by Michael Chase Walker

Michael Chase Walker [email protected] 424 207 0521 UNDER THE STUDIO LOGO -- A clacking keyboard. Pink font across a black background. MY DUMB BITCH ASS BLOG GRACE kvetches as she types. GRACE (V.O.) My German lab teacher is a total Nazi, my bff’s are zombie bimbos from hell, and my peeps are escapees from an old... A harrowing scream! FADE IN:

INT. BEDROOM- NIGHT NOSFERATU on Cable! More Screams. Max Schreck slinks towards a cowed and cornered DAMSEL -- gnarled fingers in predatory pose. GRACE MUELLER is at her desk, on her computer, casually glancing at the TV. She’s 17, with dark features and “Tickle Me Pink” fingernails. GRACE -- got that right. Her pert nose and sharp patrician features accentuate her quick wit and ‘wise-beyond-her-years’ world view. Turning back to the computer. GRACE I totally like Todd Hochler, but Cassie says he’s just using me. A pensive finger to the mouth. GRACE Oh, can I say it enough? In bold capital letters -- GRACE I HATE BEING A GHOULSTEIN! 2.

The violin prelude to “Young at Heart” begins. FADE TO BLACK SONG FAIRY TALES CAN COME TRUE IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU IF YOU’RE YOUNG AT HEART... ROLL CREDITS A Black and White Montage: SOMEWHERE IN THE CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINS EXT. VILLAGE - DAY Thatched hovels and tiny shops of a medieval village. Women in babushkas tote bundles of kindling. Goats, pigs, and chickens roam free. SONG FOR IT'S HARD YOU WILL FIND, TO BE NARROW OF MIND, IF YOU'RE YOUNG AT HEART A 14th Century CASTLE looms high above -- Ominous and imposing with dagger-like spires. A monolith of gloom and despair. At a glance it suggests: Vlad, the Impaler lived here, but found it awfully depressing. SONG YOU CAN GO TO EXTREMES WITH IMPOSSIBLE SCHEMES. YOU CAN LAUGH WHEN YOUR DREAMS FALL APART AT THE SEAMS

CLOSE ON THE CASTLE BARBICAN - A FAMILY CREST SCHLOSS VON GHOULSTEIN A ghostly KNIGHT rises above three tombstones, proffering a tuft of Hemlock in one hand, and a spade in the other. Its motto: Concussus surgo: When Struck We Will Rise 3.

Drifting down to the outer courtyard, An odd aristocratic FAMILY poses for a Daguerreotype. SONG AND LIFE GETS MORE EXCITING WITH EACH PASSING DAY AND LOVE IS EITHER IN YOUR HEART, OR ON IT'S WAY. The senior BARON VON GHOULSTEIN is Rasputin like, with unearthly pale skin, long beard, and black formal coat. HIS WIFE, stares out in drab repose, book ended by her TWIN six years-old BOYS, looking equally wan and dire. One sibling is taller and platinum haired, the other sturdier and of a darker countenance. With an incandescent flash! DISSOLVE TO: The ominous thunder of Jack boots marching. 1939

EXT. THE SAME VILLAGE- DAY STORM TROOPERS goose-step through narrow streets-- fascist arms extended. A village BAKER draws his curtains with a disgusted moue. SONG DON’T YOU KNOW THAT IT’S WORTH EVERY TREASURE ON EARTH TO BE YOUNG AT HEART CUT TO:

EXT. ROAD - DAY A PEASANT FARMER, flanked by his WIFE and CHILDREN, trudge along a long dusty road -- all their belongings in an ox cart. At another angle, we see hundreds more FAMILIES fleeing the Nazi incursion. CUT TO: 4.

EXT. CASTLE ENTRANCE - DAY The swastika replaces the Von Ghoulstein crest, and in the outer courtyard... SONG FOR AS RICH AS YOU ARE IT’S MUCH BETTER BY FAR TO BE YOUNG AT HEART... Five SS OFFICERS pose triumphantly -- their arms draped over the other in camaraderie and conquest. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT. OCEAN LINER - PROMENADE DECK - DAY The sturdier VON GHOULSTEIN twin is now in his late 30’s, standing solemnly at the guard rail, staring blankly out to sea. His WIFE, Siamese twin DAUGHTERS, SON and DAUGHTER-IN-LAW recline in deck chairs behind him, looking displaced and forlorn. SONG AND IF YOU SHOULD SURVIVE TO 105 LOOK AT ALL YOU’LL DERIVE OUT OF BEING ALIVE... DISSOLVE TO:

EXT./INT. ELLIS ISLAND -- IMMIGRATION OFFICE - DAY Five passports fan out for the renamed “MUELLER” clan followed immediately by a stamp: “ADMITTED December 14, 1942. A droplet of blood trickles down. The IMMIGRATION OFFICER collapses on top of the passports -- burying them beneath his portly frame. A thin macilent hand reaches underneath and retrieves them. SONG THEN HERE IS THE BEST PART YOU HAVE A FRESH START IF YOU ARE AMONG THE VERY YOUNG AT HEART 5.

The Baron dabs the corners of his mouth with a monogrammed handkerchief and pockets the immigration documents. -- straightens his fedora, retrieves his valise, and turns to his family. Together, they enter a long corridor. “You are now entering the United States of America.” Ambling towards the clear light of freedom in silhouette. SONG IF YOU ARE AMONG THE VERY YOUNG AT HEART. END CREDITS FADE TO BLACK

A NEW CARD New Siegfried, Connecticut Present Day AND ANOTHER CARD THE CALLING FADE IN:

EXT. MUELLER MANOR - NIGHT A Gingerbread Victorian. The bright Harvest moon nestles between its gables accentuating the green and pink trim and lattice work. When a malignant SHADOW flies in clutching a “In N’ Out” take out Bag. Encircles the cupola... And alights on the window and enters. In silhouette: we see it transfigure into a human being. PANNING down to THE DRIVEWAY in front. A Trans Am idles. Fogged windows and moans emit from inside. 6.

TODD (O.S.) Ummmmmmmmmm. Jeebus Grace... CUT TO:

INT. TRANS AM- NIGHT Todd Hochler writhes in ecstacy. He’s 18, a tow-headed jock, and not-too-swift on the uptake. TODD -- you could strip the paint off a flag pole. Grace pop up in her seat, composing herself. She’s wearing a blonde wig. GRACE Um, that would be barber’s pole. TODD Whatever -- Where’d you learn to do that? GRACE Sippy straws. Momma says they promote a strong, healthy smile. Todd -- smiling. TODD I’ll say! Grace settles back and tucks her hair back with a “scrunchy”. GRACE Wanna come in for a bite? TODD Eh, gotta relay tomorrow. Coach wants me to bring my leg under six seconds. Nuzzling in close. TODD But, we can hook up afterwards? GRACE Are you sure you won’t be all sweaty and tired? She brushes his lips with her finger. 7.

GRACE -- Cuz I have a few hurdles of my own I’d like to jump. She slinks seductively out of the car. TODD Gosh Grace, why can’t the others be like you? She leans back through the passenger window. GRACE Cuz, then I’d have to hurt them. She bares her teeth, and flexes her fingers like scratching claws -- turns, and sashays up the driveway. Todd pines over her smoking hot figure, slams his palm against the steering wheel. TODD Day-um! And peels out. Grace smiles wickedly. CUT TO:

EXT./INT. GRACE’S HOUSE- NIGHT Fumbling with keys, she enters THE FOYER The Von Ghoulstein Crest above a musty old World interior. Shadows loom and haunt. Her family is at the dining table. Grace steels herself, removes her blonde wig, and joins them. CUT TO: INT. DINING ROOM CARLOTTA, Grace’s mom, is setting the table. She’s rather drab and melancholy since the death of her husband. BARON MORTIMER MUELLER (née Von Ghoulstein) is now in his seventies. He sips espresso and pores through The New Siegfried Gazette. 8.

GRANDMA MUELLER knits an XXX large sweater with two neck holes for AUNT HILDEGARD and HERMIONE - Siamese Lesbian twins, with two heads, a shared torso, and a biting sarcastic wit. A grandfather clock strikes Midnight. CARLOTTA Gracie! You’re home early! GRANDMA How vas your date? GRANDPA Did he get avay? Ha! GRACE I’m so sure, Grandpa. Todd has a track meet tomorrow. GRANDMA On Sunday? GRANDPA I thought all dey did vas burn books on Sundays. HERMIONE -- witches too! CARLOTTA I didn’t know there were any. GRANDMA Books? CARLOTTA No, witches. HILDEGARD There aren’t? GRANDMA Aren’t what? HERMIONE Witches. GRANDMA Which is what? GRANDPA Vhat zey burn, silly. 9.

CARLOTTA I didn’t know there were any. GRANDPA Witches? CARLOTTA No, books. GRANDPA There aren’t, zey burnt zem all! Ha! GRACE Mama, tell me again how you found me in an old pigeon coop and my real parents are out there pining over old milk cartons. CARLOTTA Don’t be silly, we’re your real family. GRANDPA And don’t forget it, Miss Smarty Britches! It takes more than a vig and a name change to cover up ten thousands years of Ghoulstein. GRACE You’re so right, Grandpa. I should just kill myself now and spare myself a lifetime of therapy. CARLOTTA It doesn’t do any good, dear. GRACE What, therapy or suicide? GRANDMA You are who you are, dear, might as vell get used to it. HERMIONE AND HILDEGARD WE DID! Grace looks quizzically at her Siamese Twin Aunts. GRACE Thank you, Aunties! I can cancel my Atavan prescription now. Carlotta passes by with a silver serving tray - rattling. 10.

CARLOTTA That’s nice, dear. Hungry? GRACE -- maybe a smidge. She lifts the lid to find jostling blood red ORGANS. GRACE Ew, Momma, what the hell is that? HILDEGARD Liver pudding with sweet breads! HERMIONE Grandpa got take-out! GRACE That is sooooo grrrross! How can you touch it let alone put it in your mouth? HILDEGARD We’ll take her share, Lottie. HERMIONE You go ahead, dear, I’m watching my weight. HILDEGARD -- what’s it doing -- breeding? HERMIONE How droll -- and to think I’m the one with the brains. Hildegard dabs at her sister’s chin. HILDEGARD Hold still, dear, you’ve got some on your chin. GRACE Laters people! It’s been real as always! Grace slips away. Carlotta looks after her. CARLOTTA I swear she never eats anymore. HILDEGARD She's vegan. 11.

HERMIONE Weren't we all at her age? HILDEGARD Vegan, not virgin. It means she doesn't eat meat. HERMIONE Same difference. GRANDMA She'll grow out of it. Looking after Grace CARLOTTA Still, a mother should worry. DISSOLVE TO: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Grace is playing Seventeen Magazine’s online Marriage Game. ON THE COMPUTER Jib Jab style animation has Todd and Grace's heads pasted on a bride and groom at an altar. A PRIEST performs the nuptials: CYBER PRIEST And do you, Todd, take Grace as your wife? CYBER TODD I do. CYBER PRIEST You may kiss the bride. They kiss. GRACE -- a normal life with Todd. I wish! An E-MAIL prompt announces: SEVENTEEN Magazine has posted an article of interest. GRACE Nice! 12.

Grace clicks on it: “TRACK STARS WHO CHEAT” and scrolls to the lede: "He broke the State record and then broke my heart." Grace scrolls down, reading aloud. GRACE (O.S.) “Using his curfew as an excuse Jim Brady stole away to meet his other lover...” GRACE Todd would never do that, would he? Grace enters her high school URL: WWW. NEW SIEGFRIED HIGH SCHOOL to pull up the web site; HOME Of THE FIGHTING HUNS -- and scans the radial buttons: PROM NIGHT GERMAN LAB BOOK BURNINGS TRACK MEET SCHEDULE: Flashing: NO TRACK MEETS ON SUNDAY. GRACE Why that lying sack of... She stomps the floor, turns beet red, and triggers a violent reaction: Her eyes widen, face undulates, and begins to transform. GRACE SCREAMS! Grabs a jar of “Proactiv” and packs it on, but the violent force overtakes her: Her eyes slant Talons grow And body morphs into an amorphous dark SPIRIT with hollow eyes and winged form. 13.

GRACE -- exactly who did you run off to? She soars out the window leaving JUSTIN BIEBER curtains flapping in the breeze. CUT TO:

EXT. FLYING OVER NEW SIEGFRIED-- GRACE SPIRIT - NIGHT Scanning the village lights and quaint suburban houses below. She GRACE Where does a two-timing snake go to hide? She alerts to as a 50 foot neon SIGN flashing the word EAT! and sees a group of young SLACKERS at a fast food joint. GRACE -- don’t mind if I do! She descends towards them. CUT TO: EXT. OUTSIDE JIFFY BURGERS - NIGHT Three stoners are hanging out, sharing a Phillie blunt under a curb service canopy. SLACKER #1 Dude, it’s the one where the scientist's head winds up on the fly’s body. SLACKER #2 (falsetto) Help me, help me!. SLACKER #1 I bet they used nitrous for that scene. SLACKER #2 No man, nitrous gets your head high, helium makes your voice high. STONER #1 Word. 14.

Grace’s Spirit buzzes over their heads. Stoner 2 erupts to his feet, flailing his arms around. STONER #2 Wha whazzat? The Grace/Spirit dive bombs again and departs. STONER #2 Whoa dude, I shit my pants! He buries his hand in his jeans, withdraws, and smells it. STONER #2 Yo dawg! Grace/Spirit wings up to higher ground. GRACE SPIRIT Hmmm, no Todd there. Where else would he go? And flutters off. WIPE TO: EXT. LOVER'S LOOKOUT - NIGHT Cars are lined up, swaying to a chorus of squeaking shock absorbers. Grace hovers over the windshield of a parked car and sees a GUY and GIRL making out. GRACE SPIRIT (practicing German) Todd ist nicht hier. She shrugs and moves off to... A SECOND CAR, and peeks inside: A PRIEST and an ALTAR BOY GRACE SPIRIT Ew, grrrross! Grace sublimates back in the sky. GRACE SPIRIT Maybe he just got the dates mixed up? She yawns. 15.

GRACE SPIRIT It is awfully late. And spirits off flying. When she sees in the distance

EXT. AN ABANDONED CHURCH SPIRITS, GHOULS, and HAUNTS swarm, ebb and flow from the belfry. GRACE SPIRIT What's going on at the Old Bavarian? CUT TO:

EXT./INT. CHURCH BELFRY - NIGHT Grace enters and looks around to see -- A bustling SENIOR CENTER where aging ghouls smoke cigars and play cards. Ghouls in walkers and wheelchairs stroll about Blue-haired Ghoul LADIES play Mah Jong. Grace changes in to her human form, attracting an elderly gentleman ghoul over. JONAH Hey Grace, that you? She reels around to see JONAH, a kindly old soul from the old country. JONAH Look how you've grown! GRACE Um, do I know you? JONAH I’m Jonah, an old friend of your dad’s, rest his soul. We were in piece goods together. GRACE That’s funny, Daddy never mentioned he was in the Peace Corp. 16.

JONAH Piece goods! Y’know, rags, schmatta- - the clothing biz? He was quite the fashionista, your father. GRACE So that’s where I get. If it were up to Mama we’d be head to toe in hearse-cloth. JONAH No father was ever more proud of his little ghoul. We sure miss him. Jonah shouts to the others. JONAH Look everyone, it's Wolf Mueller’s daughter, Grace! The whole community turns and waves. CROWD HEY GRACE! Grace waves back. GRACE Hey. JONAH C’mon, I’ll introduce you. Jonah leads Grace over to old ghouls sitting around coughing, hacking and spewing. JONAH You guys remember Grace Mueller? She ain’t so little no more. GEOFFREY, a British gentleman greets her. GEOFFREY We were all proud of your father. He was a true hero. He offers her a seat, urging the old man next to him to scoot down. GEOFFREY Hyman, scrunch down a bit, we’ve got company. 17.

HYMAN is a cantankerous senior with a wind-up KEY in his chest. HYMAN Oh for fuck sakes! Hyman slides over begrudgingly. Jonah whispers to Grace. JONAH Don’t mind Hy, he's got a foul mouth, but a good heart. Even with that pacemaker they installed last century. Ha! HYMAN I heard that schmuck face! Grace takes her place between Hyman and Geoffrey. GEOFFREY Your father saved us, Grace. HYMAN -- from the Evil Spawn. GRACE He saved you from ... a metal band? JONAH -- he never told you? GRACE Naaa, Daddy was more into funeral dirges. JONAH Gramps neither? GRACE I’m so sure. Gramps is a total Lawrence Welk freak -- not the music so much -- just the big boobs and lederhosen. There’s a long uncomfortable silence. JONAH The Evil Spawn isn’t a musical act, Grace.... GEOFFREY They’re our mortal enemies. They seek the total extermination of our people. 18.

GRACE Whoa, that is soooo Taliban. What did we ever do to them? HYMAN Ha! Some Chosen One! Geoffrey elbows Hy to shush. HYMAN Hey watch it, ass wipe! JONAH Being a ghoul doesn't make you evil, Grace. GEOFFREY Many of us are hard-working with strong family values. A phlegmatic ghoul ambles by with a walker. SENILE GHOUL I voted for Ike! HYMAN Beat it douche bag, we’re talking here! The old geezer nervously scoots on. JONAH What we’re saying is there's good and bad in everyone. HYMAN Except the Spawn. Them mumsers are good fer nuthin’! GEOFFREY And they’ll destroy us all if we don’t stop ‘em ! GRACE -- well, good luck with that. Um, I-I really should bounce. I have a German exam from hell on Monday. Grace’s perks up on Todd’s voice beneath the rafters. 19.

TODD (O.S.) C’mon Sally, It's just until, well, you know. GRACE Scuse me, but I think I hear my boy friend. Grace follows the voice through the crack in the floor and sees: THROUGH THE FLOORBOARDS A CHURCH PEW BELOW Todd has his arm around SALLY SCHLITZHAMMER, 18, trying to console her. Sally, is platinum blonde with a 50’s plastic hair-do found in old Barbie box. CUT TO:

INT. CHAPEL - NIGHT Sally and Todd are seated in the church pew, arguing. SALLY But what if you, like, fall in love with her? TODD Baby, I’m just playin’ her until we can hook up, that’s all. Grace is a ho-bag. She means nothing to me. SALLY She better not Todd Hochler or I swear I’ll tell the Reverend. TODD No don’t! I’ll break it off-- just don’t tell him, please. SALLY Promise? TODD I promise. GRACE SCREAMS! 20.

Grace fumes with anger and turns into her Spirit form, before launching down through the floorboards AT TODD AND SALLY Spiraling down on them -- fangs and talons poised to maim. GRACE/SPIRIT Now I’m gonna hurt you! Todd springs to his feet -- swiping at the barnstorming spirit. TODD Run Sally! He hurls his letter sweater over Sally's head and guides her to the exit. Grace attacks -- swooping, diving and screeching. SALLY Ew, get away! Get away! Todd keeps swiping the air, shooing Grace away. Sally bolts out the door. TODD Get away! Todd blocks the door -- facing off with Grace and She wings backwards, preparing for a final assault. GRACE Ho-bag? Why, I’ll pin your nut sack to your chin! She dive-bombs Todd. Misses. Regroups and then Strikes -- and misses again. TODD Get the hell away! Todd pivots and heads for the exit, when. Grace attacks from behind. Flashing her razor sharp claws, thrashing as he runs. 21.

Todd’s eyes bulge. A thin fissure of gore erupts around his neck and His head dislodges His headless frame stumbles a few feet and then collapses in a heap and HIS HEAD Bounces off the floor, rebounds, and lands in a Holy Water Font. Water spurts from his ears and mouth. Grace lands and desperately changes into her human form -- frantically rushing over to him. GRACE Oh Todd, I’m so sorry. I lost my head, a-and, heh-heh, so did you! Suddenly, a shrill screech from the entrance. Grace reels around to see Sally in the doorway screaming! J’accuse! SALLY You! You! You! GRACE Sally, it was an accident, I swear! Sally runs out -- grasping her cell phone. GRACE Ew. Grace quickly morphs into a spirit and flies out. As she does, we REVERSE UP THROUGH FLOORBOARDS: To see Jonah, Hy and Geoffrey observing the whole incident. HYMAN Some Chosen One you geniuses picked. 22.

GEOFFREY I’ve seen more finesse in a runaway bounce house. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT./INT. GRACE’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Grace is face down on her bed weeping hysterically, while Grandma sits beside her, lending a comforting hand. GRANDMA There, there, darlink, don’t fret so. GRACE But I killed Todd, Grammy. I didn’t mean to, it just happened. GRANDMA Vell, you were bound to kill some- sing sooner or later. It’s in your genes! Grace glances at her AMERICAN EAGLE BRAND denims. GRACE My j-jeans? GRANDMA -- your bloodline. You’re a Ghoulstein, honey -- ze very top of ze food chain! GRACE B-but I thought we stopped preying on humans long ago? GRANDMA -- ze urgency is gone, but not ze thrill! Now, don’t vorry your pretty little head. Right now your Grampy is down at the Old Church making zis whole mess go avay. Her tears dry as she sniffles, somewhat appeased. GRACE He is? 23.

GRANDMA Ven it comes to making bodies disappear your Gramps is a regular Houdini. GRACE Who? GRANDMA Houdini. GRACE Who dini? GRANDMA Not who dini, Houdini! GRACE Who’s that? GRANDMA -- a magician, dear, a famous prestidigitator. GRACE Can he bring Todd back to life? GRANDMA Who, Houdini? GRACE No, Grandpa. GRANDMA -- from vhat ve know about Todd zat von’t be necessary. Grandma pats her gently and gets up. GRANDMA So, vhat say ve fire up zem sweetbreads? All zis talk of killing has me ravenous. GRACE Kays. GRANDMA There’s a güt girl. Grace gets up and Grandma puts a comforting arm around her and escorts her out. CUT TO: 24.

INT. CHURCH - NIGHT Geoffrey, Hyman, and Jonah gather around Grandpa as he kneels inspects the ground where Todd’s body lay. JONAH When Gracie flew off the Schlitzhammer girl called the Reverend just as cool as a crypt in October. GEOFFREY Wasn’t five minutes before he showed up with his goons, and grew that boy’s head back on like it weren’t nuthin’ but a Chia Pet. GRANDPA Hmmm. FLASHBACK:

EXT. THE OLD CHURCH - NIGHT A white VAN screeches in front of the church. Six MEN IN WHITE UNIFORMS pour out. REVEREND SCHLITZHAMMER, 48, steps out. He is the Angel of Death with gray hair, white suit, and wraparound sunglasses. Sally runs to him and gestures frantically -- indicating inside. CUT TO: INSIDE THE CHURCH The Reverend coolly lifts Todd’s head from the holy water font, And kneels down where his body lies. Holding the head in place we watch as sinewy fibers of flesh, magically finger out between them. As they connect, they pull the head back into place, and Todd’s head grafts on to his body again. 25.

GRANDPA (V.O.) -- that’s typical of der Spawn. What they lack in reproductive skills they make up for in spontaneous regeneration. Todd’s eyes, lips reanimate-- its alive! DISSOLVE BACK:

BACK INSIDE CHURCH With Hy, Geoffrey and Grandpa Mueller inspecting the scene. JONAH Which pretty much makes them invulnerable. GEOFFREY Gives ya the willies. HYMAN Earthworms is what they are! Maggots in a drek pile. GRANDPA And you say the Schlitzhammer girl got a look at Grace? JONAH -- ‘fraid so, Mortimer. GRANDPA -- now zey’ll start hunting za rest of us. GEOFFREY You gonna tell her? GRANDPA How can I? I’m sworn to secrecy like ze rest of you. JONAH Mort’s right, she has to choose, that’s the tradition. GEOFFREY She’s pretty naive, Mort, are you sure you’re up to it? 26.

GRANDPA All my life I’ve vatched that young lady turn her back on her people -- now it’s up to her to save us. FADE TO BLACK:


INT. GRACE’S BEDROOM - MONDAY MORNING Grace steps out of the shower, towel-headed. A strange golden vial of a blood dangles around her neck. She moves to the side of her bed and paints her toenails in hot pink. Places colored contacts in her eyes. Smooths out her fangs with veneers. Dons the blonde wig. And deems herself ready. DISSOLVE TO:

INT. HALLWAY Passing her grandparents’ bedroom. GRACE Night Gramps, Grams. Off to school. GRANDPARENTS (O.S.) Night Gracie! Grace scoots away and we -- CUT TO: 27.

INT. GRANDPARENT’S BEDROOM They’re in a double-occupancy crypt. Grandma turns to Grandpa. GRANDMA Are you sure it’s the right thing, Mortimer? GRANDPA Sometimes one must reach bedrock in order to stop digging and find a new grave. CUT TO:

INT. HALLWAY Grace passes her Aunties’ bed room door and peeks in - halted abruptly by a passionate groaning within. Grace smiles knowingly. GRACE -- the Langborne sisters must have spent the night. Grace quietly moves on down the hall to--

INT. MOTHER'S BEDROOM Grace peeks in: GRACE Mums, I’m outtie! Carlotta is weeping, cherishing a framed picture of she and her departed husband, Wolf, digging up a corpse together. Ah, the good old days! CARLOTTA Do well in school, dear. GRACE Kays Mom, love you. CARLOTTA Make Daddy proud. GRACE Wills. 28.

Grace hears her mom weeping, GRACE Aw-wwwwww. CUT TO:

EXT. GARAGE - DAY Grace’s VW Bug convertible backs down the driveway, she shifts into forward and races off. CUT TO:

EXT. HIGH SCHOOL - DAY A SIGN across the main building reads NEW SIEGFRIED HIGH SCHOOL. A BANNER READS: “School-wide inoculations for SIGGY SENIORS next week!” Across the campus... Blonde-haired TEENS of every size and shape stroll across campus, scurrying to class. A blonde CHEERLEADER talks to a blonde R.O.T.C. CANDIDATE. A blonde MATH TEACHER talks to a blonde LIBRARIAN. The whole CAMPUS is chock-a-block with perfectly blonde denizens Everywhere: talking, carrying books, carting band equipment, and hanging out. A stadium sign reads: “HOME OF THE STORMING HUNS”. The school mascot is a BULLDOG with a brush mustache named "Siggy". INCLUDE THE PARKING LOT Where Grace’s VW rolls in. CUT TO:

EXT./INT. GRACE’S VW- DAY Grace applies lipstick and touches up her hair. 29.

She looks into the rear view mirror, heaping affirmations. GRACE Grace, you are so not a raging psychopath! When Grace's friends, LOTTIE and CASSIE, spring into frame-- startling her. LOTTIE Hey brat! Grace shrieks and runs her lipstick in a streak. CASSIE Punk’d ya! GRACE You guys! You totally made me crap my pants. LOTTIE I thought it was your breath. Grace erupts in tears. CASSIE Whoa, aren't we like ragging? She can’t hold back the tears. GRACE Todd and I broke up Saturday night. CASSIE Broke up, broke up, or just broke up? GRACE I mean majorly broke up. Emphasis on brrroke. LOTTIE I am so sure. You say that and then you go crawling back every time he waves his middle finger. GRACE That is so not true! Is it, Cassie? CASSIE Totally. You are so whipped! Grace breaks down sobbing again. 30.

LOTTIE OMG, what is wrong with you? GRACE I'm a little hormonal right now and I'd appreciate it if you’d lighten up a smidge. Kays? LOTTIE Whatever. CASSIE Want me to carry your books? Lottie slaps her arm. LOTTIE Ass kisser! The bell rings. LOTTIE You guys, second bell! GRACE You go on ahead. I can't deal right now. Lottie and Cassie take off. Grace collects herself. As third bell rings, Grace observes the front of the High School, where, A white van marked “ST. OLAF'S Bavarian Assembly” pulls up in front. MEN IN WHITE get out and spring into action. -- furtively unloading Sally and Todd from the back and briskly escorting them into the administration building. GRACE Todd's alive? She looks around, determining no one will notice, and changes into her demon form. Winging upward and over to the school. CUT TO: 31.

EXT./INT. PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE DAY Grace alights on the window, and listens in. Todd and Sally are seated before MRS. ANSCHLUSS, the principal, and science teacher, DR. VON VAUGHAN. MRS. ANSCHLUSS And you’re sure it vas der Mueller girl, Sally? SALLY It was her all right, Dr. Von Vaughan, I saw her change! TODD I’d know her scent anywhere. Sally punches Todd in the arm. TODD Ow, what the..? MRS. ANSCHLUSS Herr Doctor? DR. VON VAUGHAN If vhat you say is true, Sally, she vould be ze only Demon Seed ever born in the Vestern hemisphere. SALLY Gotta yearbook, Doc? I’ll prove it! DR. VON VAUGHAN That von’t be necessary, Sally. We’ve been aware of the possibility for some time now... I just never sought zey vould be hiding right here among us -- in plain sight. He gets up and pulls down a science chart with THREE SETS of humanoid beings: DR. VON VAUGHAN -- perhaps it’s time for you children to know vhat you’re up against. It depicts Homo Sapien, Homo Ghoulien, and Homo Aryanus. He takes out a laser pointer and explains. 32.

DR. VON VAUGHAN Although distant cousins, Grace’s species Homo Ghoulien is quite unique. Vhile ve are both genetically superior to Homo Sapiens there are marked differences between us. Our race Homo Aryanus possess amazing regenerative capabilities but we still cannot reproduce outside of a controlled laboratory environment. Grace, on ze other hand, has two vays to propagate her species: sexual coition, which is extremely rare, und infectious bite. SALLY Ew, she can reproduce just by biting you? Grrrross! DR. VON VONN Actually, it’s quite ingenious, Sally. Dr. Von Vaughan tugs down a second drop chart depicting a human infected by a ghoul’s bite. DR. VON VAUGHAN Here ve see za Demon’s DNA injected into ze blood stream changing ze victim into a type of satellite with no vill of their own. SALLY Ew, you mean like the Walking Dead? DR. VON VAUGHAN Only zey are very much alive, but in a permanent slave like state. TODD Then why can Grace can hook up and Sally can’t? DR. VON VAUGHAN Good question, Todd! As a race ve are still in our infancy -- Perhaps only fifty or sixty years since our initial mutation. (MORE) 33.

DR. VON VAUGHAN (cont'd) Grace’s people are much older with all ze evolutionary advantages of shape-shifting, super human strength, and abnormal life expectancy. Ze important sing is our great leader is taking ze final steps to remedy zis for good. After vhich, ve vill be free to vipe Grace and her Demon Seed off ze face of za earth. CUT TO:

OUTSIDE WINDOW Grace/Spirit is still hovering at the window. GRACE/SPIRIT Demon Seed? I’ve never even ditched eighth period! Sally turns to the window, sees her, and alerts with horror -- pointing frantically. SALLY THERE SHE IS NOW, THE DEMON SEED! On their horrific discovery -- DR. VON VAUGHAN SEIZE HER! CUT TO: EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY GRACE'S VW BUG The remote chirps, headlights flash, and the locks spring up. Grace flies into the scene, changes into a human, and glances frantically to see -- The Men in White scrambling towards the VAN. GRACE Ew. She nervously gets in, starts the engine, and peels out. Driving, swerving, speeding around the parking lot as 34.

The White Van gives chase. CUT TO:

EXT./INT GRACE’S BUG - STREETS- DAY Grace jams on the accelerator, peering back through her rear view, as-- THE VAN COMES BARRELING UP CLOSE A Man in White pulls alongside, aiming with a CROSSBOW. He releases a melee of steel darts at the tires. ON THE VW -- THROUGH THE WINDOW A spray of BOLTS perforate the frame. GRACE You douche! That’s my car! She grimaces and defensively swerves into the car van. The van veers wildly to avoid it. Grace speeds up. The Van guns it. Serpentine through traffic -- SWIPING AT THE VW Missing, spiraling, out of control-- regaining it. The van barrels in for a second swipe, this time unhinging the bumper. Grace lays on the brakes-- screeches to a halt. She gets out, furious. The van pulls over-- Men in White pour out of it-- aiming crossbows. GRACE WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? MAN IN WHITE You better come with us. GRACE I’m so sure. 35.

Grace reels around with a roundhouse kick, slamming the leader’s head with her heel. His head jostles-- stunned Grace grabs another Man in White by the shirt and sends him hurling. GRACE You want some more? A Man in White comes running up behind her with an Uzi and empties it Grace’s blouse is riddled with bullets. She looks at her blouse -- enraged GRACE YOU DICK! THIS IS PRADA! Grace kicks the Uzi Man in the Crotch, immobilizing him, and-- Turns to the other two -- cracking their heads together and takes a step back. GRACE Kewel! Grace races back to her bug and drives off. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. GRACE’S HOUSE - FRONT LAWN- DAY Heaps of clothes, shoes, posters, books, and stuffed dolls are scattered all over the lawn. Grace pulls in to the driveway, bumper clanking, and gets out. GRACE WHAT THE HELL? She stomps over to the front door, jams her keys in the lock - but it doesn’t budge. GRACE GRANDPA? GRAMMY? She tries again. Slams the door, kicks it. GRACE Damn, damn, damn, damn! 36.

She stomps furiously around the house, and tries shimmying a locked window-- nothing. GRACE SCREAMS! She tromps around to the back door and jostles the service entrance. Locked! Losing it, she slams the screen door repeatedly. GRACE You guys, open the damn door! Her pounding dislodges an envelope. From THE BAGEL BROTHERS LOCKSMITHS: "We eat locks for breakfast!" INVOICE: All locks removed and replaced. $175.00 GRACE Seriously, you changed the locks? I FREAKIN’ HATE YOU! She squats on the back stoop, sobbing when a CAR ENGINE revs O.S. -- followed by voices yelling. VOICES (O.S.) That’s it! Lock and load! Grace scampers around to the front yard to see A TOW TRUCK with her VW Bug loaded on the back GRACE (O.S.) Noooooooo! Furiously assailing the TOW TRUCK. GRACE That’s my car, asshole! The REPO MAN leans out the passenger window, dropping a notice behind. REPO DRIVER Not any more, toots! The paper lands at Grace's feet. She picks it up and reads: Happy Days Repo Service - Reason for Repossession: (ON PARENTS’ REQUEST) 37.

Grace pivots around glaring back at the house. She can see Gram and Gramps in the upstairs window, hiding behind curtains. GRACE (O.S.) WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? She collapses in a tearful heap. GRACE -- they hate me as much as I hate them! What’s up with that? CUT TO:

INT. GRANDPARENT’S BEDROOM Grandpa consoles Grandma. GRANDMA I can’t take much more of zis. GRANDPA Ve have to stay strong, dear, for Gracie’s sake. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT. AERIAL VIEW - FLYING - EVENING Grace sobs, whines, and mutters pathetically as she flies over New Siegfried. GRACE/SPIRIT Why? What did I ever do to them? Where’m I gonna go? She looks up in the distance to see an old friendly sight. THE ABANDONED CHURCH in the distance. GRACE All right! At least somebody appreciates me. CUT TO:


Grace flies through the arches. Music blares, laughter roars, voices clamor, and high spirits banter. Grace/Spirit changes and looks around. GRACE Hey everybody, it’s me, Grace! Instantly, the revelry stops. A hushed silence ripples over the crowd. One by one, the senior ghouls stop what they’re doing and turn their backs on her. GRACE Yoo hoo, hero’s daughter, remember? Jonah solemnly approaches. JONAH Um, Grace? GRACE Jonah! Dude, you won't believe the messed up week I’m having. First, I like totally decapitated my boyfriend... JONAH Um, Grace... GRACE ... then these WWF rejects went all jihad on me. JONAH Grace listen. GRACE And they repo-ed my car! Is that not, like, totally harsh? JONAH I’m sorry, Grace, but you're not welcome here either. GRACE But, yesterday you were all Barney over me and my dad. JONAH Maybe you should try to be more like him. 39.

GRACE Barney or my dad? JONAH Now Grace... GRACE But I don’t get it. JONAH We’re a community and a community depends on one another. Everything you’ve ever said or done has shown nothing but contempt for your kind. GRACE Dude, I’m eighteen! I hate everyone right now! You’re not supposed to hate me back. JONAH Then maybe you need to choose whose side you’re on... just not here. GRACE B-but how will I live? WHAT WILL I WEAR!? JONAH Reflect on your life, Grace. Find somewhere you can see the past, present and future in one sitting -- then listen very carefully to your destiny calling. GRACE But they like cancelled my cell phone, a-and I had mad rollover minutes. JONAH You'll find a way. GRACE -- so that’s how it is? Well then, tell my mom I love her even though she’s like totally a bitch. JONAH She wants the very best for you. We all do. GRACE Yea right, homelessness, nice! 40.

JONAH Um, you probably should leave now. GRACE I guess. Grace turns and flies off. Jonah watches, and is joined by Geoffrey and Hy. GEOFFREY Whew, I nearly lost it. JONAH Hardest thing I've ever done. A nose honks into a handkerchief. Hyman blubbers through tears. HYMAN WHAT!? My adenoids are acting up! JONAH Sure, Hy, sure. FADE TO BLACK:



A DOORBELL RINGS FADE IN: EXT./INT. SUBURBAN HOME LIVING ROOM- DAY MRS. OLDHAM, an elderly ghoul, is knitting in a rocking chair. The doorbell rings a second time. She warily sets her knitting down and waddles to the picture window. Drawing the curtains aside, she looks out and sees: THE WHITE VAN AT CURB SIDE Mrs. Oldham nervously straightens her blouse and pinches her cheeks for color. 41.

She opens the door to reveal Reverend Schlitzhammer with an obsequious grin. MRS. OLDHAM Reverend, what a surprise! REVEREND I hope I'm not disturbing you, Mrs. Oldham. We’re moving in to the new mega church next week and I wanted to personally invite you to the opening ceremony. The Reverend steps inside-- oozing with intensity. MRS. OLDHAM I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Reverend. REVEREND Mister Oldham, too? MRS. OLDHAM Um, sadly, Jeremy passed away a month ago. Something got in his chest. REVEREND Let’s pray it’s not catchy. He looks around with purpose and spies a tell-tale TUBE OF 3,000 SUN BLOCK on a table. And smiles knowingly. REVEREND Well then, we’ll see you next week? MRS. OLDHAM Why, of course, Reverend. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. The Reverend starts to exit, but then turns back. REVEREND And don’t forget your check book. MRS. OLDHAM I won’t -- The gift of living is the gift of giving. She shuts the door, behind him, pauses deliberately, when JEREMY OLDHAM an elderly ghoul peeks out from behind a curtain. 42.

JEREMY Is he gone yet? MRS. OLDHAM SHUSH now. They’re still out front. Mrs. Oldham looks out the picture window. She sees the Reverend walking to the van with his goons. CUT TO:

EXT. OUTSIDE THE OLDHAM HOUSE- DAY Reverend Schlitzhammer turns to a Man in White. MAN IN WHITE Well? REVEREND He’s in there. MAN IN WHITE Got it. The MAN IN WHITE walks back to the house and rings the doorbell. Mrs. Oldham opens the door. MRS. OLDHAM Forget something? MAN IN WHITE The good Reverend wants you to have this... He flashes a hand-held CROSSBOW and fires it into Mrs. Oldham’s heart. CLOSE UP She gags, falls back, gasps for air, and expires. The Man in White turns quickly towards the curtains -- spying two FEET hiding behind them. MAN IN WHITE And this... He quickly releases another lethal dart into the curtain. From behind them we hear an agonizing yawp. 43.

JEREMY OLDHAM Argh! The curtain collapses as JEREMY OLDHAM cleaves to them -- landing on the floor in a heap -- -- A DART protrudes from his chest. RETURN TO the MAN IN WHITE Now flanked by other MIW’s bearing flamethrowers. MAN IN WHITE Torch it! THE MEN IN WHITE enter and unleash STREAMS Of FIRE into the house. CUT TO:

EXT. OLDHAM HOUSE- DAY in flames. Reverend Schlitzhammer and Men in White look on MAN IN WHITE What’s next? The Reverend glances at a list and crosses off The Oldham address. REVEREND 1313 Edelweiss Drive. As they enter the VAN and speed off -- CUT TO: EXT. FLYING - TWILIGHT Grace/ Spirit is winging above New Siegfried, sobbing. GRACE This can’t be happening. Why couldn’t they just ground me? Grace hears the CAWS of a flock of Ravens O.S. and looks to see -- LONG SHOT-- A flock of RAVENS roost on a statue of George Washington. GRACE Hmm. 44.

Grace descends. CUT TO:

EXT. WASHINGTON STATUE- EVENING The GROUP OF RAVENS hang out on the park statue. RAVEN #1 Dat was no Stork club, it was a crow bar! The Ravens snicker and slap their sides -- when they notice Grace has morphed into a Raven-- and joined them. GRACE/SPIRIT Yo, peace out ladies, mind if I hang for a spell? The Raven chicks turn to each other, and back to Grace. ATTACK - a swarm of feathers and fur pother up around her. She emerges battered and bruised. GRACE All right, you don't have to get all ghetto about it. Follow her retreat in the air, she breaks down again. GRACE Gosh, I don’t fit in anywhere. With heartbreaking lament, Grace continues on, soaring above farm fields, Tiny towns and vast meadows, Off in the distance she sees -- THE SPRAWLING LIGHTS OF NEW HAVEN. GRACE The city. Maybe I’ll find some answers there. Grace scoots ahead invigorated by a new promise. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CITY SIDEWALK - NIGHT 45.

Grace ambles along the boulevard in human form -- miserable, lonely, abandoned, reacting to: MOVIE MARQUEE -- TRIPLE HORROR FEATURE -- “GHOUL’S PICNIC”, GHOULS, GHOULS, GHOULS, and A GHOUL’S LIFE NEON BAR SIGNS Late-night LOUNGES advertise “Live Girls”. As unsavory STREET DENIZENS pass by. A BEGGAR calls to her from a urine-stained store front. BEGGAR Change, Miss? GRACE Yes please. How? BEGGAR I mean like coins n’ shit. Grace reaches in to her pockets and finds nothing but lint. As she wells up with tears -- GRACE SOBS. -- the beggar peels off a five dollar bill and hands it to her. BEGGAR Hit me back when you’re on your feet. GRACE Thanks mister, I-I’ve never been so lonely and broke. BEGGAR Tell me about it. Examining the five dollar bill, she has an epiphany. CUT TO:

EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - NIGHT Grace loiters outside with a BIG GULP, soliciting change from PASSERSBY. 46.

GRACE Scuse me, Can you help? An approaching BUSINESSMAN. BUSINESSMAN Yeah, get a job. A TRANNY STREETWALKER approaches. GRACE Change, uh, miss...ter? TRANNY You gonna pay for it, honey? Desperate, her attention focuses across the street to -- A BLOOD BANK ACROSS THE STREET A Red Cross sign says WALKINS WELCOME. GRACE Whoa, it’s like Jamba Juice for me! CUT TO:

INT. BLOOD BANK - NIGHT NURSE RENFIELD, a big woman in uniform, leads Grace through rows of donor stations. GRACE Heh-heh, I’ve never done this before. I’m kinda weirded out by blood. I mean once a month is like total hell! NURSE We’ll just take a test sample and get you started. GRACE Oh whew! I mean, who knows what they put in this stuff anymore? NURSE Just have a seat and roll up your right sleeve. GRACE Ew, can’t I just get a Go Cup and bounce? I really don’t do needles. 47.

Grace dutifully complies, breathes a few deep ones to quell the nerves. NURSE Hold still now. The nurse tries to catheterize Grace, but the needle breaks. She tries again, breaks another. NURSE Whoa, talk about nerves of steel. GRACE I knooow, right? I tried getting a tatoo once and it was like ... whoa! NURSE Well, I see I’m gonna need a sharper needle. GRACE Ew. She walks off. GRACE looks around to see -- -- ROWS AND ROWS of BLOOD DONORS At their donor stations reading magazines, doing crossword puzzles. Her NEIGHBOR DONOR’S IV bag fills up. Grace gets hungrier and hungrier -- her lips slavering. She digs out a plastic straw out and tries to sip from it. When, the nurse and a COMPANION return -- shocked! CUT TO:

EXT. BLOOD BANK - NIGHT Grace is tossed out on her keister. GRACE I was making a withdrawal! She stands up furious, brushing herself off. GRACE It’s a blood bank, people! 48.

She weeps again, getting drowsy, GRACE Seriously, I have got to crash, I can barely think. A neon sign buzzes erratically, Grace look up and see -- HOTEL ASTOR RESORT becomes HOTEL LAST RESORT GRACE Figures, it would have to be. CUT TO:

INT. HOTEL LOBBY A depressing dive. Frayed couches and shabby derelicts sprawl out in lounge chairs. Grace rings the night bell. The NIGHT CLERK, a slovenly cretin emerges from the back. GRACE Say, listen, um, can I rent a room for like an hour? I won’t even mess up the bed, I promise. NIGHT CLERK 35 for the hour. GRACE Dollars? NIGHT CLERK Percent, what kinda joint you think this is? He hands her the ROOM KEY. NIGHT CLERK One hour. Grace reels around in ecstacy and examines the lobby, seeing: Urine-stained wallpaper. Sleeping ITINERANTS. Black and white television set with The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari showing. 49.

Cigarette burns in the upholstery, chipped picture frames, and dingy lamps. GRACE Ew. She comes to an broken old-fashioned man-operated ELEVATOR. NIGHT CLERK It’s broken. Take the stairs. GRACE Right. NIGHT CLERK And NO EXTENSIONS! Grace finds the gloomy dark stairwell and reluctantly climbs. CUT TO:

INT. STAIRWELL Grace arrives on the 13th floor, huffing and puffing. She looks down the hallway -- --FINDING A long depressing corridor of dirt-tinged carpet and sickly green doors. GRACE Ew. This is so Tarantino. CUT TO:

INT. HALLWAY- ROOM NUMBER 13- Grace turns the door lock and enters. GRACE Oh cool, my lucky number. CUT TO:

INT. HOTEL ROOM Puke-colored furniture, a wobbly, disgraceful bed. A sink and a closet. 50.

GRACE Ew. She cautiously ambles over to the edge of the bed and sits. THE NEON SIGN “HOT LAST RESORT” blinks on and off outside. And sobs. JONAH (V.O.) Reflect on your life, Grace, find somewhere the past, present and future come together and listen to your destiny calling. GRACE Okay, destiny, whenever you want to show up, holla! There’s a sharp rap on the door. GRACE Who could that be? A dumpy bald BUSINESSMAN in a bad suit fills the door frame. GRACE Y-you’re not my destiny. BUSINESSMAN And you ain’t Heidi Klum! Blowing past her. BUSINESSMAN But now we’ve been introduced let’s get it aw-on. GRACE This is my room, Mister! BUSINESSMAN And I paid for you in it. GRACE Ew. He slips his coat off and looks around the room, spying a wall hanger. BUSINESSMAN Better hang this up or the little woman will rain all over me. 51.

He starts to unbutton his shirt and tie, glancing back at Grace. BUSINESSMAN Whaddya waiting for? Make like a thong and get crackin’! GRACE Ew. Grace recalls her Grandmother’s words. GRANDMA (V.O.) Remember you’re ze tops of ze food chain, Gracie! Paralyzed with fear, Grace hems and haws, then galvanizes. BUSINESSMAN (O.S.) Move that pretty little ass, I haven’t got all night. GRACE Too bad, cuz I happen to own it! As a preternatural force takes over: Her limbs shrink, her body transforms to a spirit/haunt, and she attacks! BUSINESSMAN Argh, no! Halp! She’s hovering over him. The businessman struggles, tugging at the immoveable haunt. BUSINESSMAN Get off, Get off! He collapses --she rips a deep gash in his neck. We watch him slowly exsanguinate and go limp. Grace changes back into her human form -- rejuvenated. GRACE What would the little woman would say now? Grace opens the window, changes into a spirit and exits. FADE TO BLACK: 52.


THE VISIONING FADE IN: EXT. RIVER BANK - NIGHT A full moon. A glistening river. A Weeping Willow. Ripples of moonlight. Grace retches violently. GRACE Oh please, make it stop! A PHANTOM VOICE speaks to her from the beyond. VOICE Gracie, the vial around your neck, drink it. GRACE WHO’S THERE? VOICE The vial, baby, drink it. Grace fingers the odd looking talisman around her neck. GRACE DADDY? VOICE Yes, baby girl, do as I say now. GRACE But it’s the only thing I have of yours! VOICE I know, honey, but it was meant for this moment. Quick, there’s not much time. Grace takes the top off the vial and reluctantly chugs it. WOLF MUELLER, 48, metro sexual appears, styling! He’s Ginger- haired with the broad developed shoulders of a professional baseball player. GRACE Daddy, oh Daddy, I missed you so! 53.

Grace runs, sobs and melts into her father’s arms. WOLF Oh, baby girl, I’ve missed you, too! Look how you've grown! Grace wells up with fury and punches him-- doubling him over. GRACE Y-you bastard! You ditched us! WOLF -- y-you think I wanted to? You and your mother were everything to me! GRACE Then what’s with all the hero stuff? Did you ever think what would happen to us ? WOLF I thought of nothing else. Look, I’m no hero, the Spawn had it in for me. Wolf indicates his clothing, his panache, his style. WOLF I wasn’t too good at blending in. GRACE -- killed for your fashion sense, I can soooo relate. WOLF Now listen, kitten, this is serious. The Spawns out for you now and you’re going to have to get it together or we’ll lose everyone, Grandpa, Grandma, Jonah, the entire tribe. GRACE But why me? I mean Senior Prom is like next month! WOLF Grace, honey, haven’t you noticed how the others are getting on? GRACE Ya think? Why there’s enough gingivitis in that crowd to start a weapons program. 54.

WOLF Have you ever wondered where the younger ghouls are? GRACE I figured they were just kicking it in LA. WOLF There aren’t any! You’re the last of your kind and it’s up to you to see that the rest of us survive. GRACE Ew. WOLF And to do that you have to destroy The Spawn before it’s too late. GRACE -- who are they again? WOLF Practically everyone in New Siegfried who’s not one of us. You see, when we first moved here it was pretty much just us and the humans who lived here-- then gradually year after year we noticed the human population was changing drastically as the Spawn took over. We were faced with either leaving, or blending in under their noses. That is, until I blew it. He peels back his coat to show the mortal wound. GRACE Didn’t they know who you were? WOLF I’m sure they had their suspicions. But more importantly, they hadn’t found out about you. GRACE Gosh, I’m so sorry to be such a brat, Daddy. 55.

WOLF You’re not at all, sweet heart! You just have to grow up and make up your mind. It’s us or the Spawn! Wolf’s apparition crackles into white noise. GRACE Daddy, you’re breaking up! WOLF Listen carefully, the Spawn cannot be destroyed isuew-asnasudf isjjdd... You can stun them, slow 'em down, but you’re going to have sgdghdgas lurrrt vemi- GRACE Daddy, I can’t hear you! Wolf flickers in and out. His presence fading. WOLF Remember, ont oh ome pah? GRACE What about Oprah? Wolf vanishes. GRACE Daddy, wait! Daddy, don’t go! Daddy, I love you! Wolf fleetingly reappears -- love and pride beaming from his eyes. WOLF Ove ooh too, eetart! Love you, forever! Wolf vanishes. GRACE DADDY! She breaks down sobbing GRACE Please, don’t leave me again. 56.

On her baleful cry, she kneels and falls silent, when JONAH’S VOICE speaks to her. JONAH (V.O.) Reflect on your life, Grace... Grace quiets, dries her eyes, and looks out at the glistening, rippling waters of the rushing river. She looks downstream and sees the rippling waters beyond her. JONAH (V.O.) Somewhere the future, past and present can be seen at once. GRACE The Past? She turns her attention upstream to see the waters flowing toward her. GRACE The future. Grace looks at the watery confluence before her. GRACE (O.S.) The present. Grace draws close to the river’s edge, where the ebb and flow subsides. She stares deeply into the mystical pool before her and sees: Her real face -- a mature woman’s countenance. Her eyes are almond like, dark, and slightly slanted -- mature, wise and powerful. Her teeth shimmer -- not vicious, but regal and wizened. Her hair is a glistening black mane-- perhaps for the first time she see herself sans makeup, wig or artifice. JONAH (V.O.) Now listen to your destiny calling... A Hoot Owl chimes the ontological question, Who? Who? Grace considers this pensively and galvanizes. 57.

GRACE I think I understand, Jonah. I am my own destiny... and my people’s! She punches her fist with resolve. GRACE I’ll do whatever it takes. FADE TO BLACK: A NEW CARD:

THE LEGACY FADE IN: EXT. HOUSE - DAY 1313 EDELWEISS DRIVE The white VAN screeches up and the Reverend and his goons pour out. The Reverend rings the bell, and an ELDERLY SIKH answers-- a billowing cloud wafts out the door. REVEREND Um, er, excuse me, I must have the wrong address. ELDERLY SIKH That's okay, Swami. Would you like to come in for some Chai? REVEREND Um, no. Overcome by the odor-- the Reverend turns and walks away in disgust. REVEREND Curry. I hate curry. The Sikh yells after him. ELDERLY SIKH Come back soon, Swami! The Reverend takes a few steps, then turns back, suspiciously. He is joined by a Man in White. 58.

MAN IN WHITE What’s up? REVEREND When did they move in? MAN IN WHITE -- nobody moved in, we made sure of it. REVEREND Hmmmmm. The Reverend proceeds to the waiting van-- thinking it through and drives off. CUT TO:

INT. HOUSE The Sikh takes off his fake beard and rejoices with other ghouls dressed in turbans and beards. SIKH WALLA They bought it! As they doff their disguises with glee. They look up in horror as a dozen Men in White file into the living room from the back of the house. In a flash their crossbows release a shower of metal bolts - we follow one into... THE ELDERLY SIKH’S HEART They follow up with a barrage of BOLTS impaling the other ghouls. A flamethrower engulfs the living room. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FLYING - DAY Grace hovers over New Siegfried, looking out over the township: Children playing. A farmer’s market. Players on a baseball diamond. 59.

A plume of black smoke catches her eye, and a look of terror falls over her face. GRACE/SPIRIT No! We follow her racing down. CUT TO:

EXT. GRACE’S HOUSE - DAY Fire trucks and ambulances line up in front -- extinguishing the last of the inferno. Three body bags line up alongside the ambulances. BYSTANDERS and NEIGHBORS gather behind emergency lines. Grace lands, shape-shifts, and rushes over to police barriers. A FIRE OFFICIAL blocks her. FIRE OFFICIAL Not so fast, kid. GRACE B-BUT, they’re MY... Grace looks around. Danger! GRACE -- neighbors. FIRE OFFICIAL Just a second. The official speaks into a walkie-talkie. FIRE OFFICIAL I have one of the neighbors here. She’s asking a lot of questions. The walkie-talkie squawks out an affirmative and the Official points towards a Mobile Unit. FIRE OFFICIAL -- see that trailer? They’ll fill you in. Grace runs towards the double-wide trailer, knocks on the door, then opens into complete blackness. 60.

MAN INSIDE Yes? GRACE The man over there said... Gloved hands pull her inside. GRACE What the...! (muffled) *&&^%&**&^%$#$ DISSOLVE TO:

INT. SECRET CHAMBER -- DARKNESS Grace’s eyes dart beneath two eye holes in a CEREMONIAL MASK. She is in a coffin, squirming when -- -- A HOODED PRIEST approaches with an ornate dagger. Grace’s cries out, but her mouth is duct-taped under the mask. GRACE Frigggg, migggled, spurrrrsh, frammm. The priest slowly approaches. HOODED PRIEST Are you ready to meet your destiny? Instead of stabbing her, he cuts through the mask and slashes through her taped muzzle-- setting her free. GRACE ARE YOU READY FOR A NEW ASSHOLE? HOODED PRIEST Now Grace... GRACE Get me out of this shoe box. HOODED PRIEST Shoebox? But t-this is your ceremonial sarcophagus. He indicates to more HOODED PRIESTS behind him 61.

HOODED PRIEST -- the whole community chipped in. Grace sits up enraged. GRACE Who the hell are you? HOODED PRIEST Oops, heh-heh. The Hooded priest pulls his mask off. GRACE JONAH! THE HOODED PRIESTS remove their masks to reveal Hyman and Geoffrey. GRACE What are you doing here? JONAH This is our lodge, Grace. We brought you here after we torched your house. GRACE -- where’s my folks? JONAH Oh, they’re fine. We just had to take a few diversionary steps to throw off the Spawn. Grace gets out and embraces Jonah. GRACE Oh Jonah, I’m so relieved! And guess what, I SAW DADDY! JONAH Good, you drank the vile then! That’s the first step of your initiation. GRACE What initiation? JONAH The Shunning, drinking the vial, the vision. (MORE) 62.

JONAH (cont'd) It’s what we all do before we’re accepted into the community. We couldn’t tell you, of course. GRACE I guess I have a lot to learn. JONAH Shall we begin? DISSOLVE TO:

INT. CHAMBER HALLWAY Along the walls, Portraits of Ghouls through the ages: Famous and not so famous oil canvases of patriarchs and matriarchs dating back through the centuries: JONAH This is the Hall of Ancestors, next is the Chamber of Origin, and further down is the Temple of Initiates -- there’s a lot more to being a ghoul than you’d think? GRACE Certainly, a lot more rooms. They pass into

INT. CHAMBER OF ORIGIN THE MATRIARCHS: A portrait of LILLITH -- from Old Testament times. She is shown here naked, basking in the sun and cool waters of the Dead Sea. Surrounding her naked voluptuous form are wisps of Jinn, Shedd, and haunted spirits. JONAH Here she is, Lillith, the Mother of us all. According to legend she was Adam’s first wife -- oy, whatta putz! Needless to say, it ended badly. GRACE -- we’re the first dysfunctional family? Awesome. 63.

JONAH -- ten thousand years later... NEFERTITI- the Egyptian Pharaoh. HER FAMOUS BUST, but with fangs. JONAH NEFERTITI-, the first female Pharoah. GRACE Whoa, lean in! And in succession: SALOME, LUCRETIA BORGHIA, CATHERINE THE GREAT, and ANGELINA JOLIE (from the Billy Bob Days) JONAH (O.S.) Known throughout history as The Ladies from Hades. You’re the next, in line, Grace, maybe even the last. GRACE Gosh, no pressure there. JONAH Or maybe just enough. As they enter the next room. JONAH Now, to the Temple of Initiates. WIPE TO:

EXT./INT. OLD BAVARIAN CHURCH - NIGHT Under siege -- like Brits in an air raid shelter. Geoffrey wears a badge and hat. Grandpa, Grandma, The Twins, and Carlotta fly in as spirits and change into humans. GEOFFREY Good, you made it. Were you followed? GRANDPA I don’t think so. Geoffrey blows a whistle and the entire place responds in silence. 64.

GEOFFREY Quiet people, we’re on SPAWN ALERT! The lights dim and thousands of SPIRIT EYES blink open. Turning back to Geoffrey and Grandpa... GEOFFREY How is our chosen one? GRANDPA She’s with Jonah going through it. In fact, I probably should be getting back -- you know how difficult she can be. GEOFFREY Oh ye-ah. GRANDPA Listen, do you mind looking after ... He indicates Grandma, Carlotta and the Twins. GEOFFREY Not at all, Mort, it’s the least we can do. Hyman ogles Hildegard and Hermione, strolls over and gooses them. HYMAN Hey Tulips! Where ya been all my life? HERMIONE Cinch up your bat, slugger, we don’t swing that way. HYMAN It could change your life? HILDEGARD So could a match and a lit fart. Grandpa comforts Grandma with a parting embrace. GRANDMA Be careful, Morty, we’ve all ready got two heroes in the family. GRANDPA -- I’ll be back. I promise. 65.

He kisses Grandma, changes into a spirit, and flies out the window. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT. FOREST- NIGHT Gramps is flying in his own haunt form, serpentine through trees, when, A SPRING LOADED MESHED NET traps him and he tumbles to the ground -- doof! He struggles in his human form When a handful of Men In White surround him with their crossbows -- aimed at destruction. MAN IN WHITE Well, if it ain’t the granddaddy of ‘em all. The Reverend wickedly enters. REVEREND Take him to the New Assembly. I know someone who will be very glad to see him.


FADE IN: INT. GYMNASIUM - NIGHT Lit up with a hundred fiery rings of hell. It is a daunting champion’s maze of impassible obstacles Jonah coaches Grace. JONAH It’s not like learning to walk exactly, but more how to think, act and anticipate like a master ghoul. Ready? 66.

GRACE No. JONAH Remember the Spawn is planning the agonizing death of everyone you know. Grace breaks down. JONAH Um, Grace? GRACE Yeah. JONAH You all right? GRACE Not really. JONAH It’s time, Kiddo! Time to turn your destiny into action. GRACE Right. She takes some hyper breaths and steels herself. JONAH GO! Grace springs through the first hurdle. Somersaults to her feet, bolts through the second. Lands on her feet, then dives consecutively through 3, 4, 5, but on the sixth: HER HAIR CATCHES FIRE! Jonah runs in with a fire extinguisher and sprays. GRACE I can’t seem to get that last one. JONAH Let’s move on. GRACE I can do it, Jonah. I know I can. 67.

JONAH There are no re-do’s, Grace. You either get it right or we die. It’s that simple. She wells up and starts crying again. JONAH Um, Grace? GRACE Do you have to be such a douche ? JONAH We’re counting on you. So get your act together or we’re toast! GRACE K. JONAH Remember, you’re Hell’s Belle, a Lady from Hades, Beelzebub's Babe! Now, get out there and kick some Spawn butt? Okay? GRACE Special Kay. CUT TO:

INT. FLYING OBSTACLE COURSE Grace Spirit faces a vast complex of rings dangling from the ceiling. Jonah signals to begin. She’s off! Retrieving and carrying heavy water-filled buckets with both Talons and maneuvering through hoops. She carries them to the other side. She transforms from a haunt into human Grace. Sets the buckets down and then resumes as a spirit and wings back. When she finishes, she alights on the ground in human form. Jonah stops the watch, shakes his head and frowns. DISSOLVE TO: 68.

INT. THE GAUNTLET OF ASSASSINS Grace faces a maze of spring-loaded MEN-IN-WHITE MANNEQUINS. A hundred strong, each holds an automatic stake launcher. Grace engages with MANNEQUIN ONE - Wham! Dispatches him. She roundhouse-kicks MANNEQUIN 2 - Kaboom! Menacingly approaches MANNEQUIN 3 - Heeeyah! MANNEQUIN 4 leaps out from a pillar. Grace moves in for the kill. Cuts his head off with a swoop from her talons. She leaps back in and rebounds to MANNEQUIN 5. She blocks, chops, the dummy goes down. Jonah watches, glimpsing the timer. Not yet. A second wave of Mannequins rolls in. Grace steps back, A MANNEQUIN leaps out from behind. Grace reacts, but too slow to quell the blow. THWACK! She takes a faux stake in the heart and collapses in a heap. Jonah runs over to her. The stake dissolves. Grace revives. Jonah is worried. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT./INT. OLD CHURCH- NIGHT Spirit eyes blink in the darkness. Two DISGRUNTLED GHOULS huddle in a corner. DISGRUNTLED GHOUL #1 I just hate being kept in the dark. DISGRUNTLED GHOUL #2 Since when? There is a loud CRASH. A shudder of horror passes over them. THROUGH THE STEEPLE ARCHES A metal CINCH strikes the side of the building. 69.

Followed quickly by A MAN IN WHITE hoists himself up the rappelling wire. A crossbow strapped on his back. Followed very quickly by several other MEN IN WHITE. They leap over, aim, and fire into the flurrying haunts. Another MAN IN WHITE appears, blasts away. A deadly bolt careens into a senior ghoul. A mass cry of panic shrieks through the hall. Dozens of Men in White storm the belfry.

EXT. OUTSIDE THE CHURCH- NIGHT An ARMY of Spawn scale the walls. CUT TO:

INT. OLD CHURCH BELFRY Haunts swarm in a mad panic. A MAN-IN-WHITE ARCHER fires a crossbow - The dart penetrates an elderly ghoul, sending him hurtling into the wall. Another, and another, and another - rapid fire-- An ELDERLY GHOUL swoops down - his talons in attack mode. He strikes a Man in White in the throat. He collapses, gurgles, flails and falls unconscious. In seconds, his body reconstitutes back to normal. He rebounds, stands, and fires his crossbow, this time-- - dispatching an Elderly ghoul- sending him catapulting through the air. 10 Men in White with flame throwers explode into the doorway-- Sending hellish blasts Ghouls shriek and wail. 70.

Geoffrey goes mano et mano with a Man in White. With a sudden burst of super-strength, Geoffrey tosses him through the steeple arch. We follow him out the belfry, tumbling fifty feet to the ground. GEOFFREY TO THE EXITS, everyone! HURRY! A SWARM OF GHOULS swell and escape through the arches. Geoffrey changes and flees with them. CUT TO:

EXT. OUTSIDE THE CHURCH - NIGHT The swarm of haunts explode out of church. Flames belch through the church’s steeple - engulfing it in fire ON THE GROUND The Reverend peers through binoculars -- flanked by his cohorts -- Watching the mass exodus. REVEREND Track them, they’ll lead us directly to their chosen one. DISSOLVE TO: A CARD:



INT. TEMPLE OF INITIATES-- A vast ceremonial dais with lit torches and elaborate murals, ancient amphoras, and strange old world symbols. Jonah stands before the altar. Grace is laying in her SARCOPHAGUS at the foot of an ornate pedestal with ceremonial FIRE URNS on both sides. 71.

JONAH Mother of Ghouls we ask you to bear witness this day. A large plume of SMOKE rises from the amphora, and the great Matriarch appears above: Her massive face is awash in mystical fire and green luminescence -- She is strikingly beautiful, raven-haired, and surprisingly ethereal. MOTHER OF GHOULS Bring the initiate forward. They jostle Grace’s sarcophagus closer. JONAH Your people, Great One, request this daughter of Lillith be entered into the Book of Legends. MOTHER OF GHOULS Has she proven herself? JONAH She has. Beams of light are emitted from the MOTHER’S eyes. Grace levitates out of the coffin as an intense beam of light scans her. MOTHER OF GHOULS I see. GRACE Uhhhhhhh. MOTHER OF GHOULS Oh my! Grace descends back into the coffin. MOTHER OF GHOULS She’s definitely the one. JONAH We’re all very proud. MOTHER OF GHOULS We can proceed then. Jonah, Gather your minyan. 72.

Jonah looks around with some embarrassment. JONAH Um, we’re little short of witnesses, Mother, on account of the recent purge. MOTHER OF GHOULS But the law requires it. JONAH Um, under the circumstances we were kinda hoping for some wiggle room. MOTHER OF GHOULS That’s impossible. We have a tradition. Suddenly, we hear Hyman’s voice. HYMAN (O.S.) I’ve got yer minyan, right here! Jonah lights up to see Hyman, Geoffrey, Carlotta, Grandma and the Siamese Aunts entering the Hall of Ceremonies. Taking their seats in the front row. MOTHER OF GHOULS We can begin! Grace lies in her sarcophagus with arms in pharaonic posture. THE BOOK OF LEGENDS appears above them. It is a massive compilation of ancient runes, names and recorded history. The pages turn mystically as the names inscribed highlight. MOTHER OF GHOULS With both name and purpose forged as one your people shall know its new born as... One name appears out of thousands. MOTHER OF GHOULS Ghouliana! And so shall it be entered... Grace’s sits up perturbed. 73.

GRACE Wait, what? MOTHER OF GHOULS Your name, Ghouliana! Your destiny chose it for you. GRACE Are you shitting me? Sounds like some pervy New York mayor. MOTHER OF GHOULS But all the others are taken. GRACE What’s wrong with the one my father gave me? MOTHER OF GHOULS It’s just not done. GRACE Well, maybe it should be. Grace gets up out of her sarcophagus-- and makes her case. GRACE Y’see, like, I used to hate everything about my self, my hair, my peeps, my heritage! But, the more I’ve come to know them, and the type of people they are I actually couldn’t be more proud. If I should live my whole life I’ll never be worthy of the name my father gave to me. So, if it’s all good I’ll just hang with it instead. Turning to Carlotta. GRACE Kays Mom? Carlotta nods and sobs affectionately. CARLOTTA Special K. HERMIONE AND HILDEGARD You go, ghoul! 74.

MOTHER OF GHOULS Very well then, Grace, defender of your race, your name is entered into the Book of Legends. Her family cheers. Grace steps out of the coffin to embrace Carlotta. Jonah addresses the crowd. JONAH I’m sorry to cut this short, but we’ve got to act or... THWACK! Jonah’s eyes alert violently-- he tears at his chest. A wooden stake protrudes from his chest.. JONAH UH! Grasping for air. GRACE JONAH! Panic resounds. Ghoul spirits scatter and flee. Grace swivels around in terror to see THE REVEREND and his MEN IN WHITE storm through the door. Grace kneels before Jonah. GRACE Jonah, what do I do? JONAH Y-you fight like HELL and you WIN! GRACE No Jonah, don’t die! Jonah’s face morphs through the sands of time, revealing his ageless self. She doesn’t cry this time, but resolves to her destiny. GRACE Thank you for believing in me. Grace stands with a newly-earned POWER. 75.

She transforms into a spirit form, rocketing into the air. Taking aim, she zeroes in and swoops down on the invading horde. Her mighty talons- like eagle claws. She rips, tears and shreds two Men in White. They crumble in their tracks. An ARM severed here. A LEG torn over there. A disembodied HEAD squirms. Magnetically they come back together, repair themselves and THREE MEN IN WHITE are back in business. Meanwhile: Grace changes back to her HUMAN FORM kick-boxing, slashing and clawing at FOUR MEN IN WHITE. They close in, grab her feet and hands. A FIFTH grabs a stake launcher and aims it at her heart! IN A FLASH: She changes to GRACE SPIRIT, and escapes. Shifting back to HUMAN FORM, she retrieves the STAKE LAUNCHER. Turning on them, she takes out a group of MEN IN WHITE. But not for long - A barrage of MISSILES stream by. Grace changes into a WOLF, and races towards the door, when-- Reverend Schlitzhammer blocks her way. Grace retracts, her snarling fangs at the ready. REVEREND We have y-your grandfather, Grace. She pauses snarling, drooling. REVEREND Blink, if you understand. She snarls and as it sinks in -- she blinks. 76.

REVEREND He’s at the New Assembly Hall. Every action you waste here will seal his fate all the more. Grace/Wolf backs off. The Reverend erupts with fury -- turning on her. REVEREND NOW capture HER!

GRACE/WOLF REACTS: In one ferocious leap, she pounces on the Reverend, pinning him down -- -- ripping a fleshy chunk out of the Reverend's neck. The Reverend recoils, reaching frantically for his two exposed wind pipes. The Reverend gurgles blood. Eyes bulging. Grace turns HUMAN to meet a squadron of MIW's on the attack. She throws herself into a body block taking two MIW's out. She rapidly stands, chopping, kicking, slashing her way through the horde. Grace dashes through the door and exits. CUT TO:

EXT. OUTSIDE -- SECRET LODGE- NIGHT As Haunts swarm in the sky. Grace runs from the lodge in a full sprint, transforms to a SPIRIT and flies away. MEN IN WHITE hold Carlotta, Grandma, Hermione and Hildegard in restraints. The Reverend reconstitutes, and races out of the secret lodge. REVEREND Take them to the Assembly Hall. Our work is just about finished. 77.

They wrangle the Muellers into a CARAVAN of WHITE VANS. FADE TO BLACK



EXT. THE NEW BAVARIAN ASSEMBLY- NIGHT A malevolent Griffith Park Observatory Haunting and imposing in the moonlight. With Massive gypsum rotunda Sturdy alabaster walls and bizarre marble statuary of Wagnerian figures line up along the gardens. Grace changes into her human form and dashes across the campus towards -- EXT. THE MAIN PAVILION- NIGHT Dashing up the long marble stairway to the entrance -- She enters CUT TO:

INT. OUTER LOBBY - NIGHT Peppered with wall-sized MURALS of the Valkyries: Siegfried, BEOWULF, WOTAN, LUDWIG OF BAVARIA, WEREWOLVES FIGHTING UNICORNS. She comes to a row of closed doors -- A blast of BAROQUE Organ music greets her as she opens and enters CUT TO: 78.

INT. MAIN AUDITORIUM - It’s crowded! The thousand seat venue filled with the DENIZENS of New Siegfried in attendance. As organ music fills the room, Graces drifts down the aisle, seeing: The Reverend The Men in White Dr. Von Vaughan and Mrs. Anschluss and the other adults of New Siegfried. As she passes, they turn, smile, and hiss at her. She continues to the front of the auditorium, where ON STAGE MORDECAI, the Twin Baron, is playing an elaborate PIPE ORGAN - its Gaudy inspired Sea Cucumber pipes twisting to the ceiling. He is tall, commanding, with sinewy hands and long silver hair pulled back in a pony tail. Grace approaches the stage -- curious, but cautious. Mordecai continues playing never looking up. MORDECAI Do you like ze organ, Grace? I composed this vhen I vas just a boy. It’s your grandfather’s favorite. GRACE You know my grandpa? He stops abruptly and looks at her. MORDECAI Come closer, dear, I von’t bite. Vhat Vould be der point? Grace moves up to the stage. Looking out at the vast assembly of Evil Spawn. 79.

MORDECAI I bet you didn’t know you had a grand uncle, did you? GRACE Dude, I have so many weird relatives -- I wasn’t exactly looking. MORDECAI -- you know how folks from the old country are -- when ve’re ashamed of somesing zey never ever speak of it again. GRACE So they shunned you, too? Mordecai stops playing abruptly. Exploding with rage. MORDECAI WHO are they to shun me? I’m za first born, the eternal one. Mortimer was always inferior! GRACE I’m so sure. A smidge cray-cray maybe, but... MORDECAI Ve were only minutes apart, but it might as well have been centuries. He vas mortal, but could reproduce his own. I am immortal, but the only family I will ever know are the one’s I convert in my laboratory. He points to the assembly of Spawn in their seats. GRACE -- the Evil Spawn. MORDECAI We’re not evil, Grace, we’re just superior to everyone else. The assembly reacts with a furious approbation. MORDECAI Do you wish to see? 80.

The crowd applauds. Mordecai snaps his fingers. The lights dim A HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION SYSTEM emits from the middle of the stage. Spirals of light project up to the ceiling. Black and white images swirl around a round conical particle screen, displaying: MORDECAI (V.O.) For centuries our ancestors flourished in the Old kingdom. MONTAGE BLACK AND WHITE FOOTAGE: THE MEDIEVAL VILLAGE CASTLE VON GHOULSTEIN MORDECAI (V.O.) And like any dynasty we reaped the bounty of our lands. VILLAGERS set fruit and grain offerings before a statue of the Von Ghoulstein Knight, as we saw on The Ghoulstein Crest. MORDECAI (V.O.) While the little people honored us with the fruits of their labor, we preferred a far more forbidden harvest. A GOTHIC CEMETERY AT NIGHT. An elaborate Mausoleum. We hear the snarling of wild animals in a feeding frenzy. Moving in on the mausoleum we see a disinterred grave hunched over by GHOULS. They look up, startled, and we see them feasting on a mutilated cadaver. Black clouds swirl. MORDECAI (V.O.) But then, a terrible scourge fell upon the kingdom. The earth denied her gifts and fortune's tide turned for the worst. Desert winds blow. A mother embraces a lifeless child. 81.

MORDECAI (V.O.) We were forced to endure unspeakable hardships. The castle morphs into disrepair. MORDECAI (V.O.) When a glorious cleansing swept through the homeland. A swastika banner. STORM TROOPERS march. MORDECAI (V.O.) And with it came power, renewal and a new vision. A STRANGE HOUSE appears on screen. Swastikas fly. Nazi elite strut amongst dozens of young blonde-haired Fräuleins and their newborn babies. MORDECAI (V.O.) Not as relics of a decadent past, but as architects of a bold new species! My blood, the Ghoulstein bloodline was to be its progenitive model. Mordecai appears in a SS Uniform and surrounded by blonde- haired MOTHERS cradling tow-headed children. GRACE You were a Nazi? I guess being a Ghoulstein wasn’t edgy enough? MORDECAI Unfortunately, our great experiment was cut short ... We hear the screeching of bombs and see the Lebersborn House reduced to rubble. MORDECAI (V.O.) And I was forced to find a new frontier to carry on my great work. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT. NEW SIEGFRIED -- MAIN STREET- NIGHT A large banner drapes over main street: “Welcome to New Siegfried” 82.

Mordecai’s long malignant shadow appears beneath it. CUT BACK TO:

THE STAGE -- GRACE AND MORDECAI GRACE You knew we were here all along? MORDECAI Just biding time -- for me and mine. The audience goes wild with appreciation. MORDECAI And vhat else is there to say... that time is now! Mordecai snaps his fingers again. The Curtains behind him lift to reveal: BACK STAGE Carlotta, Grandma and The Twins in cages looking on. Grandpa Mortimer is on a stainless steel slab -- tubes protruding from his arms. There is a spider web of connecting tubes flowing into huge vats and then exiting out endlessly to off stage. GRACE Grandpa! GRANDPA Put an end to this fiend, Gracie! GRACE I will Grandpa! MORDECAI Shush, shush, shush, it’s much too late for zat. Mordecai presses a button. MORDECAI Shall we begin? Restraints fasten around Grace’s hands 83.

And immediately a steel slab rises from beneath the stage floor. It swivels around, binding Grace, and reclines horizontal. At once an industrial-sized Hypodermic needle moves in near Grace. GRACE What are you doing? MORDECAI When your DNA mixes with my young brood’s zey will at long last have the regenerating powers of my immortality with your ability to reproduce. At long last we will be the greatest Master Race on earth! GRACE No wait! MORDECAI We have waited long enough. (to the audience) Haven’t we children? They hiss and cheer with exuberance. The vacuum pressure hypo injects into Grace’s arm -- this time easily piercing her Derma and vein. GRACE How do you know it will work? MORDECAI But, of course it will... Mordecai pivots around to a Welch Allyn Medical Console and presses a button. MORDECAI You can thank your father for that. He was my best and final failure. GRACE It was you? Grace struggles with the restraints, when Blood starts pumping from Grace and Grandpa -- watching their life force run to Huge vats of coagulating marrow. 84.

Grace sees the blood pumping out of her. Her eyes go limp, fluttering in and out of consciousness. Mordecai maniacally amps up the juice, intensifying the FLOW. Mortimer’s blood surges through the tubing and gathers into large vats-- condensing into serum jars. GRANDPA Gracie, stop this monster! Remember your destiny. GRACE I can’t Grand-pa, I’m getting weaker. MORDECAI Open your eyes, dear, for one last time. Look and see who will receive your precious gift. Don’t vorry, your side of the family won’t completely perish, but will live on... (sinister laugh) through mine! Another curtain lifts to reveal: THE NEXT ROOM, where Cassie, Lottie, Todd, and Sally are in their transfusion stations. GRACE Oh no! Not Sally! Mortimer and Grace’s blood flows into them. Grace watches through a blurry haze. Scanning their faces one by one. Seeing Todd. Seeing Cassie and Lottie. And then, finally, Sally. IN SLOW MOTION SHE REMEMBERS 85.

THE ABANDONED CHURCH Grace kneels by Todd. Sally in the doorway, pointing and screaming. SALLY You. You. You. CLOSE ON GRACE -- Seeing her teenage peers,-- knowing she will die and they will remain, bolsters her great strength. The Restraints start to buckle. Her Face starts to morph. Her eyes slant. Her hands grow into sharp talons. Her human frame melts away to become her haunting ghost-like form. SHE ESCAPES! MORDECAI Seize her, Seize the Demon Seed! IN THE AUDIENCE The Reverend and Men-in White erupt out of their seats and run towards the stage. Grace spirits over to Grandpa. And frees him. GRACE -- get the others and go! GRANDPA Yes Gracie. Grandpa hobbles over to the Cages and starts freeing Grandma, Carlotta, and the Twins, when The Men-in White arrive on stage, surrounding Grace. She is vastly outnumbered, but pivots back and forth. 86.

MORDECAI We’re not finished! Seize her! Seize her! The Spawn closes in. Grace returns to the fight. She has only seconds, when she hears the voice of her Father. WOLF (V.O.) -- the Spawn cannot be destroyed. You can stun them, slow 'em down, but you’re going to sgdghdgas lurrrt vemi- GRACE Daddy, what do I do? WOLF (V.O.) The Source, Grace, find the source and destroy HIM. We see it in her eyes. She looks at Mordecai -- But then her eyes find something else O.S. She erupts into action. She assaults a Man-in White with a swift round house kick sending him tumbling down. The others pounce. She’s swinging, connecting, punching violently. At a moments standoff She transforms and rises in the air. Materializing By the Vacuum Pressured Hypodermic needle on the robotic arm. And changes back to her human form. Wrenching the needle from its carriage. MORDECAI Stop her! The Spawn move in. Reacting in milliseconds 87.

She cocks her arm back and -- tosses the Hypodermic needle like a carnival knife-thrower. IN SLOW MOTION It spirals end over end in the air towards MORDECAI Shouting frantically. MORDECAI STOP HER NOW! THUD! Mordecai’s eyes widen with shock. He looks down, tearing at his chest to find The hypodermic needle through his chest, leaving a gaping hole. MORDECAI writhes in a death rattle. Gasping, clawing, shaking in a death rattle... Grace fights her way through. MORDECAI Uh, it’s impossible. I am immortal! I AM IMMORTAL! GRACE And how’s that working for you? He writhes in agony. His body sublimating in a friable heap of dust. Slipping through the sands of time, digressing from flesh to bone to smoldering ash. An uproarious wail erupts behind her. Grace springs around ready for the onslaught, but instead she FINDS: The Reverend released from the spell. He examines his hands, touches his face, as his former human self returns. REVEREND It can’t be. The curse is broken! 88.

One by one the Men-in-White follow. They transform from automaton assassins to ordinary humans. THROUGHOUT THE AUDITORIUM The Villagers morph back to the humans they once were. REVEREND We’re free! Free from the monster! Free at last! Grace looks around watching the miraculous transformation. She brushes her hands with a boastful triumph. GRACE Wull, all right! DISSOLVE TO:

A NEW CARD THE RESTORATION A KEYBOARD rapidly clacks O.S. As pink font sprawls across the screen. GRACE (V.O.) All in all, my Senior year ended way better than it began. FADE IN: EXT. THE NEW SIEGFRIED CAMPUS - DAY A stadium sign reads, “New Siegfried High School - "Home of the Fighting Phoenixes.” The mascot is a Phoenix bird rising from a fiery conflagration. PANNING THE CAMPUS: Black, White, Asian, Hispanic STUDENTS stroll, play, converse and mingle together with STUDENTS and FACULTY of infinite diversity. Grace is strolling across campus with Cassie and Lottie, their books cradled in their arms. 89.

GRACE After we got rid of the Spawn, everything changed around New Siegfried, for the better, except y’know, the important stuff like family and friends.

For the first time in my life, I’m, like, totally chill with who I am and where I come from. So there’s no need to hide it from anyone. -- no need to flaunt it to the world either. The people who matter, don't mind, and those who mind, well, they don’t really matter. From O.S. we hear Todd’s voice calling behind her. TODD Grace! Oh, Grace! Grace stops casually, and turns to see Todd racing up to her, panting. TODD Can I give you a ride after school? GRACE Why sure, Todd! She takes out her car keys out of her sweater and dangles them. GRACE Bring my wheels around front after Eighth period. TODD Yes, Grace, of course! GRACE Oh, and leave the keys under the seat when you go. TODD Anything you want, Grace. For sure! As Todd toadies away to do her bidding. CLOSE ON GRACE 90.

GRACE Well, maybe not everything went back to normal, but, y’know, I’m totally down with that, too! FADE OUT