
Warta Keraiaand Tambahan Kedua KELUARAN KHAS Diterbitkan dengan kuasa

JL L1 , SABTU,30 DISEMBER 1995 [No. S 9

No. S 13 [No. PBNS. 150911514 Vol. II/(55) WATER SUPPLY ORDIN'ANCE 1961 (Ordinance No. 16 of 1%1) WATER SUPPLY (PRIVATISED WATER SUPPLY AREA) (, , AND PULAU BUM-BUM) ORDER 1995 In exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 5A of the Water Supply Ordinance 1961, the Yang di-Pertua Negeri has made the following Order:

1. This Order may be cited as the Water Supply (Privatised Water Supply -011 Area) (Lahad Datu, Sempoma, Kunak and Pulau Bum-Bum) Order 1995 and shall come into operation on 30th December, 1995.

2. The areas described in the Schedule hereto shall be declared to be a -tim privatised water supply area (hereinafter referred to as 'the declared areat1)for :*E:>*, the purpose of section SA of the Water Supply Ordinance 1961, (hereinafter called "the Ordinance").

3. Lahad Datu Water Supply Sdn. Bhd. shall be designated as a private Designatim water authority in respect of the declared area with effect from 30th $&pte December, 1995. authority. Alnhohlh 4. Lahad Datu Water Supply Sdn. Bhd. shall be authorised to exercise and of light, POW== undertake in the declared area the right, the power, the obligation, the function or the duty under the Ordinance - (a) to design, construct and finance the construction of; and

(6) to operate, maintain and manage, all facilities as may be necessary for the production, treatment and transmission of bulk supply of treated water to the Government in accordance with the terms and conditions of a contract entered between the Government and WadDatu Water Supply Sdn. Bhd. under Section 5B of the Ordinance.

SCHEDULE Par~graph2) Areas Declared As Priv8W Water Supply Area. (a) The Disaict of Lahad Datu (excluding Tungku); (6) The District of Semporna;

(C) The District of Kunak, and (d) The Island of Bum-Bum.

Dated at Kota Kinabalu, this 30th day of December. 1995.

By His Excellency's Command,

DA~YONGTECK LEE, Acting Chief Minister.