Dobro do{li

ada je u pitanju jedan od dva najve}a hen it comes to one of two greatest brenda UKTS, BCB 2013, sa zadovolj- ASBC brands, BCB 2013, it can be con- stvom se mo`e re}i – ni{ta novo. To ni- tentedly stated that – there's nothing k {ta novo, naravno, zna~i da se nastavlja w new. Nothing new, of course, means that ve} dvanaestogodi{nja tradicija, viso- the 12– year tradition continues, the tra- kog kvaliteta jednog od najpresti{nijih seminira ko{arka- dition of high quality of one of the most prestigious sem- {kih trenera u Evropi. inars for coaches in Europe. For the seminar Za seminar tako visokog stru~nog rejtinga i ove godi- of such a high rating this year's choice are the lecturers ne odbrani su predava~i koji }e svojim temama i demon- who, with their presentations and themes, will make the stracijama, u Sportskom centru [umice, u~initi da se do- good reputation about our seminar go a long way from bar glas o na{em seminaru ~uje jo{ dalje. Dolazi nam Sumice hall. George Carl is coming; it sounds so good, D`ord` Karl, kako to dobro zvu~i, trener godine u naj- the coach of the year in the best basketball league in the ja~oj ko{arka{koj ligi sveta – NBA. Od world – NBA. From Europe, the participants will evropskih trenera, u~esnicima semina- have a chance to hear the knowledge and ra svoje znanje i iskustvo prene}e experience of Andrea Trinchieri, the Andrea Trinkieri, trener Kantua. coach of Cantu. This, by many the Ovaj, mnogi smatraju najper- most perspective Italian coach, is spektivniji italijanski trener, in the focus of interest of the pub- trenutno je u `i`i interesova- lic and a number of rich basket- nja kako stru~ne javnosti, ball clubs. Not accidentally, of tako i brojnih bogatih ko{ar- course. As the head coach, ka{kih klubova. Naravno, Trinchieri will lead the Greek ne slu~ajno, Trinkieri ~e, national team in the European kao selektor, predvoditi re- Championship in Slovenia. prezentaciju Gr~ke na pred- Speaking of the basketball stoje}em {ampionatu Evro- coaches, the word program is pe u Sloveniji. Kada je o ko- complemented with our expert. {arka{kim trenerima re~ pro- Aleksandar Trifunovic is in the gram se upotpunjuje, opet po tra- group of our perspective experts diciji i na{im stru~njakom. Aleksan- Europe has seen acting. dar Trifunovi} se ubraja u grupu na{ih For the issue which is an integral and perspektivnih prilika, koga je Evropa ve} vi- inseparable part of basketball play and profes- dela na delu. sional improvement of coaches "in charge" is the psy- Za tem, koja je svakako sastavni i nerazdvojni deo ko- chologist is Dr. Ana Veskovic – to whom, beside perma- {arka{ke igre i stru~nog usavr{avanja trenera, „zadu`e- nent cooperation in Trener magazine, this is the second na” je psiholog, od nedavno i sa zaslu`enom titulom dr – participation in BCB. Her issue will interest all the partic- Ana Veskovi}, kojoj je ovo, pored stalne saradnje u na- ipants – Psychological preparation of players. {em ~asopisu Trener, drugo u~e{}e na BCB. Njena te- In Association of basketball coaches, quite much is ma ~e svakako zainteresovati sve prisutne. Re~ je o te- done to make the participants acquire some new and mi – Psiholo{ka priprema igra~a. improve their previous knowledge. A number of other U Udru`enju ko{arka{kih trena, u~injeno je mnogo da activities and details will ennoble BCB 2013 and entire svi u~esnici i na ovom seminaru steknu nova i usavr{e two-day gathering, in order to give a new glow to the ve} ste~ena znanja. Tu je i niz drugih aktivnosti i detalja high rating of this seminar. Therefore, from ASBC to all koji }e oplemeniti BCB 2013 i ceo dvodnevni skup, kako the participants on the court and on stands of Sumice bi visok rejtin ovog seminara dobio novi sjaj. SC, here's a message – Welcome. Zato iz UKTS, za sve u~esnike i na terenu i na tribina- ma SC [umice, poruka – Dobro do{li. Welcome!

Osniva~ i izdava~/Founded and published: Udru`enje ko{arka{kih trenera Srbije, Beograd, Sazonova 83 Za izdava~a/As an editor: Aco Petrovi} Glavni i odgovorni urednik/Editor in chief: Mirko Polovina Izdava~ki savet/Editorial council: dr Vladimir Koprivica, Bo{ko \oki}, dr An|elka Jan~i}, Bo`o Mitrovi}, Zoran Tir, Dragutin Stojmenovi}, Tasi} Tehni~ki urednik/Technical editor: \or|e Mili~i} Urednik fotografije/Photo editor: Miroslav Todorovi} Naslovna strana/Cover page: Neboj{a Vasiljevi} Prevod/Translation: Nina Vidosavljevi} Adresa redakcije/Address: Beograd, Sazonova, 83 e-mail: uktsŸukts.rs Telefon: +381 11 34 00 852 Fax: +381 11 34 00 851 Priprema/Layout: DanGraf d.o.o. Beograd, Alekse Nenadovi}a 19-223 [tampa/Press: Doo Magyar Szó Kft Forum, Tira`/Circulation: 1100 primeraka/copies List izlazi dvomese~no/Published bi-monthly Re{enjem Ministarstva za informacije Republike Srbije br. 651-003-000323/1999-003, od 17. 1. 2000. god. „Trener” je upisan u registar javnih glasila, pod rednim brojem 2928/By the decree of Ministry of Information of no 651-003-000323/1999-003 of 17th January, 2000 „Trener” was entered into public media registry under the record number 2928. intervjuintervju 4

Du{an Ivkovi}, selektor reprezentacije Srbije u susret EP 2013 U Sloveniju po vizu za [paniju

roslavljeni ko{arka{ki trener, selektor srp- ne ne treba gledati kao problem na{eg stru~nog trener- ske reprezentacije, svestan je da je njegov skog kadra, nego pre kao problem na{eg igra~kog ka- tim u kvalifikacijama za kontinentalno pr- dra. Jer, posao nas trenera je da edukujemo, treniramo i p venstvo pokazao mnoge slabosti, i zato je, proizvodimo igra~e, a mi imamo sve manje velikih igra~- ka`e za Trener, odabrao momke od kojih kih imena. Osim u CSKA, sve je manje onih koji imaju o~ekuje da }e na Evrobasketu zaigrati modernu ko{arku i glavne role i koji su kreatori u vode}im evropskim, pa i opravdati o~ekivanja. NBA klubovima. Na`alost, to se jasno videlo i na Fajnal Ve} samo ljubitelju ko{arke, jasno je da selektor srpske Fouru u Londonu. ko{arka{ke reprezentacije Du{an Duda Ivkovi} ima te`ak zadatak. Od njega se o~ekuje da sa timom koji je odabrao ● Nekako je postalo normalno da generacija trenera kojoj na Evropskom prvenstvu u Sloveniji izbori ne samo visok pripadate radi u najja~im evropskim klubovima. Ali ovi plasman, nego i da tamo izvadi vizu za predstoje}e Svet- mla|i uglavnom su u Nema~koj, Ukrajini i sli~nim liga- sko prvenstvo. A to je lak{e re}i nego u~initi, {to Ivkovi} vr- ma. Imamo li kontinuitet u stvaranju velikih trenerskih lo dobro zna. Ipak, on ne krije da je optimista, uostalom to imena? mu je i u opisu radnog mesta. – Po meni, ono {to nedostaje kako trenerskom kadru, Selektor sa velikim zadovoljstvom i ponosom u glasu tako i igra~ima, upravo je kontinuitet. I strpljenje. Ako go- govori o Beogradskoj trenerskoj klinici. Smatra je, u neku vorimo o kontinuitetu, ne ka`em da svi treba da imaju isti ruku, svojim ~edom, od samog po~etka amga`ovao se da trenerski put kao {to sam ga imao ja (po~eo sam da radim ta ideja uspe, a sada je u situaciji da o njoj ne{to vi{e su- od kadeta i juniora i stigao sam do samog vrha). Danas mi miraju}i vi{egodi{nja iskustva. nudimo trenerima mnogo, mnogo vi{e nego {to sam ja – Zahvaljuju}i pre svega grupi na{ih trenera, Beograd- imao kad sam po~injao. Tada nismo imali ni ovakvu litera- ska trenerska klinika je, pre svega svojim kvalitetom, pot- turu, da ne govorim o video kartoteci i ostalim tehni~kim puno zaslu`eno postala najpresti`nija klinika na svetu. U pomagalima. A o slanju na{ih trenera na studijska putova- neka mnogo te{ka vremena postojao je ogroman entuzija- nja u Ameriku mogli smo samo da ma{tamo. Me|utim, ono zam, a pogre{ili smo {to nikada nismo tra`ili ni~iju pomo}. {to nedostaje trenerima danas je prepoznatljivost. Deceni- To je moje mi{ljenje. Vidite: u vreme embarga i sankcija jama smo bili poznati kao izuzetno hrabri treneri koji se ni- Beogradska trenerska klinika je okupljala preko hiljadu kada nisu ustru~avali da nekoga, za koga je procenjeno imena! Iz celog sveta su dolazili, na primer kompletan da je vanserijski talenat, da mu odmah damo mesto da stru~ni {tab Dalas Maveriksa, pa Greg Popovi} i mnogi igra. I to – gde? U tada najja~oj ligi Evrope. A danas ne- drugi... Nekako smo godinama sve vukli sami, i danas je mamo ni izbliza tako kvalitetnu ligu, a pogotovo hrabre tre- tako. Uz ogromne napore uspevamo da ponudimo na{im nere koji bi forsirali talentovane igra~e. Ove sezone sam vi- trenerima najkvalitetniju kliniku. Time je ispunjena i glavna {e pratio Srpsku ko{arka{ku ligu i zbog mog Radni~kog, i uloga Udru`enja trenera Srbije, a to je edukacija trener- zbog svih ostalih, i uverio se da je na vrlo niskom nivou. skog kadra. Zadr`ali smo najvi{i kvalitet i ove godine, i Ono {to je neophodno i za trenere, i za igra~e, to je orga- o~ekujemo veliki odziv trenera. nizovana liga i organizovani klubovi, a mi to u ovom trenut- ku nemamo. Ekonomska kriza, koja traje godinama, reflek- ● Posle mnogo godina prvi put na Fajnal Fouru Evrolige tovala se na sve sportove pa i na ko{arku. Mi smo sada nije bilo nijednog na{eg trenera. Kako to tuma~ite? jedna mala zemlja koja vi{e ne mo`e da se di~i rezultatima – Mislim da nije najbitnije da li su na{i treneri prisutni kakve je nekada imala Jugoslavija, a nemamo ni ligu kao na Fajnal Fouru. Nekada je iz ove regije bilo i po ~etvori- {to je bila nekad, u kojoj bi na{i mladi i kvalitetni treneri i ca njih, ali, evo, ove sezone dogodilo se da @eljko Obra- igra~i stekli neophodno iskustvo. I jo{ ne{to: postoji i pro- dovi} nije radio, a ja sam uzeo „break” – da ne nabrajam blem strpljenja. Da ne nabrajam sada koliko je klubova ove dalje po imenima. Ali ~injenicu da nas nije bilo ove godi- sezone „izgubilo strpljenje” i promenilo trenere. 5 interviewinterview

Dusan Ivkovic, head coach of Serbian national team in meeting the EC 2013 To Slovenia for Spanish visa

he renowned basketball coach, head – I think that our coaches' presence in Final Four isn't coach of Serbian national team is aware the most important issue. There used to be four coach- of many frailties of his team emerged es from this region but, it happened that Zeljko t during the qualifications for the continen- Obradovic didn't work and I took a break…But, the fact tal championship. Therefore, speaking that we weren't present there shouldn't be observed as for Trener magazine, said that he selected the guys from the problem of our expert coaches but more as the prob- whom he expects to play modern basketball and justify lem of our players. It's because our job as coaches is to the expectations in Eurobasket. educate, train and produce players but we keep on Even a basketball devotee realizes that the head coach of Serbian national basketball team Dusan Duda Ivkovic is in front of a tall order. With the team he select- ed, in European Championship in Slovenia he is expect- ed not to succeed in reaching a good placement only, but to qualify for the forthcoming World Championship. It's much easier to say it than make it and Ivkovic is quite aware of that. However, he is optimistic and it's normal for his profession. The head coach speaks contentedly and proudly about the Belgrade coaching clinic. He somewhat con- siders it his child, he engaged himself from the very beginning to make the idea come true and now he is in the situation to say something about it by summarizing the several years long experience. – Thanks to the group of our coaches, the Belgrade coaching clinic quite deservedly became the most prestigious clinic in the world, primarily for its quality. In some past hard times there was a huge enthusiasm and we were wrong when we didn't ask for any help. That's my opinion. You see, during the embargo, Belgrade coaching clinic used to gather more than 1000 names! They used to come from all over the world, the entire Dallas Mavericks coaching staff for example, Greg Popovic and many others… We've been doing it all by ourselves for years, it's still that way. With tremendous efforts, we manage to offer our coaches the most qualitative clinic. The main role of the Association of Serbian Basketball Coaches is accom- plished that way, i.e. education of coaches. We've kept the highest possible quality and we expect good response of coaches.

● After many years, there were no our coaches in the Euroleague final four. What do you think about that? intervjuintervju 6

● [ta odvaja dobrog ko{arka{kog trene- ra od vrhunskog? – Mislim da ne gre{im ako ka`em da ih razdvajaju vrhunski rezultati. Ima zai- sta mnogo vrhunskih trenera koji nema- ju kontinuitet vrhunskih rezultata. Treba odvojiti stvarala{tvo i kreativnost od vr- hunskih rezultata. Ima zaista mnogo sjajnih, vrhunskih trenera koji su stvarali i radili. Uvek navodim primer jednog ameri~kog trenera kome je re~eno: „Svaka ti ~ast, ove godine si radio naj- bolje, i osvojio si prvenstvo NCAA”, a on je odgovorio: „Ja sam stalno radio naj- bolje, ali mi je ovo daleko najbolja gene- racija igra~a”.

● Vi ste nekada u~ili od NBA trenera, od koga u~e sada mladi treneri? – Verujem da mladi treneri u~e dosta od nas iskusnih. I ne samo oni. Jedan moj prijatelj, trener u NBA, rekao mi je jednom prilikom: „Krali ste od nas, ali mnogo smo i mi krali od tebe i ostalih ve- likih evropskih trenera”. Ne sumnjam da na{i mla|i treneri poku{avaju da slede kvalitetne primere. Me|utim, {ta nedo- staje u trenerskoj edukaciji u Srbiji, gde ima, ~ini mi se, hiljadu diplomiranih tre- nera? Svima je u podsvesti cilj da posta- nu glavni treneri. A gde su na{i treneri specijalci? Svestan sam da ne mo`emo da delimo ko{arku na pola, pa da imamo trenere specijaliste za odbranu, i speci- jaliste za napad. Ali, za{to nema specija- lista za footwork, odnosno rad nogu, ili za skauting? To su neverovatno va`ne stvari u ovom poslu.

● Dugo je ko{arka smatrana za sport in- telektualaca. Da li sada{njim igra~ima fali malo „intelek- tualizma” na ra~un atletike? ● Poznat je spisak reprezentativaca. Da li je ovo mno- – Ube|en sam da roditelji, a i treneri, gre{e kad ispi- go bolja reprezentacija od one koju }emo imati za pet suju mlade igra~e iz {kola pod izgovorom da nemaju do- godina? voljno vremena za individualne treninge. Ko{arka je bila i – Ako mislite da }e se nastaviti tendencija pada i uru{a- ostala akademski sport. Znam da su danas te{ka vreme- vanja, ja mislim da ne}e. Moramo da se borimo. Ja jesam na, i porodica nije tako jaka baza kao {to je bila pre ne- poneo odre|ena iskustva iz kvalifikacija za Evropsko pr- koliko decenija, pa zato mnogim igra~ima nedostaje po- venstvo, i shvatio da je na{a reprezentacija pre svega atlet- rodi~no vaspitanje. To porodi~no vaspitanje je nekad bi- ski inferiorna. Pa nas su igra~i Estonije atletski razbijali! A la polazna ta~ka u obrazovanju i edukaciji. Nedostaje da- ko{arka je mo`da najvi{e napredovala u tom atletskom de- nas i {kolsko obrazovanje. Evo, razgovarao sam sa Ba- lu, i odbrani, za napad se to ne mo`e re}i. Ova generacija tom Radovi}em, {ezdesetih najboljim igra~em Partizana. reprezentativaca mora da popravi utisak iz kvalifikacija, a Na moju konstataciju da sada neki igra~i nemaju ni da bi ostvarila taj rezultat mora biti spremnija nego ikad. Ni- osnovnu {kolu, i da tu vidim problem, on mi je rekao: „Du- sam siguran da li je ovo i kona~an spisak, jer i me|u igra- do, u celoj mojoj generaciji samo Rica Gordi} i Neca \u- ~ima koje sam pozvao ima dosta objektivnih problema. ri} nisu zavr{ili fakultet.” Nedostaje to, iako znam da su ovo te{ka vremena u kojima su porodice pod te{kim pri- ● Izostavili ste sa spiska igra~e za koje je bilo primetno da tiskom opstanka. nemaju samopouzdanja zato jer imaju malu minuta`u i 7 interviewinterview

decreasing in number of great players. Except in CSKA, mine, the NBA coach, said to me once: You were steal- there are less and less players with the main role and ing from us but, we were stealing much from you and who are the creators in leading European clubs. other great European coaches as well". I have no doubt Unfortunately, it was obvious in the Final Four in London. that our young coaches try to follow the qualitative examples. However, what's missing in the education in ● It became normal somehow for the generation you Serbia where there are 1000 graduated coaches, I belong to, to work in the best European clubs. But the think? They all have on mind to become head coaches. younger ones are mostly in Germany, Ukraine and But, where our coaching specialists are? I understand similar leagues. Have we got the continuity in creating that we can't split basketball in two halves and have the great basketball names? coaches as specialists for defense and others for – In my opinion, both coaches and players are lack- offense. But, why aren't there the specialists for footwork ing in one thing – continuity. And patience as well. or scouting? These are rather important things in this Speaking of the continuity, I'm not saying that they all profession. have to go the same coaching path as I did (I started from cadets and juniors and reached the very top). We ● Basketball was considered the sport of intellectuals offer the coaches much more than I had in the start of for a long time. Do the players of today lack some the career. We didn't have literature like this, too, not to "intellectualism" regarding athletics? mention video files and other technical facilities. We – I'm sure that parents and coaches are wrong when could only dream of sending the coaches on study tour they withdraw young players from schools under excus- to America. But, the coaches of today lack in recogni- es like not enough time for individual trainings. tion. We've been famous for our extreme courage for Basketball was, is, and will be academic sport. I know years, the coaches who never hesitate to immediately that we live in hard times and family is not a strong base give a place in a team to someone who is estimated as as it was a few decades ago so many players are miss- an extraordinary talent. And where's that place? In the ing family education. The family education used to be strongest league in Europe at that time. And today, the the starting point in education. Education in schools is quality of place is not even close to that, especially the also missing today. You see, I spoke to Bata Radovic, brave coaches who would force talented players. I've the best player of Partizan BC in 1960's. On my claim watched the Serbian basketball league more this year, that some players haven't finished the elementary school for my Radnicki BC and for all the rest and convinced and find it as a problem, he said to me: " Duda, in my myself that all that is on a quite low level. The things that entire generation only Rica Gordic and Neca Djuric did- coaches and players need is an organized league and n't graduate in a faculty. These things really miss, organized clubs and we haven't got these two at the though I know that these are hard times when families moment. Economic crisis which has been lasting for are burdened by survival. years influenced all sports and basketball as well. We're a small country now which can't be proud of the results ● The list of players of the national team is declared. Is ex Yugoslavia used to have, we haven't got the league this the national team much better than the one we will as we used to either, the league in which our young and have in 5 years? qualitative coaches can gain the necessary experience. – If you think the tendency of downfall and collapse One more thing – there's a problem of patience. I don't will continue, I think it won't. We must fight. I did bring want to list the number of clubs who "lost their patience" certain experiences from qualifications for the European and changed their coach this season. Championship and realized that our national team is in the first place athletically inferior. The Estonian players ● What's on the border between a good and a top-llevel devastated us in the terms of athletics! And basketball coach? progressed mostly in that athletic part and defense but – I think that I'm not wrong when I say that it's the top- it's not the case in offense. This generation of players level results. Creativity should be separated from top- must correct the impression left in qualifications and, in level results. There are really many great, extraordinary order to do so, it must be prepared better than ever. I'm coaches who were working and creating. I always men- not sure this is the final list since among the invited play- tion the example of an American who's been told: ers there's a plenty of objective problems. "Congratulations, you worked the best way this year, so you won the NCAA Championship", but his reply was: I ● You left out of the list the players who obviously worked the best way all the time but this by far the best haven't got self-cconfidence and their role and time in generation of players I've ever had". the court in their clubs is quite small. Are the 20 invit- ed ones mentally prepared to fulfill your demands? ● You learned from an NBA coach, from whom the – The answer to that question I expect to have during young coaches learn today? the period of preparations. There are many injured play- – I believe the young coaches learn a lot from us, the ers, it's uncertain when Teodosic will be ready but, we experienced coaches. And not they only. A friend of must make a qualitative program which will make our intervjuintervju 8

ulogu u svojim klubovima. Da li su ovih 20 pozvanih ● Doma}e prvenstvo izbacilo je ove sezone malo novih mentalno u stanju da odgovore na ono {to budete od imena – Bogdan Bogdanovi}, Nemanja Dangubi} i Va- njih tra`ili? silije Mici} – {to je vidljivo i na va{em spisku. Da li je to – Odgovor na to o~ekujem da bude dat ve} tokom cena ambicije da se igra Jadranska liga sa strancima i pripremnog perioda. Imamo i dosta povre|enih igra~a, tako dobije viza za Evropu? ne zna se kad }e Teodosi} biti spreman, ali mi moramo – S obzirom da Bogdanovi} nije igrao bitnu ulogu u napraviti tako kvalitetan program koji }e omogu}iti da Partizanu u evroliga{kim utakmicama, on treba ba{ kroz na{ tim bude spremniji od ostalih. Oni koji odu u Slove- reprezentativne pripreme da dobije tu nadogradnju koja niju mora}e da kidaju, da budu agresivni, da odigraju mu je potrebna. Nedostaje mu internacionalno iskustvo, modernu ko{arku a to }e onda sigurno dati rezultat. Ako kao i ose}aj pripadnosti reprezentaciji. Treningom i kroz to, iz raznoraznih razloga, ne uspemo da uradimo, onda pripremne utakmice ste}i }e to, ba{ kao i Dangubi} i Mi- }emo do}i u situaciju o kojoj ste me pitali – za pet godi- ci}. Ali veliki problem sa Jadranskom ligom postoji, i osta- na bi}emo ni`e nego sad. Ja sam svestan da je problem je. Davno su pro{la ona vremena kad stranci nisu igrali u i u tome {to ve} godinama na{i reprezentativci, najbla`e na{im klubovima, a opet smo imali najja~u ligu u Evropi. re~eno, stagniraju u svojim klubovima. A nerealno je Moramo na}i neki balans i prostor da na{i igra~i, pre sve- o~ekivati da oni napreduju za dva meseca, koliko su u ga mladi, igraju i napreduju. reprezentaciji. E – zato smo na ovaj spisak uklju~ili mla- de igra~e koji trebaju pre svega atletski da nadoknade ● Ima}emo dva tima u Evroligi. Kako to najpametnije isko- nedostatke koji su bili prisutni u kvalifikacijama. ristiti? – Veliki je uspeh {to imamo dva tima u Evroligi. Posle ● Rekli ste da je na{ cilj na EP u Sloveniji plasman na SP. mnogo dilema koje smo imali, tu se Jadranska liga ko- Da li ste optimista posle bledih igara u kvalifikacijama? na~no potvrdila i opravdala svoje postojanje, jer prvi put – Moj posao je da pripremim tim i da budem optimista. Srbija ima dva tima u Evroligi. Me|utim, ostaje problem Moramo da imamo poverenje u ove momke. I ako ja ne bih koliko }e igrati na{ih mladih igra~a u Jadranskoj i Evroli- imao poverenje u njih – ko }e ga imati? gi. Posebno posle apsurda koji se dogodio da u Superli- gi timovi iz Jadranske lige nisu potvrdili svoju dominaci- ● Koje su potencijalne mine u na{oj grupi, gde bi mogli ju. Veliki uspeh je napravila Mega Vizura igraju}i sa mla- neplanirano da se sapletemo? dim igra~ima, pa i Vojvodina. Bobi Marjanovi} i Novica – Svaka je utakmica te{ka. Bez razlike. Niti smo mi Veli~kovi} su uspeli da naprave razliku u odnosu na dominantan tim, niti danas takav postoji da mo`e odigra- strance osrednjeg kvaliteta. U narednoj sezoni Partizan i ti utakmicu {etaju}i – kao {to je to mogla ona zadnja ge- Crvena zvezda mogu da iskoriste igranje u Evroligi i mar- neracija pred raspad Jugoslavije 1992. Mislim tu pre ketin{ki pove}aju interes, ali oni imaju problem kako na- svega na tim koji je osvojio titulu svtskog prvaka u Ar- praviti adekvatne takmi~arske timove za prolaz u Top 16 gentini. fazu, {to je daleko najva`nije. To ne}e biti nimalo lako, a odre|enu prednost ima Partizan jer Zvezda manje-vi{e ● Primetno je da godinama nema srpskih ko{arka{a na mora da pravi nov tim. Ali to je ve} stvar njihovih uprava godi{njim listama najboljih u Evropi, a i u NBA posle po- i trenera. Igranje u Evroligi mo`e marketin{ki biti jako do- vla~enja Stojakovi}a na{ doprinos je minoran. Zna~i li to bro, ali samo u slu~aju da se napravi adekvatan takmi- da drugi br`e napreduju, ili da mi nazadujemo? ~arski tim. Ako toga ne bude, ne}e biti ni sponzora. Ne – O~igledno je da moramo da menjamo dosada{nji treba zaboraviti da mi `elimo da na{i klubovi bez minimu- sistem u stvaranju i produkciji igra~a. U periodu kad ma profesionalnih uslova igraju profesionalne lige. A to je igra~i treba najvi{e da napreduju – oni stagniraju. Za{to? skoro nemogu}e. Mora se na}i razlog za to. [to se talenta ti~e – mi smo jo{ uvek dominantni u mla|im kategorijama. Ali posle to- ● Ambicija Evrolige, pa i NBA, je da se forsiraju Britanija, ga, kad se o~ekuje ozbiljan kontinuitet igara i napretka, Nema~ka, Francuska i Poljska jer tu le`i novac od mar- kod ve}ine igra~a vidimo pad. A on se poklapa sa pre- ketinga. Kako mi da opstanemo u takvom svetu? laskom iz tinejd`erskog stadijuma u profesionalce. Po- – Razgovarao sam sa vode}im ljudima iz NBA, i evi- stoji jak pritisak na relaciji menad`eri-porodice-treneri dentno je da oni daju prednost takozvanoj osovini London- koji prosto baca na kolena mlade igra~e. Se}am se, jed- Berlin-Pariz. I forsiranje ko{arke u Britaniji, {to je o~igledno na majka me je pitala: „Dudo, da li mi, roditelji, preko ove u poslednje vreme, je opravdano ako se tako gledaju stva- svoje dece treba da tra`imo re{enje svoje egzistencije?” ri. Me|utim, o~igledno da tamo ne postoji nikakav interes E – to je problem. Dalje, tu je pitanje trenera. Imamo li mi za ko{arku. To je dokazao i Fajnal Four u Londonu. A {to dovoljno trenera za koje }e se igra~i u mla|im uzrastima se ti~e na{e uloge u svemu tome – uvek ponavljam da je vezati? Jer, koliko mi je poznato, juniori nisu toliko veza- nemogu}e da genetski potencijal za ko{arku nestane u ni za klub koliko za trenera. Pa jo{ kad se tome dodaju ovom na{em Dinarskom sistemu. Ovde talenat postoji, on mediji, koji naprave haos u glavama klinaca napisima ne mo`e da nestane. Siguran sam u to i to je na{a {ansa, kako su to novi \or|evi}i ili Kuko~i – nije ni ~udo da se zaklju~uje selektor Ivkovi}. pogube. Aco Ostoji} 9 interviewinterview

team prepared better than all the others. Those who of the ambition of playing the Adriatic league with travel to Slovenia will have to struggle, to be aggressive, people from abroad and getting that way the visa for to play modern basketball. It will give results then, for Europe? sure. If we fail to do so, for so many different reasons, – Since Bogdan Bogdanovic hasn't had an important then we'll get into the situation you've mentioned – we'll role in Partizan in games in Europe, he must get a be lower in five years than now. I know that the stagna- chance to have an upgrade he needs, in the national tion of our players in their clubs lately is the problem. It team. He is missing the international experience and the sounds unreal to expect from them to progress within feeling of belonging to the national team. He'll acquire it two months. That's why we included in the list the young through trainings and preparation games, as well as players who, in the domain of athletics, primarily must Dangubic and Micic. But, there's a problem with Adriatic make up the inconsistencies that were present in quali- league which remains actual. It's the pluperfect tense fications. the time when foreigners didn't play in our clubs but we still had the best league in Europe. We must find some ● You said that our goal in EC in Slovenia was the place- balance and space for our players, the young players ment in WC. After the average plays in qualifications, first, to play and progress. are you still an optimist? – My job is to prepare the team and be an optimist. ● We'll have 2 teams in Euroleague. How to take advan- We must trust these guys. If I haven't got the trust, who tage of the situation best way? has it? – Having 2 teams in Euroleague is a great success. After many dilemmas we had, the Adriatic league justi- ● What are the possible tricky obstacles in our group, fied its existence since Serbia has 2 teams in where we may trip up? Euroleague for the first time. However, there remains the – Each game is hard. We're neither a dominant team, problem in the number of our young players to play in nor there is someone today who can play the game by Adriatic league and Euroleague. Particularly after an walking – as it could do the last generation before the absurd that the teams from Adriatic league didn't con- fall-out of Yugoslavia in 1992, which won in the World firm their domination in the Superleague. Mega Vizura Championship in Argentina. BC made a great success by playing with young players and Vojvodina BC as well. Boban Marjanovic and ● It's noticeable that Serbian players haven't been on Novica Velickovic managed to differ from the foreigners the annual lists of the best in Europe and our contri- of a mediocre quality. In the next season, Partizan and bution in NBA after Stojakovic's retreat is minor. Does Red Star can use the playing in Euroleague to increase it mean that the others progress faster or that we the marketing interest but they're in a problem of the way regress? in which to make adequate teams for entering the top16 – We obviously must change the present system of phase. It won't be easy at all and Partizan is in a slight creating and producing the players. In the period they advantage since Red Star must build an almost new should use for progress – they stagnate. Why? The rea- team. Yet, it's the matter of their managing boards and sons for that must be found. Speaking of the talents – I coaches. Playing the Euroleague can be very good in can say that we're still dominant in younger categories. the matter of marketing but only if a good team is made. But, after that, when serious continuity of plays and If it doesn't happen, there will be no sponsors. It mustn't progress is expected, in most players we notice the be forgotten that we want our clubs to play professional decline. It matches with passing from a teenage stage leagues without the minimum of professional prerequi- into professionals. There's a hard pressure on managers sites. That's almost impossible. – families – coaches relation which simply confuses the young players. I remember the question of a mother: ● The ambitions of Euroleague and NBA are to force "Duda, shall we search for the solution of our existence Britain, Germany, France and Poland since the money via our children?" That's the main problem actually. In from marketing is there. How can we survive in the addition, the problem of coaches is also present. Have world like that? we got enough coaches to whom the players in young – I spoke to the main people in NBA and it's evident categories will be attached to? It's importance since, as that they prefer the so-called London – Berlin -Paris axis. far as I see, juniors aren't connected to a club as much Forcing the basketball in Britain, which is obvious lately, as to a coach. Adding the media to all this, which make does make sense if you observe things that way. them feel chaotic in their heads by claiming they're new However, the interest in basketball doesn't exist at all, Djordjevic or Kukoc – makes no wonder they are con- obviously. The Final Four tournament proved that fact. fused. As far as our role in that is concerned – I keep on claim- ing that the genetic potential in this Dinaric system of ● National championship put out a few new names only ours is impossible to disappear. The talent exists here, it – Bogdan Bogdanovic, Nemanja Dangubic and can't vanish. I'm sure about that and that's our chance – Vasilije Micic and it's visible in your list. Is it the price head coach Ivkovic concluded. BCBBCB 20132013 10

U susret Beogradskoj ko{arka{koj klinici Beograd 2013 Asovi struke za katedrom

kupljanje trenera na internacionalnom cenjuje se i broj od oko 600 slu{alaca, a mo`da i ova seminaru Basketball Clinic Belgrade ove prognoza bude prema{en. godine je 29. i 30. juna u Sporskom cen- Izvesno je: svi na{i treneri, ali i gosti iz inostranstva, o tru [umice. Kao i uvek eminentni preda- dobi}e izvanrednu priliku da se edukuju na ovoj Beo- va~i iz inostranstva, ali i doma}i priznati gradskoj ko{arka{koj klinici Beograd 2013. Ona je za treneri. Formula za izbor predava~a, rekli bismo – dobit- doma}e uslov za overavanje licenci za sezonu 2013-14. na, ostala je i ove godine ista: Zapa`en trener iz NBA, ukoliko vode seniorske ekipe. Seminaru mogu priusu- evropski trener u `i`i i doma}i stru}njaci. Seminar je obavezan, kao jedan od uslova za dobijanje licence. Vreme brzo prolazi, a utisci sa velikog me|unarod- nog seminara Beograd Basketbal Clinic u na{oj presto- nici 2012. su polako oti{li u arhivu, ili negde zabele`eni na kasetama onih `eljnih novih saznanja u ko{arci. Ve} uveliko se u Udru`enju ko{arka{kih trenera Srbije sve je spremno za novo okupljanje odnosno novu Kliniku, koja }e 29. i 30.juna do`iveti svoje dvanaesto izdanje. Sve je u~injeno da i ovaj skup, koji ima veliku reputaciju u Evro- pi, ali i van nje, ponovo bude na visokom nivou, bez ob- zira na sve objektivne pote{ko}e na koje se nailazi. Pot- setimo, na prethodnoj Klinici, koja je ocenjena kao jedna od najuspe{nijih poslednjih godina, za katedrom su se na{li Amerikanac Tim Flojd i Mahmut Oktaj iz Turske, ko- ji su imali po dve veoma interesantne teme. I obojica su se svojski trudila da kolegama prika`u i prakti~no poka- `u bar deo iz svog bogatog reprertoara znanja u kraljici Gost BCB 2013: D`ord` Karl / Guest 2013: George Karl igara. Govorio je o match up odbrani kao alternativi predsednik Udru`enja Aco Petrovi}, oglasio se i gost iz Hrvatske Emilio Kova~i}... Ovom dvodnevnom skupu u stvovati svi na{i treneri koji su uplatili ~lanarinu za teku- dvorani [umice prisustovalo je ukupno 518 trenera. }u godinu koja iznosi 3000 dinara. Pri upisu za prisusvo Uglavnom doma}ih, ali i gostiju iz svih zemalja okru`e- sleduje im trenerski paket. Kako ~e to biti prilika i za ove- nja, pa i oni iz Rusije, Ukrajine, Ma|arske, Holandiije, ravanje licenci, podsetimo. Za Drugu regionalnoj ligi po- Belgije, Italije, Azerbejd`ana. trebno je uplatiti 7,500 dinara, a za one koji vode timove Novo izdanje donosi i neke novine, odnosno imena u Prvoj regionalnoj ligi tarifa je 10.000. Licenca za stru~- za respekt koja }e svakako imati {ta da ka`u i poka`u za njaka u Drugoj mu{koj ligi vredna je 20.000 dinara, a za katedrom, ali i prakti~no na terenu. U prvom planu }e Prvu ligu Srbije iznosi 30.000 RSD. Cene za trenere da- svakako biti legendani ameri~ki trener iz Denvera ma su ne{to pristupa~nije. Prvoliga{ki }e pla}ati po D`ord` Karl, posredno dobro poznat i na{em {irem au- 20.000 dinara, a oni za drugoliga{ke ekipe upola cene, ditorijumu, koji je ove godine progla{en za trenera godi- s tim da postoji mogu}nost da se ta suma smanji i na ne u najja~oj ko{arka{koj ligi sveta – NBA Drugo pozna- 7500 dinara. to ime, za koga tvrde da je odli~an strateg, ali i preda- Gosti iz inostransva za prisustvo BCB 2013, pla}a}e va~, bi}e Italijan Andrea Trinkeri, trener kluba iz Kantua kotizaciju od 200 eura. i od nedavno selektor Gr~ke reprezentacije koju }e vo- Po tradiciji, Klinika ima i svoj sve~aski deo. I ovoga diti na EP u Sloveniji. Obojica }e biti zadu`ena za po dve puta. Izme|u predavanja,bi}e dodeljena priznanja i na- teme. Predavanje na temu fizi~ke pripreme igra~a teko- grada svim stru~njacima koji su sa svojim ekipama osvo- |e }e biti zastupljeno na odgovaraju}i na~in.. Jedna te- jili prvo mesto u ligama ili prvenstvima na novou Srbije. ma namenjena je i jednom od najboljih trenera srednje Od onih koji treniraju mla|e pionire i pionirke, pa do se- generacije u nas Aleksandru Trifunovi}u, koji ima popri- niorskih. Predvi|ene su i neke specijalne nagrade najza- li~no i evropskog iskustva. Za o~ekivati je da ove godi- slu`nijima, ili za vanredna dostignu}a u protekloj sezoni. ne bude i ne{to ve}i broj u~esnika nego prethodne, pro- S. Petrovski 11 BCB 2013

Meeting the Basketball Clinic Belgrade 2013 Aces of the profession at the cathedre

he gathering of coaches in international name, for whom it is claimed to be an excellent strategist seminar Basketball Clinic Belgrade 2013 and lecturer as well, will be Andrea Trinchieri, the coach takes place on 29 and 30 June in Sumice of the club from Cantu and the head coach of Greek t Sport . As always, eminent lectur- national team lately, the team he will lead in European ers from abroad and d affirmed domes- Championship in Slovenia. They both will have two tic coaches take part. It may be said that themes each. The lecture about physical preparation of the formula for choosing the lecturers, the right one, players will be present the proper way. One of the remained the same this year: a prominent coach from themes will be presented by one of the best coaches NBA, European coach in focus and domestic experts. from the middle generation in Serbia, Aleksandar The seminar is compulsory, one of the conditions for Trifunovic, the coach with much experience in Europe. A having a license. bit larger number of participants than previous year is Time passes quickly and impressions from the big expected, there's an estimation of 600 listeners and the international seminar Belgrade Basketball Clinic number might be surpassed. 2012 are in archive now or on discs of those The following is certain: all our coaches keen on new knowledge in basketball. In and guests from abroad will get a great Serbian Basketball Association, every- chance to educate in this Basketball thing's ready for gathering, i.e. the Clinic Belgrade 2013. For native new clinic, which will have its 12th coaches, it's a condition for license edition on 29 and 30 June. validation for the 2013-14 season,in Everything's done to make this clin- case they lead senior teams. In this ic, a well reputed one in Europe and seminar, all our coaches who paid further, be on a high level again, the 3000 dinars membership for the beside all the objective difficulties present year can participate. On along the way. Let's remind that in pre- applying for the presence,they'll get vious Clinic, declared as one of the most the coaching package. Since it's a successful in last few years, at the cathedre chance for license validation, let's remind were Tim Floyd from USA and Oktay Mahmuti to the following: For the second regional from Turkey, who had two very interesting themes league, the fee is 7500 dinars and for those who lead each. They both put efforts to show and demonstrate the teams in the First regional league, the fee is 10,000 practically to their colleagues at least a part from their dinars. The license for a coach in the Second league for rich repertory of knowledge from the queen of games. men is 20,000 dinars and 30,000 dinars for the First He. The President of the Association, Aco Petrovic Serbian league. The prices for ladies coaches are a bit spoke of the match up defense as an alternative and the more affordable. For the First league, it will be 20,000 guest from Croatia, Emilio Kovacic had his part too…518 dinars and the half of that amount for the Second coaches participated in this two-day seminar in Sumice league, with a possibility of reducing that amount to hall. The most of them were from Serbia but there were 7,500 dinars. guests from all nearby countries, as well as from Russia, The guests from abroad will pay the 200 EUR regis- Ukraine, Hungary, Holland, Belgium, and tration fee. Azerbaijan. Traditionally, the Clinic will have its formal part. This The new edition brings some novelties, i.e. the names time as well, acknowledgements and prizes will be for respect that will have things to say and show from the granted to all the experts who won titles in leagues or cathedre and on the court. George Karl, the legendary championships in Serbia. From those who work with American coach from Denver, declared as the coach of young pioneers up to the seniors. Some special prizes the year in the best basketball league in the World – for the most deserving ones and for extraordinary NBA, will be in focus for sure. The second well-known achievements in the last season as well are provided. UKTSUKTS 12

D`ord` Karl, gost BCB 2013 Po{tuj igru

asketball Clinic Belgrade 2013 ugosti}e Minule sezone aktuelnog NBA Trenera godine. Posle 25 su Nagitsi ostva- sezona u NBA ligi i vi{e od 1100 pobeda rili 57 pobeda i b ,D`ord` Karl je svakako trener i osoba ko- postavili novi ju valja pa`ljivo saslu{ati. rekord fran{i- D`ord` Karl (62) nastavlja niz elitnih i cenjenih trenera, ze, iako su koji su iz SAD dolazili u Beograd da u okviru Basketball Cli- imali jedan od nic Belgrade podele svoje veliko znanje i iskustvo. najmla|ih ti- Po~elo je sa Donom Nelsonom, Delom Herisom i po- mova u NBA. kojnim Rikom Mad`erusom, a nastavljeno je sa Gregom Karl je zato prvi Popovi}em, Lerijem Braunom, Rojom Vilijamsom, Majkom put nagra|en titu- D’Antonijem, D`imom O’Brajenom, Timom Flojdom... Ipak, lom Trenera godine. slobodno mo`emo re}i da tako veliko ime poput Karla ni- Ali, kao dokaz stare iz- smo imali u poslednjih osam-devet godina. reke da „postoje treneri koji su otpu- Karl je trener i ~ovek koji je pro{ao gotovo sve – i do- {teni i oni koji }e to postati”, ~elnici bro i lo{e. Nagitsa odlu~ili su da se odmah po- Diplomirao je na Univerzitetu Severna Karolina, gde se tom razi|u sa njim. Sli~na stvar dogo- razvijao po filozofiji legendarnog Dina Smita. Njegova pro- dila se i Lajonelu Holinsu, koji je tokom fesionalna igra~ka karijera trajala je samo pet godina – sve ~etiri sezone konstantno popravljao u San Antonio Sparsima, gde je bio pod velikim uticajem skor Memfis Grizlisa i na kraju dobio Daga Moa, tako|e, ~oveka sa Severne Karoline – a Spar- otkaz iako je dogurao do finala Zapa- si su fran{iza koja mu je dala i prvi trenerski posao, kao asi- da... stentu 1978. godine. Imaju}i u vidu da su i mnogi drugi Karl je 1984. postao prvi trener Klivlend Kavalirsa, po- timovi otpustili svoje trenere, realno je tom je seo na klupu Golden Stejt Voriorsa, da bi se krajem o~ekivati da Karl prona|e novi anga- 80-ih i po~etkom 90-ih selio iz tada{nje CBA lige u Evropu `man, mo`da ~ak i pre nego {to kra- i natrag. U Evropi je dva puta po godinu dana vodio Real jem juna doputuje u Beograd. Madrid. Jedna od Karlovih omiljenih fraza Sve nakon toga je istorija, manje ili vi{e poznata sva- je „Po{tuj igru”, a osnovni principi nje- kom pravom ko{arka{kom fanu. gove trenerske filozofije su prisiljavanje protivnika na gre- Karl se 1991. za stalno vratio ku}i i po~eo svoj niz od {ke i tr~anje u kontranapad, dok u postavljenom napadu 21 sezone na poziciji {efa struke, tokom kojih njegovi timo- insistira na protoku lopte, {irenju igre i prodorima pod vi nikada nisu zavr{ili sezonu sa manje od 50 odsto dobi- ko{, tako da {to je mogu}e vi{e poena postigne iz pola- jenih utakmica. ganja ili sa linije slobodnih bacanja. Tako su Nagitsi za- Sijetl Supersonikse sa Gerijem Pejtonom, [onom Kem- vr{ili minulu sezonu kao tre}i u NBA po broju izvedenih pom i Detlefom [rempfom odveo je do velikog finala 1996, bacanja, dok su delili ~etvrto mesto po procentu {uta iz gde su pora`eni od Majkla D`ordana i ^ikago Bulsa rezul- igre. tatom 4:2. Karl izrazito favorizuje pick and roll u odnosu na pick U Milvokiju je imao „veliku trojku” koju su ~inili Sem Ka- and pop, tra`i od igra~a da izbegavaju {uteve iz driblin- sel, Rej Alen i Glen Robinson, sa kojima je 2001. stigao na ga, a stimuli{e ih da budu inovativni i da preuzimaju ini- pobedu od novog plasmana u veliko finale. Zaustavili su cijativu, recimo spontanim postavljanjem blokova ili spu- ga Leri Braun, Alen Ajverson, Dikembe Mutombo i Filadel- {tanjem na niski post ({to ~esto prikazuje plejmejker An- fija Siksersi. dre Miler), dok centrima dopu{ta da brane „pik” onako Posle pauze u trajanju od godinu i po, Karl je po~eo kako li~no njima najvi{e odgovara. svoj devetogodi{nji rad u Denver Nagitsima, koje je svake „Pustite igra~e da igraju, ne preterujte sa taktikom i sezone odveo u plej-of, ali je samo jednom uspeo da pro- zahtevima”, moto je koji je Karl usvojio od svog u~itelja, na|e izlaz iz prve runde (bilo je to 2009, kada su ih Los An- Dina Smita. |eles Lejkersi eliminisali u finalu Zapada). I. Bogunovic 13 ASBCASBC

George Karl, guest BCB 2013 Respect the game

asketball Clinic Belgrade 2013 welcomes In 1991, the time had come for Karl to permanently reigning NBA Coach of the year. After 25 return home and begin his active 21 season head coach- seasons in NBA and more than 1100 vic- ing streak in NBA, during which his teams haven't fin- b tories under his belt, George Karl is surely ished a single season below .500 winning percentage. a coach and a person to listen carefully to. He led Seattle Supersonics with Gary Payton, Shawn George Karl (62) continues the string of elite and Kemp and Detlef Schrempf to the NBA finals in 1996, where respected American coaches visiting Serbia's capital to they lost to Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls 4-2. share their vast knowledge and experience under the In Milwaukee, Karl had a „Big 3” of Sam Cassell, Ray umbrella of Basketball Clinic Belgrade. Allen and Glenn Robinson and in 2001 he came within a It started with Don Nelson, Del Harris and the late victory of returning to the NBA finals. Larry Brown, Allen Rick Majerus in 2002, then went on with Gregg Popovich, Iverson, Dikembe Mutombo and the Philadelphia Sixers Larry Brown, Roy Williams, Mike D'Antoni, Jim O'Brien, wouldn't let him. After year-and-a-half long hiatus, Karl began his nine year tenure with the Denver Nuggets, leading them to playoffs every year, but strangely making it out of the first round only once (in 2009, when they were eliminated by the Los Angeles Lakers in the Western conference finals). Last season the team won a franchise-record 57 games, despite being one of the youngest teams in NBA, and Karl was awarded his first NBA Coach of the year trophy. But, proving the old saying that there are „coaches who have been fired and those who will be fired”, the Nuggets ownership decided to cut ties with him. Similar thing happened to Lionel Hollins, who continually improved the results of the Memphis Grizzlies for four years, then got fired after making the Western confer- ence finals... However, with numerous opennings on the benches Tim Floyd... However, it is safe to say that we haven't had of other teams, it is reasonable to expect Karl returning as big name as Karl's in last eight or nine years. to business even by the time he visits Belgrade, by the Karl is a coach and a man who has pretty much seen end of June. it all, the good and the bad. One of Karl's favorite phrases is „Respect the game”, He is the graduate of University of North Carolina, and the basic principles of his coaching philosophy are where his career was impacted by philosophy of leg- creating turnovers and pushing the ball up the court, endary Dean Smith. His pro career lasted only 5 years - while in set offense he insists on ball movement, spacing all with San Antonio Spurs, where he was heavily influ- and drives to the basket, which lead to as many layups enced by Doug Moe, another North Carolina guy - and and free throws as possible. Thus, the Nuggets finished this is a franchise where he landed his first coaching job last season third in NBA in free throws attempted and tied back in 1978, as an assistant. for fourth place in field goal percentage. In 1984, Karl became the head coach of the He strongly favors pick-and-roll over pick-and-pop, Cleveland Cavaliers, then took over the bench of the he asks his players to avoid shooting off the dribble and Golden State Warriors, and then, in late 80's and early encourages them to be innovative and take the initiative, 90's, bounced between now defunct CBA league and for example by making random ball screens or random Europe, where he enjoyed two one-year stints with Real post-ups (we see it often from Andre Miller), or by letting Madrid. his big men decide how to defend ball screens. And the rest is history, more or less known to every „Let your players play, don't overcoach them”, is a true basketball fan in the world. motto Karl adopted from his teacher, Dean Smith. intervjuintervju 14

Andrea Trinkieri – trener godine u Italiji i novi selektor gr~ke reprezentacije Italijanski {mek pod obru~ima

ada neko sa nepunih 45 godina biva ● Koliko ste upoznati sa trenutnim kvalitetima Gr~ke re- progla{en za najuspe{nijeg trenera u prezentacije koja je imala dosta uspeha u pro{losti ali jednoj od „najko{arka{kijih” zemalja joj, verovatno, sledi smena generacija? Kako gledate k Evrope koja se uvek mogla podi~iti ve- na grupu na Evropskom prvenstvu u Sloveniji gde likim trenerskim imenima, a pri tome igrate sa Finskom, Rusijom, [vedskom, Turskom i va- preuzme selektorsku palicu druge, tako|e izrazito ko- {om Italijom i da li }e ta utakmica, sa Italijom, biti po- {arka{ke nacije, onda mora da se radi o novoj zvezdi sebno emotivna za vas? na trenerskom nebu Evrope. Munjevit uspeh Andrea Trinkieria nije promakao ni na{im poznavaocima ko- {arke ali ni Udru`enju ko{arka{kih trenera Srbije koje ga je pozvalo na predstoje}u ko{arka{ku Kliniku na kojoj }e trener Kantua pokazati deo svoje interesantne ko{arka{ke filosofije. Kao {to se rado odazvao pozivu na{eg udru`enja da se pojavi kao predava} na BCB 2013, sa istim zadovoljstvom je pristao na intervju za „Trener”.

● Gospodine Trinkieri, najpre ~estitke na tituli najboljeg trenera u Italiji. Kakav je ose}aj biti najbolji u zemlji sa tako dugom ko{arka{kom tradicijom, gde su radili ne- kada prof. Aca Nikoli}, Bo{a Tanjevi}, Dantoni, Mesi- na ili danas Pjani|ani? – @eljko Obradovi}, Duda Ivkovi} i drugi veliki trene- ri uvek su pravili karijeru na uspesima timova koje su vo- dili, a ne na individualnim nagradama. Mnogo mi je va- `nije da sam vratio moj klub u Evropsku ligu i u finale ita- lijanske lige posle trideset godina, jer me to dovelo do pomenutog priznanja, ka`e Trinkieri . – Bez smene generacije Gr~ka federacija ne bi ni ● Po godinama ste jo{ uvek u grupi mla|ih trenera, a tra`ila novog trenera.Kad sam bio trener u tre}oj ligi `e- ve} imate tu titulu najboljeg, zavidan uspeh sa Veroli leo sam igrati Evroligu. Nije bilo lako ali na kraju sam Basket, sjajan uspeh sa Kantu ove godine i Superkup igrao top 16, a dva poena su nas delili od ulaska u naj- Italije. Da li ste zadovoljni sa tim dosada{njim uspesi- boljih osam ekipa u Evropi. ma? Onda sam sanjao da treniram jednu reprezentaciju. – Nije nikad dosta uspeha i ne volim, rano je da `ivim Sada imam {ansu da treniram igra~e visoke kategorije. od se}anja isti~e Trinkieri. Uvek treba imati i malo sportske sre}e u `ivotu. [to se grupe ti~e, veoma je te{ka i jedna velika reprezentacja ● Od nedavno ste i selektor Gr~ke reprezenatcije. Kako }e i}i ku}i posle prvog kruga. Kada je re~ o susretu sa je do toga do{lo i da li vas je mo`da taj poziv iznena- Italijom, ima vremena da se nerviramo u vezi sa tom dio? utakmicom poja{njava Trinkieri. – Pravi trener ne}e nikada re}i da ga je posebno ta- ko ne{to iznenadilo. Ose}am veliku odgovornost ali ● Da li vam je cilj da jednoga dana budete selektor va- znam da }emo imati kvalitetnu ekipu, tvrdi Trinkieri. {e zemlje? 15 interviewinterview

Andrea Trinchieri – The coach of the year and new head coach of the national team of Greece Italian charm under the baskets

hen one is 45 and declared the most – Zeljko Obradovic, Duda Ivkovic and other great successful coach in one of "the most coaches have made their careers in teams they led, not basketball-like" country in Europe which through individual rewards. It's much more important to me w always can be proud of great names in that I brought back my club to Euroleague and the final coaching profession and take the place game of Italian league after 30 years since it brought me to of a head coach of other country's team, then it must be the acknowledgement you've mentioned – says Trinchieri. that there's a new star on the coaching sky of Europe. A ● By age, you still belong to the group of young coach- es but you've already got the title of the best, a promi- nent success with Veroli Basket, great success with Cantu this year and Italian Supercup. Are you satisfied with the results so far? – Successes are never too much and it's too early to live from memories, Trinchieri points out.

● You're the head coach of Greek national team from recently. How it happened, did that invitation surprise you? – A real coach will never say that such a thing sur- prised him much. I feel big responsibility but I know we will have a good team, Trinchieri claims.

● How much are you familiar with qualities of the Greek team which had many successes in the past but, probably, is in front of a generation change? What can you say about the group on European championship in Slovenia where you play against Finland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey and Italy, will that game against Italy momentary success of Andrea Trinchieri wasn't missed be particularly emotional for you? by our basketball connoisseurs and the Association of – Without the generation change, Greek federation Serbian Basketball Coaches as well, which invited him wouldn't seek for other coach. When I was a coach in the to the forthcoming basketball clinic in which the coach third league I wanted to play Euroleague. It wasn't easy of Cantu will demonstrate a part of his interesting bas- but, finally I managed o play in top 16 andwe were 2 ketball philosophy. As well as he was glad to respond points far from top 8. Then I dreamt of leading a nation- to our association's invitation to be on of the lecturers in al team. Now I've got a chance to work with top-level BCB 2013, he accepted to make an interview for Trener players. Some sport luck should be present in life a bit. magazine. Speaking of the group, I can say that it's hard and one big national team will have to go home after the first ● Mr. Trinchieri, congratulations for the title of the best round. And the match with Italy, I think there's time to be coach in Italy. How does it feel to be the best in the nervous about it, Trinchieri explains. country with such a long basketball tradition, where Professor Aca Petrovic, Bogdan Tanjevic, Dantoni, ● Is your goal to become the coach of your country Mesina used to or Pianigiani works today? some day? intervjuintervju 16

– Koji trener ne bi to po`eleo? Ali sada nije vreme da – @eljko Obradovi} je genije i ne mogu ga druga~ije se o tome pri~a isti~e predava~ na{e predstoje}e BCB. opisati. Duda Ivkovi} je ko{arka{ki profesor, a Dule Vujo- {evi} je trenerski ~arobnjak sa ushi}enjem isti~e Trinkieri.. ● Koliko pratite reprezenatciju Srbije i koliko poznajete na{e igra~e i trenere? ● Objasnite, za ~itaoce Trenera, va{u ko{arka{ku filoso- – Danas, sasvim prirodno, svi o svemu sve znaju: Te- fiju i kakvu ko{arku preferirate, ili kako volite da igraju odosi}, Krsti}, Bjelica, Markovi}, Micov, Veli~kovi}, Ma- va{e ekipe? ~van, Ke{elj, Radljica, Erceg, je li vam dosta? Srpska – Ko{arka vam je kao da igrate {ah dok tr~ite a u isto trenerska {kola je sigurno jedna od najboljih na svetu, vreme va{i protivnici poku{avaju da vas isprebijaju. Jed- tvrdi na{ sagovornik. nostavnost pobe|uje, jer ~esto ono malo mo`e da bude – mnogo. Moja filosofija je dodaj loptu u napadu i pomo- ● Da li vam je neko od plejade srpskih trenera bio uzor zi saigra~u u odbrani. @elim da stvorim prednost u vre- u profesionalnom radu i zbog ~ega? menu koje imam za napad {to je pre mogu}e (da igram pick and roll sa centrom kad god je to mogu}e) i da dr- `im tu prednost na najpametniji mogu}i na~in da nate- ram protivni~ku odbranu da pomera svoje igra~e i tako Trinkieri stvorim vi{ak i kaznim protivni~ku odbranu. Klju~ je u prostoru, otkriva nam Trinkieri. Na{ sagovornik – Andrea Trinkieri ro|en je ● 6. avgusta 1968 u Milanu. U svojoj dosada- Ove godine prvi put nastupi}ete kao predava~ na ko- {njoj karijeri radio je u Milanu od 1998. do {arka{koj Klinici u Beogradu. Da li ste pre toga za nju 2004. godine kao pomo}ni trener. Od 2004. ~uli i koliko je ona zna~ajna za mlade trenere i sa ko- do 2006. godine bio je glavni trener Vanolija, jom temom }e te se predstaviti beogradkoj publici? u Tre}oj ligi, sa kojim je pre{ao u Drugu ligu – Naravno da sam ~uo dosta o Basketbal clinik Bel- i tu ostao i naredne sezone. Vodio je 2007. grade i pre mog dolaska znam da dolazim u zemlju ko- Godine Juvecaseretu u drugoj ligi, zatim Ve- {arke, ka`e poznati stru~njak. roli, tako|e u Drugoj ligi, a zatim sledi veliki ● prelazak u Kantu 2009. godine, gde je i da- Da li ste vi i{li na sli~ne seminare kada ste po~injali sa nas trener. Nedavno je izabran i za selekto- trenerskim pozivom i {ta ste posebno voleli da u~ite? ra Gr~ke reprezentacije koju }e predvoditi – Za mladog trenera seminari su jako va`ni, stru~no na Evropskom prvenstvu u Sloveniji po~et- usavr{avanje. Pratio sam do sada, u trenerskoj karijeri, kom septembra. oko ~etrdeset seminara.

– Poziv Gr~ke se jednostavno ne odbija - ● Kakvi su vam klupski planovi za narednu sezonu, da li kratko je prokomemtarisao ovo imenovanje ostajete u Kantu, ili vas ve} tra`e veliki italijanski klu- Trinkieri. Dva puta je biran za najboljeg tre- bovi? nera u Italiji: 2010. i 2011. godine, a pro{le – Sve u svoje vreme, ostao je tajanstven na{ sago- godine je osvojio i Superkup Italije. Andreina vornik. majka je iz Rijeke, u Milanu se udala za nje- govog oca, a leta je provodio na relaciji Mi- ● Kakav plasman predvi|ate Gr~koj, a kakav srpskoj re- lano-RRijeka, kod bake. Odli~no govori srpski prezentaciji na EP u Sloveniji? odnosno hrvatski jezik tako da je i komunika- – Bori}emo se za medalju, ali konkurencja je vrlo ja- cija s njim znatno olak{ana. Me|utim, po{to ka. Verujem da i Srbija ide na medalju, procenjuje selek- je uspeh njegovog Kantua ove godine pre- tor Gr~ke. ma{io sva o~ekivanja, sezona se za njega nenadano produ`ila, a i interesovanje medi- ● Bilo bi lepo da se u Sloveniji u borbi za medalje na|u ja za ovog mladog stru~njaka je znatno po- Srbija i Gr~ka. Kako bi to, po Vama, izgledalo? raslo. U to se mogla uveriti i redakcija „Tre- Siguran sam da bi se u tom susretu igrala prava, kva- nera” koja je strpljivo danima ~ekala na inter- litetna ko{arka, tvrdi novi selektor Gr~ke reprezentacije. vju sa njim, jer su obaveze prema klubu i stalna putovanja i utakmice u~inile da Trinki- ● Mo`ete li, za kraj, da u par re~enica posavetujute mla- eri i pored najbolje volje, ne mo`e sve da po- de trenere u Srbiji ili one koji to tek nameravaju da bu- stigne. Naravno, po{to se radi o veoma veli- du, {ta da rade i ~ime da se rukovode u radu? kom profesionalcu i po{tovaocu na{e ko{ar- – Budite strastveni. Radite vi{e od bilo koga drugog. ke, intervju je ura|en, a dolazak u Beograd, Uvek verujte va{im igra~ima. Nikada ne odustajte. Smej- na ko{arka{ku Kliniku je primljen sa najve- te se i kada pogre{ite. Nikada nemojte da se pla{ite da }im zadovoljstvom. ka`ete da je to va{a gre{ka – obja{njava za kraj intervjua Andrea Trinkieri. Bo`idar Manojlovi} 17 interviewinterview

– What coach wouldn't like so? But, it's not the right time to talk about that, clarifies the future BCB lecturer. Trinchieri

● How much do you keep track of Serbian national team, how much do you know our coaches and play- Our interlocutor – Andrea Trinchieri is born ers? on 6 August 1968 in Milano. In his career so – Naturally, everybody knows everything today: far, he worked as assistant coach in Milano Teodosic, Krstic, Bjelica, Markovic, Micov, Velickovic, from 1998 to 2004. From 2004.to 2006. He Macvan, Keselj, Raduljica, Erceg, is it enough? Serbian was the head coach of Vanoli, in the Third coaching school is one of the best in the world for sure, league, with which he entered the Second our interlocutor claims. league and remained in it the next season. I 2007, he led Juvecaserta in the second ● Was someone from the pleiad of Serbian coaches league, then Veroli in the same league and your ideal in professional work and why? then came the great transfer to Cantu in – Zeljko Obradovic is a genius and I can describe 2009, where he still works. He has been him other way. Duda Ivkovic is the professor of basket- recently elected the head coach of Greek ball and Dule Vujosevic is the basketball wizard with ela- national team whichhe will leadin the tion, Trinchieri points out. European Championship in Slovenia in the beginning of September. ● Please explain to our readers your basketball philoso- – The invitation from Greece simply can't be phy and what basketball you prefer or how do you like rejected – commented Trinchieri briefly this your teams to play? appointment. He was chosen the best coach – Basketball is like playing chess while running and in Italy twice: in 2010 and 2011 and he won the your opponents are trying to beat you up. Simplicity wins Italian Supercup last year. Andrea's mother is since a small thing can often be – very much. My philoso- from Rijeka, she married his father in Milano phy is pass the ball and help your mate in defense. I want and he used to spent summers on Milano – to make advantage within the time for attack as quicker as Rijeka relation, where he visited his grand- possible(to play pick and roll with a big man whenever it is mother. He speaks Serbian or Croation quite possible) and hold that advantage the smartest possible well and communication with him is much eas- way in order to force the opponent's defense to move their ier. However, since the success of his Cantu players, make an extra player and punish the opponent's surpassed all the expectations, his season is defense. The key is in space, Trinchieri reveals. prolonged and interests of media in this young expert increased a lot. The editorial staff of ● This year, you'll participate as a lecturer in basketball Trener magazine which waited for days to Clinic in Belgrade. Have you ever heard of it before, make an interview with him experienced that how it is important for young coaches and what's the since his obligations in the club and constant subject you're going to present to audience in trips and games made him unable to accom- Belgrade? plish everything. Certainly, since it is about a – Of course, I heard many things about Basketbal great professional and admirer of our basket- Clinic Belgrade and I know that I come to the land of ball, the interview is done and coming to basketball, the prominent expert says. Belgrade to the Basketbal Clinic was received with big pleasure. ● Did you go to some similar seminars when you started with the coaching profession, what did you like to learn best? – To a young coach seminars are very important, pro- ● It would be nice if Greece met Serbia in fighting for a fessional improvement. In my career, I've visited about medal? In your opinion, how it would look like? 40 seminars so far. – I'm sure the match would be full of real and quali- tative basketball, he claims. ● What are your club plans for the next season,do you stay in Cantu or big Italian clubs already contact you? ● In the end, can you give some brief advices to young – All in good time, our interlocutor said mysteriously. coaches in Serbia or the ones who plan to be so, what to do and how to act in their work? ● What placement do you predict to Greece and Serbia – Be passionate, Work more than anybody else. in Slovenia? Always believe your players. Never give up. Laugh even – We'll be fighting for a medal but the competition is when you've made a mistake. Don't be afraid of saying very tough. I believe Serbia heads for medal too, esti- it was your mistake" – Andrea Trinchieri said in the end mates the head coach of Greece. of this interview. Bozidar Manojlovic bitibiti trenertrener 18

Du{ko Vujo{evi}, KK Partizan-mts Kako se kali tim

vako leto donosi novu neizvesnost u bavlju prema ko{arka{koj lopti i prema klubu i `eljom da na- Humskoj – ko }e ostati, ko oti}i, a ko do- prave karijere i osvajaju trofeje, stvarno izazivali sa druge }i? Tri pitanja koja se postavljaju sa topli- strane ljubav od strane iste te publike i od strane svih ljudi s jim danima u godini i koja redovno dono- koji su normalni – objasnio je Du{ko Vujo{evi} potez sa po- se tenziju kod navija~a, uprave, trenera, ~etka sezone kada su u klub dolazili samo tinejd`eri i oni ali i igra~a Partizana, trenutnih i potencijalnih. koji su tek zagazili u „dvadesete”. Krajem juna 2012. godine desilo se mnogo toga u re- Nazvao ih je mo`da i najtalentovanijom generacijom dovima {ampiona Srbije. Klub su napustili najiskusniji koju je trenirao, perspektivnijom ~ak i od one koju je vo- igra~i Bo`i}, Kecman i Kati}, pozajmice zavr{ili Raduljica dio sa kraja ’80-ih. Njegove re~i, samim tim i svi ti mom- i Ma~van, D@ejms odradio svoje... Ostali su isklju~ivo ci, bili su pod ozbiljnom lupom javnosti. Svaki njihov „klinci”. Ta~nije, mislilo se da su oni ba{ mladi, sve dok ni- podvig (produ`eci sa CSKA, Barselonom, Bambergom, je krenula „reorganizacija”. pobede nad Lijetuvosom i Be{ikta{em) je glorifikovan, Povratak Du{ka Vujo{evi}a, najtrofejnijeg trenera u svaki neuspeh multiplikovan. istoriji Partizana, ozna~io je i okretanje nove stranice. Je- I{li su gore-dole-gore-dole... I onda, u jednom trenut- dan po jedan pristizali su sve mla|i od mla|eg. Iz Bana- ku, samo gore, do tog stepena mentalne ~vrstine da klin- ta, Francuske, San Hosea... Bez ijednog momka sa ozbilj- ci igraju klju~ne me~eve najbolje. Kako? nijim iskustvom igranja seniorske ko{arke, izuzev onih ko- – Ne mogu re}i da je bilo lako, ali sa druge strane, ji su se pre nekoliko meseci radovali tituli. kada se ispolji takva volja za pobedom, kada se sve to – Mnogo njih pre po~etka ove sezone prognoziralo je da slo`i u objektivne mogu}nosti da se slavi, onda i nije ta- je Partizan izabrao pogre{an trenutak da podmladi tim, ba{ ko te{ko. Upravo to se desilo sa ovim mom-cima – obja- kada je najve}i zna~aj Jadranske lige, kada samo rezultat {njava Vujo{evi}. u regionalnom takmi~enju donosi pravo igranja u Evroligi, S obzirom da je poznat kao strog trener, trofejnog {to je nama od velike va`nosti zbog materijalne situacije. stru~njaka smo pitali koliko je u radu sa tako mladim mom- Ovo podmla|ivanje ekipe je stvarno bio rizi~an potez i tre- cima potrebno biti pa`ljiv i tolerantan. balo je mnogo hrabrosti i vere. Ovi momci su svojom lju- Lakta{i

Partizan je na fajnal-fforu u Lakta{ima osvo- jio titulu prvaka regionalnog takmi~enja. Tada smo trenera crno-bbelih pitali da li je posle u~injenog u ABA ligi Partizan izne- nada postao i favorit za osvajanje doma- }eg {ampionata. – ^injenica je da je iza nas najzna~ajnije takmi~enje i da smo trofej u takvom takmi- ~enju osvojili. Na pitanje da li postoji opasnost da se po- sle velikih uspeha ekipa „opusti”, ili }e to delovati kao jo{ ja~i motiv, Vujo{evi} je od- govorio: – Nadam se da je ekipa jo{ daleko od uo- bra`enosti, uz kvalitet koji pretpostavlja iz- vesno potcenjivanje protivnika. Nadam se da je tim `eljan uspeha i trofeja i da ima ja- ku volju da to i postigne. 19 toto bebe aa coachcoach

Dusko Vujosevic, Partizan-mts BC How the team is inured

very summer brings uncertainty in important to us, for the reasons of finances. Rejuvenating Humska Street – who stays, who leaves, the team was really a risky move and it took much courage who comes? The three questions always and faith. With their love for the ball and their club and wish e asked in warm days of the year and to make careers and win trophies, these guys induced which regularly bring tension to fans, love of the audience and all normal people -Dusko managing board, a coach and players of Partizan, the Vujosevic explained the move from the beginning of the present and the potential ones. season when only teenagers and those at the age of 20 At the end of June 2012 many things happened in the approximately were coming. lines of the champion of Serbia. The most experienced play- He named them maybe the most talented generation ers left the club, Bozic, Kecman and Katic, their lending fin- he has ever led, more perspective than the one in the end ished Raduljica and Macvan and James did his part… The of 1980's. His words and all those guys as well were care- rest are only „kids”. More precisely, it was thought that they fully tracked by the public. Their every accomplishment are very young, until „reorganization” started. (extra time against CSKA, Barcelona, Bamberg, victories The return of Dusko Vujosevic, the most successful against Lietuvas and Besiktas) was glorified, each fail was coach in the history of Partizan, marked the turning of a multiplied. They were moving up and down, up and new page. The younger and younger were coming one by down…And then, in one moment, they were up only, to the one. From Banat, France, San Jose… There's not a single level of mental strength when the kids play the best in the player with experience in playing senior basketball, key matches. How is that possible? except those who celebrated the title a few months ago. – I can't say that it was easy, but, in the other hand, when – Many made a prognosis before the beginning of this such a wish for victory is expressed, when everything fits in season that Partizan chose a wrong moment to rejuvenate objective possibility for celebration, it's not that easy then. the team, in the moment of the biggest importance of That's what happened to these guys – Vujosevic explains. Adriatic league, when only a result in regional league Known as a stern coach, we asked the successful brings the right of playing in Euroleague, something really coach how careful and tolerant should one be in work with such young guys. Laktasi

In Final Four in Laktasi, Partizan won the title of the champion of regional competi- tion. We asked the coach of black-aand- whites did Partizan become a favorite for winning the national championship, after the success in ABA league. – The fact is that the most important compe- tition is behind us and we won the trophy. To the question about the possible danger of „relaxation” of the team after the great successes or it may seem as an even big- ger motif, Vujosevic replied: – I hope the team is still far from conceit, with possessing the quality that assumes certain depreciation of an opponent. I believe the team wishes trophies and suc- cess and strong will for achieving these goals. bitibiti trenertrener 20

– Ne `elim da se hvalim, ali smatram da sam trener sa iskustvom. Izme|u ostalog, trenirao sam dosta mladih igra~a. U dru`enju sa mnom postajali su i bolji igra~i i lju- di. Usavr{avali su kvalitete koje su potencijalno imali. Uo- stalom, moj zadatak je i bio da odaberem ovu ekipu, ove momke. Nisam ih slu~ajno pozvao u Partizan i naravno da sam ih stavio pred izvesna isku{enja, testiranja. Oni su to pro{li. Dakle, napravio sam dobar izbor. Dosta puta tokom sezone Vujo{evi} je istakao ljudske vrline momaka koje trenutno trenira. – Moram da ka`em da nisam radio sa timom ovakvih ljudskih kvaliteta, sa takvom radnom etikom, spremno{}u za `rtvovanjem... Momcima su kasnile plate, situacija u klubu je

[ampioni U trenutku zaklju~enja ovog broja, KK Partizan je okon~ao sezonu osvajanjem titule {ampiona Srbije. Do dvanaeste, uzastopne, titule igra~i Partizana do- {li su pobedom, nad Crvenom zvezdom u finalnoj seriji, rezultatom 3:1. Partizam je tako jo{ jednom, vo|en trenerom Du{kom Vujo{evi}em, potvrdio svoju dominaciju kako u ABA, tako i doma}oj ligi.

takva kakva je, ali se to nijednog momenta ne ose}a, niti bi- dao je Du{ko Vujo{evi}, najtrofejniji trener u istoriji najtro- lo kojim gestom mo`e da se nasluti. Kada bi ~ovek sa stra- fejnijeg srpskog kluba. ne do{ao i posmatrao situaciju, rekao bi da je sve idealno. Nekoliko puta u minuloj sezoni Vujo{evi} je zbog suspen- S obzirom da je ove sezone vodio ekipu prose~ne staro- zija morao da prepusti kormilo asistentu, ali iskusnom strate- sti ne{to vi{e od 21 godine, postavlja se pitanje da li je, zbog gu Velimiru Ga{i}u. Koliko ga ~ini spokojnim ~injenica da ima njihove mladosti, stro`iji ili popustljiviji prema igra~ima. pomo}nike u koje mo`e da se pouzda u svakom trenutku. – To spada u strategiju i taktiku koja se podrazumeva – I to je jedna od prednosti koje imamo. Moramo i mi zbog njihovih godina i razvoja li~nosti, kako fizi~ke tako i imati neku pred-nost, ako ni u ~emu drugom, onda u ljud- mentalne. Naro~ito je va`no formirati volju za pobedom. Ne- skom kvalitetu. kada sam strog, nekada popu-stljiv, zavisi {ta je u pitanju i Da li smatrate da je previ{e tenzija na utakmicama iz- koji efekat o~ekujem od mog prilaza njihovom problemu. me|u Partizana i Zvezde, na parketu i van njega? I ako Uvek se znalo da je Partizan kao mala vojska sa izvan- mislite, kako ih smanjiti? rednom hemijom me|u igra~ima i spremno{}u da se `r- – Ne znam da li }e mi neko verovati, ali meni je iskreno tvuje za saigra~a. Me|utim, u sezoni 2012/2013 crno-beli stalo da se ti susreti igraju u fer i sportskim okvirima. Zaista. dres je nosila grupa momaka koja je odisala zajedni{tvom. Naravno tenzija mora biti, jer to je rivalstvo koje je preraslo – To je jedna od osobina koja ih krasi i koja se ne mo- u genetiku, ali to ne zna~i da mora da bude zlokobno. ^e- `e niti plati-ti, niti nametnuti. Ponosan sam na to! sto reagujem kako ne bih `eleo, ali verujte da uvek reagu- Kada smo pitali Vujo{evi}a koji je klju~ni faktor koji do- jem na ve} stvorenu situaciju koju ja ne krei-ram. To je mo- nosi uspehe ovom timu, trener crno-belih je istakao: ja mana i morao bih biti lukaviji u tim trenucima. Pro-radi – Upravo zajedni{tvo koje je izgra|eno kroz naporan ose}aj za pravdu i to neki put izmakne mojoj kontroli. Mno- rad. ^esto pri~am da je proces treninga alhemijski u kom gi to znaju i zato prave provokaciju. Sa svoje strane, u~ini- se znoj pretvara u zlato. I siguran sam da se oni koji na- }u sve da toga uop{te vi{e ne bude, ako je mogu}e. porno rade, ne predaju tako lako. Du{ko Vujo{evi} ~esto govori o finansijskim pote{ko}a- A kada je u pitanju potencijal ekipe sa po~etka pri~e, ma sa kojima se Partizana suo~ava. U jednom trenutku re- gde je sam Vujo{evi} rekao da Partizan trenutno ima mo- kao je da su mu igra~i vratili ljubav prema ko{arci, pa je lo- `da i jednu od talentova-nijih generacija, postavlja se pi- gi~no pitanje bilo koliko bi ga pogodi-lo ako sa projektom tanje – koji su individualni dometi pojedinaca? koji je zapo~eo pro{log leta ne bi moglo da se nastavi. – Sada je stvar u njihovim rukama. Kolike }e biti gornje – O tome ne razmi{ljam, a ne volim ni da govorim. Da li granice i da li postoji neko iznad limita, to }e oni dokaza- je ideja za-trti ne{to radi ne~ega {to bi eventualno imalo {an- ti. Nau~ili su se radu, po{tovanju, shvatili su {ta je drugar- su. Ne vidim da bi to trebalo ikome da smeta. Pored Partiza- stvo, {ta je karakter, pona{anje u timu. Sada i mene zani- na mo`e biti onoliko uspeha i ne moramo mi nestati da bi bi- ma koliko ko mo`e i ume, ali talenta imaju svi. Od talenta lo uspeha za druge. Nadam se da kao dru-{tvo nismo stigli do krajnjeg dostignu}a je ogroman put. Vide}emo – do- do te ta~ke. M. Ne{ovi} 21 toto bebe aa coachcoach

– I don't want to boast but I think I'm an experienced coach. Among the rest, I trained so many young players. The champions In taking up with me they became better players and bet- At the time this article was ready to print, BC ter men. They were improving their qualities they poten- Partizan had finished this season by winning tially had. Anyway, it was my task to select this team, a Serbian National Championchip. In the these guys. I didn't invite them to Partizan accidentally; I finals, they won twelfth consecutive title made them pass certain temptations and tests. They beating BC Red Star Belgrade by 3-11. Once passed that. So, I made the right choice. more, led by coach Dusan Vujosevic KK Many times during the seaso0n Vujosevic pointed out Partizan continued to dominate national, as the virtues of the guys he trains at the moment well as ABA championchip. – I must say that I've never worked with the team with this much human qualities, with such an ethic in work and readiness for sacrifice…The salaries used to late, situa- Speaking of the potential of the team from the begin- tion in the club is the way it is but it couldn't be felt in any ning of this story, where Vujosevic himself said that moment or gesture. If a strange man watches the situa- Partizan has one of the most talented generation at the tion, he will say that everything's perfect. moment, the question is – what are the individual capabil- Since he led the team of average age slightly above 21 ities of these guys? this year, the question is, for the reasons of their youth, is – It's all in their hands now. What will be the limits and he sterner or yielding. is there someone beyond the limits, it's on them to prove – It's the matter of strategy and tactics which is under- so. They learned to work, respect, they realized what com- stood for their age and development of their personality, panionship is, character, behavior in the team. I'm inter- mentally and physically. Of particular importance is to ested in how much each of them can now, they all have form the wish for victory. Sometimes I'm stern, sometimes got talent. From talent to the utmost achievement, the path yielding, it depends on the situation and what is the effect is quite long. We'll see – added Vujosevic, the most prolif- I expect from my approach to their problem. ic coach in the history of the most successful Serbian club. It's known that Partizan is always like a small army with For suspensions, several times in the last season extraordinary chemistry among players and readiness to Vujosevic had to leave the team to his assistant, the expe- sacrifice for a mate. However, in the season 2012/13, the rienced strategist Velimir Gasic. How calm is he, knowing black-white trunks wore the group of guys who exuded that he has associates he can rely on in every moment with fellowship. – It's one more advantages we have. We must have cer- – It's one of their good characteristics that can't be tain advantage as well, in quality of the people for example. either paid or imposed. I'm proud to that. Do you find that the tensions in games between Red When we asked Vujosevic about the key factor of this Star and Partizan are exaggerated, on the court and out- team's successes, the coach pointed out the following: side it? If so, how to reduce them? – It's the fellowship built through a strenuous work. I – I'm not sure will people believe me but I honestly wish keep on claiming that the training process is alchemical, those matches to be played fair and in sport atmosphere. the sweat turns into gold. I'm sure that those who work Really. Of course, tensions must be present, it's the rivalry strenuously don't give up easily. that is transformed in genetics but, it doesn't mean that it should be ominous. I often react the way I don't really like to but, believe me, it's always after the already present sit- uation I do not create. It's my defect and I should be more cunning in those moments. The sense for justice wakes up and it goes out of my control. Many people know that so they provoke. As far as I'm concerned, I'll do everything to make it become history, if possible. Dusko Vujosevic often speaks of the financial prob- lems Partizan faces with. In one moment, he said that players brought back him the love for basketball so the logical question is how much he would be affected if the project he started last year couldn't be continued. – I'm not thinking of that, and don't like to talk also. Is there the idea of extinguishing something for the reasons of a thing that might have a chance? I'm not sure that any- body has problems with that. Beside Partizan there can be so much success and we don't have to disappear in order to make space for someone else's successes. I hope that we as the society didn't come to that point. KSSKSS 22

Trofej Beograda poslu`io kao generalna proba pred Evropsko prvenstvo Put kojim treba i}i

rofej Beograda je poslu`io svrsi. Na`a- tivnika na Evropskom prvenstvu, kao i to da su Letonija lost, u konkurenciji Crne Gore, Italije i i Velika Britanija vrlo dominantne reprezentacije u tom Kanade najbolje ko{arka{ice Srbije nisu segmentu igre. Ali, ako je moralo tako ne{to da se desi, t uspele da odbrane trofej osvojen pro{le neka je bilo sada, u pripremnom periodu. Me|utim, ako godine. Ali, nema nikakve dileme da su se ponovi, bi}emo u ozbiljnom problemu. na poslednjoj proveri pred doma}om publikom ostavile Ve} je slede}i me~ na turniru u „[umicama” pokazao lepu sliku. Navija~i sada sa velikim nestrpljenjem o~eku- veliki pomak. I to ne samo kada je skok u pitanju. Protiv ju Evropsko prvenstvo u Francuskoj koje se igra od 15. Italije Srbija je izgledala onako kako bi trebalo da izgle- do 30. juna, a na kome je Srbija u C grupi, sa selekcija- da i na kontinentalnoj smotri. ma Velike Britanije, Francuske i Letonije. Tim redom i – To je osnova i put kojim treba da idemo, na~in na igra utakmice na kontinentalnoj smotri. koji mo`emo da igramo protiv nama ravnih protivnika, a Svih dana trajanja sada ve} tradicionalnog turnira mo`da i ja~ih od nas – istakla je Maljkovi}eva. „Trofej Beograda”, a posebno u po- slednjoj utakmici, pravom malom der- biju sa Crnom Gorom, dvorana „[umi- ce” je bila poprili~no ispunjena. Bilo je tu devoj~ica koje tek po~inju da se igraju ko{arke, dosta sada{njih, ali i biv{ih ko{arka{ica, sve do „obi~nih” ljubitelja `enske ko{arke i reprezenta- cije Srbije. Zato je Marina Maljkovi}, selektor- ka na{eg tima, pre svega `elela da naglasi: – Utisci sa „Trofeja Beograda” su zaista fantasti~ni. Atmosefera koju je napravila publika u „[umicama” i na- ~in na koji su nas navija~i bodrili je ne- {to {to }emo dugo pamtiti. Posebno nas raduje {to je veliki broj devoj~ica koje treniraju ko{arku, tra`io autogra- me i `eleo da se slika sa na{im repre- zentativkama. To je veliko ohrabrenje i znak da smo na pravom putu. U analizi ura|enog na turniru, Malj- kovi}eva je dodala da smo odirali „dve veoma dobre i jednu ba{ lo{u utakmicu”. Po~e}e- U analizi me~a sa Italijankama prva me|u srpskim mo od one lo{e – prvog dana protiv Kanade, na videlo ko{arka{kim damama je istakla: je izbio potencijalno veliki problem – skok. Taj me~ srp- – Ulo`ili smo mnogo ve}u energiju, pre svega u od- ski tim je izgubio, ali ve}i problem je predstavljao odnos brani i skoku. I to jedini na~in na koji mi mo`emo da igra- uhva}enih lopti, 50-29 u korist devojaka iz Severne Ame- mo. Bila je to utakmica visokog intenziteta. Takve su rike. nam potrebne jer nas to o~ekuje i na [ampionatu u Fran- – Takav odnos skokova nije karakteristi~an za timo- cuskoj. Dosta se tr~alo, puno se „radilo”. Za razliku od ve koje ja treniram i to mo`e da bude ozbiljan problem me~a protiv Kanade, kada nismo „radili” i nismo glava- na Evropskom prvenstvu – dodala je Maljkovi}eva. – ma bili u utakmici, sada su glave bile tu, one su samim Igra~icama je po prili~no mu~no kada pomenem skok. tim dirigovale srcu i telu. Od prvog dana priprema pri~amo o tome, devojkama Vrlo svesna da ima jo{ mnogo prostora za napredak, su izneti svi statisti~ki podaci, karakteristike na{ih pro- selektorka je poru~ila: 23 SBASBA

The trophy of Belgrade served as a general rehearsal before European Championship The way to go

he trophy of Belgrade served its pur- Serbia looked like it should look in the European pose. Unfortunately, next to , Championship. Italy and Canada, Serbian women – That's the base and the path we should follow, the t national team failed to keep the trophy way of playing against opponents similar to us and they won last year. But, no dilemma they maybe even better -Maljkovic pointed out. left good impressions in the last check in front of home In analyzing the match with Italy, the first lady of audience. The fans now are impatient in expecting the women basketball said: European Championship in France taking place from 15 – We put much more energy, primarily in defense to 30 June, where Serbia is in group C, with selections of and rebounds. And, that's the only way we can play. Great Britain, France and Latvia. That's the order of It was the game of high intensity. We need such forthcoming games in the championship. matches since that's what is expecting us on During all days of the traditional tournament „The Championship in France. There were much running Trophy of Belgrade”, and particularly in the last and much work. Unlike the match with Canada, when game, in derby with Montenegro, „Sumice” sport we didn't „worked” and our heads were absent, they hall was quite crowded. There were girls who just were present this time and conducted the heart and started to play basketball, many present and ex body. women basketball players and „other” fans of Quite aware of much more space for progress, the women basketball and national team. Therefore, head coach bespoke: Marina Maljkovic, the head coach of our team, among the rest wanted to point out the following: – Impressions from „The Trophy of Belgrade” Face the truth are really fantastic. The atmosphere made by the audience in „Sumice” hall and the way they sup- ported our team is the thing we'll remember a The best women basketball players, by their long time. We're particularly glad for the large matches in qualifications for the Eurobasket number of girls who train basketball and asked for last year, woke up the optimism in fans of autograph and taking photos with our team mem- women basketball in the country and bers. It's great encouragement and a prove of strengthen it up with their great wish demon- being on the right path. strated in „The trophy of Belgrade”. There's In the analysis of the things done in the tourna- no doubt that they'll do their best in the ment, Maljkovic added that we played „2 very good European Championship in France, wishing and 1 quite bad game”. Let's start from the bad one to get as far as possible. But,certain things – the first day against Canada, a potentially big mustn't be forgotten. problem came up – the rebound. Serbian team lost – Not only the favorites of any kind in the that match but bigger problem was the final score European Championship but also, we've in rebounds, 50-29 for girls from North America. been for years the team situated on the very – Such a ratio in rebounds isn't characteristic for the bottom. In the end, we were put there by teams I lead and it can be a serious problem in the wise experts from FIBA Europe. They didn't Championship – Maljkovic added. – On mentioning the put us on 6th place but on 12th or 14th. It's rebound, the players feel quite distressed. We speak of that not unreasonable yet. All the people know from the first day of preparations, the girls are familiar with that we hadn't been existed for years back, all statistic data, our opponents' characteristics and the fact we didn't participate in the European that Great Britain and Latvia are very dominant in that seg- Championship in 2011 and in some even ment of play. But, if something like that must happen, it's earlier championships we were among the better to get through it now, in the period of preparations. last ones. I'll get back to that story five times However, if it happens again, we'll be in serious problems. if needed since I want to face the truth – The very next match in „Sumice” showed big Maljkovic said. progress. Not only in the terms of rebound. Against Italy, KSSKSS 24

ne Gore, u}i u nekoj va`nijoj utakmici – dodala je Malj- Istini u o~i kovi}eva. I u tom me~u videli smo fanati~no borbenu Srbiju, br- zu i preciznu, protiv izuzetno kvalitetnog rivala, ekipe koja Najbolje srpske ko{arka{ice su jo{ pro{le je pro{lu kontinentalnu smotru zavr{ila na {estom mestu. godine, partijama u kvalifikacijama za Evro- – Ne treba tro{iti re~i na to kakva je ekipa Crna Gora. basket, probudile optimizam kod ljubitelja Dovoljno je pogledati imena i prezimena tih ko{arka{ica `enske ko{arke u zemlji, a ogromnom `eljom i klubovi u kojima igraju. Opet je najve}i problem bio demonstriranom na „Trofeju Beograda” sa- skok. Moramo da radimo na tome, da ispravljamo kako mo ga prodgrejale. znamo i umemo. Nema nikakve dileme da }e na Evropskom Ni u jednom me~u turnira u Beogradu Srbija nije igra- prvenstvu u Francuskoj dati sve od sebe, `e- la u istom sastavu. Maljkovi}eva je na svakom menjala le}i da doguraju {to je dalje mogu}e. Ali, ne- po ~etiri igra~ice. ke stvari se ipak ne smeju zaboraviti. – Ni{ta to nije slu~ajno. Ni broj igra~ica koje su tu, ni ko – Mi ne da nismo favoriti bilo koje vrste na je igrao koju utakmicu. Svaki put sam imala drugi koncept Evropskom prvenstvu, nego smo ekipa koja tima, na svakoj utakmici neki novi, u `elji da isprobam sve je godinama u samom dnu. Na kraju, tu su varijante. Radili smo na tome da prona|emo pravi put. nas stavili mudri i stru~ni ljudi iz FIBA Evro- Ali, ma kojih 12 je bilo u timu, na terenu se to nije pe. Nisu nas stavili na {esto mesto, nego na osetilo. 12 ili 14. I, nije to bez razloga. Svi dobro zna- – Nije va`no kojih 12 igra, svaka igra~ica mora da ju da mi godinama unazad prakti~no nismo pru`i svoj puni doprinos, po{tuju}i strogo zahteve koje postojali, nismo u~estvovali na Evropskom sam im dala. Sve one to moraju da shvate i nema tu dru- prvenstvu 2011, a na na nekim ranijim smo gih razmi{ljanja. Koja to ne razume, ne}e biti deo ovoga. bili me|u poslednjima. Vrati}u se ako treba ^ak i ona koja je 12. mora da smeje, da izgleda lepo, da pet puta na tu pri~u, jer `elim da gledam isti- na klupi ima pravi izraz lica u pravom trenutku. ^eka nas ni u o~i – poru~ila je Maljkovi}eva. Evropsko prvenstvo, to je velika stvar. Umesto zaklju~ka, Maljkovi}eva je poru~ila: – Sa turnirom u Beogradu smo postigli ono {to smo – Daleko od toga da smo videli sjajnu igru. Ali, ova- hteli. Nismo izgubili vreme. Osim u toj prvoj utakmici, to kva odbrambena energija i ozbiljnost, sa svim gre{kama je bilo ba~eno vreme. Protiv Italije i Crne Gore smo stvar- koje su napravljene, je osnova. no radili. Bile su to utakmice jakog intenziteta, kakve su Bio je to me~ koji nam je „pokazao” i kakvu igru }e re- Srbiji potrebne. prezentacija Srbije forsirati na kontinentalnoj smotri u B. Kostre{ Francuskoj. – Imali smo veliki broj kontranapada, a takva igra nam le`i jer mi imamo brz tim. Tako|e, bilo je mnogo pametnijih i racionalnijih od- luka u pozicionom napadu. Ipak, znamo da mo`emo daleko vi{e da uradimo, ali ovo je osnova sa kojom re- prezentacija Srbije mo`e da pobe|uje. Od istog recepta Srbija nije odustala ni u posled- njem me~u turnira, protiv Crne Gore. Ovog puta, sjaj- nu igru izabranice Marine Maljkovi} nisu krunisale po- bedom, iako su imale po- slednji napad i priliku da promene ishod me~a. – Samo mo`emo da da se nadamo da }e taj pro- ma{aj Ane Dabovi} u po- slednjoj sekundi protiv Cr- 25 SBASBA

But, no matter what 12 players were in the team, it couldn't be felt on the court. – No matter what 12 players play, each player must give her maximum, through respecting the demands I've set. They all must realize that and there aren't any other ponderings. The one who doesn't under- stand that won't be the part of this. Even the 12th one must laugh, look nice and have the right countenance in the right moment on the bench. We're near the European Championship, it's a big deal. Instead of conclusion, Maljkovic sent a word:

– It's far from having a great play. But, the defensive energy and seriousness like this, with all the mistakes made, seems to be the foundation. It was the match which „showed” us what play the Serbian team force in France. – We had a large number of counter-attacks and we're good in such a play since our team is fast. Also, there were a lot of smarter and more rational decisions in posi- tional attack. Still, we know that we can do much more but this is the base on which Serbian team can win games. The same concept Serbia had in the last match of the tournament, against Montenegro. This time, the great play of Marina Maljkovic's selection didn't ended up by winning, though they had the last attack and a chance to change the final result. – We can only hope that Ana Dabovic's miss in the last second against Montenegro will happen different way in some more important game -Maljkovic added. In that match we saw a quite pugnacious Serbian team, fast and precise, in play against quite qualitative rival, the team which took the 6th place in the last European Championship. – There's no need to explain what team Montenegro is. It's enough to take a look at the names and last names of players and clubs where they play. Rebound was the main problem again. We must practice it, o cor- rect it by any available means. Not in a single match of the tournament in Belgrade Serbia played in the same line-up. Maljkovic changed 4 players each time. – Nothing is accidental. The number of players, the – With the tournament in Belgrade we did what we players who played certain game. Each time we had a wanted. We didn't lost time, except in the first game, that different concept of the team, in each game there was a was a wasted time. Against Italy and Montenegro we new one, wishing to try out all possible options. We really worked.Those were the high intensity games, the worked on trying to find the right path. ones Serbia needs. bitibiti trenertrener 26

Ranko @eravica, dobitnik ameri~ke nagrade za `ivotno delo U~itelj za ceo svet

anko @eravica nikada svojom energijom, Kako su reagovali Amerikanci? elanom za ko{arku koji ga nikada ne na- – Bili su jako iznena|eni. I tim podacima, a i tim me- pu{ta, pedantnim pra}enjem ko{arka- rama koje smo preduzmali. Pokazao sam im kako igra~ r {kih zbivanja, ogromnim znanjem ali i na- da bi do{ao do punog izra`aja u reprezentativnom dre- gradama i priznanjima kojima mu je svet su, treba da odigra oko 40 utakmica. Oni taj problem ni- uvek nesebi~no pokazivao koliko ga ceni i po{tuje, uvek je su imali, oni su sastavljali svoje reperezentacije a mi smo zahvalan sagovornik. Najnovije u tom nizu priznanja je na- ih stvarali. Kada su sve to ~uli, bili su jako zainteresovani grada za `ivotno delo Ameri~ke trenerske organizacije: da pred finale odr`im jo{ jedno predavanje na kome sam – Ja to priznanje izuzetno ce- izneo svoju ko{arka{ku filosofiju. I nim, jer to je nagrada od kolega. tu sam ih iznenadio sa nekim svo- Oni najbolje poznanju ono {to sam jim razmi{ljanjima ali i egzaktnim uradio za ko{arku i zato to vi{e ce- podacima. Recimo, najmla|i da- nim od ulaska u Ku}u slavnih ~iji nas imaju sve u ponudi, od televizi- sam tako|e ~lan. Nagrada se do- je, kompjutera, igrica, interneta. deljuje ameri~kim trenerima i jed- Njihova glava je stalno u tome. Oni nom treneru van podru~ja Amerike. dolaze na treninge, odra|uju ih Ta manifestacija bila je zaista fanta- profesionalno ali glavom nisu pri- sti~na. Proslavljali su 75 godina fi- sutni. ^im se zav{i trening, ne mi- nal-foura pa je i izabrana dvorana sle vi{e o ko{arci. Te{ko je danas koja i prima 75 000 gledalaca u trenerima da zaraze decu ko{ar- Atlanti. Nagradu su dodelili prvog kom.Ovo su odmah shvatili i prepo- dana, prakti~no na polufinalu gde znali i kao njihov problem. Ono {to sam ja i odr`ao predavanje koje ih je malo pogodilo je kada sam sam i imao kao obavezu i gde sam govorio o metodici. Oni imaju svoju govorio o putu jugoslovenske re- metodiku, koja daje rezultate i sve prezentacije ka svetskom vrhu, jer je u redu. Ali, ja sam posle mnogo je to bilo ~udo za njih, da neko po- analiza zaklju~io da ne mo`e{ istim sti`e u jako dugom periodu vrhunske rezultate. Moj sin ko- metodama trenirati jednog Skandinavca i jednog Tur~ina ji zivi u Americi mi je pomogao da pripremim neke podat- ili jednog Grka i Nemca i na osnovu toga sam izgradio ke, izme|u ostalog i tabelu FIBA na kojoj smo mi na pr- stav da treneri moraju {to vi{e da upoznaju sredinu gde vom mestu po broju zlatnih medalja sa SP i OI, imamo ih treba da rade, istoriju, kulturu, obi~aje i na osnovu toga 5. Nakon SP u Turskoj i Amerika ima 5 zlata ali ta tabela je da odaberu metode koje odgovaraju toj sredini. Kao je- ra|ena pre toga tako da se ime na{e zemlje na{lo na pr- dan od dokaza pru`io sam im ~injenicu da na{i treneri ra- vom mestu.To je bilo veliko iznena|enje za njih. Po{to de u ~ak 24 zemlje. Bio je muk u sali. Samo dva na{a tre- sam dugo bio uklju~en u rad Saveza, preneo sam im da nera Obradovi} i Maljkovi} osvojili su 12 {ampionata smo mi imali i niz mera koje su pratile na{ rad. Napr, za- Evrope i to u razli~itim sredinama. Iznosio sam i podatke branjivali smo prelazak juniora iz kluba u klub, od svako- o {irokoj rasprostranjenosti na{ih igra~a {irom sveta. Za- ga smo trazili da je upisan u {kolu, da ne mo`e da igra to {to su dobro obu~eni ovim na{im metodama i jako ce- svako ko{arku ve} samo onaj ko je talentovan. To je bila njeni. Srpski jezik je drugi ko{arka{ki jezik u svetu, iza en- jedna od najva`nijih odluka. Nju sam predlo`io posle pr- gleskog i svuda ga mo`ete ~uti. Sve to su toliko pa`ljivo vog juniorskog evropskog prvenstva na koje sam odveo slu{ali i zapisivali da su me zamolili da i posle predava- igra~e koji su najbolji bili u tom trenutku ali koji nisu bili nja ostanem u holu da odgovaram na ostala pitanja. Do- perspektivni. Niko od njih posle i nije imao neke zapa`e- du{e, vi{e su se posle slikali samnom nego {to su pitali nije uspehe i kada sam video da druge zemlje imaju perp- ali to su Amerikanci. Tako da je sve u svemu ovo bio izu- sektivnije igra~e, vratio sam se u zemlju i predlo`io da po- zetan uspeh, vredno priznanje i jo{ jedna afiramacija na- svetimo mnogo vi{e pa`nje selkciji. Nismo imali ni dvora- {e ko{arke u zemlji koja je kolevka ko{arke – ka`e legen- ne, ni trenere, ni opremu i moralo je da se vodi ra~una o da na{e i svetske ko{arke Ranko @eravica koji ve} godi- selekciji. To je prihva}eno od KSJ i to je postao standard nama dr`i predavanja u 23 zemlje sveta i prenosi boga- u na{em radu. U tome smo bili najuspe{niji na svetu. ta iskustva svoje i na{e ko{arka{ke prakse. 27 toto bebe aa coachcoach

Ranko Zeravica, winner of the American prize for lifework The teacher for entire world

anko Zeravica with his energy, elk for – They were very surprised. By the data and by the basketball which never leaves him, decisions we made. I showed them that a player must meticulous tracking the basketball hap- play about 40 games in order to become prominent in r penings, huge knowledge and prizes the national team. They haven't got such a problem, and rewards shown to him by the world while we were creating the national team, they were is a quite appreciative interlocutor. The newest acknowl- compiling it. When they heard all these things, they were edgment is the prize for lifework by American coaching quite interested in making one more lecture where I pre- organization. sented my basketball philosophy. I surprised them again – I appreciate it quite much since it's the prize from with some reflections and some exact data. Let's say, colleagues. They know what I did for basketball best and the young today have got everything, TV's, computers, therefore I appreciate it more than entering the Hall of games, internet. Their head is constantly in that. They Fame I'm a member of which. The prize is granted to come to trainings, they do them professionally but their American coaches and one coach out of America. That head is absent. As soon as the training is over, they for- manifestation was really. They were celebrating the 75th get it. It's hard for coaches to infect children with bas- anniversary of final four so the hall in Atlanta where 75000 ketball. They saw this quite fast and recognized it as attendants can enter was chosen. They granted the prize their problem. The thing that startled them a bit was the first day, in the semifinal game where I had a lecture when I spoke of methods. They have their methods that which was my obligation, where I spoke of the path of make results and everything's fine. But, after many Yugoslav national team to the top of the world since they analyses I concluded that you can't train a Scandinavian find strange how one can make top – level results and a Turk using the same method or a Greek and a throughout long period of time. My son lives in America German and, on that basis, I made a standpoint saying and he helped me to prepare some data and, among the that coaches must get familiar with the environment of rest, the FIBA chart showing that we're the on the first the future workplace, history, culture, customs and, on place by the number of gold medals in World the basis of that, to choose the methods appropriate to Championships and Olympic Games, we have 5. After the that place. As evidence, I gave them the fact that our championship in Turkey America has 5 golds as well but coaches work in 24 countries. The silence occurred. the chart was made before that so the name of our coun- Only two our coaches won in 12 European champi- try was on the first place. It was a big surprise for them. onships in different environments. I mentioned the data Since I was actively included in the work of the associa- about large diffusion of our players all over the world. It's tion, I told them that we had had a number of steps that because they are trained with these methods of ours followed our work. For example, we forbid a transfer of the and very valued. Serbian language is the second bas- junior player from club to club; we demanded from every- ketball language in the world, after English, and can be one to be registered in school, not everybody can play heard everywhere. They listened very carefully and basketball but only talented ones. It was one of the most noted jotted down everything and asked me to stay in important decisions. I suggested it after the world cham- the hall after the lectures and answer questions. pionship for juniors where I took players who were the Anyway, they mostly took photos with me, more than best at that moment but not perspective. None of them asking but, they're Americans. All in all, this was a very had some important results and when I saw that other big success, valuable prize and another affirmation of countries have more perspective players, I came back to our basketball in the country which is the cradle of bas- the country and suggested that we should pay more ketball – says the legend of our and world basketball, attention to selection. It was accepted by YBA and it Ranko Zeravica, who has been making lectures in 23 became the standard in our work. We were the world's countries for years, transferring rich experiences of his most succesfull people in that. and our basketball praxis. How the Americans did react? Bozidar Manojlovic evroligaevroliga 28

Impresivan u~inak trenera Srbije Od 25 titula – 15 na{im stru~njacima

avr{ni turnir Me|utim, iako u Londonu ni- ko{arka{ke je bilo srpskih trenera na klupa- Evrolige, po- ma ekipa ono ~ime Srbija mo`e z pularni fajnal da se ponosi je da su na pret- for prvi put hodnih 25. odr`anih finalnih tur- ove godine imao je jedan ku- nira, srpski stru~njaci trijumfova- riozitet vezan za srpsku ko- li ~ak 15 puta, ~ime ne mo`e da {arku. Naime, prvi put u po- se podi~ni nijedna trenerska or- slednjih 20 godina na zavr- ganizacija u Evropi. {nom turniru nije bilo nikog od Mo`da bi na{ih trenera i bilo na{ih trenera. u Londonu da @eljko Obradovi} Jo{ od 1992. Godine i Is- i Du{an Ivkovi}, koji su zajedno tanbula kada je @eljko Obrado- osvojili 10 titula prvaka, nisu vi} pokorio stari kontinent Srbija je na svakom slede}em uzeli godinu dana pauze, ili da Pe{i} i Maljkovi} vode ne- turniru imala trenera koji je vodio neki tim. Me|utim, ono ki vrhunski klub. Me|utim, situacija je ove godine bila {to je dobro je da je ove godine kao i do sada bilo srpskih druga~ija. igra~a na zavr{nom turniru, jer u CSKA igraju Milo{ Teodo- Ali, nepobitna ~injenica je da su ko{arka{ki treneri iz si}, Nenad Krsti}, Zoran Erceg i Vladimir Micov. Srbije daleko najuspe{niji u Evropi a da iza generacije Ivkovi}a, Obradovi}a, Pe{i- }a, Maljkovi}a, sti`u novi Na{i pobednici stru~njaci u vidu Aleksandra D`iki}a, Aleksandra Trifuno- vi}a, Sa{e Obradovi}a i dr. 1989. Jugoplastika Bo`idar Maljkovi} koji su kadri da osvoje titule u 1990. Jugoplastika Bo`idar Maljkovi} Evroligi. 1992. Partizan @eljko Obradovi} Najvi{e titula u Evroligi od srpskih stratega ima, naravno, 1993. Limo` Bo`idar Maljkovi} @eljko Obradovi} – osam, koje 1994. Huventud @eljko Obradovi} je osvjao sa ~ak ~etiri razli~ita 1995. Real Madrid @eljko Obradovi} evropska kluba, a zapo~eo sa Partizanom. 1996. Panatinikos Bo`idar Maljkovi} Iza njega sledi Bo`idar 1997. Olimpijakos Du{an Ivkovi} Maljkovi} ~etiri titule prvaka 2000. Panatinikos @eljko Obradovi} Starog kontinenta osvajao sa tri kluba, a onda Du{an Duda Ivkovi} sa dve titule, i to sa 2002. Panatinikos @eljko Obradovi} jednim klubom, i Svetislav Pe{i} sa jednom krunom. 2003. Barselona Svetislav Pe{i} Od ostalih evropskih stru~njaka iz vremena fajnal fo- 2007. Panatinikos @eljko Obradovi} ra Etore Mesina ima ~etiri titule, Pini Ger{on tri, a ostali po jednu. 2009. Panatinikos @eljko Obradovi} Zanimljivo je da su u periodu od {est godina titulu {am- 2011. Panatinikos @eljko Obradovi} piona Evrolige osvajali samo srpski treneri i to u periodu od 2012. Olimpijakos Du{an Ivkovi} 1992. do 1997. kada su prvaci bili Obradovi} (1992,94,95), Maljkovi} (1993,96) i Ivkovi} 1997) 29 euroleagueeuroleague

An impressive efficiency of Serbian coaches Out of 25 titles – 15 go to our experts

e} tradicionalno, najstariji trenerski semi- Kada se sve to sagleda, moramo naglasiti da je pra- nar za one koji vode mla|e kategorije ko- va {teta {to seminar nije propratio ve}i broj trenera. Me- {arka{a „vezuje” se za finale juniorskog |utim ovoga puta desio se jo{ jedan neo~ekivan doga- v prvenstva. U principu, naro~ito ako je u |aj koji je svakako uticao na manju posetu seminara. Beogradu ili ^a~ku, onda to bude i naj- Re~ je o ~injenici da je pred sam seminar, kada su pozi- masovniji trenerski skup posve}en stru~nom usavr{ava- vi ve} oti{li i sve utana~eno, Finalni dan juniorskog pr- nju. Tako je trebalo da bude i na ovogodi{njem Trener- venstva, preba~en za dan kasnije, odnosno ponedeljak skim danima odr`anim 28. aprila i to u ^a~ku. 29. aprila. Mnogi treneri su bili zbunjeni ovom prome- Mada je semimar obave- nom, prakti~no i programa Trenerskih dana. Dobar broj zan, mada je organizator – njih, udaljenih od ^a~ka ipak su se opredelili da se iz- UKTS, svoj deo priprema od- me|u Trenerskih dana i Finalnog dana juniorskog prven- radilo na zavidnom nivou i stva, opredele za pra}enje utakmica na{ih najkvalitetni- mada se seminar odr`avao u jih juniorskih ekipa. Zaista neo~ekivan doga|aj koji bi u ^a~ku, kada je prisustvo tre- godinama koje dolaze, trebalo izbe}i. nera u pitanju, do`ivljen je „Trenerski dani” je naziv koji je ostao iz nekih boljih pravi fijasko. Umesto o~eki- vremena kada su susreti trenera trajali dva do tri dana. vanih tri do ~etiri stotine tre- Zbog sveop{te materijalne krize koja je kod trenera koji nera, ove godine je u Sport- rade sa mla|im kategorijama i te kako izra`ena, ve} skom centru „Mladost” njih odavno „Trenerski dani” traju samo jedan dan, a veziva- tek oko sto pedest pratilo njem za finale tekmi~enja, upravo mla|ih kategorija, sa- predavanja. dr`aj je upotpunjen, odnosno oba doga|aja su o jed- Ali, posvetimo se onima nom tro{ku, {to koji su to vi{e zaslu`ili. Preda- svakako nije bez va~i su bili na{i ve} ugledni treneri. Dejan Mijatovi} je zna~aja. obradio temu: Kontranapad i sekundarni kontranapad. Bilo kako bi- Milkan Mr|a je ponudio ne{to sasvim novo iz oblasti ko- lo, u UKTS je za- ja sve vi{e postaje neophodna i u trenerskom poslu: Uti- uzet ~vrst stav, caj tehnolo{kih inovacija u oblikovanju trena`nog proce- da se za sve sa i pripreme utakmica. Aleksandar D`iki} je obradio te- one koji nisu pri- mu: Kontinuirani kontranapad. sustvovali ovom Bez dileme, predavanja su bila izuzetno pripremljena obaveznom se- i prezentovana. Interesovanje prisutnih je bilo izuzetno, minaru, dosled- a najbolji dokaz su dopunska pitanja, tako da je svaki no primeni Pravilnik i da se taksa duplira kod narednog predava~, uz podr{ku prisutnih, „probio” termin . prijavljivanja. To je izgleda jedini na~in da se po{tuju I onaj „periferni” deo organizacije besprekorno je pravila udru`enja kome se pripada i od koga se , s pra- funkcionisao. Nije bilo zastoja kod prijavljivanja, a ve} vom o~ekuje da brine o stru~nom usavr{avanju svojih uobi~ajeni tranerski paket je dobio visoku ocenu prisut- ~lanova. Uostalom to je gotovo i smisao postojanja nih trenera. Udru`enja. Oni koji koji nisu spremni da u~e i usavr{ava- Poseban doprinos organizaciji, kao i uvek, dao je doma- ju se svakako bi trebalo da potra`e neko drugo zanima- }i KK Mladost, odnosno juniori ovog kluba koji su sa preda- nje, jer u savremenoj ko{arci i ko{arci budu~nosti, za ta- va}ima radili kao deminstratori. Ovi mladi predava~i dobo- kve nema mesta. Naravno, u~enje jeste, ponekad, |a- li su visoku ovcenu, od predava~a sa kojima su sara|ivali, volski te`ak posao, pa i ko{ta, ali znanje mnogo vredi. za obu~enost i trud koji su ulo`ili na ovom seminaru. S. P. `enska`enska ko{arkako{arka 30

Zoran Tir predvodi projekat popularizacije `enske ko{arke Srbija puna talenata

odinama unazad slu{amo pri~e kako se – Ove godine, kroz sve treninge je pro{lo 500 igra~i- u Srbiji mali broj devoj~ica odlu~uje za ca, od 1999. do 2001. godi{ta, ~ak je bilo i nekoliko de- igru sa narand`anstom loptom. Procene voj~ica ro|enih 2002. Sada moramo da taj kvantitet pre- g o tome koliko ima registrovanih ko{arka- tvorimo u kvalitet. Samim tim mora}emo da podignemo {ica su se razlikovale u zavisnosti od to- standarde ko sve mo`e da do|e na te treninge. Do{li ga ko ih je pravio. Ali, svima je jedno bilo zajedni~ko – smo do masovnosti, sada idemo korak dalje, da poo{tri- nema ih dovoljno, ni za dobru ligu, samim tim ni za re- mo kvalitet kako bi u bliskoj budu}nosti neke od tih de- prezentaciju koja bi bila konkurentna u evropskim okvi- voj~ica do{le, prvo do kadetske reprezentacije, pa re- rima. dom. Najve}e zadovoljstvo bi}e nam kada neke od njih Problem se re{ava u korenu. I u KSS su ovom pristu- jednog dana stasaju i za seniorski dr`avni tim. Ve} se pili na taj na~in. Krenuli su od baze. Zato danas imamo naziru talenti koje moramo usmeriti na pravi put. mnogo bolju situaciju. Iskusni trener, ina~e selektor `enske kadetske repre- – Se}am se da smo pre ~etiri godine imali ogroman zentacije Srbije, je zadovoljno konstatovao: problem kako da sa sakupimo 40 devoj~ica za RTC u – Evidentno je da u mnogim sredinama sve vi{e de- Po`arevcu, a samo ovog leta kroz sve regionalne trenin- voj~ica koje `ele da se bave ko{arkom, prime}ujemo i ge je pro{lo 500 devoj~ica – pri~ao nam je Zoran Tir, ko- da se devojke koje su bile krenule na odbojci koja je u ordinator za mla|e selekcije u KSS. – Taj veliki odziv je jednom trenutku bila u ekspanziji, okre}u i ostalim spor- najve}a dobit, jer je sve vi{e devoj~ica koje `ele da u~e- tovima, pa i ko{arci. Ali, ne}emo stati na ovome. Ve} stvuju na kampu u Kragujevcu, ali je i sve vi{e trenera imamo ideje i planove za slede}u godinu. Postoje i neke koji `ele da budu uklju~eni u rad. stvari u samoj organizaciji koje bi trebalo da izmenimo i Popularizacija `enske ko{arke, njeno omasovljenje, da podignemo na vi{i nivo. „vra}anje” devoj~ica iz odbojke, tenisa i drugih sportova Umesto zaklju~ka, Tir je poru~io: u magi~ni pravougaonik jedan je od osnovnih zadataka – Talenata ima, i to po svim regionima. Samo ih treba KSS. Uz Zorana Tira, o tome brinu i koordinatori ~etiri re- prona}i. Mo`da je problem i manjak stru~nog rada. Za- giona – Milkan Mr|a u Vojvodini, Zoran Jovanovi} u Be- to `elimo i da uti~emo na stru~ni rad u klubovima, da ga ogradu, Dragan Ratkovi} je zadu`en za Jugoisto~nu Sr- podignemo na vi{i nivo. Uz sve ostalo, moramo da i tre- biju, @eljko Vasiljevi} za Centralnu i Zapadnu Srbiju i Ra- nerski kadar usmerimo u pravom smeru. {ko-kosovski region, tu je i Sne`ana Popov kao operativ- B. Kostre{ ni koordinator. – Pratimo decu tokom cele godine, organizujemo re- gionalne i savezne treninge. Sva ~etiri regiona su imala svoje treninge. Imali smo i dva savezna treninga, a 17, 18. i 19. maja u Para}inu je bio organizovan turnir regio- na na kome je u~estvovalo 48 devoj~ica 1999. godi{ta i 50 ro|enih 2000. godine. Sve one su bile kandidatkinje za RTC u Kragujevcu, po~etkom juna, a odlu~eno je da tamo ide 75 najtalentovanijih devoj~ica. Sa njima }e ra- diti osam trenera. Tir je `eleo da naglasi: – Sve ovo se de{ava u organizaciji KSS i veliku po- mo} imamo od potpredsednice Ane Jokovi}, sa kojom smo obi{li sve regione. I njena je zasluga {to su se u po- jedinim delovima zemlje oformili novi `enski klubovi, a neki, kao {to je recimo Novi Pazar }e prijaviti ekipu i za seniorsko takmi~enje. Bili smo i u Kosovskoj Mitrovici i Zve~anu, gde ima dosta dece, ~ak su i devoj~ice iz Gra- ~anice bile prisutne na tom treningu. Orgoman posao i zalaganje dali su rezultat koji je „vi- dljiv” golim okom: 31 womenwomen basketbasket

Zoran Tir leads the project of women basketball's popularization Serbia is full of talents

or years back we've been listening stories Vasiljevic for Central and West Serbia and Raska – Kosovo about the small number of girls choosing region and Snezana Popov is a member of the team as the the play with the orange ball. Estimations operative coordinator. f on how many registered female players – We watch the children during a whole year, we orga- are there were differed depending on who nize regional and national trainings. All 4 regions had their was the author. But, they all had one thing own trainings. We had 2 national trainings and on 17, 18 in common – there aren't enough, neither for a good league and 19 May the tournament of the region was organized in nor, logically, for the national team to be concurrent on Paracin, where 48 girls born in 1999 and 50 girls born in European stage. 2000 participated. They all were candidates for RTC in The problem must be solved from the roots up. The SBA Kragujevac, in the beginning of June and the decision is to approached to the problem the same way. They started sent there 75 most talented girls. Eight coaches will work from the base. Therefore, situation today is much better. with them. – I remember that we had a huge problem 4 years Tir wanted to point out the following: ago how to gather 40 girls for RTC in Pozarevac but 500 – This all happens in organization of SBA and we've got girls have passed through all regional trainings this sum- huge help from Vice-president Ana Jokovic, with whom we mer – spoke Zoran Tir, the SBA coordinator for younger visited all the regions. Forming some new female clubs in categories. That high response is the greatest benefit some parts of the country is her merit. Some clubs, like Novi since there are more and more girls who would like to Pazar for example, will apply for senior competition. We participate in the camp in Kragujevac and there are were in Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvecan, where there are more and more coaches who would like to be included many children; even the girls from Gracanica were present in the work. in the training. – Popularization of women basketball, making it Massive work and efforts resulted in an obvious situa- become a mass movement, "getting back" the girls from tion: volleyball, tennis and other sports to the magical rectangle – This year, 500 players have gone through all the train- are one of the basic tasks for SBA. Along with Zoran Tir, ings, the players born in 1999 to 2001, along with a few girls coordinators of four regions take care of that – Milkan Mrdja born in 2002. Now, that quantity must be turned into qual- in Vojvodina, Zoran Jovanovic in Belgrade, Dragan ity. Therefore, we will have to raise the standards in decid- Ratkovic is in charge of Southeastern Serbia, Zeljko ing who can come to those trainings. We've got it on a mas- sive scale and now we take a step further, to tighten the quality, in order to make some of those girls come to the cadet selection first in the near future, and then on. The biggest satisfaction will come when they grow up to be the part of the senior national team. There are already some tal- ents whom we must direct to the right path. The experi- enced coach, the coach of women cadet national team of Serbia, stated contentedly: – It's evident that there are more and more girls in all regions who would like to play basketball; we noticed that the girls, who first tried volleyball which had expansion for some time, try other sports as well, basketball is one of them. We won't stop here. We've already got ideas and plans for the next year. There are certain things in the orga- nization that should be changed and raise to a higher level. Instead of conclusion, Tir said: – There are talents, in all regions. The only thing to do is to find them. A lack of professionals might be a problem. That's why we want to force professional work in clubs, to raise it to a higher level. With all the rest, we must direct the coaching professionals the right way. mladimladi 32

Dejan Bodiroga o tome gde i kako nestaju talentovani srpski ko{arka{i? Mlade nema ko da podr`i

odinama unazad srpska „kraljica igara” Kada smo sada daleke 2005. posle devet godina imala je najvi{e talenata u Evropi u mla- osvojili prvu medalju i to zlatnu u juniorskoj konkurenci- g |im kategorijama, ali malo ko je uspeo ji (igra~i do 18 godina), javila se nada da }emo dobiti da napravi zavidnu seniorsku karijeru nove zvezde na{eg nacionalnog tima, posle kraha se- Srbija je oduvek bila zemlja ko{aka- niora na EP u Srbiji. Tu generaciju momaka ro|enih {kih talenata, i danas je to svakako, samo {to ti talenti vi- 1987. predvodio je Dragan Labovi}, krilni centar, koji je {e ne postaju evropske i svetske zvezde, ve} ostaju ne- bio MVP tog EP. Tu su bili jo{ Milenko Tepi} i Milo{ Te- dore~eni igra~i. Nekada smo imali velike ko{arka{e, no- odosi}, najbolji bekovski tandem. Ali, Labovi} se kasni- sioce igre u najja~im evropskim klubovima, koje su do- je nije razvio u igra~a koji }e biti dominantan kao u mla- nosili strancima evropske titule, a kad se okupe u repre- |im kategorijama, a jedno je Teodosi} dosegao evrop- zentaciji gazili su sve pred sobom. Danas se samo se- ske visine, jer je postao „glavni {raf” u vrhunskim klu- }amo tih uspeha, po{to je od poslednje zlatne medalje bovima (Olimpijakos, CSKA), a dva puta je igrao finale pro{lo vi{e od decenije. Evrolige i jednom je bio i najbolji ko{arka{ Evrolige. Oduvek smo se nadali da }e nove generacije biti u Bodiroga obja{njava da smo nekada imali projekte stanju da zamene Bodirogu, \or|evi}a, Divca, Paspalja, stvaranja igra~a: Danilovi}a i ostale na magi~nom pravougaoniku, ali pre- – Na tim prvenstvima mla|ih kategorija vidi se imamo dugo ve} Srbija ~eka da se pojave ko{arka{i tog kvalite- potencijala, ali prelaz u seniorsku ko{arku je te`ak. Ko je ta. Poslednjih nekoliko godina stalno smo imali igra~e danas spreman da provede {est sati na terenu svaki koji osvajaju titule najboljih (MVP) na Evropskim i svet- dan? Mislim da su svi koji su obele`ili na{u ko{arku pro- skim {ampionatima u mla|im kategorijama, ali oni nika- {li tim putem. Mo`emo da na|emo jedan ili dva primera da nisu dosegli taj vrhunski nivo u seniorskoj ko{arci. da je bilo druga~ije. Ako se pogleda godinama unazad, vidi se da su Bodiroga obja{njava da je osim {anse koju treba da Dejan Musli, Miroslav Raduljica, Milan Ma~van, Nenad daju treneri, neophodno i da sami igra~i budu spremni Miljenovi}, Aleksandar Cvetkovi}... stalno bili birani u na rad, disciplinu, ali i svakodnavno dokazivanje: najbolje petorke evropskih {ampionata za mlade. Se- – Treba mnogo odricanja, mnogo dokazivanja trene- lekcija Srbije je tada osvajala medalje na velikim evrop- ru, saigra~ima, publici i medijima. Mora{ da ih ubedi{ da skim i svetskim takmi~enjima. Ali, kakva je korist od to- si ti taj. Ne mo`e neko da dobije status zvezde, a da ga ga i ko se se}a ko je pro{le godine bio prvak Evrope u nije zaslu`io na terenu i to je prirodan redosled kako se juniorskom uzrastu. O~ekivalo se od njih da }e kad do- postaje superstar. Tu, naravno reprezentacija, kao i klu- |u me|u seniore nastaviti svoj put ka zvezdama, ali se bovi treba da se posvete tome i da postoji projekat „ve- to nije desilo. liki igra~” koji smo nekada imali. Nekada{nji legendarni as, a sada potpredsednik Bilo kako bilo, ovako vi{e ne ide. Srbija mora da po~- KSS-a , ima svoj stav o ovoj situaciji sa ne da pravi vrhunske ko{arka{e, a to mo`e samo ako se kojom se suo~io kada je do{ao u Ko{arka{ki savez: da sloboda mladima da se razvijaju i da igraju. Ako se- – Prelazak iz juniorske u seniorsku konkurenciju nije de na klupi nikada ne}e postati asovi. Oni moraju da na- lagan, kao {to se misli. To je ogroman korak, potreban je u~e {ta je pritisak, da nau~e da izgube utakmicu, a ne dobar rad i svakodnevno dokazivanje, ali i da igra~ do- samo da ma{u pe{kirima kada ekipa da ko{. Tek kada bije {ansu u prvom timu. Reprezentacija mo`e da bude to ostvarimo, na{a „kraljica igara” }e ponovo biti domi- nadogradnja tog rada u klubu. Neke su se stvari malo nantna u Evropi. Do tada }emo biti sre}ni ako se plasi- popravile, sada mladi dobiju ponekad {ansu, ali treba ramo od 5. do 8. mesta na Evropskom ili Svetskom pr- da bude mnogo vi{e i to je jedini put kojim srpska ko{ar- venstvu. ka mo`e da se vrati na vrhunski nivo. Dragan Nikodijevic 33 thethe youngyoung

Dejan Bodiroga about where and how talented serbial players dissapear There is no one to support the young

or years back the „queen of games” has When we won the first and gold medal in junior cate- been having the largest number of tal- gory (players up to 18) in 2005, after nine years, there ents in younger categories in Europe but was a hope of possessing new stars of our national f not many succeeded in making an team, after a crash of seniors in EC in Serbia. The gen- observed senior career. Serbia has eration of players born in 1987 was led by Dragan always been the country of basketball coaches and still Labovic, a wing who was the MVP of that championship. is but that talents don't become stars in Europe and the Also, there were Milenko Tepic and Milos Teodosic, the world, they remain incomplete. We used to have great best tandem in Europe. But, later, Labovic didn't grow basketball players, main players of best European clubs into a player who will be dominant like in younger cate- who were bringing them titles and, after gathering in the gories and only Teodosic reached the top of Europe national team, they became unbeatable. Today we since he became „the main screw” in top-level clubs remember those successes since more than a decade (Olympiakos, CSKA) and played twice in the Euroleague passed from the last gold medal. final, winning the title of the best player of Euroleague We always hoped that new generations will be able once. to replace Bodiroga, Djordjevic, Divac, Paspalj, Bodiroga explains that we used to have projects of Danilovic and others in the magical rectangle but creating a player: Serbia has been waiting too long for the players of – In those championships for younger categories it such a quality to appear. In the last years, we con- can be seen that we've got potential but, a pass to stantly had players that took the titles of MVP in in senior basketball is hard. Who is ready today to spend 6 European and World championships in younger cate- hours on the court every day? All the people who left gories but, they never managed to reach that level in trace in our basketball went that path. We can find one senior basketball. or two examples that say different thing. On taking a look in the years back, it can be seen that Bodiroga explains that, except the chance that Dejan Musli, Miroslav Raduljica, Milan Macvan, Nenad should be given by coaches, it is necessary that players Miljenovic, Aleksandar Cvetkovic… were constantly are ready for work, discipline and everyday proving: chosen in top 5 in the European and World competitions. – Much renunciation is necessary, much proving to The team of Serbia won medals at those big competi- the coach, mates, audience and media. You must con- tions in Europe and World. But, who remembers the last vince them that you're the one. One can't get the status year winner in Europe in junior category? It was expect- of a star without deserving it on the court, it's a natural ed from them, when become seniors, to continue their order of becoming a superstar. The national team and path to the top but it didn't happen. clubs should commit themselves to that and make the Once a legendary ace and vice – president in SBA „great player” project as we used to have. now, Dejan Bodiroga, has an attitude about this situation Anyway, it can't be this way anymore. Serbia must he faced with after coming to the Basketball Association: start making top-level players and it can be accom- – A pass from junior to senior selection isn't easy as plished only if there's a chance for the young to play and it seems to be. It's a huge step, it needs good work and develop. If they sit on the bench, they'll never became everyday proving but a chance for a player to play in the aces. They must learn what the pressure is, to learn to A team as well. National team can be an upgrade of the lose a game, not only to wave towels when the team work in a club. Some things got better a bit, the young scores. Only when we make that, our„queen of games” get some chance now but it should happen more often will be dominant in Europe again. Until then, we'll be and that's the only way for bringing Serbian basketball happy to be placed between 5th and 8th place in back to the top level. European or World championship. UKTSUKTS 34

Trenerski dani 2013 U~enje te`ak posao

e} tradicionalno, najstariji trenerski semi- Kada se sve to sagleda, moramo naglasiti da je pra- nar za one koji vode mla|e kategorije ko- va {teta {to seminar nije propratio ve}i broj trenera. Me- {arka{a „vezuje” se za finale juniorskog |utim ovoga puta desio se jo{ jedan neo~ekivan doga- v prvenstva. U principu, naro~ito ako je u |aj koji je svakako uticao na manju posetu seminara. Beogradu ili ^a~ku, onda to bude i naj- Re~ je o ~injenici da je pred sam seminar, kada su pozi- masovniji trenerski skup posve}en vi ve} oti{li i sve utana~eno, Finalni dan stru~nom usavr{avanju. Tako je trebalo juniorskog prvenstva, preba~en za dan da bude i na ovogodi{njem Trenerskim kasnije, odnosno ponedeljak 29. aprila. danima odr`anim 28. aprila i to u ^a~ku. Mnogi treneri su bili zbunjeni ovom pro- Mada je semimar obavezan, mada menom, prakti~no i programa Trenerskih je organizator – UKTS, svoj deo pripre- dana. Dobar broj njih, udaljenih od ^a~ka ma odradilo na zavidnom nivou i mada ipak su se opredelili da se izme|u Trener- se seminar odr`avao u ^a~ku, kada je skih dana i Finalnog dana juniorskog pr- prisustvo trenera u pitanju, do`ivljen je venstva, opredele za pra}enje utakmica pravi fijasko. Umesto o~ekivanih tri do na{ih najkvalitetnijih juniorskih ekipa. Zai- ~etiri stotine trenera, ove godine je u sta neo~ekivan doga|aj koji bi u godina- Sportskom centru „Mladost” njih tek oko sto pedest pra- ma koje dolaze, trebalo izbe}i. tilo predavanja. „Trenerski dani” je naziv koji je ostao iz nekih boljih Ali, posvetimo se onima koji su to vi{e zaslu`ili. Pre- vremena kada su susreti trenera trajali dva do tri dana. dava~i su bili na{i ve} ugledni treneri. Dejan Mijatovi} je Zbog sveop{te materijalne krize koja je kod trenera koji obradio temu: Kontranapad i sekundarni kontranapad. rade sa mla|im kategorijama i te kako izra`ena, ve} Milkan Mr|a je ponudio ne{to sasvim novo iz oblasti ko- odavno „Trenerski dani” traju samo jedan dan, a veziva- ja sve vi{e postaje neophodna i u trenerskom poslu: Uti- njem za finale tekmi~enja, upravo mla|ih kategorija, sa- caj tehnolo{kih inovacija u oblikovanju trena`nog proce- dr`aj je upotpunjen, odnosno oba doga|aja su o jed- sa i pripreme utakmica. Aleksan- nom tro{ku, {to svakako nije bez dar D`iki} je obradio temu: Kon- zna~aja. tinuirani kontranapad. Bilo kako bilo, u UKTS je za- Bez dileme, predavanja su uzet ~vrst stav, da se za sve one bila izuzetno pripremljena i pre- koji nisu prisustvovali ovom oba- zentovana. Interesovanje prisut- veznom seminaru, dosledno pri- nih je bilo izuzetno, a najbolji do- meni Pravilnik i da se taksa du- kaz su dopunska pitanja, tako da plira kod narednog prijavljivanja. je svaki predava~, uz podr{ku To je izgleda jedini na~in da se prisutnih, „probio” termin . po{tuju pravila udru`enja kome I onaj „periferni” deo organi- se pripada i od koga se , s pra- zacije besprekorno je funkcioni- vom o~ekuje da brine o stru~- sao. Nije bilo zastoja kod prija- nom usavr{avanju svojih ~lano- vljivanja, a ve} uobi~ajeni traner- va. Uostalom to je gotovo i smi- ski paket je dobio visoku ocenu sao postojanja Udru`enja. Oni prisutnih trenera. koji koji nisu spremni da u~e i Poseban doprinos organiza- usavr{avaju se svakako bi tre- ciji, kao i uvek, dao je doma}i KK balo da potra`e neko drugo za- Mladost, odnosno juniori ovog nimanje, jer u savremenoj ko{ar- kluba koji su sa predava}ima ra- ci i ko{arci budu~nosti, za takve dili kao deminstratori. Ovi mladi nema mesta. Naravno, u~enje predava~i doboli su visoku ovce- jeste, ponekad, |avolski te`ak nu, od predava~a sa kojima su posao, pa i ko{ta, ali znanje sara|ivali, za obu~enost i trud mnogo vredi. koji su ulo`ili na ovom seminaru. Trener/Coach: Dejan Mijatovi} S. P. 35 ASBCASBC

Coaching days 2013 Learning – a hard work

n a traditional way, the oldest coaching small number of people in the seminar. It is about the seminar for those who lead the younger fact that, right before the seminar, when the invitations categories of players is „linked” to the were sent and everything was ready, the final day of i final game of championship for juniors. championship for juniors was moved to April 29 i.e. one Generally, if it takes place in Belgrade or day later. Many coaches were confused with this Cacak, it becomes the most massive coaching gather- change, the change that jeopardized the coaching ing regarding professional improvement. It was sup- days. A number of coaches away of Cacak decided to posed to be so this year as well, in Coaching days on chose the final day of the championship and watch the April 28 in Cacak. Though the seminar is compulsory games of our most qualitative junior teams. It's really an and the organizer -ASBC did its part of preparation quite unexpected thing which should be avoided in the next well and it was held in Cacak, speaking of the coaches years. who were present, the real fiasco took place. Instead of „Coaching days” is is the name from some better 300-400 coaches as it was expected, in „Mladost” sport times when gatherings lasted 2 or 3 days. For the rea- center only 50 were present in lectures. sons of general crisis which is much more present at Let's talk about those who deserved that much more. coaches who work with younger categories, „Coaching Our eminent coaches were the lecturers. Dejan Mijatovic days” last one day only and, linking it to the final games did the theme named Counterattack and Secondary of the competition for younger categories the content is Counterattack. Milkan Mrdja offered something new accomplished i.e. both events take plays at one from the domain that becomes more and more important expense which is important. in coaching business - The influence of technological Anyway, ASBC took a firm attitude, to consistently innovations in forming the training process and game apply The Rule to all those who failed to participate in preparation. Aleksandar Dzikic's theme was - A this compulsory seminar and double the tax on next Continuing Counterattack. applying. It seems like the only way toward respecting Undoubtedly, the lectures were carefully prepared the rules of the association they belong to and is expect- and presented. The interest of the people who were pre- ed to take care of professional improvement of its mem- sent was excellent and the best prove is the extra ques- bers. However, it's the purpose of association's exis- tions which made the lecturers get out of the time frame. tence. Those who aren't ready to learn and improve The „peripheral” part of organization functioned max- should find some other profession since the modern imally as well. There was no latency during applying and basketball and basketball of the future have no place for the usual coaching package got a high mark from the such people. Certainly, learning is a hell of a job and present people. A particular contribution to the organi- costs money as well but, knowledge worth much. zation, as always, gave the „Mladost” BC, i.e. the juniors of the club, who worked as demonstrators. These young lecturers got a high mark from the lec- turers they cooperated with, for training and their efforts they put in this seminar. Having on mind all these things, we must emphasize that it's such a pity that the seminar was- n't attended by larger number of coaches. However, an unexpected event occurred this time and it had influence on a UKTSUKTS 36

Dejan Milojevi} – KK Mega Vizura u debitantskoj sezoni do istorijskog uspeha Uro|en karakter pobednika a njega nikada nije bilo unapred izgu- gu da postanu bolji od ostalih. Svaki prepodnevni tre- bljenog duela,ili rivala koji ne mo`e da se ning posve}ujemo osnovama. Dosta igramo „jedan na pobedi... I tu osobinu uvek je nesebi~no jedan”, jer verujem da je to osnova ko{arke. Ako igra~ z {irio na sve oko sebe. Kada je bio igra~ i mo`e da poentira iz te situacije, onda je sve lak{e. sada kada je trener. Dejan Milojevi} je Mega Vizura je tokom sezone postala „prepoznatlji- trenersko otkrovenje. Uz ogroman talenat koji njegova va” po zonskoj odbrani, sa neprelaznim Bobanom Mar- ekipa poseduje, taj pobedni~ki mentalitet koji je usadio janovi}em u reketu. u svest najmla|e ekipe u Superligi, u~inio je da ona po- – Naravno da je Marjanovi} glavni faktor takve odbra- stane apsolutni hit u ko{arka{koj Srbiji. ne, ali svakako volim da igram zonu, jer ona spre~ava – Stvarno verujem da je samopouzdanje veoma bitan poene ispod ko{a, rival mo`e da ubaci trojku ili neku faktor kod svakog igra~a – po~eo je pri~u Milojevi}, koji „dugu” dvojku sa posta. Ako uspete da iskontroli{ete je kao trener po~etnik odveo Mega Vizuru do najve}eg skok i svedete protivnika da ne daje lake poene za dva, klupskog uspeha. – Ako veruje{ u sebe, onda sigurno {to je meni cilj, nije lako dobiti utakmicu samo {utem mo`e{ da da{ i vi{e nego {to realno mo`e{. Mislim da spolja. Na taj na~in protivnika svede{ na dva ili tri napa- sam ja tu najbolji primer. Kao ~ovek koji ima dva metra i da, dok verzija napada na „~oveka” ima mnogo vi{e. koji ne mo`e da ska~e, da sam razmi{ljao kako }u da Sve te „verzije napada” na tajm-autima retko kada igram protiv svih onih ogromnih protivni~kih centara, ni- „crta” na tabli koja je mnogim trenerima prosto neophod- kada ne bih bio igra~ kakav sam bio. Sada se trudim da no sredstvo za rad. igra~ima prenesem da svakog treba da po{tuju, ali nika- – Uvek prvo poku{am da pri~om objasnim {ta treba ko da se pla{e. Mislim da su to oni dobro prihvatili. da radimo. Tek kada vidim da ne mogu, onda koristim Da ima „{tofa” da postane odli~an trener, nekada tablu. Zavisi od situacije. sjajni centar je pokazao ve} u debitantskoj sezoni. Ali, Od drugih trenera se razlikuje i po tome {to ne rea- kako je sam priznao, pre leta 2012. nikada nije ni pomi- guje burno na gre{ke igra~a: slio da }e mu to biti poziv. – Trener treba da kritikuje samo kada igra~ zaslu`i. I – ^ak sam i trenersku {kolu zavr{io tek da bih imao onda nema problema. Jer, kada igra~ zna da je pogre- {esti stepen – nastavio je pri~u Milojevi}. – Me|utim, ka- {io, onda mu ni kritika ne pada te{ko. ko je penzija i{la, javljala se pomisao da bih mogao time Za jednog trenera, neobi~no je miran tokom utakmi- da se bavim. I, kada je pro{log leta Vlada Vukoi~i} oti- ca. Gotovo da sve vreme stoji na istom mestu izme|u {ao u reprezentaciju, vodio sam ekipu u tom periodu i ta- klupe i aut linije. da sam video da je to ono {to `elim da radim. – Nekada i ja izgubim tu smirenost. [to du`e budem I ve} u prvoj sezoni ostvario je ogroman uspeh koji bio trener, bi}e sve te`e da sa~uvam taj mir. [to du`e bu- mo`da nije ni o~ekivao. dem uspeo u tome, mislim da }e to biti jedan kvalitet vi{e. – Ne mo`e ~ovek koji kre}e u trenerski posao da ima Pre nego {to je preuzeo kormilo Mega Vizure, u klu- neke Bog zna kakve ambicije. Idemo da vidimo {ta }e bu iz Zemuna bio je zadu`en za rad sa centrima. Logi~- biti, gledao sam samo da uradim najbolje {to mogu. no. I, taj deo je doveo do savr{enstva. Hvala Bogu, kroz karijeru sam imao dosta odli~nih trene- – Bio sam centar, sa mnom su drugi radili i mislim da ra, to mi koristi. Radim one stvari koje su mi se svidele mogu mnogo da poka`em visokim igra~ima. Ali, recimo, kod njih. Sigurno }u praviti i gre{ke, kao {to ih svi prave. nisam znao kako se radi sa bekovima. I nije me sramota Ali, se trudim da i na gre{kama u~im. da ka`em kada ne{to ne umem, ve} se trudim da stalno Bio je poznat kao veliki radnik, radio je sa veoma zah- u~im ne{to novo. Tako je Aleksandar Trifunovi} neko tevnim trenerima, pa nas je zanimalo kako izgledaju trenin- vreme radio individualno sa bekovima. To je momcima zi Mega Vizure. dosta zna~ilo, ali i meni. Nau~io sam mnogo toga. Za- – Trudim se da radimo jako, ali da imamo pauzu za hvalio bih se i Trifi, kao i D`iki}u koji su mi savetima po- odmor. Od igra~a tra`im da shvate da samo radom mo- magali tokom ~itave godine. B. Kostre{ 37 ASBCASBC

Dejan Milojevic – Mega Vizura bc, historical success in the debut season An innate character of the winner

or him, the already lost match or the rival reserved for the basics. We play 1-1 a lot since I believe who can't be overplayed never existed… that it's the basic of basketball. If a player can score from He spreads that attitude to all the people that situation, all the rest is easier. f around him, as a player and now as a Mega Vizura became „recognizable” during the sea- coach. Dejan Milojevic is the coaching son for the zone defense, with impassable Boban revelation. With great talent his team owns, the wining Marjanovic in the lane. mentality he implanted in minds of the youngest team in – Of course, Marjanovic is the main factor of such a Superleague, he made it become an absolute hit in defense but I really like playing zone defense, it prevents Serbian basketball. scores under the basket, a rival can score behind the 6,75 – I really believe that self-confidence is a very important line or some „far” score from the post. If you manage to factor for every player – started Milojevic, a beginner in the control the rebounds and reduce the opponent's easy two- profession, who led Mega Vizura to the greatest success point scores, which is my goal, it's hard to win a game by of the club. If you believe in yourself, then you certainly can shooting from the outside. That way, you reduce your give more than you actually can. As a two meters high man opponent to 2 or 3 attacks while the man-on man offense who can't jump, if I had been thinking of how I will play is present much more. against all those huge opponent centers, I would never be During timeouts, all these „versions” of offense he the player I used to be. Now I try to explain the players that rarely draws on the panel, which is a necessary tool to they must respect everyone but never to feel fear. I think many coaches. they accepted that quite well. – First I try to explain by words what we should do. Only That there is „space” for him to become an excellent when I realize that it's impossible, then I use the panel. It coach, once a great center demonstrated in his first sea- depends on the situation. son. But, as he admitted, before the summer 2012 he His not impulsive reaction to the players' mistakes dif- never thought of having this as his profession. fers him from other coaches: – I finished the school for coaches just to possess the – A coach should criticize only when a players college diploma – continued Milojevic. However, as the deserved so. It's no problem then. When aplayer real- retirement was approaching, I was thinking of possible izeshis mistake, he doesn't find hard to be criticized. inclusion in that profession. And, when Vlada Vukoicic Being a coach, he is unusually calm during the games. went to the national team, I led the team at that period and Almost all the time he stands in one spot between the realized that it's the thing I would like to do. bench and sideline. Yet in the first season he made a great success he pos- – I lose that calmness sometimes. The longer I'm the sibly didn't expect. coach, the harder will be to keep that calmness. As long – A man starting the coaching business can't have as it lasts, I think it will be one more quality. some extraordinary ambitions. Let's see what will happen, Before he took over Mega Vizura, he was in charge of I just did the best I could. Thank God, I had many excel- work with big men in Zemun. Logically, he brought that lent coaches during my career, it's quite useful. I do the part to perfection as well. things I liked in them. I'll be making mistakes for sure, as – I was the big man, others worked with me and I think everybody does. But, I try to learn from that. I can teach big men many things. But, for example, I did- He was famous for his hard work, he worked with very n't know how to work with guards. And I'm not ashamed of demanding coaches so we wanted to know how the train- saying that I don't know a certain thing, I keep on learning ings in Mega Vizura look like: something new. Aleksandar Trifunovic worked with guards – I try to have them work hard but to have a break. I individually for a while. It meant a lot to the guys, and to me want from players to realize that can become better than as well. I learnt many things. I would like to thank Trifa and the others only through a work. Every morning training is Dzikic who were helping me during the year. UKTSUKTS 38

Sini{a Mati} KK Vojvodina-Srbijagas Me|' javom i snom

efa stru~nog {taba KK Vojvodina Srbija- ne radi dobro, a lako je ustanoviti da li to {to ~ini vodi ne- gas Sini{u Mati}a (46) neki ko{arka{ki ~em – treba mu se zahvaliti, uprkos pojedina~nim pobe- stru~njaci uvrstili su na ne tako dugu listu dama – smatra prvi stru~njak Novosa|ana. { doma}ih trenera,„kadrih da preuzmu Mati} je, uz smi{ljanje strategije vodio jo{ jednu, kod najbolje timove i reprezentativne selekci- nas dodu{e uobi~ajenu, bitku za – motiv. Kako podi}i je”. Njegovi Zemunci se nisu libili da odu i korak dalje: igra~e kad izostane nov~ana podr{ka, kad za{kripi oko da ga, na zvani~nom sajtu ko{arka{kog kluba u kojem je uslova za rad, kada na doma}em terenu protivnik ima ponikao, ponosno oslovljavaju sa „ser”, ne haju}i za do- znatno vi{e navija~a...? „Jadranska liga je marketin{ki zvolu engleske kraljice... atraktivnija i na najboljem smo putu da tu vrstu neda}a Mati} je u `i`u ko{arka{ke javnosti (ponovo) dospeo prevazi|emo. Sa dupliranim bud`etom. O animiranju na- nakon antologijske pobede nad Mega vizurom, razbiv{i vija~a moramo svi da brinemo. [to se ti~e mene i igra- joj armiranu zonu u parampar~ad, otev{i joj epitet najpri- ~a, u~ini}emo sve da pobedama napunimo dvoranu. Da jatnijeg iznena|enja {ampionata i plasirav{i se u dugo i velika sala Spensa bude mala. Kao nekad.” sanjanu Jadransku ligu. Uprkos tome: ne}e li „Jadran” biti predubok za pa- „Da vi{egodi{nji plan nije ispunjen, oti{ao bih”,otkri- nonske mornare, imaju}i u vidu i balast katastrofalnog is- va Mati}. Ne bi mu za takvu odluku bio potreban even- kustva iz prethodnog u~e{}a? tualni, unapred pripremljen, „svilen gajtan” uprave klu- Mati} se, i u ovom slu~aju, uzda u taktiku „step by ba, kako ve} to kod nas biva. step”: „Prve godine cilj }e biti – opstanak.U slede}oj se- „Ovde sam od samog po~etka imao jasnu viziju i od- zoni, verujem da }emo dobrom igrom u~vrstiti i opravda- re{ene ruke – ka`e. Odvra}ali su me, neki, kad sam re- ti ambicije, preto~iv{i ih u pohod ka vrhu.” {io da se upustim u ambiciozan, vi{egodi{nji projekat Za{to mu ne poverovati? Neko ko punih deset godi- zvani „KK Vojvodina Srbijagas”. Govorili su mi da vojvo- na strpljivo ugra|uje svoje znanje i temperament u efekt- |anski mentalitet nije za vrhunske rezultate. Nisam se ne „petarde” mla|ih ko{arka{kih nara{taja, ima pravo kolebao, – tvrdi trener Novoda|ana. Postoje, o~ito, i eks- da gromoglasno eksplodira tamo gde se dobar glas da- plozije sa odlo`nim dejstvom: Mati} je to dokazao, ukr- leko ~uje... Zdenko Pop stiv{i sopstveni temperament sa, pa`ljivo tempiranim, mak- simalnim u~inkom svakog igra~a. Kad se u tome uspe, „Onda to bude tim kao i sva- ki drugi”. Tim. Nije lako ukro- titi „goropad” nadobudnih i ra{timovanih pojedinaca i uklopiti ih u jedinstvenu celi- nu, koja }e disciplinovano sprovesti zamisli svog u~ite- lja. Mati} je upravo u tome uspeo. Ali, imao je za to na raspolaganju dovoljno vre- mena, {to je kod nas retkost. Umesto „blickriga” (bezu- slovnog uspeha po svaku ce- nu) Klub se opredelio za tak- tiku „korak po korak”. – Tre- nera ne treba menjati ako do- bro radi ni posle par vezanih poraza, kao {to je to kod nas postalo obi~aj. Me|utim, ako 39 ASBCASBC

Sinisa Matic, Vojvodina - Srbijagas BC Between reality and a dream

he fifth Specialized camp in a row Serbia and abroad. The successors could see and learn recently took place in the „Basket city” much from him. hall on May 27 and 28, which gathered – In some situations, you must react faster, particu- t basketball workers, the ex prominent larly in teamwork in your own and high post position. It's aces, coaches – lecturers, the candi- the base! When you realize that, many situations in play dates for the Cadet National team of will be easier to solve, Sretenovic told. Serbia as well as the coaches of younger categories, In work with big men, DraganTarlac helped the to whom this two-day gathering was intended for. It coaches and demonstrated his knowledge. Big experi- was particularly made for the reason of education and ence is behind him, many seasons spent in top level extending their knowledge and clubs all over Europe and in NBA adaptation to some different meth- league. Tarlac is engaged in SBA ods of work. A nice and useful as the coordinator for younger cate- concept of the legendary expert – gories. DusanIvkovic, the present head – This is my first participation in coach of Serbia and the European the camp. I'm happy for the quality Champion – Olympiakos, has of young tall players and knowledge become the tradition! they have in their age. It's well- This time as well, the head known that big men, because of coach Bosko Djokic designed the their constitution and height, i.e. program, the one a bit different than motoric abilities, mature later. the previous ones. The main goal is Usually, as pioneers and cadets, to present the younger colleagues they're overplayed by outside play- the way of improving the important ers in play and it is often said that basketball elements of a player, as they are mostly put aside. well as an individual and team tac- Gatherings like this are useful to tics. Helped by the ex members of them and there's much room to our national team, in order to have it progress faster and be included in all at the top level, potential cadet play, Tarlac concluded. national team representatives put In two cycles, AleksandarBucan, their efforts, the demonstrators of what is demanded on Milos Obrenovic, AleksandarMatovic and Marko Icelic the court. worked with the young. Certainly, much helped by the – We've been changing the ways of workfrom camp headmaster BoskoDjokic and ZoranSretenovic. to camp and chose the young but experienced coaches Gatherings like the young coaches definitely find to demonstrate their knowledge and ideas i.e. what exer- useful, through practice they can take an insight into cises do they use and how do they improve their work certain innovations in work, i.e. to extend their pre- with players. Each one of them, synchronizing it all with sent knowledge. They're the creators of future aces me and other colleagues as well, has his own specifici- of Serbian basketball; they're expected to bring ties which is quite good – Djokic said. some future medals and, certainly, the successors of It was designed to include former member of the the masters of the coaching profession. However, national team, Milos Vujanic, in the work with outside one fact may disconcert, publicity was much smaller players. However, for sickness, he didn't show up. He than it was expected. The reason may be the regular was successfully replaced by ZoranSretenovic, once the round in many leagues or general slackness. It isn't top level playmaker with reach career in clubs and mem- good for the coaches from other places, who aren't ber of the national team. In last 15 years, „Sreta” is an much in a chance to see how the masters of the pro- excellent coach, who ran the teams of the A leaguein fession work. UKTSUKTS 40

Vanja Gu{a KK Crvena zvezda Telekom Zna tajnu uspeha

a kadetima Crvene zvezde Telekom ove – Igrao sam Srpsku ligu za Ta{majdan, koji je posle pro- sezone osvojio je titulu {ampiona Srbije. menio ime u Beovuk. Na nagovor Zorana \urkovi}a koji je Prethodnih godina nebrojano puta doka- bio koordinator mla|ih kategorija i trener prvog tima u tre- s zao se u radu sa mla|im kategorijama nerske vode sam uplovio 1994. godine kao strateg pionira – osvajaju}i prva mesta na najpresti`nijim prise}a se Gu{a. turnirima u na{oj zemlji i na me|unarodnoj sceni, me|u ko- Usledila je selidba u Beobanku, gde je sa juniorima jima su svakako najzvu~nije dve titule sa fajnal-ejta Evrolige osvojio druge mesto na dr`avnom prvenstvu, {to je bila pr- sa juniorima FMP-a. Kao nagrada za minuli rad, krajem ma- va medalja za Beobanku u mla|im kategorijama i Gu{u kao ja, stigao je i njegov izbor za trenera kadetske reprezenta- trenera. cije Srbije. Vanja Gu{a }e sa klupe predvoditi na{u selek- Posle raspada Beobanke Gu{a je tri godine radio u ciju do 16 godina na Evropskom prvenstvu koje }e se od 8. Avala adi, opet u Beovuku, da bi potom do{ao u FMP @ele- do 18. avgusta igrati u Ukrajini, a po znik. Uporedo je i kao profesor radio u pr- sopstvenom priznanju to }e biti kruna voj ko{arka{oj gimnaziji Koled` gde je pre- njegove dosada{nje karijere. davao fizi~ko vaspitanje i ko{arku. – Svaki trener koji se bavi radom sa Sa juniorima FMP-a osvojio je dve titule mla|im kategorijama ma{ta da jednog {ampiona na fajnal-ejtu Evrolige u Madridu dana bude trener neke reprezentativne 2008. i Berlinu 2009. godine. Tako|e, 2009. selekcije. Meni se ta `elja ispunila i mo- bio je i prvak Srbije, a osvojio je i dva Evro- ram da istaknem da sam veoma sre- ligina kvalifikaciona turnira u `estokoj kon- }an. U~ini}u sve da opravdam povere- kurenciji. Ipak, kao svoj najve}i uspeh Gu{a nje i nadam se da }u sa kadetskom re- isti~e jedan drugi zanimljivi podatak: prezentacijom u Ukrajini na dostojan – Sa generacijom igra~a ro|enih 1990. i na~in prezentovati kvalitet srpske ko- 1991. godine smo u zimu 2008. u~estvova- {arke, ka`e za Trener Gu{a. li na Evroliginom kvalifikacionom turniru u Zvezdinom strategu ovo ne}e biti {panskom Hospitaletu. Poslednjeg dana prvo iskustvo sa nacionalnim timom po- turnira smo prvo u polufinalu pobedili Real {to je ve} imao prilike da osvaja odli~ja Madrid, a nekoliko sati kasnije smo u finalu sa reprezentacijom. Naime, pro{log le- savladali i Barselonu. To je bio najsre}niji ta je bio pomo}nik Marka I~eli}a tako- dan u mojoj trenerskoj karijeri. Moram da |e u kadetskoj selekciji koja je osvojila bronzanu medalju na priznam da sam imao sre}u da u karijeri radim u ozbiljnim Evropskom prvenstvu, a na EJOF-u 2010. u Trabzonu je sa klubovima, sa vrlo kvalitetnim i talentovanim mladim igra~i- kadetskom B selekcijom Srbije osvojio srebro. Me|utim, Gu- ma. Bez obzira na medalje i `elju za trofejima primarna ide- {a je morao da pro|e dug put dok se nije obreo na klupi re- ja mi je bila da igra~i individualno napreduju. Time sam se prezentacije: uvek rukovodio – rekao je Gu{a. – Ro|en sam u Zadru. Mislim da u tom gradu nema ni- Kada smo na kraju razgovara od Gu{e poku{ali da sa- kog ko nije poku{ao da igra ko{arku. Tako sam i ja pro{ao znamo koja je to ko{arka{ka filozofija njemu bliska, dobili sve mla|e selekcije Zadra – pri~a Gu{a i vra}a film na vre- smo neobi~an odgovor. Odgovor koji prevazilazi okvire ma- me kada su mu na parketu rivali bili nekada asovi jugoslo- gi~nog pravouganika, koji se mo`e primeniti ne samo na ko- venske ko{arke poput Tonija Kuko~a, Dina Ra|e, Franje {arka{kom terenu, ve} i uo{teno u `ivotu: Arapovi}a, Ive Naki}a i dodaje: – Stalno klincima pri~am i poku{avam da im skrenem tok – Krajnji domet mi je bila juniorski tim Zadra, a 1985. go- misli sa novca, slave i da ih nau~im da u`ivaju u ko{arci. dine sam upisao DIF u Beogradu. Uvek sam imao afiniteta Uvek im name}em ideju da ko{arka u tom uzrastu ne treba za trenerski posao. Provodio sam dosta vremena gledaju}i da im bude na prvom mestu i ako je svi toliko volimo. Poku- treninge Slavka Trnini}a koji je bio trener kadeta u Zadru. On {avam da ih nau~im da je zdravlje najva`nije, potom poro- me je prakti~no inficirao trenerskim poslom. Tako|e, to {to dica pa obrazovanje, pa tek onda ko{arka. Iz iskustva znam sam postao trener mnogo dugujem i \or|u Zdrli}u. To su da kod igra~a kojima ko{arka u detinjstvu i ranoj mladosti bi- zaista trenerske veli~ine od kojih sam mnogo nau~io – isti~e la na vrhu hijerarhije nisu napravili karijere koje je njihov po- Gu{a. tencijal zaslu`ivao. Mnogi su `rtvovali zdravlje, posebno [ansu da po~ne da radi kao trener Gu{a je prvo dobio obrazovanje na u{trb ko{arke, a to nije dobar put – zaklju~io u Ta{majdanu: je Gu{a, svakako trener koji obe}ava. T. J. K. 41 ASBCASBC

Vanja Gusa, Red Star Telekom BC He knows the secret of success ith Red Star Telekom cadets he has won then the coordinator of younger categories and the the title of the champion of Serbia this coach of the A team, I became the coach in 1994 in the year. In previous years, he proved him- category of pioneers – Gusa recalls. w self many times in work with younger cat- Moving to Beobanka BC came then, where he won egories, by winning in most prestigious the second place in the national championship for tournaments in our country and abroad, the most impor- juniors, bringing the first medal in yonger categories to tant titles are the 2 titles from Euroleague Final 8 with FMP Beobanka BC and to himself as a coach. BC junior category. As the prize for his work, he was After Beobanka's breakup, Gusa worked in Avala Ada elected the coach of cadet national team of Serbia in BC for 3 years, then in Beovuk BC again and finally came May. Vanja Gusa wil lead the U16 team in European to FMP Zeleznik BC. Simultaneously, he worked as the championship in Ukraine from August 8 to 18 and, he professor in the first basketball high school "College" and admits, it will be the top of his career so far. made lectures from physical education and basketball. – Every coach dealing with work with younger cate- With FMP juniors, he won 2 champion titles in gories dreams of becoming the coach of a national Euroleague final 8 in Madrid in 2008 and Berlin in 2009. selection some day. The wish came true and I must point Also, he was the champion of Serbia in 2009 and won 2 out that I'm very happy. I'll do my best to justify thetrust Euroleague qualification tournaments. Anyway, Gusa given and hope to represent the quality of Serbian bas- names a quite interesting data as his biggest success: ketball in Ukraine in the best possible way, says Gusa for – With the generation born in 1990 and 1991, we par- Trener magazine ticipated in Euroleague qualification tournament in For the Red Star coach, this won't be the first experi- Hospitalet in Spain in 2008. On the last day of the tour- ence since he had a chance to win medals with the nament, we won Real Madrid in semifinals and Barcelona national team. Namely, he was Marko Icelic's assistant in in the final game a few hours later. It was the happiest the selection of cadets last year, which won the bronze day in my coaching career. I must admit that I had a medal in the European championship and, in EYOF in chance to work with serious clubs in my career, with quite Trabzon 2010, he won silver medal with B cadet selection talented and qualitative young players. Regardless of the of Serbia. However, Gusa had to take the long path medals and wish for trophies, my primary goal the indi- before reaching the seat at the national team's bench: vidual progress of players. I've always taken care of that – I was born in Zadar. I think there's no single man – said Gusa. who didn't try playing basketball. So, I passed through all In the end of the interview, when we tried to find out young selections of Zadar BC – says Gusa and makes what basketball philosophy he's fond of, we had a quite reminiscences to the times when his rivals in the court unusual answer. The answer that overcomes the frames were once the aces of Yugoslav basketball like Toni of a magical rectangle, the one that can be applied not Kukoc, Dino Radja, Franjo Arapovic, Ivo Nakic and adds: only in the court but in life in general: – My final destination was the Zadar BC junior team – I keep on telling the kids and trying to make them and then I matriculated in the Faculty of Physical Culture turning they thoughts away of money and glory and teach in Belgrade in 1985. I have always had affinities for the them to enjoy basketball. I always impose them the idea coaching job. I used to spend much time watching that basketball shouldn't be in the first place for them at Slavko Trninic's trainings, the coach of Zadar BC cadet that age, even though we all love it so much. I try to teach team. He practically infected me with the coaching pro- them that health is the most important thing, then family, fession. Also, I owe much to Djordje Zdrlic for becoming education and basketball. My experience is that the play- the coach as well. These are really the greats of coach- ers whom basketball had been number 1 in their child- ing profession and I learned from them quite much – says hood, didn't make the careers which their potential actu- Gusa. The first chance to work he had in Tasmajdan BC. ally deserved. Many of them sacrificed their health and – I played Serbian League for Tasmajdan, which was particularly education but it's not a good path – conclud- named Beovuk BC later. Persuaded by Zoran Djurkovic, ed Gusa, the coach with perspective. UKTSUKTS 42

Moje vi|enje – Bo{ko \oki} Optimizam i zabrinutost

ezona 2012-13. pokazala je, barem {to bovima gotovo redovna pojava), preko Miroslava Nikoli- se mene ti~e, da je srpska ko{arka zau- }a, Vlade Vukoi~i}a, Sini{e Mati}a, Vlade \oki}a, Mi{ka stavila pad i da se nazire porast kvaliteta. Peji}a, Olivera Popovi}a, Ra{ka Boji}a... pa do „novih” s Naime, tre}e i ~etvrto mesto u dr`avi, po- imena, kao {to su Dejan Milojevi} (koji je, kao i u ulozi sle zanimljive i kvalitetnije nego pro{le igra~a, meteorski izbio u prvi plan), Marko Cvetkovi}, Sr- godine Superlige, osvojila su dva tima iz Ko{arka{ke lige |an Jekovi}, Milan Mitrovi} i plejada mla|ih kou~a koji Srbije, {to je doskora bilo gotovo nezamislivo. Tako su dolaze i tra`e svoju {ansu kroz mesto pomo}nika, skau- Mega Vizura i Vojvodina dali potpuni legitimitet doma- ting, ili rad sa mla|im kategorijama. Re~ju, vi{e sam za- }em takmi~enju i pokazali da bi zbirna doma}a divizija brinut za formiranje profesionalne doma}e lige i, done- (recimo od 16 timova) za dve-tri sezone ponovo digla kle, na~in igre uz forsiranje mladih, dobro selektiranih kvalitet srpskog basketa i medijski skrenula pa`nju de~aka, nego za znanje i kvalitet srpskih trenera... evropske javnosti na sebe. Ovako... Naravno, rad trenera najbolje se vidi na samim utak- Podatak koji potkrepljuje gornje navode je i ~injenica micama, tako da se mo`e pri~ati i o na~inu igre, {to nije da se na {irem spisku za seniorsku reprezentaciju Du{a- nebitno, pre svega u pore|enju sa najboljim evropskim na Ivkovi}a na{lo ~ak devet (bezmalo polovina) prezime- klubovima, da ne ka`em {panskim... Tu stvari, da se ne na koja su se mogla gledati {irom Srbije (Vasilije Mici}, la`emo, stoje osrednje, mr{avo. Naime, ~ini mi se da se Bogdan Bogdanovi}, Nemanja Dangubi}, Vladimir Lu- igra sporo, sa akcentom na defanizivi (~itaj „snazi, kon- ~i}, Novica Veli~kovi}, Stefan Bir~evi}, Ra{ko Kati}, \or- taktu”), gde se ponovo, u ne{to ve}em obimu, ~ak i kao |e Gagi} i Dejan Musli). Uporedite to sa prethodnim go- primarne odbrane – pojavljuju „zone”. U napadu domini- dinama i sve }e biti kristalno jasno... Pored navedenih, ra „pik na hiljadu i jedan na~in” (u ranom, pozicionom i kroz Superligu pro{lo je jo{ mnogo kvalitetnih igra~a, na zavr{nici napada) i setovi napada sa vi{e blokada. Da- primer: Rako~evi}, Marjanovi}, Milosavljevi}, Milutinov, kle, sa malo kontranapada (za {ta je potrebno: prvo, da Simonovi}, Radivojevi}, Miljenovi}, Krstovi}, Avramovi}, trener `eli da igra brzo, tako da trenira i, najva`nije, da fi- Krsti}, Markovi}, Zekovi}, Stoja~i}... Jo{ bitnije od nave- zi~ki i intelektualno ima tako selektirane igra~e, dakle – denog je da po srpskim gradovima (najvi{e u Mega Vizu- mla|e, br`e, tehni~ki obu~ene da delaju u punoj brzini, ri, u ostalim timovima znatno stidljivije) seniorsku ko{arku ne u mestu) koji se oslanja na kreaciju i asistenciju, dakle u zna~ajnim ulogama po~inju da igraju i momci od dva- dodavanja; odnosno, sputava se individualna sloboda na deset godina i mla|i, {to je zalog za budu}nost i boljitak ra~un „timske” igre, {to usporava razvoj mladih igra~a... koji }e brzo iza}i na videlo... Problem {uta i dalje je akutan (gotovo da nemamo nijed- Navedeno govori u prilog struci, odnosno da imamo nog „rasnog” poentera sa distance, koji }e od deset i na doma}oj, a ne samo evropskoj sceni, lepezu veoma otvorenih pozicija pogoditi pet puta), a sada se – „ni~im kvalitetnih trenera, koji rukovode procesom rada u svo- izazvan” – pojavio i problem slobodnih bacanja – malo jim sredinama. Od dvojca Du{ko Vujo{evi}–Velimir Ga- koji tim prelazi 70 odsto uba~enih lopti iza linije bacanja, {i} u Partizanu (veoma se retko na na{im prostorima sre- {to je – ako se zna da se ve}ina utakmica i re{ava tim {u- }e slu~aj da prvi trener za „pomo}nika” odabere tako|e tem – ba{ zabrinjavaju}e. Ali, to je tema za neko od mo- iskusnog i proverenog kolegu, {to je po ameri~kim klu- jih narednih javljanja... 43 SBASBA

My view – Bo{ko \oki} Optimism and concernment

n my opinion, the season 2012/13 indicat- it's quite normal in American clubs), then Miroslav Nikolic, ed that Serbian basketball stopped its Vlada Vukoicic, Sinisa Matic, Vlada Djokic, Misko Pejic, decline and the growth of quality can be Oliver Popovic, Rasko Bojic….and up the new names like i perceived. Namely, after an interesting Dejan Milojevic (who came to the first plan in the speed of and more qualitative Superleague than last light), Marko Cvetkovic, Srdjan Jekovic, Milan Mitrovic and year, the third and fourth place in the national competition a pleiad of young coaches who come in searching for their is taken by two teams from Serbian basketball league, chance via the role of the assistant, in scouting or work which was almost impossible until recently. Mega Vizura with younger categories. I'm actually more concerned BC and Vojvodina BC gave full legitimacy to the domestic about forming of the professional national league and, par- competition and proved that united national division (con- tially, the way of playing by forcing the young, carefully sisted of 16 teams for example) would raise up the quality selected boys than about knowledge and quality of of Serbian basket in two or three seasons, and got attention Serbian coaches…. of European public. But, this way… Of course, the work of a coach is evident in games so In favor of the previous quotations is the fact that the there can be a word about the way of playing, and it's not wider list of players selected for the national team by Dusan irrelevant, primarily in comparing it with best European Ivkovic contains 9 names (almost a half) who could be clubs..To be honest, the state in this domain is mediocre. I watched all over Serbia (Vasilije Micic, Bogdan Bogdanovic, think that the play is slow, with emphasis on defense (read Nemanja Dangubic, Vladimir Lucic, Novica Velickovic, "strength", "contact") where "zones" appear to be the prima- Stefan Bircevic, Rasko Katic, Djordje Gagic and Dejan ry defense in some extent. In offense, "the pick in thousand Musli). Compare this to the previous years and everything and one ways" dominates (in early, positional and final will be crystal clear… Beside the mentioned ones, many phase of an attack) and sets of attacks with several qualitative players also participated in the Superleague: screens. So, with a small number of counter-attacks (which Rakocevic, Marjanovic, Milosavljevic, Milutinov, Simonovic, takes the following: first of all, the coach's wish for the fast Radivojevic, Miljenovic, Krstovic, Avramovic, Krstic, play, to train that way and, the most important thing, to have Markovic, Zekovic, Stojacic…The thing more important than the players selected that way, both physically and intellec- the mentioned is that in Serbian cities (mostly in Mega tually, i.e. – younger, faster, technically trained to work in full Vizura, less in other teams) senior basketball is played by speed, not while standing still) which rely on creativity and guys at the age of 20 and younger, which is a pledge for passing; i.e. individual freedom is fettered for the reasons future and progress which will get to the surface soon… of "team play" which inhibits the development of young All these facts go in favor of the profession, i.e. that we players. The problem of shooting is still acute (it seems like have a number of qualitative coaches here, not only all we haven't got a "purebred" scorer from a distance, who over Europe, the coaches who manage the process of scores five out of ten open shots) and now, out of nowhere, work in their places. From the Dusko Vujosevic – Velimir came the problem with free shots – a quite small number of Gasic duo in Partizan BC (it's quite rare in this region to teams succeeds in more than 70% of scored free throws have the situation where the head coach chose an experi- and it's really worrying since most games are solved that enced and approved colleague to be his "assistant", while way. But, it's the subject for my future stories… vremeplovvremeplov 44

Trener br. 24 U slu`bi BCB 2003

rener br. 24, na koji se podse}amo u na- dva stru~njaka osvojili su sa svojim klubovima Fajnal for {oj rubrici Vremeplov, iza{ao je u junu i postali prvaci Evrope. 2003. Godine, uo~i na{eg najzna~ajnijeg Po prvi i za sada jedini put, sa jednom `enskom eki- t trenerskog seminara – Basketbal clinik. pom na{ trener je stao na najvi{e postolje ko{arka{ke Iz pregleda sadr`aja jo{ jednom se mo- Evrope. Ovaj podvig napravio je Zoran Vi{i}, sa ekipom `e zaklju~iti koliko su dva najve}a brenda na{eg udru`e- UGKM iz Jekatarinburga. (str. 32-33). Ve} proslavljeni nja: BCB i ^asopis, u saglasju i koliko se me|usebno stru~njak Svetislav Pe{i}, na pobedni~koo postolje do- podsti~u. veo je Barselonu i tako jo{ jednom potvrdio superiornost Na Basketbal clink 2003 o~ekivao se elitni sastav na{ih stru~njaka na evro sceni. Uz ovaj podatak doneli predava~a. Kako smo u prethodnom broju Trenera smo i Pe{i}evu stru~nu temu: – Napad protiv zone (str. objavili intervju sa Gregom Popovi}em, u ovom broju 38-42) smo imali zadovoljstvo da intervjuom najavimo dolazak Kada su sru~ne teme u pitanju, zaokru`imo podse}a- Haviera Imbrode, tada trenera Real Madrida, nje na ovaj broj uvek zahvalnim i dragoce- evrposkog nim sa-

stru~njaka koji je tada bio u `i`i interesovanja ko{arka{ke javnosti, me|u trenerima po- sebno. – Najva`nija je inter- pretacija informacije, bio je moto Imbrodinog intervjua koji je uradio na{ saradnik, novinar visokog rejtinga – radnikom. Prof. Dr Vladimir Koprivica podario nam je te- Vladimir Stankovi}. Izdvojimo za ovu priliku odgovor vi- mu: – Savremeni zahtevi fizi~ke pripreme (str. 44-49) sprenog Imbrode, na pitanje: [ta mislite o dominaciji Ve} poslednji podatak o pominjanju strana govori da srpske trenerske {kole? – Mislim da va{i treneri znaju da je ovaj broj prema{io uobi~ajeni obim, ali za to je svaka- formiraju igra~a i da iz njega izvuku maksimum. Ne radi ko bilo dobrih razloga. Tako da bi se, s obzirom na vre- se samo o ko{arka{kom znanju i talentu, ve} i o tradici- me izlaska Trenera, s pravom moglo i u ovom slu~aju re- ji, posebno istoriji. ( str. 5-8). }i: Kakva Basketbal clinik – takav i Trener. Oba brenda Podsetimo, a Trener je to trajno zabele`io, pored po- na ponos, kako je vreme to ve} potvrdilo, na ponos menitih, tim uglednih predava~a upotpunili su Du{ko Udru`enja ko{arka{kih trenera Srbije. Ivanovi} i dr Dragan Kokovi} sa vrlo interesantnom te- Zato svim na{im ~itaocima– trenerima preporu~uje- mom: Socio psiholo{ki aspekt razvoja mladih igra~a ( mo da se jo{ jednom vrate ovom broju pogledaju ga. str. 11-17) Uspesi iz pro{losti ne samo da nas raduju, ve} i obave- U ovom broju imali smo veliko zadovoljstvo da zabe- zju. le`ino podatak za ponos na{eg udru`enja. Naime, na{a M. P. Polovina 45 timelinetimeline

Trener No. 24 In the service of BCB 2003

rener number 24, the one we remember – psychological aspect of young players' development. in our Timeline column, was published in (Pages 11-17) June 2003, on the eve of our most impor- In this number, we were pleased to record the data t tant coaching seminar – Basketball our association should be proud of. Namely, our two Clinic. From a review of the content it can experts won Final Four with their clubs and became the be concluded how much the two biggest champions of Europe. For the first and only time so far, brands of ours, Trener magazine and our coach with a women team stood on the highest podi-

BCB, are in harmony and intertwining. um. This was made by Zoran In Basketball Clinic 2003, Visic, with UGKM BC from an elite group of lecturers was Yekaterinburg. (page 32-33). expected. Since the interview The renowned expert, with Greg Popovic was pub- Svetislav Pesic, brought lished in the previous number Barcelona to the highest of Trener magazine, in this podium and confirmed once number we were honored to, again the superiority of our through an interview, announce Javier Imbroda's coming, experts in Europe. Also, there was Pesic's expert issue – the coach of Real Madrid BC at that time, the European Offense against zone defense (pages 38– 42). expert who was in the focus of basketball public, espe- Speaking of the expert issues, let's complete the cially among coaches. reminding to this number with always worthy and pre- – Interpretation of information is the most important. It cious fellow worker. PhD Vladimir Koprivica gave us the was the motto of Imbroda's interview done by our fellow theme – Modern demands of physical preparation worker – Vladimir Stankovic. For this purpose we shall (pages 44-49) mention the answer of perspicacious Imbroda to the The last mentioning of pages shows that this number question: What do you think of the domination of Serbian overcame the usual volume but there were quite good coaching school? – I think your coaches know how to reasons for that. So, considering the date of publishing, form a playe rand make him give his maximum. It's not it might be said: Like Basketball Clinic – like Trener. Both about the knowledge and talent only, it has to do with brands are for pride and, as time has confirmed, the tradition as well, particularly history. (pages 5-8). pride of Association of Serbian Basketball Coaches. Trener magazine recorded that the team of eminent Therefore, we recommend our readers to get back to lecturers was complemented by Dusko Ivanovic and Dr. this number again and take a look. The past successes Dragan Kokovic with their quite interested theme: Socio make us joyful but, they commit us as well. stokholmstokholm 46

U [vedskoj odr`ano 17. EP srpske dijaspore Stokholmski orlovi – najbolji

Stokholmu je odr`ano 17. ko{arka{ko venstvu [vedske, predvodio trener Milan Rondovi}, dok evropsko prvenstvo srpske dijaspore. su veoma dobrom igrom posebno istakli kapiten, neka- KEPSD ima dugu tradiciju, koja je po~e- da{nji centar Crvene zvezde Dragoljub Kitanovi}, zatim u la 1997. u nema~kom gradu Bilefeldu. Damjanovi}, Janju{evi}, Ratskauskas i ^avars. Svoj do- Od tada, pa punih 17 godina, srpski klu- prinos su dali Nenad Stefanovi}, Marko i Nikola Ljuji}, bovi, uglavnom iz dijaspore, neguju ovu finu ko{arka{ku dva Aleksandra – Peri{i} i Mi}ovi}... tradiciju u gradovima {irom Starog kontinenta. Turnir je – Bila nam je ~ast da organizujemo ovogodi{nje pr- jedinstven i okuplja amaterske i profesionalne ekipe iz venstvo dijaspore i, naravno, da smo presre}ni zbog po- matice i dijaspore. Me|u standardnim u~esnicima su bede na{eg tima iz Stockholma. Ipak, svima nama koji sastavi iz Nema~ke, [vedske, Francuske, [vajcarske, se sastajemo svake godine na jedinom turniru koji oku- Engleske, Austrije, Norve{ke, Srbije i Republike Srpske. plja Srbe sa svih strana Evrope najva`nije je dru`enje. Ove godine je ~ast da budu doma}ini prvenstva pripala Nadamo se da su se svi u~esnici odli~no proveli u pre- na{em elitnom klubu Stokholmskim orlovima. Turnir se lepom Stokholmu i da }emo se svi, u jo{ ve}em broju, odigrao u Brankurk hali ili kako je Srbi iz glavnog grada slede}e godine sastati u prestonici Republike Srpske, nazivaju „orlovom gnezdu”. Srpske ekipe iz cele dija- Banja Luci. @eleo bih da se zahvalim Savezu Srba i srp- spore su se dva dana borile za titulu evropskog prvaka skim privrednicima u Stokholmu koji su nesebi~no podr- dijaspore. i ono {to je u svemu najbitnije je da je takmi- `ali ovaj turnir, a naro~ito Stamenku Kandi}u i Jovici An- ~enje proteklo u sportskom duhu. Posle grupnog dela u donovu – rekao je Goran Popov, prvi ~ovek Stokholm- polufinale su se plasirali Sindjeli} Geteborg, Kosovo skih orlova. D. N. Knin iz Beograda, Beobasket Duizburg i doma}in Stok- holmski orlovi. Kosovo Knin je savladao Beobasket, a „orlovi” pro{logodi{njeg prvaka iz Be~a Sindjeli}. U bor- bi za tre}e mesto, Sindjeli} je dobio Beobasket, da bi u finalu snage odmerila dva najja~a tima – Kosovo Knin i „Orlovi”. I, odlu~uju}i duel je opravdao o~ekivanja. Utak- mica je bila neizvesna do samog kraja, a gosti su u tre- }oj ~etvrtini vodili i sa deset poena razlike. Ipak, trijum- fovali su Stokholmski orlovi sa 62:56. Ekipu je, kao i u pr-

Debitovali Norve`ani

Sve~ano dodeljivanje pehara i nagrada organizovano je u prostorijama Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve u Stokholmu. Pored ve} pomenutih klubova koji su osvojili prva ~etri mesta, treba spomenuti i debitante na KEPSD-uu, ekipu „Otpisanih” iz Norve{ke, kojoj je pripao pehar za fer-pplej. 47 stockholmstockholm

The 17th EC of Serbian diaspora took place in Sweden The Stockholm Eagles – the best

he 17th basketball European Championship of Serbian Diaspora took Norwegians place in Stockholm. EBCSD (European had their debut t Basketball Championship of Serbian Diaspora) has a long tradition that started in 1997 in Bielefeld in Germany. Since then, for 17 years, The ceremony of granting the trophy and the Serbian clubs mostly from diaspora, have been continu- medals was organized in quarts of Serbian ing this nice basketball tradition in the cities all over the Orthodox Church in Stockholm. Beside the Old Continent. The tournament is unique and it gathers clubs who were placed on first four places, amateur and professional teams from the country of ori- let's mention the debutants in EBCSD, gin and Diaspora. Among the standard participants there „Otpisani” („The Written Off”) from Norway, are teams from Germany, Sweden, France, Switzerland, who won the trophy for fair play. England, Austria, Norway, Serbia and Republic of Srpska. The honor to host the competition had an elite club – Stockholm eagles. The tournament took place in from Belgrade, Beobasket Duisburg and Stockholm Brankurk hall or, as the Serbs from the capital named it, eagles succeeded to reach the semifinals. Kosovo Knin „the eagle's nest”. Serbian teams from entire Diaspora won against Beobasket and „eagles” was better than last fought two days for the title of the champion. The most year's champion, Sindjelic Goteborg. In a game for the important thing is that it all happened in sportsmanship. third place, Sindjelic won against Beobasket and Kosovo After the group part, Sindjelic Goteborg, Kosovo Knin Knin versus Stockholm eagles was the final match. It jus- tified all expectations. The game was exciting to the very end, the guests led by 10 points in the third period. But, the Stockholm eagles triumphed, the result was 62:56. The team was led by coach Milan Rondovic and the play- ers distinguished by good play were the skipper, once the big man of Red Star BC, Dragoljub Kitanovic, Damnjanovic, Janjusevic, Ratskauskas and Cavars. Nenad Stefanovic, Marko and Nikola Ljujic, Aleksandar Perisic and Aleksandar Micovic also contributed. – We were honored to organize the championship of Diaspora, we're very happy for the trophy of our team from Stockholm. However, to all of us who meet every year in the only tournament that gathers the Serbs from all over the Europe, the friendship is the most important. We hope that all participants had a good time in beauti- ful Stockholm and that we all, and in larger number, are going to meet in the capital of Republika Srpska, Banja Luka. I'd like to give thanks to the Serbian Association and Serbian businessman in Stockholm for supporting this tournament quite well, especially to Stamenko Kandic and Jovica Andonov – said Goran Popov, the director of Stockholm eagles. prijepoljeprijepolje 48

Na putu uspeha Ko{arka{ka tvr|ava „Mile{evac”

znad Prijepolja a nad carskom srpskom la- bio priznanja. U tradicionalnom izboru Sportskog save- vrom, manastirom Mile{eva (13. vek), ordi- za op{tine Prijepolje progla{en je za najboljeg trenera u nira utvr|eni srednjovekovni grad Mile{e- 2012. godini u brojnoj prijepoljskoj sportskoj porodici. i vac. Mile{evac je bio te{ko osvojiva tvr|a- Ima punu podr{ku uprave i prvih saradnika me|u kojima va. Ponev{i 2000. godine ime ove tvr|ave, je i Nada @uni}, trener pionirske selekcije „Mile{evca”, Ko{arka{ki klub „Mile{evac” iz Prijepolja izrasta u ko{arka- ujedno i uspe{ni sekretar kluba. {ku tvr|avu. Te{ko osvojivu na putu povratka slave prije- – Pre povratka na srpskoliga{ku ko{arka{ku pozorni- poljske ko{arke koja je iznedrila i jednog Vlada Divca. cu, Golubovi}a i prijepoljske ko{arka{e o~ekuje jo{ je- – Posle vi{e od dve decenije, KK „Mile{evac” je vra- dan va`an ispit. Na jubilarnim 50. medjuop{tinskim tio prijepoljsku klupsku ko{arku u srpskoliga{ko jato. Ta- omladinskim sportskim igrama (MOSI) koje }e se od 3. mo gde je u drugoj polovini sedamdesetih i osamdese- do 7. jula odr`ati u Prijepolju, treba odbraniti zlatnu me- tih godina pro{log veka KK „Elan” (osnovan 1975.) igrao dalju osvojenu pro{le godine u Beranama. Bilo je to pr- egal sa „@eleznikom” (potonjim FMP-om), u`i~kim „Pr- vo zlato za prijepoljsku ko{arku na ovoj svojevrsnoj olim- vim partizanom” (sada{njom Slobodom), [apcem... Pla- pijadi amaterskog sporta koja je i za~eta u Prijepolju, sman u Srpsku ligu ostvaren je na impresivan na~in – davne 1954. Uz „mile{evce”, Golubovi} }e na raspola- ubedljivim trijumfom u regionalnoj ligi, lepr{avom igrom i ganju imati i Prijepoljce koji igraju u elitnoj doma}oj ligi i povratkom publike na ko{arka{ke utakmice. Da se na na internacionalnoj sceni. Na doma}em terenu o~ekuje ko{arka{koj tvr|avi „Mile{evac” temeljno radi, govori i se novo zlato i nova ko{arka{ka fe{ta. Kao najbolja na- ~injenica da su ove godine i kadeti ovog kluba postali java za jesenji, i dugo ~ekani, povratak prijepoljske klup- prvaci zapadne Srbije. Pioniri su to u~inili pro{le sezone. ske ko{arke u srpskoliga{ko dru{tvo. M. R. Cmiljanovi} Masovni povratak mladih ovom nekada najpopularnijem sportu u gradu Belog an|ela i Vlada Divca, ra|a nesum- njivi kvalitet i nagove{tava nove izdanke velikih majstora srpskog basketa. – Godine 2000. bila je samo ideja. Osnivanjem KK „Mile{evac” pokrenuo ju je neumorni ko{arka{ki radnik, nekada{nji igra~ „Elana” Rade Stelji}. Ambiciozni plano- vi Stelji}a koji imaju za cilj da Prijepolje postane prepo- znatljivi centar na ko{arka{koj mapi, ne samo Srbije, po- lako se valorizuju. Poslednje uspehe „Mile{evca”, uz agilnu upravu, nedvojmljivo treba pripisati mladom tre- neru Igoru Golubovi}u. Oven~an ovogodi{njim titulama u seniorskoj i kadetskoj konkurenciji, Golubovi} najavlju- je uspe{nu trenersku karijeru ~iji limit, sigurno, ne}e biti Srpska liga. U tom dru{tvu se ve} oku{ao kao trener ko- {arka{a „Zlatara” iz susedne Nove Varo{i. Spreman da u~i, uz veliku energiju i pozitivnu agresivnost, pred Go- lubovi}em su jo{ ve}i dometi. Za dosada{nje, ve} je do-

Novi srpskoliga{i: Ko{raka{i „Mile{evca” sa trenerom Igorom Golubovi}em (desno) i osniva~em kluba Radom Stelji}em (levo) 49 prijepoljeprijepolje

On the path of success „Milesevac” basketball fortress

bove the town of Prijepolje and Serbian The pioneers did so last year. A mass return of the royal monastery of Mileseva (XIII young to this once most popular sport in the town of Ccentury), there's the medieval town of The White Angel and Vlade Divac, breeds a doubtless a Milesevac. Milesevac used to be a quality and announces some new offsets of the great hardly vincible fortress. Named after masters of Serbian basketball. this fortress in 2000, Milesevac BC from The year 2000 was only an idea. By founding Prijepolje becomes the fortress of basketball, a hardly Milesevac BC, the idea was started by the restless bas- vincible one on the path of regaining the success of the ketball worker Rade Steljic. Ambitious plans of Steljic basketball in Prijepolje, the town where great Vlade aim to make Prijepolje become a recognizable center Divac was born. on the basketball map not only in Serbia seem to val- After more than two decades, Milesevac BC orize step by step. The last successes of Milesevac returned to Serbian league. It came back to the place BC, including an agile managing board, should be fas- where Elan BC (founded in 1975) in 1970s 1980s ten upon the young coach Igor Golubovic. After win- played draw with Zeleznik BC (later FMP BC), Prvi ning the titles in senior and cadet range this year, Partizan BC from Uzice (now it's Sloboda BC), Sabac… Golubovic announces a successful coaching career Entering the Serbian league was made impressively – the limit of which isn't Serbian league only. He has by an easy victory in regional league, fluttered play and already been in that company, as the coach of Zlatar good attendance. The fact showing the work in BC from the nearby town of Nova Varos. Ready to Milesevac BC seems quite serious is the team of learn, with great energy and positive aggressiveness, cadets, who became the champion of western Serbia. even greater goals are in front of him. He won prizes for the so far successes. In the traditional selection of Sport Association of Prijepolje municipality, he was declared the best coach in 2012. He has a full support in the Board and associates like Nada Zunic, the coach of pioneers of Milesevac BC and secretary of the club. Before returning to the Serbian league, Golubovic and the players are in front of another hard exam. In the 50th youth sport games of nearby municipalities taking place from July 3 to 7 in Prijepolje, the gold medal won in Berane last year should be confirmed. It was the first gold medal for the basketball of Prijepolje in this specif- ic Olympic games of amateur sport founded in Prijepolje in 1954. Except the players of Milesevac BC,Golubovic can count on the players from Prijepolje playing in the elite national league and abroad. At home court, new gold and new basketball festival is expected, as the best announcement for the long-awaited autumn return of Prijepolje basketball to the Serbian league.

New members of Serbian league: Milesevac BC play- ers with Coach Igor Golubovic (on the right) and the club founder Rade Steljic (on the left) vr{acvr{ac 50

Grad koji ~uva ko{arku Entuzijazam i kvalitetan rad ulivaju nadu

o pre samo dve godine, Ko{arka{ki klub uspeli da od autsajdera naprave najve}e iznena|enje li- Hemofarm, sada KK Vr{ac, imao je naj- ge. [ansa je data mladim i neafirmisanim igra~ima, ~ija bolju {kolu ko{arke u Srbiji, u kojoj su se je prose~na starost bila 21 godina. Uprkos brojnim pro- d kalili mnogi mladi talentovani igra~i, a Vr- blemima, stru~ni {tab Vr{ca je posve}enim radom {ac je bio grad ko{arke Vr{ac je i dalje uspeo da zadr`i homogenost ekipe, koju su svi hvalili – idealno mesto za stvaranje vrhunskih ko{arka{a, kada od ko{arka{kih stru~njaka do vr{a~ke publike, koja se su u pitanju uslovi (miran grad, dobri sme{tajni kapaci- posle par godina pauze zadovoljno vratila na tribine teti, dvorana Centra „Milenijum” i odli~ni treneri), ali klub Centra „Milenijum”. vi{e nema para da na tom nivou finansira tako veliki Me|utim, pi- projekat, zbog ~ega su se brojni mladi reprezentativ- tanje je {ta }e ci rasuli po drugim klubovima. Talentovani klinci i da- dalje biti sa ovim lje ~ine juniorski i kadetski tim Vr{ca, ali su zbog go- klubom, koji je re navede situacije ove sezone izostali najvi{i rezulta- nekada bio sino- ti na koje su navikli. To se odnosi i na seniorski tim nim za srpsku mu{ke i `enske ekipe. ko{arku (pogo- Odustajanje kompanije „Hemofarm” od general- tovo `ensku) i nog sponzorstva kluba, koje je sa uspehom trajalo nosio se rame pune dve decenije, pro{le sezone je donelo ogrom- uz rame sa vi{e- ne finansijske probleme, pa se ~ak postavljalo i pita- strukim dr`av- nje da li }e nekada veoma uspe{an klub uop{te po- nim prvakom stojati. Ali, zahvaljuju}i po`rtvovanosti lokalne samo- Partizanom i uprave, koja je preko Sportskog saveza preuzela bri- evropskim klu- gu o klubu, ko{arka u Vr{cu je nastavila da se igra. bovima igraju}i Posle punih osam godina, koliko su bili redovni u Evrokupu. Ge- u~esnici Jadranske lige i to uvek u samom vrhu tabe- neralni sponzor le (sezone 2004/05 kao debitanti ~ak osvojili ovo tak- mi~enje), ko{arka{i Vr{ca u sezoni 2012/13 prvi put nisu igrali regionalno takmi~enje, ve} su se vratili je- dan korak unazad. ^ak su i u ni`em rangu takmi~enja imali naj- skromnije ambicije – da izbore opstanak u ligi. Me|u- tim, o~ekivanja su bila prema{ena, jer je ekipu trenera jo{ nije prona|en, ali u klubu Olivera Popovi}a delila samo ko{ razlika za plasman u uveravaju da se ne}e gasiti. Superligu, a zahvaljuju}i seriji sjajnih pobeda u prvom Pred upravom su jo{ dva me- delu sezone izborili su plasman u Kup Radivoja Kora}a. seca napornog rada u tra`enju Iako su o~ekivali da }e u upravo zavr{enoj sezoni sponzora i kreiranju bud`eta plejada sjajnih momaka, koji su godinama zajedno igra- za slede}u sezonu, a zatim i li u juniorskoj ekipi Vr{ca, biti deo prvog tima, zbog let- formiranju ekipe, koja }e do- nje neizvesnosti oko opstanka, Luka Mitrovi}, Nemanja stojno braniti nove boje kluba. Dangubi}, Nemanja Krsti}, Nikola Milutinov i Luka An|u- Oliver Popovi} je voljan da i {i} su prona{li novu sredinu. Vr{~ani su tada bili prinu- dalje vodi ovaj tim, koji }e u no- |eni da za kratko vreme dovedu gotovo celu ekipu. Sku- voj sezoni sigurno do`iveli veli- pili su momke, koji su prvi put igrali zajedno, ali su pod ke promene – sad, na bolje ili palicom Popovi}a i njegovog pomo}nika @arka Vu~uro- na gore, vide}emo. vi}a, prekaljenog trenera u radu sa mladim talentima, J. Jovanovi} 51 vrsacvrsac

The city that cherish basketball Enthusiasm and qualitative work give hope

ntil only two years ago, Hemofarm BC, tants), players from Vrsac in season 2012/'13 didn't play Vrsac BC at present, had the best in regional competiton for the first time, they even made school of basketball in Serbia, where a step back. u many young talented players were Even in the lower rank of competition they had quite improving their skills. In terms of condi- modest ambitions – survival. However, expectations tions, Vrsac is still an ideal place for forming top quality were exceeded since the team of Oliver Popovic was basketball players (quiet city, good accommodation only a goal-difference far from placement in the facilities, „Millennium” Center sport hall and excellent Superleague and, after a series of great victories in the coaches) but the club hasn't got funds to finance such first part of the season, the team managed to qualify for a big project on that level anymore so a number of the Radivoje Korac Kup. young players of the national team are dispersed in Despite the expectations of staying in the team of other clubs. The junior and cadet teams of Vrsac are great players who played together in Vrsac's junior still consisted of talented kids but, for the above men- team for years, for the reason of uncertainty of club's tioned situation, the top results they are used to could- existence, Luka Mitrovic, Nemanja Dangubic, Nemanja n't have happened this year. The same is in the senior Krstic,Nikola Milutinov and Luka Andjusic found new men and women team. location during the summer. The club was forced to The „Hemofarm” Company's giving up from general bring to Vrsac almost entire team in a short time. They sponsorship of the club that lasted for 2 decades, gathered the guys who played together for the first time brought many financial problems last season and there but, ran by Popovic and his assistant Zarko Vucurovic, was the question of any further existence of once a very the crafted expert in work with young talents, the two successful club. But, thanks to the dedication of the professionals managed to turn outsiders into the local authorities which has taken over the care of the biggest surprise of the league. The chance was given to club through Sport Association, the play of basketball in young players of average age of 21. Despite a number Vrsac continued. of problems, the coaching staff of Vrsac succeeded in After 8 years of participation in Adriatic league and preserving the homogeneity of the team praised by high ranking (winner for the season 2004/'05 as debu- many – from basketball experts to the attendants from Vrsac who were pleased to get back to the „Millennium” Center after a two-year break. Anyway, the question is what will happen in the future with this club who once was a synonym for Serbian bas- ketball (women in particular) and matched the National champion Partizan and European clubs in Eurocup. The general sponsor hasn't been found yet but there's a rumor in the club that it won't disappear. The managing board has 2 months of searching for a sponsor and creating the budget for the next season and forming the team. Oliver Popovic is willing to run this team which will have big changes over the season for sure – let's see whether for the better or worse. UKTS/UKTRSUKTS/UKTRS 52

Na{i treneri na FIBA seminaru u Kijevu Svetislav Pe{i} {ef katedre

cilju stru~nog usavr{a- detskom {ampionatu, a u ve~ernjim vanja, a na osnovu ~asovima vr{e analize i razmenjuju Konkursa koji je obja- mi{ljenja oko najinteresantnijih situaci- u vljen u pro{lom broju ja vi|enih na terenu – isti~e Vladimir Trenera,za vreme ka- Jovanovi}, koji skoro deceniju ipo radi detskog {ampionata Evrope u Kijevu, sa najmla|ima kategorija, najpre u od 11. do 19. Avgusta kada }e biti odr- Radni~kom, Zastavi i Kragujevcu, a `an trenerski sertifikacioni FIBA seminar, na njemu }e kasnije u Crvenoj zvezdi i Beostaru. u~estvovati dva na{a mlada trenera: Vladimir Jovanovi} Mladom stru~njaku je posebno drago {to }e u Kije- iz Kragujevca i Nemanja Krsti} iz Novog Sada. Na svo- vu glavni predava~ biti na{ proslavljeni stru~njak Sveti- jevrsnoj trenerskoj klinici glavni predava~ bi}e Svetislav slav Pe{i}. Pe{i}, dok }e u~esnici imati prilike da ~uju i nau~e mno- – Pe{i} je moj uzor. Ko{arka koju je na{a reprezenta- go toga i od Janeza Drvari~a, Pabla Lasa, Lucijana Len- cija igrala na Evropskom prvenstvu u Istanbulu i Svetskom grada, Kostasa Misasa, Nihata Izi}a i Sa{e Jakovljevi}a {ampionatu u Indijanapolisu je jedinstven primer ~vrste koji }e govoriti o va`nosti kondicionih priprema u savre- odbrane i kreativne igre u napadu kome malo koji protiv- menoj ko{arci. nik mo`e da odoli. Vladimir Jovanovi} (33) i Nemanja Krsti} (32) koji ina- Sli~no razmi{lja i Nemanja Krsti} koji tako|e sa dosta ~e poseduju crvenu licencu, UKTS ispunili uslove da pri- ushi}enja o~ekuje seminar u Kijevu: sustvuju ovom seminaru. – Na prvom mestu je svakako profesionalno usavr{a- – Zaista je privilegija biti na takvom skupu, jer ne treba vanje i naravno da trenutno znanje i iskustvo uporedim sa propustiti nijednu priliku za us?vr{avanje. Seminar je kon- kolegama iz drugih zemalja. Sigurno da }emo svi imati ve- cipiran na takav na~in da svaki dan po~inje predavanjima liku korist od predavanje i saradnje sa uglednim predava- eminentnih stru~njaka, potom se gledaju utakmice na ka- ~ima na ~elu sa na{im Svetislavom Pe{i}em. 53 ABCS/ABCRSABCS/ABCRS

Our coaches in the FIBA seminar in Kyiv Svetislav Pesic – the chairman

or the reason of professional training and, pursuant to the Competition published in the last edition of Trener magazine, during the European f Championship for cadets in Kyiv from August 11 to 19 when the certificated FIBA seminar for coaches will take place, two young coaches from Serbia will participate: Vladimir Jovanovic from Kragujevac and Nemanja Krstic from Novi Sad. Svetislav Pesic will be the main lecturer at the coaching clin- ic and other participants will have a chance to hear and learn many things from Janez Drvaric, Pablo Laso, Luciano Lengrado, Kostas Misas, Nihat Izic and Sasa Jakovljevic who will speak about the importance of fitness training in modern basketball. Vladimir Jovanovic (33) and Nemanja Krstic (32) who, by the way, possess the red license, have fulfilled the conditions for par- ticipating in this saminar. – It's really a privilege to be in such a convention since no chance for improvement should be missed. The concept of the seminar predicts that every day begins with lectures held by emi- nent experts, followed by watching the games of the championship for cadets and, in the evening, analyses and exchanging opinions Nemanja Krsti} regarding the most interesting situations seen on the court – points out Vladimir Jovanovic, the coach who has been working with the youngest categories for almost a decade and a half, first in Radnicki BC, Zastava BC and Kragujevac BC and then in Red Star BC and Beostar BC. The young expert is quite glad for having Svetislav Pesic as the main lecturer in Kyiv. – Pesic is my paragon. The basketball played by our national team in European Championship in Istanbul and the World Championship in Indianapolis is a unique example of tough defense and creative play in offense only a few might resist. A similar opinion has Nemanja Krstic, in expecting the Kyiv seminar quite elated: – Certainly, professional improvement and comparing the pre- sent knowledge and experience with the colleagues from other countries are the primary goal. We all will certainly take advantage of the lectures and cooperation with eminent lecturers led by our expert Svetislav Pesic. LJ. M.

Vlada Jovanovi} Upravni odbor UKTS na osnovu ~lana 4. Pravilnika o {kolovanju i usavr{avanju ~lanova raspisuje:


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