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March - April 2002 n Vol. 24, No. 2 KansasKansas PreservationPreservation Newsletter of the Cultural Resources Division n Kansas State Historical Society Bison, or buffalo, appear docile when grazing and ruminating, but the mind behind the massive forehead and curved horns still thinks the way its ancestors thought. Article on page 7. Seeking Amendments to the Kansas Rehabilitation Tax Credit The Cultural Resources Division is tax credit transferable, making projects working with developers, investors, prop- easier to finance by allowing the credits erty owners, and legislators to seek tech- to be sold by entities without a Kansas tax nical amendments to the Kansas Rehabili- liability. In addition, the amendments tation Tax Credit program that was en- would allow partnerships to allocate the acted in 2001. The amendments, pro- tax credit based upon an agreement be- posed in House Bill 2948, are intended to tween partners, rather than by ownership address some technical glitches discov- percentage. ered since the program’s implementation The first hearing was scheduled for Contents last September. Although the proposed March 26. For a copy of the bill, or to amendments should not significantly track its progress, go online to change the application process or pro- From the main 3 gram requirements for most applicants, screen, click on “Government” (left side), Civil War Memorial they would improve the viability of then “Kansas Legislature” (right side), projects undertaken by partnerships or then “Single Bill Tracking” (under “I Nominated to Natl Register organizations. want to find...” on left side). The amendments would allow the tax For more information about the reha- credit to be applied toward the privilege bilitation tax credit program, please con- 7 tax (banks) and the premiums tax (insur- tact Katrina Klingaman at (785) 272- Bison, The Amazing Story ance companies), in addition to income 8681 Ext.226 or
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