Timeline of Jewish History and Heritage

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Timeline of Jewish History and Heritage Timeline of Jewish History and Heritage Jewish Population 1948: The State of Israel established (Millions) Color-Map Legend 1939: The Holocaust 16.6M S. America, S. Africa & Australia World's Jewish population (distribution according to color-map) U.S. & Canada Jewish calendar events 1903: Kishinev pogrom 15 Europe Events prior to 1273 B.C.E. are dated according to tradition Asia, Africa & Turkey Lifespan of historical figures (color represents main location) 1897: 1st Zionist Congress 13.5M Language of text: Hebrew Aramaic Arabic Other 13.5 Land of Israel 1894: Dreyfus affair 0.4 1840: Damascus affair -3761: Genesis 1800: Emancipation and the emergence of the Jewish Enlightenment, Reform and Orthodox movements -515: 2nd Temple built 1799: Napoleon's proclamation to the Jews 5.6 10 -523: Purim – the Jews are saved from a planned massacre 1736: Establishment of the Hasidic & Misnagdim movements -538: Return to Zion following Cyrus's decree Jewish 800: Khazar converts to Judaism 1648: The Ukrainian massacre -586: Assassination of Gedalia and the Babylonian destructive response Events 691: Dome of the Rock built on the Temple's ruins 1573: Maharal establishes academy -586: Destruction of the 1st Temple by Babylon 135: Bar Kokhva rebellion -720: Exile of the 10 Tribes by Assyria 1492: Expulsion from Spain (Spanish Inquisition) suppressed 1.6 -924: The Division of the Kingdom; Israel & Judah 70: Destruction of the 1364: Poland grants rights to Jews -957: 1st Temple built 2nd Temple by Rome 1348: Jews blamed and persecuted for the Black Plague 5 ~1.1% -1313: Exodus from Egypt 4.4M -164: Re-dedication 1290: Expulsions from England and France Population -1523: Journey to Egypt Growth of the Temple 1099: The Crusaders conquer Israel and -1676: Binding of Isaac a year thanks to the massacre its Jewish inhabitants -1731: God's Covenant with Abraham Maccabean Revolt 5.8 -1765: Tower of Babel ~1.1% Population 1.3M -2105: The Flood (Noah's Ark) Growth a year 0.9M 0.3M I s B r 0 r Israel & Judah & Bab- Hasm- a i Crusaders e Egypt & Canaanites Israel Persia Greece The Roman Empire Byzantine Arabs Mamlukes Ottoman Empire t . Control Over the Land of Israel Judah Assyria Ylon Oneans l Rabbinical Era Patriarchs Judges Kings & Prophets Knesset HaGdolah Zugot Tannaim Amoraim Savoraim Geonim Rishonim Acharonim 2010 Time Line-3500 -2500 -1500 -1000 -500 1 500 1000 1500 2000 -3500: Agricultural revolution – vine domestication -1200: Trojan War -4: Jesus is born 393: Rome adopts Christianity 1337: 100 Years' War 1789: French Revolution World Events -3100: The first kingdom: Egypt ~100,000 residents -640: Currency invented 570: Muhammad (founder of Islam) is born 1492: Columbus, Imperialism -2700: True-Writing invented -563: Buddha (founder of Buddhism) is born 825: Arabic Numerals invented 1687: Scientific & Industrial Revolutions 1914: WWI -1770: Code of Hammurabi -221: China unifies (40 million) & builds the Great Wall 868: First book printed (China) 1776: U.S. Declaration of Independence 1939: WWII Adam & Eve Noah Joshua K. David Ezra & Nehemiah Johanan ben Zakai Rav Ashi Saadia Gaon Rabbi Yosef Karo Herzl Abraham and Sarah Deborah King Solomon Judah the Hammer Rabbi Akiva Rabbeinu Gershom Baal Shem Tov Bialik Jewish Historical Isaac & Rebekah Samson Elijah Herod Bar Kokhba Rashi The Vilna Gaon Rabbi Kook Figures Jacob, Leah and Rachel Ruth Jeremiah Hillel & Shammai Bruriah Yehuda Halevi The Chasam Sofer Einstein Sons of Jacob – the tribes of Israel Samuel Ezekiel Philo Judah the Prince The Rambam, Maimonides The Chofetz Chaim Moses and Aaron King Saul Esther & Mordechai Josephus Rabbi Yochanan Ramban, Nahmanides Ben Gurion The Torah Eikhah Septuagint The Zohar Siddur Chovot HaLevavot Rome and Jerusalem Jewish Literature Maccabees Mishna Book of Beliefs and Opinions Kuzari Arba'ah Turim Sh'mirat The canonization of the Tanakh Jerusalem Talmud Mishneh Torah Shulchan Aruch HaLashon Targum Onkelos Talmud Bavli Spanish Hebrew poetry Moreh Nevukhim Mesillat Yesharim Hebrew Year ה'תש"ס ד'תש"ס ג'תשס"א ב'תשס"א א'תשס"א תשס"א א' 1 (3761BCE) 761 1761 2761 3761 (1CE) 4760 5760 (2000CE) This poster was made for you to learn and enjoy. Ancient times numbers and dates are estimated and are brought to tell the story. License cc-by-sa, linking to “www.odyeda.com/JewishTimelineEn/” Enjoy, Ronen Rabinovici.
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