Ridgeway Baptist Church Delight United (SBC) Corner of Peachtree & Hearn Methodist Church Y
THE NASHVILLE H News-LEADER H H Preserving Southwest Arkansas’s Heritage While Leading Through the 21st Century H Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016 u Vol. 14, Issue 13 u 24 pages, 2 sections u 75¢ Leader New physician opens ofice; Board family practice to be focus www.swarkansasnews.com By Terrica Hendrix owned a bakery and a French intellectually and would be a News-Leader staff restaurant, was from Michigan.” career where I could ofer as- OPINION 4A Howard Memorial Hospital’s Wilkins’ maternal grand- sistance to others. Growing up newest physician, Dr. Ngozi A. parents are originally from in Nigeria, health disparities Disappointment Wilkins, is “Every Woman.” Arkansas. She was reared with were often apparent. Out of She is a wife, mother and a two younger sisters and one pocket costs for health care were for Razorback physician. brother. “I grew up knowing cost prohibitive for some, and fan after loss Dr. Wilkins recently opened that education was not an op- to receive care, payment was to Aggies. her family medicine clinic on tion; it was a necessity. My par- needed. Those who could not HMH’s medical campus. ents always exposed us to the aford medical services were not She was raised in Nigeria, languages, arts and music; and able to get treated and would West Africa, on the campus of we often visited various univer- have to raise funds to pay for Band seeks “I igured medicine would the University of Ibadan, “one of sities across the United States.” care. I also experienced the loss instruments be a good ield as it would the oldest and most prestigious Wilkins said that her love of a cousin to typhoid fever keep me challenged intellec- Nigerian universities, where my for the sciences - especially bi- and another to malaria [both regardless tually and would be a career father was a Professor of Psy- ology - at an early age is what preventable diseases] and my chology,” she said.