Kraip'8 Warships Blockading North Soviet Coast

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Kraip'8 Warships Blockading North Soviet Coast js a M AdsBM of W otkiM Broth* o n deoomtlns oUJt * 5 W oik Started County CliibB lutTown formal talk to tha Lm Ioo Oulid o f Legion to Dedicate the South Methodist church Mon­ day oventng. Hla aubloct was “New O n ^ Hotel T o Meet Maneh»tter— A City o f VlUago Chmrm I ngiilir owattaif ef Mtaato- Trends in Color” and be Ulustrstad h fflba N*. 0i. Improvwl hla talk with actual drapery aam* Now Home March 11 « r Had Mm . will ka held plea, ahowliig how manufactunn VOL.LIX..N0.12S <c Advartlamg aa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, FEBRUAr Y 23, 1940 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PR IC E T H I lodga room la tha are today corelating their various Upper Sectioii of North Local Group to Be Host \ lO n ta r OB wella atTMt next types of fabrics into uauable color End Building Is Being Building on Leonard St. O f Young Republicans liar at aigbt o'elock. schemes. ^ ariUba hald after the Tom Down Today. I» To Be Formally Tomorrow Evening. BHattac and nfraihaienU wfU he Mr. and Mra. Joel N. Nichols of W ar Qouds Spread Over Scandinavia Opened in Program; North Elm atreet and Mr. and Tha daiuolltloa o f tbs uppar ssc- Tba Msnehsstar Young Rspublt- •i- Mrs. James N. Nichols of Highland Expect Gov. Baldwin. Warships Blockading Attacks Are Beaten tion of ths old Cowlas Hotol at esLii club will ba host tomorrow Doa to tha fact that axtenalve Park left on Monday afternoon for a three weeks' vacation at St. Dapot Bquars, damagad hp Bra night to tha Hartford County Ra- altaiatkiiia ara to be BMde at the j Petersburg, Florida. several weeks ago, waa begua this Monday m m d n i, March 11, waa publlcans at tba Vetarana o f For- Chaatnut atiaet toy center, that cboaaa laat night by tha Legion aign Wars Home, Manchaater aettalty today ia aeeking new morning by a crew of workmen of ! Parker Soren of the Mancheater tba HarUord Housa Wrecking dedication committee aa the date Oreen. The program will sU rt at 8 IN qiuurtera. Electric division of the Connectl- p. m. with a fine program o f speak­ Back for Full Width j Company under the direction of for the formal opening of the local North Soviet Coast; I cut Power CJompany has gone to Milton Sodafsky of Hartford. post's now home on LMnard atreet, ers lined up for the rally meeting. Cbtaf Albert B. ro y of the I Nassau, Bahama islands, for a According to the plans outlined indleetkma are that a capacity at- PriaHpal Spaakara Brath Mancheater fire department three weeks' vacation. He went tm by Bodafaky, the entire upper part tendanca of 835, members of Dll- Arthur Brown o f New Haven, la racovarlng at hta home from I Miami. Florida, by airplane and of the hotel building will be razed worth-Comcll poet. Its auxiliary deputy Secretary of Stata and aa Utoeae. In hla abaence the tem- j then to Naasau by boat. and a 30 foot aection In rear o f the and their gueata, will be premnt Richard Belden. Hartford, state norary department head la First Cooking School and llovio O f KareliiE^n Isthmui president of Young Republican Clash Reported four store locations connUctod with on the occasion. Sea Aaatatant Chief Daniel P- Hag- I Mancheater High's basketball the former dance ball and bowling While the dedication program clubc will be the prlnriple speakers. «*rty. ____ I team vrtll leave the East Side Rec alleys will be tom down, providing baa been designed primarily for No admisston will be charged and At Tho State Theater ' at 6 o’cK>ck tomorrow afternoon Demonstration of ^ i f s 2,800 Russians Killed i a rear entrance to the stores In the local post membera several Legion any person Interested In the pro­ I for New Ijondon to play Bulkeley 15 Baskets of Food and Valuable Prizes Given Away! Indict Fifty l l The office of the Tax Collector block. The building In the rear will dignitaries have been invited and gram of the group for the coming British-French Sqtiad- Car Moves Backwards; Throwing; Cots Husband Assaults on Mannc a»tU open tomorrow after obeerv- j in the final game of the season. months are cordially invited to at­ McGrea Ouster 'be improved and retained. The have signified their intentions’ of Sponsored By ron Begins Patrol To­ ' No Lights; Driver Drunk ;aaoe o f the holiday today. Old age completed atreet front building being present. Governor Raymond tend. Ways and means and plana I ------- Portland, Ore., Feb. 33.--<57 heim Line; Reds tax payments now being taken in will be one story high. E. Baldwin has accepted the post's for conducting a successful cam- I Wichita, Kas., Feb. 28.—(53 In Millwork —Thomas Burke wiped the p a ^ will be dlscuaaed. day; Rumors Circulate ing Forward Deeper! amount to about half of the total .Local Police Lose Modem Fronts Invitation to attend and wlU speak M nnelieefer Division I —Detective Ronald Van Wel- Set on Foot by diahes dutifully wMle hie Wife amount due by March 1. I. 'Texler of Hartford la the gen­ Dr. Robert P. Knapp Following the meeting refreah- described a story of a knife following the dinner. Congress­ A RarWard Baa Co. Of Brush with Rusr I don glanced out the window, to Center Beyond eral contractor for the reconstruc­ man William J. Miller will come ments will be served and an en­ then gasped. Price Gouge throwing act. ' Revolver Contest tertainment program given follow­ The temporary motor vehicle tion of the front part of the dam­ here from Washington for the af­ sian Navy; Purpose to I Out of the dusk came a rap- Gov. Dickinson I “He threw It Just like this—" Muola; Finns Ga| nghdration office at the armory aged structure. Theae store loca­ ed by dancing. end Mrs. Burke whizzed a loitfe fair, if Congreaaional dutlea do'not Prevent Delivery of ' Idly driven car, moving back- ^ t A y did a Iwge bualneaa in re- Manchester police lost a closely tions will be renovated arid detain him. Department Com­ Manchester ! wards and with no lights. AFL Union, Firms and across the kitchen. 'Large Quantitiea Ceiving applicatlona for re-regls- contested revolver match to the strengthened and modem fronts mander B. J. Ackermanxpf Rock­ Supplies and Siibma- 'The backward motorist was Detroit Prosecutor In­ Then she sped her husband W ar Material'in Not Yesterday the total was Wllllmantic Y. M. C. A. team on will be Inatalled. The architect for ville will also be preaent.X^ Dale Book charged with drunken driving Groups Accused by to a hoapital. The knife had eut s n o f which 307 were passenger Ihe Plate Armory range here last the reconstruction Job Is George Bronka Aa Toastmnator^ rines to German Foe. —without a license, too. dicted fo r Miscondui^t I a deep gosh In hla thigh. Ziinner of High atreet, Hartford. FUEL on. Washington’s Birthday Celebration! Federal Grand Jury m n , 41 commercial. It combina- night. The Wllllmantic "Y" tram Dr. Robert P. Knapp, head Tomorrow ------------------------------------------- ^ ‘h ................. ........ ' Helsinki. Feb. 23.— (A P )! Demolition of the unwanted con­ 24-Hour Service! Arraigned, Then Says , tion, four trallera, twn farm vehl- gathered a total of 1,284 pointa Cheney Brothers' medical deparl-Nj^ Feb. 2.8.—Meeting of Hartford Copenhagen, Feb. 23.— In Pittsburgh Area. The Finnish high eon , clea and one motorcycle. to 1,221 for the local policemen. necting woodwork In rear o^ the ment. la general chairman of t h e l'^ “ "^y Young Republican Clubs DINE AND DANCe TONIGHT (AP) — A British - French He'U Run for Senate. | Announced today that The Manchester police are Im- store locations and the removal of dedication committee, and his ar-y. F. W. Home at•* -Green.------ l : t . w o o d burned tlmbera and refuse from To the Tunes of Clyde Bros. Orchestra. nttaburgh, Feb. 33.—(P)—A dannerheim line’s defe The Manchester Police Depart­ pro\ing with each match, last corps of committee assistants in­ ' Coming Evanta Phone 4496 warship squadron began to­ House Beats Grand Jury the roof of the building will take Lansing, Mich., Feb. 33— (57— ment yeaterday received Its i>er- night's score being the highest the cludes a group of membera of the Martli, 1.—Wesleyan Guild fash­ RAVIOLI BRACCIOLE CHICKEN SPECIALS day a blockade of the north­ federal grand Jury InveoUgatlng lad beaten back att team has shot In competition. about ten days, the foremsn stated. ion sho^v at South Methodist Governor Luren D. Dickinson to­ the millwork Industry here today manent radio Hcenae from federal The building Is owned by the Legion auxiliary. Victor W. BeoidM A ll Our Usual Tasty Dialwa ern Russian coast, the news­ along the entire width authorities for the operation of The scores follow: Bronke, who ia a past district church. 'x Trade Pacts day ordered preparations for ous­ Indicted SO firms, sssoctatlona and Calls Woman Savings Bank of Rockville. FINE WINES — LIQUORS — AND BEER paper Berlingske ’Tldendo re­ Karelian isthmus, i one fixed and three mobile radio WlUlmantlc commander of the Legion and one March 17.-^^eaentatton o f the ter proceedings againat Duncan C I Individuals, Including ths president Slow Time Rapid Tl. "Mesalah’' by Eihqnuel and Chapel ported, while unconfirmable about two battalio L units. The department has been of the most active members of the McOea, Detroit prosecuting at­ end nine other officers o f an A FL p b p m tln g under a temporary li- Korrlgno .
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