Global Energy Issues and the United Nations Challenges for the UN CSD Meetings in 2007 and Beyond
Global Energy Issues and the United Nations Challenges for the UN CSD meetings in 2007 and beyond Jacques de Jong, Wilbur Perlot, Stephan Slingerland April 2007 Clingendael International Energy Programme CIEP is affiliated to the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’. CIEP acts as an independent forum for governments, non-governmental organisations, the private sector, media, politicians and all others interested in changes and developments in the energy sector. CIEP organises lectures, seminars, conferences and roundtable discussions. In addition, CIEP members of staff lecture in a variety of courses and training programmes. CIEP’s research, training and activities focus on three themes: • regulation of energy markets (oil, gas, electricity) in the European Union; • the international economic and geopolitical aspects of oil and gas markets, particularly with respect to the European Union security of supply; and • energy and sustainable development. CIEP is endorsed by BP, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Eneco, Energie Beheer Nederland, Essent, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gasunie, ING, NAM, NUON, Oranje-Nassau Groep, Port of Rotterdam, Shell Nederland, Total, the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, Vopak Oil Europe Middle East and Wintershall. CIEP publications and research results are made available primarily through the CIEP website: This Clingendael Energy Paper comes forth out of a project commissioned by the Ambassador of Sustainable Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, H.E. Mr. T. Boon von Ochssée, in preparation for the Dutch delegation to CSD-14. For this paper, the original issue papers have been reworked and added as chapters, with a new introduction and conclusion.
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