig Development Library of Scotland through a partnership between SMO and National Library Scotland. 53 National Cultural SMO has developed a proposal for the re-development of the original Sabhal Mor Ostaig Sabhal Mor Ostaig Heritage Interpretive farmhouse into a bespoke Cultural Heritage Centre and Research Centre. Centre 54 Neist Point Tourism Improved infrastructure to cope with the number of visitors that visit Neist Point THC/Others Infrastructure 55 Skye Cycle Way Skye Cycle Way is the project to build a 7-mile active travel path between the and Broadford & Strath Broadford. Community Company 56 Edinbane Affordable Development of 6 housing units 7 Housing 57 Lynedale Multi-User Development of a path for cycling, walking and wheelers. Edinbane Community Path Company 58 59 Internet of Things Digital visitor management tool Skye Connect Skye & Raasay Paths Development and upgrade of a paths & trails network across Skye & Raasay. Skye Connect/Skye 60 & Trails Iconic Sites Kyleakin Play Park Development of new Play Park Kyleakin Play Park 61 Group Other Projects That Previously May Not Have Been in the Public Domain